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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - ISSAC 2008 Calls for posters and software presentations

                       Call for Posters ISSAC 2008
      International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
                  RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, July 20-23, 2008


ISSAC, the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, is
the  premier  annual  gathering of  the  Symbolic  Mathematical  Computation
community  to  present  and  discuss  new developments and original research
results in all areas of symbolic mathematical computation.

The  poster  sessions  at  ISSAC  are  ideal  avenues  for presenting recent
research results  or  ongoing  research  projects  that  might  not  yet  be
complete, but whose preliminary results are already interesting nonetheless.

Authors  are  invited  to submit  extended abstracts  of  posters in the PDF
format. All posters will be reviewed by the Poster Committee with input from
experts in  the relevant areas.  Posters will be evaluated based on content,
novelty,   originality,   contribution,   value   to   the   community,  and
presentation.  Abstracts of accepted Posters  will be distributed in printed
form at the conference venue and will be printed in an upcoming issue of the
ACM SIGSAM Communications in Computer Algebra.

Details  on  submission  of  contributions  may  be  found  by  visiting the
submission page at www.easychair.org/ISSAC2008Posters.  Authors are expected
to present their work at the symposium.


Deadline to submit extended abstract (.pdf): May 1, 2008

Notification of Acceptance: June 1, 2008
Deadline to submit (.tex) updated abstracts: June 15, 2008


Posters can be on any topic  mentioned in the  Call for Papers of ISSAC 2008
which include but are not restricted to the following areas:
Algorithmic Mathematics: Algebraic, Symbolic and Symbolic-Numeric Algorithms
Computer Science: Theoretical and practical problems in Symbolic Computation
Applications: Problem treatments using  Algorithmic, Symbolic,  or Symbolic-
Numeric Algorithms in novel or  essential  ways,  including  applications to
Education,  The Sciences,  Engineering,  or Business.  Reports  on  computer
implementations are welcome.


Maki Iwami, Osaka University of Economics and Law, Japan
Wen-shin Lee, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Austin Lobo, Washington College, USA; Chair
Clement Pernet, University of Washington, USA
Ekaterina Shemyakova, RISC, Univ. Linz, Austria
Min Wu, East China Normal University, P. R. China


Call for Software Presentations

                               ISSAC 2008
      International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
                  RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, July 20-23, 2008


ISSAC, the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, is
the  premier  annual  gathering of  the  Symbolic  Mathematical  Computation
community  to  present  and  discuss  new developments and original research
results in symbolic and algebraic computation.

Software  developers  are  invited  to  present  new  software  for  solving
problems  in symbolic and algebraic computation  at  ISSAC 2008.  Presenters
will be given 15 minutes to demonstrate  their software to participants in a
special session  for  software presentations.  There  will  be  5 additional
minutes between presentations for setup.

Please submit an extended abstract in PDF format describing the software and
what you will present to Michael Monagan by e-mail at

mmonagan at cecm dot sfu dot ca

Please include in the subject heading ISSAC08 Software Presentation.  Please
include a valid URL or contact address for  obtaining the  software packages
and documentation.

Abstracts  will  be  evaluated   based  on  content,  novelty,  originality,
importance  and  potential  value of  the software to the community.  Please
identify  in your  extended abstract  what is new  that  will be  presented.
If you are also presenting a paper at ISSAC 2008  related  to your software,
please   identify,  in  your  e-mail,   the   differences  between  the  two
presentations.  You  may  also  present  your  software  as  a  poster  (see
http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/issac2008/ the call for posters).

Abstracts of  accepted  software presentations  will  be  distributed at the
symposium  and  also  printed  in  an  upcoming  issue  of  the  ACM  SIGSAM
Communications in Computer Algebra.


Deadline to submit extended abstract (.pdf): May 1, 2008

Notification of Acceptance: June 1, 2008
Deadline to submit (.tex) updated abstracts: June 15, 2008


Posters can be on any topic  mentioned in the  Call for Papers of ISSAC 2008
which include but are not restricted to the following areas:
Algorithmic Mathematics: Algebraic, Symbolic and Symbolic-Numeric Algorithms
Computer Science: Theoretical and practical problems in Symbolic Computation
Applications: Problem treatments using  Algorithmic, Symbolic,  or Symbolic-
Numeric Algorithms in novel or  essential  ways,  including  applications to
Education,  The Sciences,  Engineering,  or Business.


Michael Monagan, Simon Fraser University, Canada:
mmonagan at cecm dot sfu dot ca

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