Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Fields Institute summer school
The University of Ottawa will host a Fields Institute summer school
focusing on geometric representation theory and extended affine
Lie algebras from June 15 to June 27, 2009. This will be followed
by a conference to take place from June 28 to July 3.
The summer school will consist of 3 mini-courses each week for 2 weeks.
The courses to be given are:
Week 1:
- Introduction to geometric representation theory (Joel Kamnitzer,
- Introduction to quantum groups and crystals (Alistair Savage, Ottawa)
- Affine, toroidal and extended affine Lie algebras (Erhard Neher,
Week 2:
- Geometric representation theory using quiver varieties and Hilbert
schemes (Weiqiang Wang, Virginia)
- Crystals for affine Lie algebras (Seok-Jin Kang, Seoul National
- Representation theory of affine and toroidal Lie algebras
(Vyjayanthi Chari, UC Riverside)
Invited conference speakers include
Vyjayanthi Chari (UC Riverside)
Denis Gaitsgory (Harvard)
Victor Ginzburg (Chicago)
Jacob Greenstein (UC Riverside)
Naihuan Jing (NC State)
Joel Kamnitzer (Toronto)
Seok-Jin Kang (Seoul National)
Anton Malkin (UIUC)
Ivan Mirkovic (U Massachusetts, Amherst)
Kailash Misra (NC State)
Eugene Mukhin (IUPUI)
Hiraku Nakajima (Kyoto)
Olivier Schiffmann (E'cole Normale Supe'rieure)
Anne Schilling (UC Davis)
Michela Varagnolo (Universite' de Cergy-Pontoise)
Eric Vasserot (Universite' Paris 7)
Kari Vilonen (Northwestern)
Weiqiang Wang (Virginia)
Support is available for graduate students, postdocs and junior faculty.
The deadline for applications for support is February 28, 2009.