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WorldDX 166
WorldDX 166 10/05/2008 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. -- Архивы старых номеров бюллетеня можно найти: http://worlddx.narod.ru/ http://worlddx.by.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ http://liveinternet.ru/users/worlddx/ http://privet.ru/user/worlddx/ -- Выходит: нерегулярно. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны (Shortwaves) Австралия (AUSTRALIA) 2325 AUSTRALIA. VL8T Tennant Creek, 03/10/08, 1132, English. ABC News bulletin, weather report for Darwin and Alice Springs, and into a program about an activist/musician. // 2310 noted with similar signal, 2485 nearly inaudible. Fair/good. (Schiefelbein-MO, USA - dxldyg 11/03/2008) 4835, ABC-Alice Springs, 2150-2210, March 13 & 14, heard a very weak/threshold signal past two nights here. Announcers with an Australian or British accent. Pop music. Too weak to catch an ID but definitely // 4910-Tennant Creek with a very weak/threshold signal also. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 15/03/2008) Алжир (Algeria) Radio Algeria - Holy Qur'an - noticed on 7375 (parallel with 5915, 7295 and 9850) at tune in after 2100 UT with a very strong signal on Tues. and Wed., March 11 and 12. I assume that this is a new frequency as I don't remember seeing it mentioned in DXLD or listed anywhere else to my knowledge. Radio Algeria. Further to my report on March 12, 7375 was also noted from tune in after 2000 UT to 2100, Thursday, March 13 (parallel to 9455 and 11815) and on top of Radio Farda. Time pips at 2100, then the national anthem and now parallel to 5915, 7295 and 9850 (Bernie O'Shea, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - dxldyg 14/03/2008) Бирма (Burma, Germany) 5955, Democratic Voice of Burma, Tentative, 2320-0030, At tune in, noted instrumentals music until 2327 at which time the signal goes silent for 3 minutes to 2330. Between 2330 to 0059 noted a program of Oriental language news, commentary and features which featured male and female commentators. On the hour, at 0001 comments continue until 0006 when music is presented. Signal has improved from at threshold level at 2320 to a good level at 0006. The only station I can find that comes close to this schedule on 5955 is the Democratic Voice of Burma, relayed from Germany. Of course that applies if we say the schedule began at 2330 after the silent period mentioned above; to do that we need to ignore the 7 minutes from 2320 to 2327 when I heard music on this frequency. At that time, Germany may have been relaying a different station on the same frequency? The word "Burmese" heard at 0015. Minutes later, a male in Language mentioned "Burma" during his comments. At 0026 after the above commentary from 0015 to 0026, music is presented. Music stops abruptly at 0029 and is followed by dead air. and at 0030 signal drops off the air. Signal was good at the end. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 10/03/2008) It may have been, but I can't be certain? I was using the R-390A at the time and you know that the frequency isn't digital. I did switch over to my NRD545 and the freq was right on 5955 right after 2330. The station went to comments at 2330, so I didn't hear music again for a half hour anywhere near 5955. At the time, I thought the music was coming from the relay that I eventually identified. I never heard two signals there. Hope your situation wasn't bad with all of the storms. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 10/03/2008) 5040.59 R. Myanmar(p) 1326-1334 Mar 12. Instrumental mx to 1329, then YL with brief anmt, then into talk segment in lang at BoH. Generally under the local noise level with just occasional words and phrases punching through. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 16/03/2008) Блоивия (Bolivia) 4781.14, BOLIVIA, presumed R.Tacana, 1013-1028, Mar 10, Spanish. M ancr b/w musical selections; poor-weak w/ CODAR; unusable by BoH. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/03/2008) 6134.82, Radio Santa Cruz, 0949-1000+ Noted a male in Spanish language comments. He had a deep voice which was recognizable from past loggings. Signal was between fair and poor as it faded in and out. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA and via dxldyg 13/03/2008) Bolivia, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 1017-1030 At tune in, noted Bolivian folk type music from a female. After the music, a female Spanish comments. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA and via dxldyg 13/03/2008) Ботствана 12080 BOTSWANA. VOA, 1910, 3/15/08. French service featured great jazz mx program. Good signal marred by fading (J. Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/03/2008) Бразилия (Brasil) 5034.98, Radio Aparecida, 0120-0140, March 10, Portuguese talk. Possible religious talk. // 9629.93, 11855 - all very weak. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 11/03/2008) 4915, Radiodifusora Macapá, Macapá, 0635-0638, 16-03, portugués, comentarios por locutor y canciones brasileñas. 35433. (Méndez) 4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0632-0638, 16-03, canciones brasileñas, programa "Clube da Madrugada". 25432. (Méndez) 9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1000-1010, 16-03, portugués, locutor, anuncios comerciales, identificación: "Radio Rio Mar, onda media 1290 kHz., ondas curtas, 9695 kHz. faixa de 31 metros, 6160 kHz, faixa de 49 metros, Radio Rio Mar, Manuas, Amazonas, Brasil". 34333. (Méndez) 11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 1010-1013, 16-03, locutor, portugués, comentarios. 24322. (Méndez) 11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0837-0850, 16-03, canciones brasileñas, locutor, identificación: "Brasil Central". 33333. (Méndez) (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/03/2008) Буркина Фасо (Burkina Faso) 5030, Radio Burkina, *0528-0545, March 10, sign on with National Anthem. Opening French announcements at 0530 & talk. Weak. Poor with a lot of splatter from Cuba 5025. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 11/03/2008) Ватикан (Vatican) 7360, VATICAN CITY, R. Vaticana, 0654-0700*, Mar 13, English. Nx re African media & its relation to African govt's & culture; prg credits; URL & IS at s/off; fair. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 15/03/2008) Вьетнам (Vietnam) VOV-4 (presumed), 1452-1513, March 11, very much on top of a weak WYFR (via Samara, Russia); in vernacular, with indigenous chanting/singing; noted WYFR IS and off at ToH; nice program of SE Asia ballads. Clearly not VOV-2, as listed by Aoki. This is their program in minority languages. The music and language certainly seemed right for them, but no ID heard. Thanks to Glenn for pointing me in the right direction! (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 11/03/2008) Gabon 4777, Radio Gabon, *0458-0510, March 14, sign on with opening French announcements. No National Anthem tonight. Local tribal music at 0459. News at 0500. Good. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 15/03/2008) Гондурас (Honduras) I have noted an open carrier several times late at night on 3340. I can only assume this is HRMI. Stayed with it 0446-0450 UT March 16, but no trace of any modulation here between CHU and REE. Wonder if they just turn on the transmitter and assume it is axually modulating, wasting wattage. Supposedly scheduled at least until 0600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 16/03/2008) Гуам 11690, AWR-Voice of Hope, *1530-1545, March 15, opening English ID announcements & into religious programming. Very weak. Lost in noise at 1545. Looking for Jordan but still off the air. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 16/03/2008) Египет (Egypt) 9250, Radio Wadi el Nile, 2215-2300*, March 12, Arabic talk. Local music. Koran at 2253. Sign off with National Anthem at 2258. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 13/03/2008) Замбия (Zambia) 4965, ZAMBIA, CVC, 2338-2350, Mar 11, English. Fire & brimstone preacher; ancr at 2339 w/ "Focus on the Family" prg ID; contemporary religous mx from 2341; poor-fair; best in ECCS-LSB. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/03/2008) Зимбабве (Zimbabwe) 3396 Radio Zimbabwe, 23:55-23:59, escuchada el 12 de marzo en idioma africano sin identificar, locutor con comentarios y segmento de musica folklorica africana, el nivel de audio es muy bajo y por momentos se aprecia una senal en morse de fondo, SINPO 23332 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 13/03/2008) Индия (India) 9820 AIR-Panaji 1530-1545 10 March. EG opening anncts/fan- fare into news (Palestine, New Delhi, official BBC response to an attack), generic AIR ID at 1537, music bridge, PSA-sounding announcement, more news w/ phone report, off without ceremony at 1545, leaving CNR2..both signals fairly weak, AIR peaked 1535-1540. (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 12/03/2008) 4965 AIR Shimla hrd 3/14 w/ rare opening from 1416 tune to 1440 fade as VOR Tajikistan is normally dominating this channel. Woman ann in vern w/ frequent comls typical of some AIR regionals. Shifted to man ann after 1430 but gone by 1440. No mx hrd. SINPO 23532. (Bruce Ch., USA - CumbreDX 16/03/2008) 11620 INDIA. AIR, 0140, 3/16/08. Urdu service listed w/ ethnic instrumental mx. Signal was fair (J. Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/03/2008) Италия (Italy) 9825, Miraya 101 FM, via IRRS, *1458-1515, March 12, sign on with African music. Time pips, ID & English news at 1500. Poor. Difficult copy with co-channel QRM & possible jammer. Lost in the noise at 1515. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 13/03/2008) Канада (Canada) 6250, Radio Canada Int. via Sackville, 0104-0159*, March 14, Spanish programming. Leapfrogging spur of 6100. 6100 leapfrogging over 6175-Voice of Vietnam via Sackville and landing on 6250. 75 kHz separation between each frequency. Reception varied from very weak to very good with deep fades. Occasional rtty QRM. Not to be mistaken for Equatorial Guinea. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 15/03/2008) 5835-Voice of Vietnam, 6345-China Radio Int, Sackville leapfrogging spurs, 0130-0145+, March 16, Spur of 6175-Voice of Vietnam leapfrogging over 6005-China Radio Int and landing on 5835. Spur of 6005-China Radio Int leapfrogging over 6175-Voice of Vietnam and landing on 6345. 170 kHz intervals. Spurs weak but readable. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 16/03/2008) Китай (China) Вчера ночью был слегка удивлен повышенной "китайскостью" эфира ;-) Незадолго до 21.50 настроился на 7210 кГц, чтобы застать, если повезет, начало вещания Народного Радио Внутренней Монголии (КНР) на монгольском. Известно, что некоторые китайские региональные станции подтверждают рапорты; у меня есть QSL из Синьцзяна и Тибета, вот я и подумал -- может, внутренних монголов к списку присоединить? Действительно, ровно в 21.10 слабенько заиграла музыка (на гимн не похоже, скорее народно-плясовая). Под нее начали говорить дикторы: как и положено, чередовались мужской голос с женским. 7210 оказалась лучшей частотой из имеющихся у монгольской службы этой станции. На 7270 доминировали испанцы, а на 9750 прохождение отсутствовало, стояла тишина. Самое интересное началось в 21.57, когда поверх слабенького Народного Радио ВМ на 7210 кГц зазвучала достаточно мощная китайская мелодия -- именно та, которой обычно заканчиваются передачи МР Китая. В 22.00 -- позывные, и тут вдруг МР Китая заговорило сразу на двух языках: испанском и корейском. Справочная литература говорит, что это не ошибка! Передача на испанском транслируется через албанский Церрик, на корейском -- через Сиань (КНР). Ну ладно, пусть они в целевых регионах друг другу не мешают, пусть Албания далеко, но неужели сигнал из Сиани не ставит помеху жителям района Внутренняя Монголия, слушающим свое родное радио??? (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 10/03/2008) 3990, CHINA, Xinjiang PBS Urumqi, 2359-0023, Mar 10, Mandarin. M & W w/ talk b/w exotic ballads & musical selections; fair at best over mild ARO chatter; //4890 poor under CODAR & band noise. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/03/2008) 3950 PBS Xinjiang, 23:47-23:50, escuchada el 12 de marzo en chino, cuna de la emisora, locutora con comentarios y conversacion con invitado, SINPO 34343. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 13/03/2008) Корея 9630, "KOREA (DPR)", presumed Korea Reform Radio via Hu Wei, 1222-1230*, Mar 13, Korean. Ancr w/ talk until mx bit at 1228; diff ancr w/ s/off annmts & filler mx until 1230; fair. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 15/03/2008) 15180 N. KOREA. VOK, 0113, 3/16/08. English nx and political comment about S. Korea and USA. Good signal was clean and about as good as ever. (J. Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/03/2008) Коста Рика (Costa Rica) 5954.1v, COSTA RICA, "Elcor Transmitter", 2310-2327*, Mar 11, Spanish/English. "Live" SP mx; pop instrumental & Alanis Morrisette tune w/ txmission abruptly terminated at songs end; fair at best w/ adj. channel splatter. (S. Barbour, NH, USA = dxldyg 12/03/2008) 5954.10, ELCOR Costa Rica,(pres), 2254-2327, With a program of recorded music of live performances with Spanish language comments and lryics. No live comments heard during the period. The Station/signal dropped of the air at 2327. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 13/03/2008 and via dxldyg 13/03/2008) Several weeks after it first happened, REE via Cariari de Pococí remains exactly 1 kHz off frequency, 5964, obviously the case as it produces a big het against 5965 stations such as Cuba or Vatican. Now the infexion has spread to another Cariari relay frequency, 9765. Tuning across 31m, March 16 at 1313, heard a two-pitched het with VOA 9760 and some weak signal on 9765. Yes, REE on 9764! Checked their other CR frequency, 15170, but it was not on 15169, yet. In noting the HONDURAS carrier on 3340, Sunday March 16 at 0446, I found REE on 3350 or so; HFCC has this Tue-Sat only at 0200-0600, but other listings show it daily, so the latter are correct; anyhow, I should have measured 3350 to see if it is offset too; next time (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 16/03/2008) Литва 6055 KBC Radio, 22:08-22:20, escuchada el 9 de marzo en ingles a locutor con comentarios, emision de musica pop, se aprecia en 6050 a Polskie Radio, SINPO 54544 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 11/03/2008) Мавритания (Mauritania) 7245, Radio Mauritania, *0833-0845, March 9, abrupt sign on with Arabic talk. Short breaks of Mid-East style pop music. Fair. Same time of programming heard earlier on 4845. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA = dxldyg 11/03/2008) Мадагаскар (Madagascar) 5009.98, MADAGASCAR, RTV Malagasy, 0217-0233, Mar 10, French. Up-beat mx and "R.Madagascar" ID; M & W w/ list of numbers; Los Lobos "La Bamba" at 0230; fair, reduced carrier USB. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/03/2008) 5010 MADAGASCAR Radio Madagasikara; 0125-0208 6 March, 2008. Very strong with great highlife vocals, Malagasy male, local rap at 0155, into nice jazz instrumental. Then, that wonderful-sounding overnight female DJ from 0202-0205 chattering over highlife with many Radio Madigasikara mentions, siren sound effects. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 13/03/2008) Мали (Mali) 5995, MALI, ORTM Bamako, *0559-0611, Mar 13, French. NA; ancr w/ s/on annmts over "tinny" instrumental mx; indigenous mx from 0602; poor-weak w/ 6000-Cuba splatter. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 15/03/2008) Марокко (Morocco) 5980, MOROCCO, R. Marocaine, 0333-0359, Mar 12, Arabic. Round-table discussion at t/in; ad string at 0039 followed by presumed AR pop mx request prg w/ touch-tone effects & phone number; fanfare at 0358 crushed at 0359 by 5975 RNW-Neth.Antillies s/on; fair-good. (Scott Barbour, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/03/2008) Мексика (Mexico) 9599.30, Radio UNAM, Mexico City, 2215-2245, March 9, classical music. ID announcements at 2230 & 2231 followed by Spanish talk. Lite jazz music at 2240. In the clear with a nice signal. These guys usually ID at the top & bottom of each hour. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 11/03/2008) Папуа Новая Гвинея (Papua New Guinea) 3345 PAPUA NEW GUINEA. R Northern, 03/11/08, 1140, presumed Tok Pisin. Male DJ w/easy listening tunes, rather heavy on the 80s pop, with a break for what sounded like a news update (possibly in English) at 1200 before resuming the music. Mostly poor. (Schiefelbein-MO, USA - dxldyg 11/03/2008) 7325 PAPUA NEW GUINEA [non]. 03/11/08, 1235. R Canada absent in a check around 1235, but in its place was only a very weak carrier from presumed Wantok R Light. (Schiefelbein-MO, USA - dxldyg 11/03/2008) PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3290, R Central, 1121-1158*, 03/13/08. Female DJ with island/reggae music, presumed signoff comments and national anthem at 1158. Carrier stayed on for several minutes afterward, but nothing further heard. Best in USB to avoid RTTY QRM. Poor. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, DX LISTENING DIGEST) PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3315, R Manus, 1208-1330+, 03/13/08. Male DJ with easy-listening and pop music, brief commentary between songs, into news in English at 1258 w/o normal signoff fanfare beforehand. They usually pull the plug soon after 1300, but was still going at 1330 when signal had nearly faded out. Fair and clear. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, DX LISTENING DIGEST) PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3335, R East Sepik, 03/13/08. Not audible at all, even a carrier, despite above-average PNG reception. Recently one of the strongest PNGs and had been heard in bandscans in the last few days, but seemingly off the air today. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 13/03/2008) 3260 PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Radio Madang (Madang), 1100-1113, 3/13/2008, Pidgin (?). Man talking at 1100. Recheck at 1113 found ballad style PNG music. Very marginal signal, rarely peaking above the noise. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 14/03/2008) 3290 PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Radio Central (Port Moresby), 1020-1030, 3/13/2008, Pidgin (?). A few notes of ballad style PNG music peaking above the noise. Weakest readable PNG signal heard this morning. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 14/03/2008) 3385 PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Radio East New Britain (Rabaul), 1000-1035, 3/13/2008, Pidgin (?). Talk by man followed by ballad style PNG pop music at 1006. Poor but readable signal (SINPO 24222), deteriorating slightly at 1006, but back to initial level at 1030. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 14/03/2008) Перу (Peru) 4746.9 PERU. R Huanta 2000 (presumed), 03/11/08, 0050. Two men in conversation in Spanish, tough to make out the details on a weak and noisy signal. Poor. (Schiefelbein, MO, USA = dxldyg 11/03/2008) 4790.2, PERU, R. Vision, 0417-0430, Mar 11, Spanish. Familiar format of M w/ religous talk into"live" M preacher; fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 12032008) 3234.81, Radio Luz Y Sonido,(pres) 1005-1015, Noted a very weak signal here with a female and male in Spanish comments. Music began at 1013. At 1014, female comments after music and mentions "Peru". Signal kept fading in and out regularly. This coupled with noise and a het from possibly Radio New West Britain made details difficult to get. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA and via dxldyg 13/03/2008) 3234.8 PERU. Radio Luz y Sonido (Huanuco), 1100-1105, 3/12/2008, Spanish. Talk by excited man. Very weak signal, marginally readable at noise level. Het from weaker 3235 Radio West New Britain. Faded away at 1105. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 14/03/2008) 4790.2, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0631-0655, 16-03, locutor, programa religioso "La Voz de la Salvación". 24322. (Méndez) (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/03/2008) Россия (Russia) 6075, GTRK Kamchatka via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, 0810-0900, March 11, started their local programming with ID for "Kamchatka Radio", several long interviews, segment of recorded reports from Kamchatka reporters, songs in English (jazz vocal and McFly's "Don't Stop Me Now"). Pre-0810 and post-0900 were the usual R. Rossii programming, // 5935 and 7320, still unable to hear 7200. Easy to ID their local program, as there are frequent mentions of "Kamchatka" and several IDs for "This is Kamchatka", fair to good reception. A nice change from the usual R. Rossii programming (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 11/03/2008) R. Rossii, Petropavlovsk, 6075, monitored 1357-1402 March 16. 5+1 timesignal at 1400 was 4 seconds late compared to WWV, and again no sign of 8GAL, CW on 6074 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 16/03/2008) 5930 RUSSIA. VOR via Vladivostok, 1146, 3/15/08. Mandarin service had clear but weak tlk beamed to Far East. Poor overall (J. Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/03/2008). Руанда (Rwanda) 6055, RWANDA, R. Rwanda, 2055-2100*, Mar 12, French. Afropops; ancr w/ s/off annmts & short techno mx bit at 2100; poor; mixing w/ co-channel VOIRI. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 15/03/2008) Свазиленд (Swazilend) 3200, SWAZILAND, TWR, 0257-0306, Mar 10, vernacular. ID/IS loop in EG; M at 0300 w/ choral music and talks in lang; poor-fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/03/2008) Сев. Марианские о-ва 7205 N. MARIANAS. VOA via Tinian, 1252, 3/15/08. Lao service. VOA ID and Lao tlk by OM was VG. S8-S9 signal (J. Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/03/2008) Сербия (Serbia, Bosnia) 7115, "SERBIA", Int'l Radio Serbia via Bijeljina, 0214-0229*, Mar 13, English. News re Serbian politics; historic hotel in Belgrade; folk orchestra festival w/ selections played from the R. Belgrade archives; contact info & IS at s/off; fair-good in ECCS-USB. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 15/03/2008) Сингапур (Singapore) 6000 Radio Singapore, 23:41-23:45, escuchada el 12 de marzo en chino a locutor con comentarios y musica electronica instrumental de fondo, SINPO 44444 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 13/03/2008) 6120 SINGAPORE. R. Singapore International (p), 1150, 3/15/08. Listed Maylay service feature OM & YL in extended tlk. Freq covered by NHK via Canada @ 1200. Singapore was poor (J. Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/03/2008) Тайвань (Taiwan) Taiwan, RTI 7445 at 2300z in Thai (Yunlin 100kw @ 225), short path all in daylight, long path with a bit of daylight at each end. (Jerry Lenamon, TX, USA - dxldyg 13/03/2008) Таиланд (Thailand) 6040 THAILAND. VOA, 1238, 3/15/08. Usual mix of mx and chatter in Mandarin w/ big echo on signal. Poor to fair signal (J. Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/03/2008) 12095 THAILAND. R. Thailand via Udon Thani, 0130, 3/16/08. Thai service was poor-fair with OM in nx format. Slow signal fading (J. Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/03/2008) Филиппины (Philippines) 9520, Radio Liberty, Tinanag Poro (Relay), 1040-1100, Noted a male and female in Russian language comments and discussion. Eibi says the target of this transmission is Siberia, while the Passport says South East Asia. Regardless, the signal was fair with some fading. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 11/03/2008) 9430, PHILIPPINES, FEBC Bocaue, 1233-1250, Mar 11, Mandarin. M w/ continuos religous talk until W over mx at 1249; right back to M ancr; fair-poor; fading out by t/out. (S. Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/03/2008) Фр. Гвиана (French Guiana) 9750, BBC, 1000-1200, (Relay) Typical BBC format of World news and features in English. All of my hard copy references says this schedule is from 1100 to 1300 UTC. I have been listening since the 1000 hour into the 1200 hour. Not certain if the BBC will still be here during the 1200 plus hour. Until now, this was a two hour broadcast. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 11/03/2008) Хорватия (Croatia) 3984.877 CROATIA Hrvatski Radio; 0054-0104 7 March, 2008. Croatian pop vocal, slow time sounders, male ID into news summary. Fair at best in approaching thunderstorm noise. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - dxldyg 13/03/2008) Эквадор (Ecuador) 3279.8 ECUADOR. La Voz del Napo (Tena), 1100-1120, 3/10/2008, Spanish. Music and religious talk by man. Poor signal with some utility interference (SINPO 23222). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 14/03/2008) Чад (Chad) 4904.97, RNT, *0430-0445, March 10, s/on with National Anthem followed by opening French announcements. Afro-pop music. Fair. And also heard at 2115-2132* with French talk, Afro-pop. Closing with National Anthem. Fair to good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 11/03/2008) Ю. Африка (South Africa) 3320 Radio Sonder Grense, 23:51-23:54, escuchada el 12 de marzo con emision de musica folk, locutor con comentarios en idioma sin identificar, SINPO 24332 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 13/03/2008) Япония (Japan) 5006 JG2XA Tokyo 1322 Mar 12. CW ID's with "JG2XA" and other Morse text struggling, unsuccessfully, to rise above the noise level. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 16/03/2008) -- СВ/ДВ (MW) Иран (Iran) 2008/05/04, 2000 utc, 702 kHz, Radio Sarasaye, IRN, Busher, in arabic, comments by OM, good signal (Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia) - 1630 12/03 0535- USA non ID 1/3 Px parlato in E ma molto disturbato 1640 12/03 0535- WTNI Biloxi MS (USA) 3 Nx e slogan, Id "ESPN Radio" 1650 12/03 0535- WHKT Portsmouth VA (USA) 3/4 Px mx, slogan, Id "Radio Disney" 1660 12/03 0535- WFNA Charlotte NC (USA) 3 Interviste sportive, Id "ESPN Radio"; interferenze forti da una seconda USA 1670 12/03 0535- WVVM Dry Branch GA (USA) 3/4 Mx e parlato in S, Id "Viva, Viva" 1680 12/03 0535- WLAA Winter Garden FL (USA) 4 Px musicale, solito slogan "Que Buena" 1690 12/03 0535- WMLB Avondale Estates GA (USA) 3 Px mx jazz, Id "Voice of the arts" 1700 12/03 0535- WEUP Huntsville AL (USA) 2/3 Px mx gospel, vari Id "WEUP"; interferita da una seconda USA (Saverio De Cian, Sedico, Spain - playdx2003 13/03/2008) -- Тропо (Es) Cameroon E2 coming in fairly strongly at the moment in Portugal at 17.00GMT,might be worth a look in the UK.Carriers on approx 48.247 and 48.249 MHz (Hugh, U.K. - skywaves 13/03/2008) 100.50 06:36:00 2008-03-08 HRV HRT-HR 3 Uc(ka Unattended RX 6343 HRT-HR_3 1219Km Good M 100.50 05:12:00 2008-03-13 HRV HRT-HR 3 Uc(ka Unattended RX 6343 HRT-HR_3 1219Km Good M 100.50 08:14:00 2008-03-13 MDA Radio Moldova Streseni Unattended RX 2007 ??SE?? 2110Km Good M 100.50 12:33:00 2008-03-13 HRV HRT-HR 3 Uc(ka Unattended RX 6343 HRT-HR_3 1219Km Good M (Mike F., Saltdean, U.K. - FM 14/03/2008) 02/03 17:51 87.90 E30A Mérida E 03/03 14:12 87.90 329B Lublin POL 05/03 21:11 88.00 50D7 Fabriano-Poggio San Romualdo I 06/03 15:24 87.90 5158 Vesuvio, Neaples I 07/03 07:03 87.90 E30A Canal_EX Mérida E 08/03 07:09 87.90 5158 CA?????? Vesuvio, Neaples I 10/03 08:17 87.60 E201 Unknown S 12/03 20:32 87.90 5158 Vesuvio, Neaples I 13/03 14:36 87.90 5158 Vesuvio, Neaples I (William Kitching, U.K. - FM 14/03/2008) -- Digital Radio -- Неофициальное вещание (Clandestine) Germany/Burma 5954.93, Democratic Voice of Burma, (Tentative), 2327-0030 When ELCOR went down, this station faded in real quick. Noted a female and male in Oriental languague comments. At this writing (2335 UTC) the signal was still active. The 0030 time is a projected ending time based on the Passport entry. Signal was poor to fair and continually improving as time progresses. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA and via dxldyg 13/03/2008) Иран (Iran) 7480 Radio Payem e-Doost, 18:15-18:25, escuchada el 11 de marzo en persa a locutora con entrevista telefonica a invitados, especie de tertulia, “Alo alo..”, referencias a Jordania y la “Yihad”, SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 11/03/2008) Мадагаскар (Madagascar) 11610, Radio Voice of the People, 1700-1755, March 12, opening English ID announcements and into vernacular talk. Short breaks of local African music. "Radio VOP" IDs. English at 1741 but difficult to understand due to accent. Fair to good signal. Very weak music loop jammer started to appear at 1738. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 13/03/2008) -- Наблюдения (Monitoring) 9660 02/03 2230 POL Polish Radio, polones - talks, nx 43544 9690 02/03 2240 USA Family Radio, PP - px religioso 43434 9700 02/03 2248 BUL R. Bulgaria, SS - mx tipica, talks 9850 02/03 2255 ALG R.Algerienne, AA - talks, canticos do Corao 34333 9855 02/03 2305 KWA R. Kwait, AA - talks 23232 6284 02/03 2316 ?? UNID, SS - talks, narracao futebol, sorteio 33232 7135 02/03 2325 MOR RTV Marocaine, AA - mx tipica 43343 (Alexis Maldonado, Sorocaba, Brasil - radioescutas 10/03/2008) 7150 CHINA: China Radio Inter., Urumqui, 09/03/2008 1947-1952, em checo, mx orquestrada; YL c/breve comentario 45333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 7120 HOLANDA: Radio Nederland, Talata - Madagascar, 09/03/2008 1952-1957, em ingles, ID; YL c/noticiario-entrevista 45333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 7475 GRECIA: Voice of Greece, Avlis, 09/03/2008 2003-2009, em grego, mx pop; falas de OM 25222 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 7580 USA: Radio Farda, Irana Wila - Siri Lanka, 09/03/2008 2020-2025, em persa, falas de OM; sinal DTMF; mx persa 25222 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 7345 ESLOVAKIA: Radio Slovakia Inter., Rimavska, 09/03/2008 2051-2056, em fraces, falas de OM e YL poss. noticiario 23332 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5945 AUSTRIA: Radio Oesterreich Inter., Krasnodar, 09/03/2008 2108-2113, em alemao, falas de OMs 35343 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5970 HUNGRIA: Radio Budapest, Jaszbenery, 09/03/2008 2114-2119, em hungaro, falas de OMs 25332 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5995 MALI: ORTM Radio Mali, Bamako, 09/03/2008 2121-2126, em arabe, falas de OM 23222 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa, Brasil = hard-core-dx 10/03/2008) PERU 4.790.00 0043 09/03/2008 R. Atlantica, Iquitos, SS, Mx Yl contando, 45343 – UG CHINA 4.920.00 0124 09/03/2008 R. PBS Xizang, Lhasa, Tibetan, OM talk, 45343 – UG ANGOLA 4.950.00 0048 09/03/2008 R. Nacional de Angola 1, Mulenvos, PP de Angola, OM talk, 45343 – UG (Ulysses Galletti, Itatiba, Brasil - radioescutas 10/03/2008) 11895 JAPAO: Radio Japan, Mantsinery - Guiana, 10/03/2008 0520-0525, em espanhol, OM e YL c/noticiario, ID, mx, "Falemos em Japones" 45444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 21460 A SAUDITA: Saudi Radio, Riyadh, 10/03/2008 1311-1316, em arabe, OM c/noticiario 35343 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 21470 R UNIDO: BBC, Ascension Island, 10/03/2008 1317-1322, em ingles, OM c/entrevista 45444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 21570 ESPANHA: Radio Exterior de Espanha, Noblejas, 10/03/2008 1325-1330, em espanhol, OM c/entrevista, OM e YL c/noticiario 45444 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 21695 LIBIA: Voice of Africa, Sabrata, 10/03/2008 1332-1337, em seahili, OM c/possivel noticiario, mx 15211 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 21780 ALEMANHA: Deutsche Welle, Sines - Portugal, 10/03/2008 1339-1345, em hausa, mx, YL c/breve fala, ID, OM c/fala 35333 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil - hard-core-dx 10/03/2008) 3185 USA: The Overcomer Ministry, McCaysville, 10/03/2008 0540-0545, em ingles, OM c/pregacao religiosa 35343 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 3215 USA: WWCR Naschville, 10/03/2008 0545-0550, em ingles, OM c/pregacao; mx de cunho religioso 35343 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 3955 HOLANDA: Radio Nederland, Skelton, 10/03/2008 0608-0613, em dutch, OM c/noticiario 35343 (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil) (Antonio Garcia, Joao Pessoa-PB, Brasil - hard-core-dx 10/03/2008) 3280 RD LA VOZ DEL NAPO. Tena, Ecuador. 0250-0315 Marzo 9 Pgm: Miscelanea del Recuerdo. Musica del Ecuador. " los gratos momentos se reviven en Miscelanea del Recuerdo..." A las 0258 "...Ha sido grato compartir con ustedes y revivir las mejores epocas anoradas en Miscelanea del Recuerdo, estraemos al aire la proxima semana en este mismo horario, su amigo Padre Jorge Davila les agradece su sintonia..." Luego vino el Himno del Ecuador para continuar con la programacion especial de Radio Maria por el dia de la Mujer. 4716.7 RADIO YURA. Aillu Yura. Bolivia. 0120-0135* Marzo 9 Baladas de los 70's y 80's "..recordando exitos de ayer, hoy y siempre..." A las 0128 oraciones a la Virgen Maria por la jornada. Luego cierre: "...Hasta este momento Radio Yura, la voz de los Aillus ha llevado sus emisiones correspondientes a esta jornada; esperamos que todos los programas que hemos emitido hayan estado del completo agrado de todos ustedes. Hemos transmitido en la frecuencia 4715 Kcs onda corta banda internacional ded 60 metros desded el Aytun Aillu Yura, provincia Antonio Quijarro, Depto de Potosi, Republica de Bolivia...agradecemos su sintonia y los esperamos en nuestra proxima emision..." 4747 RADIO HUANTA 2000, Huanta, Peru. 0008-0020 Marzo 8 Pgm: Radioperiodico 2000. ID: "...Transmite Radio Huanta 2000 OAZ5B 4755 Khz onda corta, OBX5O 1160 Khz onda media; OAZ5A 92.5 MHz FM estereo..." 4865 RADIO VERDE FLORESTAS. Cruzeiro du Sul, Brasil. 2310-2325 Marzo 7 Rezo del Rosario, luego ID: "...Radio Verde Florestas onda media ZYH204 940 Khz, onda tropical ZYF203 4865 Khz, uma emissora da la Fundacao Verde Florestas, Cruzeiro du Sul, Acre, Brasil..." 5039.1 RADIO LIBERTAD DE JUNIN. Junin, Peru.1146-1210 Marzo 8 Pgm: Informativo Junin Avanza. Promo www.regionjunin.gov.pe/sietemaravillas. "...es Radio Libertad presentando el informativo Junin Avanza..." Nota Mortuoria, Anuncio de Universidad Nacional San Ignacio. A las 1201 "...el Departamento ded relaciones publicas de la municipalidad provincial de Junin presento, el informativo Junin Avanza, gracias por su sintonia..." Al paracer solo opera en las horas de la manana. No reportada en otros horarios. 5486.7 RADIO REINA DE LA SELVA. Chachapoyas, Peru. 2352-2358* Marzo 7 Musica tropical. Baja calidad en el audio aunque fuerte senal. "...gracias a todos los amigos que nos sintoniza dia a dia a traves de los 101.5 FM de Reina de la Selva..." Fuera del aire sin cierre a las 2358* (Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota D.C., Colombia - radioescutas 11/03/2008) CHINA 9440, China Radio International, 1215. Program with international notices in Cambodian. SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 11th March 2008). 9590, China Radio International, 1205. Program with international notices in Russian. SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 11th March 2008). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 9535, Voice of America, 1220. Latin American notices in Spanish. SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 11th March 2008). (Patricio De Los Rios, Temuco, Chile, via Federachi, 11/03/2008) 1655,00 0803 2308 R.James Bond, Kyle Minogue: Can't get out of my head 24322 1665,00 0803 2245 R.Barones,D,E;F, talks, polka, ID, hallo amateurs gutten morgen 24432 1670,00 0403 2255 unid, elect. Inst. funky,ballad E 25432 1670,00 0803 2249 unid,Gr, sirtaki 24332 1680,00 0803 2248 unid,Gr, talks, traditional song 24432 1700,00 0803 2246 unid,Gr, talks, disco funky E, Kalimeras, Adriano Celentano 25442 3905,00 0803 2210 R.Borderhunter,E,D,G, pop, jingle,polka, My lady Spain,email, thanking for SMS received 35443 4025,00 0803 2240 LHH,E, rock, jingle, pops 24222 4025,00 0903 0603 LHH,E, ballads, rock, Gladys Knight and the Pipes, jingle 24332 6055,00 0303 2230 KBC,E, Wolfman Jack show, ballad, K-po,Elvis, The Beatles:ticket to ride, pops 34232 6055,00 0403 2245 KBC,E, Wolfman Jack show, ballad,Off Broadway, comedy, KBC import promo, K-po, 33232 6055,00 0703 2225 KBC,E, ballad, Wolfman Jack show, KBC import , R&B 34333 6055,00 0803 2215 KBC,E, jingle, Wolfman Jack show.jokes, Barry White calling, KBC import,QTH Ede 33333 6220,00 0903 1500 Mystery R, disco funky non stop, jingle 35443 6266,00 0803 2250 R.Scotland Int, E, rock, ballad, pops, ID, hallo testing hallo this is RSI on SW 24332 6305,00 0803 0720 R.Black Power,E,D, tock, oballad, ID, U2 song dance. Pops, elect dance 24332 6306,00 0803 2304 Dutchwing R, D,E; pops, talks, dance, Jump, polka, ID, greets to USA, test modulation 24332 6312,10 0803 1045 R.Barretina Int,Cat,funky ID R. L'Arboc,Formula mati,also 1545 interview Pasqual de l'Alguer 24332 6312,10 0903 1450 R.Barretina Int,Cat,relay of R. L'Arboc, Borat films, Julie Andrews song, Dolores Vargas 35443 6325,00 0903 0720 R.Paardenkracht, rock, Pops, 24232 6325,00 0903 1507 RFB, rock 24232 6882,00 0803 0715 R.PlayBack Int, E, ballad, Christopher Cross: Arthur's theme. ID, Benny Goodman swing 35443 6882,00 0903 1457 R.PlayBack Int, E, jingle, rock, Hotel California by Eagles,Chic: Le flic c'est chic 24332 6925,00 0803 1740 Spider R, E, rock, jingle asking for reports, rock 25432 (Silveri Gomez, Fraga, Spain - playdx2003 11/03/2008) 4052,45 11/3 0035 Radio Verdad, Guatemala, religious, poor/fair 4699,34 11/3 0015 Radio San Miguel, Bolivia, talks, few music, (tent.) poor 4780 12/3 0010 Radio Cultural Coatan, Guatemala, songs, a lot of ids, good 4825 12/3 0045 Radio Educadora, Brazil, songs, id and signal off at 0100, fair 4915 11/3 0120 Radio Difusora, Macapa, Brazil, songs, good 6035 12/3 0110 La Voz del Guaviare, Colombia, nice songs programme, many ids, fair to good (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 12/03/2008) 3320 ÁFRICA DO SUL: Radio Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 12/03/2008 2217-2222, YLs c/falas em africanês 35333 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 4800 CHINA: Voice of China, Geermu, 12/03/2008 2232-2238, OM e YL com falas em mandarim 35233 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 4845 MAURINTÂNIA: Radio Mauritanie, Nouakchott, 12/03/2008 2240-2245, OM c/falas em árabe 33433 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5045 BRASIL: Radio Guaruja Paulista, Guarujá, 12/03/2008 2245-2300, retransmissão Radio Globo, São Paulo, c/partida de futebol 25222 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5915 VATICANO: Vatican Radio, Sta. Maria di Galeria, 13/03/2008 0124-0129, em hindi, OM c/falas 45333 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 5925 IRAN: V. Islamic of Rep. Iran, Zahedan, 13/03/2008 0132-0137, em urdu, OM e YL c/noticiário 45434 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 3200 SUIÇA: Trans World Radio, Manzini, 13/03/2008 0400-0405, em alemão, ID; mx; YL c/breve comentário; mx 35333 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 3255 R. UNIDO: BBC, Meyerton - África do Sul, 13/03/2008 0407-0410, em inglês, YL c/entrevista 25232 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 3345 A. DO SUL: Channel Africa, Meyerton, 13/03/2008 0415-0420, em inglês, YL e OM c/falas 15221 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil) 3975 HUNGRIA: Radio Budapest, Jaszbenery, 13/03/2008 0424-0427, em hungaro, YL c/falas 12221 (Antonio Garcia, João Pessoa, Brasil - hard-core-dx 13/03/2008) 5910 13/3 0308 Marfil Estereo, Colombia, religious talks, fair to good 5955 14/3 0028 Democratic Voice of Burma, CLA, talks mentioning Burma, off at 0030, fair 6100 13/3 0300 Radio Republica, CLA, reports, jammed, good signal but poor O 6135 14/3 0025 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, religious, good 6155 14/3 0020 Radio Republica, CLA, talks about Chavez, fair 6185 14/3 0010 Radio Educacion, Mexico, long talks cultura popular, weak signal but clear channel 7595 14/3 0100 Radio Ashna, via Sri Lanka, news and reports, several announcements, good 9505 14/13 0032 Radio Record, Brazil, sport, fair 9645,23 14/3 0045 Radio Bandeirantes, Brazil, sport, fair (Giampiero Bernardini, Italy - playdx2003 14/03/2008) 8/3 (R7) 16.03 - 6882 kHz PLAYBACK INTERNATIONAL Inglese, ids OM. Segnale buono-molto buono - 16.24 - 6925U kHz SPIDER RADIO Inglese, ids YL. Segnale sufficiente-buono - 16.59 - 11775 kHz UNIVERSITY NETWORK - Anguilla Inglese, tk OM. Segnale sufficiente Dalle 17 si è sovrapposta VOA da Sao Tome in portoghese, però l'altra emittente era sempre ricevibile in sottofondo. Credevo fosse un ascolto dipendente da condizioni particolari di propagazione e invece si sente regolarmente. - 19.30 - 11815 kHz R. BRASIL CENTRAL - Goiania Musica locale. Segnale buono-molto buono QRM RTA relay UK ma molto bassa. - 19.33 - 11829.9 kHz CBN R. ANHANGUERA - Goiania (Brasile) Portoghese, tk YL. Segnale buono-molto buono - R. APARECIDA 11855 kHz non ascoltata. id tnx Dr. Tim¹s Piraten News * 9/3 (R7) 10.23 - 6306 kHz RADIO VIKING DJ OM: "Message from Roberto Pavanello!!!... Italy...I like spachetti!!!" Segnale sufficiente-buono-nullo Scomparsa solo dopo pochi minuti. * 10/3 (DE1103) 08.09 - 9535//9494.7 kHz prob. R. ABKHAZIA - Soxum Musica locale e tk OM/YL. Segnale sufficiente-buono Allora hanno 2 trasmettitori. Alle 08.30 era già spenta. - VO NIGERIA da qualche giorno è inattiva. - 09.11 - 15515 kHz CNR 1+FIRERAKE contro VOA in mandarino relay Tailandia. Con l'uso di questo impianto ho notato più di una volta che la Cina usa due jamming insieme, probabilmente uno da ovest e uno da est per bloccare la ricezione in tutta la Cina. - 09.25 - 11815 kHz R. BRASIL CENTRAL - Goiania Portoghese, tk OM. Segnale insufficiente-buono Fad out intorno alle 10.30-11.00. - RRI JAKARTA 11860 kHz sembra inattiva. * 11/3 (R7) 16.10 - 6015 kHz PBS XINJIANG - Urumqi (Cina) Kazako, tk OM e mx classica. Segnale sufficiente-buono - 16.23 - 6030 kHz prob. VO REVOLUTION OF TIGRAY - Mekelle (Etiopia) Musica e tk OM (in sottofondo alla BBC in arabo) Segnale sufficiente-buono - 16.29 - 6110 kHz prob. RADIO FANA - Addis Abeba (Etiopia) Intervista telefonica. Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente - 16.32 - 6120 kHz PBS XINJIANG - Urumqi (Cina) Uighur, tk OM. Segnale sufficiente QRM co-ch VO TURKEY in turkmeno. - 16.35 - 6130 kHz PBS XIZANG - Lhasa (Cina) Inglese, tk YL e mx locale. Segnale buono-molto buono In sottofondo prob. TWR Swaziland. - 16.44 - 6311.1 kHz RADIO L'ARBOC Catalano, id OM. Segnale sufficiente-buono - 17.09 - 11784.9 kHz VO INDONESIA - Cimanggis Spagnolo, nxs OM. Segnale molto buono - 17.14 - 11945 kHz FIREDRAKE contro RFA mandarino (in sottofondo) - 17.16 - 12160 kHz WWCR 3 - Nashville-TN (USA) Inglese, intervista OMs. Segnale sufficiente-buono * 12/3 (S500) 06.55 - 9705 kHz LA VOIX DU SAHEL - Niamey (Niger) Francese, tk OM. Segnal sufficiente-molto buono - 07.01 - 9955 kHz WRMI - Miami-FL (USA) Spot Radio Prague. Segnale sufficiente-buono * 13/3 (R7) 06.19 - 6210.3 kHz LASER HOT HITS Inglese, musica dance. Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente - 06.26 - 5995 kHz RDT MALI - Bamako Parlato OM. Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente - 07.47 - 11750 kHz HCJB AUSTRALIA - Kununurra Inglese, tk OM. Segnale buono-molto buono - 07.50 - 11565 kHz KWHR - Naahaleu (Hawaii) Inglese, telefonata OMs. Segnale insufficiente-buono - 07.53 - 9525 kHz COTTON TREE NEWS - Ascensione Inglese, tk YL. Segnale sufficiente-buono - 19.37 - 9369.9 kHz WTJC - Newport-NC (USA) Canto Gospel. Segnale sufficiente-buono (Luca B. F., Genova, Italy - playdx2003 14/03/2008) ARGELIA 6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 22:50-23:00, escuchada el 13 de marzo en árabe con emisión de música folklórica local con referencias al Sahara, SINPO 45444. 6300 Radio Nacional saharaui, 23:00-23:10, escuchada el 13 de marzo en español, locutor con presentación, identificación, tertulia sobre la situación de Marruecos, “Literalmente en Marruecos la gente se muere de hambre...”, referencias a “La Memoria histórica”, SINPO 44343. BRASIL 4885 Radio Clube do Para, 06:25-06:30, escuchada el 14 de marzo en portugués a locutor con presentando tema musical, emisión de música brasileña, SINPO 34333. CHAD 4905 Radio N´Djamena, 06:30-06:33, escuchada el 14 de marzo en dialecto africano a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 32232 CHINA 4750 PBS Qhinghai, 22:35-22:40, escuchada el 13 de marzo en idioma chino a locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 33342 4800 CNR 1, 22:43-22:45, escuchada el 13 de marzo a locutor y locutora en una especia de lección o curso de idiomas, frases muy repetitivas, SINPO 35443. CUBA 5025 Radio Rebelde, 06:35-06:45, escuchada el 14 de marzo en español a locutora presentando temas musicales, emisión de música melódica, SINPO 45343 GHANA 4915 Ghana BC1, 06:33-06:35, escuchada el 14 de marzo con emisión de música afro, SINPO 24232 NIGERIA 4770 Radio Nigeria Kaduna, 22:40-22:43, escuchada el 13 de marzo con emisión de música pop melódica con coros, el nivel de audio muy bajo, SINPO 35443. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 14/03/2008) 4775 kHz, 4:21 UTC, Marzo 14 Transworld Radio, Swaziland 33343 idioma alemán; enseñanza de la Biblia, 4:23 "Majesty" música de himno cristiano, más música, mismo tema y cambia a idioma inglés, ID, "TW Today..." y continuó otro programa en inglés... 5:00 UTC regresa a francés. 4905 kHz, 4:35 UTC, Marzo 14, Radio Tchad (Chad), SINPO variable: 33333-34343 música, comentarios... idioma francés, en momentos hasta parece no serlo, en momentos árabe. Señal muy estable y legible. (MAGDIEL CRUZ RODRÍGUEZ, JIUTEPEC, MORELOS, MÉXICO - playdx2003 14/03/2008) 20080315, 0013, 4828, Voice of Zimbabwe, Folk music. 20080315, 0018, 3396, Zimbabwe, Folk music. 20080315, 0050, 4010, Kyrgyz Radio, rus, QRM: телетайп на 4014 кГц., События Киргизии на русском языке. 20080315, 0113, 5025, Radio Rebelde, spa, Музыка, речь. 20080315, 0336, 3350, Radio Exterior de Espana, spa, QRM: CW. Via Costa Rica., OM&YL talk. (DXMan - hard-core-dx 15/03/2008) RUSIA 5.900 kHz, Voz de Rusia, 09-03-08, 0145-0147. Comentario sobre exposición de arte en Instituto Cervantes, en español. SINPO 54454. En paralelo por 5.945 kHz con SINPO 53443 SRI LANKA 5.860 kHz, Radio Farda, 09-03-08, 0139-0142. Comentarios de locutor, id. emisora, en persa. SINPO 55555 SUECIA 5.840 kHz, Radio Canadá Int., 09-03-08, 0110-0137. Entrevista a mujer con referencias a los derechos de las mujeres, en inglés. SINPO 55444 UKRANIA 5.830 kHz, Radio Ukrania Int., 09-03-08, 0050-0110. Id. emisora, música y noticias, en alemán. SINPO 55444 (Javier Robledillo Jaén, Espana - bclnews 15/03/2008) 3345 *1800-1815 AFS 13-03 AWR, via Meyerton English religious talk 45333 // 3215 (35232) AP-DNK 4905 1700-1735* and back about 1820-1845 and 2105-2134* TCH 08-03 R Tchad, N*Djaména back, but still with tx fall out, Arabic/Vernacular/French talks about N'Djaména, political comments, African songs, s/off National Anthem 43443 QRM Tibet until 1810* AP-DNK Also heard on 11+12-15-03. N4990 *0022-0035 IND 14-03 AIR Itanagar back on the air Hindi (?) ann after AIR Hymn, talks with musical pieces in between, low modulation 34232 Splashed from Xinjiang 4980 in Uighur. AIR Itanagar was not heard same time 15-03 AP-DNK 5009.78 2335-2400* DOM 12+13-03 R Cristal Int., Sto. Domingo (very, very tentative) Spanish (??) fast and slow talks, music and songs 15221 AP-DNK 5910.07 2345-2400 CLM 07-03 Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda Spanish ann, beautiful Colombian songs, adjacent QRM from both sides 33443 AP-DNK 5954.14 2310-2328 CTR 13-03 ELCOR Tx tested (presumed) Spanish ann, Spanish songs Strong, but very much disturbed by RTaiwan Int./Okeechobee 5950 (strong), R Pio Doce, Bolivia 5952.45 (very weak) and Voice of Turkey 5960 (strong), and totally spoiled at *2328 by Democratic Voice of Burma signing on from Wertachtal on 5955 33433 AP-DNK 6010 0010-0025 BHR 13-01 R Bahrain, Abu Hayan English ann, English pop songs 34333 AP-DNK (Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 15/03/2008) Australia: NT Service Alice Springs, 2310 @ 1230z with ABC TOH news at BOH. 2325 & 2485 much weaker. N Korea: KCBS DS 3480.96 @ 1245z. I first heard a het when tuning across 3480. No audio on 3480 but weak but clear audio at 3480.96 when using SSB. I checked for parallel channels and found //2850 & //3959.7. Indonesia: RRI Pontianak Borneo 3976.05 @ 1310z Indonesia: RRI Manokwari Papua 3987.02 @ 1325z with vocals. Pakistan: Azad Kashmir Radio 4790.04 @ 1335z, South Asian music and speech. (Jerry Lenamon, TN, USA - CumbreDX 16/03/2008) 4699.37 0045-0125 BOL 16-03 R San Miguel, Riberalta Spanish talk and hymns 15232 AP-DNK 4716.7 0050-0105 BOL 16-03 R Yura, Yura Spanish talk, Andean song, slight CWQRM 24333 AP-DNK 4746.87 0055-0105 PRU 16-03 R Huanta 2000, Huanta Spanish talk, CODAR QRM 13221 AP-DNK 4760 0035-0040 IND 16-03 AIR Port Blair English news from Delhi // Imphal 4775, Shimla 4965 (fighting with Zambia) and Shillong 4970. Own programmes from 0040, Hindi talk on 4760 25222 AP-DNK 4835 0105-0120 IND 16-03 AIR Gangtok Nepali talk 25232 AP-DNK 4905 0130-0200 B 16-03 R Anhanguera, Araguaína, TO Portuguese ann, complete ID, Brazilian songs - very strong 45434 ! AP-DNK 5952.45 0135-0145 BOL 16-03 R Pio XII, Siglo XX Quechoa talk, hymns with percussion - strong 33443 AP-DNK 6135 0140-0150 B 16-03 R Aparecida, Aparecida Portuguese women reading Ave Maria - very strong 35444, not // 5035 AP-DNK (Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 16/03/2008) 1008 10/3 18.50 SER R. Alicante - SS NX locali suff. 1125 13/3 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Vitoria SS NX reg. Pais Vasco buono 1341 13/3 22.58 Onda Cero R. - Ciudad Real SS pubblicità locale suff. 1470 15/3 04.45 R. Formula - Mexico D.F. NX suff. 1602 13/3 18.50 SER R. Cartagena - SS NX e pubblicità locale buono 1640 15/3 05.35 WTNI Biloxi, EE sport"South Mississippi.. talk radio 16-40 WTNI Biloxi.." buono 1650 15/3 05.30 WHKT - Portsmouth, Virginia, EE MX suff. 1654 15/3 23.00 R. Bandong - ??? Dutch ID e MX buono 1655 8/3 22.50 James Tont R. - ?? Dutch MX buono 1670 15/3 05.25 WVVM - Warner Robins, Georgia, SS MX buono 1670 15/3 23.50 R. Marskramer - Postbus 129 - 8400 AC Gorredijk - Olanda Dutch ID e MX buono 1680 15/3 05.05 WLAA - Winter Garden,Florida, SS MX buono 1690 15/3 05.10 WMLB - Avondale, Georgia, EE MX buono 2325 14/3 20.00 VL8T - Tennant Creek EE NX // 2485 KHz suff 4319USB 15/3 17.00 A.F.R.T.S. - Diego Garcia EE NX suff. 4915 15/3 04.30 R. Difusora - Macapà PP live phone buono 4920 15/3 22.50 PBS Xizang - Lhasa Tibetano Talk "tanks on the monks !!!" " Vi(v)a i carri armati!! " buono 4965 15/3 16.50 A.I.R. - Shimla Hindy nenia buono 5000 15/3 04.35 YVTO - Caracas SS ID e pip pip buono 5815 16/3 09.35 Orion R. - Postbus 9 - 8096 ZG Oldebroek - Olanda EE ID e MX buono 5910 15/3 23.35 Marfil Estereo - Bogotà SS MX buono 6035 16/3 00.10 Bhutan B.S. - Thimpu Dzongha cori buddisti Suff. ( mixed with Colombia ) 6173 16/3 00.05 R. Tawantinsuyo - Cusco SS MX buono 6202 9/3 09.30 R. Geronimo - Postfach 101145 - 99801 Eisenach - Germania EE ID e MX buono 6215 9/3 09.35 King SW - B.P. 130 - 92504 Rueil-Malmaison - Francia EE MX buono 6275 15/3 16.20 R. Rainbow - radiorainbow@hotmail.com EE MX buono 7295 15/3 16.30 Traxx FM - Kuala Lumpur EE MX suff. 9675 15/3 23.10 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP ID e MX buono (Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 16/03/2008) -- Неопознанное (Unknown) 3380 0434-0502 fade 10 March. During a very good 60/90M African opening, this showed weakly in unid. lang. yak and WAf.- sounding drum/percussion/kalimba-backed vocals, (Aoki has BBC (Meyerton) here M-F 0430-0530 in Portuguese..didn't hear enough to even ID language, tho) (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 12/03/2008) -- Гармоники (harmonics) -- Глушение (Jamming) -- Пираты (pirates) -- Расписания Албания (Albania) Radio Tirana A09 ENGLISH Tue-Sun 0030-0045 on 9390 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm 0145-0200 on 9390 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm 0230-0300 on 7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm 0330-0400 on 7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm ENGLISH Mon-Sat 1430-1500 on 13640 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm 1845-1900 on 7430 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to U.K. 13640 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm 2000-2030 on 7460 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to U.K. 13600 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm (Alokesh Gupta, India - dxldyg 11/03/2008) Болгария (Bulgaria) Radio Bulgaria A08 RUSSIAN 0300-0400 -daily- East Europe 1224, 7200, 9400 0500-0530 -daily- East Europe 7200, 9400 1030-1100 -daily- East Europe 11600, 13600 1400-1500 -daily- East Europe 1224, 7200, 9400 1400-1500 -daily- Central Asia 11700 1600-1630 -daily- East Europe 7200, 9400 1800-1900 -daily- East Europe 5900, 9400 2300-2400 -daily- Central Asia 11600 (Дмитрий Кутузов, из расписания станции, Россия - open_dx 10/03/2008) Швеция Radio Sweden's English Schedule A08 Here is the Radio Sweden English broadcast schedule for the period beginning March 30, 2008 (all times UTC unless otherwise indicated): Europe and Africa/Middle East: 1430-1500 13820 (100) 1530-1600 11590 (120) 1630-1700 MW 1179 1730-1800 MW 1179 6065 (100) Wednesdays-Fridays 1900-1930 MW 1179 2030-2100 7395 (305) via Madagascar 2130-2200 6065 (140-240) + MW 1179 (Alokesh Gupta, India - dxldyg 11/03/2008) -- Связь (ham radio) 03226 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS 2251 ALE/USB Sounds 3226, 2705 and 2784. 2784 from UK South site/Penhale Sands, Cornwall. (09Mar08) (MPJ) 03235 CY51: Algerian Military 2228 ALE/USB Calls RM50. (09Mar08) (MPJ) 03805 1001: Protection Civile Marocaine 2223 ALE/USB Calls 1102. (09Mar08) (MPJ) 04751 TWLC1: Spanish Guardia Civil, Cantabria 2117 ALE/USB Calls TWLA1-Vitoria. (09Mar08) (MPJ) 04855 3001: Protection Civile Marocaine 2218 ALE/USB Calls 1312. 2514 Sounds. 1001 calls 1306. (09Mar08) (MPJ) 04855 2408: Protection Civile Marocaine 2110 ALE/USB Calls 3001 and 2408. 130 calls 2001. 2001 calls 2201. (09Mar08) (MPJ) 04910 RFI: Saudi Military/Air Net 2126 ALE/USB Calls JCI. (09Mar08) (MPJ) 05320 8GS: Georgian Military 2013 ALE/USB Calls 8GH. EDE calls KBT, KBT calls 1BR, 2BT calls 4BR. (09Mar08) (MPJ) 05365 BD25: Algerian Military 1955 ALE/USB Calls RM20. (09Mar08) (MPJ) 05075 XS88XS99: Algerian DRS (Intell) Net 2036 ALE/USB Calls XS10XS99. (09Mar08) (MPJ) 06416.5 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS 1906 ALE/USB Sounding. (09Mar08) (MPJ) 06514.5 LCR152: Centralny Wezel Lacznosci, Warsaw 1907 ALE/USB Calls LUKA31-Polish Army Banja-Luka. (09Mar08) (MPJ) 06874 TWLC1: Spanish Guardia Civil Cantabria 1820 ALE/USB Calls TWLA1-Vitoria. (09Mar08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 10/03/2008) 05403,8 : Saudi unid SDA 1625 arq-e/46.1/160 zczc kaa880 rka580 88 18094. 79099krm@ 10Mar08 (wp3) 05405,0 rhp: Saudi unid SDA 1653 ale/usb TO: AAP THIS IS: RHP 10Mar08 (wp3) 09084,8 : Saudi unid SDA 1606 arq-e/46.1/146 idle, qsy after ale at 1622z to possibly 5403,8 10Mar08 (wp3) 09086,0 rhi: Saudi unid SDA 1621 ale/usb TO: AAI TO: AAI THIS WAS: RHI THIS WAS: RHI 10Mar08 (wp3) 09086,0 rhp: Saudi unid SDA 1620 ale/usb TO: AAP THIS IS: RHP THIS IS: RHP 10Mar08 (wp3) (W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 10/03/2008) 518,00 UGE F Arkhangelsk RUS RADIO NAVTEX 09-mar 0050 AV/WX 'COASTAL WARNING ARKHANGELSK 25' (bc) 3.580,00 FD.. - ..... F FAF BAUDOT 50/85 03-mar 1654 TEST 'CECI EST UNE EMISSION DE CALORIE DESTINE AU REGLAGE ....' (bc) 3.846,00 IE.. AZ0A ..... I IA J3E/USB 04-mar 1900 WKG "JY01" - (bc) 3.846,00 IE.. JY01 ..... I IA J3E/USB 04-mar 1900 CLG/WKG .... 'PROVE DI COLLEGAMENTO' (bc) 3.846,00 IE.. YJ0A ..... I IA J3E/USB 04-mar 1904 WKG "JY01" - (bc) 4.040,00 USU8 - ..... UKR [...] CW 05-mar 1824 CLG/WKG USU2 - (bc) 4.070,00 4L.. KBR ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 05-mar 1840 CLG "NET4" - (bc) 4.070,00 4L.. NET4 ..... GEO GeoF ALE/USB 05-mar 1826 CLG "KBR" - (bc) 5.157,00 ..... ALFA SIERRA ..... - [...] J3E/USB 02-mar 1720 WKG "CM" - (bc) 5.157,00 ..... CARLIE MIKE ..... - [...] J3E/USB 02-mar 1715 TFC ARA/FRA - (bc) 5.157,00 ..... DELTA ..... - [...] J3E/USB 02-mar 1721 WKG "CM" - (bc) 5.157,00 ..... JULLIET ..... - [...] J3E/USB 02-mar 1723 WKG "CM" - (bc) 5.157,00 ..... KILO PAPA ..... - [...] J3E/USB 02-mar 1722 WKG "CM" - (bc) 5.157,00 ..... MIKE SIERRA ..... - [...] J3E/USB 02-mar 1719 WKG "CM" - (bc) 5.157,00 ..... OSCAR ..... - [...] J3E/USB 02-mar 1717 WKG "CM" - (bc) 5.199,00 ..... MIKE ..... - [...] J3E/LSB 02-mar 1725 WKG "OSCAR" - (bc) 5.199,00 ..... OSCAR ..... - [...] J3E/LSB 02-mar 1725 CLG/WKG "MIKE" - (bc) 5.266,50 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 02-mar 1628 TFC KRY - (bc) 5.296,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 02-mar 1732 TFC OK SK SK (bc) 5.300,00 5A.. GHADAMES Ghadames LBY GMRA ALE/USB 02-mar 1743 CLG "MOBILE23" 1947 CLG "MOBILE23" (bc) 5.300,00 5A.. MOBILE23 ..... LBY GMRA ALE/USB 02-mar 1806 CLG "GHADAMES" '2035 CLG "GHADAMES" (bc) 5.575,00 ..... 11965 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-mar 1841 CLG "7010" - (bc) 5.575,00 ..... 1506 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-mar 1848 SOUND - (bc) 5.575,00 ..... 212 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-mar 2150 SOUND INCOMPLETE CALL ???? (bc) 5.575,00 ..... 820 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-mar 2128 SOUND INCOMPLETE CALL ???? (bc) 5.575,00 ..... 880 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-mar 1949 SOUND INCOMPLETE CALL ???? (bc) 6.668,00 ..... 639 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 1908 CLG "344" - (bc) 6.668,00 ..... 344 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 1707 CLG "205" - (bc) 6.795,00 ..... 203 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 1802 SOUND - (bc) 6.795,00 ..... 213 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 1922 SOUND - (bc) 6.795,00 ..... 3241 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 2045 SOUND - (bc) 6.795,00 ..... 3251 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 2045 SOUND - (bc) 6.795,00 ..... 3561 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 2021 SOUND - (bc) 6.795,00 ..... 4062 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 2106 SOUND - (bc) 6.795,00 ..... 4063 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 1805 CLG "4061" - (bc) 6.795,00 ..... 8011 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 2104 SOUND - (bc) 6.795,00 ..... 9817 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 2114 SOUND - (bc) 6.795,00 ..... 9857 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 2110 SOUND - (bc) 6.796,00 EHD8 TYMR2 Ciudad Real E GC ALE/USB 04-mar 1740 CLG "TXX2" - (bc) 6.796,00 EHG9 TWVS2 Salamanca E GC ALE/USB 04-mar 1752 CLG "TXX2" - (bc) 6.796,00 ..... 693 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-mar 1832 CLG "795" 1834 CLG "248" 1849 CLG "795" (bc) 6.796,00 ..... 795 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 02-mar 1825 CLG "248" - (bc) 6.839,00 YQ.. 10V ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 04-mar 1645 CLG "IGF" 1706 CLG "2DV" (bc) 6.839,00 YQ.. 2DV ..... IRQ IrqF ALE/USB 04-mar 1713 CLG "IGF" - (bc) 6.914,50 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 04-mar 1626 GR(A) //6963,0 'NR 38 M 04 17:45:57 1980 BT EFQCZ BIDXF ..... ' (bc) 6.955,60 ..... - ..... - [...] MIL STD 188-110A/USB 04-mar 1633 TFC KRY CONTINOUS MSGS FIXED DATA RATE 2400 S (bc) 6.985,00 AA.. T12 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 09-mar 0112 SOUND 0142,0213,0243,0313,0343,0544,0615,0715 SOUND (bc) 7.916,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 02-mar 1800 VVV - (bc) 7.938,00 Z3.. RS002 ..... MKD MkdF ALE/USB 08-mar 0834 CLG "CS001" - (bc) 7.949,00 5O.. ACOVE Acove NIG NNPC ALE/USB 02-mar 1900 SOUND - (bc) 7.949,00 5O.. AUCHI Auchi NIG NNPC ALE/USB 02-mar 1836 SOUND - (bc) 7.949,00 5O.. BENIN Benin NIG NNPC ALE/USB 02-mar 1850 SOUND - (bc) 7.949,00 5O.. KANO Kano NIG NNPC ALE/USB 02-mar 1844 SOUND - (bc) 7.949,00 5O.. LOKOJA Lokoja NIG NNPC ALE/USB 02-mar 1843 SOUND - (bc) 7.949,00 5O.. MOSIMI Mosimi NIG NNPC ALE/USB 02-mar 1843 SOUND - (bc) 7.949,00 5O.. SULEJA Suleja NIG NNPC ALE/USB 02-mar 1842 SOUND - (bc) 7.949,00 5O.. YOLA Yola NIG NNPC ALE/USB 02-mar 1935 SOUND - (bc) 8.011,00 YP.. DROB11 Drobeta ROU POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 0824 CLG "TULB11" - (bc) 8.011,00 YP.. TULB11 Tulcea ROU POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 0824 CLG "DROB11" - (bc) 8.020,00 IKI CHARLY46 Pisa I IAF ALE/USB 03-mar 0939 CLG "54" - (bc) 8.020,00 IK.. 45 ..... I IAF ALE/USB 03-mar 1236 CLG "CHARLY46" 45 STORMO ? (bc) 8.020,00 IK.. 53 ..... I IAF ALE/USB 03-mar 0734 CLG "CHARLY46" 53 STORMO ? (bc) 8.020,00 IK.. 54 ..... I IAF ALE/USB 03-mar 1111 CLG "CHARLY46" 54 STORMO ? (bc) 8.020,00 ..... 2525 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-mar 1812 CLG "2526" - (bc) 8.020,00 ..... 2526 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-mar 1838 CLG "2525" - (bc) 8.020,00 ..... 2527 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-mar 1808 CLG "2528" - (bc) 8.020,00 ..... 2528 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-mar 1808 CLG "2527" - (bc) 8.185,00 CLP.. - Habana CUB INTEL CW 08-mar 0812 GR(A) - (bc) 8.190,00 IER.. DENARO - SHIP - I IGF ALE/USB 03-mar 1031 CLG "TARANTO" 1049,1155 CLG "TARANTO" (bc) 8.195,00 YP.. DEV Deva ROU POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 0809 CLG "ORA" - (bc) 8.195,00 YP.. MIR Miercurea Ciuc ROU POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 0924 CLG "BU4" - (bc) 8.195,00 YP.. ORA Oradea Mare ROU POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 0808 CLG "1PY" - (bc) 8.280,00 YW.. 1F5G ..... VEN VenN ALE/LSB 09-mar 0130 CLG "T8R1" - (bc) 8.280,00 YW.. 2TB9 ..... VEN VenN ALE/LSB 09-mar 0123 CLG "T5L1" '0138,0204 CLG "T5L1" (bc) 8.280,00 YW.. T8R1 ..... VEN VenN ALE/LSB 09-mar 0021 CLG "8DV9" - (bc) 8.291,00 XF.. AKALJ2 ..... MEX PEMEX ALE/USB 09-mar 0111 SOUND - (bc) 8.291,00 XF.. AKALN1 ..... MEX PEMEX ALE/USB 09-mar 0441 SOUND - (bc) 8.291,00 XF.. AKALN2 ..... MEX PEMEX ALE/USB 09-mar 0106 SOUND - (bc) 8.291,00 XF.. EXE ..... MEX PEMEX ALE/USB 09-mar 0707 SOUND - (bc) 8.291,00 XF.. REBOM1 - Rebombeo RIG - MEX PEMEX ALE/USB 09-mar 0601 SOUND - (bc) 8.442,00 ..... - ..... - RADIO J3E/USB 06-mar 1824 TLF - (bc) 8.474,20 - ..... - MILITARE STANAG-4285/USB 06-mar 1829 TFC KRY - (bc) 8.794,00 HKB - Barranquilla CLM RADIO J3E/USB 09-mar 0006 TLF - (bc) 8.794,00 USI - Kherson UKR RADIO J3E/USB 06-mar 2050 TLF - (bc) 8.805,00 SP.. WADLEZ32 ..... - PoF ALE/USB 07-mar 2100 CLG "LCR152" - (bc) 8.817,00 ..... LIMA LIMA ..... - [...] J3E/USB 06-mar 1740 CLG/WKG ..... - (bc) 8.817,00 ..... MIKE KILO ..... - [...] J3E/USB 06-mar 1741 WKG "LL" - (bc) 8.817,00 ..... TANGO OSCAR ..... - [...] J3E/USB 06-mar 1740 WKG "LL" - (bc) 8.817,00 ..... TANGO TANGO ..... - [...] J3E/USB 06-mar 1741 WKG "LL" - (bc) 8.855,00 FXC CAYENNE RADIO Cayenne GUF AIR (SAM) J3E/USB 08-mar 2259 WKG "AIR FRANCE 407" - (bc) 8.857,00 D2.. BIE ..... AGL POLICE ALE/USB 06-mar 1749 CLG "LD3" SEND KRY MSG TO "LD3" WITH DBM ARQ (bc) 8.857,00 D2.. LD3 Luanda AGL POLICE ALE/USB 06-mar 1749 CLG "BIE" - (bc) 8.879,00 5ST TANA RADIO Antanamarivo MDG ACC/FIC (INO-1) J3E/USB 05-mar 1848 WKG "OE85" ? 1902 WKG "AIR FRANCE ....' (bc) 8.912,00 K... N03 ..... USA CPB/USCS ? ALE/USB 05-mar 2152 SOUND - (bc) 8.912,00 K... ROS ..... USA CPB/USCS ? ALE/USB 05-mar 2000 CLG "J34" - (bc) 8.912,00 NM.. 711 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 05-mar 1911 SOUND - (bc) 8.912,00 NM.. F29 - HU-25 - USA USCG ALE/USB 05-mar 1934 SOUND - (bc) 8.912,00 NM.. F33 - HU-25 - USA USCG ALE/USB 05-mar 1921 SOUND - (bc) 8.912,00 NM.. J28 - HH-60J - USA USCG ALE/USB 05-mar 1952 SOUND - (bc) 8.912,00 NM.. J34 - HH-60J - USA USCG ALE/USB 05-mar 2025 SOUND - (bc) 9.001,00 5O.. 211211 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 07-mar 1924 CLG "211217" - (bc) 9.001,00 5O.. 211216 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 07-mar 1844 SOUND 1945 CLG "211211" (bc) 9.003,00 JYJ - Amman JOR RJA J3E/USB 06-mar 1840 WKG "JORDANIAN 075" - (bc) 9.067,70 SSE... WLGKWFS Conakry GUI AMB. EGIZIANA FEC 100/170 04-mar 1814 TFC ARA - (bc) 9.067,70 SSE... WLGKWFS Conakry GUI AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 04-mar 1809 CLG/WKG Cairo - (bc) 9.069,80 ..... 8401 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 04-mar 1653 SOUND - (bc) 9.080,00 7RX20 MAE Alger ALG MFA SKYFAX/USB 05-mar 1329 SEND MSGS TO "TNS" 'called station: TNS calling station: MAE file name: ~6146TN~1.~XT' (bc) 9.119,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 04-mar 1657 GR(A) - (bc) 9.166,35 ..... - ..... - [...] FEC 100/170 02-mar 1751 TFC KRY - (bc) 9.185,00 HBD20 - Bern/Kernenried SUI MFA ALE/USB 08-mar 0744 N-D PROTECTED LINK SIMPLEX (bc) 9.230,00 SV.. 0000210001 ..... GRC POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 1131 SOUND - (bc) 9.230,00 SV.. 0000210188 ..... GRC POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 0648 SOUND - (bc) 9.230,00 SV.. 0000210302 ..... GRC POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 1137 SOUND - (bc) 9.230,00 SV.. 0000210402 ..... GRC POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 1206 SOUND - (bc) 9.230,00 SV.. 0000210501 ..... GRC POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 1255 SOUND - (bc) 9.230,00 SV.. 0000210502 ..... GRC POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 1336 SOUND - (bc) 9.230,00 SV.. 0000210588 ..... GRC POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 0933 SOUND - (bc) 9.230,00 SV.. 0000210688 ..... GRC POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 0638 SOUND - (bc) 9.230,00 SV.. 0000210888 ..... GRC POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 0744 SOUND - (bc) 9.230,00 ..... 963 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-mar 1631 SOUND - (bc) 9.239,50 R... - ..... - FAPSI CROWD/USB 04-mar 1715 GR(A) - (bc) 9.245,00 5O.. 811811 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 07-mar 1750 CLG "811813" - (bc) 9.245,00 5O.. 811813 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 07-mar 1750 CLG "811811" - (bc) 9.265,00 XF.. AKALJ2 ..... MEX PEMEX ALE/USB 09-mar 0410 SOUND - (bc) 9.265,00 XF.. AKALL1 ..... MEX PEMEX ALE/USB 09-mar 0318 SOUND - (bc) 9.265,00 XF.. AKALN1 ..... MEX PEMEX ALE/USB 09-mar 0339 SOUND - (bc) 9.265,00 XF.. AKALN2 ..... MEX PEMEX ALE/USB 09-mar 0103 SOUND - (bc) 9.265,00 XF.. ATASTA1 ..... MEX PEMEX ALE/USB 09-mar 0653 SOUND - (bc) 9.265,00 XF.. EXEST2 ..... MEX PEMEX ALE/USB 09-mar 0104 SOUND - (bc) 9.265,00 XF.. REBOM1 - Rebombeo RIG - MEX PEMEX ALE/USB 09-mar 0055 SOUND - (bc) 9.309,00 YP.. BU1 Bucusresti ROU POLICE ALE/USB 05-mar 0932 CLG "CON" - (bc) 9.309,00 YP.. BU2 Bucusresti ROU POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 1221 CLG "VAS" - (bc) 9.309,00 YP.. MIR Miercurea Ciuc ROU POLICE ALE/USB 03-mar 0933 CLG "BU4" - (bc) 9.332,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/200 08-mar 0745 N-D - (bc) 10.175,00 ..... 4062 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-mar 1419 CLG "4064" - (bc) 10.175,00 ..... 8351 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-mar 1247 SOUND - (bc) 10.439,60 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 04-mar 1700 TFC KRY - (bc) 10.453,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 08-mar 0807 N-D - (bc) 10.712,00 5O.. 7115 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 04-mar 1858 CLG "7111" - (bc) 10.715,00 5O.. 911911 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 04-mar 1707 CLG "911914" - (bc) 10.715,00 5O.. 911914 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 04-mar 1707 CLG "911911" - (bc) 10.875,00 - ..... - MIL STANAG-4285/USB 04-mar 1708 TFC KRY - (bc) 10.998,00 ..... 7201 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-mar 1541 SOUND - (bc) 11.010,00 ZLO29 - Irirangi NZL RNZN BR 6028/USB 08-mar 0810 N-D - (bc) 11.156,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 07-mar 1855 TFC ARA - (bc) 11.174,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 08-mar 0815 GR(A) 'NR 19 M 04 19:23:22 1980 BT OROAY WRCQ ......' (bc) 11.318,00 CPMB 13 Santa Cruz/Viru Viru BOL AIR ACARS 08-mar 2339 SQUITTERS - (bc) 12.589,00 NMO - Lualualei HWA USCG SITOR 100/170 06-mar 1820 CH MARKER - (bc) 13.090,85 NMN - Chesapeake,VA USA USCG FAX 120/576 09-mar 0024 CDT //8765,85 (bc) 13.183,40 ..... - ..... - [...] PACTOR-? 09-mar 0030 N-D/CH MARKER - (bc) 13.229,00 ..... - ..... - [...] BAUDOT 75/850 07-mar 1806 TFC KRY - (bc) 16.024,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 08-mar 1002 CLG/WKG Roma 1135 CLG/WKG Delhi (bc) 16.141,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 08-mar 0829 TFC ARA - (bc) (Bruno Casula, Italy - udxf 10/03/2008) 6897 FREEDOM and BRD have QSY to 6897 from 5711. USB 02:16 (10MAR08) CC Don't know how long there will stay condition are very bad tonight. (Chris C., GA, USA - udxf 11/03/2008) 06902.5 1050: Unid (Arab voice net) 0336 ALE/USB clg 1101 (2008-03-11) (sw) 06881.5 1050: Unid (Arab voice net) 0338 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2008-03-11) (sw) 06881.5 1706: Unid (Arab voice net) 0339 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2008-03-11) (sw) 06902.5 1474: Unid (Arab voice net) 0341 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 06881.5 7010: Unid (Arab voice net) 0341 ALE/USB clg 1101 (2008-03-11) (sw) 07450.0 7801: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 0342 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 06881.5 1912: Unid (Arab voice net) 0344 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 04900.5 1474: Unid (Arab voice net) 0345 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 06881.5 7010: Unid (Arab voice net) 0350 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2008-03-11) (sw) 06789.0 7010: Unid (Arab voice net) 0351 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2008-03-11) (sw) 06789.0 1579: Unid (Arab voice net) 0354 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 06881.5 5555: Unid (Arab voice net) 0357 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 08232.2 6101: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 0403 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 05551.0 3031: Unid (Arab voice net) 0404 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 06412.0 3031: Unid (Arab voice net) 0404 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 08232.2 4101: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 0406 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 05456.0 437817: Unid (437* net) 0407 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 07801.0 6701: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 0409 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 06881.5 1914: Unid (Arab voice net) 0413 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 06881.5 1912: Unid (Arab voice net) 0416 ALE/USB clg 1474 (2008-03-11) (sw) 06789.0 7010: Unid (Arab voice net) 0423 ALE/USB clg 73222 (2008-03-11) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 11/03/2008) 06765.0 BU4: MOI Bucuresti Sec.4, ROU 1335 USB/ALE clg CRS: prb Caras-Severin, long Ser.Tone transm. (10/MAR/08) (Kristian, Germany - udxf 11/03/2008) 04732 MKL: AMCC Northwood MATELO Bcast 1519 NATO-75/75/850 via Kinloss or Inskip. // 82.8 6759 8988 11213. (12Mar08) (MPJ) 07949.5 CALORIE: French Military 1602 RTTY/50/75 CECI EST UNE EMISSION DE CALORIE DESTINEE AU REGLAGE DE VOTRE RECEPTEUR LUNDI MARDI MERCREDI JEUDI VENDREDI SAMEDI DIMANCHE JANVIER FEVRIER MARS AVRIL MAI JUIN JUILLET AOUT 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309. (12Mar08) (MPJ) 08212 : Unid NATO Station 1552 NATO-75/75/850 Message blocks in KG-84. Carrier off between messages. Ship input? (12Mar08) (MPJ) 08421.5 LZW4: Varna Radio, Bulgaria 1548 FEC Football news in Bulgar. (12Mar08) (MPJ) 08467.5 JJC: Kyodo Press, Tokyo 1542 FAX/120/576 Japanese text. (12Mar08) (MPJ) 08810 U..: Unid CIS Station 1530 FSK/MORSE/1000 After 15 mins of revs: de U.. ZNN GB 73 SK and off air. (12Mar08) (MPJ) 10238.83 : Saudi Air Defence/Air Force 1440 ARQ-E/46.1/170 After QSY after ALE burst, but returns at 14:44. (12Mar08) (MPJ) 10872 C: MX Beacon, Moscow 1431 CW No others audible. (12Mar08) (MPJ) 11408 REA4: HQ LRAF Moscow 1441 FSK/MORSE/1000 12140 sked: REA4 = 12140 62596 65460 52804 11048 77077 88020 18277 80560 42703 10018 88401 = REA4 K. // 12736. (12Mar08) (MPJ) 12708 : Russian Military 1346 81-81/81/250 In traffic. (12Mar08) (MPJ) 13985 : Unid Russian Station 1258 MORUZ/50/500 No decode. No other frequencies found active. (12Mar08) (MPJ) 14104 : Russian Military 1251 81-81/81/250 In traffic. (12Mar08) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 12/03/2008) 06881.5 11965: Unid 0353 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 06860.0 7112: Nig-NPF (Nigeria National Police Force) 2252 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-11) (sw) 06789.0 1101: Unid (Arab voice net) 2256 ALE/USB sndg. 2008-03-11) (sw) 12065.0 11152: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1356 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-12) (sw) 12065.0 13221: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1357 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-12) (sw) 16240.0 131411: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1406 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-12) (sw) 06881.5 1912: Unid (Arab voice net) 0408 ALE/USB clg 6011 (2008-03-13) (sw) 06881.5 1557: Unid (Arab voice net) 0417 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-13) (sw) 06412.0 3561: Unid (Tur-net) 0418 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-13) (sw) 06902.5 0111: Unid (Arab voice net) 0419 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-13) (sw) 06789.0 5112: Unid (Arab voice net) 0424 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-13) (sw) 06881.5 4400: Unid (Arab voice net) 0428 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2008-03-13) (sw) 06789.0 1542: Unid (Arab voice net) 0430 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-13) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 13/03/2008) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command Moscow, unid tx site, Russia 0758 F1B fsk morse strategic flash message to unid ( naval air ? ) unit / facility RJD99: "xxx xxx rjd99 rjd99 56476 kominnostx 0424 8668 k" (13/mar/2008)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command Moscow, unid tx site, Russia 0852 F1B fsk handkeyed morse strategic flash message to collective adresses RKS and RDL: "xxx xxx rks rks rdl rdl 36608 35137 hlorocid 3486 2230 k" (13/mar/2008)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command Moscow, unid tx site, Russia 1026 F1B fsk morse strategic flash message to collective adresses RKS and RDL: "xxx xxx rks rks rdl rdl 38787 42490 ilowka 1983 7301 k" (13/mar/2008)(TJ) 00018.65 no call: DF and signal strenght indicate Krasnodar Radio Centre Russia 1250 ongoing N0N test txm, then off air at 125330 ( Krasnodar has scheduled "no operations" periods on the 3rd 13th and 23rd each month ) (13/mar/2008)(TJ) 00025.0 RJH77: Arkhangelsk Radio Centre Russia 0901 N0N standard frequency transmission, A1A 29wpm morse station id "rjh77" at 0906utc (13/mar/2008)(TJ) 00025.0 RJH66: 338th communications node Kara Balta, Chaldovar Radio centre, Kyrgysztan 1001 N0N standard frequency transmission, A1A 26.5wpm morse station id "rjh66" at 1006utc (13/mar/2008)(TJ) Other flash messages rx'ed today on 18.1 kHz: uuu uuu uuu uuu xxx xxx rdl rdl 09145 43351 40627 44394 mereda 9035 4257 k xxx xxx rks rks rdl rdl 13455 53612 kroÿþka 1226 8966 k xxx xxx rks rks rdl rdl 67919 97935 gorbatyj 3568 6956 k ( the last message was handkeyed very slowly, each letter / figure keyed one by one and not as 5fg number and noun, like this; " x x x x x x r k s r k s r d l r d l 6 7.............5 6 k" Some observations and questions regarding RJD99: First time observation (at least at this end) of flash messages from the Russian High command to the recipient RJD99. Alltough it has been logged in traffic with others on HF, it seems that RJD99 is a rare call / ID. Here are all the info that are found on the web regarding radiotraffic involving RJD99 (!): 4580.0 RAG43 0257 call for RJD99 4580.5 RBE99 - ..... RUS CISN CW CLG / WKG RJD99 'RBE99 812 N05 812 = FOR RJD99 89775 . . . .' 4619.5 RBE99 - ..... RUS [...] CW CLG/WKG RJD99 6971.5 RJD99 de RAS82 QSA? QTC K. RAS82 713 26 3 0000 713 = FOR RJD99 = 87150 15895 64187 ... 39454 03024 = RAS82 K. Probably naval air. 6971.5 Russian navy: RAS82 wkg RJD99 Some additional and most interesting info is found at Radioscanner.ru from november 2007: 3891.0 rmu rmu rmu de rjd99 rjd99 qtc 285 85 2 17 10 285 = prognoz pogody s 19 ?as 2 no?br? do 19 ?as 3 no?br? belom more weter sewernyj sewero wosto?nyj no?x? rajonah 76 77 78 79 sewernyj sewero zapadnyj siloj 9/ 14 m/s poretutemy 17 m/s rajone 73 porywy 20 m/s dnem 7/12 m/s porywy 14 m/s rajone ii ii 14m/s rajone 73 itnorywy 17 m/s st e e i e n m tt i e etmtemt t e mt t t t mtt eut/ 4 r tt temt?/e? enajone 73 4 /5 b obla?nostx 6/9 b wysotoj 3 0 0/600m mestami krat kowremennye osadki widimostx 4/10 k m no?x? w osadkah 2/4 km temperatura minus 2 pl?s 2 gr enln normalxna? osadkah ponivenna? a r (Trond J., Hvaler, Norway - udxf 13/03/2008) 6586 kHz USB 1025z: New York wkg Jet Blue 740 for position report. (14Mar2008) (ALS) 6604 kHz USB 1025z: Gander Volmet with wx at Edmonton, Calgary, etc. (14Mar2008) (ALS) 6640 kHz USB 1029z: New York wkg Virgin 742 for Selcal check. (14Mar2008) (ALS) (A. Stern, Satellite Beach, FL, USA - udxf 14/03/2008) here are ALF's ALE loggings from the last days. Found some new frquencies for "old" nets, e.g. 4040 and 5874 kHz were new (for me) ones for MRC Civil Protection, and 3095 kHz (XSS) & 3506.4 kHz ("MWT-Net" - prob. Polish MIL ???) Plus some new idents (of "new" nets?): - GM6, GMR and STOV on 5778.5 kHz - "04004" on 5760 kHz (maybe related to the "01001-Net" ?) - "1" on 6205 kHz - "TORO" on 6680 kHz and AB1 & SAS on 5780 kHz (saw between callsigns of the "main usual" user of this frequency - Georgian Military. Maybe they show up again with new idents. The IARU intruder watch reported in their last bulletin many more idents (AZT, FRN, FWC) of this net. BTW, that bulletin reported the 3-letter-ident net on 7000 kHz: "ALGERIAN MILITARY - UNITS CHANGED THEIR CALLSIGNS THIS MONTH. FORMER ESD BECAME ASD, SKJ BECAME DKJ, ROW - > POW AND AKK -> EKK." but I don't know how accurate their ID and "change" report is... They also report ICZSPR on 7027 kHz (I never saw any spot for the SIPRNet on this "off-band" channel....) Plus many more ALE loggings on 7 MHz etc. To get this bulletin visit their website http://www.iarums-r1.org ;-) Refer to the Italian AF net (CHARLY46): Has anyone any idea about the 2-figure idents? Some gave 53 as the "53 Stormo". But I can't identify all the other figues with other "Stormos" if I follows that format-rules. Maybe it is just luck that 53 matches with any 53 Stormo.. An other idea would be that CHARLY46 is short for any possible "real" callsign IEC46 ? and 53 is IEC53 or IED53 (if any) ?? Just an idea? Any comments? IDs? ideas? 73, Tom ==================================================================== 03155 13171: Moroccan Civil Protection 0542 ALE/USB SND. 14Mar08 (ALF) 03155 13181: Moroccan Civil Protection 0542 ALE/USB SND. 14Mar08 (ALF) 03095 XSS: TASCOMM NCS Forest Moor 0011 ALE/USB SND. 8Mar08 (ALF) 03328.4 C30: unid "MWT-Net" 2358 ALE/USB to M10 w/LQA. 7Mar08 (ALF) 03506.4 C30: unid "MWT-Net" 2347 ALE/USB to M10 w/LQA. 7Mar08 (ALF) 03533 TXX1: Guardia Civil NCS #1 2200a ALE/USB to TYVA2 (Alicante) w/LQA. 10Mar08 (ALF) 03587 TWVS2: Guardia Civil Salamanca (=EHG9) 0100a ALE/USB to TWBL2 (Lerida; =EHG38) w/LQA. 11Mar08 (ALF) 03598.4 C30: unid "MWT-Net" 2353 ALE/USB to M10 w/LQA. 7Mar08 (ALF) 04040 11032: Moroccan Civil Protection 0400a ALE/USB SND. 14Mar08 (ALF) 04040 11043: Moroccan Civil Protection 0152 ALE/USB SND. 14Mar08 (ALF) 05760 04004: unid 2026 ALE/USB SND. 13Mar08 (ALF) 05778.5 GM6: unid 0029 ALE/USB to STOC w/LQA. 14Mar08 (ALF) 05778.5 GMR: unid 0021 ALE/USB "[THIS IS] GMR". 14Mar08 (ALF) 05780 KBR: Georgian Military 0046 ALE/USB to 1BR w/LQA. 14Mar08 (ALF) 05780 : unid 0033 ALE/USB to AB1. 14Mar08 (ALF) GEO MIL ? 05780 : unid 0101 ALE/USB to SAS. 14Mar08 (ALF) GEO MIL ? 05874 1323: Moroccan Civil Protection 0454 ALE/USB SND. 8Mar08 (ALF) 05874 13081: Moroccan Civil Protection 2100a ALE/USB SND. 9Mar08 (ALF) 06205 1: unid 0448 ALE/USB SND. 11Mar08 (ALF) 06680 : unid 0200 ALE/USB to TORO. 14Mar08 (ALF) 06748 53: Italian Air Force 1204 ALE/USB to CHARLY46 w/LQA, who replied. 13Mar08 (ALF) 06837 220: unid 0033 ALE/USB to 221 w/LQA. 12Mar08 (ALF) 06877 240: unid 2009 ALE/USB to 242 w/LQA. 11Mar08 (ALF) (dl9aam - udxf 14/03/2008) 02608.4 FUO: French Navy, Toulon 1637 STANAG-4289/300L/5N12 Bricks tests. (12Mar08) (MPJ) 08810 UUD4: Prob Russian FAPSI 1503 FSK/MORSE UTN7 de UUD4 QSA4 QOR (send revs). Goes into REVS/50/1000 until 15:31 then UTN7 de UUD4 ZNN GB 73 SK and off-air. Was active here yesterday. Sent no traffic. On again 14 March at 14:56 with unreadable Morse, but same behaviour. (13Mar08) (MPJ) 11408 REA4: LRAF HQ Moscow 1141 FSK/MORSE Finishes 14011 sked ... ...17 87030 REA4 K. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 12376.5 : Unid Vessel 1153 GW-OFDM In traffic on input to 8PO-Bridgetown, Barbados. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 12431 BARLETTA: Italian Customs, Barletta, Puglia 1428 ALE/USB Calls TARANTO-GdF Taranto. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 12587.5 KAMAR99RS: Uzbek Military 1420 ALE/USB Calls KAMAR20RS1006. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 13985 : Russian Military (?) 1149 FSK/50/500 MORUZ printer. 7570 kHz also active. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 16804.5 9HOT3: Vessel Histria Emerald-Maltese Flag 1409 DSC Safety RQ to MRCC Capetown/ZSC. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 12577 H3YB: Positive Pioneer-Panamanian flag 1605 DSC Safety RQ and TR 1816N 06543E. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 12577 VRBW3: China Progress-PRC 1606 DSC Relays distress message allegedly originated by unlisted MMSI 422716000-Iran. Man overboard at 3916N 05024E (in the Caspian) at 15:52. Message also relayed by Akcaabat/TCOM4 4 times, Front Vanadis 9V5762 and CAMSLANT Chesapeake three times. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 12577 VRYO9: Saga Jandaia-PRC 1610 DSC Requests shore duplex telephone call via CAMSLANT Chesapeak, USA on 2148/2123.5 kHz USB. Apparently unproductive - tries New Orleans/NMG. (14Mar08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 14/03/2008) The Czech net on 5135 kHz seems to belong to their AF. This morning it was in contact with "ISF xxx", which looks like a Czech AF ISAF flight ? This net was a long time UNID for me, as I never saw any callsigns except "PRAHA", no CEF or anything else... 5889.5 kHz - The format looks like the M41 variant of the Russian Air Defence (PVO) tracking data, but this one used RPT before the repeat (PVO use "ABV") and the last 4 (PVO: 2?) digits looks like the time. Here "1524", which would/could mean UTC+2 hours (=Ukrainian time). Maybe that is the Ukrainian counter part of the Russian PVO ??? But I never read about any... ? - or maybe the 1524 is just "luck" and the real stop time is only "24", which could mean that this one is just another Russian M41 variant ??) And more "long time" UNIDs monitored again: The drilling (North African? LBY?) net on 5400 kHz and another RTTY 5LGs-msg-station with "end time" in UTC on 5761 kHz. Any comments? ideas? IDs? corrections? 73, Tom ======================================================================== 0505.15 DI2AT: 600m Experimental Beacon, Neunkirchen, D 0436 BPSK31 beacon "DI2AT JN59NO SERIES OF MODULATIONS EACH 5MIN CW CRSS1 CRSS3 DFCW3 PSK31 PSK08 MSK31 MSK08 QPSK31 FSK31 CHIRPED HELL - PLEASE QSL VIA DL3NDR at DARC.DE". 10/MAR/08 (DL8AAM) 03016 N18TM: US BIZ jet (of HFA Global LLC "for" SDA Enterprises, Inc. > SDA = "The S. Daniel Abraham Foundation") 0443 J3E/USB wkg Shanwick (NAT-A) w/req fr FL450; Bombardier BD-700-1A10 Global Express. 10Mar08 (ALF) 04553 CHARLY: Italian Navy vessel 2015 J3E/USB OM/EE+II wkg LIMA, BRAVO. 10Mar08 (ALF) 04900 : unid Italian (prob.) Pirates 1355 AM/A3E OMs/II sx talks abt technical radio topics, no typical "pirate chats". 9Mar08 (ALF) 05134 NRLZ: unid CIS Military 1403 CW "ML8Y(x1) de NRLZ(x1) K" & 5LGs QTC "... = 365 328 ZND 437 = ALQXX PPPPP ...". 9Mar08 (ALF) 05135 PRAHA: Czech Air Force Praha 0538 J3E/USB YL/Czech sx wkg "ISF xxx?" (ISAF Flight?) on channel "BRAVO 2". 14Mar08 (ALF) 05301 : Russian Military 1410 CW "... XXX WEGI WEGI 97675 KLIENTURA 4071 1138". 9Mar08 (ALF) 05324 CALORIE: unid FAF 1350 J3E/USB OM/FF vmm "Ceci est une emission de calorie destinee au reglage de vos recepteurs...", days, 61-69 & month names". 8/MAR/08 (DL8AAM) 05400.0 BRAVO 3: unid Drilling Net, prob. Northern Africa/LBY? 0448 J3E/USB EE/US accent clg BRAVO 7 & BRAVO 12. 8Mar08 (ALF) 05441 RCV: Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet HQ Sevastopol, UKR 0513 CW wkg RGZ58 fr QSA? 13Mar08 (ALF) 05761 : unid 1520 RTTY-ITA2/50/500 5LGs, end w/time "1520" (=UTC!) into short OP-chat "CFM NIL K SK" & s/off. 8Mar08 (ALF) 05889.5 : unid, prob. Russian Air Defence 1324 CW "VV..VV 722 19 4 9500 549 1015 228720 30 1524 RPT 722 19 4 9500 549 1015 228720 30 1524 K", 1333z mni handkeyed Vs & end w/"K"; T=0. 8Mar08 (ALF) 06951 FAV22: CSTEI Favieres, "Spooky CW Stn M51" via Vernon, F 1207 CW 5LGs "BT NR 50 M 04 13:07:44 1980 BT". 8/MAR/2008 (DL8AAM) 08906 N1NC: US BIZ jet (Broad River Aviation, Inc.) 1455 J3E/USB wkg Shanwick fr pos/rep "SEPAL 1451 on FL410, SIVIR 1510, RIVAK nxt", s/c BR-AQ, contact nxt Brest Control on 132.025 VHF; Dassault Falcon 2000EX. 8Mar08 (ALF) 10182.7 SSE: MFA Cairo, EGY 1428 ARQ s/c TVVM (Emb. Kuwait) into ATU80 tfc "... ijkgrk lxdh kdysh jo ktjm qgkd huXD". 9Mar08 (ALF) (dl8aam - udxf 14/03/2008) 05768.0 no-call: Swiss mission to the EU in Bruxelles, BEL 0742 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188- 110B serial tone, receiving crypto e-mail tfc fm Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (14Mar08) (LDO) 05768.0 no-call: MFA Bern, SUI 0850 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B 2G ALE/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone, crypto e-mail tfc. to Bruxelles, network using ALE with linking protection (14Mar08) (LDO) 07744.0 ----: UNID Turkish MIL network, 0900 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone/STANAG 4538 FLSU for link maintenance, encrypted data tfc at 600S+2400S (14Mar08) (LDO) 09226.0 ----: Egyptian Navy network, /// 1309 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone, encrypted frames @2400S using 8N1 coding, each frame begins with "START SEND" and ends with "END SEND", occasional analogue voice tfc in Arabic (14Mar08) (LDO) 10818.0 ----: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1648 32-tone MFSK, offline crypto traffic to unlocated Russian embassy on link 30044 (14Mar08) (LDO) 10930.0 ----: Turkish Navy network, /// 1348 USB/600Bd/400Hz FSK, KG-84 encrypted tfc., FSK centered at +1500 Hz (14Mar08) (LDO) 10998.0 -----: KBR Base Ops/Camp Anaconda, IRQ 1225 USB/ MIL-STD 188-141B 2G ALE, working 624819 with short radio check tfc. in analogue voice (14Mar08) (LDO) 10998.0 624819: UNID KBR truck in Iraq, IRQ 1225 USB/MIL- STD 188-141B 2G ALE, working Anaconda Base Ops, radio check tfc. in analogue voice (14Mar08) (LDO) 11413.0 ----: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1643 calling unlocated embassy using 6-tone alerting device (14Mar08) (LDO) 12768.0 ----: Moroccan MIL net, 1557 USB/MIL-STD 188- 110B App. B 39-tone modem tfc., stations sending offline crypto in 5 LGs via PSK modem, occasional use of 200Bd/200 Hz FSK ALE system, frequent voice coordination using a mix of French and Arabic (14Mar08) (LDO) 14485.5 XGG: UNID British MIL station, /// 1523 USB/MIL- STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone, encrypted tfc to XSS at 75S and 1200S (14Mar08) (LDO) 14485.5 XSS: Unlocated UK DHFCS NCS, /// 1526 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110B serial tone, rcvng crypto tfc fm XGG, ARQ ctrl frames at 600S (14Mar08) (LDO) (Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - udxf 14/03/2008) 07615.0 SAZ: unid 1654 USB/ALE clg GAS (13/MAR/08) (KK) 07620.0 MGELUGOR: Malaysian Ny 1700 LSB/ALE snd (13/MAR/08) (KK) 07661.0 003: unid PRC Diplo Station 1732 LSB/ALE clg 030, flwd by short PRC-Modem bursts (13/MAR/08) (KK) 07840.0 ENTRY7: unid 1900 USB/ALE snd (13/MAR/08) (KK) 04892.0 1PSPECNET212: POL Mil Net-212 1210 USB/ALE clg ZBBNET212, flwd by SerTone (14/MAR/08) (KK) 07840.0 ENTRY7: unid 1459 USB/ALE clg ENTRY8, also @15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 17:30, 18:30, 19:00 (14/MAR/08) (KK) 07615.0 GAS: unid 1733 USB/ALE clg SAZ (14/MAR/08) (KK) (Kristian, Germany - udxf 14/03/2008) 07839 T4Z6: 4/6 Air Cavalry, US Army, Iraq 2141 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 08000 TC7101: Unid 2024 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 08048 9056: Unid 2136 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 08056 T5Z158: 5/158 Aviation, US Army 2059 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 08162 035: Hungarian Military 2046 ALE/USB Calls 100. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 08192 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS 2014 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 10375 MOBILE23: GMRA Activity, Libya 1850 ALE/USB Calls HQ3-GMRA HQ Tripoli. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 10390 1318: Unid 1845 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Mar08) (MPJ) 10575 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS 1552 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Mar08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 15/03/2008) 11175 kHz USB 0122z: HF-GCS Station wkg "Reach 171," over South America. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 2872 kHz USB 0236z: "Gander" wkg "Lufthansa" flight for position report. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 2872 kHz USB 0247z: "Gander" wkg "Speedbird 445" flight for position report, Selcal check. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 2872 kHz USB 0248z: "Shanwick" wkg "051" flight for position report, Selcal check. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 2872 kHz USB 0330z: "Gander" wkg flight "662" (15Mar2008) (ALS). 2899 kHz USB 0146z: "Shanwick" wkg acft en route to EGPK (Prestwick, UK). (15Mar2008) (ALS). 2899 kHz USB 0239z: "Shanwick" wkg "Canforce 4119" for position report. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 3016 kHz USB 0132z: "Santa Maria" wkg flight for Selcal check on HREP. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 3016 kHz USB 0138z: "Santa Maria" wkg "Delta 100." (15Mar2008) (ALS). 3413 kHz USB 0201z: Volmet; wx reports: Hamburg, Franfurt. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 3455 kHz USB 0151z: "New York" wkg "Air Transat 501"; leaving FL340, climbing to FL360. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 3455 kHz USB 0335z: "New York" wkg "Martinair 636" for deviation from flight path. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 3455 kHz USB 0337z: "New York" wkg "N666TR" for position report; rqsts FL400. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 3455 kHz USB 0344z: "New York" wkg "Speedbird 208" for position report. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 3455 kHz USB 0345z: New York" wkg "Air Transat 516" for position report. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 3455 kHz USB 0346z: "New York" wkg "Air Transat 563" for Selcal check on ABCH. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 3455 kHz USB 0358z: "New York" wkg "United 873"; cleared to climb to FL330. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 3455 kHz USB 0401z "New York" wkg "Sunwing 411" at FL360; next position: Elizabeth City. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5520 kHz USB 0307z: "New York" wkg acft; tells acft to ctct Shanwick on freq 5598 at postion 40 West. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5550 kHz USB 0135z: "New York" QSYs flight to 5598. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5550 kHz USB 0309z: "New York" wkg flight "1505"; says 6586 is secondary freq; Selcal check. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5550 kHz USB 0311z: "New York" wkg "American 56" for position report; estimates BURTT at 0336; report next on freq 6586. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5550 kHz USB 0311z: "New York" wkg "Speedbird" flight for position report: BURTT at 0307. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5550 kHz USB 0312z: "New York" wkg "Cubana 400" for position report. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5550 kHz USB 0313z: "New York" wkg "American 56"; cleared direct to position PRISS; then contact on 128.5. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5550 kHz USB 0315z: "New York" wkg "Sunwing 411" for position report, Selcal check. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5550 kHz USB 0317z: "New York" wkg "Delta 121" for Selcal check on DGPR; reports New York station very weak on 6586. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5550 kHz USB 0319z: "New York" wkg flight "VPCFT"; estimates position 34 North, 60 West, FL330 at 0327z. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5550 kHz USB 0321z: "New York" repeatedly hails "Speedbird 208," by voice and Selcal, for revised clearance; no joy. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5550 kHz USB 0324z: "New York" wkg "Cubana 400" for position report: NANCE 0323z. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5550 kHz USB 0326z: "New York" clears "Martinair 640" to EHAM (Amsterdam), routing. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5598 kHz USB 0136z: "New York" working flight for Selcal check. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 5616 kHz USB 0256z: "Gander" hands off acft to Shanwick's 3016 freq. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 6586 kHz USB 0130z: "New York" wkg "Air Transat 501" for routing change. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 6586 kHz USB 0142z: "New York" wkg "Air Transat 491" for routing change. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 6586 kHz USB 0143z: "New York" wkg "Air Jamaica 95"; told to pass next position report on 3455. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 6586 kHz USB 0156z: "New York" wkg "American 1742" for postition report; hands off to freq 3455. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 6586 kHz USB 0206z: "New York" wkg "American 1567" for position report; Selcal check on FLRS. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 6586 kHz USB 0211z: "New York" wkg "American 586" for Selcal check on JSFG. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 6586 kHz USB 0217z: "New York" wkg "N666TR"; QSYs acft to 3455. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 6586 kHz USB 0220z: "New York" wkg "Speedbird 2262"; Selcal check on GJES; told to ctct on 5520 after passing 60 West. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 6586 kHz USB 0223z: "New York" wkg Flight "1455" for position report, revised routing to EDDL (Dusseldorf, Germany), Selcal check on EPAJ. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 6628 kHz USB 0301z: "New York" wkg "Air Europa" flight for position report, Selcal check; told to ctct Santa Maria on 2962 at 40 West. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 6628 kHz USB 0302z: "New York" wkg "Lufthansa 535"; tells flight to ctct Santa Maria on 2962. (15Mar2008) (ALS). 6640 kHz USB 0254z: "New York" wkg flight. (15Mar2008) (ALS). (A. Stern, USA - udxf 15/03/2008) 04618.5 CALORIE ff 0831 ITA2/50/100 test "301.302..." 15mar08 04713.5 ?? 0836 100/200 15mar08 04860.0 unid mil? 0840 NATO-75? 15mar08 05315.0 SAB 0843 GW-FSK nd 15mar08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 15/03/2008) 05400.0 unid 1431 CW crypté nombres & chiffres 15mar08 05565.0 pirates?pecheurs? 1635 USB eng accent? d/x coordonnées 15mar08 05782.0 unid 1638??? 15mar08 06365.5 unid 1644 50/800? 15mar08 06498.0 E10 1645 USB eng yl alpha 15mar08 06675.0 pirates 1649 LSB grec 15mar08 07821.7 unid embassade egy? 1655 ARQ tfc crypté 15mar08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 15/03/2008) 06500 13141: Moroccan Civil Protection 2300 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Mar08) (MPJ) 06902.5 1474: Arab Voice Net 2233 ALE/USB To 1919. (15Mar08) (MPJ) 06920 ENTRY7: 2131 ALE/USB Calls ENTRY8. Again at 21:11 and 21:47. (15Mar08) (MPJ) 06921 DD1: Israeli AF 2206 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Mar08) (MPJ) 07692 BD7: Unid 2114 ALE/USB To YM8. (15Mar08) (MPJ) 10240 RHI: Prob Saudi Net 1822 ALE/USB To AAI. (15Mar08) (MPJ) 10390 20111: Moroccan Civil Protection 1901 ALE/USB to 2522. (15Mar08) (MPJ) 10390 2204: Moroccan Civil Protection 1815 ALE/USB Sounds. 1326 and 2213 also sounding. (15Mar08) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 16/03/2008) 07759.0 IBADAN: Nig-NNPC 0253 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-14) (sw) 06881.5 1912: Unid (Arab voice net) 0351 ALE/USB clg 1717 (2008-03-14) (sw) 14550.0 F3: Mrc-Mil Royal Moroccan Army 1553 ALE/USB clg E4 (2008-03-14) (sw) 14550.0 F3: Mrc-Mil Royal Moroccan Army 1605 ALE/USB clg M3 (2008-03-14) (sw) 08950.0 4061: Unid (Tur-net) 1608 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-14) (sw) 04855.0 13241: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1611 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-14) (sw) 08600.0 13241: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1614 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-14) (sw) 18765.0 2416: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1621 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-14) (sw) 13499.0 20111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1623 ALE/USB clg 2524 (2008-03-14) (sw) 12065.0 1111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1626 ALE/USB clg 10111 (2008-03-14) (sw) 12065.0 10111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1626 ALE/USB clg 1111 (2008-03-14) (sw) 10160.0 1020: Unid (Tur-net) 1517 ALE/USB clg 5051 (2008-03-15) (sw) 08188.5 437817: Unid (437* net) 1544 ALE/USB sndg. (2008-03-15) (sw) 09200.0 13111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1709 ALE/USB clg 1111 (2008-03-15) (sw) 13499.0 2211: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1716 ALE/USB clg 1111 (2008-03-15) (sw) 06583.0 KBT: Geo-Mil 1721 ALE/USB clg SFS (2008-03-15) (sw) 03105.0 VR57: Alg-Mil 2317 ALE/USB clg RM40 (2008-03-15) (sw) 03235.0 CY51: Alg-Mil 2319 ALE/USB clg RM50 (2008-03-15) (sw) 04035.0 CY51: Alg-Mil 2323 ALE/USB clg RM50 (2008-03-15) (sw) 03390.0 XA33: Alg-Mil 2324 ALE/USB clg MDN (2008-03-15) (sw) 03390.0 MDN: Alg-Mil 2324 ALE/USB clg XA33 (2008-03-15) (sw) 04035.0 CY53: Alg-Mil 2326 ALE/USB clg RM50 (2008-03-15) (sw) 05365.0 BD22: Alg-Mil 2326 ALE/USB clg RM20 (2008-03-15) (sw) 03105.0 VR53: Alg-Mil 2328 ALE/USB clg RM40 (2008-03-15) (sw) 03105.0 VR57: Alg-Mil 2335 ALE/USB clg VR60 (2008-03-15) (sw) 03105.0 VR60: Alg-Mil 2335 ALE/USB clg VR57 (2008-03-15) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 16/03/2008) 031208 0152 6697 USB 'Black Flag' Passing an EAM. USN freq 031208 0250 6697 USB 'Black Flag' Passing EAM 031208 0204 4479 AM Cuban V2a w/ poor audio & hum on carrier 031208 0416 4331 CW 4XZ 5L msg 031208 0433 4113 CW FL Pirate beacon 031208 0444 4094.3 CW PA Pirate beacon 031208 0520 4089 CW Dasher beacon, sending about 80 dashes/min 031208 0532 4096 CW 4.5 second dasher beacon, located Joshua Tree NP 031208 0534 4096.3 CW 1 dash/sec beacon, Joshua Tree NP 031208 0534 4096.6 CW 2 dash/sec beacon, Mojave Nat'l preserve 031208 0555 4102.3 CW W Wind beacon, sends W & variable speed of dits depending on how strong the wind is blowing at the bcn location 031208 0606 6501 USB NMN Automated voice w/ WX broadcast, no space between "knots" & "seas" making it sound like "nazis" 031208 0613 4079.7 CW TMP Temperature beacon rpting TMP54. Later sent TMP53. 031208 1619 17515 AM Cuban V2a w/ 5F msgs 031208 1700 17435 AM Cuban V2a w/ 23554 70132 63340 callup & 5F msgs 031208 2007 8788//8806 USB WLO WX 031208 2013 8918 USB 'New York' ATC Wking Delta 57 031208 2037 10945 RTTY 75/850 CFH NAWS tape 031308 0345 3294 USB Fishing vessels chatting 031308 0355 5493 USB Clover 2000 signals 031308 0407 4316 USB NMN WX bdcst 031308 0408 3450 CW OK Pirate beacon 031308 0414 4096 CW Three beacons, one with 1 sec dashes, one with 2 sec dashes, and one with 4.5 sec dashes 031308 0417 4102.3 CW W The wind beacon, W & dits 031308 0434 4235 FAX NMF WX chart 031308 0435 4271 RTTY 75/850 CFH WX 031308 0900 9040 PSK220F Cuban SK01 sked passing number msg 031308 0900 8180 RDFT Cuban RDFT signal, passed file 11269744.txt (N2UHC - udxf 16/03/2008) 06604.0 WSY70 new york volmet Id 0643 USB "philadelphie,jfk,newark..." bonne audio 16mar08 06365.4 unid 0703 50/800?? nd 16mar08 06427.0 VCS halifax 0708 GW-FSK nd 16mar08 06467.0 LFI 0710 GW-FSK nd 16mar08 06489.0 unid 0712 75/820 nd 16mar08 06543.0 pirates 0714 USB esp d/x "zapatero..." 16mar08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 16/03/2008) 06786.0 V2 cuba 0720 AM esp yl nombres 16mar08 07418.5 unid 0726 ?? conversation? cryptée?? 16mar08 07836.0 unid 0737 50/180?? arq e à l'oreille? 16mar08 08259.0 unid navire 0740 USB ukrain? d/x 16mar08 08357.5 unid navire 0744 CW slave tfc 16mar08 08412.0 IDR 0746 ITA2/75/840 carbs 16mar08 08609.0 unid mil? 0748 NATO75? 75/200 16mar08 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 16/03/2008) 2.153,20 DH.. - Neustadt D DCG SITOR 100/170 15-mar 2312 TFC TED/WKG "BP25" - (BC) 2.224,15 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 300/180 15-mar 2231 N-D - (BC) 2.266,00 U... - ..... CIS MILITARE RUS-SYS 75/250 15-mar 2233 N-D - (BC) 2.348,00 U... - ..... CIS MILITARE RUS-SYS 75/250 15-mar 2235 N-D - (BC) 2.350,50 IDR DELTA ROMEO Roma I IN J3E/USB 15-mar 2239 TFC ITA/ING SIMPLEX (BC) 2.350,50 IDR DELTA ROMEO Roma I IN STANAG-4285/600L/USB 15-mar 2237 TFC KRY SIMPLEX 'UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUÏ' (BC) 2.350,50 ID.. N4K - AIRCRAFT - I IN J3E/USB 15-mar 2242 CLG/WKG IDR - (BC) 2.435,00 U... - ..... CIS MILITARE RUS-SYS 75/250 15-mar 2247 N-D - (BC) 2.443,90 EP.. BPXL ..... IRN IrnN BAUDOT 75/850 15-mar 2250 TFC KRY - (BC) 2.575,00 U... - ..... CIS MILITARE RUS-SYS 75/250 15-mar 2255 N-D - (BC) 2.887,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA AIR (CAR-A) J3E/USB 16-mar 0020 WKG "REACH ...." - (BC) 3.300,00 7U.. RM30 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 15-mar 2309 SEND MSGS TO "BJ30" - (BC) 3.313,00 7U.. AC05 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 16-mar 0013 CLG "RM01" - (BC) 3.313,00 7U.. CB01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 16-mar 0711 CLG "CB03" - (BC) 3.313,00 7U.. KM01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 16-mar 0654 CLG "KM02" - (BC) 3.313,00 7U.. KM02 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 16-mar 0029 CLG "KM01" - (BC) 3.313,00 7U.. KM02 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 16-mar 0029 SEND MSGS TO "KM01" - (BC) 3.313,00 7U.. RM01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-mar 2317 CLG "TD01" - (BC) 3.313,00 7U.. TD01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-mar 2317 CLG "RM01" - (BC) 3.313,00 7U.. XT01 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 15-mar 2348 CLG "RM01" - (BC) 3.314,00 R... - ..... CIS CISAF CW 15-mar 2314 TFC '=99T32 (BC) 3.341,00 U... - ..... CIS MILITARE RUS-SYS 75/250 15-mar 2319 N-D - (BC) 3.352,00 U... - ..... CIS MILITARE RUS-SYS 75/250 15-mar 2321 N-D - (BC) 3.379,00 ..... 3XZZ ..... - [...] CW 15-mar 2323 CLG/WKG "JQYV" - (BC) 3.379,00 ..... JQY4 ..... - [...] CW 15-mar 2328 WKG "3XZZ" - (BC) 3.626,50 FDG - Bordeaux F FAF BAUDOT 50/85 15-mar 2328 TEST 'CECI EST UNE EMISSIONE DE CALORIE DESTINEE AU ....' (BC) 3.665,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 15-mar 2334 TFC - (BC) 4.014,40 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 40,5/500 15-mar 2340 N-D - (BC) 4.052,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 15-mar 2345 TFC - (BC) 4.141,70 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 15-mar 2348 N-D - (BC) 4.325,00 FUB - Paris F FN FSK 50/850 15-mar 2352 N-D - (BC) 4.345,70 - ..... - [...] STANAG-4285/USB 15-mar 2353 TFC KRY - (BC) 4.424,90 U... - ..... CIS MIL CIS 81-81 40,5/500 14-mar 1810 N-D - (BC) 4.428,00 - ..... - MIL NATO 75/850 15-mar 2358 N-D - (BC) 4.434,00 U... - ..... CIS MIL RUS-SYS 75/250 15-mar 2359 N-D - (BC) 4.553,20 ID.. ALFA - SHIP - ? I IN J3E/USB 16-mar 0007 TFC ING/ITA - (BC) 4.553,20 ID.. ALFA - SHIP - ? I IN STANAG-4285/600L/USB 16-mar 0001 TFC KRY - (BC) 4.553,20 ID.. CHARLIE - SHIP - ? I IN J3E/USB 16-mar 0007 WKG "ALFA" - (BC) 4.553,20 ID.. NOVEMBER - SHIP - ? I IN J3E/USB 16-mar 0008 WKG "ALFA" - (BC) 4.553,20 ID.. VICTOR - SHIP - ? I IN J3E/USB 16-mar 0007 WKG "ALFA" - (BC) 5.000,00 YVTO - Caracas VEN TS J3E/USB 16-mar 0013 V-M/TIME 'OSSERVATORIO NAVAL CARACAS' (BC) 5.022,00 U... - ..... CIS [...] BEE/36-50 50/220 16-mar 0015 IDLE - (BC) 5.388,50 KAH63 SL1 Saint Louis,MO USA FBI ALE/USB 16-mar 0428 SOUND - (BC) 5.388,50 KGG85 WF1 Washington,DC USA FBI ALE/USB 16-mar 0242 CLG "NY1" - (BC) 5.517,00 SUC CAIRO RADIO Cairo EGY ACC/FIC (AFI-3) J3E/USB 16-mar 0024 CLG/WKG Tripoli - (BC) 5.565,00 6VU DAKAR INFO Dakar/Leopold Sedar Senghor SEN ACC/FIC (SAT) J3E/USB 16-mar 0059 WKG "PORTUGAL 15" - (BC) 5.598,00 KEA5 NEW YORK Riverhead,NY USA AIR (NAT-A) J3E/USB 16-mar 0029 WKG "REACH 648" - (BC) 5.616,00 VFG - Gander,NFLD CAN AIR (NAT-B) J3E/USB 16-mar 0058 WKG "553" - (BC) 5.658,00 AWB MUMBAI RADIO Mumbai IND ACC (AFI-3,MID-2) J3E/USB 16-mar 0054 TFC ING - (BC) 5.667,00 A9C BAHARAIN CONTROL Muhurroq BHR ACC (MID-1/2) J3E/USB 16-mar 0048 WKG "SAUDIA ..." - (BC) 6.535,00 ZKAK 05 Auckland NZL AIR ACARS 13-mar 1820 SQUITTERS 1823,1908 SQUITTERS (BC) 6.652,00 KKY7 16 Agana GUM AIR ACARS 13-mar 1907 SQUITTERS 1914,1925,2056 SQUITTERS (BC) 6.771,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 13-mar 1746 TFC ARA - (BC) 6.838,00 7U.. ST11 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 13-mar 1734 CLG "ST10" - (BC) 6.838,00 7U.. XL10 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 14-mar 1747 CLG "XL17" - (BC) 6.838,00 7U.. XL12 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 12-mar 2105 CLG "XL10" - (BC) 6.838,00 7U.. XL15 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 12-mar 1902 CLG "XL12" - (BC) 6.838,00 7U.. XL17 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 14-mar 1747 CLG "XL10" - (BC) 6.838,00 7U.. XL18 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 13-mar 1744 CLG "XL20" - (BC) 6.838,00 7U.. XL20 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 13-mar 1744 CLG "XL18" - (BC) 6.853,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 15-mar 0834 GR(A) - (BC) 6.948,00 U... - ..... CIS [...] BEE/36-50 50/250 12-mar 1827 TFC KRY - (BC) 7.480,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 100/476 15-mar 0830 N-D - (BC) 7.527,00 NM.. 708 - HC-130H - USA USCG ALE/USB 16-mar 0601 SOUND - (BC) 7.657,00 U... - ..... CIS MILITARE BEE/36-50 50/195 15-mar 0826 TFC KRY - (BC) 7.740,00 ..... - ..... - [...] CW 13-mar 1804 TFC - (BC) 7.756,70 SSE.. - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 13-mar 1801 TFC ARA/S-OFF - (BC) 7.905,40 AA.. T1Z ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 13-mar 1808 SOUND - (BC) 7.905,40 AA.. T2Z3 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 13-mar 1757 SOUND 1859,2000 SOUND (BC) 7.938,50 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 13-mar 1753 GR(A) 'NR 2 M 13 18:58:48 1980 BT IGUKS WPQQD ....' (BC) 7.954,00 5O.. 9111 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 13-mar 1943 SOUND - (BC) 7.954,00 5O.. 911911 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 13-mar 1816 CLG "9117" - (BC) 7.954,00 5O.. 911914 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 13-mar 2001 CLG "911911" - (BC) 8.000,00 AA.. AA214 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 03-mar 0551 SOUND - (BC) 8.000,00 AA.. R4637 - HELO - - USARMY ALE/USB 03-mar 1635 CLG "TC2Z3" - (BC) 8.000,00 AA.. T2Z238 ..... - USARMY ALE/USB 03-mar 0608 SOUND - (BC) 8.000,00 ..... 005 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-mar 1604 SOUND - (BC) 8.000,00 ..... 129 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-mar 1234 CLG "121" - (BC) 8.000,00 ..... 2211 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-mar 0614 SOUND - (BC) 8.000,00 ..... 2214 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-mar 1825 SOUND - (BC) 8.000,00 ..... 2215 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-mar 1458 SOUND - (BC) 8.000,00 ..... 223 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 03-mar 0558 SOUND - (BC) 8.001,00 5O.. 611613 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 14-mar 2230 CLG "611611" 2247 CLG "611611" (BC) 8.058,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 14-mar 1805 CLG "224" - (BC) 8.162,00 HG.. 035 ..... HNG HngF ALE/USB 15-mar 0718 CLG "082" 0748 CLG "100" (BC) 8.162,00 HG.. 100 ..... HNG HngF ALE/USB 15-mar 0704 CLG "035" - (BC) 8.582,00 PWX33 - Rio de Janeiro B BN BAUDOT 75/850 14-mar 2238 WX - (BC) 8.600,00 XSV - Tianjin CHN RADIO CW 14-mar 2233 CQ DE/WX - (BC) 8.740,00 LSD836 ARGENTINA RADIO Buenos Aires ARG RADIO J3E/USB 14-mar 2144 TLF - (BC) 8.913,00 9PL - Kinshasa COD AIR (R7B) J3E/USB 14-mar 2155 WKG Lumunbashi - (BC) 8.913,00 9PE - Lumunbashi COD AIR (R7B) J3E/USB 14-mar 2155 WKG Kinshasa - (BC) 8.996,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 14-mar 1759 TFC ARA SIMPLEX (BC) 9.067,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170 11-mar 1712 TFC ARA - (BC) 9.067,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 11-mar 1710 CLG Kampala - (BC) 9.069,80 ..... 6701 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 12-mar 1830 SOUND - (BC) 9.069,80 ..... 7201 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 12-mar 1806 SOUND - (BC) 9.102,70 SSE.. KDBFCLJ Khartoum SDN AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 11-mar 1718 WKG Cairo - (BC) 9.142,00 5O.. 9111 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 12-mar 1729 CLG "911911" - (BC) 9.142,00 5O.. 9113 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 11-mar 1735 SOUND - (BC) 9.142,00 5O.. 9117 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 12-mar 1919 SOUND - (BC) 9.142,00 5O.. 911913 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 12-mar 1825 CLG "911911" - (BC) 9.143,50 ..... CLIENT23 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 12-mar 1800 CLG "SUPERMASTER" - (BC) 9.143,50 ..... SUPERMASTER ..... - [...] ALE/USB 12-mar 1725 CLG "CLIENT23" - (BC) 9.185,00 ..... @I8 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 15-mar 0717 CLG "VSM" - (BC) 9.200,00 CN.. 11043 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-mar 0749 SOUND - (BC) 9.200,00 CN.. 2419 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-mar 0811 SOUND - (BC) 9.200,00 CN.. 2514 ..... MRC MDC ALE/USB 15-mar 0749 SOUND - (BC) 9.251,00 M... - Nicosia CYP BI J3E/USB 14-mar 2138 GR(N) ING - (BC) 9.260,00 FAV22 - Mont Valerien F FA CW 14-mar 1754 GR(A) 'NR 47 M 12 18:56:15 1980 BT VQIMK UQLEF TMKIF .....' (BC) 10.135,00 HZ.. RCP ..... ARS ArsAF ALE/USB 11-mar 1730 CLG "NAP" - (BC) 10.135,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 11-mar 1730 TFC ARA/FRA SIMPLEX (BC) 10.160,00 ..... 3771 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-mar 1314 SOUND - (BC) 10.160,00 ..... 4017 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-mar 1513 SOUND - (BC) 10.160,00 ..... 9843 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 05-mar 1538 CLG "9857" - (BC) 10.168,70 SSE.. - Conakry GUI AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 12-mar 1810 WKG Cairo (9046,7) (BC) 10.182,00 SP.. KSM042 ..... - PoF ALE/USB 11-mar 2001 CLG "TOP022" - (BC) 10.182,00 SP.. MIX026 ..... - PoF ALE/USB 11-mar 1736 CLG "KSM024" - (BC) 10.182,00 SP.. OLI021 ..... - PoF ALE/USB 11-mar 1736 CLG "RIE039" - (BC) 10.182,00 SP.. RIE039 ..... - PoF ALE/USB 11-mar 1915 CLG "TOP022UWZ123" - (BC) 10.184,70 SSE... - ..... - DIPLO EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 12-mar 1755 TFC ARA - (BC) 10.241,00 - ..... - MILITARE STANAG-4285/USB 14-mar 1748 TFC KRY - (BC) 10.263,00 RHQ2 - ..... RUS [...] CW 15-mar 0723 TFC/GR(N) - (BC) 10.535,00 RDL - Smolensk RUS CISN BEE/36-50 50/250 01-mar 1750 TFC KRY - (BC) 10.687,00 5O.. 611615 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 12-mar 1748 CLG "611611" - (BC) 10.703,00 5O.. 991991 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 11-mar 1746 SOUND - (BC) 10.703,00 5O.. 991992 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 11-mar 1744 CLG "991991" - (BC) 10.715,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 12-mar 1744 TFC JAP ??? SIMPLEX (BC) 10.751,60 - ..... - MILITARE STANAG-4285/USB 14-mar 1744 TFC KRY - (BC) 11.042,70 PBC - Goeree HOL HoN STANAG-4285/USB 11-mar 1805 TFC KRY - (BC) 11.067,00 ..... - ..... - [...] BAUDOT 50/200 15-mar 0726 TFC KRY - (BC) 11.226,00 AFA ADW Camp Springs,MD USA USAF ANDREWS AFB ALE/USB 14-mar 1848 SOUND - (BC) 11.226,00 AFE81 HAW Wideawake ASC USAF ALE/USB 14-mar 1814 SOUND - (BC) 11.226,00 AIE GUA Barrigada GUM USAF ANDERSEN AFB ALE/USB 14-mar 1733 SOUND - (BC) 11.226,00 AJE CRO Croughton G USAF ALE/USB 14-mar 1813 SOUND - (BC) 11.226,00 CUW PLA Lajes AZR USAF ALE/USB 14-mar 1839 SOUND - (BC) 11.226,00 MTS MPA Port Stanley FLK RAF/USAF ALE/USB 14-mar 2004 SOUND - (BC) 11.226,00 NKW JDG Diego Garcia DGA USN ALE/USB 14-mar 1902 SOUND - (BC) 11.226,00 NRR JNR Roosvelt Roads PTR USN SALINAS AB ALE/USB 14-mar 1841 SOUND - (BC) 11.226,00 NSY ICZ Sigonella I USN ALE/USB 14-mar 1804 SOUND - (BC) 11.232,00 CHR - Trenton,ONT CAN CF MACS J3E/USB 12-mar 1730 TFC ING/WX - (BC) 11.384,00 EIP 07 Shannon IRL AIR ACARS 11-mar 1813 SQUITTERS - (BC) 12.133,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ???/USB 11-mar 1815 N-D SIMPLEX ALE LIKE (BC) 12.428,40 P7.. - ..... - DIPLO COREANA FSK 600/600 15-mar 0730 N-D - (BC) 12.685,20 - ..... - MILITARE STANAG-4285/USB 15-mar 0734 TFC KRY - (BC) 12.905,20 - ..... - MILITARE STANAG-4285/USB 12-mar 1714 TFC KRY - (BC) 16.011,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 03-mar 0728 TFC ARA 10585 CLG/WKG Manama (BC) (Bruno Casula, Italy - udxf 16/03/2008) 5388.5 OPS8 : unid 19:23 USB/ALE Calling OPSTK0 (13 Mar)(PPA) 5390.0 --- : unid probably North african net 19:24 J3E/USB french conversations ,transmitters did have a 1200 hz roger pip (13 Mar)(PPA) 6742.0 AAA : Airforce HQ Tel-Aviv ISR 18:18 USB/ALE sounding (13 Mar)(PPA) 6742.0 --- : probably ISR-AF 18:22 J3E/USB English operator with headings and spelled code names like WALF1 GANC1 EBNA1 (13 Mar)(PPA) 6792.0 0000210682 : Greek police GRC 17:45 USB/ALE sounding (13 Mar)(PPA) 5542.0 T1CAB : 1st Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade IRQ 18:50 USB/ALE sounding (14 Mar)(PPA) 5542.0 T1Z6 : 1st Battalion 6th Aviation regiment IRQ 19:30 USB/ALE sounding (14 Mar)(PPA) 5542.0 T4Z6 : 4th Battalion 6th Aviation regiment IRQ 18:55 USB/ALE sounding (14 Mar)(PPA) 5542.0 T3CAB : 3rd Infantry Division Combat Aviation Brigade IRQ 19:32 USB/ALE sounding (14 Mar)(PPA) 5542.0 T1Z1 : 1st Batalion 1st Aviation regiment IRQ 18:45 USB/ALE sounding (14 Mar)(PPA) 5500.0 QV5B : unid military CHN 19:41 CW/A1A V 7NPE 7NPE 7NPE DE QV5B QV5B (14 Mar)(PPA) 5655.0 --- : Manila aero PHL 21:08 J3E/USB Calling Singapore 7963 (14 Mar)(PPA) 10238.8 RHN : presumed Saudi military ARS 11:03 ARQ-E/46,1/170 idling on circuit to AAN (15 Mar)(PPA) 13089.0 NMN : USCG Portsmouth USA 16:19 J3E/USB Weather given by computer voice (15 Mar)(PPA) 8968.0 JDGSPR : NSF Diego garcia SIPRNET access node DGA 08:21 USB/ALE sounding (16 Mar)(PPA) 12372.0 --- : unid Asian phone net 13:30 USB/J3E duplex phone net several family phonecalls one side audible (16 Mar)(PPA) 12392.0 --- : unid Asian phone net 14:01 USB/J3E Simplex phone net,auto phone calls without operator (16 Mar)(PPA) 10930.0 --- : unid Asian phone net 15:45 USB/J3E Phone call in presumed Chinese (16 Mar)(PPA) (Peter Poelstra, Holland - udxf 16/03/2008) - N.D.B. 08 23:48 333 VO 334.049 981 Vodochody/Pan Brezany, CZE 08 23:40 333 GFC 333.413 1150 Statoil Gulfaks C Platform, XOE 08 23:29 333 G 333.407 2138 Kemi/Tomio, FIN 08 23:33 334 MOS 332.992 1669 Mostaganem, ALG 08 23:52 335 L 336.024 1228 Getafe/Madrid, ESP 08 23:43 335 BL 333.975 1402 Y Budapest, HNG 08 23:54 337 VRN 336.012 1864 Vranje, SRB 08 22:35 355 ARB 353.856 3957 Ardabil, IRN 08 22:32 393 RST 394.026 4109 Rasht, IRN 08 21:05 394 NV 394.004 480 Nevers/Fourchambault, FRA 08 20:57 395 OA 395.398 309 Amsterdam/Schipol, HOL 08 20:51 397 LZD 396.603 29 Lydd/Kent(ex LYX), ENG /397.412 08 20:34 402 OP 401.597 283 Brussels National, BEL /402.398 (Peter Conway, U.K. - ndblist 10/03/2008) 2008 03 09 0018 293.0 OB Brussels National BEL 699 Y 2008 03 09 0047 402.0 OP Brussels National BEL 700 Y (Franti?ek Muller, Praha, Czech Republic - ndblist 10/03/2008) It's 0516 utc, and a quick check of 529 LYQ has it at strong level--am hearing the ident, and even the voice weather broadcast--the first time I've heard the voice message. Even the ident is easily heard in wide SSB mode. (Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 10/03/2008) Last night had quite a bit of static, just barely could use the narrow audio filter. Remnants of the better conditions of the previous several days but nothing new heard, though TAB heard again. This morning had a few Pacifics along with some of Fred M.'s Japanese for a short time. Overall, Pacific conditions were fairly poor today with rapid fading on most signals. 214 XA JPN 1406 very poor -1022 DAID 260 NF NFK 1334 faint/very poor -402 283 UZG CUB 0644 +864 323 TAB TRD 0641 -414 327 VYI HWA 1408 very poor -1041 332 POA HWA 1339 medium -1022 353 LLD HWA 1342 loud -402 359 NDJ MHL 1343 weak +1019 366 PNI FSM 1344 poor +1016 369.5 NI JPN 1356 very poor +1018 DAID 370 LMS HND 0610 -1028 370 UCM CUB 0621 368.825 373 HHI HWA 1414 very poor +1055 373 PQ JPN 1345 very poor +1020 DAID 375 TKK FSM 1347 very poor/poor +1017 376.5 NA JPN 1351 very poor/poor +1020 DAID 377.5 MO OCE 1349 faint/very poor 412 SON VUT 1402 very poor/poor 420 CFY SC 0615 +1015 (not +1031) 530 ADK ALS 1405 medium/loud (Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 10/03/2008) 2008-03-07 20:44 1025 US Muravlyanka RUS 1307 km 1006 hPa 2008-03-08 17:02 493 RW Maryino RUS 1210 1003 hPa 2008-03-08 17:05 490 WAK Vakarel BUL 1680 2008-03-08 17:23 778 GR Krasnrhad UKR 1417 2008-03-08 17:27 474 RZ Rzesnov POL 837 2008-03-09 16:14 975 GD Maloye-Skuratevo RUS 1230 999 hPa 2008-03-09 16:22 680 RK Naryan-Mar RUS -1020 2070 NEW 2008-03-09 16:26 905 ZG Zelenga RUS - 1020 2381 NEW 2008-03-09 16:33 705 PA Parutyne UKR -1020 1487 NEW 2008-03-10 16:14 885 KR Kirishi RUS 813 995 hPa 2008-03-10 16:18 830 SW Shepetivka UKR 988 2008-03-10 17:28 887 W Moscow-Domododewo RUS 1200 2008-03-10 17:31 735 KW Koviagy UKR 1382 2008-03-10 17:34 718 SL Soloviika UKR 1069 (sm1wxc - ndblist 10/03/2008) 460.0 BHL : UNID (XUU) new 458.970 – Upper offset barely audible around 461.020 ID+5’’ gap Weak and burried in the noise, but readable. (Patrice Privat, France - ndblist 10/03/2008) 09 23:40 340 FOG 341.017 1557 Foggia (fg), ITA 09 23:25 342 PES 340.980 1401 Pescara, ITA 09 23:44 343 KUS 344.048 1633 Kaunas, LTU 09 23:42 343 HBC 343.926 594 Halfdan B (Maersk), XOE 09 23:47 345 VI 346.036 1183 Vigo, ESP 09 23:51 348 ZK 346.973 1342 Y Zadar, HRV 09 23:48 348 TPL 346.909 1685 Topola, SRB {Peter Conway, U.K. - ndblist 11/03/2008) 03 10 11:06 395 WF Xiliuhetun, China, -1007 Hz, medium, new 03 10 11:09 339 VC Tsushima, Japan, DAID, +1021 Hz, medium, new 03 10 11:15 398 ON Erabu, Japan, DAID, -1020 Hz, +1020 Hz, weak, new 03 10 11:30 400 KW Vladivostok, Russia, vy slow CW, -1010 Hz, weak, new 03 10 11:45 403 JB Zangangzhen, China, -1046 Hz, weak, new 03 10 11:52 405 MD Minami Daito, Japan, -1020 Hz, +1020 Hz, DAID, strong, new 03 10 12:07 411 RG Unid, 30-second interval, repeats twice, -1036 Hz, new 03 10 19:45 413 KN Dongshan, China, -1127 Hz, +1126 Hz, repeats twice, strong, new 03 10 19:45 410 FO Baiyun, China, +1057 Hz, strong, new* 03 10 20:15 414 FC Fujiazhuang, China, -1049 Hz, +1030 Hz, strong 03 10 20:20 415 KW Hengchun, Taiwan, -1022 Hz, +1023 Hz, medium 03 10 20:30 413 CR Cam Rahn, Vietnam, +1021 Hz, weak, new 03 10 20:40 420 G Nanjing/Lukou, China, +1000 Hz, medium, new 03 10 20:42 427 P Unid, repeats twice (could be PP), -1108 Hz, +1093 Hz, strong, new 03 10 20:50 429 M Unid, -1006 Hz, (doesn`t repeat twice), medium, new (KA1DGL - ndblist 11/03/2008) > 03 10 20:42 427 P Unid,repeats twice (could be PP), -1108 Hz, +1093 Hz, strong, new P-427.0 Shenyang/Taoxian CHN N41 38 18 E123 29 06 PN11RP > 03 10 20:50 429 M Unid, -1006Hz, (doesn??t repeat twice), medium, new M-429.0 Xi'an/Xianyang CHN N34 27 36 E108 46 18 OM44JL By the way: good going with your German :-) Kaiserslautern ist ungefaehr 35 km Luftlinie (as the crow flies) von meinem kleinen Dorf Roschbach entfernt. (Michael Oexner, Germany = ndblist 11/03/2008) 2008-03-10 21:30 335 DP Dnipopetrovsk UKR + 1020 1480 km 126 degr 995 hPa NEW 2008-03-10 21:37 360 BD Bogdanova RUS 1145 83 2008-03-10 21:40 370 RT Moscow-Ramenskoe RUS 1214 91 2008-03-10 21:43 425 HJ Mamadysk RUS + 1020 2000 81 NEW (offset + 800 in REU) 2008-03-10 21:45 427 OH Seratov-Tsentralny RUS - 1020 1866 98 NEW 2008-03-10 21:53 414 SB Sambek RUS 1774 118 (sm1wxc - ndblist 11/03/2008) 11 05:50 214 CHX 968 1020 Choix, MEX 11 05:55 215 CSZ 1025 1021 7.2 Crossroads, TX, USA 11 06:08 217 HZD 994 Huntingdon, TN, USA 11 06:22 222 CUW 1018 4.7 Chihuahua, MEX (Douglas S., TX, USA - ndblist 11/03/2008) 2008-03-11 0247 395 GD Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, -945 2008-03-11 0259 375 ZIN Great Inaugua, Bahamas, -1060 2008-03-11 0300 375 GUA Guatemala City, Guatemala, +956 2008-03-11 0304 385 TKL Tikal, Guatemala, +1020 2008-03-11 0307 370 UCM Camaguey, Cuba, -1188 2008-03-11 0339 280 MPG Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico, -987 2008-03-11 0341 278 SRE Seminole, Oklahoma, +1013 2008-03-11 0345 248 MBJ Montego Bay, Jamaica, -1030 2008-03-11 0419 221 CHI Chiles, Costa Rica, +970 2008-03-11 0440 251 OEA Vincennes, Indiana, +1060 2008-03-11 0505 269 LRT Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, NEW, -1036, 1386 miles, 3.64 sec cycle, 22nd TN (w7kam - ndblist 11/03/2008) 260 NF NFK 1353 very poor/poor -402 317 VYI HWA 1324 very poor -1042 332 POA HWA 1357 medium/loud -1022 352 RG CKS 1331 poor -1026 353 LLD HWA 1332 loud -403 359 NDJ MHL 1335 poor +1020 366 PNI FSM 1336 weak +1017 366 SF NZL 1401 very poor +1038 373 HHI HWA 1338 very poor/poor +1055 373 PQ JPN 1337 very poor DAID +1019 377.5 MO OCE 1339 very poor/poor DAID 400 MDY MDW 1345 poor/weak -404 403 TUT SMA 1346 very poor -1034 412 SON VUT 1346 poor/weak +1024 530 ADK ALS 1349 poor -1040 (Steve R, Oregon, USA - ndblist 11/03/2008) 03-11 1158 260 NF Norfolk Island AUS poor -400 03-11 1217 366 PNI Pohnpei, FSM clear +1022 03-10 1317 353 LLD Lanai City, HI loud +406 03-10 1318 332 POA Pahoa, HI clear -1018 03-10 1321 400 MDY Midway, MDW poor -400 03-11 1229 530 ADK Adak Island, AK poor +1036 03-10 1337 373 PQ Tateyama, JPN very poor +1020 03-10 1340 214 XA Oshima, JPN very poor -1015 (Jack Waldport, Oregon, USA - ndblist 11/03/2008) 09.03.2008 0010 308,00 G Minsk 2 +1020 BLR 09.03.2008 0011 310,00 NO Kiev Borispol -1020 UKR 03.03.2008 0211 311,00 NSN Niederstetten -1020 D 09.03.2008 0021 320,00 KR UNID 1020+ XUU 07.03.2008 0210 320,00 PZ UNID -1020+ XUU 03.03.2008 0215 324,00 MOU Moulins 0 F 09.03.2008 0212 329,00 PRS Palermo/Punta Raisi -1020+ I 09.03.2008 0210 331,00 DEC Decimomannu 1020+ I 09.03.2008 0009 333,00 GFC Statoil Gullfaks C Platform 400+ IW new 09.03.2008 0209 333,00 PI Schwerin-Parchim -1020 D 08.03.2008 2312 345,00 BHM Bleo Holm / Bluewater Eng. -400 IW new 09.03.2008 0109 361,00 GUY Guernsey 400- G 07.03.2008 0020 384,00 ADX Andraitx/ Palma de Mallorca -1020 E 09.03.2008 0219 392,00 AS Angers/Marce 0 F 09.03.2008 0218 396,00 ROC Rochefort St. Agnant 0 F new 10.03.2008 0150 405,00 BIC Briare/Chatillon 0 F 10.03.2008 0150 407,00 PN Palanga -1020 LTU 07.03.2008 0219 419,00 HY Vaasa -400 FIN 07.03.2008 0219 420,00 KN Kobona 1020+ RUS 07.03.2008 0218 420,00 SS Malmo Sturup 400+ S 08.03.2008 0221 454,00 YM UNID -1020 XUU (Matthias Zwoch, Germany - ndblist 11/03/2008) 10 20.08 363 HAS 2143 Hassakeh, SYR 11 18.57 446 RF ? Y UNID (1-ID, 7,5 sec.) 11 18.45 478 NGT 1233 Y Powidz, POL 11 14.35 479 K ? Y UNID (1-ID. 5 sec.) 07 21.03 527 PT 1267 Y Ufa ,RUS 09 15.18 564 OK 570 Y Lyskovo,RUS 10 04.40 590 FR 103 Y Kaluga/Trabtsevo, RUS 07 19.51 625 SU 524 Y Sumy ,UKR 07 15.06 635 PF 1494 Y Murmansk ,RUS 07 15.13 640 I 695 Y Kiev/Boryspil,UKR 07 15.25 678 A 621 Y Kharkiv/Osnova, UKR 11 15.00 860 Sh* ? Y UNID (1-ID, 7,5 sec.) * -Russian Sh (- - - -) , not SH (Victor Puzanov, Mozhaysk, Russia - ndblist 11/03/2008) 10 23:12 355 OBR 356.028 1614 Beograd/Obrenovac, SRB 10 23:10 357 NRG 358.041 918 Neubrandenburg, DEU 10 23:15 357 DWI 355.977 497 Dortmund/Wickede, DEU 10 23:07 358 MSE 359.008 848 Munchen, DEU 10 23:05 358 BRG 359.042 1156 Braganca, POR 10 23:02 360 ASK 360.379 1097 Bergen/Flesland/Askoey, NOR 10 23:21 362 OB 363.013 632 Y Cork, IRL 10 23:18 362 DNQ 363.062 ? Y ?, XUU 10 23:00 362 BZO 360.980 931 Bolzano, ITA 10 23:58 363 CIG 364.029 2482 Izmir/Cigli, TUR 10 23:40 365 CVL 363.973 8555 Caravelas (BA), BRA 10 23:33 365 SAT 363.987 1651 Satu Mare, ROU 10 23:49 369 ZDX 367.976 6609 'Coolidge' Saint Johns, ATG (Peter Conway, U.K. - ndblist 12/03/2008) 20080308 2057 348 GUN Storuman / Gunnam SWE 20080309 0038 433 JER Jerez ESP 20080309 0106 397 ZR Beziers / Vias FRA 20080311 1931 348,5 LG Liege / Bierset BEL 20080311 2026 371 OKT Kortijk / Wevelgem BEL 20080311 2048 375 FR Pori / Vanhakyla FIN 20080311 2100 402 OP Brussels National BEL 20080311 2111 402 TH Torsby SWE (Joachim Rabe, Hambrg, Germany - ndblist 12/03/2008) 11 17:50 358 TUN Tulln for Schwechat, AUT 11 17:52 360 SR Saarbrucken / Ensheim, DEU 11 17:56 360.5 MAK Mackel for Brussels Ntl, BEL 11 17:55 361 GUY Guernsey, GSY 11 17:55 362 BZO Bolzano (BZ), ITA 11 17:59 364 PU Pau / Pyrenees, FRA 11 17:58 365 LJ KOLN/BONN, DEU 11 20:19 365.5 BC Brasschaat, BEL 11 20:10 366 UTH Orland / Uthaug, NOR 11 20:11 366 SF FALKOPING, SWE 11 20:14 367 ZAG Zagreb, HRV 11 20:14 367 SBD Sabadell, ESP 11 20:22 368 WTD Waterford, IRL 11 20:17 368 BYC BUCKEBURG, DEU 11 20:25 371 MYN MUNSTER, DEU 11 20:29 371 BRS Bremsnes for Kristiansund / Kv, NOR 11 20:56 381 RG Rygge / Tune, NOR 11 20:56 381 ESP Helsinki / Vantaa / Espoo, FIN (Brian M., U.K. - ndblist 12/03/2008) 410 K 20071018 2104 KAL Kaliningrad-Khrabrovo (IDx2) 520 NW 20071018 2330 XUU ID & 2.5" gap NEW #896 520 NW 20071022 1653 XUU ID & 2.5" gap 520 OM 20071023 1942 XUU IDx2 & 6" gap NEW #897 397 WN 20071025 2145 BUL Varna NEW #898 395 BR 20071025 2210 HNG Budapest NEW #899 397 LU 20071025 2239 BIH Banja Luka NEW #900 393 NET 20071026 1841 XOE North Everest PF NEW #901 520 OO 20071029 1910 RUS Shaykovka (OO & 3" gap) 410 AUD 20071107 2113 XOE a€zSkandi Navicaa€? NEW #902 real callsign is "MZHR7" (PIPELAY AND CONSTRUCTION VESSEL) 510 BL 20071107 2132 XUU ID as "e BL" 357 SKZ 20071201 0412 DEU Leipzig-Halle NEW #903 386 BDL 20071230 1830 XOE Brend Delta 320 PBCD 20071230 1833 XOE F2A-Hanze Platform 387 SLT 20071230 1850 DEU Sylt NEW #904 403 KB 20071230 1853 XOE K12-B Platform 412 DAK 20080108 0015 SRB Dakovica, Kosova NEW #905 458 LP 20080111 2051 XUU unid 478 YaA 20080111 2053 XUU unid (YaA: ---./.-) 493 LD 20082101 2310 RUS Krasnodar (IDx2) NEW #906 520 NW 20080223 0029 XUU ID & 2.5" gap 499 PP 20080301 0329 XUU ID & 4" gap NEW #907 520 CHA 20080301 0334 XUU ID (e CHA) & 5"gap 520 NW 20080301 0334 XUU ID & 2.5" gap 460 BHL 20080312 0048 XUU ID & 4" gap NEW #908 334 AME 20080312 0055 ITA Amendola (FG) NEW #909 REU-"Others" Loggings ("600m Experimental Stations", "Utility"): Freq ID YYYYMMDD HHMM CTY Remarks / Location ========================================================================= 505 SM6BHZ 20071018 2034 SWE (1) GA¶teborg 505 DI2AM 20071018 2034 DEU (2) Rostock 505 DI2AG 20071018 2045 DEU (3.1)Dormitz 505 DI2AG 20071104 2135 DEU (3.2)Dormitz 505 OK0EMW 20071018 2045 CZE (4) Breclav NEW 501 GI4DPE 20071018 2316 NIR (5) Derry 501 GM4SLV 20071018 2318 SHE (6) Bixter NEW 505 DI2BE 20071104 1827 DEU (7) MA?nsterdorf 502 GI3PDN 20071025 2129 NIR (8) Templepatrick NEW 502 G3KEV 20071026 1850 ENG (9) Scarborough 502 G3UNT 20071026 1859 ENG (10) Maidstone NEW 499 PAT 20071031 1955 IRL (11) 501 GW4HXO 20071105 2250 WLS (12) Solva NEW 420 P 20071107 1958 KAL (13) Kaliningrad NEW 503.5 G4WGT 20071110 1655 ENG (14) Coppull NEW 502 G3DXZ 20071112 1944 ENG (15) Retford NEW 502 G3LDO 20071112 2230 ENG (16) East Preston NEW 502 G3XVL 20071123 2140 ENG (17) Ipswich NEW 502 G3XIZ 20080202 1825 ENG (18) Biggleswade NEW 505 DI2AT 20080202 2145 DEU Neunkirchen JN59NO NEW 502 G3LDO 20080224 2325 ENG (16*) East Preston 505 DI2BO 20080302 2312 DEU Peine-Schwicheldt NEW (dl8aam - ndblist 12/03/2008) 12 06:47 209 IB 405 Atikokan, ON, CAN 12 06:43 209 AEC 1033 Tonopah, NV, USA 12 07:06 212 UCF 1056 Cienfuegos, CUB 12 07:11 220 HLE 1031 1030 7.9 Y Hailey, ID, USA 12 06:56 250 FO 409 Flin Flon, MB, CAN 12 08:08 270 TPF 1040 1029 Tampa, FL, USA 12 08:17 280 MPG 985 6.7 Merida, MEX 12 08:25 283 UZG 888 7.3 Havana, CUB 12 08:34 287 HUA 1043 9.3 Y Huntsville, AL, USA 12 08:53 329 BQP 1025 7.9 Bastrop, LA, USA 12 09:11 338 LSA 966 5.5 Lamesa, TX, USA 12 09:16 344 IWJ 1019 6.6 Blakely, GA, USA 12 09:23 345 GF 1042 6.1 Grand Forks, ND, USA 12 09:31 348 UHA 1027 4.6 Havana, CUB 12 09:46 360 GP 1017 Y Gulfport, MS, USA (Douglas S., TX, USA - ndblist 12/03/2008) I've been shamelessly piggybacking off other's fine loggings lately, and got two new ones last night from Dick and Doug's recent logging efforts, thanks guys for posting your results. South of the border has been fairly good lately, and for more than just one or two nights. Static is the main problem here, but with some persistence, sometimes the weak signals can be caught between the static crashes. 529 LYQ has had its voice TWEB heard several nights now--I find that quite unusual to hear the voice signal for a beacon so far away--but last night had the ident at good level (without needing the audio filter), and the long pause where the voice part would be, but nothing heard for the voice. This morning had poorer Pacific conditions than recently, with little to mention other than Truk showing up today, and no south Pacifics. Steve NE Oregon R75, audio filter, longwires 212 UCF CUB 0657, "UCU" miskey 214 XA JPN 1359 poor 217 HZD TN 0648 +990. new 222 CUW MEX 0656 221 CHI CTR 0637 227 FZ MO 0701 269 AHX TX 0620 +1013 269 AR LA 0617 +1035 269 BEX IA 0625 -1025 269 LRT TN 0614 -1040. new 332 POA HWA 1338 weak 340 YY QC 0643 (hoping for REU, not heard) 352 RG CKS 1340 very poor 353 LLD HWA 1341 loud 366 PNI FSM 1343 very poor/poor 370 UCM CUB 0603 medium level 373 PQ JPN 1344 poor 375 GUA GTM 0558 375 TKK FSM 1346 very poor/poor +1017 385 TKL GUA 0639 403 TUT SMA 425 SGA GUA 0728 +1008 529 LYQ TN 0550 strong ident, no voice wx heard this time, -1025 27 second cycle 530 ADK ALS 1354 weak (Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 12/03/2008) 11 23:20 370 RT 370.986 2526 Y Moscow/Ramenskoe, RUS 11 23:00 370 PSA 368.978 634 Spessart, DEU 11 23:05 370 OTL 368.966 2017 Bucharest/Otopeni, ROU 11 23:12 370 O 370.049 1466 Murcia/San Javea, ESP 11 23:26 371 LEV 372.040 882 Savigliano/Levaldigi, ITA 11 23:11 371 FRS 369.978 1417 Frosinone (fr), ITA 11 23:09 371 CAG 369.975 1461 Cagliari/Elmas, SAR 11 23:33 372 OZN 372.400 2873 Prins Christian Sund/Kitaa, GRL 11 23:24 373 LPD 371.977 1967 Lampedusa, SCY 11 23:30 374 TAN 372.981 1763 Tanger/Ibn Batouta, MRC 11 23:38 376 HAN 377.040 487 Hahn, DEU 11 23:46 378 TA 376.992 1619 Timisoara, ROU 11 22:51 428 GC 426.974 2580 Santa Cruz de Graciosa, AZR (Peter Conway, Hastings, U.K. - ndblist 12/03/2008) 2008-03-08 19:45 350 UK 1034 Y YUKHNOV, RUS 2008-03-08 19:51 357 NRG 986 Y NEUBRANDENBURG, DEU 2008-03-08 19:52 356 BGS 2079 Y BURGAS, BUL 2008-03-08 20:59 368 BYC 1261 Y BUCKEBURG, DEU 2008-03-08 21:21 372 NDO 1139 Y Nordholz, DEU 2008-03-08 23:02 402.5 LBA 1628 Y Leeds / Bradford, ENG 2008-03-08 23:09 400.5 EJ 1001 Y ESBJERG, DNK 2008-03-08 23:10 400 MSW 1558 Y MUNCHEN, DEU 2008-03-08 23:13 339 LS 878 Y Langeneset, NOR 2008-03-08 23:16 334 MR 1686 Y MARIBOR, SVN 2008-03-08 23:21 333 GFC 1072 Y Gullfaks C, XOE 2008-03-08 23:40 334 FAU 798 Y Ronne, DNK 2008-03-08 23:56 330 ABU 1270 Y ALTENBURG, DEU 2008-03-08 23:58 330 OB 1474 Y Bratislava /STEFANIK SOUTH, SVK 2008-03-09 19:10 397 WN 2013 Y VARNA, BUL 2008-03-09 19:24 365 SAT 1483 Y SATU MARE, ROU 2008-03-09 19:29 326 KTW 1192 Y Katowice / Pyrzowice, POL 2008-03-09 19:30 315 LV 1258 Y LVIV, UKR 2008-03-09 19:35 295 ZP 1680 Y ZAPORIZHZHIA, UKR 2008-03-09 20:28 435 BB ? Y , XUE 2008-03-10 18:39 325 NUT 642 Y Hemavan, SWE 2008-03-10 21:02 460 GB 1910 Y VOLCHANKA, RUS 2008-03-11 22:45 300 F 787 Y PRUSZCZ GDANSKI, POL 2008-03-11 22:53 309.5 TR 1868 Y CAPE TARCHANKUT, UKR 2008-03-11 23:32 312.5 AT 2020 Y , UKR 2008-03-11 23:34 312.5 TV ? Y UKR ??, XUE 2008-03-11 23:46 304 DP 1633 Y UKHTA, RUS (Teijo Maenpaa, Finland - ndblist 13/03/2008) 2008 03 10 2038 282.0 OA Szolnok HNG 534 Y 2008 03 12 1703 458.0 LP UNID XUU ? 2008 03 12 2043 460.0 BHL UNID, IDx1, cycle 8,5” XUU ? Y direction N/S (Franti?ek Muller, Praha, Czech Republic - ndblist 13/03/2008) 12 19:53 382 LAR Arruda, POR 12 19:59 383 SHD Scotstown Head, SCT 12 19:54 383 S Gdansk, POL 12 19:58 383 ALD Alderney, GSY 12 20:32 383.5 GUL Gullpen, HOL 12 20:04 384 TY Torsby, SWE 12 20:04 384 HNS Sandane / Anda / Hoynes, NOR 12 20:08 385 WL Barrow / Walney Isl, ENG 12 20:09 385 KV Halli / Talasniemi, FIN 12 20:10 386 LK Tallin / Ulemiste, EST 12 20:10 386 BZ Brize Norton, ENG 12 20:13 387 SOK Oslo / Gardermoen / Sokna, NOR 12 20:12 387 CML Clonmel, IRL 12 20:19 388 KRU Kokkola-Pietarsaari / Kruunupy, FIN 12 20:26 388 COR Corner for Bromma, SWE 12 20:23 388.5 CH Amsterdam, HOL 12 20:23 388.5 CDF Cardiff, WLS 12 20:17 389 ZRZ Zaragoza, ESP 12 20:19 389 MR Skien / Geiteryggen / Myra, NOR 12 20:21 389 CP Lisboa / Caparica, POR 12 20:20 390 LV Arvika, SWE 12 20:22 391 OKR Bratislava / M.R Stefanik / No, SVK 12 20:39 392 GDY Mariehamn / Godby, FIN 12 20:40 393 TAT Tautra, NOR 12 20:40 393 EMW East Midlands, ENG 12 20:42 394 NB Bromma, SWE 12 20:42 394 JOK Kauhajoki, FIN 12 20:42 394 DND Dundee, SCT 12 20:43 395 FOY Foynes for Shannon, IRL 12 20:45 396 YG Rygge / Enge, NOR 12 20:45 396 HYV Hyvinkaa, FIN 12 20:46 396.5 PY Plymouth / City, ENG (Brian M., ndblist 13/03/2008) 01 1825 390 AI El Aaiun MRC 2624km Y 07 2130 378 HTK Hestvik NOR 2162km Y 08 0325 390 JT Stephenville CAN 5033km Y 08 1915 393 RST Rasht IRN 3165km Y 08 1915 395 TBS Taras IRN 3930km Y (Jaroslav Bohac, Czech Republic - ndblist 13/03/2008) 13 08:47 210 CLO 1034 8.4 Cali, CLM 13 08:56 212 UCF 1056 10.1 Cienfuegos, CUB 13 08:31 212 FIO 747 4.6 Y Fiora, CTR 13 08:59 214 CHX 1020 Choix, MEX 13 08:07 219 MPE 1022 1023 6.4 Philadelphia, MS, USA 13 07:43 221 RBW 1023 5.5 Y Walterboro, SC, USA 13 09:03 221 CHI 970 4.7 Los Chiles, CTR 13 07:34 224 BH 1044 1033 6.1 Birmingham, AL, USA 13 05:43 245 ARM 1086 6.7 Wharton, TX, USA 13 05:33 248 WG 403 Winnipeg, MB, CAN 13 05:25 249 RK 1018 4.5 Y Suffolk, VA, USA 13 05:11 250 UPB 897 7.5 Y Playa Baracoa, CUB 13 05:29 250 UGS 1038 Y Athens, OH, USA 13 05:03 253 GB 1057 6.0 Marshall, MN, USA 13 04:54 255 SW 1054 1052 4.4 Stillwater, OK, USA 13 04:36 256 UNV 673 Y Camalote, CUB 13 04:39 257 YXR 400 400 10.0 Earlton, ON, CAN 13 04:21 257 DT 1034 1032 6.0 Denton, TX, USA 13 09:20 264 JUY 1033 8.3 Andelusia, AL, USA 13 09:37 283 UZG 882 7.3 Zaragoza, CUB 13 10:14 387 SPP 1022 8.2 Y San Andres Island, CLM (Douglas Springfield, New Chapel Hill, TX, USA - ndblist 13/03/2008) 2008-03-13 07:00 395 CA 1042 1053 6.269 ; Newton, KS 2008-03-13 05:00 396 LNL 1013 6.231 ; Land O Lakes, WI 2008-03-13 02:30 397 JE 1054 5.928 ; Jefferson City, MO (Don Ward, Raleigh, USA - ndblist 13/03/2008) 2008-03-12 11:49 315 PAH Schwerin-Parchim DEU +1020 627 km NEW 228 degr 2008-03-12 11:57 327 DIP Berlin-Tempelhof DEU + 1020 639 NEW 214 2008-03-12 12:00 345 NBT Malbork-Erblag POL 371 175 2008-03-12 12:06 303 NKA Poznan-Krzeniny POL 577 214 2008-03-12 15:35 355 AA Madrid-Barajas ESP + 1020 2466 221 is this really true and possible this time??????? Is AA an unid?????? 2008-03-12 15:36 357 NRG Neubrandenburg DEU 538 221 2008-03-12 15:42 335 W Varna BUL 1685 154 2008-03-12 15:55 330 HC Heringsdorf DEU 481 218 2008-03-12 15:57 330 HR Kharkiv-Osnova UKR 1417 118 2008-03-12 17:55 335 KI Ivenets BLR 638 124 2008-03-12 18:01 336 RS Röros NOR 712 328 (148) 2008-03-12 18:20 347 SAB Sabiha Goksen TUR 1982 153 2008-03-12 18:21 348 TPL Topola SCG 1477 174 2008-03-12 19:27 444 NRD Nowa Ruda POL ? ? 2008-03-12 19:34 432 BB Bibrka UKR 934 154 2008-03-12 19:45 416 POZ Belgrade-Pozarevak SCG 1427 172 (sm1wxc - ndblist 14/03/2008) 12 21:49 358 LT 358.001 84 Le Touquet, FRA 12 21:29 373 MP 373.003 197 Cherbourg, FRA 12 23:04 379 KRA 377.990 1361 Krakow, POL 12 21:42 380 CNL 378.989 1938 Kenitra, MRC 12 23:11 381 SIB 381.910 1825 Sibiu/Turnisor, ROU 12 21:40 381 LCZ 382.016 1477 Murcia/San Javier, ESP 12 23:06 382 SBG 380.979 949 Salzburg/Oberndorf, AUT 12 23:10 383 S 381.975 1266 Gdansk, POL 12 23:13 383 ERK 382.593 1495 Y Erken, SWE 12 23:19 384 TY 383.591 1284 Y Torsby, SWE 12 23:15 384 NS 383.591 1204 Skovde, SWE 12 23:01 389 ZRZ 387.986 1030 Zaragoza, ESP 12 23:50 390 KNT 388.987 1935 Kenitra(tentative), MRC 12 23:47 390 AVI 388.962 1035 Aviano, ITA (Peter Conway, U.K. - ndblist 14/03/2008) 2008 03 13 2139 287.0 GAD Ghadames LBY 2242 Y 2008 03 13 2114 390.0 DN Bakharevka RUS 2824 Y (Franti¹ek Müller, Praha, Czech Republic - ndblist 14/03/2008) 20080314 0337 335 BER Bern/Belp SUI 458 20080314 0342 334 MR Maribor SVN 805 20080314 0346 337 LHR Lahr/Schwarzwald DEU 298 20080314 0353 343 HBC Halfdan B/Maersk XOE 523 20080314 0358 345,5 CF Caslav/Chotusice/Centograf CZE 585 20080314 0401 345 BN Kristiansand/Kjevik/Birkeland NOR 811 20080314 0406 344 HEK Heka For Helsinki/Vantaa FIN 1520 (Dietmar Birkhahn, Lindlar, Germany - ndblist 14/03/2008) 23:20 320 kHz. (1020 LSB) DM Domodedovo RUS 662 km. NEW 23:22 330 kHz. (1020 LSB) HR Kharkov/Osnova UKR 1167 km. 23:50 362 kHz. (400 LSB) NN Eskilstuna/Kjula SWE 777 km. 23:51 363 kHz. (400 LSB) OEM Skistanstad SWE 1059 km. 23:53 375 kHz. (400 LSB) FR Pori FIN 495 km. 23:53 375 kHz. (400 LSB) HET Enontekio/Hetta FIN 1001 km. (Vladimir Nikitin, St.Petersburg/Russia - ndblist 14/03/2008) 12 20:20 245 ST 1105 NIZHNY NOVGOROD, RUS 12 20:21 247 GM 957 GOMEL, BLR 13 23:20 255 NS 1979 Y Nis, SRB 12 23:57 256 BSE 1816 Y BANEASA SOUTHEAST, ROU 13 23:55 258 N 1351 Y Ostrava / Mosnov / Nada, CZE 13 22:23 262 NR ? Y , XUE 13 23:40 265 KAV 1964 Y KAVRAN, HRV 12 23:44 275 RUS 3302 Y RUDESHUR, IRN 13 15:49 311.5 ML 1088 Cewice, POL 11 17:56 318.5 JW 1275 Voronezh, RUS 11 01:10 323 SMA 4457 Santa Maria, AZR 10 17:21 326 YW 1435 Y Tyra West (dan.), XOE 11 04:20 337 MY 1810 Mykinnes, FRO 09 21:55 370 OTL 1812 OTOPENI, ROU 09 20:30 370 GAC 2045 GACKO, BIH 09 20:44 372 CE 1787 CEPIN, HRV 10 03:20 389 CP 3498 Lisboa / Caparica, POR 09 22:00 403 M 1570 Y BUDAPEST, HNG 09 20:02 405 JST 1969 JUSTIC, SRB 10 04:27 420 LGS 1695 Y Conoco Loggs Platform, XOE 11 17:53 507 ND 1892 BOLSHEVIK, RUS 11 17:51 510 BA 1832 Bulaci, ROU 11 21:03 620 N 350 Y Pskov, RUS 11 17:43 672 RS 1263 RASHIVKA, UKR (OH5YW - ndblist 14/03/2008) 20080310 04:01 388 JUG 1029 7.3 25 1219 JECCA - Vernon - Seagoville, TX, USA 20080311 04:51 395 ULS 1015 7.5 25 941 Ulysses Apt, KS, USA 20080311 05:48 400 ENS E 1048 939 7.4 ? 170 Ensenada Apt, MEX *1 20080311 06:47 407 CO 1051 1020 6.0 25 784 PETEY - Colorado Springs Muni, CO, USA *2 20080314 04:39 414 GRN 1035 1035 6.9 50 1027 Gordon Municipal Apt, NE, USA 20080314 04:50 414.5 RPB 1020 6.0 25 1168 Republican - Belleville, KS, USA *3 20080314 05:43 428 SYW 1017 6.0 25 1242 Cash - Greenville, TX, USA *4 20080314 08:35 529 LYQ 1023 24.3 25 1788 Roseanne Apt - Morristown, TN, USA (#522) (Don, Canada - ndblist 14/03/2008) 2008-03-06 20:30 350 TIL 970 Y Bardufoss / Målselv / Tiller, NOR 2008-03-06 21:08 517 JBR 1025 1020 1456 Y Jaszbereny, HNG 2008-03-10 19:48 1290 BO 1188 Y Bohdanivka, UKR 2008-03-10 20:28 830 SW 1164 Y Shepetovka, UKR 2008-03-10 20:38 1130 AK 1811 Y Aleksandrovka, RUS 2008-03-10 21:04 617 SV 1323 Y Stebliv, UKR 2008-03-10 21:12 473 FHA 1030 1050 1668 Y Friedrichshafen / Löwental, DEU 2008-03-11 18:18 285 LCF 400 410 496 Y Linkoping / Malmen, SWE 2008-03-11 18:46 340 RG ? 1514 Y KRYVYI RIH, UKR 2008-03-11 18:48 343 KUS 400 610 Y Kaunas, LTU 2008-03-11 19:09 360 KI ? 1202 Y ZHULYANY, UKR 2008-03-11 20:03 1083 AU 1494 Y Auly, UKR (Jarmo Heittokangas, Pertteli, Finland - ndblist 14/03/2008) 13 23:02 388 KRU 388.406 1952 Kronoby, FIN 13 23:03 388 COR 388.397 1415 Corner For Bromma, SWE 13 23:00 389 BX 387.933 2917 La Palma, CNR / 390.069 13 23:10 390 VAL 388.984 1616 Valjevo, SRB 13 23:19 390 JT 390.391 4155 Stephenville, NL, CAN 13 23:07 390 DN 388.958 2670 Y Donetsk, UKR / 2xID + 8s 13 23:05 390 BBM 388.977 1061 Babimost, POL 13 23:15 391 OKR 389.990 1240 Bratislava/M.r Stefanik, SVK 13 23:12 391 DDP 389.966 6819 San Juan/Dorado/Luiz Munoz, PTR 13 23:21 392 RW 390.979 885 Tegel West, DEU 13 23:23 393 TAT 393.621 1363 Molde/Aro/Tatra, NOR 13 23:38 393 AB 393.399 1293 Y Hagfors, SWE 13 23:40 395 BR 393.977 1419 Budapest/Ferihegy, HNG 13 23:44 397 WN 395.968 2212 Y Varna, BUL (Peter Conway, U.K. - ndblist 14/03/2008) 14 2107 307.5 PA Palma de Mallorca BAL 512 14 2129 417 EES UNID XUU 14 2146 511 HKI Hassi Khebi ALG 1728 14 2142 518 TM Tomakivka UKR 2269 14 2142 520 BHA UNID XUE (Giorgio, Sardinia - ndblist 14/03/2008) 2008-03-15 04:15 425 EVR 1278 Evora, POR 2008-03-15 04:09 419 HY 2095 Vaasa / Långskog, FIN 2008-03-15 04:08 420 SPP 1337 Sevilla / San Pablo, ESP 2008-03-15 03:56 418 BAI 1225 Bailen, ESP 2008-03-15 03:55 416 R 1484 Arvika, SWE 2008-03-15 03:54 417 SNO 872 Santiago, ESP 2008-03-15 03:36 394 JOK 2097 Kauhajoki , FIN 2008-03-13 20:38 351 PD 2311 PONTA DELGADA, POR 2008-03-13 20:32 276.5 BW 837 Bremen, DEU 2008-03-12 20:30 353 OBA 1299 Oseberg A platform, XOE 2008-03-12 20:30 353 KIL 990 Kiel / Holtenau, DEU 2008-03-12 20:24 352 RBU 1697 Roros / Rambu, NOR 2008-03-12 20:20 351 NS 1239 Malmö / Sturup, SWE 2008-03-12 20:13 351 CST 1100 Costix for Palma De Mallorca, BAL 2008-03-11 20:16 428 MNF 1346 Sevilla / Moron De La Frontera, ESP 2008-03-10 21:00 460 BHL ? Y , XUU 2008-03-09 20:15 355 ONW 489 Antwerpen / Deurne, BEL 2008-03-09 20:05 405 AV 1304 Göteborg / Save, SWE 2008-03-08 22:19 402 OP 450 Y Brussels National, BEL 2008-03-08 02:11 320 HA 876 Hannover / East, DEU 2008-03-08 02:02 414 SLB 1454 Oslo / Gardermoen / Solberg, NOR 2008-03-08 02:02 414 BRI 276 Bristol / Filton, ENG 2008-03-08 01:59 384 PMR 702 Pamiers / Les Pujols, FRA 2008-03-08 01:58 385 NJ ? , XUE 2008-03-08 01:58 385 KV 2164 Halli / Talasniemi, FIN 2008-03-08 01:56 381 RG 1396 Rygge / Tune, NOR 2008-03-08 01:56 381 ESP 2074 Helsinki / Vantaa / Espoo, FIN 2008-03-06 20:46 340 HEI 1881 HEIDRUN, NOR (D. Kremp, Coutances, France = ndblist15/03/2008) 2008-03-13 2201 460 BHL UNID (8,5" cyc) XUU new 2008-03-15 0013 429 KDR Kadra LBY 2043 km new 2008-03-15 0053 414 GR Dubrovnik/Gruda HRV 941 km new (Zdenek Elias, Jablonec, CZE - ndblist 15/03/2008) 14 23:02 393 VL 394.028 1100 Valladolid, ESP 14 23:11 395 MLT 396.027 2016 Malta, MLT 14 23:05 396 SCV 394.949 1889 Suceava, ROU 14 23:09 396 RON 394.974 1100 Ronchi, ITA 14 23:14 396 JC 396.403 3889 Rigolet, NL, CAN 14 23:07 398 NIT 396.934 1290 Nitra, SVK 14 23:20 403 TOB 401.990 1258 Villatobas, ESP 14 23:21 403 OJ 402.599 1151 Jönköping, SWE 14 23:24 405 VIE 403.976 1548 Vieste, ITA (Peter Conway, U.K. - ndblist 15/03/2008) 12-03-2008 21:33 344.0 ARM 1020 ----------- / 345.033 ESP 1706 Armilla 12-03-2008 21:20 378.0 TRI 1020 376.992 / ----------- HRV 1299 Split/Trogir 14-03-2008 21:46 397.0 UM 600 395.989 / 398.022 EST 1657 Tartu/Ülenume * 12-03-2008 19:55 458.0 LP 1020 456.965 / 459.040 UNID 13-03-2008 20:31 512.0 KT 400 511.609 / 512.398 KAZ 3964 Narimanovka/Kostany 12-03-2008 19:50 512.0 NA 400 511.601 / 512.403 KAZ 3972 Narimanovka/Kostany (Roelof Bakker, Holland - ndblist 16/03/2008) 13.03 20:57 300 F POL Pruszcz Gdanski - hrd 300.658/299.350 14.03 18:45 454 Q RUS Moscow / Bykovo 14.03 18:31 460 BHL XUE UNID 14.03 18:48 470 TN RUS Taganrog Centr. 14.03 18:18 478 NGT POL Powidz (Hartmutt W., Germany - ndblist 16/03/2008) 15 2230 292 MIA Melilla MEL 1140 15 2239 322 VH Dashoguz TKM 4260 new one 15 2221 444 NRD UNID (Nova Ruda POL) XUU new one (Giorgio, Sardinia - ndblist 16/03/2008) 14 16:20 312.5 BT 768 Mys Taran, KAL 15 01:11 321 ZAJ 3076 Y ZANJAN, IRN 14 19:01 350 WN 358 Krechevitsy, RUS 14 20:10 350 DWN 1958 DEVNYA, BUL 16 01:56 362 BZO 1887 Y BOLZANO, ITA 14 21:33 365 AD 2127 SOCHI, RUS 15 22:36 366.5 CAR 1990 Y Carnane, IOM 16 00:07 367.5 OX 1980 Y Oxford-Kidlington, ENG 14 23:16 378 ZZ 1829 Y CONSTANTA, ROU 15 22:07 380 FLB 1223 Y Flensburg/Schaferhaus, DEU 14 22:16 408 TSR 1710 TIMISOARA, ROU 14 19:53 408 BRK 1561 Bruck, AUT (OH5YW - ndblist 16/03/2008) 20080316 07:10 408 JDM 1028 1030 6.3 25 988 Wheatfield - Colby, KS, USA *1 20080316 06:50 410 GDV 1030 1023 6.2 100 1121 Glendive Community Apt, MT, USA 20080316 08:01 413 YHD 405 10.5 250 1661 Dryden Regional Apt, ON, CAN 20080316 09:17 425 PFL 1056 1032 7.8 50 1095 Post - Lawton - Fort Sill, OK, USA (#523) *2 20080316 10:08 510 OF 1073 991 7.4 25 1218 CARSY - Karl Stefan Memorial Apt Norfolk, NE, USA *3 20080316 10:20 515 PKV 1020 6.4 25 1289 Port Lavaka, TX, USA (Don, Canada - ndblist 16/03/2008) 15 19:58 260 OUN 1034 1029 7.9 Norman, OK, USA 15 20:04 260 CL 1056 1051 6.1 College Station, TX, USA 15 20:17 263 ECY 1035 1034 7.8 Eunice, LA, USA 15 20:37 263 HET 1032 1026 Henryetta, OK, USA 15 20:26 264 HN 1027 1023 3.7 Shawnee, OK, USA 15 20:40 266 PYX 1016 6.5 Perryton, TX, USA 15 20:47 266 LLN 1022 4.7 Levelland, TX, USA 15 20:48 269 AHX 1009 1016 5.0 Athens, TX, USA 15 21:12 512 HMY 1067 992 7.8 Lexington, OK, USA (Douglas S., TX, USA - ndblist 16/03/2008) 15 23:00 404 LW 404.942 418 Luxembourg, LUX 15 23:02 405 AV 405.403 1052 Göteborg/Save, SWE 15 23:05 406 BHX 405.599 234 Birmingham, ENG 15 23:11 407 GAR 407.391 559 Dublin/Garristown, IRL 15 23:12 408 TSR 406.963 1627 Timisoara/Giarmata, ROU (g3ufi - ndblist 16/03/2008) 2008/03/15 22:20 292 NOV NOVARA Italy 2008/03/15 09:15 323 CAM CAMERI (NO) Italy 2008/03/15 09:17 330 SRN SARONNO Italy 2008/03/15 10:05 345 TZO Trezzo sull'Adda (MI) 2008/03/15 09:30 364 MAL Gallarate / Malpensa (VA) 2008/03/15 09:35 376 ORI ORIO AL SERIO (BG) 2008/03/15 22:12 386 LIN LINATE Italy 2008/03/16 09:40 400.5 COD Codogno (LO) Italy 2008/03/15 09:38 440 PIA S.GIOGIO PIACENTINO/PIACENZA (Mauri Corrado - ndblist 16/03/2008) - gmdss - DGPS - Navtex 08/03/08 04:00 518 $04X CAN Labrador 09/03/08 01:14 518 $01H SWE Harnosand 09/03/08 05:01 518 $02G ESP Tarifa 09/03/08 05:21 518 $02I CNR Las Palmas (Jean Jacquemin, France - ndblist 11/03/2008) -- УКВ (FM) Россия Бузулук Вот некоторая новая информация по городу Бузулуку: радиостанции «Новая Волна», «Русское радио», «радио Шансон», «Ретро FM» уже несколько лет вещают с передающего центра ВТК (бывший РТПЦ), H~175м. Также немного истории: на частоте 100.6 FM радиостанция «ХИТ FM» вещала с мая 2002 г. По 1.07.2004 г. Затем сетевым партнёром стала радиостанция «Европа +». (Иван, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=11, 15/03/2008) Волгодонск По трассе Волгодонск-Ростов в районе городов Константиновск и Семикаракорск с недавних пор вещает на 107,3 Радиованя, ранее было Юмор-ФМ. Откуда сигнал не понятно, т.к. непосредственно в Семикаракорске сигнал очень слабый. (Максим, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=11, 16/03/2008) Воронеж Сегодня утром в Воронеже отключили ТВЦ 41 канал. Вещание не восстановлено до сих пор. Причины отключения не известны. (Alex Star, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=11, 15/03/2008) Димитровград 88,6 план Хит ФМ (ООО "Рекламно-информационное агенство Март плюс"), лицензия № 12712 от 20.11.07. 1 кВт; 89,0 план радио Шансон (ООО "Рекламно-информационное агенство Март плюс"), лицензия № 12711 от 20.11.07. 1кВт; (Максим, Ульяновск, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=11, 14/03/2008) Калуга Сегодня зашёл на сайт Калужской медиа группы http://www.radio.kaluga.net/ и увидел логотип Дорожного Радио и под логотипом частота 101.6 MHz и написано уже скоро. (Дмитрий, Тула, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=11, 15/03/2008) Москва Народ раскажите, что такое Радио Ваня. А то из Питера информация приходит неоднозначная. Что это? (popov, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 12/03/2008) Радио Ваня - "младший брат" Дорожного. Слоган - "Что хотим, то и играем". А звучат у них Фактор-2, Игорёк, Красная Плесень и т.д. Рейтинг в Питере - 38 место из 39. "Информация" взята отсюда http://www.fmradio.ru/wall/ (sermub, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 12/03/2008) Мурманск С шести часов утра 15 марта 2008 года в Мурманске на волне 105 FM новая станция "105 FM" www.mbnews.ru/content/view/8140/100/ (Андрей, http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=11, 15/03/2008) Орел В общем, был сегодня у ребят из Экспресс Радио. Говорят, должны запуститься в пятницу. 2 Victor: УКВ 72,05 Маяк (4 кВт) - стерео сигнала на частоте не было и нет. (Олег, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, Ростовская область Юмор ФМ шагает по Ростовской области. Теперь они и в Сальске на 87,5, а ретранслирует их Сальская Степь. (Жека, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=11, 16/03/2008) Рязань "В течении марта на нашей волне появятся местные программы: новости и программа по заявкам слушателей. В подборе новостей рязанский «Серебряный дождь» будет сотрудничать с журналистами «Девятого канала»: радиостудия расположена в его здании. Возможно, в радиоэфире мы услышим кого-то из телеведущих. Татьяна Матвеева, редактор "Радио 9"". с 11-03-2008 на 102,5 появились местные джинглы (Костя, Россия - http://narod.yandex.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=12, 12/03/2008) Тверская область "Серебряный дождь" начал вещание в Ржеве на 107,3 с 7 марта. Сайт "Серебряный дождь-Радио 22" в Барнауле - http://www.radio22.ru/ (DJ Еж, Новосибирск, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=11, 15/03/2008) Тула Телеканал СТС-Тула на данный момент идет без региональных новостей и проектов. На заставках после тульской рекламы больше нет телефона рекламной службы. Похоже на смену собственника. На остальных каналах и радиостанциях холдинга фм-медиа изменений не наблюдалось. (Сергей, Россия - http://www.narod.ru/guestbook/index.xhtml?owner=488765&mainhtml=gb_old50.txt&messageshtml=mgb.txt&mpp=50&c=11, 13/03/2008) -- Интернет (www) -- Новости (news) -- QSL QSL Received Last Week (3rd March – 8th March 2008) Station: - NHK World Radio Japan Date: - 06-02-2008 Frequency: - 15590 kHz (Yamata, Japan) Time: - 0630-0700 UTC Language: - Bengali Description: - Verified by T. Sato. “Forest lit by Morning Sun” (Suzaka City, Nagano Prefecture). Station: - NHK World Radio Japan Date: - 07-02-2008 Frequency: - 11890 kHz (Sri Lanka) Time: - 1330-1400 UTC Language: - Urdu Description: - Verified by T. Sato. “Ice Hockey in Gum Boots” (Kushiro-cho, Hokkaido). Station: - IRIB World Service Date: - 16-12-2007 Frequency: - 6160 kHz Time: - 1530-1625 UTC Language: - English Description: - QSL No: 3. Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. Station: - HCJB Global Australia Date :- 10-02-2008 Frequency:- 15540 kHz (Transmitting from Kununurra in the northwest of Australia) Time: - 1230-1300 UTC Language:- English Description: - Olive Python These snakes live in the tropical areas of Australia. They are not poisonous and grow to over two metres in length. Their prey is small green frogs. Station: - Trans World Radio Date :- 11-08-2007 Frequency:- 15445 kHz (Novosibrisk, Russia) Time: - 1345-1415 UTC Description: - e-QSL verified by S. Franklin Abraham. Trans World Radio SW Antenna array KTWR Guam 2005. (Mukesh Kumar, Behar, India - hard-core-dx 11/03/2008) AFRTS Guam 5765 kHz, ADDRESS : Naval Media Center Detachment - Defense Media Center - 23755 Z Stree, BLDG 2730 - ZIP * 92518, Riverside, California, U.S.A. QSLcard in 34 days. No IRC (Sent back restituito). 1500th verified station. (Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 13/03/2008) 5960, 9480, 11875, 17555 Family Radio (WYFR) - Wertachtal - D, Wertachtal - D, Ascencion Island - ASC e Okeechobee - USA - recebido 4 bonitos cartões QSL, folhetos religiosos, livreto, adesivo, calendário de bolso e boletim de horário e freqüências. 108 dias (32 após follow-up), 47 dias (32 após follow-up), 120 dias (32 após follow-up) e 32 dias. V/S: ??. Informes enviado por e-mail: espanol@familyradio.com . QTH: Family Stations Inc., Oakland, California - 94621 - United States of America (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso; Bandeirantes - Paraná - Brasil - radioescutas 14/03/2008) AUSTRIA ORF-1- Moosbrunn 6155 kHz. 2155 UTC, Carta-QSL con datos completos, verificador ilegible. Recibido en 10 días, informe cumplimentado en la web de la emisora: http://oe1.orf.at/service/international_es BULGARIA Radio Bulgaria-Plovdiv 13600 kHz. 1200 UTC, QSL con datos completos , verificador ilegible. Esquema de frecuencias para el periodo de verano, Recibido en 20 días. informe enviado por e-mail a spanish@bng.bg (Tomas Mendez, Spain - playdx2003 15/03/2008) 280 QX Gander NDB, Gander, NL, Canada, f/d PFC in 125 days after 2 f/ups for SAE and US$1. Power listed on PFC as 400 watts. The v/s was Craig J. Taylor, Manager CNS. Address was Nav Canada Tech Ops, P.O. Box 328, Gander, NL A1V 1W7, CANADA. (Jim Pogue, TN, 3/14) 281 CA Cartwright NDB, Cartwright, NL, Canada, f/d PFC in 125 days after 2 f/ups for SAE and US$1. Power listed on PFC as 500 watts. The v/s was Carlos Sintra. Address was Nav Canada Technical Operations, P.O. Box 250, Station, Goose Bay, NL, A0P 1C0, CANADA. (Jim Pogue, TN, 3/14) 338 RYN “RYAN” NDB, Tucson, AZ, f/d PFC in 82 days after f/up for SASE. Power listed on PFC as 250 watts. The v/s was Scott Driver. Address: Tucson Airport Authority, 7005 S. Plumer, Tucson, AZ 85706 (Jim Pogue, TN, USA - ndblist 15/03/2008) -- Аппаратура (Thanks to...) Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale,NH-USA R8,R75,NIR10,MLB1,200'Beverages,60Mdipole Jim Evans Germantown, TN TenTec RX-340, Drake R8B, RF Space SDR-14 90' Random Wire, 200' PAR EF-SWL -- 73! |
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