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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - BLAST August 6 - 10, 2008, University of Denver, CO, USA


August 6 - 10, 2008

University of Denver, Colorado, USA


B - Boolean Algebras
L - Lattice Theory
A - Algebra: algebra of logic and universal algebra
S - Set Theory
T - Topology: set theoretic and point-free topology

BLAST is a new conference focusing on Boolean Algebras, Lattices, Algebraic Logic, Universal Algebra, Set Theory, Set-theoretic Topology and Point-free Topology.

The conference is the first in a series that will rotate among universities of the region. (See BLAST Committee below.)

Plenary Speakers:

Bernhard Banaschewski (McMaster University)
James Cummings (Carnegie Mellon University)
Mai Gehrke (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
Martin Goldstern (Technische Universität Wien)
Tetsuya Ishiu (Miami University)
Ales Pultr (Charles University)
Judy Roitman (University of Kansas)
Kazushige Terui (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Constantine Tsinakis (Vanderbilt University)


Algebra of Logic: James Raftery (University of Kwazulu-Natal)
Set Theory: TBA
Set-theoretic Topology: Peter Nyikos (University of South Carolina)
Universal Algebra: Matt Valeriote (McMaster University)

Mini Course:

Forbidden Configurations in Lattices: Richard Ball (University of Denver) and Ales Pultr (Charles University)

Contributed Talks: To apply to give a contributed talk, please email a title and abstract to the organizers at blast@math.du.edu by May 30. After May 30, contributed talks may still be accepted, depending on available space.

Travel and Lodging Grants:  Support for graduate students and postdocs will be available through the NSF grant for BLAST.  To apply, please send a brief statement of research interests.  The first round of decisions will be made by May 1. Applications received after May 1 will be considered on a rolling basis.

Local Information: We have secured accommodation for 50 persons on campus at a reduced rate. We will soon post additional information about other lodging options, as well as information about Denver.

Important dates:

            Expression of interest: March 30 (voluntary, non-committing)

            Financial support: May 1.

            Abstract submission: May 30.


Local Organizing and Program Committee:

 Richard Ball
 Natasha Dobrinen (Co-chair)
 Nikolaos Galatos (Co-chair)

BLAST Committee:

Richard Ball (University of Denver) Algebra, Lattice Theory, Topology, Combinatorics, Topological Dynamics, Stability and Complexity
Guram Bezhanishvili (New Mexico State University - Las Cruces) Non-classical Logics, Lattice Theory, Universal Algebra, General Topology
Natasha Dobrinen (University of Denver) Set Theory, Boolean Algebra
William Fleissner (University of Kansas - Lawrence) Set Theory, Topology
Nikolaos Galatos (University of Denver) Algebraic Logic, Universal Algebra, Ordered Algebras, Proof Theory
Eric Hall (University of Missouri - Kansas City) Non-choice Set Theory
John Harding (New Mexico State University - Las Cruces) Ordered Structures, Quantum Logic
Keith Kearnes (University of Colorado - Boulder) Universal Algebra
Richard Laver (University of Colorado - Boulder) Set Theory
Donald Monk (University of Colorado - Boulder) Boolean Algebra, Set Theory
Jack Porter (University of Kansas - Lawrence) General Topology, Topological Extensions
Judy Roitman (University of Kansas - Lawrence) Boolean Algebra, Set-theoretic Topology
Andrzej Roslanowski (University of Nebraska - Omaha) Set Theory, Boolean Algebra
Agnes Szendrei (University of Colorado - Boulder) Universal Algebra


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