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[Text 579127 from CIS]

Добрый день всем!
некоторые из вас уже знают о той многообещающей теософической встречи на тему
синтеза наук и религий, внутреннего и внешнего здоровья, её проводит 
the National Research Center of Medical Sciences of Iran (NRCMSI-)

на страничке the National Research Center of Medical Sciences of Iran - Tehran
International Congress - Submission
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Там есть вся необходимая информация:

Submission Guidelines and Forms
Submissions for the 2006 Tehran International Congress may be submitted in the
following categories. (All submissions will undergo a blind review)

Those individuals interested may submit an abstract (maximum 800 words)
[DEADLINE December 5, 2005] of original conceptual or empirical research
manuscript for review and decision. 
The authors of the selected abstracts are asked to send the full length paper
(not to exceed 7000 words) [DEADLINE FEBRUARY 20, 2006].

RESEARCH-IN-PROGRESS SUBMISSIONS (discussing new ideas or work at an early
Those individuals interested may submit research-in-progress proposals
(abstracts) or a summary of tentative results of the study to date a 3000-3500
word paper (with no more than 2 figures/tables) by DEADLINE December 5, 2005
for inclusion in the conference proceedings.

Poster Submission
Max. 6 A4 Pages, [Deadline February 20, 2006]

Individuals interested in conducting a panel, workshop, symposium or tutorial
dealing with the main topics of the congress are invited to submit a 1500-2000
word proposal covering the objectives, issues to be covered, and the
names/addresses of any other panel, workshop, tutorial/symposium members (max.
4 members).DEADLINE December 5, 2005
Method of presentation is at the submitter's discretion, however the submitter
has the responsibility for providing his/her own participants (such as panel

Submissions in all categories must follow the following Guidelines: 
(Deadline for abstracts: December 5, 2005; Deadline for full length Papers:
FEBRUARY 20, 2006)
The manuscripts must be accompanied by the author's CV (or one paragraph
biography), the Submission form and Submission Details (see www.nrcms.ir). All
correspondence will be sent to the first author unless otherwise specified. 
All submissions should be submitted electronically in either MS Word, rich text
format (RTF) or PDF. (Note: If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledgment two
weeks after your electronic submissions, please contact the program chair).
Authors of accepted papers/panel/workshop/tutorial sessions, chairs and panel
members must register and attend the conference. 
Accepted Papers and posters may be scheduled for presentation at Roundtables
due to the Congress Program. 
All papers should be presented in Persian, Arabic or English.

Что касается моей темы,то я попытался соединить то,что слышал в лекциях об
уровнях сознания и то,что в философической литературе говорится о ступенях и
формах познания. Послал им своё творение,на что очень скоро пришёл ответ:

Дата:   05.01.06 07:11
От кого:        Shiva Khalili <khalili@nrcms.ir>     
Тема:   Tehran First International Congress on Dialogue between Science and

Thanks for your E-mail and your interest in taking part at the Tehran 
International Congress on Science and ReligionЦ Defining Life, the Person 
and HEalth . Hereby I confirm the receipt and acceptance of your abstract 
for the Congress . Please send us the full length paper as soon as possible
to forward to the members of the international scientific committee (form
of presentation: short paper/ long paper).
Please note that the deadline for abstract submission is extended until 
January 20, 2006, in the case you would like to inform your colleagues.
With Best Wishes
and looking forward to meeting you here in Tehran
Shiva Khalili

насчёт личного приезда - это навряд ли,финансы не те,но если они публикуют
присылаемые материалы,это тоже хорошо.
Так что всех желающих просят принять участие в этом разговоре,даже дату приёма
тезисов продлили до 20го. Так что предлагайте знакомым,если кто интересуется
проблемами интеграции знания и синтезом науки и религии.

Вот такие новости,по-моему,хорошие.
С наилучшими пожеланиями,

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