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Сегодня снова рассмотрим песню группы "Beatles The"

"Bad boy"  - "Шпана"

The bad little kid moved in to my neighbourhood.
He won't do nothing right just a-sittin',
got to look so good.
He don't wanna go to school
and learn to read and write,
Just sits around the house and plays
that rock'n'roll music all night.
Well he put thumbtacks
on teacher's chair, put chew'n' gum in li'l girl's hair.
Now junior behave yourself!

Buy every rock'n'roll book on the magazine stand.
Every dime that he gets
oh he's off to the juke box man.
Well he worries that teacher till
at night she's a-ready to poop.
From rock and a rollin', spinning in a hulla hoop.
Well his rock and roll has gotta stop,
junior's head is hard as rock,
Now junior behave yourself!

Gonna tell your mama, you'd better do what she said,
Get to the barber's shop
and get the hair cut off your head,
You shoot the canary
and you fed it to the neighbour's cat,
You gave the cocker-spaniel
a bath in mother's laundromat.
Well, ya mama said it's gotta stop,
junior's head is hard as rock,
Now junior behave yourself!


Шпанистый пацан за партой со мной сидит,
Всё делает не так,
хоть паинькой на всех глядит.
Не хочет учиться в школе он
Под рок-н-ролл готов всю ночь он
только дома дремать.
Он учителям в стул гвоздь вставлял,
Жвачкой в девочек стрелял,
Брось, малый, скромней бы стал.

Вечно журналы в ларьке покупает про рок.
Он всю мелочь готов всегда
скинуть в мюзик-бокс.
Он училку довёл,
что готова стала ночью кормой
Крутить, под рок-н-ролл она качаясь, обруч свой.
Твой ведь рок-н-ролл совсем достал,
С головой ты твёрже скал,
Брось, малый, скромней бы стал.

Отправляйся к маме, послушным с ней лучше будь.
И в парикмахерской сходить
постричься не забудь.
Взял канарейку,
и её соседский кот сожрал.
А коккера ты в ванной
с шампунем маминым купал.
Ты маму ведь совсем достал,
С головой ты твёрже скал,
Брось, малый, скромней бы стал

 ol' flat-top he come
grooving up slowly. He got
ju-ju eyeballs he's one
holy roller. He got
hair down to his knee
Got to be a joker he just do what he please

He wear no shoeshine he got
toe-jam football. He got
monkey finger he shoot
coca-cola. He say
"I know you, you know me"
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
Come together right now over me

He bag production he got
walrus gumboot. He got
Ono sideboard he one
spinal cracker. He got
feet down below his knee
Hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease
Come together right now over me

He roller-coaster he got
early warning. He got
muddy water he one
mojo filter. He say
"One and one and one is three"
Got to be good-looking 'cause he's so hard to see
Come together right now over me.

Come together, yeah,
Come together, yeah,
Come together, yeah,
Come together, yeah,
Come together, yeah,
Come together, yeah,
Come together, yeah,
Come together, yeah...

Оригинал: https://en.lyrsense.com/beatles/come

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