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Canada: Dozens arrested as far-right group and counter protest clash with police

Canada: Dozens arrested as far-right group and counter protest clash with police
2017-11-26 06:53
On the sidelines of a demonstration led by two far-right groups, La Meute and Storm Alliance, anti-racism counter-protesters scuffled with police in Quebec City, on Saturday. Under the slogan of «Destruction of the colonial state and white supremacy,» counter-protesters hurled snowballs at police officers, who responded with chemical irritant. Far-right demonstrators were seen unfurling their banners and flags as the tensions flared. Police reportedly arrested 44 people in two separate incidents, as security forces deployed on site tried to keep the two protesting groups apart.

Cuba: Havana holds mass vigil one year after Castro's death
2017-11-26 07:14
Hundreds of people attended a vigil marking one year since the death of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, at Havana University on Saturday. Demonstrators waved their their national flag and placards reading «I am Fidel» as musicians performed. Cuba's First Vice-President Miguel Diaz-Canel and Second Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party Jose Machado both attended the ceremony. President of the Cuban University Students Federation Raul Palmeiro dedicated kind words to the former leader. «Fidel is our historic leader but also a father, a teacher, a counselor, a close friend and a trusted voice», he said. «We shouldn’t only remember him, but also honour him by being good students, with cultural creativity, with firm ideological ideas, participating in social impact tasks, complying with national defense, battling lack of aspirations, immoralities and corruption”, Palmeiro added. The homage is set to continue until December 3, with a mass political event and vigil at the Antonio Maceo Revolution Square in the eastern city of Santiago de Cuba. Fidel Castro passed away aged 90 in Havana on Friday, November 25, prompting emotional responses from supporters and detractors worldwide. He served as prime minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976, and then as president from 1976 to 2008, in which time he survived geopolitical tensions and scores of US assassination attempts.

USA: Loyal fans line up to welcome Trump in West Palm Beach
2017-11-26 07:54
Scores of people gathered along Southern Boulevard in West Palm Beach, Saturday, to welcome US President Donald Trump as he arrived to the Floridian city to visit his local golf club. As cars drove by, demonstrators stood on the sideway holding signs reading «Democrats for Trump Pence» and «Make America Great Again.» Republican candidate for Congress Carla Spalding said that it is «terrible [...] how the media portrays him [US President Donald Trump] right now. It's always about the negative things and never the positive things.» Therefore, she and other people gathered along Southern Boulevard to show Trump «that he still has supporters» that are «still here fighting for him.»

За отрицание голодомора Порошенко предлагает наказывать
2017-11-26 09:58
Президент Украины Петр Порошенко предложил наказывать за отрицание голодомора. Для этого глава государства хочет принять соответствующий закон. Он не уточнил, о какой ответственности идет речь — уголовной или административной.

Политический кризис в Германии: удастся ли Меркель собрать коалицию?
2017-11-26 10:53
Больше половины немцев выступают за создание большой коалиции — это данные соцопроса, который был проведен по заказу издания Bild. Ранее от альянса с партией Меркель отказались сразу несколько партий. Теперь в Германии решают, как справиться с кризисом. Чем может закончиться скандал между партиями, если договориться так и не получится?

В краеведческом музее Череповца старинные иконы реставрируют прямо в выставочном зале
2017-11-26 11:11
Сейчас там идет восстановление иконы Игнатия Ломского, написанной в XVII веке. Этого святого особо почитают в городе, но интерес к восстановлению образа объясняется не только этим. Впервые весь кропотливый труд мастера может увидеть любой желающий: реставратор работает прямо в выставочном зале. Для чего в музее придумали такой ход?

Iran: 'Don't mess with us' — Iranian general promises increased missile range if provoked by Europe
2017-11-26 11:36
Iranian Deputy Chief Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Hossein Salami said Iran would increase its missile range to above 2,000 km (1,242 miles) if threatened by Europe, in Tehran on Wednesday. «So far we have felt that Europe is not a threat, so we did not increase the range of our missiles. But if Europe wants to turn into a threat, we will increase the range of our missiles,» said the General. France has recently taken a tough stance on talks with Iran over its ballistic missile programme, calling for an «uncompromising» dialogue with the Islamic Republic. The EU has however been vocal in its support for keeping the Iran nuclear deal alive, as the US Congress decides whether to reimpose sanctions on the country.

Вести. Эфир от 26.11.2017 (11:00)
2017-11-26 12:07
Более 2 тысяч площадок, в том числе и за рубежом. Сегодня стартует Всероссийский географический диктант. Взорвать мечеть в Египте террористы планировали еще в прошлом декабре. Крупные беспорядки в центре Брюсселя. На острове Бали второе за неделю извержение вулкана.

Бизнес-омбудсмен Борис Титов попробует стать президентом
2017-11-26 13:12
Федеральный политсовет Партии роста предлагает выдвинуть ее председателя, уполномоченного при президенте России по защите прав предпринимателей Бориса Титова, кандидатом на выборы главы государства. Об этом рассказали в пресс-службе партии по итогам заседания федерального политсовета.

Совет по правам человека при президенте РФ готовит поправки к закону о СМИ-инагентах
2017-11-26 13:16
В СПЧ считают, что в документе много недостатков и их нужно исправить. Защитники ранее уже критиковали призывали отправить его на доработку, но вчера документ подписал президент Владимир Путин.

В Москве прошла акция в поддержку политзаключенных
2017-11-26 13:24
Дмитрий Быков и Сергей Юрский на очередной акции в поддержку политических заключенных.

Australia: Manus Island protesters demand asylum seekers be moved to Australia
2017-11-26 15:14
Hundreds of activists gathered at Federation Square in central Melbourne, Sunday, calling for the immediate closure of the offshore detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island, and for the asylum seekers who had been relocated to the centres to be moved to Australia. According to the reports, some protesters were arrested and injured, but police could not provide the numbers. An activist of the left-wing 'Get Up' movement Shen Narayanasamy stated there were reports that «many of these people [asylum seekers] are homeless because there is not enough space in these new detention centres and there is an extreme risk of violence at the moment.» Another protester Nicholas called the unfolding situation on Manus Island and Nauru «the moral failure of my generation in this country.» More than 300 asylum seekers were moved by bus on the orders of Papua New Guinea (PNG) officials on Friday in Manus Island, following a three week standoff at a former Australian-run detention centre. The Australian government had the asylum seekers detained on Manus Island and Nauru, refusing to let them settle in Australia on grounds that it would encourage human trafficking.

Алексей Навальный встретился со сторонниками в Нижнем Новгороде
2017-11-26 15:37
По данным организаторов, на этот митинг пришли до двух тысяч человек. Сам политик сказал, что проводит акцию, за которую «уже отсидел».

ЕС подверг критике российский закон о СМИ-иноагентах
2017-11-26 16:19
Заявление сделала представитель Еврокомиссии Майа Касьянич. По ее словам, этот закон нарушает права человека.

В ожидании Собчак: в Москве представили необычную скульптуру тележурналистки
2017-11-26 17:15
Ксения Собчак в позиции «саламба ширшасана» — скульптура Александра Донского, бывшего мэра Архангельска, а теперь художника-акциониста, была представлена на выставке в Москве 21 ноября. На выставке ждали самого кандидата в президенты, но так и не дождались. Фильм Андрея Киселева.

В Московский офис движения «Открытая Россия» пришла полиция
2017-11-26 17:22
Об этом на своей странице в фейсбуке сообщает председатель организации Александр Соловьев. ПО его словам, в помещение вошли около 30 полицейских и объявили о задержании находящихся в офисе сотрудников.

Бизнес-омбудсмен Борис Титов намерен участвовать в выборах президента РФ
2017-11-26 18:00
Баллотироваться он будет от «Партии роста», которую сам же и возглавляет. На последних думских выборах эта партия набрала чуть более 1% голосов.

Japan: Hundreds protest against world’s oldest monarchy
2017-11-26 18:04
Hundreds of people marched through the streets of Tokyo on Sunday protesting the world’s oldest hereditary monarchy. Police in full riot gear lined the streets, surrounding the few counter protesters who tried to approach those marching with placard and banners. At 83, Emperor Akihito is Japan’s 125th emperor in a line stretching back 2,600 years. But after battling prostate cancer and enduring heart bypass surgery, he has asked to step down which many believe will take place in April 2019. His eldest son, Crown Prince Naruhito is heir apparent to the Japanese throne.

«Свобода в клубах»: Дело Дмитриева
2017-11-26 19:00
Общественная поддержка главы карельского «Мемориала». Виктор Ануфриев, адвокат Юрия Дмитриева; Наталья Мавлевич, переводчик; Виктория Ивлева, фотограф и журналист; Ирина Галкова, директор Музея международного «Мемориала»; Сергей Лебедев, писатель; Анна Шмаина-Великанова, религиовед, культуролог

Spain: Thousands march for Spanish unity in Girona
2017-11-26 19:14
Thousands took to the streets of Girona on Sunday to march in support of Spanish unity. The protesters displayed numerous placards in favour of unity while also waving Spanish and Catalan flags next to one another. The demonstration started at Constitution Square before ending in front of the Girona Town Hall.

Saudi Arabia: Crown Prince opens anti-terror summit for 40 Muslim nations
2017-11-26 19:46
Saudi Arabia hosted an Islamic Counter-Terrorism Summit for defence ministers and other senior military officials from 40 Muslim countries in Riyadh on Sunday. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told the gathering: «The last few years, terrorism was at work in all of our countries and most of these groups work in several countries without there being a strong coordination between Muslim countries — but now we have this alliance. So today more than 40 Muslim countries send a strong signal that we are going to work together and coordinate together to support each other.» He expressed condolences for Egypt following the mosque attack, which took lives of more than 300 people and left over a hundred injured. «We assure you that we will stand with Egypt and all the countries that fight terrorism and extremism,» underlined Mohammed bin Salman. In December 2015, Saudi Arabia introduced the Alliance of Muslim Nations targeting extremist groups in the region. Qatar did not attend the summit due to the heightened relations between the kingdom and Arabian Gulf countries.

Вячеслав Колосков назвал провокацией информацию о допинге в российском футболе
2017-11-26 20:00
Ранее, что игроки сборной так же участвовали в государственной программе подмены проб заявил информатор Всемирного антидопингового агентства Григорий Родченков.

Pakistan: Violent clashes as protestors besiege law minister’s office
2017-11-26 20:45
Thousands of demonstrators from the Tehreek-e-Labaik Islamist party surrounded the offices of the Pakistani Law Minister Rana Sanaullah in Faisalabad on Sunday. Protesters confronted police outside Sanuallah's office, who responded by firing tear gas into the crowd. Activists from the Tehreek-e-Labaik party have blockaded roads in the capital Islamabad for several weeks. They have demanded the resignation of the law minister, who they accuse of blasphemy after altering the electoral oath to remove a reference to the Prophet Muhammad in the electoral oath. On Sunday, the Pakistani government asked for troops to be deployed on the streets in order to quell any further disorder.

Syria: Aerial footage shows Russian bombers unload payload over Syria
2017-11-26 21:24
Russia’s Defence Ministry release footage on Sunday showing Six Russian Tu-22M3 Backfire-C long-range bombers launching a joint airstrike which hit the facilities of the so-called Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) in the Deir ez-Zor province. The Ministry`s statement says that the aircraft, which had taken off from the Russian airfield, hit the terrorist strongholds. According to the statement, all targets were wiped out. The Russian MoD says that Su-30SM and Su-35S fighter jets, based at Hmeimim airfield, took part in the military operation ensuring the security of the bombers in Syrian airspace.

Israel: Innocent woman sent flying by police skunk-water cannon
2017-11-26 21:42
An innocent woman trying to cross the road is sent flying, propelled by police skunk-water cannon, after being caught in an ultra-Orthodox protest in Jerusalem on Sunday Police deployed the water cannon, which is diluted with a putrid smelling substance, to disperse an ultra-Orthodox Jewish sit-in against army conscription at a main intersection in the city. Footage shows several protesters being repeatedly struck by water, before policemen attempt to drag them away from the sit-in. Military service in Israel is compulsory for all men and women who are 18 years old, but when the country was created in 1948, its first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion allowed 400 ultra-Orthodox Jews to avoid compulsory service to study the Torah. Earlier in September, Israel's Supreme Court ruled that exemptions for ultra-Orthodox Jews were unconstitutional.

«Археология. Будущее»: Интерсексуальная революция. Как живет третий пол
2017-11-26 22:00
Как живут люди третьего пола, и наступит ли эпоха, когда пол человека будет вообще неважен? Обсуждают: Оксана Мороз, культуролог, доцент МВШСЭН и РАНХиГС и Анна Котенева, психолог-сексолог, заместитель заведующего междисциплинарной кафедрой сексологии Российского научного сексологического общества (РНСО).

UK: Angry scenes at Libyan embassy slave auction protest
2017-11-26 22:45
Dozens of people congregated outside the Libyan Embassy in London on Sunday to condemn slave auctions held in Libya. Many of the protesters came from the African community who branded current scandal a continuation of European slavery. One protester said “we have so many people who try to deny their involvement in slavery and, you know, try to say that Africans were doing it too each other, and this and that and that, and they're ashamed about it and they're embarrassed about it. And, this is happening again. This is an opportunity for them to do something.» There have been protests worldwide after footage emerged last week of sub-Saharan Africans being sold at slave auctions for as little as $400 (€335). People smugglers are known to target migrants en route to Europe. After widespread outrage, the Libyan Government of National Accord opened an investigation into possible human rights violations.

Cuba: Voting underway for political leader post-Castro
2017-11-26 23:25
Millions of Cubans cast their vote in municipal elections on Sunday, the first-step towards choosing a successor to the current President Raul Castro. More than 27,000 candidates are running for 12,515 positions in local government. The elected ward delegates, who will make up 50 percent of the new national assembly, will help select a new president on February 24, when Raul Castro is expected to stand down after serving two five-year terms. In an interview, Cuban First Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel refused to comment on his chances of succeeding the 86 year-old Castro. «There will always be presidents in Cuba that defend the principles of the Revolution. … Today the day is to talk about what we are doing and to talk about Fidel.» The vote took place a year and a day after the death of Castro's brother, revolutionary leader Fidel.

Germany: CDU assembles in Berlin to discuss SPD coalition
2017-11-26 23:53
Members of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) assembled in the party headquarters in Berlin on Sunday, to discuss prospects of forming a government with the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in the forthcoming period. CDU regional leader Julia Klockner acknowledged that the SPD might put demands on the negotiating table, remarking, «we have Christmas in four weeks and in that sense one needs to be very realistic with wish-lists.» On Saturday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel commented on a possible coalition with the SPD, saying she was «prepared» to have these talks, but warned that they «can be based only on a mutual respect.»

Russia: Putin to continue 'diplomatic marathon' to settle Syrian conflict, says spokesperson
2017-11-27 00:03
Russian President Vladimir Putin will carry on with his 'diplomatic marathon' in settling the Syrian conflict, his press-secretary Dmitri Peskov said in Sochi on Sunday. «The talk that took place within the course of communication with Assad, of course, made a great contribution to quiet successful completion of the meeting recently held in Sochi,» he said, adding, «there's still a lot to be done.» On Wednesday, Putin held a trilateral meeting with his Iranian and Turkish counterparts, Hassan Rouhani and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on the matter of Syrian conflict resolution, in Sochi. At the summit, the leaders backed the idea of holding an all-Syrian national congress, which will bring together all those parties involved in the Syrian conflict — terrorists excluded, reports say.

Romania: Thousands march against fiscal reform in Bucharest
2017-11-27 03:09
Protests over the government's decision to approve plans to reform the country's fiscal system continued in Bucharest as thousands took to the streets of the Romanian capital to voice their opposition and call for early elections, on Sunday night. Demonstrators gathered in the capital's Victory Square, as called by several NGO's and trade union associations such as the National Union Block (BNS) and Cartel Alfa, before proceeding to march towards Parliament. Local reports estimated the numbers of protesters at 25,000. During the march, some demonstrators faced-off with a group of deployed police officers, leading to minor tensions. On the way to Parliament, protesters stopped at University Square, where they paid homage to the local heroes of the 1989 anti-Communist revolution. Before arriving at Parliament, the march passed by the Justice Department and the crowd demanded the resignation of Justice Secretary Tudorel Toader. According to the plans of the ruling coalition, social contributions that are currently paid directly by the employer will have to be covered by the employee, starting from January 1st next year which would reportedly result in a five percent to 25 percent reduction in salary.

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