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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 138 часть 1

WorldDX 138
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
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Короткие Волны

4835 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, 2142-2155, 08 Sep, prgr as on // 4910; 54333,
avoidable heterodyne with MLI still on 4835.5. (Goncalves)

4910 VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 2140-2154, 08 Sep, English, Austr. country
songs, chats; 44433. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

2310 ABC Northern Territory, 11:46-11:50, captada el 15 de septiembre via receptor en linea, emision en paralelo por 2325, ingles, emision deportiva, SINPO 34433.
2325 ABC Northern Territory, 11:35-11:45, captada el 15 de septiembre via receptor en linea, AOR AR-7030, ubicado en Wellington, Nueva Zelanda, emision de una

transmision deportiva en ingles, locutor y locutora, SINPO 34333.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 15/09/2007)

4910 ABC/VL8A 0800 Fanfare mx, M anncr, then some sort of jingle, and sports event or replay. //4835 which was slightly weaker. (Valko 16 Sept.)
(Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 16/09/2007)

2485 ABC Northern Territory, 11:04-11:10, captada el 16 de septiembre en inglés a locutor con entrevista a invitado, SINPO 23232.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/09/2007)

2325 AUSTRALIA. ABC via Tennnant Creek, 1231, 9/16/07.
YL presenting nx feature; 2485, Katherine stronger at
S3. Strangely Alice Springs not audible (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007)

R. Tirana, 13750, with usual deep fades into the TVI, but
readable at peaks in between, Sept 13 at 1315. Now has slight QRM from Cuba`s
new 13760, but more QRM from something on 13745, which is supposedly Rwanda,
active only on Fri and Sat until 1315, but this was Thursday. Tirana did not go
off until 1331 after another program had started (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

11710 CRI, 06:05-06:15, captada el 15 de septiembre en ingles, locutor con boletin de noticias, cuna de identificacion, locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 44343
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 15/09/2007)

LRA36 op 15476khz from 1902utc 12/9 ,with nice spanish music ,strong to S point 8 ,and clear audio.On 1920 id (female) and info.
(Maurits, Belgium - hard-core-dx 13/09/2007)

15476, LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, 1950-2010, 12-09. Buena epoca para escuchar esta emisora. Por aqui entra casi todos los dias en estas fechas,

sobre las 2000 horas, aunque con muchas veces con bastante desvanecimiento y luego desaparece la senal. Escuchada con programa musical de canciones en espanol

hasta las 2000 horas, luego identificacion y comentarios por locutora: "LRA 36, Radio Nacional, Arcangel San Gabriel", direccion de correo electronico y comentario sobre

biografia de un profesor, luego mas canciones. A partir de las 2010 la senal se volvio inaudible. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 13/09/2007)

15476 ANTARTIDA ARGENTINA: LRA 36 R. Nacional San Gabriel, Antartida, SS,
12/09 2043. Sequencia de cancoes em SS, locucao por OM. Um bom sinal, porem
um fading incrivel, sumindo por vezes o sinal (sem perda da portadora), e
repentinamente, um sinal de boa qualidade, 35322 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 14/09/2007).

6060 R.Nacional, General Pacheco, 2143-2155, 09 Sep, Spanish, f/ball matches
reports, advertisements; 23431, adj. QRM 6065, then RAI 6060 at 2200.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

17700 Radio Solh, tentativa hoy 13 de septiembre a las 12:00 y a las 13:00 UTC, sin senal, se aprecia unas emisiones irregulares en los ultimos dias, igual estan dos o

tres dias emitiendo y de repente no se les escucha, ?problemas con el transmisor?. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 13/09/2007)

Sept 13 at 1325 good signal with Qur`an on 15680, then
lecture in non-Arabic; 1330 audio cut off in mid-word, but carrier on until
almost 1335. Per Aoki this is R. Free Afghanistan, via Sri Lanka, scheduled in
Pashto until 1330. So the USG is promoting Islam to the exclusion of other
religions? Afghanistan is as we know, destined to become a Korean-Christian
country (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

Voice of Biafra 15665khz ,2005utc many ID s in E. this are the Voice of Biafra,tune via Washington DC,Matters of Intrest program about Nelson Mandella and Nigeria sinpo

full =4 good signal and audio. (Maurits, Belgium - hard-core-dx 16/09/2007)

15260 Radio Huriyo Ogadenia, 16:00-16:05, captada el 15 de septiembre en idioma somalí, locutor con presentación, comentarios, SINPO 33342.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/09/2007)

5025 ORTB, Parakou obs'ed twice during daytime:
1019-..., 10 Sep, Afr. folk tunes; 15341; the carrier was still detectable
at 1300 & 1400.
1420-..., 11 Sep, French (unreadable) talks; 15341.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

4699.4, Radio San Miguel,(pres)1020-1035 Two males in Spanish Language
conversation here. No ID on the half hour as expected while the audio is very weak
anyway. At 1032 a female joins the group. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 10/09/2007)

5952, Emisoras Pio XII, 1103-1115, Surprised to hear this one still readable
this late. Noted a female in normal Spanish language comments. A male joins her
with what sounds like political talk. Mixing with WYFR. Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 10/09/2007)

4762.75, 2345-2357*, presumed R.Chicha, Sep
10, Spanish. 2 OM at t/in. CODAR appears at 2353,
presumed s/off annmt at 2356; heard mention of 'Sud
America'; followed by mx (NA?) until 2357*
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/09/2007).

6079, Radio Cusco (pres), 1048-1100 Plenty of Hets here from nearby signals, but noted initially a female in Spanish comments. Later at 1056, a male joins in with

comments. Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 13/09/2007)

3310 R.Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 2223-..., 07 Sep, Quechua, talks; 23331,
adj. uty. QRM. (Goncalves)

4408.7 R.Eco, Reyes, 2234-2245, 08 Sep, Spanish, ballads; 25332. (Goncalves)

4699.4 R.San Miguel, Riberalta (I wonder whether they cheer up the prgr
helped by a bit of San Miguel beer!...), 2253-2315, 07 Sep, Spanish, talks
abt. local issues, discussion prgr at 2303, songs; 35333; obs'd. on this
same fq. on 13 Aug. (Goncalves)

4716.6 R.Yura, Yura, 2232-2239, 09 Sep, Spanish, Indian songs, ID simply as
"La Voz de los Ayllus"; 35332. (Goncalves)

4796.3 R.Mallku, Uyuni, 2225-..., 09 Sep, Aymara (as listed), talks; 24332,
CODAR QRM. (Goncalves)

5952.4 R.Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2208-2219, 07 Sep, Spanish, talks abt. some
local fair, tunes, interviews; 34433. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

3325 R.Mundial, Sao Paulo SP, 2248-2258, 06 Sep, A Voz do Brasil natl. news
magazine; 35343 but bad at approx. 2300. (Goncalves)

3365 R.Cultura, Araquara SP, 2250-2257, 06 Sep, A Voz do Basil; 25231.

3385 R.Guaruja Paulista, Guaruja SP, 2252-2259, 06 Sep, A Voz do Brasil;
24341. (Goncalves)

4805 R.Dif? do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2250-2305, 07 Sep, ballads; 45333.

4815 R.Dif?, Londrina PR, 2239-2249, 07 Sep, songs, TC, signature tune for
some religious prgr followed by hymns; 34322. (Goncalves)

4825 R.Educadora, Braganca PA, 2235-2246, 07 Sep, pop songs; 44333,
heterodyne with weak PRU stn. 4824.4. It was noted better at 2045 on 08
Sep. (Goncalves)

4845.2 R.Cultura Ondas Tropicais (not "tropicaes" though this is [not too]
old Portuguese!), Manaus AM, 2233-2243, 07 Sep, Latin American songs; 42341,
QRM de MTN. (Goncalves)

4885 R.Club do Para, Belem PA, 0948-f/out 1005, 10 Sep, (unreadable) talks;
155341. Also 2032-2053, 08 Sep, f/ball match rpt. Sao Paulo v Vasco da
Gama; 45343. (Goncalves)

4894.95 R.Novo Tempo (t), Cp? Grande PR, 2219-2228, 09 Sep, talks, hymns;
14331, QRM de MNG. (Goncalves)

4915 R.Dif?, Macapa AP, 2222-2233, 08 Sep, music, ID simply as " Difusora
AM - a nossa voz!", songs from Portuguese speaking Africa; 54433, QRM de B.

4935 R.Capixaba, Vitoria ES, 2204-..., 08 Sep, IPDA preacher, same as on the
B stn on 4974.8; 24331. (Goncalves)

4974.8 R.Mundial (was it?), Osasco SP, 2216-..., 08 Sep, IPDA (religious)
prgr; 15231; or was it R. del Pacicifo, PRU? Same prgr as on 4935
R.Capixaba. (Goncalves)

5035 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2210-2219, 08 Sep, advertisements, f/ball
match rpt. & infos. on other matches & results; 34342; 6135 & 9630 not //.

6010 R.Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2038-2049, 08 Sep, f/ball match
rpt. & comments thereon; 44433. (Goncalves)

6020 R.Gaucha, Pt? Alegre RS, 2206-2214, 06 Sep, info. prgr "Dezanove
Horas", no Voz do Brasil relay at 2200; 23331, adj. QRM but fair signal at
2230. (Goncalves)

6040 R.Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 2208-2218, 06 Sep, A Voz do Brasil
natl. news magazine; 24332, QRM de CHN. (Goncalves)

9515 R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 2117-2128, 10 Sep, feature called Programa
Musical Evangelico"; 43432, QRM de Chinese speaking stn. (Goncalves)

9530 R.Transmundial, St? M? RS, 2120-2133, 08 Sep, interview during
religious prgr; 53433, AC type noise in the carrier; adj. QRM till 2130.

9565 R.Tupi, Curitiba PR, 2212-2219, 09 Sep, religious prgr Voz da
Libertacao with "the one & only" preacher David Miranda...; 35433.

9630 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2119-2132, 10 Sep, truck drivers' prgr "Pe
na Estrada", advertisements, listeners' mail & plenty of music; 54433, adj.
QRM. (Goncalves)

9645.1 R.Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 2214-..., 09 Sep, f/ball matches
reports; 32431, adj. QRM. (Goncalves)

9675 R.Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 2114-2134, 08 Sep, rosary, slogan
"Cancao Nova - um jeito de ser" (which in Lusitanian Portuguese would be
"uma maneira de ser"), religious announcements; 55433. (Goncalves)

9695 R.Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 1417-..., 11 Sep, (unreadable) talks; 13331, adj.
& co-ch. QRM. (Goncalves)

11735 R.Transmundial, St? M? RS, 1315-1324, 10 Sep, religious prgr; 25232.

11784.8 R.Guaiba, Pt? Alegre RS, 2107-2127, 09 Sep, f/ball match rpt. Brazil
v USA, possibly in prgr "Placard Guaiba"; 44433, adj. QRM de B 11780.

11815 R.Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 2110-2130, 09 Sep, talks abt. f/ball
matches in "Show de Bola", advertisements; 54444, co-ch QRM de REE (t).

11815 R.Brasil Central, 1317-1331, 10 Sep, newscast; 25232. (Goncalves)

11915.1 R.Gaucha, Pt? Alegre RS, 2114-2135, 09 Sep, f/ball match rpt. B v
USA; 44433, QRM de ARS. (Goncalves)

11925.2 R.Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 2117-2139, 09 Sep, f/ball match rpt. B
v USA, advertisements, road traffic infos.; 54433. (Goncalves)

11925 R.Bandeirantes, 1322-1334, 10 Sep, news bulletin; 24231.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

Буркина Фасо
7230 R.Burkina, Ouagadougou, 1251-1326, 10 Sep, French, Afr. pops prgr, song, IS, "Journal, 2eme. edition", at 1300; 45344.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

15570 07/09 1825 Radio Vaticano, Santa Maria de Galeria, emissao
em portugues para a Africa; informe sobre o trafico de drogas em
Guine Bissau, 45343 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 10/09/2007)

Checking RNV Sunday Sept 9 at 1905 via CUBA: unlike last
week, RNV CI was underway as usual on 15290. Nothing audible on 17705, which
Adan Mur in Paraguay, Conexion Digital, had reported at 1945 in mid-August. I
wonder if the time was an hour off, as 17705 is normally used for the 20-21 UT
transmission. Also, unlike previous weeks, the separate `Alo, Presidente`
service was still running at 1905 on 11670, 11875 and 17750, but not on 13680.
Thus I suspect the 13680 transmitter, if it was really on earlier, did not
check, is the one taken out of that for the regular RNV CI service to start at
1900 on 15290. A double-dose of Bolivarianism. Thank you, Habana! (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

7220, 1146-1201, VO Vietnam, Sep 10, Russian.
YL w/ talks, soundbites w/ translation. Music from
1153, dead-air at 1158. Music and ID at 1200 with
reduced signal strength. Co-channel LSB hams take over
shortly thereafter. Fair/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

15475 Africa N? 1, 16:08-16:15, captada el 15 de septiembre en frances, locutor con entrevista a invitado, locutora con ID y cuna publicitaria de la emisora anunciando

programa musical, musica afro, SINPO 55454. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 15/09/2007)

Chapinas stations are practically local
signals here at dawn, that's 1155, so 4780 Radio
Cultural Coatán seems to be just around the bend,
giving us an S=5. A little weaker there is Radio
Buenas Nuevas 4800 in Spanish/Quiché from San
Sebastián which fades out more easily after 1200.
(Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 16/09/2007)

7125 R.Guinee, Sonfonya, 2220-2229, 06 Sep, French, newscast; weakish audio; 43433, vy. strong splatter de UNID 7115. (Goncalves)
7125 R.Guinee, Sonfonya, 1302-1322, 10 Sep, French, newscast; 35332.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

Noticed DW in // on 17800 and much weaker 17770, Sept 13 at
1335, but a slight reverb between them due to different sites. Per Aoki this is
Hausa, via Rwanda and Portugal, respectively:

17770 DEUTSCHE WELLE 1300-1357 1234567 Hausa 500 150 Sines POR
17800 DEUTSCHE WELLE 1300-1400 1234567 Hausa 250 310 Kigali RRW
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

Доминиканская Респубика
6025, R. Amanecer, Santo Domingo (presumed),
0402-0444* Sept 10, non-stop religious singing, fair-poor. No sign-off
announcement, off in mid-song. When there is a sign-off, it varies a lot
(Sept 7 at 0407*) and as reported by others it's occasionally 24 hrs .
(Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 10/09/2007)

6025.04, 2307-2342, presumed
R.Amanecer Int'l, Sep 10, Spanish. OM w/ religous
sounding talk, battling for dominance w/ co-channel
Iran. Rough copy by BoH w/ Iran taking over the
frequency by t/out. Poor, best listening in LSB.
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

R. Amanecer Internacional was on late again Sept 13, on
6025, noted at 0620 with lite gospel music, 0622 talk in Spanish about sunlight
taking 8 minutes to get here, and then incidence of skin cancer: Adventist
obsession with health matters (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

5915 07/09 036 Zambia NBC Radio 1, Lusaka, musica tipica, 25342
(Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescuas 10/09/2007)

R. Zambia/R. One, 5915, 0228-0255, Sept 10, tuned in to open
carrier, *0240:45 Fish Eagle IS, choral anthem, drums, in vernacular,
poor-fair (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 10/09/2007)

Западная Сахара
R. Nacional de la RASD, 6300, Sept 13 at 0603 with
Qur`an, but sounding quite distinctive from the mainstream Arabic version; 0612
a bit of music, and then a brief lecture; no sign of RHC mixing product tho
6060 and 6180 were both on; perhaps 6060 was too weak to make the leapfrog at
the moment. SINPO 35333 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

4828, ZBC (presumed) 0357-0400:30*, Sept 13, African highlife
music, no sign-off announcement, fair (Ron Howard, CA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

6970 Galei Zahal, 18:41-18:45, captada el 12 de septiembre en idioma hebreo con emision de musica pop local, locutor con comentarios y saludo en hebreo, SINPO 44333
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 12/09/2007)

Log of KOL Israel, Sept 12:
1800-1830 Amharic 11590.05 9344.97
1800-1900 Hebrew 13675.00
1830-1845 Tigris 11590.04 9344.97
1845-1900 Hungarian 11590.04 9344.97
1900-2000 Russian 15639.95 11590.04 9400.00
(W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

Kol Israel: 9345 was heard instead of 9400 at tune in at 2125 UT,
Wed. Sept. 12, and continued to 2300. Blocked Radio Cairo French (2030-2230) on
9345 which could only just be heard underneath. At 2300 continued on 9345 as
per schedule. Same again today Thursday, Sept. 13.

Also 15640 in Hebrew heard after 2000 UT, Tuesday, Sept. 11 parallel with 15615
and 9400. Usually off at 2000 at end of Russian transmission. Someone woke up
at 2024 and switched it off (Bernie O'Shea, Ottawa, Ontario, Sept 13, Canada - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

4910 09/09 0101 AIR, Jaipur, musicas tipicas, locutora com anuncios comerciais, 45222
4920 09/09 0109 AIR, Chennai, locutor em hindu, 25232
(Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 10/09/2007)

4888 AIR Lucknow signed off at 0430 UTC.
(Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India - dx_india 15/09/2007)

11585 INDIA. AIR, 1332, 9/10/07. Sindhi service to
Pakistan viaKhampur. Ethnic vocal poor-fair
(J. Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007).

11785, Voice of Indonesia, 1559-1617, Sept 9, after a strong
WHRI signed off at 1559, heard usual recorded loop of music and ID ("From
Jakarta, you are listening to the Voice of Indonesia"), fair, into
programming in Arabic (reciting from Qur'an, etc.) // 9524.96 (strong)
(Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 10/09/2007)

9525, Voice of Indonesia, 1046-1115 Noted steady pop music from a
good signal as usual here in South-Central Florida. Between tunes, a male in
Indonesian comments. Everything was armchair, even until 1115.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 10/09/2007)

11785 Voz de Indonesia,17:20-17:25, captada el 12 de septiembre con emision constante de la cuna de identificacion en ingles acompanada del mismo segmento musical,

por lo tanto sin servicio en espanol, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

3266.42 RRI Gorontalo 1252-1330 Sep 7. Vocal music, YL ancr;
into Jak relay at 1201 with no SCI; back to local pgm'g at 1320 (music).
Fair at tune-in, weak by 1330. Has been on past 1330 for the past couple
of weeks or more, so apparently a new sked - used to close down around
1230. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 13/09/2007)

INDONESIA - 3325 RRI Palangkaraya 1306-1325+ Sep 10. Presumed with
primitive vocal music, almost African-sounding. Pretty sure this was RRI
rather than North Solomons, but cannot be sure. High band noise this
morning. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 14/09/2007)

INDONESIA - 4920 RRI Biak 1311-1322 Sep 10. Jakarta relay in progress to
1320, then local programming and music. Fair at best. (Wilkins-CO)
(J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 14/09/2007)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 0950-1055, Sept 15, back on the air for
Ramadan. Were they saving their transmitter for Ramadan or have they been
doing repairs/maintenance for the past 9 weeks? Heard in Basha Indonesia,
pop song and ballad, choral anthem, ToH into Ramadan program, brief Islamic
music, two OM in long conversation about Ramadan and Islam, Jakarta phone
numbers given to call or send "SMS" text, on-air phone conversations,
reciting from the Qu'ran. Poor to fair till ToH, due to QRM from CNR-1
(1000*) on 9675. From 1000-1055 was fair-good, then covered by *1055 of
CNR-1 (jamming CBS Taiwan). Unfortunately during Ramadan the Kang Guru Radio
English (KGRE) program here on Wed. & Sun. (1000-1020) is usually preempted.
(Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

4869.93, RRI Wamena, 1135-1145 With a weak signal, noted steady pop music being broadcast.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 15/09/2007)

3325 RRI Palangkaraya 1026 Siren SFX, 1027 deep-voiced M anncr, then Koran from 1027-1033 (that's 5 minutes after sunset). Same M anncr returned after Koran at

1033, but imposs. to copy. Different M anncr, then into mx pgm. Went right over the ToH w/mx. W anncr in definite IN came on at 1103 briefly. Different W anncr, then

mx bridge, and back to original W anncr 1104-1110 (poss. nx). Immediately into Pop song. Some horrible local static noise took over from 1120 and that was the end of

that. Never got really strong and there was no sign of the other station (R. Bougainville??) here this morning. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 16/09/2007)

11690, Radio Jordon, 1405-1600+, Sept 15, English IDs.
Wide variety of US pop music, Arabic pops, techno-pop dance music,
lite instrumental music. Time pips, ID & English news at 1500. Back
to pop music at 1503. News also at 1600. Fair signal but some co-channel
QRM. Must use ECSS-USB to avoid rtty station on low side. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

11690, Radio Jordan, 1420-1500, 22/09/2007, music, talk, fading.
(Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia)

9544.94 odd IRIB Tehran Albanian service noted at 1830-1928 UT,
totally ahead of DWL Sines German to EUR on 9545. \\ Sirjan 9570 kHz.
(W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

6205.91, Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran? 0027-0105*,
Sept 15, Very tentative. Tune-in to lite instrumental music. Announcements
in unidentified language at 0030 & possibly Irana€™s National Anthem
at 0030. Koran at 0031-0035. Talk in unidentified language. Mid-east
type music. Strong signal. No //s found. New Frequency? Or punch-up
error? (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 15/09/2007)
6160.CKZN/CKZU. 0515-0600+. 6/7/9 Sept. CBC magazine format
w/ generic "CBC Radio 1" ID @ 0537 7 Sept., & "CBC Radio news.." @ 06
on 6/7 Sept...no local ID/pgms hrd (splattery 6165 QRM)..hrd both
years ago, but 'ZN hrd closer to their dawn (1000UTC) & 'ZU closer to
my/their local midnight (0800UTC)..i'd guess 'ZU simply cuz
they're 'way closer..but CBU usually IDs @ ToH
(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 10/09/2007)

6030, Calgary - CFVP relaying CKMX (AM 1060), 0445-0505, Sept 10,
the usual clear Monday (Marti and jammer are off), C&W and bluegrass songs,
IDs "Proud to be from Southern Alberta, Classic Country AM 1060" and "The
pride of Southern Alberta, Classic Country AM 1060", mostly fair, briefly
good. Radio ICDI (Central African Republic) still not heard at their *0500.
Earlier heard BBC/Ascension Is. in English till 0359:35*
(Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 10/09/2007)

6030, 0622-0648, presumed CFVP-Calgary, Sep
10, English. Ballads rapidly fading in & out under
QRN. Anncrs at 0629 and presumed ID; could only copy
'..Radio..'. Ballads resume thru t/out. Poor/choppy
under QRN. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/09/2007).

15510 Sep 10 1210-1300 CHN: CNR1. This has been reported by Japanese DXers already for some months. Probably for jamming, but the target is unclear. Also VoR in

Dari and a utility transmission on the same frequency. (Mauno Ritola, Finland - dxldyg 10/09/2007)

7280, 1125-1142, VO the Strait-Fuzhou, Sep 10,
Mandarin. OM and YL w/ interview at t/in. CNR jingle
mx and ID at 1130 followed by newscast, ads/promo, YL
reading some sort of list then ballads at t/out. Good.
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/09/2007).

7270//9750. Nei Menggu PBS. Hohhot. 1022-1028, 10 Sept., Non-CH
lang pgm (listed as Mongolian) w/ CH ID "Nei Menggu renmin guangbo
diantai" @ 1025..9750 slightly cleaner signal, 7270 sounds a bit
overmod.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

7280.VotStrait. Fuzhou. 1155-1200+, 10 Sept..Lively CH pgmming
("capitalist-roaders" have made CH regionals a lot more fun to listen
to), "Haixia zhi sheng g.d." by W after harp bridge & 5+1 pips..vy
slight echo on xmsn..not nearly so pronounced as Xizang-6110
(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

6110. Xizang PBS, Lhasa. 1257-1302, 10 Sept.Vy nice
signal but echo (.5 sec.?) made listening difficult..(p) Tibetan lang.
pgm & piano bridge @ 1259, ID:"Xizang..guangbo diantai..", 5+1 pips
(echo made the pips sound like Morse code..5 "i", 1 "m", hi)..is this 2
xmtrs or LP/SP(yeah, sure)?(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

7270, PBS Nei Menggu (presumed), 1133-1203, Sept 12, with
Mongolian programming, mostly talking, ToH 5 + 1 pips, weak, could not hear
anything of Wai FM via RTM (Malaysia). Heard // 7210 (weak/under QRM) and
9750 (fair-poor, mixing with NHK). Very rare for me to be able to hear Wai
FM under PBS, although I do see reports of them being heard (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

7280, CNR-1, 1206-1211, Sept 12, Chinese programming, strong signal, on top
of a station that might have been in Chinese (Voice of Strait or SoH?). This
is to jam the Sound of Hope, which is scheduled for 1100-1300. Heard // 5030
and 6030 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

4460 CHINA. CNR1, 1110, 9/15/07. Listed station was
weak with vocal mx in Mandarin language (Strawman-IA).

7165 CHINA. PBS Nei Menggu, Hohhot, 1254, 9/15/07.
Presumed station with extended chatter between OM &
YL. Peaking S5 butfading by 1259 (Strawman-IA).
(J. Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007)

5910 R.Marfil Estereo via La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 2224-2238, 06
Sep, Spanish, light songs & local "country" music; IDs; 44332, RTTY marker
QRM. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

6009.5 LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 0819-0850, 07 Sep, Spanish, religious prgr; 35343.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

6215, Korean numbers station (presumed), 1607, Sept 9, YL with
list of numbers, fair. Probably the same station as reported last year by
Jari Savolainen (Finland), Sergey Nikishin (Moscow) and Glenn (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 10/09/2007)

9325 Voice of Korea, 16:16-16:20, captada el 15 de septiembre en aleman, locutor y locutora con comentarios, musica clasica de fondo, entiendo “revolucion”, SINPO

34333. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 15/09/2007)

5025 07/09 0256 Radio Rebelde, Havana, modulo com varias musicas
de Pavarotti, 45343 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 10/09/2007)

Ah, another day, another transmission problem. Sept 10 at 1426, I
found the very strong RHC transmitter on 13680 also putting out spurious audio,
but this time without great distortion or additional noises. First noticed on
13760.0, RHC Spanish audio but under-modulated, and other audio underneath, CRI
English, same as relay on 13740. Then same found, but much weaker, on 13720.0.
No other such spurs found below 13680 or above 13760. These do not follow the
usual leapfrog pattern, so who knows how they come about. Heard on both the
FRG-7 with external antenna and the YB-400 with internal antenna.

Rechecked at 2125 the situation becomes clearer, as undermodulated RHC Spanish
// 9550 is still, or more likely again, on 13760, but only on 13760, no 13680
or any other frequency on the band. So that means 13760 is a new deliberate
frequency, and 13720 heard earlier was a leapfrog mixing product over 13740 CRI
relay. During the hours RHC is using it, the main other occupant of 13760 is
Voice of Korea: Commies vs Commies!

Another check, Sept 11 at 1351: 13760 with RHC as before, and also on weaker
13720, a leapfrog over 13740 CRI relay which is only in open-carrier warmup at
this time, so nothing but RHC audio on 13720. This time with another receiver I
compared audio on 13680, and there was an echo between them, proving that 13760
and 13680 are at two different sites.

Another2 check of RHC`s new 13760, Sept 12 at 1402: it and the mixing product
on 13720 were audible again during frequency announcement, to which 13760 has
indeed been added, but 9600 has not been removed, despite our pointing out that
it goes off reliably over an hour earlier, at 1300. Also plugged upcoming Mesa
Redonda this date at 2230 on 9820 and 6000 about --- guess what? ``Los 5
Heroes``!! Now what would Cuba do if it caught 5 Americans, especially gusanos,
spying inside Cuba? Don`t ask! (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

5025 R.Rebelde, Bauta, 0954-f/out 1030, 09 Sep, Spanish, songs; 15341.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

15495 Radio Kuwait, 18:50-18:55, captada en arabe el 13 de septiembre, a pesar de estar en ramadan, no se aprecia ningun cambio significado en la programacion,

locutora con noticias, locutor con titulares acompanado de musica electronica de fondo, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 13/09/2007)

5470, 2042-2100*, R.Veritas, Sep 11, English.
80's pop ballads w/ OM giving brief affirmations over
music. Several IDs as 'R.Veritas-Your friendly
station'. Local TC w/ 'Good night to our SW friends'
and frequency at s/off. Mx cut off at 2100. Fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

17870, *1403-1426, VO Africa, Sep 10, English.
OM noted w/ weak signal; unsure if actual s/on or
inaudible prior to 1403, drums and 'VO Africa from
the...(Great Jamahirya?)' ID. News items b/w musical
bits through t/out. Poor/fading. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

15660 Voice of Africa, 1737-1747, 9/11/2007, French.
Identification by man followed by talk with frequent mention of
Libya. Occasional bridge of traditional local music. Poor to
moderate signal with much fading. SINPO 34323 at best. I assume
transmission is via France. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 13/09/2007)

17870 LIBYA. V. of Africa, 1410, 9/9/07. EG political
comment. Audio not clear but mentions of Gaddafi
heard. Few musical interludes. Only het left by 1510.
Reported 21695 parallel not heard (J. Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007)

9875 LITHUANIA. R. Vilnius, 2355, 9/12/07. OM & YL
doing EG nx. Signal reached S8 peaks w/ fading. Nx
ended 2358 followed by short pop mx selection. Goodbye
from announcers at 2359. Pulled plug at 2359:45 in
mid-song (J. Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007)

4845, R. Mauritania (presumed), 0401-0502, Sept 13, on late
for Ramadan, in Arabic, reciting from Qur'an, fair to poor (Ron Howard, CA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

5009 07/09 0322 Radio Madagasikara, Antananarivo, locutora em
malgaxe com noticias, identicacao: "Radio Madagasikara"; trilha com
musica de filme de faroeste norte-americano (?), 45232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 10/09/2007)

5010, 0245-0324, R.Nacional Malagasy, Sep
10, Vernacular. Apparent early s/on. Several brief
bits by various anncrs b/w jazz-like musical bits,
passing mentions of Malagasy and Madagascar. Fair/good
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

7295, RAT Malaysia, 1050-1100 At tune in, heard music until 1052 when
two males comment in English. Although readable, the audio was rather weak
compared to the carrier. I attempted to bump it up, but nothing worked. Overall, it was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 10/09/2007)

7270, RT Malaysia,(pres) 1055-1100, Again with a good carrier, but audio
very weak. Noted a male in comments. Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 10/09/2007)

5965v Klasik Nasional FM. Off the air again for the past few days in the +/- 1200 time frame.
(J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 13/09/2007)

6049.64, Suara Islam/Voice of Islam via RTM, 1400-1447, Sept
14, in vernacular, fair to good reception, even with light het. Begins after
Asyik FM programming. ToH two quick pips, usual choral anthem, "Radio Suara
Islam, Kuala Lumpur", list of frequencies, many "Radio Suara Islam FM" IDs,
reciting from the Qur'an, Islamic and pop music, talks about Islam, BoH one
pip, 10 minutes of news (Ron Howard, CA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

7270, presumed RTM Sarawak-Wai FM,
1045-1106, Sept 16, Vernacular. OM and YL at t/in.
Brief wind instrument at 1056 followed by OM until
ToH. Pips(5+1), YL w/ presumed ID and talk b/w musical
bits; joined by OM at 1105. Poor/fading under QRN.
Positive ID would have been nice as I rarely log
Malaysia at my QTH. Doubt this was India as Eibi lists
them in EG until 1100*; back at *1115 in Tamil.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 16/09/2007)

5995 R.Mali, Kati, 2237-..., 06 Sep, French, almost endless feature abt. R.Mali; 44343, adj. DRM QRM.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

7285.5 R.Mali, Kati, 1252-1324, 10 Sep, French+Vernacular, Afr. pops, tradit. tune, IS, French for "Journal" at 1300 just like R.Guinee & R.Burkina; 35343.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

Traces of XEYU again after missing for a week or two, Sept 13 at
1340, very weak carrier and traces of audio on 9599.3 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

9599.22, Radio UNAM, Mexico City, 0040-0105+,
Sept 14, Surprisingly strong signal, but must use ECSS-LSB to avoid
Cuba on 9600. Classical music. Spanish talk at 0057 with many IDs
at 0057-0059. Possible news at 0100. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

6010 R.Mil, Cd. de Mej[x]ico, 0820-0845, 07 Sep, Spanish, songs; 24342,
co-ch QRM de CLM which I was unable to avoid because reception of both CLM &
MEX are via the same Beverage at 270?. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

4895 Mongoiin R, Murun, 2213-2222, 10 Sep, Mongolian, talks; 24341, QRM de B
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

9705 La Voix du Sahel, Niamey, 2135-2144, 08 Sep, French, ID, Vernacular, islamic greeting, talks; 34433, adj. QRM de Algiers via G. (Goncalves)
9705 LV du Sahel, Niamey, 1307-1329, 10 Sep, French, Afr. pops prgr; 45343.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

9705, LV du Sahel, 2216-2240, Sept 15, French.
Reggae-like music and OM hosting call-in program.
Poor/fair. (Scot Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 16/09/2007)

15120 Voice of Nigeria (Ikorodu), 1710-1730, 9/11/2007,
English. Woman with program about the Nigerian economy. Various
interviews and segments from other reporters were included. Moderate
signal (SINPO 34333). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 13/09/2007)

4770 R.Nigeria, Kaduna obs'ed:
0935-0946, 09 Sep, Afr. pops; 15331; could not track its fade out time;
2221-..., 10 Sep, same menu but putting a dreadful audio once more; 55444.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

6089.9 R.Nigeria, Kaduna, 2217-2227, 07 Sep, Vernacular, talks; 53433, adj.DRM QRM 6085. (Goncalves)
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

9690 Voice of Nigeria, 16:23-16:27, captada el 15 de septiembre probablemente en idioma igbo con emision de musica afro-pop, locutora con comentarios, musica de

sintonia, SINPO 44333. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 15/09/2007)

17590 Radio Mustaqbal, 06:35-06:45, captada el 15 de septiembre probablemente en somali, locutora con comentarios, segmento de musica folklorica local, SINPO 23232
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 15/09/2007)

11570, 1431-1443, R.Pakistan, Sep 10, listed Urdu. Presumed Ko'ran at t/in. YL w/ talk b/w music;
passing mentions of Pakistan. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

Папуа Новая Гвинея
3355khz Radio Simbu ,Kundiawa PNG 1935utc 11/9 with premitiev voices and music strong signal poor audio
3335khz Radio East Sepik,Wewak PNG from 1850utc with Amusement music and E. talks strong signal, but weak audio
(Maurits, Belgium - hard-core-dx 12/09/2007)

R. New Ireland 1246-1300* Sep 14. Fair signal
from Kavieng this morning with lite vocal music hosted by YL; closedown
anmt and ID at 1258, followed by anthem/prayer to 1300. Carrier stayed on
until 1310. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Co, USA - CumbreDX 14/09/2007)

3334.97 R. East Sepik 1105-1123, 15/09/2007, Long tlk by M w/ments of Papua New Guinea, country, government, people, dollar, island, New Ireland, Highland, 32 years,

etc. 1111 outro by different M, and into island mx. 1114-1118 deadair, then studio M anncr w/lTC and long tlk w/ment of Saturday night, music, program, province,

tomorrow night, talk-talk, celebration, broadcast, and including pgm rundown. Into Island Pop song I believe entitled "Goodnight to You". 1122 studio M anncr returned

w/song anmnt, pgm name I think called "Around the World Saturday Night Music", ment of National Broadcasting Corp., song anmnt, then back to mx. Nice signal with a

little slop from CHU. These other 90 mb PNGs heard; 3365, possibly 3325, 3315, 3275, 3260, 3235, and 3205. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 16/09/2007)

3905 R. New Ireland Doing unusually well for this early hour, 0800. W anncr in PD, and into island Pop mx. 3315 wasn't too bad either.
(Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 16/09/2007)

3235 R.West New Britain, 11:13-11:16, captada el 16 de septiembre, probablemente en Piding con emisión musical pop local, SINPO 24322.
3260 Radio Madang, 11:17-11:20, captada el 16 de septiembre con emisión de música pop melódica, en paralelo por 3235, SINPO 24322.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/09/2007)

Good signals the past 2 days around 1230-1300 UTC on 3205, 3235, 3275, 3335, 3365, and 3905. Other possible, but weak, PNG signals heard on 3220, 3260, and 3325
(John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007)

3235 PNG. R. West New Britain, 1235, 9/16/07. Apparent
church service with organ mx and choir singing. Signal
reached S6 on peaks. Starting to fade by

3905 PNG. R. New Ireland, 1243, 9/16/07. Pop mx pgm.
Less fading on 75 meters vs. 90 meters. Lots of HRO
splatter. Nikkei absent at this time. Fair
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007)

4755 R.Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2251-2302, 07 Sep, Spanish, Indian songs,
advertisements; 35333. (Goncalves)

4950 R.Madre de Dios, Pt? Maldonado, 2228-2236, 07 Sep, Spanish, Indian
songs; 35322. (Goncalves)

4955 R.Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2230-2238, 07 Sep, Spanish + Quechua, talks;
35332. (Goncalves)

4990.9 R.Ancash, Huaraz, 2310-..., 07 Sep, Spanish, newscast; 32331, uty.
QRM. (Goncalves)

6019.5 R.Vitoria, Lima, 2214-2223, 07 Sep, Spanish, songs, TC, infos. on
preaching schedules in several places, e.g. San Juan de Miraflores; 34343.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

3205 R.West Sepik, 11:52-12:01, captada el 15 de septiembre via receptor en linea con emision de musica instrumental tipica del pacifico, curiosos instrumentos de

cuerda, especie de pequenas guitarras, locutor con comentarios en idioma sin identificar, locutor con comentarios, entiendo Australia, SINPO 34333.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 15/09/2007)

4790.2, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0538-0550, 15-09, canciones religiosas en español. 24322
(M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/09/2007)

From Iquitos, Radio Atlántida on 4790, 1154z,
suffering slight splatter from R.Cultural Coatán,
Guat. 10kcs down.
Weak signal and male announcer saying..."son las
6:54..." Of course we ticos are an hour behind them
(Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 16/09/2007)

9765.RS Tikhiy Okean. Vladivostok. 0835-0900 9 Sept. Huge
signal w/ "govorit Vladivostok", chimes & "RS Tikhiy Okean" into what
sounded like local nx, then general Russian nx, interviews, brief
song breaks to 0858 & ship's bell, RSTO ID, 2 pips & off..(Dan Sheedy, CA - dxldyg 10/09/2007)

9765, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean, 0947-1000, With a female in Russian comments until 0952 when music is presented. Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 12/09/2007)

6000 Voz de Rusia, 18:08-18:15, captada el 12 de septiembre, probablemente en ruso, aunque por momentos parece griego, sintonМa de identificaciСn, locutores con

boletМn de noticias, referencias al presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, SINPO 54333. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 12/09/2007)

Yes and good on Bolivia this morning also.

Check -----3396 4828 4732

Cumbre seems down at the moment.

ka4prf wrote:
> Russia, 9765, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean, 0947-1000, With a female in Russian comments until 0952 when music is presented. Signal was fair.
>(Chuck Bolland, September 12, 2007)
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - hard-core-dx 12/09/2007)

VOR`s service to Asia in English is again becoming audible here way
off the back in the 1400 UT hour, best on 15605, and also // 15660. Per HFCC,
both are Moscow site; 15605 is 500 kW at 115 degrees, while 15660 is 250 kW at
100 degrees.

Monday Sept 10 until 1458 we were enjoying a program of old Russian 78 rpm
records (or 80?), but if there was an outro before the QSY announcement, we
didn`t catch it. So what show was it? Going to the website http://www.ruvr.ru
and clicking on English in the drop-down, we then find Guide to Programs
-- which gives a list of programs, but no times or frequencies!

Counter-intuitively, you have to go to Frequencies,
eventually to reach further linx for the programming during each hour to each
target area, clicking on Full Schedule (1400 and others no doubt duplicated,
also to Eu and ME in this case).

So we get to Asia, Monday, and what do we find? The column of times does not
line up with the column of program titles. As we go down the page, they are
increasingly misaligned. Re-sizing or switching from Firefox to IE does not
help either; thus it must be built into their new php webpage. Geez! Starting
at the bottom and trying to follow which title goes with which semi-hour
segment somewhat higher, we think this must have been: ``Our Homeland``. But is
that a musical show? Back to Guide to Programs:

``- Focuses on the old, new and latest history of Russia, its prominent and
ordinary citizens, both children and adults, this country’s political,
scientific and cultural life of the past and present. The program is an
addition to our regular feature THIS IS RUSSIA.``

Nothing musical mentioned there; maybe what we heard was fill afterwards, but
there must have been at least 10 minutes of it. Several music shows are on the
list; maybe it was Folk Box, from the type of music we were hearing, but no
sign of that anywhere nearby on the program schedule.

So VOR has this extensively detailed website, but it fails to convey accurate
info when we need it. And/or, the programmers fail to follow the published
schedule. Furthermore, all the times given are wrong, ignoring news on the hour
and half-hour.

More problems: we see typos in the program schedule, such as ``03.00-30.30``
repeated six times except Sunday when the out time is 04.00. Altho the schedule
is certainly in UT, this is not specified on the individual target area pages,
and the Listen Live spot at the upper right displays times of UT+4 as being
current, so that must be local Moscow time! (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

7345, R.Rossii-Yakutsk, 1023-1036, Sept 16,
Russian. OM w/ lengthy talk. Presumed ID announcement
at 1029. Fair. //7200-good. //5940 Arman-fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 16/09/2007)

7200 RUSSIA. R. Rossii, via Yakutsk, 1257, 9/15/07.
Signal was S4 onpeaks w/ Russian pop/folk vocal mx.
Time pips to 1400 was 4 seconds late (Strawman-IA).
(J. Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007)

12030 RUSSIA. VOR, 1356, 9/10/07. Russian service via
Irkutsk. YL presenting apparent nx. Audio quite muddy.
Signal was fair (J. Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007)

Сан Томе/США
6045. VOA (Pinheira?).0511-0530*. 7 Sept. News/commentary
in Hausa..generic VOA ID & YDD @ 0530..good signal & tnx gh's info in
DXLD7-108 for site/lang)(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 10/09/2007)

4775, TWR, 0350-0356*, Sept 13, in vernacular, off with IS and
ID in English, fair (Ron Howard, CA - dxldyg 14/09/2007)

Сев. Марианские о-ва
7235 VOA via Tinian (listed) 1238-1255 Sep 16. Korean xmsn,
with "Talk English," an EG language lesson, just beginning at 1238. Today
they played Elvis' song "In the Ghetto," taking it apart phrase by phrase
and translating it into Korean. Familiar phrases included "a poor little
baby child is born in the ghetto," "the hungry little boy with the runny
nose," and "he buys a gun and steals a car". A rather unique way to learn
the the English language. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007)

6080 R. Singapore Int'l 1254-1309 Sep 5. Current affairs pgm,
ending at 1258; anc'd freqs of 6080 and 6150 and gave web address of
www.rsi.sg/english; news from 1300-1305, followed by pop music. Good
signal // 6150, which was covered by a CH-lang station.
(J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 13/09/2007)

11945 SINGAPORE. BBC via Kranji, 1352, 9/10/07.
Burmese service had extended tlk between 2 OM. Clear & fair-
good signal (J. Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007).

Соломоновы о-ва
5019.87 SIBC "R. Happy Isles" (tent.) 1125, 15 Sept, island Pop mx, 1126 M anncr sounded like it might have been Pidgin, then more Pop mx. Still too weak and too

much slop QRM from Rebelde. Have an e-mail out to the station to see what the current status is. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 16/09/2007)

10320. AFRTS (USB feeder).Lualualei, O'ahu. 0320+. 9 Sept.
very nice signal running Art Bell interviewing a guy who's documented
several catastrophic world-wide floods..(his books are busy, but
fun)..also hrd Lualualei-6350//Guam-5765 w/ car talk show @ 0906.
(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 10/09/2007)

19/09/2007, 1549 UTC, WYFR in Turkish, big QRM from Voice of Korea in russian.
(Ivan Lebedevskiy, Pushkin, Russia)

7665, WHRI leapfrogging spur, 0110-0120, Sept 14,
Thanks to Damon Cassell tip in DXLD. Spur from 7315 leapfrogging
over 7490. 175 kHz separation between each frequency. Fair signal
strength. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

США/Шри Ланка
VOA English 9780 @ 0145z via Sri Lanka to
So Asia & SW Asia (250 kw at 352*). Lots of daylight
for 31m but I guess that the early morning hours in
the Eastern half of the path allowed the circuit.
(Jerry Lenamon, Waco Texas, USA - dxldyg 11/09/2007)

11785, Radio Taiwan International, 1130-1150, Sept 15,
New Frequency? // 9680, 9780 - all with fair to good reception in
listed Mandarin. Local music. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

7225 RTV Tunisia, 18:55-18:58, captada el 13 de septiembre en arabe, musica y locutor en conversacion telefonica con oyente, tras un corto segmento musical otro

oyente al telefono, SINPO 45444 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 13/09/2007)

4976 R.Uganda, Kampala, 2217-2229, 09 Sep, English, Afr. pops; 55444 which
is something I haven't experienced for quite a very long time from them.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

4976, R.Uganda, 2140-2208, Sept 15,
Vernacular. Hi-life music w/ announcer hosting call-in
program. Several ID's in passing. Extended Ramadan
schedule? Poor/fair under relentless CODAR.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 16/09/2007)

11730, 1211-1227*, R.Veritas Asia, Sep
10, listed Indo. OM w/ talk b/w ballads. ID jingle at
1220 into YL w/ presumed news; Indonesia and
S.Pacific/S.E.Asian countries mentioned. S/off annmt
over music w/ frequency and Jakarta, Indonesia contact
info. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

9570 R. Blagovest via Palauig *1500-1513 Sep 16. RVA EG
ID's to 1500, then chimes, RB ID and into Russina religious talk. Tuned
out at 1513. VG signal. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007)

6165 Radiodiffusion Natle. Tchadienne, N'Djamena, 2216-2230*, 06 Sep, French
for the usual 10PM newscast, s/off after playing the natl. anthem; 43442,
QRM de HRV & adj. fqs. I have no trace of them on other fq during daytime.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

Шри Ланка
11905 SRI LANKA. SLBC, 1350, 9/10/07. Hindi service to
SAS. Ethnic vocals marred by 20/S9 WYFR on 11910.
Clear but fair signal (J. Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007).

Шри Ланка/США
11520 07/09 1847 VOA, via Iranawila, emissao em curdo, com
musicas tipicas e mencao ao site www.voanews.com, 45343
(Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 10/09/2007)

11510 SRI LANKA. Deewa Radio, 1325, 9/10/07. VOA
Pushtu pgm to Afghanistan. Continuous tlk by two OM
back and forth. Rapid flutter on signal which was fair
(J. Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007)

3279.8, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0550-0557, 15-09, programa religioso en español, comentarios por locutor: "No somos conscientes de los peligros que nos acechan",

canciones religiosas. 25322. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 16/09/2007)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005, 2238-2257*, R.Nacional-Bata, Sep
10, Spanish/Vernacular. Continuous pop and Hi-life
music selections. NA at 2256, s/off w/ no ID or
annmts. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, Intervale, USA - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

5005 RNGE, Bata, 2158-2245, 06 Sep, Spanish, lots of communiques, Afr. pops;
55343, fair audio again... but distorted later in the prgr right after the
official infos. were aired; still bad when obs'ed at 2120 on 10 Sep.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

9559.7 R.Ethiopia, Geja Dera, 1305-1321, 10 Sep, Arabic, newscast; 34232.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 15/09/2007)

9704 Radio Etiopia, 16:29-16:35, captada el 15 de septiembre con emision de musica ancestral y etnica, canticos con coros, SINPO 23332.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 15/09/2007)

Ю. Африка
3320 07/09 0306 Radio Sonder Grense, Meyerton, locutor com
noticias em africaner, boas trilhas musicais, 45343 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasi - radioescutas 10/09/2007l)

3320, 0213-0230, R.Sondergrense, Sep 11, Afrikaans/English. ID at t/in followed OM w/ talks, ads/promos b/w EG pop ballads. Fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/09/2007)

Ю. Африка/Великобритания
3255 07/09 0502 BBC, via Meyerton, emissao do BBC News, 45232
(Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 10/09/2007)

3925 JAPAN. R. Nikkei, 1231, 9/14/07. Pgm of chamber
mx by small orchestral ensemble. S7 on peaks w/ HRO
splatter. Log at 1026 on 9/15/07 was S9. Long-winded
tlk by YL into apparent advertiding spot
(J. Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007).


Случайно наткнулся на сайте www.hard-core-dx.com на
новость о прекращении вещания Radio 10 Gold из Нидерландов
на 1008 кГц. Теперь вместо этого с 1 сентября на частоте
вещает радиостанция с христианской музыкой - Groot
Вчера примерно в 20.00 принял с SINPO: 54544 (помехи от
Канала Культура из Белоруссии). Вещает с того же
передатчика, что и 10 Gold (в Риге один из самых мощных

В декабре начнутся и религиозные программы. Сайт станции:
http://www.grootnieuwsradio.nl/ (всё на фламандском).

Кстати, интересно, кому-нибудь удавалось получить
подтверждение от Radio 10 Gold? Я им посылал рапорты
где-то год-два назад по электронной почте - не ответили.
(Юрий Дымбовчский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 10/09/2007)

Я получал QSL от Radio 10 Gold без оплаты за ответ в 1994 г. Адрес тогда
был такой: 675 Radio 10 Gold, Postbus 10, 1000 AA Amsterdam, THe
Netherlands. (Сергей Колесов, Киев, Украина - open_dx 12/09/2007)

Спасибо за информацию!
В любом случае, это было уже давно, да и поздно уже им
слать рапорты.

Надеюсь, что Arrow Rock Radio 675 кГц не постигнет такая
же участь. А то тоже посчитают, что музыка на средних
волнах дело нерентабельное. (Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 12/09/2007)

621 SPAIN RNE1 synchos AUG22 2230
711.08 SPAIN COPE Murcia AUG22 2235
981 GREECE Era Sports, Athens AUG29 2050
999 MOLDOVA Voice of Russia AUG28 2115
1062 ITALY Rai Radio 1 synchros AUG29 2055
1467 FRANCE TWR Roumoules AUG23 2105 Arabic+English, religious
1548 MOLDOVA Voice of Russia, Grigoriosol AUG30 2100.


1098 TAIWAN AUG27 2000 No id this time on this channel, only YL talk in Chinese. In March I had a Radio Free Asia id here, in EE and Chinese.
1134 CHINA CNR1 AUG26 2045 // 4800
1557 TAIWAN WYFR AUG28 2005 Religious in EE
1566 INDIA AIR Nagpur AUG31 1910, // 9425. Never heard so early (80 minutes before sunset)


783 SYRIA Damascus AUG23 2040
954 QATAR QBS AUG22 2005 Arabic
990 CYPRUS Radio Sawa SEP1 2020
1134 KUWAIT Sulalbyah AUG25 2025
1170 UAE, Radio Sawa AUG26 2000 Arabic
1224 IRAN VOIRI AUG27 1945 Px in Arabic
1233 CYPRUS Trans World Radio AUG22 2045 nx in Arabic
1296 AFGHANISTAN (p.) Voice of America AUG30 1940 Big surprise in getting
this one for the first time emerging from huge Sudan signal. Hrd also at
2030 the following day, but no chance of local id.
1413 OMAN BBC AUG23 1940 News EE
1494 JORDANIA R. Jordan AUG25 2000 Regular here
1503 IRAN Irib 1 AUG24 2015
1512 SAUDI ARABIA Jeddah AUG24 2120
1539 UAE, Aap Ki Dunyaa AUG23 1950. Strong, great ID.
1548 KUWAIT R.Sawa AUG23 1940
1575 UAE Radio Farda AUG22 1940, every night here
1593 KUWAIT Voice of America AUG23 2235 EE


531 BOTSWANA R. Botswana SEP1 2025 // 558
666 SOUTH AFRICA Cape Talk AUG22 2000. Regular but the only RSA station hrd this time.
675 MALAWI MBC (pres.) AUG22 2100 News //558
765 UNID AUG 26 1935 mx Afro and PP phone call, poss. Mozambique.
819 EGYPT Batrah AUG 22 2147 //1205
873 MOZAMBIQUE Radio Beira AUG 26 2030
909 BOTSWANA Voice of America 1945 AUG24 News in EE.
945 ANGOLA Radio Nacional, Mulenvos AUG29 2110 EE program.
963 MOZAMBIQUE Em. Prov. de Tete AUG26 2040
1026 MOZAMBIQUE Em. Prov. de Manica AUG22 2000 in Portuguese.
1134.02 ANGOLA Em. Prov. de Bengo, Mulenvos AUG30 1935. Once again no luck in getting a local id here. Sport news in PP, possibly national.
1152 KENIA Wajir SEP1 1935 YL in (p.) Swahili, then pops, no // with 1305, 1233
1170 SWAZILAND TWR (p.) AUG26 2010 Emerging from strong Sawa for a few minutes
1179 MOZAMBIQUE Em. Prov. de Zambezia AUG24 1920 Often first TA signal to show up here in Morro.
1197 LESOTHO WYFR AUG24 2050 Weak signal for a couple of nights. Reduced power? Often hrd a carrier at 1196,9 I suspect might be Angola.
1206 MOZAMBIQUE Em. Prov. de Inhambane AUG31 2140 network news in PP//1026, 1179.
1215 TANZANIA RTD (pres.) AUG28 1915 Early signal almost every day, but too much local qrm approaching dusk. Likely Swahili with news about Daar El
Salaam. First time.
1224 MOZAMBIQUE Em Prov de Cabo Delgado AUG26 1930
1233 KENIA KBS Marsabit AUG27 2015 Very early signal hrd a couple of times
here and always // 1305. Never in English, however.
1296 SUDAN SRTC AUG28 2100 Regular signal here in coastal Brazil during
many hours.
1305 KENIA KBS Wajir AUG27 1945 ID "KBC Channel 1" but talk in VV. No
traces of 1386 these days.
1385,92 GUINEA Radio Rural, Labe AUG23 2200. Now stable again on this shift
1403.69 ANGOLA Em. Prov. do Bie (p.) SEP1 2250 Phone-in in PP, no local
id. National news at 2300. First time.
1421.98 MALAWI MBC Radio1 AUG26 2000 Full id and news in English
1431 DJIBOUTI Radio Sawa AUG22 2030. Regular.
1449 LYBIA Voice of Africa AUG23 2015
1457.60 ANGOLA "Canal A". AUG27 1955. No local id for this, first time.
Disappeared after 2000, s/off?
1458 MAYOTTE RFO AUG31 2130. Best signal ever, news in French, no
chance of a local id at this hour unfortunately.
1484.53 ANGOLA Em. Prov. do Kuanza-Sul AUG24 1930 in Portuguese
1530 SAO TOME' Voice of America AUG28 2020
1539 DJIBOUTI RTD AUG30 1905, //4780
1550 ALGERIA RASD Clandestine AUG23 2100 Easily over Braz semilocals.


1240 WALO, Puerto Rico (pres.) AUG28 0210 Sport, mentioning various
Latin countries with a big emphasis on Puerto Rico team.
1400 Light of the Windwards AUG27 0000
1500 Dos Mil, Venezuela AUG28 0200
1600 WWRL, New York AUG28 0200
1660 WWRU Jersey City NJ AUG28 0150 Korean
1690 WPTX Lexington Park MD AUG24 0300 "PTX News"
(Rocco Cotroneo, Brasil - radioescutas 12/09/2007)

225 POLAND, Polskiego Radia 1, Solec Kujawski. Music with male
voice, poor (00:20, 09/12/2007). Known music by Joe Dassin "et si tu
n'existait pas" but a polish version, poor with fair peaks (00:50,
09/12/2007). Man signing in slavic, fair (02:44, 09/12/2007).

270 CZECK REPUBLIC (??), Cezky Rozhlas 1, Topolna. Woman talking,
very poor (03:02, 09/12/2007).
(Sylvain Naud, Portneuf (near Quebec City), Quebec, CANADA - mwdx 12/09/2007)

1390 12/09 0420- WEGP, Presque Isle ME (USA) 3
Mx, interviste, ID "WEGP"

1520 12/09 0420- WWKB, Buffalo NY (USA) 2
Nx, slogan e ID in E

1200 12/09 0430- WOAI, San Antonio TX (USA) 2/3
Interviste sportive, mx, ID "WOAI San Antonio"
(Saverio De Cian, Sedico, Italy - bclnews 13/09/2007)

These few word to correct about the Czech Republic log on 270khz.
Jurgen Bartel made me a remark about the on-air hours of this
station. First, I tought it was a 24h network but after a close look,
it's the FM that goes 24h not the LW feed. This one goes from 04:00
to 23:00 UTC. So my mistake. It must have be a kind of harmonic there
at this particular time. About 262.10khz, I was really unsure of this
one. As I said to Jurgen, it may have been also sub-harmonic or low
powered lowfer. (Sylvain Naud - mwdx 13/09/2007)

Well, on Sept. 8th in southern Sweden I briefly got
88,3 D SWR1 Raichberg, (beating a local tx)

And a nice opening to Italy (afternoon 15.30 – 16.00):
87,6 I Virgin Radio, several txs (RDS)
88,5 I Radio Vega, Loazzolo-Bricco delle Forche (RDS), reached 60dBf
89,0 I Radio Babboleo, Vado Ligure-Capo Vado (RDS), reached 60dBf
89,0 I Radio Maria, several txs
89,6 I unid, mentioning Milano
89,7 I RAI Radiouno, several txs (RDS)
90,1 I Radio Deejay, several txs (RDS)
93,0 I RDS: "F.TICINO", not listed…
93,7 I RAI Radiodue, several txs (RDS), reached 58dBf
94,1 I RAI Radiouno, several txs (RDS), reached 53dBf
95,3 I Radio Maria, several txs
95,4 I Radio Radicale, several txs (RDS)
95,8 I Radio Deejay, several txs (RDS)
95,9 I Radio Zeta, Colle della Maddalena (RDS: "R-ZETA")
+ several Italian unids, including one on 92,9 with overmodulated
signal in mono.
(Peter Korner, Lund, Sweden - skywaves 10/09/2007)


Нежданный спорадик 11:40~13:20 UTC.

70.61 RUS R.Yuldash, Belebey BA, 17.000, 11:40-
73.28 RUS R.Novyy Vek (Yana Gasyr Radiosy), Russkoye Sirenkino TS, 1.000 kW, 11:45
~68.25 RUS unid music, 11:46
~67.97 RUS R.Mayak, unid tx, 11:50-
66.89 RUS R.Mayak, Leninogorsk TS, 20.000 kW, 12:01
67.19 RUS R.Rossii/GTRK Volga, Dmitrovgrad UL, 17.000 kW, 12:02 distorted audio
70.25 RUS ORR/R.Sport, Ulyanovsk UL, 4.000 kW, 12:30 id R.Sport
67.70 RUS R.Energy (NRJ), Ulyanovsk UL, 3.631 kW, 12:31 id, songs "Mika - Relax, Take It Easy", "Benassy Brothers - Illusion", etc.
73.19 RUS R.Shanson, Ulyanovsk UL, 4.000 kW, 12:35
69.20 RUS R.Mayak, Sergach NN, 17.000 kW, 12:37
68.39 RUS R.Yunost, Syzran SA, 13:06
67.79 RUS tent. R.Kunel, Naberezhnye Chelny TS, 4.000 kW, 13:20
(Igor Danilevych, Zbarazh, Ukraine

1115 65.93 UKR: UR 1,Shostka (SU) (1931 kms)
(Fabrizio Carnevalini, Italy - fmdx_Italy 11/09/2007)

Now I have typed up the logs and analyzed the reception I realise
conditions were more dire than I had thought. My reception of Dept 50
must have been tropo, so too was 76, plus the enhancement of SW England,
but that was it. But apart from that it was all local/semi-local
reception with some sea path fading effects.

Spanish reception was very poor, despite the good trans-Biscay tropo

So, all-in-all, quite a disappointment, but fun nonetheless. The Pays
Bigouden area is a peaceful and friendly corner of France where the pace
of life is so slow it almost seems to stop. Wonderful! This was our
third visit there in as many years.

I hope the following log will be useful to someone.

87.6 RTL-2, Vannes/Ploeren Lignol 56 __RTL2__
87.7 France Inter, Concarneau/Les Quassias 29 __INTER_
87.8 France Inter, Audierne/Plouhinec 29 __INTER_
87.9 France Inter, Chateaulin/Port Launay Coati 29
88.0 France Inter, Quimperle/Jardin public 29
88.1 BBC R2, North Hessary Tor _BBC_R2_
88.2 France Inter, Douarnenez/Kerguesten Vian C 29
88.3 France Inter, Brest/Qualivar An 29
88.3 M FM, Lorient/Kervenanec 56 __M_FM__
88.4 BBC R2, Tentative audio. (most likely suspect perhaps Douglas, IOM)
88.4 Europe 1, Carhaix-Plouguer/Rue des Ois 29
88.5 RMC Info, Quimper/Croaz Caer 29 RMC_INFO
88.6 France Inter, Vannes/Moustoir'Ac 56
88.8 Studio 5, Rosporden/Cadol 29 STUDIO_5
89.0 RCF, (Only Bordeaux/Bouliac listed with 1kW. Surely this is
Brest?) _RCF____
89.1 BBC R2, Wrotham
89.4 France Musique, Brest/Roc Tredudon 29 MUSIQUE_
89.5 UNID Spanish with cultural programme around midday.
89.6 BBC R2, Presume either Bow Brickhill or Ridge Hill
89.7 BBC R2, Redruth
89.8 RFM, Quimper/Chateau d'eau de Coa 29 __RFM___
89.9 France Musique, Rennes/St.Pern 35
90.0 RTL2, Brest/Lescaouidic 29 __RTL2__
90.2 R Kerne, Quimper-Ploneis/Chateau d'ea 29 _KERNE__
90.3 BBC R3, North Hessary Tor
90.4 France Bleu Breiz Izel, Lorient/Kernours 56 BLEU-BRE
90.5 La Radio de la Mer, Brest/place de Strasbourg 29
90.6 France Inter, Nantes/Haute-Goulaine 44
90.7 Radiocean, Rosporden/Cadol 29 OCEAN
90.9 Rire et Chansons, Brest/Rue Pierre Mac Orlans 29 RIRE&_
91.1 France Musique, Niort/Maisonnay 79
91.2 UNID Spain in non-Spanish language. uskadi Gaztea, Monte Oiz
(presumed) EUS
91.2 R.Montagnes Noire, Callac/Mellionec 22
91.3 France Musique, Quimper/Tour du Coteau (most likely) 29
91.4 Hit West, Lorient/Kernours (La Poudrie 56 HIT_WEST
91.5 France Musique, Chateaulin/Port Launay Coati 29
91.6 Skyrock, Concarneau Z.I. Kersale 4.ru 29 SKYROCK_
91.8 France Musique, Vannes/Moustoir'Ac 56 MUSIQUE_
91.9 BBC R3, Redruth
92.0 R Kerne, Douarnenez/Meilhars-Kermeur 29 __KERNE_
92.1 France Musique, Laval/Mont Rochard 53
92.2 France Culture, Concarneau/Les Quassias 29 _CULTURE
92.4 RMC Info, Brest/Rue Pierre Mac Orlans 29 RMC_INFO
92.5 BBC R4, North Hessary Tor
92.6 RCF, Quimper-Ploneis/Ferme de Ker 29 R-C-F-
93.0 France Bleu Breiz Izel, Brest/Roc Tredudon 29 BLEU-BRE
93.1 Fun R, Coutances/Monthuchon 50
93.2 UNID Spain
93.4 Skyrock, Quimper/Croaz Caer 29 SKYROCK_
93.5 France Inter, Rennes/St.Pern 35
93.6 M FM, Brest/Qualivar An 29
93.8 France Inter, Coutances/Lycee Agricole 50
94.0 France Bleu Breiz Izel, unlisted. BLEU-BRE
94.1 R Neptune, Rosporden/Chateau d'eau 29 NEPTUNE_
94.2 France Culture, either Nantes/Haute-Goulaine 44 or Chatelaudren 22
94.3 Skyrock, Lorient-Kervogam/Chateau d'e 56 SKYROCK_
94.5 R.Montagnes Noire, Gourin, parc de Nohen 56 _R_M_N__
94.7 M FM, Quimper/Croaz Caer 29 __M_FM__
94.8 BBC R4, Les Platons
95.0 R Neptune, Brest/Rue Pierre Mac Orlans 29 NEPTUNE_
95.0 R Classique, Lorient/Caudan-Ploemeur Mont 56 CLASSIQ_
95.1 France Inter, Laval/Mont Rochard 53
95.2 Onda Cero R, Pico El Faro AST ONDACERO
95.2 BBC R Cornwall, Caradon Hill
95.4 France Inter, Brest/Roc Tredudon 29 __INTER_
95.6 RNE-3, Aviles/Monte Gorfoli AST
95.8 Hit West, Quimper/Croaz Caer 29 HIT_WEST
96.0 France Culture, Vannes/Moustoir'Ac 56
96.1 France Musique, Douarnenez/Kerguesten Vian C 29
96.3 France Culture, Quimper/Tour du Coteau 29
96.3 Europe 2, Morlaix- LAM, ZA. de Langolv 29 or
Lorient/Caudan-Ploemeur Mont 56
96.5 Europe 2, Brest-Guipavas/Kermeur Coata 29 EUROPE_2
96.6 France Bleu Breiz Izel, Concarneau/Les Quassias 29 BLEU-BRE
96.7 France Bleu Breiz Izel, Douarnenez/Kerguesten Vian C 29 BLEU-BRE
96.8 BBC R Cymru, Wenvoe, Tentative. Possible audio xd UNID.
96.9 Hit West, Brest-Guipavas/Kermeur Coata 29 HIT_WEST
97.0 France Bleu Breiz Izel, Pont-Aven/Bois d'Amour 29
97.1 BBC R1, Les Platons
97.2 Radiocean, Quimper-Ploneis/Ferme de Ker 29 OCEAN
97.3 RTL, Lannion 22
97.5 R Kerne, Concarneau/Pont Aven-Rouzic 29
97.7 BBC R1, North Hessary Tor
97.8 France Culture, Brest/Roc Tredudon 29 _CULTURE
98.0 NRJ, Vannes 56
98.2 Melody FM, Landivisiau/ Ploudriy Le Res 29
98.3 France Culture, Rennes/St.Pern 35
98.4 RTL, Douarnenez/Kerguesten Vian C 29__RTL___
98.5 France Musique, Suspect either Landerneau/Bel Air 29 or Pontrieux 22
98.6 France Bleu Breiz Izel, Quimper/Tour du Coteau 29
98.7 France Culture, Audierne/Plouhinec 29
98.8 RMC Info, Lorient-Kervogam/Chateau d'e 56 RMC_INFO
98.9 Fun R, Brest/Lescaouidic 29 __F_U_N_
99.0 UNID French with club programme called "Mix Paradise" heard late
Saturday evening. Maybe R Media 99 FM from Brest 29
99.1 R.Bonheur, St.Brieuc/Pleneuf-Val-Andre 22
99.2 Radiocean, Quimperle -Le Poteau Vert 29
99.3 BBC R1, Redruth
99.4 R Kreiz Breizh, Carhaix/Berrien 29
99.5 R Caroline, Paimpont 35
99.6 Rivages FM, Quimperle/Meillac 29
99.7 Cherie FM, Brest/Rue Pierre Mac Orlans 29 CHERIEFM
99.8 NRJ, Could this be Dieppe/St.Aubin 76 ? __NRJ___ My furthest
catch if so. Listed 500W.
99.9 NRJ, Quimper/Tour du Coteau 29
100.0 Classic FM, North Hessary Tor CLASSIC_
100.1 RMC Info, temtative. unlisted. Or maybe FMC Cote d'amour,
St.Nazaire/Pornichet 44
100.2 R Nova, Brest/Rue Pierre Mac Orlans 29 __NOVA__
100.3 Radiocean, Questembert/Trefflean 56
100.4 France Musique, Quimperle/Jardin public 29
100.6 Cherie FM, Douarnenez/Kerguesten Vian C 29 CHERIEFM
100.7 France Musique, Lorient/Caudan-Ploemeur Mont 56
100.8 M FM, Landerneau/Plouedern 29
101.0 Europe 2, Quimper/Chateau d'eau de Coa 29 EUROPE_2
101.2 Tempo FM, Morlaix/Chateau d'eau de Ker 29
101.3 France Bleu Armoriques, Vannes/Moustoir'Ac 56 BLEUARMO
101.4 France Bleu Breiz Izel, Guingamp/Castel Pic 22
101.5 Classic FM, Redruth
101.6 R Classique, Quimper/Croaz Caer 29 CLASSIQ_
101.8 Skyrock, Brest-Guipavas/Kermeur Coata 29 SKYROCK_
102.0 RTL-2, Quimper/Croaz Caer 29 __RTL2__
102.2 Europe 1, Chateaulin/Stang an Garront 29
102.3 Cherie FM, Concarneau/Les Quassias 29 CHERIEFM
102.4 NRJ, Brest/Lescaouidic 29
102.5 RNE-1 Asturias, Gamoniteiro AST
102.6 Cherie FM, Quimper/Tour du Coteau 29 CHERIEFM
102.7 Europe 1, Morlaix- LAM, ZA. de Langolv 29
102.8 RCF, Lorient/Caudan-Brambo 56 _RCF____
102.9 R Kreiz Breizh, Callac/St.-Nicodeme 22 _R_K_B__
103.0 Europe 1, Concarneau/Les Quassias 29 EUROPE_1
103.1 France Bleu Armoriques, Rennes/St.Pern 35
103.2 Europe 2, Douarnenez/Kerguesten Vian C 29 EUROPE_2
103.4 RTL, Concarneau/La Maison Blanche 29 __RTL___
103.5 NRJ, Morlaix/Reservoir de Kerivin 29
103.6 France Inter, Quimper/Tour du Coteau 29
103.8 Frequence Mutine, Brest-Guipavas/Kermeur Coata 29 MUTINE
103.9 BBC R Cornwall, Redruth
104.0 R Media 99, Pleyben/Chateau d'eau-Kerfun 29
104.1 France Inter, Pont-Aven/Bois d'Amour 29
104.3 RTL, Quimper/Croaz Caer 29 __RTL___
104.4 RNE-5 Oviedo, Gamoniteiro AST
104.7 Europe 1, Quimper/Chateau d'eau de Coa 29 EUROPE_1
104.9 France Bleu Breiz Izel, Chateaulin/Port Launay Coati 29
105.0 RNE-5 Santander, Lierganes/Pena Cabarga CAN
105.1 France Musique, Concarneau/Les Quassias 29
105.2 RCF, Chateaulin/Plonevez du Faou 29
105.3 France Bleu Breiz Izel, Audierne/Plouhinec 29 BLEU-BRE
105.5 France Info, Quimper/Tour du Coteau 29. Noisy. No doubt mixing
with other transmitters __INFO__
105.7 NRJ, Chateaulin/Stang an Garront 29
105.9 RFM, Brest/Rue Pierre Mac Orlans 29 __RFM___
106.0 NRJ, Concarneau/Les Quassias 29 __NRJ___
106.2 Nostalgi, Morlaix/Reservoir de Kerivin 29
106.3 Nostalgi, Quimper/Tour du Coteau 29 NOSTALGI
106.4 France Musique, Audierne/Plouhinec 29 MUSIQUE_
106.6 R Classique, Brest/Lescaouidic 29 CLASSIQ_
106.7 RFM, Lannion/rue Petit Camp 22
107.1 Fun R, Quimper/Croaz Caer 29 __F_U_N_
107.3 BFM, Brest/Lescaouidic 29
107.5 R Maximum? Unlisted. _MAXXI__
107.7 French music and chat. Probably Autoroute FM from the A83, Dept
44. V weak.
107.9 RMC Info, Audierne/Plouhinec 29 RMC_INFO

Stations not heard this year which were heard last year.

105.2 R Sainte Anne, Lorient/Ploermel 56. (now unlisted in FM List)
106.5 Alouette, St Nazaire 44 (now unlisted in FM List)
106.9 Fun R, Lorient/Caudan-Ploemeur Mont 56 (still listed in FM List)

Location: Along the southern coastal region of Pays Bigouden between St
Pierre and Le Guilvinec.
See map: http://www.pont-nevez.com/images/cartePB.gif

Equipment: Mostly my VDO car radio and car whip, but also a Kenwood
KT6040 (with filter mod) and FM loop antenna from the car on the beach.
(John Faulkner, U.K. - skywaves 12/09/2007)

Very god Tropo 12.september, but on the 13.september super tropo here in Denmark against Czech Republic, Polen and Germany.
here log from 13.september.
89.9 Czech Rep. CRO 2, Liberec (711KM)
97.9 Czech Rep. Radio Proglas, Liberec (711KM)
99.4 Germany Bayern 3, Ochsenkopf (693KM)
100.8 Polen RMF-FM, Jelena Gora (729KM)
101.4 Czech Rep. Radio Contact, Liberec (711KM)
103.9 Czech Rep. CRO 3, Liberec (711KM)
(John Vinther Nielsen, Herning, Denmark - skywaves 14/09/2007)

87.6 HR 3 Biedenkopf
89.0 RTL Brocken
89.3 HR 3 Grosser Feldberg
91.0 HR 1 Biedenkopf
91.5 MDR Jump Brocken
98.7 AFN The Eagle Grosser Feldberg
100.5 WDR 4 Teutoburger Wald
104.3 HR 4 Biedenkopf
105.6 unid German, probably SWR 4 Donnersberg
(Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire, U.K. - skywaves 15/09/2007)

105.60 03:00 2007-09-16 SUI DRS3 Säntis Voice ID followed by News 43B3 __DRS3___ 787Km
101.50 03:06 2007-09-16 SUI DRS1 Säntis Music // Web stream 43B1 _DRS_1__ 787Km
95.40 03:09 2007-09-16 SUI DRS2 Säntis Classical music //Web stream 787Km
99.90 03:10 2007-09-16 SUI RSR La Première Säntis YL talking //Web stream 787Km
90.60 03:16 2007-09-16 D SWR3 Saarburg Music // Web stream 489Km
106.90 03:27 2007-09-16 D B5 Aktuell Grünten Talks //Web stream 830Km
106.20 03:30 2007-09-16 SUI RSI1 Rigi/Kulm Voice ID "Radio Svizzera Rete Uno" 43E1 RETE_UNO 745Km
105.80 03:36 2007-09-16 SUI DRS3 Beatenberg/Niederhorn Voice ID //Web stream 729Km
105.30 03:39 2007-09-16 SUI DRS3 Chasseral Music //105.8 656Km
107.80 03:49 2007-09-16 SUI RSI1 Säntis Music //106.2 787Km
106.30 04:30 2007-09-16 D Deutschlandfunk Hornisgrinde Music/Talks D210 __DLF___ 639Km
105.70 04:34 2007-09-16 D B5 Aktuell Wendelstein Talks // 106.9 939Km
104.40 04:40 2007-09-16 D B5 Aktuell Hoher Bogen Talks // 106.9 934Km
103.80 05:53 2007-09-16 SUI DRS 3 Rigi/Kulm Talks 43B3 _DRS_3__ 745Km
103.00 05:56 2007-09-16 SUI DRS 1 Chasseral Music // 101.5 656Km
101.70 06:00 2007-09-16 CZE CRo2-Praha Plzen/Krašov News/Voice ID // Web stream 933Km
104.10 06:10 2007-09-16 CZE Radio Frekvence 1 Plzen/Krašov Music // Web stream 933Km
105.90 06:30 2007-09-16 D Hit Radio FFH Großer Feldberg Music/Voice ID 601Km
105.10 06:40 2007-09-16 D Deutschlandfunk Blauen Talks // Web stream 653Km
104.00 06:45 2007-09-16 D SWR4 Baden-Württemberg Feldberg Music/Voice ID DB04 SWR4_FR_ 668Km
98.60 06:54 2007-09-16 D WDR5 Olsberg Talks // Web stream 600Km
98.50 06:59 2007-09-16 D Bayern 3 Wendelstein Music // Web stream 939Km
98.40 07:00 2007-09-16 D SWR3 Hornisgrinde News // Web stream 639Km
96.70 07:05 2007-09-16 D hr2 Großer Feldberg Music // Web stream 601Km
96.20 07:09 2007-09-16 D SWR2 Hornisgrinde Talks // Web stream 639Km
(Mike Fallon, Saltdean, Sussex, UK - FM 16/09/2007)

101.40 19:53 2007-09-15 D Radio SAW Brocken Music // Web stream 746Km
98.70 19:57 2007-09-15 D AFN The Eagle Großer Feldberg Talks/Jingle 601Km
106.20 20:01 2007-09-15 SUI RSI1 Rigi/Kulm Football commentary in Italian //Web stream 745Km
105.60 20:21 2007-09-15 D SWR1 Donnersberg Talks //Web stream 576Km
(Mike Fallon, Saltdean, Sussex, UK - FM 16/09/2007)

Sunday 16 September 2007
Tropospheric Band IV & V Loggings:
R30 POL TVP 1 Jelenia Góra/Sniezna Kotly
R35 POL TVP 2 Jelenia Góra/Sniezna Kotly
R36 CZE CT 1 Jeseník/Praded
R38 CZE CT 1 Jáchymov/Klínovec
R39 CZE CT 1 Ceske Budejovice/Klet'
R40 CZE CT 2 Trutnov/Cerná hora
R43 CZE CT 2 Liberec/hotel Jested
R49 CZE CT 2 Ceske Budejovice/Klet'
R53 CZE Nova Jesenik/Praded
R60 CZE Prima Liberec/hotel Jested
(Janpeter Dijk, Holland - skywaves 16/09/2007)
Digital Radio

China R. Int 9800 DRM via Sackville, Canada *2300-2335 UT September 9,
2007. "News and Reports", "CRI Notebook" and "People in the Know".
Slight decoding dropouts.
(Kraig, KG4LAC, Manassas, VA - dxldyg 10/09/2007)

Передачу из Ирландии RTE Sportscast удалось принять сегодня только на
частоте 11735 кГц - с 15.30 до 17 часов. На частоте 17495 кГц с 13 до 16
часов не принял абсолютно ничего. Прием аудио был возможен только программой
DRM Software radio 2.0.38, потому что декодера CELP у программы Dream нет.
Получилось так, что я записал на аудио только последние минуты программы,
когда спортивный репортаж на английском уже закончился и до конца трансляции
в эфире была программа на местном языке. Публикую также видео файл
интерфейса программы во время записи логфайла DRM Software radio. Параметры
программы: CELP, mono, 14.18 kbps. Текстовые сообщения: Gaelic football
final from Croke Park in Dublin и Coverage of All Ireland football final.
Полная информация на http://www.travelradio.lv
(Владимр Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 16/09/2007)
Неофициальное вещание

9840 Sudan Radio Service, 18:41-18:50, captada el 15 de septiembre en arabe, canticos etnicos, locutora con comentarios, SINPO 34343.
15260 Radio Huriyo Ogadenia, 16:00-16:05, captada el 15 de septiembre en idioma somali, locutor con presentacion, comentarios, SINPO 33342
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 15/09/2007)

6245 Radio Zamaneh, tentativa hoy 13 de septiembre a las 18:20, sin emision, los mismo que el dia de ayer, ?mala propagacion?, no lo parece ya que VOIRI via Lituania

en 6255 llega con buena senal, lo mismo que RASD en 6300, quizas servicio eliminado, o problemas con el transmisor.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 13/09/2007)

Reception conditions were slightly improved on Sep 07, just as Dario had mentioned in PLAY-DX No. 1376. Here is what I heard recently in Skovlunde, Denmark on my

AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:

3279.91 0355-0400 EQA 07-09 R Maria via la Voz del Napo, Tena (p) Spanish talk, hymns, best in USB 25222 AP-DNK

3930v 0250-0335 fade out CLA 10-09 R Voice of Kurdistan, No. Iraq Kurdish ID 0300: "Era Radyo... " after man singing martial song, followed by another martial

song by choir, political talks, short instrumental music 45444 until *0255 when strong jammer signed on, then 42442. The station changed frequency to 3940 to 3926 to

3930 to 3920 and the jammer followed quickly after! AP-DNK

3985.0 1830-1902* CLA 06-09 R Echo of Hope, via Gimpo, S. Korea Korean talks, U.S. Jazz songs and western pop songs, 1858 jingle, closing ann and a hymn

35333 No jammer heard here AP-DNK

4052.5 0400-0430 GTM 07-09 R Verdad, Chiquimula Spanish religious programme - still on the air after Hurricane Felix passed Guatemala! 24222 AP-DNK

4716.70 0025-0050 BOL 06+07-09 R Yura, Yura Spanish talks, Andean songs, best on Sep 07: 25322 AP-DNK

4790.15 0330-0430 PRU 07-09 R Vision, Chiclayo Spanish religious talk, time ann, ID, frequency ann, religious shouting 34333 CODAR QRM AP-DNK

4799.79 0415-0425 GTM 07-09 R Buenas Nuevas, San Sebastian, Huehuetenango (t) Spanish talk - still on the air after Hurricane Felix passed Guatemala!

15221 AP-DNK

5580.33 0020-0035 BOL 03-09 R San Jose, San Jose de Chiquitos, Santa Cruz (t) Spanish talk, song 15221 AP-DNK

6035 0025-0050 fade out 06+07-09 Bhutan Broadcasting Sce., Sangaygang Dzongkha ann, talk, Horn fanfare 33443 QRM Colombia + whistling noise -


6300 2235-2310 CLA 03-09 RASD, Rabouni, Algeria Arabic/Spanish Now again Spanish 2300-2400*, ex *1700-1800, talks, string music and songs, ID, news -

distorted audio 35333 AP-DNK

7185 *0030-0045 BRM 04-09 Myanma R, Yangon, Yegu Bamar ann with instrumental music, talk, native song 22322 noise QRM + weaker station on 7185

(Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 10/09/2007)

3910,00 0509 1830 Celtic Music R, E, folk music, jiga 24222
3910,00 0809 2155 WMR, E, rock, reports received // 6400 sinpo: 24332 25432
3919,00 0709 2150 R.Atlantis Int, E, dance, ID, ballad, dance 24232
3927,00 0709 2158 R.Fox 48,E, inst. rock, Led Zeppelin, Caroline song, We love the pirate stations 24222
3927,00 0809 1845 Orion R, E, pops, ID, jingle, guest dj, 34333
3927,00 0809 2220 Orion R?, polka,schlager,dutch pops 24222
5720,00 0909 0649 Orion E, E, inst. ID, polka Crunchy Pianola suite, Sweet home Alabama 24422
6220,00 0509 1810 R.Likedeeler,G,E, inst. ID, Talking heads. Hotline for SMS, dance. Box Neede 24432
6220,00 0809 2150 Mystery R, disco jingle, Material girl 35443
6245,00 0909 1615 BRI,E, ballad, ID, remembering golden years of pirates. Victoria song, 24322
6255,00 0709 2200 KBC,E, promos, ID, rock, Santana 45444
6255,00 0809 2200 KBC,E, rock, promos, jngle, Stray cats 45544
6275,00 0609 1802 R.Likedeeler,G,E, talks, ID, Box Neede, hotline, rock 24222
6306,00 0809 1743 R.Brandaris Int, E,D, inst. ID, info@radiobrandaris.com hotline. Jingle 24432
6310,00 0709 2220 R.Condor?, E, rock, pops. Talks 24311
6310,00 0909 1510 R.Malaysi?, disco,funky jazz, Robert Miles, not exact ID but the style of music? 24432
6400,00 0809 1725 WMR,E, rock, ID, propagation, Dx info 24332
6400,00 0909 0729 WMR,E, ID, ballad, talks, country 24432
9290,00 0809 0700 R.Six Int,E, rock, Ids, mailbag 34443
(Silveri Gomez, Fraga, Catalunya, Spain - playdx2003 11/09/2007)

3985KHz Iran VO ISLAMIC REP.IRAN Kamalabad 10/09 20:23 RR fv tkls 34333 (LOB-B).
5025KHz Peru R Quillabamba Quillabamba 09/09 22:52 SS mv: id. “transmite, radio Quillabamba”; mx lenta por fv em SS 32433 I= stn. SW (LOB-B).
5910KHz Alemanha R. Republica Wertachtal 10/09 23:30 SS mv: “esta es...radio Republica, la voz del diretorio democratico cubano” 33333 (LOB-B).
7154KHz Alemnha(tent*) Voz da Russia Juelich(tent*) 10/09 23:40 PP fv: tkls abt regata em torno da Antartida 33333 (LOB-B). (*ILG)
(Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 12/09/2007)

During the past few days I heard the following on my AOR AR7030plus WITH 28 METRES LONGWIRE HERE IN SKOVLUNDE:

Jose and Alokesh, please note the 4860 double broadcast!

4699.40 0035-0135 BOL 11-09 R San Miguel, Riberalta, Beni (p) Spanish talks, organ music 25322 AP-DNK

4716.68 0040-0050 BOL 11-09 R Yura, Yura Spanish talk, orchestra music, ID, song 24333 CWQRM AP-DNK

4746.88 0045-0055 PRU 11-09 R Huanta 2000, Huanta, Ayacucho (p) Spanish talk 15221 AP-DNK

4860 1650-1720 IND 10-09 AIR Delhi Urdu talks in FS // 3945 and 6045, but on the same channel simultanously broadcasting another programme with Indian

film songs! 45444 AP-DNK

6035 *0000-0020 BTN 11-09 Bhutan Broadc. Sce., Sangaygang Dzongkha ann and Horn fanfare, talk, 0005 Buddhist Monks intonating 34433 BCQRM 6040
(Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 13/09/2007)

Последние наблюдения,
приемник DEGEN 1103, антенна КВ - 10 м,
СВ - телескопическая:

18.40 774 Radio Varna - Bulgarian

18.44 792 Radio Sevilla - Spanish

19.20 11253 Royal Air Force Volmet - SSB English
audio clip:

19.23 8957 Shannon Volmet - SSB English
audio clip:

19.27 8939 Rostov Volmet - SSB Russian
audio clip:

19.53 738 Radio Georgia - Russian
audio clip (news):

20.09 8939 Sankt-Peterburg Volmet - SSB Russian
audio clip:


8728 17.54 Monaco Radio - SSB
audio clip (ID French, English, Russian): http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Monaco_Radio_8728_SSB_4_09_2007.mp3

8888 18.33 Syktyvkar Volmet - SSB Russian
audio clip:

4635 17.37 Radio Tajikistan - Tajik

4770 17.43 Radio Nigeria Kaduna - English
audio clip:

4780 17.45 Radio Djibouti - French
audio clip (national music):

4880 17.46 SW Radio Africa - English
South Africa

4905 17.47 PBS Xizang - Kham par. 4920

5030 18.18 Radio Burkina - French

4976 18.58 Radio Uganda - English
audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Uganda_4976_6_09_2007.mp3
(Александр Мядель, Минск, Беларусь - 13/09/2007)

17ut24 - 6400 kHz
EE, mx melodica UK.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
Forte battimento con la Corea N. su 6398.7 kHz.

17ut25 - 6055 kHz
R. RWANDA spenta.

17ut31 - 6274.6 kHz
EE/GG/DD, festa in diretta.
Segnale insufficiente-buono

17ut51 - 6306 kHz
Musica popolare NL.
Segnale buono-molto buono
Identificata grazie al blog
shortwave dx.

18ut14 - 6268.2 kHz
Musica melodica USA, ids OM.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Identificata grazie al blog
shortwave dx.

18ut40 - 1323 kHz
pres. R. NEUMARKT - Targu Mures (Romania)
Musica tedesca e annunci OM.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
QRM co-ch VoR Wachenbrunn.

21ut14 - 6430.2 kHz
Test con ids OM e mx.
Segnale sufficiente-buono

21ut20 - 6220 kHz
pres. MYSTERY R.
Musica pop anni 90.
Segnale sufficiente-buono

21ut31 - 3910 kHz
EE, tk OM.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono

06ut27 - 6265 kHz
EE, mx olandese e ids OM.
Segnale insufficiente-molto buono

06ut30 - 6290.8 kHz
Musica non stop anni 80.
Segnale molto buono-nullo
Identificata grazie al blog
shortwave dx.

07ut23 - 6305.9 kHz
Annuncio OM e mx.
Segnale buono-nullo
Identificata grazie al blog
shortwave dx.

07ut40 - 6220 kHz
pres. MYSTERY R.
Musica blues.
Segnale sufficiente-buono

09ut57 - 6325 kHz
Mx e ids OM SS/EE, s/off @10ut04.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Identificata grazie al blog
shortwave dx.
(Luca Botto Fiora, Genova, Italy - playdx2003 14/09/2007)

3985 IRAN: Voice of Islamic Republic Iran, Marulas. AA, 13/09 0055. Cantos
em AA por OM sem acompanhamento instrumental, OM: talks, 25442 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP).

4698 GUATEMALA (tent.): R. Amistad, San Pedro La Laguna, SS, 15/09 0102. OM:
talks, mx instrumental, talks sobre ‘integracion... amistad’ (id?), 25332
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP).

4747 PERU: R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, SS, 13/09 0101. Mx por banda de
fanfarras, OM: talks, 25442 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP).

4930 BOTSWANA: Voice of America, via Selebi-Phikwe, EE, 12/09 2057. Mx
reggae, id ‘this is the Voice of America, Washington DC, signing off’, IS,
35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP).

6255 LITUANIA: The Mighty KBC, via Sitkuani, EE, 15/09 2212. Rock’n roll dos
anos 70 e 80, varias identificacoes, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP).

9450 RUSSIA: WYFR, via Irkutsk, EE, 15/09 0935. Mx crista, OM: id, endereco,
35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP).

12085 MONGOLIA: Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Ch, 15/09 0950. Mx pop, YL:
talks, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP).

12105 GUAM: KTWR, Agana, Ch, 15/09 0942. Px cristao, OM: pregacao, ‘TWR’,
35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP).

15476 ANTARTIDA ARGENTINA: LRA 36 R. Nacional San Gabriel, Antartida, SS,
12/09 2043. Sequencia de cancoes em SS, locucao por OM. Um bom sinal, porem
um fading incrivel, sumindo por vezes o sinal (sem perda da portadora), e
repentinamente, um sinal de boa qualidade, 35322 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao

18930 ESTADOS UNIDOS: R. Taiwan Int., via Okeechobee, FF, 12/09 2051. YL:
talks sobre Taiwan, mx instrumental em estilo oriental (// 3965 35543),
25532 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - radioescutas 16/09/2007).

1116 13/9 21.55 R. Albacete - SS Id e pubblicità locale suff.
1287 14/9 21.55 R. Lleida - Catalano ID e pubblicità locale buono
1470 15/9 04.20 WLAM - Lewiston EE sport suff.
1510 15/9 04.15 WWZN - Boston EE talk OM suff.
1570 15/9 04.25 CFAV - Laval FF MX buono
3279.6 15/9 03.25 Voz del Napo/R. Maria - Tena SS predica suff.
3330 15/9 03.30 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip buono
4052.5 15/9 03.35 R. Verdad - Chiquimula SS gospel suff.
4790 15/9 03.40 R. Vision - Chiclayo SS predica suff.
4799.8 15/9 03.45 R. Buenas Nuevas - S. Sebastian SS MX buono
4845.2 15/9 23.10 R. Cultura Ondas Tropicais - Manaus PP MX suff. (
Mauritania off )
4915 15/9 22.10 R. Difusora - Macapà PP predica buona
4938 15/9 23.05 R. Armada - Dutch ID e MX buono ( anche qui le pirate
!!! )
4976 15/9 22.15 R. Uganda - Kampala EE MX buono
5720 16/9 08.40 R. Orion - EE ID e MX buono
6290 16/9 08.35 R. Mazda - EE ID e MX buono
6305 15/9 21.50 R. Brandaris - EE ID e MX buono
6325 16/9 08.50 R. Waves Int - EE ID e MX suff.
(Roberto Pavanello, Verecli, Italy - playdx2003 16/09/2007)

2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT 1010 to 1015 with news items ..10 September..[Wilkner-FL]

3220 Ecuador, HCJB Pifo 1000 to 1030 program with very mellow flute music. 10 Sept. [Wilkner-FL]

4045 usb Cat Island in the Bahamas. 1030 to 1040 with report on destination, weak but readable signal. Interesting talk on the caribbean weather and chance of tropical

storm activity affecting plans for sailing vessels departure. Another country for the Insomnia DX Club countries list. :-) 15 September [Wilkner-FL]

4456.94 [X] Bolivia, Radio Virgen de los Remedios, Tupiza, is on my target list. Had logs of the months ago as one of three Bolivian on the 90 meter band at the time.

Various issues of bulletin had some chatter on this recently.
Nothing in 1000 to 1100 this week 4456.96 was frequency for last logging of station [Wilkner-FL]

3172.62 RF Peru, Radio Municipal, Panao returned, noted from 1040 to 1100+ with om en espanol and ments to Municipal and news items, noted most days since then,

frequency varies to 3175v [?] on various days but cannot confirm this as Radio Municipal Radio Municipal, Panao been off for two weeks. Two other dxers noted similar. 10

September [Wilkner-FL]

4600.2 Central American medium wave harmonic near previous CP station's frequency. 14 Sept [Wilkner-FL]

4763.11 Bolivia, Radio Chicha, Tocla 1030 with om en espanol held in to 1045. Picked out names of Bolivian locations in talk. fair to good 11 Sept. [Wilkner-FL]

4875.91 [also .82] Bolivia, Radio Estambul all this week with weak signal, often difficult to tune and fade out before other 60 meter band Bolivian stations. 1000 to 1030 with

exotic music challenging radios for best synchro lock. R8 and R75 with the Kiwa modification did well. Like the sound of the R8. In this feel that I am not alone based on

emails received over the last two weeks. 11 September [Wilkner-FL]

6079.98 Bolivia Radio San Gabriel, La Paz, 1000 to 1120 with flauta andina, exchange between yl and om ments de '... Santa Cruz..." and later "banda de 49 metros .." no

positive ID on 13 September. Long series of beautiful flute solos permitted comparing quality om AM mode between R8, NRD 535D, 746 Pro and R75 Kiwa. Signal varied

quickly, often a few seconds that comparison was inconclusive. Used switches for audio and same antenna. Hitting the R8 synchro for a second time seemed to hold this

in very well. Lost at 1120 with yl en espanol weak by then. [Wilkner-FL]

6173.8 Peru Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco 1033 to 1050 " en la horas de peru' and cinco viente tres ...nacional de .." very difficult signal here as covered by co channel slop

and need for very narrow filter of the R8 and or 746 Pro. notice back in 1995 that the R8 synchro would occasionally work in .05 if the PBT was tuned with extreme care.

At the time Guyana was on 5950.20 or something like this.
Zimbabwe when logged here has not be parallel between 3396 and 4828 as it seem two different services. poor quality generally. 0300 to 0330 on 2 September fair to good

African opening. Also noted Uganda 4976 same time. [Remote location using the modified 2010XA whip antenna. rlcw
Plans for the 2010XA are on think the mods are on the Yahoo icf2010 club files under:


.pdf> ]

Continue to look for Radio Peace 4750 between 0230 and 0330 with no joy. rlcw
(Robert Wilkmer, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - CumbreDX 16/09/2007)

3325 1305-1315 Sep 9. Two stations here, one was undoubtedly RRI
Palangkaraya. The other may have been R. North Solomons. One stn,
probably RRI, had a man talking; the other had vocal music and seemed //
to 3204.97 but not sure - band condx were pretty cruddy this morning. The
3325 mx stn and 3204.97 both went off the air around 1310. Have not seen
a log of North Solomons in a long time. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 13/09/2007)

Two 14 kHz wide spurious signals noted today of nominal

VoRUS Russian Sodruzhestvo (CIS) 1200-1700 9875 Samara Middle Asia

on 9825 and 9925 kHz.

Yesterday night noted another BUZZY signal of Samara on 7155 kHz, 2300-0200
UT 500 kW. One or two txs of Samara station are in very bad audio condition
and need repair by technicians urgently.
(W. Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 16/09/2007)

6398 R. Bosques, 2050 on Sep 9, testing with a relay of AM 1640 "LV de Arturo Zein" (ID hrd: "Desde Arturo Zein y ahora con una nueva antena para toda la Gran La Plata,

Berazategui. .. esta es AM 1640 La Voz de Arturo Zein, ahora con mАs potencia y mucho mАs alcance... Esta es la Voz de Arturo Zein", "Esta es la 1640, La Voz de

Arturo Zein" and then playing mx from Uruguay. AM mode, QRK 5. Went off 2115, but rechecks proved positive, but station active during brief minute or so, twice, Then, I

gave up. (H. Nigro, Montevideo, Uruguay - dxldyg 10/09/2007)
Date 03/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.650,0 1955 unid 33433 8
1.654,0 1847 unid 32432 8

3.910,0 1912 Celtic Music Radio 23322 6

6.421,0 1840 Laser Hot Hits 24333 6
6.878,0 1959 Pirate Music 24433 7

Date 04/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

6.421,0 1627 Laser Hot Hits 23322 7

Date 05/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.636,0 1954 Radio Tijdbreker 33433 8

1.645,0 1934 Zender Schaduwjager 43443 9+10d

3.910,0 1813 Celtic Music Radio (tent) 33433 8
6.275,0 1939 Radio Likedeeler 24322 6

6.421,0 1755 Laser Hot Hits 22332 7

Date 07/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.630,0 2156 unid 34433 8

1.645,0 2033 Radio Barones 44444 9+10d
3.920,0 2104 Radio Atlantis International 44444 9

3.927,0 2029 Radio Fox 48 34433 8

6.255,0 2213 KBC Radio 45444 9+10d

Date 08/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.650,0 2306 Zender Santana 34333 8
3.910,0 2100 WMR 23322 5

3.927,0 2215 unid 23322 5

6.220,0 2040 Mystery Radio 44444 9
6.255,0 2200 KBC Radio 45444 9+10d

6.275,0 2017 Radio Likedeeler 23322 5

6.275,0 0807 Laser Hot Hits 23333 6
6.275,0 0857 Radio Rainbow 24333 5

6.291,0 2052 Radio Dr Tim 23422 5

6.400,0 2022 WMR 33433 8
6.421,0 0755 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5

6.421,0 2030 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5

6.421,0 1540 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
9.290,0 0747 Radio Six International 45444 9+10d

Date 09/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.660,0 1942 unid 43443 9
5.720,0 0652 Orion Radio 24433 6

6.265,0 0639 Radio Kentucky 23322 5

6.275,0 1945 Radio Likedeeler 21321 5
6.305,0 0806 Radio Altrex 23322 5

6.306,0 0813 Viking Radio 33433 8

6.310,0 1751 Radio Malaisy (tent) 33443 8
6.310,0 0649 Radio Condor 23333 7

6.325,0 0922 Radio Heineken (tent) 23322 5

6.400,0 0632 WMR 23322 5
6.400,0 1806 WMR 43443 9

6.421,0 1309 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
(RadioStrike - playdx2003 11/09/2007)

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