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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - new conference announcements

Объявления о конференциях

Dear all,

Please note that registration for Peter Cameron's 60th birthday conference,
"From Higman-Sims to Urysohn: a random walk through groups, graphs, designs,
and spaces"
, will be closing on 31ST JULY (i.e. next week).  We still have
places available for the conference, which will take place August 23rd-26th
2007, in Ambleside, Lake District, UK.

For further details, and to register, please visit the conference webpage:

Best wishes,

Robert Bailey
Dugald Macpherson
Sarah Rees
Leonard Soicher

LMS Workshop on Motives, Quadratic Forms and Algebraic Groups
27-31 August 2007, Queen's University Belfast

The workshop is planned to bring together experts, young and old, on various aspects of research in Chow motives, quadratic forms and algebraic groups, as well as graduate students, postdocs and others who wish to learn about the subject areas.


N. Karpenko (Jussieu): Motives and quadratic forms
B. Totaro (Cambridge): Quadrics and Birational Geometry
C. Weibel (Rutgers):  Motivic Cohomology

Speakers and Invited Participants:

A. Bak (Bielefeld)
E. Bayer-Fluckiger (Lausanne)
G. Berhuy (Southampton)
P. Brosnan (British Columbia)
B. Calmes (Cambridge)
S. Gille (Muenchen)
D. Hoffmann (Nottingham)
J. Hornbostel (Regensburg)
R. de Jeu (Durham)
W. van der Kallen (Utrecht)
M. Karoubi (Paris 7)
B. Koeck (Southampton)
A. Kuku (Max Planck)
D. Lewis (Dublin)
A. Neeman (Canberra)
R. Rao (Tata)
D. Saltman (U. Texas)
A. Suslin (Northwestern & Steklov)
J.-P. Tignol (Louvain-la Neuve)
N. Vavilov (St. Petersburg)
A. Vishik (Moscow)
U. Vishne (Bar Ilan)
K. Zainoulline (Muenchen)


R. Hazrat
Department of Pure Mathematics
Queen's University
Belfast BT7 1NN



Closing Date for Applications: extended to 15 AUGUST 2007
ESF Mathematics Conference in Poland in partnership with MSHE and The Institute of Mathematics (PAN)
Algebraic Aspects in Geometry
Mathematical Research and Conference Center, Będlewo, Poland
17-23 October 2007

Chaired by: Norbert Poncin (University of Luxembourg, LU) & Janusz Grabowski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, PL)
The Conference will focus upon current advances and issues, as well as on long-term developments at the interface of Geometry, Algebra, and Theoretical Physics.

The following topics will be addressed:

1. Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras: cohomology and geometry, applications in conformal field theory: The Virasoro algebra and the affine Kac-Moody algebras play an important role in conformal field theory. For a quantization of the theory, fields and field operators on higher genus Riemann surfaces have to be considered. The corresponding global algebras are the algebras of Krichever-Novikov type. There exists an elegant formulation of Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten models using them. Further topics to be considered are higher algebraic structures, deformations of Lie algebras, central extensions, cohomology, families of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras over the moduli spaces of curves with marked points...

2. Algebraic characterization of (super) space, Weyl algebra and related conjectures: Recent Lie-algebraic characterizations of spaces are tightly connected with the description of automorphisms and derivations of quantum and classical Poisson algebras. These works are close to the study of the automorphism groups of the Weyl algebra and its classical counterpart, hence to the Kanel-Kontsevich, Dixmier, and Jacobi conjectures, which are statements challenging the mathematical community for several decades.

3. Courant algebroids and symplectic Supergeometry, L-infinity algebras, Sigma models and supersymmetry: Supermathematics is inspired by supersymmetry. Potential new supersymmetric sigma models should turn out to be a rich source of elegant and physically motivated theorems in Geometry. Interest in Q-manifolds is related with the Alexandrov, Kontsevich, Schwarz, and Zaboronsky interpretation of Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism in topological field theory. A Q-field on a supermanifold is dual to an L-infinity algebraic structure. Moreover, by the use of derived brackets in Q-geometry, one can reproduce a wide class of algebraic constructions, including Poisson manifolds and Courant algebroids, such that Dirac structures and, in particular, generalized complex structures are recognized to be certain super Lagrange submanifolds.
The Conference aspires to participation in the efficient training of promising novices and to facilitation of contact and cooperation with senior researchers. Younger scientists will have the opportunity to present their results in a poster session. A Forward Look Plenary Discussion about future developments will be organized, ad hoc working groups will be encouraged. An excursion and a conference dinner will allow participants to meet in a relaxed atmosphere.
Detailed cientific programme and application form are accessible on-line from http://www.esf.org/conferences/07249. Abstracts should be submitted together with the application form.
Financial Support: a limited number of participants will be able to benefit from a subsidised conference fee (265 EUR). This support will be granted to young researchers by the Conference Chair on grounds of scientific merit and the relevance of their research to the conference subject. Candidates from Middle and Eastern European Countries (MOE) are especially encouraged to apply. Participants who would like to benefit from this financial support, please tick the 'I wish to apply for a grant to cover the conference fee' box on the application form (http://www2.esf.org/asp/esfrcaf.asp?confcode=249&meetno=1).
Many thanks for passing on the attached conference flyer to your colleagues who may be interested in this event.
For further information on the practical organisation of this conference, please contact Ms. Chiara Orefice from the ESF Conferences Office.
Kind regards,
Corinne Wininger
Communications Officer - ESF Conferences
European Science Foundation - Communications Unit
1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, BP 90015
67080 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Phone: +33 (0)388 76 21 50
Fax: +33 (0)388 76 71 80

С уважением,

ведущий рассылки Коновалов А.Б.

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