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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP:

16th International Conference ACA 2010

Applications of Computer Algebra

Vlora, Albania, June 24, 2010 - June 27, 2010


Special session: Computational Group Theory

The session topics include, but are not restricted to, the description
and analysis of algorithms and methods for computation in

- group theory,
- representation theory,
- Galois theory and
- lattice theory,

as well as the presentation of results obtained by their use.

The session also discusses applications of such algorithms and
methods to other parts of mathematics and sciences.

Examples of possible session topics in group theory are algorithms
and methods for

- finitely- or recursively presented groups,
- p-groups or polycyclically presented groups,
- finite or infinite matrix groups (including crystallographic groups),
- finite or infinite permutation groups,
- simple groups,
- group actions,
- geometry of groups,
- group cohomology and
- group rings

as well as algorithms and methods for classifying groups (or objects
closely related to groups) with certain properties, and the presentation
of results obtained using such algorithms and methods.

- Stefan Kohl, University of Vlora
- Dmitri Malinin, University of Vlora

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