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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP Mediterranean Algebra and Topology seminar

Mediterranean Algebra and Topology seminar
January 21 - 23, 2009
Montpellier, France.

In the continuity of the conference organised at the IHES, which focus
on an historical survey of Alexander Grothendieck's mathematical
influence but also aims to describe the living trends of mathematics
which are inspired directly from his ideas and methods.

Around the work of Alexandre Grothendieck, biographical aspects,
Grothendieck at Montpellier, from complex analysis to algebraic

Wednesday afternoon : around associators and poly-logarithms
(with B. Enriquez and H. Furusho)

Thursday : life and work of A. Grothendieck
(with P. Cartier, C. Houzel, P. Schapira, W. Scharlau)

Friday : from complex analysis to algebraic geometry
(with G. Henkin, B. Toen, C. Voisin)


contacts :
Pierre Cartier : cartier@ihes.fr
Gilles Halbout : ghalbout@univ-montp2.fr

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