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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - new conferences

Новые объявления о конференциях

Groups and Symmetries:

A conference in celebration of Rob Curtis' 60th birthday

Thursday 20th–Saturday 22nd September 2007

School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham


Workshop on Robust Shape Operations
26 - 28, September, 2007
INRIA Sophia Antipolis


*Registration* deadline : September 2nd, 2007

A prelimininay list of talks is available on the web site.
Invited speakers
    Fabrice Rouillier, INRIA Rocquencourt
    Chee Yap, New York University


A list of hotels can be found on the web site.
Early booking is recommended.

Hotel "Le Collier" is kindly holding a set of rooms until August, 25th,
please mention that you are attending the INRIA WRSO workshop when
booking your room.

Conventional geometric algorithms found in geometric modeling systems
work with fixed precision arithmetic and numerical approximation schemes
for computing intersections of curves and surfaces. That is why their
functionality is impaired by rounding and approximation errors in
(nearly) degenerate situations which frequently occur in practice.

In contrast, this workshop emphasizes on exactness or certified
approximations, focusing on techniques guaranteeing correctness, which
are based on certified numerics and certified topology; the attention is
devoted to both algebraic objects and approximations for more general

The workshop areas contain, but are not restricted to, the following
- Algorithms and data structures for shape operations -
in particular arrangements of curves and surfaces, meshing and boolean
operations for curved solids, optimization with quadratic constraints,...
- Algebraic methods and certified numerics -
in particular, algebraic numbers and dedicated solvers for a restricted
class of polynomial systems that are encountered in geometric predicates
and constructions.

Agnès Bessière
Géométrica - Formation par la Recherche
INRIA Sophia Antipolis

Dear colleagues,

There will be a conference on Finite Groups and Representations in
Kaikoura (New Zealand) from 14-18 January 2008.  Invited speakers
include Jianbei An (Auckland), John Conway (Princeton), Vaughan Jones
(Berkeley), Eamonn O'Brien (Auckland), Gerhard Röhrle (Southampton), Jan
Saxl (Cambridge) and Gary Seitz (Oregon).  The conference webpage is at


Information on registration should be available there by the end of July.

January is the height of the tourist season in Kaikoura, so participants
should book accommodation as soon as possible.


Ben Martin (conference organizer)

Dr Ben Martin
Senior Lecturer
Mathematics and Statistics Department
University of Canterbury

C уважением,

ведущий рассылки Коновалов А.Б. 


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