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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 154 часть 1
WorldDX 154 23/01/2008 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. -- Архивы старых номеров бюллетеня можно найти: http://worlddx.narod.ru/ http://worlddx.by.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ -- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ -- http://worlddx.blogspot.com/ -- Выходит: не регулярно. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Австралия ABC NT Service, Alice Springs, Australia, 4835 kc, 0758-0815 UTC, December 28, 2007. SIO 433 through lightning static and occasional deep fades. ID at 0800 UTC, short news brief by man, then talk by man and woman. (Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF Lakeland, FL, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) 2058, 12080, IS from Radio Australia. If Brandon keeps the same azimuth over 80?, this is close to one-of-a-kind: just 10 kW working on a daytime path on 25m, across the wide Pacific. Guess I need a helpful explanation on this. Of course, poor signal, but what else can we ask for?. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 30/12/2007) 9580 AUSTRALIA Radio Australia, Shepparton; 1300-1315 31 December, 2007. Just happened to tune in right after I awoke to hear the ringing in of 2008, while on my TV, NBC's Today Show was showing Sydney Harbour fireworks live for a measly few seconds. (Terry Krueger, FL, USA - CumbreDX 02/01/2008) RA, 5995, clear of Harold Camping after 1500 and still holding up at 1505 Jan 2 after news, with program from ABC Local Radio, starting with ``Buttons & Bows`` tune, how Aussie. Compere kept talking about ``the program`` but never heard its axual name. So can we find out? At the RA website you have to pretend you are going to print a pdf schedule in order to view it. The one for Pacific is dated Winter 2007 so at least a semi-year out of date, showing Australian Express at 1500 (not 1505) UT Wednesdays. I don`t think so. Probably a prolonged summer-vacation substitute, just plug in LR and forget about doing any real RA shows; who cares what the listeners may expect? When we hear ``ABC Local Radio`` on RA, are we really listening to Melbourne, and only 3LO, Melbourne? Schedule at http://www.abc.net.au/melbourne/schedule.htm shows 2-5 am [AEDT] Thursday is Michael Pavlich with Overnights (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 04/01/2008) 9500, 1035-1105 Noted a religous station here during period. Not sure of the language being broadcast? At about 1051, a seaonal song heard. At 1056 other music heard. This time it's Hindu type music making me think I am listening to CVC out of Australia. However my current list from Eibi says CVC comes up at 1100 not 1000. Female talks in Hindi after and during the music. Station is taking over the frequency as it's signal improves. Heard "CVC" in comments on the hour by female. Heard "Bollywood" mentioned during music. So this must be that via Australia. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 04/01/2008) Австрия Tuning around for something to monitor at UT +1 yearchange, Dec 31 at 2250, found O1 on 5945 with runup, but before 2300 I switched to better signal on // 6155, where there was a countdown, full strike of some clock, and then --- what else --- ``On the Beautiful Blue Danube``, no doubt by the VPO, but it had not finished when transmission cut off abruptly at 2308* which is precisely the time 6155 normally closes, per Aoki. Just this once, couldn`t they have made an exception? BTW, once it was off, I could hear lite DentroCuban jamming, a prelude to the fierce full force pending at 0000 when Radio Republica comes onto the frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Албания Albania R. Tirana 2100 UTC 9915 kHz January 2, 2008. Barely hearing/useless. BBC was on 9915 until 2100 UTC. No problem with 7430 kHz. Enjoyable program of Albanian songs. (kg4lac - dxldyg 03/01/2008) Алжир 9455 2018 presume Algeria , talks by OM , an acapella song . OM about Quran , man preaching over drum play . Quran till 2042, many talks after. Signal mixed with Firedrake and a Chinese lang station but Algeria(p) tapped them at 95% per reception time (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 03/01/2008) Антильские о-ва 15315, Radio Netherlands Worldwide, 2240. Noticias y comentarios de actualidad en holandes. SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Escuchas Del Mubdo 01/2008). Асеншн 15400, BBC. 2250. Noticias en ingles. SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco). 17830, BBC, 1550. Noticias en ingles. SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Temuco, Chile, Escuchas Del Mundo 01/2008) Аргентина 11710, Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior, 1220. Programa en espanol con musica folclorica. SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Escuсрas Del Mundo 01/2008) With good 25 meter conditions I tuned over to 11710 at 0158 to listen to RAE's program in English at 0200. Heard OM in Spanish with ID into national anthem followed by Radio Nacional IDs, then into radio publico news, all in Spanish. Not sure if this was for New Years day or has the English service disappeared? I have not heard any news to this effect only some unsubstantiated rumors several months ago. Would hate to lose last source of English news from South America. Happy New Year to you and all the readers of DXLD (Steve Wood, South Yarmouth, MA, USA - dxldyg 02/01/2008) 15344.31 kHz Noted endless chimes from 2057 til 2100 UT, RAE ID in Sp 2059 UT. Few time pips at 2100 UT, S=5 signal. ID's in various languages, but at 2103 UT ID and program in Spanish. Male announcer. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 03/01/2008) no propagation towards Germany now at 1735 UT. Only a heterodyne carrier noted at 15344.38 kHz today ! I guess RAE is on air - at present - on split frequency as usual. Though under threshold. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 03/01/2008) Беларусь На 6040 и 7110 Бр-1 висело (гродгнгский передатчик) по крайней мере с 3.00, как включил приемник. Даже вторая гармоника вылезла на 12080. ........ А ещё 3 недели назад я писал, что все вещание на КВ сокращено и начинается в 4.00. (Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 02/01/2008) Бенин ORTB, 5025, on late for NYE beyond normal listed 2300* Unfortunately, it was for naught, as all it did was QRM Cuba with a fast SAH and some audio, Dec 31 at 2340 and still Jan 1 at 0023, 0038 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Боливия 5952.46, Radio Pio Doce, Siglo Veinte, 1015-1040, Dec 29, Spanish talk. Bolivian music at 1036. "Pio Doce" jingle at 1037. Very good. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) 6134.81, Radio Santa Cruz, 1000-1020, Dec 29, talk in Quechua & Spanish. Ad string. Sounds of cows. Many mentions of Santa Cruz. Bolivian music. Strong signal. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) Бразилия 6080.15, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 0845-0900, Dec 29, Brazilian ballads. Portuguese talk. Fair, but some adjacent channel splatter. // 9514.98-very weak (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) 11735, Radio Transmundial, 1600. Senal de identificacion y avisos comerciales. SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco). 11785, Radio Guaiba, 2200. Noticias locales y pronostico del tiempo para distintas ciudades de Brasil. SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Escuсhas Del Mundo 01/2008) 9630, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 1015-1020, 30-12, portugues, programa religioso, transmision de la misa del domingo. 24322. (Mendez) 9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 1012-1015, 30-12, portugues, locutor, comentarios, canciones brasilenas. 24322. (Mendez) 9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 0956-1007, 30-12, canciones brasilenas, locutor, comentarios, locutora, anuncios comerciales, identificacion: "Radio Rio Mar, Onda Media, 1290 kHz, ondas curtas, 49 metros, 6160 kHz, 25 metros, 9695 kHz, Radio Rio Mar, Manos, Amanzonas, Brasil". 34333. (Mendez) 11804.8, Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 0937-1020, 30-12, locutor, portugues, comentarios, identificacion: "Bon dia, Radio Globo". 24322. (Mendez) 11830, Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, 1025-1032, 30-12, locutor, portugues, comentarios. 34333. (Mendez) 11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 1008-1012, 30-12, locutor, portugues, comentarios, anuncios comerciales. 24322. (Mendez) (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 30/12/2007) 6135, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0833-0845, 01-01, programa musical, con caciones brasilenas y latinoamericanas. Locutor y locutora, portugues, comentarios. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 01/01/2008) Буркина Фасо 5030 normally runs until 2400, but NYE Dec 31 it was on later; Jan 1 at 0001 in French with RTB`s resolutions to serve the public, 0003 choral hilife singing group; still on at 0023 and 0038 chex (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) 5030.05 BURKINA FASO Radio Burkina; 0140-0220 1 January, 2008. On past normal sign-off for New Year's and absolutely blasting in with nice highlife vocals, many listener calls and super-sexy female jock "Bonjour, bonjour" replies, along with occasional male co-host. Into the Akon hip-hop/reggae "Don't Matter" big hit at 0207, segued to West African pop. Great listening! Even Rebelde down on 5025 couldn't touch this big signal from my proximity. (Terry Krueger, FL, USA - CumbreDX 02/01/2008) Великобритания If it`s Deutsche Welle, it can`t be Germany. Dec 31 at 2310 on 6075 via Rampisham and/or Sines per Aoki, feature in German about immigrants and how those speaking various native languages are learning German. Heard the same thing exactly two hours later on 9545 Ascension (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Венесуэла 5000 VENEZUELA Observatorio Naval Cagigal; 2244-2250 31 December, 2007. Alone and big on the channel at this greyline with the usual format of male, "Observatorio Naval Cagigal, Caracas, Venezuela" (X 2), followed by minute announcements atop time sounders. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - CumbreDX 02/01/2008) Габон 4777, RTG, 0538-0603, Dec 31, French. YL b/w musical selections w/ talk and a few listener phone calls, passing mentions of Gabon. Announcement over durns/native music at ToH tho no discernible ID noted. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 03/01/2008) Германия 13660 YFR Wertachtal in English 500 kW towards 150 degr East Africa, came back as an echo at 1500-1600 UT (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 31/12/2007) Греция 8734U, Olympia Radio, 2354-0011*, Dec 27, English/presumed Greek. Loop of YL w/ recorded announcement, "This is Olympia Radio. Call live on 7, 806, 1272, 1640 and 2217". Message then repeated in Greek. Fair at best. (Scott Barbour, NH, USA - dxldyg 30/12/2007) 6230 Era Sport 105.8 spur or mid-product , with ID and sports talks on 1355 . S5 33443 (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 03/01/2008) Mixing product, 15650 minus 9420 = 6230, analogous to 6210 previously heard which is 15630 minus 9420. So 6230 is possible whenever both higher frequencies are on the air from Avlis. I wonder if you are close enough to be getting this by groundwave? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/01/2008) Джибути 4780, Radio Djibouti, 2045-2102*, Dec 28, Horn of Africa music. Arabic talk. Sign off with National Anthem. Poor in noisy conditions & CODAR QRM. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) Замбия Voice Of Africa, Lusaka, Zambia, 4965 kc, 0342-0407 UTC December 31, 2007. SIO 544 through CODAR interference. Religious program concerning Jesus Christ in English. ID at 0400 UTC, then news through 0405 UTC, then "Moving On Up" jingle, then motivational talk by woman. (Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF Lakeland, FL, USA - dxldyg 31/12/2007) 13650 CVC Makeni Ranch, just 35 kilometers west of Lusaka, S=8 signal at 1605 UT, ID at 1558 UT, male voice in En, into En nx at 1600 from CVC news room. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 31/12/2007) 5915, Radio Zambia, Lusaka, 0033-0045, Jan 1, extended schedule for New Year’s with vernacular talk. Local African music. Hi-life music. Covered by Vatican Radio at their 0039 sign on, but still audible underneath. Good signal prior to 0039. Also heard with a poor to fair signal after Vatican Radio signed off at 0159. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) ZNBC, 5915, reported to be running late on holidays, so I checked Dec 31: before 2300 blocked by Algeria via UK. At 2331 poor in too much splatter from WBOH 5920 even in LSB and synch-LSB, yelling and hilife. 0001 Jan 1 kid group singing, 0037 check apparently off; 0040 heard some audio again but Brian Alexander says that was Vatican. Somewhat better reception from Voice Africa, 4965 at 0004 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) 4828, ZBC, 0047-0105, Dec 31, vernacular. Continuos Hilife music thru t/out. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 03/01/2008) 4965, R. Christian Voice/CVC, 0245-0324, Jan 4, ID: Radio Christian Voice, program in English, mostly non-stop religious singing, into preaching, fair; from 0422-0433 strong reception, religious songs and telling people where to get bibles in Lusaka, "coming up at 6:30", into preaching, something like: "Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, anytime is good for listening, 24/7" (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 04/01/2008) 5915, R. Zambia, 0325-0343, Jan 4, in vernacular with some English ("Rise and shine" and "Good morning"), high-life music, fair. Was disappointed with reception on Jan 1, for their extended schedule. Noted high-life music between 0211-0302, but weak and well below their usual reception (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 04/01/2008) Египет 9360, Radio El Cairo, 0128. Programa musical, programa semanal del medio ambiente, noticias, grupo rebelde perpetran atentado en el gobierno de Pakistan por las elecciones, direccion de la emisora. SINPO: 45434 (O. Diaz, Temuco, Chile, Escuchas Del Mundo 01/2008) Израиль 6974.65 ISRAEL Galei Zahal; 2018-2025 31 December, 2007. Good with Mel Torme or similar English ballad, Hebrew male jock, back to vocals. On 6974.36 at 2122 check the previous day, also with mostly English oldies. (Terry Krueger, FL, USA - CumbreDX 02/01/2008) Индия 5040 AIR Jeypore hrd again 12/29 w/ Cricket Test Match broadcast by man w/ an occasional “in-line” com’l from 0045 tune to 0120 end recording. SINPO 25532. (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 29/12/2007) 5015 AIR Delhi 1219 IS, then nice EG ID by W at 1220 sounding like "This is the ?? channel of All India Radio, on ?? meters, 4,860 kilohertz. We feature now the news summary from the post". Then into EG nx by W. //4860. Fair. (D. Valko, 29/12/2007 - hard-core-dx 29/12/2007) 9810 All India Radio 0130. Noticias y musica India e idioma Indio, voz de varon. SINPO: 45344 (H. Pino, Temuco, Chile, Escuchas Del Mundo 01/2008) 9910 INDIA AIR, Aligarh; *2258-2310 31 December, 2007. Carrier, into interval signal from 2258, Hindi ID and Hindi female briefly from 2300, followed by male then Hindi vocals through tune-out. Alone but weak, and no listed parallel found or at least audible. (Terry Krueger, FL, USA - CumbreDX 02/01/2008) Индонезия 3987 RRI Manokwari 12/30 w/ man ann 0911.5, Call to Prayer at 0912, which would be about sunset in Irian Jaya. Man ann at 0918. Male vocal/inst at 0918.5. SINPO 34533. (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 30/12/2007) 9526.0, Voice of Indonesia, with continuing transmitter problems. 1555-1611, Dec 29, loop of Gamelan music and English IDs, into Arabic programming and reciting from the Qur'an. Re-checked at 1624 and they were not on the air. Dec 30, 0755-0801*, mixing badly with CTN on 9525.0 (in local language – 0800*), Gamelan music and English IDs, suddenly off at 0801 before they could start their English segment and still off by 0806. After 1000 briefly heard again, but did not stay on the air for long (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 31/12/2007) 9680, RRI Jakarta, 1040-1050 There's a number of signals on this freq at the present time (1040) and one is in Chinese. I am assuming that is China interferring. Jakarta is audible in music until 1045 when a male and female comment in Indonesian briefly. Jakarta's signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 03/01/2008) 11785, Voice of Indonesia, 1051-1100, Still trying to find a decent signal for Indonesia. At tune-in here, noted pop music. The usual type heard on Indonesia's shortwave outlets. There's also a Chinese station here. On the hour, time ticks followed with poss NA from Indonesian. The signal was poor to threshold. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 03/01/2008) Suara Indonesia, 9526, in Indonesian until 1501 Jan 1, but open carrier stays on; didn`t keep on it to see how long (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 04/01/2008) 11784.95 (x9526) VoINS Jakarta noted tonight back on 25 mb. Wonderful smoot music songs played after 1830 UT, and a new? voiceful male announcer on German service could be heard with "Hier ist Jakarta, Sie hoeren die Stimme Indonesiens". (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 04/01/2008) Иран 9660 IRAN. V. of Islamic Rep. of Iran, 1339, 12/30/07. YL in studio w/ muddy audio Fair S3 signal had ME vocals (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 30/12/2007) V. of Justice, 7160, 0144 Jan 1, M&W alternating with news in English, mostly about Iraq, casualty count, US politics, Pakistan. 0150 segment tentatively called ``Iran`s Parliamentary Spoxeman Remarx``. Sounds like they are obsessed with the US occupation of Iraq. Good, clear audio, and impressive signal, unlike // 6120 barely audible, QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, USa - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Испания REE, 6055, with interesting discussion of NY observations in Spain, Dec 31 at 2313 in French (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Йемен Republic of Yemen Radio from Sana'a, heard today, 3 January 2008, clearly and without any co-channel interference for the first time in many years. Good signal at 1600 on 9780 but best on 9779 to avoid interference from 9785. Music until 1601 then ID in Arabic followed by short 30 second excerpt from presumed national anthem played by a brass band. This was followed by news in Arabic. This was in parallel with the Sana'a satellite transmission which was 5 seconds behind shortwave. (Harry Brooks, North East England, UK - dxldyg 03/01/2008) Казахстан 7460 Voice of Orthodoxy 1640 (via DX Tuner Sweden) Much better today with the audio steady. A bit of hum was all I heard but the signal was good. Man and woman talking in Russian. 1658 chorus signing. ID in Russian was partially cut off by gongs/bells sound effect. 1659 dead air and off. (Hans Johnson, Naples, FL, USA - CumbreDX 04/01/2008) Канада CBC North Quebec, 9625, Jan 1 at 0104 with local ID and address in Montreal, 0105 part two of Dispatches. Fair signal but no QRM and less than full modulation was adequate for comprehension (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Кипр 9410 CYPRUS. BBC via Limassol, 1403, 12/30/07. Fair to poor signal. YL presenting English nx; ID @ 1404 (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 30/12/2007) Китай 9810, CNR-2, China Business Radio, 1200-1210, Dec 29, time pips at 1200 & English "This is China Business Radio" ID followed by Chinese talk. Fair. weaker on // 6065, 6090, 7315, 7375. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) 6020, Radio Internacional de China, 2100. Noticias en espanol. SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Ecuchas Del Mundo 01/2008) 11920, Radio Internacional de China, 1550. Programa en frances con notas de actualidad local. SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Ecuchas Del Mundo 01/2008) On 1540 today (Dec.30) at 0745UT there was a much better signal peaking to good strength, and remarkably steady for long periods. But where was it from??? The programme was Gospel style music intro by a male voice - too soft spoken to understand, unfortunately, for the amount of QRM that was present. However, I thought he was speaking in accented English. Music went 'through' the hour (0800) and now became more popular and with reggae tunes which even I recognised! There was a co-ch at times with American accented English fading in and out. By 0900UT reception was still possible but too poor to copy much of it. According to the CHIN schedule, their Caribbean programme is replaced on Sunday by Spanish - I didn't hear that language. But the language seens to finish at 0130 local (0630UT?) when replaced by The Doctor Love Show in English. Clicking on the show only brings up a virtually blank page with no details, and onto English reveals - no English! I also tried the ZNS web page only to find that it's "under construction", and password protected for Staff. So, depending upon what Doctor Love was doing, what I heard could have been ZNS. If so, many moons have passed since I last heard that one. (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 30/12/2007) 9520 CHINA. PBS Nei Menggu, 2320, 01/01/08, Mandarin. F w/Mandarin-language commentary, rather abrupt canned ID at 2330 ("Nei Menggu Renmin Guangbo Diantai"), then a presumed newscast followed by a couple of ads w/phone numbers and sound effects. Audio seemed rather low relative to signal strength. Fair. R Netherlands in Dutch via Sackville listed on 9520 from 2300-2400, but apparently missing (or not audible?). Mongolian service on 9750 also noted with fair to good signal and much better audio, though both faded rapidly after 2335. (M. Schiefelbein, MO, USA - CumbreDX 02/01/2008) 4905 kHz at 1710 Utc Xizang Lhasa CHN SIO 344 - pgr tibetan voice by lady ANN spoken word 4905 kHz at 1940 Utc R.N'djamena Tchad SIO 444 - pgr francais session extraordinaire du parlement pour la mobilitation du 7eme arrondisment, retablir la paix. (Paolo Berti, Switzerland - CumbreDX 03/01/2008) 4330, Xinjiang PBS-Urumqi, 0003-0019, Jan 3, listed Kazakh, Female announcer w/ talks and occasional musical bits. Poor w/ band noise and CW QRM. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 03/01/2008) 5050, Guangsxi PBS-Nanning, 1101-1115, Dec 31, Mandarin. Female announcer w/ talk thru t/out. Poor as was // 9820. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 03/01/2008) 9500, China National Radio One, (PRES),1035-1103 Noted a female and male in Chinese comments during the period. A second station is on the freq causing QRM. It seems to be a religious station in unknown language. CPBS has a poor signal. Still audible at 1103, but barely with CVC covering now. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 04/01/2008) Колумбия 6009.6, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 0930-0953, 30-12, locutor habitual de La Voz de tu Conciencia, comentario religioso, identificacion: "Colombia para Cristo". Senal debil, y por detras, mas debil aun, se escucha Radio Mil, hasta que sobre las 0953 la senal de la colombiana se desvanece y prevalece Radio Mil, para desaparecer, tambien, un poco mas tarde, sobre las 1010, por ser ya bien de dia aqui en Espana. 13321 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 30/12/2007) 5919, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0815-0840, 01-01, canciones latinoamericanas. 44444. (Mendez) 6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 0828-0850, 01-01, el Sr. Martin Stendal con su programacion religiosa habitual. Senal fuerte (ultimamente, cuando lograba escucharla, estaba entrando debil a muy debil), y sin interferencia de Alemania en 6005, que hoy estaba fuera del aire. 35333. (Mendez) 6035, La Voz del Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare, 0820-0905, 01-01, programa especial fin de ano con canciones ininterrumpidas, cumbia, merengue y otras canciones latinoamericanas. 34333 (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 01/01/2008) Корея 6250, KCBS-Pyongyang, 1130, Jan 1, Korean. Vocal ballads w/ announcer b/w selections. Fair. // 6398.8-poor/weak. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USa - dxldyg 03/01/2008) DPR Korea V. of Korea 1301-1355 UT 9335 kHz "Booming" signal at beginning. Best reception I can remember. "This is V. of Korea" by male and repeated by female. National anthem. News, editorials and accounts of the "workers paradise". Enjoyable songs and music played throughout the broadcast. Unfortunately, as hour progressed, signal got worse. SIO 342. Another broadcaster under V. of Korea on 9335. EiBi shows 9335 1230-1330 USA Radio Free Afghanistan PS AFG /KWT 9335 1330-1430 USA Radio Free Afghanistan DR AFG /KWT (kg4lac - dxldyg 04/01/2008) KBS World Radio 3955 kHz via Great Britain 2207 UT female with "And that is the news from KBS World Radio" at 2209 UT. SIO 422 with QRM from amateur radio operators on/around 3995. The operators were using profane language and arguing. These operators are a disgrace to the amateur radio community. (kg4lac - dxldyg 04/01/2008) Куба 9505, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 1103-1110, 30-12, canciones latinoamericanas. 23222 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 30/12/2007) 11999.96 RHC 1230 OM with political / diplomatic talks in SS, many mentions on Cuba and reports . Co ch QRM with carrier on +200 HZ . better on LSB to avoid a bit of QRM S3-4 22432 (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 03/01/2008) Кувейт 11990 Radio Kuwait 1802 (via DX Tuner Sweden) tuned here after checking RTZ. Caught male announcer mentioning that 11990 was for Europe and North America. Religious programming today as I heard the program, "The Spread of Islam." Pop music before five minutes of English news at 1830, then more pop music.(Hans Johnson, Naples, FL, USA - CumbreDX 04/01/2008) Либерия 4760 ELWA hrd 12/30 from 0618 tune w/ praise vocals. SINPO 24432 w/ light CODAR QRM and hvy QSB - faded by 0635. This one normally hangs in there past 0700. (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 30/12/2007) 4759.97, ELWA, Monrovia, 2305-0007*, Dec 31-Jan 1, On late for New Year’s. Normal sign off time is 2300. Was also on late Christmas eve with sign off around 2400 on Dec 24. Heard with English religious talk. Contemporary religious music. Local religious music. Closing announcements at 0002. Sign off with National Anthem. Poor. Weak in noisy conditions & CODAR QRM. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Литва R. Vilnius 2330-2358 7325 kHz News and items about Vilnius. SIO 454. (kg4lac - dxldyg 04/01/2008) Мавритания R. Mauritanie seems back up to full strength after missing a few weeks, or on but with low modulation per other reports. Dec 27 at 0625, found 4845 with OM vocal chants predominantly at a single pitch, shifting irregularly up or down a note. 0631 announcement by YL and the chanter (or someone else?) speaking for a moment, then choral music. Roughly same level as Chad 4905. However, Ndjamena is much further east than Nouakchott, by 31 degrees of longitude, so propagation from 4845 should hold up about two hours longer than 4905. Nouakchott is 16 degrees west long., which should really put it in the UT -1 timezone. It is further west than any part of Ireland, let alone Portugal, lines up with eastern Iceland (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) 7245 RM-Nouakchott (tent.) 0848-0909 30 Dec. Clear with M in Arabic yakking about Islam, Islamic-influenced W/NAf music, apparently into local lang. after 0900 w/ phone call @ 0909..4845 heard earlier (0400, & past 0800) quite well, so perhaps 41M has *0830?..pres. CNR2 *0900 didn't help.(Dan Sheedy, CA R75/120' random (& how!) wire) (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 30/12/2007) R. Mauritanie, 4845, on the air and still audible at 0716 January 2 in Arabic; unlike Chad not on 4905, probably faded out by now (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 04/01/2008) Малайзия 9750 V of Islam 1459 OM with quranic preaches , with slight QRM from NHK-JP . At TOH with clock sound hen YK in ML with news . 24232.ON 1538 YL reviewing a calendar of 2007. (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 03/01/2008) Мексика 4800 XERTA (pres.) 1102-1154 Apparently testing on the NF. intermittent audio w/non-stop mx. Sounded like LA mx style at t/in, but definitely MOR orch. mx at 1122. No anmnts. 1130 odd mx, then what sounded like Herb Alpert at 1131. 1134-1136 "Jinglebell Rock". Longer deadair 1137-1141. Came back at 1151 and found poss. promo w/canned tlk by M anncr ending w/what certainly sounded like XERTA. Poor audio quality and frequent audio cut-outs were annoying. Decent strength but rumbling carrier seemed a little distorted. Sounds like a UTE trying to broadcast. CODAR QRM. (D. Valko, 29/12/2007 - hard-core-dx 29/12/2007) 6010, Radio Mil, Mexico DF, 0930-1010, 30-12, primero interferida por La Voz de tu Conciencia, se esucha muy debil por detras de la colombiana, programa de musica romatinca, y frecuentes identificaciones. A partir de las 0953 la senala de LVDTC se desvanece y se escucha solo Radio Mil, muy debil, y mejor en LSB. Identificaciones: "Vive Mexico en Radio Mil", "Radio Mil", comentarios intercalados con canciones. A las 1010 ya practicamente no se escucha. 12321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 30/12/2007) After a period of weakened signals, XEYU, Radio UNAM, was back at fair-good level on 9599.2, Dec 31 at 1434 with classical guitar; 1538 even better signal with harp music. Usually news/talk during these hours, but not on NYE (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) 9599.4, R.UNAM, 0926-0942, Jan 2, Spanish. Classical music w/ YL at 0931 w/ music titles. No ID noted. Fair/good (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 03/01/2008) someone reported LV de tu Conciencia on 6009.5 recently, I checked 6010 again Jan 2 at 0722 when two stations were mixing about equally, one Spanish talk and the other music. Both were very close to 6010.0 and were about 6 Hz apart, judging from the SAH. If it`s not Mil and Con, what else could one of them be? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 04/01/2008) Молдавия Jan 2 tuned in at 1450 to hear strong tone (repeating on and off again), 1500-1515 segment in English, fair, but fluttery signal, history of the Moldova and Pridnestrovye armed conflict in early 1992, ceasefire was signed in July 1992, mailing and e-mail addresses given, schedule given for 7370 and 6230, sound of clock ticking, into another language. (Ron Howard, Costa Rica - dxldyg 02/01/2008) Мьянма 5770, Myanmar Defense Forces BC (presumed) via Taunggyi, 1525-1529*, Dec 29, in vernacular, pop Asian song, brief sign-off announcement, usual indigenous instrumental music played for a few seconds at sign-off, poor (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 31/12/2007) Нигерия 9690, Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, *0800-0810, Dec 31, abruptly on at 0800 mid-sentence with vernacular talk. IDs. Very good. Strong. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Новая Зеландия 3935 RRS Levin noted 12/27 from 0955 tune w/ woman reading, instrumental mx interlude 0958, woman again at 1000 w/ periodic, short inst mx breaks. Signal was easily audible, better than the usual carrier w/ no audio, but certainly not armchair lvl - SINPO 1v2-5-5-3-2 w/ heavy QSB. No ARO's around until after 1010, then only weak adj ch. (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 29/12/2007) Radio New Zealand's domestic network is kicking off their New Years broadcast in just over 2 hours as I type this, at 0607 UTC. 7:06 New Year's Eve with Warwick Burke Warwick Burke invites you to join him and his guests, for the last hours of 2007 http://www.radionz.co.nz/nr/home (with link to "Listen Live") RNZI schedule on the website doesn't indicate anything special in terms of New Year's Eve. At 1300, Radio Australia usually wishes listeners a Happy New Year. Also at 1300, I try to catch 3AW in Melbourne online and 3 hours later, on the West Coast of Australia, I go for 6PR in Perth. (Fred Waterer, Perth, Australia - dxldyg 31/12/2007) As of 2227 UT January 3, the RNZI transmission schedule at http://www.rnzi.com/pages/listen.php is still labeled as expiring Dec 31. Are we to assume that RNZI is no longer on SW, analog or DRM? I think that`s what I was hearing on 5950, Jan 3 at 1455, but only a poor unID signal in English mentioning World Book Club. Is that something from BBC? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 04/01/2008) О.А.Э 12045, FEBA Radio-Dhabbya, 1403-1419, Jan 2, listed Malayalam. Announcer until music at 1410. Various anncrs and mx bits from 1413 w/ presumed contact info. 2 OM w/ talk at 1417. Poor but improving. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 03/01/2008) Оман 15310, BBC, 1555. Senal de identificacion y noticias en ingles. SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Ecuchas Del Mundo, 01/2008) 15140, R.Sultanate of Oman, 1422-1437, Jan 2, English. Pop music w/ announcer b/w selections. ID at BoH followed by news w/ ments of Palestine. Poor/weak. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 03/01/2008) Перу 4834.93, Radio Maranon, Jaen, 1120-1131, Dec 29, Spanish talk. ID at 1122. Short music breaks. Poor to fair signal with CODAR QRM. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) 4790.2 PERU: R. Vision, Chiclayo, SS, 31/12 0249. Mx crista, pastor entrevistando os fieis por bencaos recebidas, ‘tenga fe en Dios, cual es su nombre, sanado por Dios’, aplausos, time checking, ‘campana en la ciudad de Chiclayo, mensaje de la Palabra de Dios por el Pastor Francisco Cordova Rodriguez, fundador de la Iglesia La Cosecha (?), las bendiciones de Dios. Id: ‘Radio Vision, escuchan el programa La voz de la Salvacion, desde la ciudad de Chiclayo, Peru, Iglesia Pentecostal La Cosecha, con usteds, Pastor Francisco Cordova Rodriguez’, mensagem do Pastor sobre 1° Aos Corintios, 7:25, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 31/12/2007) 6019.6, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0812-0836, 01-01, Locutor, espanol, comentarios religiosos. 23322. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 01/01/2008) 4834.91, Radio Maranon, 1015-1030 Steady Huaynos and Folklorica type music until 1020 when canned promos and ID's. Then back to music. Without the QRM from CODAR, Maranon might be at a fair level, but the best it is with CODAR is poor. Of course the CODAR signal distroys any satisfaction one gets from picking up a disired signal from a distant location. The constant pinging reminds me of "Chinese Water Torture" and it's constant dripping down - ping ping ping. Maranon begins to fade into the noise by 1025. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 03/01/2008) 9720, Radio Victoria, 1020-1030 I tried 6020 for Victoria and although I could hear them there, it was almost impossible. Here on 9720, their signal is loud and clear at this time with a female in Spanish comments to a male. This possibly a testimonial of the female. At 1029 canned promos and ID's. Signal collapses into the splatter by 1031 resulting in a fair signal becoming a poor to threshold signal. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 04/01/2008) Россия 7295 RUSSIA. VOA via Novosibirsk, 1423, 12/30/07. Chinese service. OM & YL w/ announcements and music box bumper. Fair signal into pop ballads by 1434 (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 30/12/2007) 9900 RUSSIA. VOA via Samara, 1412, 12/30/07. Pasto/Dari listed. Fair-poor signal in nx format (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 30/12/2007) 6075, R. Rossii via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, 0355-0425, Dec 30, Russian programming, ToH 5 + 1 pips, many "programa Radio Rossii" IDs, into radio drama, poor-fair; parallel with 5935 via Magadan, poor-fair mixing with WWCR; 7200 via Yakutsk, fair-poor with the pulsating warble; 7320 via Magadan, weak. Re-checked at 0717 to only hear 6075 with classical music (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 31/12/2007) 6075, R. Rossii (presumed) via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, on extended schedule, 1437-1447, Dec 31, nice Russian music and ballads, fair to good; parallel with 5935 via Magadan, also fair to good and in the clear; 7200 and 7320 not heard. They usually sign-off at 1400 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 31/12/2007) 7340 03/01 2233 RUS VOZ DA RUSSIA, Novosibirsk-Oyash PP O/M cm sobre turismo na Siberia oriental, Lago Baical 33443 MVB (Marcelo V. B., Curitiba, Brasil - radioescutas 03/01/2008) Руанда 6055, Radio Rwanda, Kigali, 2200-2257, Dec 31, Tentative. On late for New Year’s? French/vernacular talk. Variety of Afro-pop, local choral music, African folk music. Fair signal but completely covered by Spain’s sign on at 2257. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Румыния R. Romania Int January 2, 2008 1800-1855 9640 kHz. "Radio Newsreel", "Society Today", "RRI Encyclopaedia", "Visit Romania", "Sports" and "Romanian Hits". SIO 454. (kg4lac - CumbreDX 03/01/2008) Сан Томе VOA Sao Tome e Principe, 4960 kc 0408-0415 UTC. December 31, 2007. SIO 555. News and features about Africa in English. (Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF Lakeland, FL, USA - dxldyg 31/12/2007) Саудовская Аравия 11715, Saudi Radio, 2220, Transmision de rezo del Sagrado Coran. SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Escuсhas Del Mundo 01/2008) 17560, Saudi Radio 1610. Transmision de rezo del Sagrado Coran. SINPO: 44444. (P. De los Rios, Temuco) Свазиленд 4775 SWAZILAND. TWR, 0352, 12/28/07. Announcements and choral mx mixing w/ CODAR. IS and "This is Trans World Radio Swaziland" ID loop at 0355. Fair (Jerry Strawman, IA, USA - CumbreDX 30/12/2007) Сербия R Serbia Int'l 7115 at 0100+ w/nx. Moderate. 29 Dec. (Liz Cameron, MI, via dxldyg 29/12/2007) 7115 RSI *0029-0101 29 Dec. Guitar IS, anthem & W in pres. Serbian with "Radio Serbia, 7-1-1-5 kHz..", into Serbian pgm to carillion/guitar (IS?) at 0058..weak but readable when "frying bacon" (jammer?) is off (shows up 7105-7125 in 2-3 minute bursts), after 0100 English is sked, but signal mashed by fryer (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 30/12/2007) Finally I could check myself for the strangely inappropriate Italian service to North America from Belgrade, Jan 1 at 0130 on 7115, theme and ID as Radio Internazionale di Serbia. Program would be 30 minutes of Serbian music, but interspersed with announcements by W in Italian. At times slow CW QRM from novice ham on low side (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Словакия 9460, Radio Eslovaquia Internacional, 2115. Noticias culturales (en espanol). SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco) 11610, Radio Eslovaquia Internacional, 2115. Noticias culturales (en espanol). SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Ecuchas Del Mundo 01/2008) Сингапур 9810 BBC Kranji relay lost contact to En/Ar feeder in 1600-1630 UT slot. An endless recording loop annmt in En as well as cello mx in between heard continously. S=8 at 1620 UT, (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 31/12/2007) Таджикистан 7540 TAJIKISTAN. Radio Free Asia, 2347, 01/01/08, presumed Mandarin. Male announcer talking with a guest on the phone, weakly audible under heavy firedrake jamming. Wiped out a bit before 0000 by WEWN firing up with a hymn. Poor. (M. Schiefelbein, MO, USA - CumbreDX 02/01/2008) 4635, Tajik Radio, 2356-0022, Jan 1, vernacular. Familiar format of OM and YL b/w Pashto/Dari-like musical selections. Poor/weak. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 03/01/2008) Тайланд New Dynamic English with good signal Dec 29 at 1507 on 15460. At first I thought this was one of those services to Sudan, but it`s just VOA Special English, scheduled this hour via Thailand at 166 degrees, presumably for Indonesia rather than Australia? No, CIRAF targets are SE Asia, Indonesia, Australia, NZ, but not New Guinea. Why are we teaching English to the Aussies and Enzedders in the nightmiddle? They are entitled to Border Crossings instead (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Танзания 11735, Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar, 2045-2100*, Dec 28, distinctive local music. Swahili talk. Sign off with very short National Anthem. Fair to good. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) 11735 V. of Tanzania Zanzibar 2008-2100* Dec 27. Swahili news by gal, in progress, to 2014, then an assortment of E. African and AR mx to 2100 closedown. Pretty good signal overall and enjoyable music. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 30/12/2007) 11735 Radio Tanzania Zanzibar 1758 (via DX Tuner Sweden) In reviewing the various logs of this one, it seems that they are back now after being off in late December and that the relay of Spice FM is now heard everyday. It had been irregular in late November and early December. (Hans Johnson, Naples, FL, USA - CumbreDX 04/01/2008) Турция 6120 / 6165 TURKEY Voice of Turkey; 2128-2147 30 December, 2007. Old Turkish torch vocals, Turkish male announcer. 6165 clear and fair, 6120 just slightly weaker. (Terry Krueger, FL, USA - CumbreDX 02/01/2008) Уганда 4976, UBC, 2100-2108*, Jan 2, vernacular. Native music w/ OM talk over until pulled the plug mid-sentence. Poor w/ CODAR. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 03/01/2008) 4975.95, R. Uganda/UBC, 0357-0415, Jan 4, high-life music, ToH Anthem, news in English (items about Nairobi, Uganda [the recent changes in prices] and sports news), ID: "You are listening to the news on Radio UBC, Kampala", news ended with "main points again" and Anthem, poor to fair. A rare treat for me to hear this. An excellent day for African reception (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 04/01/2008) Украина The Lviv transmitter sw/on on January 1. 0000-0500 to NAm on 7440 including English at 01-02 & 04-05 http://www.nrcu.gov.ua/index.php?id=162 So the high-power NAm service is back with the New Year, after some 3 months` absence, and not on the expected B-07 channel of 7530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 31/12/2007) RUI reactivated on 7440 with the hi-power Lviv transmitter, now that a new fiscal year has begun, Jan 1 at 0010 in Ukrainian talk, theme music. Includes English to NAm at 0100-0200 and 0400-0500, which has been off SW for two sesquimonths. 0116 recheck in English, music for NY, G signal, better modulation than neighboring Tirana 7425. 0121 into Close-up program with several topix including one genius in one hundred is Ukrainian, and new female premier elected. Glad this is back, since music quality is better here than on their webcast. Last we heard in Sept, were planning to use 7530 upon comeback in B-07, but not so. The imminent return was emblazoned in red on their website checked Dec 30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) На частоте 9885 кГц мною в 14:50 и 15:10 (всё UTC) принята украинская религиозная радиостанция "Радио Эммануил". SINPO: 55555. Полностью глушит Голос России из Душанбе. (Алексей Зиневич, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 02/01/2008) Оказывается эта станция вообще вещает в Киеве на УКВ: 67,28 Светлое Радио Эммануил [ТРК Эммануил] (Рател 500 Вт) http://www.svitle.org PS. Кстати, тут в одном сообщении речь шла о "Маяке" на 549 кГц. Так вот, "Маяк" я в Минске принимаю из Григориополя, т.к. трансляции его прерываются выпусками Радио ПМР на русском, украинском и румынском. (Алексей Зиневич, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 02/01/2008) Да, оно работает с 1400. SINPO 55555. Задержка около 20 секунд относительно передачи в Киеве на 67,28 МГц. Очень интересная задержка. Откуда трансляция??? (А. Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 03/01/2008) 9885 Radio Svitle, 14:45-15:01, escuchada el 3 de enero con emision de musica pop, se aprecia fuerte ruido de fondo, se identifica como “Radio Svitle”, locutora con comentarios, se entiende algo en modo SSB, tonos horarios, SINPO 42342. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 03/01/2008) Только что слушал Эммануила на 9885. Очень сильные помехи от Голоса России на этой же частоте на русском. А в принципе, сигнал в Москве сильный. (Василий Кузнецов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 03/01/2008) There is a weak signal audible on 9885 at 1515 Thursday (Jan.3), and programme appears to be pop music. I can also hear occasional voice, so there might be two transmissions. A female voice appears during music breaks. Ah yes - and I hear it parallel their on line service same as 9885. Use of USB is necessary to hear any signal on SW due to loud/wide splatter from KWT in DRM on 9880. Thanks to Ivan Lebedevsky - I would not have noticed it otherwise! The signal on 9885 either faded out or went off by 1530. BTW - VoRussia is heard on 9885 via Dushanbe til 1500 (World Service in Russian). I wonder where the Radio Emmanuil transmitter is located? (Noel Green, U.K. - CumbreDX 03/01/2008) 17.57 по Минску. на 9885 очень большой шум, как будто от ДРМ вещания, сквозь него прорывается музыка. Слов в песне не разобрать. приёмник DEGEN 1103, телескоп (Евгений Токарь, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 03/01/2008) Why do you think this is from Ukraine? It`s the new Ukrainian service of CVC via Juelich since Jan 1 at 1400-1800, apparently taking programming from this gospel-huxter FM station, and thus of only passing interest. (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 03/01/2008) Now at 1600 also Family Radio in Enlish signed on on Emmanuil and VoR. (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 03/01/2008) Family Radio in English is sched - and has appeared - on 9885 at 1600 (til 1900). This is listed with 500kW to Ciraf 47 & 48 via 135deg., and would surely clash with anything out of Julich at the same time? It's loud here with some deep QSB, and no trace of any co-ch. Radio Svitle (or Radio Emmanuil as I hear announced via their web site) either went off or faded out on 9885 by 1530. It was only weak when heard at 1515. I assume via Julich from Jan.1 would mean under CVC sponsorship/ownership as intimated by Kai Ludwig? VoRussia is sched (and has been heard recently) on 9885 til 1500 with Russian World Service via Dushanbe (listed 100kW to Ciraf 41 via 140deg.) (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 03/01/2008) 9885 Radio Svitle, Radio Svitle, 1505 abt Jesus , Narod 'radio menuno' then with a song seems as 'sdebo ya sto' and the again song 1512 with talks by YL in surely Ukrainian with temps on 1513 . again short music gap then seems an advert with jingle bells. Songs afterwards , some talks on 1530 , song on 1537, ID on 1540 'Kiski ... Radio Emmanuil' YL with talks in domestic .... then again song Signal S10 having QRM signal under the level of S8. Clear audio using USB (Z. Liangas, Greece - dxldyg 03/01/2008) Сначала было слышно очень хорошо, но потом сигнал начал замирать и утопать в шуме DRM на соседней 9880. Также пробивались позывные Голоса России. После 16.00 прием стал невозможным, станция заглохла. По моим прикидкам передатчик находится где-то не очень далеко и направлен на Украину. Поэтому здесь лучше было слышно. По качеству модуляции напоминает Германию. (А. Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 03/01/2008) Да, оно работает с 1400. SINPO 55555. Задержка около 20 секунд относительно передачи в Киеве на 67,70 МГц. Очень интересная задержка. Задержка из-за того, что канал подачи - Интернет-поток! (Александр Соломка, Украина - open_dx 03/01/2008) Сейчас в 16.46 слышу Радио Эммануил на 9885 кГц с SINPO: 55454. В эфире христианская программа на русском языке. Кстати, где-то в начале нового сезона видел расписание CVC в ктором присутствовали частоты для русской службы (их было несколько, 9885 не было). Я их проверял, но тогда там ничего не вещало. (Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 04/01/2008) Филиппины 9730, FEBC, 2257, La Radio de Filipinas identificandose en idioma ingles en forma reiterada, luego comienza una transmision en Idioma Arabe, la senal fue espectacular, de entenderse el idioma, es mas facil hacer el reporte de Recepcion, SINPO: 45444, (H. Frias, Santiago de Chile, Ecuchas Del Mundo 01/2008) Хорватия 3984.88 In 75 mb Croatian Radio with Croatian news cast at 0015 UT, excellent S=9 signal. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 31/12/2007) 6165, Voice of Croatia-Croatian Radio, 0700-0704, Dec 31, three minute English news program followed by IDs & schedule. Into Croatian at 0704 & local music. // 9470-via Germany. Both frequencies with fair reception. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Чад 4905 RN Tchadienne 12/25 w/ armchair lvl signals from 0509 tune to 0645 end recording.peaked at S5 from 0530 to 0630 w/ quick improvement from 0509 and slower degradation after 0630. Interesting pgming.nice Christmas program in French from 0605-0632, opening with an inst/vocal tune, devotions by men and a woman, many mentions of "Noel" and short choir vocals from a church.ended with "Joyeaux Noel, Amen" at 0630 and an inst/vocal tune (same as at 0605) to 0632.seemed surprising coming from a largely Muslim country. Local indigenous vocal at 0634-0636. Several telephone call-ins heard around 0600 and after 0636. SINPO 4/5-5-4-4-4 w/ some buzzing QRN from local electrical pole. Best I have hrd Chad here on any freq. (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 29/12/2007) I`ve heard it too, no doubt, RNT reactivated on 4905: best 60m signal by far outside NAm, Dec 26 at 0605-0620, mostly talk in uncertain language, maybe part Arabic, part French, with bits of music. Nothing resembling an ID heard. Mauritania might have competed if it were audible on 4845. Furthermore the `4905` signal was a smidgin below frequency as others have reported minus 30-40 Hz or so; while I couldn`t be precise to two decimal places, I could tell it was off, using the YB-400 simply by zeroing the BFO on WWV, and then stepping from 4905 up and down 1 kHz. The het at 4904 was noticeably lower in pitch than at 4906 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) Chad moved from 6165 to 4904.97 at nighttime recently. But new 100 kW tx unit which has been inaugurated in December 2004 by TAIWAN has nothing to do with old tx of 1990 to 1999 era, which was off frequency approx. 500 Hertz. New unit erected in Dec 2004 and noted 7120(earlier vary 7125 in the nineties too) daytime, and 6165 kHz nighttime, with excellent reports by Liz Cameron, Gerry Dexter, Vlad Titarev and Finn Krone in late Dec 2004/Jan 2005. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 29/12/2007) 4905 KHz Chad RNT N'Djamena 12/29 FF 0537 male talks presumed news, mentions of "Sudan", "union du journalists", " sindicate par comunicacion SPC", "Chad", talks about fight against childish mortality, 0545-0549 male mentions "acion sociale du solidarite", studio alternating recorded outside audio talks about job's better conditions. Strong and clear signal 44444. Checked others africans on 60 meters band around 0530 like 4770KHz R.Nigeria, and 4777KHz R.Gabonaise, RNT was the strongest. (Lucio O. B., Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 29/12/2007) 4905 RN Tchadienne bending the S- meter to S9+30 db on 12/30 from 0538 tune w/ news bcst in FF by man w/ several remote reports. At 0545 a woman and man in FF w/ a different news pgm. At 0550 inst mx and a man ann fol by a local highlife mx segment at 0551 w/ man ann in FF following. Woman ann 0559-0602.5. At 0602.5 a man ann in FF fol by a short a-capella choir piece and men and women anns to 0615 tune out. SINPO 54444 w/weak CODAR, some local electrical noise trying to sneak thru the strong signal and some light QSB. (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 30/12/2007) RNT, 4905 was on late NYE, Dec 31 at 2334 with speech in Arabic? Long pause during which I could enjoy CODAR unobstructed; after a minute announcer called ``alo?`` and then talked on phone in French to someone with gunfire(?) in background. No, he said the explosions were ``feux d`artifice``. Next check at 0014 Jan 1, 4905 was off. Brian Alexander says it went off at 0006 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) Чехия 5930, Radio Praga, 2140. Resumen de la prensa checa (en espanol). SINPO: 22112. (P. De los Rios, Temuco) 9430, Radio Praga, 2100. Programacion en ingles. SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco) 9430, Radio Praga, 2150. Programa que describen una receta de cocina local (en espanol). SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Escuchas Del Mundo, 01/2008) Чили 4146, Radio Estacion Maritima Puerto Montt USB 1206 . Lectura de QTH de las siguientes embarcaciones navegando el area, patagon IV, Mariana CB 9569, Patagon V CB 8076, Santa Elvira, Seiko CB6104. SINPO: 55544 (O. Diaz, Temuco, Chile, Escuchas Del Mundo 01/2008) Эквадор 4909.22, Radio Chaskis, Otavalo, 1131-1145, Dec 29, Presumed with Spanish talk. Short music breaks. Poor in noise. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005 EQUATORIAL GUINEA Radio Nacional; 0128-0139 1 January, 2008. Presumed the one, fairly weak but alone save for local noise, with definite West African highlife, apparently on overnight for New Year's (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, FL, USA - CumbreDX 02/01/2008) Эфиопия 7110 ETHIOPIA Radio Ethiopia; 2003-2102* 1 January, 2008. Scrub my unidentified "Slavic" from yesterday. It is not so, it's this one. Tune in at 2003 with very nice indigenous vocals, presumed Amharic male announcer, instrumentals (more Arab/Mid-east sounding) until 2055 male, brief fill (same instrumental as before, potted up), then male and female (just as yesterday) from 2056, clear "Yeh Radio Ethiopia..." ID by different male (seemingly a canned closing) at 2058, into the same male choir anthem as noted yesterday, from 2059-2100, open carrier until 2102*. Very good copy, amazingly this was even audible on the DX-399 portable with whip on the porch! Listed as 2000 closing in PWBR-08 and WRTH-07, but obviously right now it's 2100. (Terry Krueger, FL, USA - dxldyg 02/01/2008) Япония 6055, Radio Nikkei, 1240-1310, Dec 28, lite instrumental music. Japanese talk. Weak but readable. // 3925-barely audible. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) 11710, NHk World, 1130 - 1200 utc, 22/01/2008, новости, "В фокусе Японии", урок японского языка, на русском, хороший сигнал, с небольшой помехой от Китая. (Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia) This year, NHK cut back SW coverage of their NY Eve special to only two SW frequencies, for Asia. But I could hear one of them, 9750 at 1432 Dec 31 with mix of pop music, live audience response and talk, story-telling? in Japanese only. Unlike the last few years, however, they actually stayed on the air and acknowledged the arrival of 2008 at midnight local, 1500 UT when there was a countdown, brief celebration and fireworx sounds. No gongs heard until almost 1505; reception was only fair but peaked at 1515 during drumming, and still audible tho weak at 1538. I also heard R. Japan in English on 9875 closing at 1427 giving frequency for next broadcast at 2200, 13640. To find out the frequencies for the 1400 broadcast you have to listen to the end of the 1310 broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) R. Nikkei, 6115, Jan 2 at 0729 mentioning ``tampa hoso`` = shortwave radio, and list of MHz before closing at 0730* Earlier, at 06-07 this collides with CRI via Canada aimed due west. CRI is usually on top, but with heavy QRM de Japan, especially in winter. The frequency gurus at VTC or CRI apparently can`t imagine that Nikkei would be a factor in C/WNAm. It is intriguing to wonder what the Japanese service of a SW station in Tampa FL would call itself (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 04/01/2008) -- СВ/ДВ Канада This morning Vancouver tx were just a bit audible. Unfortunately high noise made it difficult. I just let the rx sit on 1410 and was surprised to see a faint waterfall trace of its carrier at 1400 local, now an hour later that carrier got stronger, also 1470 and 1130 are visible. 680 KBRW Alaska is also now clearly visible at 15:00 local So N.Germany is close enough to the grey zone (Jurgen Bartels, Germany - skywavesmw 29/12/2007) 279 Turkmen Radio One (Watan) Asgabat, BLR=Off 570 KNR 930 CFBC St.John NB (have not heard it for quite a while) 870 WWL 890 WLS 610 CHNC New Carlisle PQ 1120 KMOX 1140 CHRB 1150 CHGM Gaspe PQ 1410 CFUN 1300 WERE Cleveland OH 1570 ss no ID tent. XERF according to offset 1500 YVRZ R 2000 1509.983 KCUV? Littleton CO sports, not WWZN 1580 ? non-stop Oldies 1640 CHIN 1670 WVWM Dry Beach GA ss mex. music 1680 WLAA Winter Garden FL, mex. Music, 1700 KVNS (Jurgen Bartels, Germany - skywavesmw 29/12/2007) 980 Khz R. Nacional - Brasilia-DF, 30/12, 2248. ..."Na Nacional, momento musicais Funarte"..., 43433 (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 990 Khz R. Nova - Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 30/12, 2248 ..."R.Nova, AM...", 32222 (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1030 Khz R. Capital, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 30/12, 2253, Pregacao tipica da IPDA, 32322 (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1040 Khz R. Capital, Sao Paulo-SP, 30/12, 2256, "...ninguem cobriu a Serie B como a Capital..." 22322, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1050 Khz R. Capixaba, Vitoria-ES, 30/12, 2258, "...venha virar o ano na IPDA em Vitoria...", 32322 (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1060 Khz R. Maua - Nova Iguacu-RJ, 30/12, 2301, "...obrigado a vc, ligado na Maua...", 12111, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1080 Khz R. Capital - Juiz de Fora-MG, 30/12, 2303, "...R. Capital, sempre pensando em vc...", 54544, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1090 Khz R. Metropolitana - Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 30/12, 2305, "... A Sandra, da Tijuca, pergunta...", 32322, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1100 Khz R. Globo, Sao Paulo-SP, 30/12, 2306, "...se vc tem dificuldade, liga pra Globo...",43232, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1140 Khz R. Muriae, Muriae-MG, 30/12, 2307, ID, 21211, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1200 Khz R. Cultura, Sao Paulo - SP, 30/12, 2311, Px Radar Cultura, 32332, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1220 Khz R. Globo, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 30/12, 2314, Px Quintal da Globo, 43443, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1260 Khz R. Morada do Sol, Sao Paulo-SP, 30/12, 2315, "... o testemunho da IPDA...", 32322, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1280 Khz R. Tupi, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 30/12, 2317, "... o mic. da Tupi...", 22121, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1320 Khz R. Boas Novas, Petropolis-RJ, 30/12, 2320, Mx Gospel e ID, 32232, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1360 Khz R. Bandeirantes - Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 30/12, 2325, ID e horas certa, 21211, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) 1370 Khz R. da Cidade - Sao Paulo-SP, 30/12, 2326, "R. Cidade AM, 1370 Khz...", 21121, (Adalberto M. Azevedo - Barbacena - MG) (Adalberto Marques de Azevedo, Barbacena, Brasil - radioescutas 31/12/2007) 570 KNR Nuuk 640 KFI, LA also CBN St.Johns NL 660 WFAN NYC 680 CFTR Toronto 680 WRKO Boston 780 CFDR Dartmouth NS 830 WCCO Minneapolis MN 850 KOA Denver 880 WCBS NYC 930 CFBC Saint John NB 1000 KOMO Seattle WA 1000 WMVP Chicago 1010 CFRB very strong at times 1070 KNX LA also CBA Moncton NS 1140 CHRB High River, AB 1480 unid Fox Sports 1510 KGA Spokane WA 1540 WDCD Albany, NY 1540 CHIN Toronto 1540 KXEL Waterloo, IA 1630 KCJJ Iowa City IA 1660 KQWB West Fargo ND 1660 KXOL Brigham City UT (Jurgen Bartels, Suellwarden, N.Germany - mwdx 31/12/2007) This mid afternoon I went thru all 10kHz channels to look for weak carriers and found carriers from WA, BC and even Honolulu. At least that's what the mw- offset list indicate, so it remains speculative. Dxers more to the north like Scotland etc, must have had audible signals Vancouver 690, 1130 1200, 1310, 1410 1470 Washington 1510 1380 1300 Honolulu 1500 1420 Alaska:680 (Jurgen Bartels, Suellwarden, N.Germany - mwdx 31/12/2007) on 999 Khz just before Spain could show up at 21:00 UTC yesterday. I've heard the usual TWR flute interval signal followed by the top of the hour bips. The signal was poor. It must have been just after the end of the Russian programming according to EMWG. (Sylvain Naud, Portneuf, Quebec, CA - mwdx 02/01/2008) 1350 Khz- Universitaria- Rio Branco AC- 50 Kw 1440 Khz- Sto. Amaro BA- Radio Independencia- 100 Kw 930 Khz- Radio Sociedade- Aparecida de Goiania GO- 150 Kw 820 Khz- Radio Jornal de Goias- Goiania GO- 50 Kw 690 Khz- Radio Sociedade de Ceres- Ceres GO- 100 Kw 1160 Khz-Radio Ecletica Universal- Santo Antonio do Descoberto GO- 30 Kw 780 Khz- Radio Alvorada- Sao Luis MA- 50 Kw 750 Khz- Radio America- Belo Horizonte MG- 100 Kw 1080 Khz- Radio Mineira- Juiz de Fora MG- 50 Kw 1060 Khz- Radio Grande BH- Belo Horizonte MG- 100 Kw 1030 Khz- Radio Itai- Rondonopolis MT- 100 Kw 900 Khz- Radio Liberal- Belem PA- 50 Kw 1330 Khz- ??- Cabo de Sto. Agostinho PE- 50 Kw 640 Khz- Radio Tupi- Londrina PR- 5o Kw 1010 Khz- Radio Celinauta- PatoBranco PR- 40 Kw 1210 Khz- Radio Tupi- Curitiba PR- 100 Kw 1030 Khz- Radio Capital- Rio de janeiro RJ- 150 Kw 880 Khz- Radio Itai- Porto Alegre RS- 50 Kw 1350 Khz- Radio Vale do Itajai- Itajai SC- 50 Kw 1330 Khz- Regente Feijo SP- 30 Kw (Edison B., Brasil - radioescutas 02/01/2008) 782 Syria noted strong, better than 783 Mauritania, Jan 2, 2150 UTC. (Bruce Conti, Nashua, NH, USA - mwdx 03/01/2008) Украина Застоявшиеся передатчики 1 программы УР (675 Ужгород, 711 Донецк, 810 Луцк, 936 Старобельск, 972 Николаев, 1134 Луганск, 1377 Черновцы, 1557 Путила) должны включиться на СВ до 21.50, когда по радио и телевидению начнется новогоднее поздравление президента Ющенко, и проработать до 02.00. В 04.00 на СВ кроме УР1 должны включиться передатчики: УР2 (549 Николаев, Львов, Винница); УР3 (657 Черновцы, 837 Харьков, 1242 Донецк, Октябрьское). Может быть не все учел, надо будет уточнить. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 31/12/2007) Время приема 14:38-15:00 UTC 549 Вторая программа "Украинского радио","Маяк","Радио Приднестровья" 711 Первая программа "Украинского радио" 837 "Радио Культура" 972 Первая программа "Украинского радио" 1242 "Радио Культура" (Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина - open_dx 01/01/2008) 549 кГц. 45554 По-прежнему "Маяк" на русском, никакой Украины. 711 кГц. Одно из немногих мест, где на СВ был шум - и тоже никакой Украины. 837 кГц. 24553 Украинское "Радио Культура". Передавали классическую музыку. 972 кГц. 34554 Украинско Радио, разнообразная музыка; также на частоте NDR Info на европейском языке (по идее на немецком, но мне почему-то показалось, что на французском). 1242 кГц. 45554 Тоже украинское "Радио Культура", только слышно намного лучше. 1377 кГц. 33554 Супермикс из трёх (!) станций: - Голос России (РМР) из Еревана - современная музыка, в перерывах ID, параллельно 1143 кГц; (впервые принял в Минске Ереван!) - France Info на французском; - Украинское Радио (то же, что и на 972). Интересно, какой именно канал Украинского Радио вещает на 972 и 1377? (Первый-?) К сожалению, я забыл про 594 кГц, проверю её сегодня. (Алексей Зиневич, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 02/01/2008) На 594 кГц ВВС я и раньше принмал, и сегодня удалось: 17:42 45454 ВВС-английский (из расписания: 17:30-18:00) 18:00 34554 ВВС-украинский (выпуск новостей, в фоне иностранная речь) После 17:00 на 9885 кГц - только сильнейшие помехи, поэтому не могу сказать, прекратило ли Радио Эммануил вещание. Offtopic: Поймал ещё один "Маяк" (распознал сравнив с 549) - 810 кГц, 17:33, 35343, Волгоград, 500 кВт - НО в справочнике emwg.info почему-то указано время прекращения трансляции из Волгограда - 15:00. (Алексей Зиневич, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 02/01/2008) - Just heard a momment ago at 22:16 UTC via relay station in Albania off frequency 1214.65 Khz, China Radio International with good signal. Woman probaly Serbian then Chinese traditional music. The strong off frequency het is just blasting over Virgin Radio on 1215. (Sylvain Naud, Portneuf, Canada - mwdx 03/01/2008) 3 января 02.25, 1053 кГц, TALK_SPORT, английский язык, 33443, ID часто повторялось, \\1089 кГц (44444) - здесь было намного чище. 02.45, 1125 кГц, испанский язык, предполагаю RNE, 33433, с помехой от неизвестной станции (ретранслировалась песня Джорджа Майкла), которая быстро потухла. С 03.00 появилось хорошим сигналом РАДИО ОРФЕЙ, с помехой от станции на французском языке (! - это точно). Помеху не опознал. 03.15, 1008 кГц, 10_gold (ну что бы я не узнал голландкий :)), отличный сигнал. 03.21, 765 кГц, Радио Росии, 44444. Откуда это? 03.25, 810 кГц, Radio Skopje, 44444, ID 3.26, вообще часто ID-лись. 03.39, 864 кГц, FRANCE bleu, 44444, \\1278 кГц (тут хуже сигнал был). 03.45, 882 кГц, MDR, немецкий язык, 34443, \\1017, 1044, 1188. Как обычно немцы очень хорошо проходят. 03.55, 1215 кГц, Радио России, 35443, с песенкой "иуноситменя", \\1170 кГц. 1215 откуда вещает? 04.10, 1323 кГц, станция, которую на слух я идентифицировал, как Радио Муройш (?), язык вещания славянского происхождения, ID было 2 раза, 44444. 04.15, 1341 кГц, Магияр Католикас Радио, религиозные рассуждения, формат вещания очень похож на польскую РАДИО МАРИЯ, 43443. Помеха от станции на анлийской языке (чистый английский). ВВС? 04.20, 1422 кГц, DLF, 34433, ID несколько раз проскочило в ходе разговора ведущего. 04.25, 1404 кГц, Романия Актуалитата, ID проскочило 2 раза в ходе разговора ведущего и корреспондента (по телефону со студией разговаривал), 34443. 04.35, 1494 кГц, РМР, сюжет о Михаиле Ульянове, 33443. (Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 03/01/2008) Позвольте немного комментариев. 3 января >02.25, 1053 кГц, TALK_SPORT, английский язык, 33443, ID часто повторялось, \\1089 кГц (44444) - здесь было намного чище. Тут у меня обычно Румыния (сильно) или Радио Мария из Питера (на тройку) С 03.00 появилось хорошим сигналом РАДИО ОРФЕЙ, с помехой от станции на французском языке (! - это точно). Помеху не опознал. Радио Орфей из Санкт-Петербурга тоже. 03.15, 1008 кГц, 10_gold (ну что бы я не узнал голландкий :)), отличный сигнал. Эхх хотелось бы конечно что б и правда туда 10_голд вернули, хорошая была станция. Но нынче там GrootNieuwsradio, тоже голландцы вроде. Песни мелодичные, часто вроде религиозные. 03.21, 765 кГц, Радио Росии, 44444. Откуда это? Карелия, Педасельга, 150 кВт. 03.25, 810 кГц, Radio Skopje, 44444, ID 3.26, вообще часто ID-лись. У меня часто Албанцы тут на 4ку, после Маяка из Волгограда. 03.55, 1215 кГц, Радио России, 35443, с песенкой "иуноситменя", \\1170 кГц. 1215 откуда вещает? Калининград? 04.25, 1404 кГц, Романия Актуалитата, ID проскочило 2 раза в ходе разговора ведущего и корреспондента (по телефону со студией разговаривал), 34443. на половине СВ ловится эта станция 567, 603 (мощно), 630, 720, 855 (мощно), 909 (мощно), 1152 (иногда), 1179 (винегрет с какой то другой станцией), 1332, 1404, 1458, 1530 (иногда очень мощно). Румыния на СВ представлена как видим отлично :-) 04.35, 1494 кГц, РМР, сюжет о Михаиле Ульянове, 33443. Петербург, Жаль поздним вечером не работают. (Евгений Токарь, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 03/01/2008) 1540 KXEL Waterloo IA. “On 15-40 KXEL” heard in sports commentary featuring The Panthers. G 0124 03/12 JF 1540 WDCD Albany NY. Usual religion struggling to compete with KXEL! Trans World Radio feature. F 0125 03/12 JF 1570 XERF La Poderosa, Cuidad Acuna. “XERF, La Poderosa” etc. ID at top of hour struggling against CFAV. F 0601 03/12 JF 1570 CFAV Laval QC. Dominating channel all night with some good peaks. Three other stations also heard on channel. “Radio Boomer Quinz-Soixante-Dix” IDs. Still fair levelsat 1000. G 0630 03/12 JF 1630 KCJJ Iowa City IA. “The New 16-30 KCJJ” and pop music - Eddy Grant’s “Electric Avenue”. At 02:54 “You’re listening to basketball on The Mighty 16-30 KCJJ” F 0231 03/12 JF 1660 KQWB West Fargo ND. Local ads for Fargo and Moorhead on top of everything else. F 0256 03/12 JF (John Faulkner, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, U.K. - skywavesmw 03/01/2008) 560 CHVO Spaniard'S Bay NF // VOCM 820 CHAM? had to leave 840 WHAS ID 859 KOA 1000 WMVP Chicago 1080 WTIC 1120 KMOX 1290 WHIA Dayton, OH, ID wx 1310 CIWW Ottawa "Oldies 13-10" 1540 CHIN 1540 KXEL 1540 WDCD 1570 XERF 1570 CVAD 1580 CKDO Oshava "107,7 FM" Oldies, seems they leave MW 1620 KOZN? Bellevue NE 1650 CJRS Montreal ID ee then ss 1650 KBJD Denver? Radio Play 1660 KQWB? West Fargo ND ESPN 1660 WWRU 1680 WLAA 1700 WJCC Miami Springs FL ss 1390 WEGP now has 25kW power as they announced and format change. It now dominates 1390 til late morning, offset changed to 1390.001 ? = need to be checked again when I have time. Weak carriers of tent Columbia on 600 and 770 appeared Still some carriers from 680 KBRW, Calgary and SK during the afternoon, 600 almost became audible late afternoon when CBNA was not visible at all. Last night the grave yards like 1390, 1470 etc. were full with carriers, too much to choose from. (Jurgen Bartels Suellwarden, N.Germany - skywavesmw 03/01/2008) С 1 января 2008 года ТрансМировое радио начало вещание на курдском языке, частота 864 кГц. Окончание программы в 19.10 utc, после перенастройки передатчика и антенны на частоте 1350 килоГерц начинается в 19.15 программа для Израиля. Местонахождение передатчика, думаю, ни для кого не составляет тайны. Как я уже ранее писал, программы ТрансМирового радио на русском языке с 1 декабря прошлого года не транслируются на "Маяке". Начиная с 1 января эти же программы не транслируются на волнах радиостанции "Юность". (Василий Гуляев, Астрахань, Россия - open_dx 03/01/2008) Some recent regional domestic logs, all times/dates EST (UTC-5): 700 WDMV MD Walkersville - 1/2 1700 - Good; "WDMV Walkersville, Washington, the national capital region's only business and financial news/talk radio station, DC Radio 700," and Information Radio Network news. (BC-NH) 730 WPIT PA Pittsburgh - 1/2 1700 - Poor, through unID ESPN; 73 WPIT promo/ID and SRN news. (BC-NH) 740 WVCH PA Chester - 1/2 1700 - Fair; "You're listening to The Christian Station, WVCH AM 740 serving Chester, Philadelphia, and the entire Delaware Valley." (BC-NH) 770 WLWL NC Rockingham - 1/2 1750 - Over/under WABC; R&B oldies. Very enjoyable, different from the same old music on other stations! Lost to R.Rebelde Cuba before s/off. (BC-NH) 860 WAMO PA Millvale - 1/1 2000 - Through R.Reloj Cuba with CJBC nulled; WAMO AM promo/ID and the Bev Smith Show talk. (BC-NH) 940 WIDG MI St. Ignace - 1/1 1940 - Presumed; Sporting News Radio under XEQ with CINW nulled. (BC-NH) 960 WPLY PA Mount Pocono - 1/1 1800 - Under CFFX and R.Reloj Cuba; "Your home for today's talk radio, WVPO Stroudsburg and WPLY Mount Pocono" into network news. (BC-NH) 980 WILK PA Wilkes-Barre - 1/1 1800 - Under WCAP and WOFX; "...WILK-FM, WILK-FM HD1 Avoca, WILK Wilkes-Barre, WBZU Scranton, WKZN West Hazleton, northeast PA's news radio, WILK," and ABC news. (BC-NH) 1160 WSKW ME Skowhegan - 1/3 1700 - Over WVNJ; BTO "Let It Roll," FM ID, "Central Maine's classic rock, WCTB Fairfield, Waterville, Augusta; The River 93-5," then lost with power reduction. Format change, no longer ESPN? (BC-NH) 1200 CFGO ON Ottawa - 1/3 1700 - Excellent; "This is CFGO Ottawa, Sportsradio Team 1200," news, "From the CFRA 24 hour news center..." (BC-NH) 1300 WKZN PA West Hazleton - 1/3 1700 - Good; "Scranton Wilkes-Barre's number one information station, WILK-FM, WILK-FM HD1 Avoca... (see 980) northeast PA's news radio, WILK." (BC-NH) 1340 WNZS ME Veazie - 1/3 1755 - Fair; Bangor weather, "Newsradio 1340 WNZS," and Michael Medved talk. (BC-NH) 1350 CKAD NS Middleton - 1/3 1800 - Fair; "1420 CKDY Digby, 1350 CKAD Middleton, 103.3 FM Weymouth, and 97.7 CKEN Kentville... this is AVR, an MBS radio station serving the Annapolis Valley for 63 years," and The Foxworthy Countdown. (BC-NH) 1380 WABH NY Bath - 1/3 1800 - Atop jumble; "Oldies 1380 WABH" and CBS news. (BC-NH) 1410 WELM NY Elmira - 1/3 1800 - Poor through WPOP and unIDs; WELM Elmira, Corning ID. (BC-NH) 1420 WHK OH Cleveland - 1/3 1900 - Over unID gospel among others; Laura Ingraham promo, ID, "WHK Cleveland. This is News/Talk 1420 WHK." (BC-NH) 1540 KXEL IA Waterloo - 1/3 2100 - Third station behind WDCD and CHIN; basketball promo and ID, "KXEL Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Iowa." (BC-NH) (Bruce Conti, NH, USA - mwdx 04/01/2008) Yesterday, before going late to bed at aroud 04:45 UTC, I had a quick check on LW. Earlier in the night, I can appreciate with fair signal, reggae music in Polish on 225 Khz. These are a few "exotic" logs from my home QTH near midnight local. 225 POLAND, Polskie Radio, Solec Kujawski. Talk in Polish, fair (01/03/2008, 04:47)) 261 RUSSIA, Radio Rossii, Taldom. Woman in Russian probably, tough to show it. There's a NDB in St-Felix-de-Valois near Montreal who's blasting on 260 Khz. I had to tight the filters and when editing, I even use the equalizer to attenuate that tone. See attached file. This is the best audio until now I had with this one (01/03/2008, 04:51) 270 CZECH REPUBLIC, Cezky Rozhlas 1, Topolna. Man in Slavic, poor to fair mixed with NDB (01/03/2008, 04:56) As a tentative, I checked on 279 Khz and heard irregular weak audio. But usure on that one. (Sylvain Naud, Portneuf, Canada - mwdx 04/01/2008) -- Тропо 04:47 87.90 5849 Colle Barbiano I (W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 02/01/2008) 09:23 87.90 536E KISSKISS Brescia e provincia I 10:58 87.90 5158 NEAPLES_ Vesuvio, Neaples I (W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 03/01/2008) -- Digital Radio На этой неделе 24 и 25 декабря из Талдома проводились трансляции радиостанции Маяк на частоте 3955 кГц с 6 до 13 часов. Принимал эту передачу 25 декабря примерно с 7.40 до 8.20, в остальное время на частоте ничего не было заметно в первую очередь из-за того, что тестовая трансляция была предназначена для России, и антенны явно были направлены не на запад, ну и, к сожалению, около 10 часов по местному времени локальные помехи задавили практически все в этом диапазоне. Увы, даже рамочная антенна уже с ними не справляется. Параметры трансляции как всегда без сюрпризов: 17.46 kbps, mono. ID:E07000. Название радиостанции ее организаторы записали латинской графикой - Mayak, кто бы сомневался, зная практику инженеров из Талдома. На мой рапорт и замечания насчет целесообразности использования английского(?) языка в названии русской радиостанции, вещающей для России на русском языке, не получил никакого ответа. Адрес для рапортов, кстати, объявлялся прежний: rc-3-buch_at_mail.ru. Еще записал 24 декабря на частоте 11615 кГц с 9.30 до 15 часов логфайл радиостанции Voice of Russia - более менее стабильный прием наблюдался примерно до 10.30. Никаких изменений в названии и в контактной информации радиостанции за время, начиная с 11 ноября, так и не произошло, к сожалению. В условиях, когда ни на одно из моих писем - и в технический центр, и в редакцию я в течение более чем месяца демонстративно не получил ни одного ответа, понять причину невозможно, вряд ли серьезным аргументом помимо уже озвученных можно считать отсутствие на клавиатуре контролирующего трансляцию компьютера русских букв, и совсем не хочется верить в высокомерное упрямство россиян, которым не пристало следовать советам из какой-то Латвии, пусть даже и логичным, типа раз не мы сами до этого додумались, так назло будем делать все наоборот. По меньшей мере законам формальной логики действия персонала этой российской радиостанции точно не поддаются. Еще хотелось бы отметить, что радиостанция Deutschlandradio Kultur начала транслировать сигнал AMSS на частоте 990 кГц. 25 декабря без труда удалось принять его и зафиксировать скриншоты основного и Live Schedule интерфейса, несмотря на сильные помехи от 999 кГц. Саму станцию в т.ч.и из-за локальных помех услышать было почти невозможно. Когда-то уже говорил и еще раз повторю - очень хорошая технология, особенно для ДХ-истов. После принятия всего блока информации о радиостанции удалось дополнительно узнать в онлайне следующее: DKULTUR, German, DAM Mode2 (+6 dB), ID:E0D220 и частотное расписание. Еще в декабре принимал BBC World Service на 5875 кГц с AMSS сигналом. (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 03/01/2008) -- Неофициальное вещание Куба Tnx to a tip from Giampiero Bernardini, R. Republica heard on reactivated 6185 at 0240 check Dec 28 over DentroCuban Jamming Command. Must be a fairly recent change, and we can say goodbye to any chance of hearing R. Educacion, Mexico during this bihour. RR started B-07 on 6100 at 02-04, and was there the last time I checked, having forced Vatican via Canada to move to 6040 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 29/12/2007) Судан 9825 R. Miraya 1500-1520 Dec 29. EG news to 1509, then into another lang, possibly AR; definitely AR a few miniues later at 1515. Fair at best. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 30/12/2007) 9825 R. Miraya (tent.) 1502-1600+ 29,30 Dec. CNR-1 closing at 1500 prevented hearing complete s/on but had Sudan/Darfur news items/phone reports(and mention of Miraya) to 1510, music bridge w/ canned echo annct. into Arabic..possibly back to English at 1545, but signal deteriorating..did notice 4+1 pips both days at 1500, 1600 (same pitch for all 5 w/ last one a bit longer) (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 30/12/2007) -- Наблюдения 3255 28/12 0355 AFS BBC, Meyerton EE cm "BBC Africa" 33433 MVB 3320 28/12 0352 AFS SONDER GRENSE, Meyerton cm YL/OM vern mx pop 32442 MVB 3325 28/12 0354 B MUNDIAL, Sao Paulo cm sobre a Rosana autora de livro sobre anjos 34443 MVB 3350 28/12 0357 CTR EXTERIOR DE ESPANA, Cariari de Pococi SS mx pop 22432 MVB (Marcelo Vilela Bedene, Curitiba, Brasil - radioescutas 29/12/2007) 4780khz 01,00utc R.Cultural Coatan-GTM Px mx local +ID SUFF 6155khz 01,20utc R.Republica "px la parabla"- Clandestina BUONO 5000khz 01,30 utc YVTO Caracas VEN Bip Bip Bip Bip ..........SUFF 4950khz 01,45utc Unid ?????????????Angola /Peru low modulation and music !!!! noise booooo boooo??? (Mauro, Italy - playdx2003 29/12/2007) Here are my latest tips from Skovlunde using an AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire: N4810.06 2345-0115 IND 28/29-12 AIR Bhopal English/Hindi Two men reporting from Cricket match in Melbourne in early morning broadcast 24312 - best at the end // 4910 and 5040 AP-DNK N4904.97 0645-0731* TCH 28-12 Rdif. Nat. Tchadienne, N'Djamena-Gredia French short ann and Afropop, audio faded out 0720, carrier was switched off at 0731* which corresponds to their schedule 25232 AP-DNK 4904.97 2115-2230* TCH 28-12 Rdif. Nat. Tchadienne, N'Djamena-Gredia French ann, Afropop, National Anthem 44444 AP-DNK 4965 0120-0200* IND 25+27-12 AIR Shimla Hindi (?) Slow Indian songs - stronger than Voice Africa, Lusaka + noise QRM, best in the most narrow bandwidth 33333 AP-DNK 4965 1420-1450 fade out IND 27-12 AIR Shimla Hindi (?) reports about the assasination of Mrs. Bhutto, songs of mourning 34333 increasing QRM Voice of Russia, Tajikistan AP-DNK N4976 *0205-0225 UGA 27-12 R Uganda, Kampala Vernacular New s/on time, Afropop 34333 AP-DNK 4990.0 2335-2345 CHN 28-12 Hunan PBS, Changsha (p) Chinese talk, music 25222 AP-DNK 5010 0120-0215* IND 27-12 AIR Thiruvananthapuram Hindi/Malayalam phone in about the Tsunami 3 years ago // e.g. 4965, followed 0155 by own prohgramme with advs with some English words, sports news and closing ann mentioning frequency change 44343 AP-DNK 5030 0150-0200 BFA 25-12 R Burkina, Ouagadougou French phone-in programme in an extended Christmas Night broadcast - just like a year ago! 35343 AP-DNK 5040 1455-1545 IND 27-12 AIR Jeypore Hindi/English Reports about the assasination of Mrs. Bhutto, songs of mourning, 1530 English news about Mrs. Bhutto and Cricket results 34333 AP-DNK 6170 1255-1415 FIN 25-12 Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat Finnish talk, pop songs 24242 // weaker 11720 AP-DNK 12015 1805-1830* CLA Tu 25-12 Voice of Meselna Delina, via WHRA, Greenbush, MA, USA Tigrinya talk about Eritrea, Christmas carol in English 33333 QRM Voice of Korea in English AP-DNK 15675 1410-1430* CLA Tu 25-12 Southern Sudan Interactive R Instructions, via Meyerton English lesson "Count to ten using your fingers" 45434 AP-DNK (Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 29/12/2007) 2030tu, Voice of Zimbabwe sur 4828, SIO 433, musique non stop. Egalement The Voice Africa (Zambie) sur 4965, meilleure sur 4963, SIO 422, anglais. La Mauritanie (4845) fait l'objet de pas mal de coupures ces derniers temps, ce soir y compris. (Eric Cordier, France - ondescourtes 30/12/2007) 11965 26/12 1820 LBY R. Jamahiriya, via France, ??, talks 54444 11940 26/12 2305 JPN R. Japan, Tokyo, JJ, talks, nx 44344 11885 26/12 2312 USA Family Radio, Florida, PP, px religioso, com interferencia de emissora transmitindo em chines 42343 15250 27/12 1212 SAU R. Riyadh, EE, px abt Islam 54544 17630 27/12 1320 GAB R. Afrique N? 1, FF, talks, nx, mx 34333 (Feliz Ano Novo, Brasil - radioescutas 30/12/2007) 657 24/12 11.10 RAI - Firenze IT NX reg. Toscana IT suff. 864 26/12 17.45 France Bleu Ile de France - Paris FF NX locali buono 1026 27/12 18.50 R. Jaen - SS pubblicita locale buono 1278 24/12 11.05 France Bleu Alsace - Strasbourg Alsaziano NX locali buono 1305 27/12 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Ciudad Real SS NX reg. Castilla - La Mancha buono 1494 24/12 12.10 France Bleu Frequenza Mora - Bastia IT Mediterradio buono 1521 27/12 17.57 R. Castellon - SS ID e pubblicita locale buono 3279.6 26/12 04.30 Voz del Napo/R. Maria - Tena SS MX suff. 3396 24/12 23.25 Zimbawe BC - Harare Shona MA afro buono 3904 29/12 16.45 R. Blue Star - EE ID e MX suff. 4755 29/12 22.55 R. Congonhas - PP MX suff. 4805 29/12 23.00 R. Dif. Amazonas - Manaus PP MX buono 4825 24/12 23.15 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP predica suff. 4880 29/12 17.10 SW R. Africa - Meyerton Vern. MX afro buono 4885 24/12 23.10 R. Clube do Para - Belem PP ID suff. (ma non doveva essere chiusa ???) 5910 29/12 23.40 Marfil Estereo - Bogota SS MX buono 6000 29/12 23.30 Capital FM - Singapore Cinese talk YL e MX buono 6205 25/12 10.05 R. San Marino Int. - ????? Tedesco/IT ID e MX italiana buono 6240 24/12 10.15 CWR - EE ID e MX buono 6244.4 25/12 09.30 BRI - EE MX buono 6255 25/12 10.00 KBC - EE ID e MX buono 6270 26/12 09.45 Antonio R. - EE ID e MX suff. 6281 25/12 10.30 R. Jingle Bells - Germania EE ID e MX buono 6290 25/12 09.45 Speedwing R. - suf. 6300 24/12 15.00 R. Shadowman - EE ID e MX buono 6300 25/12 09.30 R. Boomerang - buono 6305 29/12 23.55 Double Kilo R. - EE ID e MX buono 6306 26/12 10.00 R. Brandaris - EE ID e MX buono 6325 23/12 09.20 R. Quintus - EE ID e MX buono 6540 30/12 10.25 R. Brigitte - EE MX buono 7295 24/12 16.20 Traxx FM - Kuala Lumpur EE MX suff. 15665 28/12 20.15 Voice of Biafra Int. - Washington EE NX buono (Roberto Pavanello, Vercelli, Italy - playdx2003 30/12/2007) 3965,0 2000 F RTI-Issoudun Nx+Com+Dep 28/12 Esp 35443 7340,0 2100 RUS LV RUSIA-Novosibirsk-Oyash Id+Nx 28/12 Esp 45444 9460,0 2110 SLK SLOVAK RADIO-Rimavska Sobota Com sobre la revolucion de terciopelo 1990 28/12 Esp 45444 9310,0 0618 UZB R VATICANO-Taskent COM 29/12 Mal 35333 9495,0 1625 CHN FIREDRAKE QRM A BBC en Uzb via THA fin a 1729 29/12 Mx 35333 9875,0 1640 G R SOLH-Rampisham Com+Mx 29/12 Pas 45444 5860,0 1725 MRA RFA-Tinian Is Com+Mx 29/12 Kor 35333 9600,0 1730 BUL R BULGARIA-Plovdiv Fx+Nx //7200 29/12 Esp 45433 7160,0 1753 TUR LV TURQUIA-Emirler Nx+”corresponsal en Espana” 29/12 Esp 45444 12150,0 1513 CLN VOA-Irana Wila Nx sobre Pakistan 30/12 Ing 35333 9445,0 1815 KWT VOA-Kuwait Com QRM AIR-Bangalore 30/12 Dar 33333 (Tomas Mendez, Spain - playdx2003 30/12/2007) UAE 9575 NHK Al Dhabbaya relay in Japanese covers Medi I MRC co-channel totally. 1700-1900 UT scheduled. Dec 31. VIETNAM 9730 VoVTN Hanoi, Russian sce at 1640 UT (scheduled 1630-1700 UT), S=7, Dec 31. YEMEN 9780.05 Sana' Yemen Radio program, Arabic HQ prayer in progress at 1635 UT, S=7 signal in soweGermany, Dec 31. UNID 9585 - came across 1650 to sign off at 1715 UT. Female voice read Russian like nx, in very, very slow speed, in an old fake slight foreign accent. Whole transmission was covered by a BUZZY tone. ID sounded like "Indivskyie Radio". HFCC table couldn't help, but Aoki's list shows AIR Delhi India, scheduled 1615-1715 UT on 9585DEL, 11620BGL, and 15140DEL. Surprisingly the music noted during the program reminded me on more Central Asian Afghan-Iranian-Turk style today!? 9585 ALL INDIA RADIO 1615-1715 daily Russian 250kW 132degr Delhi (Khampur) 11620 ALL INDIA RADIO 1615-1715 daily Russian 500 335 Bangalore 15140 ALL INDIA RADIO 1615-1715 daily Russian 250 132 Delhi (Khampur) (Aoki list) At 1715 UT sudden 1000 Hertz tone for approx. 8 seconds appeared on 9585 kHz and tx signing off. Txion was well ahead of co-channel Vatican radio in Armenian and Russian, so beware to get the right program content... Vatican Radio 16:50 17:09 ARMENO 100 AM 7365 27 75 100 AM 9585 19 86 17:10 17:38 RUSSO 20 AM 1611 OD 250 AM 6185 27 35 250 AM 7365 20 54 100 AM 9585 19 86 (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 31/12/2007) 7120 2327 30/12 VOA, ee via Filipina, sinal muito fraco, talk por OM, 15221; 7130 2329 30/12 Central PBS, chines, talk por OM/YL, sob QRM de unid na mesma frq., 22332; 7220 2330 30/12 Unid, mx chinesa em ritmo pop rock, seguido de talk YL em chines, 25332; 7250 2338 30/12 CRI, ss, talk voz feminina sobre cinema e cultura chineses, 35333; 7270 2340 30/12 Voice of China?????(clandestina??), chines, talk voz masculina, ao fundo QRM pouco perceptivel, 33333; 7285 2347 30/12 Voice of Croatia, via Alemanha, mx pop croata nonstop, bom sinal, 55444; 7310 2350 30/12 Firedrake jamming, mx tradicional chinesa, 13441; 7315 2354 30/12 Unid, ee, pregacao religiosa por OM, com bom sinal, 55444; 7405 2357 30/12 Marti, ss, px musical, mx reggae de Bob Marley, seguida de anuncio por OM de frequencias para a proxima hora, 25222; 7490 2359 30/12 WHR, ee , talk por OM, 25332; 7540 0001 31/12 WEWN, ss, abrindo emissao, com mx religiosa catolica ao som de orgao, 45333; 9360 0003 31/12 Cairo, arabe, talk news voz masculina, sinal fraco, 25332; 9430 0007 31/12 Family, pp, talk religioso voz masculina: "Bem vindos ao programa perguntas e respostas", sob QRM de CRI em 9435, 22442; 9435 0010 31/12 CRI, pp, news por voz feminina, fala sobre a situacao no Paquistao apos o assassinato de Benazir Bhuto, 55433; 9455 0012 31/12 Central PBS, via Lingshi, em dialeto minoritario chines, provavelmente uighur, com talk OM/YL, 35333; 9490 0014 31/12 Sweden ????, sueco????, talk via telefone OM/OM< bom sinal, 45433; 9500 0017 31/12 Bulgaria, ss, mx classica, sinal fraco, 15421; 9535 0020 31/12 Exterior de Espana, ss talk voz masculina, sinal fraco com estatica, 24222; 9550 0022 31/12 Havana Cuba, frances, news voz feminina, sinal razoavel, 34433; 9575 0026 31/12 Medi1, Marrocos, mx arabe tradicional, initerrupta, QRM de unid na mesma frequencia, 33333; 9610 0031 31/12 Vaticano, pp, iD por voz masculina, "No ar o noticiario da Radio Vaticano, a Radio do Papa", a seguir as noticias da Santa Se, onde descreve a ultima oracao do ?Angelus ? do ano, seguido da retrospectiva das acoes do papa Bento XVI em 2007, com otimo sinal, 55544; 9655 0036 31/12 Central PBS, provavelmente uighur, talk voz masculina, QRM de unid em 9660, 33443; 9680 0049 31/12 Voz da Republica Islamica do Ira, ss, talk voz masculina, prejudicado pelo sinal fraco, 25322; 9820 0056 31/12 Central PBS, chines, mx pop chionesa, seguida de talk em voz feminina, 45433; (Arthur Antonio Raimundo, Aracatuba, Brasil - radioescutas 02/01/2008) 4815 1250 30/12 Difusora Londrina, pp, talk pastor convocando para encontro evangelico na cidade de RolAndia, 45343; 4865 1253 30/12 Alvorada, Londrina, pp, transmissao de missa ao vivo, sob forte ruido (chiado), 34121; 4985 1255 30/12 Brasil Central, Goiania, pp, talk entre locutor e ouvintes, ruido de estatica e chiados, 35222; 5970 1305 30/12 Itatiaia, BH, pp, mx jingle da emissora, estilo "bandinha", seguido de talk por locutor, sinal relativamente fraco, sob chiado e estatica intensos, 24121; 6000 1307 30/12 Guaiba, pp, apresentacao da equipe tecnica da emissora por OM, sob forte ruido, 24121; 6010 1310 30/12 Inconfidencia, BH, pp, mx de Chico Buarque, forte desvanecimento e estatica, 35222; 6040 1314 30/12 Clube Paranaense, rtr. px Eldorado, talk OM/YL com resenha dos jornais do dia, sinal bom, 45333; 6060 1319 30/12 Tupi, Curitiba, pp, transmissao de culto da IPDA, com relato de curas, sinal forte, 55544; 6080 1323 30/12 Marumbi, Curitiba, pp, talk locutor enviando recados a diversos ouvintes, desejando feliz ano novo, sinal forte, 55444; 6090 1326 30/12 Bandeirantes, pp, retrospectiva do Campeonato Brasileiro de 2007, bom sinal, com desvanecimento, 45433; 6105 1331 30/12 Cultura Filaldefia, Foz do Iguacu, pp,mx evangelica sob forte QRM de Cancao Nova na mesma frequencia, com predominancia para a Filadelfia, que tem dominda o a frequEncia na maioria das escutas por aqui, sinal forte, 52522; 6120 1337 30/12 Globo, SP, pp, talk sobre o titulo do Sao Paulo e retrospectiva do futebol em 2007, sinal bem mais fraco que o normal, 14311; 2380 2141 30/12 Educadora, Limeira, pp, transmissao de missa ao vivo, sinal fraco, 15321; 4755 2147 30/12 Imaculada, Campo Grande, pp, talk, apenas audivel, muito fraca, 13211; 4775 2149 30/12 Congonhas, pp, transmissao de missa ao vivo, forte ruido de estatica e chiados, 24232; 4815 2151 30/12 Difusora, Londrina, pp, transmissao de culto ao vivo, com cantico religioso, otimo sinal, 55444;. 4825 2154 30/12 Cancao Nova, pp, talk por OM/YL, com retrospectiva das noticias de 2007, sinal razoavel, 24332; 4865 2156 30/12 Alvorada, Londrina, transmissao de missa ao vivo, otimo sinal, 55544; 4915 2159 30/12 Anhanguera, Goiania, pp, mx evangelica, finalizando px religioso, bom sinal, 45333; 4975 2203 30/12 Nossa Voz ????, pp, transmissao de culto da IPDA(Davi Miranda), relatando milagres e entrevistando fieis, QRM de RBC em 4985, 33333; 4985 2209 30/12 Brasil Central, pp, px de flashback "Bons Tempos", mx de Elvis Presley, bom sinal, 55444;. 5035 2212 30/12 Aparecida, pp, mx Pe. Zezinho, sinal com forte ruido, 35232; 5045 2215 30/12 Guaruja, pp, advs diverso, retr. Guaruja FM, "Guaruja FM, 33 anos", "Massas Giani", bom sinal, 45333; 5910 2220 30/12 VOA, ee, talk OM sobre esportes, sinal fraco, 25232; 5920 2226 30/12 WBOH, via Newport, EUA, ee, talk religioso por om, SINAL FRACO.E minha primeira escuta dessa emissora, 24232; 5960 2232 30/12 Unid, arabe, talk voz masculina, forte ruido, 24242; 5965 2238 30/12 Havana Cuba ????, frances, talk voz masculina sob forte ruido, sinal fraco, mas a definicao da lingua e possivel, 13121; 5970 2241 30/12 Itatiaia, BH, pp, mx romantica Celine Dion, sinal regular, 24442; 5975 2243 30/12 BBC via Guianan Francesa, ee, talk OM/YL, QRM de unid na mesma frequencia, 23322; 5990 2246 30/12 FEBC ????, lingua asiatica, talk voz masculina com bom sinal, 45444; 6000 2248 30/12 Guaiba, pp, talk esportivo por OM com bom sinal, 55444; 6020 2251 30/12 CRI, chines, talk voz masculina , forte QRM de Gaucha na mesma frq., 41431; 6050 2255 30/12 Xizang PBS, via Lhasa, talk em chines masculino, sob QRM de unid na mesma frequencia, sinal razoavel, 33422; 6060 2257 30/12 Tupi, Ctba., talk por OM fornecendo numeros de contas bancarias da IPDA para depositos dos dizimos e contribuicoes, QRM de unid na mesma frequencia, 53433; 6080 2259 30/12 Marumbi, Ctba., pp, oracao evangelica ao vivo, culto por YL, 55444; 6105 2302 30/12 Cultura Filadelfia, Foz, pp, dramatizacao de historia biblica, com bom sinal, 5444; 6120 2310 30/12 Nederland, indonesio, talk por OM, sinal fraco, com ruido chiado e desvanecimento, 15311; 6150 2316 30/12 Record, pp, advs diversos, "Lojas Marabraz", "Saldao de Natal Casas Bahia", "Record, a estacao quente do Radio", 55444; 6165 2319 30/12 Nederland, holandes, voz masculina, parece px musical, bom sinal, 54444; 6180 2321 30/12 Nacional da Amazonia, pp, mx bolero "Dois pra la e dois pra ca", bom sinal, 45333; 6195 2324 30/12 BBC, via Tailandia, ee, talk por OM/YL, sob QRM de unid na mesma frq., sinal bem fraco, 13341; (Arthur Antonio Raimundo, Aracatuba, Brasil - radioescutas 02/01/2008) 31/12/2007 0204-0209 9400 BNR Radio Bulgaria AM BUL 35333 Em frances, falas de YL, sup. bol. noticias alg 31/12/2007 0215-0220 9500 BNR Radio Bulgaria AM BUL 35333 Em espanhol, c/coment. OM e YL; musica alg 31/12/2007 0209-0214 9440 SLO Radio Slovakia Inter. AM SVK 55444 Em frances, c/falas de YL e OM, sem. bol. notic. alg 31/12/2007 0223-0228 9550 RHC Radio Habana Cuba AM CUB 45444 C/coment. YL e OM; "El mundo de la filatelia" alg 31/12/2007 0229-0234 9570 CRI China Radio Inter. AM CHN 43343 C/falas de YL e OM sem. bol. noticias alg 31/12/2007 0242-0247 9590 CRI China Radio Inter. AM CHN 45444 Em espanhol, c/musica; YL c/comentario alg 31/12/2007 0236-0241 9575 Radio Medi 1 AM MRC 35433 C/musica tipica alg 31/12/2007 1513-1518 17630 ANO1 Africa N? 1 AM GAB 25333 C/musica tipica; OM c/coment. alg 31/12/2007 1523-1530 17660 BSKSA BSKSA Riyadh AM ARS 25332 YL e OM c/falas sem. a tx bol. noticias alg (PR7BCP - hard-core-dx 02/01/2008) ALBANIA 7.425 kHz, Radio Tirana, 30-12-07, 0009-0011. Noticias con referencias a Italia, en albanes. SINPO 54554 ALEMANIA 5.960 kHz, WYFR Family Radio, 15-12-07, 2244-2246. Musica con comentarios de locutor, en arabe. SINPO 55555 6.010 kHz, WYFR Family Radio, 15-12-07, 2246-2248. Locutores con comentarios religiosos, en frances. SINPO 55544 7.160 kHz, Gospel for Asia, 29-12-07, 2351-0002. Locutor con comentarios, direccion de correo y musica. Fin de emision y comienza programa en idioma Mising. Identificacion emisora, en karbi. SINPO 44333 7.285 kHz, Voz de Croacia, 25-12-07, 2338-2341. Id. "Croacia hoy en espanol", comentarios sobre tradiciones navidenas en Croacia, en espanol. SINPO 55454 7.285 kHz, Hravstki Radio, 30-12-07, 0003-0005. Noticias de politica, en croata. SINPO 55555 AUSTRIA 5.945 kHz, Radio Austria Int., 15-12-07, 2241-2244. Locutor presenta musica instrumental, en aleman. SINPO 44343 5.945 kHz, Radio Austria Int., 25-12-07, 2304-2308. Locutores con comentarios y musica. Corte de emision a las 2308, en aleman. SINPO 33222 BIELORRUSIA 6.090 kHz, Radio Belarus, 29-12-07, 2340-2342. Noticias Locutor con comentarios y musica, en ruso. SINPO 33433 BULGARIA 7.300 kHz, Radio Bulgaria, 30-12-07, 0005-0007. Noticias de Afghanistan y Bulgaria en UE , en espanol. SINPO 55555 CHINA 6.280 kHz, Firedrake Jamming, 29-12-07, 2346-2349. Musica china. Jamming contra Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH, en chino. SINPO 33222 7.310 kHz, Firedrake Jamming, 25-12-07, 2341-2343. Musica china. Jamming contra Sound of Hope, en chino. SINPO 43333 EGIPTO 6.290 kHz, Radio Cairo, 25-12-07, 2324-2326. Locutor Musica y comentarios de locutores, en arabe. SINPO 44333 ESPANA 5.970 kHz, Radio Exterior de Espana, 29-12-07, 2330-2334. Comentarios de locutor y villancicos en espanol, en frances. SINPO 34333 ESTADOS UNIDOS 7.560 kHz, WEWN Birmingham, AL, 25-12-07, 2344-2348. Musica navidena con comentarios de locutor, en ingles. SINPO 45444 GRECIA 7.475 kHz, Voz de Grecia, 30-12-07, 0012-0014. Musica, en griego. SINPO 55555 9.935 kHz, ERT3 Radio Makedonias, 24-12-07, 1525-1529. Musica y comentarios de locutor, en griego. SINPO 44333 HUNGRIA 6.025 kHz, Radio Budapest, 29-12-07, 2334-2339. Musica y comentarios con referencias a Budapest, en hungaro. SINPO 33333 IRAN 6.065 kHz, Voz de la Rep. Islamica de Iran, 25-12-07, 2312-2315. Entrevista, en arabe. SINPO 44444 REINO UNIDO 9.850 kHz, Radio Algeri Int., 15-12-07, 2220-2225. Comentarios de locutor y cantos, en arabe. SINPO 44444. En paralelo por 5.915 kHz con SINPO 55555 RUSIA 5.920 kHz, Voz de Rusia, 15-12-07, 2236-2240. Musica clasica con comentarios de locutora, en portugues. SINPO 55454 TURQUIA 5.960 kHz, Voz de Turquia, 25-12-07, 2309-2311. Comentarios de locutor con referencias a la UE, en ingles. SINPO 44343 UKRANIA 5.830 kHz, Radio Ukrania Int., 25-12-07, 2258-2302. Musica Frecuencias, horarios, despedida, comienza programa en ucranio y noticias, en ingles. SINPO 44333 CLANDESTINA 6.300 kHz, Nat. R. of Sahara ADR, 25-12-07, 2326-2333. Locutor Musica, lectura de relato y noticias con referencias al Frente Polisario y el Sahara. Identificacion emisora, en espanol. SINPO 33232 PIRATA 6.220 kHz, Mistery Radio, 25-12-07, 2317-2323. Musica pop, en ingles. SINPO 45444 (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche, Spain - bclnews 02/01/2008) DJIBOUTI 02/01/2008 0540-0545 4780 DJIB Radio Djibouti AM DJI 25342 Em frances, YL c/coment.; fundo musical alg MAURITANIA 02/01/2008 0546-0551 4845 R.MAURI Radio Mauritanie AM MTN 33333 Em arabe, OM sup. recitando versos do Alcorao alg CHINA 02/01/2008 0553-0559 4905 XZDT PBS Xizang AM CHN 35333 Em tibetano, c/falas de YL. alg BRASIL 02/01/2008 0600-0605 4935 CAPIX Radio Capixaba AM B 25332 Programa de cunho religioso alg 02/01/2008 0634-0642 4985 BRASI Radio Brasil Central AM B 35433 Programacao musical; OM c/comentario alg 02/01/2008 0651-0656 5035 ZYG853 Radio Aparecida AM B 35333 OM c/comentario; "Com a Mae Aparecida" alg 02/01/2008 0708-0717 4775 CONGO Radio Congonhas AM B 35333 Musica sertaneja alg 02/01/2008 0738-0743 5045 GUARU Radio Guaruja FM AM B 25222 Com musica sertaneja/forro alg SAO TOME E PRINCIPE 02/01/2008 0606-0630 4960 VOA Voice of America AM STP 35333 Em frances, OM c/comentarios alg CUBA 02/01/2008 0643-0649 5025 REBEL Radio Rebelde AM CUB 35333 Em espanhol, c/programacao musical alg (PR7BCP - radioescutas 02/01/2008) NOVA ZELANDIA 9765 0705 31/12/07 R. New Zealand International, Wellington, id, OM, nxs, EE 55444 RFP COREIA DO NORTE 9975 0708 31/12/07 Voice of Korea, OM, nxs, RR 45344 RFP UNID 9860 0716 31/12/07 Unid, YL, nxs, mx local, idioma?? 35243 RFP 9710 0736 31/12/07 Unid, OM/OM, talks, idioma?? 43343 RFP 5915 0151 31/12/07 Unid, mx local, SS 45243 RFP ESTADOS UNIDOS VIA FILIPINAS 9845 0723 31/12/07 VOA, via Tinang, mx CC, CC 55444 RFP CHINA 9810 0724 31/12 CNR Beijing 2, Xian, mx CC, OM, CC 45444 RFP 9720 0731 31/12/07 CNR Beijing 2, Xian, mx CC, CC 55344 RFP 9530 0740 31/12/07 CNR Beijing 2, Xian, OM/YL, nxs, CC 45344 RFP 9560 1924 31/12/07 China Radio International, Urumqui, OM, nxs, hungaro 43343 RFP 9745 2008 31/12/07 China Radio International, Urumqui, OM/YL/YL, talks, esperanto 45444 RFP 6100 2014 31/12/07 China Radio International, Kashi, OM, nxs, AA 42342 RFP 13600 0125 31/12/07 China Radio International, Xian, YL/OM, nxs, RR 45243 RFP 15160 0133 31/12/07 China Radio International, Beijing, OM/YL, nxs, CC 35233 RFP KWAIT 9750 0729 31/12/07 R. Kwait, Kabd, YL, nxs, persa/AA 35333 RFP EQUADOR 9740 0731 31/12/07 HCJB, Quito-Pifo, mx, GG, saiu do ar 45344 RFP HOLANDA VIA ANTILHAS HOLANDESAS 9625 0738 21/12 R. Nederland, via Bonaire, OM/OM, talks, holandes 43343 RFP JAPAO 9595 0739 31/12/07 R. Nikkey, Tokyo-Nagara??, YL, nxs, JJ 43343 RFP ARABIA SAUDITA 9555 1915 31/12/07 BSKSA, Riyadh, OM/OM, talks, AA 45344 RFP IRAN 9565 1926 31/12/07 VOIRI, Kamalabad, YL, nxs, final da tx em bengali 43343 RFP ESTADOS UNIDOS VIA TAILANDIA 9570 1928 31/12/07 R. Farda, via Udon Thani, OM, nxs, id: “Inja Radio Farda”, farsi 45344 RFP 9590 1940 31/12/07 VOA, via Udon Thani, OM/YL, talks, idioma?? 45344 RFP 9680 1959 31/12/07 VOA, via Udon Thani, OM, nxs, farsi 42342 RFP MARROCOS 9575 1934 31/12/07 R. Medi 1, Nador, OM, nxs abt Iasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, FF 45344 RFP 9575 1817 02/01/08 R. Medi 1, Nador, YL, anuncios, FF 43343 RFP ESPANHA 9595 1953 31/12/07 REE, Noblejas, YL, nxs, mx, FF 44243 RFP CANADA VIA REINO UNIDO 9710 2003 31/12/07 Radio Canada International, via Woofferton, OM, nxs, AA 45243 RFP TUNISIA 9720 2004 31/12/07 R. Tunis, Sfax, OM, nxs, AA 35243 RFP ALEMANHA VIA RWANDA 9735 2006 31/12/07 DW, via Kigali, YL/OM, nxs, EE 43343 RFP FRANCA 6175 2011 31/12/07 RFI, Issoudun, OM, nxs, FF 43343 RFP CHINA VIA FRANCA 6145 2012 31/12/07 China Radio International, Issoudun, YL, nxs, polones 32232 RFP ESTADOS UNIDOS VIA ILHAS MARIANAS DO NORTE 5990 2016 31/12/07 RFA, via Tinian Island, OM, nxs, CC 43343 RFP 15220 0136 31/12/07 RFA, via Tinian Island, YL, nxs, tibetano 45243 RFP 15270 0142 31/12/07 RFA, via Tinian Island, OM/OM, talks, uigur 45233 RFP RUSSIA 7115 2021 31/12/07 Voz da Russia, Moscou, YL, nxs, FF 43343 RFP ALEMANHA VIA REINO UNIDO 5925 0150 31/12/07 DW, via Rampisham, OM, nxs, RR 35233 RFP SUAZILANDIA VIA AFRICA DO SUL 9620 1823 02/01/08 TWR, via Meyerton, OM, nxs, idioma?? 35233 RFP REINO UNIDO VIA SEYCHELLES 9630 1837 02/01/08 BBC, via Mahe, OM/OM, talks abt a crise politica no Quenia, EE 45243 RFP ESTADOS UNIDOS VIA ALEMANHA 9695 1901 02/01/08 WYFR, via Wertachtal, YL, mx c/ coral, relg, FF 33333 RFP (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Brasil - radioescutas 03/01/2008) 281 ALASKA Point Barrow VIR, Dec 29 0213 - 2 CW aerobeacons audible here, with hopefully one at Point Barrow. Taped to my Edirol for confirmation later. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 531 AUSTRALIA 4KZ Innisfail, Queensland, Dec 29 1520 - Good reception this morning from DU on this frequency with local ads for Innisfail during a call-in program. Cochannel JJ just started to fade-in. Earlier, not heard at all (the JJ that is). (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 570 CANADA CFWH Whitehorse, Dec 31 07:00 - Very good reception with ID just before TOH as 'CBC 990 in Carmacks', which is a 40 w retranslator in Yukon. Network news followed, and then the weather for southern Yukon. Nothing more specific to give a positive ID. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 610 CANADA CKRW Whitehorse, Dec 29 0227 - Nice ID as, 'Your community radio station, CKRW'. Cochannel several stations including CHNL Kamloops, and earlier on, CKYL, Peace River AB. Only heard on my N/S Beverage (a consistently excellent performer). Good to be back in Masset. Very quiet electrically, as one would expect with no one out here during the winter period. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 630 ALASKA KIAM, Jan 1 1610 - Central and far north Alaskan weather (Brrr!) over cochannel presumed KJNO Juneau, followed by 'AM' and Christian Net IDs. Not sure of why KJNO was so strong an hour or so ago, and now the weaker more distant Alaskans propagate better until local dawn. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 675 VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam 1, Jan 1 1602 - A strong signal. Unusual this season, compared to last, when this transmitter was heard daily at excellent levels at times. Best I've heard them in a long while (October). (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 680 ALASKA KBRW Barrow, Dec 30 1904 - A tentative logging on this one. I'm hearing 2 (possibly 3) stations with a church service with Christmas hymns in progress with fairly low modulation, usually under the dominant station with hit music. As is so common with Alaskans, the voice modulation is much lower than the music component, making IDing more difficult. I think I heard the ID for the other station...KKGR (East Helena, MT). At least I heard KGR. I'm going to let this one continue to see if I have any luck. Interesting, that I'm hearing it best on my 40 deg BOG. Yes, just heard the MT ID as '68 KGR'. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 680 ALASKA KBRW Barrow, Dec 31 1612 - Halleluiah! Finally, good reception with Alaska news and then full ID and into local programming about the cancellation of the fireworks for tonight due to illness of the pyrotechnician! After a late evening at my Haida adoptive parents, I slept in until after 8:00 am. Darn! But this makes up for it, after years of trying, and several tentative loggings. Instead, celebrate at the roller rink tonight. Into northern Alaska weather at 16:20 UTC. High temps 5 to 15 below! They were gone when rechecked at 16:45 recheck (instead the usual KNBR). Perhaps someone could explain why this happens (seems to be consistent ....Alaskans really peak at dawn enhancement, and then are replaced by stations to the south, even though those stations were in darkness, and now in broad daylight). (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 693 GREAT BRITAIN BBC Radio 5 Live, Jan 1 0355 - Good reception, except for some splatter from CBU 690 with talk program. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 711 KOREA HLKA KBS1, Jan 1 1558 - Good to very good reception with KK banter, but more interesting is a cochannel playing the old American tune, 'Close to You'. This might be an Australian station, although there wasn't any ABC fanfare ot 16:00. On top of this, there is a jammer. Presumably CC against the Voice of Han?. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 720 ALASKA Russia, Jan 1 16:59 - Noticed Radio Rossii's IS while checking to see whether KOTZ was there (no luck on the latter. Inspirational music instead without a TOH ID, so not sure who that would be. Could still be KOTZ, I suppose. Will have to review the mp3 files for sure. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 720 USA WGN Chicago IL, Dec 31 0138 - Searching for KOTZ, instead I'm hearing Chicago with good reception except for some pretty fierce splatter from both above and below. Had to turn off the AGC for best results. Surprised, since Alaskans are coming in quite well tonight so far. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 720 USA WGN Chicago IL, Jan 1 0514 - Still searching for Kotzebue, AK. Instead, I'm hearing the New Year's bash on WGN from Chicago with good reception except for the awful adjacent splatter. Still fun to listen to them, though!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 810 RUSSIA Radio Rossii, Jan 1 1545 - Fair to good reception Razdolnoye on the Pacific coast of Russia. Radio Rossii programming, // to 279. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 819 NORTH KOREA KCBS, Jan 1 1540 - Very good reception, with clean audio, unlike so many of their other transmitters. Usual female operatic performances. North Korea particularly well heard on this trip to Masset. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 873 KOREA (NORTH) KCBS, Dec 31 1731 - With NHK2 off at this late hour, the North Korean is very well heard with KK operatic singing. Appears to be right on frequency with good modulation....a rarity with the North Koreans. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 909 GREAT BRITAIN BBC Radio 5 Live, Jan 1 0439 - Again, at times very nice reception with the same lovely modulation and clarity heard on 693 earlier. Some sort of a discussion program with some laughter, etc, but once again would fade down. Seems in // to 693. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 910 ALASKA KIYU Big River Radio, Galena, Dec 29 1745 - One of my still to hear stations. Not ID'd yet, but NPR programming // to 870 KSKO, McGrath. Fair level to good. Not quite in sync with KSKO (satellite delay). Unfortunately starting to fade out before the TOH leaving CKDQ, Drumheller AB, and another station. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1026 PHILIPPINES DZAR Soshine Radio, Dec 29 1533 - A very interesting morning. Initially, I heard a CNR jingle at 15:33, then almost immediately conditions flipped to a preacher in English and then inspirational music. This must be DZAR, Soshine Radio. A very good signal as I type this!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1089 GREAT BRITAIN Talk Sport, Jan 1 0251 - Surprisingly strong reception with call-in program, presumably about the sports highlights from the year. Excellent clean and strong modulation. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1098 MARSHALL ISLANDS V7AB Radio Marshalls, Jan 1 0824 - Poor to fair reception with islands music. I'm not usually up to hear the station, just the OC that's always present during dawn enhancement, so nice to hear them during their normal programming day. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1107 UNID unid, Jan 1 0425 - I'm hearing two transmitters on this frequency. Someone is on the high side....upto to 50 Hz high, it seems causing a disturbing hum which destroys any chance of IDing the stations. The other is spot on, it seems. Any ideas? There is weak music in the background, though. I wondered about AFN. When stationed in Germany, I really enjoyed listening to them here. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1161 UNID unid, Dec 29 1723 - I'll need help on this frequency. I'm hearing an Asian language, perhaps Thai? The trouble is that most possibilities have signed-off, including the Thai and Filipino stations. Light-hearted bantering between a man and woman. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1170 ALASKA KJNP North Pole, Dec 31 0606 - Excellent reception tonight of many Alaskans tonight. PAL suggests that KJNP signs-off at 06:00 during the winter. Not so! They had a lovely full ID at 06:00, then news and extensive weather forecast followed by a syndicated program called the Voice of Hope. Not sure whether they're 24 hrs or not. Still on at 07:17 recheck. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1170 ALASKA KJNP North Pole, Dec 29 1711 - Very good reception with description of upcoming New Year's celebrations. Cochannel presumed HLSR, Korea. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1170 KOREA (SOUTH) HLSR KBS Liberty 2, Dec 30 1616 - A very interesting channel. At times, HLSR will be absolutely armchair, and then fade down into the mud to be overtaken by KPUG, Bellingham, and then fade right back up to dominate totally. Disturbed conditions today for certain! Rechecked them at 18:00 UTC (10:00 am local) and they still dominated the frequency completely with a very nice ID. Wonder when they'll fade out!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1188 UNID unid, Dec 31 1725 - Presumably one of the CC stations with very exotic sounding traditional music with brief talk by a woman. Not exactly sure who this is. The last 2 days I've heard both FEBC and JOKP on this frequency, but much earlier. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1206 FRANCE France Info, Jan 1 0331 - Right up there with Virgin 1215's strength with French news, but suffering from serious adjacent splatter from both sides. Good when they fade up and then briefly fading down again. Weather at 0335 (heard mentions of the Pyrenees). ID at 03:36. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1215 GREAT BRITAIN Virgin Radio, Jan 1 0143 - Finally some good TA activity! Good reception with, '2008 is here on Virgin Radio' into Boy George piece. Highly variable, though, so interesting things are going on with the ionosphere for sure! There at good level one minute and gone the next. Turning out to be the best TA evening in a long while for me, and surely by far the best (and only) TA night of this brief visit to the Queen Charlottes. Lot's of 'Happy New Year from Virgin Radio', etc between songs. No signs of any other cochannel stations (like Russia or Spain) so far. Spoke too soon. At 03:26 started to hear some Russian as Virgin faded down, before they came blasting back. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1224 SPAIN COPE Albacete, Jan 1 0419 - A presumed logging, as I don't know who else this could be. A ballad sung by a male....sounded akin to an Irish ballad to me, then some weak speach. This night has really opened up. Earlier, only the upper half of the band was open to TA, but from around 03:45, the entire band opened (except for LW). Haven't seen it as good since September!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1230 ALASKA KVAK, Dec 29 0316 - A very interesting frequency with a number of cochannels. The dominant is an unid French language station, but slightly off frequency are 2 Alaskans. I heard a distinct KVAK ID (the staton witch is off, I think). About a minute later I heard 'KIFW.com'. KIFW is easily heard here during the day, but KVAK is a new one for me. Now to ID the other station! At 03:30, there was clear Korean, so that would be KWYZ in Everett, WA. No longer hearing any French. One of the Alaskans in on 1229.95, so quite a way off! Got it! ID as 'KVAK Country' at 03:52. They are off frequency for sure. In fact, I think both Alaskans are off frequency on the low side. They take turns dominating the frequency. KVAK seems to be the most off at around 1229.95 while KIFW is about 1229.97. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1340 CANADA CFYK Yellowknife, Jan 1 0235 - CBC Radio 1 programming. There are many transmitters listed, but this transmission was in the MT zone, and parallel to Calgary on 740, so clearly must be Yellowknife, and only heard on my North Beverage. Good at times, and then down into the mud. A new one to me. Let's hope it holds for the TOH. 2500 watts listed. Wonder why others don't report this one very often (if ever)? At 02:57 they said they'd take a break for news and local weather and then resume. As was my luck, they faded down at the top of the hour then returned about 1 minute past. Best heard on my 30 degree BOG, although a C&W station comes up to dominate at times. Good again at 03:03 about Benezir Bhutto's assassination. Darn! It faded down again just as the forecast was given....lots of minus 20s etc, and then back into dispatches at 03:05 (which then faded up again!). Next hour again! Into a comedy program at 03:30 until 03:58. I noticed that 740 had l ocal weather for Alberta, but Yellowknife just had network filler music...not a good sign. Very good reception, though! At 04:00, all that was said was, 'It's 9:00', and into network news. Let's see if weather follows. Yes! At 04:05, they went into the Yellowknife weather. Sure wish they'd give a proper 'CBC Yellowknife' ID, though! At 04:59, they gave a CBC North ID, and a frequency of 105.1 at Cape Hope (I think), and then into the hourly CBC news. Then faded down to nothing again. Quite the night!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1431 JAPAN unid STV, Dec 29 1620 - I'm not sure about this one. 1440 STV Sapporo is booming in, and I see that 1431 is in // to it, but my PAL does not reflect this. No STV JJ transmitters, just BSS, WBS, and GBS transmitters. Hmmm. Good reception. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1450 ALASKA KLAM Cordova, Dec 31 1639 - Although not Unalaska, which I really wanted, I'm still very pleased to hear this one with marine weather (synches Alaska), and then mentions of Cordova followed by IDs and mentions of Cordova count down tonight. There is another weaker station cochannel....I can dream that this just might be KIAL! A VERY good morning!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1503 JAPAN JOUK Akita, Dec 29 1609 - Very strong reception with NHK1 programming. Remarkable for a 10 kw station. Sure sounding more like 100! Traditional Japanese male vocal. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1592 UNID unid beacon, Dec 29 1544 - Very weakly heard, but there's a weak CW beacon on this frequency. Not listed in PAL. I'm suspecting a Russian FE location. Further checks necessary. Just barely audible, but with a significant het. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 1602 JAPAN NHK2 low powered stations, Dec 29 1540 - Good reception with sign-off earlier than I had thought, but NHK2 has changed the times. This is a UTC Saturday. Surprisingly good. There's a lot of 0.1 and 1 kw stations. The most likely is probably JOCC in Asahikawa, Hokkaido with 1 kw listed, although there's another 1 kw Hokkaido station as well at Embetsu without a call-sign. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 4800 CHINA China National Radio 1, Dec 30 0049 - Very good reception of CNR1. No sign of CODAR using the west Beverage. Only in the deep of winter would this be possible here! Almost graylining all the way. Remember Radio Moscow? Well I heard no less than 13 parallel frequencies! 11720, 12045, 13610, 9690, 9675, 15380, 15550, 11750 (very strong), 11760, 11710 (very strong), 11925 (superb), 15480 and 11960 (very strong). Wow!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 4830 MONGOLIA Mongolian Radio 1st Program, Dec 31 00:55 - Poor reception, but there with Mongolian music, time pips at 01:00 and then speech too weak to understand. Parallels noted on 4895 and 7260, both also very poor. A rare catch here for sure!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 4880 SOUTH AFRICA SWR Africa, Dec 29 1819 - Fair reception with English talk. Not noted on listed // of 7125 (VOR with very good strength). This is at 10:20 am local time. Northerly latitudes sure help! Still lots of MW 9 kHz stations audible, by the way!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 4880 SOUTH AFRICA SW Radio Africa, Dec 30 1731 - Good reception with modern EZL music. Not heard again on 7125 due to VOR in E with excellent reception. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 4905 CHAD Radio Diff TV Tchadienne, Dec 29 0519 - Good reception with African music. Best heard on NE Beverage...aimed towards Europe and Africa. Listened again at 18:30 and sure enough they're hear again at fair level in French. Africa does propagate in the winter in our mornings. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 6240 RUSSIA Voice of Russia World Service, Dec 29 0205 - Surprised to hear VOR here at good level in English with news. Best heard on my N/S Beverage. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 7245 TAJIKISTAN Radio Tajikistan, Dec 30 0232 - Not 100% certain this is them, but I can hear weak Russian talk by a male and woman. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 9445 INDIA AIR GOS Service, Dec 29 2125 - Good reception of the GOS of AIR in English. The only other parallel noted was 9410 which was weak. Listed as from Aligarh to Europe. Into news at 21:30. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 12025 PHILIPPINES Radio Filipinas, Dec 29 0209 - Fair reception in English. Nothing heard on listed // of 17770 and 15285. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 12095 THAILAND Radio Thailand, Dec 30 0046 - Very good reception in English direct, to ECNA with trendy, very western sounding programming. Sounds more like a local program for westerners. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 13590 ZAMBIA CVC, Dec 29 1824 - Christian vocals at fair level. Presumable Christian Voice from Zambia. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) 15275 THAILAND Radio Thailand, Dec 29 0202 - Good reception with English news in this direct transmission to WCNA. Some deep fades noted. Surprised that this worked! Very strong the following night, with up to S9 signal strength and superb modulation. 'Good morning, and thank you for tuning in to the morning news'. Proves that propagation is possible at this late hour!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) (Walter Salmaniv, Canada - dxldyg 03/01/2008) 2380.58 Harmonic in Spanish at 1000 to 1020, 25 December [Wilkner-FL] 2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT 1130 - 1150 fair to good signal with commentary, 2310 next in strength. 3 Jan [Wilkner-FL] 2850 North Korea 1100 with martial music; fair/good signal 30 December; same 25 December [Wilkner-FL] 3329.70 Peru, Ondas del Huallaga Huanuco 1115 still in but difficult to tune since the collapse of strong signals from Latin America. Music and regular programming; CHU dominant. Huallaga on still on but 3172.6 may be off or just very poor conditions during the 2300 to 0100 listening period 30 December [Wilkner-FL] 4052.5 Guatemala Radio Verdad, Chiquimula 1140 to 1148 en espanol with organ music, Christian Evangelist programme, strong signal 3 Jan; 1050 just carrier with no audio 31 December; 0530 carrier only with not audio 25 December. [Wilkner-FL] 4545,32 Bolivia, Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 0000 to 0100 on 28, 30 and 31 December with depressingly poor signal. Good to know that they are here; cannot improve signal with any of four antennas. [Wilkner-FL] 4716.61 Radio Yura, Yura 1000 to 1030 fading with some yl and flutes. Same time 4699v Bolivia Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, and 4796v Radio Mallku, Uyuni with respectable signal strength. No signal on 4875.9 Bolivia, Radio Estambul, Guayamerin, Beni 1 January [Wilkner-FL] 4774.91 Peru Radio Tarma, Tarma 1112 ID by om "..Radio Tarma..kilociclos...en el centro de ..." [Wilkner-FL] 4781.417 UNID with strong carrier 1120 to 1125 but no audio here. 30 December [Wilkner-FL] 4800 Mexico XERTA 1100 to 1130 seemingly the one but no IDs, possibly to move away from 4810 with its constant hash. Alas the CODAR on this frequency is obnoxious. Every day in Jan so far [Wilkner-FL] 4909.24 Ecuador Radio Chaskis Otavalo 1100 to 1120, flauta andina , excellent signal strength during a period of poor reception generally from Latin America as my location. 3 Jan [Wilkner-FL] 4950 Peru, Radio Madre de Dios Puerto Maldonado, 1130 to 1150 with weak signal en espanol, 3 Jan [Wilkner-FL] Similar on 31 December same time. [Wilkner-FL] 4974.74 Radio del Pacifico, Lima on late at 0500 to 0530, impassioned religious message by om, strong signal 25 December [Wilkner-FL] 5039.21 Peru, Radio Libertad Junin 1130 to 1135 fading out but can copy om with ments of locations in Peru and one telephone number 3 Jan. 1030 ID by om on the 31 December. [Wilkner-FL] 5040.5v Burma, Radio Myanmar 1140 to 1150 with some weak audio, generally here 365 days a year. Note: Believe BBC uses the term Burma as does the opposition to the military dictatorship. [Wilkner-FL] 5120.24 Peru, Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, 1030 to 1050 en el pais cuarenta nueve, strong signal with flauta andina, yipping and general exotic content 31 December [Wilkner-FL] 5580.2 Harmonic at 1130 with man en espanol but noted only 31 December [Wilkner-FL] 5952.41 Bolivia, Radio Pio XII Siglo XX 1030 series of time pips heard, yl ments de Santa Cruz. 1 January [Wilkner-FL] 5996.42 Bolivia, Radio Loyola, Sucre 1030 1045, om en espanol and music~ no ID 1 January; 29 December 1000 to 1010 clear signal but no ID slogan. [Wilkner-FL] (Robert Wilkner, FL, USA - CumbreDX 03/01/2008) Небольшие наблюдения в 49-метровом диапазоне с 23:15 до 23:50 по UTC 2 января 2008. Санкт-Петербург. DEGEN 1103, комнатная антенна 7 метров. 5905 – Радио Китая (RUS): 252; 5945 – Иран (Малазийский): 253; 5960 – Турция (ENG): 353; 6000 – Сингапур (CHI): 353; 6015 – Румыния (ENG): 232; 6020 – BBC (CHI): 343; 6050 – Китайская Народная Станция: 252; 6055 – Испания (FR): 252; 6065 – Иран (ARAB): 353; 6075 – DW: 454; 6090 – Беларусь (RUS): 242; 6100 – Китай (POR): 444; 6105 – Тайвань (CHI): 322; 6115 – Румыния (ENG): 242; 6125 – Испания: 344; 6130 – Китайская Народная Станция: 222; 6135 – Republica: 252; 6150 – Сингапур (ENG): 222; 6150 – Тайвань (CHI): 222; 6175 – VOR (ARAB): 444; 6175 – Китай (SPA): 333; 6185 – Китай (MONGOL): 333; 6190 – D.Funk: 344; 6195 – BBC: 233; 6240 – PMR (GER): 555; 6290 – Каир: 252. (Виктор Варзин, Коммунар, Лен. обл., Россия - open_dx 04/01/2008) -- Неопознанное UNIDENTIFIED. 4800.0, checked late Dec 31, but nothing heard until 0011 Jan 1, music and talk in uncertain language, quite poor signal having a battle with CODAR. 0041 undermodulated YL talk I could almost conclude was Spanish. Believed to be XERTA, ex-4810 after months of silence, at least away from the hash next to 4810 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 5954.1, the unknown transmitter which was carrying R. Republica for a while, was not on the air around 2230 check Dec 31, but back on the air at 2333 with nothing but music, mostly instrumental. No jamming at all, and no need for it, as no sign of RR programming until abruptly off at 2359* Also checked 15710 for DentroCuban Jamming Command, but it was already off by 2230 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/01/2008) -- Гармоники -- Глушение Китай 9930 Firedrake jammer on 1439 against possibly a N Korean cland . DO Chinese cooperate with N Korea? (Z. Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 03/01/2008) -- Пираты 3904,00 2912 1830 R.Blue Star, D, talks, ID, Baby come back 24222 5815,00 3012 0810 Orion R,E, Ids, announcing FRSH program, romantic song, reports, instrumental 25432 5815,00 3012 2110 FRSH,E, repots, ballad, ID at 2121 24211 6220,00 3012 0801 FRSH,E,Peace tune, Ids, Xmas greets, mailbag, rock 24332 6235,00 2812 2215 KBC,E, Wolfman Jack show, ID, Alelui it's Friday, pops. Creedence 34232 6235,00 2912 2200 KBC+R.Mi Amigo, E, Ids, jingle, rock, Little bird, America: Ventura Highway 35443 6305,00 2912 2233 Double K Radio or KK Radio?,E,testo to USA, call phone by Dave Valko, Bellamy Brothers 24432 6305,00 3012 0804 unid, schlager pop 24322 6308,00 2712 1540 R.Barretina,Cat,relay local fm, rock, pop. 1700 news 24222 6308,00 2912 1035 R.Barretina,Cat,relay local Fm, interview, promos, dance 24222 6308,00 2912 2200 Double K Radio or KK Radio?,E,D, pops, ID, hotline 0031629135307, pops schlager till 2233 24432 6400,00 2912 2258 WMR,E,pops, 24211 6400,00 3012 0835 WMR,E, talks, rock 24322 9290,00 3012 0905 R.Caroline Eifel,G,E, ID, pops,ID, QTH Eisenach, mambo rock 34333 (Silveri Gomez, Spain - playdx2003 31/12/2007) -- Связь |
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