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WorldDX 165

WorldDX 165
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
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Короткие Волны (Shortwaves)

Австралия (Australia)
Die ABC - North Territories Autralien ist auf allen Frequenzen sehr laut zu
2310kHz S8 O3
2325kHz S9 O3-4
2485kHz S9+15dB !!! dicke O4 (beinahe Ortssender Qualitat !)
(Ulli, West Vlaanderen, Belgien - ADX 03/02/2008)

2310 VL8A Northern Territory SWS, Alice Springs; 1151, 2-Mar; M in EE
w/pop music; ad & ABC spot @1155. Copyable at QRN lvl; //2325 VL8T
Tennant Creek; //2485 VL8K Katherine. 2485 was slightly better,
which is unusual in my experience. (Frodge-MI)
6020 Radio Australia; 1109. 2-Mar; EE cricket match coverage. SIO=554;
//9580, SIO=554 (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

Австрия (Austria)
Classical music is so rare on SW, that I had to pause when I came
across some on 9870, fair March 6 at 2343 – what could that be? O yes, Ö1 is
scheduled here to SAm during this semihour only, in its complex mixture of
English, German and Spanish. I must say, they have good taste, letting the
music play, rather than chopping and hyping it up, like over on 15410 at the
same time (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/03/2008)

Албания (Albania)
7430 Radio Tirana; 2100-2110+, 1-Mar; ID, sked & pgm notes to
news 2103-07+ then feature on an Albania artists. All in EE. SIO=3+53,
//9915, SIO=3+53 (H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

Ангола (Angola)
4950 Radio Nacional, Mulenvos, 2228-2235, March 07, Portuguese,
short talk, news, talk by male, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 09/03/2008)

Бангладеш (Bangladesh)
7250, Bangladesh Betar, *1228-1230, March 7,
IS. Local music & opening ID announcements at 1230. Weak modulation
& a lot of thunderstorm static. Signal just too poor to catch any further
program details. Too much t-storm static. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/03/2008)

9970 BELGIUM. RTBF International (Wavre), 2038-2100, 3/7/2008,
French. Program of pop music with rather long talk segments by man.
Talk by woman at 2100, possibly news. Good signal strength at tune
in (SINPO 34333), deteriorating to poor by 2100. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 09/03/2008)

Бирма (Burma)
5985.83, Myanma Radio, 1430-1450, March 3, 4 &
5, Shiokaze is now jammed with a pulsating noise (assume from N.
Korea), which does not stop at 1430, but continues on after Shiokaze
is off the air, totally covering Myanma Radio. An unfortunate
development, as March 3 reception would have been fair except for the
jamming (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 06/03/2008)

Боливия (Bolivia)
4716.69 Radio Yatun Allyu Yura; 0122-0131+, 1-Mar; M in SS
taking brief phone calls, music between; R.Yura ID @0129 w/sfx--sounded
like a duck. Poor. 0011-0026+, 2-Mar; M&W in SS w/mostly flute music &
one band tine. Radio Yura ID @0026. SIO=2+32+, LSB helps w/SS QRM on
4717.5/U. (H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

4111.602 Boliviaš Radio .Virgen de los Remediosš 1030 to 1040,om en espanol, fair strength...š per tip by Rogildo F. Aragão en La Republica de Bolivia. 9 March

[Wilkner-FL]š Previously on 4545.396 with aš weaker signal.
(Robert Wikner, FL, USA - CumbreDX 09/03/2008)

5996.5, Radio Loyola, 1040-1055, Noted a female in Spanish language
This portion of the band is very crowded. Radio Loyola fades in
periodically between
crashes of noise and splatter. No other details picked up. Signal was poor
to threshold.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 04/03/2008)

4781, Bolivia, R Tacana, Tumupasa; 03/04 Spanish 2236-2343 advs, 2237 ID by male "stay escutchando Radio Tacana", rock in Spanish, male anmts, local pop

selections. It was off at 03/06 at time above, QRM pres. 4780 RC Coatan 32233 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 07/03/2008)

6025, Bolivia, R Patria Nueva, La Paz; 03/07 Spanish 0005-0013 male talks outside reporting about popular manisfestations, 0008 female "noticias es Patria Nueva", male

and female talks. 33232 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 07/03/2008)

Бразилия (Brasil)
5035 ZYG853 Radio Aparecida (p); 0606-0615+, 1-Mar; M in PP
w/soft music, gave phone #, Phone? interview. SIO=2+33-, QRM from
5025 Rebelde. (H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 1510. Identification signal and notices (in Portuguese). SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 05th March 2008, Federachi)

6039.60, Radio Clube Paranaense, Curitiba, 0707-0730,
March 7, Portuguese announcements. Mostly US pop music but
several Portuguese pop tunes. ID. Poor to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/03/2008)

R.Tarma aus PRU 4774,97 ist heute mit O=2 zu hören.
Es hört sich nach Comunicados u.Werbung an.2315 UT

Auf 5952,44 kommt R.PIO XII aus BOL durch derzeit mit Wortprogramm.
R.S.Miguel auf 4699,34 ist auch leise zu hören derzeit mit Gesang.
(Erwin D., ADX 01/02/2008)

Гватемала (Guatemala)
4780, Guatemala, Radio Cultural Coatan, San Sebastian; 03/03-04 Spanish/Vern. 2340 male talks, 2350 religious talks in Spanish alternating Vernacular “estamos

rechasando la realidad del Dios”, 0901 ID by male “entre la informacion...RCC, Radio Cultural Coatan. 22322 (Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil = hard-core-dx 05/03/2008)

Radio Buenas Nuevas 4800 through the CODAR
QRM 1205 March 5 with charming-but-amateurish Spanish
choral music (I'd bet this was local talent), into
male speaker 1215, "programa especial de Radio Buenas
Nuevas." more talk to 1220 tune out. Fair to good
signal strength and no trace of XERTA. I've noted TGMI
on several occasions around this time since the first
of the year but never XERTA, so I'd be skeptical of
any XERTA log on this frequency without a firm ID.
Used my bedside Eton E5 and its telescoping whip
antenna for this one. (w5hlh - dxldyg 05/03/2008)

Гуам (Guam)
9975 KTWR Trans-World Radio; 1357-1359:53*, 1-Mar; EE rlgs pgm
w/India address; ID @s/off. SIO=253- (H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)
(H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

Египет (Egypt)
6250 Radio Cairo; 2217-2222+, 1-Mar; EE pgm Islam in Focus,
"for truth seekers worldwide...Muslims and non-Muslims". SIO=4+43+
(H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

Замбия (Zambia)
13650, Christian Voice, Lusaka, 1610-1706*, March 3,
"The Planet" English program. Pop music countdown program. CVC
promos. Pop music news & interviews. Australia address. CVC news
headlnes at 1635. "Mailtime" at 1646 acknowledging listeners letters.
News at 1701. Abruptly pulled plug during newscast, switching to 13590.
Fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 04/03/2008)

3396 ZIMBABWE. ZBC (Harare), 0442-0444, 3/5/2008, Vernacular (?).
Pop music. Very poor signal, occasionally peaking above noise
level. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 09/03/2008)

Египет (Egypt)
R. Cairo, English to NAm, 9465, March 6 at 2315 with 4+1 timesignal
7.5 seconds late compared to WWV (so why bother instead of a simple time
announcement?), `News from the North American Service of Radio Cairo``, news
theme, and news read by YL, starting with shootings in Jerusalem. By
concentrating with headphones I was able to follow most of it, but the audio
level faded up and down. Engaging the hi-pass audio filter on the FRG-7 helped
to minimize the bass. She wrapped it up at 2324, I think giving her name, but
could not understand it. Then into at least 15 minutes of uninterrupted music,
mostly Arabic songs by a woman. Recheck at 0000 UT Fri March 7, Arabic lesson,
but signal was down a bit and now bothered by much stronger Portugal on 9460
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/03/2008)

Израиль (Israel)
15784.7 Galei Zahal (p); 1545-1600+, 1-Mar; 2M in Ladino?--
sounding like mix of HB & SS; lite music; SIO=152+, very fady till
covered by tone @1555:48 & WEWN IS @1556:45 & EE s/on @1600.
(H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

Индия (India)
9690 All India Radio; 1340-1356+, 1-Mar; EE cmmtry on economy
to low-key LL vocal @1346. SIO=343; //11620 SIO=242+ in LSB. 1338-1346+,
2-Mar; EE news to 1340 then cmtry re India-Pakistan. SIO=343-; //11620,
SIO=243-, need USB. (H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

Индонезия (Indonesia)
3325, RRI Palangkaraya (presumed), 1238, 03/07/08. Sustained vocal music with flute and string-instrument accompaniment, just one or two brief announcer comments,

seemed to continue through 1300 but was mostly gone in the noise by then. Format/music was quite unlike recent PNG receptions, so doubt this was R North Solomons.

Mostly poor. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 07/03/2008)

RRI was good on 60 meters, March 8; it helped a lot to tune in an
hour earlier than I usually do, at 1304: 4605 Serui was best at S9+20 with
warta berita, // 4790 Fak2, and at 1306 also // 4920 Biak when M&W were
talking, still in news, I think. However at 1305, 4870 Wamena was in music not
// the others. At 1308, 4605 heard mentioning ``RRI [pronounced air-air-ee]. .
. warta berita``. At 1351, 4605 was still holding up well with music and more
flutter than before, also 4790 with not // music, and CODAR worst there; also
at 1351, 4920 was somewhat stronger than 4870. Missing was 4750 Makassar, even
at the earliest 1304 check. There were also some Chinese frequencies audible,
interspersed. VOI 9526 was missing this date before and after 1400 (Glenn
Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/03/2008)

Иран (Iran)
6067.03v, VOIRI, Sirjan, 2125-2130, March 3, Arabic talk.
Sirjan transmitter still unstable, constantly varing 20-30 hertz.
(Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 04/03/2008)

via LITHUANIA. 7565, IRIB, Sitkunai, 1945-2029*,
March 5, tune-in to English news. Talk about Clinton-Obama primaries
at 2000. News at 1922. Schedule at 1925. Fair.
// 6010, 7320, 11695 - via Iran. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 06/03/2008)

9525, China Radio International, 2049. Program with lesson to Russian to Chinese. SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 05th March 2008).
9865, China Radio International, 2005. Identification signal and program in Mandarin. SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 05th March 2008, Federachi).

Колумбия (Colombia)
5910 HJDH Marfil Estereo; 0508-0513+, 1-Mar; SS pop tunes; "En Marfil
Estereo". SIO=444-; not //6010 w/SS rlgs pgm (Frodge-MI)
6035 HJOY La Voz del Guaviare; 0054-0103+, 1-Mar; SS baladas; LVdG ID
@0056 & "LVdG desde Colombia" @0101 followed by ads/PSAs. All in
SS. SIO=3+33, USB helps w/jammed Radio Marti in SS @6030. 1112,
2-Mar; M in SS w/ID & tropicales. SIO=43-3- (H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

6035.01, LV del Guaviare, 0225-0306*, March 7,
Spanish announcements. Local music. IDs at 0227, 0300. Closing
announcements at 0303. National Anthem at 0304. Fair to good
signal but dropped down to a poor signal quality at 0230 when
clobbered by strong splatter from Vatican Radio via Sackville 6040.
(Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/03/2008)

Корея (Korea)
3955 KBS (S. Korea); 2204-2210+, 29-Feb; "The news on KBS World Radio
in Seoul Korea" to 2208+ "Commentary on KBS World Radio", in NK
negotiations. All in EE. SIO=343 w/unusually minor ARO QRM.
(H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

9975, Voice of Korea, 2100. Identification signal and notices in Mandarin. SINPO: 444444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 05th March 2008, Federachi)

4450 KNDP (p); 1146, 2-Mar; Choral music w/brief anmt by W in LL.
SIO=152, best in USB; not //6285 (Frodge-MI)
6284.8 La Voix du Korea; 1126-1137+, 2-Mar; M&W w/cmtry--mentioned Tel
Aviv & choral music; anthem? @1132; hrd "La Voix" couple of times.
SIO=343 w/ute clatter; //9335, weak; not //11710 if them.
(H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

Ливия (Libya)
17725, LJB/Voice of Africa, 03/04/08, 1423, English. Afropop-type music, IDs and into news from the Great Jamahiriyah and the recent doings of the Leader of the

Revolution. Strong het on the low side, but clear in USB. Fair. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 07/03/2008)

Мадагаскар (MAdagascar)
5010, RTV Malagasy, 2215-2310+, March 5, running
late again with lite pop music, ballads. Local pop music. Malagasy talk.
Fair to good. Reduced carrier USB. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 06/03/2008)

Мали (Mali)
5995 Radio du Mali; 2247-2301+, 5-Mar; Songs in LL & FF; M ancr
in FF w/RdM ID @2248 followed by FF discussion of U.S. election &
other subjects. SIO=4+43 till covered in AM by 5990 China s/on via Cuba
2300. Mali continued in FF & good in USB. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 07/03/2008)

9635, RTVM, Bamako, *0803-0830+, March 7, abrupt sign on
with vernacular talk. Local music. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/03/2008)

Молдавия (Pridnestrovye)
6240, Radio PMR, Kishinev, *2303-2315, March 3,
abrupt sign on with English news in progress. Commentary about the
local conflict. Talk about local history. ID & contact information at
2313. French at 2315. Very good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 04/03/2008)

Нигер (Niger)
9705 La Voix du Sahel (t); 2146-2202+, 29-Feb; Thumb harp &
drums to M in FF news 2150-53, then flutes & Afrom vocals; tent. LVdS
ID @2159+ & C&W tune! @2200+ (H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

о-в Вознесения
15400, BBC, 1500. International notices (in English). SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 05th March 2008, Federachi March 2008)

Папуа Новая Гвинея (Papua New Guinea)
3335 Radio East Sepik (p); 1159-1207+, 2-Mar; M&W in LL; Played How
Great Thou Art not in EE & When the Roll is Called Up Yonder in EE
twice. Fair in USB. (Frodge-MI)
3345 Radio Northern; 1209-1232+, 2-Mar; M in (at least partly) EE w/
pop, rock, rap & reggae tunes; wx & TC @1226+. RN ID at 1300
per KZ. Fair at QRN lvl. (Frodge-MI)
(H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

4790.03 Radio Vision; 0310, 1-Mar; RV ID in misddle os SS sermon; have
hrd this kind of ID before. Usual mix w/swiper. (Frodge-MI)
5014.4 OBZ4B Radio Altura; 0029-0038+, 2-Mar; Camp'o tunes w/o anmts
between; single word Altura ID over tune @0030. SIO=2+22+,
copyable only in LSB. (Frodge-MI)
9720 Radio Victoria (p); 0517-0538+, 1-Mar; Rlgs pgm in PP (with lots
of shouting & moaning); change to SS rlgs pgm @0537 w/o break.
SIO=243+ in LSB, need LSB to avoid Dead Dr. Gene on 9725 via
Costa Rica. 6020 covered.(H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

3315 PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Radio Manus (Lorengau) (presumed),
1230-1245, 3/5/2008, English (?). Pop music with comments by man.
Signal very poor, at noise level. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 09/03/2008)

7325, Wantok Radio Light (presumed), 1231-1345+, 03/08/08. A program of mostly talk alternating between announcers to theme music, then after that mostly continuous

contemporary Western-sounding tunes with occasional brief commentary between songs, a very tentative ID heard around 1259. Mostly faded by 1345 though still going.

On a couple of checks prior to 1230 male and female announcers were heard speaking clearly in Mandarin - i.e., IBRA Radio via Novosibirsk, which is listed as 1230* and

would probably have been the source of any signal heard on this frequency before then (at least in N. America). Poor, often near noise floor. Wantok Radio Light had been

only heard as a carrier at best since last log on 02/29, and assuming R Canada takes this frequency over on 03/09 as expected, it will be a while before they're heard here

again. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 09/03/2008)

Перу (Peru)
5939.2, Radio Melodia, 1047-1100, Just a shadow of a signal here, with
a male in
Spanish language news and comments. This is a news/talk radio station, so
there's not
much of a variety in the details. Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, FL, USA, 04/03/2008)

4857, Peru, Radio La Hora, Cusco; 03/04 Spanish 0019 ID by male “desde Cusco para todo el pais, Radio La Hora”, local pop selections, 0025 abruptally sign off. 32323

(Lucio O.B., Embu, Brasil - hard-core-dx 05/03/2008).

Peru, 5039.5, Radio Libertad, 1059-1115 Noted Huaynos music at tune-in until
At that time male interrupts with Spanish Language comments and canned
promos follow.
Signal was poor but crashes knocks it out often. (Chuck Bolland, March 6, 2008)

Peru, 4775, Radio Tarma, 1109-1120 Initially noted a male in Spanish
comments between
blasts from CODAR every second. At one time, this band (4.700 to 5.000 KHz)
alive with DX catches from different areas around the world. However, this
nuisance from
CODAR has ruined the band to a point that most stations are blocked by it.
This freq is no exception. CODAR is right on top of Radio Tarma this
morning blocking any chance of hearing any details or enjoying the
programming. Consequently, the signal from Tarma was poor to nil. (Chuck Bolland, March 6, 2008)

Peru, 4824.4, La Voz de la Selva, 1126-1135, Again copying the program
between CODAR blasts, noted a male and female in Spanish language comments.
Haven't heard this station for awhile. Not sure why? The signal was poor
and fading out periodically. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 06/03/2008)

Россия (Russia)
6075, R. Rossii via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, 0530-0546,
March 5, Russian songs sung by children, IDs "Radio Rossii", good, //
5935 via Magadan, poor-fair mixing with WWCR; 7320 via Magadan, fair.
Is it my imagination or has 7200 (Yakutsk) recently been off the air
or is it just conditions? (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 06/03/2008)

Tho there was little doubt, on March 6 I made sure that the station
taking over 6020 after Australia closes is Family Radio, as scheduled via
Samara. At 1357, Russian marker tones periodically under RA, which played
Waltzing Matilda 1358-1359*. Then sure enough, starting a few seconds after
1400, Family Radio trumpet theme.

This is Telugu, a 140 degree beam across south India from the site at 50-15
East, 53-17 North, per Aoki. Checking Kuybyshev (its Soviet name) as on my old
NGS globe, I find that the great circle to Enid heads about 153 degrees from
Samara, not too far off; goes to 76 degrees south near McMurdo, and is all over
water from S Asia to the SW coast of Mexico. How about the greyline?

Set for 1400 UT March 6 at http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/Earth we see that
there is a lot more light on the short path across northern Greenland this time
of year, tangent to 76 degrees north, than there is the much longer long path.
This plus the fact that I am not hearing anything else from any part of Europe
on 49m at the time, leads me to conclude that this reception is indeed
long-path (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/03/2008)

6075, GTRK Kamchatka via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka,
0815-0835, March 7, their local programming with conversations in
Russian, Russian ballads, BoH Russian and English IDs ("This is
Kamchatka"), seemed to be a recorded interview, with several mentions
of Kamchatka, fair to good reception (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 07/03/2008)

7320, R. Rossii via Magadan, 0815-0835, March 7, in
Russian, songs in English ("You are My Destiny", etc.), R. Rossii IDs,
bad case of clipped audio (like listening to a station with the
hiccups!), fair to good reception (unusually good for them), parallel
with 5935 also via Magadan (fair, mixing with WWCR). Still not sure
what is happening on 7200 (Yakutsk). Almost thought I heard them for a
few seconds, but if so, they are extremely weak, not their usual
strength. If this is caused by poor conditions then why the good
reception for the other Russians? (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 07/03/2008)

3200 SWAZILAND. TWR (Manzini), 0423-0431, 3/5/2008, German.
Religious music and talk by woman. Change to English at 0429 with ID
by woman and religious talk by man. Poor signal (SINPO 22222).
Better signal (SINPO 33333) on parallel 4775. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 09/03/2008)

Словакия (Slovakia)
7345 Radio Slovakia Int'l; 1927-1936+, 1-Mar; Repeated ID
& sked to s/on @1930 w/Slovak news. All in EE. SIO=243
(H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

9440, Radio Slovakia International, 2100. Program with notices in Spanish. SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 05th March 2008, Federachi)

SSIRI, 15675 fair via South Africa, Sat March 8 at 1400, YL
opening elementary English lessons with usual doorbells, etc. Not always
audible, but scheduled Tue/Thu/Sat 1400-1430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/03/2008)

Happened to stop on 5950, RTI via WYFR, March 8 at 0257 as
they were closing with English transmission schedule. Tho very strong signal as
usual, the modulation was suppressed by an even stronger carrier which came on
at 0258. There was an occasional SAH ripple when one took a brief fade. What
could this be? RTI is in English via WYFR at both 0200 and repeated at 0300 on
5950. But from this, it appears that two different WYFR transmitters are
involved, and they did not turn off the first one before the second one came
on. Yes, there is a beam change from 355 to 285 degrees, but instead of
switching antennas on a single transmitter, they just use two different
transmitters –-- why not? They`ve got a dozen --- and not have to make a quick
antenna switch. Surprised no one has noted this overlap before, as far as I
know (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/03/2008)

Тайланд (Thailand)
VOA in English is changing one frequency at 0100-0200 hrs from 9865 to 9740
kHz effective 05 March 2008 from their Thailand relay station. Parallel
channels at this times are 7205 and 11705 kHz.
(Alok Dasgupta via www.dxasia.info, CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

Туркмения (Turkmenia)
5015 Turkmen Radio 1, 21:40-21:45, escuchada el 2 de marzo en turkmeno a locutor con comentarios, canto del Coran, SINPO 34242.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 05/03/2008)

Фр. Гвиана (Fr. Guiana)
6195, Radio Japan, 0945-1000 With a period of News and
commentary all in the Japanese Language by a male and female. Signal was
good and steady being relayed via French Guiana until signoff at 1000.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 04/03/2008)

Филиппины (Philipines)
9325, WYFRI, 1520. Program in Burmese and typical song at the end of the programs. SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 05th March 2008)

9615, dio Veritas Asia, 1120-1130, Noted a female in Mandarin
comments while a group of individuals respond. It sounds like a religious
ceremony. Signal was good. (Charles Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 08/03/2008)

Хорватия (Croatia)
3984.86, Croatian Radio - Voice of Croatia, 2315-2330,
March 2, English "Croatia Today" program with news, sports & weather.
IDs & schedule at 2321. Local pop music at 2323. Very weak. Much
better on // 7285 - via Germany. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 04/03/2008)

Эквадор (Ecuador)
6160, HCJB, 1000-1030*, This is a regularly scheduled program of
Language comments and Bras Music. Noted a female commenting between musical
selections. Signal was good until about 1020 when it started to fade. Went
off abruptly
at 1030. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 04/03/2008)

15295, HCJB, 1540. Christian program in Portuguese. SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 05th March 2008, Federachi)

Ю. Африка (South Africa)
7230 Channel Africa; 0540, 1-Mar; M in EE w/local temperatures & ID,
then EE feature on languages used in S. Africa. SIO=2+33-,
best in LSB. (Frodge-MI)
15675 Sudan Interactive Radio; 1400-1429+, 1-Mar; Heavy-accented M&W
w/EE lessons--only EE phrases to 1416 "Time to do mathematics".
ID @1429. Doorbell between each item,. SIO=253-
(H. Frodge, MI, USA = CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

6120, Channel Africa, 0321-0400*, March 5, African
singing, in vernacular, good reception, off with loop of English &
French IDs, along with instrumental IS and bird calls, ToH 5+1 pips.
Exceptional night for southern Africa reception. Noted about 0325:
3320 was booming in, 3200 fair, not // 3240 fair, 3255 almost fair,
3345 poor, after 0400 heard 3200 // with 4775 good. Noticeable absent
in all this was Zambia on 5915. Not often I hear all these so well
(Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 06/03/2008)

3255 SOUTH AFRICA. BBC (Meyerton), 0432-0435, 3/5/2008, English.
Man with news. Poor signal (SINPO 24222). Parallel 7160 (Ascension)
with good signal (SINPO 43333). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 09/03/2008)

3320 SOUTH AFRICA. Radio Sondergrense (Meyerton), 0434-0438,
3/5/2008, Afrikaans. Discussion between two men. Good signal (SINPO
34333). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 09/03/2008)

Very little listening here recently. I managed a quick five minute scan
shortly before 03:00 this morning and just timed it right to catch WXTC
on 1390. I have been hearing gospel for the last two weeks or so on
1390, usually equal levels with WEGP. This is the first positive
identification and therefore the first logging I have made of WXTC in
several years, possibly since the 80s. I wonder why it is suddenly so
regular again?
(John Faulkner, Sutton-in-Ashfield, U.K. - skywavesmw 04/03/2008)

Bruce Conti, Nashua NH; SDR IQ, WR-CMC-30,
MWDX-5, 50 x 75-ft SuperLoop antennas east
with remote variable termination and south
1150-Ω terminated. Time/date EST (UTC-5).

1140 CBI NS Sydney - 3/8 0500 - Good; "You're
listening to CBC Radio One in Cape Breton.
We broadcast on an assigned frequency of 1140
kilohertz at a power of 10,000 watts from our
studio at 285 Alexandra Street in Sydney, and
our transmission facility at Keltic Drive.
In addition to 1140 AM, CBC Cape Breton programs
are carried on a number of FM frequencies,
including 90.1 FM Bay St. Lawrence, 107.1 FM
in the Cheticamp region and the Acadian part of
the Cabot Trail, and through the Margaree Valley
at 93.9, and in the communities on the west side
of the island such as Inverness, Mabou, and Brook
Village you can hear us at 94.3 FM." No mention
of 97.1 CBIT-FM Sydney. (BC-NH)

CBC Radio One switch to FM dial delayed
The Cape Breton Post, February 18, 2008

SYDNEY — The CBC says it’s highly unlikely CBC
Radio One in Sydney will switch over to the FM dial
this fiscal year or next.
The radio station hoped to make the move by sometime
next fiscal year but radio regional director Susan
Mitton said that isn’t likely to happen.
“What they are going to do for the next year is
prioritize areas of the country that have no
service, so we aren’t obviously there,” she said.
“It’s our Maritime priority but there are other
parts of the country that have no CBC Radio One
service. They are ahead of us.”
Mitton said the move to FM is still on the wish
list for next fiscal year.
“We’re lower on the list though so it’s highly
unlikely unless something happens, say a project
in another part of the country doesn’t happen, well,
that would obviously free up those and we could get
back on the priority list.”
When the CBC received permission from the Canadian
Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission
in July to switch over to the FM dial it was given
two to three years to make the move, she noted.
The CBC has said the AM transmitter and antenna
system off Keltic Drive will have to be replaced,
along with other related broadcasting equipment,
for the move from 1140 AM to 97.1 FM.
The switch to FM will improve the signal, and the
sound, for Radio One listeners, and will extend the
broadcast into some pockets that currently aren't
able to receive the AM signal. (Bruce Conti, NH, USA - mwdx 09/03/2008)
Тропо (Es)

106.30 13:46:00 2008-03-04 E Punto Radio Madrid/Plaza de Castilla Unattended RX E1E2 MADRID 1183Km
(Mike Fallon, U.K. - FM 05/03/2008)
Digital Radio

Vatican Radio will transmit DRM to the Winter SWL Fest, March 6, 7, 8, at
1300-1400 UTC on 15460 or 15515. This is from their main site, Santa Maria
de Galeria, Italy. Before the 6th, please listen at 1300 to help determine
if 15460 or 15515 is clearer. (Kim Elliot, http://swlfest.blogspot.com/, dxldyg 05/03/2008)
Неофициальное вещание (Calndestine)

Алжир (Algeria)
6300 Radio Arabe Sahuari/Radio Nacional Sahuari; 2209, 1-Mar;
M in AR w/RAS ID. SIO=343; 2254-2402:19*, 1/2-Mar; M in SS w/SS
Libertad song in AR-style. RNS ID @2401; off after anthem. SIO=3+33-
Strong roar QRM came on @2403+. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

Венесуэла (Venezuela)
6060, R. Nac. de Venezuela via Cuba, *1100-1136,
March 5, no English today, in Spanish, talking of course about
Colombia and Ecuador, many RNV IDs, poor-fair. Checked 6180, but was
just RHC, // 6000 (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 06/03/2008)

Bandscan of 19m, March 7 at 2322 found a big gaping hole on
15250 where huge signal from RNV via Cuba normally resides during this hour.
But it cut on at *2324 in the midst of their habitually outdated transmission
schedule announcement, then ``Mari2`` folk song, and started ``Efemérides`` but
cut off the air again at 2327* before date could be mentioned. Then checked //
13680 and it was also missing. Both came on again at *2330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/03/2008)

Ю. Африка (South Africa)
9635, Radio Okapi via Meyerton, 0408-0427 &
0518-0525, March 5, in French and vernacular, singing "Okapi" jingle,
fair to good reception (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 06/03/2008)
Наблюдения (Monitoring)

R.Tarma aus PRU 4774,97 ist heute mit O=2 zu horen.
Es hort sich nach Comunicados u.Werbung an.2315 UT

Auf 5952,44 kommt R.PIO XII aus BOL durch derzeit mit Wortprogramm.
R.S.Miguel auf 4699,34 ist auch leise zu horen derzeit mit Gesang.
(Erwin Duldner, Germany - ADX 01/02/2008)

Heute kommt LV del Napo aus EQA auf 3279,91 besonders gut O=2-3
mit Chorgeang 0550 UT."R.Maria"
Auf 4052,46 spielt R.Verdat GTM auch Chorgesang O=2-3 0603 UT
(Erwin Duldner, Germany - ADX 01/02/2008)

3185 WWRB
3215 WWCR
3350 REE Costa Rica
5110 WBCQ
6335 Voice of Kurdistan O=3
(Peter Hefter, Schweinfurt, Germany = ADX 01/02/2008)

Brasilien heute morgen:
4785Khz, Radio Clube do Para, S9
4915kHz, R Macapa, S9
4985kHz, Radio Brasil Central, sehr stark, S9+15db

4975khz, Radio del Pacifico, schwach (S6)

Und wie konnte es anders sein – die Referenz aus Cuba:
5025kHz, Radio Rebelde, S9+20…25db QSB
(ON5KQ - ADX 01/02/2008)

aus dem Tschad ist hier die Sendung auf 4905 kHz (1740 UTC )
mit permanenter Marschmusik als Programmteil und Informationen in
French -bei leichtem Fading- mit S 9 +10 und SIO-Wert = 433 zu horen.
(Theodor, Germany = ADX 01/02/2008)

9505 4/3 0004 Radio Record, Brazil, sport talks, no id, good

9630 4/3 0000 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, id, good

9675 4/3 0002 Radio Cancao Nova, Brazil, id, rel talks, good
(Giampiero Bernardini, Italy - playdx2003 04/03/2008)

ANGOLA 4950 Radio Nacional 0523-0528 Afr. mx & ID. Good. (01 Mar)

BOLIVIA 4716.7 Radio Yura 0007-0028 mix of various styles of folk mx. YL ID at 0026. Poor at tune-in but much better by ID. (02 Mar)

COLOMBIA 5910 Marfil Estereo 0224-0244 Ballads and frequent IDs, e.g. "Ahora en Marfil Estero, solo exitos". Good. (02 Mar)

CHAD 4905 Rdif Tchadienne 0453-0504 Lively African mx, OM in French. No apparent ID at hour. Presumed. Good. (01 Mar)

CROATIA 3985 VoCroatia 2258-2304 Anthem, pips, YL w/ anmts & ID, into Croatian nx. Fair, but covered by ARO when I checked back for English at 2315. (01 Mar)

GABON 4777 R TV Gabon 0515-0523 Pops, OM w/ ID at 0522. Good. (01 Mar)

GUATEMALA 4052.5 Radio Verdad 0125-0145 instrumental hymns, some marimba. Frequent IDs. Fair. (01 Mar)

HONDURAS 3250 Radio Luz y Vida 0217-0222 Rustic guitar/vocal religious mx then anmt about this being the end of the Celebremos al Senor program. Then into

another program, although I couldn't understand the name with all the reverb. Fair. (02 Mar)
3340 Radio Misiones Int. 0055-0115 Presumed w/ altenating OM reading sentence of sermon and YL translating to Spanish. A very good translator to be able to do it

so well so quickly. Fair. (02 Mar)

HUNGARY 3975 Kossuth Radio 22250-2258* Hungarian mx, anmts, EE ID before going off at 2258. Fair (01 Mar)

INDIA 5010 AIR Thiruvan. 1233-1240 Presumed w/ OM/YL nx in unknown language & bits of Indian mx. (02 Mar)

MADAGASCAR 7120 Radio Sweden 2128-2132 ID, into EE pgm. Good. (29 Feb)

MEXICO 9599.27 Radio UNAM 0657-0732 Non-stop classical mx entire time. Finally IDed by Ken Zichi at 0800. Fair. (01 Mar)

NIGER 9705 ORTN 2145-2205 Presumed w/ local mx, anmts at top of hour, then 2205*. Fair. (29 Feb)

PALAU 9905 Radio Free Asia 1645-1702 w/ OM talk & bits of mx at top of hour. Listed Chinese. Presumed. (01 Mar)

PERU 4955 Radio Cultural Amauta 1108-1112 Presumed with OA folk mx. (02 Mar)
5014.3 Radio Altura 0030-0035 ID & folk mx. Heavy Rebelde splatter. (02 Mar)
5470 R San Nicolas 0015-0020 Presumed w/ Peruvian cumbias. Poor. (02 Mar)

PIRATE 6925 Radio Jamba International 2046-2058 Blues mx, fake ads for sexual products. Badly distorted FMing signal. (01 Mar)

VENEZUELA 5100 YVTO 0621-0623 Time pips & ID. Also hrd on 5000. (01 Mar)

USA 4440 WSPY 2345-0002 Geneva IL Nostalgia mx, ads, ID at hour. 3x harmonic. Very poor. Tnx Harold Frodge for finding this. (29 Feb)
7811 AFRTS Key West 2215-2210 Presume w/ NPR All Things Considered. Exc. Signal (01 Mar)

ZAMBIA 4965 CVC 0448 Local mx, English ID. Good. (01 Mar)

ZIMBABWE 4828 ZBC 00506-0515 Presumed w/ nonstop Afr. mx Fair. (01 Mar)
(D. Moore, USA - CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

A selection of logs from the past two weeks here in Borsbeek, Belgium :

4800,0 kHz - 2004 UTC - CHN - CNR-1, Geermu
Commercials, talks, Chinese traditional mx, “Zhongyang Renmin Guangbo
Dientai“ ID @ 2100 // 4460 & 6180 - Ch - 35333

4805,0 kHz - 2330 UTC - B - R.Difusora do Amazonas, Belem
Talks abt Brazil & Manaus, 'Jornal da ..', commercials, Difusora ID's @
0000 - Pr - 34322

4845,0 kHz - 2245 UTC - 26/2 - MTN - R.Mauretanie, Nouakchott
Endless phone conversations, local mx, time pips, ID "Huna Nouakchott" &
news. QRM 4845v R.Cultura - A - 34333

4885,0 kHz - 2311 UTC - 27/2 - B - Radio Clube do Para, Belem
Football report, commercials, ID - Pr - 35433

4940,0 kHz - 2003 UTC - 28/2 - STP - Voice Of America, Pinheira
Popular African mx in 'African Beat', ID, website // 6080, 11975 & 13710 -
E - 35333

5446,5 kHz - 0018 UTC - 28/2 - USA - AFN, Key West FL
Px abt American football with Ron Barr, 'This Week' @ 0030, in USB - E -

5810,0 kHz - 0115 UTC - 28/2 - USA - WEWN, Vandiver AL
Abt evangelism at John Paul The Great University, EWTN ID's - E - 45444

5860,0 kHz - 1700 UTC - 27/2 - MRA - R.Free Asia, Tinian
ID “This Is Radio Free Asia. The following program is in Korean“,
announcement incl. website, talks - K - 55444

5965,0 kHz - 1706 UTC - 27/2 - G - BBC Darfur Salaam, Rampisham
ME mx, repeated tape with ID incl. “BBC“ & “Darfur“ // 9760 - A - 44433

5990,0 kHz - 2120 UTC - 25/2 - B - R.Senado, Brasilia
Easy listening Brazilian mx, Radio Senado ID, comments - Pr - 34333

5995,0 kHz - 1911 UTC - 24/2 - CYP - BBC Worldservice, Zygi
Phone-in px ’Have Your Say’ about elections in Pakistan until 1950 UTC, ID’
s. New frequency - E - 42332

6040,0 kHz - 2029 UTC - 28/2 - MRC - Voice Of America, Briech
S/on with Yankee Doodle & ID "Welcome to the Voice Of America in Serbian",
news - Se - 44444

6060,0 kHz - 0105 UTC - 28/2 - CUB - R.Havana, Bauta
Abt history of Cuba in 'Revista de la Noche', ID // 5965 - Sp - 44433

6060,0 kHz - 2020 UTC - 20/2 - FIN - The Overcomer Ministry, Pori
Brother Stair abt US financial situation, Overcomer Ministry ID, SC address,
Open Forum px @ 2048 with sudden s/off @ 2100. New transmission - E - 44433

6080,0 kHz - 2101 UTC - 20/2 - STP - Voice Of America, Pinheira
VOA News, ID, 'Classic Rock Show' with Ed Kowalski about The Eagles - E -

6090,0 kHz - 2103 UTC - 19/2 - BLR - R.Belarus, Kalodziscy
ID "Radiostation Belarus", news review // 7360 & 7390 - E - 44433

6100,0 kHz - 2105 UTC - 20/2 - BIH - R.Serbia Int., Bijeljina
Nachrichten, Presseschau abt Kosovo, Radio Serbien ID - G - 54444

6135,0 kHz - 1950 UTC - 25/2 - ALB - R.Tirana, Shijak
Albanian Press Review about Kosovo, ID, bad audio // better 7465 - E - 44432

6180,0 kHz - 1722 UTC - 27/2 - UAE - FEBC, Al Dhabayya
Presumed Oromo talks & ethnic mx, FEBC IS @ 1729 & s/off - X - 43333

6240,0 kHz - 2110 UTC - 19/2 - MDA - WYFR Family R., Grigoriopol-Maiac
Open Forum telephone talk px with Harold Camping answering religious
questions, Family Radio ID’s, website - E - 45444

6250,1 kHz - 2120 UTC - 20/2 - EGY - R.Cairo, Abis
'News Online' abt US presidential candidates, Kosovo, ID, Arab mx - E -

6265,0 kHz - 2155 UTC - 19/2 - LTU - KBC Radio, Sitkunai
Replaying The Wolfman Jack Show with great pop oldies, Mighty KBC ID, SW
receiver commercial - E - 55444

7190,0 kHz - 1903 UTC - 19/2 - CHN - China R.Int., Kashi-Saibagh
Newsroom Report, presented by a clearly Australian-accented speaker,
financial nx & CRI ID. QRM RFA in Ch // 6095 - E - 43433

7225,0 kHz - 2043 UTC - 28/2 - TUN - R.Tunis, Sfax
Arab mx, talks, ID "Idhaatu al-Wataniya al-Tunisiya" - A - 44444

7255,0 kHz - 2129 UTC - 20/2 - NIG - Voice Of Nigeria, Ikorodu
Afro pop, ID “La Voix de Nigeria“, Lagos & email address, px ’Question De
Sante’ @ 2130 - F - 34333

7365,0 kHz - 0040 UTC - 28/2 - USA - R.Marti, Greenville NC
Phone conversation abt Cuban politics in ’Voces’, ID @ 0100 // 6030 - Sp -

7410,0 kHz - 1855 UTC - 25/2 - IND - All India R., Delhi
Hindi song, ID, nx @ 1900, followed by press review //9950 - E - 45433

7470,0 kHz - 1733 UTC - 28/2 - RUS - R.Democracy Shorayee, Samara
Talks abt Iran, patriottic song, ID "Di-Sedaye Democracye Shorayee ..." -
Fs - 45333

7510,0 kHz - 2106 UTC - 28/2 - ARM - Open Radio For North Korea, Gavar
Mx, talks abt Pyongyang, frequency, news incl. E headlines, no
(understandable) ID - K - 35433

7540,0 kHz - 1745 UTC - 27/2 - MDA - Voice Of Mesopotamya, Grigoriopol-Maiac
Continuous Kurdish mx, talks, “Denge Mesopotamya“ ID @ 1818 - Ku - 45433

7570,0 kHz - 2138 UTC - 24/2 - KRE - Voice Of Korea, Kujang
Korean songs, Voice Of Korea ID’s and the usual news about ’The Great Leader
’. Frequencies & px end @ 2157 - E - 25322

7580,0 kHz - 1914 UTC - 25/2 - CLN - R.Farda, Irana Wila
Many “Radio Farda“ ID’s, talks, Enrique Iglesias song - Fs - 44433

9385,0 kHz - 2014 UTC - 19/2 - USA - WWRB The Overcomer Ministry, Manchester
Religious oldies & talks - E - 35333

9500,0 kHz - 2009 UTC - 24/2 - AUS - R.Australia, Shepparton
’The Science Show’ with Robyn Williams abt cloned food & animals, ID. News &
ID @ 2100 - E - 34433

9535,0 kHz - 2031 UTC - 19/2 - THA - R.Thailand, Udorn Thani
Relaying ’Wave FM 88’, contemporary pop mx with Tom Parker - E - 35333

9550,0 kHz - 2004 UTC - 25/2 - RRW - FEBC, Kigali
Radio play, spiritual talks, only phone number heard, no definite ID, s/off
2030 - A - 35333

9575,0 kHz - 2037 UTC - 25/2 - MRC - Medi 1, Nador
Leonard Cohen, Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder songs, comments, Medi 1 ID & news,
commercial - A - 45444

9580,0 kHz - 1834 UTC - 27/2 - GAB - Africa No.1, Moyabi
Phone conversations abt President Sarkozy’s visit to Chad, ID, slowly fading
away - F - 35222

9615,0 kHz - 1819 UTC - 26/2 - NZL - R.New Zealand Int., Rangitaiki
’Dateline Pacific’ abt Nauru airline, ID, news @ 1835. Co-ch. QRM CRI in G -
E - 32332

9625,0 kHz - 2102 UTC - 24/2 - CAN - CBC Northern Quebec Service, Sackville
Eleanor interviewing an Irish writer in ’Writers & Company’, CBC Radio One
ID - E - 25322

9780,0 kHz - 1805 UTC - 21/2 - YEM - R.Yemen, San'a
End of the news, western mx, poor reception because of low modulation and
heavy fading, no definite ID so tentative - E - 35322

9815,0 kHz - 1809 UTC - 27/2 - BOT - Voice Of America, Moepeng Hill
News abt Olympic games in Beijing, VOA ID, ’Medias d’Afriques et d’Ailleurs’
1911 abt Chad // 12080 - F - 35333

9825,0 kHz - 1716 UTC - 26/2 - SVK - R.Miraya FM, Rimavska Sobota
Talks abt Darfur, Radio Miraya ID @ 1727 - A - 25322

9830,0 kHz - 1919 UTC - 27/2 - JOR - R.Jordan, Al Karanah
Talks, ID “Huna Amman“ @ 1920, Arab mx - A - 35444

9855,0 kHz - 1924 UTC - 28/2 - KWT - R.Kuwait, Kabd
Instrumental Arab mx, phone conversations abt Iraq & Turkey, ID - A - 35333

9525,0 kHz - 1525 UTC - 26/2 - MRA - WYFR Family R., Tinian
Monotone talks mentioning Israel, Family Radio ID, California address - R -

11735,0 kHz - 1842 UTC - 28/2 - TZA - Voice Of Tanzania Zanzibar, Dole
Long conversation abt Tanzania & Kenya, ID "Sauti Tanzania Zanzibar" @
1959 - Sh - 34433

11930,0 kHz - 1911 UTC - 28/2 - USA - R.Marti, Greenville NC
Usual talks concerning Cuba, ID - Sp - 24322

11935,0 kHz - 1205 UTC - 28/2 - PHL - R.Veritas Asia, Palauig
Hmong px ex 1000 UTC, talks & Asian mx, no ID, trumpets IS & s/off @ 1227 -
X - 25333

11965,0 kHz - 1755 UTC - 28/2 - LBY - Voice Of Africa, Sabrata
Talks abt development in Africa, African mx, Hausa px @ 1900, ID "Murya
Africa ..." - A - 35444

12000,0 kHz - 1142 UTC - 28/2 - CUB - R.Havana, Bauta
Cultural & political items, ID "Esta es Radio Havana, Cuba!", news - Sp -

12150,0 kHz - 1508 UTC - 26/2 - CLN - Voice Of America, Irana Wila
Larry London presenting ’Border Crossings’, VOA ID, request for ’Love Me
Tender’ - E - 45444

13590,0 kHz - 1824 UTC - 21/2 - ZMB - CVC, Makeni
Pop music in ’Scope’ px, CVC ID’s, Queensland AUS address, website (cvc.tv),
short nx @ 1831 - E - 35333

13840,0 kHz - 1801 UTC - 28/2 - NZL - R.New Zealand Int., Rangitaiki
Pacific Regional News, ID, 'Dateline Pacific' abt French Polynesian
re-elections - E - 25333

13855,0 kHz - 1048 UTC - 28/2 - ISR - Kol Israel, Yavne
Talks abt Hamas, Haifa, Israel, phone conversation abt Morocco, time pips,
Kol Israel ID, F px @ 1100 // 15760 - He - 35433

15200,0 kHz - 1037 UTC - 28/2 - GUM - KTWR, Merizo
Talks abt Christus, Indonesia address, website, frequencies, KTWR ID &
s/off - In - 25222

15235,0 kHz - 1742 UTC - 28/2 - AFS - Channel Africa, Meyerton
South African social topics in ’African Digest’ px, time pips & s/off.
Slowly fading out - E - 45333

15270,0 kHz - 1022 UTC - 28/2 - AUS - Christian Voice, Darwin
Discussing content of modern pop songs in 'The Buzz' with Karl, pop mx, CVC
ID's, website - E - 35333

15610,0 kHz - 1015 UTC - 28/2 - CLN - Deutsche Welle, Trincomalee
News items in 'Deutsche Welle Extra' // delayed 6075, 9545, 13780, ... - G -

15690,0 kHz - 1000 UTC - 28/2 - CLN - R.Farda, Irana Wila
ME mx, Radio Farda ID's, talks - Fs - 35444

17830,0 kHz - 1444 UTC - 26/2 - ASC - BBC Worldservice, English Bay
Abt monitoring birds via GPS and Ratatouille movie in px ’The Digital Planet
’, ID - E - 35433

17835,0 kHz - 0958 UTC - 28/2 - PAK - R.Pakistan, Islamabad
Pakistani mx, Urdu announcement, The Typewriter Song, time pips, ID “Yeh
Radio Pakistan He“, news - U - 55443

21705,0 kHz - 0950 UTC - 28/2 - ARS - B.S.K.S.A., Riyadh
Randy Crawford melody, talks, end of px ’Awrah Kusha’ar’, full ID @0954 -
A - 35444 (Marc V - hard-core-dx 04/03/2008)

13635 1712 1/3 CVC International, Australia, songs and interviews, EE. Fair.
13665 1130 1/3 R.China Int., via Albania, "China Beat" mx program, EE.
13801.4 1135 1/3 IRIB Teheran, male TK, AA. Off frequency and drifting.
13840 1140 1/3 R.New Zealand,Rangitaiki, talking of ancient books. EE. Good.
15235 1628 1/3 Channel Africa, TK about the situation in Congo, FF. Good.
15410 1044 1/3 CVC Voz Cristiana, Chile, song and religious TK. PP. Good.
(IZ2EAS - playdx2003 05/03/2008)

6975 kHz Galei Zahal(?) Israel 3:53 UTC, Mar 6 08, 33333 Hebreo? Comentarios sobre una melodia "...America" y repiten la melodia, voz masculina, mas comentarios...

4:00 ID (no entendi) y noticias...

7100 kHz VO Broad Masses(?) Eritrea (?) 4:55 UTC, Mar 6 08, 2-3/3/3/3/2-3 Idioma tono entre arabe y frances, comentarios y cierre de emision a las 5:00 UTC

3280 kHz La Voz del Napo, transmitiendo programacion de Radio Maria ECUADOR 5:34 UTC, Mar 6 08, 2-3/2/2/3/2 "Quinto misterio, la coronacion de la Virgen Maria..."

Rezando el Padre Nuestro, Rosario, palabras de Juan Pablo II...

3955 kHz Family Radio (Desde donde?) 5:45 UTC, Mar 6 08, 2-3/3/2/3/2 Aleman Comentarios mujer-hombre, musica de himnos cristianos, como que da horario y

frecuencia (mujer), melodia de identificacion de Family Radio (To God be the glory), tono de hora e ID, se escuchan las campanadas del Big Ben, y a las 6:00 Boletin de

noticias de RNW!!! (Magdiel Cruz Rodriguez, Jiutepec, Morelos, Mexico - playdx2003 06/03/2008)

4699.37 0030-0200 BOL 06+07-03 R San Miguel, Riberalta Spanish talks and piano, closed with a hymn 35333 AP-DNK

4746.8 0040-0050 PRU 07-03 R Huanta 2000, Huanta (p) Spanish talk, strong CODAR QRM 21331 AP-DNK

4790.00 0210-0225 PRU 06-03 R Visión, Chiclayo Spanish preaching, no longer on 4790.2 25232 AP-DNK

4790.00 *0230-0240 PAK 06-03 R Pakistan, Rawalpindi Urdu ann, Pakistani songs 24232 AP-DNK

4835 0225-0235 PAK 06-03 R Pakistan, Rewat, Islamabad Urdu interview, mentioned Pakisten three times, jingle 35333 . *0235 started jamming on 4840 on

the Voice of Iranian Kurdistan. AP-DNK

4865.0 0055-0135 B 07-03 R Alvorada, Londrina (p) Portuguese religious talk, many hymns 35232 AP-DNK

4905 2005-2132* TCH 07-03 Rdif. Tchadienne, N'Djamena-Gredia French/ Vernacular French debate about the present Government, personal messages in

Vernacular, 2030 Afropop, ID's: "Radio Tchad", 2100 French radiodrama. Back on the air after transmitter problems noted on Mar 02, 05 and 06. QRM Tibet from *2100.

Before that 55444 AP-DNK

4950 1540-1600* CHN 07-03 Voice of Pujiang Wu (as scheduled) talk, light Chinese music, s/off with a song 25232 AP-DNK

6035 *0000-0030 BTN 07-03 Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Sangaygang Dzongkha ann, Horn, Monks intoning 34443. From *0030 severe QRM from BVB,

Wertachtal on 6030 AP-DNK

9415 1520-1530* CLA Fr 07-03 Democratic Voice of Burma, via Gavar, Armenia Kayan (as scheduled) talk, song 45333 // 17495, but Gavar was off at 1440!


9820 *1700-1730 fade out CLA Th 06-03 Voice of Democratic Eritrea, via Jülich Tigrinya ann after typical HOA IS, talk 21221 QRM Voice of Russia in Arabic


15675 1420-1430* CLA Sa 01-03 Southern Sudan Interactive R Instructions, via Meyerton English language lesson: "12 divided by 4 equals 3" 55545 AP-DNK

17495 *1430-1510 CLA 07-03 Democratic Voice of Burma, via Talata-Volonondry, MDG Burmese ann, opened with half an hour of beautiful Burmese folkmusic

and jazz, 1457 talk 45444 AP-DNK
(Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 08/03/2008)

11735 BRASIL: R. Transamerica, Santa Maria-RS, 03/03/2008 1302-1312, YLs c/informações s/ameaça de morte; 34333 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil)

11780 BRASIL: R. Nac. da Amazonia, Brasília-DF, 03/03/2008 1317-1325, YL c/recados de ouvintes; programa "Ponto de Encontro" 35343 (Antonio Garcia, João

Pessoa-PB, Brasil)

7120 HOLANDA: Radio Nederland, Talata - Madagascar, 07/03/2008 1929-1934, em inglês, ID; OM c/entrevista 35333 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil)

7265 CHINA: China Radio Inter., Urumqui, 07/03/2008 1937-1942, em esperanto, YL c/comentários 33332 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil)

7565 ???: Não identificada, 07/03/2008 1953-1959, em inglês, OM c/comentários/noticiário 35333 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil)

7595 USA: Voice of America, Kuwait, 07/03/2008 2053-2058, em inglês, OM e YL c/falas, mx breve 35222 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil)

11550 USA: WEWN, Vandiver, 07/03/2008 2223-2228, em espanhol, YL c/pregação religiosa 35443 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil)

11670 VENEZUELA: R. Nac. de Venezuela, La Habana - Cuba, 07/03/2008 2229-2234, em espanhol, ID; OM c/noticiário 35343 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil)

11690 ALEMANHA: Deutsche Welle, Kigali, 07/03/2008 2300-2305, em alemão, OM c/noticiário 45444 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil)

11700 GUAN: KSDA-AWR Guan, Agat, 07/03/2008 2308-2313, em mandarim, OM c/comentários; programação musical 35333 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil)

11720 TAIWAN: Radio Taiwan Inter., Okeechobee - USA, 07/03/2008 2318-2323, em espanhol, YL e OM c/noticiário 34333 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil)

11740 INDIA: All India Radio, Panaji, 07/03/2008 0006-0011, em tamil, YL c/falas ao som de orquestra 35333
(Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil - hard-core-dx 08/03/2008)

Heute kommt LV del Napo aus EQA auf 3279,91 besonders gut O=2-3
mit Chorgeang 0550 UT."R.Maria"
Auf 4052,46 spielt R.Verdat GTM auch Chorgesang O=2-3 0603 UT.
(Erwin D, Germany - ADX 01/02/2008)

3.320 khz- Africa do Sul. Radio Sondergrense, Meyerton. Apresentação
de musicas. Em 09/03/08, entre 02:30 e 03:00 UTC. SINPO: 34333.

4.865 khz- Brasil. Radio Alvorada, Londrina. Convite para rezar o
terço da misericórdia. Em 09/03/08, entre 02:30 e 03:00 UTC. SINPO:

3.330 khz- Canadá. CHU, Ottawa. Radio relógio canadense em USB. Em
09/03/08, entre 02:30 e 03:00 UTC. SINPO: 23222.

4.409 khz- Bolívia. Radio ECO, Reyes. Musicas bolivianas com forte
interferência. Em 09/03/08, entre 02:30 e 03:00 UTC. SINPO: 21222.

4.828 khz- Zimbabwe. Radio Zimbabwe, Gweru. Musicas africanas. Em
09/03/08, entre 03:00 e 03:30 UTC. SINPO: 32222.

4.805 khz- Brasil. Radio Difusora, Manaus. Louvação a Imaculada
Conceição. Em 09/03/08, entre 03:00 e 03:30 UTC. SINPO: 23322.

4.950 khz- Angola. Radio Nacional, Mulenvos. Musicas angolanas em
ritmo do Bonga. Em 09/03/08, entre 03:00 e 03:30 UTC. SINPO: 33333.

5.070 khz- USA. Radio WWCR, Nashville. Comentários sobre como acessar
o web site da emissora. Em 09/03/08, entre 03:00 e 03:30 UTC. SINPO:

5.745 khz- USA. Radio WWRB, Manchester. Pregação religiosa. Em
09/03/08, entre 03:00 e 03:30 UTC. SINPO: 23222.

5.910 khz- Colômbia. Radio Tu Consciência, Puerto Llevas. Musicas
colombianas com forte interferência. Em 09/03/08, entre 03:00 e 03:30
UTC.SINPO: 32322.

6.080 khz- Brasil. Radio Anhanguera, Goiânia. Apresentação de musicas
evangelhicas. Em 09/03/08, entre 03:00 e 03:30 UTC. SINPO: 43433.

6.240 khz- Moldávia. A Voz da Russia, Moldavia. Programação em Inglês
para os Estados Unidos Em 09/03/08, entre 03:00 e 03:30 UTC. SINPO:
33333. (George - radioescutas 09/03/2008)

1107 6/3 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Logrono NX reg. La Rioja buono
1125 4/3 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Castellon SS NX reg. Comunidad Valenciana
1510 8/3 04.50 WWZN - Boston EE sport suff.
1700 8/3 05.05 KVNS - Brownsville EE MX buono
3905 8/3 23.30 R. Borderhunter - EE ID e MX buono
4025 7/3 20.10 Laser Hot Hits - EE ID e MX // a 6210 KHz buono
4780 8/3 23.40 R. Cultural Coatan - S. Sebastian Coatan SS dia de la
mujer buono
4790 8/3 04.55 R. Vision - Chiclayo SS predica buono
4790 8/3 23.05 R. Atlantida - Iquitos SS ID e MX buono (erano anni che
non l'ascoltavo !!! )
4805 8/3 23.45 R. Dif. Amazonas - Manaus PPO MX buono
5954.2 8/3 23.15 UNID con MX LA SS buono ( come si fà a dire con certezza
che è dal Costa Rica ??? )
6035 8/3 23.50 Voz del Guaviare - S. Josè del Guaviare SS MX buono
6185 9/3 00.10 R. Educacion - Mexico D.F. SS NX suff.
6290 9/3 09.50 R. Victoria - EE ID e MX buono
6295 2/3 09.20 Grensstad R. - EE MX buono
6305 9/3 10.25 R. Viking - EE greating a Roberto Pavanello buono
6308 5/3 21.55 Double Kilo R. - EE greating a Roberto Pavanello buono
6325 8/3 16.45 Free R. Holland -EE ID e MX buono
6882 8/3 16.30 R. Playback Int. -EE ID e MX buono
9720 9/3 00.05 R. Victoria - Lima SS gospel suff.
9825 8/3 15.00 Miraya FM - Khartoum EE NX buono
(R. Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 09/03/2008)
Неопознанное (Unknown)
Гармоники (harmonics)
Глушение (Jamming)
Пираты (pirates)

080227 4025 14 34 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G
080227 1660 18 53 UNID 24433 7 G
080227 6265 21 30 KBC Radio 33433 8 G
080228 4025 14 53 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G
080228 1645 20 57 Zender Meteor 34433 8 G
080228 1652 21 03 UNID 24322 5 G
080228 1636 21 08 Radio Tijdbreker 33433 8 G
080228 6265 21 30 KBC Radio 34423 9 G
080228 6925 21 36 Spider Radio 23322 5 G
080228 6925 21 40 Spider Radio 23322 5
080229 4025 14 38 Laser Hot Hits 44444 9 G
080229 1645 23 00 Zender Blauwe Ster 34433 8 G
080301 1650 00 17 Zender Klaas Snoek 54444 9 G
080301 4025 07 46 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
080301 6882 07 50 Playback International 34433 8
080301 4025 07 56 Laser Hot Hits 24333 7 G
080301 9290 09 20 Radio Joystick 55444 9+20dB
080301 9290 10 00 Radio Nord 55444 9
080301 6275 10 03 Radio Calypso 24333 7 G
080301 6216 10 06 King Shortwave (tent) 24333 7 G
080301 6312 10 45 Radio Barretina (tent) 23322 5 G
080301 6882 11 01 Playback International 24433 8 G
080301 9290 12 00 Radio Casablanca 55444 9+20dB
080301 6882 12 15 Playback International 34433 8
080301 6882 13 33 KLIF 34433 8
080301 6325 14 47 Radio Skywire 34433 8 G
080301 6264 16 04 Radio Gay (tent) 23433 7 G
080301 3935 16 24 Radio Rainbow (tent) 34433 8 G
080301 6925 22 39 Spider Radio 23322 5
080301 1645 22 51 Radio Nordzee 34433 8 G
080301 1655 22 53 Radio Barones 43433 9 G
080301 1620 23 07 Zender Stroper (tent) 34433 8 G
080301 1655 23 38 Zender James Bond (tent) 43433 9 G
080301 1645 23 46 UNID 23333 7 G
080302 1635 00 16 Zender Marskramer 24333 7 G
080302 6882 07 44 Playback International 34433 8 G
080302 4025 07 56 Laser Hot Hits 24333 7 G
080302 5815 08 18 Orion Radio 23322 5 G
080302 6882 08 33 Playback International 24333 7
080302 6260 08 42 Premier Radio (tent) 24433 7 G
080302 6254 08 47 Radio Queen 44433 9
080302 6276 08 59 UNID 34433 8 G
080302 6210 09 14 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
080302 6276 09 22 Radio Bobby 34433 8 G
080302 1476 09 50 WNKR (tent) 23322 5 G
080302 6280 09 52 Radio Borderhunter 23322 5 G
080302 6312 10 06 Radio Barretina (tent) 23322 5 G
080302 6276 10 16 Radio Dr Tim 34433 8 G
080302 6310 10 29 Radio Malaisy (tent) 34433 8
080302 6295 10 41 Grensstad Radio 34433 8 G
080302 6270 12 23 Radio Altrex (tent) 23322 5 G
080302 6882 13 22 Playback International 34433 8
080302 6140 13 15 MV Baltic Radio 54444 9
080302 6220 14 45 Mystery Radio 34433 8 G
080302 4025 14 50 Laser Hot Hits 44433 9 G
080302 3935 19 59 Radio Rainbow (tent) 34333 8 G
080302 1655 20 26 UNID 34333 8 G
080302 1640 20 38 Zender Weduwe 34433 8 G
080302 6925 20 57 Spider Radio 24322 5
080303 4025 14 52 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G
080303 3935 19 00 Laser Hot Hits 34333 8 G
080303 1645 20 33 UNID 34433 8 G
080303 1650 20 35 UNID 33433 8 G
080303 1645 20 42 Zender Schaduwjager 34433 8 G
080303 1645 20 45 Zender Hawai 34433 8 G
080303 1650 20 47 Zender Digital 34433 8 G
080304 6210 13 30 Laser Hot Hits 24322 5 G
080304 6210 13 36 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
080304 3935 18 35 Laser Hot Hits 34333 8 G
(Achim Brueckner, Germany - playdx2003 06/03/2008)

Radio Ukraine International
Summer A08 Broadcasting Schedule
(30 March 2008 - 26 October 2008)

Time UTC Freq Txer Site Azimuth Target Area
0000-0500 7530 Kharkiv 055 Russia
0500-0800 9945 Kharkiv 290 Western Europe
0800-1300 11550 Kharkiv 277 Western Europe
1300-1700 7530 Kharkiv 055 Russia
1700-2100 7490 Kharkiv 290 Western Europe
2100-2400 7510 Kharkiv 290 Western Europe
2300-0400 7440 Lviv 303 Northeastern America

Power of transmitters: in Kharkiv - 100 kW; in Lviv - 600 kW.

Transmission schedules in various languages are as follows:
ENGLISH (one hour long):
0000 & 0300 7440 kHz,
0500 9945 kHz;
0900 & 1100 11550 kHz;
1400 only via satellite;
1900 7490 kHz; 2100 7510 kHz.

GERMAN (one hour long):
1700 & 2000 7490 kHz;
2300 7510 kHz.

UKRAINIAN programmes are transmitted at all times except for
the times reserved for English and German programmes, as
shown above.

ROMANIAN (half an hour long):
at 1700, 1930 & 2100 on 657 kHz (via Chernivtsi 25 kW).

All these transmissions are available also in Real Audio
and in audio mp3 files on our Website www.nrcu.gov.ua,
and on satellite "Sirius 4":
5 degrees East, horizontal polarization, 11766 MHz,
SR 27.500 Ms/s, FEC 3/4, channel RUI.

This schedule is subject to changes.
(Via Alexander Yegorov,7th Mar 2008, Alokesh Gupta, India - dxldyg 09/03/2008)

NHK World A08

0500-0530 17810

0900-0930 11815

1200-1230 9695

1400-1430 11705

0000-0020 17810 13650
(Alokesh Gupta, India - dxldyg 09/03/2008)
Связь (ham radio)

Volmet survey - 3 Feb 2008 at 2344 UTC

3413 Shannon Volmet, fair

3485 New York Volmet, poor

5450 RAF Volmet, good

5505Shannon Volmet, good

6604 New York Volmet, good

6754 Trenton Volmet, Canada, weak
(Giampiero Bernardini, Italy - playdx2003 04/03/2008)

06412.0 GWPWMM: Bra-N G28 "MATTOSO MAIA" 0441 ALE/USB clg GWPWB33 Naval
Station Belem, Bra (2008-03-04) (sw)

06902.5 8801: Unid (Arab voice net) 0443 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-04) (sw)

06902.5 3002: Unid (Arab voice net) 0445 ALE/USB clg 4024 (2008-03-04) (sw)

06902.5 4024: Unid (Arab voice net) 0450 ALE/USB clg 3600 (2008-03-04) (sw)

05138.0 4000: Unid 0606 ALE/LSB clg 4070 (2008-03-04) (sw)

05138.0 4070: Unid 0606 ALE/LSB clg 4000 (2008-03-04) (sw)

07759.0 OMQC: Nig-NNPC 0652 ALE/USB clg ILORIN NNPC Ilorin, Kwara State
(2008-03-04) (sw)

08086.0 OMQC: Nig-NNPC 0652 ALE/USB clg ILORIN NNPC Ilorin, Kwara State
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 04/03/2008)

5895khz @ 0822z - Spanish Female Numbers station signal is S9+30db
into my QTH (Seattle, WA)

5 digit numbers (counted in Spanish)

partial block = 11433 14244
(Nick, Seattle, WA, USA = udxf 04/03/2008)

02245 TZSC2: Guardia Civil Cadiz (=EHQ5) 0000+ ALE/USB to TXX1 (NCS#1)
w/replied. 2Mar08 (ALF)

03049.2 T01204: US Army "1-204 Avn" on KFOR Deployment, Kosova; unid
location 0332 ALE/USB SND. 3Mar08 (ALF)

03523 5050: unid 0200a ALE/USB SND. 29Feb08 (ALF)

03523 5757: unid 0200a ALE/USB SND. 29Feb08 (ALF)

05073 22041: Moroccan Civil Protection 2244 ALE/USB SND. 1Mar08 (ALF)

05260.5 B11: unid 1957 ALE/USB to B16 w/LQA, who replied. 3Mar08 (ALF)

05361.5 PR012: unid 2350 ALE/USB SND. 3Mar08 (ALF)
05361.5 PR013: unid 2350 ALE/USB SND. 3Mar08 (ALF)
05361.5 PR015: unid 2300 ALE/USB SND. 3Mar08 (ALF)

06748 10250: unid 1828 ALE/USB SND. 2Mar08 (ALF)

06874 TWBA1: Guardia Civil Barcelona (=EHP2), E 1730+ ALE/USB to
TWCP2 (Pontevedra; =EHM2), TX2 [not TXX2] w/LQA. 1Mar08 (ALF)
(dl8aam - udxf 04/03/2008)

DI2AT is another new German 600m experimental station, licenced
since Feb 1st, 2008.

With 5225.5 kHz we could find a new channel for this "nonstop" calling
markers. They usually send just a 4-character callsign over many
minutes, often handkeyed. At the end they just gave "ar" and s/off.
Is this another variant of the PVO, the Russian Air Defence system?

After some time the "Russian Navy Caspian Sea Flotilla" could be
logged again. Different to any other Russian naval fleet broadcasts
it do not start with "RXX de RYY" (RXX is usually a collective
callsign like REO etc.). So it might be that any other "HQ" station
is doing this "fleet broadcast" to the Caspian flotilla.
It start with "RKN(x3) QTC 675 82 1 0652 675 = PROGNOZ PAGODY ..."
(Pagody = weather). But this format matches with the QTC preables used
by these "RUS MIL CW 4-character tactical/QTC" networks.
In these cases the callsign of the transmitting station is mentioned
in the same way as RKN did: "A2B3 QTC 123 12 3 1000 123 = ..."
According to their preamble format RKN would be the callsign of the
station who actual send this QTC.
So: RKN = Collective callsign or a "real" station callsign???

0505.02 DI2BO: 600m Experimental Beacon, Peine-Schwicheldt, D 2312 CW
mkr & QRSS3 id; Stn OPed by DK8KW. 2/MAR/08 (DL8AAM)

0505.06 OK0EMW: 600m Experimental Beacon, Breclav, CZE 2315 CW marker

0505.09 DI2AG: 600m Experimental Beacon, Dormitz, D 2325 CW marker &
QRSS3-id; Stn OPed by DJ2LF. 2/MAR/08 (DL8AAM)

0505.15 DI2AT: 600m Experimental Beacon, Neunkirchen, D 2335 CW marker
& multi-mode beacon in QRSS PSK31, PSK08, MSK31, MSK08, QPSK31,
FSK31 HELL etc.; Stn by OPed DL3NDR. 2/MAR/08 (DL8AAM)

0505.18 DI2AM: 600m Experimental Beacon, Rostock, D 2300 CW marker
"VVV DI2AM 54.08N 12.05E QSA? DI2AM AT WEB.DE" & QRSS3 id;
Stn OPed by DL3NRV. 2/MAR/08 (DL8AAM)

03314 : PVO/Russian Air Defence "M21" 1934 CW "99/?T?"-mkr.
3Mar08 (ALF)

04996 RWM: Institute of Metrology for Time and Space (IMVP) Moscow,
RUS 0309 CW ID, TS. 3/MAR/08 (DL8AAM)

05000 YVTO: Venezuelan Navy, Directora de Hidrografia y Navegacion (DHN)
Observatorio Naval "Juan Manuel Cagigal", Caracas, VEN 0415 USB
timesignals, OM/SS ID & time ann each m+42". 1/MAR/08 (DL8AAM)

05018 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 0406
CW 5LGs "BT NR ... BT" . 1/MAR/2008 (DL8AAM)

05100 YVTO: Venezuelan Navy, Directora de Hidrografia y Navegacion,
Observatorio Naval "Juan Manuel Cagigal", Caracas, VEN 0409
USB timesignals, spurious? from 5000 kHz. 1/MAR/08 (DL8AAM)

05115 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 0258
CW 5LGs "BT NR ... BT". 1/MAR/2008 (DL8AAM)

05225.5 : unid 0145 CW nonstop clg fr 5min or longer "HWYS", end with
"HWSY ... ar", s/off. 2Mar08 (ALF)

05230 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 0259
CW 5LGs "BT NR ... BT". 1/MAR/2008 (DL8AAM)

05230 BWTL: unid 0510 CW "8AOD(x1) de BWTL(x1) K". 29Feb08 (ALF)

05400.5 RKN: Russian Navy Caspian Sea Flotilla, Astrakhan 0430 CW wx-
f'cast fr Caspian Sea region "RKN(x3) QTC 675 82 1 0652 675 =
PROGNOZ PAGODY ... KASPIJ RAJON ..."; no "de RKN"-preamble!
1Mar08 (ALF)

05775 RCV: Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet HQ Sevastopol, UKR 0613 CW
fleet bcast to RIC87 (collectice call ?), NAWIP QTC #153.
2Mar08 (ALF)

06857.5 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 1056
CW 5LGs "BT NR ... BT" //6863.5 kHz. 29/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM)

06863.5 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 1054
CW "NR 09 F 26 11:54:37 1980 BT", 5LGs. 29/FEB/2008 & 1630z
1/MAR/2008 (DL8AAM)

06887 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 1113
CW 5LGs "BT NR ... BT". 1/MAR/2008 (DL8AAM)

06889.5 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 1632
CW 5LGs "BT NR ... BT". 1/MAR/2008 (DL8AAM)

06932 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 1115
CW 5LGs "BT NR ... BT". 1/MAR/2008 (DL8AAM)

06941 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 1048
CW "NR 08 F 26 11:48:37 1980 BT", 5LGs. 29/FEB/2008 (DL8AAM - udxf 04/03/2008)

The UNID drilling company showed up again on 5400 kHz, regular active
over manyyyy years, but still an UNID ;-)

And another "often seen" unid in RTTY. But I never saw any "ID idea":
- It send 5FGs
- after 50, 100 grps they give a sub-divider like: "=50=", =100", etc.
- at the end it give (handtyped) the time in UTC
- often OP-chat in CW before or after the RTTY messages.

In this case it gave SLV (what means SLV - slushaju = I heard/copied?
Russian or any other eastern European slavic language). Any ex-Warsaw
pact country ??

Any ideas ??

05400 BRAVO 3: unid Drilling Net, prob. Northern Africa/LBY? 0425 J3E
USB OM/EE-US accented got stat/reps fr pressure tests fm UNID
(strong accented "local OP"); 0446z clg BRAVO 8. 1Mar08 (ALF)

10107 : unid 1135 RTTY-ITA2/50/500 5FGs; after 100grps "=1OO=", end
"-1136 K" (time in UTC) & OP-chat "CFM NIL QRU BK // OK SLV K"
into short OP-chat in CW "BK BK QRV K". 1Mar08 (ALF)
(dl8aam - udxf 04/03/2008)

0117z 05 Mar 08

11175.0 was active at 0110z with GAS TUBE (fair/week with deep
fading) bcsting three 28-character EAMs (XR54DN; XR5NWK; XRDY4Z),
simulcasting same on at least 4724.0 (weak) and 8992.0 (weak/fair) and
ending with the "Standing by for traffic" statement. Suspected TACAMO

At 0117z (after the completion of the above) unknown station
(fair; missed id) bcst XR54DN with nothing following and the standing
by for traffic statement not heard.

At 0120z FAN BLADE (weak/readable with deep fading; a little
better on 8992.0) bcst XR54DN, XR5NWK and XRDY4Z and maybe standing by
for traffic (in the noise floor.) Suspected TACAMO PAC.

There's other player activity on 11175.0. Can't make out the
ids. Active exercise.
(Jeff Haverlah, TX, USA - udxf 05/03/2008)

08000.0 2211: Unid 0318 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-05) (sw)

07617.0 8651: Unid (Tur-net) 0321 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-05) (sw)

07839.0 T4Z6: Us-Mil 4th Bn 6th Cavalry Regt. IRQ 0331 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-05) (sw)

07839.0 T1Z1: Us-Mil 0332 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-05) (sw)

05575.0 1912: Unid (Arab voice net) 0332 ALE/USB clg 1101 (2008-03-05) (sw)

06881.5 1912: Unid (Arab voice net) 0333 ALE/USB clg 1966 (2008-03-05) (sw)

06881.5 1912: Unid (Arab voice net) 0334 ALE/USB clg 1101 (2008-03-05) (sw)

08056.0 TF49: Us-Mil 0335 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-05) (sw)

06881.5 9912: Unid (Arab voice net) 0337 ALE/USB clg 1101 (2008-03-05) (sw)

04900.5 1912: Unid (Arab voice net) 0338 ALE/USB clg 1966 (2008-03-05) (sw)

06543.0 210003: Unid (prob UN station) 0340 ALE/USB clg 650009 (2008-03-05)

05817.0 1918: Unid (Arab voice net) 0341 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2008-03-05) (sw)

05002.0 1912: Unid (Arab voice net) 0344 ALE/USB clg 1966 (2008-03-05) (sw)

04900.5 1506: Unid (Arab voice net) 0345 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-05) (sw)

06881.5 1706: Unid (Arab voice net) 0348 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2008-03-05) (sw)

05817.0 4066: Unid (Arab voice net) 0349 ALE/USB clg 1101 (2008-03-05) (sw)

06881.5 1919: Unid (Arab voice net) 0354 ALE/USB clg 1101 (2008-03-05) (sw)

06412.0 3341: Unid (Tur-net) 0356 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-05) (sw)

06881.5 3002: Unid (Arab voice net) 0415 ALE/USB clg 4024 (2008-03-05) (sw)

05817.0 1550: Unid (Arab voice net) 0416 ALE/USB clg 1050 (2008-03-05) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 05/03/2008)

02586.0 OXZ lyngby 0600 USB dan naws 3mar08

02671.3 cuxhaven gcg 0724>29 USB ger wx forecast 2mar08

02677.0 cross la garde 0923 USB fr avurnav toulon " firing

02998.0 FDX9074 / near fritzlar 0650 HFDL via shannon 2mar08

02998.0 VIR602 / fajs-egll near joigny 0654 HFDL via shannon 2mar08

04214.0 IDR2 navy roma 0631 ITA2/75/850 carbs 2mar08

04670.0 fishermen 0634 USB sp d/x 2mar08

05470.0 AC10 algerian mil 1947 ALE USB to RM10 3mar08

05534.0 fishermen 1014 USB fr d/x 2mar08

05541.0 SDJ stockholm ldoc 1938 USB eng medical assistance...3mar08

05598.0 GJES g-viit 777 baw 0800 USB c atc nat shanwick 2mar08

06880.0 IDR? ital navy 1652 USB ita "calling all units..." 2mar08

08190.0 FUSCO g? < > MICCOLI g 102 ships Guardia Di Finanza 1433 ALE USB

09200.0 13211 protec civ mrc 1945 ALE USB snd 3mar08

12136.7 RFPTC ff n'djamena 1500 ARQ-E3/200/400 nd 2mar08

12350.0 unid ship 1503 USB malays d/x 2mar08

12562.5 russ ship? 1507 ARQ rus c murmansk? -sending pers messages 2mar08

12603.0 //13375 E3 lp cyp 1521 USB yl numbers 2mar08
(Michel Lacroix, France - udxf 05/03/2008)

8912.0 C26 : USACE Chicago, IL EOC "CHARLIE 26" w/
COE : US Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile, AL. COE req.
C26 "authenticate - no traffic". (14:50utc)
(5 Mar 2008) (spc)

8912.0 F04 : "FOXTROT04" (USCG HU-25 #2104 CGAS
Corpus Christi TX) req. guard from LNT : CAMSLANT after
ALE callup. F04 adv. 6 pob, enrt Victoria, TX after
gulf patrol mission. (15:39utc) (5 Mar 2008) (spc)

8912.0 711 : USCG HC-130H #1711, CGAS Elizabeth City
with LNT : CAMSLANT after ALE callup. 711 req. guard
for training mission. (15:42utc) (5 Mar 2008) (spc)

8912.0 CR1PRI : Unk. CBP Reg. Comm Node sounding in
USB/ALE. (15:45utc) (5 Mar 2008) (spc)

8912.0 C30 : USACE Anchorage, AK, clg. COE : US
Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile, AL in ALE/USB.
(15:47utc) (5 Mar 2008) (spc)

8912.0 C20 : USACE Communications Office, Mobile, AL
sounding in ALE/USB. (16:09utc) (5 Mar 2008) (spc)
(Steve, Xenia, Ohio, USA - udxf 05/03/2008)

02182 CUA: Lisbon Radio, POR 2216 J3E/USB OM/PP clg "Iris Pumada" (?).
4Mar08 (ALF)

03598.4 C30: unid "MWT-Net" 2345a ALE/USB SND. 4Mar08 (ALF)

03598.4 M10: unid "MWT-Net" 2315a ALE/USB SND. 4Mar08 (ALF)

05334.5 MEROPS: unid OEF-A / US Army Task Force, AFG 0206 ALE/USB SND.
5Mar08 (ALF)

05335 SIMMCNTCPX07OP: unid 0205 ALE/USB to MEUCECPX07OP w/LQA, who
replied & into short sx OMs voice J3E/USB contact in unid
"vn language". 5Mar08 (ALF)

05350 4343: unid "4FnF/FnF LSB"-Net 0152 ALE/LSB replied to 4111 for
LQA. 5Mar08 (ALF)

05350 4383: unid "4FnF/FnF LSB"-Net 0149 ALE/LSB replied to 4111 for
LQA. 5Mar08 (ALF)

05422.9 MOD: MoD Baghdad 0400 ALE/USB; 0425 unid to MODNET. 5Mar08 (ALF)

06888 : Venezuelan Navy 2202 ALE/LSB to BRIFFRI5 (Infanteria Marina,
Brigada Fluvial Fronteriza "Franz Risquez Iribarren").
4Mar08 (ALF)

06960 : unid Military 1040 J3E/USB OMs Estonian/Hungarian/? sx w/5LGs
msgs, spelled (Abraham, Tomash, Laslo, Holada, Olga ...).
Not any slavic language. 5Mar08 (ALF)

07003 R23722: US Army Aviation Sikorsky UH-60A Blackhawk Helicopter
#82-23722, KFOR deployed, Kosova 1952 ALE/USB to T01185
(Mississippi Army NG "1-185 Avn", KFOR Camp Bondsteel, Kosova).
4Mar08 (ALF)
(dl8aam - udxf 05/03/2008)

06524.2 7201 /6701 /4701 Kellog Brown & Root: iraq 2050 ALE USB snd 5mar08
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 06/03/2008)

04209.5 TAH istanbul 0608 FEC turc naws 6mar08
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 06/03/2008)

02721 REA4: LRAF HQ Moscow 2006 CWREVS/50/sec Idling between
skeds. //5157. (06Mar08) (MPJ)

03782 CTP: Portuguese Navy Palhais/Oeiras 2034 RTTY/75/950 QSX
idles. (06Mar08) (MPJ)

04713.5 : Unid 1844 FSK/100/170 Possibly CIS-100. (06Mar08) (MPJ)

05195 DRA5: DARC Propagation Beacon, Scheggerott 2010 CW Prop
forecast in EE. (06Mar08) (MPJ)

05273.4 : Unid Diplo/Military Bcast 2016 FEC Enciphered with
synchs between message blocks of different lengths. Off at 20:22
then switching carrier on and off. (06Mar08) (MPJ)

05276 : CIS Military 1851 CIS-75/75/250 In traffic. (06Mar08)

05417.5 : NATO TADIL Modem 2029 LINK-11/2250/USB (06Mar08) (MPJ)

05450 RAF VOLMET: MASO, London Military, Swanwick 2030 USB YL
robot with UK actuals. (06Mar08) (MPJ)

06347 : CIS Military 1745 LINK-11/4800/USB In cipher traffic.
One of many on 4/5 MHz. (06Mar08) (MPJ)

06483 9MR: RMN Johore Bahru, W.Malaysia 1902 RTTY/50/850 Messages
to warships. Poor note. (06Mar08) (MPJ)

06786.7 : Unid Egyptian Diplo 1927 ARQ Opchat then into CODAN
16TONE, short bursts. (06Mar08) (MPJ)

06840 : Enigma E10 Mossad 1946 USB+CARRIER YL in traffic ...
DPDMX HRRVU ... (06Mar08) (MPJ)

06871 : CIS Diplo 1953 MAZIELKA 6-tones repeating. (06Mar08)
(Jim, U.K. - udxf 07/03/2008)

04356.5 DHJ58: GNy Gluecksburg 1212 USB wkg DP:
S171 U22, transm. S4285 (03/MAR/08) (KK)

04537.5 W03: Polizeistreifenboot W3 2029 USB/ALE
snd (03/MAR/08) (KK)

04537.5 BP24: BP24 "Bad Bramstedt" 1901 USB/ALE
snd (03/MAR/08) (KK)

04537.5 WSPAN: Wasserschutz-Polizei Amt Niedersachsen
1744 USB/ALE snd (03/MAR/08) (KK)

04537.5 W03: Polizeistreifenboot W3 1729 USB/ALE
snd (03/MAR/08) (KK)

04537.5 LEZSEE: Lage-und Einsatzzentrum See 1558
USB/ALE snd (03/MAR/08) (KK)

04537.5 BP26: BP26 "ESCHWEGE" 1542 USB/ALE snd
(03/MAR/08) (KK)

04537.5 BP24: BP24 "Bad Bramstedt" 1501 USB/ALE
snd (03/MAR/08) (KK)

04537.5 WSPAN: Wasserschutz-Polizei Amt Niedersachsen
1444 USB/ALE snd (03/MAR/08) (KK)

04537.5 W03: Polizeistreifenboot W3 1428 USB/ALE snd
(03/MAR/08) (KK)

06706.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCS 1034 USB/ALE snd (04/MAR/08) (KK)

06706.0 XSA: UK-DHFCS Station 1035 USB/ALE clg XSS,
many Handshakes, no other data (04/MAR/08) (KK)

06706.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCS 1040 USB/ALE sending AMD:
CCCCD990774116NNNN, busy Phonetone (04/MAR/08) (KK)

06706.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS NCS 1040 USB/ALE sending AMD:
CCCCD90774116NNNN, busy Phonetone (04/MAR/08) (KK)

06524.0 E11: Slavic Numberstation 1200 USB fem. Voice
"Seven-Four-One-Oblique-Zero-Zero. Ends 1205UTC
with "Out" (04/MAR/08) (KK)

04362.0 LETIZIA: GdF G110 Letizia 1903 USB/ALE clg ROSATI:
G89 Rosati, also at1905UTC, no reply (06/MAR/08) (KK)

04362.0 LETIZIA: GdF G110 Letizia 1915 USB/ALE clg ROMA:
GdF CQG., Roma, I (06/MAR/08) (KK)

08190.0 LETIZIA: GdF G110 Letizia 1916 USB/ALE clg ROMA:
GdF CQG., Roma, I (06/MAR/08) (KK)

06450.0 LETIZIA: GdF G110 Letizia 1916 USB/ALE clg ROMA:
GdF CQG., Roma, I (06/MAR/08) (KK)

05785.0 LETIZIA: GdF G110 Letizia 1916 USB/ALE clg ROMA:
GdF CQG., Roma, I (06/MAR/08) (KK)

07945.0 IGF1: prb Iraqi Ground Forces 1923 USB/ALE
clg 5DV: 5th Div. Iraqi Army (06/MAR/08) (KK)

07499.5 A16: unid 1932 USB/ALE clg A04 (06/MAR/08) (KK)

06774.5 A16: unid 1957 USB/ALE clg A05 (06/MAR/08) (KK)

07949.0 YOLA: Yola NIG NNPC 2000 USB/ALE snd (06/MAR/08) (KK)
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 07/03/2008)

4442.0 143CDCC40, Oklahoma Department of Health, Tulsa, OK. Voice
call WNG971: 1708 USB ALE & AMD (06/MARCH/08) (JLM)

8023.0 123CDCS27, Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul,
MN. Voice call WNG985: 1800 USB ALE & AMD (06/MARCH/08) (JLM)

4988.6 KGD825, EPA, Boston, MA: 2058 USB ALE (06/MARCH/08) (JLM)
(Jack L.M., Stanford, USA - udxf 07/03/2008)

04537.5 BP24: Ger-Bundespolizei Boot "Bad Bramstedt" 1501 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-05) (sw)

05220.0 TALBOT56: Pol-Mil 1520 ALE/USB clg IGIELIT14 (2008-03-05) (sw)

07641.0 MJMD: Pol-Mil ALE/USB clg RBYG (2008-03-05) (sw)

08340.0 15J: Ven-N 0320 ALE/LSB clg 8P3L (2008-03-06) (sw)

04535.0 KB1: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 0328 ALE/USB clg BR5 (2008-03-06) (sw)

05320.0 KB1: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 0338 ALE/USB clg BR5 (2008-03-06) (sw)

07045.0 KBT: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 0341 ALE/USB clg SFS (2008-03-06) (sw)

06583.0 KBT: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 0341 ALE/USB clg SFS (2008-03-06) (sw)

07045.0 KBR: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 0342 ALE/USB clg 1BR (2008-03-06) (sw)

05425.0 KBT: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 0343 ALE/USB clg SFS (2008-03-06) (sw)

07045.0 KB1: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 0343 ALE/USB clg BRN (2008-03-06) (sw)

06551.0 1BR: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 0344 ALE/USB clg KBR (2008-03-06) (sw)

06551.0 KBR: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 0344 ALE/USB clg 1BR (2008-03-06) (sw)

06583.0 KB1: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 0344 ALE/USB clg BRN (2008-03-06) (sw)

05425.0 KBR: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 0346 ALE/USB clg 1BR (2008-03-06) (sw)

05320.0 KBR: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 0348 ALE/USB clg 1BR (2008-03-06) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 07/03/2008)

11108.0 FC8FEM : Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Denver, CO sounding in ALE/USB (17:48utc) (6 Mar 2008) (spc)

11108.0 FC6 : Federal Emergency Management Agency, Denton, TX
sounding in ALE/USB. (18:08utc) (6 Mar 2008) (spc)
(Steve C, USA - udxf07/03/2008)

5399.0 AASF2 : Un-ID sta. clg. AASF3 : Un-Id sta. in ALE/USB.
Poss. Army Aviation Support Facil. (?) (14:39utc) (7 Mar 2008)

5817.0 BSG : Un-ID sta. sounding in USB/ALE. Prob. Nat'l.
Guard - logged this sta. on 4000.0 as well. (15:28utc)
(7 Mar 2008) (spc)

5817.0 LYN : USArmy NG, Lynchburg, VA sounding in USB/ALE.
(15:33utc) (7 Mar 2008) (spc)

6880.0 Navy MARS net in Pactor1/200 b. Numerous admin. messages.
(15:48utc) (7 Mar 2008) (spc)
(Steve, Xenia, USA - udxf 07/03/2008)

05000 BBB: unid 1115 ALE/USB to AAA. 7Mar08 (ALF)

05422.9 11V: Iraqi Army 11th Division, East Baghdad 0300+ ALE/USB to BOC
(unid) & IGF1 (Iraqi Ground Forces Command) w/LQA. 6Mar08 (ALF)

05422.9 NAY1: Iraqi Navy 0400a ALE/USB to MOD (MoD Baghdad) w/LQA, who
replied. 6Mar08 (ALF)

05422.9 IGF1: Iraqi Ground Forces Command (IGFC) 0400a ALE/USB to MOD
(MoD Baghdad), who replied. 6Mar08 (ALF)

05440 : unid 1131 RTTY-ITA2/50/500 endless RYs w/out ID. 7Mar08 (ALF)

05517 VP-BEK: unid private BIZ Jet 0125 J3E/USB wkg Tripoli fr pos/rep
on FL410, next SEB Canadair CL300 Challenger. 6Mar08 (ALF)

05517 AIN 304: African International Airways Flight (South Africa) 0128
J3E/USB wkg Tripli fr pos/rep on FL330. 6Mar08 (ALF)

05598 N1925M: US BIZ Jet (The Air Group, Inc.) 2241 J3E/USB wkg Santa
Maria fr pos/rep on FL410, next Lisbon Control on VHF;
Gulfstream IV-SP. 5Mar08 (ALF)

05598 YV2039: Venezuelan "Air Force 1" (Hugo Chavez's Falcon 900B jet)
2244 J3E/USB wkg Santa Maria fr oceanic clearance to LPAZ.
5Mar08 (ALF)

06861.4 J3A692: CruiseEmail Node St.George's, GRD 2125 PACTOR-x & CW-id
"J3A692"; in between unid vessel in PACTOR-I.
5Mar08 (ALF)

06891 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 1124
CW 5LGs "BT NR 35 M 07 12:24:01 1980 BT". 7/MAR/2008 (DL8AAM)

06982 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 0024
CW 5LGs "BT NR ... BT". 6/MAR/2008 (DL8AAM)

07604 XS88XS99: Département du Renseignement et de la Sécurité (DRS)
"Algerian Intelligence" 2159 ALE/USB to XS10XS99 w/LQA.
5Mar08 (ALF)
(dl8aam - udxf 07/03/2008)

08107 : Unid CIS "AA" Net 1439 CW QSA NO NW Ä 93479 Ä 00140 Ä
373 66 KK. (07Mar08) (MPJ)

08585 REA4: LRAF HQ Moscow 1730 REVS/50/1000 Idling between
scheds. // 9193. (07Mar08) (MPJ)

10184.2 : Unid Egyptian Diplo 1855 CODAN-16TONE (3-second bursts)
after opchat on 10184.7 "HUXD KY KY". (07Mar08) (MPJ)

12469 : Unknown Vessel GW-OFDM Calling HLF-Globe Wireless, Seoul,
Korea on input frequency. (07Mar08) (MPJ)

12503.5 : Unid Vessel 1608 ARQ SELCALs KYMV (3740) unknown Russian
coast station. (07Mar08) (MPJ)

12592.5 NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA USA 1605 ARQ Channel free
marker with CW ID. (07Mar08) (MPJ)

12603 72947: Lincolnshire Poacher E03 1603 USB 72947 callup.
(07Mar08) (MPJ)

13089 NMN: CAMSLANT 1550 USB OM automat with high seas forecasts.
(07Mar08) (MPJ)

13407.8 : Prob Saudi Air Defence/Air Force 1407 ARQ-E/46.2/150
(07Mar08) (MPJ)

16945 9HD: Globe Wireless, Malta 1531 GW-OFDM Channel free
marker. (07Mar08) (MPJ)

19843.91 : Prob UNFICYP Net 1453 OMFSK/195.0/600 Bearing 115 prob
HQ. Correspondent on 14779.91 bearing around 220. At 15:00 both
QSY 13564.91 and 18788.91. (07Mar08) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 07/03/2008)

03805.0 unid? protection civ maroc ?2046 USB d/x arabe bip 7mar08

05792.0 2001 protection civile maroc 2051 ALE USB to 2408 7mar08

03805.0 2001 protection civ maroc 2053 ALE USB to 2205 7mar08

06515.0 unid navire 2058 USB esp d/x 7mar08

08906.0 ny atc active...
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 07/03/2008)

09265.0 AKALN2: Mex- PEMEX (Petroleos Mexicanos) 0000 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-08) (sw)

07450.0 AKALN2: Mex-PEMEX 0001 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08) (sw)

07450.0 7801: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 0021 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-08) (sw)

07450.0 REBOM1: Mex- PEMEX (Petroleos Mexicanos) Rebombeo platform/complex
0024 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08) (sw)

08291.1 AKALN2: Mex- PEMEX (Petroleos Mexicanos) 0034 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-08) (sw)

05575.0 1474: Unid (Arab voice net) 0042 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08) (sw)

06881.5 1717: Unid (Arab voice net) 0044 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08) (sw)

06445.6 4101: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 0046 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-08) (sw)

06524.2 7201: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 0046 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-08) (sw)

07450.0 7804: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 0049 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-08) (sw)

06881.5 5555: Unid (Arab voice net) 0056 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08) (sw)

04751.0 TWLC1: Spa-Pol Santander 0108 ALE/USB clg TWLA1 (2008-03-08) (sw)

08232.2 6701: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 0122 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-08) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 08/03/2008)

6985.0 23417TFBLACK & DECOPS, US Military: 1527 USB ALE. Also using
7361.5 USB ALE (07/MARCH/2008) (JLM)

11439.5 BDETAC & 3435, US Military: 1549 USB ALE (07/MARCH/2008) (JLM)

7650.0 24TOC & 3439, US Military: 1553 USB ALE (07/MARCH/2008) (JLM)

7650.0 BDETOC, BDETAC & 3435, US Military: 1630 USB ALE (07/MARCH/2008) (JLM)

11630.0 T1Z244, US Military: 1940 USB ALE here and on 12129.0
(07/MARCH/2008) (JLM)

7535.0 NORFOLK SESEF & WARSHIP: 2012 USB Voice. WARSHIP had terrible
audio clipping, making reception almost impossible (07/MARCH/2008) (JLM)

7973.0 UNID station with 5 letter groups: 2112 CW (07/MARCH/2008) (JLM)
(Jack L.M., Stanford, USA - udxf 08/03/2008)

04874.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1114 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2008-03-08)

06796.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1116 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2008-03-08)

07527.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1117 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2008-03-08)

05286.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1117 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2008-03-08)

07584.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1119 ALE/USB clg TWBT2 Tarragona (2008-03-08)

05379.0 TWLC1: Spa-Pol Santander 1120 ALE/USB clg TWLA1 Alava (2008-03-08)

05379.0 TWLA1: Spa-Pol Alava 1120 ALE/USB clg TWLC1 Santander (2008-03-08)

07527.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1125 ALE/USB clg TWBZ2 Zaragoza (2008-03-08)

05868.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1126 ALE/USB clg TWBZ2 Zaragoza (2008-03-08)

07584.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1127 ALE/USB clg TWBZ2 Zaragoza (2008-03-08)

05892.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1128 ALE/USB clg TWBZ2 Zaragoza (2008-03-08)

04751.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1135 ALE/USB clg TWCG2 Gijon (2008-03-08) (sw)

04751.0 TWCG2: Spa-Pol Gijon 1135 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid (2008-03-08) (sw)

07512.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1139 ALE/USB clg TWLC2 Santander (2008-03-08)

05007.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1140 ALE/USB clg TWLC2 Santander (2008-03-08)

08151.0 TWLA1: Spa-Pol Alava 1143 ALE/USB clg TWLC1 Santander (2008-03-08)

07512.0 TWLA1: Spa-Pol Alava 1144 ALE/USB clg TWLC1 Santander (2008-03-08)

06874.0 TWLA1: Spa-Pol Alava 1145 ALE/USB clg TWLC1 Santander (2008-03-08)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 08/03/2008)

2036z 08 Mar 08

11175.0 was active at 2026z with DOWN DEEP (good levels here)
calling MAINSAIL and raising ANDREWS (weak) but not responding to
ANDREWS' calls.

8992.0 was active at 2030z with DOWN DEEP (good; spelled
callsign) working ANDREWS (unheard here) and OFFUTT (unheard to weak)
for a phone patch to a common OFFUTT DSN number (GEP coordination).
DOWN DEEP worked GAS HOUSE (GEP coordinator), stating he was 7B
burning RF18 in area CLASS ROOM (GEP alias) and going to TEST TUBE
(GEP alias.) DOWN DEEP terminated patch and gone.
(Jeff Haverlah, Texas, USA - udxf 09/03/2008)

02151,5 dbgz: BP26 Eschwege D 1945 ale/usb THIS WAS: BP26@@ 8Mär08

02151,5 lezsee: Lage- und Einsatzzentrum See D 2001 ale/usb THIS WAS:
LEZSEE 8Mär08 (wp3)

04557,0 fdi22: F AF Narbonne F 0935 rtty 50/79 ceci est une emission
de calmjielde inee au reglage ee~votre recepteur undi mardi mercredi
jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche janvier 9Mär08 (wp3)

05310,0 : FAF ? F 1135 cw NR45 M04 12:36:17 1980 BT GDKDI AGOEW
LKMEF ..... 8Mär08 (wp3)

05335,0 MEUCECPX07: US Marine Corps USA 0411 ale/usb [04:11:53][CHN
9Mär08 (wp3)

05649,0 shanwick: Shanwick Air Radio IRL 1210 usb qso with olympic
426, selcall chk 8Mär08 (wp3)

05690,0 : unid Nato (Turkey ?) 1213 stanag4285/600L/7n1 3 msgs, off
a short time between, msg begins and ends with
*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U*U then no tfc till 1447z, then agn some
msgs 8Mär08 (wp3)

05750,0 : pirates ? F 0950 lsb long xmsns in FF 9Mär08 (wp3)

07305,0 k: unid (rou mil ?) ROU 1123 ale/usb TO B TIS K 8Mär08 (wp3)

07305,0 139: unid (rou mil ?) ROU 1156 ale/usb clg 066 8Mär08 (wp3)

07305,0 b: unid (rou mil ?) ROU 1235 ale/usb TO K TIS B 8Mär08 (wp3)

16922,0 vth9: IN Mumbai IND 1411 rtty 50/850 ryr then clg golf alpha
8Mär08 (wp3)

18296,7 rfqp: FF Djibouti DJI 1235 arq-e3/100/398 idle 8Mär08 (wp3)

18844,9 : brit. Mil CYP 1321 195.3 twinplex 8Mär08 (wp3)
(Wolfgang Palmberger, Germany - udxf 09/03/2008)

16811.5 A9M hamala bhr 1434 CW 8mar08

08418.5 IAR roma 1435 ARQ tfc 8mar08

08421.5 LZW varna 1539 FEC bul news 8mar08

08591.0 SAB 1553 GW FSK 8mar08

11500.0 croissant rouge turc? 2010 1605 ALE USB to 3012 8mar08

04618.5 CALORIE faf? 1605 ITA2/50 "ceci est un message de..." 8mar08

05885.0 V2A ? cuba 0722 USB esp yl nombres 8mar08
(M. Lacroix, France - dxuti 09/03/2008)

TX5C DX-pedition finally on the air: on 3796-LSB, heard
March 9, op with French accent, occasionally speaking French to contacts in
France; at 0653 with GW5XHG, at 0655 UA0ZC. Periodic spoiler QRM from carrier
on low side; what demented ham would do this? TX5C was QRZ Europe at this hour;
duplex, and other side of contacts not heard on this frequency. Did not look
for match. Not knowing this, at 0658 N5CW called on same frequency, but someone
else quickly informed him that TX5C was listening somewhere else. Weak but
clear signals (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/03/2008)

07839.0 T2Z147: Usa-Mil 2nd Bn 147th Rgt IRQ 1619 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08)

07839.0 R5428: Usa-Mil 1622 ALE/USB clg T1Z1 1ST Inf Dvn 1ST Bn Avn
(2008-03-08) (sw)

06841.0 AA214: Usa-Mil (pos 214 Med Co.) (TC-net) 1628 ALE/USB sndg.
(2008-03-08) (sw)

08867.0 R23625: Usa-Mil UH-60A 81-23625 1632 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Bn 147th
Rgt IRQ (2008-03-08) (sw)

09036.5 R26652: Usa-Mil UH-60L 95-26652 1640 ALE/USB clg 5th Bn 158th
(General Support) Avn. (2008-03-08) (sw)

08000.0 R26170: Usa-Mil UH-60A 89-26170 1645 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08) (sw)

16077.0 G323: Usa-Mil 1648 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08) (sw)

05662.7 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 1651 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08)

07003.0 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 1652 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08)

08056.0 R26679: Usa-Mil UH-60L 91-26679 1703 ALE/USB clg T5Z158 5th Bn
158th (General Support) Avn. (2008-03-08) (sw)

08867.0 R23349: Usa-Mil UH-60A 80-23349 1703 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Bn 147th
Rgt IRQ (2008-03-08) (sw)

05602.0 R26679: Usa-Mil UH-60L 91-26679 1705 ALE/USB clg T5Z158 5th Bn
158th (General Support) Avn. (2008-03-08) (sw)

08101.5 UDAIRI: Usa-Mil Camp Udairi, Kuwait 1706 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08)

05554.5 T01204: Us-Mil 1st Bn 204TH Avn KSV 1707 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08)

07839.0 R23625: Usa-Mil UH-60A 81-23625 1716 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Bn 147th
Rgt IRQ (2008-03-08) (sw)

04707.0 T01185: Us-Mil 1st Bn 185TH Avn KSV 1720 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08)

08521.0 BB2: Isr-Af 1722 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-08) (sw)

05379.0 TWLC1: Spa-Pol Santander 1510 ALE/USB clg TWLA1 Alava (2008-03-09)

11415.0 ZB40HM90: Unid Algerian DRS Station, Alg 1513 ALE/USB clg ZD40HM90
(2008-03-09) (sw)

12225.0 ZB40HM90: Unid Algerian DRS Station, Alg 1518 ALE/USB clg ZD40HM90
(2008-03-09) (sw)

07730.0 ZB40HM90: Unid Algerian DRS Station, Alg 1529 ALE/USB clg ZD40HM90
(2008-03-09) (sw)

04901.0 C30: Unid (pos Pol-Mil) 1624 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-09) (sw)

11427.5 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers, Mrc 1635 ALE/USB clg TRP Tripoli, Lby
(2008-03-09) (sw)

10375.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers, Mrc 1647 ALE/LSB clg TRP Tripoli, Lby
(2008-03-09) (sw)

14422.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers, Mrc 1652 ALE/USB clg TRP Tripoli, Lby
(2008-03-09) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 09/03/2008)

Just logged TN-313 Kecskemet/Titan HNG on 314.035
2xID format - last heard Dec 2007 - REU states occasional military ops
Good signal here - nice catch!
(Peter Conway, Hastings, U.K. - ndblist 04/03/2008)

335.0 03/03 2023 G Gorna Oryahovitsa BUL id+tone 1511

386.0 03/03 2016 RAK Rakovnik CZE id 413

313.0 03/03 2101 TN Kecskemet HNG id 909

385.0 03/03 2017 K Kosice/Haniska SVK id 962

432.0 03/03 1957 BB Bibrka UKR id 1171
(Michael Oexner, Germany - ndblist 04/03/2008)

Right now at 23:30 utc I can hear clearly HAM-317, Hamadan, Iran on 318.040 kHz. It is a new ID for me and perhaps for other listeners as well.
(sm6omh - ndblist 04/03/2008)

01 0310 212 UCF Cienfuegos, Cuba
01 0313 219 AY Waycross, GA
01 0329 254 DTS Destin, FL
01 0337 380 UCY Cayajabo, Cuba
01 0354 335 AWS Columbus-Lawson, GA
01 0426 206 VNC Venice, FL
01 0654 201 CZE Clarksville, AR
01 0657 206 QI Yarmouth, NS
01 0704 215 BFK Buffalo, OK
01 0708 223 AZW Mount Airy, NC
01 0718 230 HPT Hampton, IA
01 0721 233 AZN St. Joseph - Amazonia, MO
01 0728 233 OEO Osceola, WI
01 0737 245 ANR Andrews, TX
01 0743 261 ELQ Emporia, VA
01 0755 278 EOE Newberry-Enoree, SC
01 0813 521 GM Greenville-Mauldin, SC
01 0816 505 NEED Ft. Rucker, AL
01 0957 334 UU Corinth, MS
01 1004 353 VV Greensboro-Junne, GA
01 1016 204 TWL Monroe-Wesley, NC
01 1019 206 TEL Tell City, IN
01 1026 234 EQQ Newnan-Coweta County, GA
01 1029 236 VJ Abingdon-Virginia Highlands, VA
01 1032 239 UBC Ballinger-Bruce, TX
01 1035 239 GIW Greenwood, SC
01 1123 233 HEM Sparta-Hutchins, TX
01 1143 251 LUG Lewisburg-Verona, TN
01 2244 296 ARF Albertville, AL
01 2247 287 HUA Redstone Arsenal-Huntsville, AL
01 2253 211 AN Anniston, AL
02 0147 245 UDG Darlington, SC
02 0156 272 PIM Pine Muontain, GA
(kh2ar - ndblist 04/03/2008)

2008-03-04 05:01 323 TAB 6866 Y CROWN POINT, TRD
2008-03-04 04:53 323 SMA 2336 Vila Do Porto / Santa Maria Is, AZR
2008-03-04 04:50 323 WPL 416 WELSHPOOL, ENG
2008-03-04 04:43 318 LE 564 Luxembourg-Est, LUX
2008-03-03 20:25 386 LK 2045 Tallin / Ulemiste, EST
2008-03-03 20:23 385 KV 2164 Halli / Talasniemi, FIN
2008-03-03 18:17 373 KEM 2398 Kemi-Tornio / Hirmula, FIN
2008-03-03 18:14 371 LEV 851 Savigliano / Levaldigi (CN), ITA
(D. Kremp, Coutances, France - ndblist 04/03/2008)

2008-03-03 21:57 485 UR 7911 MARGATE, AFS
2008-03-03 21:21 385 OK 2532 KUPANG, INS
2008-03-03 21:17 427.5 OB 8545 OVERBERG, AFS
(VK6DI - ndblist 04/03/2008)

2008-03-02 18:58 397 OL 942 Y Szczecin / Golienow, POL
2008-03-02 19:11 398 NIT 1442 Y Nitra, SVK
2008-03-02 19:37 400 EJ 1001 Y ESBJERG, DNK
2008-03-02 19:15 400.5 COD 1947 Y Codogno (LO), ITA
2008-03-02 19:40 401.5 BET 1329 Y RHEINE BENTLAGE, DEU
2008-03-02 19:58 404 BMR 1490 Y BAIA MARE, ROU
2008-03-02 20:05 405 UM 1023 Y IVANOVSKOYE, RUS
2008-03-03 19:58 406 HOZ 1175 Y HOLZDORF, DEU
2008-03-02 20:14 407 SRT 3347 Y Sirte, LBY
2008-03-03 19:59 408 BRK 1488 Y Wien / Schwechat / Bruck, AUT
2008-03-03 20:16 409 NCS 1457 Y NAGYCSERKESZ, HNG
2008-03-03 20:30 410 SI 1587 Y SALZBURG, AUT
2008-03-03 22:30 412 PP 1687 Y PECS, HNG
2008-03-03 22:31 412 FS 1398 Y SLIAC-HAJNIKY, SVK
2008-03-03 20:41 413 BOA 1974 Y Bologna (BO), ITA
2008-03-03 22:32 414 SB 1848 Y Sambek, RUS
2008-03-03 22:38 416 POZ 1831 Y Belgrade / Pozarevac, SRB
2008-03-03 23:20 418 ORA 1552 Y ORADEA, ROU
2008-03-03 23:34 422 TLC 1835 Y TULCEA, ROU
2008-03-03 23:42 423 FOR 1990 Y FORLI, ITA
2008-03-03 23:36 424 PIS 1768 Y Zagreb / Pleso / Pisarovina, HRV
2008-03-03 23:47 426 GBG 1629 Y Gleichenberg for Graz, AUT
2008-03-03 23:55 428 BST 2205 Y Lanveoc / Poulmic, FRA
2008-03-04 00:00 429 B 1369 Y BOREK, CZE
2008-03-04 00:08 430 BUG 1608 Y BUGAC, HNG
2008-03-04 00:27 432 PK 1293 Y Prvek, CZE
2008-03-04 00:14 432 IZD 2194 Y OHRID, MKD
(Teijo M., Sakyla, Finland - ndblist 04/03/2008)

20080301 22:55 312 BOZ BUL

20080301 22:56 311 AK XUU

20080301 22:57 315 SPO ITA

20080301 22:58 323 AY XOE

20080301 23:01 343 GRA ITA

20080301 23:01 345 FW ITA

20080301 23:02 346 TLM ALG

20080301 23:04 351 DSA FRA

20080301 23:04 354 FE ITA

20080301 23:14 406.5 BOT DEU

20080301 23:16 412 GR XUU

20080301 23:19 420 BAZ DEU

20080301 23:19 429 KDR LBY

20080301 23:50 307 PG CZE
(iz2jnn - ndblist 04/03/2008)

03 20:56 313 TN 314.035 1472 Y Kecskemet/Titan, HNG
03 19:44 385 NJ 384.599 ? ?, XUE / 385.397
03 22:52 385 BO 383.964 1331 Zadar, HRV
03 23:22 400 BC 401.029 1572 Bekescsaba, HNG
03 23:40 412 GRA 413.064 1562 Granada, ESP
03 23:41 414 STC 413.590 ? Y , XUU
(g3ufi - ndblist 04/03/2008)

03 2010 415 OL +410 1271kms SWE
03 2044 388 KRU +410 1858kms FIN
03 2048 390 BBM +1030 1271kms POL
03 2137 350 WA +1030 1655kms EST
03 2300 392 KF +1020 1589kms ISL
(g0fyd - ndblist 04/03/2008)

2008-03-02 17:31 678 D 1109 Y Rovno, UKR
2008-03-02 17:37 906 PE 384 Y Pechory, RUS
2008-03-02 17:44 1030 S 1280 Y Nizhny Novgorod / Strigino, RUS
2008-03-02 19:29 303 PU ? 391 Y PULKOVO, RUS
2008-03-02 19:30 315 RG ? 1021 Y TUNOSHNA, RUS
2008-03-02 20:54 360 DL 302 Y STOCKHOLM/ARLANDA, SWE
2008-03-02 21:00 372 L ? 1276 Y LIBOC, CZE
2008-03-02 21:08 414 SB 960 1020 1764 Y Sambek, RUS
2008-03-02 21:10 423 ZO ? 1921 Y NIS, SER
2008-03-03 20:11 355 KT ? 932 Y KATNES, NOR
2008-03-03 20:21 393 TAT 400 897 Y Tautra, NOR
(Jarmo H., Pertteli, Finland - ndblist 04/03/2008)

02.03.2008 0102 265,00 ZL Zolochiv 1020+ UKR 1) new
02.03.2008 0202 270,00 FLO Flores 1020+ AZR
02.03.2008 0107 295,00 DC Debrecen 1020+ HNG
02.03.2008 0205 297,00 PNY Piestany -1020 SVK new
03.03.2008 0211 311,00 NSN Niederstetten -1020 D
03.03.2008 0215 324,00 MOU Moulins 0 F
02.03.2008 0214 330,00 HR Charkov -1020 UKR
02.03.2008 0213 332,00 FAR Faro 1020+ POR
02.03.2008 0213 360,00 BD Bogdanovo 1020+ RUS
02.03.2008 0215 380,00 FIL Horta/Faial Island -1020 AZR new
02.03.2008 0222 485,00 CW Krasnaja Gorbatka 1020+ RUS
(Matthias Zwoch, Germany - ndblist 05/03/2008)

2008-03-03 15:39 995 DW Nikolskoye RUS 1935 km 989 hPa
2008-03-04 15:39 687 R Dnipropetrovsk UKR 688.020 1485 1002 hPa NEW
2008-03-04 15:45 920 GW Primorske-Ahtarsk RUS 921.020 1833 NEW
2008-03-04 15:15 510 LJ Gromovo RUS 753
2008-03-04 16:08 455 BK Lipetsk 2 RUS 1419
2008-03-04 16:08 455 NS Chuguyev UKR 1445 NEW
2008-03-04 16:18 496 BP UNID +/- 400 NEW
2008-03-04 20:08 554 OG Russky Kameshkir RUS 553.600 1804 NEW 1005 hPa
2008-03-04 20:22 570 FE Oktyabrsky RUS 569.600 1308 NEW
(sm1wxc - ndblist 05/03/2008)

2008-03-05 03:15 328 KAM 1252 Ljubljana / Brnik / Dolsko, SVN
2008-03-05 03:10 326 SUI 2104 Tampere / Pirkkala / Suinu, FIN
2008-03-05 03:02 326 LLS 622 Lelystad, HOL
2008-03-05 02:52 325 JOE 2414 Joensuu, FIN
2008-03-05 02:45 325 DH 1498 Oskarshamn, SWE
2008-03-05 02:30 323 TAB 6866 CROWN POINT, TRD
2008-03-05 02:20 365 CVL 8303 CARAVELAS, BRA
2008-03-05 02:05 344 ZIY 7679 George Town (Grand Cayman Isl, CYM
2008-03-05 02:03 350 STM 7669 SANTAREM, BRA
(D. Kremp, Coutances, France - ndblist 05/03/2008)

Last night STM-350 made an appearance on both offsets at 2318, but
soon faded out, ASN-360 was also a good signal earlier and listening
later didn't produce much - unlike Dominique who had a good night!
Especially logging TAB-323 again, they do say the first logging is the
hardest and I'm sure that's true!

04 23:19 350 STM 348.975 7897 Santarem, BRA / 351.026
04 23:15 355 ARW 353.962 1795 Nador/Arwi, MRC
04 23:35 382 LAR 383.019 1523 Arruda, POR
04 23:42 407 SRT 405.984 2560 Sirte, LBY
04 23:01 420 SPP 418.983 1582 Sevilla, ESP / 421.022
04 22:56 420 BAZ 420.825 786 Bayreuth, DEU
04 20:37 426 CB 426.402 1385 Coimbra, POR
04 19:06 432 PRD 432.003 833 Peyrehorade, FRA
04 19:21 433 VON 431.959 1197 Vigo, ESP
(Peter Conway, Hastings, U.K. - ndblist 05/03/2008)

At present a TEST is transmitted on 402 kHz, offsets 401.600 / 402.400.
The signal is very strong, 40 dB over my noise floor.
I found OP-402, Brussels National, 93 km with a 1020 Hz offset off.
This TEST signal might be an other Belgium NDB (OP?) changing to a 400 Hz
The signal is much stronger than OP-402 used to be and should be easier to
copy. (Roelof Bakker, Holland - ndblist 05/03/2008)

Since Feb. 1st there is a new beacon on 505.15 kHz. The callsign ist
DI2AT and it operates from Neunkirchen near Nuernberg grid JN59NO.
The operator is Roland Brustle an he confimed kindly my report via email
The beacon may operate in two different modes:

a) CW only: each hour between 2200z and 0800z at minute 00 CW 10wpm, 05
CRSS1, 10 CRSS3 15 DFCW3

b) CW and digital modes: each hour between 2200z and 0800z at minute 00
CW 10wpm, 05 CRSS1, 10 CRSS3, 20 DFCW3, 25 PSK31, 30 PSK08, 35 MSK31, 40
MSK08, 45 QPSK31, 40 FSK31, 55 Chirped Hell.
The ERP is 1 W.

I stumbled over this signal on Feb 27th around 0100 and it was quit
strong. Nice to see another beacon there.
(Matthias Zwoch, Germany - ndblist 05/03/2008)

02.03 00:46 275 RUS IRN Tehran
01.03 20:48 290 K POL Oksywie
28.02 00:01 310 AMN ESP Almeria
03.03 21:00 313 TN HNG Kecskemet / Titan
01.03 20:14 320 DM RUS Moscow / Domodedovo
02.03 00:36 320 DU XUE UNID
04.03 01:05 322 TLN FRA Hyeres / Le Palyvestre
04.03 00:20 323 TAB TRD Crown Point
26.02 23:20 326 YW XOE Tyra West Platform
21.02 20:43 358 K RUS Stavropol / Shopakovskoye
27.02 02:03 381 KHD TUR Kahta / Adiyaman
01.03 20:42 425 MMP ITA Gallarate / Malpensa (VA)
03.03 23:56 429 KDR LBY Kadra
(Hartmut W., Germany - ndblist 05/03/2008)

2008 03 04 2048 334.0 AME Amendola ITA 954 Y
2008 03 05 1604 334.0 VI Verkhnie Vysotske UKR 634 Y
2008 03 05 1646 340.0 RG Lozovatka UKR 1383 Y
(Frantiek Muller, Praha, Czech Republic - ndblist 05/03/2008)

06 02:42 200 HXF 1021 850 Y Hartford, WI, USA
06 03:08 210 CLO 1031 2338 Cali, CLM
06 03:14 212 UCF 1057 9.9 1146 Cienfuegos, CUB
06 03:23 214 LU 404 1806 Y Abbotsford, BC, CAN
06 03:30 218 RL 411 1301 Red Lake, ON, CAN
06 03:36 221 HYE 1041 565 Fort Rucker, AL, USA
06 04:24 239 PWY 1040 392 Hebbronville, TX, USA
06 04:36 248 MBJ 1025 1435 Montego Bay, JMC
06 05:20 280 IPA 1030 8.4 4213 Rapa Nui, PAQ
06 05:23 280 GYZ 1027 864 Y Guernsey, WY, USA
06 05:28 283 UZG 882 865 7.5 1031 Havana, CUB
05 20:14 329 TAD 1043 623 Trinidad, CO, USA
06 05:42 340 REU 388 10.3 1246 Y Retalhuleu, GTM
06 05:46 344 ZIY 1036 1241 George Town, CYM
05 19:53 362 HPC 1015 1012 6.8 135 Y Hope, AR, USA
05 19:48 368 PPA 1047 6.8 404 Pampa, TX, USA
06 05:06 370 UCM 1188 7.0 1301 Y Camaguey, CUB
06 06:00 370 LMS 1025 6.0 1248 San Pedro Sula, HND
06 06:17 382 UCC 1160 10.5 1236 Y Jardines del Rey, CUB
06 06:21 391 DDP 1035 1040 2028 San Juan, PTR
05 19:34 396 CQB 998 5.8 256 Chandler, OK, USA
06 06:30 402 C 600 4.3 1303 Camaguey, CUB
06 06:43 450 PPA 990 8.6 1752 Puerto Plata, DOM
(Douglas S., New Chapel Hill, TX, USA - ndblist 06/03/2008)

19/02 20:50 402.0 +1030 CAR SAR Carbonara 1117 gap 3" 8.38
22/02 02:30 282.0 ±1020 NSR MRC Casablanca 880 ---
26/02 22:35 384.0 ±1040 ADX BAL Andraix 509 gap 4" 11.46
27/02 01:40 307.0 +1040 DIK LUX Diekirch 1285 (*) 9.73 New
27/02 02:25 326.0 -400 RSH IRL Rush 1464 --- 4.52
27/02 06:35 303.0 +1040 ZA ??? ??? ??? gap 3" 5.35 (1)
27/02 21:45 378.0 -1010 TRI HRV Trogir 1657 (*) 8.59 New
27/02 22:25 379.0 ±1100 PIS ITA Pisa 1186 gap 2" 6.74
28/02 22:55 372.5 +1020 KTN SYR Kariatain 3630 (*) 8.08 New
28/02 23:35 373.0 0 LCT FRA Le Luc ??? tone 16" New
29/02 00:10 375.0 ±400 ZN TUN Nefta 1246 gap 3" 6.71
29/02 00:20 371.0 +980 LEV ITA Levaldigi 1014 (*) 7.61 New
29/02 00:25 373.0 -1020 LPD SCY Lampedusa 1510 (*) 10.04 New
29/02 00:30 362.0 -1010 BZO ITA Bolzano 1364 (*) 10.04 New
29/02 00:35 363.5 +1030 BRD ITA Brindisi 1810 (*) 9.06 New
29/02 00:45 366.0 0 -COR ESP Cordoba 314 tone 6" 10.32 (2)
29/02 00:45 367.5 ±1020 PNZ ITA Ponza 1383 gap 4" 10.19
29/02 00:45 371.0 -1020 JER TUN Djerba 1455 (*) 5.69 New
29/02 00:50 379.0 -1080 LAT ITA Latina 1380 (*) 6.56 New
(Manuel Carbonelli, Spain - ndblist 06/03/2008)

238 KT NZL 1326 very poor
260 NF NFK 1244 very poor/poor
270 FA SMO 1208 poor
332 POA HWA 1210 poor/weak
352 RG CKS 1255 very poor/poor
353 LLD HWA 1212 medium
359 NDJ MHL 1316 weak
366 PNI FSM 1214 poor
373 HHI HWA 1341 very poor/poor
373 PQ JPN 1340 very poor
377.5 MO OCE 1241 poor/weak, still there 1344
402 TUT SMA 1306 very poor/poor -1035
412 SON VUT 1309 very poor/poor
530 ADK ALS 1224 poor/weak
(Steve, Oregon, USA - ndblist 06/03/2008)

05 19:50 318 HIG 316.980 619 Bremen, DEU
05 23:41 320 JPS 321.034 7297 Joao Pessoa (PB), BRA
05 17:41 322 ORS 322.001 352 Orleans, FRA
05 17:32 323 WPL 323.412 319 Welshpool, ENG
05 23:28 323 TAB 323.402 7061 Y Crown Point, TRD
05 17:43 326 LM 326.003 337 Le Mans, FRA
05 23:51 327 LV 325.981 469 Koln/Bonn, DEU
05 23:56 332 SBI 331.120 1951 Rabat/Sale, MRC
05 19:37 333 LE 333.406 1403 Vasteraas/Hasslo, SWE
05 21:21 402 TEST 401.598 ? Y ?, XUE / 402.398
05 16:30 407 PN 408.019 1466 Palanga, LTU
05 21:34 423 TS 423.006 826 Toulouse/Blagnac, FRA
05 21:31 424 LOE 424.003 546 Limoges, FRA
(Peter Conway, U.K. - ndblist 06/03/2008)

323.0 06/03 2013 ONC Charleroi/Gosselies BEL id+tone 291
406.0 06/03 2030 HOZ Holzdorf D id+tone 451
329.0 06/03 2016 HA Budapest/Ferihegy HNG id 840
407.0 06/03 2031 CTF Catania/Fontanarossa I id 1424
(Michael Oexner, Germany - ndblist 07/03/2008)

2008-03-06 20:16 346 OC Cognac / Chateaubernard, FRA
2008-03-06 20:13 346 GS Y Gävle / Sandviken, SWE
2008-03-06 20:17 347 MTN Manston, ENG
2008-03-06 20:20 348 SVR Sagvar, HNG
2008-03-06 20:28 349 JX Vaxjo / Kronoberg, SWE
2008-03-06 20:34 351.5 PLA Pula, HRV
2008-03-06 20:51 354 MTZ Metz / Nancy-Lorraine, FRA
2008-03-06 20:51 355 RK Reykjavik, ISL
2008-03-06 21:01 357 HV Y Hvammur, ISL
2008-03-06 21:13 362 JAN Jan Mayen, JMY
2008-03-06 21:19 365 ES Egilsstadir, ISL
2008-03-06 20:39 402 TEST Y UNID, XUE
(Brian M., ndblist 07/03/2008)

07 01:15 401 BPL 2297 Y BARI-PALESE, ITA
05 16:57 443 AP 1894 Y ANAPA, RUS
04 15:35 588 SF 1814 Y SIMFEROPOL, UKR
04 16:18 590 GO 1165 Y ANTONOV, UKR
05 04:24 590 FR 893 Y kaluga, RUS
04 23:32 595 W 1350 Y Chertovitskoye, RUS
04 18:13 625 SU 1216 Y Sumy, UKR
04 00:04 715 M ? Y , XUE
04 00:12 770 MI 1876 Y Mikhaylovka, RUS
03 20:32 795 UH 3477 Y BUKHARA, UZB
03 21:42 795 O 1583 Y DONETSK, UKR
02 17:50 1130 AK 1664 ALEKSANDROVKA, RUS
02 17:47 1155 LS 1606 KRASNYI LUCH, UKR
(oh5yw - ndblist 07/03/2008)

214 XA JPN 1337 poor -1017 DAID
238 KT NZL 1412 very poor -1020
260 NF NFK 1414 faint/very poor -402
327 VYI HWA 1344 very poor -1044
332 POA HWA 1345 poor +1020
352 RG CKS 1347 very poor -1026
353 LLD HWA 1348 weak -403
359 NDJ MHL 1350 poor +1019
366 PNI FSM 1351 weak +1014
373 HHI HWA 1353 very poor +1055
373 PQ JPN 1352 poor +1019 DAID
390 HK JPN 1359 poor +1020 DAID
398 ON RYI 1401 very poor/poor +1019 DAID
399 SRI ALS 1358 very poor -1050
402 TUT SMA 1408 very poor -1033
412 SON VUT 1409 very poor/poor +1023
530 ADK ALS 1410 weak -1037
(Steve, Oregon, USA - ndblist 07/03/2008)

2008-03-07 03:00 388 OCQ 1014 1.193 ; Oconto, WI
(Don Ward, Raleigh, USA - ndblist 07/03/2008)

2008-03-06 16:03 580 KC Kacha UKR +1020 1739 km NEW 994 hPa
2008-03-06 16:10 490 KO Koshany UKR 1070
2008-03-06 16:10 491 FI Golitsyna RUS 1650
2008-03-06 16:19 515 NV Rostov Na Donu RUS 1802
2008-03-07 15:24 478 MF Larionovo RUS 1285 1005 hPa
2008-03-07 15:34 795 UH Bukhara UZB 3805 (!) NEW
2008-03-07 15:47 591 WH Penza RUS 1727 NEW
2008-03-07 15:58 418 ORA Oradea ROU 1162 1006 hPa
(sm1wxc - ndblist 07/03/2008)

06 22:07 320 PZ 318.952 ? Y ?, XUU / 321.084
06 23:35 372 ODR 372.381 935 Odderoeya, NOR
06 23:32 375 VM 376.052 1856 Vestmannaeyar, ISL
06 23:25 375 NDG 376.021 743 Nordlingen, DEU
06 23:38 376 WP 375.578 347 Amsterdam/Weesp, HOL
06 23:40 376 LN 375.606 1236 Hultsfred, SWE
06 23:49 377 SM 377.399 1405 Mora/Siljan, SWE
06 23:42 377 PA 377.407 2225 Rovaniemi, FIN
(Peter Conway, U.K. - ndblist 07/03/2008)

2008-03-04 22:48 245 ST 1344 Y NIZHNY NOVGOROD, RUS
2008-03-04 23:03 267.5 OPW 1850 Y OTOPENI, ROU
2008-03-05 20:20 285 KTC 1192 Y Katowice / Pyrzowice, POL
2008-03-04 23:23 303 KPG 809 Y Kaupanger, NOR
2008-03-04 23:28 307 VA 1179 Y DOBRYNSKOYE, RUS
2008-03-06 22:58 320 DM 1100 Y Moscow / Domodedovo, RUS
2008-03-05 20:46 333 PI 1048 Y PARCHIM, DEU
2008-03-05 21:11 334 VI 1348 Y VERKHNIE VYSOTSKE, UKR
2008-03-05 20:45 335 DP 1625 Y Dnipopetrovsk, UKR
2008-03-05 20:53 338 MNW 1556 Y MUNCHEN, DEU
2008-03-06 20:19 342 SL 689 Y Göteborg / Landvetter, SWE
2008-03-04 23:47 355 ARB 3104 Y ARDABIL, IRN
2008-03-04 20:12 356 PR 1310 Y RUZYNE NORTH, CZE
2008-03-05 21:02 358 K 2194 Y Stavropol / Shopakovskoye, RUS
2008-03-05 21:00 358 HW 1227 Y HANNOVER, DEU
2008-03-05 20:56 360 KI 1286 Y ZHULYANY, UKR
2008-03-04 20:20 360 BD 981 Y BOGDANOVO, RUS
2008-03-05 17:50 375 KD 747 Y Kristanstad / Everod, SWE
2008-03-05 22:29 377 B 358 Y KUOPIO 'Bravo', FIN
2008-03-06 22:34 390 PAJ 692 Y Pajala, SWE
2008-03-04 23:15 391 IAS 1573 Y IASI, ROU
2008-03-04 23:58 393 RST 3252 Y RASHT, IRN
2008-03-04 23:17 393 AB 493 Y Hagfors, SWE
2008-03-05 00:05 395 BR 1532 BUDAPEST, HNG
2008-03-05 21:33 415 DR 1092 Y SKURYGINO, RUS
2008-03-05 21:45 425 HJ 1778 Y MAMADYSH, RUS
2008-03-04 16:31 439 O ? Y , XUE
2008-03-04 19:30 445 CL ? Y , XUE
2008-03-07 15:59 474 RZ 1218 Rzeszow / Jasionka, POL
2008-03-04 16:36 590 GO 1264 Y Gostomel, UKR
2008-03-07 15:50 778 GR 1535 Krasnograd, UKR
(Teijo M., Jakyla, Finland - ndblist 08/03/2008)

Spurred on by the amazing reception of South-American NDB's by Peter,
Dominique and Hartmut earlier this week, I gave it a try late last night and
early this morning.
Besides DDP-391, San Juan, PTR, 7043 km, nothing could be unearthed.

However, there appeared to be an opening to Canada this morning, which was a
nice opportunity to update the offset of a number of stations. The listening
session lasted 50 minutes. It was interesting to note that some stations
were consistant in signal strength, (YQ-305) while others were not audible
at all at the start.
My noise floor, measured in a 24 Hz bandwidth is approximately - 130 dBm.
The signal levels of the Canadian NDB's are given in dB above the noise
floor. Using 12/6 Hz audio filters, the effective noise floor is - 133
/ -136 dBm. This is the reason why the perceived signal level is (3 / 6 dB)
better than the meter indicates. An other way to express this is to state
that using a 6 Hz audio filter the signal gets an 6 dB boost, compared to
the level in a 24 Hz bandwidth. Which is quite a bit.
It was also nice to hear YQ-305 and LT-305 once again at the same time. As
they are 11 Hz apart, both could be heard without interference from the

Date UTC kHz Call Hz Lower/Upper ID Cntry km Station dB

07-03-2008 23:27 267.0 CNZ 1020 265.977 / ------------ MRC 2405
Marrakech/Ménara NEW

08-03-2008 05:36 220.0 BX 400 220.409 / + 400 CAN QC 4100
Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon +18

08-03-2008 05:37 263.0 QY 400 263.406 / + 400 CAN NS 4554 Sydney NS +14

08-03-2008 05:15 276.0 YHR 400 276.406 / + 400 CAN QC 4301 Chevery QC +20

08-03-2008 05:16 281.0 CA 400 281.412 / + 400 CAN NL 3988 Cartwright NL +10

08-03-2008 05:18 305.0 LT 400 305.416 / + 400 CAN NU 4014 Alert Bay NU + 12

08-03-2008 05:15 305.0 YQ 400 305.405 / + 400 CAN MB 5711 Churchill/Eastern
Creek MB +12

08-03-2008 05:39 323.0 UWP 400 323.400 / + 400 CAN NL 4097 Argentina NL +12

08-03-2008 05:44 332.0 YTE 400 332.410 / + 400 CAN NU 4609 Cape Dorset NU +8

08-03-2008 05:24 340.0 YY 400 440.407 / + 400 CAN QC 4948 Mont
Joli/Rimouski-Luceville QC +10

08-03-2008 05:27 350.0 DF 400 350.398 / + 400 CAN NL 4227 Deer Lake NL +17

08-03-2008 05:10 356.0 AY 400 356.410 / + 400 CAN NL 4032 St. Anthony NL +10

08-03-2008 05:28 358.0 NL 400 358.397 / + 400 CAN NL 3996 St. John's/Signal
Hill NL +5

08-03-2008 05:47 360.0 PN 400 360.410 / + 400 CAN QC 4633 Port
Menier/Anticosti Island QC +8

08-03-2008 05:30 364.0 2B - 400 363.598 / - 400 CAN NL 4129 Springdale NL

08-03-2008 05:49 370.0 GR 400 370.397 / + 400 CAN QC 4613
Grindstone/Îles-de-la-Madeleine QC +5

08-03-2008 05:32 385.0 NA 400 385.598 / + 400 CAN QC 4452 Natashquan QC +8

08-03-2008 05:33 390.0 JT 400 390.394 / + 400 CAN NL 4344 Stephenville +15

08-03-2008 05:34 396.0 JC 400 396.403 / + 400 CAN NL 4055 Rigolet NL +7
(Roelof Bakker, Holland - ndblist 08/03/2008)

360.0 07/03 0405 LA UNID ? id+tone

431.0 07/03 0405 ONT Kleine Brogel BEL id+tone 285

425.0 07/03 0403 DNC Mostar BIH id 1011

416.0 07/03 0404 V Vodochody/Pan. Brezany/Máslovice CZE id 464
434.0 07/03 0403 KNE Kunovice CZE id 681

341.0 07/03 0407 ALG Memmingen/Allgäu D id 211
419.0 07/03 0404 WUN Wunstorf D id+tone 370

343.0 07/03 0407 CGO Paris/Charles de Gaulle F id 418
364.0 07/03 0407 RSO Paris/Charles de Gaulle F id 421

337.0 07/03 0404 MY Myggenaes FRO id 1730

338.0 07/03 0406 FNY Robin Hood Airport Doncaster Sheffield G id 789
347.0 07/03 0403 MTN Manston G id 535
347.5 07/03 0403 TD Teesside G id 878
388.5 07/03 0406 CDF Cardiff G id 849

345.0 07/03 0407 THS Salonika/Makedonia GRC id 1511

420.0 07/03 0404 HM Budapest/Ferihegy HNG id 853

339.0 07/03 0407 ZL Maastricht/Zuid-Limburg HOL id 251
373.0 07/03 0404 NW Maastricht/Beek HOL id 254

344.0 07/03 0407 VAR Varazdin HRV id 700
421.0 07/03 0406 SAL Zadar/Sali HRV id 800

339.0 07/03 0405 PRA Pratica di Mare I id 906
342.0 07/03 0405 PES Pescara I id 891
371.0 07/03 0405 RIV Rivolto I id 517
421.0 07/03 0406 FN Roma/Fiumicino I id 876
423.0 07/03 0407 FOR Forlì I id 627
427.0 07/03 0405 FER Ferrara I id 560

397.0 07/03 0403 OP Dublin IRL id 1094

343.0 07/03 0406 HBC Halfdan B Platform/Maersk IW id 731

410.0 07/03 0404 K Kaliningrad/Khrabrovo KAL id 1062

389.0 07/03 0406 CP Lisboa/Caparica POR id 1816

384.0 07/03 0403 F Iasi ROU id 1462
391.0 07/03 0403 IAS Iasi ROU id 1459
426.0 07/03 0403 BC Bacau ROU id 1437

363.0 07/03 0406 CIG Izmir/Cigli/Kaklic TUR id 1921

360.0 07/03 0403 KV Kyiv/Zhuliany UKR id 1611
(Michael Oexner, Germany - ndblist 08/03/2008)

260 NF NFK 1323 poor/weak
270 FA SMO 1324 very poor +925
276 TVL AUS 1327 faint -1036
327 VYI HWA 1331 very poor
332 POA HWA 1331 medium/loud -1022
352 RG CKS 1333 very poor
353 LLD HWA 1335 medium/loud
353 LRE AUS 1334 very poor/poor -1024
359 NDJ MHL 1337 poor
366 PNI FSM 1338 poor/weak +1016
366 SF NZL 1338 poor +1035
373 HHI HWA 1343 faint
412 SON VUT 1351 weak
(Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 08/03/2008)

07 23:32 267 CNZ 265.996 2259 Marrakech/Menara, MRC
07 23:29 274 SAL 274.001 4340 Sal Island/Amilcar Cabral, CPV
07 23:55 275 MSS 273.972 7211 Mossoro (RN), BRA
07 22:42 417 SNO 415.978 1123 Santiago, ESP
07 22:44 417 R 417.392 1481 Gävle/Sandviken, SWE
07 22:45 417 AH 417.410 1007 Angelholm/Barkakra, SWE
07 22:50 418 SAL 417.996 949 Sainte Leocadie, FRA
07 22:57 420 SS 420.404 992 Malmö/Sturup, SWE
07 22:52 420 INN 421.017 889 Innsbruck, AUT
07 23:11 421 SAL 422.010 1341 Zadar/Sali, HRV
07 20:47 421 FN 422.024 1340 Roma/Fiumicino, ITA
07 22:59 423 FE 423.400 824 Odense, DNK
07 20:54 440 PIA 438.979 962 Piacenza, ITA
(Peter Conway, U.K. - ndblist 08/03/2008)

07 1733 662 SM Smolenskaya, RUS 1373 km new
08 1543 745 BG Karmanovo, RUS 1382 km new
08 1723 791 SU Belozyorsk/Ozyors, RUS 1759 km new at home QTH
(OK2PXJ - ndblist 08/03/2008)

20080303 2214 380 FIL Horta / Faial Island AZR
20080303 2240 404 LRD Lerida ESP
20080303 2241 404 BMR Baia Mare ROU
20080305 2002 489 SIL Siegen / Siegerland DEU
20080305 2031 430 LI Lykhacheve UKR
20080305 2101 400 MSW München DEU
20080306 1955 402 TEST UNID XUE
20080306 2153 429 KDR Kadra LBY
20080306 2217 463 ÄN Severomorsk 3 RUS
20080307 2213 320 DM Moscow / Domodedovo RUS
(Joachim Rabe, Hamburg, Germany - ndblist 08/03/2008)

2008 03 08 2341 293.0 ARL Arlit NGR 3629 Y
(Franti¹ek Müller, Praha, Czech Republic - ndblist 09/03/2008)

03 09 15:39 238 JA Kanoya, Japan, DAID, +1020 Hz,medium, new

03 09 16:00 249 RO Sanjiang, China, -1200 Hz, strong, new

03 09 16:03 250 DS Heliushui, China, +40 Hz, DAID, 60-sec interval, strong, new

03 09 16:12 254 DM (or XT or NW, no space between letters), Unid, repeats twice, -1044 Hz, +1045 Hz, strong, new

03 09 16:17 253 GT Niigata, Japan, DAID, +1010 Hz, strong

03 09 16:21 254 HG Wuhan/Tianhe, China, +1016 Hz, strong

03 09 16:25 257 CI Chichijima, Japan, repeats twice, DAID, -1017 Hz, medium, new

03 09 16:35 260 GV Unid, -1020 Hz, repeats twice, medium, new

03 09 16:35 260 ZW Unid, -1033 Hz, repeats twice, medium, new

03 09 18:05 263 FU Fuchia, Japan, -1010 Hz, +1010 Hz, DAID, medium, new

03 09 18:10 266 DO Unid, -1023 Hz, +1017 Hz, strong, new

03 09 18:18 275 JN Unid, -1004 Hz, strong

03 09 18:35 518 $11P ¡KEELUNGRADIO¡±, NAVTEX, Keelung, Taiwan, strong, new*
(KA1DGL - ndblist 09/03/2008)

07 22:10 260 RAF 4019 RAFSANJAN, IRN
07 23:30 265 ZL 1235 Y ZOLOCHIV, UKR
09 03:27 284 FSB 1334 Y FASSBERG, DEU
07 22:30 295 PT 2135 Y SKOPJE, MKD
07 19:32 300.5 SN 999 Y Mys Setnavolok, RUS
07 16:14 524 UU 669 VITEBSK, BLR
07 19:19 680 GA 1462 Y NARYAN-MAR, RUS
08 15:16 745 TR 1219 TRYPILLIA, UKR
08 16:57 828 XD ? Y , XUE
08 16:48 887 E 891 DOMODEDOVO, RUS
08 16:42 905 ZG 2156 Y ZELENGA, RUS
08 16:42 905 PA 1609 Y PARUTYNE, UKR
(oh5yw - ndblist 09/03/2008)

09 05:55 210 CLO 1031 3842 Cali, CLM
09 06:56 212 UCF 1057 2658 Cienfuegos, CUB miskeying "UCU"
09 05:23 255 SW 1052 1262 Stillwater, OK, USA
09 05:24 255 FYE 1020 1654 Somerville, TN, USA
09 05:47 256 DEF 1040 1846 Y Slidell, LA, USA
09 05:30 257 BP 1058 1048 1679 Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX, USA
09 06:52 283 UZG 880 2546 Y Havana, CUB
09 06:13 362 HPC 1016 1012 1522 Hope, AR, USA
09 06:26 370 LMS E 1028 2714 San Pedro Sula, HND
09 06:39 382 UCC 1185 2734 Y Jardines del Rey, CUB
09 06:44 402 C 590 2806 Camaguey, CUB
(Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 09/03/2008)

09 03:45 210 CLO 1034 1031 8.4 2338 Cali, CLM
09 05:00 212 UCF 1056 1146 Cienfuegos, CUB
09 05:02 214 CHX 876 Y Choix, MEX
09 04:25 225 EPO 1024 2304 Y El Paso, CLM
09 04:26 227 LCE 1013 1013 1256 La Ceiba, HND
09 09:02 254 DTS 376 7.9 531 Y Destin, FL, USA
09 06:21 283 UZG 878 863 7.3 1031 Havana, CUB
09 06:32 323 TAB 412 8.3 2626 Crown Point, TRD
09 09:18 335 MK 970 4.9 856 Y Marion, VA, USA
09 09:22 338 PBT 1045 1594 Y Red Bluff, CA, USA
09 09:27 339 OP 1024 5.7 643 Y Thomaston, GA, USA
09 09:46 348 UHA 1024 4.6 1010 Havana, CUB
09 09:42 349 AAF 1018 5.6 628 Y Apalachicola, FL, USA
09 06:52 351 AE 1021 6.2 691 Albuquerque, NM, USA
09 07:10 360 JDN 1019 2228 Caramanto, CLM
09 07:15 363 POP 1044 9.7 1160 Y Poptun, GTM
09 06:14 370 UCM 1174 7.0 1301 Camaguey, CUB
09 07:06 370 LMS 1025 6.0 1248 San Pedro Sula, HND
09 07:24 376 ZIN 1027 1538 Matthew Town, BAH
09 10:25 382 DER 1025 540 Y Alexander City, AL, USA
09 10:49 392 ML' 1025 179 Y Monroe, LA, USA
09 10:42 394 ENZ 1054 8.0 919 Nogales, AZ, USA
09 07:44 395 JM 1062 1024 Jamestown, ND, USA
09 07:48 395 GD 946 7.3 952 Guadalajara, MEX
09 07:54 402 C 590 598 4.4 1303 Camaguey, CUB
09 07:58 405 LR 1019 8.7 409 Larado, TX, USA
09 08:04 412 UNG 1176 6.0 1049 Nueva Gerona, CUB
09 08:11 415 ASJ 1123 7.7 1065 Y Ahoskie, NC, USA
09 08:22 420 CFY 1031 900 Y Lake City, SC, USA
09 08:30 425 SGA 1009 1297 Y San Jose, GTM
09 08:34 450 PPA 990 993 8.6 1752 Puerto Plata, DOM
(Douglas S., TX, USA - ndblist 09/03/2008)

20080309 07:58 375 DW 1054 1032 6.0 20 1235 OWASO - Owasso, OK, USA *1
20080309 08:13 375 RYB 1015 6.0 25 1574 Raymond - John B Williams Apt, MS, USA (#519)*2
20080309 09:49 382 YPW 394 10.5 25 1141 Powell River Municipal Apt, BC, CAN (#520)
20080309 10:22 384 PVJ 1045 8.2 25 1161 Pauls Valley Municipal Apt, OK, USA (#521)
(Don, Canada - ndblist 09/03/2008)

Very poor Pacific conditions this morning except for a couple, and for the
MW PNG beacons. There was strong rapid fading on almost all signals too,
with deep fades down to inaudibility then up to fairly good levels for a
few, such as the PNG beacons. (353 LLD was the exception, being at strong
level with no fading.)

332 POA HWA 1340 poor
353 LLD HWA 1341 loud
359 NDJ MHL 1342 poor +1020
366 PNI FSM 1344 very poor +1017
373 HHI HWA 1345 very poor
530 ADK ALS 1350 poor/weak
1725 GA PNG 1359 weak -1045 +1000
1737 KUT PNG 1358 weak +378. Constantly miskeying, never the same ident
twice in a row, but occasionally giving a proper "KUT"
(Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 09/03/2008)

Michael Oexner was at home during the first week-end of January 2008 and we have tested the SDR-IQ in my QTH. We have recorded approximately 2 nights.

The conditions were good. We have now more than 30 Go of audio files. The SDR was easy to use with Spectravue and gave good result. This receiver is sensitive.

I didn’t find the time to analyze the files before this afternoon. I put my 7 Hz audio filter between the laptop and the headset to have a narrow bandwidth. I spend a lot of time

for few Ko …but found 2 new ones : 323-TAB and 376-HAN. I will continue to check most of the files to find new beacon.

Thanks to Michael to give me the chance to use this receiver. It is very useful for a NDB hunter but don’t forget to find time to listen to the files. It takes time if you use audio

filter like me.

We also compare a software analyze and an aural analyze with audio filter…..and the human won !

73 de Vincent / F5OIH



04 270.0 FLO 2314 AZR

04 274.0 SAL 2314 CPV

04 276.0 YHR 2314 CAN

04 280.0 QX 2315 CAN

04 350.0 DF 2315 CAN

04 323.0 CAM 2315 ITA

04 323.0 SMA 2315 AZR

04 327.0 POR 2315 POR

04 327.0 LNZ 2315 AUT

04 356.5 SM 2315 ENG

04 350.0 BLA 2315 ITA

04 350.0 SK 2313 HRV

04 452.0 ANS 2314 DEU

04 448.0 LQ 2315 DEU

04 444.0 NRD 2315 POL

04 440.0 PIA 2314 ITA

04 438.0 KO 2314 HRV

04 435.0 GHT 2313 LBY

04 435.0 D 2313 LBY

04 435.0 BR 2312 XUU

04 445.0 AAW 2312 XUU

04 433.0 VON 2312 ESP

04 433.0 JER 2313 ESP

04 433.0 CRE 2313 HRV

04 429.0 LOS 2312 HRV

04 428.0 MNF 2312 ESP

04 425.0 DNC 2312 BIH

04 425.0 EVR 2312 POR

04 391.0 DDP 2313 PTR

04 380.0 CAC 2312 ESP

04 380.0 VNV 2312 ESP

04 372.0 OZN 2313 GRL

04 396.0 JC 2315 CAN

04 375.0 CHO 2313 POL

04 375.0 NDG 2312 DEU

04 375.0 VM 2314 ISL

04 376.0 BJA 2312 POR

04 375.0 GLA 2312 SUI

04 369.0 ZDX 2313 ATG

04 369.0 VRS 2312 HRV

04 363.0 CIG 2313 TUR

04 341.0 GP 2314 AZR

04 340.0 ISA 2313 ITA

04 337.0 RMG 2312 ITA

04 338.0 PST 2312 MDR

05 365.0 VR 2357 CNR

05 365.0 LJ 2357 DEU

05 391.0 DDP 2357 PTR

05 369.0 ZDX 2357 ATG

06 351.0 PD 0256 AZR

06 273.0 DOM 0256 DMA

06 415.0 CBC 0256 CYM

06 415.0 RUS 0257 BUL

06 323.0 UWP 0257 CAN

06 323.0 TAB 0257 TRD new one*

06 382.0 LAR 0257 POR

06 382.0 GAZ 0257 ITA

06 382.0 FW 0257 DEU

06 382.0 SBG 0257 AUT

06 385.0 NA 0257 CAN

06 365.0 SAT 0257 ROU

06 376.0 HAN 0257 DEU new one

06 345.0 CSD 0257 MRC
(Vincent L., France - ndblist 09/03/2008)

03 09 14:45 283 SZ Liangcheng, China, 50-second interval, DAID, repeats twice, strong, new

03 09 15:00 296 PU Shenyang/Taoxian/Dongyangjiao, China, +1026 Hz, repeats twice, medium

03 09 15:25 332 JA Dexin, China, -1093 Hz, medium, new

03 09 15:35 344 YZ Yaizu, Japan, -1020 Hz, +1019 Hz, weak, new

03 09 15:43 345 SV Changsha, China, -1133 Hz, medium, new

03 09 15:55 345 RA Unid, repeats twice, -1176 Hz, weak, new

03 09 16:00 355 IK Ikishima, Japan, DAID, -1020 Hz, +1020 Hz, medium

03 09 16:18 357 RB Eda, Japan, DAID, -1010 Hz, medium, new

03 09 16:21 363 LA Unid -1030 Hz, +1030 Hz, strong

03 09 16:30 365 HD Tumurtai, China, DAID, -10 Hz, medium, new

03 09 16:35 365 KY Wangbingou, China, +1150 Hz, medium, new

03 09 16:47 380 LM Ningbo/Lishe, China, -1038 Hz, strong, new

03 09 16:56 380 XD Unid, Erratic keying, could be ¡XD¡± or ¡DTD¡±, repeats twice, +1086 Hz, -1086 Hz, medium
(ka1dgl - ndblist 09/03/2008)

08.03 22:27 290 SAC XUU UNID
08.03 03:33 305 YQ CAN Churchill / Eastern Creek
08.03 22:29 310 GGN IRN Gorgan - hrd 308.961 kHz
08.03 22:32 310 NO UKR Kiev / Borispol
08.03 00:28 354 HBM XOE Bleo Holm / Bluewater Engineering
(Hartnut H., Germany - ndblist 09/03/2008)

06 21:30 284 #430 725 Mizen Head, IRL
06 21:33 285.5 #443 649 Stirling, SCT
06 21:35 286 #363 1218 Castellon, ESP
06 21:38 286.5 #513 1938 Skomvaer Lt./Roest Isl., NOR
06 21:41 287 #406 1972 Klamila, FIN
06 21:43 287.5 #454 1314 Thorshavn, FRO
06 21:23 288.5 #435 761 Tory Island Lt., IRL
06 19:17 289 #351 916 Cabo Mayor, ESP
06 19:15 290.5 #447 360 Flamborough Hd Light, ENG
06 19:14 291 #439 196 Wormleighton, ENG
06 19:10 293 #432 745 Loop Head Lt., IRL
06 17:50 293.5 #494 589 Iffezheim, DEU
06 17:36 295.5 #444 951 Butt Of Lewis, SCT
06 17:32 299 #330 187 Gatteville, FRA
06 17:31 299.5 #448 81 North Foreland, ENG
06 17:27 301 #426 303 Ijmuiden Phare/200bd, HOL
06 17:24 302.5 #490 499 Koblenz, DEU
06 17:23 303.5 #493 649 Zeven, DEU
06 17:22 304 #503 888 Lista Lt, NOR
06 17:19 306 #441 421 Lizard Light, ENG
06 17:18 307 #334 518 Les Sables, FRA
06 17:14 307.5 #440 136 St Catherines Pt Lt, ENG
06 17:13 308 #491 916 Gross Mohrdorf, DEU
06 17:12 308.5 #332 688 Pont Du Buis, FRA
06 17:11 309 #333 468 Pen Men, FRA
06 17:10 309.5 #449 291 Nash Point Light., WLS
06 17:09 310 #336 718 Cap Ferret, FRA
06 17:08 310.5 #500 1102 Faerder Lt., NOR
06 17:05 311 #005 2041 Shepelevskiy 2, RUS
06 16:58 312 #420 142 Oostende / 200bd, BEL
06 16:57 312.5 #425 274 Hoek Van Holland/200bd, HOL
06 16:59 313 #505 973 Utsira Lt., NOR
06 17:00 313.5 #496 854 Mauken, DEU
06 17:03 314.5 #495 863 Bad Abach, DEU
06 17:02 314.5 #405 2088 Marjaniemi, FIN
(Peter Conway, U.K. - ndblist 07/03/2008)

С февраля 2008 года в Дедовичах Псковской области на 11 ТВК вместо ТБН/A-One ретранслируется ТВЦ.
(SWS, СПБ, РОссия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 09/03/2008)

Изменение трансляций на 9 метровом канале, вместо "Euronews" теперь транслируется детский канал "Бибигон" (пн-пт 8.30-13.30, сб 22-2).
(Жэка, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 10/03/2008)

В Коврове сегодня заработало "Love Радио" на 103,7. Качество звука великолепное, на дальность приема пока не проверял :)
(Андрей, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 09/03/2008)

На новой мачте в Балашихе демонтирована новая УКВ антенна (64 -74 МГц). Можно предположить, что вещание ведется со старой башни. На ней сейчас

демонтированы ФМ-панели (часть из них перенесены на новую мачту как резерв). На высоте 168м. закреплена коллинеарка, с которой видимо вещают 68,0; 69,26

и 70,19. 68,3 вещает предположительно со старой нижней панельной антенны с высоты 125 м.
(Dropper, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 10/03/2008)

Маяк FM на 100,0fm в Новосибирске уже не план
(Gagarin_on_air, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 09/03/2008)

С понедельника стартует Наше Радио (похоже, Никита из Курска, Вы ошиблись). Договор был подписан во вторник. Только в этой бочке меда не обошлось и без

ложки дегтя: Наше стартует на 100,4 fm и будет вещать на одной частоте с региональным Экспресс Радио, с которым заключило договор. Только опасаюсь, как

бы московская станция не "скушала" нашу, орловскую "рок-волну нашего города". А то жаль будет терять такую хорошую и качественную радиостанцию.
2 Victor:
В общем, внесите изменения. Да, кстати, и передатчик новый они ставят. Мощность и высоту не знаю. Сайтик Экспресс Радио тоже измените:

На 71,27 УКВ уже наверно месяца два ничего нет.
(Олег, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 07/03/2008)

РТС-1 Радио России / Областное Радио
70,67 Радио России / Областное Радио [ФГУП Пензенская ГТРК] (ОРТПЦ 4 кВт)
Областное Радио пн-пт 7.10-8, 18.10-19, сб 10.10-11, вс 19.10-20

72,23 Маяк [ФГУП Пензенская ГТРК] (стерео) (ОРТПЦ 4 кВт)
было Областное Радио (сб 13-14)
(Василий, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 07/03/2008)

22 Рен ТВ(0-24)[ЗАО РКТВ Мастер](100 Вт) лиц 1221, 5307, 10424
38 ТВЦ / ТВЦ - Пенза (0-24) [ООО Пакт](250/1000 кВт) лиц 1225
(Василий, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 10/03/2008)

В Серпухове на радиостанции Ока-ФМ Милицейская волна давно уже есть RDS:OKA-FM_107.2 FM
(Дмитрий, Тула, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 08/03/2008)

Дорожное радио начало вещание в Самаре на 106.1ФМ, сигнал доходит до Сызрани
(Дамир, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 06/03/2008)
Интернет (www)
Новости (news)

7120 MADAGASCAR: R. Sweden, via Talata-Volondry, 30 dias. Recebido: cartao
QSL, boletim de horarios e frequencias, folder ‘Swedish Radio’ (com
informacoes ilustradas sobre as atividades da R. Sweden). V/S: Ilegivel.
Informe de recepcao enviado por e-mail: radiosweden@sr.se (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 04/03/2008)

PORTUGAL: Deutsche Welle via Sines. 7225 f/d card
with new-style pennant in 2 weeks.

U.S.A.: WKDK-1240, Newberry, SC. Partial data
letter in 18 days for DX test report. V/s:
Powell E. Way III. (JDS-AL, USA)
(J.D. Stephens, Hampton Cove, AL, USA - CumbreDX 04/03/2008)

Radio Free Asia-Tinian 9385 kHz.2130 UTC, QSL con datos completos sin firma de verificador (Tarjeta conmemorativa del ano nuevo chino, que sera enviada a los informes

del periodo enero-marzo 2008). Recibida en 12 dias

Radio Praga-Litomysl 13580 kHz. 1500 UTC, QSL con datos completos de la nueva serie 2008 deportistas checos,(El corredor Emil Zatopek,1926-2000) verificador ilegible.

Esquema de programas periodo de invierno, calendarios de bolsillo, abrecartas con forma de @ ..
Recibido en 25 dias (Tomas Mendez - playdx2003 06/03/2008)

1340 KSGT WY, Jackson rec. home made QSL card (by station) with
KSGT logo taped to postcard in 60df. "Barry" signed it. Address: 1140
State Hyw 22, Jackson, WY. 83001. This one was out for a long time, as
my first report was sent 3/15/06, so almost 2 years! I am pleased with
this, as only my 3rd Graveyard WY QSL. A day late after my 59th
birthday, but still a nice late gift! MW QSL: 2984.
(Patrick Martin, Oregon, USA - hard-core-dx 06/03/2008)

1530 kHz - R. Tapejara. Tapejara - RS - Brasil.
Recebida carta confirmatória, caneta e folder da cidade de Tapejara.
376 dias.
V/S: Silvino Bernardo Lamb.
QTH: Rua Amâncio Cardoso, 596, Tapejara - RS. CEP: 99950 - 000.

9780 kHz - HCJB - Quito.
Recebido cartão QSL, calendário, esquema de programação, panfletos
religiosos e modelo para informe de recepção.
27 dias.
V/S: ?.
QTH: Caixa Postal 16050 CEP: 81611-970.

7280 kHz - R. The Voice of Vietnan - Sontay.
Recebido cartão QSL e cartão postal.
171 dias.
V/S: ?
QTH: 58 Quan Su Street, Hanoi, Vietnan.
(Fábio Mattos, Garopaba, Brasil - radioescutas 07/03/2008)

QSL Received Last Week (25th February – 1st March

Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific
Date: - 31-01-2008
Frequency: - 17670 kHz (Madagascar)
Time: - 1300-1400 UTC
Language: - Vietnamese
Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. Adventist
World Radio QSL. The Voice of Hope www.awr.org

Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific
Date: - 03-02-2008
Frequency: - 11675 kHz (Germany)
Time: - 1530-1600 UTC
Language: - English
Description: - Special Wavescan QSL Card verified by
Rhoen. WAVESCAN, The Voice of Hope a program for DX
hobbyists and radio listeners! The card depicted
photographs of followings: -
Rhoen Catolico, Host/Presenter AWR Wavescan.
Md. Salahuddin Dolar, Editor/Presenter Bangladesh DX
Henry Umadhay, Editor/Presenter Pilipinas DX Report
Bob Padula, Editor/Presenter Australian DX Report
Adrian Peterson, Editor/Presenter AWR Wavescan
Gay Tublles, Presenter Inspirations
Yukiko Tsuli-maki, Presenter Japan (JSWC) DX Report

Station: - AWR South Africa
Date: - 06-02-2008
Frequency: - 11830 kHz (250kW MEY)
Time: - 1800-1830 UTC
Language: - English
Description: - QSL Card verified by Liz. Adventist
World Radio QSL. The Voice of Hope www.awr.org

Station: - Family Radio
Date: - 20-01-2008
Frequency: - 11550 kHz
Time: - 1500-1600 UTC
Description: - The Good News: 30 Years Worldwide.

Station: - Pilipinas DX
Date: - 09-12-2007
Frequency: - 11675 kHz (Wertachal, Germany)
Time: - 1530-1600 UTC
Language: - English (Wavescan program on AWR)
Description: - Verified by Henry L. Umadhay. Sacada.

Station: - RDP International
Date: - 18-01-2008
Frequency: - 15690 kHz
Time: - 1400-1430 UTC
Language: - Portuguese
Description: - Verified by Christiane. RDP

Station: - Radio Canada International
Date: - 10-02-2008
Frequency: - 9635 kHz (via Xian relay, China)
Time: - 1500-1557 UTC
Language: - English
Description: - Maple Leaf Mailbag Special QSL verified
by Bill Westenhaver. 60 Years of Radio Worldwide!
Radio Canada International is proud to offer its loyal
listeners a series of exclusive QSL cards to mark its
60th anniversary. For 60 years, RCI has been bringing
you rich, diverse radio that today include over 300
hours of programming each week. Tune in weekly to Ian
Johns and his Maple Leaf Mailbag team on shortwave,
satellite or www.rcinet.ca
(Mukesh Kumar, Bihar, India - hard-core-dx 08/03/2008)

11.600 y 15.255 kHz, Radio Praga
Escuchada el 17-02-08 a las 0900 UTC en español.
Recibida tarjeta QSL, acompañada de esquema de programación y un adhesivo.
Datos completos.
V/S: Ilegible
Informe enviado a: cr@radio.cz
Demoró 11 días

7.140 y 9.575 kHz, Radio Rumania Internacional
Escuchada el 09-12-07 a las 2015 UTC y 06-01-08 a las 2218 UTC en español.
Recibidas tarjetas QSL, acompañada de un adhesivo.
Datos completos.
V/S: Victoria Sepciu
Informes enviados a: span@rri.ro
Demoraron 68 y 42 días
(Javier Robledillo Jaén, Elche, España - bclnews 08/03/2008)
Аппаратура (Thanks to...)

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA
Equipment: TenTec RX-340, 100 foot longwires

Peter Conway g3ufi Hastings UK JO00GV

WiNRADiO G313i V2.56 / Winrad V1.30
8/16 hz audio filters - paordt circuit
ALA1530 rotateable loop - 1m above ground
Mini-whip by pa0rdt - 6m above ground
EWE Antenna at 240 degrees
WWSU 6.2 / NDB Weblog 1.1.25 / SeaTTY V1.80
Spectran V2.0 / DSCdecoder 3.8b / SkySweeper V4.10 / NDBfinder 1.9

Upland, CA
34.10 -117.63 1250ft ASL
2x R-75 w/250Hz R-71A w/250Hz R-70
SPM30 SR-AF & LPF DSP599zx MFJ-784B
HD-1418 AF-1 MSB-1 2x190’ wires
PA0RDT Mini-Whip 10 meter ½ wave vert
HK2513/Diamond D-130 Discone 25’

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