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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 153
WorldDX 153 19/01/2008 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. -- Архивы старых номеров бюллетеня можно найти: http://worlddx.narod.ru/ http://worlddx.by.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ -- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ -- http://worlddx.blogspot.com/ -- Выходит: не регулярно. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Австралия 6230U AUSTRALIA VMW, Wiluna, Western Australia; 1250-1304 24 December, 2007. Tune-in to Aussie male reading coastal weather for western Australia and Australian occupied islands, clear VMW ID at 1252 and off. Back up at 1255 with schedule for VMW and VMC (didn't copy it all), then back again at 1300 (presumed still VMW at this time) with weather by seemingly the same man, and parallel located on 8113U. Both channels clear and good. Of all the websites I find and have seen listed, none appear to accurately list the schedules of VMW/VMC, or accurately indicate the frequencies for that matter. Seemingly the same for the numerous New Zealand coastal weather stations (Terry Krueger, USA - dxldyg 26/12/2007) Албания R. Tirana, 7430, VG with instrumental music, Dec 21 at 2124. This is scheduled English to Europe but there were no announcements at all before 2127:30*, having cut to the RT theme music at 2127. Meanwhile, I again looked for the // 9915 to NAm, but not a trace of even a carrier there. Not much else from Europe audible on 31m, either; Greece [q.v.] poor on 9420, but also VG signals on 40m (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) Асеншн 9525, Star Radio via Ascension, 0708-0731, Dec 24, in English and vernacular, YL with "Star Contact" program, with recorded messages to family members, messages can be given at Star Radio or via e-mail, African music, fair-poor (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 24/12/2007) 9525, Cotton Tree News (CTN) via Ascension, 0731-0758*, Dec 24, drums, ID "This is CTN", into news in English (items about the minimum wage, police attempt to control traffic congestion in Freetown, etc.), news in local languages, repeated the same news again in English before sign-off, fair-poor till 0736 sign-on of open carrier from Voice of Indonesia on 9526.0, resulting in strong het (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 24/12/2007) Беларусь 6090 Belaruskoye Radio 1, 17:45-17:50, escuchada el 24 de diciembre en bielorruso con emision de musica clasica, en paralelo por 6115, SINPO 33343. 6115 Balaruskoye Radio 1, 17:50-17:52, escuchada el 24 de diciembre en bielorruso a locutor con comentarios presentando musica clasica, emision en paralelo por 6090, SINPO 32332. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/12/2007) 25/12/2007, 6115 kHz, Belaruskoye Radio, 1200 utc, ID, music, fair. (Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia) Бельгия 9970 not often heard here, but when it is, has to be RTBF, the frequency`s only occupant at any time, direct from Wavre, not a relay as in the case of VRT. Dec 25 at 1444 a familiar novelty song, 1446 announcement in French (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 25/12/2007) Боливия 5996.40, Radio Loyola, 1001-a1030 At tune-in, noted a male in Spanish comments. Around 1005 canned ID and ADs/Promos. This was followed with a few bars of music. Activity continued during the period with some fading in and out. Signal was fair overall. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 24/12/2007) 4409.8, Radio Eco, Reyes, Beni, 2358-0015, 24-12, locutor presentando bonito programa de canciones latinoamericanas, saludos a los oyentes: “Mensaje para nuestra oyente...”, “Atencion, mensaje para Javier Cuellar”, “Radio Eco”, canciones latinoamericanas. 25322. (Mendez) 4699.3, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 2343-0030, 24-12, locutor, espanol, “Siete de la noche con cuarenta minutos aqui en La Voz del Norte”. Locutora, comentarios: “Cada pais, cada familia...”. 24322. (Mendez) 4716.7, Radio Yura, Yura, 0005-0013, 25-12, locutor, locutora, comentarios, espanola, musica boliviana. Se escucha mejor en LSB. 24322 variando a 14321. (Mendez) 5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2302-2310, 24-12, locutor, locutora, espanol, comentarios, senal muy debil y con interferencia en 5950 y 5955. Se escucha en LSB. 12321. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/12/2007) 4699.35, R.San Miguel, 1028, Dec 26, Spanish. OM and YL w/ announcements, complete w/ barking dog sound effects, and brief musical bits. Poor/fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 27/12/2007) 6134.81, Radio Santa Cruz, 1000-1015 Initially noted music followed with a male in long Spanish comments. "6 en mannana y 6 minutos" Back to music at 1006 my time, 0608 their time. Signal was good by 1007 and remained at that level for the entire period. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 27/12/2007) 4781 KHz Bolivia R Tacana, Tumupasa 12/28 SS 2325-2328 local mx (sounds like bolero), 2329 male talks, local mx (other bolero), 2332 advs "motosierra", and some happy new year messages "para todos", "este ano vindoro", 2333-2348 ID by male, female talks, male and female outside talks "La Paz, Republica de Bolivia", other ID by male "Radio Tacana...una tradicion...la sintonia del momento", male talks, nearly recent english pop mx "new love generation", male talks near the end of mx. Signal turned little stronger and more readable around 2333 22432 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 28/12/2007) Бразилия 3325, Radio Mundial, Sao Paulo, probable, 0440-0455, 25-12, locutor, portugues, comentarios. Senal muy debil. 14321. (Mendez) 4865, Radio Alvorada, Londrina, 0642-0653, 25-12, portugues, programa religioso, lectura del Rosario. 24322. (Mendez) 4784.6, No identificada, 0738-0749, 25-12, portugues, transmision del programa de Radio Aparecida: “Estamos coa nosa musica”, anuncios comerciales, “5 horas 47 minutos”, identificacion: “Radio Aparecida”. Comprobado, mismo programa que Radio Aparecida en 5035 kHz. 24322. (Mendez) ?Radio Brasil, Campinas o Radio Caiari, Porto Velho retransmitiendo Radio Aparecida?. 6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0750-0802, 25-12, portugues ,locutor, comentarios y musica brasilena. 23322. Mendez. 9505, Radio Record, Sao Paulo, 0921-0937, 25-12, canciones brasilenas, locutor: “Mais musica na Record”, “AM 1000 kHz. Radio Record, musica, musica, musica, suplemento musical.”. 24322. (Mendez) 9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paula, 0918-0921, 25-12, canciones brasilenas. 34333. (Mendez) 9630, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0913-0917, 25-12, locutor, anuncios comerciales, identificacion: “Radio Aparecida”. 34333. (Mendez) 9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0906-0912, 25-12, locutor, portugues, noticias de Sao Paulo, “Temperatura en Sao Paulo...”. 34333. (Mendez) 11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa Maria, 1834-1837, 24-12, canciones religiosas, locutor, identificacion: “Radio Transmundial, a Radio que esta con a palabra”. 34333. (Mendez) 11780, Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, 1838-1845, 24-12, locutor, locutora, portugues, comentario sobre compras de Navidad en Sao Paulo, “4 horas 38 minutos”. 34333. (Mendez) 11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre,1828-1833, 24-12, locutor, comentario de futbol. 24322. (Mendez) 11804.8, Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 0809-0835, 25-12, “Radio Globo presenta o show de Antonio...”, programa musical, “Seis horas trece minutos neste dia de Nadal”.24322. (Mendez) 11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 2209-2213, 24-12, locutor, portugues, comentario de futbol, equipo Gremio de Porto Alegre. 24322. (Mendez) 11925, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 2213-2218, 24-12, “Especial Nadal de Bandeirantes”, canciones, anuncios comerciales. 44444. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/12/2007) 4815 Rdif. Londrina, Parana (tent.) 0004-0040 24 Dec. Hymns, up-beat Christian pop, & fairly low-key religious talks by M, "Radiodifusora..." at 0026 and "Radiodifusora..Nacional.." at 0030. (Dan Sheedy, Canada = dxldyg 27/12/2007) Буркина Фасо 5030, Radio Burkina, 2315-0002*, Dec 22-23, Afro-pop music. French talk. Sign off with National Anthem. Very good. Strong. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA = dxldyg 23/12/2007) Венгрия 6025 Kossut Radio, 17:40-17:45, escuchada el 24 de diciembre en su servicio en hungaro con la emision de musica navidena, bonita cancion, probablemente algun tipo de villancico, locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/12/2007) Венесуэла 4939.72, presumed R.Amazonas, 1055-1100+, Dec 22, Spanish. Still picking up a badly distorted signal here, albeit on an irregular basis. SP music and announcer at 1100. Very poor w/ constant, rapid "chuffing' sound. Unsure if a ute or part of the poor (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 5000, YVTO, 0142+, Dec 26, Spanish. Venezuelan time station heard under co-channel WWV w/ "Observatorio Cagical, Caracas Venezuela" IDs mentioned twice, followed by UTC, each minute. Fair listening in ECCS-USB. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 27/12/2007) Гондурас 3340, La Voz de Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela, 0446-0453, 25-12, locutor, espanol, comentarios religiosos. Senal muy debil. Audible en LSB. 14321. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/12/2007) Греция ERT had very strong S9+25 signals on its two 40m frequencies, Dec 21 at 2122, but both were badly undermodulated: 7475 barely modulated at all, but 7450 considerably better (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) Замбия 13650, CVC-Lusaka, 1612-1632, Dec 20, English. The Planet prg. w/ music countdown, several CVC promos/IDs and "Cricket Hero" contest. Fair/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 9565 CVC (Lusaka, ZAMBIA) *0500-0510 23 Dec. Tnx Glenn's info in DXLD, CVC heard nicely w/ "Plugged In Movie Reviews", Chatback & pop song from Hillary Duff.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 27/12/2007) Зимбабве 5975 KHz Zimbabwe Voice of Zimbabwe(pres.) Gweru 12/22 vernacular 0552-0557 studio alternating outside (sounds like outside recorded audio) male and female talks, mentions of "Nigeria" 43433 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 22/12/2007) Израиль 7545, Kol Israel, 2347-2359 Noted a period of music until a male with Hebrew comments and a second male joins in with comments. Music presented at 2355 with ID at 2356. Signal immediately drops off at 2356. At 2358, signal returns in possibly Russian(?). Signal was fair to good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 24/12/2007) Индия 5010, All India Radio, 0149-0200 At tune in, noted singing by female. During a pause in music, a female and male talk briefly. The comments were probably in Hindi. At 0152 a second female relates more comments. At 0154, canned promos heard. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 21/12/2007) 4840, AIR Mumbai, 0153-0213, Dec 17, Vernacular. Announcer b/w numerous pop-like musical bits thru ToH. Prg. "Good Morning (Detail?)", not sure about the last word, at 0206 w/ OM and YL . Weak but surprisingly clear. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 6165 INDIA. AIR, via listed Delhi/ Khampur, 1319, 12/23/07. Sindhi service to Pakistan was weak and mixing w/ presumed CNR. Pgm featured ethnic vocals (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 23/12/2007) AIR Vividh Bharati 9870 at 1417 in Hindi. Talk, mx. Exc signal. 25 Dec. (Liz Cameron, MI, via dxldyg 26/12/2007) 5040 AIR Jeypore hrd 12/28 from 0055 tune to 0115 fade with live broadcast of Cricket Test Match (presumed) by a man ann, occasional short coml. Beginning fast fade after 0110, typical of Indian regionals via long path here. SINPO 25532. This station is usually only good for 20-25 min of audibility during morning bcst via long path. Other regional sites have even shorter windows, e.g. Gangtok on 4.835 can be hrd w/ sign-on at 0058 but is essentially gone by 0105. Indian regional long path reception this year does not seem as reliable as previous Decembers, w/ weaker sigs and shorter windows of audibility. In researching some background data on Jeypore (looking for a good city photo), I discovered that in some references, Jaipur (capital of Rajasthani state) is sometimes referred to as Jeypore, while the “real” Jeypore is a smaller town in Orissa state. AIR Jaipur is on 4.910. (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 28/12/2007) Индонезия 9526.0, Voice of Indonesia, Dec 24, open carrier on at 0736, on till 0801, into program in English, weak. They did not play their usual gamelan music and English ID recorded loop before ToH (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 24/12/2007) Иран 7320 IRAN Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Sirjan; 1931-1945 24 December, 2007. English female ID and schedule/frequencies for all English transmissions, brief Koran reading in Farsi or Arabic, back to English female with male, reading news. Clear and fair. (Terry Krueger, USA - dxldyg 26/12/2007) Йемен 9780 Radio Yemen, 16:09-16:15, escuchada el 25 de diciembre en arabe a locutora con ID “..yemenia..arabia..”, comentarios, musica de sintonia, comentarios entre fragmentos musicales, probablemente con lectura de titulares, musica folklorica local, SINPO 45454. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 26/12/2007) Кипр 9760, Cyprus BC Corp, Limassol, 2215-2244, Dec 23, Sign on with Greek music. Greek talk. Local folk music along with radio-drama. Greek guitar music. Sign on & sign off with the same Greek tune. Fair signal. // 7210-fair level but mixing with a strong Radio China Int. // 6180-very weak under Brazil. Fri, Sat, Sun only. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 24/12/2007) Китай 7335 kHz CHINA: R. Internacional da China, via Jinhua, 107 dias. Recebido: cartao QSL, adesivo, 5 desenhos recortados em papel (belo artesanato chines!), 2 marcadores de livro, carta, e 10 cartoes postais sobre o tema Beijing 2008 (“One World, one dream”). V/S: Departamento Portugues, Radio Internacional da China. Informe de recepcao enviado via e-mail para: cripor@cri.com.cn (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 22/12/2007). I have a tentative logging of Xinjiang People Broadcast Station in Urumqi China on 5060 kc between 2342-0003 UTC on December 25-26, 2007. SIO 343 building to a surprising SIO 444 by 0000 UTC. Talk in Chinese (presumed) by man. At 0000 UTC time pips, rooster crow? and then ID in female voice. Music began at 0003 UTC. Another polar path but with a high latitude K index of 0-1, no significant signal flutter was heard. At times some minor interference by a host of utility stations. Checked back at 0100 UTC and heard time pips again but SIO of 333 due to post sunrise D layer absorption. Antenna 120-11 meter dipole and Icom IC-746 Pro. (kn4lf - dxldyg 26/12/2007) CRI via Cuba is, today on past 14 UT in English thus impairing reception of Radio Australia on 9590 - 20kHz away! The official s/off time is 14 UT which would leave RA's 9590 in the clear. 9570 left the air at 14:14 and came up a minute or so later on 13740. (Andy Reid - dxldyg 26/12/2007) Корея 3560 Voice of Korea, Kujang, 17:52-17:59, escuchada el 25 de diciembre en arabe a locutora presentando tema de musica pop local, SINPO 34433 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain = hard-core-dx 26/12/2007) Куба 17435 CUBA Espia; 1704-1741 25 December, 2007. Clear and fair with low modulation and partial skip echo, Spanish female five digit groups until "Final, final, final" at 1741. Parallel 6867, which despite being local level, had almost zero modulation. Both in AM transmission mode. (Terry Krueger, USA - dxldyg 26/12/2007) Либерия 4759.97, ELWA, 2225-2302*, Dec 25, English religious talk. Choral mx. Contemporary Christian music. Sign off with National Anthem. Poor in noisy conditions & CODAR QRM. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 26/12/2007) Ливия 17725 Voice of Africa, 12:35-12:45, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en Swahili a locutor con ID “...Africa..Libia..”, locutora con comentarios, musica de sintonia, emision de musica afro-pop, SINPO 45444. (J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 24/12/2007) Мавритания 4845, R.Mauritanie, 0236-0303, Dec 25, Arabic/English. OM in AR hosting what appeared to be a pop music countdown, featuring songs in both English and Arabic. Into announcers w/ vox effects over tinny stringed instruments from 0255 thru t/out. I don' t monitor Mauritania regurlarly, but when I do I have never heard pop music in any language. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 27/12/2007) Мадагаскар 11610, Music Loop Jammer & Radio Voice of the People, 0358-0415+, Dec 23, tuned in to this frequency at 0358 to hear the music loop jammer already on the air. Radio Voice of the People came on the air at 0400 with opening ID announcements followed by vernacular talk, short breaks of African music & IDs. Both stations in at equal level most of the time. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) Мали 5995, RTVM, 2315-0001*, Dec 22-23, Afro-pop music. French talk. Sign off with National Anthem. No //s heard. Poor to fair with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 11960 Radio Mali, 11:45-11:55, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en idioma arabe a locutor en conversaciones telefonicas con oyentes, despedida en frances “...Merci beaucoup..”, SINPO 34333. (J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 24/12/2007) Мексика 9599.26, Radio UNAM, Mexico City, 2256-2312, Dec 22, nice signal with opera music. IDs at 2300, 2301. Christmas music at 2302. Spanish talk. In the clear with a good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 6010, Radio Mil, Mexico DF, 1006-1020, 25-12, canciones romanticas latinoamericanas, identificacion por locutor: “En Radio Mil, Vive Mexico”, “Nueve grados, Radio Mil”. Senal muy debil, pero sin interferencia de La Voz de tu Conciencia. 14321. (Mendez) 6185, Radio Educacion, Mexico DF, 0859-0945, 25-11, Locutor, identificacion: “Radio Educacion, 1060 Amplitud Modulada, transmitiendo desde ... Colonia del Valle”. “Entrecruzamiento, todos lo martes y jueves a las 20 horas”. “Todos los dias, de lunes a viernes, escuche nuestro noticiero, a las 8 de la manana, 2 y media de la tarde y 8 de la noche”. Canciones y musica clasica. 44444. (Mendez) 9599.2, Radio UMAN, Mexico DF, 2250-2257, 24-12, musica clasica, locutor y locutora, comentario sobre grupos editoriales de Mexico, libros. 24322. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/12/2007) Молдавия 7370, Radio PMR, 1635-1645*, Dec 20, German. Male announcer w/ news items. ID, URL and contact info at s/off. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) Монголия 7260 KHz Mongolia Mongolian Radio Ulaanbaatar 12/23 Mongolian 0825 2 female talks, 0830 male talks w/ mx, 0833 female talks 22222 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 23/12/2007) Мьянма 5040.61, R. Myanmar, 1152-1206, Dec 24, vernacular. Female announcer b/w "wailing" vocal ballads and flutes. Wind instruments at 1200, OM until music returns at 1205. Poor under band noise and het presumably from 5039v-R.Libertad. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 27/12/2007) Нигер 9704.99, LV du Sahel, Niamey, 2205-2301*, Dec 25, French talk. Variety of French pops-ballads, Afro-pop music. Phone talk. Koran at 2255-2259. Short IS on flute followed by choral National Anthem. Poor in noisy conditions. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 26/12/2007) Нигерия 7274.87, Radio Nigeria, Abuja, 0655-0705, Dec 21, stronger than usual with English talk about local politics. Not // 4769.97. Two separate English programs on these frequencies. (B. Alexander, PA, USA = dxldyg 22/12/2007) 4770, Radio Nigeria, 2247-2300 Noted a good carrier here, but the audio was not that strong. Checked it in USB/LSB and AM with same results. Anyway the content consisted of steady music. Lots of background noise and signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 27/12/2007) 7275, R.Nigeria-Abuja, 0721-0735, Dec 18, English. Talk re Dept. of Education followed by Arabic-like music. ID at BoH. Fair/poor, quickly slipping under band noise. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) Новая Зеландия 3935 RRS Levin noted 12/27 from 0955 tune w/ woman reading, instrumental mx interlude 0958, woman again at 1000 w/ periodic, short inst mx breaks. Signal was easily audible, better than the usual carrier w/ no audio, but certainly not armchair lvl - SINPO 1v2-5-5-3-2 w/ heavy QSB. No ARO's around until after 1010, then only weak adj ch. (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 27/12/2007) Оман 15140, Radio Sultanate of Oman, 1405-1500, Dec 21, Very tentative. Fairly strong carrier but very weak modulation. Too weak to catch any kind of program details. (B. Alexander, PA, USA = dxldyg 22/12/2007) 15140, Radio Sultanate of Oman, 1430-1500, Dec 22, tune-in to English news at 1430-1438. IDs. Continuous pop music at 1439-1500. Arabic at 1500. Fairly strong carrier. Modulation level was okay but could have been stronger. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 15140, Radio Sultanate of Oman, 1405-1500, Dec 23, Fair signal strength but once again heard here with low to very low modulaton. At times completely inaudible. US pop music at 1405 tune-in. English news at 1430-1440, ID, followed by pop music. Chimes at 1500. Arabic talk & Arabic music after 1500. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 15140, Radio Sultanate of Oman, 1425-1435, Dec 24, Looking for Oman but only hear a weak carrier & no audio. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 24/12/2007) 15140, Radio Sultanate of Oman, 1430-1445, Dec 25, Very weak. Barely audible but able to hear English news at 1430- 1440 with their distinctive short music jingles. More English talk at 1441 but just to weak to decipher. Lost in noise at 1445. (Alexander-PA) (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 26/12/2007) Перу 4834.90, Radio Maranon, 0040--0119, Initially noted a male and female in Spanish comments. During their breather time, music is presented. At around 0108 a canned ID using echo effect. Signal was getting all chopped up by 0119 and I was getting a headache from the QRM on the freq. At the beginning, the signal as fair, but dropped to poor by shutoff time. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 21/12/2007) 4790.2 PERU. R. Vision. Nice S7 signal marred by S9 CODAR. OM giving sermon or other presentation (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 23/12/2007) 6193.40, Radio Cuzco, 1032-1045 Noted a female in comments at tune-in, but at 1034 canned promos probably for future programs heard. After, comments continued. Signal faded in to a fair level briefly at 1035, but dropped back to poor quickly. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, USA, 24/12/2007) 4775, Radio Tarma, 1049-1100 With typical Huaynos type music, signal was at a fair level still, at least for this part of the band. At 1057 live Spanish comments from a male for a few moments, then back into the Huaynos music. Weak live ID on the hour, followed by religious music -. This is followed with religious comments briefly by a female. Canned ID at 1104, "...Onda media ... Tarma ..." Signal was fair to poor and getting hit by CODAR. (Chuck Bolland, (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, USA, 24/12/2007) 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, 1110-1120 Initially heard clear, clean Huaynos music. At 1112, a male in Spanish comments with mentions of "Peru" until 1120 and music follows that. This freq is clear of QRM, notably the CODAR signal, consequently copy is good of this radio station. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, USA, 24/12/2007) 4746.9, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 0012-0020, 25-12, locutor, espanol, comentarios, anuncios comerciales. Interferencia de China en 4750 kHz. 23322. (Mendez) 4790.2, Radio Vision, Chiclayo, 0635-0720, 25-12, canciones religiosas, comentarios: “Gloria a Dios en el nombre de Jesus”. “La Voz de la Salvacion”. 35222. (Mendez) 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2334-0020, 24-12, locutor, locutora, espanol, comentarios religiosos, quechua. 14321. (Mendez) 5014.5, Radio Altura, Cerro de Pasco, 2322-2355, 24-12, locutor, espanol, anuncios comerciales, canciones navidenas, Villancicos, anuncios: “Departamento de Pasco”. 24322. (Mendez) 6173.8, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cuzco, 0021-0033, 25-12, locutor, espanol, comentarios, senal muy debil. Se escucha en LSB. 14321. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/12/2007) 4834.92, Radio Maranon, 1125-1135, Surpised Peru is still audible at 1125. Noted a series of canned promos and ID's until 1130, then a male in live comments pops up. He provides time checks during the comments. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 27/12/2007) Россия 5945, Voice of Russia, Amavir, 0201-0210 Just caught the ID at tune in as, "... Voce de Ruso...". (Typed that from Memory) This is followed with news presented by a male in the Spanish Language. Signal was good (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 21/12/2007) 7330 KHz Russia Voice of Russia Vladivostok-Tavrich 12/23 EE 0836 male talks "at 1943", "in United States of America", 0839 male talks alternating short mx, 0840 instr. mx, 0843 male talks, mx until 0847 23422 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 6075, at 1359 Dec 23, in 49m bandscan I noticed a somewhat rumbly signal from Pet-Kam, but something even stranger at 1400-1401: a Morse code message, ending in K. This was tone modulation, not carrier on-and-off, presumably from the 6075 transmitter just before it did go off a minute later. It was sent at quite a slow rate, and I might have been able to copy it if I had not been taken by surprise and my attention split (CBS Sunday Morning was just starting!). Let us try again for this strange anomaly and decode what they are saying, probably in Russian involving Cyrillic code characters (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 11915 Radio Tatarstan, 09:22-09:30, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en ruso a locutor con lo que probablemente sea un boletin de noticias, referencias a “Rusia y Bielorrusia”, “...candidato..president..”, ID “..Tatarstan programme..”, segmento musical a modo de sintonia, SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 24/12/2007) 5960, Radiostantsiya, Tikhiy Okean, 0942-1000 Tuned in late with a male and female in news or commentary in the Russian Language. Afterwards, Russian music for a minute or two. At 0951, Radio France International (full ID on the hour), comes on the air in Portuguese blocking Tikhiy Okean. France continues in Portuguese up to the hour, when it switchs to Spanish and gives a full ID. Consequently, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean is blocked effectively for the rest of the period. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 24/12/2007) 5905 Radio Rossii, 17:28-17:35, escuchada el 24 de diciembre en ruso con ID, locutor anuncia “Musica Radio Rossii”, segmento de musica pop rusa, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/12/2007) 5995//7165 Family Radio (via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii-site per DXLD7-156) 1438-1500 23 Dec. Handel's "Messiah", generic "The Sound of the New Life" ID, Mr. Campion in English..5995 mixed with R. Australia, 7165 clear..also noted on 6225 (via "DB"-Dubai?) weak and 5920 (via "TCH"-huh?) with a very spiritual signal (has to be believed in to be heard) (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 27/12/2007) 5960, Radiostantsiya Tihkiy Okean, 0954-1000, Another threshold signal with male in Russian comments and music heard. Very tough hearing this station today. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 27/12/2007) Руанда 6055, Radio Rwanda, Kigali, 2040-2101*, Dec 23, French/vernacular talk. Local African music. Sign off with short techno-pop instrumental. Very good. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 24/12/2007) 6055 R. Rwanda 2110 on past normal 2100* for their usual Xmas eve broadcast; pop music, carols. They usually have a special on-air party around local midnight, 2200 UT, with Xmas greetings in English, French, and local language, plus and sounds of 'baby Jesus.' Reception isn't great in eastern NA but they're readable. (George, MA USA - CumbreDX 25/12/2007) Сан Томе 4940, VOA-Pinheira, 2055-2100*, Dec 20, Vernacular/English. Announcers in language and Afropop music bits. EG ID and IS at s/off. Fair at best. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) Свазиленд 3240, TWR Africa, 0305-0317, Dec 23, Vernacular. Announcer in language w/ native music and talk, ID in passing. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) Сирия 9330, R.Damascus, 2108-2118, Dec 20, Arabic/English. Announcer w/ AR music and talk. Anthem-like music at 2112 into OM w/ news in English. Rough copy w/ usual poor modulation. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) Словакия 5930, Radio Slovakia International. 0157-0205 At tune in, noted a male in Slovakian language comemnts. This is followed by Interval signal and ID in Engllish as, "you are listening to Radio Slovakia International ..." . At 0158 a Female in French language gives ID and schedule. The interval signal follows this until the hour when the regular programming begins in French. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 21/12/2007) США 12133.522U FLORIDA AFRTS, Saddlebunch Keys; 0322-0340 22 December, 2007. "The Car Show" with very annoying audio clipping out for a split second, every few seconds. Break at 0328 with a long string of PSA's, then back to the program at 0332. Clear and fair, parallel excellent 7811U, which also suffered from the spastically clipping audio. (Terry Krueger, USA - dxldyg 26/12/2007) Таджикистан 7245 Voice of Tajik, 16:06-16:08, escuchada el 25 de diciembre en Dari a locutora con comentarios, se aprecia por momentos de fondo a Radio Mauritania en arabe, SINPO 33432. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain = hard-core-dx 26/12/2007) Тайланд 6110 THAILAND. BBC Indo service, location presumed, 1313, 12/23/07. S7 signal of typical nx headlines and features (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 23/12/2007) Танзания 11735 Radio Tanzania Zanzibar, 19:55-20:05, escuchada el 26 de diciembre en swahili a locutor con programa musical, rap africano, a las 20:00 UTC locutora con un boletin de noticias, fragmento de musica arabe a modo de sintonia, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg Тунис I often listen to RTT 7190 around 0630-0700 for its Arab music tho it`s hardly soporific. For the first time on Dec 24 at 0643-0650+ I heard some deliberate QRHam, some guy exactly on frequency as BFO for his SSB counts, ``1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, testing…` Never heard him say anything else or ID. This raises an interesting question. Yes, hams in Americas are totally free to use this frequency, but are they totally free to use it in a one-way 5+ minute `test` without ID? Thinly disguised jamming. BTW, Tunisia is not breaking any rules; this transmission per HFCC at 04-08 is 265 degrees to CIRAF 37, which is Algeria and Morocco; it is just bleeding over here, even tho its 500 kW often makes it the best signal inside the 41 mb in OK. Unlike Croatia/Germany, Slovakia, etc., which really do broadcast to Americas inside our 40m hamband (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 25/12/2007) Узбекистан 9500, CVC-Tashkent, 1238-1303, Dec 17, Vernacular. Female announcer b/w Hindi music selections. ID at ToH into presumed news headlines. Fair/slipping under QRN at t/out. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) Украина Предполагается включить с 1.01.08 средневолновые передатчики УР, а также львовский КВ передатчик на Сев. Америку. Только смогут они проработать ровно столько, на сколько хватит выделенных на 2008 г на это финансов. (А. Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 25/12/2007) Филиппины December 25, 2007 2225 UTC. Listening on 9435 kHz to hear if Radio Prague will appear at 2230 UTC. Instead hearing FEBC ident signal and ID. Into FEBC programming at 2230. Not English. SIO 353. Never did hear Radio Prague at 2230. Ф. Гвиана Radio Polonia relay 9660 at 2234 in Polish w/Mass, Christmas songs at the end. Poor signal. 25 Dec. (Liz Cameron, MI, via dxldyg 26/12/2007) EiBi shows 9435 2230-2330 Sa PHL FEBC Manila ML SEA 9435 2230-2300 Su-Fr PHL FEBC Manila IN SEA (KG4LAC - dxldyg 26/12/2007) Чад Quite decent reception of typical African music on 4905 tonight here even in my flat. It's almost like a decade ago, when Chad left 60 metres, but with one exception: They are indeed on 4905, maybe 30 Hz low, but not again on their old 4904.5 frequency which was apparently intended for some reason. For Glenn: I understand that this always used to be the very same transmitter (Thomson 100 kW) than 6165, in the past run on 49 m during daytime and 60 m in the morning and evening, but at some point they started to use 6165 all day long. Now they apparently reverted to their former practice, or maybe are on 4905 throughout the day? (Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 22/12/2007) 4904.97, RNT, 2120-2229*, Dec 21, French talk. African hi-life music. Sign off with National Anthem at 2228. Fair-good. (B. Alexander, PA, USA = dxldyg 22/12/2007) 4904,97 Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne, N?djamena, 2135-2140, December 22, French, afropops, announcement by male in french, talk by same male. After, more afropops, 24432 Good reception. At 2145 UTC the QSA was 3 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 23/12/2007) Chad Radiodiffusion Nationale TChadiene 2035-2144 UT 4904.5 kHz. Talk between male and female in French. Remembered enough high school French to positive ID. Songs. Overall fair with CODAR QRM. (KG4LAC - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 4905, RNT, 2225-2300*, Dec 22, French/English. Announcer w/ FR talk b/w Afropops at t/in, switching to EG pop/rap music after 2232. ID/NA at s/off. Good. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 4909.2, R.Chaskis, 1102-1116, Dec 22, Spanish. Announcers w/ Buenos Dias b/w musical selections. Nice signal at t/in (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 4905 CHAD. Radio N'djamena, 2049, 12/22/07. Fair at tune-in. Listened until 2243 tune-out. Rapidly improved to steady S9 with lots of Afro Pop and YL announcer. Sounded great with 7030+ synchronous detector (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 23/12/2007) 4905a Rdif. NT, N'djamena 0525-0604 25 Dec. Quite nice with upbeat Francophone WAfr.vocals, ID: Radiodiffusion et Television Nationale Tchadienne at 0529 and 0549, more neat vocals mixed with phone interviews, feature on visiting Spain (mentions of Madrid, Barcelona), after 0600, music more Afro-hiphop, DJ taking listener's calls with 1 mention of N'djamena. (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 27/12/2007) Эквадор 3810L, HD210A, 0152+, Dec 26, Spanish. Time station battling for dominance w/ co-channel amatuer radio ops. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 27/12/2007) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005 KHz Guinea Ecuatorial RN Guinea Ecuatorial Bata 12/22 SS 0559 mx; sounds like for children, misunderstood language but sometimes they repeat "in your heart", next sounds like mx before, 0608-0614 male and female presumed news "la situacion politica de la nacion", la RN Guinea Equatorial", "la capital del Congo", "los resultados altamiente positivos", mentions of "La Paz" 33433 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 22/12/2007) 5005, Radio Nac - Bata, 2245-2256*, Dec 22, Afro-pop music. Spanish talk. Sign off with National Anthem. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 5005, RN-Bata, 2240-2259*, Dec 18, Vernacular. Continuous Afropops until NA at 2258. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 23/12/2007) 15190, Radio Africa, Bata, 1145-1329*, Dec 24, Just beginning to fade in around 1145 with threshold level. Slowly improved to a weak level by 1210. Never improved beyond a weak signal strength. Some individual English religious programming suffered from distortion or weak modulation. Sign off with "Radio AfricaNetwork" ID announcement at 1328 along with mentions of RadioAfricaNetwork.com & PanAmericanBroadcasting.com websites, postal address & e-mail address. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 24/12/2007) 15190 Radio Africa 2, 10:02-10:07, escuchada el 25 de diciembre en ingles a locutor con comentarios, parece un sermon ya que lo hace gritando, se aprecia de fondo una ligera senal con voz de mujer, probablemente de CRI, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/12/2007) Эфиопия 6110, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, *0258-0315, Dec 21, Sign on with IS. Opening ID announcements at 0302 & into local Horn of Africa music. Good. Strong. In the clear. Threshold signal on // 7210. (B. Alexander, PA, USA = dxldyg 22/12/2007) 9558.59 R Ethiopia 1420 in Arabic, frequency even further from nominal 9560 and moving to 9558.31 by 1525 and then back to 9558.53 by 1427, parallel to usual 7165.12 (Alexander Koutamanis, The Netherlands - CumbreDX 24.12.2007) 9559 Radio Ethiopia, 16:21-16:32, escuchada el 25 de diciembre en su servicio ingles con emision de musica pop melodica, la frecuencia exacta no la conozco, pero con la Sangean la escucho mejor en esa frecuencia, fuertemente interferida por CRI en su servicio en arabe por 9555, a las 16:30 tonos horarios tocados por una campana, locutor y locutora con comentarios, apenas se les entiende, probable referencias a Sudan, SINPO 33443 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain = hard-core-dx 26/12/2007) 7110, Radio Ethiopia, 2050-2100*, Dec 24, Horn of Africa music. Some music with a more Mid-East sound. Amharic talk. Sign off with National Anthem at 2059. Good signal. // 5990-weak, poor with DRM QRM. 9 MHz frequency not heard. (B. Alexander, PA, USA = dxldyg 26/12/2007 Ю. Африка 3320 SOUTH AFRICA. R. Sonder Grense, 0332, 12/22/07. Solid 10/S9 signal of pop mx (Strawman-IA). 3345 SOUTH AFRICA. Channel Africa, 0337, 12/22/07. English pgm of current nx features presented by OM & YL. S9 carrier but noisy band (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, USA - CumbreDX 23/12/2007) Япония 6110, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, *0258-0315, Dec 21, Sign on with IS. Opening ID announcements at 0302 & into local Horn of Africa music. Good. Strong. In the clear. Threshold signal on // 7210. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 22/12/2007) -- СВ/ДВ 540 29+30/11 1018-1200 Onda Cero Barcelona, Catalunya, local programs in Catalan fair/good 558 02+03/12 1230-1259 RNE R5 Valencia, Spain, in // RNE 1 Valencia 774 kHz regional Comunidad valenciana, nx + Radio Svizzera "Rete1", tx Monteceneri , id. Fair/good 567 29/11 1848-1855 RNE R5 Murcia, Spain, regional SERvice Murcia. + RAI 1 fair 576 29+30/11 1215-1259 RNE R5 Barcelona, Catalunya, in //738 kHz, RNE 1 Barcelona,//612 kHz RNE 1 Lleida,// 801 kHz RNE 1 girona. Fair/good 585 29+30/11 1230-1259 RNE R5 Madrid, Spain, + R. Tunisia, Gasfa, in Arabic (looped). Fair/good 594 29/11 1800-1830 Radio Colonia, Tx Frankfurt, Germany, Italian workers program, "lo sport di Radio Colonia" //972 kHz tx Ndr Hamburg + R.Morocco in Arabic. (looped) fair/good 603 29+30/11 1230-1300 RNE R5 Sevilla, regional Andalucia, in //684 kHz RNE R1 Sevilla. Fair 621 29+30/11 1215-1259 RNE R1 Mallorca, Baleares, regional in Mallorquino. Fair 639 29+30/11 1232-1258 RNE R1 Zaragoza, Aragon, regional news. + Cesky Rozlas Cr2. Fair 666 29+30/11+02+03/12 1209-1259, 1810-1829, 1835-1850, 1920-1930 SER r. Barcelona, Catalunya, in //1008 Gerona, 1287 Lleida fair/good 684 30/11+03/12 0645-0700, 1215-1259 RNE R1 Sevilla, Spain, Regional Andalucia + R.Tunisia Tx Meduine (in // 630 kHz) fair/good 711 03/12 1611-1612 Cope Murcia, Spain, local spot, id. Poor/fair 729 03+04/12 0645-0700 RNE R1, Oviedo, Regional Asturias, + Greece (tnx info from dxer Vizzoni) fair 738 29+30/11 1220-1259 RNE R1 Catalunya, Barcelona, regional nx in Catalan. Good/v.good 774 29+30/11 1230-1259 RNE R1 Valencia, regional Comunidad valenciana, //558 kHz, //801 kHz. Good/v.good 783 29+30/11 1205-1255 "Cope Barcelona Radio Miramar", id also rock'n gol Barcelona at 1245 with sport local news. Good/v.good 792 30/11 1833-1855 SER R. Sevilla, regional-local programs + France Limoges (looped) + ERA5 Kavala tx thessaloniki ! Poor/fair 837 29+30/11+03/12 1810-1840; 0001-0004 Cope Sevilla, Spain, local program + Cope Eivissa local program in Mallorquin + France Nancy (partly looped). Poor/good 837 29+30/11 1210-1259 Cope Eivissa, Menorca, Baleares, local program, in Mallorquin. Fair/good 873 02/12 2255-2259 SER R. ZARAGOZA, "hora 25 Zaragoza", Spain + Afn Germany in EE (looped) poor/fair 882 29+30/11+03+04/12 0820-0900; 1836-1850 Com Radio, Barcelona, Catalunya, nx in Catalan. + (night) MDR 1, Germany + R. Crne Gore, Montenegro (looped). Poor/good 990 30/11+03/12 1850-1855; 0645-0700 SER r. Bilbao, "hoy por hoy pais vasco" + SER cadiz, "hoy por hoy Andalucia" at 0645-0700. (later 1850) + Dlr Kultur, Germany + Radio Sawa, Cape Greco, Cyprus, in Arabic. Fair/good 1008 29/11+03/12 0720-0730; 1830-1835; 1925-1930 SER Girona, hoy por hoy Girona + SER R.Alicant, hoy por hoy Alicant (at 0720-0730) + Evangelium Omroep, Netherlands. (at 1925-1930) hora 20 Girona. Fair/good 1026 29+30/11+03/12 0720-0730; 1756-1759; 1830-1835; 2156-2200; 2255-2300 SER R. Reus, Catalunya + SER R. Jaen "hoy por hoy Jaen" at 0720- + SER R.Asturias, Oviedo + Israel Reshet Dalet in Arabic. Poor/good 1044 03/12 0720-0728 "hoy por hoy Zaragoza" SER R. Zaragoza + Mdr 1, Germany + Era Thessaloniki, Greece (always local). Poor/good 1053 29+30/11 1135-1156 Cope Castellon, Spain, local program. Poor/fair 1080 29/11+04/12 0650-0659; 0720-0729; 1825-1830; 1835-1855; 2355-2300 SER R. Huesca, Spain, local + Era 5 Orestiadas, Greece. Fair/good 1080 29/11+03+04/12 1220-1259; 1805-1829; 1835-1850; 1925-1930; 2255-2259 Ser R. Mallorca, Baleares, regional/local+ Era 5 Orestiadas, Greece. Fair/good 1098 05/12 0650-0659 RNE R5 Almeria, Spain, regional Andalucia, id, news regional + RNE R5 Galicia, Lugo + Slovak Radio (partly looped) poor/fair 1125 04/12 1235-1259 RNE R5 Castellon, Spain. In // RNE R1 Valencia 774 kHz. Poor/fair 1259; 1810-1829; 2255-2300 SER r. Valencia, Spain, local 1810- "la hora de Valencia" + Radio Sweden + Era Sport Thessaloniki, Greece. Fair/good 1224 04/12 0001-0005; 1810-1858 Cope R. Mallorca, Palma, Baleares, local program + Virgin Radio Uk. Poor/good 1224 04/12 0005-0015 Popular Irratia ,San Sebastian, Euzkadi + Cope + Virgin Radio Uk (partly looped). Poor/fair 1260 30/11 2259 SER R. Murcia, Spain, local/regional programs + Radio Vatican (multilanguage programs) fair/good 1260 30/11 0059-0100 "Radio Algeciras" yl id, SER R.Algeciras + Radio Vatican (looped). Fair/good 1269 03+04/12 1110-1300; 1810-1858; 0001-0004 Cope Comarques Girones, Tx Figueres, Catalunya, advert. & Girona ids, regional programs. Fair/good 1287 29+30/11+03+04/12 0655-0659; 0725-0730; 1831-1855; 2255-2259 SER R. Lleida, Catalunya, local & regional nx in Catalan + Galei Zahal, Israel (partly looped) fair/good 1287 29+30/11 2255-2259 SER R. Burgos, Spain, "cadena SER castilla hora 25 Aragon" id. + SER Lleida + Galei Zahal (partly looped). Poor/fair 1296 29+30/11+03+04/12 1205-1259; 1810-1859 Cope R. Valencia, Spain, (at 1810 qrm drm BBC 1296 blocking the channel) poor/good 1314 29+30/11 0650-0659;1846-1859 RNE R5 Tarragona, Catalunya, //576 & 1413 kHz. Regional program + Romania Cultural (partly looped) poor/fair 1413 29/11 1846-1859 RNE R5 Girona, Catalunya, regional news. //1314, 576 kHz + Voice of Russia in Greek, tx Gregoriopol. Fair/good 1413 03/12 0645-0700 RNE R5 Jaen, Andalucia, regional service, //684 + RNE R5 Catalunya. Poor/fair 1485 30/11 1846-1859 Onda Rambla Cadena Punto Radio, Vilanova I La Geltru, Catalunya, local adv. + "bastard drm" SWR tx Germany. Fair 1503 29/11+02+04/12 1845-1859 RNE R5, Campo de Gibraltar, Regional Andalucia. At 1845 also Irib 1, Iran, tx Bushner, in Farsi + North Sinai Radio, Egypt. Fair/good 1521 04/12 0645-0659 SER R. Castellon, Spain,"hoy por hoy Castellon". Fair 1602 29/11 2255-2300 SER R. Ontenyent, Spain, local nx + mixed up/down With R.Vitoria + Radio Orient, tx Nimes, //1350 kHz. Poor/good (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 22/12/2007) 540 – Budapest 549 – Mayak 567 – R.Rossii (Volgograd) 612 – Liberty(Blr) 630 – Nrk1 648 – BBC 657 – R.Rossii (Murmansk) 675 – NRK1 693 – D.W. 702 – Voice of I.R. Iran 747 – Radio 5 756 – D.Funk 810 – RT Marocco A 819 – Egypt (General prog.) 855 – Rom.Act. 873 – AFN 909 – Rom.Act. 936 – R. Bremen/Iran 1 945 – Rom.Act. 954 – Cesky Rozhlas/TRT-4 963 – R. Shumen(?) 972 – NDR Info 999 – R.I.R. 1008 – Groot N.R. 1017 – TRT-1/Sudwest R 1035 – Tartu F.R. 1044 – Liberty(Rus) 1053 – Maria 1071 – Idhaat/Voice of People 1089 – R.Rossii 1098 – Regina Bratislava 1134 – Glas Hrvatske/Iran1 1143 – R.I.R. 1170 – R. Belarus 1179 – R. Sweden 1188 – D.W. 1215 – R.I.R. 1251 – Voice of Africa 1269 – D.Funk 1332 – Rom.Act. 1341 – Magyar Katolikus R. 1377 – Iran1 1530 – Rom.Act. 1539 – Evangelius R 1548 – Sawa 1557 – C.R.I. (Chi) 1575 - Farda (Виктор Варзин, Коммунар, Ленинградская область, Россия - open_dx 22/12/2007) had a post a few weeks ago about Radio Rossii over Morocco on 171 Khz. Remember, that channel is normally owned by Radio Mediterranee Int here from my QTH. Yesterday night (local time), at around 01:30 UTC, after a few scan of the MW band and without great surprises, after a first check on LW a without surprises neither, I went back and sit on 162, Radio France Inter when suddenly, for a few second, there was Arabic souding music putting France Inter in the null.So in a hurry, I powered on my laptop (I wasn't really dxing)and fortunatly, I had something to record after that first event. Here what I've heard at 01:38 UTC: http://pages.globetrotter.net/esnaud/mp3/turkey_with_france.mp3 Near the end of the clip, you can feel a man voice over the program in French. Around that time, LW was not impressive. France Inter is so regular here. I was aware of Turkey sharing that channel, both are working with the same power at this time of the day but frankly, that caught me by surprise. I had a Turkish carrier a couple of time lately on 180 Khz but too weak to show some audio. The transmitter is in Agri, Turkey near the Armenian border at a little more than 8000 km from here (Sylvain Naud - Portneuf, Quebec, CANADA - mwdx 23/12/2007) Сегодня снова решил помониторить СВ. Радиостанции, написанные в прошлый раз, повторно писать не стал. Снова Петербург, 0:30-1:20(21:30-22:20 UTC),23-24 декабрь, Degen 1103 (феррит) 576 - Sudwest R. (хорошая слышимость, обычно услышать их здесь бывает сложнее) 603 - Rom.Act. 684 - R. Nacional Espana (футбольный матч) 693 - BBC R.5 711 - France Info 720 - West Deutschland Run.(?) 738 - R. Nacional Espana (слышимость хуже, чем на 684) 801 - Bayerrisher R. 810 - R. Skopije 837 - Iran 1 990 - Deutschland Radio Kultur 1089 - Talk Sports 1224 - R. Bulgaria (кажется, на сербском) 1377 - Ukraina-2( вроде они до 22.00 по UTC?)/ France Info 1422 - D.Funk 1512 - Vlaanderen Int. 1576 - Mayak(видимо из Украины, шла религиозная передача) (Виктор Варзин, Коммунар, Ленинградская обл., Россия - open_dx 24/12/2007) CZE 270 Cesky rozhlas 1, 22:05-22:10, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en checo a locutor con noticias “Radio Journal”, referencias a Cesky, musica de sintonia, SINPO 44433. D 183 Europe 1, 22:15-22:18, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en frances a locutor con comentarios, musica de fondo, locutora, “..special Noel..”, SINPO 34433. D 756 Deutschlandfunk, 22:26-22:28, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en aleman a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 34343 F 162 France Inter, 22:18-22:20, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en frances a locutor con comentarios y emision de musica francesa, SINPO 34343. F 216 Radio Monte Carlo, 22:13-22:15, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en frances a locutor con invitados, especie de tertulia, SINPO 44444. F 864 France Bleu, 22:35-22:37, escuchada el 23 de diciembre con emision de musica pop francesa, SINPO 44433. LBY 1053 Radio Jamahiriyah, 22:38-22:40, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en arabe a locutor conconversacion telefonica con oyentes, referencia a “..Ouzma”, SINPO 34333. 1251 Voice of Africa, 22:41-22:45, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en arabe a locutora con comentarios y musica arabe, cantan “...Libia...Libia..”, cuna de la emisora, SINPO 35443. LUX 234 RTL, 22:10-22:13, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en frances a locutor con comentarios, segmento musical, SINPO 33343 MCO 702 RMC-Info, 22:24-22:26, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en frances a locutora presentando tema musical, pieza pop melodica, SINPO 45444 POR 666 Antena 1, 22:20-22:23, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en portugues a locutor con comentarios, ID “Antena 1”, segmento musical, SINPO 43333. SUI 765 Radio Suisse Romande Option Musique, 22:30-22:35, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en frances a locutora presentando temas musicales, emision de musica pop francesa, SINPO 45454. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 24/12/2007) Багамы 1540, ZNS1 [tentative], 0637-0700, Dec 22, Poor at first with QRM from KXEL, but I could hear some reggae music playing. ZNS1 was then fair-good between 0643 and 0700, almost completely blowing KXEL away with reggae versions of Christmas songs ("We Wish You A Reggae Christmas," etc.) and muffled talks from YL and YM. A few YLs with Caribbean accents spoke at 0658, mentioned the title of the show ("Reggae Pulse Night"?) and said goodbyes to a YM in the studio. No ID's at 07:00 but continuous reggae music. I would like to send a reception report to these guys but I can't seem to find an address, email or postal. (Jon Pukila, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada - dxldyg 22/12/2007) Беларусь Просьба посмотреть частоту 1278 кГц на наличие Радыё Сталiца. Известно, передатчик в Бресте. (Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 22/12/2007) На частоте 1278 кГц в Минске хорошо ловится Первый Канал Белорусского Радио. Вчера принял на свой D1103 в 20:10 (SINPO: 53554). На этой частоте так же вещает какая-то другая станция (слышал только музыку, идентифицировать не удалось). Сегодня буду проверять наличие на частоте "Столицы" после 16:00. (Алексей Зиневич, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 24/12/2007) Тurks and Caicos 530, Radio Vision Cristiana, 0550-0615, Dec 20, Spanish music and talks from YM & YL. Station ID and freq. info for RVC stations in New York and Turks & Caicos at hourtop. Fair-Poor with QRM from station in Inuktitut or Hindi. (Jon Pukila, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada - dxldyg 22/12/2007) - Вчера вечером промонитроил своим D1103 весь СВ-диапазон. И остался доволен. Оказывается в центре Минска СВ берётся на Degen хорошо, лучше, чем ранее на "Океан-245". Вот превая часть моих наблюдений: СВ в Минске (внутренняя антенна Degen 1103, 23.12.1007, 19:00-20:15) часть первая: 531 25443 <не идентифицировал> 540 55555 Kossuth R. - Hungarian 549 43554 R. Mayak - Russian//<не идентифицировал> 567 43454 R. Romania Act. - Romanian//R. Rossii - Russian 576 55555 R. Christo Botev - Bulgarian 594 25443 <не идентифицировал> 603 53554 R. Romania Act. - Romanian 612 55555 R. Liberty - Belorussian 621 25443 <не идентифицировал> 630 44344 R. Timisoara - Romanian//R. Mayak - Russian 639 35343 R. Cesky Rozhlas - Czech 648 35454 BBC - English 693 35453 <не идентифицировал> 702 45454 TRT4 - Turkish 720 45454 R. Romania Act. - Romanian 747 45454 <не идентифицировал> 756 55555 R. Romania Act. - Romanian 765 35343 R. Rossii - Russian 774 35454 R. Varna - Bulgarian <может и не оно> 801 45444 Bavarian Open Radio - German 810 55454 Radio Skopje - different 828 35554 R. Christo Botev - Bulgarian 846 45555 R. Radonezh - Russian 855 45454 R. Romania Act. - Romanian 864 35453 <не идентифицировал> 873 43554 BBC(?) - English//R. Moldova - Moldavian 882 45454 <не идентифицировал> 891 35343 <не идентифицировал> 909 44454 R. Cluj - Romanian//R. Romania Act. - Romanian 927 35443 TRT1 - Turkish 936 45554 RUVR - Russian 945 45554 R. Rossii - Russian 954 55555 TRT4 - Turkish 972 55555 NDR Info - German 990 33553 <не идентифицировал> 999 55555 DW - Russian 1008 54555 <не идентифицировал, музыка>//K. Kultura - Belorussian 1017 34454 TRT1 - Turkish 1026 45354 K. Kultura - Belorussian 1035 45354 <не идентифицировал, музыка> 1044 25233 <не идентифицировал> 1053 55354 R. Iasi - Romanian 1080 35554 R. Rossii - Russian 1089 55455 RUVR - Russian 1098 55555 R. Regina Bratislava - Slovac 1116 35343 Kossuth R. - Hungarian 1125 55555 K. Kultura - Belorussian//<не идентифицировал, вроде англ.> 1134 45554 R. Croatia - Croatian 1143 45454 RUVR - Russian 1152 55555 R. Romania Act. - Romanian 1161 45554 Radio Horizont - Bulgarian 1170 45454 RUVR - different 1179 54555 R. Romania Act. - Romanian//R. Sweden - different (Алексей Зиневич, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 24/12/2007) Итак, часть вторая: 1197 35353 K. Kultura - Belorussian 1215 55555 RUVR - German//<не идентифицировал, очень слабая анл. музыка> 1224 45554 BNR - Bulgarian 1251 45454 Kossuth R. - Hungarian 1260 45454 BBC (?) - Russian 1269 55455 Deutschlandfunk - German 1278 54555 Belarus Radio 1 - Belorussian//<не идентифицировал, музыка> 1314 45354 R. Romania Act. - Romanian 1323 35444 R. Targu Mures - Romanian 1332 45554 R. Romania Act. - Romanian 1341 45554 Magyar Katolikus Radio - Hungarian 1350 44454 <не идентифицировал, вроде англ. речь> 1359 25343 <не идентифицировал> 1404 55444 R. Romania Cult. - Romanian 1413 55555 RUVR - Greek 1422 45344 Deutschlandfunk - German 1431 55555 RUVR - Greek 1440 55555 CRI - German 1449 45343 <не идентифицировал, возм. VOIRI> 1467 45454 TWR - позывные после 20:00 1476 55555 Radio 1476 - German 1485 45444 R. Moldova - Moldavian 1494 45544 R. Moldova - Moldavian 1512 35444 ERA - Greek (?) 1530 45554 R. Romania Act. - Romanian 1539 54554 Evangeliums Rundfunk - German 1548 55555 TWR - different 1557 45454 CRI - Russian 1575 35444 R. Farda - Persian Да, улов безусловно хороший, но летом за городом ловилось больше (тогда ещё на "Океан"). Вот лишь часть тех наблюдений: http://zas-2007.at.tut.by/dxing/mw.txt. (Алексей Зиневич, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 24/12/2007) У моего приёмника вчера сели аккумуляторы (а при работе от блока питания на СВ немного шумно), поэтому я ничего не ловил, а как и вы, порылся в своих прежних наблюдениях. Вот что нашёл: > 549 43554 R. Mayak - Russian//<не идентифицировал> На этой частоте по вечерам я принимал Маяк и Радио Приднестровье, причём обычно не вместе, а попеременно (по полчаса). Утром же когда-то поймал тех самых немцов (DFL), о котрых говорилось. > 594 25443 <не идентифицировал> Здесь вообще интересно. 07 ноября сего года в 19:58 я услышал ID ... нет, не немцев, а ВВС-Украина! (на украинском) У > 747 45454 <не идентифицировал> Стопроцентно Голландия. У меня записано: "...вещание на языке европейском, очень похожем на немецкий и слегка - на французский". Это точно голландский (Dutch который). > 990 33553 <не идентифицировал> Читаем: 10.11.2007 в 20:00 - DRKultur на немецком. > 1035 45354 <не идентифицировал, музыка> Тартуское Семейное радио за городом ловится на 55555. А в Минске мне не удавалось их поймать НИКОГДА (по крайней мере на "Океан"). Видимо здесь просто DEGEN оказался сильнее. В том что это Эстония, я уже тоже не сомневаюсь. ...а остальное буду мониторить. (Алексей Зиневич, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 25/12/2007) SVN 918 Radio Slovenija 1, 16:45-17:00, escuchada el 27 de diciembre en esloveno a locutor y locutora con boletín de noticias y pronóstico del tiempo, referencias a Ucrania, SINPO 35443. CZE 954 Ceský rozhlas CR6, 17:00-17:05, escuchada el 27 de diciembre en checo, tonos horarios, locutora con titulares y boletín de noticias, noticias nacionales e internacionales, referencias a Pakistán y Karachi, noticias sobre Afganistán, SINPO 34443. TUN 963 Radio Tunisia Cultural, 17:06-17:08, escuchada el 27 de diciembre en árabe con emisión de música folklórica local, SINPO 33443. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 28/12/2007) 12/20/07 0506Z 840 KXNT N. Las Vegas, NV Clr ID.”The Talk Station” with YL talker. 641 800 KYCW Portland, OR ID at 2241. Religious talk and ads 12/21/07 0033 1030 KTWO Casper, WY ID at 1633. Talk show. 0359 910 CKDQ Drumheller, AT I heard “Q Country 91. Clr ID as Q-91 at 0409 0655 1260 KWEI (tent) Weiser, ID ID at 0700 in SS. I think KWEI. ID in EE as “Univision Channel 3” 0702 1270 KTFI Twin Falls, ID www.Star-Registry.com mentioned. Clr ID 0734 12/22/07 0545 530 UnID SS talk. Possible mention of “Americana” 0600 560 KSFO San Francisco Discussion about the Beatles. Same pgm on KSFO website. Clr ID at 0606 12/23/07 0704 560 KPQ Wenatchee, WA Hrd Stevens Pass mentioned in road report 12/24/07 0650 1080 KVNI Coeur d'Alene, ID Clr ID at 0658 0700 1080 KFXX Portland, OR ID as “The Fan” at 0700 12/26/07 0629 1350 KRLC Lewiston, ID ID at 0629 “Hometown Radio KRLC” CW mx. 12/27/07 0803 1430 KYKN Keizer, OR Clr. ID 0803 0805 1440 KMED Medford, OR Clr ID at 0805 2200 530 Washington State Dept. of Transportation Highway Advisory Service TIS. Weak, YL on tape, no QTH given. (VE7YJ - mwdx 28/12/2007) Плохие новости. Судя по информации в EMWG, Финский передатчик на 558 кГц прекращает вещание через 3 дня. То есть, прекращает своё вещание Радио Финляндии. И вообще на коротких и средних волнах остаётся лишь одна радиостанция из Финляндии Scandinavian Weekend Radio, которое мне ни разу не удавалось принять. Так что считанные дни чтобы ещё успеть заQSLить Радио Финляндии. Однако, мне кажется, рапорты уже несколько лет не подтверждаются. FIN - YLE Radio Finland/YLE Helsinki/YLE Radio Peili/ YLE Ylenaikanen, Helsinki (50) - 24h in Finnish except for: Swedish at 0040-0045; Russian at 0300-0350, 0900-0945, 1700-1745, 2000-2050; relay YLE Helskinki: Ma-Fr 0627-0630 and Sa-Su 0657-0700; all other times relays of Radio Finland foreign service, YLE domestic channel "Ylenaikanen" and even spoken programs presented on YLE television - to be closed down on 31 December 2007 (Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 28/12/2007) (Это хорошо что закрывается, теперь на этой частоте можно делать настоящий DX! - ред.) 1620 ARGENTINA: R. Universo FM 103.3, via 1620 kHz (MW!), Mar del Plata, Argentina, SS, 28/12 0112. Seqüência de mx pop internacional, várias id ‘103 FM, 103.3 FM, Universo’. Enviei um informe de recepção via e-mail a eles para o endereço eletrônico citado no site da Universo FM 103.3, porém a mensagem retornou sem envio. Li uma citação de novembro último de uma escuta desta emissora do Samuel Cássio e por esta semana já captei várias noites os bons sinais da 1620 kHz, ‘Universo FM 103.3 (??). Esta noite, novamente o mesmo estilo de programação. Pena que encobriram as possibilidades de se ouvir a WDHP, de Virgin Islands que por essa época do ano chega bem por aqui nas madrugadas, 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 28/12/2007) 782 unID DEC 27 2230 - Off-frequency carrier, noted on many occasions but dismissed as noise until seeing reports from European DXers. Logged unID by "KAJ" as reported in the Dec 18 edition of Distance magazine. Logged as Syria by Guido Schotmans and Max van Arnhem, Netherlands, in Dec Medium Wave News. I don't recall Syria being noticeably off frequency when last received here Oct 30 with unequivocal interval signal, and it's listed 782.974 kHz in the Nov 07 mwoffsets list. Any thoughts? [Conti-NH] (B. Conti, NH, USA - CumbreDX 28/12/2007) -- Тропо German station 98.5 DR P4 NR 95.9 DR P3 89.7 Danish local comm. station in Aalborg 89.0 NRK P? 88.8 Delta Radio (?) 104.1 Undentified 103.6 SR P4 Kristianstad 101.4 (C. Stodberg - skywaves 22/12/2007) 11:50 87.90 841B Goes HOL 12:00 101.00 83C6 A79_Maas Smilde HOL 12:01 103.50 8415 Ugchelen HOL 13:40 90.70 82A8 Lopik HOL 15:26 87.70 E201 Halmstad S (W. Kitching, Telford, U.K. - skywaves 22/12/2007) FM: 20/12 21.00 UTC, 97.7 DLF,Berlin, Germany 21.10 UTC, 98.8 PR1, Wroclaw, Polen 21.15 UTC, 105.6 PR2, Katowice, Polen 21.22 UTC, 89.4 Radio Zet, Luban, Polen FM:21/12 05.20 UTC 103.4 Energy Radio, Berlin, Germany 05.25 UTC 102.6 RBB Fritz, Berlin, Germany 05.25 UTC 99.7 Antenne Brandenburg, Berlin, Germany 05.30 UTC 96.3 RBB Muliti Kulti, Berlin, Germany 20.50 UTC 107.7 PR1, Swinoujscin, Polen 21.00 UTC 106.0 PR1, Bialograd, Polen 22.05 UTC 104.2 Radio Zet, Polen FM: 22/12 06.30 UTC 106.8 Radio Maryja, Poznan, Polen 06.35 UTC 106.7 RMF FM, Szczecin, Polen 06.40 UTC 106.3 PR R. Szczecin, Swinoujscin, Polen TV: 20/12 17.35 UTC, E-36 TVP 2, Polen 17.15 UTC, E-37 TVP Gdansk, Polen TV: 22/12 06.55 UTC, E-38 TVP Szczecin, Polen (John Vinther Nielsen, Herning, Denmark - skywaves 22/12/2007) 87,70 S SR P1 Halmstad 765km 88,30 S SR P1 Vastervik 1e keer 995km!! 88,50 S SR P1 Boras 845km 88,80 S SR P1 Horby 735km 88,90 S SR P1 Skovde 931km 89,50 S SR P4 Malmohus Horby 735km 89,60 S SR P1 Nassjo 907km 90,10 S SR P1 Finnveden 833km 91,20 S SR P2 Halmstad 765km 92,10 S SR P2 Nassjo 907km 92,40 S SR P2 Horby 735km 92,50 S SR P2 Kisa 1e keer 971km 92,70 S SR P1 Backefors 908km 93,00 S SR P1 Emmaboda 890km 94,60 S SR P2 Boras 845km 95,10 S SR P2 Skovde 931km 96,00 S SR P3 Vastervik 1e keer 995km!! 96,30 S SR P2 Goteborg 804km 96,50 S SR P3 Karlstad 1000km!! 96,70 S SR P2 Emmaboda 890km 96,90 S SR P3 Kisa 1e keer 971km 97,00 S SR P3 Horby 735km 97,20 S SR P3 Uddevalla 856km 97,30 S SR P4 Halland Halmstad 765km 97,50 S SR P3 Skovde 931km 97,90 S SR P3 Boras 845km 98,70 S SR P3 Norrkoping 1e keer = record > 1063km!! 99,00 S SR P3 Nassjo 907km 99,10 S SR P3 Backefors 908km 99,40 S SR P3 Goteborg 804km 99,70 S SR P3 Emmaboda 890km 100,30 S SR P4 Skaraborg Skovde 931km 101,40 S SR P4 Kristians. Horby 735km 101,80 S SR P4 Kronoberg Emmaboda 890km 101,90 S SR P4 Goteborg Goteborg 804km 102,20 S SR P4 Vast Backefors 908km 102,90 S SR P4 Sju Boras 845km (Ruud Brand, Sliedrecht, Netherlands - skywaves 22/12/2007) Tropo developing again this evening as the following stations are coming in with good signals: Swingate nationals 95.3 BBC Essex 96.3 Essex FM fair 102.4 Southern FM 103.5 BBC Essex (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, U.K. - skywaves 23/12/2007) 198 30/10 0352 Russian TWR via RM,Noginsk,Olgino Yablonovka 87.5 03/11 1515 Turkish Delta FM, tx? Istanbul yes 87.7 03/11 1516 Turkish OM, tx? Istanbul yes 91.1 17/11 1851 Romanian Kiss FM Constanta 93.1 18/11 1215 Turkish TGRT FM Istanbul yes 93.5 18/11 1217 Dunya Rd Istanbul yes 94.3 18/11 1217 Turkish Radyo Ekin Istanbul 94.5 18/11 1342 Turkish K-Rock Istanbul 94.7 18/11 1354 Turkish Radyo 5 Istanbul 95.1 18/11 1404 Turkish Ozgur Radyo Istanbul 95.3 18/11 1405 Turkish Slow Turk Istanbul 95.6 18/11 1409 TRT-1 Istanbul 96.0 18/11 1410 English Radyo Oxigen Istanbul 96.2 18/11 1416 Turkish Radyo Eksen Istanbul 96.4 18/11 1420 Turkish CEM Radyo Istanbul 96.6 18/11 1422 Turkish Yon Radyo Istanbul 96.8 18/11 1423 RD MODA Istanbul yes 97.0 18/11 1427 Turkish Kupe FM Istanbul 97.2 18/11 1428 Metro FM Istanbul 97.4 18/11 1429 Turkish Radyo Feza Istanbul 97.6 19/11 1955 Turkish Radyo Tatlises Istanbul 98.0 19/11 1958 Turkish Radyo Watan Istanbul 98.4 19/11 2010 Turkish Best FM Istanbul yes 98.6 19/11 2032 Turkish KLAS Istanbul yes 98.8 26/11 1933 Turkish Radyo Fresh Istanbul 99.4 26/11 1935 English, Turk. Capital Radyo Istanbul 99.6 26/11 1940 Turkish Lokut FM Istanbul 99.8 26/11 1947 Turkish Power Turk Istanbul 100.0 26/11 1951 English,Turk. Power FM Istanbul 100.2 26/11 1952 Turkish Power XL Istanbul 100.4 01/12 0812 Turkish Radyo Fenomen Istanbul 100.8 01/12 0813 Turkish Radyo Ilac Istanbul yes 101.2 01/12 0824 Turkish Radyo Onbes Istanbul yes 101.4 01/12 0825 Turkish Radyo Z Istanbul 102.0 01/12 0834 English LOUNGE Istanbul yes 102.2 01/12 0835 Turkish Radyo Cumhur Istanbul 102.4 01/12 0851 Turkish Number 1 FM Istanbul 102.6 01/12 0857 Turkish X Amplitude Istanbul 103.0 01/12 0915 Turkish Meteor FM Istanbul 103.2 01/12 0923 Turkish Ozel FM Istanbul 103.8 01/12 0953 Turkish Dinamo Istanbul 104.0 01/12 1000 Turkish Radyo D Istanbul yes 104.2 01/12 1001 Turkish Radyo Pink Istanbul 104.4 01/12 1002 Turkish Bizim Istanbul 104.6 01/12 1007 Turkish Radyo 7 Istanbul yes 104.8 01/12 1011 Turkish Karma Istanbul 105.0 01/12 1014 Turkish Moral FM Istanbul yes 105.4 01/12 1023 TUrkish Radyo mega Istanbul yes 105.6 01/12 1026 Turkish Radyo 1 Istanbul 106.0 01/12 1027 Turkish Istanbul FM Istanbul 106.2 01/12 1028 English Radio Mydonose Istanbul 106.4 01/12 1028 Turkish Radyo Mare Karadeniz Istanbul 106.8 01/12 1140 Turkish Radyo Samayubada (?) Istanbul 108.0 03/11 1500 Turkish,English Donlay (?) FM Istanbul (Sergey Kolesov, Kiev, Ukraine - open_dx 25/12/2007) -- Digital Radio -- Неофициальное вещание Алжир 6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 23:00-23:20, escuchada el 23 de diciembre en espanol, locutor con lectura de la carta final de decimo segundo congreso del Frente POLISARIO realizado en el Sahara, solicitan el “referendum para los territorios Saharaui”, solicitan “derecho de autodeterminacion”, ”Marruecos mantiene postura de intransigencia y brutal represion en los territorios ocupados”, SINPO 33343. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 25/12/2007) Зимбабве 4880 SW Radio Africa, 17:43-17:46, escuchada el 25 de diciembre en ingles a locutor con entrevista a invitada, SINPO 34433. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain = hard-core-dx 26/12/2007) -- Наблюдения 13.780 khz -Alemanha?. DW, noticiario em portugues com reportagem especial sobre Sao Tome e Principe, com relacao a corrupcao derivada da extracao do petroleo e de outras riquezas naturais. 21/12/07, as 19:30 UTC.Sinpo: 44444. 13.820 khz -EUA. Radio Marti, Miami. Noticiario sobre as acoes do governo de Fidel Castro.21/12/07, as 19:35 UTC. Sinpo: 33323. 15.125 khz- Costa Rica. Radio Exterior de Espanha. Entrevista com o presidente do Real Madrid.21/12/07, as 19:40 UTC.Sinpo: 34443. 15.345 khz -Argentina. Radio Exterior de Argentina. Programacao em Italiano.21/12/07, as 19:45 UTC.Sinpo: 32222. 15.495 khz -Kuwait. Radio Kuwait, Kabad. Apresentacao de musicas em arabe com estilo acidental.21/12/07, as 19:55 UTC.Sinpo: 55544. 17.810 khz -Antilhas Holandesas. Radio Neederland. Programacao em lingua inglesa. Sinal espetacular!21/12/07, as 20:00 UTC.Sinpo: 55555. (George, Brasil - radioescutas 22/12/2007) 2460 Alvorada, Rio Branco, se nao estou enganado circulou um logging ha algumas semanas sobre esta emissora. A confirmar. 3255 Educadora 6 de agosto, Xapuri, ouvi nesta terca feira em Ibiuna-SP num sitio. Veja o logging que divulguei no dia 20: 3255 BRASIL: R. Educadora 6 de agosto, Xapuri-AC, PP, 19/12 0017. Mx brasileira, Locutor: comunicacao com ‘o pessoal de Xapuri’, oferecimento musical, 25432 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil). 4785 Caiari, Porto Velho, tambem circulou um logging, e num dia desses recente, ouvi uma emissora em PP sem identificacao nesta frequencia que pode ser que tenha sido a Caiari. 4805 Difusora, Manaus, no ar. 4825 Educadora, Braganca-PB, no ar, captada pelo Leonaldo Ferreira (Paraiba) ha uns 10 dias. Escuta divulgada pela radioescutas. 4845 Cultura, Manaus, no ar. Sai do ar por vezes as 10 da noite, nosso horario. 4865 Verdes Florestas, quando em quebra de sinal da Alvorada Londrina, costuma entrar. Me confirmaram sintonia em 2007. 4885 Clube do Para, no ar, ouvi-a nesta madrugada. Vira a noite no ar. 4885 Difusora Acreana, concorre com a Clube do Para, ja ouvi identificacao desta ha alguns dias num fading da Clube do Para. Notam-se duas portadoras e duas transmissoes diferentes em PP nesta frequencia. 4925 Educacao Rural, Tefe, veja logging divulgado em 20.12: 4925 BRASIL: R. Educacao Rural, Tefe-AM, PP, 18/12 2333. OM: talks, advs, informacoes sobre o municipio de Tefe, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil). 4975 Emissora paulista que tem sido usada para tx da Igreja Deus e Amor, no ar dia e noite. 5035 Educacao Rural, Coari: quando a Aparecida esta sem sinal nesta frequencia, surge uma ‘no fundo do poco’ em PP que pode ser a de Coari. Precisamos aguardar aqueles casos da Aparecida estar apagada em 5035 para novas tentativas. 5965 Transmundial, ouvida nesta madrugada aqui em Sao Bernardo-SP com bom sinal, apos 0300 UTC. 6080 CBN-Anhanguera, ativa. Ouvida em dezembro na ausencia da Novas de Paz. 6105 Cultura Filadelfia, ouvida ha algumas semanas em concorrencia com a Cancao Nova. 6160 LBV, Porto Alegre, ouvida ha alguns dias. 9695 Rio Mar, Manaus, possivel de ser captada pelas 9 da manha no sudeste brasileiro, no fundo do poco. 11765 Tupi, Curitiba, nao se tem noticia de desativacao, porem, anda meio sumida do dial. 15325 Gazeta, Sao Paulo, ativa. Dificil de ser captada aqui pelo sudeste, dado que 19 metros sao sinais para longa distancia fisica. Mesmo assim, captei-a no segundo semestre de 2007, e tendo contatos frequentes com a propria Gazeta, nao se tem falado de sua desativacao. 17815 Cultura, no ar (16 metros, para distancias maiores, nao para locais, ou menos de 500 km do transmissor e antena). (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - radioescutas 23/12/2007) 6235,0 2245 LTU KBC-Sitkunai Mx +id 21/12 Ing 35333 9730,0 2302 PHL FEBC-Bocaue Com Rlg?+ Mx navidena 21/12 Hmo 35443 6300,0 2315 ALG RN SAHARAUI-Raboumi Com+Mx 21/12 Esp 35333 4905,0 0530 TCD R.N'Djamena-Ndjamena Mx + Nx 22/12 Fra 45444 4777,0 0531 GAB R.TV Gabonaise 1-Libreville (tent) Com 22/12 Fra 25222 4810,0 0535 ARM V OF ARMENIA-Yerevan Com 22/12 Rus 25222 5005,0 0540 GNE RN GUINEA EC.-Bata Com apenas audible 22/12 Esp 15221 11750,0 1631 CLN SRI LANKA BC-Ekala Mx tipica+ entrevista telef 22/12 Shi 35443 9740,0 1639 SNG BBC-Kranji Dep Futbol 22/12 Ing 35333 3965,0 2025 F RTI-Issoudun Recetas+curso de chino 22/12 Esp 45444 7340,0 2101 RUS LV RUSIA-Novosibirsk-Oyash Nx 22/12 Esp 35333 7155,0 2122 TUR LV TURQUIA-Emirler Ids en varios idiomas 22/12 Var 45444 7250,0 2124 CVA R VATICANO-Sta M de Galeria Rlg 22/12 Esp 45444 6100,0 2131 BIH R.SERBIA INT-Bjeljina Com 22/12 Fra 34323 5060,0 2140 CHN PBS-Xinjiang(tent) Mx 22/12 Mx 25332 4905,0 2147 TCD R.N'Djamena-Ndjamena Com 22/12 Fra 45333 4845,0 2148 MTN R.Mauritanie-Nouakchott Com 22/12 Ara 45333 6915,0 0637 USA WYFR-Okeechobee Rlg 23/12 Esp 35333 (Tomas Mendez, Spain - playdx2003 23/12/2007) 1170 22/12 17.30 R. Sawa - Al-Dhabbiya Arabo ID e MX suff. 1134 21/12 15.00 R. Fiume - IT NX locali suff. 1224 21/12 19.40 COPE - LLeida Catalano pgr. locale suff. 1296 19/12 21.40 COPE - Ciudad Real SS pubblicita locale suff. 1566 22/12 17.10 A.I.R. - Nagpur Hindy nenia suff. 1639 22/12 23.45 R. Armada - Dutch ID e MX suff. 4010 22/12 23.30 Kyrgyz R. - Bishkek Kirghizo MX // 4795 buono 4775 22/12 23.35 R. Congonhas - PP predica suff. 4777 22/12 16.30 R. Gabon - Libreville FF MX afro buono 4815 22/12 23.35 R. Difusora - Londrina PP MX suff. 4905 22/12 16.35 R. Tchad - N'Djamena Arabo talk OM buono 5965 23/12 13.15 R. Gloria Int. - ID e MX ottimo 6035 22/12 23.20 Voz del Guaviare - S. Jose del Guaviare SS talk OM suff. 6135 23/12 00.00 R. Aparecida - PP ID // 9630 KHz buono 6210 22/12 16.30 R. 48 - EE ID e MX suff. 6310 23/12 12.10 Delta R. - Dutch ID e MX buono 9645 22/12 23.00 R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo PP MX buono 9675 22/12 23.05 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeura Paulista PP ID buono 11815 22/12 22.55 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP talk OM suff. (Roberto Pavanello, Vercelli, Italy - playdx2003 23.12.2007) Here are last night's and todays loggings where I concentrated on Clandestines and Chad back on 4905. As usual on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres longwire: 4330 1320-1340 CHN 22-12 Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi Kazakh talk, orchestral music and song 35333 AP-DNK N4904.97 1800-2228* TCD 21 and 22-12 Rdif. Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena Back from 6165 with strong signal, French except Arabic 1810-1855, news in both languages, Afropop, stronger than Tibet from *2100, closed with National Anthem 45444, later 44434 AP-DNK N4904.97 *0427-0610 TCD 22-12 Rdif. Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena French ID: "Ici N'Djamena, Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne" after National Anthem, frequency ann and programme preview, Afropop, first much noise on frequency 35333, but ca. 0500 improving to 45444 AP-DNK 4925 2305-2315 INS 21-12 RRI Jambi Bahasa Indonesia ann, music and interview 34233 AP-DNK 4974.8 2310-2320 PRU 21-12 R del Pacifico, Lima Spanish talk, heterodyne 22332 AP-DNK 5039.9 2315-2325 CHN 21-12 Fujian PBS, Fuzhou Chinese talk 13221 AP-DNK N5915 2110-2120 G 21-12 R Algeria, via Rampisham Arabic with Holy Quran Service 44434 heard // 9850 (25222) AP-DNK N5950 0500-0530 CLA 22-12 BBC Darfur Salaam, via Skelton Arabic ID, talk, report 55555 , but 6035 or no other // heard on 49 or 41 mb AP-DNK N5965 1720-1730* CLA 22-12 BBC Darfur Salaam, via Skelton Arabic talk about Darfur, ID 43443 Not heard on // 9760 AP-DNK N6090 0445-0505 G 22-12 R Algeria, via Rampisham Arabic talk in Holy Quran Service 35343 6125 was covered by REE in Spanish, but // 6025 Woofferton was heard, maybe even before 0500 (35333) AP-DNK N6125 0512-0515 D Sa 22-12 RFE/R Liberty, via Biblis English continuous test tape: "This is Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, (Biblis ?)" and a Beep. They are only scheduled here in Romanian Mo-Fr at this hour. 25232 AP-DNK 6135 2250-2305 CLA 21-12 R Republica, via Rampisham Spanish political talks, 2259 ID: "Esta es Radio Republica" 33343 AP-DNK N7125 1725-1820 fade out CLA 22-12 SW Radio Africa, via Woofferton English reports about people that left Zimbabwe 44444 // 4880 (35333) AP-DNK N7510 2010-2030* CLA 22-12 Free North Korea R, via Novosibirsk Korean interview and talk, strong on backlope 45444 AP-DNK 9820 1715-1730* CLA Sa 22-12 Voice of Oromo Independence, via Wertachtal Oromo ann, Horn of Africa songs 45444 (Nippon no Kaze was not heard on this frequency) AP-DNK N9875 1500-1800 CLA 22-12 R Solh, via Rampisham Dari ann, talk about Hellmann Province and Kandahar, Afghan songs 55555 AP-DNK N9950 1205-1215 CLA 22-12 R Free Chosun, via Taipei Korean talk under R Ukraine Int. in English 22332 AP-DNK 11675 0445-0610 KWT 22-12 R Kuwait, Kabd Arabic talk, songs 25333 heard // 15495 (15121) AP-DNK N15265 1215-1500* CLA 22-12 R Sohl, via Rampisham Pashto ann, Afghan songs 45434 AP-DNK N17860 0950-1100* CLA 22-12 West Africa Democracy R, via Skelton English and from 1000 French, mostly nonstop music, ID, 1045 talk about Senegal 35333 (Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 23/12/2007) AUSTRIA 23/12/2007 0010-0018 7325 ORF Radio Austria Inter. AM AUT 35333 ID emissora em varios idiomas, ao fundo valsa; alg PHILIPINAS 23/12/2007 0028-0033 9890 RVA Radio Veritas Asia AM PHL 35433 Em sinhala, OM c/fala sem.a TX de noticiario alg IRAN 23/12/2007 0035-0040 9680 Voice of Islamic Rep. Iran AM IRN 24442 Em espanhol, ID; OM c/informativo jornalistico alg ??? 23/12/2007 0054-0059 6045 IBC IBC Tamil AM 24332 TX musica (voz YL) alg (Antonio Laurentino Garcia, Brasil - hard-core-dx 24/12/2007) 23/12/2007 2240 UTC 9685,00 kHz R. Gazeta B 35533 male speaker 23/12/2007 2207 UTC 11780,00 kHz R. Nacional Amazonia B 35533 mx LA 23/12/2007 2211 UTC 11784,60 kHz R. Guaiba B 25532 mx LA 23/12/2007 2216 UTC 11814,98 kHz R. Brasil Central B 45533 mx Beatles, commercials 23/12/2007 2225 UTC 11915,17 kHz R. Gaucha B 25532 male speaker (Mathias Eisenkolb, Germany - hard-core-dx 24/12/2007) ARGENTINA 6214.1 R.Baluarte, Pt? Iguazu, 2205-2214, 21 Dec, Braz. Portuguese, talks, songs; 14331 & better using LSB due to QRM on the USB. Better reception on 22 Dec at 2255. (Goncalves) AUSTRALIA 2310 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, 1936-2028, 22 Dec, English, prgr announcements, temperature around the country, pops, overseas listeners' calls, announced 783 kHz A.Springs; 45333. At this time, VL8T 2325 was not audible and VL8K 2485 was only marginal. (Goncalves) AZORES 1503 AFN, Base Aerea das Lajes, Terceira island, 223-2242, 15 Dec, talks; 32441, QRM de E. (Goncalves) BOLIVIA 4409.9 R.Eco, Reyes, 2345-..., 16 Dec, Spanish, folk songs, few talks; 24331, sporadic uty. QRM. Better on 17 Dec at 2326. (Goncalves) 4545.3 R.Vigen de los Remedios (?), Tupiza, 2313-2324, 17 Dec, Spanish, talks; 12341, CODAR QRM. (Goncalves) 4699.25 R.San Miguel, Riberalta, 2239-2255, 21 Dec, Spanish, Paraguayan songs, announcements for local show, communiques, advertisements; 44343, CODAR QRM. (Goncalves) 4699.4 R.San Miguel, Riberalta, 2307-2320, 17 Dec, Spanish, light songs, announcement for prgr "(...)" "de las comunidades para las comunidades"; 33342, CODAR QRM. (Goncalves) 4796.3 R.Mallku, Uyuni, 2240-2251, 17 Dec, Aymara, talks; 24341, adj. QRM de CHN 4800 + CODAR. Better on 18 Dec at 2335. (Goncalves) 4865 R.Logos via R.Centenario, St? Cruz de la Sierra, 2237-2250, 17 Dec, Spanish, religious pops (!), talks abt. Christmas; 34332, QRM de B. (Goncalves) BRAZIL 3325 R.Mundial, Sao Paulo SP, 2334-2346, 17 Dec, discussion prgr "Ideias (...)"; 25231 but improving. (Goncalves) 4754.8 R.Imaculada Conceicao, Cp? Grande MS, 2231-2242, 21 Dec, "A Voz do Brasil" part 2; 10 kW?! 15321. (Goncalves) 4775 R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2242-2258, 17 Dec, light songs, ballads; 33332, co-ch & adj. QRM. (Goncalves) 4885 R.Club do Para, Belem PA, 1905-2001, 15 Dec, f/ball match rpt, advertisements; 15331 but reached 45444 prior to 2000. (Goncalves) 4885 R.Dif? Acreana, Rio Branco AC, 2232-2248, 18 Dec, news (not A Voz do Brasil though as aired via co-ch. R.Club do Para), songs at 2234. (Goncalves) 4915 R.Dif?, Macapa AP, 1949-2009, 18 Dec, songs, chat, newscast 2000; 25332, sporadic CW QRM. (Goncalves) 4974.9 R.Mundial (?), Osasco SP (or is the Peruvian stn with prgr in Port.?), 2352-..., 16 Dec, announcements; 24341, CODAR QRM. (Goncalves) 4985 R.Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 2350-..., 16 Dec, sl. "RBC - comunicando para o mundo", dedications, oldies; 44433, RTTY QRM. (Goncalves) 5035 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2346-2357, 17 Dec, rosary dedications (!), music; 44333; parallel to 6135 & 9630. (Goncalves) 5045 R.Guaruja Paulista, Presidente Prudente SP, 2330-2337, 16 Dec, songs, chat, advertisements, webpage info; 35322. (Goncalves) 5970 R.Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2220-2229, 20 Dec, f/ball news, advertisements; 33432, adj. QRM. (Goncalves) 6010 R.Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2332-2347, 21 Dec, folk songs, chat, music dedications; 44332, QRM de CLM (t). (Goncalves) 6020 R.Gaucha, Pt? Alegre RS, 2320-2341, 21 Dec, talks on f/ball in prgr "Desporto Total", advertisements, newscast; 34332. (Goncalves) 6040 R.Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 2332-2338, 16 Dec, talks; 23431, co-ch. & adj. QRM. (Goncalves) 6060 R.Tupi, Curitiba PR, 2230-2235, 20 Dec,shouting preacher; 22441, QRM de ARG + adj. freqs. (Goncalves) 6080 R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 2357-0007, 21 Dec, announcements, ID "R.Marumby", prgr "Na Madrugada com Deus"; 33433, adj. QRM. (Goncalves) 6135 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2350-2358, 17 Dec, rosary dedications, music; 33422; parallel to 5035 & 9630. (Goncalves) 6150 R.Record, Sao Paulo SP, 2236-2244, 20 Dec, talks abt. f/ball; 23442, adj. QRM; parallel to 9505 good. (Goncalves) 9505 R.Record, Sao Paulo SP, 1912-1941, 20 Dec, prgr abt. dental care, news, infos; 33442, adj. QRM which got stronger at 1930; then good reception later at 2230. (Goncalves) 9615 R.Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 12301244, 19 Dec, talks, Braz. songs; 13431, adj. QRM. (Goncalves) 11735 R.Transmundia, St? M? RS, 1826-1842, 18 Dec, web info+IDs followed by prgr "Espaco Transmundial"; 45444. Also1445-1510, 22 Dec, music, ID+addr., fqs, songs; 15432. (Goncalves) 11750 R.Marumby, Florianopolis SC, 2002-2019, 16 Dec, ID as "Radio Missionaria"; 25432. (Goncalves) 11804.8 R.Globo, Rio de Jan? RJ, 1842-1907, 16 Dec, f/ball news, match rpt; 33442, QRM de Family R. (Goncalves) 11815 R.Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 1815-1852, 18 Dec, prgr "Na Beira da Matga" with music, rural related advertisements & infos.; 55444. (Goncalves) 11830 R.CBN Anhanguera, Goiania GO, 1948-1954* (sudden tx shut down), 16 Dec, talks on influenza; 45444. (Goncalves) 11855 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 1946-2001, 16 Dec, listeners' messages, songs, full ID+affiliated stns. list, TS, mass; 45433. (Goncalves) 11925.5 R.Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 1905-1923, 16 Dec, f/ball news prgr "Domingo Desportivo Bandeirantes"; 33442, QRM de ARS; then rated 44444 at 1930. (Goncalves) BURKINA FASO (as per last DXWindow bulletin, this appeared under its former name, Upper Volta) 7230 R.Burkina, Ougadougou, 1249-1340, 19 Dec, French, talks on education, newscast 1300, Afr. pops followed; 35433. (Goncalves) CANADA 9625 CBC-Northern Quebec Sce. via Sackville NB, 1232-1305, 19 Dec, Inuktitut or Cree language, talks, road infos, news (?) 1300; 44444, increased adj. QRM at 1300. (Goncalves) CHAD 4905 (reactivated) RD.Natle. Tchadienne, Grevia, 1729-1914, 20 Dec, Arabic, announcements, talks, local tunes, Vernacular, tribal tunes; french 1859, news, prgr "Espace Jeune"; 54444; I was unable to monitor its s/on time, but estimate it as being 1600, and 4905 is ex-6165 evenings only for the latter is used during the day. (Goncalves) 6165 RD.Natle. Tchadienne, Grevia, 1328-..., 19 Dec, French, news; 25332, QRM de HRV later on only. Check my 22 Dec obs. (Goncalves) 6165 RD.Natle. Tchadienne, Grevia, 1113-1400, 22 Dec, Vernacular, talks,..., French at 1340 when signal rated 25342,..., tribal songs at 1450; 13441, QRM de HRV whose signal is usually felt well after 1400. As from 20 Dec, this fq. was replaced by 4905 for the evening period starting at approx. 1600. (Goncalves) CLANDESTINES 3880 VoIranian Revolution, site? (No.Iraq?), 1725-1733, 19 Dec, Farsi (?), talks; 22441, jammed. (Goncalves) 4365.9 VoCommunist Party of Iran, site? (No. Iraq?), 1715-1730, 19 Dec, Kurdish (?), talks, tunes; 32441, jammed. (Goncalves) 4840 VoIranian Kurdistan (t), Al-Sulaymaniyah, IRQ, 1535-1548, 20 Dec, Kurdish (?), talks; 22431, jammed. (Goncalves) COLOMBIA 5910 R.Marfil Estereo via LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 2338-2354, 21 Dec, Spanish, light songs; 45444. (Goncalves) 6010 LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 2334-2352, 21 Dec, Spanish, preaching; 34443, QRM de CHN which got stronger towards 0000. (Goncalves) EQUADOR 4781.6 R.Oriental, Tena, 2253-2303, 17 Dec, Spanish, talks, children's voices, pps, TCs; 22341, uty. QRM. (Goncalves) GAMBIA 648 GRTS, Bonto, 2249-2315, 18 Dec, Vernacular, discussion, Afr. pops; 54433, QRM de E+G. (Goncalves) GUATEMALA 4780 R.Cultural Coatan, S.Sebastian de Coatan, 2342-2357, 18 Dec, Chuj, religious songs; 44343. (Goncalves) GUINEA 1385.95 R.Rurale, Labe, 1915-1936, 22 Dec, Vernacular, talks, f/ball infos. music, communiques; 55444, a bit overmodulated. (Goncalves) 7125 R.Guinee, Sonfonya, 2344-..., 16 Dec, folk tunes; 43422, adj. QRM. (Goncalves) ICELAND 189 RUV, Gufuskalar, 1946-2225, 19 Dec, talks, street interviews, announcementgs, music, newscasts; 34453 but stronger at 2200; adj. QRM de D 183. (Goncalves) 207 RUV, Ei?ar, 2316-2324, 22 Dec, opera; 12341, QRM de D+MRC; parallel 189 Gufuskalar, good. (Goncalves) LIBERIA 4760 ELWA, Monrovia, 1944-1957, 20 Dec, English, religious radioplay; 44343, adj. uty. QRM. (Goncalves) MADAGASCAR 3287.7 R.Nasionaly Malagasy, Ambohidrano, 1833-1849, 16 Dec, French, radioplay; 22341, uty. QRM; parallel to 5010 vy. strong though a bit distorted. (Goncalves) MAURITANIA 7245 R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott, 1245-1328, 19 Dec, Vernacular/Arabic, talks, ID, local tunes, advertisements (?), newscast 1300, chanting; 45444. This is not being audible mornings. (Goncalves) MONGOLIA 4830 Mongoliin R, Altay, 2222-2230, 21 Dec, Mongolian, talks, tunes; 24341, CW QRM. (Goncalves) 4895 Mongoliin R, Murun, 2218-2232, 21 Dec, Mongolian, talks, tunes; 25342; parallel to 4830 Altay. (Goncalves) MOROCCO 1643v RTM-"B", site?, 1128-2320, 16 Dec, French, talks,..., English at 1440, French at 1600,..., news at 2200, classical music; 45444 so causing a mess when DXing around this fq as if the many & powerful sounding Greek pirate stns were not enough! This is still putting an FM-like signal that is simply not adequate for receiving if you leave your rx on the AM/DSB mode, and this is still why I am unable to determine the exact fq except by approximate reading via sharpened bw on AM, thence "1643 kHz". During the day, the signal is stable of course, but oscillates a bit after sunset, and again too, I found no "regular" carrier airing this channel within the band. (Goncalves) NEW ZEALAND 5950 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, 1555-1615, 19 Dec, English, chat, music, news, Dateline Pacific prgr; 44433, stronger adj. QRM at 1600. (Goncalves) NIGERIA 756 UNID out of 3 listed Nigerian stns, possibly R.Oyo, Ibadan, 1840-1909, 22 Dec, Vernacular, talks, phone nrs. annonced in English, Afr. pop, short & fast drum beat after what I believe was the stn ID; 33432, QRM de several stns. This seemed some religious stn or then a religious prgr. (Goncalves) 4770 R.Nigeria, Kaduna, 1501-..., 22 Dec, English, BBC (?) relay for f/ball match rpt. Liverpool v Portsmouth (?); 25332. I checked BBC R5, and it airing a different match. I obeserved 4770 on 17 Dec at 1125 when it was barely audible.(Goncalves) 6090 R.Nigeria, Kaduna, 2231-2239, 20 Dec, Vernacular, talks, tribal songs; 42441, QRM de BLR; bad audio. (Goncalves) PERU 4747.8 R.Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2234-2251, 21 Dec, Spanish, Indian pops, echoing ID; 35342. (Goncalves) 4775 R.Tarma, Tarma, 2304-2316, 17 Dec, Spanish, prgr "Antena Deportiva" "a traves de las potentes [500 watt!] ondas de Radio Tarma"; 33342, uty. QRM. (Goncalves) 4790.1 R.Vision, Chiclayo, 2338-2346, 18 Dec, Spanish, advertisements, announcements, songs, TCs; muffled audio; 33342, CODAR QRM. (Goncalves) 4974.8 R. del Pacifico (?), Lima, 2358-..., 18 Dec, Brazilian Portuguese, religious prgr; 23341. (Goncalves) 5120 R.Ondas del Suroriente, Cusco, 2347-..., 18 Dec, Spanish, announcements, Indian songs; 14331. (Goncalves) 5486.6 R.Reyna de la Selva (?), Chachapoyas, 2355-..., 18 Dec, barely heard talks, possibly in Castilian; 15321. (Goncalves) 6019.5 R.Victoria, Lima, 2319-..., 21 Dec, Spanish, talks; 13341, adj. QRM. (Goncalves) RSA 3230 Family R, Meyerton, 1943-1955, 18 Dec, English, religious propaganda; 55444. (Goncalves) SAINT HELENA 11092.5usb "Radio Santa Helena", Pounceys, 2338-0040, 15 Dec, songs, postoffice info, announcements, addr.; 25443, then better signal at 0030 despite azimuth change; 25443 and only marginal audio. (Goncalves) SPAIN 4396.4 COPE network stn, probably in Jaen as per DF, 2327-..., 17 Dec, talks on f/ball; 54444, just fair audio. Harmonic? Not heard on 18 Dec. (Goncalves) SUDAN 7200 SNBC, Omdurman, 1841-1856, 18 Dec, Arabic, talks & local tunes; 43432, co-ch. QRM de int'l. broadcaster. (Goncalves) SWAZILAND 3200 TWR, Mpangela Ranch, 1846-1902, 18 Dec, English, religious propaganda; 55444. (Goncalves) 4760 TWR, Mpangela Ranch, 1649-1659*, 18 Dec, Vernacular, talks; 33342, splatter de NIG 4770 (!). (Goncalves) TURKMENISTAN 279 Turkmen R, Asgabat, 2311-2315, 22 Dec, Turkmenian, talks, tradit. songs; 15341; parallel 5105 also very poor. (Goncalves) USA 5446.5usb AFN, Saddlebunch Keys FL, 2352-..., 18 Dec, interview; 54343, adj. QRM de RAF VOLMET 5450. (Goncalves) VIRGIN ISLANDS, American 1620 R.Republica via WDHP, Frederiksted, 2322-2340, 20 Dec, Spanish, talks, IDs, refs. to "la unidad cubana"; 34443, QRM de USA; not parallel to 6135. (Goncalves) ZAMBIA 6165 ZNBC-Radio 2 (?), Lusaka, 2159-2201*, English, announcements, natl. anthem; 34433, audible after TUR s/off, adj. QRM. (Goncalves) ZIMBABWE 3396 ZBC, Guineafowl, 2220-2239, 17 Dec, Vernacular, Afr. pops; 54333, adj. uty. QRM only. (Goncalves) 4828 VoZimbabwe, Guineafowl, 1855-1940, 19 Dec, non-stop Afr. pops; 45444. Observed with silent carrier on some occasions, e.g. 17 Dec at 2230. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 25/12/2007) BRASIL 24/12/2007 0015-0021 4815 Radio Difusora Londrina AM B 25342 Om c/fala sem. a pregacao de cunho religioso. alg 24/12/2007 0023-0028 4805 ZYF273 Radio Difusora do Amazonas AM B 25332 TX musicas; propagandas; alg 24/12/2007 0034-0039 4885 ZYG362 Radio Clube do Para AM B 35333 TX programacao musical; alg USA 24/12/2007 1425-1433 17555 WYFR Family Radio AM USA 35333 OM c/falas sem. a pregacao religiosa alg ESPANHA 24/12/2007 1433-1438 17595 REE Radio Exterior de Espanha AM E 45433 OM e YL conversam c/ouvintes ao telefone alg GABAO 24/12/2007 1438-1443 17630 ANO1 Africa no.1 AM GAB 45444 Em frances, YL e OM c/comentarios. alg ARABIA SAUDITA 24/12/2007 1444-1449 17660 BSKSA BSKSA Riyadh AM ARS 35433 Em frances, YL c/comentarios alg (Antonio Laurentino Garcia, Brasil - hard-core-dx 25/12/2007) Сижу слушаю эфир через приемник Icom IC-R75, который находится в "Canastota, NY, around 20 miles east of Syracuse, NY." Настроился в 16.15UTC на 9555 кГц, станция на русском языке (диалог OM & YL), тяжело разобрать речь - глубокие замирания, свист и присутствие другой станции на частоте (как мне показалось тоже на русском языке). 24222. К 16.20 SINPO немного улучшилось - 24332, ID - RCI, Канада. Вопрос: где находится передатчик RCI? Кто может мешать? (Китай?) Также принимал WWV на 10000кГц в 16.03UTC (44434) и 15000кГц в 16.07UTC (45554). Есть аудиозаписи на обеих частотах. 15.40 - 15.50UTC слушал WSYR 570kHz NY, 55555. разговоры, реклама. ID. Кому интересно - есть запись. 16.39 - 16.45 UTC, WSEN 1050kHz, Syracuse, NY. Мелодии 80-х, начала 90-х. ID, поздравления с Рождеством. 55555. 16.46 - 16. UTC, WTLA 1200kHz, North Syracuse, NY. Старая мелодия (наверное 60-70 годов), информация, реклама Wallmart(?) и др., ID. 55555. 16.53 - 17. UTC, 9985kHz, WWCR, 45544, мелодия, разговор о детях и женщинах и что-то о Боге, 17.00 - ID. Затем, до 17.02 на частоте какой-то писк, потом тишина, в 17.03 программа Алекса Джонса "...on the JCM radionetwork..." (?!) -последнюю станцию слушаю в момент отправки письма (уже есть запись с ID). (Dmitry Puzanov, Kazahstan - open_dx 25/12/2007) 02485 abc nt -katherine australie ds 50k 1941 eng dial - faible qrm 25dec07 03230 family - meyerton 100k 1944 eng om 25dec07 03200 twr - swaziland 50k 1946 eng preche 25dec07 03255 bbc via meyerton 100k eng 25dec07 04635 tajik dushanbe ds-1 100k 1949 rus? musique 25dec07 04770 nigeria kaduna ds-2 50k 1953 ? musique 25dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - domesticasytropicales 25/12/2007) 4904,96 23/12 1932 R.D.N. Tchadienne, Chad, Talks, good 4915 23/12 0150 Difusora do Macapa, Brazil, talks, PP, fair 6020 24/12 1824 Radio Nederland, via Madagascar, talks EE, stopped by China at 1827. Poor 6250 24/12 1940 Radio Cairo, Egypt, in Italian, Merry Christmas wishes, Christmas music. Good 6300 24/12 1855 R.N. Saharaui, nice music, id, Political talks, Arabic, good 7540 24/12 1910 Dengue Mezopotamya, CLA reported via Moldova, slow songs, some ids in Kurd (pres). Good, little QRM maybe jammer 9615 24/12 1810 Radio New Zealand Int. Christmas Religious Songs, QRM CRI in German, fair 13840 26/12 1215-1300* Radio New Zealand Int., Reports in English, QRM Poland. Very good after 1230 when the channel became clear and till 1300 when it changes frequency.(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - dxldyg 26/12/2007) 17630,0 1527 GAB AFRICA 1-Moyabi Magacine 26/12 Fra 45444 17715,0 1530 BOT VOA-Selebi-Philkwe Mx pop+Nx 26/12 Ing 45444 17770,0 1533 AFS CHANNEL AFRICA-Meyerton Comentario 26/12 Ing 45433 17830,0 1535 ASC BBC-Ascension Com polit 26/12 Ing 45333 17860,0 1536 AFS CHANNEL AFRICA-Meyerton Mx 26/12 Swa 45333 15325,0 1538 D Brother Stair-Nauen Rlg+Mx 26/12 Ing 35333 15410,0 1540 CHL CVC-Santiago Com+Nx+Mx rlgs 26/12 Por 35433 15680,0 1544 D CVC-Wertachtal Mx estilo Hindu 26/12 Ing 35333 13650,0 1554 ARM CVC-Yerevan?? Lusaka?? Mx disco+Id 26/12 Ing 45444 11875,0 1611 RRW FEBA RADIO-Kigali Com Rlg 26/12 Afa 45444 11890,0 1613 AFS R OKAPI-Meyerton Com sobre educacion 26/12 Fra 45444 12125,0 1623 AFS FEBA-Meyerton Com incomprensible 26/12 Amh 35333 9690,0 1628 NIG V OF NIGERIA-Ikodoru Com+trompetas+s/off 26/12 Igb 45444 7370,0 1834 MDA R PMR-Kishinev COM 26/12 Ale 35333 (Tomas Mendez, Spain - playdx2003 26/12/2007) CHINA 27/12/2007 0042-0047 11810 CNR8 CNR8 AM CHN 45444 Em uighur, c/falas de OM, sup. bol. noticias alg TAIWAN 27/12/2007 0048-0053 11875 CBSD CBS Taiwan AM QRM-RHC TWN 53543 Em amoy, c/falas de OM, sup. entrev. convidado alg UKRANIA 27/12/2007 0055-0057 5830 RUI Radio Ukraine Inter. AM UKR 25322 Em alemao, c/falas de OM, bolet. de noticias alg PHILIPINAS 27/12/2007 0100-0105 15280 RVA Radio Veritas Asia AM PHL 35343 Em urdu, c/falas de YL alg USA 27/12/2007 0113-0118 7365 OCB Radio Marti AM USA 35433 Em espanhol, c/falas de OM entrev. convidado alg ESLOVAQUIA 27/12/2007 0118-0123 9440 SLO Radio Slovakia Inter. AM SVK 45444 Em ingles, c/falas de YL e OM. alg (Antonio Laurentino Garcia, Brasil - hard-core-dx 27/12/2007) 4965 27/12 0104 Voice Africa, Lusaka, Zambia, songs, good 4985 27/12 0030 Radio Brasil Central, religious songs, fair 6185 27/12 0225 Radio Republica, CLA, political talks in SS, good 6420,6 27/12 0228 Laser Hot Hits, Pirate, songs, English, poor/fair 7415 27/12 0215 WBCQ, USA, talks in English, fair 9720,06 27/12 0210 Radio Victoria, Peru, phone talks, Spanish, fair 11710,78 27/12 0200 RAE, Argentina, start program in English, good 11815 27/12 0037 Radio Brasil Central, religious song, fair //4985 11895 27/12 0045 Radio Veritas, Philippinas, talks and music, in Hindi according to Eibi, fair 12020 27/12 0050 HCJB, Equador, religious talks in Portuguese, fair 12035 27/12 0054 AWR, via Agat, Guam, talks in Chinese, fair (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 28/12/2007) -- Неопознанное -- Гармоники -- Глушение -- Пираты -- Связь 13988.5 JMH Japan 12/22/07 0048-0130 UTC 120/576 tune-in to wx chart, in fair. The next two charts were unreadable, the signal was fading. (Martin Foltz, USA - udxf 22/12/2007) 03855,0 ddh3: Hamburg Meteo _D 1000 fax 120 text: Bundesamt fur Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie 22Dez07 (wp3) 03881,0 fav22: FA Mont Valerien F 0955 cw slow (18wpm) 5lg 1000z: cq de fav22 va 22Dez07 (wp3) 05755,0 vmw: Wiluna Meteo AUS 1727 fax 120 with fading, noisy pic 21Dez07 (wp3) (W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 22/12/2007) 15855.9 unid 1345 ?? mfsk? 22dec07 15859.0 unid mil 1348 75/850 = NATO-75 22dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 22/12/2007) 07816.7 XBVY embassade egy londres? 1639 ARQ idling 22dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 22/12/2007) 2600.0 IQO : Mazara del vallo radio I 06:23 J3E/USB Italian weather for Sicilia (22 Dec)(PPA) 6895.0 Radan : St Petersburg air RUS 09:00 J3E/USB Russian YL in contact with Arbat (Moscow air) (22 Dec)(PPA) 7545.0 Shpora : Rostov-na-Donu air RUS 13:51 J3E/USB Calling Arbat without getting contact (22 Dec)(PPA) 7922.0 DJI1 : CIS military 14:10 CW/A1A Duplex net , QSA check and QTC to K6Z8 (22 Dec)(PPA) 10404.0 TUBRUK : GMRA Tubruq LBY 07:44 ALE/USB Calling DERNA later at 07:46 Calling AGDABIA (22 Dec)(PPA) 10404.0 BAIDA : GMRA Al Bayda LBY 07:38 ALE/USB Calling HQ1 and later at 07:45 calling DERNA (22 Dec)(PPA) (Peter Poelstra, Holland - udxf 22/12/2007) 02226.0 ukcg humber 1956 USB eng wx 22dec07 02716.0 unid port? 1959 USB rus? om 22dec07 02905.0 tomsk? 2002 USB rus d/x 22dec07 03333... unid 2004 ALE no joy... 22dec07 03805.0 10111 protection civile mrc? 2006 ALE USB to 1114 22dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 22/12/2007) 01925.0 IPL livorno 0524 USB ita "gale warning near sicily wind 7... "17dec07 02053.0 maritime net? 0526 USB pol ?numbers data 17dec07 02182.0 SPS witowo pol 0531 USB pol "securite" ...17dec07 02226.0 ukcg humber 1956 USB eng wx 22dec07 02720.0 SPS witowo 0537 USB pol yl naws 17dec07 02776.0 unid 0545 CW 17dec07 02845.0 unid mil? 2047 40.5 /200 81-81 19dec07 03118.0 fishermen? 2049 USB eng d/x 19dec07 03226.0 XSS uk mil 1914 ALE USB snd 20dec07 03340.0 unid mil? 0608 81-81? /40.5/740 17dec07 03480.0 fishermen 2051 USB fr d/x 19dec07 03805.0 10111 "protection civile" mrc 2006 ALE USB to 1114 22dec07 04721.0 ICZ usn napoli 0701 ALE USB snd 17dec07 04363.0 3AC4 monaco 0933 USB fr wx forecasts ":altair,charcot...mer grosse..." 17dec07 04390.0 UIW kaliningrad? 0608 USB rus yl 20dec07 04426.0 NMN? uscg 0936 USB eng wx forecasts 17dec07 04555.2 gcg cuxhaven 0954 ARQ ger naws & wx 17dec07 04855.0 13011 "protection civile" morocco 2102 ALE USB snd 19dec07 04910.0 RFI saoud army 2059 ALE USB to JCI 19dec07 04945.0 unid mil? 0603 USB rus brief callings "hearing..." 20dec07 06524.2 8601/ 6701 kbr inc irak 2105 ALE USB snd 19dec07 06524.2 123 kbr inc irak 1926 ALE USB to 2101 20dec07 07045.0 SJS georg? 2107 ALE USB to RM3 1BR 19dec07 07816.7 XBVY egyptian embassy london? 1639 ARQ idling 22dec07 10375.0 ZAWIA GMRA lyb 1009 ALE USB to HQ3 17dec07 10375.0 GHA lyb 1024 ALE USB to HQ3 17dec07 15859.0 unid mil 1348 75/850> NATO-75 22dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 23/12/2007) 03945.0 amateurs pirates 0757 LSB fr d/x 23dec07 01656.0 chipiona 0801 USB esp yl naws /modul moyenne 23dec07 02840.0 pecheurs 0804 USB por d/x madere? 23dec07 03900.0 CO0036/..38/..54 0808 HFDL via reykjavik 23dec07 04369.0 WLO mobile alabama 0721 USB eng wx 23dec07 04767.0 pecheurs 0823 USB esp d/x 23dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 23/12/2007) 04742.0 ASCOT 3241 tristar k1 c 1047 USB c TASCOM phone > birmingham 23dec07 04742.0 ASCOT 5118 hercules c11049 USB c TASCOM selcal DGAQ?? 23dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 23/12/2007) 08968.0 JNRSPR usn puerto rico 1058 ALE USB snd 23dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 23/12/2007) 03855,0 kbt: georgian mil GEO 2326 ale/usb TO: 1BR THIS IS: KBT 22Dez07 (wp3) 03855,0 kbt: georgian mil GEO 0440 ale/usb TO: BRN THIS IS: KBT 22Dez07 (wp3) 03855,0 8gs: georgian mil GEO 2331 ale/usb TO: MHE THIS IS: 8GS 23Dez07 (wp3) 03855,0 8gs: georgian mil GEO 2331 ale/usb TO: KBT THIS IS: 8GS 23Dez07 (wp3) 03855,0 8gs: georgian mil GEO 0102 ale/usb TO: BRN THIS IS: 8GS 23Dez07 (wp3) 03855,0 8gs: georgian mil GEO 0107 ale/usb TO: ART THIS IS: 8GS 23Dez07 (wp3) 03855,0 8gs: georgian mil GEO 0113 ale/usb TO: 2BR THIS IS: 8GS 23Dez07 (wp3) 03855,0 brn: georgian mil GEO 0302 ale/usb TO: 8GS THIS IS: BRN 23Dez07 (wp3) 03855,0 8gs: georgian mil GEO 0308 ale/usb TO: ART THIS IS: 8GS 23Dez07 (wp3) 03855,0 8gs: georgian mil GEO 0320 ale/usb TO: ZEN THIS IS: 8GS 23Dez07 (wp3) 03855,0 kbt: georgian mil GEO 0401 ale/usb TO: KB1 THIS IS: KBT 23Dez07 (wp3) (W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 23/12/2007) 02505.0 gcg neustadt 1421 ARQ 23dec07 13200.0 AFA andrews afb 1445 USB eam 23dec07 08708.0 whale unid 1448 ?? 23dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 23/12/2007) 17982.0 932: Braz.AF/SIVAM 1155 USB/ALE clg CANIBAL (21/DEC/07) (KK) 05320.0 KB1: GEO Mil prb Kobuleti 1736 USB/ALE clg ZEN: prb Zestaponi (21/DEC/07) (KK) 03200.0 XS0: ALG Mil 1915 USB/ALE clg XS3 (21/DEC/07) (KK) 04985.4 No Call: unid 1225 Sitor-Fec/100Bd/140Hz encr.txt, parallel on 6947.4kHz end of tx @1253UTC (22/DEC/07) (KK) (Kristian, Germany - udxf 23/12/2007) 05680.0 kinloss rescue 1508 USB c RG132 sea king har3 (bruit du cocpit...) 23dec07 08992.0 CSE lisbonne paf 1513 USB por c unid vol 23dec07 05680.0 RG 122 sea king 1516 USB c kinloss rescue 23dec07 05680.0 K132 nimrod? 1517 USB c kinloss rescue 23dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 23/12/2007) 2719.0 IZN : Porto Torres radio I 07:20 J3E/USB Italian MSI bulletin (23 DEC)(PPA) 2789.0 FUE : FN Brest F 07:10 ITA-2/50/850R abc001 all de fue testing ryryryry sgsgsgsg 0...9 9...0 int zbz (23 Dec)(PPA) 6825.0 FAV22 : FA Mont-Valerien F 09:47 CW/A1A CW exercise with French text sent with 25 WPM (23 Dec)(PPA) 6878.0 --- : Channel marker 09:25 AM 406 Hertz modulation switched 720 mS on and 705 mS off (23 Dec)(PPA) 14585.7 RFTPA : FF N'Djamena TCD 14:34 ARQ-E3/200/400 idling on FDZ circuit to France ,QSX not found (23 Dec)(PPA) (Peter Poelstra, Holland - udxf 23/12/2007) 06789.0 1581: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2033 ALE/USB clg 1515 (2007/12/22) (sw) 05575.0 1579: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2035 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/22) (sw) 03105.0 VR52: Alg-Mil 2111 ALE/USB clg VR50 (2007/12/22) (sw) 03105.0 VR50: Alg-Mil 2111 ALE/USB clg VR52 (2007/12/22) (sw) 06551.0 8GS: Alg-Mil 2121 ALE/USB clg ZEN (2007/12/22) (sw) 05416.0 3000: Unid 1858 ALE/LSB clg 3060 (2007/12/23) (sw) 05416.0 3060: Unid 1858 ALE/LSB clg 3000 (2007/12/23) (sw) 06425.0 4000: Unid 1936 ALE/LSB clg 4070 (2007/12/23) (sw) 06425.0 4070: Unid 1936 ALE/LSB clg 4000 (2007/12/23) (sw) 05339.0 4000: Unid 1937 ALE/LSB clg 4070 (2007/12/23) (sw) 04199.0 4000: Unid 1939 ALE/LSB clg 4070 (2007/12/23) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 23/12/2007) 013510.0 CFH halifax 1430 ITA2/75/850 24dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 24/12/2007) 05719.4? unid 1446 20/120 PIC6 / je me suis cale en cw? 24dec07 09316.7 MFA le caire 1522 ARQ tfc 24dec07 >fin du message (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 24/12/2007) 03300.0 unid mil? 1530 USB rus? yl / comm breves style "123 priom" /correspondant tres faible 24dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 24/12/2007) 15016,0 AFA: USAF Andrews, USA (MD) 16:20 SSB "all stations all stations this is andrews andrews ... " + Msg EAM 24/12/07 (Percebois Sylvain, France - dxuti 24/12/2007) 2187.5 EAL(002241026) : Las Palmas radio CNR 07:00 DSC/100/170 Calling 224442000 Tenerife Spirit EHZO (24 Dec)(PPA) 2598.0 VON : St John coastguard CAN 06:35 J3E/USB Gale warnings (24 Dec)(PPA) 9084.8 RHN : unid EGY/ARS station 15:14 ARQ-E/46.1/170 Arabic msgs on KAA circuit also working in ALE/LSB (on 9086) calling AAN (24 Dec)(PPA) 11000.0 RIW : Marine Moscow RUS 08:46 CW/A1A Calling RMDZ (24 Dec)(PPA) 11067.5 --- : UNID station 07:12 ITA-2/50/170E 2,5 stopbit (ACF=17) encrypted (24 Dec)(PPA) 11538.0 --- : DOSC Moscow RUS 09:37 AM/Mazielka 6 tone selcall tone sequence 908/841/811/987/874/946 hz(421635) (24 Dec)(PPA) 15957.6 ---: unid presumed Italian 10:00 Siemens CHX-200/250/170 no decode (24 Dec)(PPA) (Peter Poelstra, Holland - udxf 24/12/2007) 05300.0 intriguant ce mode continu? 0647 96/500 25dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 25/12/2007) 05750,0 Pirates, France 11:10 LSB QSO avec op Patrick d'Agen (la FD3 fonctionne bien sur cette freq. hi) 25/12/07 (Percebois Sylvain, France - dxuti 25/12/2007) 04209.5 TAH istanbul 1413 FEC wx /txt faible 25dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 25/12/2007) 08508,0 rdl: RN Smolensk RUS 1251 cw/f1 xxx xxx rks rks rdl rdl 28250 32562 boldyrx 1162 4975 k 26Dez07 (W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 26/12/2007) 2187.5 TFA(002510100):Reykjavik radio ISL 17:47 DSC/100/170 Geographical selcall 70N 40W 58N 0W QSY 2182/2506 (26 Dec)(PPA) 2187.5 UGE(002734414):Archangelsk radio RUS 17:05 DSC/100/170 QSY 2182 (26 Dec)(PPA) 4209.5 XSX :Chi-lung radio TWN 15:30 Sitor-B/100/170 Chinese Navtex msgs (26 Dec)(PPA) 4209.5 --- :Linyuan radio TWN 15:56 Sitor-B/100/170 Chinese Navtex msgs Identification by a P (26 Dec)(PPA) 4225.0 QV5B :Chinese military CHN 15:10 CW/A1A V 7NPE 7NPE 7NPE DE QV5B QV5B (26 Dec)(PPA) 8106.9 SVJ4 :Athens meteo GRC 09:27 F3C/120/576 H+30 wave height prognosis ,chart south Europe and Mediteranean (26 Dec)(PPA) 10705.2 --- :unid CIS 10:19 F1B/96/1000 Pseudo random bitstream ACF=0 maybe encrypted CIS-14 (26 Dec)(PPA) 12183.8 LCR152 :Polish military Janki POL 13:58 ALE/USB calling WADLEZ32 (26 Dec)(PPA) 12186.0 --- :DOSC Moscow RUS 13:40 Mazielka 6 tone selcall ,tone sequence 816 786 883 849 921 962 hz (214356) (26 Dec)(PPA) (Peter Poelstra, The Netherlands - udxf 26/12/2007) 08983.0 uscg NMF? 2109 USB eng d/x 26dec07 05045.0 pecheurs 2112 USB esp d/x 26dec07 05210.0 pecheurs? 2113 USB esp d/x 26dec07 06551.0 8GS armee georgie 2116 ALE USB to 316ZEN 26dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 27/12/2007) 08037.0 RLD (poss US National Guard:Richland, WA): 0100 USB/ALE sounding. ((RP3)) 08912.0 CG Rescue 1500 (USCG HC-130H #1500, CGAS Clearwater): 1315 USB/ALE w/Camslant Chesapeake thru CRB (COTHEN Caribbean Regional Communications Node) then in clear voice (weak) w/position report. ((RP3)) 09106.0 KGD825 (unid SHARES station): 1642 USB/ALE sounding. ((RP3)) 09106.0 DHS001 (US Dept of Homeland Security, Wash DC): 1705 USB/ALE calling 1PUAFA (US Air Force MARS station). ((RP3)) 09106.0 KBPNNN (US Navy/Marine Corps MARS station): 1725 USB/ALE sounding. ((RP3)) 04490.0 AAT3BF (US Army MARS station): 1756 USB/ALE sounding. ((RP3)) 09106.0 BQGNNN (US Navy/Marine Corps MARS station): 1826 USB/ALE sounding. (Ron, MA, USA - udxf 27/12/2007) 8.428.5 NMO Hawai 03:25 CW+SITOR ID 27/12/2007 8.432.0 UAT Moscow 03:31 CW+SITOR de UAT (ID) 27/12/2007 8.423.5 WLO USA 03:50 CW+SITOR ID 27/12/2007 8.425.0 WNC USA 04:10 CW+SITOR ID 27/12/2007 (D. Segovia, France - dxuti 27/12/2007) 05135.0 SEMOHQ New York State Emergency:Albany 0844 ALE USB snd 27dec07 06712.0 FN5110 0850 USB fr c CV* leger cryptage? / nim > dak pos 27dec07 06712.0 COTAM3400 0852 USB c CV* 27dec07 06712.0 COTAM3700 JLEQ c130 0855 USB c CV* pos - selcal snd inhabituel! 27dec07 04620.0 pecheurs 0907 USB fr d/x "tacot,soles,congres,encornet,bar..." 27dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 27/12/2007) 5616.0 TSO518 "Trans-soviet 518" Toronto to Moscow wkg Shanwick selcal KS-HQ Boeing 762 EI-CZD c/n 23623 USB 12/27 (PP) time not noted (Patrice Privat, France - dxuti 27/12/2007) 04618.5 unid mil? 1600 50/85= BEE 27dec07 06583.0 KBT (kobuleti) armee georgie 1603 ALE USB to BRN 27dec07>loc de la ville cotiere > 06583.0 KB1 armee georgie 1606 ALE USB to KBT (kobuleti) 27dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 27/12/2007) 05823.0 900 protection civile maroc 1610 ALE USB snd 27dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 27/12/2007) 01656.0 chipiona 0801 USB esp yl naws /modul moyenne 23dec07 02505.0 gcg neustadt 1421 ARQ 23dec07 02840.0 fishermen 0804 USB por d/x - madeira? 23dec07 03300.0 unid cis mil? 1530 USB rus? yl / short regular com 24dec07 03900.0 CO0036/..38/..54 0808 HFDL via reykjavik 23dec07 04369.0 WLO mobile alabama 0721 USB eng wx 23dec07 04433.0 fishermen? 0549 USB sp d/x 25dec07 04447.0 navy cis?? 0551 73/200 81-81 25dec07 04520.0 fishemen 0553 USB sp d/x 25dec07 04742.0 ASCOT 3241 ZE705 L1011* tristar k1 c 1047 USB c TASCOM 23dec07 04742.0 ASCOT 5118 dgaq ZH877 C130J hercules 1049 USB c TASCOM - with special supply of "therdonne radar"... 23dec07 04767.0 fishermen 0823 USB sp d/x 23dec07 05135.0 SEMOHQ New York State Emergency:Albany 0844 ALE USB snd 27dec07 05680.0 kinloss rescue 1508 USB c RG132 sea king har3 23dec07 05680.0 K132 nimrod? 1517 USB c kinloss rescue 23dec07 05680.0 RG 122 sea king 1516 USB c kinloss rescue 23dec07 06551.0 8GS georgian army 2116 ALE USB to 316ZEN 26dec07 06583.0 KBT (kobuleti) georgian army 1603 ALE USB to BRN 27dec07 06583.0 KB1 georgian army 1606 ALE USB to KBT (kobuleti) 27dec07 06712.0 FN5110 0850 USB fr c CV 27dec07 06712.0 COTAM3400 0852 USB c CV 27dec07 06712.0 COTAM3700 JLEQ c130 0855 USB c CV selcal 27dec07 08708.0 whale sounding unid 1448 ?? 23dec07 08968.0 JNRSPR usn puerto rico 1058 ALE USB snd 23dec07 08992.0 CSE lisbon paf 1513 USB por c unid flight 23dec07 09316.7 MFA cairo 1522 ARQ end of tfc 24dec07 13200.0 AFA andrews afb 1445 USB eam 23dec07 13510.0 CFH halifax 1430 ITA2/75/850 24dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - udxf 27/12/2007) ALE logs from 26 Dec 2007: 4765.0 AFA1QW : USAF MARS Station, Greenwood, IN clg NNN0BQG : Navy Mars Station, Iowa in USB/ALE (19:38utc) (26Dec2007) (SPC) 10242.0 VES : Un-Id station sounding in ALE/USB (20:00utc) (26Dec2007) (spc) 27 Dec 2007: 7527.0 J36 : USCG MH-60J #6036 CGAS Elizabeth City w/ LNT : CAMSLANT Chesapeake in USB/ALE callup. J36 w/Pos report, J36 adv. 36.56N, 76.25W (approx. 20 mi SSE Norfolk, VA) (16:49utc) (27Dec2007) (spc) 7527.0 J12 : J12 USCG MH-60J #6012 CGAS Clearwater w/OPB : OPBAT Service Center, Nassau, Bahamas in USB/ALE callup. OPB takes "ops normal" report from "1-2 Charlie" (17:27utc) (27Dec2007) (Steve C, USA - udxf 27/12/2007 frequency 8906.000 S.MARIA -AZORES N.ATLANTIC December 27, 2007 15:41:34 SELCAL: FSEQ A7-ADE QTR 320 232 1957 December 27, 2007 15:42:04 SELCAL: APGM A4O-LD GFA 340 312 97 December 27, 2007 15:45:16 SELCAL: ARCG N118US USA 320 214 1264 December 27, 2007 15:49:30 SELCAL: PQAC 4X-ELD ELY 744 458 29328 0 December 27, 2007 15:51:01 SELCAL: CPER HA-LHB MAH 762 27GER 27049 482 December 27, 2007 15:51:11 SELCAL: CPER HA-LHB MAH 762 27GER 27049 482 December 27, 2007 15:51:36 SELCAL: CPER HA-LHB MAH 762 27GER 27049 482 December 27, 2007 15:51:39 SELCAL: CPER HA-LHB MAH 762 27GER 27049 482 December 27, 2007 15:51:55 SELCAL: PQAC 4X-ELD ELY 744 458 29328 0 December 27, 2007 15:58:02 SELCAL: HSDR CS-DFB NJE DFL 900 94 December 27, 2007 15:58:10 SELCAL: GPJQ SU-MBA MEA 733 3Q8 26283 2383 December 27, 2007 15:58:26 SELCAL: GPJQ SU-MBA MEA 733 3Q8 26283 2383 December 27, 2007 16:00:19 SELCAL: ARBG N892QS BIZ H25 800 258592 December 27, 2007 16:01:40 SELCAL: MSAB XA-APE PNL DFL 900 178 December 27, 2007 16:04:10 SELCAL: LQEG N435UA UAL 320 232 613 0 December 27, 2007 16:05:48 SELCAL: JQGR CS-DIG BIZ CNJ 560 560-0637 December 27, 2007 16:07:49 SELCAL: LQEG N435UA UAL 320 232 613 0 December 27, 2007 16:08:13 SELCAL: LQEG N435UA UAL 320 232 613 0 December 27, 2007 16:17:52 SELCAL: APFM EC-HHS GES DFL 50 204 December 27, 2007 16:18:26 SELCAL: DPAL N609DL DAL 752 232 22816 65 December 27, 2007 16:20:28 SELCAL: BCHM SE-DON SAS DC9 41 47748 December 27, 2007 16:28:43 SELCAL: CLAF N39WH BUS GRS 4SP 1243 December 27, 2007 16:28:52 SELCAL: CLAF N39WH BUS GRS 4SP 1243 December 27, 2007 16:29:03 SELCAL: CJAF N666TR BIZ CL6 604 5309 December 27, 2007 16:31:08 SELCAL: CQAH N35204 COA 738 824 30576 606 December 27, 2007 16:35:49 SELCAL: JLKS N78013 COA 777 224ER 29861 243 December 27, 2007 16:43:47 SELCAL: GSCR N15WF TSE M11 F 48486 509 December 27, 2007 16:55:18 SELCAL: DFAL PP-BRG BSI 707 323C 19586 670 December 27, 2007 16:55:25 SELCAL: DFAL PP-BRG BSI 707 323C 19586 670 December 27, 2007 16:57:09 SELCAL: BPHQ N307UP UPS 76F 34AF 0 626 December 27, 2007 16:58:23 SELCAL: LRDQ CS-TMT LXR 330 322 96 December 27, 2007 17:02:04 SELCAL: GPCM D-ABBH BER 738 86J 32919 1279 December 27, 2007 17:10:27 SELCAL: HQJS VP-BNG BIZ CL6 604 5456 December 27, 2007 17:42:50 SELCAL: LRJK ?? December 27, 2007 17:44:00 SELCAL: GRHM EC-HIQ IBE 752 256 29307 December 27, 2007 17:48:21 SELCAL: ALRS UR-VVD AEW 735 529 25419 2165 December 27, 2007 17:48:30 SELCAL: ALRS UR-VVD AEW 735 529 25419 2165 December 27, 2007 18:29:08 SELCAL: MSKQ D-ALCM GEC M1F 48805 645 December 27, 2007 18:31:22 SELCAL: FKDH JA8165 JAL 74F 221F 21743 384 December 27, 2007 18:33:10 SELCAL: AMHP A6-ZSN AUH 74L Z5 23610 676 December 27, 2007 18:35:48 SELCAL: HPBQ 5B-DBV ECA 738 8Q8 30654 1295 December 27, 2007 18:38:09 SELCAL: ALQS B-MAJ AMU 321 131 908 December 27, 2007 18:49:46 SELCAL: GQJK ZS-SXE SAA 340 313E 646 December 27, 2007 18:51:37 SELCAL: ERCP TC-JEJ THY 734 4Q8 25375 2598 (Roberto P, Italy - udxf 27/12/2007) 8045.0 RFU :Saudi military ARS 17:29 USB/ALE Calling JCU with AMD 8338718 (27 Dec)(PPA) 8066.4 --- :Russian diplo 17:40 Crowd-36/40/1500 running continious test abcdefghijklmnopqnopqrstuvwxyz!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=> (27 Dec)(PPA) 14616.7 17 :MFA Cairo EGY 13:20 Sitor-A/100/170 5 Character grouped Hexadecimal message to Paris (27 Dec)(PPA) 2640.0 UGE :St Petersburg radio RUS 14:49 Sitor-A/100/170 + CW/A1A ARQ burst + CW identification DE UGE (27 Dec)(PPA) (Peter Poelstra, Holland - udxf 27/12/2007) 06848.0 0000001111: Tur-Mil 0947 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/27) (sw) 06510.0 3050: Unid 2131 ALE/LSB clg 3000 (2007/12/27) (sw) 05339.0 3050: Unid 2132 ALE/LSB clg 3000 (2007/12/27) (sw) 08170.0 4111: Unid 2146 ALE/LSB clg 4323 (2007/12/27) (sw) 06425.0 3050: Unid 2148 ALE/LSB clg 3000 (2007/12/27) (sw) 04593.0 3050: Unid 2150 ALE/LSB clg 3000 (2007/12/27) (sw) 08170.0 4111: Unid 2157 ALE/LSB clg 4121 (2007/12/27) (sw) 08170.0 4111: Unid 2216 ALE/LSB clg 4333 (2007/12/27) (sw) 06937.0 4111: Unid 2218 ALE/LSB clg 4333 (2007/12/27) (sw) 06583.0 1106: Unid 2330 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/27) (sw) 06937.0 4111: Unid 2240 ALE/LSB clg 4141 (2007/12/27) (sw) 06583.0 KBT: Unid 2242 ALE/USB clg KB1 (2007/12/27) (sw) 06583.0 9066: Unid 2242 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/27) (sw) 06583.0 9001: Unid 2244 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/27) (sw) 08170.0 4111: Unid 2249 ALE/LSB clg 4141 (2007/12/27) (sw) 06583.0 KBT: Unid 2252 ALE/USB clg 2BR (2007/12/27) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 28/12/2007) 08621 : V26 Chinese Lady 0021 LSB Sounds weird. Mechanical female voice speaking numbers in Chinese at a fast pace with strange bleeps interposed. (Peter Berrett, USA - udxf 28/12/2007) 04536.0 LYN (Virginia Nat'l Guard, Lynchburg VA): 0100 LSB/ALE sounding. ((RP3)) 09052.0 SCLC222M (Venzuelan Army 222nd Inf Bn, Mobile Command Post): 1322 USB/ALE calling CLC22M (Venezuelan Army 22nd Inf Bde, Mobile Command Post). ((RP3)) 08047.0 HQ703N (US Nat'l Guard Readiness Ctr, Arlington VA): 1925 USB/ALE calling D030EN (Delaware Nat'l Guard). ((RP3)) 08050.0 CLS (Sabre AAF, Ft Campbell KY): 2003 USB/ALE sounding. ((RP3)) 09026.7 Unid: 2143 SITOR A. Caught at end of transmission. Sign off indicates prob Egyptian Embassy. 08912.0 719 (USCG HC-130H #1719, CGAS Clearwater): 2149 USB/ALE w/TSC (US Customs -- Technical Service Center and COTHEN Remote Transmitter, Orlando, FL ). ALE handshake followed by voice pp between 719 and Clearwater Air Ops w/acft status report and wx PIREP. ((RP3)) 09025.0 JDG (HF-GSC, Diego Garcia): 2208 USB/ALE sounding. ((RP3)) (Ron, USA - udxf 28/12/2007) 4417.0 Unid stations, one with Merry Christmas to everyone onboard. Vessel headed into Gulf noted full Moon & said it should be a beautiful sail: 0003 UTC USB Voice (25/DEC/2007) (JLM) 4780.0 GOLDEN PIRATE, ANDERSON & BLOOMINGTON: 1400 UTC LSB Voice on the Indiana Joint Forces Headquarters Emergency Radio Network. Standing by for traffic till 9:45 AM local (26/DEC/2007) (JLM) 4825.0 USN/USMC MARS Net: 1403 UTC USB Voice (26/DEC/2007) (JLM) 5004.5 USN/USMC MARS Net: 1406 UTC USB Voice (26/DEC/2007) (JLM) 4623.5 NNN0TGQ, USN/USMC MARS Net: 1419 UTC USB Voice (26/DEC/2007) (JLM) 4593.5 AFA1BQ, USAF MARS Net: 1419 UTC USB Voice (26/DEC/2007) (JLM) 4506.0 Unid CAP stations in net: 1419 UTC USB Voice (26/DEC/2007) (JLM) 4445.0 AAM5MI, US Army MARS Net: 1421 UTC USB Voice (26/DEC/2007) (JLM) 7630.5 Unid AFA stations. USAF MARS Net: 1444 UTC USB Voice (26/DEC/2007) (JLM) 2764.0 ANGSPRINFIELD, OH NG: ~1500 UTC USB ALE (26/DEC/2007) (JLM) 4536.0 LYN, Virginia National Guard, Lynchburg: 1547 UTC LSB ALE. PRT, VA NG, Portsmouth also active in LSB ALE (26/DEC/2007) (JLM) 3325.0 Unid very weak USN/USMC MARS Net: ~0100 UTC USB Voice (27/DEC/2007) (JLM) 3299.0 AFA2FJ, USAF MARS Net: 0144 UTC USB Voice (27/DEC/2007) (JLM) 2749.0 Unid station with maritime Weather: 0149 UTC USB Voice (27/DEC/2007) (JLM) 3246.5 INGEZ, Indiana National Guard, Shelbyville Municipal Airport: ~1500 UTC USB ALE (27/DEC/2007) (JLM) 3193.5 CLS, US Army, Fort Campbell, KY: 1708 UTC USB ALE (27/DEC/2007) (JLM) 5821.0 WGY901, FEMA Region 1 HQ Maynard, MA & WGY931, Vermont State EOC, Montpelier: 1923 UTC USB Voice & 39 tone data in 2400 baud ASCII (27/DEC/2007) (JLM) 2040.0 INGEZ, Indiana National Guard, Shelbyville Municipal Airport: 0106 UTC USB ALE (27/DEC/2007) (JLM) 2040.0 T1Z137, OH National Guard: 0107 UTC USB ALE (27/DEC/2007) (JLM) 2341.5 T12, US Army or NG: 0123 UTC USB ALE (27/DEC/2007) (JLM) 2540.0 INGEZ, Indiana National Guard, Shelbyville Municipal Airport: 0137 UTC USB ALE (27/DEC/2007) (JLM) 3255.5 AAM4INC, US Army MARS, NNN0JEK & NNN0GBL, USN/USMC MARS stations on Multi-Service Net?: 0236 UTC USB Voice (28/DEC/2007) (JLM) 3325.0 NNN0PBE & NNN0KTF, USN/USMC MARS Net: 0240 UTC USB Voice (28/DEC/2007) (JLM) 3204.0 043MERCAP, Civil Air Patrol: 0238 UTC USB ALE (28/DEC/2007) (JLM) 3390.0 NNN0IJG, NNN0NIG & NNN0SYH in the 4A2B Alabama USN/USMC MARS Net: 0305 UTC USB Voice (28/DEC/2007) (JLM) 4470.5 Unid USN/USMC MARS Net securing station: 0317 UTC USB Voice (28/DEC/2007) (JLM) 4630.0 POL & DER, Unid stations, possibly partial calls, also got DERBI, very weak signals: 0320 UTC USB ALE (28/DEC/2007) (JLM) (Jack L. M., Stanford, KY, USA - udxf 28/12/2007) 02888.0 pecheurs? 0359 USB esp d/x 28dec07 03476.0 shamrock132 DJGR ei-dub aer lingus a330 0402 USB c atc nat shanwick 04479.0 V2a cuba 0410 USB esp yl nombres 28dec07 04480.0 unid 0414 USB fin? yl - trans breves regulieres 28dec07 04724.0 AFA andrews usaf 0418 USB eam 28dec07 11244.0 Q? usaf 0420 USB eam -bruit d'environnement en back 28dec07 (Michel Lacroix, France - udxf 28/12/2007) 8414.5kHz V7DJ3: CMA CGM Paratit 2007DEC280209Z GMDSS/DSC FORMAT SPECIFIER: DISTRESS CALL SELF IDENTIFICATION: 538090044 Marshall Islands DISTRESS NATURE: UNDESIGNATED DISTRESS DISTRESS COORDINATES: SW LATITUDE 23 deg 55 min SOUTH LONGITUDE 46 deg 20 min WEST TIME UTC: 2 : 7 TELECOMMAND: J3E telephone EOS CHECK SUM OK (Albert P, Boston, USA - udxf 28/12/2007) 11175.0 USB : "Red Talon 711" (P3C a/c) with PP thru Lajes to DSN 942-4065 "Fiddle" (TSC, Jax, Fla.). 711 adv. on-station 14:50 and QSL.(Steve C, Ohio, USA - udxf 28/12/2007) 5236.0 USAF MARS station AFA1CM with SHARES Exercise Message for ANDREWS GLOBAL. Message concerned flight operations resuming at Hancock ANGB: 1607 UTC USB Voice. Just an exercise, but may refer to KSYR, Syracuse (NY) Hancock International Airport, the only "Hancock" I can find with ANG operations. Thunderstorms locally have prevented any additional monitoring (28/DEC/2007) (Jack L. M., Stanford, Ky, USA - udxf 28/12/2007) 9046.7 --- :MFA Cairo EGY 15:14 Sitor-A/100/170 Calling Pyongyang selcall OOVF (28 Dec)(PPA) 12165.0 --- :unid Bulgarian diplo 10:42 USB/Bulgarian 39 tone modem no decode (28 Dec)(PPA) 1916,7 --- :GCG Cuxhaven D 07:28 Sitor-A/100/170 German WX for Forties,Dogger,Utsira followed by weather reports given by the Sea weather service Hamburg (28 Dec)(PPA) 14633.0 --- :unid military 14:52 USB/EADS-MAHRS 2400 bd modem lenghty traffic ,no decode ,maybe German military (28 Dec)(PPA) (Peter Poelstra, Holland - udxf 28/12/2007) - NDB |
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