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WorldDX 167

WorldDX 167
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ
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Короткие Волны (Shortwaves)

Tried for HCJB Australia again March 16, 2008 0730-0930 UTC 11750 kHz.
Around 0824 hearing OM talking, but not enough above noise level to
understand. 0829 hearing talk and music. A radio drama? At 0850 heard
OM speaking in, I believe, Portuguese. Checked EiBi. Tentative Voz
Missionara from Brazil. HCJB Australia still not heard here.
(KG4LAC - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

2310 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, 1915-..., 15 Mar, oldies & modern pops, news
1930; 35433. (Goncalves)

2325 VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 1904-..., 15 Mar, cf. // 2310 VL8A; 35433.

2485 VL8K, Katherine NT, 1920-..., 15 Mar, cf. 2310 VL8A; too weak, noisy &
with sporadic USB QRM. (Goncalves)

6020 R.Australia, Shepperton VIC, 1016-1050, 17 Mar, Pidgin to PNGuinea,
pops, news 1030, more music; 35433 but useless by 1050 though still audible
after 1100 when airing prgr in English. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

9590 Radio Australia; 1445, 14-Mar; EE feature on Vietnam
era protests. SIO=3+33+, bubbler jammer--against who? //9475
(H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/03/2008)

15400 HCJB-Australia, 1115-1120, March 21, Mandarin,
talk by male & female, 21431 (strong QRM from other station in english in
same frequency),
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

5960 China Radio Int'l; 2122, 18-Mar; M&W in EE discussion of
extra-marital affairs (AND! there are over 1.2 billion Chinese folks!).
SIO=333; //7285, SIO=444-, also via Albania. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/03/2008)

>> Слушаю на 6035кГц новости, до этого была музыка и в 13.00UTC сказали
>> точное время в Беларуси. Белорусское радио? Откуда вещают?
>> Спасибо!
> //6115кГц, хуже.

Дмитрий, вообще-то частота 6035 для 1-го канала Белорусского радио
нехарактерная, в расписании станции на КВ указаны 6010, 6040, 6070,
6190, 7110, 7145, 7235 - через Брест и 6080, 6090, 6115 - через
Минск-Колодищи. Поэтому откуда вещают - не ясно.

Что же касается меня, то на 6035 БР-1 не слышал ни разу, а вот на 6115
оно присутствует практически всегда, причём принимаетя очень хорошо
(ещё бы, в Минске из Минска:). (Алексей Зиневич, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 19/03/2008)

После 14.00 в упор не слышал. В 14.30 включилось Польское радио на
белорусском. Белорусское радио присутствовало на обычных частотах
6010, 6040, 6070, 6080, 6115, 6190 кГц.

Диапазон 49 м 19.03.2008 1430-1500 UTC:

5815 LTU/IRN VoIRoI Rus 4 5 5 4 4
5830 UKR RUI Ukr 5 5 5 4 4
5840 MRA/USA RFA Can 3 3 4 3 3
5855 MRA/USA RFA Vie 3 5 4 3 3
5865 TJK/USA YFR Hin 4 5 4 3 3
5890 MRA/USA VOA Kor 4 4 5 4 4
5905 CHN CRI Rus 4 5 4 3 3
5910 IRN VoIRoI Ben 3 4 4 3 3
5915 CHN CRI Mon 4 4 4 3 3
5920 RUS/USA YFR Eng 2 4 3 3 2
5930 RUS RR Rus 3 4 4 3 3
5940 RUS VoR Rus 5 5 5 4 4
5945 RUS VoR-C Rus 3 3 4 3 3
5950 NZL RNZI Eng 4 4 4 3 3 (!)
5960 CHN XJ PBS Chi 4 4 4 4 4
5965 CHN CRI Kor 3 3 4 3 3
5970 RUS/USA YFR Kan 4 4 4 4 4 (tent.)
5980 TUR? VoT? 2 3 3 3 2 (tent.)
5990 CHN CRI Mon 3 2 4 3 2 QRM VoIRoI?
6000 SNG? R.Singapore? Chi 4 5 4 4 4
6005 RUS? VoR? Kor?2 2 3 3 2
6010 BLR BR 1 Bel 3 3 4 2 2 Брест
6015 CHN CNR 8? Kaz 4 4 4 3 3
6020 RUS/USA YFR Tel 5 4 5 4 4
6025 HNG Kossuth R. Hun 4 4 4 4 4
6030 --- каша, ничего не разобрать
6035 D/POL Polskie R. Bel 4 4 4 3 3
6040 BLR BR 1 Bel 4 2 4 3 2 Гродно; QRM VOA + CNR
6050 CHN? XZ PBS? 2 2 3 3 2 (tent.)
6055 THA/CZE R.Liberty Kaz 4 4 4 3 3
6060 CHN? Sichuan PBS? Chi?2 3 3 3 2 (согласно Аоки, НР Сычуани на
6065 CHN? CNR 2? 2 2 3 3 2 (tent.)
6070 BLR BR 1 Bel 4 4 4 3 3 Брест
6075 G/D DW Ger 3 3 4 3 3
6080 BLR BR 1 Bel 4 2 4 3 2 Колодищи; QRM R.Australia
6085 --- unID
6095 KOR/G? BBC? Chi 2 2 4 3 2 QRM CNR (jamming)
6105 PHL/USA VOA Eng 4 4 4 4 4 (special English)
6115 BLR BR 1 Bel 4 4 5 4 4 Колодищи
6120 CHN XJ PBS Uig 4 4 4 3 3
6130 CHN XZ PBS Tib 3 4 4 3 3
6135 SNG/G? BBC? Vie?2 3 3 2 2 (tent.)
6140 OMA/G BBC Hin 3 4 4 3 3
6150 SNG 938 Live Eng 4 4 4 4 4 (!)
6155 AUT Ger 4 4 4 3 3
(Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 19/03/2008)

Прием на указанных мною частотах велся через сеть global tuners.
Приемник: Icom PCR-1500, антенна - EWE. QTH - Kristianstad, Sweden.
Частота - 6035кГц (100%). SINPO был - 55444. Ошибки быть не могло.
(Дмитрий Пузанов, Казахстан - open_dx 19/03/2008)

4111,64 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 2240-2300, March 09, spanish,
Very long catholic talk in spanish by female, New frequency!!!, 24332
Transmitte froma Parroquia Nuestra Senora de la Candelaria (Misioneros
General Manager: P. Estanislao Odroniec, //89,5 Mhz
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

4865 R.Logos via R.Centenario, St? Cruz de la Sierra, 2256-2302, 15 Mar,
Castilian, talks; 34322, QRM de 2 Braz. stns, the strongest of which was
almost certainly R.Alvorada. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

4716.68, Radio Yura, 0050-0115, March 17, Spanish
talk. Wide variety of Spanish pops/ballads. Rustic local music.
Weak. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

3255 R.Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri AC, 2337-2346, 16 Mar, songs; 35332.

4825 R.Educadora, Braganca PA, 2309-2323, 15 Mar, pops; 44333. (Goncalves)

4865 R.Alvorada (t), Londrina PR, 2303-2314, 15 Mar, list of affilitated
stns, e.g. R.Imaculada Conceicao, religious prgr; 34342, QRM de BOL + B.

4885 R.Club do Para, Belem PA, 2008-..., 15 Mar, f/ball match rpt & related
infos, IDs; 25332 but improving as usual. (Goncalves)

4915 R.Dif?, Macapa AP, 2015, 15 Mar, chatter often mentioning Macapa;
15321. This one usually fades in at the same time as R.Club do Para 4885,
but is also usually weaker. (Goncalves)

5035 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2233-2253, 15 Mar, music, rosary at 2250;
44333. I tried parallel 6135 but no chance due to QRM, and the signal on
9630 was vy. poor also with QRM. (Goncalves)

5045 Guaruja FM, Presidente Prudente SP, 2231-2249, 16 Mar, talks abt.
f/ball; 35332. (Goncalves)

6039.8 R.Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 2347-2355, 16 Mar, f/ball match rpt;
22441. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

4915 ZYF360 Radio Macapa; 0331-0338+, 20-Mar; M ancr in PP
w/camp'o tunes; ID spot @0332 with 3 mentions of Radio Macapa.
SIO=433, swiper QRM. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 21/03/2008)

6035, Buthan, Bhutan BS, Thimphu; 21-Mar Dzongkha 0050 sitar and voice music, female talks returning same type music, 0056 male and female talks maybe outside,

0057-0100 short music, male talks. 32333 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

Буркина Фасо
7230 R.Burkina, Ouagadougou, 1311-..., 16 Mar, French, news bulletin; 25342,
so unusually weak as compared to many midday obs. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

5030, Burkina Faso, R.Burkina, Ouagadougou; 20-Mar Dialect 2257 slow and melodic pop music by female, 2300 time pips, female pres. time anmts and news, female

alternating short male talks, 2314 by the intonation end of news, short music and another programme anmts by female, 2316-2319 pop music. 33333
(Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

4777 RD.TV Gabonaise, "R.Gabon", Melen, 1619-..., 16 Mar, French, end of
match rpt. followed by Afr. pops; 15441 & improving; could not observe s/off
time of 1700. (Goncalves)

14540 (harmonic of 7270) RD.TV Gabonaise, "R.Gabon", Melen, around noon, 15
Mar, French; 35433 except during sporadic amateur QRM. Inaudible on the
fundamental. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

Once again, 3340 with open carrier instead of HRMI programming,
March 20 at 0532 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

4780 R.TV de Djibouti, Arta, 1709-1728, 17 Mar, Vernacular, chanting; 55433.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

Доминиканская Республика
5009.75 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Radio Cristal Internacional/Radio Pueblo transmitter,
Santo Domingo; 2314-2354 14 March, 2008. This is a tentative for certain, but
it would seem to be the one so I'm sticking it here. Not sure when they were
last active. Tune-in to songs by baritone Spanish vocalist with sparse
instrumental accompaniment, seemingly canned male briefly at 2322, 2328, 2338,
brief female vocal and into some kind of discussion by two guys with one
"Dominicana" reference. I left the room from 2354-2357, and upon return, this
had signed off. Telco-ish audio. No Radio Madigasikara running overnight
tonight, otherwise I doubt this would have made it. A check at 2340 on 15 March
and 16 March at 2335 had nothing here. Time to check local weekdays next.
(Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

5009.77 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Radio Cristal Internacional/Radio Pueblo transmitter,
Santo Domingo; 2352-0000* 17 March, 2008. A follow-up to my initial 14 March
log (and no trace of this on local Saturday and Sunday, between this log). By
the time I got to the radio after doing other chores, this was indeed on again
(local Monday). The same odd slow Spanish male vocals with sparse instrumental
backup, not Christian though. Abruptly off mid-song at 0000. Signal pretty
good, though modulation a little low. Anyone else hearing this (Atlantic
seaboard, south Florida or Costa Rica should be trying for it)? Like my initial
log, I will keep this as tentative until confirmed. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

5009.78, Radio Cristal Internacional-
Radio Pueblo, Santo Domingo, 2320-2400*, March 19, Tentative.
Spanish announcements. LA music. Spanish ballads. Fair to good
signal strength but somewhat low modulation. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 20/03/2008)

5009.78, Radio Cristal Internacional,
Santo Domingo, 2312-0002*, March 20-21, LA music. Spanish
ballads. Steel drum music. Spanish announcements. Call letters
and "Radio Cristal Internacional" IDs at 2356 & 0000. Good signal
strength but modulation could be a little stronger. No sign of
Madagascar but they were heard 1½ hours later. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

9430, CVC, Lusaka, 0510-0535, March 19, lite pop music.
ID. English news about violence in Tibet. Poor to fair. Tnx to Glenn
Hauser for tip. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 19/03/2008)

9430, CVC, Lusaka, 0500-0559, March 20, English
"Scope" news & current affairs program. Pop music. "CVC" IDs.
Contact information. Threshold level at sign on but slowly improved
to a good signal strength by sign off. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 20/03/2008)

9430, March 17 at 0544, interview in English about status of women
in India; interviewer had Oz accent, so it must be Zambia! Yes, CVC scheduled
from Lusaka at 05-06 on 9430, 315 degrees, headed our way beyond West Africa.
Good signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

5915, ZNBC-Radio 1, Lusaka, 0243-0310, March 21,
Fish Eagle IS. Choral National Anthem at 0250. Local drums &
vernacular talk at 0252. Local religious music at 0257. Good signal.
(Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

6165, ZNBC-Radio 2, Lusaka, 0243-0252, March 21,
Fish Eagle IS. Instrumental National Anthem at 0250. Very weak
under Radio Netherland. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

6973.005 ISRAEL Galei Zahal, Lod; 0050-0230 16 March, 2008. "Marblemouth
Jewman", the totally coolest jock out there -- and he sounds like he's about
65-years-old -- is in the seat tonight (he's usually, but not always, on GMT
Sundays around this time and forward). He always comes up with multiple themes
or angles, if you're sharp enough to pick up on it. Three or four songs by the
same artist this time (for awhile), with The Mamas & the Pappas followed by
Roger Whittaker. Then, Scott Walker "I Get A Kick Out of You" into Frank &
Nancy Sinatra "Something Stupid" (get it here? Frank covered "I Get A Kick Out
of You" -- now that was shockingly clever as hell of Marblemouth, to throw
Scott Walker into the headgame). Later, female covers of other rocker-penned
songs (The Carpenters covering "This Masquerade" written by Leon Russell, and
Melanie's cover of "Ruby Tuesday" penned by Mick Jagger & Keith Richard[s]).
The latter may have been a difficult choice for Marblemouth: he could have used
Marianne Faithfull's cover instead. A couple of Johnny Nash reggae songs, a
Buddy Holly song, and Tommy Roe's "Dizzy" (OK, he finally lost me here on the
theme or links; so he finally wins but I think I did pretty good). If IBA did
in fact cease on shortwave, how much longer until this one follows? What a loss
it will be. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

15785 ISRAEL Galei Zahal, Lod; 1248-1302+ 16 March, 2008. Strong and alone,
Hebrew folk and ballads, the usual multiple canned ID jingles before the hour,
Galei Zahal music theme, single time sounder 1300 into two minute world news
summary ion Hebrew. Still quite strong at 1527 recheck. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

5000, Galei Zahal, Tel Aviv, 2130-2220, March 17,
Hebrew talk. Local pop music. Ballads. Canned announcements.
Barely audible but improving. // 6973-but with a slight delay. Tnx to
tip from Roland Schulze & Anker Petersen. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

6973 ISRAEL. Galei Zahal, 0025, 03/18/08, Hebrew. Male DJ playing Israeli and Western pop/classic rock. Reported new // 5000 USB not heard. Fair w/storm QRN.

(Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

Сегодня в ~12.27 UTC (14.27 по Минску) принимал на 15330 музыку, сначала академическую, позже явно фольклёрную, чем то напомнило китайцев. Станцию

опознать не удалось :-( Приём на 3-4 балла, плавающий сигнал. Интересно что это было? Музыка интересная.

Чуть позже перестроился на 15760. Играли известные песни давно минувших лет... явный формат "Мировой Oldies", песни Yellow River и другие известные, годов

70-х. Невольно вспомнил я радиостанцию BIG L 1395 khz, которую кстати в Минске по утрам можно принимать довольно регулярно. Кто-нибудь принимает?
Примерно после 40 минуты песни прервались ID-шкой станции - если ничего не путаю - это был KOL ISRAEL! Интересно прав ли я:-) Приём почти не менялся,

станция шла по сути на твёрдую пятёрку. (Евгений Токарь, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 19/03/2008)

>Невольно вспомнил я радиостанцию BIG L 1395 khz, которую кстати в Минске по
>утрам можно принимать довольно регулярно. Кто-нибудь принимает?

Да, в Полтаве Биг Л также частенько слышно по утрам, обычно до 3 ЮТС, пока
на частоту не выходит Армения с не очень хорошим, мягко говоря, сигналом.
Пару месяцев назад отправил голландским англичанам рапорт по имэйл, но пока
глухо. (Андрей Волошко, Полтава, Украина - open_dx 19/03/2008)

Насчёт 15330 кГц вероятно FEBC Manila, но детали программы о которых вы писали не особо напоминают формат религиозных вещателей.

15330 FEBC MANILA 1215-1230 1234567 Lisu 100 293 Bocaue PHL

А на 15760 кГц конечно же "Голос Израиля", передача на иврите.

15760 ISRAEL RADIO 1130-1400 1234567 Hebrew 250 318 Tel Aviv-Yavne ISR
(Александр Дядищев, Украина - open_dx 20/03/2008)

> 15760 ISRAEL RADIO 1130-1400 1234567 Hebrew 250 318 Tel Aviv-Yavne ISR

Это Reshet Bet, музыкальными передачами которой я увлекался уже лет
тридцать. К сожалению, если верить сообщениям, она может исчезнуть из
эфира 31 марта. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 21/03/2008)

4790 INDONESIA. RRI Fak Fak, 1200-1210, 3/17/2008, Bahasa. IS
(Song of the Coconut Islands) followed by talk by man. Poor signal
(SINPO 24222). Other Indonesian carriers noted today, but only Fak
Fak and Makassar (4750) had sufficient audio to understand program
content. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 18/03/2008)

3987.05 INDONESIA. RRI Manokwari, 1244-1249, 3/19/2008, Bahasa.
Indonesian pop music. Talk by woman at 1249. Poor signal (SINPO
23222). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 18/03/2008)

3995.04 INDONESIA. RRI Kendari, 1244-1249, 3/19/2008, Bahasa.
Indonesian pop music. Talk by man at 1249. Poor signal with heavy
ARO interference (SINPO 22222). (Jim Evans, TN)

4604.95 INDONESIA. RRI Serui, 1246-1250, 3/19/2008, Bahasa. Talk
by woman. Poor but readable signal (SINPO 24222). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 20/03/2008)

4605.00, RRI Serui, 0854-0905 Noted music at tune in until 0856.
At that time a male begins in Indonesian comments. At 0857, music commences
again and no break on the hour, just a continous stream of music. Signal
was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 20/03/2008)

13801.545 IRAN Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Zahedan; 1410-1428* 15
March, 2008. Nonstop discussion by man and woman in Arabic, abruptly off
mid-sentence. Clear and fair. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

On March 19th 0530-1430:
Odd 13789.96KAM and 13801.00ZAH kHz.

Also Azeri nominal 6200 1430-1657 seems odd 6201.95SIR kHz oscillating.
Remaining 17 channels in 1430-1500 UT slot rather on or near even xx.00 kHz.

Arabic 1630-0527 UT on March 19th now on 6201.95 ... 6202.06SIR kHz.

[previously also on 6065..66v hitting R Sweden: IRIB Sirjan Telefunken 500
kW beast in Arabic wandered again to odd 6066.39 kHz Febr 26, 6066.87 Febr
29, but wanders oscillating around 30 Hertz.]

German 1730-1827 on odd 7380.09KAM.
All other IRIB on even channel, also French 7380.00SIR at 1830 UT.
(W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 19/03/2008)

9760, Cyprus BC Corp, Limassol, 2215-2245, March 16
sign on with Greek music. Greek opening announcements. Radio-drama.
Greek folk music. Sign off with Greek music. Very good at sign on but
slowly deteriorated to a weak signal by sign off. // 7210-mixing with a
somewhat stronger China Radio Int. // 6180-weak under Brazil.
Fri, Sat, Sun only. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

4900 CHINA. Voice of the Strait (Fuzhou), 1257-1300, 3/17/2008,
Chinese. Talk by woman. Time pips on the hour followed by talk by
man. Very poor signal, barely above the noise. (Jim Evans, TN)

4950 CHINA. Voice of Pujiang (Shanghai), 1235-1237, 3/17/2008,
Chinese. Talk by man. Very poor signal, occasionally peaking above
noise level. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 18/03/2008)

4905 CHINA (TIBET). Xizang PBS (Lhasa), 1204-1225, 3/18/2008,
Tibetan. Talk by man and woman. Poor but readable signal (SINPO
24222). Deteriorating significantly by 1225. Parallel 4920 noted
with weaker signal. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 18/03/2008)

7110 CHINA. CNR-1 (Shijiazhuang), 1232-1235, 3/18/2008, Chinese.
Talk by woman. Upbeat traditional music with the sounds of children
talking. Good signal (SINPO 34333). Parallel 7290 (Beijing) noted
with much weaker signal. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 18/03/2008)

7345, CHINA, CNR-1 Beijing, 1126-1134, Mar 18,
Mandarin. Ad string; ID at BoH followed by W w/ nx &
soundbites; poor-fair listening in ECCS-LSB.
(S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 19/03/2008)

6115, Haixia Zhi Shenq(Voice of the Strait), 0910-0920, With a female
in Chinese
Language comments. She's possibly speaking about happenings in Tibet, since
a sound
bite of crowds yelling is heard in background. Comments continue. Signal
was fair. (Chuck Bollaand, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/03/2008)

6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 0650-0805, 17-03,
programa religioso, comentarios por locutor habitual y por locutora,
identificacion: "La Voz de tu Conciencia", canciones. Se escucha, por
detras, muy debil, Radio Mil. 23322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 17/03/2008)

This morning station LV de Tu Conciencia,Pt Lleras Colombia ,good on 6009.96khz ,0640utc 20/3 .With full id as "La voice de conciencia de colombia" good and clear

audio ,strong signal 44444 (Maurits V.D., Belgium - hard-core-dx 20/03/2008)

Marfil Estéreo, 5910, underneath Russian at 0534 March
20, and making a low het with it. That`s DW via Rampisham scheduled at
0500-0630, 48 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

4450, Korean Natl Democratic Front, 1041+, March 21, Korean,
talk by female, 24332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

6003.0, R Echo of Hope, 1100-1105, March 21, Korean,
s/on, identification, news or talk by male, short music, announcement by
female, 24332
//6348 Khz with 32432 (strong jamming)
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

Коста Рика
9764 COSTA RICA Radio Exterior de Espana, Cariari de Poroci; 0022-0028 18 March,
2008. As reported by several others before me as being off-channel here.
Spanish male discussion. Memo to engineer: if you bump this back to 9765, also
fix the low modulation. Or better yet, close down this relay site.
(Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

15125 Radio Espana; 1918-1924+, 18-Mar; M&W is SS w/world
news features; IDd as RE @1924+ instead of REdE. SIO=322; need LSB to
minimize excessive SS Bible thumpage from 15130 Family Radio.
(H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/03/2008)

11680 Radio Nacional de Venezuela; 1506, 14-Mar; EE news de Venezuela;
mentioned the Minister of Internal Power & Justice & Minister
of Energy & Popular Power. SS & EE IDs @1512 into EE news de Hugo.
SIO=4+54 (Frodge-MI)
15290 Radio Nacional de Venezuela; 1906, 18-Mar; SS ID y noticias de
Hugo. SIO=4+54 (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/03/2008)

17885 Radio Kuwait, 1106-1110, March 21, Tegalog,
World news by female, 34443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

21695, Voice of Africa, 1515-1600*, March 17, noted back
on the air after being off the past several days. English programming
with local pop music. IDs. Program at 1521 about local geography.
News at 1528. Readings from the Green Book at 1536. Good. Strong.
Weak // 17725. But by sign off 17725 was strong and 21695 was
weak. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

5010, Madagascar, R.TV Malagasy, Antananarivo; 16-Mar Malagasy 2246-2257 French and Vernacular slow music, sometimes a hilife, 2248 canned ID. Strong 54444

(Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

5010, RTV Malagasy, 2345-0045+, March 16-17,
Irregular lately. Wide variety of local pop music, local ballads, and
Euro-pop music. Remakes of US pop music. Very little talk. Fair.
Suppressed carrier USB. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

5009.98, MADAGASCAR, RTV Malagasy, 0146-0209, Mar 18,
French. Up-tempo mx thru ToH by same musical group; W
at 0202 followed by anthem/choral-like mx; talk b/w
musical bits w/ passing mention of "Antananarivo";
fair; reduced carrier USB. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 19/03/2008)

7120 Radio Sweden; 2130-2140+, 18-Mar; Chris Boswell w/EE ID &
Swedish Radio News--much on China Olympics/Tibet. SIO=3+33,
QRM is co-channel, but weaker. (Frodge-MI)
11610 Voice of the (Zimbabwe) People (t); 1753-1755*, 17-Mar; 2M dis-
cussion in EE; tent. VotP ID @s/off. SIO=332, QRM was music
jammer, sounding like an orchestra tuning up--seemed like a few
second bit repeated. Jammer continued past 1800. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/03/2008)
5010 Radio Madagasikara; 0314-0327+, 20-Mar; W ancr In
LL--sounds like a mix of FF & something else, or possibly alterating
LLs; EE pop tunes--not Western versions. ID by W @0317+ as Radio
Madagasikara & by M @0325+ as Radio Madagascar. SIO=353 (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 21/03/2008)

5010, RTV Malagasy, 0135-0210, March 21,
an eclectic mix of local music, ballads, local children’s chorus,
Euro-pop music. Fair to good. Suppressed carrier USB.
(Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

6049.65 MALAYSIA (SARAWAK). RTM (presumed), 1307-1309, 3/19/2008,
Malaysian. Very tentative log of woman talking under HCJB's talk and
music. Noted carriers for other Malaysian stations this morning, but
could not extract audio. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 20/03/2008)

15345, very undermodulated talk in Arabic, March 17 at 2006; no
comparison with audio on 15315 Bonaire, for instance. This must be RTVM, as in
EiBi, tho it hides out from HFCC, as does RAE Argentina, which did not even
figure as a het at this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

6010 MEXICO Radio Mil, Mexico DF; 1214-1217 16 March, 2008. Strong and alone with live-read slogan IDs by man, into Spanish ballads.
(Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

6240, PRIDNESTROVIE, WYFR via Grigoriopol, 2015-2035,
Mar 18, English. "Family Bible Reading Fellowship" w/
M reading Scripture; fair w/ mild fades. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 19/03/2008)

4830 MONGOLIA. Mongolian Radio (very tentative), 1235-1305+, 03/18/08. Male and female announcers alternating reading items like a newscast, mostly faded by about

1255. Presumed this was going to stay UNID w/both AIR-Jammu and Mongolia as possibilities, until I heard faint time pips at 1300, which would seem odd for AIR at :30

local time offset. Only other seeming possibility is China Huayi BC, listed at this time in Passport but not Aoki or EiBi, and marked inactive in WRTH, so probably a long

shot. Poor w/ample storm static. (Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

4770 R.Nigeria, Kaduna, 1621-..., 16 Mar, English, prgr on tourism in
Nigeria; 24442. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

9690, NIGERIA, R. Nigeria Ikorodu, 0815-0833, Mar 18,
Hausa. Two M w/ phone coversation; numerous mentions
of Nigeria; ancr until Talking Drums at 0829; W ancr
b/w indigenous mx bits; fair; deteriorating rapidly at
BoH. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 19/03/2008)

о-в Вознесения
9525, Cotton Tree News via Ascension,
0734-0738, March 18, news in English (items about the "Love One
Another Campaign" and the building developments at the Freetown YMCA,
which should be completed in a few months), IDs "This is CTN,
Freetown" and "CTN – now the news in local languages", fair (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 19/03/2008)

15100 Radio Pakistan, 1048+, March 21, Urdu,
transmission for West Europe, very nice local songs, 34433
//17835 with 23332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

9965 PALAU. T8BZ (KHBN) (Koror) (presumed), 1301-1325, 3/19/2008,
Chinese. Man with deliberate religious talk. Short musical
selection at 1324, then talk by man and woman. Surprisingly good
signal (SINPO 33333). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 20/03/2008)

9965, PALAU, T8BZ, 1154-1203, Mar 18, Mandarin.
Reliable format of ballads; M & W at 1158; lite
instrumental mx & W w/ presumed ID at ToH; M w/ talk
thru tune-out; poor; it's been a while since
propagation has let this signal reach N.H.
(S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 19/03/2008)

Папуа Новая Гвинея
3905 PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Radio New Ireland (Kavieng), 1226-1236,
3/17/2008, Pidgin (?). Island pop music with short announcments by
woman. Moderate signal (SINPO 32333). The only PNG with a decent
signal this morning. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 18/03/2008)

7325v PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Wantok R Light (presumed), 1225-1310+, 03/17/08. Weakly audible just off-frequency underneath IBRA until their 1230 signoff, then alone

w/clear gospel music and occasional announcments that regrettably never quite got far enough above the noise to be intelligble. Still probably the best WRL reception here

to date. Mostly poor. Only very weak audio heard 03/18, but 90m PNGs were quite weak/nonexistent also. (Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

3225 PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Radio Bouganville (Buka) (presumed),
1216-1230, 3/16/2008, Pidgin. Man talking, possibly joined by second
man. Religious sounding music. Very poor signal with fading. Have
been hearing a carrier on this frequency for the past week, but no
extractable audio until today. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 19/03/2008)

3275 PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Radio Southern Highlands (Mendi) (presumed),
1219-1230, 3/16/2008, Pidgin. Slow religious sounding music followed
by talk by woman. Poor signal, at noise threshold, in generally good
PNG reception conditions. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 19/03/2008)

3235 R. West New Britain(presumed), 3260 R. Madang(presumed), 3275 R. Southern Highlands(presumed), 3315 R. Manus(presumed), 3345 R. Northern(presumed). 3385

R. East New Britain(presumed), and 3905 R. New Ireland(presumed). These stations began to sneak above the noise and static levels with announcements and island

music from 1015 initial tune-in. Peak signals heard in the 20 minutes pre and post sunrise at 1115 to 1155. First time since pre 2007 that this many PNGs logged on same

day at my QTH. (S. Bass, Ohio, USA - CumbreDX 19/03/2008)

5014, Peru, R Altura, Cerro de Pasco; 18-Mar Spanish 2323-2337 programme about education and correlated things, male "...convoca el concurso...con la

documentacion...", 2326 male "... prevencion ao abuso infantil...", 2331 ads. 44444 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - hard-core-dx 19/03/2008)

5014.32, Radio Altura, Cerro de Pasco, 0410-0500*,
March 19, Spanish announcements, IDs. Peruvian music. Canned
announcements. Abrupt sign off. Fair. On later than usual & reception
better than usual. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 19/03/2008)

5460.44, Radio Emisora Bolivar, 2344-0010, Barely audible with music
and chatter.
Signal drops into the noise regularly. By 2355, signal is starting to
improve where the
fading has ceased and copy is solid, although still very weak. Music is
still the main
commodity being presented at 2357. At 0006 a male in Spanish comments.
was poor during listening period. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 21/03/2008 and via dxldyg)

4857, Peru, R. La Hora, Cusco; 20/21-Mar Spanish 2350 good Cuban selections, 0003 ID by female and talks, 0004 music sounding like Opera, 0006 audio off, 0007 carrier

off. Time of sign in/off is uncertain but everyday around 2300-0030, 23322 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

7280 Deutsche Welle relay; 2125, 18-Mar; ID as DW Radio; M&W in EE w/world news features. SIO=322 (Frodge-MI)
15275 Deutsche Welle relay; 1908-1915+, 18-Mar; News Link, EE world news features & many IDs. SIO=454-, fady
(H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/03/2008)

7320, GTRK Magadan, 0710-0720, March 19, in Russian, their
local programming, perhaps scheduled "latest news", singing jingle
(assume station jingle), bothered here by local noise, needs better
conditions to attempt ID, // 5935 (poor, mixing with WWCR). Pre-0710
and post-0720 had R. Rossii programming, // 6075. ID for R. Rossii at
0710, just before change over to their local programming. Website <
http://www.magtrk.ru/otp.htm > (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 19/03/2008)

7320, GTRK Magadan, 0710-0724, March 20, in Russian, with
their local programming, sounded like the news, // 5935 (poor, under
WWCR). Pre-0710 and post-0724 had R. Rossii programming, IDs for R.
Rossii just before and after their local programming. Still could not
make out their local ID (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 20/03/2008)

9735, RWANDA, Deutsche Welle via Kigali, 1957-2015,
Mar 18, Portuguese/English. End of PT service; EG at
ToH w/ "Duetsche Welle Radio News" re GM Chancellor
speaking before Israeli Parliement; "Newslink" prg at
2005 w/ same; fair. (S. Barbour, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 19/03/2008)

6015 ROMANIA Radio Romania International, Galbeni; 2310-2314 14 March, 2008.
Tune-in to English male with a long and boring list of Hotbird, etc. satellites
and mobile phone options for listening (probably soft prepping the listeners for
the eventual closing of shortwave). At least four minutes of this blather,
rather than real programming, which prompted a fast tune-out. They may as well
cease their shoddy shortwave transmitters if this is the plate of crap they now
spew. Fair. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

о-в Сван
7082LSB SWAN ISLAND. HQ8R, 0335, 03/18/08. HQ8R Swan Island DXpedition working N. American hams, op gave the wrong callsign several times, then apologized

saying he'd been on a boat for 30 hours. Fair to good. (Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

4775 Trans-World Radio; 0339-0344+, 20-Mar; IS + "This is
Trans-World Swaziland" repeated in EE to LL s/on @0340. Don't know the
LL, but heard "fornicate"! SIO=3+23-, swiper QRM, much better in SSB.
(H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 21/03/2008)

Сейшельские о-ва
6005 SEYCHELLES BBC World Service, Mahe; 2148-2159* 16 March, 2008. "World of
Music" program with tango, old French and Trinidad soca songs, upcoming program
promo and abruptly off. Fair, with possible Albania weakly underneath.
Presumed site. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

6890 ALASKA. KNLS (Anchor Point), 1300-1303, 3/16/2008, Chinese.
IS (multiple) followed by talk by man and religious music. Poor
signal (SINPO 24222) with rather low audio. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 19/03/2008)

11540 Radio Free Asia, 1015-1020, March 21, Tibetan,
New transmission from March 17 from TIN 250 kW / 295 deg,
interview & report, 33433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

4976 R.Uganda, Kampala, 2018-2039, 16 Mar, English, Afr. pops in phone-in
prgr; 35433. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

9615, Radio Veritas Asia, 1140-1155*, March 19,
tune-in to listed Mandarin. Short English segment at 1144 with story
about Bobby Fischer. Back to Mandarin at 1149. English ID announcement
at 1155 & off. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 19/03/2008)

4905 RD.Natle. Tchadienne, Grevia, 1712-..., 17 Mar, Arabic, news; 45433.
Has been noted off some evenings, and inactive/inaudible on daytime outlet
of 6165. I did try their other outlet, 7120, but bad propagation conditions
did not help at all, to a point that other 41 m band Afr. stns are putting
vy. modest signals. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 17/03/2008)

4904.97, RNT, 2205-2232*, March 19, French talk. Afro-pop
music at 2230. National Anthem at 2231 & off. On later than usual.
Sign off usually around 2130. Fair to good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 20/03/2008)

6050 HCJB, Pifo, 1032-1040, March 21, Waodani
(Ecuador minority language), prayer, music, song, 33433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

5950, Voice of Tigrey Revolution, Mekele, 0350-0420,
March 17, tune-in to Horn of Africa music. Amharic talk at 0401.
Surprisingly stronger than co-channel Radio Taiwan Int.via
Okeechobee, Florida. Weaker on // 6170. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

7110, ETHIOPIA, R. Ethiopia Addis Ababa, 2036-2102*,
Mar 18, vernacular. Continuous HoA mx until ancr at
2054; techno mx bit & M at 2056, same mx bit at 2059
followed by ancr w/ s/off ancment & NA until 2101;
carrier off at 2102; fair-good. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 19/03/2008)

США/Ю. Флорида
530 Cuban(4) with bits of presumed RVCI Turks & Caicos (1.5) in its null
540 Jumble (2) of 2-3 stations dominated by woman in Spanish possibly //560
560 Cuban, in WQAM null (4)
570 Reloj (4)
590 Cuba, (5) running classical music show, "Radio Musical Nacional" ID, another SS in its null
620 R Rebelde (5) loud with distorted audio
630 Cuban, don't recall which network (2)
640 R Progreso, (3) in WMEN null
670 Cuban (3.5) //620 with WWFE nulled
680 Cuban (2.5) //670
690 R Progreso (4), //730/750
710 R Rebelde (5) with WAQI nulled
730 Progreso (3.5) //750/690
750 Progreso (5), sounding much stronger than listed 1kw
790 Reloj ticker (2) in WAXY null
810 Bahamas, ZNS3 (4)
820 Reloj (3) in null of domestic SS station
840 Unid SS (4), probably Dobleve but didn't hear ID
850 Reloj (3) mixing with WFTL-West Palm Beach
860 Reloj (5)
870 Reloj (3) o/unid domestic
880 Progreso (3)
890 Progreso (5)
910 R Metropolitana (5), Habana, relaying Progreso network until 1800, then broke away for local programming with Metropolitana ID.
930 Reloj (3) with unid domestic in background
950 Reloj (5)
960 Reloj (1), morse code "RR" noted several times under unid domestic with standards music. Nothing else audible.
970 WFLA, Tampa (3.5), talk show and "970wfla.com" ID. At approx 220 miles, this was the most distant domestic I IDed. There may have been others from

Tampa-St Pete area or farther locations, but I was concentrating on Cubans and generally didn't pursue domestics.
980 Cuban (5) with news format, probably CMCK (Coco, Peridico del Aire) but never heard an ID
990 Spanish (3), probably Cuba
1060 Cuba (5), listed as CMDX but didn't hear ID, noted with several Bob Marley tunes in early afternoon, had sports event later
1070 Cuba //1060 (2)
1080 Cuba //1100 (4) o/unid US station
1100 Cuba (5), apparently R Cadena Habana but didn't heard ID, //1080/1120
1120 Cuba (4) //1100
1180 Radio Marti (5+), loudest and closest station, splattering 1160-1200, Unid Cuban underneath
1190 Unid (2) SS with tropical music, not sure if Cuban or domestic
1320 Cuba (3), Bob Marley music //1060
1340 Radio Ciudad del Mar, Palmira (5), two "CMFL, Radio Ciudad del Mar" IDs at 1600, then alternating anmts by man & woman //1350. A few minutes earlier they ran

what sounded like a religious talk, a man with frequent mentions of "Cristo" & music I would normally associate with Christian radio shows. Unfortunately, I don't know

enough Spanish to understand what he was saying. It certainly seemed like unusual programming for a Cuban station..
1350 Radio Ciudad del Mar //1340 (3) with unid station in background
1450 Radio Guines (5), definite ID at 1558
1540 Unid SS station with opera (4), Radio Sagua listed, r&b music from presumed ZNS1 Nassau (3) in its null
(Bruce Churchill, USA - hard-core-dx 18/03/2008)
Digital Radio
Неофициальное вещание

12035 NF, SW Radio Africa, 1800-1840, March 17,
via U.K? English talk about upcoming Zimbabwe elections. IDs. Gave
contact information. Afro-pop music. "The Hidden Story" program at
1814 about Zimbabwe politics. Strong. Very good signal. Announced
they are currently testing on 12035 daily at 1800-1900 and will be
moving from 7125 to 12035 for the 1700-1900 time period starting
March 30.Tnx to tip from David Pringle-Wood in DXLD. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 18/03/2008)

Berry Island, Bahamas 4045 Sailing vessel with concerns 1240. 13 March [Wilkner-FL]

Bolivia 4111.62 Radio Virgen de los Remedios noted 1020 to 1040 weak with voice UTE interference several days this week. 13, 15 and 16 March [Wilkner-FL]

Bolivia 4451.2v Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma noted 1030 with om fair signal 16 March [Wilkner-FL]

Bolivia 4796.4 Radio Mallku, Uyuni 1030 -1040 on 13 March with good signal, long talk by om [Wilkner-FL]

Bolivia 6134 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra 1055 to 1100 with telephone number for station followed by om ID 15 March [Wilkner-FL]

Bolivia 4699.30 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta 1020 to 1030 with ments of "plaza de xxxx" 16 March [Wilkner-FL]

Bolivia 4716.61 Radio Yura, Yura with usual yl but under thunderstorm QRN. 16 March [Wilkner-FL]

Bolivia 4732. Radio. Uniersitaria, Cobija . Nada oir solamente la estacion rtty Only rtty left on this frequency[Wilkner-FL]

Ecuador 3220 Ecuador HCJB Pifo very strong 0900 with indigenous talk. 17 March [Wilkner-FL]

Guatemala 4052.5 Radio Verdad, Chiquimula 1110 "Show Me The Way to go Home" in English 13 March [Wilkner-FL]

Morgan's Bluff, Bahamas, 4045U Sailing vessel with concerns of storm conditions at 1208 to 1212. 14 March [Wilkner-FL]

Key Largo, Florida 4045U sailing vessel planning trip to the Dominican Republic 1217 [Wilkner-FL]

Peru 3173.36 Radio Municipal, Panao off the air for last week to ten days.[Wilkner-FL]

Peru 5039.21 Radio Libertad Junin. 1045 transmitter on for about ten second on 6 March, problems. return to regular strength on 7 March and all days since.


Mexico 4800 and 4810 XERTA silent last week [Wilkner-FL]

Rodriguez Key, Bahamas 4045 Weather check at 1136 on 3 March [Wilkner-FL]

St. Barts 4045U 1200 motor vessel with position discussion 13 March [Wilkner-FL]

South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands 4045U 1200 Motor sailing vessel to Bahamas 7 March [Wilkner-FL]

West Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands 4045 1210 advised not to sail today. 7 March [Wilkner-FL]
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - CumbreDX 18/03/2008)

9665, Voz Misionaria, 1100. Program with identification signal and notices. SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 13th March 2008).
11735, Radio Transmundial, 1110. Identification signal and Christian songs. SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 13th March 2008).

11795, KBS World, 1100. Identification signal and local notices in Spanish. SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 13th March 2008).

9460, WYFRI, 1100. Identification signal in English, and Christian program in Korean. SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 13th March 2008).

11840, VOA, 1130. Program with economical notices in Spanish. SINPO: 22222.
(P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, via Federachi March 2008, 18/03/2008)

15360,0 1521 AUS CVC-Darwin Mx pop+Id+Nx 20/03 Ing 35333
15475,0 1638 GAB AFRICA 1-Moyabi Com 20/03 Fra 45444
15660,0 1641 LBY VOICE OF AFRICA-Sabrata Com+Id+Mencion a Gadaffi 20/03 Fra 45333
15785,0 1647 USA WEWN-Vandiver Rlg (Misa) 20/03 Ing 35333
15825,0 1649 USA WWCR-Nashville Rlg Telepredicador 20/03 ing 35333
13770,0 1654 IND AIR-Bangalore Mx tipica +Id+Nx 20/03 Hin 55444
13710,0 1702 THA VOA-Udon Thani Nx sobre Pakistan QRM BSKSA 20/03 Ing 45444
13685,0 1706 AUS CVC-Darwin Mx pop+Com 20/03 Chi 25332
13670,0 1710 CHN FIREDRAKE QRM total a R.F.Asia 20/03 - 35333
13590,0 1719 ZMB CVC-Lusaka Com 20/03 Ing 45433
(Tomas Mendez, Spain - playdx2003 20/03/2008)

Saludos amigos, despues de mas de una semana de estar mal de salud, me permito compartir estas escuchas:

6185 kHz 23:59 UTC/19 marzo 2008 RADIO EDUCACION MEXICO 55444 Inicio de emision, Himno Nacional Mexicano "Mexicanos, al grito de guerra", "Gracias por

sintonizar Radio Educacion-Onda Corta, XEPPM, nos encontramos transmitiendo desde la Ciudad de Mexico en la Banda internacional de los 49 metros. Tenemos

muchos programas interesantes, asi como musica mexicana para usted aqui en Radio Educacion Onda Corta... les saluda Maricarmen Garcia... Y luego traduce lo

anterior al Ingles...

6034 kHz 0:15 UTC/20 Marzo 2008 Radio ? 2-3/2/3/3/2 Mucho ruido e interferencia de emisora adyacente (6030, por eso tambien no puedo escuchar a Bhutan) Canciones

latinas, identificada la cancion "?Quien como tu?" (de Ana Gabriel, cantante mexicana).

7105 kHz 3:21 UTC/20 Marzo 2008 Radio Farda en persa? 44333 muy buena senal. Musica pop, persa o arabe, comentarios, y muchas veces se escucha "Radio Farda"...

dan su e-mail, web... (3:37 UTC) Mas informacion en: www.radiofarda.com

7285 kHz, 3:42 UTC/20 Marzo 2008 SINPO: 4-5/5/5/4/4 CROACIA Muy buena senal!!! "Estan escuchando la emision Croacia Hoy en espanol"...
"Radio Croata, La Voz de Croacia, Escucharon la emision Croacia Hoy en Espanol..." Frecuencias y horarios via Satelite, Onda Media, Onda Corta...
Web: www.hrt.hr Continua un segmento de musica pop hasta las 4:00 UTC, cuando se apaga el transmisor "repetidor"(?), porque enseguida se sigue escuchando su senal

en croata pero con otra calidad: 34433 ID "...Hrvastke Radio...", noticias "Kosovo..", y mas musica.

7335 kHz 4:05 UTC/ 20 Marzo 2008 CHU Canada Senal horaria, es opacada por Radio Vaticana en italiano, que esta transmitiendo en la misma frecuencia.
(Magdiel Cruz Rodriguez, Jiutepec, Morelos, Mexico - playdx2003 20/03/2008)

3396 0200-0210 ZWE 18-03 ZBC, Guineafowl, Gweru Vernacular fast ann, Afropop 34333 AP-DNK

3974.95 0210-0216* PAK 18-03 R Pakistan, Rewat, Islamabad Urdu (?) talk (news ?) 34243 AP-DNK

4052.5 0205-0215 GTM 18-03 R Verdad, Chiquimula Spanish ann, hymns, whisteling tone in LSB 33333 AP-DNK

4409.88 0010-0020 BOL 21-03 R Eco, Reyes (t) Spanisk talk 14111 AP-DNK

4699.35 2340-0230 BOL 16+18+19+21-03 R San Miguel, Riberalta Spanish talk, orchestra music, hymns, slight CODAR QRM 24232 AP-DNK

4716.7 2350-2400 BOL 19-03 R Yura, Yura Spanish talk, music 25232 AP-DNK

4746.87 2310-2320 PRU 16-03 R Huanta 2000, Huanta Spanish talk about "La Familia", CODAR QRM 23332 AP-DNK

4780.0 0020-0245 GTM 18+21-03 R Cultural Coatán, San Sebastian de Coatán Spanish ann mentioning Coatán, pop songs, Rancheros, Organ music, slight


4790.0 0215-0235 PRU 18-03 R Visión, Chiclayo Spanish ann, hymns, CODAR QRM 13222 AP-DNK

4826.47 0035-0045 PRU 21-03 R Sicuani, Sicuani (p) Spanish ann, songs, heterodyne from Zimbabwe open carrier on 4828 24332 AP-DNK

4920 2205-2315 CHN 17-03 Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet Tibetan ann, weird martial songs, adv, talk, song, 2300 news from Beijing 45444 heard // 4905, 5240,

6130 and 7385 AP-DNK

4925.24 0045-0105 B 21-03 R Educacao Rural, Tefé, AM (t) Portuguese talk, at times voice utility QRM 24222 AP-DNK

4955 2340-2350 PRU 16-03 R Cultural Amauta, Huanta (p) Spanish talk by man and woman, best in USB due to utility QRM 13222 AP-DNK

N5000 1735-1930 ISR 17-03 Galei Tzahal, Lod, Tel Aviv Hebrew interview, talk // 6973 - strange fq! 34444 AP-DNK

5010.0 2350-0035 MDG 16/17-03 R Nasionaly Malagasy, Ambohidrano Malagasy Hard Rock and Malagasy songs, AIR signing on *0010 with audio from 0020

until then 35343 AP-DNK

5985.74 *0000-0010 BRM 17-03 Myanma R, Yangon Bamar ann, local songs 23333 AP-DNK

6035 0005-0110 BTN 21-03 Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Sangaygang Dzongkha ann, monks intoning, talk - best reception in two weeks! 35343 AP-DNK
(Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 21/03/2008)

1639,00 1503 2303 unid, Gr, traditional music 24432
1655,00 1503 2301 R.Barones, D, polka, acordion, Dance with me. Talks 25442
1680,00 1503 2251 unid, Gr, talks ID… koma enea 24422
1700,00 1503 2250 unid,Gr, talks 25442
3905,00 1503 2215 R.Borderhunter+R.Dr Tim,G,E,schlager,rock, polka, talks on studio,greets to UK Dxer, SMS 35333
5815,00 1603 0830 Orion R, E, jingle, Good morning, SMS from Finland, rock and roll.Sally Oldfiel:Get to France 24332
6055,00 1503 2215 KBC,E, Suzy Q,Wolfman Jack show, KBC promo, Rescue me, Sha la la. QTH Ede,pop 34232
6140,00 1603 1300 EMR, via Wertachtal,E, Paul Graham program, Oldies rock and roll, Ids,email 35443
6220,00 1603 0730 Mystery R, disco dance, funky non stop, jingle 24332
6262,00 1603 1120 R.Zodiac, rock 24211
6306,00 1503 2235 unid, pop rock 24222
6311,00 1503 1435 R.Barretina Int,Cat,E,relay of R.L'Arboc,funky jazz,ID,cultural program,Opera songs,interview 24332
6312,00 1203 1755 R.Barretina Int,Cat,relay of R.L'Arboc,rock program 35343
6312,00 1403 1755 R.Barretina Int,Cat,relay of R.L'Arboc,formula tarda, dance, ID, Agenda,DJ Maria Jesus 35443
6312,00 1603 1110 R.Barretina Int,Cat,relay of R.L'Arboc, Dedicometre show,Spanish copla.La Santa Espina 25332
6315,00 1603 0755 R.Lowland, polka, schlager non stop, Pink Floid: Another brick on the wall 24432
6882,00 1403 1805 R.PlayBack Int, E, relay of USA old comedy shows, Signal premium motor oil promo, ID 35333
6882,00 1503 0655 R.PlayBack Int, E, rock, IDS, ballad, CBS old comedy shows, 24432
6882,00 1603 0740 R.PlayBack Int, E, relay of USA old comedy shows, Classic Radio from 1947 35443
6925,00 1503 2253 Spider R, E, Doowop sonog, MR Sandman, USB 24332
9290,00 1603 1259 R.Marina,D,E; Ids, religious/classical music all time 35443
(Silveri Gomez, Spain - playdx2003 18/03/2008)

080312 6210 14 13 Laser Hot Hits 33322 5
080312 4025 14 36 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G
080312 3935 14 43 Radio Rainbow 23322 5 G
080312 6312 14 46 Radio Barretina (tent) 23322 5 G
080312 1650 20 26 UNID 43433 9 G
080312 1645 21 08 Zender Nordzee 24333 7 G
080312 6925 21 13 Spider Radio 23322 5 G
080312 1655 21 24 Radio Kristal 33433 8 G
080313 6882 14 03 Power FM 24333 7
080313 6210 14 12 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
080313 4025 14 25 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G
080313 3935 14 31 Laser Hot Hits (tent) 23322 5 G
080313 6311 14 43 Radio Barretina (tent) 23322 5 G
080313 6882 14 57 Power FM 24333 7 G
080313 1645 20 59 Radio Verona 44433 9+20dB G
080313 6925 21 12 Spider Radio 24322 5
080313 1645 21 18 Radio Verona 34333 8
080313 1665 21 18 Radio Armada 34433 8
080313 1635 21 34 Radio Blauwe Ster 34433 8 G
080313 1665 21 38 Radio Armada 34433 8 G
080313 6055 22 02 KBC Radio 44433 9 G
080314 6210 14 05 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
080314 4025 14 21 Laser Hot Hits 34333 8 G
080314 3935 14 24 Radio Rainbow 23322 5 G
080314 6925 21 11 Spider Radio 24322 5
080314 3935 21 15 Laser Hot Hits 33322 5
080314 1652 21 21 UNID 44433 9 G
080314 6055 22 00 KBC Radio 24333 7
080314 1645 22 07 Radio Happy Miner 44433 9 G
080314 1655 22 31 Radio Kristal 34433 8 G
080314 6055 22 36 KBC Radio 54444 9+30dB G
080314 1640 22 44 UNID 33433 8 G
080314 1662 23 15 Zender Jan Schnabel 34433 8 G
080315 6882 08 15 Playback International 34444 8
080315 3935 08 22 Radio Rainbow (tent) 23322 5 G
080315 6210 09 20 UK Radio 24433 7
080315 6882 09 30 Playback International 34433 8
080315 6265 09 50 Radio Calypso 23322 5 G
080315 6882 13 41 Playback International 34433 8
080315 6310 13 47 Radio Valencia 34433 8 G
080315 6882 15 13 Playback International 34444 8
080315 6210 15 19 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
080315 3935 15 51 Radio Rainbow 23322 5 G
080315 3935 16 12 Radio Rainbow 23322 5 G
080315 6311 16 57 Radio Barretina (tent) 23322 5 G
080315 6882 17 02 Playback International 34433 8 G
080315 1645 20 26 UNID 34433 8 G
080315 1645 20 35 Radio Barones 54444 9 G
080315 1660 20 40 Radio Viking 34433 8 G
080315 1620 20 44 UNID 44433 9 G
080315 6925 21 02 Spider Radio 23322 5
080315 1645 21 08 Radio Barones 44444 9 G
080315 1665 21 49 Technische Man 44433 9 G
080315 6055 22 00 KBC Radio 34433 8
080316 6220 07 48 Mystery Radio 23433 7
080316 6882 07 54 Playback International 24333 7 G
080316 3935 07 57 Radio Rainbow 23322 5 G
080316 5815 08 08 Orion Radio 23322 5 G
080316 6882 08 21 Playback International 34433 8
080316 6305 08 59 Radio Boomerang 24333 7 G
080316 6210 09 19 Laser Hot Hits 24322 5
080316 6265 10 04 Premier Radio 24333 7 G
080316 846 10 19 Enigma (tent) 23322 5 G
080316 1476 10 22 WNKR (tent) 23322 5 G
080316 6295 10 26 Grensstad Radio 24322 5 G
080316 6205 10 29 Radio Borderhunter 24333 6 G
080316 6205 11 30 Radio Bordertim 45444 9 G
080316 6220 12 39 Mystery Radio 34433 8 G
080316 9290 13 00 Radio Marina 54444 9
080316 6140 13 10 EMR 34433 8
080316 6307 13 15 Radio Royal 34433 8 G
080316 6265 14 29 Radio Calypso 34433 8 G
080316 6925 20 49 Spider Radio 14321 5
080316 1645 20 57 Radio Napoleon 24333 7 G
080316 1655 20 59 UNID 44433 9 G
080316 1654 21 08 Radio Oldtimer (tent) 43433 9 G
080316 1655 21 09 Zender Alpenjager 32332 7 G
080316 1655 21 23 Radio Toekomst 34433 8 G
080316 1660 21 33 Zender Viking 34433 8 G
080316 1635 21 53 Radio Happy Miner 34433 8 G
080316 6925 22 02 Spider Radio 24322 5 G
080316 6055 22 09 KBC Radio 24322 5
080316 6055 22 31 KBC Radio 54444 9 G
080317 3935 07 28 Radio Rainbow 23322 5 G
080317 6210 16 25 Laser Hot Hits 33433 8
080317 1657 20 04 Radio Barones 53443 9
080317 1645 20 20 Radio Spakenburg 34433 8 G
080317 1636 21 19 Radio Tijdbreker (tent) 23322 5 G
080317 1657 20 35 Radio Barones 54444 9 G
080317 1655 21 09 Zender Jan Schnipp 34433 8 G
080317 6055 22 00 KBC Radio 23322 5
080317 6055 22 05 KBC Radio 54444 9 G
080318 3935 15 00 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5 G
080318 6311 15 10 Radio Barretina (tent) 23322 5 G
080318 6210 16 09 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
080318 6055 22 00 KBC Radio 33433 8
080318 6055 22 10 KBC Radio 33433 8 G
080318 1650 22 24 Radio Maskerade (tent) 43443 9 G
080318 1645 22 37 Radio Nordzee 34433 8 G
080318 1643 22 40 Radio 444 43443 9 G
080318 1642 23 20 Radio Happy Miner 43443 9 G
080318 1645 23 38 Radio Happy Miner 54444 9 G
080318 1655 23 43 Zender Euromast 54444 9 G
080318 1645 23 47 Zender Harm (tent) 43433 9 G
080318 1645 23 54 Radio Barcelona 44444 9 G
(Achim Brueckner, Germany - playdx2003 19/03/2008)

19.03.2008 в 1705UTC слушал станцию на 6880кГц. Большую часть времени
составляла музыка, раза три были комментарии и идентификация, в
которой удалось на 100% разобрать только слова "...Playback
International...". Даже слово "RADIO" не слышал.
Иногда наблюдались резкие провалы в сигнале, как будто отключался
передатчик. Вскоре станция или выключилась или "ушла" под шумы.
(Дмитрий Пузанов, Казахстан - open_dx 21/03/2008)

Действительно, есть такой пират Radio Playback International, вещают они на
частоте 6882 кГц, и в последнее время их довольно часто упоминают в log`ах.
Транслируют в основном старую добрую музыку, часто идентифицируют себя как
Playback International (без Radio). Я думал это итальянская станция, но
ребята из bclnews.it говорят, что станция из Швейцарии. Рапорты они
подтверждают, по крайней мере по электронке, адрес такой----
playbackinternational --at-- gmail.com
(Андрей Волошко, Полтава, Украина - open_dx 21/03/2008)

15/3 (R7)
07.39 - 6050 kHz
VOZ CRISTA - Santiago (Cile)
Portoghese, Gospel reggae.
Segnale sufficiente-buono


16/3 (R7)
06.27 - 6210.3 kHz
Inglese, Ids OM e mx dance.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
06.31 - 6090 kHz
Inglese, tk YL.
Segnale buono-molto buono
QRM portante prob. FRCN Kaduna 6089.9 kHz.
06.35 - 6009.9 kHz
LV DE TU CONCIENCIA - Lomalinda (Colombia)
Spangolo, canzone melodica.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
QRM R. Belarus 1 6010 kHz ma non dominante.
06.37 - 5995 kHz
RDT MALI - Bamako
Musica locale e tk YL.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
QRDRM molto basso.
06.41 - 5964 kHz
REE - Cariari (Costa Rica)
Spagnolo, telefonata.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
Notata fuori frequenza già da qualche giorno. Problema tecnico o spostamento
volontario per evitare R. Vaticana su 5965 kHz?
06.45 - 5910.1 kHz
MARFIL ESTEREO - Lomalinda (Colombia)
Spagnolo, musica stile vallenato.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
07.35 - 6315 kHz
Musica olandese non stop.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
*07.04 - 6311.1v6312.1 kHz
Catalano, s/on e tk OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Si è spostata varie volte, magari nel tentativo di evitare R. Lowland.
08.07 - 5815 kHz
Inglese, tk OM.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
Per essere Orion era un po' troppo bassa, però...
08.12 - 7375.1 kHz
UNIVERSITY NETWORK - Cahuita (Costa Rica)
Inglese, tk OM.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
6150 è spenta da qualche giorno.
08.15 - 6265v kHz
Musica greca con brutta modulazione.
Segnale buono-sufficiente
08.20 - 9690 kHz
Hausa, tk OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Riattivata dopo un po' di giorni.
08.23 - 9705 kHz
LV DU SAHEL - Niamey (Niger)
Musica locale.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
09.04 - 6220 kHz
Musica dance.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
09.05 - 6305 kHz
Inglese, Ids OM.
Segnale insufficiente-buono


18/3 (R7)
*16.00 - 7485 kHz
WYFR FAMILY RADIO - Kopani (Ucraina)
Persiano, ids OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
1431 kHz
Wilsdruff (Germania)
(via Voice of Russia)
Tedesco, pxs religiosi (non tutti i giorni).
Segnale sufficiente-buono
QRM RAI 1/R. Sawa Gibuti.


19/3 (DE1103)
*06.00 - 3955 kHz
R. NEDERLAND - Skelton (UK)
Olandese, nxs OM.
Segnale buono-molto buono
*06.57 - 13685 kHz
R. VLAANDEREN INT. - St Petersburg (Russia)
Olandese, nxs YL.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
(Luca B.F., Italy - playdx2003 21/03/2008)

13820,0 1702 USA R MARTI-Greenville Id+Dir+Web 21/03 Esp 35333
13570,0 1718 USA WINB-Red Lion OM talks Rlg Tent. 21/03 Ing 15221
11735,0 1803 TZA VO. Tanzania Zanzibar-Dole(tent) Nx YL (10 min. En inglés) 21/03 Ing 25222
9825,0 1816 AUT AWR-Moosbrunn Com OM mención a Cristo 21/03 Zan 45444
9580,0 1827 GAB AFRICA 1-Moyabi Com+Mx afro QRM -5kHz Medi-1 21/03 Fra 34333
9560,0 1831 ETH R.ETHIOPIA-Addis Ababa-Gedja(tent) Sintonia+ID? Apenas audible 21/03 Som 24332
9510,0 1841 THA BBC-Nakhon Sawan Sintonia ID repetitiva fin a 1900 21/03 Ing 35333
(Tomas Mendez, Spain - playdx2003 21/03/2008)

Расписание Интер Радио Румыния на украинском языке в летнем сезоне:
15.00-15.30 UTC- 7210
17.00-17.30 UTC- 6135
19.00-19.30UTC- 5910, 7205
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 18/03/2008, из расписания полученного от украинской редакции ИРР)

Radio Slovakia International A08

1300-1330 Eastern Europe,Asia Russian 7345 41
1300-1330 Eastern Europe,Asia Russian 9440 31
1500-1530 Eastern Europe,Asia Russian 7345 41
1500-1530 Eastern Europe,Asia Russian 9535 31
1730-1800 Eastern Europe,Asia Russian 5920 49
1730-1800 Eastern Europe,Asia Russian 7345 41
(Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi,India - dxldyg 20/03/2008)
Transmirovoe Radio na sezon A-08 na russkom yazyke po UTC:
na Evropu,Kavkaz i Bl.Vostok
1400-1430 Vto-Vos i 1430-1500 ezh na 7220,9725 kgts
na Evropu
0300-0330 i 1700-1730 na 1035 kgts
Pon 1900-1930,Vto i Vos 1900-2000, Sub 1915-1930 i Vto-Pyat 1930-2000
na 999
na Bl.Vostok/Izrael'/ 1900-1930 Pyat 1350
na Kavkaz 1640-1710/Sub i Vos do 1725/ na 864
na Ts.Azii ezh 1515-1545,1600-1615 i 1645-1700 na 1467 kgts
DX programma,ved.V.Gulyaev:kazhdyi poslednii chetverg mesyatsa s 1405 ch. na
7220 9725 i na 1035 kgts s ? chassov.
(Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria - open_dx 21/03/2008)

03502 FAV22: M51 CSTEI Favieres via Vernon 0047 CW NR 65 M
1401:47:08 1980 = UQTMO BDCIO XVOMN ... (16Mar08) (MPJ)

06712 LX-WCV: CargoLux B747 "City of Petange" 1308 HFDL Logs on
to Reykjavik. (16Mar08) (MPJ)

06712 JA-402J: JAL B747 Flt JL6404 1402 HFDL Logs on. (16Mar08)

06955 TWLC2: Spanish Guardia Civil Cantabria 2025 ALE/USB To
TXX1-Directorate General, Madrid. (16Mar08) (MPJ)

07003 T01204: US Army 1908 ALE/USB Sounding. (16Mar08) (MPJ)

08646 VTP6: Vishakhapatnam Naval Radio, India 1644 CW sends 4FG
message to collective VWGZ: ... LSM PJZ IVI RZX UUQ ii PP 152140
3667 0829 ... (16Mar08) (MPJ)

09202 : NATO TADIL Modem 1629 LINK-11/2250/ISB Two independent
channels active. (16Mar08) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 17/03/2008)

05220,0 TEKLA35: Pol. Army POL 1830 ale/usb [18:30:44][CHN 01][TO
][CUKIERNIA ][TIS][TEKLA35 ] the only tfc all over the
day 16Mar08 (wp3)

05220,0 CUKIERNIA: Polish Army Camp Echo IRQ 1832 ale/usb
[18:32:00][CHN 01][TO ][TEKLA35 ][TIS][CUA ] the
only tfc all over the day 16Mar08 (wp3)
(W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 17/03/2008)

did a check on those gw-markers heard here in southern Germany.
Callsigns are from Klingenfuss or Siebel, hex-ids are from the
receiver. There seems to be a error somewhere regarding vct/vcs on 8
Mhz. Any further info appreciated.

03264,4 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 1929 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
19:28:34 bd bd bd bd 16Mar08 (wp3)

04259,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 1932 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
19:31:56 bd bd bd bd bd bd 16Mar08 (wp3)

04262,0 lfi: Rogaland Radio NOR 1933 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
19:33:21 99 99 99 99 99 99 16Mar08 (wp3)

04274,0 zsc: Cape Town Radio AFS 2355 gw-marker RESYNC March 16,
2008 23:54:20 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 16Mar08 (wp3)

04347,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 2027 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
20:26:47 bd bd bd bd bd bd 16Mar08 (wp3)

04406,4 wnu: Slidell Radio USA 2349 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
23:48:57 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 16Mar08 (wp3)

05077,5 wnu: Slidell Radio USA 2351 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
23:51:12 8d 8d 8d 8d 16Mar08 (wp3)

05315,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 1943 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
19:43:15 bd bd bd bd bd bd 16Mar08 (wp3)

05433,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 1946 gw-Marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
19:45:51 bd bd bd bd bd bd 16Mar08 (wp3)

05768,0 lfi: Rogaland Radio NOR 1947 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
19:47:09 99 99 99 99 99 99 16Mar08 (wp3)

06352,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 1949 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
19:48:42 bd bd bd bd bd bd 16Mar08 (wp3)

06396,0 9hd: Malta Radio MLT 0804 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
08:04:12 63 63 63 63 63 63 17Mar08 (wp3)

06399,0 zsc: Cape Town Radio AFS 2356 gw-marker RESYNC March 16,
2008 23:56:24 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 16Mar08 (wp3)

06427,0 vcs: Halifax Radio CAN 1951 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
19:50:19 39 39 39 39 39 39 16Mar08 (wp3)

06430,0 a9m: Hamala Radio BHR 2338 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
23:38:38 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 16Mar08 (wp3)

06467,0 lfi: Rogaland Radio NOR 1954 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
19:54:03 99 99 99 99 99 99 16Mar08 (wp3)

06478,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 1955 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
19:55:19 bd bd bd bd bd bd 16Mar08 (wp3)

06523,4 vct: Tors Cove Radio CAN 1958 gw-marker RESYNC March 16,
2008 19:56:55 39 39 39 39 39 39 16Mar08 (wp3)

08446,0 zsc: Cape Town Radio AFS 2358 gw-marker RESYNC March 16,
2008 23:58:53 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 16Mar08 (wp3)

08468,0 8po: Bridgetown Radio BRB 2333 gw-marker RESYNC March 16,
2008 23:32:40 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 16Mar08 (wp3)

08473,0 hlf: Seoul Radio KOR 2001 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
20:00:29 71 71 71 71 71 71 16Mar08 (wp3)

08474,0 9hd: Malta Radio MLT 0806 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
08:06:25 63 63 63 63 17Mar08 (wp3)

08489,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 1328 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 08:25:09 bd bd bd bd bd bd 17Mar08 (wp3)

08497,0 hlf: Seoul Radio KOR 2004 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
20:04:23 71 71 71 71 71 71 16Mar08 (wp3)

08517,0 9hd: Malta Radio MLT 0808 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
08:07:37 63 63 63 63 63 63 17Mar08 (wp3)

08541,0 a9m: Hamala Radio BHR 2007 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
20:07:14 7d fd 7d 7d 7d 16Mar08 (wp3)

08591,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 0827 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 08:26:59 bd bd bd bd bd bd 17Mar08 (wp3)

08597,0 hec: Bern Radio SUI 2341 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
23:40:26 99 99 91 99 99 16Mar08 (wp3)

08602,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 0828 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 08:28:04 bd bd bd bd bd bd 17Mar08 (wp3)

08615,0 vct: Tors Cove Radio CAN 2009 gw-marker RESYNC March 16,
2008 20:10:02 39 39 39 39 39 39 16Mar08 (wp3)

08675,5 vcs: Halifax Radio CAN 2015 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
20:14:43 39 39 39 39 39 39 16Mar08 (wp3)

08683,5 lfi: Rogaland Radio NOR 0819 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
08:19:15 99 99 99 99 99 99 17Mar08 (wp3)

08705,5 lfi: Rogaland Radio NOR 0821 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
08:21:30 99 99 99 99 99 99 17Mar08 (wp3)

09157,0 hec: Bern Radio SUI 2342 gw-marker RESYNC March 16, 2008
23:41:55 99 99 99 99 99 99 16Mar08 (wp3)

10166,4 vct: Tors Cove Radio CAN 2018 gw-marker RESYNC March 16,
2008 20:17:25 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 16Mar08 (wp3)

11145,0 lfi: Rogaland Radio NOR 0823 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
08:23:24 99 99 99 99 99 99 17Mar08 (wp3)

12732,0 9hd: Malta Radio MLT 0809 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
08:09:26 63 63 63 63 17Mar08 (wp3)

12892,5 9hd: Malta Radio MLT 0811 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
08:11:14 63 63 63 63 63 63 17Mar08 (wp3)
(W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 17/03/2008)

12583,5 lfi/hec: Rogaland or Bern Radio 1719 gw-marker RESYNC March
17, 2008 17:20:09 99 99 99 99 99 99 17Mar08 (wp3)

12644,0 zsc: Cape Town Radio AFS 1717 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 17:16:27 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 17Mar08 (wp3)

12647,0 a9m: Hamala Radio BHR 1710 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
17:14:03 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 17Mar08 (wp3)

12655,0 vie: Darwin Radio AUS 1417 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
14:16:56 c9 c9 c9 c9 17Mar08 (wp3)

12673,5 a9m: Hamala Radio BHR 1708 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
17:07:51 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 17Mar08 (wp3)

12683,4 8po: Bridgetown Radio BRB 1704 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 17:05:10 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 17Mar08 (wp3)

12709,0 a9m: Hamala Radio BHR 1413 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
14:12:44 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 17Mar08 (wp3)

12712,0 hlf: Seoul Radio KOR 1414 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
14:14:08 71 71 71 71 71 71 17Mar08 (wp3)

12721,0 9hd: Malta Radio MLT 0927 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
09:26:49 63 63 63 63 63 63 17Mar08 (wp3)

12756,5 a9m: Hamala Radio BHR 0938 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
09:37:46 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 17Mar08 (wp3)

12822,0 xsv: Tianjin Radio CHN 1646 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
16:45:44 e1 e1 e1 e1 e1 e1 17Mar08 (wp3)

13002,0 hec: Bern Radio SUI 1641 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
16:41:20 99 99 99 99 99 99 17Mar08 (wp3)

13017,0 kph: San Francisco Radio USA 1636 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 16:36:06 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 17Mar08 (wp3)

13033,5 vcs: Halifax Radio CAN 1629 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
16:28:40 39 39 39 39 39 39 17Mar08 (wp3)

13053,5 vie: Darwin Radio AUS 1626 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
16:26:11 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 17Mar08 (wp3)

13063,5 vie: Darwin Radio AUS 1620 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
16:19:44 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 17Mar08 (wp3)

13066,5 vie: Darwin Radio AUS 1623 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
16:23:02 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 17Mar08 (wp3)

13162,4 vct: Tors Cove Radio CAN 0952 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 09:50:55 39 39 39 39 39 39 17Mar08 (wp3)

13946,0 vct: Tors Cove Radio CAN 1400 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 14:00:05 39 39 39 39 39 17Mar08 (wp3)

16942,0 wnu: Slidell Radio USA 1252 gw-Marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
12:51:40 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 17Mar08 (wp3)

16947,6 lfi/heb?: Rogaland or Bern Radio 1425 gw-marker RESYNC March
17, 2008 14:24:47 99 99 99 99 99 99 17Mar08 (wp3)

17066,5 a9m: Hamala Radio BHR 1009 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
10:09:06 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 17Mar08 (wp3)

17155,4 8po: Bridgetown Radio BRB 1530 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 15:30:17 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 17Mar08 (wp3)

17158,4 8po: Bridgetown Radio BRB 1543 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 15:43:02 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 17Mar08 (wp3)

17234,5 vcs: Halifax Radio CAN 1315 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
13:14:46 39 39 39 39 39 17Mar08 (wp3)

17372,4 kph: San Francisco Radio USA 1550 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 15:49:50 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 17Mar08 (wp3)

17384,4 cpk: Santa Cruz Radio BOL 1247 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 12:46:28 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 17Mar08 (wp3)

17393,4 cpk: Santa Cruz Radio BOL 1237 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 12:36:38 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 17Mar08 (wp3)

17402,4 cpk: Santa Cruz Radio BOL 1447 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 14:46:59 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 17Mar08 (wp3)

19759,4 cpk: Santa Cruz Radio BOL 1336 gw-marker RESYNC March 17,
2008 13:35:52 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 17Mar08 (wp3)

20189,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 1345 gw-marker RESYNC March 17, 2008
13:45:14 bd bd bd bd bd bd 17Mar08 (wp3)
(W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 17/03/2008)

here are my and ALF's loggings from the last days.

As my suggested : The Georgian's have many new idents for their
ALE nets (see 6583 kHz). BTW, I don't believe that the idents
like KBT are abbreviations for locations (maybe some are, like
IRQ, GEO). Maybe they are abbreviations for units, see: KBT, KBR, KB1,
2BR, BT5, BR3 > BR: Brigade ?, BT: Battalion ?
Some of the new show symmetries (LxL) in their idents: SJS, SAS, SFS,
EDE, DSD etc. I think we have to do some more research work, sadly
I can't speak Georgian to get anything out of the voice contacts
which sometimes followed the ALE callings...

Refer to XSS: XSS is used by the NCS in Forest Moor while the TX sites
are anywhere in the UK - according to eQSL from VT Forest Moor received some months ago (same as the callsign "ANDREWS" used
by voice EAMs at the HF-GCS send via all other GCS nodes). Do we have
any evidence that XSS is also used by TX sites outside the UK?
Maybe Cyprus ?
The other Xxx idents are RN vessels or who? or Ground stations
(Falkland etc. ?) while the aircrafts using UKExxx idents (only?)


Any comments for the UNIDs below ? ;-))

I'm in a hurry, the lady waits outside the office to celebrate the
St. Patricks Day in our local Irish Pub ;-)

73, Tom


00495 DI2AT: 600m Experimental Beacon, Neunkirchen, D 2225 HELL id
into MSK31 & MSK08. 16/MAR/08 (DL8AAM) Used 495 by mistake

00499.26 PAT: St. Patrick's Day Special Event Pirate Beacon, IRL 2216
CW slow morse id & 4"gap. 16/MAR/08 (DL8AAM)

00505.15 DI2AT: 600m Experimental Beacon, Neunkirchen, D 0230 HELL w/id
"DI2AT JN59NO MSK31" into MSK31 "DI2AT JN59NO with series of
modulation modes CW QRSS1 QRSS3 DFCW1 PSK31 PSK08 MSK31 MSK08
QPSK31 QPSK08 FSK31 HELL. Power 1W ERP. QSL via mailing list
or DL3NDR at darc.de", next MSK08. 16/MAR/08 (DL8AAM)

04557 Calorie: French Air Force, unid location 0450 RTTY-ITA2/50/85
302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309". 17/MAR/08 (DL8AAM)

05538 ASCOT 3249: RAF (Tristar) Flight 0209 J3E/USB wkg FALCON BAHRAIN
(Gulf Air LDOC), QSY 11354 kHz. 17Mar08 (ALF)

05730 611611: Nigerian Police 0134 ALE/USB SND. 17Mar08 (ALF)

06305.5 437806: unid "4378xx-Net" 1636 ALE/USB SND. 15Mar08 (ALF)

06460 KM01: Algerian Military 2253 ALE/USB to RM01 w/LQA. 16Mar08 (ALF)

06467 VTG5: Indian Navy Mumbai/Bombay 0117 CW msg from "FOE" to "OIO"
info "GEA" into VVV-mkr "VVV VTG 4/5/6/7". 17Mar08 (ALF)

06583 3044: unid "x001-Net" 1757 ALE/USB SND. 15Mar08 (ALF)

06583 4001: unid "x001-Net" 1930a ALE/USB SND. 16Mar08 (ALF)

06583 5001: unid "x001-Net" 0315 ALE/USB SND. 16Mar08 (ALF)

06583 6001: unid "x001-Net" 2130a ALE/USB SND. 16Mar08 (ALF)

06583 7001: unid "x001-Net" 1822 ALE/USB SND. 15Mar08 (ALF)

06583 9001: unid "x001-Net" 1700a ALE/USB SND. 16Mar08 (ALF)

06583 9066: unid "x001-Net" 1730a ALE/USB SND. 16Mar08 (ALF)

06583 KBT: Armed Forces of Georgia 1802+ ALE/USB to AB1, DSD, SAS,
SFS, BRN, KB1, 1BR, 2BR, 3BR, 4BR. 15Mar08 (ALF)

06583 EDE: Armed Forces of Georgia 1804+ ALE/USB to 4BR, KB1, KBT.
15/16Mar08 (ALF)

06583 3BR: Armed Forces of Georgia 1757 ALE/USB to KBT. 15Mar08 (ALF)

06583 BR5: Armed Forces of Georgia 1530 ALE/USB to KBT. 16Mar08 (ALF)

06680 XSS: British Military/DHFCS "TASCOMM", NCS Forest Moor (operated
by VT Communications), via unid transmitter site 0400 ALE/USB
SND. 17Mar08 (ALF)

07628 250: unid "1x0/2x0-Net" 1831 ALE/USB to 251 w/LQA. 16Mar08 (ALF)
(dl8aam - udxf 17/03/2008)

8918 kHz USB 1831z: "New York" provides SelCal check to airliner on FRQR. (17Mar2008) (ALS).

8918 kHz USB 1919z: "New York" wkg "Iberia 6123". (17Mar2008) (ALS).

11330 kHz USB 2130z: "New York" QSYing flights to freq 6586. (17Mar2008) (ALS).

11175 kHz USB 1530z: HF-GCS "Station Offutt" wkg "Reach 001"; Offutt hrs acft well, but is not heard. (17Mar2008) (ALS).

11175 kHz USB 1545z: HF-GCS Station wkg " 441" for radio check. (17Mar2008) (ALS).

11175 kHz USB 1547z: HF-GCS "Station Andrews" recites 28-character EAM: G 4 X O W O 4 W X C E I N 6 M 4 A Q O Y O G C A K 6 O S. (17Mar2008) (ALS).

11175 kHz USB 1619z: HF-GCS "Station Puerto Rico" wkg "Omni 03" for radio check. (17Mar2008) (ALS).

11330 kHz USB 1805z: "New York" wkg "American 976" for position report. (17Mar2008) (ALS).

11330 kHz USB 1809z: "New York" wkg "American 1416" for position report, SelCal check; back-up freq 8916. (17Mar2008) (ALS).

13927 kHz USB 1923z: USAF MARS Operator AFA1EN (Shelbyville IN) wkg unheard acft. (17Mar2008) (ALS).

13927 kHz USB 1925z: USAF MARS Operator wkg "Rocco 73" (KC-135, McGuire AFB) for phone patch to "Peachtree" (Robins AFB) re ETA 1735 Local; then pp to DSN

461-3775 (Dyess Base Ops), then commercial number 325/xxx-2828. (17Mar2008) (ALS)
(A. Stern, FL, USA - udxf 18/03/2008)

Distress relay message reporting fire/explosion
on vessel SERAYA SPIRIT off the coast of Ghana,
37nm on bearing 143 degrees from Accra in the Gulf of Guinea.

Relayed by OVERSEAS DELPHI and appears to be
hours old. So far no flood of other reports or acknowledgements.

Call Sign:C6KX2
Region:N&C America/Caribbean
Location: N5.05 / E0.1666667
Range/Bearing: 4743.6 nm / 90
Received:08-03-18 13:04:00UTC

DSC message:
all ships;(distress);from;OVERSEAS
SPIRIT-BAH fire/explosion N05 03' E000
10' 19:26UTC F3 REQ;08-03-18 13:04:00;[1732Hz]
(W. Curt Deegan, Boca Raton, USA = udxf 18/03/2008)

03420.0 pecheurs? 2015 USB eng accent d/x 18mar08

03434.0 pecheurs 2016USB fr d/x 18mar08

03454.0 pecheurs 2017 USB d/x 18mar08

03745.0 ZT23 algerie mil?? 2019 ALE USB to ZT22 18mar08

05007.3 pecheurs 2023 USB fr d/x 18mar08

05470.0 WA10 algerie mil 2025 ALE USB to RM10 18mar08

05470.0 XL11 algerie mil 2026 ALE USB to RM10 18mar08
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 18/03/2008)

17515.0 --- : Cuban DGI CUB 16:22 H3E/AM Spanish YL reading 5F grouped
msg (17 Mar)(PPA)

12362.0 VMW : Wiluna meteo AUS 16:43 J3E/USB Male voice with weather
for New South Wales (17 Mar)(PPA)

6583.0 KBT : Georgiam military Kobuleti GEO 21:00 USB/ALE calling SFS
later on also calling 2BR 4BR and AB1 (17 Mar)(PPA)

6583.0 EDE : unid GEO military 21:08 USB/ALE calling KB1 (17 Mar)(PPA)

6583.0 LF4 : unid GEO military 17:24 USB/ALE calling AAW later also
BAW (18 Mar)(PPA)

6676.0 HSW : Bangkok meteo THA 17:40 J3E/USB Weather for Brunei and
Bangkok (18 Mar)(PPA)

8776.0 --- : unid station 19:55 USB/Clover 2000 traffic with station
on QSX 8270 (18 Mar)(PPA)

8610.0 --- : Turkish navy net 20:52 Stanag 4285/600L/3000/ASCII
8N1/KG84C encrypted traffic with Turkish voice coordination (18 Mar)(Peter P., Holland - udxf 19/03/2008)

02823.0 unid nato? 0525 NATO-75? 75/200 6mar08

03105.0 VR4 alg mil 2126 ALE USB to VR40 6mar08

03105.0 VR43 alg mil 2128 ALE USB to VR47 6mar08

03133.0 unid nato ? 0534 NATO-75 75/800 6mar08

03745.0 ZT23 alger mil?? 2019 ALE USB to ZT22 18mar08

03805.0 unid? protection civ mrc ?2046 USB d/x arabe bip 7mar08

03805.0 2001 protection civ mrc 2053 ALE USB to 2205 7mar08

04209.5 TAH istanbul 0608 FEC turk naws 6mar08

04555.2 cuxhaven gcg 0813 ARQ ger tfc naws 15mar08

04618.5 CALORIE faf? 1605 ITA2/50 "ceci est un message de..." 8mar08

04860.0 unid mil? 0840 NATO-75? 15mar08

05400.0 unid 1431 CW encrypt numbers & letters 15mar08

05470.0 WA10 alger mil 2025 ALE USB to RM10 18mar08

05470.0 XL11 alger mil 2026 ALE USB to RM10 18mar08

05792.0 2001 protection civile mrc 2051 ALE USB to 2408 7mar08

05885.0 V2A ? cuba 0722 USB esp yl numbers 8mar08

06427.0 VCS halifax 0708 GW-FSK nd 16mar08

06467.0 LFI 0710 GW-FSK nd 16mar08

06498.0 E10 1645 USB eng yl alpha 15mar08

06786.0 V2 cuba 0720 AM esp yl numb 16mar08

06524.2 7201 /6701 /4701 Kellog Brown & Root: iraq 2050 ALE USB snd 5mar08

07821.7 unid egy embassy ? 1655 ARQ tfc encrypt 15mar08

08609.0 unid mil? 0748 NATO75? 75/200 16mar08


10375.0 MOBILE23 lybia 0615 ALE USB to HQ3 tripoli 6mar08

10375.0 MOBILE23 lybia 0621 ALE USB to GHADAMES 6mar08

11235.0 no call : italian air force 0800 ALE USB to CHA & USB ita 15mar08

11500.0 turkish red cresc? 2010 1605 ALE USB to 3012 8mar08

16747.0 pna manila relay? 1438 FEC news 9mar08

16986.0 CTP 1435 ITA2/75 naws 9mar08

18296.7 FUV fn jibouti 1430 ARQ-E3/100 9mar08
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 19/03/2008)

6679 Hong Kong VOLMET 1316 USB aviation wx by a woman, poor signal.

6679 New Zealand Auckland VOLMET 1320 USB aviation wx by a man,

6500 UNID 3/19 1324-1330 tune out, weak CW sounded like random
characters, poor signal. (MF)

6496 UNID 3/19 1331-1334* strong CW, no ID (MF)

8140 BMF Taiwan 3/19 1342-1345* WEFAX 120/576 caught the end of a
satellite image, fair signal. New country heard. (MF)

between 1345 and 1400 I heard:

8484 HLG running CW marker, fair
8636 HLW running CW marker, weak
8416.5 NMO with Sitor bc, very strong

8122 WPXU557 Summer Passage Radio 3/19 1400-1415 USB woman asking
for position reports, contacts with several boats. Poor signal but a
couple of the boats were strong. New.
(Martin Foltz, USA - udxf 19/03/2008)

05080 XSS: British Military/DHFCS "TASCOMM" (NCS Forest Moor) 0012
ALE/USB SND. 19Mar08 (ALF)

05470 XV11: Algerian Military 1649 ALE/USB to XV10 w/LQA. 18Mar08 (ALF)

05780 EDE: Georgian Military 0428 ALE/USB to KB1 w/LQA. 19Mar08 (ALF)

06394 : Russian Navy 1310 MS-5 12-tone/200Bd encrypted voice tfc after
coord. on 11000 kHz in CW with RIW (HQ Moscow). 18Mar08 (ALF)

06730 RADAR90RS202: Uzbek Military 1955 ALE/USB to DEVOR02RS202 w/LQA.
18Mar08 (ALF)

07615 : unid (prob. "GAS"?) 1713 ALE/USB to SAZ w/LQA. 18Mar08 (ALF)

07616 240: unid "1x0/2x0-Net" 1741+ ALE/USB to 242, 243, 244 w/LQA.
18Mar08 (ALF)

08108 0000: unid 1601 ALE/USB SND. 18Mar08 (ALF)
08108 920: unid 1557 ALE/USB SND (complete?). 18Mar08 (ALF)

08120 RIW: Russian Navy HQ Moscow 1423 CW sx wkg RGR70 w/5FGs QTC
"810 27 18 1650 810=170=11111 ... 18025 RPT +". 18Mar08 (ALF)

08232.2 4101: Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR, Inc.), IRQ 1553 ALE/USB SND;
later SND by 6701, 7201. 18Mar08 (ALF)

09069.9 6701: Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR, Inc.), IRQ 1759 ALE/USB SND.
18Mar08 (ALF)

09724 : Russian Navy 1310 MS-5 12-tone/200Bd encrypted voice tfc after
coord. on 11000 kHz in CW with RIW (HQ Moscow). 18Mar08 (ALF)

10998 6869: Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR, Inc.), IRQ 1353 ALE/USB SND;
later SND by 8101, 4101 & unid to 623349 (mobile). 18Mar08 (ALF)

11000 RIW: Russian Navy HQ Moscow 1300 CW wkg unid "RIW OK QYT4 QSX
6394/9724 K" into MS-5 tfc on 6394 & 9724 kHz; 1402 wkg RGR70
"QDW 8120/8120" into CW on 8120 kHz/simplex; T=0. 18Mar08 (ALF)
(dl8aam - udxf 19/03/2008)

0134 15MAR08 UTC
MARS net, multiple freqs, technical seminar
Net leader heard on all freqs, questions from stations on 3278.0 heard.
3234.5 LSB, 3242.0 USB, 3260.0 LSB, 3278.0 LSB, 4010.9, 4014.9, 4026.9,
5112.0, 6990.0

1856 19MAR08 UTC
Andrews calling all stations an alphanumeric message, 22 characters

1950 19MAR08 UTC
DIVISION calling MAINSAIL for voice check, PUERTO RICO responds,
(Dan - udxf 20/03/2008)

05045 EGD: unid 0010 ALE/USB to KG3 w/LQA who replied into short
voice tfc in unid language (prob. Balkan/Caucasus/Turk?)
between OM & YL. 20Mar08 (ALF)

05045 LF3: unid 0017+ ALE/USB to KG3 w/LQA (who replied), BGF, JYT
(who replied), SHD & into short voice tfc in unid language
(prob. Balkan/Caucasus/Turk?) with OM/YLs. 20Mar08 (ALF)
(dl8aam - udxf 20/03/2008)

05123.0 DD2: ISR AF 1827 USB/ALE snd (16/MAR/08) (KK)

06551.0 BR5: GEO Mil 1909 USB/ALE clg KBT (16/MAR/08) (KK)

06551.0 KBT: GEO Mil 1913 USB/ALE clg 2BR (16/MAR/08) (KK)

07615.0 GAS: unid 1854 USB/ALE clg SAZ (16/MAR/08) (KK)

07720.0 S1T: prb Swed.Mil 1542 USB/ALE clg BOD90
(17/MAR/08) (KK)

07570.0 TA1: unid 1210 USB/ALE clg KO1 (18/MAR/08) (KK)

04646.5 L13: prb Dutch Mil 0955 USB/ALE clg L18
(19/MAR/08) (KK)

11181.0 ICZSPR: Sigonella SiPRNet 1016 USB/ALE
clg E30558DAT, flwd by Ser.Tone (19/MAR/08) (KK)
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 21/03/2008)

08690,5 9mg: Penang Radio MLA 1818 gw-pactor RESYNC March 19, 2008
18:17:09 99 99 99 99 99 99 19Mar08 (wp3)

10360,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 0725 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
07:24:01 bd bd bd bd bd bd 20Mar08 (wp3)

10746,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 0735 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
07:35:54 bd bd bd bd bd bd 20Mar08 (wp3)

12604,0 vjs: Perth Radio AUS 1534 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
15:34:05 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 20Mar08 (wp3)

12617,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 1050 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
10:50:47 bd bd bd bd bd bd 20Mar08 (wp3)

12626,0 vjs: Perth Radio AUS 1540 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
15:39:44 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 20Mar08 (wp3)

12641,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 0820 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
08:21:07 bd bd bd bd bd bd 20Mar08 (wp3)

12660,0 lfi/9mg: Rogaland Radio or Penang Radio 1057 gw-marker
RESYNC March 20, 2008 10:57:15 99 99 99 99 99 99 20Mar08 (wp3)

12698,5 kfs: San Francisco Radio ? USA 1242 gw-marker RESYNC March
20, 2008 12:41:52 75 75 75 75 75 75 20Mar08 (wp3)

12709,0 a9m: Hamala Radio BHR 0828 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
08:27:39 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 20Mar08 (wp3)

12727,0 hlf: Seoul Radio KOR 0832 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
08:33:13 71 71 71 71 71 20Mar08 (wp3)

12818,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 0839 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
08:38:55 bd bd bd bd bd bd 20Mar08 (wp3)

12831,0 9mg: Penang Radio MLA 1643 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
16:42:46 99 99 99 99 99 99 20Mar08 (wp3)

12851,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 1119 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
11:18:53 bd bd bd bd bd bd 20Mar08 (wp3)

13045,5 vie: Darwin Radio AUS 1558 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
15:57:27 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 20Mar08 (wp3)

13069,4 kfs: San Francisco Radio USA 1630 gw-marker RESYNC March 20,
2008 16:29:58 75 75 75 75 75 75 20Mar08 (wp3)

16815,5 9mg: Penang Radio MLA 0950 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
09:50:15 99 99 99 99 99 99 20Mar08 (wp3)

16868,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 0900 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
08:59:48 bd bd bd bd bd bd 20Mar08 (wp3)

16945,0 9hd: Malta Radio MLT 0957 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
09:58:15 63 63 63 63 63 63 20Mar08 (wp3)

16947,6 9mg: Penang Radio MLA 1001 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
10:01:51 99 99 99 99 99 99 20Mar08 (wp3)

17205,0 vie: Darwin Radio AUS 1144 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
11:44:14 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 20Mar08 (wp3)

17214,0 vie: Darwin Radio AUS 1142 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
11:41:56 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 20Mar08 (wp3)

17220,0 vie: Darwin Radio AUS 1153 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
11:53:41 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 20Mar08 (wp3)

19708,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 0941 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
09:41:30 bd bd bd bd bd bd 20Mar08 (wp3)

19726,0 a9m: Hamala Radio BHR 0933 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
09:33:02 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 20Mar08 (wp3)

19736,4 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 0935 gw-marker RESYNC March 20, 2008
09:37:12 bd bd bd bd bd bd 20Mar08 (wp3)

19744,4 8po: Bridgetown Radio BRB 1214 gw-marker RESYNC March 20,
2008 12:13:23 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 20Mar08 (wp3)
(Wolfgang Palmberger, Germany - udxf 21/03/2008)

02187.5 OST: OostendRadio, Belgium 1932 DSC Preliminary call for
voice MIB/weather broadcast on 2761 kHz. Followed by SPS-Witowo
Radio, Poland-2720 kHz and CROSS Corsen, France-2182 kHz. (20Mar08)

02187.5 ZQSD5: Global Producer III-GB 1951 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC
Thorshaven, Faroes. Then tries MRCC Shetland, Scotland. (20Mar08)

08414.5 S6IY: Vessel COS Bonny-Singapore 1314 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC
Almeria/Tarifa-Spain. (20Mar08) (MPJ)

08414.5 9HKG7: Samur 6-Maltese Flag 1317 DSC Safety RQ to YUG-MRCC
Bar-Serbia. (20Mar08) (MPJ)

08414.5 3EKF9: Ocean Crescent-Panama Flag 1347 DSC Safety RQ to
EJM-Malin Head Radio/MRCC Dublin. (20Mar08) (MPJ)

08414.5 XUZQ3: Sirius-Cambodia 1350 DSC Safety RQ to OXZ-Lyngby
Radio, Denmark. (20Mar08) (MPJ)

08414.5 HBLX: Lugano-Switzerland 1427 DSC Safety RQ to CUL-MRCC
Lisbon. (20Mar08) (MPJ)
(Jim, U.K. - udxf 21/03/2008)

4681.0 AA1 : Isr-AF 19:02 USB/ALE Sounding TWS AA1(19 Mar)(PPA)

4681.0 AA2 : Isr-AF 19:14 USB/ALE Sounding TWS AA1(19 Mar)(PPA)

4681.0 AAA : Isr-AF Tel-Aviv ISR 18:59 Calling C63(19 Mar)(PPA)

4681.0 C36 : Isr-AF 18:59 USB/ALE Calling TSM (19 Mar)(PPA)

4681.0 C38 : Isr-AF 19:00 USB/ALE Calling TSM (19 Mar)(PPA)

4681.0 C63 : Isr-AF 18:58 USB/ALE Calling AA2 (19 Mar)(PPA)

4681.0 TSM : Isr-AF 19:10 USB/ALE Calling C52 (19 Mar)(PPA)

4681.0 YNT : Isr-AF 18:58 USB/ALE Sounding TIS YNT (19 Mar)(PPA)

11348.0 HS-TLD : Thai airways TG793 18:44 USB/HFDL Airbus A340 at 58N
55W from New York to Bangkok position report to Canarias (19 Mar)(PPA)

7766.7 --- : MFA Cairo EGY 19:10 Sitor-A/100/170 calling s/c XBVQ
Paris (20 Mar)(PPA)

7949.5 FDI22 : FAF Narbonne F 20:02 Baudot 2stb/50/85E test de fdi22
voyez le brick geant que jexamine pres du grand wharf 0123456789
ryryry (20 Mar)(PPA)

7820.0 --- : DOSC Moscow RUS 20:18 Mazielka 6 tone selcall tone
sequence 636 649 630 619 624 643 hz (463125) (20 Mar)(PPA)

7601.4 3A7D : Chinese Military CHN 20:39 CW/A1A V DKG6 DKG6 DKG6 DE
3A7D 3A7D (20 Mar)(PPA)
(Peter P, Holland - udxf 21/03/2008)

12230.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1548 ALE/USB clg XGG (2008-03-20)

12230.0 XGG: UK-DHFCS 1548 ALE/USB clg XSS UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor)
(2008-03-20) (sw)

06748.0 51: Ita-Af 51STORMO "Ferruccio Serafini" Istrana(TV) I 1621 ALE/USB
clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB (2008-03-20) (sw)

06748.0 CHARLY46: Ita-Af HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB 1621
ALE/USB clg 51 51STORMO "Ferruccio Serafini" Istrana(TV) I (2008-03-20) (sw)

08600.0 22054: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1628 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-20) (sw)

05470.0 RM10: Alg-Mil 1659 ALE/USB clg ND10 (2008-03-20) (sw)

10998.0 624431: Unid (prob UN station) 1715 ALE/USB clg 624911 (2008-03-20)

08521.0 YNT: Isr-Af 2211 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-20) (sw)

04855.0 1001: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2217 ALE/USB clg
1304 (2008-03-20) (sw)

04952.0 035: Hng-Mil 2218 ALE/USB clg 082 (2008-03-20) (sw)

03805.0 2001: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2219 ALE/USB clg
2407 (2008-03-20) (sw)

06921.0 BB1: Isr-Af 124 Sqdn Palmachin 2228 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-20) (sw)

07759.0 AUCHI: Nig-NNPC Auchi, Edo State 2240 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-20)

06841.0 AA214: Usa-Mil (pos 214 Med Co.) (TC-net) 2241 ALE/USB sndg.
(TC-net) (2008-03-20) (sw)

06865.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 2244 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-20) (sw)

06866.0 408: Unid 2245 ALE/USB clg 209 (2008-03-20) (sw)

07014.0 4111: Nig-NPF (Nigerian National Police Force) 2305 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-20) (sw)

03230.0 XA35: Alg-Mil 2323 ALE/USB clg RM30 (2008-03-20) (sw)

05045.0 XA33: Alg-Mil 2324 ALE/USB clg RM30 (2008-03-20) (sw)

06460.0 YW01: Alg-Mil 2324 ALE/USB clg RM01 (2008-03-20) (sw)

05286.0 TYMT2: Spa-Pol Toledo 2325 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2008-03-20) (sw)

03390.0 XA33: Alg-Mil 2325 ALE/USB clg RM30 (2008-03-20) (sw)

04415.0 BD22: Alg-Mil 2326 ALE/USB clg RM20 (2008-03-20) (sw)

03105.0 VR40: Alg-Mil 2328 ALE/USB clg VR53 (2008-03-20) (sw)

03105.0 VR53: Alg-Mil 2328 ALE/USB clg VR40 (2008-03-20) (sw)

03868.0 BD25: Alg-Mil 2329 ALE/USB clg RM20 (2008-03-20) (sw)

03300.0 RM30: Alg-Mil 2331 ALE/USB clg BJ33 (2008-03-20) (sw)

03105.0 VR56: Alg-Mil 2335 ALE/USB clg VR40 (2008-03-20) (sw)

03105.0 VR40: Alg-Mil 2335 ALE/USB clg VR56 (2008-03-20) (sw)

03105.0 VR40: Alg-Mil 2341 ALE/USB clg VR43 (2008-03-20) (sw)

05374.5 BJ35: Alg-Mil 2346 ALE/USB clg RM30 (2008-03-20) (sw)

06838.0 XV10: Alg-Mil 2350 ALE/USB clg RM10 (2008-03-20) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 21/03/2008)

06514.5 JACYNA37: Pol-Mil 0917 ALE/USB clg LCR152 (2008-03 21) (sw)

06514.5 PONIEC38: Pol-Mil 0917 ALE/USB clg LCR152 (2008-03 21) (sw)

11415.0 ZB40HM90: Unid Algerian DRS Station, Alg 0952 ALE/USB clg PA40HM90
(2008-03-21) (sw)

05220.0 ASKAR99: Pol-Mil 1006 ALE/USB clg CUKIERNIA MNDCS/Camp Echo, IRQ
(2008-03- 21) (sw)

05320.0 LF3: Unid 1726 ALE/USB clg JYT (2008-03 21) (sw)

10390.0 11061: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1729 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-21) (sw)

06789.0 1542: Unid (Arab voice net) 1730 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-21) (sw)

06902.5 1542: Unid (Arab voice net) 1730 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-21) (sw)

06551.0 KG4: Unid 1915 ALE/USB clg SRT (2008-03 21) (sw)

05260.0 DELTA03RS1006: Uzb-Mil 1919 ALE/USB clg KAMAR20RS1006 (2008-03-21)

04800.0 XS3: Unid Algerian DRS Station, Alg 1908 ALE/USB clg XS0
(2008-03-21) (sw)

11415.0 HJ40HM90: Unid Algerian DRS Station, Alg 1911 ALE/USB clg ZB40HM90
(2008-03-21) (sw)

05220.0 HJ40HM90: Unid Algerian DRS Station, Alg 1912 ALE/USB clg ZB40HM90
(2008-03-21) (sw)

07730.0 HJ40HM90: Unid Algerian DRS Station, Alg 1919 ALE/USB clg ZB40HM90
(2008-03-21) (sw)

09252.0 XS3: Unid Algerian DRS Station, Alg 1927 ALE/USB clg XS0
(2008-03-21) (sw)

05417.0 XS3: Unid Algerian DRS Station, Alg 1928 ALE/USB clg XS0
(2008-03-21) (sw)

04800.0 XS0: Unid Algerian DRS Station, Alg 1936 ALE/USB clg XS3
(2008-03-21) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 21/03/2008)

460.0 10/03 1928 BHL UNID ? id
520.0 13/03 2156 NW UNID ? id
402.0 08/03 2032 OP Brussels National BEL id 315
(Michael Oexner, Germany - ndblist 17/03/2008)

2008-03-12 22:43 292 PS 1666 Y KAZAN, RUS
2008-03-12 23:02 309.5 EYA 1909 Y Mys Yevpatoriyskiy, UKR
(Teijo Maenpaa, Sakyla, Finland = ndblist 17/03/2008)

529 LYZ loud again tonight, with the voice bcst heard now and then too; as
well as a change from obnoxious continuous static. Static is still present
tonight but at least not continuous.
Finally got another of Doug Springfield's Guatemalan's. Most of these
southern ones are heard better on the N/S wire tonight, which is not often
the case.

280 MPG MEX 0609 utc -985
340 REU GTM 0541 +411. new
(Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 17/03/2008)

17 06:57 212 UCF 1056 Cienfuegos, CUB
17 03:03 236 FOR 1033 Forsyth, MT, USA
17 03:12 242 LKG 1021 6.8 Y Americus, GA, USA
17 03:21 245 ANR 1011 6.3 Andrews, TX, USA
17 03:38 248 PQF 1026 1040 7.2 Mesquite, TX, USA
17 04:02 260 AP 1048 1024 6.1 Denver, CO, USA
17 04:15 263 RO 1010 6.0 Rogers, AR, USA
17 04:28 269 AR 1038 1037 5.8 New Iberia, LA, USA
17 04:37 270 TPF 1028 7.9 Tampa, FL, USA
17 04:57 277 OT 1044 7.9 Worthington, MN, USA
17 05:17 284 SCD 1053 6.1 Y Sylacauga, AL, USA
17 05:42 330 GLE 1045 1068 5.8 Gainesville, TX, USA
17 06:07 339 OP 1025 5.5 Thomaston, GA, USA
17 06:13 340 BOG 1025 8.4 Bogota, CLM
17 06:33 344 BKU 1050 6.4 Baker, MT, USA
17 06:53 353 DWL 1028 6.1 Gothenburg, NE, USA
(Douglas S., TX, USA - ndblist 17/03/2008)

16.03.2008 22.24 301,5 CMP Campagnano, ITA
16.03.2008 22.25 302 NIK Niksic, MNE
16.03.2008 22.29 305 PAR Parma, ITA
16.03.2008 22.34 308 MOJ Mojkovac, MNE
16.03.2008 22.38 312 DAN Danilvograd, MNE
16.03.2008 22.42 322 TLN Hyeres/Le Palyvestre, FRA
16.03.2008 22.43 325 RCA Reggio di Calabria, ITA
16.03.2008 22.12 327 LNZ Linz, AUT
16.03.2008 22.14 330 ZRA Zadar, HRV
16.03.2008 22.46 333,5 VOG Voghera, ITA
16.03.2008 22.07 334 MR Maribor, SVN
16.03.2008 22.10 334 AME Amendola, ITA
16.03.2008 21.49 338 NC Nice, FRA
16.03.2008 22.05 341 IS Ajaccio, FRA
16.03.2008 21.57 351,5 PLA Pula, HRV
16.03.2008 21.51 357,5 FAL Falconara, ITA
16.03.2008 20.39 402 CAR Capo Caarbonara ITA
16.03.2008 20.35 408 BRK Bruck, AUT
16.03.2008 20.30 413 BOA Bologna
16.03.2008 22.23 425 DNC Mostar, BIH
16.03.2008 20.28 426 GBG Gleichenberg, AUT
16.03.2008 20.27 429 LOS Losinj, HRV
16.03.2008 22.18 429 D gap 9 sec.
16.03.2008 22.20 429 B Brno, CZE
16.03.2008 20.18 440 PIA S. Giorgio Piacentino, ITA
16.03.2008 20.23 441 CK Prerov, CZE
16.03.2008 22.51 448 HLV Holesov, CZE
16.03.2008 22.49 450 PLV Plovdiv, BUL
16.03.2008 21.43 34o TPL Topola, SRB
(Luca, Italy - ndblist 17/03/2008)

2008-03-14 16:47 1290 TU Bely RUS 888 km 997 hPa
2008-03-14 16:49 830 SW Shepetivka UKR 968
2008-03-14 16:59 618 FT Pruszuz-Gdanski POL 347
2008-03-14 17:03 620 N Pskov RUS -1020 582 NEW
2008-03-14 17:59 429 B Brno-Turany CZE 923
2008-03-14 18:00 432 PK Pardubice-Prvek CZE 839
2008-03-14 21:28 335 RIM Rimini-Miramare ITA 1539
2008-03-14 21:47 350 DWN Devnya for Varna BUL 1690

2008-03-16 17:34 1030 NK Mykolaivka UKR 1720 998 hPa
2008-03-16 18:05 525 PL St Petersburg RUS 730
2008-03-16 18:06 525 CH Chermiakhiv UKR 1008
2008-03-16 18:25 434 GR Gorka RUS 838

2008-03-17 01:59 267,5 OPW Bukaresti ROU 1511 994 hPa
2008-03-17 02:02 265 KAV Kavran HRV +1020 1424
2008-03-17 02:23 493 LD Krasnodar-Pashkovskye RUS 1968
(sm1wxc - ndblist 17/03/2008)

2008-03-16 09:58 286.5 TA Villacoublay / Velizy, FRA
2008-03-16 10:03 302 TH Villacoublay / Velizy, FRA
2008-03-16 10:06 306.5 AV Avord, FRA
2008-03-16 10:08 315 HOL Villacoublay / Velizy, FRA
2008-03-16 10:10 317 VS Valenciennes / Denain, FRA
2008-03-16 23:37 322 TLN Hyeres / Le Palyvestre, FRA
2008-03-16 10:23 322 ORS Orleans / St Denis De L'Hotel, FRA
2008-03-16 23:44 323 AB Y Albi / Le Sequestre, FRA
2008-03-16 10:25 326 LM Le Mans / Arnage, FRA
2008-03-16 10:26 327 MVC Merville / Calonne, FRA
2008-03-16 19:07 330 MB Montbeliard / Courcelles, FRA
2008-03-16 23:52 330 HN Hornafjordur, ISL
2008-03-16 19:08 331 TUR Tours / Val De Loire, FRA
2008-03-16 19:11 331.5 TLF Toulouse / Francazal, FRA
2008-03-16 19:14 335 MC MONTLUCON, FRA
2008-03-16 19:17 337 LHR Lahr, DEU
2008-03-16 19:22 339 NE Nancy / Essey, FRA
2008-03-16 19:28 343 CGO Paris / Charles De Gaulle, FRA
2008-03-17 00:05 345 HL Vestmannaeyjar / Helgafell, ISL
2008-03-15 20:39 346 WLU Luxembourg, LUX
2008-03-16 19:33 346 OC Cognac / Chateaubernard, FRA
2008-03-15 20:35 347 CVT Chalons / Vatry, FRA
2008-03-15 20:48 348 SCL Apt / St Christol, FRA
2008-03-15 20:52 349 RS Rennes / St Jacques, FRA
2008-03-15 20:54 350 MUT Muret / Lherm, FRA
2008-03-15 21:00 353 SB St. Brieuc / Armor, FRA
2008-03-17 00:15 366 ADC Y Aerodrome du Castellet, FRA
2008-03-16 21:00 397 ZR Beziers, FRA
2008-03-16 20:58 398 MT St Nazaire / Montoir, FRA
2008-03-17 00:30 399 LEZ Y Nice / Cote d'Azur, FRA
2008-03-16 20:55 400 AG Agen / La Garenne, FRA
2008-03-16 20:52 401 LA Laval / Entrammes, FRA
2008-03-16 20:51 402 DA Ales-Deaux, FRA
2008-03-16 20:45 404 MRV Merville / Calonne, Pennsylvan, FRA
2008-03-16 20:43 404 CNE Caen / Carpiquet, FRA
2008-03-16 20:30 415 TOE Toulouse / Blagnac, FRA
2008-03-16 20:29 416 ULT Ussel / Thalamy, FRA
2008-03-16 20:24 417 AX Auxerre / Branches, FRA
2008-03-14 20:38 417 ND Y Great Yarmouth / North Denes, ENG
2008-03-16 20:21 418 MK Calais / Dunkerque, FRA
2008-03-16 20:19 419 EMT Epinal / Mirecourt, FRA
2008-03-16 20:09 424 LOE Limoges / Bellegarde, FRA
2008-03-16 20:02 427 RY Royan / Medis, FRA
2008-03-16 19:54 428 CTX Chateauroux / Deols, FRA
2008-03-16 19:52 430 SN St.Yan, FRA
2008-03-17 00:34 432 HMB Hammam Bou Hadjar for Oran, ALG
2008-03-16 19:45 434 MV Melun / Villaroche, FRA
(Brian M. - ndblist 17/03/2008)

12/3 2:05 406.0 ±1020 GRO ITA Grosseto 1229 gap 2" 7.82
12/3 2:50 407.0 +1040 CTF SCY Catania 1637 gap 4" 8.04
12/3 2:50 407.0 +1020 SRT LBY Sirte 2074 gap 6" 8.41
12/3 2:55 413.0 +1060 BOA ITA Bolonia 1283 gap 3" 8.84
12/3 2:40 418.0 +1020 DVN HRV Drvenik 1650 (*) 9.99 New
12/3 2:45 423.0 -970 FOR ITA Forli 1330 (*) 8.32 New
(Manuel Carbonell, Torrejon de Ardoz, Spain - ndblist 17/03/2008)

03 15 20:21 518 $09B Hamala, Bahrain, NAVTEX, new
03 16 11:30 433 BH Unid, -1043 Hz, strong, new
03 16 11:35 434 KJ Hohhot/Baita, China, -1041 Hz, +1024 Hz, medium
03 16 11:42 438 WD Zhonghao/Taiyuan/Wusu, China, +1023 Hz, +2023 Hz, repeats twice, weak
03 16 11:46 442 ID Nanjing/Xiaodanyang, China, +987 Hz, medium
03 16 12:00 441 BF Unid, +1020 Hz, strong, new
03 16 12:05 443 YL Unid, -992 Hz, +1008 Hz, very strong, new
03 16 12:10 445 LS Harbin/Taiping/Shuiquan, China, +1040 Hz, strong
03 16 12:16 450 G Jinan/Yaoqiang, China, -1040 Hz Hz, repeats twice, strong
03 16 12:32 452 JS Tianjin/Binhai, China, -1030 Hz, +1053 Hz, strong
03 16 12:35 453 WL Unid, -1024 Hz, +1010 Hz, medium
03 16 13:10 460 GF Fenghuo, China, +996 Hz, weak, repeats twice
(ka1dgl - ndblist 17/03/2008)

2008-03-16 1246 233 ALJ Johnstone Point, Alaska, -400
2008-03-16 1250 280 IPA Rapa Nui, Easter Island, Chile, -1030
2008-03-16 1300 353 LLD Lanai, Hawaii, -400
2008-03-16 1307 530 ADK Adak Island, Alaska, -1030
2008-03-17 0337 376 ZIN Great Inaugua, Bahamas, +1020
2008-03-17 0338 375 GUA Guatemala City, Guatemala, +950
2008-03-17 1030 387 SPP San Adres Island (SAP), Colombia, NEW, 2286 miles, +1025,
hard to time cycle with the static but ~ 8.0 seconds,
country number 106 for me. Not reported to RNA since
April, 2004 so apparently has just come back on.
(W7KAM - ndblist 17/03/2008)

16.03.2008 0057 265,00 KAV Pula / Kavran 1020+ HRV
11.03.2008 2000 312,00 DAN Danilovgrad 1020+ MNE
11.03.2008 0010 315,00 D Tamppere/Pirkkala 400+ FIN
11.03.2008 0010 317,00 VS Valenciennes 0 F
11.03.2008 0116 321,00 ABT Albacete 1020+ E new
11.03.2008 0111 322,00 TLN Hyeres/Le Palyvestre 0 F
13.03.2008 0112 325,00 WD Gumrak 1020+ RUS
13.03.2008 0111 326,00 YW Tyra West A 400 IW
14.03.2008 0112 327,00 NC8 Hamada NC-8 -400 LBY
14.03.2008 0109 328,00 HIG San Sebastian -1020 E
11.03.2008 0110 331,00 HRM Hassi R.mel/Tilrempt/Oued 1020+ ALG
15.03.2008 2110 335,00 MC Montlucon/Domerat 0 F
15.03.2008 2239 335,00 POD Podgorica 1020 MNE
16.03.2008 0039 337,00 OZ Soderhamn/Skallen -400 S
16.03.2008 0129 352,50 DD Oostende 1020+ BEL
16.03.2008 0039 353,00 OBA Oseberg A 400+ IW
16.03.2008 0141 363,00 PI Poitiers/Biard 0 F
16.03.2008 0141 366,50 CAR Isle of Man/Carnane -400 G
16.03.2008 0113 384,00 AT Annecy/Meythet 0 F
14.03.2008 0149 432,00 IZD Ohrid.Izdegavlje 1020- MKD
16.03.2008 0048 460,00 BHL UNID 1020+ XUU new
13.03.2008 2233 522,00 P Nyiregyhaza 1020+ HNG new
(Matthias Zwoch, Germany - ndblist 17/03/2008)

16 22:01 293 ARL 293.086 3623 Arlit, NGR
16 23:05 318 AGB 319.019 795 Augsburg, DEU
16 23:08 321 CRN 320.609 700 Galway, IRL
16 22:39 322 RL 322.002 540 La Rochelle, FRA
16 23:10 323 UWP 323.403 3900 Argentia, NL, CAN
16 23:13 325 AST 323.988 956 Asturias, ESP
16 23:15 326 KTW 324.990 1304 Katowice/Pyrzowice, POL
16 23:29 329 PRS 327.982 1724 Palermo/Punta Raisi, SCY
(g3ufi - ndblist 18/03/2008)

2008-03-14 19:14 470 TN 1975 Y Taganrog Centr., RUS
2008-03-14 19:17 449 KU ? 831 Y MIGALOVO, RUS
2008-03-14 19:34 427 HDY 400 395 1198 Y Halfdan Platform / Maersk, XOE
2008-03-14 20:24 275 VG 400 405 1002 Y Haugesund / Karmoy / Vaga, NOR
2008-03-14 20:27 284.5 LVK ? 757 Y LEIRVIKA, NOR
2008-03-14 20:28 283 SF 402 398 738 Y Sandefjord / Torp , NOR
2008-03-14 20:40 336 BTA 405 400 987 Y Bergen / Flesland / Bratta, NOR
2008-03-14 20:43 339 HOS 1087 Y Hamburg, DEU
2008-03-14 20:54 370 RT 1035 Y Moscow / Ramenskoe, RUS
2008-03-14 21:13 320 DM 1024 Y Moscow / Domodedovo, RUS
2008-03-14 21:32 355 KN 400 ? Y Kattvik/Narvik, NOR2
008-03-16 17:33 322 OU 400 314 Y Bromma, SWE
2008-03-16 21:37 324 HE 400 794 Y Heddal, NOR
2008-03-16 21:40 330 PM ? 1777 Y PECHORA, RUS
2008-03-17 20:28 406.5 BOT 1015 1020 1402 Y Bottrop, DEU
2008-03-17 20:30 408 SD 400 933 Y Sandane, NOR
2008-03-17 20:32 410 SF ? 1123 Y CHERUSTI, RUS
2008-03-17 20:40 421 MF 410 405 736 Y Halmstad, SWE
2008-03-17 20:44 430 MB ? 1318 Y CHERNUKHA, RUS
2008-03-17 20:45 430 LI ? 1478 Y LYKHACHEVE, UKR
(Jarmo Heittokangas, Pertteli, Finland - ndblist 18/03/2008)

Here are some logs from the week end and from tonight.

Surprisingly good conditions this evening between 2000 and 2100 from
Scandinavia to NW of France especially between 325.000 kHz and 329.000 kHz
where I could log a couple of new ones.

Very pleased to hear KIT-328 which I've been trying to find for a long time.
Peter and Jean, that's a new challenge for both of you, sure you'll log it
too before long !

I heard DK, KIT and HAV on 328.400 kHz within 5mn, all as new ones!

Good night to the European fellows + happy listening to all !

2008-03-17 20:56 331 GST 321 Gloucester, ENG
2008-03-17 20:43 329 VX 1382 Y Vaxjo / Kronoberg, SWE
2008-03-17 20:38 329 IB 2028 Tallinn, EST
2008-03-17 20:34 328 DK 2036 Y Vilhemina , SWE
2008-03-17 20:33 328 BLK 255 Blackbushe, ENG
2008-03-17 20:31 328 HAV 351 Y HAVERFORDWEST, ENG
2008-03-17 20:30 328 KIT 2531 Y Kittila, FIN
2008-03-17 20:29 328 VJ 1019 Stauning, DNK
2008-03-17 20:27 328 CL 662 Carlisle , ENG
2008-03-17 20:21 328 HIG 629 San Sebastian, ESP
2008-03-17 20:17 326 YW 816 Tyra West Platform, XOE
2008-03-17 20:17 325 JOE 2414 Joensuu, FIN
2008-03-17 20:17 325 DH 1498 Oskarshamn, SWE
2008-03-17 20:06 318 LE 564 Luxembourg-Est, LUX
2008-03-17 07:13 422 PAM 703 Pamplona, ESP
2008-03-17 07:12 420 LMT 612 Auch / Lamothe, FRA
2008-03-16 20:41 394 NV 418 Nevers / Fourchambault, FRA
2008-03-16 20:36 356 SU 1068 Y Salzburg, AUT
2008-03-16 20:35 356.5 SHU 693 Schupberg For Bern / Belp, SUI
2008-03-16 20:34 355 KNG 768 Bad Konig For Frankfurt / Main, DEU
2008-03-15 23:27 337 KAJ 2411 Kajaani / Koutaniemi, FIN
(D. Kremp, Coutances, France - ndblist 18/03/2008)

16.03 01:06 285 KRS GRC Karistos
17.03 21:08 450 NZ RUS Nizhnevartovsk
17.03 21:11 480 CP RUS Magnitogorsk
17.03 21:13 485 NO RUS Nadym #1590
(Hartmutt W., Germany - ndblist 18/03/2008)

327 VYI HWA 1332 faint/very poor
332 POA HWA 1333 weak
353 LLD HWA 1335 medium
366 PNI FSM 1337 poor
373 PQ JPN 1318 very poor
376.5 NA JPN 1340 very poor/poor +1010
390 HK JPN 1344 very poor
530 ADK ALS 1318 weak
(Steve Ratzlaff, USA - ndblist 18/03/2008)

2008-03-18 02:00 400 FO 1013 4.933 ; Westhampton Beach, NY
(Don Ward, Raleigh, USA - ndblist 18/03/2008)

00:49 RW 493 kHz(1020 LSB) Maryino RUS 654 km.
00:57 BK 523 kHz(400 LSB) Lunino RUS 1135 km.
01:05 WRW 525 kHz(1000 LSB) Wroclaw POL 1299 km.
01:05 GH 635 kHz(1020 LSB) Minsk BLR 691 km.
01:08 AD 700 kHz(1020 LSB) Sheremetievo/Moscow RUS 602 km.
01:23 TAT 393 kHz(400 LSB) Molde NOR 1290 km
(ua1ava - ndblist 18/03/2008)

I heard DK-328, CL-328 (strong), IVR-328 and BLK-328.
Dispite looking often for HAV-328, I have never heard it!
Probably just a matter of skip en emitted power!
(pa0rtd - ndblist 18/03/2008)

17-03-2008 23:14 362.0 JAN 400 361.621/ 362.387 JMY 2255 Jan Mayen STRONG

16-03-2008 21:13 392.0 GDY 400 391.590 / 392.408 FIN 1402 Mariehamn/Godby

16-03-2008 21:15 392.0 RAN 400 391.595 / 392.405 FIN 1830 Lappeenranta/Ranta

16-03-2008 21:24 395.0 FOY 400 394.614 / 395.392 IRL 885 Foynes

16-03-2008 21:22 395.0 KW 400 394.595 / 395.409 ORK 927 Kirkwall/Orkney

16-03-2008 21:28 396.0 RON 1020 394.973 / ---------- ITA 955 Trieste/Ronchi
dei Legionari

16-03-2008 21:36 397.0 NF 400 396.590 / 397.390 SWE 986 Falkoping

16-03-2008 21:44 398.0 AL 400 397.610 / 398.389 NOR 1246 Alesund/Vigra

16-03-2008 21:42 398.0 ESS 400 397.596 / 398.410 FIN 1771

16-03-2008 21:41 398.0 PEO 400 397.591 / 398.402 SWE 1177

16-03-2008 21:47 399.0 FM 400 398.597 / 399.405 SWE 944

17-03-2008 22:14 454.0 YM 1020 452.999 / 455.011 UNID

17-03-2008 21:34 455.0 AO 1020 ----------- / 455.946 UNID sloppy keying

17-03-2008 21:50 515.0 BU 400 514.597 / 515.408 AZE 3728 Baku/Bina
(pa0rdt - ndblist 18/03/2008)

17 20:43 320 VE 320.004 749 Valence-Chabeuil, FRA
17 22:49 325 DH 325.397 1254 Y Oskarshamn, SWE
17 22:57 326 TO 325.615 1517 Y Malvik, NOR
17 22:52 326 SUI 325.592 1853 Tampere/Pirkkala/Suinu, FIN
17 22:54 326 FSK 325.623 1988 Fauske, NOR
17 22:46 328 KIT 328.408 2284 Y Kittila, FIN
17 23:02 329 VX 329.403 1138 Vaxjo, SWE
17 23:00 329 NMS 328.605 1646 Namsos, NOR
17 20:55 330 ZRA 329.589 1357 Zadar/Kakman, HRV
17 20:52 330 LNA 329.597 1426 Y Lena, SWE
17 23:05 330 BER 328.980 ? ?, XUU
17 23:11 331 SC 332.022 2762 Santa Cruz Das Flores, AZR
17 23:12 331 HRM 332.034 2012 Hassi R.mel/Tilrempt/Oued , ALG
17 23:09 333 PI 331.976 823 Parchim, DEU
17 23:15 335 DR 333.951 2486 Y Dnipropetrovsk, UKR
17 23:21 336 HWB 336.411 653 Y Harald B Platform, XOE
17 19:48 494 NK 492.972 1268 Oksywie, POL
(g3ufi - ndblist 18/03/2008)

At prresent UNID CM-489 is very strong in the Netherlands.
It has changed its previous 1020 Hz offset to 400 Hz.
UNID LP-458, 1020 Hz offset is also on tonight.

NA-512 has been audible the last few nights, but is stronger now.
Also with 400 Hz offset. (pa0rdt - ndblist 19/03/2008)

2008-03-18 20:57 432 BB ? 1202 Y BIBRKA, UKR
(Jarmo Heittokangas, Pertteli, Finland - ndblist 19/03/2008)

Anyone in NA still up, 387 SPP San Andres Island is coming in at good level
at the moment, 0455 utc. +1019, 8.13 sec cycle. All by itself on the freq
too, weak with some fading. Can't get it on lsb due to strong QRM. At peaks,
is easily heard. South of the borders appear to be decent already this early
in the evening, and static isn't much of a problem so far either.
529 LYQ's voice message is the strongest I've heard it so far, too, and with
enough repeats can actually get 95% of the message, though it has some
fading too. (Steve Ratzlaff, USA - ndblist 19/03/2008)

18.03.2008 2105 301,5 CMP Campagnano, ITA
18.03.2008 2020 312 DAN Danilvograd, MNE
18.03.2008 2024 312 BOZ Bozhurishte, BUL
18.03.2008 2140 392,5 TOP Pinerolo (TO), ITA
18.03.2008 2125 432 RO Rothenburg, DEU
18.03.2008 21.37 433 CRE Cres, HRV
18.03.2008 2129 435 GHT Ghat, LBY
18.03.2008 2132 440 PIA San Giorgio Piacentino (PC), ITA
18.03.2008 2121 470 UZ Uzice, SRB
18.03.2008 2118 473 FHA Friedrichshafen/Lowental, DEU
18.03.2008 2115 474 RZ Rzeszow/Jasionka, POL
18.03.2008 2113 480 VIB Viterbo, ITA
18.03.2008 2110 490 DVI Donaueschingen, DEU
18.03.2008 2105 499,5 WAR UNID XUU
(Luca, Italy - ndblist 19/03/2008)

Log 18.03.2008
22:55 ARD 517(1020LSB) Arad ROU 1647km/ NEW
23:01 SM 435(700 LSB) Seminivka UKR 869km
23:01 POZ 416(1073 LSB) Belgrade/Pozarevac SRB 1815km/ NEW
23:02 TOR 416(400 LSB) Rovaniemi FIN 779km
23:06 W 408(400 LSB) Utti FIN 223km
23:11 DA 404(375 LSB) Torp NOR 1136km
23:11 Y 404(400 LSB) Kemi/Tornio FIN 717km
23:11 H 403(400 LSB) Helsinki/Vantaa FIN 312km
23:15 NF 397(400 LSB) Falkoping SWE 981km
23:19 NJ 385(400 LSB) UNID
23:19 KV 385(400 LSB) Halli FIN 369km
23:20 HNS 384(400 LSB) Sondanelanda NOR 1349km
23:21 PA 377(400 LSB) Rovaniemi FIN 766km
23:23 OS 378(400 LSB) Sundsvall SWE 753km/ NEW
23:25 HET 375(400 LSB) Enontekio FIN 1001km
23:25 FR 375(400 LSB) Pori FIN 495km
23:34 WA 350(385 LSB) Kufessaare EST 492km/ NEW
23:34 LAA 350(400 LSB) Oulu/Laanila FIN 623km
23:36 OA 338(400 LSB) Jonkoping SWE 969km
23:44 SC 300(400 LSB) Linkoping SWE 867km/ NEW
00:08 RO 361(400 LSB) Kauhava FIN 524km
00:08 LIE 361(361 LSB) Turku FIN 450km
(ua1ava - ndblist 19/03/2008)

2008-03-19 1025 276 ZTH Thompson, Manitoba, NEW, DAID +377, 1774 miles, MB # 33
2008-03-19 1105 341 DB Burwash Landing, Yukon Territory
2008-03-19 1113 353 LLD Lanai, Hawaii
2008-03-19 1118 365 MA Mayo, Yukon Territory
2008-03-19 1127 375 FS Fort Simpson, Northwest Territories
2008-03-19 1130 378 ZFA Faro, Yukon Territory
2008-03-19 1320 518 $11G Naha, Ryukyu Islands, Japan
(w7kam - ndblist 19/03/2008)

18 22:49 342 OA 342.035 1587 Algiers/Houari Boumedienne, ALG
18 22:46 342 LL 341.602 1246 Leirin/Fagernes, NOR
18 23:02 344 MN 345.039 1264 Minorca, BAL
18 22:52 344 HN 342.967 722 Hohn, DEU
18 23:04 344 ARM 345.031 1577 Armilla, ESP
18 22:57 345 VI 343.972 1183 Vigo, ESP
18 22:59 345 STM 344.600 1864 Strommen/Mo I Rana, NOR
18 22:55 345 CSD 343.980 2119 Daouarat, MRC
18 23:04 345 ATR 346.038 1448 Murcia/Alcantarilla, ESP
(g3ufi - ndblist 19/03/2008)

Some logs from yesterday evening - thanks Roelof for the CM-489 alert.

kHz Date UTC Call Station name ITU Details km

489.0 18/03 1958 CM UNID ? id
510.0 18/03 2003 BA UNID ? id
510.0 18/03 2004 BL UNID ? id
379.0 18/03 1953 CZ Charleville/Mezieres F id+tone 277
383.0 18/03 1951 MAR Marseille/Provence F id+tone 680
407.0 18/03 1735 SRT Sirte LBY id 2127
520.0 18/03 2014 B Bacau ROU id 1436
(Michael Oexner, Germany - ndblist 19/03/2008)

18.03 23:24 310 C FIN Oulu
18.03 22:03 450 KA XUU UNID +1030/cycle4,2"/id+2,6"gap
(Hartmut W, Germany - ndblist 19/03/2008)

2008-03-19 04:30 400 RO 1055 6.231 ; Rochester, NY
(Don Ward, Raleigh, USA - ndblist 20/03/2008)

2008-03-16 10:18 389 LCG 1020 Y Wayne, NE, USA
2008-03-19 09:10 518 $04F Y Boston (Cape Cod), MA, USA
(ku7z - ndblist 20/03/2008)

19.03.2008 2150 345 THS Thessaloniki/Makedonia, GRC
19.03.2008 2154 345,5 CF Caslav/Chotusice/Centograf, CZE
19.03.2008 2158 348 TPL Topola, SRB
19.03.2008 2201 349,5 SZA Solenzara, COR
19.03.2008 2206 379 PIS Pisa, ITA
19.03.2008 2209 392,5 TOP Pinerolo, ITA
19.03.2008 2211 423 ZO Nis/Zitorada, SRB
19.03.2008 2215 425 DNC Mostar, BIH
19.03.2008 2218 426 GBG Gleichenberg for Graz, AUT
19.03.2008 2220 429 LOS Losinj, HRV
19.03.2008 2224 430 BUG Bugac, HNG
19.03.2008 2228 432 IZD Ohrid/Izdeglavlje, MKD
19.03.2008 2229 433 CRE Cres, HRV
19.03.2008 2230 435 BR UNID XUU
19.03.2008 2234 436 SME Sarmellek/Balaton, HNG
19.03.2008 2238 438 PE Poprad/Tatry East, SVK
19.03.2008 2241 438 KO Rijeka/Krk/Kozala, HRV
19.03.2008 2245 440 PIA San Giorgio Piacentino (PC), ITA
19.03.2008 2248 441 CK Prerov, CZE
19.03.2008 2250 444 NRD Nova Ruda, POL
19.03.2008 2253 445 AAW UNID XUF
19.03.2008 2256 446 SAH UNID XUF
19.03.2008 2300 448 HLV Holesov, CZE
19.03.2008 2302 450 PDV Plovdiv, BUL
19.03.2008 2305 460 BHL UNID XUE
19.03.2008 2307 465 U Burgas, BUL
19.03.2008 2309 468 VTN Kraljevo/Vitanovac, SRB
19.03.2008 002 470 UZ Uzice/Ponikve, SRB
19.03.2008 006 473 FHA Friedrichshafen/Lowental, DEU
19.03.2008 009 474 RZ Rzeszow/Jasionka, POL
19.03.2008 012 477 RP Malacky - Kuchyna, SVK
19.03.2008 014 480 VIB Viterbo, ITA
19.03.2008 019 485 IA Indija, SRB
19.03.2008 025 488 ILM Illesheim, DEU
19.03.2008 031 490 WAK Vakarel, BUL
19.03.2008 034 492 TBV Moravska / Trebova, CZE
19.03.2008 038 495 PA Pancevo, SRB
19.03.2008 041 517 ARD Arad, ROU
19.03.2008 044 525 WRW Wroclaw / Strachowice, POL
(Luca, ndblist 20/03/2008)

I've been having a lot of noise on the whole LW band for a couple of days.
Why and where from? That's the question! It makes that I can't hear in good
conditions and therefore that my log is rather poor today.
But folowing Roelof's alert I could catch CM-489 and LP-458 quite fair.
Thanks to him especially to his super acute hearing!
(D. Kremp, Coutances, France - ndblist 20/03/2008)

20080320 07:49 209 IB 405 10.2 250 1675 Atikokan, ON, CAN (ON#15)(#526)
20080320 10:25 220 TUI 1020 1033 6.0 1000 5120 Tucurui Apt, BRA (BRA#3)(#527)
20080320 04:31 387 SPP 1019 8.1 1000 2697 San Andres - Gustavo Rojas Pinilla IAP, CLM (#524)
20080320 05:43 407 AKL 1019 6.0 25 1031 Haskell Municipal Apt, TX, USA (#525)
(Don, Canada - ndblist 20/03/2008)

387 SPP is currently the loudest signal south of the border, at least here
on the west coast NA. Last night it again was easily heard, where 415 CBC,
526 ZLS, 450 PPA, etc., were much weaker, and those last three are usually
strong signals when conditions are decent. It's like SPP is suddenly running
5-10kW power or suddenly has a huge antenna. Now's the time to be checking
for it!
This morning had weird conditions, with some good western Pacific at the
start, then things abruptly went away, and even LLD was barely heard. Of
course it's possible I only caught the tale end and should have turned the
radio on earlier. But the past week, signals have been heard this same time
and not earlier. 316 MAJ Marshall Islands was heard, first time since

270 FA SMO 1336 poor +925
316 MAJ MHL 1340 very poor/poor +1037
332 POA HWA 1341 medium/loud -1022
353 LLD HWA 1344 medium -403, poor at 1358
359 NDJ MHL 1346 very poor/poor +1018
366 PNI FSM 1359 very poor +1019
530 ADK ALS 1351 poor -1037
1725 GA PNG 1406 weak -1045 +1005, note it's changed offsets too, good level
1737 KUT PNG 1404 weak +357, note it's drifted down again. Also no longer
miskeying. Good level today.
(Steve Ratzlaff, USA - ndblist 20/03/2008)

2008-03-20 04:44 404 ABG 1024 7.583 ; Big Sandy, TX
2008-03-20 05:44 405 LR 1019 8.600 ; Laredo, TX
(Don Ward, Raleigh, USA - ndblist 20/03/2008)

20 07:36 212 FIO 631 749 4.6 Fiora, CTR
18 16:59 263 HET 1032 1026 Henryetta, OK, USA
19 20:15 267 HET 1030 1038 4.4 Henryetta, OK, USA
20 03:38 278 CEP 1050 8.1 Ruidoso, NM, USA
20 01:09 280 MPG 989 6.5 Merida, MEX
20 04:27 340 BOG 1025 8.4 Bogota, CLM
20 05:21 360 JDN 1018 6.2 Caramanto, CLM
20 05:35 362 TC 1054 5.8 Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
20 03:48 370 UCM 1168 7.1 Camaguey, CUB
20 06:04 400 UWI 1022 5.5 Dalton, GA, USA
20 06:07 402 C 591 599 4.4 Camaguey, CUB
20 06:23 412 UNG 1177 6.0 Nueva Gerona, CUB
20 06:38 418 EL 1021 8.5 Y El Dorado, AR, USA
20 06:52 440 CHE 1011 5.4 Y Chitre, PNR
(Douglas S., ndblist 20/03/2008)

20 15.47 687 R 797 Y Dnipropetrovsk,UKR
20 15.41 795 O 835 Y Donetsk,UKR
18 15.35 820 DN 1100 Y Dzhankoi,UKR
20 15.43 832 ShW 1416 Y Olenya,RUS
(Victor Puzanov, Mozhaysk, Russia - ndblist 20/03/2008)

20.03 18:06 486 M XUU UNID
20.03 18:40 524 LV RUS Klin
(Hartmut W, Germany - ndblist 20/03/2008)

19 23:57 365 CVL 363.973 8555 Caravelas (BA), BRA
19 23:44 365 AD 365.961 3051 Sochi, RUS
19 17:35 386 BZ 386.401 177 Brize Norton RAF, ENG
19 17:34 387 ING 387.002 83 St Inglevert, FRA
19 17:33 390 DR 390.008 329 Dinard, FRA
19 17:31 391 BV 391.006 190 Beauvaise/Tille, FRA
19 17:30 392 AS 392.005 374 Angers/Marce, FRA
(g3ufi - ndblist 20/03/2008)

At Brian's request I'm hoping to run a beacon on the 500kHz amateur
allocation for the CLE (103)

Currently (at 23:45z Thursday 20/3/08) I have a repeating callsign
"GM4SLV" radiating from Clousta in the Shetland Is. IP90gg on approx

I hope to keep it running throughout the CLE period, although the
antenna is very touchy regarding weather conditions, so no promises....!

The ERP is approx 400mW (or thereabouts).

For comparisons it might be interesting to check my nearest NDB TL-376
which has, from my own field strength surveys, a similar ERP.
(GM4SLV - ndblist 21/03/2008)

I'm getting a good signal on 501.9 from you here at 00:00 UTC.
No sign of either offset from 376 TL, but that is a rare catch from here.
Hope several of us log your beacon during the weekend.
(g3sia - ndblist 21/03/2008)

Nice signal from you here in Normandy/France, just across from the Channel
Island Jersey but not the faintest signal from TL-376 on either offset.
(D. Kremp, France - ndblist 21/03/2008)

20080321 0130 387 SPP 1019 CLM San Andres NG!
(David Tomasko, USA - ndblist 21/03/2008)

1715 301,5 CMP Campagnano, Roma ITA
2302 303 RTT Innsbruck / Rattenberg AUT
2300 306 PAR Parma ITA
17,38 308 MOJ Mojkovac MNE
17,32 312 BOZ Bozhurishte BUL
1717 312 TAQ Tarquinia, VT ITA
2307 312 DAN Danilvograd For Podgorica MNE
2310 312 TAQ Tarquinia, VT ITA
2320 313 AB Innsbruck / Absam AUT
1729 315 SPO Marina di Ravenna (RA) ITA Eliporto ENI
2315 315 LV Lviv UKR
2323 316 TNJ Tounj HRV
2324 322 TRN UNID XUU
1719 326 RCA Reggio di Calabria ITA
2326 326 RCA Reggio di Calabria ITA
1720 327 LNZ Linz / Horsching AUT
2328 327 LNZ Linz / Horsching AUT
1722 330 ZRA Zadar / Kakman HRV
2330 330 ZRA Zadar / Kakman HRV
2343 331,5 TLF Toulouse / Francazal FRA
1724 333,5 VOG Voghera, PV ITA
2345 333,5 VOG Voghera, PV ITA
1726 334 MR Maribor SVN
2347 334 MR Maribor SVN
2351 335 BER Bern SUI
2358 338 NC Nice / Cote D'azur FRA Very very strong signal
(Luca Tius, Italy - ndblist 21/03/2008)

445.0 20/03 1945 CL UNID ? id
417.0 20/03 2144 LI Düsseldorf D id 249
484.0 20/03 2150 HOF Hof D id 287
487.0 20/03 2157 BEY Beypazari TUR id 2128
(Michael Oexner, Germany - ndblist 21/03/2008)

20 21:45 503.60 G4WGT 503.602 ? Y Chorley, ENG
20 21:35 505.18 DI2AM 505.185 860 Rostock, DEU
(g3ufi - ndblist 21/03/2008)

21 06:17 260 DCF 422 371 8.0 Y Roseau (Canefield), DMA
21 07:12 285 JZP 1020 19 Y Jasper, GA, USA
21 07:37 333 STI 1021 8.6 Y Mountain Home, ID, USA
21 07:59 340 REU 388 411 10.2 Retalhuleu, GTM
21 07:52 340 BOG 1025 8.4 Bogota, CLM
21 08:16 345 PUF 1027 7.8 Estherville, IA, USA
21 08:40 365 PAL 1012 7.4 Palma, EQA
21 06:57 370 UCM 1167 7.1 Camaguey, CUB
21 09:22 415 SLS ~1016 7.1 Y Salinas, EQA
21 09:36 440 CHE 1010 5.4 Chitre, PNR
(Douglas Springfield, New Chapel Hill, TX, USA - ndblist 21/03/2008)

2008-03-21 00:18 387 SPP 1021 1019 8.126 ; San Andres Island, CLM
(Don Ward, Raleigh, USA - ndblist 21/03/2008)

21 1121 445 CG UNID 1--(7.8sec) 444.180 / 445.520 (1)
21 1143 474.5 SA Darlowo POL 1--(5.7sec) 473.495 /
21 1157 489 OI UNID 2--(15.4sec) 487.966 / 490.042 (2)
21 1219 840 KR Kaliningrad KAL 2--(15.0sec) 838.975 / 841.030
(Bo Nensén, Hanabäckliden/Örnsköldsvik, Sweden - ndblist 21/03/2008)

387 SPP continues to be strong; I first tried for it earlier last night,
0230 utc had a good signal, but it was even stronger at 0600 utc. At 0230
almost nothing else was heard, such as 415 CBC, yet SPP was a solid "weak"
level (no need for audio filter). 529 LYQ also strong about the same time,
with the voice wx heard.
This morning I woke up much earlier, with a couple Alaskans heard but not
later, but signals mostly were still there at my later time I've been
listening. But generally poor to fair overall reception.

212 FIO CTR 0555 +749 last heard 2005, tnx Doug Springfield
214 XA JPN 1252 very poor/poor
281 CRN ALS 1230 very poor
316 MAJ MHL 1258 weak, still there 1345, +1039
327 VYI HWA 1330 very poor
332 POA HWA 1330 medium
340 BOG CLM 0558 -1025
353 LLD HWA 1302 medium
359 NDJ MHL 1304 weak +1023
366 PNI FSM 1336 weak/medium
373 HHI HWA 1338 very poor/poor
373 PQ JPN 1306 very poor
390 HK JPN 1309 very poor
400 MDY MDW 1342 very poor/poor
530 ADK ALS 1318 poor, not heard earlier
(Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 21/03/2008)

15.03.08 2236 4209,5 $11P
16.03.08 0224 4209,5 $03M
16.03.08 0935 518 $01J
16.03.08 0945 518 $01K
16.03.08 1008 518 $01P
16.03.08 1242 518 $01E
16.03.08 1306 518 $01G
16.03.08 1320 518 $01I
16.03.08 1351 518 $01L
16.03.08 1501 518 $01S
16.03.08 1512 518 $01T
16.03.08 1522 518 $01M
16.03.08 1927 518 $01U
16.03.08 1953 518 $03W
16.03.08 2003 518 $02A
16.03.08 2010 518 $01B
16.03.08 2019 518 $01W
16.03.08 2024 518 $03C
16.03.08 2033 518 $03D
16.03.08 2051 518 $17F
16.03.08 2112 518 $01H
16.03.08 2126 518 $01N
16.03.08 2202 518 S01Q
(Joachim Rabe, Hamburg, Germany - ndblist 17/03/2008)

20080316 2317 518 $01R Reykjavik ISL
20080316 2308 518 $03A Novorossiysk RUS
20080316 2350 518 $01X Reykjavik ISL
20080316 2359 518 $03X Cabo de la Nao (Valencia)ESP
20080317 0016 518 $03B Alger ALG
20080317 0034 518 $02D Coruna ESP
20080317 0037 518 $03D Istanbul TUR
20080317 0224 518 $01O Portpatrick SCT
20080317 0241 518 $03Q Split HRV
20080317 0256 518 $03R Rome ITA
20080317 0831 490 $01L Hamburg (Pinneberg) DEU
20080317 0922 490 $01I Niton ENG
20080317 1720 490 $01C Portpatrick SCT
20080317 1750 490 $03L Constanta ROU
20080317 1930 490 $01U Cullercoats ENG
20080317 1941 490 $02W La Coruna ESP
20080317 2046 490 $02E Corsen FRA
20080317 2101 490 $02G Monsanto POR
(Joachim Rabe, Hamburg, Germany - ndblist 18/03/2008)

2008-01-23 02:48 518 $01R ? Grindavik, ISL

2008-02-24 20:55 518 $03F 2525 Antalya, TUR

2008-03-04 00:18 518 $03P 3078 Haifa, ISR

2008-03-07 20:17 518 $17V 1866 Vardo, NOR

2008-03-14 01:58 518 $03K 1851 Corfu, GRC

2008-03-14 20:43 518 $03E 2352 Samsun, TUR

2008-03-14 21:49 518 $03L 1984 Limnos, GRC

2008-03-15 21:20 518 $03I 2149 Izmir, TUR

2008-03-16 01:12 518 $01H 1097 Harnosand - Sah, SWE

2008-03-16 03:55 518 $03W 1475 CROSS La Garde, FRA

2008-03-16 22:59 518 $03R 1543 Rome, ITA

2008-03-17 00:09 518 $03B 2226 Algiers, ALG

2008-03-17 20:29 518 $03C 1622 Odessa, UKR

2008-03-17 22:07 518 $01W 1542 Valentia Coastquard, IRL

2008-03-17 22:50 518 $01Q 1249 Malin Head - Ejm, IRL

2008-03-17 22:59 518 $01R 2101 Reykjavik, ISL

2008-03-17 23:27 490 $01U 1450 Cullercoats, ENG

2008-03-17 23:46 518 $03W 2578 Astrakhan, RUS

2008-03-18 00:05 490 $03A 2352 Samsun, TUR

2008-03-18 00:15 518 $01B 1293 Bodo - Lgp, NOR

2008-03-18 00:23 518 $09B 4479 Hamala, BHR

2008-03-18 00:40 518 $03D 2015 Istanbul, TUR

2008-03-18 00:56 518 $17F 1815 Arkhangelsk, RUS

2008-03-18 01:11 518 $01G 887 Cullercoats - Gcc, ENG

2008-03-18 01:22 490 $01I 1081 Niton, ENG

2008-03-18 01:40 518 $03J 1775 Varna, BUL

2008-03-18 01:46 518 $01K 1081 Niton - Gni (cherbrg), ENG

2008-03-18 01:50 490 $03L 1712 Constanta, ROU

2008-03-18 02:01 518 $01M 815 Oostende - Ost, BEL

2008-03-18 02:28 518 $01O 1120 Portpatrick - Gpk, SCT

2008-03-18 02:46 518 $03Q 1382 Split, HRV

2008-03-18 03:10 518 $03A 2151 Novorossiysk, RUS

2008-03-18 03:15 490 $01T 1081 Niton, ENG

2008-03-18 03:19 518 $01T 815 Oostende - Ost, BEL

2008-03-18 03:23 518 $01U 828 Tallin - Esa, EST

2008-03-18 03:48 490 $01R 2101 Y Reykjavik, ISL

2008-03-18 03:51 518 $01X 2101 Reykjavik - Tfa, ISL

2008-03-18 04:08 518 $02A 1440 Corsen - Frc, FRA

2008-03-18 04:11 518 $01N 905 Oerlandet - Lgd, NOR

2008-03-18 04:31 518 $01D 1310 Torshavn, FRO

2008-03-18 04:47 490 $01C 1120 Portpatrick, SCT

2008-03-18 04:49 518 $01E 1081 Niton - Gni, ENG

2008-03-18 05:50 490 $02E 1444 CROSS Corsen, FRA

2008-03-18 05:53 518 $01L 534 Rogaland- Lgq, NOR

2008-03-18 09:37 518 $01P 587 Den Helder - Pbk, HOL

2008-03-18 09:54 490 $01L 276 Pinneberg (Hamburg), DEU

2008-03-18 13:27 518 $01I 159 Grimeton, SWE

2008-03-18 15:03 518 $01S 285 Hamburg-Quickborn, DEU

2008-03-18 16:39 518 $01J 113 Karlskrona - Saa, SWE
(Henrik Nielsen, Sweden - ndblist 18/03/2008)

20080319 0431 518 $01D Torshavn FRO
(Joachim Rabe, Germany - ndblist 20/03/2008)

2008-03-19 17:04 1255 LG Y Luhansk, UKR
2008-03-19 17:18 978 HB Y Zemetchino, RUS
2008-03-19 17:52 887 W Y Moscow / Domodedovo, RUS
2008-03-19 18:49 825 F Y Cherepovets, RUS
2008-03-19 18:59 815 PW Y Pavlovka, UKR
2008-03-19 19:09 770 LR Y Krakow / Balice, POL
2008-03-19 19:11 770 MR Y Mariupol, UKR
2008-03-19 19:37 734 N Y UNID, XUU
2008-03-19 19:40 735 KW Y Koviagi, UKR2008-03-19 19:51 733 V Y Kiev / Zhuliany, UKR
2008-03-19 20:41 309 LG Y Saatenes, SWE
2008-03-19 20:45 309 H Y , XUU
2008-03-19 21:15 390 SS Y SKOVDE, SWE
(Jarmo Heittokangas, Pertteli, Finland - ndblist 20/03/2008)

20080320 1910 490 $03S La Garde (Toulon) FRA
20080320 1920 490 $01T Niton ENG
20080320 0325 490 $01R Reykjavik ISL
20080320 0258 490 $04J Sydney NS CAN
20080320 0253 490 $03M Cabo de la Nao (Valencia) ESP
(Joachim Rabe, Germany - ndblist 21/03/2008)

Just went through the new DW schedule:

Ukrainian will no longer be on shortwave.

Some site changes: No longer in use will be Ascension, Krasne
(Ukraine), Atamanovka (Chita) and Yelizovo (Petropavlovk Kamchatskiy).
New or again in use are Komsomolsk (0000-0100 English on 17525),
Khabarovsk (2300-2400 Chinese on 11830) and Razdolnoye (0000-0100
English on 15515, 1030-1150 Chinese on 7205, 1300-1330 Chinese on 5980).

In late 2006 the UK newspaper The Guardian run an enthusiastic article
about DW stepping up its transmissions via VTC facilities from already
agreed 90 to 150 frequency hours per day. The reality now is such that
DW uses 98 hours a day on the three UK plants, 14 hours at Al-Dhabbaya
and 8 hours at Singapore plus not more than two hours each at Cypress
Creek, Sackville and Meyerton, presumably booked via VTC as well.
This is about the same amount of airtime than run from DW's own
transmitter plants, with 33.5 frequency hours a day at Sines, 55 hours
at Kigali and 47.5 hours at Trincomalee. All this for AM only, DRM not
reviewed (because, frankly, who cares?), but it should make no
difference for the general picture.

Will any other broadcasters, of course including the BBC, have
anything on air at Woofferton between 2000 and 0330? If not (and this
could well be the case) 6075 will be the only thing on air here until
0200 and the site be completely dark between 0200 and 0330.

And I suspect that the reduction of shortwave transmissions especially
to Asia, as hinted in January, will in the first place affect English,
especially in light of the most recent shortwave cuts, err, changes
announced by the BBC.
(Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 21/03/2008)

Received a p/d card (no time) today in 20 days for $1 from Drito Cico at Radio Tirana for 13640 kHz. 2 large postcards were also received.
(KC7LDP - hard-core-dx 18/03/2008)

21.590 Radio Nederland, Bonaire, ATN. QSL. 2130 dias ( Este QSL demorou
quase 06 anos, eles escreveram a seguinte frase " Our apologies for the
severe delay". V/S: ? QTH: Postbus 222 1200 JG Hilversum Holanda.
(Leônidas dos Santos Nascimento, São João Evangelsita, Brasil - radioescutas 21/03/2008)

15200 KTWR - Agana - GUM - Recebido cartao QSL completo, carta pessoal e boletim de horarios e frequencias. 45 dias. V/S: George Ross. Informe enviado por e-mail:

ktwrfcd@guam.twr.org . Outro e-mail e: ktwrfreq@guam.twr.org . QTH: Trans World Radio Guam, P.O. Box 8780 - Agat - Guam
(Rubens Ferraz Pedrfoso; Bandeirantes - Parana - Brasil - radioescuas 19/03/2008)

9330 Rádio Damasco Internacional Adra, SYR. Recebido QSL, carta pessoal
adesivo, postal, cartão telefonico –178 dias - V/S: Marian Galindo – QTH:
Caixa Postal 4702 , Damasco, Republica Árabe da Síria.
(Leônidas dos Santos Nascimento, São João Evangelsita, Brasil - radioescutas 21/03/2008)

Adventist World Radio -по обычной почте ЩСЛ карточка со всеми
деталями, включая передатчик и мощность (подпись- Keren Milanovich, AWR
Listener Service), карманный календарик и письмо. 71 день за электронный
рапорт с сайта awr.org в USA HQ (ящики info info@awr.org> @awr.org
и letters letters@awr.org> @awr.org 7 января не работали), ответ
пришёл из Англии. ((Andrey Voloshko, Poltava, Ukraine - open_dx 18/03/2008)

341 LDM Ludington NDB, Ludington, MI, f/d PFC in 12 days for SASE.
Power listed on PFC as 25 watts. The v/s was David Johnson, Airport Manager.
Address was Mason County Aviation FBO, 5300 W. US 10, Ludington, MI 49431.
(Jim Pogue, TN, 3/18)

404 ABG ALERT NDB, Big Sandy, TX, f/d PFC in 8 days for SASE. Power
listed on PFC as 25 watts. The v/s was Cliff Scott, Manager. Address was
ALERT Field Airport, 1 Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, TX 75755. (Jim Pogue, TN,

506.5 WE2XGR/2 Burlington, CT, f/d PFC received in 71 days
for SASE of this 500 kcs experimental station. Power listed as 800 watts.
Address: Jay Rusgrove/W1VD, 15 Polly Dan Road, Burlington, CT 06013. (Jim Pogue, TN, USA - ndblist 19/03/2008)

670 WSCR IL, Chicago, after 16 months and 3 f/ups, I finally got my
ppc card back signed by Greg Davis CE. I had the old WMAQ QSL'd from
back in the 60s, and they were easy to get a nice card from. Even the 50
KWers are tough to QSL these days. Address: 455 North City Front Plaza
Drive, 6th Floor, Chicago IL 60611. (Patrick Martin, Oregon, USA - hard-core-dx 20/03/2008)

Jim Evans
Germantown, TN
TenTec RX-340, Drake R8B, RF Space SDR-14
90' Random Wire, 60' PAR EF-SWL

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