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<<Новости США за 60 секунд>>: Эфир от 16.06.2018

«Новости США за 60 секунд»: Эфир от 16.06.2018
2018-06-16 23:29
Госдепартамент опубликовал рекомендации по поездкам в Россию. США ввели 25-процентную пошлину на китайские товары. Власти США закрыли программу исследований о пользе алкоголя. Опра Уинфри будет работать с Apple.

Сразу 2 новые экспозиции открылись в калужском Музее истории космонавтики
2018-06-17 00:05
Волошин и Ефремов. Выставка посвященная сразу двум людям - знаменитому фантасту и крымскому живописцу - открылась в Государственном музее истории космонавтики имени Циолковского.

В калужском Доме художника открылась выставка картин «Пленэры 2016-2018»
2018-06-17 00:07
Калужский край, север России, Азия - 18 художников представили более сотни работ, написанных буквально за пару часов, но от того не менее глубоких.

В Калуге очередной «Газон-пати» собрал друзей драмтеатра
2018-06-17 00:08
В сквере Калужского драматического театра прошёл «Газон-пати». По традиции последних лет акция приурочена к окончанию театрального сезона. Мероприятие с 2013 года собирает друзей театра в скверике у служебного входа. Ранее темой встречи были яблочный спас, фестиваль старейших театров, День российского кино. В этом году участники собрались просто так.

«Оно вам надо?»: ЧМ-2018, саммит в Сингапуре и политические особенности Грузии
2018-06-17 06:51
В России начался финальный турнир чемпионата мира по футболу. Восток — дело тонкое: как Дональд Трамп помог Ким Чен Ыну стать политиком мирового масштаба. Кто партию ужинает, тот ее и танцует: как работают политические механизмы парламентской республики в Грузии.

США предъявили свои требования Северной Корее
2018-06-17 07:38
Жесткие требования не заставили себя ждать. Вашингтон предъявил Ким Чен Ыну список — сразу из сорока семи пунктов — для полного ядерного разоружения.

Вести-Москва. Эфир от 17.06.2018 (08:45)
2018-06-17 08:45
Москва поразила гостей Чемпионата мира: то ли еще будет. На полную мощность: на полигоне Ядрово заработала система утилизации свалочного газа. Кто в центре мира хозяин: в арбатском особняке целительницы Джуны началась масштабная реконструкция. Ржавый пояс Москвы: как изменятся столичные промзоны?

Spain: Migrants from Aquarius rescue boat disembark at Valencia port
2018-06-17 08:49
Migrants who were found by the search-and-rescue ship Aquarius are docking at Valencia's port on Saturday, June 16 after Italian authorities refused to allow the vessel to harbour in Italy for several days. Inflatable dingies found and rescued a total 629 migrants who were stranded off the coast of Libya at the weekend, transporting them to the safety of the Aquarius ship. Earlier this week the Spanish government agreed to take in the migrants, including pregnant women and children, who were saved by the French charity SOS over the weekend. Italy and Malta refused to let the boat dock in their ports, and so 250 people had to be transferred to the Italian Navy's Orione and a further 274 to the Coast Guard's Dattilo ship.

Судно с беженцами после недели скитаний причалило в Испании
2018-06-17 09:59
В порту Валенсии сходят на испанскую землю более шестисот мигрантов. Судно Aquarius, подобравшее беженцев в Средиземном море, после недельного скитания причалило к берегу. Его сопровождали два военных итальянских корабля.

Оркестр Гергиева первым из российских выступил в Саудовской Аравии
2018-06-17 10:02
Творческий коллектив Мариинского театра под управлением Валерия Гергиева стал первым российским оркестром в истории, который выступил в королевстве Саудовская Аравия. Концерт прошел при поддержке Российского фонда прямых инвестиций и крупнейшей нефтяной компании мира Saudi Aramco. Выступление всемирно известного симфонического оркестра открыло самый современный концертный зал страны на 900 мест.

В Перми проходит XII Международный Дягилевский фестиваль
2018-06-17 10:15
По замыслу основателя фестиваля Теодора Курентзиса, это площадка для искусства будущего, когда будут стерты границы между танцем и театром, музыкой и перформансом. В эти дни Пермь — центр музыкальной и театральной жизни, куда стекаются мировые звезды. В городе работают 10 площадок, запланированы 32 события основной программы и более ста мероприятий Фестивального клуба.

Russia: Police release interrogation of Moscow taxi attack suspect
2018-06-17 10:30

Austria: 'Spying on neighbour and partner is unacceptable' — Chancellor Kurz
2018-06-17 11:04
Austria’s President Alexander Van der Bellen and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz held a press-conference in Vienna on Saturday, where they discussed Germany’s intelligence agents spying on Austrian companies. Chacellor Kurz said that the first suspicions of Germany’s espionage were raised in 2014. He explained that in 2016, Germany had adopted new regulations which were supposed to ensure that the situation would not happen again. “It's an incident of high significance, and it's everything but proper behaviour of a neighbour, partner, fellow member of the EU to tap the phones and to spy during 10 years», Kurz said. «We have an impression that there is an interest in solving it on the part of Germany. We have a hope that it will take place. And it is not only a hope, of course it is also an expectation», he said. According to Austrian media, Germany’s federal intelligence service (BND) systematically intercepted communication of central Austrian institutions between 1999 and 2006. Local media reported that BND had spied on around 2,000 targets at political bodies, financial institutions, international organisations, firms and weapons producers in Austria.

Около 60 противников гей-парада задержаны в Киеве
2018-06-17 12:21
В Киеве перед началом Марша равенства за права ЛГБТ-сообщества прошли массовые задержания националистов. По данным полиции, задержали не менее 60 человек, предполагаемых сторонников националистической группировки «С14», по подозрениям в провокациях – они пытались заблокировать маршрут.

Мигранты с «Аквариуса» сошли на твердую землю: большинству потребовалась госпитализация
2018-06-17 12:26
На испанскую землю в порту Валенсии сошли более шестисот мигрантов. Судно Aquarius, подобравшее беженцев в Средиземном море, причалило к берегу.

Yemen: Smoke rises over Hodeidah airport as Houthis, coalition forces keep fighting
2018-06-17 12:39
Houthis and Saudi-led forces continued to fight to gain full control of Hodeidah International Airport on Saturday. The Saudi-led coalition launched a full-scale offensive on Houthi positions in Hodeidah earlier this week. The Yemeni port of Hodeidah is the country's main point of entry for food aid. With 8.4 million people forced to the brink of starvation, the country has plunged into what is deemed the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.

Spain: Aquarius rescue ship docks in Valencia
2018-06-17 13:16
The Aquarius rescue ship arrived in the Spanish port of Valencia on Sunday, after Italian authorities refused to allow the vessel to harbour in Italy for several days. The Aquarius was seen docking behind the Italian coast guard ship, the Datillo, which was the first to arrive earlier on Sunday. Inflatable dingies found and rescued a total 629 migrants who were stranded off the coast of Libya at the weekend, transporting them to the safety of the Aquarius ship. Earlier this week the Spanish government agreed to take in the migrants, including pregnant women and children, who were saved by the French charity SOS over the weekend. Italy and Malta refused to let the boat dock in their ports, and so 250 people had to be transferred to the Italian Navy's Orione and a further 274 to the Coast Guard's Dattilo ship.

Сергей Собянин: к 2030 году протяженность метро составит тысячу километров
2018-06-17 13:21
Первый день чемпионата мира по футболу стал проверкой для всего транспортного комплекса столицы. Из Лужников и фанзоны 92 тысячи болельщиков уехали на метро и МЦК, 18 тысяч выбрали бесплатные шаттлы, а многие решили прогуляться. О подготовке к турниру и жизни после него Сергей Собянин рассказал в интервью программе «Вести-Москва».

Полиция задержала почти 60 противников «Марша равенства» в Киеве
2018-06-17 13:21
В столице Украины задержаны полицейскими 56 противников «Марша равенства», пытавшиеся помешать мероприятию. «Марш равенства» в поддержку ЛГБТ-сообщества проходит 18 июня в центре Киева. Традиционно такие акции сопровождаются стычками.

Вдова и дочь Алексея Баталова боятся ездить на собственную дачу
2018-06-17 13:23
В годовщину смерти Баталова с новой силой вспыхнул конфликт вокруг дачи актера в Переделкине. Там, где проходили творческие встречи и тихие семейные вечера, устраивает дебоши сосед-захватчик. Тот самый, что отнял у Баталовых часть земли и построил на ней баню. Еще год назад суд обязал его постройки снести, но они до сих пор стоят, а вдова и дочь народного артиста боятся ездить на дачу.

Spain: Far-right protesters rally against migrants moored in Valencia port
2018-06-17 13:37
The far-right Spanish political party 'Spain 2000' protested against the arrival of the Aquarius boat in Valencia's dock on Saturday, claiming the people aboard the boat were not refugees but illegal immigrants. Three ships with more than 600 passengers rescued from the Mediterranean Sea headed to the eastern Spanish port city of Valencia on Saturday. The Aquarius is a rescue boat that was arranged in cooperation with the NGOs Doctors Without Borders, or MSF, and SOS Mediterranee. Initially, the boat arrived to Italy and Malta but was rejected by both countries.

Афины и Скопье договорились по названию Македонии
2018-06-17 13:57
Соглашение о новом названии Республики Македония подписали Афины и Скопье в пограничном поселке Псарадес.

Greece: PM Tsipras survives no-confidence vote over name change deal with Macedonia
2018-06-17 14:03
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras won a no-confidence motion in Parliament in Athens on Saturday, in a row over a deal aimed at solving the long-lasting dispute with neighbouring Macedonia over its name. The no-confidence motion was given by the main opposition party New Democracy. After the debates, parliament voted 153-127 against the motion. «Let's speak openly. Your problem isn't that this is a bad deal. Your problem is that there is a deal. And what is even worse for you is that it is a good deal,» said Alexis Tsipras in his Parliament speech, referring to the opponents. On Thursday, Tsipras and Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev reached an agreement which would see the Republic of Macedonia change its name to 'the Republic of North Macedonia'. Many in Greece have seen the name 'Macedonia' as posing a threat to the Greek state arguing that it implies a territorial claim over the eponymous region of northern Greece. The Macedonia naming dispute dates back to Macedonia's declaration of independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. As a result, international organisations and states that do not recognise the constitutional name 'Republic of Macedonia' refer to it as 'the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia' (FYROM). Mandatory credit: Hellenic Parliament TV

Госдеп США обвинил Россию в запугивании миссии ОБСЕ в Донбассе
2018-06-17 15:26
Представитель ведомства Хизер Нойерт заявила, что подконтрольные России военные произвели предупредительные выстрелы в селе, где работали наблюдатели.

Ukraine: Police detain far-right protesters disrupting gay pride in Kiev
2018-06-17 15:28
Members of the far-right group C14 blocked a road at the Shevchenkovsky police department in Kiev, on Sunday, demanding to release the detained opponents of the gay pride march in Ukraine's capital. The activists were seen burning the rainbow flag as well as the EU flag and chanting nationalist slogans. Earlier in the day, about 150 far-right protesters tried to block off the route of the Equality March, held by members of the LGBT community in Kiev. 56 members of nationalist groups were detained, Ukrainian police reports. Otherwise, the annual gay pride march through Kiev's streets remained largely peaceful. According to Ukraine's Interior Ministry, around 2,000 people took part in the event, with a police presence of around 5,000 officers ensuring protection for them. Ukrainian capital held its first major pride march in 2016. Previous event in 2015 was disrupted by violent attacks.

В Металлисте открыли музей военкоров и школу журналистов
2018-06-17 15:38
В воскресенье, 17 июня, исполнилось четыре года со дня гибели в Донбассе корреспондента ВГТРК Игоря Корнелюка и звукооператора Антона Волошина.

Yemen: Civilians flee as fighting intensifies in Hodeidah
2018-06-17 15:57
Civilians were seen fleeing the area as Saudi-led forces closed in on the port city of Hodeidah on Saturday. One of the locals fleeing from the fighting recounted what he saw. «The air attacks were extremely heavy and violent back there, hitting humans, trees and houses, everything,» he said. The Saudi-led coalition launched a full-scale offensive on Houthi positions in Hodeidah on Wednesday. According to reports, the attack included targets close to the city's airport. The Yemeni port of Hodeidah is the country's main point of entry for food aid. With 8.4 million people forced to the brink of starvation, the country has plunged into what is deemed the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.

Kazakhstan: Astana-Almaty train derailment kills one and injures three
2018-06-17 16:03
A passenger train travelling from Astana to Almaty derailed in Kazakhstan's southern Jambyl Region on Sunday, leaving a teenager killed and three people injured. The rest of the passengers were taken by a passing train to Shu station. A rescue team is working at the scene. According to local authorities, the accident was caused by buckled rails. Eight cars reportedly came off the tracks, three of which toppled onto their side.

Spain: Third Aquarius rescue boat disembarks at Valencia port
2018-06-17 16:17
The Aquarius rescue ship arrived in the Spanish port of Valencia on Sunday, after Italian authorities refused to allow the vessel to harbour in Italy for several days. The Aquarius was seen docking behind the Italian coast guard ship, the Datillo, which was the first to arrive earlier on Sunday. Inflatable dinghies found and rescued a total 629 migrants who were stranded off the coast of Libya at the weekend, transporting them to the safety of the Aquarius ship. Earlier this week the Spanish government agreed to take in the migrants, including pregnant women and children, who were saved by the French charity SOS over the weekend. Italy and Malta refused to let the boat dock in their ports, and so 250 people had to be transferred to the Italian Navy's Orione and a further 274 to the Coast Guard's Dattilo ship.

На границе Греции и Македонии начались беспорядки
2018-06-17 16:25
Сегодня там власти двух стран подписали соглашение о переименовании бывшей Югославской республики. Несколько сотен греческих националистов пытались прорваться к месту заключения договора.

Italy: 'It's over' — Salvini as Spain receives Aquarius migrants
2018-06-17 16:34
Italian Minister of Interior Matteo Salvini celebrated his hard stance on migration during a rally in the Lombardy town of Seregno on Sunday. Commenting on the docking of the NGO boat Aquarius in Spain, Salvini said: «I thank the Spanish government but I hope they will admin other 60,629 alleged refugees. We do not take offense.» The right-wing Lega Nord leader went on to say: «Even better, if after the Spanish, the French would come, the Portuguese would come, the Maltese would come, we will be the happiest people in the world.» Salvini once again bolstered his governmental actions and his decision to shut down Italian ports to NGOs, «It's over. We welcome who deserves to be welcomed. We save lives. We save women, men and children. But Italy will no longer be the European refugee camp.»

Морозовская больница превратилась в многопрофильный центр
2018-06-17 16:39
В Морозовской больнице спасли жизни тысячам маленьких пациентов. Шансы на полное выздоровление теперь есть и у многих других детей с тяжелыми заболеваниями. Стационар превратился в многопрофильный центр, где работают практически все узкопрофильные врачи. А в операционных творят самые настоящие чудеса. Спустя время после серьезных операций, дети могут бегать и прыгать, как и их сверстники.

«Москва и мир»: дождь из осьминогов прошел в Китае
2018-06-17 17:02
В Китае из-за тайфуна прошел дождь из осьминогов и других морских обитателей. Посол США в Канаде Келли Крафт получила письмо с подозрительным белым порошком.

Президент Грузии официально представил кандидата на пост премьера страны
2018-06-17 17:24
Им стал бывший министр финансов Мамука Бахтадзе, которого выдвинула правящая партия.

Greece: Macedonia and Greece sign historic agreement on name dispute
2018-06-17 17:43
Foreign Ministers of Greece and Macedonia, Nikos Kotzias and Nikola Dimitrov, signed a historic agreement on a name change for Macedonia, in the village of Psarades on Sunday, potentially ending a decades long dispute between the two countries. Present at the signing ceremony were also European officials, such as High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn and the United Nations Special Representative for the naming dispute between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Matthew Nimetz. Addressing the attendees, Tsipras said «We are here today looking the history of our people in the eye. We are both here to fulfil our patriotic duty.» «With tireless effort, we reached an agreement that benefits both sides and fully respects their fundamental principles and values, an agreement that today allows us to address the citizens of our countries, to look them in the eye and call upon them to read the text and support it without bias,» added Tsipras. Under the new deal, Macedonia would be renamed the Republic of North Macedonia. However, the agreement still needs to be ratified by the Macedonian parliament, and then confirmed via referendum in September. Following that, it will need to be confirmed by Greek lawmakers to come into effect. Mandatory credit: AMNA

Компромисс: Македония сменила название
2018-06-17 17:45
Компромиссное соглашение о новом названии Республики Македония подписали Афины и Скопье.

Afghanistan: At least 18 killed in Jalalabad suicide blast
2018-06-17 18:49
At least 18 people were killed and 45 more were left injured following a suicide bombing near the office of the Jalalabad governor on Sunday. A suicide bomber had reportedly detonated explosives while amongst security forces and civilians who had gathered near the governor's office to celebrate Eid, coinciding with a Taliban/government ceasefire that is set to last until June 20. There was no immediate claim of responsibility from any group or individual.

Israel: Netanyahu reiterates objection to Iranian presence in Syria
2018-06-17 19:01
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel «reiterated our guiding principles regarding Syria» in the talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He was speaking at the weekly Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday. «Iran needs to withdraw from all in Syria. Second we will take action and are already taking actions against efforts to establish a military presence by iran and its proxies in Syria both close to the border and deep inside Syria. We will act against these efforts anywhere in Syria,» Netanyahu said. Mandatory Credit: Israel GPO

Greece: Protesters decry Macedonia name change deal in Pisoderi
2018-06-17 19:40
Thousands of protesters staged a rally near the Vigla ski centre in Pisoderi on Sunday, decrying the historic agreement on a name change for Macedonia signed earlier today. According to reports, some protesters attempted to approach the ceremony venue. Police officers deployed tear gas in order to disperse protesters. Reportedly, at least 15 demonstrators sustained injuires during the protest.. Under the new deal, Macedonia would be renamed the Republic of North Macedonia. However, the agreement still needs to be ratified by the Macedonian parliament, and then confirmed via referendum in September. Following that, it will need to be confirmed by Greek lawmakers to come into effect.

Spain: 'People are not cargo' — NGOs respond to Aquarius saga
2018-06-17 20:54
Members of SOS Mediterranee and Doctors without Borders held a press conference in Valencia regarding the recent situation with the Aquarius boat after it docked into the city's port on Sunday. SOS Mediterranee co-founder Sophie Beau stressed that «it is not acceptable to transfer the responsibilities of rescues to units of countries such as Libya, which do not fulfil the fundamental rights of the people in distress at sea.» A doctor on board with Aquarius for Doctors Without Borders, David Beversluis, reported that they «were able to provide appropriate medical care to all the patients and all of the rescued persons on board.» «People cannot be treated like a cargo to be shipped around, everybody, anybody in distress at sea should be treated equally,» Doctors without Borders Project Manager Aloys Vimard said. Inflatable dinghies found and rescued a total 629 migrants who were stranded off the coast of Libya at the weekend, transporting them to the safety of the Aquarius ship. Earlier this week the Spanish government agreed to take in the migrants, including pregnant women and children, who were saved by the French charity SOS over the weekend. Italy and Malta had refused to let the boat dock in their ports, and so 250 people had to be transferred to the Italian Navy's Orione and a further 274 to the Coast Guard's Dattilo ship.

Colombia: Second round of presidential elections kicks off in Bogota
2018-06-17 21:54
Thousands of Colombian voters headed towards polling stations in Bogota on Sunday, as the second round of the country's presidential elections kicked off. Conservative Ivan Duque celebrated in the first round, winning 39.1 percent of the vote. It is the first election since the government signed a peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in 2016. Two candidates compete for votes: the Democratic Centre party's Ivan Duque, known for opposing the peace deal with the FARC and the ex-guerrilla and former Bogota mayor Gustavo Petro, running for the Progressive Movement.

«Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым»: Саммит раздора
2018-06-17 22:00
Дональд Трамп разбудил Европу после скандального саммита G7, где выяснилось, что никакого трансатлантического единства нет. Эксперты: Андрей Сидоров, Николай Злобин, Карен Шахназаров, Петр Федоров, Сергей Станкевич, Алексей Маслов, Александр Сосновский. В конце программы - интервью с вице-премьером Татьяной Голиковой по пенсионной реформе.

В Испанию прибыли более 600 скитальцев с «Аквариуса»
2018-06-17 22:08
630 мигрантов прибыли сегодня в порт Валенсии. Это пассажиры судна «Аквариус», которое почти неделю скиталось в Средиземном море. В пути до Валенсии его сопровождали два военных итальянских корабля; туда пришлось пересадить часть беженцев из-за тесноты на «Аквариусе».

«Новости США за 60 секунд». 17 июня 2018 года
2018-06-17 22:10
Америка празднует День отца. Трамп вновь выступил в защиту соглашения с Северной Кореей. Джулиани: Трамп пока не планирует прибегать к помилованию в рамках «российского дела». Двое неизвестных открыли огонь на музыкальном фестивале Нью-Джерси.

Невосполнимая утрата: скончался Геннадий Рождественский
2018-06-17 22:17
Печальная новость пришла в субботу, 16 июня. На 88-м году жизни скончался прославленный дирижер Геннадий Рождественский.

Москва и Дели планируют утроить товарооборот
2018-06-17 22:25
Индия становится для России все более значимым партнером. Не случайно на высшем уровне отношения между странами характеризуются как «привилегированное стратегическое партнерство». Экономика Индии растет быстрее всех остальных крупных экономик мира.

Вести недели. Эфир от 17.06.2018
2018-06-17 22:32
Грызня в Европе, опять из-за мигрантов: что заварила Германия и сколь трудно это переваривают остальные? Россия — Саудовская Аравия - 5:0. Триумфальный взлет: ЧМ-2018 впервые в России. В американской режиссуре: таким Кима мы еще не видели! Почему президент США так спешил?

Spain: Migrants leave Aquarius upon docking in Valencia port
2018-06-17 22:43
The Aquarius rescue ship arrived in the Spanish port of Valencia on Sunday, after Italian authorities refused to allow the vessel to harbour in Italy for several days. The Aquarius was seen docking behind the Italian coast guard ship, the Datillo, which was the first to arrive earlier on Sunday. Inflatable dinghies found and rescued a total 629 migrants who were stranded off the coast of Libya at the weekend, transporting them to the safety of the Aquarius ship. Earlier this week the Spanish government agreed to take in the migrants, including pregnant women and children, who were saved by the French charity SOS over the weekend. Italy and Malta refused to let the boat dock in their ports, and so 250 people had to be transferred to the Italian Navy's Orione and a further 274 to the Coast Guard's Dattilo ship. MANDATORY CREDIT: MSF

Эхо Уотергейтского скандала
2018-06-17 23:01
17 июня 1972 пять человек незаконно проникли в штаб-квартиру Национального комитета Демократической партии в вашингтонском отеле Watergate. Попытки замять скандал привели к отставке президента США Ричарда Никсона в 1974 году.

Colombia: Presidential candidate Duque casts ballot in Bogota
2018-06-17 23:25
Presidential candidate Ivan Duque and his family arrived at the Bogota polling station of Colegio Santa Barbara Oriental on Sunday in the second round of the country's presidential elections. Duque cast his ballot in the presence of his family and dozens of supporters. He addressed the crowd, saying he had come «to ratify a wish, that Colombia can be governed by a new generation that wants to govern with and for all the Colombians, that wants to unite the country, to put an end to corruption, the cheap politics, the patronage». «We come to ratify that we want a country of entrepreneurship, where there are small, medium and big enterprises that allow us to end poverty and increase the middle class,» the Democratic Centre party candidate added. His main opponent is former mayor of Bogota, Gustavo Petro, running for the Progressive Movement.

ЧМ-2018 как символ раздвоения реальности
2018-06-18 00:00
Призывы «почувствовать радушие» — и расистские заявления, радость болельщиков — и дипломатический бойкот. Как Чемпионат мира по футболу в России стал символом раздвоения реальности? Авторская колонка Ксении Турковой для проекта Александра Герасимова «Оно вам надо?».

Colombia: Presidential candidate Gustavo Petro casts ballot in Bogota
2018-06-18 01:50
Presidential candidate Gustavo Petro and his family arrived at a polling station Bogota on Sunday, in the second round of the country's presidential elections. Petro cast his ballot in the presence of his family and dozens of supporters. He called for «a fundamental change» and pledged to «create a peaceful Colombia, a Colombia that is able to reconcile with itself and its history.» His main opponent is Ivan Duque running for the Democratic Centre Party.

USA: At least 22 injured, suspect dead in gun attack at NJ festival
2018-06-18 04:34
At least 22 people were injured after a gun attack rocked a 24-hour arts festival in the New Jersey city of Trenton on Sunday. Four of the injured, including the teenager, are in a critical condition. According to police, at least two gunmen opened fire at around 03:00 local time (07:00 GMT) at a large crowd attending the festival. One of the suspect, identified as 33-year old Tahaij Wells, is believed to have been shot dead by police. Another was taken into custody. The prosecutors have reportedly ruled out terrorism, noting that the gun attack appears to be the result of a gang dispute.

Macedonia: Tear gas and shock bombs deployed at name change demo
2018-06-18 05:18
Tear gas and shock bombs were deployed to disperse protesters, who rallied in front of parliament decrying the historic agreement on a name change for Macedonia signed earlier in the day, in Skopje on Saturday. Under the new deal, Macedonia would be renamed the Republic of North Macedonia. However, the agreement still needs to be ratified by the Macedonian parliament, and then confirmed via referendum in September. Following that, it will need to be confirmed by Greek lawmakers to come into effect.

«Интервью». гендиректор аэропорта «Красноярск» Андрей Метцлер
2018-06-18 05:21
Полгода работает новый терминал аэропорта "Красноярск". Он был открыт 26 декабря 2017 года. Чем удивляют воздушные ворота гостей города и края, как меняется пассажиропоток и готов ли коллектив к пиковым нагрузкам, которые будут в преддверии Универсиады в марте 2019 года? Об журналист Елена Алишевец беседует с генеральным директором аэропорта Андреем Метцлером.

«Свидетели вечности»: фильм Сергея Герасимова
2018-06-18 05:38
Люди, заселившие когда-то эти степи, прошли долгий путь от первобытного строя до создания самобытной культуры, в основе которой был камень. С эпохи бронзы и монгольского времени здесь находился один из древнейших культурных центров Евразии. Именно это делает Хакасию особенной и уникальной. Трудно отыскать ещё такое место, где на каждом квадратном километре необъятной степи не встречались бы менгиры, грандиозные могильные поля из десятков, а то и сотен курганов, изваяния и стелы, ставшие свидетелями бурной истории этой земли. Свидетелями вечности...

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