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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 152 часть 1

WorldDX 152
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
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Короткие Волны

15270 CVC International, 10:52-15:59, escuchada el 16 de diciembre en ingles a locutor con ID “CVC”, cunas de la emisora, musica pop, anuncia E-mail, SINPO 45444.
(J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

In our summer, RA is very reliable late at night here on 19m, but
it`s been quite a while since the MUF has held that far up. So it was notable
Dec 18 at 0645 that RA was audible, tho not very strong on 15515 and 15160;
however not on 15240 where it should also be from Shepparton. Another T-E was
audible on 15255, Channel Africa. Note the high K-index of 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

RA, 6020, still has co-channel QRM from that
motor-boating defective transmitter, believed to be Vietnam, Dec 20 at 1340
check (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/12/2007)

Согласно циркуляру БелТелеРадиокомпании, с 10.12.2007 года сокращено
вещание всех КВ и УКВ трансляций всех передающих центров по стране
до 18 часов в сутки. А именно с 4.00
до 22.00 UTС. С чем связана эта мера - мне не известно.

Изменения не коснулись программ Иновещания.
(Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 17/12/2007)

Несколько месяцев назад в Гродно завершен полный демонтаж одного из
средневолновых передатчиков СРВ. Демонтировано и антенное поле.
Вещание Канала Культура продолжается на оставшемся девайсе на частоте
1008 кГц. С мощностью 7 кВт. Время вещания: 4.oo-22.oo.
(Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 17/12/2007)

VK> Сергей! А как сейчас работает на КВ Радио Гродно? По какому расписанию?
VK> Василий Кузнецов, Москва.

7110 кГц
6040 кГц
5 кВт

Но работа нерегулярная. Не раз замечал, что то один то второй на
час-два раньше отключались. Это ещё в пору до "зачотного цыркуляра".

16.оо-17.оо (только по пт) 6090 кГц
250 кВт
(Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 18/12/2007)

А на какой частоте работал бедолага? И какие передатчики (где) сейчас
работают? Буквально вчера вечером и сегодня утром слышал Культуру на
1008 и 1026. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 18/12/2007)

Работал на той же частоте. Просто давно не использовался и вот
зачем-то разобрали. На этом же поле
http://dxsignal.ru/read/images/sw_b.jpg поодаль стояли 2 вышки на СВ.
Теперь одна. :(

В плане ГДЕ И КАКИЕ я не знаю точно - чэсна. :)
Отталкивался в этом плане от инфы в EMWG.

Точно знаю, что на 1008 работает срв-50 в Слониме - как-то вышел на
их. Мощность номинальная.

1125 всегда проходит, а 1197 изредка очень хорошо. Канал Культура и на кв есть - 7265 кГц.
(Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 18/12/2007)

А на средних Гродно не присутствует?
(Василий Кузнецов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 18/12/2007)

Попробуйте в пятницу 1170 кГц.
Но на передатчик в Лапичах я не выходил, поэтому достоверной инфы
нет. (Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 18/12/2007)

15250, R Nacional de Venezuela, 2303-2357*, 12/20/07, English/Spanish. Stumbled across one of Venezuela's English programs w/a summary of the upcoming broadcast,

some "Informative Short News", then a solid 20 minutes or so of untranslated Spanish programming! Finally resumed the English just long enough to introduce a segment of

music, then back to entirely Spanish until 2357 signoff. No wonder their English broadcasts are so easy to miss. Fair/good.
(Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 21/12/2007)

9580 Africa N? 1, 21:20-21:27, escuchada el 16 de diciembre en frances con emision de musica melodica, musica de sintonia y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 35433.
(J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

15620 at 1433 Dec 18, ``Deutsche Welle, Amharic Service`` as
they were giving P- and e-mail addresses, pronounced in English! This seems to
be a regular ID time in this service. Fair signal via Rwanda, no jamming
audible, but 15660 with usual white noise. I wonder if the Germans and
Ethiopians have reached some kind of accommodation on this issue, or the latter
just ran out of jamming transmitters (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

8734 USB, Olympia Radio, 2224, 12/17/07, English/Greek. Repeated loop of ID and calling freqs in English, then the same in presumed Greek. Fair/poor. (Mark

Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

Доминиканская Республика
6025, R Amanecer, 0307-0403+, 12/17/07, Spanish. Sermons, songs and Xmas carols, including some Spanish-language versions of familiar melodies, with a few

occasional ID jingles. Strong S9+ signal, though with adjacent-channel QRM pestering. Fair/good. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

13590 CVC via Lusaka 2005-2035 15 Dec. Tnx Scott Barbour's
tip, heard quite well with "The Edge", "Cricketing Hero" contest
(call:61 7 5477 2373) promo, Christian/secular contem-pop, &
Scotty/Damian w/ "The Lighter Side of the News".(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 17/12/2007)

13590 Christian Voice; 2026, 18-Dec; Jeezus pop music; CVC spot @2027.
SIO=454- (Frodge-MI)
13650 Christian Voice; 1617-1634+, 19-Dec; M&W in EE w/Jeezus pop
music--sounds like Radio Disney; phone # & Aussie address to
name your favorite cricket player; CVC spot @1631+ then into
brief news & more music. SIO=352+ (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/12/2007)

CVC news in English, 1900 Dec 18 on 13590, 1905 into DJ; no signals
from Europe were making it at this time on this band, further evidence that the
site is really Zambia (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/12/2007)

Голос Израиля на Русском языке, вещает на частоте 6985 kHz,прием
отличный. А на частоте 9345kHz приема нет вообще.
Начало вещания 20:00 UTC (Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина - open_dx 17/12/2007)

Только что (20.20 UTC) принимал станцию на обеих частотах. На 6985 прием очень хороший, а на 9345 отличный. Программа идет как местная передача.
(Василий Кузнецов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 17/12/2007)

На 9345 обычно программа бывает.

Ещё, наверно, стоит добавить, что заканчивается вещание на русском
языке в 21.00. Частота 6985 кГц в это время отключается, на 9345
начинается программа, вероятнее всего, на иврите. (Сергей Винокуров, Заречный, Россия - open_dx 18/12/2007)

9445 ALL India Radio via Bangalore, 21:28-21:35, escuchada el 16 de diciembre en su servicio en ingles con emision de musica pop y folklorica local, locutora con

comentarios, SINPO 55544 (J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

5015 ALL India Radio, ND Delhi, 17:42-17:45, escuchada el 17 de diciembre en idioma hindu con emision de musica folklorica local, musica instrumental de Sitar, SINPO

33342. (J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

12025 ALL India Radio, Panaji, 17:24-17:30, escuchada el 17 de enero en idioma Malayo con emision de musica folklorica local, musica muy exotica, lamentablemente se

aprecia en la transmision un molesto sonido de reverberacion en los tonos agudos, parecido al sonido del canto de un pajaro, SINPO 45433
(J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1001-1021, Dec 19 (Wed.), mostly in
English, with short segment in BI, Kang Guru Radio English program
#5803, Sue Rodger talking about having eaten kangaroo meat, pop songs
("Lost in Love", etc.), fair-poor, moderate QRM/WYFR (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 19/12/2007)

6125, Radio Exterior Espana, 2300-2310, From 2300 to 2305 noted news presented by a
male and female. At 2305, canned ID as,. "...en Radio Exterior Espana ...". This followed with
comments from a male and female again. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 17/12/2007)

9780v, R Sana'a, 2125-2215*, 12/17/07, Arabic. Heard just a bit off-frequency under VOA French (via Sao Tome), then in the clear once VOA signed off at 2130 with Middle

Eastern music and Arabic-language commentaries. Long apparent ID at 2200 w/mentions of several freqs, then back to the tunes. Abruptly off 2215. Fair and improving with

time. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

7460 Voice of Orthodoxy Golas Pravaslavia Presumed - 1635 with
talk by woman in Russian. Audio was constantly clipped and though there was
a problem with the file. Good signal, but I gave up a 1650 as they never
corrected the problem and I could not follow the program. Church choir
musical interludes. Via DX Tuner UK. (Hans Johnson, U.K. - CumbreDX 18/12/2007)

NHKWRJ, 11705 via Canada, Tue Dec 18 at 1420 had a talk about
some new Japanese technology to detect land mines, by picking up resonant
frequencies of certain explosives, including 0.85 and 3.4 MHz; this was a
repeat from Sept. Need to search out the details, but I assume doing this
around Denver or Boston would not work too well (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

4800 CNR 1, Geermu 916, 17:15-17:25, escuchada el 17 de diciembre en su servicio en chino con emision de musica melodica local, SINPO 44444.
4980 PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui, 17:39-17:42, escuchada el 17 de diciembre en idioma uighur con emision de musica folklorica local, se aprecia mala modulacion, SINPO

5060 PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui, 17:46-17:48, escuchada el 17 de diciembre en idioma chino a locutor con invitado en conversacion, SINPO 34343.
4500 PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui, 17:53-17:58, escuchada el 17 de diciembre en mongol a locutor con comentarios, locutora, SINPO 33432.
(J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 17/12/2007)

7270, PBS Nei Menggu (presumed), 0925-0943, Dec 19, assume
with Mongolian programming (mostly talking), mixing with assume Wai FM
(with pop music), the usual problem on // 9750, with QRM from NHK.
Yesterdays absence of Nei Menggu was certainly due to unique reception
conditions. After having read Supratik Sanatani's comments about
propagation in DXLD 7-141, I should have realized that my clear
reception of Wai FM was another example of these quirky conditions
(Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 19/12/2007)

5240 Xizang PBS (Lhasa), 0003-0010, 12/18/2007,
Tibetan. Talk by woman followed by talk by man. Very poor signal,
just above noise level at 0003, declining thereafter until only a
weak carrier by 0010. No parallels heard. (Jim Evans, Germantown, TN, USA - CumbreDX 21/12/2007)

17735 R. Rebelde 1705-1740 15 Dec. Program:"Al Sur del Rio
Bravo" about La Puerta del Sol in Bolivia, Paraguayan folklorico
music, etc. Very enjoyable program even with my marginal Spanish. Gave
sked as Sat. 12:15-1:00P Cuban time.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 17/12/2007)

Bandscan of 13 MHz, Dec 19 at 1430 found Habana`s three frequencies
from two transmitters all missing --- no RHC 13760, no CRI English 13740, no
leapfrog on 13720; however, 13680 RHC was on as usual. 1442 recheck, all were
back on (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/12/2007)

17725 Voice of Africa While listening to their Swahili service today I
heard them give their email address as info@voiceofafrica.ly I googled it
and didn't come up with anything so I thought this might new. Via DX Tuner Sweden.
(Hans Johnson, FL, USA - CumbreDX 17/12/2007)

4845 Radio Mauritanie, 20:36-20:40, escuchada el 16 de diciembre en arabe con emision de musica folklorica local, se aprecia un nivel de audio muy bajo, SINPO 43242.
(J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

5010 (nominal) R. Malagasy on 12/17 w/ surprisingly nice signal here at 0232 tune with non-stop local highlife mx to 0256.5, into IS until 0258 then kind of random local inst

music segments to 0300 then played a choral anthem to 0301.5 then opening anmts by man in Malagasy and French. Programming followed in Malagasy. Vocal Christmas

carol “Little Drummer Boy” at 0318.5. SINPO 35543 w/ oncl peaks to S4 and significant xmtr problems. Frequency drift was really bad, between 5.00975 and 5.0110+, and

so rapid I couldn’t keep up with it by retuning. Each time the frequency would drift, the transmitter would become distorted and occasionally I would lose the ECSS lock if I

didn’t retune fast enough. This transmitter definitely has stability problems! In addition they seemed to be playing with the power as the signal would suddenly almost

disappear for several tens of seconds at a time. Pretty much permanently disappeared at 0325 even though signal lvl was holding just prior to that when in ECSS lock –

perhaps they reduced power significantly at that point, or could have been a rapidly changing propagation effect and not xmtr power problems as I noticed the same

phenomena with Ethiopia on 7110 around 0330. However, in general the best I have hrd this station here in Southern CA on this freq. Most evenings I can just get a weak

signal, if anything. Sounded like a normal sign on from 0257 on but what gives with the non-stop music from 0232 to 0256.5? Maybe testing…they certainly need it.
(Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 17/12/2007)

7270, Wai FM via RTM, 0927-1006, Dec 18, very
nice surprise to hear this in the clear. YL DJ in vernacular, pop
songs, news, on-air phone conversation, distinctive singing "Wai FM"
jingle before ToH, in the clear till 1001 mixing with an unidentified
station signing on (seemed not to be PBS Nei Menggu), fair-poor
reception. Back in mid-2006, PBS Nei Menggu moved here and completely
dominated Wai FM. PBS was usually heard // to 9750, where they would
mix with NHK, but today there was only NHK there before 1000. Once I
was a regular listener of Wai FM, so after 2006 I often monitored the
situation here and hoped for a change. Has PBS Nei Menggu really moved
to new frequencies? Would be nice! (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

7295, Traxx FM via RTM, 0945-1000, Dec 19, in English,
two DJ's with their program "Traffic", played Christmas song and pop
music, fair till CRI (via Shijiazhuang [Hebei]), started in Russian on
7290 with a strong signal (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 19/12/2007)

6049.64, Suara Islam/Voice of Islam via RTM,
1610-1700:40*, Dec 19, in vernacular, OM with program of on-air phone
calls, played pop songs and ballads, reciting from the Qu'ran, choral
Anthem at sign-off, frequent "Suara Islam FM" IDs, fair to good, best
in LSB, to get away from unidentified carrier on 6050.0 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 19/12/2007)

13630 China Radio Int'l; 2025, 18-Dec; EE, News & Reports on CRI.
SIO=3+53 (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 19/12/2007)

Dec 20 check at 1340 found XEXQ still missing from 6045 as it has
been for several days; XEYU not detectable either on 9599+, but at 1911 it was
poorly audible with classical music (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/12/2007)

4770 Radio Nigeria Kaduna, 20:30-20:35, escuchada el 16 de diciembre en idioma vernacula a locutor con comentarios, posiblemente en boletin de noticias, locutora con

comentarios, SINPO 34333. (J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

7255 Voz de Nigeria, 21:00-21:05, escuchada el 16 de diciembre en frances, comienza emision con musica de sintonia, locutor con identificacion, locutor y locutora con

titulares y boletin de noticias, SINPO 43433, (J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

9690 VoN-Ikorodu *0800-0835 15 & 16 Dec. Opening ID in
Hausa w/ url in Hausa and English:HausaService@RadioNigeria.com then
W. Afr news w/ barnyard sounds as bridge between items..best heard 15
Dec. (missed opening anncts), 16 Dec. brought ID/url, WAf news &
squeaky flute bridges between items..very good signal.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 17/12/2007)

о-в Святой Елены
Я не заметил особой разницы в уровне сигнала не только между передачами на
Индию и Японию, но и на Европу тоже. Настроился снова в 20.43, SINPO было
25232, в разговорах разбирались отдельные фразы. Знакомых музыкальных
произведений должно для рапорта хватить... (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 17/12/2007)

Нет не показалось! Я тоже слышал про е-майл из Москвы. Возможно он был от меня, так как примерно в 20.50 я им заслал инфо про слышимость.
(Василий Кузнецов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 17/12/2007)

Radio St. Helena, music, talk,phone-in, reading
reports, in English on 15/12/2007, 1815-1900 UTC,
11.092.5 kHz. (Jaisakthivel, Ardic DX Club, Chennai, India - dxldyg 17/12/2007)

У меня они внезапно выплыли в 18.20, в начале блока на Индию. Сигнал
был слабым, но довольно чистым и без глубоких замираний. SINPO я бы
выставил 25442. Блок на Японию 19.00-20.15 принимался похуже, хотя
резкого перехода я не заметил (как и с Японии на Европу). В первой
половине трансляции для Европы сила сигнала доходила, пожалуй, до
тройки, но у меня существенно усилились бытовые помехи от соседей, так
что разборчивость стала совсем плохой. После 21.00 сигнал постепенно
сошёл на нет. (Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 17/12/2007)

For those who want to see photos of the island we just hrd this past weekend, try this web site…Jamestown photos are particularly interesting – the Jacobs Ladder looks

like an interesting daily exercise (699 steps – 602 ft vertical rise)! The houses in Jamestown look a lot like New England Colonial style, not unlike my ancestor’s hometown

in Newington, CT…
(Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 20/12/2007)

5960, R Tikhiy Ocean, 0935-1000, 12/19/07, Russian. IS, ID as "Radiostanstiya Tikhiy Ocean", into a program of Russian-language commentary including interviews of

people via phone, with later a couple of folk-type songs amid further commentary. Off at 1000 with no formal closing. Signal started fairly weak but clear and improving. Fair.

(Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 21/12/2007)

Сан Томе
4940 Voz de America, 20:40-20:45, escuchada el 16 de diciembre en su servicio en ingles con emision de musica afro-pop, locutor con comentarios, SINPO 44433.
(J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

7220 VOA via Pinheira 0556-0600* 16 Dec. VOA world news,
government editorial on Iran's uranium enrichment program and UN
sanctions, url for access to any VOA editorials, offer of freq. guide
w/ WDC address/url given, generic VOA closing announcement and off.
(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 17/12/2007)

Саудовская Аравия
15250 Radio Jeddah(presumed) 1105 I tuned in to hear a man
speaking in American-accented English with a running commentary on the Haj
in Mecca. He talked about transportation, about what the pilgrims were
bringing, how medical care was taken of, what information was available via
Wi-fi and Bluetooth. He asked people not to pitch tents in the road or
sidewalks and to be careful with the elderly and children. He was
overlooking the scene and traffic and even a helicopter passing by could be
heard in the background. The commentary ended at 1130. A woman then took
over with money safety and travel tips for the Haj. Good signal and
Program was billed as a new edition of the Haj radio magazine.
There was English news and ID as Radio Jeddah at 1200. After the
news, there was a program called Technology. Via DX Tuner Sweden (Hans Johnson, FL, USA - CumbreDX 17/12/2007)

15225 BSKSA 1, 14:50-14:55, escuchada el 17 de diciembre en idioma arabe con el canto del Coran, este servicio esta anunciado desde las 15:00 a 18:00, quizas un

adelanto de horario o bien una emision accidental, SINPO 45554. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 17/12/2007)

The buzzy tx of BSKSA mentioned in previous bulletins now in

0300-0557 15170 (x9715)
0600-0850 ? (x9715)
0855-1150 11935
1155-1455 17820
1500-1550 ?
1550-1750 15205
1755-2310 11915
The buzzy sound is covering just one freq on higher side, f.e. for 15170 is
covered 15175 kHz also.
(Rumen Pankov-BUL, BC-DX Dec 10-19, Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 19/12/2007)

As of 2330 UT Dec 17, the so-called ``program schedule`` on website
-- really a transmission schedule, not a word about program titles,
has been updated to show:

0030-0230 7240 ND and 7115 310 to NAm (with day of week variations)
1100-1900 7240 ND
1900-2230 7240 ND and 6100 310

Power claimed is 250 kW on all three, i.e. 2 x 250 kW active,
contrary to observations.

Joe Hanlon also recalls that the 1330 English to Au once upon a time
was on 11835, not 11735 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

Objection -- 250 kW on website --- is wishful thinking I guess - for the
better RSI future.

In past decade only a single tx was in use in Bijeljina, with reduced 125

But now the signals from Serbia/Bosnia are much less strong compared to
NEARBY Croatia 6165/3985 or Hungary 6025 kHz signals.

So I guess really power is between 50 and 125 kW for the stronger signal
(but not optimal connected to the feeder) at Bijeljina, and the other unit
is still the Stubline tiny 10 kW box, which is always 40-50 Hertz less odd
frequency. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

7240 Radio Serbia, 18:45-19:00, escuchada el 19 de diciembre en italiano a locutora con boletín de noticias, música de sintonía, fuerte colisión con emisora en inglés,

probablemente WYFR, hay que templar a 7241 para escuchar algo e intentar entender algo, segmento musical pieza musical italiana, SINPO 32442
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 21/12/2007)

7115 International Radio Serbia (Bijeljina Relay
presumed), 0028-0229*, 12/21/2007, Serbian and English. Apparent
reactivation of Bijeljina relay. Program of news and talk, primarily
by woman, and music. Serbian 0030-0100 and 0130-0200. English
0100-0130 and 0200-0229. Good IDs (Radio Serbia) at start of each
segment following IS. Closing announcements by man at 0228.
Transmission got off to rough start with only a strong unmodulated
carrier from 0028 until 0034. Good signal with moderate fading.
SINPO 34333 at best. Audio adequate but could have been a bit
clearer. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 21/12/2007)

6120, R Netherlands, 2310, 12/16/07, Indonesian. English Xmas carols like "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" w/commentary between. Took a few moments to ID, as I

didn't expect a Dutch station would be playing American holiday favorites on its Indonesian service. // 7380, 9895 (via Madagascar) also noted at similar level. Poor/fair.

(Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

Startled to hear a US talk show on 4800, Dec 16 at 0651, with
numerous commercial, toll-free numbers, from Business Talk Radio Net. Could it
be XERTA reactivated on its new frequency, and converted into a `border`
station for the US audience? No! At 0659 a local Enid ad and ID for KGWA, so
it`s the 5TH harmonic of 960. Tho harmonics 2 and 3 are always there on 1920
and 2880, I have never heard it on 4800 in frequent 60m bandscans. This signal
was also suspect in that it was at absolutely constant strength and did not
seem subject to preselector peaking. Perhaps current snow and ice at
transmitter caused this to get out, or a temporary receiver/antenna problem, as
fortunately not heard since (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

VOA in Amharic 1853 checking for jamming after Media Network report.
The Ethiopians are jamming VOA Amharic again, noise jamming on 9320, 9860,
11675, 11905, and 13870. Via DX Tuner Sweden. (Hans Johnson, Naples, FL, USA - CumbreDX 19/12/2007)

11735 RTZ Still missing during numerous checks today. Via DX Tuner Sweden. (Hans Johnson, Naples, FL, USA - CumbreDX 19/12/2007)

5240 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, 17:50-17:53, escuchada el 17 de diciembre en idioma Tibetano con emision de musica clasica oriental, SINPO 32332.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 17/12/2007)

11955 total audio distorted Cakirlar unit txion noted around
0800-1400 UT Turkish, strong carrier though of S=9.
(Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany, Dec 17/18/19 - dxldyg 19/12/2007)

4975 Radio Uganda, 17:26-17:38, escuchada el 17 de diciembre en idioma sin identificar a locutora con comentarios, especie de pequenos titulares separados de un

fragmento musical, el nivel de audio es muy bajo a pesar de la fuerte senal, creo entender alguna palabra en ingles, pero no puedo confirmarlo, locutor con comentarios,

SINPO 42332 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 17/12/2007)

On 20 Dec 2007 noted Chad, RNT N'Djamena on
4905 at 1627. French program, into Arabic at 1700.
Strong signal, blocking the Chinese station
on this frequency. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 20/12/2007)

4905 Radio N´Djamena, 21:13-21:30, escuchada el 20 de diciembre en idioma francés a locutor con invitado, entrevista y comentarios, referencias a los Musulmanes y

Católicos, referencias al presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal, se aprecia de fondo con señal muy débil emisión musical china, PBS Xizang vía Lhasa, corto segmento

de música afro-pop a modo de sintonía, referencia a N´Djamena, corto boletín de noticias, locutora con ID “..Radio du Tchad..”, SINPO 44444.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 21/12/2007)

a very nice surprise to see Radio N'djamena back on its old frequency!!

Signal is great, and modulation is excellent! Until 1900 UTC superb
traditional music.

I resumed DXing a few weeks ago, after a pause of about 10 years.
Noticing that so many African state broadcasters have disappeared from
the tropical bands (Yaoundé, Garoua, Douala, Lomé, Abidjan, Cotonou,
Gaborone, Maseru, Nairobi... to name but a few) made me feel quite

Seeing N'djamena back on 4905 kHz (wasn't it 4904.5 kHz?) is a gleam of hope!

At about 1901 UTC there was an interruption in the signal of about a
minute or so... Now they are back on 4905 kHz in French! Great!!!
(Kai Willner, Germany - hard-core-dx 21/12/2007)

6065, Radio Sweden, 2250-2300 The schedule is between 2230 to 2300 for an English
broadcast. Tuned in late today however. Noted news about Sweden, URL and ID with brief
music at 2259. Signal was fair with splatter and QRM. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 17/12/2007)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005 Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, 21:42-21:47, escuchada el 16 de diciembre en espanol con emision de musica pop local, SINPO 33443
(J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

15190 R. Africa checking for this one at 1307 and just hearing open carrier. Via DX Tuner Sweden.
(Hans Johnson, FL, USA - CumbreDX 17/12/2007)

1.030 15/12 05:10 Radio Del Plata Buenos Aires, Argentina S Px-Entrevista 33333
(Luiz Eduardo Lopes da Silva, Salvador, BA, Brasil - radioescutas 17/12/2007)

В Real_dx и других международных конференциях некоторое время назад
затеялась дискуссия о радиостанции "Маяк", которую Бьярне Мьельде из
Норвегии принимал на 1330 кГц.

Были подозрения на американские станции, которые обеспечивают национальный
колорит для эмигрантов, но они в ходе обсуждения отпали. Более, того,
измерения показали, что частота не ровно 1330 кГц, а 1330,1. Бьярне
предполагает, что сюда "уполз" какой-то российский передатчик, но какой?

Дело было в середине октября, время примерно 05.00 UTC. На 1332 кГц вроде
никаких "Маяков" не числится.

Если у кого-то есть ключи к загадке, пишите.
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 19/12/2007)
Date: Saturday morning (late Friday night), January 5, 2008.

Time: 2 - 2:30 a.m. Eastern Time, 0700 - 0730 UTC.

1,000 watts using non-directional antenna pattern. Programming will consist
of special voice announcements by our own Fred Vobbe of NRC's DX Audio
Service, music by the Ohio State Marching Band, Morse code and 1,000 Hz
tones. Reception reports may be sent to WIMA Radio, Attn: Lima Engineering,
667 West Market St., Lima, OH 45801. E-mail reception reports may also be
submitted to limaengineering@clearchannel.com.

No eQSL service is being offered for this test
(Mike Terry, U.K. - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

Mr. Andrea Borgnino working at RAI Roma in Saxa-Rubra reports informations from RAI WAY, concerning the recent activation of the RAI Pisa-Coltano new transmitter ( 2 x

55 kW Harris) on frequency 657 kHz , at present moment RAI Pisa-Coltano is still active also on 1062 kHz, after the end of the TESTING period, the 1062 kHz transmitter

will be closed down, the RAI 1 Firenze-Testarossa 1368 kHz it seems yet closed down. (

Here is the original message on Radiorama list:

Ciao a tutti,
ho avuto la conferma da Raiway dell'attivazione del nuovo impianto di
Coltano, le trasmissioni di questi giorni sono le prime prove in onda prima
del collaudo ufficiale del sito.

L'impianto usa due trasmettitori Harris da 55 Kw con combinatore e
un'antenna a traliccio di 130 metri. I trasmettitori erano quelli usati
prima nell'impianto di Firenze Terrarossa.
La frequenza utilizzata e 657 kHz.

Qui le foto del nuovo impianto:

(IW0HK - radiorama via Giampiero Bermardini, Italy - playdx2003 19/12/2007)

540 BRASIL: R. Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 19/12, 0800. "...Voce esta na Fluminense e o px e Sintonia do Forro...", 32322 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena - MG)
550 BRASIL: R. Cataguases, Cataguases-MG, 19/12, 0807." ... em Cataguases recomendo a Droganossa...". 23222 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena - MG)
560 BRASIL: R. Costa do Sol, Araruama-RJ, 19/12, 0810."Todo dia, vc ouve aqui o programa Desperta Araruama...". 33232 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena - MG)
610 BRASIL: R. Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte-MG, 19/12, 0820. "O Atletico Mineiro, com o Geninho..."43433 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena - MG)
620 BRASIL :R.Jovem Pan, Sao Paulo-SP, 19/12, 0825. Px Jornal da manha, 54454. (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena - MG)
650 BRASIL: R.Itatiaia Vale do Aco, Timoteo-MG, 19/12, 0828. "A seguir Jornal da Itatiaia edicao Vale do Aco". 32322 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena - MG)
660 BRASIL: R.Clube de Ribeirao Preto, Rib. Preto-SP, 19/12, 0830. "Toda hora a bola rola na Clube AM...". 44333 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena - MG)
670 BRASIL: R.Educadora de Montes Claros, Montes Claros-MG, 19/12, 0833. ID, hora certa e mx Fio de Cabelo, 22121 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena -MG)
680 BRASIL: R.Copacabana, Sao Goncalo-RJ, 19/12, 0837. "... seja tbm um auxiliar do Bispo Macedo...". 32322 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena -MG)
700 BRASIL: R. Eldorado, Sao Paulo-SP, 19/12, 0842. ID e comerciais da Pref. de S. Paulo. 32232 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena -MG)
730 BRASIL: R. Manchester AM, Juiz do Fora -MG, 19/12, 0845. Antencao...em JF sao precisamente...". 43433 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena -MG)
800 BRASIL: R. MEC, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 19/12, 0850. Mx c/ Rolando Boldrim, 32322 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena -MG)
840 BRASIL: R. Bandeirantes - Sao Paulo-SP, 19/12, 0854. "A Bandeirantes nao esquece..."212221 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena -MG)
860 BRASIL: R. CBN, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 19/12, 0858. "...na CBN, Momento do Esporte c/ Juka Kfuri". 32322 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena -MG)
900 BRASIL: R. Imbiara, Araxa-MG, 19/12, 0900. Sao...horas em Araxa e vamos tocar Mulher Chorona..."32222 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena -MG)
920 BRASIL: R. Cultura, Visc.do Rio Branco-MG, 19/12, 0905. "sou Fernando Terra e estou com vc aqui na Cultura...", 32332 (Adalberto Azevedo - Barbacena -MG)
(Adalberto Marques de Azevedo, Brasil - radioescutas 19/12/2007)

909 кГц
время utc
по будням
1347-1400 Студия Город, подробнейший ID, реклама спонсора, новости, погода
1400-1700 Яна Гасыр радиосы (Радио Новый Век) на татарском и русском, ретрансляция из Казани
1224 Love Радио (только по выходным) //местной 103,1
Наблюдения в Японии на Хоккайдо за российским эфиром

Repport from:
Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu
DXing with his trusty Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot in Pierrefonds, Montreal's West Island (Pierrefonds-Roxboro), Quebec, Canada

750 VENEZUELA, YVKS, Radio Caracas Radio, Caracas, Distrito Federal DEC 20 0232 - talking about a baseball player who knew the best tips on how to cook a ham

sandwich. Odd comment regarding a besball game, nevertheless. "Este jugador de Los Leones sabe cual es la mejor manera de cocinar el jamon"... Funny enough !!! Not

only this was funny, but the reception itself was truly astonishing. Unlike Toronto's conditions, here YVKS-750 is usually stronger than YVNM-780, but not to that extent.

YVNM was pretty fair, but YVKS was damnly excellent !!! SINPO 54434 !!!!! Yes 5 out of 5 for several minutes with CMHG and WSB barely noticeables way down the mud,

under this 100 kW Caraqueno !!! (Chiochiu-QC)
760 COLOMBIA, HJAJ, RCN Cadena Basica, Barranquilla, departemiento del Atlantico DEC 20 0238 - Fair with a fast-peace announcer regarding an undergoing HJ futbol

game. SINPO 33333 with WJR nulled as much as possible. Slightly OVER that nulled pest !!! Would be nice if I could get another HJ on a regular basis. HJ signals are

weaker than YVs at my QTH. Not a bad thing, since YV mx is more eclectic. You start from gaitas in the estado de Zulia with their salsa-oriented harmonic jams and going

straight through the very relaxing llanera styles (golpe, joropo, etc.). While HJ music is seldom melancolic, it does, but not THAT often. When you listen to it, you see a

barbecue in your face instead of watching a non-pictures-oriented movie with the actions coming rhough the musical notes. Well... (Chiochiu-QC)
780 VENEZUELA, YVNM, Radio Coro, Coro, Falcon DEC 20 0244 - strong w/ Xmas oriented tropical music. SINPO 33332. Not that bad overall, though ! (Chiochiu-QC)

+DEC 20 0258 - Fading up after a deep fade to a brief, but nice level (S = 3/5 or to be even more precise 13/20 -> 65% as far as its signal strenght was) with a traditional

deeply melancholical cumbia tropical groove (not tecnocumbia / NOT tecnocumbia). After about 1 minute, faded down in the mud along with a barely noticeable WBBM from

which I tried to escape. Thanksfully, not a peep from the happily missed WABC-770 hash, just some slight WABC and CJAD sideband SPLATTER !!! (Chiochiu-QC)

This was the best South American evening in over a week !

Hope an Aurora Borealis will soon hit our lovely ionosphere so that i can get Radio Tropicana on 540 (HCFA2, Guayaquil) instead of the damned Islip, New York USA radio

pest. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Canada - mwdx 20/12/2007)


15:23 87.90 841B Goes HOL
22:16 88.00 8202 Smilde HOL
22:21 91.80 8201 Smilde HOL
22:51 88.00 F201 NRK_P1__ Gulen NOR
23:00 91.80 F203 NRK_P3__ Bjerkreim NOR
(W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 18/12/2007)

All heard around 02:00 - 18-12-07

88.0 NRK-1, Gulen
89.1 NRK-1, Reinsfjell
91.3 NRK-1, Kongsberg
91.8 NRK-1, Bjerkreim
92.6 NRK Petre, Stord
93.6 NRK-1, Bremanger
94.4 DR-4, Tolne
94.8 DR-4, Naestved
96.0 NRK-1, Stord
97.5 DR-4, Naestved
98.7 NRK-2, Bjerkreim
99.6 NRK-2, Stord
101.0 Kanal 24, Bjerkreim
101.8 Kanal 24, Stord
102.5 Kanal 24, Kongsberg
103.0 DR-2, Arhus
(John Faulkner, Sutton-in-Ashfield, U.K. - skywaves 18/12/2007)

The last 4-5 day's good tropo to UK, but strongest to Scotland regions.
now to day 17.00-18.30 UTC 18.december
Classic Fm 101.7 meldrum
BBC nan Gaidheal on 103.7/104.2/104.7
106.1 X-FM, Black Hill
107.0 Talk 107, Craigkelly
96.9 North Sound One, Durris
106.8 Original 106, 106.8 (tx-site?? power?? can anyone help)
(John Vinther Nielsen, Herning, Denmark - skywaves 18/12/2007)

Nice lift, strong signals this evening from Meldrum 93.1, 95.3, 104.2, Bjerkreim 91.8, 98.7 Hints of NDR & WDR
(Julian, U.K. - skywaves 19/12/2007)

Tropo Logs for 18 December 2007:

06:45 87.90 841B Goes HOL
06:53 88.00 8202 Smilde HOL
06:57 91.80 8201 Smilde HOL
07:07 88.00 F201 NRK_P1__ Gulen NOR
07:09 91.80 F203 NRK_P3__ Bjerkreim NOR

15:01 87.70 83D2 arrow.nl Lelystad HOL

17:06 92.00 D395 Munster D
17:11 90.70 82A8 JAZZ_FM_ Lopik HOL
17:14 87.90 841B Goes HOL
17:15 91.80 8201 RADIO_1_ Smilde HOL
17:17 92.20 8411 FRYSLAN_ Smilde HOL
17:18 91.30 83D1 Rotterdam HOL
17:19 103.50 8415 Ugchelen HOL
17:21 88.10 83D2 ARROW.nl Hilversum HOL
17:23 94.30 8204 RADIO4NL Lopik HOL
17:43 95.00 8201 RADIO_1_ Wieringermeer
17:44 94.80 8204 RADIO_4_ Smilde HOL
17:47 101.00 83C6 SKYRADIO Smilde HOL

18:18 87.60 83D2 AFLITS Smilde HOL
18:20 92.90 8202 RADIO_2_ Wieringermeer
18:22 89.90 D383 NDR_Kult Harz-West D
18:23 107.90 D391 Munster D
18:25 107.10 D210 __DLF___ Bremen-WalleD
18:30 103.60 D358 Hamburg D
18:31 101.80 D210 __DLF___ Aurich-Popens
18:34 99.80 D382 _NDR_2__ Steinkimmen D
18:39 94.40 D383 NDR_Kult Steinkimmen D
18:43 90.00 D383 NDR_Kult Aurich D
18:54 96.80 8203 Lopik HOL

19:00 87.60 D382 _NDR_2__ Hamburg D

20:00 87.70 E201 Halmstad S
20:10 88.00 8202 R2_KRO__ Smilde HOL
20:14 88.00 F201 Gulen NOR
20:27 104.80 8201 Roermond HOL
20:32 87.80 F201 Hovdefjell NOR
20:41 91.80 F203 NRK_P3__ Bjerkreim NOR
20:55 94.20 F201 NRK_P1__ Bjerkreim NOR
20:57 98.70 F202 Bjerkreim NOR

21:03 97.60 F201 NRK_P1__ Lyngdal NOR
(William Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 18/12/2007)

Nice to have signals again!
Today 18th Dec
DR E6! 7.10.
TV2 NRK E31. 36. 43.
Nordduetsland 1
Testnetz T-Systems DVB-T Test Int D
Testnetz T-Systems DVB-T Test Service D
Teracom_Mux_3 DR
Digitenne Bel
(Cyril, Norfolk, U.K. - skywaves 19/12/2007)

At 2300z many freq's, pity I can't tell Swed from Norwg. 94.5=94.8=98.7 cl mx
presume NRK-P2, 94.2 light mx Swed? 92.8 unid, 91.8 Nor? 101.4 Swed?
Meanwhile, excitement on 94.9 BBC R4 presume Bressay :-D Will try to upload
some audio files later. (Julian, U.K. - skywaves 19/12/2007)

23:06 93.50 F201 NRK_P1__ Bokn NOR
23:26 103.60 E224 Kisa S
23:29 102.20 E224 Backefors S
23:31 99.40 E203 SR_P3___ Goteborg S
(William Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 19/12/2007)

I guess strong 101.4 is NOR Kanal 24 Gulen, not SR P4.
89.1 = 92.8 = 94.2 light mx pres.NRK P1 Bergen-Forde-Bjerkreim
91.8 pres.NRK P3 Bjerkreim
94.5 = 94.8 = 98.7 cl.mx.pres.NRK P2 Gulen-Bergen-Bjerkreim
88.8 (earlier) pres.NRK P1 Greipstad
93.2 unid
(Julian, U.K. - skywaves 19/12/2007)

23:33 101.90 E224 Goteborg S
23:39 89.10 F201 Bergen NOR
23:52 106.10 F214 Halden NOR
(William Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 18/12/2007)

No Exact carrier measurements todaybecause my soundcard is having a
strop and my hands are killing me, but these might give people an
idea of where to look today.
175.237 NRK-1
183.2396 Unid, Poland or Baltic States
189.2396 Unid, (Who's still on here?)
203.250 Norway or DNK
207.2396 Unid, Poland or Baltic States
207.2604 Unid, Poland or baltic States
215.250 Poland or Baltic States (strongest "R" Channel)
217.2513 , strongest of all the "E" Channels,(audio killed by DAB)
471.2396 Unid
(Tim Bucknall, Congleton, U.K. - skywaves 19/12/2007)

87.6 SR-1, Suspect Simrishamn (300w)
87.7 SR-1, Halmstad
87.9 SR-1, Malmo
88.5 SR-1, Boras
88.9 SR-1, Skovde
89.3 SR-1, Goteborg
89.6 SR-1, Nassjo
90.1 SR-1, Finnveden
91.6 SR-1, Jonkoping
92.7 SR-1, Backefors

The above SR-1 outlets were heard last night when carrying their test
tone. Note the loggings on 89.3 & 92.7 - channels normally blocked by
strong Holme Moss and Sutton Coldfield. The audio of these two spread
to allow the Swedish tone to penetrate through on centre frequency and
25kHz either side. A curious effect.

I had to drive our youngest daughter into Mansfield around 10:30 this
morning, a distance of four miles each way, and I could listen to NOS-2
on 88.0 with RDS and drop-out free all the way! However, the signal
suddenly began to drop out as I arrived back home as the haze was
lifting and blue skies began to appear - the first sign of blue skies we
have had here for at least a week! It's not wonder the Brits are always
complaining about the weather (John Faulkner, U.K. - skywaves 19/12/2007)

88.0 SR-1, Vislanda
90.0 SR-1, Norrkpoing
90.3 SR-1, Uppsala or Karlshamn
(John Faulkner, U.K. - skywaves 19/12/2007)

Inspired by William F Kitching who reported Sweden and Norway and I have heard about the winter high pressure, I checked the FM band this afternoon with a surprising

and pleasing result!
UK Scotland, NL, D and N, DK on several fq's: I wish to report those new to me:
106,1 1117 XFM Scotland, Glasgow
106,4 1118 Kiss 105-108, Mendelsham
106,8 1003 Original 106 tx?
107,0 1410 Talk 107, Edinburgh
no observations in the range 96,0- up - to-morrow!? to-night!?
(Hasse Mattisson, Vaxjo, Sweden - Fm 19/12/2007)

Log from yesterday's tropo:

87.6 NDR 2 Hamburg weak
87.6 probably Classic 21 Leglise, v weak
87.7 prob SR P1 Halmstad, very very weak Scandinavian-soundung talk
87.9 Contact FM Montreuil weak-fair
89.3 Bremen Eins Bremerhaven weak
89.7 WDR 3 Munster xfading with Tacolneston
90.6 WDR 5 Teutoburger Wald
91.1 NDR 1 Niedersachsen Steinkimmen good
92.0 WDR 5 Teutoburger Wald over R3
92.8 NDR 1 Niedersachsen Lingen fair
92.8 Musique 3 Profondeville fair
93.2 WDR 2 Teutoburger over R4
93.8 Bremen Eins Bremen-Walle weak
94.1 WDR 2 Munster xfading with Tacolneston
94.3 unid weak music
94.4 NDR Kultur Steinkimmen stereo
95.1 BBC Norfolk fair/good
95.1 WDR 3 Langenberg xfading above
95.6 Classic 21 Liege weak-fair
97.0 WDR 3 Teutoburger Wald noisy due to 2-Ten co-channel
98.1 NDR 2 Aurich weak
99.2 NDR Kultur Hamburg weak/fair
99.8 NDR 2 Steinkimmen good
100.5 WDR 4 Teutoburger Wald fair/good
100.8 NDR 1 Niedersachsen Stadthagen fair
101.1 Pure FM Wavre
101.2 Q Music Hilversum weak/fair
101.4 SR P4 Horby weak but clear (first-time reception of Sweden via tropo for me)
101.8 DLF Aurich weak to good
101.9 Radio ffn Barsinghausen weak/fair
101.8 Vivacite Tournai fair/stereo (replaced DLF later in the evening)
102.3 Hitradio Antenne Steinkimmen stereo splatter from Smooth
103.8 Hitradio Antenne Barsinghausen weak/fair
105.5 WDR 1Live Teutoburger Wald good
105.7 Hitradio Antenne Steinkimmen fair
106.8 unid, possibly German, weak
107.9 WDR 1Live, Munster, good

Today the tropo to the continent seems to be all but gone, with very vague hints of
life now & then on 100.5 & 107.9, leaving the usual short-range regulars.
(Nick Gilly, U.K. - skywaves 19/12/2007)

Tropo Log for 19 December 2007

Hi All,
Mainly a repeat of yesterday though a couple of new ones and also one

One unknown:
10:09 87.90 E319 Unknown S

06:00 88.00 F201 NRK_P1__ Gulen NOR
06:01 91.80 F203 NRK_P3__ Bjerkreim NOR
06:02 87.80 F201 Hovdefjell NOR
06:05 91.80 F203 NRK_P3__ Bjerkreim NOR
06:06 94.20 F201 NRK_P1__ Bjerkreim NOR
06:07 98.70 F202 NRK_P2__ Bjerkreim NOR

06:08 87.70 E201 SR_P1___ Halmstad S

06:10 96.80 8203 __3FM___ Lopik HOL
06:11 87.60 83D2 Smilde HOL
06:12 101.00 83C6 Smilde HOL
06:13 94.80 8204 RADIO_4_ Smilde HOL
06:14 95.00 8201 RADIO_1_ Wieringermeer
06:15 94.30 8204 Lopik HOL
06:16 92.20 8411 Smilde HOL
06:17 91.80 8201 Smilde HOL
06:18 87.90 841B Goes HOL
06:19 87.70 83D2 Lelystad HOL
06:20 88.00 8202 Smilde HOL

06:21 103.60 E224 Kisa S
06:22 99.40 E203 Goteborg S
06:25 99.40 E203 Goteborg S
06:26 87.90 E201 SR_P1___ Orebro S
06:27 103.60 EF24 SR_Oster Kisa S

06:28 106.10 F214 Halden NOR
06:30 94.20 FE01 NRK_ROGA Bjerkreim NOR
06:32 99.60 F202 Stord/Kattnakken

06:35 99.40 E203 Goteborg S
10:09 87.90 E319 Unknown S
11:44 87.90 E201 SR_P1___ Orebro S
(W. Kitching, Telford, U.K. - skywaves 19/12/2007)

I'm not quite ready to Claim Kaliningrad yet, but i do have a Carrier
on 559.2604 (E32 - 8p)with Deep fades
it was stronger 5 minutes ago

i just caught 607.2917 as it faded out @ 0845
it could be Denmark I Guess, I haven't checked the listing yet
though Denmark isn't particularly noticeable on Band 3
(harmonichy - skywaves 20/12/2007)

Received yesterday in Lund, Sweden:
88.5 BBC R2 Pontop Pike (26dBf)
93.7 BBC R4 Home Moss
95.3 BBC R4 Meldrum (up to 45dBf)
98.9 BBC R1 Holme Moss

Generally huge levels from Germany including:
90.7 Bayern 1 Ochsenkopf (28dBf)

Lots of Berlin frequencies including:
98.2 Radio Paradiso Berlin/Scholzplatz

UHF: MUXes on channels 29 and 40 from Garz/Rugen
VHF: MUX on channel 9 from Hamburg

Slightly lower levels this morning, but levels from Poland are growing.
(Peter Korner, Lund, Sweden - skywaves 20/12/2007)

Norway was predominant to the west of the Pennine hills, with a hint of
Sweden, NDR and north Nederland

87.6 HR-3 Biedenkopf
87.7 SR-P1
87.7v ArrowCR Lelystad
87.9 SR-P1
88.0 SR-P1
88.0v NOS-R2 Smilde
88.8 NRK-P3 Greipstad
89.1 NRK-P2 Bergen
89.6 SR-P1 Nässjö
90.3 SR-P1 Uppsala or Karlshamn
90.3 WDR-5 Nordhelle
90.6 WDR-5 Teut.Wald
91.8 NRK-P1 Bjerkreim
91.8v NOS-R1 Smilde
92.5 unid NRK or SR
92.8 NRK-P1 Førde
92.8 NDR-1 Lingen
93.1 BBC R Scot Meldrum
93.2 WDR-2 Teut.Wald
93.2v Waterstad FM Irnsum
94.2 NRK-P1 Bjerkreim
94.5 NRK-P2 Gulen?
94.8 NRK-P2 Bergen
94.8v NOS-R4 Smilde
94.9 BBC R4 Bressay or Forfar
95.3 BBC R4 Meldrum
98.7 NRK-P2 Bjerkreim -last to fade out!
100.3 unid = 101.4 ~13:00z
100.8 NDR-1ns Stadthagen
101.4 Kanal 24 Gulen
101.5 NRK P3 Halden??
103.7 BBC R NaGael Forfar
104.2 BBC R NaGael Meldrum
104.4 NDR-Kult.Stadthagen
105.7 Hit Rns Steinkimmen
105.9 Hit Rns Osnabrück
107.1 Ger.unid (bah)
(Julian H, Stockport, U.K. - skywaves 20/12/2007)

Tropo to Germany floating around again:

91.1 NDR 1 Niederachsen Steinkimmen
99.8 NDR 2 Steinkimmen
100.5 WDR 4 Teutoburger Wald
107.9 WDR 1Live Teutoburger Wald

noted at present with unstable weak/clear signals.
(Nick Gilly, U.K. - skywaves 20/12/2007)

Some loggings in my car for tonight. Mostly stations from Norway and
It's a bit fogy tonight and maybe that helps a bit...

92,3 NRK P2 Skien,
90,3 NRK P1 Distrikt, Skien
102,5 Kanal 24, Kongsberg
105,2 Kanal 24, Skien
94,8 NRK P1, Halden
101,5 NRK P3, Halden
106,1 P4 Norge, Halden
94,3 DR P3, Odsherred, Skamlebæk
93,3 DR P1, Aalborg, Frejlev
94,4 DR P4 NR, Tolne
89,7 DR P3, Aalborg, Frejlev
91,0 DR P1, Tolne
100,7 DR P2, Tolne
88,7 NRK P1, Oslo
88,2 NRK P1, Skien
104,4 Rix FM, Karlstad
(C Stodberg, Sweden - skywaves 20/12/2007)

17:46 87.90 841B Goes HOL
17:47 88.00 8202 Smilde HOL
17:52 91.80 8201 Smilde HOL
20:08 87.60 D382 Hamburg D
(W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 21/12/2007)

21:08:20 kiss fm stereo 20db
21:08:25 106.4
21:08:45 heart106.2 clear
21:09:27 original stereo over 26db on 106.
21:09:49 virgin on 105.8 clear.
21:10:10 105.4 magic clear
21:10:44 wave 105 in stereo 38db rds as well
21:11:04 104.9 bbc r4 stereo
21:11:29 104.5 bbc scr stereo around 20db
21:11:58 104.2 clear echo so bbc kent
21:12:25 bbc berks on 104.1 stereo trying rds 25db
21:12:52 104.0 scr clear
21:13:02 103.7 pop clear around 20db
21:16:04 102.0 has isle of wight radio again around 16
21:16:47 100.9 wrotham classic stereo rds
21:17:14 100.6 classic clear
21:17:24 100.7 fb cot clear
21:17:47 100.3 at 43db classic rds
21:18:24 103.7 is inter clear
21:21:11 88.7musique beating bbc r2
21:21:49 87.9 pop
V F217 1.000 JN09IP Fun RadioYvetot-Autretot/Le Bout du Haut
(TDF) (76)
still no german yet
(Mark P, Devon, U.K. - skywaves 21/12/2007)

Sweden has now appeared on 87.70 here. Germany on 87.60 has gone. Holland
still immense on 88.00MHz.

The fog has listed a little also.
(W. Kitching, U.K. = skywaves 21/12/2007)

Condx have lifted nicely tonight, tropo from E & NE
87.6 NDR-2 Hamburg
87.7 NDR Flensburg?=89.6=90.3

89.6 NDR-1 Flensburg
90.3 NDR-1 Hamburg
91.7 = 99.9 = 101.3 please advise
92.8 NDR-1 Lingen schlager
93.2 NDR-2 Schl-Holst
94.8h ?
94.8v NOS-4 Smilde
96.8 = 97.5 please advise
96.8v NOS-3 Lopik
100.2 'RSR' Lübeck?
100.8 NDR-1ns Stadthagen
101.3 = 99.9
101.3 Ger 'number one hit show wockend abends'
101.4 unid
105.6 Delta R Flensburg
107.1 DLF Bremen
(Julian H, U.K. - skywaves 21/12/2007)

Thanks Ruud - Denmark seems to continue this clear frosty morning in NW
102.3 = 102.7 DR-P2 cl mx
98.7 Bjerkreim cl mx
93.2 NDR-2 Flensburg
also trying to ID:
88.0 = 94.2
I may need help!
(Julian H, U.K. - skywaves 21/12/2007)

06:30 88.00 F201 Gulen NOR
06:31 87.60 D382 Hamburg D
06:32 88.00 8202 RADIO_2_ Smilde HOL
06:45 87.90 D384 Heide D
06:49 97.50 9902 Næstved-Kobanke DNK
06:55 99.60 9203 Næstved-Kobanke DNK
07:00 103.90 9205 Næstved-Kobanke DNK
07:05 101.60 9204 DR_P2___ Næstved DNK
11:08 91.80 8201 RADIO_1_ Smilde HOL
11:10 92.20 8411 Smilde HOL
11:12 94.30 8204 Lopik HOL
11:14 94.80 8204 Smilde HOL
11:16 95.00 8201 Wieringermeer HOL
11:18 96.80 8203 Lopik HOL
11:20 87.70 83D2 Lelystad HOL
(W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 21/12/2007)

11:50 87.90 841B Goes HOL
12:00 101.00 83C6 A79_Maas Smilde HOL
12:01 103.50 8415 Ugchelen HOL
13:40 90.70 82A8 Lopik HOL
15:26 87.70 E201 Halmstad S
(W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 21/12/2007)
Digital Radio

Фр. Гвиана
TDF DRM missing from last three (nine?) known frequencies,
13860-13865-13870, 15790-15795-15800 and 17870-17875-17880, at 1455 Mon Dec 17,
ditto Dec 18, so I suspect the DRM transmitter is again trying much lower
frequencies in daytime, as now registered and approved for 5050-5055-5060, 24
hours. Nor heard Sat & Sun Dec 15 & 16, but that`s routine (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

9750 DRM, R Prague (via Rampisham), 1340, 12/21/07, English. Surprised to hear a fairly strong DRM signal while bandscanning, hooked up receiver and was able to pull

data stream info and "Radio Prague" ID, but signal too weak/unreliable for actual audio. Listed as 35kW to Europe, Fri/Sat only.
(Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 21/12/2007)
Из принятых на прошедшей и в начале этой недели хотелось бы отметить в первую очередь трансляцию RNW из Bonaire для Северной Америки на частоте 6130

кГц с 5 до 6 часов. Впервые заметил ее в понедельник 17 декабря незадолго до окончания передачи, логфайл записывал на следующий день. Вначале приема

не было совсем, качество сигнала улучшилось, начиная со второй половины часа до уровней 6-8 dB, аудио принять не удалось. Название трансляции -

RNW-English, битрейт 17.38 kbps, mono.

16 декабря принимал трансляцию Немецкой волны на частоте 3995 кГц сначала из Skelton с 16 до 17 часов, потом включился передатчик в Sines. Качество

приема хорошее, после переключения уровень приема вначале снизился на 5-10 dB, но уже через несколько минут достиг прежних значений в 23-28 dB. Я

записал почти четырехчасовой логфайл с CDA 99%.

Наконец-то удалось обнаружить радиостанцию Voice of Russia на частоте 5905 кГц, слышно плохо, сильные помехи от станции на 5900 кГц и, как всегда,

нестабильный сигнал, и то, и другое хорошо просматривается на скриншотах водопада. Еще из принятых - воскресная трансляция религиозной станции BVB с 12

до 12.30 из Wertachtal на частоте 5945 кГц. на этот раз слышно было гораздо лучше, в отличие от приема 11 ноября, CDA 72%. Максимальная частота аудио

сигнала - 8 кГц при битрейте 17.46 kbps.

Еще заметил, что RTL RADIO на 6095 кГц меняет битрейт в течение дня вещания, так, например, в 9 часов он достигал 20.96 kbps при стереосигнале, а в 16

часов его снизили до 14.56 и отключили стереорежим. Максимальная частота аудио при этом соответственно снизилась с 13.5 до 10.5 кГц.
(Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 18/12/2007)
Неофициальное вещание

Alo, Presidente, via Cuba 11875, once again Sunday Dec 16
was colliding with WEWN in Spanish at 1430. The A,P audio feed on 11875 was an
echo apart from // 13750 and 17750. The other usual parallels, 11670 and 13680
were missing this date. Still on 17750, 13750 and 11875 only at 1457 check when
a clip of HCF speech with motto ``Patria, socialismo, o muerte, ?venceremos!``
(This exceeds Fidel, who doesn`t mention socialism, strangely enough.) At 1511,
HCF was apparently on live, reading something from El Universal. Same three
frequencies on at 1539.

By sheer luck, I tuned into RNV CI via Cuba just as they went into a rare and
unpredictable English segment, Monday Dec 17 at 1515 on 11680. It was about
Belarus, Lukashenko`s visit to Anzoategui and how Venezuela and Belarus are
such good friends (authoritarians must stick together); the translation was too
literal and heavily accented, but we appreciate the effort. If only we knew
when to expect English. 1521 back into Spanish with song about ``madera
preciosa`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

Whatever is going on with CVC Zambia.
I still have my doubts that CVC is active from Zambia.

13635 CVC relay,Tashkent 1400 UT (heard earlier)
13650 CVC relay,Wertachtal 1400 UT

9430 CVC 0500-0700 UT is still using the Wertachal,
transmitters,have they moved any to Zambia?
(David Pringle-Wood, Zimbabwe - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

Both 13635 and 13650 were audible to me today (Dec.18) at 1430 tune in.
13635 was slightly ahead of 13650 as described by Glenn. According to the
current DTK (Germany) schedule, 15680 is used by Wertachtal with 125kW at
180deg from 1500 (to 1759) UTC, and I tuned the frequency, and heard it make
a "crash" start into CVC English programming at 1500.

The signal was not very strongly received - neither were the two 13's - but
I made it more or less in sync with 13650, but behind 13635, which is what I
would expect. 13650 (and 13590) were both heard when in testing stage here
at various times, and I believe the situation to be as Glenn describes. Try
15680 - this one is surely from Germany as listed. (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

7540 Dengue Mezopotamya, 18:06-18:09, escuchada el 16 de diciembre en kurdo a locutora con comentarios, se aprecia fuertemente interferida por el servicio en frances

de Kol Israel en 7545, SINPO 43443 (J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

7480 Radio Payam-E Doost, 18:00-18:05, escuchada el 16 de diciembre en farsi, comienza la transmision con musica de sintonia, locutora con presentacion e

identificacion, locutora con comentarios, segmento de musica, ID “..Radio Payam-e Doost ... baryami...”, SINPO 45444
(J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

Hmong Lao Radio produces some amazing and exotic sounds, via
WHRI 11785; Dec 16 until 1427 some tones which I think were originating from a
human voice modulated thru a tube or something. Must be heard to be
appreciated; Sat & Sun 1400-1500 plus Hmong World Christian Radio after 1500
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

17860 West African Democracy Radio, 10:40-10:50, escuchada el 16 de diciembre en frances a locutor con comentarios, cuna de identificacion, segmento de musica

africana, referencias a Senegal, SINPO 55555.(J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

7285 Gospel Radio via IRRS, 18:35-18:40, escuchada el 16 de diciembre en ingles a locutor con sermon religioso, SINPO 54444.
(J.M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/12/2007)

Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction untraced today on both
15390 and 15675 at 1405. Thought this one had been on Tuesdays. Via DX Tuner Sweden
(Hans Johnson, Naples, FL, USA - CumbreDX 18/12/2007)

6030, Voice of Tigray Revolution (tentative), 0404, 12/17/07. Similar program to log of a few weeks ago, one or two male announcers speaking in rapid-fire vernacular, with a

couple of music bridges that sounded sort of vaguely Middle Eastern. Audible on R Marti's Sunday night break. Fading fast and mostly gone by 0420. Language did not

sound like Russian (ie Voice of Russia, which is the only other real possibility listed). Poor in noise and QRM from R Amanecer(!). (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg


Italy?/spur? 6955.12 unIDed on 1948 playing music , and hearing a background from two operators in Spanish . Re-tune on 2010 with pop songs and again QRM from

operators . Station quite better on 2051 with nearly stable signal on S4 . Passed TOH with music without ID , then levels again lowered

Two recordings are available , on 2029 and on 2057 and are on http://zlgr.multiply.com/journal/item/115/
SPAIN /HARM ? 4396 RNE ?? 0510 talks by OM ,mentions of Madrid. Signal S9 44343 . Also 14/2 with ads on 0507 Liangas 13+14
RUSSIA? /BLR? 7105 unIDed 2137 , mentioning " . mezunarodna radyo' , on 2140 `Galoga mira' then talks by OM in Russian 2141 a ballad .Signal S9 44544 Liangas 15
VIETNAM ? 7150 VOV (p) 2145 talks by OM and YL in viet . many mentions on Vietnam S30, 55545 Liangas 15 (Eibi shows via Woofferton _UK)
?? 6676U meteo station 2015 with good signal and sudden stop pn 2016 . Other station on 2020 with very poor signal and a carrier moderately QRMing on +2 kHz

Liangas 15
BRAZIL 4915 R DIF Macapa? 0507 talks by OM S7!!! Liangas 12
PERU 4790 Radio Vision, Chiclayo 0509 discussions S4!! Liangas 12
GABON 4777 RTVG 0510 hilife songs S9! Talks by YL Liangas 12
DJIBOUTI 4780 RTV Djibouti 0511 hilife songs S3!! Liangas 12
USA 5110 WBCQ??? 0513 religious talks about salvation S3 max Liangas 12
ERITREA 5100 Bana , 0514 with nearly faint carrier QRM and possibly time signal S2 Liangas 12
CHINA 5060 XJPBS 1302 talks in Uighur , ID then talks in Chinese by YL S3 33333 Liangas 12
CHINA 5030 CNR 1 1305 adverts S2-3 2xxx2 Liangas 12
INDIA 4895 AIR 1329 OM with fast talks , seem news S6-7 33233 .Mongolian st'n under Liangas 12
INDIA 4860 AIR 1331 talks by YL , Bollywood song S45 Liangas 12
CHINA 4800 CNR 1 (VOC) 1335 adverts , S8 44423 Liangas 12
INDIA 4940 AIR ?? 1429 Hindi songs S5 34433 Liangas 12
NIGERIA 4770 Kaduna 0508 talsk by OM , EG S4 34232 Liangas 14
EQ GUI 5005 RN Bata 0510 with old pops S8 33323 Liangas 14
TAIKISTAN ?? 4970 VoR? 1428 pop songs , holiday from scorpions on 1428 , `lambada' on 1435 jingle bells on 1438 .S5 34232 Liangas 15
USA 6915 EWTN? 2146 with religious talks S9 455333Also same day on 2013 with signal S2 14332 Liangas 15
(Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki, Greece - CumbreDX 17/12/2007)

3329.602 Peru, Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco "..en las music de ?...
Ondas del Huallaga..." into flauta andina, weak with CHU dominant 13
December [Wilkner-FL]

3390.2 Bolivia, Emisoras Camargo, Camargo 0000; 0020 recheck on the
air but troubled by UTE "...Romeo Echo Bravo ..." etc "...checking
in..." Any ideas on this net appreciated 15 December [Wilkner-FL]

4045 usb Key Largo, 1200 to 1205 Small sailing vessel discussing
chances for good weather while venturing to sail to the Bahamas. 13
December [Wilkner-FL]

4045 usb Great Isaac Island, 1210 sailing vessel checking for
information on cold front. 13 December [Wilkner-FL]

4045 usb North Rock 1213 sailing vessel with question on sailing
schedule. Grassy Creek Cays: Six Cays including North Rock and 2
small rocks.
About 8 miles eastward of the southeastern end of Andros Island. 13
December [Wilkner-FL]

4045 usb South Riding Rock at 1215 Sailing Vessel with check in for
sailing safety check 13 December. [Wilkner-FL]

4699.40 Bolivia, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta 1020 to 1050, time check
by locator, heard "...en Bolivia hoy .... secundo de ....." at tune in,
also yl locatora good signal, superior to 4716v Radio Yura, at the
same time 13 December [Wilkner-FL]

5967.80, Bolivia Radio Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni 0955 to 1020 weak,
audible with narrow filter each day. Usual om locator with slow espanol
accompanied by cochannel interference. 13 December [Wilkner-FL]

5996.42 Bolivia, Radio Loyola, Sucre 1006 clear mention of Bolivia at
tune in, and several references to Santa Cruz, 1010 brief music bridge,
another mention of Bolivia. Lost at 1020. 13 December [Wilkner-FL]

11092.5 usb St. Helena , Radio St. Helena 1830 to past 0000 with
varying signal quality, best when directed toward North America of
course. Was fascinated by the signal as the direction changed and the
antenna used here also changed. The medium wave Noise Reducing Antenna
was most consistent, but the 60 meter band dipole also worked well as
did the on the ground antennal. By 2030 signal was steady and readable,
enjoyed the music and announcements.
The Sony 2010XA pulled in the signal well at 2035 to 2040 at the nearby
river DX location. [Wilkner-FL]
(Robert Wilkner, FL, USA - CumbreDX 17/12/2007)

4770 11/12 2135 R. NIGERIA - KADUNA TALK YL E SUFF
4770 16/12 2200 R. NIGERIA - KADUNA ID E SUFF
4930 11/12 2015 VOA - MOEPENG HILL MX E // 4940 SUFF
4940 11/12 2015 VOA - PINHEIRA MX E // 4930 GOOD
4976 11/12 1940 R. UGANDA - KAMPALA MX GOOD
6000 11/12 1910 WYFR - MOSCA TALK REL IT VGOOD
6035 11/12 2000 R. TIRANA - SHIJAK ID NX IT SUFF
11092,5 15/12 1900 R. ST. HELENA- JAMESTOWN MX ID E SUFF
15475 15/12 1640 AFRICA N 1 - MOYABI MX AFRO F GOOD
(Roberto Scaglione, Italy - playdx2003 17/12/2007)

With a stable High Pressure and overcast weather we have hardly got any snow yet this winter here in Skovlunde, but a few stations have passed my ears on the AOR

AR7030PLUS with 28 metres longwire:

3930v *0257-0325 CLA 14-12 R Voice of Kurdistan Kurdish Martial song, talk, jamming started *0300, changed frequency 0318 to 3910 42442 AP-DNK

3985.0 *2035.2045 G 13-12 Voice of Vietnam, via Skelton German talk, music - late start 55555 AP-DNK

4675.11 0445-0528* CLA 11-12 Voice of Free Kurdistan Kurdish talk, mentions website, Kurdish music 44444 - jammer on 4670! AP-DNK

4760 0235-0305 fade out IND 14-12 AIR Leh Hindi/English/Ladakhi Hindi talk // 4840, 0235-0300 English news from Delhi: "All India Radio - Now the news"

while Mumbai continued with music, 0300 Leh local programme of songs 35333 AP-DNK

4840 0055-0130 IND 19-12 AIR Mumbai Hindi/Vernacular talks, reading story, film song 45344 AP-DNK

4910 0125-0225 IND 19-12 AIR Jaipur Sanskrit/Hindi news (// 4950), Bollywood songs and chat 45333 AP-DNK

4950 0125-0135 IND 19-12 R Kashmir, Srinagar Sanskrit news, 0130 own programme in Vernacular, local songs 35333 AP-DNK

N4976 0225-0235 UGA 19-12 R Uganda, Kampala English/Vernacular Very early morning phone-in programme, maybe All Night (?) with announcer mixing

languages like "Good Morning to You" and then continued in Vernacular 34333 AP-DNK

5005.0 2220-2250 GNE 12-12 R National, Bata Spanish spoken by an African, 2239 Afropop 34333 AP-DNK

6055 1830-1900 RUS Mo 17-12 Voice of Russia Swedish news, Russia and the world, two films 55555 // 6175 (55555) and 1494 MW (54554) AP-DNK

9290 1400-1500 LVA Su 16-12 Latvia Today, via Ulbroka English talk and music, but a very noisy transmitter, so talk could not be understood 45332

(Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 19/12/2007)

9830 2001 16/12 R. Jordan, QTH??, OM, AA 35243 RFP

9805 2002 16/12 AWR, via Moosbrunn, OM, relg, FF 45344 RFP

9780 2032 16/12 VOA, via Pinheira, OM/YL, nxs, FF ????? RFP
11975 2002 17/12 VOA, via Pinheira, OM, px musical, música africana variada, EE 45333 RFP

9720 2038 16/12 Rádio Internacional da China, Urumqi, YL/OM, nxs, búlgaro 45344 RFP

9595 2044 16/12 WYFR, via Wertachtal, YL/OM, relg, FF 43343 RFP

9535 2101 16/12 R. Thailand, Bangkok??, YL, nxs, thai 45333 RFP

9425 2112 16/12 AIR National Channel, Bangalore, mx hindu, hindi 45243 RFP

9345 2114 16/12 R. Cairo, Abis, YL,nxs internacionais, FF 45243 RFP

9280 2118 WYFR, via Yunlin, OM, relg, CC 45243 RFP

11715 1932 17/12 BSKSA, Riyadh, OM, recitação do Al Corão, AA 45333 RFP

9330 2240 16/12 R. Damascus, YL, nxs, SS 35233 RFP

9505 2300 16/12 R. Veritas Asia, Palauig-Zambales, OM, relg, indonésio 35233 RFP

7255 0013 16/12 VOA, via Udon Thani, YL em entrevista c/ OM, tibetano 43333 RFP

9825 0104 16/12 R. Marti, Greenville, OM, nxs, SS 35343 RFP

9515 2127 17/12 R. Marumby, Curitiba - PR, OM, relg 45344 RFP

13730 2306 17/12 R. Canadá Internacional, Sackville, OM/YL, nxs, SS 45333 RFP

13760 2312 17/12 R. Havana Cuba, La Habana, OM, nxs, PP 45333 RFP

5985 2108 19/12 AWR, Agat, relg, CC 45243 RFP

15245 0208 19/12 CBS, Taipei, OM, nxs, CC 35233 RFP
(rfp, Brasil - radioescutas 21/12/2007)

2380 BRASIL: R. Educadora, Limeira-SP, PP, 18/12 2257 (sinal fantástico!).
OM: px religioso, leitura da Bíblia (epístola aos Romanos, capítulo 8),
pregação, 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

3250 HONDURAS (tent.): R. Luz y Vida, San Luis, SS, 18/12 2239. YL: canção
cristã, OM: pregação religiosa, 25222 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

3255 BRASIL: R. Educadora 6 de agosto, Xapuri-AC, PP, 19/12 0017. Mx
brasileira, Locutor: comunicação com ‘o pessoal de Xapuri’, oferecimento
musical, 25432 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

3310 BOLIVIA: R. Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, Quechua, 18/12 2245. OM: talks
(idioma difícil de ser entendido), 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

3320 AFRICA DO SUL: R. Sonder Grense, via Meyerton, Afrikaans, 18/12 2135.
OM: talks, entrevista (QRM 3325 R. Mundial SP), 33543 (Rudolf Grimm,
Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

3396 ZIMBABWE (tent.): R. Zimbabwe, Gweru, Ver, 18/12 2251. Seqüência de
canções africanas (tradicionais músicas sempre acompanhadas de orquestração
com ênfase ao acordeão. OM: id (?), 25422 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

3325 BRASIL: R. Mundial, São Paulo-SP, PP, 18/12 2025. Px ‘Escola de
mistérios’, id: ‘R. Mundial, 660 kHz, onda médias, FM 95.7, São Paulo’,
45544 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

3915 SINGAPURA: BBC, via Kranji, Indonesian, 18/12 2200. OM/YL: boletim de
nx (?), ‘Africa, Pakistan, George Bush...’, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP,

3925 JAPÃO: R. Nikkei, Tokyo, JJ, 18/12 2153. YL: talks no estilo
tradicional japonês, 25542 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

3950 CHINA: Xinjiang People’s BC, Urumqi, Ch 19/12 0124. OM/YL: sucessivos
talks, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

3975 HUNGRIA: R. Budapest, Jaszbereny, Hu, 18/12 2146. OM/YL: talks,
entrevista, 25542 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

3950 CHINA: Xinjiang People’s BC, Urumqi, Uighur, 19/12 0130. YL: talks, mx
chinesa (// 4330), 35553 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4409 BOLIVIA: R. Eco, Reyes, SS, 18/12 2307. OM: canção romântica, OM:
‘...usteds estan sintonizando, ...., Radio Eco, Reyes...’, time checking,
OM: talks, 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4460 CHINA: Central People’s BS, Beijing, Ch, 18/12 2209. YL/OM: talks, mx
instrumental chinesa, advs (?), 25442 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4545 BOLIVIA: R. Virgen de los Remedios, Tupiza, SS, 18/12 2302. Px
religioso, aparente transmissão de uma missa, OM: ‘... Maria, Jesus,
Redentor, Virgen Maria, Redentora, ...’ 35333 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP,

4557 CORÉIA DO NORTE (tent.): KCBS, via Korean National Democratic Front
(KNDF), Haeju, 18/12 2214. OM: talks (idioma bastante difícil de
compreender), QRM: CW, 24332 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4635 TAJIQUISTÃO: R. Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajik, 18/12 2312. OM/YL: talks,
YL: nx ?, aparentemente um boletim de nx, 25432 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP,

4685 à 4720: Sinais de radio-bóias (os mesmos sinais verificados há algumas
semanas entre 4795 e 4810 kHz), 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4746 PERU: R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, SS, 18/12 2317. YL: talks, TC, ‘Huanta’,
35333 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4775 BRASIL: R. Congonhas, Congonhas-MG, PP, 18/12 2006. Oração da
Ave-Maria, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4845 MAURITANIA: R. Mauritania, Nouakchott, AA, 18/12 2220. OM: talks,
entrevista (phone-in), ‘Arab...’, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4855 PERU: R. La Hora, Cusco, SS, 18/12 2322. OM: talks, avisos, ‘... pueblo
peruano...’, nx locais, 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4860 EQUADOR (tent.): R. Federacion, Sucúa, ??, 18/12 2327. OM: talks,
entrevista, 15421 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4905 CHINA: Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tib, 18/12 2226. OM: talks, canção em
tibetano (?) acompanhada de mx Techno (???), // 4920), 35543 (Rudolf Grimm,
Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4925 BRASIL: R. Educação Rural, Tefé-AM, PP, 18/12 2333. OM: talks, advs,
informações sobre o município de Tefé, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP,

4930 BOTSWANA: VoA, via Selebi-Phikwe, EE, 18/12 2012. Mx Africana em idioma
desconhecido (tambores, ritmos africanos…), OM: talks, ‘... Black music of
Zambia,...., Voice of America’, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4940 VENEZUELA (tent.): R. Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho, SS, 18/12 2339. Canção
romântica acompanhada com flauta e violão, YL: talks, nova canção romântica,
YL: ‘la Palabra de Diós’, canção estilo pop rock, 25422 (Rudolf Grimm,
Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4965 ZAMBIA: The Voice, Lusaka, EE, 18/12 2232. YL: talks, mx instrumental,
OM: ‘you are listening The Voice’, mx cristã (QRM 4975 Nossa voz, px IPDA),
34443 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

4985 BRASIL: R. Brasil Central, Goiania-GO, PP, 18/12 2035. Mx brasileira,
advs lojas de Goiânia e região, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

5005 GUINE EQUATORIAL: R. Nacional, Bata, SS, 18/12 2029. Mx estilo
africano, OM: talks, 25432 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

5045 BRASIL: R. Guarujá FM, 104.1 MHz, via ondas curtas, Guarujá-SP, PP,
18/12 2018. Mx dupla sertaneja, OM: ‘programa Rodeio 104’, 45554 (Rudolf
Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

5460 PERU (tent.): La Voz de Bolivar, Bolivar, SS, 19/12 0142. Mx andina
(flauta, acompanhada de outros instrumentos), YL: canção romântica, OM:
talks (fala muito rápida), 25542 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

11765 TAIWAN: Sound of Hope, via Tanshui, Ch, 18/12 1638. OM: talks. Parecia ser uma apresentação de uma peça de teatro, vários OM rindo, outros chorando
e um OM parecendo fazer leitura de um texto básico sobre o apresentado. QRM jamming tradicional sobre o que já estamos acostumados, 34433
(Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

11805 BRASIL: R. Globo, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, PP, 18/12 1643. OM: talks sobre novelas de televisão do passado, ênfase a ‘A cor de tua pele’ da TV Tupi,
curiosamente com o famoso ‘plim-plim’ da Globo para o ouvinte reconhecer que a emissora era ‘Globo’, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

11890 AFRICA DO SUL: R. Okapi, via Meyerton, FF, 18/12 1649. OM: talks, id ‘Radio Okapi’, YL: talks, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil).

11960 MALI (tent.): RTV Du Mali, Bamako, FF, 18/12 1654. OM: talks, nx e comentários, 25542 (Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 21/12/2007)

4.845 khz - Mauritânia. Radio Mauritãnia. Comentários em francês. 20/12/07, entre 17:10 e 17:20 UTC.Sinpo: 22222.

13.570 khz -USA. Radio WINB, Red Lion/Pensilvânia. Apresentação de musicas country 20/12/07, entre 17:20 e 17:30 UTC.Sinpo: 23222.

13.760 khz -Cuba. Radio Havana. Noticiário sobre o aprisionamento de quatro cubanos, pelos Estados Unidos, acusados de espionagem.20/12/07,
entre 17:30 e 17:35 UTC.Sinpo: 44444.

13.845 khz -USA. Radio WWCR, Nashville. Pregação religiosa em Inglês sobre o amor de Deus.20/12/07, entre 17:35 e 17:40 UTC. Sinpo: 34333.

11.925 khz -Brasil. Radio Bandeirantes, São Paulo. Programa na Geral. 20/12/07, entre 17:40 e 17:45 UTC.Sinpo: 45444.

11.785 khz -Brasil. Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre. Comentários sobre as pesquisas eleitorais e seus resultados nas urnas com o Diretor do
IBOPE, no Rio Grande do Sul. 20/12/07, entre 17:34 e 17:55 UTC. Sinpo: 45444.

9.745 khz -Equador. HCJB a Vóz dos Andes. Identificação da emissora. 20/12/07, as 18:00 UTC Sinpo: 34333
(Rudolf Grimm, Ibiuna-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 21/12/2007)

some logs from the night of St. Helena which had good conditions also on frequencies other than 11092.5 kHz:

3900 kHz, 15 Dec 2007, 2320 UTC, PBS Hulun Buir (from the northernmost end of China) heard with SINPO 34322 with Mandarin talk programme. From midnight UTC,

utility chirps presumably from the HFDL station Reykjavik, Iceland, disturbed reception.

3560.05 kHz, 15 Dec 2007, 2317 UTC, Voice of Korea feeder, heard for the first time ever, in Korean parallel to 7570 and 9975. Talk, with SINPO 34332.

3925 kHz, 15 Dec 2007, 2230 UTC, Radio Nikkei 1 (Japan) heard with radio play until fade-out around 2300. SINPO initially 24322. Radio Nikkei 2 signed on at 2300 on

3945 kHz, but only the carrier could be detected, similar strength to that of 3925, but no audio any more due to sunrise in Japan.

11870 kHz, 15 Dec 2007, 2156 UTC, Dr Gene Scott (Costa Rica) with the usual sermon, SINPO 24432.

11814.97 kHz, 15 Dec 2007, 2153 UTC, Radio Brasil Central with pop music parallel to 4985 kHz. SINPO 34433; on 4985 23322.

11780 kHz, 15 Dec 2007, 2142 UTC, Radio Nacional Amazonia (Brasil), with talk in portuguese, mentioning "Radio Nacional". SINPO 34422.

11784.65 kHz, 15 Dec 2007, 2130 kHz, Radio Guaiba (Brasil), with talk in portuguese, SINPO 14421.

11675 kHz, 15 Dec 2007, 2122 UTC, BBC via Greenville, USA, with report in English, SINPO 23422
(Eike Bierwirth, Mainz, Germany - hard-core-dx 21/12/2007)

4775 SWAZILANDIA: Trans World Radio, via Manzini, GG, 21/12 0406.
Programação evangélica, canção por coral, OM: mensagem bíblica, outra canção
por um coral (um bom sinal nas madrugadas), 45444 (Rudolf Grimm, São
Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

4780 DJIBOUTI: R. Djibouti, Djibouti, AA, 21/12 0306. OM: comunicação em tom
de discurso (político ?), 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

4828 ZIMBABWE: Voice of Zimbabwe, Gweru, vernacular, 21/12 0312. Canções em
estilo africano (havia ouvido esta emissora em 3396 dois dias antes em
Ibiuna, e o estilo da programação não difere entre as duas freqüências), OM:
talks, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

4915 BRASIL: R. Difusora, Macapá-AP, PP, 21/12 0324. Mx brasileira, time
checking, ‘Difusora AM’, 35333 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

5950 YEMEN (tent.): Republic of Yemen Radio, San’ã, AA, 21/12 0421, YL:
cântico em AA, OM: talks (numa comunicação mais ‘agressiva’ que uma locução
comum), QRM Radio Taiwan International 5950, 23332 (Rudolf Grimm, São
Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

5965 BRASIL: R. TransMundial, via Santa Maria-RS, PP, 21/12 0426. OM:
curiosidades sobre a mata atlântica, canção cristã, 45433 (Rudolf Grimm, São
Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

5980 MARROCOS: RTV Marocaine, Briech, AA, 21/12 0410. OM: talks, entrevista,
‘Syria...’, 45333 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

6145 AFRICA DO SUL: BBC, via Meyerton, PP, 21/12 0434. OM: boletim de nx:
Africa, Assembléia dos Países da ONU, força norte-americana, ‘você está
ouvindo as notícias da BBC’, 45444 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

6335 IRAQUE: Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, Salah al Din, curdo (?), 21/12 0444.
YL: talks, mx tocada com uma espécie de flauta e tamborins (ritmo bastante
diferente das músicas árabes habitualmente ouvidas). O idioma usado pela YL
mostrou diferenças na pronúncia do árabe tradicional, o que me faz crer que
seja mesmo o idioma curdo. Por dados levantados, a freqüência de 6335 kHz é
ocupada apenas por esta emissora, portanto, livre de interferências de
outras emissoras, um sinal claro aqui pelo sudeste do Brasil, 35443
(Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 21/12/2007)

6193.36khz Radio Cusco,Cusco Peru 20/12 2250utc Talks and id weak 22222

9645.21khz Radio Bandeirantes,Sao Paulo Brazil 20/12 2235utc Full id 34443

9665khz Radio Marumby,Florianopolis Brazil 20/12 2241utc About Brazil 33333

9720.03khz Radio Victoria,Lima Peru 20/12 2307utc I.D and talks about the nacional 24333

9565khz Radio Tupi,Curitiba Brazil 20/12 2321utc About the musica and mondial de brazil no id 23332

6035khz LV Guaviare,S.J. ,Guaviare Colombia 21/12 0025utc ID and talks 33333

6134.80khz Radio Santa Cruz,Santa Cruz Bolivia 21/12 0039utc Nice local mx. + id s 23332

6025.08khz Radio Amanecer,Santo Domingo Dominican Rep.21/12 0051utc Sp. talks and typ. mx. + id poor 22222

6047.20khz Radio Santa Rosa,Lima Peru 21/12 0112utc Typ. flute mx. but to matts qrm for id 22222
(Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 21/12/2007)

Logs BCs

14-12-2007 (Ve/Fr)
1502 9955.0 AS WYFR ­ Tainan-TWN ­ RR ­ BN/MB
1507 9825.0 EU MIRAYA FM-IRRS ­ Slovakia ­ EE ­ BN/MB

16-12-2007 (Do/Su)
0734 6209.7 PR R. 48 ­ rock mx ­ IN
0735 6210.0 EU VO GREECE 15630-9420 kHz - IN
0737 6220.0 PR MYSTERY R. - Oldies pop ­ IN/MB
0740 6309.7 PR R. PAARDENKRACHT - mx - IN/BN
0740 6310.8 PR R. LOWLAND ­ EE ­ mx NL ­ SF/BN
0745 6399.9 PR WEEKEND MUSIC R. - EE ­ rock mx ­ SF/BN
0747 6420.7 PR LASER HOT HITS ­ EE ­ mx ­ IN/SF


0804 5815.0 PR ORION R. NL ­ EE/DD ­ SF/MB
0839 5025.0 AM R. REBELDE ­ Cuba ­ SS ­ IN/SF
0850 6290.0 PR R. EAST COAST HOLLAND - Pop 80s ­ IN/MB
1035 6205.0 PR R. BORDERHUNTER ­ EE ­ tk OM ­ IN/MB
1050 6270.8 PR R. DOCTOR TIM ­ EE/GG/SS ­ ids ­ IN/MB
1109 6305.0 PR prob. ANTONIO R. ­ IN/SF
1147 6300.0 PR prob. SALLANDSE BOER ­ IN/SF
1223 6283.6 PR R. ZODIAC ­ EE/DD ­ ids ­ IN/BN
1249 6310.7 PR R. LOWLAND - non stop mx ­ IN/BN

id tnx Dr. Tim¹s Piraten News
id tnx Shortwave Blog

18-12-2007 (Ma/Tu)
1109 7280.0 JM CNR 1 > SOUND OF HOPE-TWN - IN/SF
1114 9530.0 JM CNR 1 > VOA MN (mixed) - SF/BN
1116 9550.0 AM R. HABANA CUBA - SS - tk OM - IN/BN
1119 9600.0 AM R. HABANA CUBA - SS - tk OM - SF/BN
1120 9635.0 OC KTWR - Guam - Vietnamese - SF/BN
1122 9680.0 JM CNR 1 > VOA/RTI MN (all mixed) - IN/SF
1124 9745.0 AS VO KUANGHUA - Taiwan - MN - IN/BN
1125 9780.0 JM CNR 1/RTI MN/YEMEN AA (all mixed) - IN/BN
1133 11590.0 AS RFA - Kuwait - YB (jamming not hrd!) - IN/BN
1136 11785.0 JM CNR 1/FDRAKE > VOA MN - BN/MB
1141 12000.0 AM R. HABANA CUBA - SS - BN/MB
1142 12095.0 AS FEBC - Philippines - Laotian - SF/BN
1145 13590.0 AF CVC ZAMBIA // 13635.0 CVC AUSTRALIA - IN/SF

19-12-2007 (Me/We)
0740 9675.0 AM R. CANCAO NOVA Brasile/BSKSA 1 (mixed) - SF/BN
0743 11965.0 JM CNR 1 > VOA MN SF/BN
0745 11950.0 AS PBS XIZANG - Tibet - MN - IN/SF
0749 11565.0 OC KWHR - Hawaii - EE - IN/BN

20-12-2007 (Gi/Th)
1042 13970.0 JM FDRAKE > Sound of Hope-TWN - SF/MB

21-12-2007 (Ve/Fr)
0705 6300.0 AF RN SAHARAWI - Irregular - SF/BN
0710 6019.5 AM R. VICTORIA - Perù - tk OM - IN/SF
1410 6135.0 AS YEMEN RTV - AA - tk OM - SF/BN
(Luca B. F., Genova, Italy - playdx2003 21/12/2007)

6155.22, 2330-2345 Noted a station here in Spanish comments by male and female talking.
Signal was poor and couldn't hear details well enough, so I am reaching out for help if anyone is
DXing now. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 17/12/2007)

On 17 Dec 2007 noted a rather weak, drifting station (AM-mode)
on about 6917 at 1830. Drifting mainly upwards with some brief
turns back down. Local noise level was high, but I think the language
was African accented French. Enthuastic male voice talking what
sounded like political (if not religious) style. Some short music bridges
(instrumental) but mainly talk. At 1857 the transmitter, then around 6921,
made a sudden hick-up and signal disappeared. I heard a similar drifting
station about
two weeks ago around 6930, but then it was too weak and disappeared soon,
so I didn't pay much attention. Hoping this could be something new from
Chad, Congo or thereabouts. Or then some more common station with
transmitter problem. Worth monitoring.
(Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5195.2 approx. on SSB, a net of some kind Monday Dec 17 at 1430
with an ``HF roll call``, of towns in Texas in alphabetical order, including
Pharr. Most replied with `555`. Wrapping up a few minutes later, several
stations checked out giving W- callsigns including the NCS, sounding like
WQFR277, or maybe WQSR277. No results Googling that. The others were in the
same format. The informal net callsign sounded like ``Cape Guard`` +town or
something phonetically similar. Apparently this is a weekly schedule, but NCS
said due to holidays, next meeting would be sometime in January, members to be
notified by E-mail. No results either searching UDXF postings on 5195, but
someone must know what this is (Glenn Hauser, OK)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6156, causing strong het against German on 6155, the latter
presumably Austria, Dec 18 at 0653. This reminded me of Chuck Bolland`s unID
Spanish on 6155.22 at 2330 Dec 17, but my carrier was very close to 6156.0
(Glenn Hauser, OK)

UNIDENTIFIED. Rapid clicking pulses, presumably Chinese OTH radar, Dec 16 at
1359 found on 6795-6840 and 6540-6590 approx. (Glenn Hauser, OK)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15710, large grinding/bubbling jammer, Cuban style, Dec 17 at
1502 and still at 1536, but against what? Nothing known here, so must be
something new. Again Dec 18 at 1431, still at 1515. Could not detect any signs
of victim underneath (Glenn Hauser, OK, USa - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

9250 NO ID, 22:05-, escuchada el 18 de diciembre con emision de musica arabe, SINPO 45444.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 19/12/2007)

9250 Egyptian Wadi el Nile, 22:05-22:45, escuchada el 18 de diciembre en arabe a locutor con comentarios y emision de musica arabe, el locutor comenta y presenta

cada tema, algunas canciones me recuerdan a las del Marruecos y el Sahara, mujeres con ese sonido caracteristico que hacen con la boca, no he encontrado otra

emision con la misma musica, entiendo “..arabia Islamia..”, a las 22:30 comienza un boletin de noticias, titulares separados de un segmento musical, referencias a

Mubarak, SINPO 45444.

* He chequeado varias frecuencia y he comprobado que no se trata ni de Radio Cairo, ni RTM Rabat, tampoco Radio Kuwait ni La Voz de Turquia, ni VOIRI, esta musica no

me recuerda para nada a La Voz de Africa, tampoco el locutor.

Me apunta Mauno Ritola que se trata de Egyptian Wadi el Nile emision en paralelo por 1107 kHz.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 19/12/2007)

UNIDENTIFIED. Heavy grinding and bubbling jamming continues on 15710, heard as
late as 1913 Dec 18, and also at 1443 Dec 19. I can never hear any sign of the
station being jammed. R. Martí can normally be detected at times on its jammed
frequencies. Since the hours are long, my theory is: a new daytime frequency
for R. República`s low-power transmission from somewhere in Latin America which
we had been hearing for some weeks on 5954.1. Is that still there, anytime
between 22 and 04, also jammed? Either that or the DentroCuban Jamming Command
has found a new clandestine to block (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1387, DX

UNIDENTIFIED. 15710, heavy Cuban-style jamming still going Dec 20 at 1906
check. Target still totally blocked here if there is really anything under it
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA = dxldyg 21/12/2007)

On 18 Dec 2007 was checking how Eritrea comes through
the Ethiopian jamming 1600-1700. On 8000 Eritrea was
jammed by a distorted radio program, which was best
readable on 7999.5 LSB. At times this jammer changed
to a "white-noise mode".
On 7175 jammer was playing afro-pops and at times
western disco music. 7100 was jammed by this same jammer,
which hopped from 7175 to 7100 and back again. Maybe Ethiopia
was short of jammers at this time block.
Sounded like Eritrean program was in parallel on all three frequencies.
(Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 19/12/2007)

On 18 Dec as I reported, the jamming "distorted radio program"
was only on 8000. Both 7100 and 7175 were jammed by continuous
music as I described.
Today, 19th, when checking (ahh, it was 16-17 UT) all 7100, 7175 and
8000 were covered by a music station. In addition, same African music
was at the time of check also on 7185.
I wonder why BBCM hasn't mentioned 8000 for the Eritrean transmissions
jammed. This has been on for weeks, sometimes hopping up and down,
sometimes staying on 8000 steadily. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 19/12/2007)

1622,00 1512 2315 unid, D, schlager girl 24322
1645,00 1512 2253 R.Barones, D; Mr Rock and roll, Ids, greets to Mi Amigo, Euromast, Elektron 24322
1655,00 1412 2230 R.Barones, E,D, report from Finland, ID, talks Pretenders, Far far away.. 24322
3910,00 1512 2250 WMR,E, rock // 6400 24322
3945,00 1612 2153 WMR,E, talks, reports, rock, ballads // 6400 34343
4025,00 1512 0528 LHH,E, slow song 23311
4025,00 1512 2317 LHH,E, ballad, jingle , rock and roll 24222
5815,00 1612 0813 Orion R, E, Shocking blues: Railman song, I wish you a merry xmas,Good morning,reports 24432
6205,00 1612 0958 R.Borderhunter, E,D, ID, Xmas jingle, greets, pops, reports received Words don't come easy 24322
6220,00 1512 2305 Mystery R, pops, disco dance, jingle ID 24432
6235,00 1412 2200 KBC,E, Wolfman Jack show, rock, , Watussi, Come on baby, Rolling Stone, Locomotion.. 34443
6235,00 1512 2240 KBC+R.Mi Amigo, E, Tina Turner, Ids, rock and rollo, BRI promo, K-po, ID, qth Ede 35543
6280,00 1612 1010 R.Devalon,E, ballad, ID 24311
6310,00 1512 1533 R.Alice, D,E; hello amateurs, Johnny Reggae, schlager pops ID, 24322
6310,00 1612 0754 R.Paardenkracht?,D, schlager, Gipsy Kings 24322
6310,00 1612 0957 R.Scotland Int, D,E, talks, dance, ID, closing down at 1008 24322
6400,00 1512 2250 WMR,E, rock // 3910 24432
6400,00 1612 0808 WMR,E, promos,R. Caroline history 24432
6400,00 1612 2153 WME,E, talks, reports, rock, ballads // 3945 24222

11092,50 1512 1730 R.St.Helena,E, ID, greets, Elvis Presley, also at 1900, and 2055, and2125 USB 24322
(Silveri Gomez, Fraga, Spain - playdx2003 21/12/2007)

06789.0 212: Unid 1649 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

06881.5 77004: Unid 2118 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

06881.5 2237: Unid 2120 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

06789.0 3333: Unid 2121 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

10390.0 24111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2128 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-12-16) (sw)

05575.0 8111: Unid 2128 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

06789.0 1542: Unid 2134 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

10390.0 22054: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2136 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-12-16) (sw)

08600.0 22141: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2136 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-12-16) (sw)

06881.5 0011: Unid 2136 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

06881.5 5000: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2140 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

06902.5 5000: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2140 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

05575.0 5000: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2141 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

10390.0 24191: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2143 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-12-16) (sw)

06881.5 2225: Unid 2144 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

06881.5 52119: Unid 2154 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

10390.0 25141: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2156 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-12-16) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 17/12/2007)

01925.0 IPL livorno 0524 USB ita "avis de tempete au large de la sicile...

02053.0 liaison maritime? 0526 USB pol? donnees chiffrees 17dec07

02182.0 SPS witowo pol 0531 USB pol "securite" ...17dec07

02337.9 unid 0534 ? shift150 17dec07

02720.0 SPS witowo 0537 USB pol yl naws 17dec07

02737.0 unid 0543 ? 17dec07

02776.0 unid 0545 CW tfc crypte? 17dec07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 17/12/2007)

02903.4 unid 0553 150/400? 17dec07

02950.0 pirates? 0556 LSB slave d/x 17dec07

03333.0 unid mil? 0559 ALE USB no joy...17dec07

03340.0 unid mil? 0608 81-81? /40.5/740 17dec07

03347.0 pirates? 0611 USB ita d/x 17dec07

03455.0 KEA5 new york atc 0615 USB faible 17dec07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 17/12/2007)

04721.0 ICZ usn napoli 0701 ALE USB snd 17dec07
04363.0 3AC4 monaco 0933 USB fr wx previsions /zones :altair,charcot..."mer grosse..." 17dec07
04426.0 NMN? uscg 0936 USB eng wx previsions 17dec07
04094.0 unid 0941 ?? sig large & puissant 17dec07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 17/12/2007)

04325.0 unid mil? 0948 50/850 17dec07
04339.0 unid 0951 50/850 17dec07
04347.0 SAB 0953 GW-FSK entendu 17dec07
04555.2 gcg cuxhaven 0954 ARQ all naws & wx 17dec07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 17/12/2007)

10375.0 ZAWIA GMRA lybie 1009 ALE USB to HQ3 17dec07
10375.0 GHA lybie 1024 ALE USB to HQ3 17dec07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 17/12/2007)

08600.0 22041: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1631 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-12-16) (sw)

06881.5 1706: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1646 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

06789.0 1577: Unid 1648 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

08600.0 6041: Unid 1653 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

08600.0 6047: Unid 1658 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-16) (sw)

11500.0 KR13: Unid 0951 ALE/USB clg KR15 (2007-12-17) (sw)

18480.0 OLX69 Cze-Mfa embassy, Cairo, Egy 1116 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-17(

20759.0 055: Unid 1125 ALE/USB sndg.(2007-12-17( (sw)

09080.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers, Alg 1130 ALE/USB clg TNS Tunis, Tun
(2007-12-17( (sw)

18194.0 892: Unid 1133 ALE/USB sndg.(2007-12-17( (sw)

14731.0 055: Unid 1147 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-17( (sw)

06860.0 CS001: Mkd-Mil 1327 ALE/USB clg RS004 (2007-12-17( (sw)

05410.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 1344 ALE/USB clg RS0017 (2007-12-17( (sw)

06850.0 2BT: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 1420 ALE/USB clg 4BR (2007-12-17( (sw)

09070.0 055: Unid 1423 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-17( (sw)

04750.0 2525: Unid 1440 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-17( (sw)
(SAm, U.K. - udxf 17/12/2007)

08541.7 Unid: 0103 STANAG 4285. Strong signal here-prob French
Navy/Canforce. ((RP3))

08565.3 Unid: 0117 RTTY 75/850 encrypted. Partially blocked by fading
STANAG 4285 signal on 08565.5. ((RP3))

08696.7 Unid: 0126 STANAG 4285. Strong signal here-prob French
Navy/Canforce. ((RP3))

8912.0 707 (USCG HC-130H #1707, CGAS Clearwater): 1319 USB/ALE
sounding. ((RP3))

08912.0 D44 (US Customs P-3 AEW&C #N144CS/BuNo 153446, Corpus Christi
AMB, TX): 1326 USB/ALE sounding. ((RP3))

08912.0 LNT (Camslant Chesapeake): 1337 USB/ALE calling 501 (USCG HC-
130H #1501, CGAS Elizabeth City). ((RP3))

08912.0 LNT (Camslant): 1405 USB/ALE calling J03 (USCG MH-60J #6003
CGAS Elizabeth City). ((RP3))

08912.0 J34 (USCG MH-60J #6034 CGAS Clearwater): 1409 USB/ALE
sounding. ((RP3))

08912.0 LNT (Camslant): 1414 Calling J09 (USCG MH-60J #6009 CGAS
Elizabeth City). ((RP3))

08912.0 J23 (USCG HH-60J #6023 ATC Mobile): 1442 USB/ALE sounding.

08912.0 TSC (Technical Service Center and COTHEN Remote Transmitter,
Orlando, FL) & TRC (COTHEN Remote Communications Console): 1455
USB/ALE calling MV2 (Unknown Land Mobile Unit). ((RP3))

08912.0 T9A (US Customs PIPER PA-42-720R #N9279A, Jacksonville, FL
AMB): 1458 USB/ALE sounding. ((RP3))

08912.0 TSC (Technical Service Center and COTHEN Remote Transmitter,
Orlando, FL): 1512 USB/ALE calling 706 (USCG HC-130H #1706, CGAS
Clearwater). ((RP3))

10242.0 711 (USCG HC-130H #1711, CGAS Elizabeth City): 1640 USB/ALE
sounding. ((RP3))

08181.5 T1126 (1st Battalion - 126th Aviation Regiment, Rhode Island
Army National Guard (RIARNG): 1728 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on
12168.0 USB. ((RP3))

06985.0 T12 (12th Aviation Battalion, MDC, Davison AAF/Ft Belvoir,
VA): 1817 USB/ALE sounding. Also sounding on 07361.5 USB. ((RP3))

06985.0 T5B159 ("B" Co. 5th/159th Aviation Battalion, Fort Eustis,
Va): 1837 USB/ALE sounding. ((RP3))
(Ron, MA, USA - udxf 18/12/2007)

5195.2 approx. on SSB, a net of some kind Monday Dec 17
at 1430 with an ``HF roll call``, of towns in Texas in alphabetical
order, including Pharr. Most replied with `555`. Wrapping up a few
minutes later, several stations checked out giving W- callsigns
including the NCS, sounding like WQFR277, or maybe WQSR277. No results
Googling that. The others were in the same format. The informal net
callsign sounded like ``Cape Guard`` +town or something phonetically
similar. Apparently this is a weekly schedule, but NCS said due to
holidays, next meeting would be sometime in January, members to be
notified by E-mail. No results either searching UDXF postings on 5195,
but someone must know what this is (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 18/12/2007)

05732.0 LNT (Camslant Chesapeake): 0327 USB/ALE calling J39 (USCG MH-
60J #6039 CGAS Clearwater). ((RP3))

05732.0 OPB (OPBAT Service Center, Nassau, Bahamas): 0329 USB/ALE
calling J12 (USCG MH-60J #6012 CGAS Clearwater). ((RP3))

08912.0 T9A (US Customs PIPER PA-42-720R #N9279A, Jacksonville, FL
AMB): 1339 USB/ALE sounding. ((RP3))

08912.0 LNT (Camslant): 1345 USB/ALE calling J36 (USCG MH-60J #6036
CGAS Elizabeth City). ((RP3))

08912.0 718 (USCG HC-130H #1718, CGAS Sacramento): 1351 USB/ALE
sounding. ((RP3))

08912.0 LNT (Camslant): 1518 USB/ALE calling J10 (USCG HH-60J #6010
CGAS Kodiak). ((RP3))

08912.0 LNT (Camslant): 1541 USB/ALE calling 711 (USCG HC-130H #1711,
CGAS Elizabeth City). (RP3))

08912.0 LNT (Camslant): 1554 USB/ALE calling J09 (USCG MH-60J #6009
CGAS Elizabeth City). ((RP3))
(Rom, MA, USA - udxf 19/12/2007)

06860.0 7112: Unid 1724 ALE/USB clg 7111 (2007/12/18) (sw)

06583.0 AR2: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 1730 ALE/USB clg 1BR (2007/12/18) (sw)

06812.0 437815: Unid 1546 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/19) (sw)

06881.5 1050: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1606 ALE/USB clg 5111 (2007/12/19) (sw)

06881.5 1919: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1606 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/19) (sw)

06820.0 OMEGA10RS1702P: Uzb-Mil 1609 ALE/USB clg OMEGA70RS1702P (2007/12/19)

08600.0 13151: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1616 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-12-19) (sw)

06450.0 MESSINA: Ita-Gd. di Finanza 1623 ALE/USB clg NIOI Gd. di Finanza vsl
"G112 Nioi" (2007/12/19) (sw)

06583.0 SJS: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 1626 ALE/USB clg 1BR (2007/12/19) (sw)

06902.5 1918: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1629 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2007/12/19) (sw)

06881.5 1912: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1630 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/19) (sw)

06583.0 KB1: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 1639 ALE/USB clg 4BR (2007/12/19) (sw)

06789.0 1506: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1645 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/19) (sw)

06583.0 KBT: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 1654 ALE/USB clg 2BR (2007/12/19) (sw)

05250.0 5882: Unid 1655 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/19) (sw)

06583.0 KB1: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 1656 ALE/USB clg ART (2007/12/19) (sw)

06583.0 KBT: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 1708 ALE/USB clg BRN (2007/12/19) (sw)

06902.5 5566: Unid 1711 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/19) (sw)

06902.5 4400: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1725 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2007/12/19) (sw)

06583.0 8GS: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 1727 ALE/USB clg KBT (2007/12/19) (sw)

06583.0 KBT: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 1727 ALE/USB clg 8GS (2007/12/19) (sw)

06583.0 8GS: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 1734 ALE/USB clg BRN (2007/12/19) (sw)

06881.5 1050: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1752 ALE/USB clg 1101 (2007/12/19) (sw)

06902.5 8802: Unid 1759 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/19) (sw)

06583.0 KB1: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 1802 ALE/USB clg AR2 (2007/12/19) (sw)

06902.5 1410: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1815 ALE/USB clg 4024 (2007/12/19) (sw)

06881.5 4024: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1815 ALE/USB clg 1101 (2007/12/19) (sw)

08045.0 RFP: Unid (pos Saudi net) 1829 ALE/USB clg JCI (2007/12/19) (sw)

06881.5 77004: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1900 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2007/12/19) (sw)

06902.5 1050: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1909 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2007/12/19) (sw)

06881.5 5500: Unid 1940 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/19) (sw)

06881.5 52119: Unid 1956 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/19) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 19/12/2007)

02321.0 pirates ?2042 USB pol d/x 19dec07

02845.0 unid mil? 2047 40.5 /200 81-81 19dec07

03118.0 pecheurs? 2049 USB eng d/x 19dec07

03480.0 pecheurs 2051 USB fr d/x 19dec07

04910.0 RFI armee saoudienne 2059 ALE USB to JCI 19dec07

04855.0 13011 protection civile maroc 2102 ALE USB snd 19dec07

06524.2 8601 6701 kbr inc irak 2105 ALE USB snd 19dec07

07045.0 SJS georgie? 2107 ALE USB to RM3 1BR 19dec07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 20/12/2007)

06770.0 R5N: prb R&S 1500 USB/ALE clg KPH1 (19/DEC/07) (KK)
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 20/12/2007)

04945.0 unid mil? 0603 USB rus appels brefs "j'ecoute..." 20dec07
04390.0 UIW kaliningrad? 0608 USB rus yl 20dec07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 20/12/2007)

06860.0 7115: Unid 2029 ALE/USB clg 7111 (2007-12-19) (sw)

06881.5 1200: Unid (poss Egyptian Border guard net) 2039 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-12-19) (sw)

06902.5 1474: Unid (Arab Voice net) 2046 ALE/USB sndg. (2007/12/19) (sw)

08950.0 9850: Unid (Turkish net) 2048 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-19) (sw)

06921.0 DD1: Isr-Af 1418 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

07868.0 2016: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1431 ALE/USB clg
2014 (2007-12-20) (sw)

06450.0 GAETA: Ita-Gd. di Finanza 1451 ALE/USB clg PRACTICA01 (2007/12/20)

10160.0 2016: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1454 ALE/USB clg
1020 (2007-12-20) (sw)

06778.0 2016: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1459 ALE/USB clg
1020 (2007-12-20) (sw)

06850.0 2BT: Geo-Mil 1503 ALE/USB clg 4BR (2007-12-20) (sw)

09070.0 055: Unid 1504 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06450.0 VACCARO: Ita-Gd. di Finanza 1505 ALE/USB clg GAETA (2007/12/20) (sw)

06902.5 1918: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1520 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2007/12/20) (sw)

10390.0 11064: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1521 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-12-20) (sw)

10390.0 22011: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1523 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-12-20) (sw)

06902.5 0102: Unid 1524 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06902.5 5112: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1525 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

10390.0 22141: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1530 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-12-20) (sw)

05575.0 8111: Unid 1531 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06789.0 5112: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1532 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06902.5 5305: Unid 1533 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06881.5 1919: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1535 ALE/USB clg 1474 (2007/12/20) (sw)

06881.5 0011: Unid 1536 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06902.5 0011: Unid 1536 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

05667.7 1919: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1537 ALE/USB clg 1474 (2007/12/20) (sw)

05575.0 1919: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1537 ALE/USB clg 1474 (2007/12/20) (sw)

06881.5 5500: Unid 1542 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06881.5 5502: Unid 1545 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06902.5 1919: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1546 ALE/USB clg 1474 (2007/12/20) (sw)

06902.5 5502: Unid 1546 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06881.5 1511: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1547 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06881.5 212: Unid 1549 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06789.0 212: Unid 1549 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06860.0 6041: Unid 1552 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06902.5 52119: Unid 1553 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

10390.0 10111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1555 ALE/USB clg
1118 (2007-12-20) (sw)

06881.5 52119: Unid 1556 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-12-20) (sw)

06881.5 4400: Unid (Arab Voice net) 1559 ALE/USB clg 1919 (2007/12/20) (sw)

08600.0 24151: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1600 ALE/USB clg
1118 (2007-12-20) (sw)

04518.0 354: Unid 1608 ALE/USB clg 738 (2007-12-20) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 20/12/2007)

03226.0 XSS uk mil 1914 ALE USB snd 20dec07
06524.2 123 kbr inc irak 1926 ALE USB to 2101 20dec07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 20/12/2007)

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