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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: HEIGHTS 2011 Conference

Heights in Diophantine and Arakelov Geometry, Dynamical Systems and
Computer Algebra

Tossa de Mar (Spain), April 26-30 2011


The notion of height is fundamental in several areas in pure and
computational mathematics. It can be regarded as a way of quantifying
the complexity of a certain process and it is currently being developed
in areas as diverse as Diophantine Geometry, Arakelov Geometry,
Dynamical Systems and Computer Algebra.

The aim of this conference is to gather leading researchers from these
very different communities but all working around the same subject.
Graduate students, postdocs and researchers interested in the subject
are also welcome.

The topics that will be covered in HEIGHTS 2011 include, but are
certainly not limited to:

* Lower bounds for the height of points in varieties
* Equidistribution of small points
* Counting of points in varieties
* Height zeta functions
* Explicit computations
* Aplications to algorithms in computational algebra and number theory

Speakers: Pascal Autissier (Bordeaux), Jean-Benoit Bost,(Paris-Sud),
Antoine Chambert-Loir(*) (Rennes), Huayi Chen (Paris 7), Pietro Corvaja
(Udine), Jan-Hendrik Evertse (Leiden), Carlo Gasbarri(Strasbourg 1),
Walter Gubler (Tuebingen), Philipp Habegger (Zurich), Shu
Kawaguchi(Osaka),Teresa Krick (Buenos Aires), Matilde Lali'n (Montreal).
Atsushi Moriwaki (Kyoto), Emmanuel Peyre (Grenoble), Gael
Re'mond(Grenoble), E'ric Schost (Western Ontario), Andrea Surroca (Basel),
Lucien Szpiro (New York), Jeffrey Thunder (Northern Illinois), Yuri
Tschinkel (New York), Emmanuel Ullmo (Paris-Sud),
Evelina Viada (Basel), Martin Widmer (Graz), Umberto Zannier (Pisa),
Shou-Wu Zhang (Columbia)

(*) to be confirmed

Organizing Committee: Jose Ignacio Burgos Gil, Carlos D'Andrea, Patrice
Philippon, Martin Sombra

If you are interested in attending, please visit our webpage
http://www.imub.ub.es/heights2011 or contact us at
heights2011 [аt] imub.ub.es

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