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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - Algorithmic Complexity and Universal Algebra

                       of the

                    Conference on
    dedicated to the 75th birthday of Béla Csákány

         Szeged, Hungary, July 16-20, 2007.

               Organized jointly by
   the Bolyai Institute of the University of Szeged and
 the Szeged Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

          European Mathematical Society
          Hungarian Academy of Sciences
          Foundation for Szeged
    Graduate Schools of the University of Szeged

    WWW: http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/confer/algebra/
           e-mail: alg2007 at math dot u-szeged dot hu

The time and location for on-site registration are as follows:

    Sunday (July 15), 17:00 -- 21:00
    Monday (July 16),  9:00 -- 12:00

Location: Szeged Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Address: Somogyi utca 7.

The purpose of the on-site registration is to distribute conference
materials and to collect late registration fee (in cash of EUR, HUF,
or USD). The Sunday event is also an occasion for an informal
get-together for participants and accompanying persons.

If you have already transferred your registration fee, please bring
your proof of payment with you, just in case.

The conference will start on

    July 16 (Monday) at 10:00  a.m.

and will conclude on

    July 20 (Friday) early afternoon.

The lectures will take place in the building of the

    Szeged Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    Address: Somogyi utca 7.

which is located in the center of Szeged, next to the Cathedral (Dom).

The 2nd floor lecture hall that will be used during the conference
is air-conditioned, equipped with two overhead projectors and a small
white or black board. A computer projector is also available.

The scientific program of the conference will consist of 50-minute
invited lectures by

    Victor Dalmau (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
    Marcin Kozik (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
    Ralph McKenzie (Vanderbilt University, USA)
    Jaroslav Nesetril (Charles University, Czech Republic)
    Vera Vertesi (Lorand Eotvos University, Hungary)

and 20-minute contributed talks.

A tentative schedule of talks will be posted on the home page of
the conference soon.

If you intend to give a talk at the conference, but have not yet
entered your abstract on the online registration page, please do
so by July 8 (Sunday). If you have problem in entering your
abstract on the online-form, please send us an e-mail with the
plain TEX-file of the abstract.

The abstracts received by July 8 (Sunday) will be collected in
a booklet and will be distributed among the participants of the
conference upon arrival.

We still have some funds avaiable from the European Mathematical
Society for the financial support of researchers coming from
former Eastern European countries excluding current EU members.
Please inquire about the possibilities by writing to
alg2007 at math dot u-szeged dot hu

All registered participants and accompanying persons are
invited to the banquet of the conference on July 16, Monday
evening, as well as, to a dinner on July 19, Thursday afternoon.

Please check the travel page on the conference website for detailed
travel information. Note, that you can request a minibus transfer
from Ferihegy Airport in Budapest to Szeged for 50 euro online at:

The Hungarian national currency is the Hungarian Forint (HUF). In shops,
restaurants, etc. in Hungary, prices are usually displayed and calculated
in HUF.

The official exchange rates are about:
    1 EUR = 240 HUF
    1 USD = 180 HUF

There are several banks downtown Szeged which are open 9:00-15:00
weekdays, where you can exchange money at the official rate. It is also
possible to exchange money at some of the downtown travel agencies
that may have slightly better rates than banks.

Some hotels accept cash of foreign currency, but they apply their own
exchange rate that is much worse for the customer than the official rate.
So instead of paying in foreign currency, it is better to pay by credit
card or in Hungarian forints in cash. Also note, that all hotels charge
a tourist tax of 1.2 Euros per night in addition to their published room

Miklos Dorman, Eszter Horvath, Miklos Maroti,
Agnes Szendrei, Tamas Waldhauser, Laszlo Zadori
(Organizing Committee)

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