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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets



The traditional algebraic conference ``Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets'' will be held at the mountain hotel Petr Bezruc< http://www.hotelpetrbezruc.cz/, Malenovice (in the Beskydy mountains near Fry'dlant nad Ostravici') in the term
September 4 - September 10, 2010.

The international algebraic community is cordially invited to attend. The arrival day will be Saturday afternoon, September 4, 2010, departure is planned on Friday, September 10 (at noon) (see http://SSAOS2010.inf.upol.cz/).

The mountain hotel Petr Bezruc< is located in the mountain village Malenovice (near Fry'dlant nad Ostravici') within beautiful surroundings of the hills of the Beskydy mountains, which provide excellent conditions for hiking.

The conference site is easily accessible by train, bus or car, there is a hotel parking place. The hotel is equipped with sauna, salt cave, swimming pool etc.

The conference programme will consist of invited one-hour lectures and 20 - 30 minute talks by the participants. Invited speakers are
Csaba Szabo (Budapest, Hungary)
Kalle Kaarli (Tartu, Estonia)
Hajime Machida (Tokyo, Japan)
Sergejs Solovjovs (Riga, Latvia)
Danica Jakubi'kova'-Studenovska' (Kos
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us to the email address SSAOS2010@inf.upol.cz.

We hope to see you in Malenovice.

On behalf of the organizing committee
Ivan Chajda
Radomi'r Halas<
Jan Ku:hr
Michal Botur

Department of Algebra and Geometry
Palacky' University Olomouc
Faculty of Science
Tr<. 17. listopadu 12
771 46 Olomouc
Czech Republic

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