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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Expansion in Groups

Dear all,

I am pleased to announce a 2 day workshop on 'Expansion in Groups' on 19-20 April 2010 at Imperial College London.
This two-day workshop will introduce newcomers to the rapidly evolving subject of expansion in groups and stimulate further research. Talks will be given by leading experts in the area:

Miklos Abert (Budapest)
Emmanuel Breuillard (Orsay)
Oren Dinai (Geneva)
Harald Helfgott (Bristol)
Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain (Madrid) TBC
Martin Kassabov (Cornell)
Laszlo Pyber (Budapest) TBC
Aner Shalev (Jerusalem)
Alain Valette (Neuchatel)

For more information and the registration form please visit the workshop web page


Registration: Participation at the workshop is free. For planning purposes
I request that if you plan to come you register by completing and sending the
downloadable registration form to the email


by 5 April 2010.

We have limited funds from EPSRC to assist young mathemticians and students
with travel and accommodation.

All are welcome!

Nikolay Nikolov

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