The third JEM workshop will be hosted by the Spanish partners UPC in collaboration with UOC and will take place at the Polytechnical University of Catalonia between 31 Jan.
and 2 Feb. 2008.
Topics of special interest for this meeting will be:
* diagnostic testing, towards a collection of mathematics problems for Europe * JEM quality and review process, how to measure quality on the web 2.0 * learning repositories and metadata, do they still have a purpose
A special session, follow-up of the 2nd JEM workshop Joint with OpenMath, will be devoted to the alignment efforts between Openmath
and MathML3. In particular, contributions are welcome on:
* OpenMath3 * MathML3 * new Content Dictionaries * revisions of Content Dictionaries
Invited speakers
The program will consist of contributed talks by the participants and invited contributions from leading experts in the special interest areas, including:
* Antonio Costa, UNED, Spain
* James Davenport, University of Bath, UK (also on wikipedia) * Erik Duval, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium * Dominique Archambault, Université du Havre (IUT), accessibility blog. * Michael Gage, WeBWork