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Бесплатные описания вязаных изделий: галстук от Drops Design

Crochet DROPS tie in “Fabel”

Crochet DROPS tie in “Fabel”
Materials: DROPS Fabel from Garnstudio
50 g colour no 672, dark red mix
DROPS crochet hook size 2.5 mm – or the hook you need to make 30 dc = 10 cm
Decreasing crochet sts: Crochet tog 2 sts to 1 sts: Crochet 1 dc, but wait pulling through last sts (= 2 threads on crochet hook), then crochet dc but when last pull through is made, pull yarn through all sts on crochet hook – now 1 sts is decreased.
Crochet pattern: In stead of crocheting dc in the 2 threads from sts under – crochet in the back most of the two threads – repeat all the way up along the tie.

Tie: Crochet in crochet pattern – see explanation.
Crochet 2 ch on crochet hook size 2.5 mm with Fabel.
1st row: Skip first ch st and crochet 2 dc in the ch st, , 2 ch, turn piece.
2nd row: 2 dc in each dc (= 4 dc on row), 2 ch st, turn piece.
3rd – 11th row: 2dc in first dc, crochet dc to last sts, crochet 2 dc in last dc, 2 ch st, turn piece.
12th row: Crochet 2 first dc tog (see explanation above), crochet dc until 2 sts are left, crochet last 2 dc tog (= in total 20 dc on this row), 2 ch st, turn piece.
13th row and continuing: Continue with dc and turn with 2 ch sts.
At the same time when piece measures 9 cm from tip repeat 12th row every 5 cm in total 5 times – then there are 10 dc on row, when piece measures approx 29 cm.
Continue over these 10 sts until tie measures approx 115 cm.

Last edge: Crochet one row around tie as follows: 1 dc, * 1 ch sts, skip approx 0.8 cm ahead – crochet 1 dc*. Repeat from *-*.


Перевод этого описания Вы можете найти на форуме сайта "Knitting-Info.Ru": http://forum.knitting-info.ru/index.php?showtopic=32858

Источник: http://www.garnstudio.com/index_lang.php

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