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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - Non-commutative structures in Mathematics and Physics

На странице http://dwispc8.vub.ac.be/NoMaP/nomap4.html открыта
регистрация на следующую конференцию:

Non-commutative structures in Mathematics and Physics 

Satellite Conference to the Fifth European Congress of Mathematics
Contactforum of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Arts and Sciences


  • Non-commutative geometry
  • Algebraic and categorical structures
  • Quantum groups and their representations
  • Applications in mathematical physics

Date:      22  July  –  26  July   2008   (arrival date:  21 July)
Place:     Brussels
Plenary speakers:  J.E.  Andersen ,   G.  Böhm ,   C.  De Concini , 
K.  Fredenhagen ,   M.  Kapranov ,   E.  Karolinsky , 
C.  Kassel ,   G.  Landi ,   Yu.  Manin ,   M.  Markl , 
H.-J.  Schneider ,   C.  Stroppel ,   M.  Van den Bergh , 
S.  Waldmann
Organizers:         Pierre  Bielavsky   (Louvain-la-Neuve) ,
Stefaan  Caenepeel   (Brussels) ,    Jürgen  Fuchs   (Karlstad) ,
Simone  Gutt   (Brussels) ,    Christoph  Schweigert   (Hamburg) ,
Alexander  Stolin   (Göteborg) ,   Fred  Van Oystaeyen   (Antwerp)
Related event:   Minisymposium
Representation Theoretical Methods and Quantization
at the  Fifth European Congress of Mathematics  in Amsterdam

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