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Винер-Усманова присоединилась к <<Команде Путина>> еще за 20 лет до ее создания

Винер-Усманова присоединилась к «Команде Путина» еще за 20 лет до ее создания
2017-11-05 09:54
Глава Всероссийской федерации художественной гимнастики Ирина Винер-Усманова поддерживает инициативу российского хоккеиста Александра Овечкина по созданию за рубежом общественного движения Putin Team — «Команда Путина». Об этом она заявила в ответ на вопрос журналистов.

Азиатское турне Трампа: надежда на встречу с Путиным, проблема КНДР и укоры в адрес Японии
2017-11-05 10:08
Дональд Трамп надеется на встречу с Владимиром Путиным. Президент США заявил, что намерен пообщаться с российским лидером на полях саммита АТЭС во Вьетнаме. В частности — обратиться за помощью в урегулировании северокорейского кризиса. Ситуацию вокруг КНДР Трамп будет обсуждать и с японским премьером Синдзо Абэ. Глава Белого Дома начал свой официальный визит в Японию.

USA: Under the (Russian) influence — DC bar introduces 'Moscow Mueller' cocktail special
2017-11-05 10:14
'The Bird' bar in Washington DC showed off its new politically-influenced cocktail special, called a 'Moscow Mueller', on Saturday. Over Twitter, the bar announced that it would be offering the special every time Special Counsel Robert Mueller carries out an indictment in the Trump-Russia probe. The drink is sold at a special price of $5 (€4.30), whenever Mueller, who is investigating links between Russia and US President Donald Trump's election campaign, indicts someone in relation to the investigation. General Manager of the bar Stephan Antoniewicz explained their choice of cocktail for this special, «It's — in part — a play on words, with being that the cocktail is called the 'Moscow Mueller'. It's a take, of course, on a Moscow Mule. And that is a vodka based drink with lime juice, simple syrup and ginger beer, served over ice.” This isn't the first time 'The Bird' has used current affairs to advertise their specials. Back in August, the bar announced its «You're Fired» special, where they would offer all their drinks for $4 (€3.44) every time Trump a senior White House official was let go.

Митинг курдов в Дюссельдорфе закончился беспорядками
2017-11-05 10:15
В немецком Дюссельдорфе прошла демонстрация курдов. Однако участники акции не стали соблюдать запрет властей и вышли на улицы с флагами и баннерами с портретом лидера Рабочей партии Курдистана (признана террористической организаций в ЕС и Турции) Абдуллы Оджалана.

Japan: Tokyo police increase security at Imperial Palace ahead of Trump's visit
2017-11-05 10:16
Tokyo police were seen securing the area around the Imperial Palace, on Sunday, ahead of US President Donald Trump's arrival in the nation's capital. Road blocks were in place and police officers were checking vehicles around the area, all in an effort to tighten security as Trump is due to arrive later in the day. Over 10,000 Tokyo police officers are reportedly being mobilised for the duration of the US President's visit. During his two-day visit to Japan, Trump is set to hold bilateral meetings with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and also meet US service personnel serving in Japan. Japan is Trump's first stop on a twelve day tour of Asia, which will also take him to South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines.

USA: 'Refuse Fascism' anti-Trump march sees hundreds protest govt. in San Francisco
2017-11-05 10:17
A march organised by 'Refuse Fascism' saw hundreds turn out in San Francisco to protest US President Donald Trump. The protesters demanded an end to Trump's administration, holding up banners calling for his resignation. Some protesters also carried signs in Spanish, reading, «The regime of Trump and Pence. You have to go!» Barry Thornton, one of the campaigners from 'Refuse Fascism', explained their intention with the demonstration, «We needed millions of people on the streets to drive them out and that's been our mission. And what we're launching today is the beginning of that process, of mobilising those millions.» Similar protests were held in other major cities across the USA, on the same day, in a nationwide move for activists to demonstrate their opposition to the current US administration.

Во время турне по Азии Трамп хочет встретиться с Путиным и получить помощь по КНДР
2017-11-05 10:21
Дональд Трамп, совершающий турне по странам Азии, прибыл в Японию. По пути, разговаривая с журналистами на борту самолета, президент США рассказал, что ожидает в ходе 13-дневной поездки встретиться с Владимиром Путиным.

USA: 'Trump and Pence have got to go!' — activists protest Trump in Seattle
2017-11-05 10:29
People took to the streets of Seattle, to take part in a nationwide campaign titled 'This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime', which unfolded in cities and towns across the United States on Saturday. After convening the rally at Seattle City Hall, protesters marched to different locations such as the Court House and downtown Seattle, demanding an end to the administration of US President Donald Trump. A few counter demonstrators came out to show their support for the president.

USA: Protesters march through New York City to decry Trump administration
2017-11-05 10:30
Protesters marched through Manhattan to protest against US President Donald Trump and an end to his administration, on Saturday. Holding up protest signs in both English and Spanish reading «This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go!» the protesters marched to Washington Square Park. At a rally before the march, one protester decried the Trump administration's position on Muslims in the USA. She said, «This is a very sinister, a very fascist element of the Trump-Pence regime: the demonisation of Muslims,» before pointing out, «One of the very first things that Donald Trump did when he got in office was that he signed that Muslim Travel Ban, which struck terror into the hearts of Muslim people and immigrants all over the world.» The demonstration was called by left-wing protest group 'RefuseFascism.Org'.

Israel: Thousands mark anniversary of PM Rabin's assassination in Tel Aviv
2017-11-05 10:32
People gathered in Tel Aviv on Saturday night, to mark the 22nd anniversary of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. According to police figures, 85,000 people attended the rally. People lit candles and waved the Israeli flag, as they gathered in Rabin Square, named after the assassinated leader. One man who attended the rally spoke about the rally and Rabin's legacy, «This should be political; this should be something that is ours — the people of his [Rabin's] party — and the people in the public that believe in his way and see him as the leader of the peace camp in Israel.» On November 4 1995, ultranationalist Yitzhak Rabin fatally shot Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, at a rally in support of the Oslo Accords, which sought to begin the Oslo peace process and to fulfill the «right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.»

Spain: Fans prepare to protest for Catalan leaders at Barcelona-Sevilla match
2017-11-05 10:33
Volunteers were seen handing out banners to fans with a message calling for freedom of the imprisoned Catalan leaders, outside Barcelona FC stadium Camp Nou, on Saturday night, before the kick-off of the match between Barcelona and Sevilla. All the banners finished as fans were still entering the stadium. One of the volunteers explained the action: «It's planned that in the 17th minute [of the game], specifically at the 17 minute and 14 second-mark, because the year 1714 is when Catalonia lost its freedom, people shout 'Independence'.» Inside the stadium, huge banners reading 'Justice' were raised, as the crowed chanted in opposition to the imprisonment of Catalan leaders. On Thursday, Spanish National Court ordered to take former Catalan vice-president Oriol Junqueras as well as seven other former Generalitat counsellors into custody.

Spain: Left-wing groups march in Madrid, on 100th anniversary of October Revolution
2017-11-05 10:34
Left-wing activists marched through the streets of Madrid, Saturday, to mark the centenary of the October Revolution. Protesters carried banners with slogans such as «Nothing to lose except chains» and «Internationalism breaks the people's chains.» Many of the protesters marched through the Spanish capital with their faces covered by red scarves bearing the hammer and sickle symbol, first conceived in the Russian Revolution. As night descended, some of those marching set off flares, illuminating the sky in a red glow.

От туризма до высоких технологий: Гренаде и РФ есть чем поделиться друг с другом
2017-11-05 10:35
От развития туризма до инвестиций в общий бизнес. В Гренаде завершился форум «Россия-Евразия-Карибы».

Germany: Tensions escalate as police disperse protest for Kurdish leader Ocalan in Dusseldorf
2017-11-05 10:42
Clashes erupted between police and protesters when thousands of people took to the streets of Dusseldorf on Saturday, demanding the release of imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan. Protesters chanted slogans and carried flags featuring the PKK leader and refused police’s request to roll them up. The demonstration was ended prematurely by the organisers, after police blocked protesters, attempting to disperse them. According to the police, nine protesters were taken into custody.

UK: Second Scottish independence referendum 'must be held' at point of 'hard Brexit' — Salmond
2017-11-05 10:42
Former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond spoke to a pro-independence conference in Edinburgh, on Saturday, on the possibility of a second referendum for Scotland to secede from the UK. During his speech, he maintained that a second referendum «must be held at the point of a hard Brexit,» referring to the UK government's negotiations to withdraw from the EU. Salmond told a rapturous audience «I've been active in politics for 30 years — elected politics. I've never seen the British state in a state of more disorientation and chaos. Understand the weakness of our opponents. They're Johnny no-mates in Europe. Not a single friend across the continent. The structures of Westminster politics are decaying before our eyes. This is a matter not just of our strength, but of their weakness. That also dictates the timing of the campaign.» Also in attendence at the 'Scottish Independence Convention' was Anna Arque, one of the organisers of the Catalan independence movement. Against a backdrop with the words «Scotland in solidarity with Catalunya», Arque discussed the independence movement for her own region. Arque thanked the pro-independence campaign in Scotland for their response to Catalonia's ongoing dispute with Madrid. «They hit us and you stood by us. You stood with us. You are one of us. Thank you.»

Шотландский министр по вопросам детства ушел в отставку из-за секс-скандала
2017-11-05 11:04
Лавина секс-скандалов докатилась и до Шотландии. В отставку ушел министр по вопросам детства и раннего развития Марк Макдональд.

«Формула власти»: Никос Анастасиадис
2017-11-05 11:06
22 октября в Москву с двухдневным рабочим визитом прибыл президент Кипра Никос Анастасиадис. Это его третий визит в Россию за период президентства. В Кремле состоялись переговоры Владимира Путина с Анастасиадисом. Особое внимание стороны уделили экономическим аспектам российско-кипрского взаимодействия.

Вести. Эфир от 05.11.2017
2017-11-05 12:26
В России вступили в силу новые правила провоза ручного багажа. Трамп может встретится с Путиным в полях саммита АТЭС. В Санкт-Петербурге прошло грандиозное световое шоу. На телеканале «Россия» - премьера к столетию Октябрьской революции.

Yemen: Saudi-led airstrike hits major Sanaa square
2017-11-05 12:34
A Saudi-led coalition airstrike hit Yemeni capital Sanaa early Sunday morning, targeting Sabeen square. The strike follows a series of coalition raids against Sanaa on Saturday, which targeted Houthi militia camps in south of the Yemeni capital, as well as the headquarters of the Ministry of Defence under the control of the Houthi militias in central Sanaa. The Houthi militia fired a ballistic missile targeting Saudi capital Riyadh on Saturday evening. The missile was intercepted by Saudi air defences northeast of Riyadh and was swiftly destroyed. The Saudi-led bombing campaign continues in Yemen along with US backing, with casualty figures exceeding 16,200 people since the beginning of the war in March 2015.

В Москве в 5-ый раз прошла «Ночь искусств»
2017-11-05 12:57
Все желающие смогли бесплатно побывать в музеях и театрах, поучаствовать в интеллектуальных мастер-классах.

Дональд Трамп рассчитывает на встречу с Владимиром Путиным во время своего «азиатского турне»
2017-11-05 13:51
Президент США сказал это перед приземлением в Японию. Он рассчитывает на помощь Кремля в решении северокорейской проблемы. Также Трамп планирует обсудить с Путиным Украину и Сирию.

Дональд Трамп и Синдзо Абэ сыграли в гольф
2017-11-05 14:35
Прибывший с визитом в Японию американский президент Дональд Трамп сыграл в гольф с японским премьер-министром Синдзо Абэ. Игра прошла в загородном клубе «Касумигасэки» в префектуре Сайтама. Видеозапись одного из своих ударов Трамп опубликовал в «Твиттере».

15-летняя россиянка в Турции обвинила отца в незаконном лишении ее свободы
2017-11-05 14:39
Управление по Петербургу СК РФ возбудило уголовное дело в отношении россиянина, имеющего вид на жительство в этой стране. Его подозревают в попытке доведения дочери до самоубийства.

Poland: Removing of Soviet war memorials lacks ‘normal human decency’ — Russian ambassador*EXCLUSIVE*
2017-11-05 14:59
Poland’s decision to tear down Soviet War memorials would place it “outside the boundaries of normal human decency” Russian Ambassador to Poland Sergei Andreev said during an exclusive interview in Warsaw on Tuesday, October 31. “War is being declared not on the monuments as such, but on the memory of those who saved Poland,” he said, adding “there is one basic fact — Poland was saved by the Red Army, Poland exists today thanks to those people who are honoured by these monuments. And war against memories of historical events is completely unacceptable to us.” In June, Poland updated its “de-communisation” law to ban “totalitarian” symbols, which would include Soviet monuments. Russia’s Foreign Ministry has warned of retaliatory measures if the monuments are taken down, which could include refusing visas for Polish officials or imposing trade sanctions. The Red Army liberated Poland from German forces in 1944-1945, however, many Poles see the Red Army as an occupation force. In 1939, Russia broke away from an alliance with Britain and France to defend Poland, entering into the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, also known as the Nazi-Soviet Pact, in which the Germans and Russians agreed to split Poland between them.

В Москве прошла «Ночь искусств»
2017-11-05 15:06
Голоса революции и сладкая жизнь, тихие вечеринки в дворце и шумные перформансы на перронах, фолк-эксперименты и вечная классика: искусство объединяет, и ради него москвичи вновь пожертвовали сном. Более 350 мероприятий на 170 площадках: в столице прошла «Ночь искусств».

Более 5 тыс педагогов школ искусств получат гранты правительства Москвы
2017-11-05 15:11
Награды самым перспективным ученикам уже вручили, на очереди штатные сотрудники школ, где занимаются с талантливыми детьми. Гранты направят на повышение заработной платы. На каждого специалиста предусмотрено 140 тысяч рублей в год. Выплаты за 2017 год обещают провести до конца декабря. А в следующем году платить будут ежеквартально – по 35 тысяч.

Водитель маршрутки в Астрахани превратил свою машину в передвижной пункт агитации за Навального
2017-11-05 15:34
Водитель маршрутного такси в Астрахани Владимир Семенов — активист «Артподготовки» Мальцева, недавно объявленной экстремистской организацией, — превратил свою машину в передвижной пункт агитации за Навального и помогал провести его предвыборный митинг 22 октября. В 2012 году во время протестов водителей астраханских маршруток Навальный приезжал в город поддержать их — вместе с Ксенией Собчак. Фильм Михаила Хурсевича и Александра Расторгуева.

Порошенко и Тиллерсон обсудили миссию миротворцев в Донбассе
2017-11-05 15:37
Речь шла об их размещении в районах, которые удерживают пророссийские сепаратисты, а также на участке границы, которую Киев не контролирует.

Japan: Protests in Tokyo as Trump golfs with Abe
2017-11-05 15:53
Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Tokyo on Sunday in occasion of the 20th National Worker’s Meeting, to protest against the policies of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the visit of US President Donald Trump. Protesters contested Abe’s economic plans in the realm of company privatisation, the country’s nuclear power policies and the US troops’ presence in Japan among other things. A salient moment of the demonstration saw two impersonations of Abe and Trump laying down blocks of ‘war,’ ‘poverty,’ and ‘karoshi’ [the Japanese term for death by overwork], before being ‘arrested’ by protesters. Trump and Abe shared a round of golf on Sunday, a prelude to more formal talks on Monday. Japan is expected to seek reassurance from Trump of US commitment to security in the Asia-Pacific region and a united front against North Korea.

Russia: 263 protesters detained at unauthorised rally in Moscow
2017-11-05 16:54
A total of 263 people were detained after participating in an unauthorised rally in central Moscow on Sunday, according to the Interior Ministry. According to the police, the people were detained for a breach of public order and taken in for questioning. Earlier, the leader of the Artpodgotovka movement, Vyacheslav Maltsev, had called on his supporters to participate in the ‘5.11.17’ rally. Artpodgotovka was catagorised as a right-wing extremist organisation and banned in the Russian Federation by a court decision on October 26, 2017.

Авиакомпании больше не смогут требовать деньги с пассажиров
2017-11-05 16:56
Новые нормы провоза багажа и ручной клади вступили в силу.

Задержания на Манежной площади
2017-11-05 17:10
В центре Москвы на Манежной площади были задержаны около 300 человек — по обвинению в участии в акции запрещенного движения «Артподготовка» Вячеслава Мальцева, который неоднократно заявлял, что 5 ноября произойдет революция. Сообщается, что среди задержанных есть случайные прохожие.

Belgium: Brussels Prosecutor's Office abuzz after Puigdemont turns himself in to police
2017-11-05 17:54
The King's Prosecutor's Office in Brussels was teeming with journalists on Sunday, during and after a press conference by the Brussels prosecutor's office spokesperson Gilles Dejemeppe. Dejemeppe said that ousted Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and four other former regional ministers had presented themselves voluntarily to the police on Sunday morning. According to the prosecutor’s spokesperson, the “investigating judge has to decide within 24 hours” whether to carry out the EU arrest warrant issued by a Spanish judge on Friday. The five leaders are said to be inside the King's Prosecutor's Office building. Speaking with journalists after the press conference, Dejemeppe said that the prosecutor’s office would only be “checking documents received from Spain.” The former Catalan leaders fled to Belgium after Madrid imposed direct rule on Catalonia following the declaration of independence.

Лидер порносекты «Каула Дхарма» экстрадирован в Россию
2017-11-05 18:39
В Россию экстрадирован основатель и руководитель псевдосекты «Каула Дхарма». Сергей Кириенко — обыкновенный фитнес-тренер. Он освоил азы йоги, эзотерики и объявил себя пресвященным учителем.

Саентологии украли у дольщиков более 130 миллионов рублей
2017-11-05 18:41
В Санкт-Петербурге осудили главу строительной компании. Она собрала с дольщиков более ста миллионов рублей и отдала деньги сайентологам.

За пятерки в школьном журнале — под суд
2017-11-05 18:44
История, которая произошла в Новосибирске, удивила многих. 16-летний ученик местной гимназии исправил в школьном журнале оценки и теперь может угодить за это в тюрьму.

Spain: Barcelona protesters decry imprisonment of Catalan officials and activists
2017-11-05 19:19
Protesters took to University Square, in Barcelona, Sunday, to decry the imprisonment of Catalan officials and activists, and eight members of the former Catalan government. Representatives from the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and Omnium Cultural addressed the protesters and stressed the importance of the upcoming week. «This week we will have a series of actions, some very simple, that everyone can carry out and some others that will require a big structure and big mobilization. We want to highlight above all the general strike of the country this Wednesday,» said Agusti Alcoberro, the vice president of ANC. According to him, the elections of December 21 called by the Spanish government in Madrid «are illegitimate, first because they weren't called by the person who should have done it, that would be the president of Catalonia. And second, because they don't comply with the minimum conditions, first we have political prisoners and it isn't normal to have elections with prisoners and second there is an extraordinary police presence,» adding that «all the partisans for the Republic will take the issue and will make these elections into a big success, a big victory of the separatism.» During the protest, there were also workshops on how to create and hang banners around the city to express political views. Protesters put up banners on walls and subway entrances.

Пучдемон вместе с соратниками сдался бельгийской полиции
2017-11-05 19:20
Бельгийские власти подтвердили, что изучают полученный от Испании ордер на арест Пучдемона и его соратников. Защита Пучдемона уже говорила, что обжалует выдачу экс-главы Каталонии.

Борьба против власти: Польша посоветовала Германии не совать нос в чужие дела
2017-11-05 20:24
В Польше назвали недопустимыми заявления Минобороны Германии о поддержке борьбы польской молодежи с правительством страны.

Банкира Пузикова могли отравить его брат и дядя
2017-11-05 20:28
Самарский областной суд оправдал вдову отравленного банкира Дмитрия Пузикова Екатерину. Несколько лет она доказывала свою невиновность, пережила два обвинительных приговора и вышла на свободу.

Тяжелые будни на подиумах: что ждет российских моделей в Азии?
2017-11-05 20:30
В Перми расследуют дело о загадочной гибели российской модели в Шанхае. 14-летняя Владислава Дзюба скоропостижно скончалась сразу после очередного показа. Она была самой молодой манекенщицей сезона.

Пучдемон и его советники добровольно сдались прокуратуре Бельгии
2017-11-06 02:12
Прокуратура Бельгии на сутки взяла под стражу бывшего главу Каталонии и четверых его советников. Уже был допрос. Накануне утром политики решили сдаться добровольно. Испания выписала европейский ордер на арест и потребовала от Бельгии выдачи беглецов. Что может быть дальше?

Belgium: Prosecutor releases Puigdemont on precautionary measures
2017-11-06 02:43
Following a ruling by a court, in Brussels, on Sunday, former Catalonian President Carles Puigdemont and four other members of his government were released on precautionary measures. As the decision was made, supporters of Puigdemont were seen outside the courthouse in Brussels, showing their solidarity with the ousted leader. Earlier in the week, the Spanish government issued a European arrest warrant for Puigdemont and four other members of his the Catalan authorities: Antoni Comin, Clara Ponsati, Lluis Puig and Meritxell Serret.

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