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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: TACL 2009


7-11 July 2009
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation
University of Amsterdam
the Netherlands

Studying logics via semantics is a well-established and very active
branch of mathematical logic, with many applications, in computer
science and elsewhere. The area is characterized by results, tools
and techniques stemming from various fields, including universal
algebra, topology, category theory, order, and model theory. The
program of the conference TACL 2009 will focus on three
interconnecting mathematical themes central to the semantical study
of logics and their applications: algebraic, categorical, and
topological methods. This is the fourth conference in the series
Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL, formerly TANCL).
Earlier installments of this conference have been organized in
Tbilisi (2003), Barcelona (2005), and Oxford (2007).

Featured topics
Contributed talks can deal with any topic falling under the scope of the
meeting. This includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

* Algebraic logic
* Coalgebraic semantics
* Categorical methods in logic
* Domain theory
* Fuzzy and many-valued logics
* Lattices with operators
* Modal logics
* Non-classical logics
* Ordered topological spaces
* Ordered algebraic structures
* Pointfree topology
* Residuated structures
* Stone-type dualities
* Substructural logics
* Topological semantics of modal logic

Contributed presentations will be of two types: 20 minutes long
presentations in parallel sessions and featured, 30 minutes long,
plenary presentations. The submission of an abstract of 1-4 pages is
required to be selected for a contributed presentation of either
kind. While preference will be given to new work, results that have
already been published or presented elsewhere will also be
considered. More information on the submission procedure is
available on the conference website.

Important dates
March 15, 2009: Abstract submission deadline
April 15, 2009: Notification of authors
July 7-11, 2009: Conference

Program Committee
Guram Bezhanishvili, New Mexico State University, USA
Nick Bezhanishvili, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Nick Galatos, University of Denver, USA
Mai Gehrke, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, Netherlands (Chair)
Rob Goldblatt, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
Rosalie Iemhoff, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
Ramon Jansana, University of Barcelona, Spain
Alexander Kurz, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Franco Montagna, University of Siena, Italy
Drew Moshier, Chapman University, USA
Hiroakira Ono, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Yde Venema, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands
Steve Vickers, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Michael Zakharyaschev, Birkbeck, Universty of London, United Kingdom

More Information
If you have any queries please send them to the conference email

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