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Бесплатные описания вязаных изделий: шарф от Drops Design


DROPS scarf with cable pattern in ”Eskimo” 
DROPS scarf with cable pattern in ”Eskimo”.
Measurement: Approx 30 cm x 150 cm
Materials: DROPS Eskimo
450 g colour no 33, red mix
DROPS needles size 8 mm – or the needle size needed to obtain correct knitting tension.
Knitting tension: 11 sts x 15 rows = 10 x 10 cm
Garter st: Knit all rows back and forth on needle
Pattern: See diagram M.1. Diagram is seen from RS. English Translations for wording in diagrams are given at the bottom of pattern and they are given in the vertical order in which they appear in diagram.

Scarf: Remember knitting tension! Cast on 44 sts on needle size 8 mm with Eskimo. Knit 6 rows garter sts – see explanation above. Continue as follows: 5 sts garter sts, M.1 over next 34 sts, 5 sts garter sts. Continue this pattern until piece measures approx 147 cm – adjust to finish 2 rows before M.1 is completed in height (so scarf is even on both sides). Knit 6 rows garter sts and cast off.
Pompom: Make 8 pompoms with a diameter of approx 5 cm. Sew 4 pompoms onto each end of scarf – see explanation page XX.

English translation for the diagram:

= K from RS, P from WS
= P from RS, K from WS
= Slip 3 sts onto cable needle to back of piece, K 3
K 3 from cable needle
Slip 7 sts onto cable needle
to back of piece, K7,
K7 from cable needle




Эту модель Вы можете связать On-line на форуме сайта "Knitting-Info.Ru": http://forum.knitting-info.ru/index.php?showtopic=35349

Источник: http://www.garnstudio.com/index_lang.php

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