Hello, my friends! This article is gonna be good for Elementary learners. I'd like to tell you or just remind some useful rule of English grammar. My best friend asked me to write a post about it on my blog. So I'm gonna do it.
You know, in English there are so many really easy rules, but extremely useful ones. And that's great. In the article «Bases of Grammar» I mentioned about it. The rule I'm gonna tell you about is related to it to much extent. And I probably should have added it to that post. But anyway I' gonna tell you about it here and I want you to learn it
«I want you to learn it» it's an interesting sentense's structure, isn't it?=) And it's exactly that rule I wanted to tell you about=)
In English, if you want somebody to do something, you can say, for example:
I want you to read this book.
I'd like your brother to come here.
I want she to go to the party with me tonight.
I want your stuped friend to shut up. =)
He wants me to help him.
She'd like he to sing.
I'd like my son to become an engineer.
I want this World to be more friendly.
That's it. So simple. This rule is called «The objective infinitive complex». It's very useful. It'll help to talk with people more easily.
And I told you before that the infinitive was a very important part of grammar. To find out more about it, just download «Грамматика современного английского языка, Верба Л.Г Верба Г.В.» to your computer, open page 91, read it and then do the exercises in the end of the textbook. Once again, it's very very important;)
Hopefully this post was useful for you. Keep learning English and take care!;)
Привет, друзья! Эта статья прежде всего для тех, кто учит английский язык не так давно. Я бы хотел рассказать Вам о чрезвычайно простом, но в то же время очень полезном моменте английской грамматики.