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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - Differential Algebra and Related Computer Algebra

Please pass along the following announcement. We appreciate your help and invite you to participate in this tribute to Professor Giuseppa Carra-Ferro. A pdf version suitable for posting is available at http://www.sci.ccny.cuny.edu/~ksda/darca.pdf

Differential Algebra and Related Computer Algebra
University of Catania, March 26--29, 2008
An International Conference in Memory of Giuseppa Carra-Ferro

Second Announcement

In agreement with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Catania, we are organizing an international conference on Differential Algebra and Related Computer Algebra in memory of Giuseppa Carra-Ferro, to be held in Catania, Italy on March 26--29, 2008.

Giuseppa Carra-Ferro (1952--2007), affectionately known as Pina in close circles, died of cancer on March 22, 2007. Professor Carra-Ferro is remembered for her contributions to Differential Algebra (differential spectrum and varieties, Kolchin schemes, differential Groebner bases, differential dimension and multiplicity, automated theorem-proving in differential geometry, differential rankings, characteristic sets, and differential resultants) and to Computer Algebra (super G-bases, involutive division, and graph algorithms).

The conference will have as its primary focus a Workshop on Differential Algebra, consisting of seven 50-minute invited talks on differential and difference algebra and their applications.  A secondary focus will be a conference day devoted to commutative, combinatorial, and computer algebra.  Both foci relate to the research interest of Carra-Ferro.  In addition there will be contributed 25-minute talks open to the research community on the above topics.

As of this announcement, the following talks (titles tentative) will be given at the Workshop:

  • Francois Boulier (Universite Lille I, France), Differential elimination and reduction of biochemical networks.
  • Xiao-Shan Gao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Characteristic set method for difference and differential-difference polynomial systems.
  • Evelyne Hubert (INRIA, France), Algebra of differential invariants of Lie group actions.
  • Alexander Levin (Catholic University of America, U.S.A.), Generalized Groebner bases and multivariate differential dimension polynomials.
  • Bud Mishra (Courant Institute, New York University, U.S.A.), TBA.
  • Michael Singer (North Carolina State University, U.S.A.), Differential Galois theory of difference equations.
  • Volker Weispfenning (Universitat Passau, Germany), Logical methods in differential algebra.

Contributed talks can be unpublished papers with new results, or summary reports on recently published papers. Interested speakers are required to submit a brief abstract (limited to 2 pages) to the Program Committee via the conference website below.  Due to a reorganization of the conference program, we have extended the deadline to February 4, 2008.  Authors will be notified on or before February 13, 2008.

The abstracts of the invited lectures and other contributions will appear in a special issue of Le Matematiche and will be distributed at the conference. No other proceedings is planned at this time.

William Sit, for the co-chairs.

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