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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 137 часть 1

WorldDX 137
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
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Короткие Волны

4835, ABC-Alice Springs, 0755-0830*, Sept 2, English
programming with coverage of rugby match. Local news. Promos for
upcoming programs. Sports scores. Abruptly pulled plug at 0830.
// 4910-Tennant Creek. Both frequencies weak but readable.
(B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 03/09/2007)

6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 17:01-17:15, captada el 3 de septiembre en arabe, comienza emision con el himno nacional, locutor con presentacion en arabe y canto del

Coran, segmento musical, SINPO 45343 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spian - hard-core-dx 03/09/2007)

Аляска (США)
Besides Schickele Mix, another real fun radio show is on the way
out. I think produxion ceased several years ago, and indeed its home station
WVXU no longer exists as an independent entity, but a few stations have still
been running RIDERS RADIO THEATRE, a weekly semihour of humourous skits,
faux-radio drama, and cowboy songs that your commercial country station would
not be caught dead playing.

See previous item in DXLD 6-011. 21 months later, Publicradiofan.com now has
only three airings, not including the one we just heard UT Sat Sept 8 at
0230-0300 on KCHU 770 Valdez but whose stream is unfortunately only 16 kbps.

WVRU still has RRT on their schedule Sat 1200 UT, followed by the companion
show COW PIE RADIO, neither confirmed as scheduling and webcasting from this
station have been unreliable in the past. PRF also has it Sat 1330 on KGLP, but
it is not on their grid now, and webcasting is still suspended. Nor does it now
show on the KSUT grid at the same time. Anyhow, we know it is still running on
KCHU (na zdar!) Friday nights. And the Riders are still plenty busy touring;
catch them in person if you can. Also have, of course a blog via
http://www.ridersinthesky.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/09/2007)

15476 LRA36 caught at 1935 to 1955 but with very disappointing signal strength.Very noisy using in usb. Same the next day at same time frame but home QTH. Very

hot and dry making parks and shaded areas good for dxing. Noise level from power lines was minimal at this location (Robert Wilkner, FL, USA - CumbreDX 03/09/2007)

LRA 36 ,15476khz 3/9 from 1917utc ,best audio and signal on 1942utc program with Sp. music and Female talks about local news sinpo 33333 for 15 min.
(Maurits, Belgium - hard-core-dx 04/09/2007)

15476, LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel
(probable), 1947-2002, 06-09. Canciones españolas y latinoamericanas
sin interrupcón. Señal clara pero con bastante desvanecimiento. A
partir de las 2000 la señal se deterioró y se volvió práctiamente
inaudible. 24322. (M. Méndez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 07/09/2007)

6059.92, Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires, 2300-2310+,
Sept 2, Spanish soccer coverage. Weak. Poor with adjacent channel
splatter from Spain on 6055 & weak co-channel QRM from unidentified
station on 6060. Very weak // 15345.01. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 03/09/2007)

11710, RAE, 1240. Program in Spanish with notes of science and technology.
SINPO: 33333. (Patricio De los Rios, Temuco, Chile).(03th September 2007).
15345, RAE, 1900. Identification signal and program in Italian. SINPO: 33333.
(Patricio De los Rios, Temuco, Chile).(04th September 2007).

Have noticed BBCWS with VG and only
listenable signal here (starting) at 0300 on 7160.
Seems 65º is a good back lobe beaming to Tiquicia.
(Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 08/09/2007)

Desde hace unos días noto la ausencia de Radio Solh vía Reino Unido en 17700 en el servicio de 12:00 a 15:00, en un principio pensé que se trataba de mala propagación

o bien algún problema técnico, quizás una reducción de horario, pero según pasa los días parece que este servicio a sido cancelado, por regla general esta señal entra con

mucha fuerza aquí en Valencia (J. M. Romero. Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 07/09/2007)

R. Solh, via UK, had not been audible for a couple of
weeks, but propagation is improving a bit. In fact, Saturday Sept 8 from before
1400 past 1600, 17700 was fairly audible here with almost continuous music, and
also on Sept 9 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/09/2007)

17700 Radio Solh, 12:17-12:20, fue captada desde Sacañet en Castellón con Sangean ATS 909 y antena telescópica, emisión de música pop afgana, posteriormente a

las 17:55 hasta final de transmisión a las 18:00, cortan bruscamente la emisión, SINPO 35443. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 09/09/2007)

11930 Belaruskoje Radyjo 1, 05:25-05:32, captada el 7 de septiembre en bielorruso a locutor con comentarios sobre Ucrania, locutora, SINPO 45343.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 09/09/2007)

4409.8 Radio Eco (pure guess); 0042-0102+, 2-Sep; Low-key
SS vocal tunes; M/SS ancr, but too buried to copy. Poor (Harold Frodge, USA - CumbreDX 03/09/2007)

4796.32, Radio Mallku, 1005-1015 Noted a single male in Spanish comments
during the period. With the CODAR passing over everything, any decent copy is
impossible. Signal seemed to drop off the air at 1015 but came back a minute
later. Signal was threshold (Chuck Bolland, 06/09/2007)

5967,72 Radio Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni, 1037-1045, September 08, Spanish,
very nice andean songs, Identification (Cannes) by male as:
“En su canal internacional......transmite CP177 Radio Nacional Huanuni,Voz Sindicalista del Minero Boliviano”, 33333
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 08/09/2007)

4699.40, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 0115-0208* Sept 8,
Tentative with Spanish talk, Bolivian style music. Abrupt sign off.
Threshold signal at tune-in and improved to a more readable level
by 0200, but no ID heard. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/09/2007)

4716.67, Radio Yura, Yura, 0125-0140+, Sept 8, Spanish
talk. Wide variety of Bolivian music, Andean ballads, pops, & rustic
vocals. Mentions of Yura. Weak but readable. Sign off noted around
0157. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/09/2007)

6134.798, Radio Santa Cruz, 1002-1015 Just faded in out of the "blue",
with a male in Spanish comments. At 1005, typical folkloric music presented.
At 1007 ID given over music. At 1008 a second male comments which sounds
like a political discourse. The music changes at that time to what sounds like
a "protest" song. What's goiing on? At 1019 canned ID as, "... Radio Santa Cruz".
By 1018 this signal has improved to armchair quality. Signal is fair to good
to armchair. (Chuck Bolland, 09/09/2007)

4930, Voice of America, 0431-0445 Usual format from VOA with news and
features in English. Signal was only fair with noise. (Chuck Bolland, 04/09/2007)

6.080 01:05 Radio Novas de Paz Curitiba, PR P Mx-Evangelica 32222
(LELS, Brasil - radioescutas 03/09/2007)

4845.30, Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais(pres), 1016-1025 Noted a steady
stream of Bras pop music. This mixing with a utility that does not yield for an
instant. Signal of COT was good. (Chuck Bolland, 06/09/2007)

Some Brasilian staions beeing heard as I write this post,1950 UTC

11925 R.Bandeirantes,S.Paulo with 2 OM's talking,fair signal,but lots of static gives hard reception
11830 R.Anhanguera,Goiania,with weak/fair signal but strong splatter from BBC,Persian from Cyprus on 11825
11815 R.Brasil Central,Goiania,with "Na beira da mata",and news briefs at 1958z.plus time as 1700 at 2000z,returning to same px. SINPO 44344
(J. Turner, Portugal - dxldyg 07/09/2007)

6105, Radio Cultura,(Pres), 1011-1026 In with a male in Portuguese language
Religious comments. This is steady and at a good level, covering any other signals
on the freq. This is definitely a Brazilian, but which one is the problem? Both
Radio Cultura and Filadelfia are listed on this freq. Signal starting to fade by 1021.
(Chuck Bolland, 09/09/2007)

9.610 28/08 Radio Vaticano Cidade do Vaticano S Nx-Noticias do Papa e da Igreja 32222 LELS
(LELS, Brasil - radioescutas 03/09/2007)

noted that it was on the air Saturday Sept 1; however, on
Sunday Sept 2 at 1915, 15290 was missing. Aló, Presidente was still running on
11875, so that would be because of transmitter availability and/or
non-competition with another Venezuelan service. However2, rechecking both
frequencies at 1957, 15290 was on wrapping up RNV CI service, and 11875 was
off, so they made the switch sometime in the interim (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/09/2007)

4780 Radio Cultural Coatan; 0108-0121+, 2-Sep; M/SS w/
anuncios, events & peppy music bumper between items. ID @0119 as
Radio Coatan, w/o Cultural, then camp'o music. SIO=323, roar QRM--
SSB no help; no sign of swiper which is strong on 4785. (Harold Frodge, USA - CumbreDX 03/09/2007)

R. Verdad, 4052.5, usually audible here; noted Sept 4 at 0545,
playing choral hymn with considerable distortion (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/09/2007)

4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0540-0552, 07-09, programa
religioso en inglés, locutor, comentarios, identificación: "Radio
Verdad, Chiquimula, Guatemala, Central América". 24322. (M. Méndez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 07/09/2007)

Гвиана Фр.
After a 3-week + 2-day-weekend summer vacation, TDF DRM is
back, buzz heard again Monday Sept 3 at 1413 on 17870-17875-17880. But it was
gone again on Tue Sept 4 at several chex, 1405, 1428, 1630, 1730. If I were a
fan of these transmissions I would be getting pretty exasperated. But the more
misses, the more chances for analog stations such as Libya to be heard. DRM
back on again already at 1358 check Sept 6 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/09/2007)

9420 Voz de Grecia, 20:55-21:03, captada el 3 de septiembre en griego y espanol, retransmision de la rueda de prensa en directo que el entrenados del Sevilla Juan de

Ramos a realizado tras la finalizacion del partido aplazado entre el Sevilla CF y el AEK de Atenas. Locutores con referencia a Antonio Puerta, jugador del Sevilla

recientemente fallecido, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 04/09/2007)

4780 RADIO DJIBOUTI DORALEH 0304 In AR. Local holy man
doing an extended rel chant. Ocassional ute chatter, but still a
fair signal (Prez 8/29 - CumbreDX 04/09/2007)

Доминиканская Республика
6025.04, R. Amanecer, Sto. Domingo, 0302+, 2
Sept...fair w/ hymn & "R. Amanecer..difusora..religiosa..banda
internacional de 49 M.." & back to relig. mx..weak but mx still
audible @ 0332 recheck..(Dan Sheedy, CA - dxldyg 03/09/2007)

Almost nightly I tune around 49m in the 0500-0600
period, but Sept 6 is the first time I find 6025 active at that hour: after
lite gospel music, 0600 full ID as ``La emisora predilecta de la República
Dominicana, Radio Amanecer Internacional``. Also slogan in Spanish along the
lines of ``we love everyone, even those who don`t share our views``. Fair
signal; before 0600 it was tightly squeezed between CRI 6020 and Martí 6030, so
better after CRI off and one could side-tune down a bit (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/09/2007)

6025.04, Radio Amanecer, Santo Domingo,
2350-2358+, Sept 7, religious music, ID at 2355 followed by more
religious music. Fair level but poor reception due to adjacent channel
splatter & open carrier on frequency. Very difficult to hear past 2358
due to strong splatter on both sides of 6025. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/09/2007)

4965, Radio Christian Voice, 0435-0445 Noted a male and female in English
language conversations. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, 04/09/2007)

5915.ZNBC. Lusaka. (tent.) 0517-0530 f/out 3 Sept...ads/jingle in vernac/EG mix, cockcrow @ 0525,quick yak by W & fade..0250-0456 (occ. checks) 4 Sept. ballad, group

hymn, kid's chorus w/ drums.."our program is...'jump-jam' on Radio 1.." @ 0449, vernac/EG soca-sounding song & pennywhistle/vocal to 0456 t/out..splatter from 5920 EG

religion after 0400..(Dan Sheedy, CA - dxldyg 05/09/2007)

4965.CVC/VoAfrica. Lusaka. (tent.) 0511-0525 fade 3 Sept...EG hip-hop & vernac/EG yak dying into the noise..0410-0455 f/out 4 Sept..vernac & EG hymns, with altar call,

EG sermon "that's right, my friends, the Bible.." to 0455 fade into my local giganto-awful noise..(Dan Sheedy, CA - dxldyg 05/09/2007)

4828, ZBC, Gweru, 0020-0055, Sept 3, continuous
traditional African choral music. Poor with CODAR QRM. // 3396-weak
but in the clear. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 03/09/2007)

4828, Zimbabwe Broadcasting Company, 0418-00515, At tuned in, was in
middle of African Hilife music. Music continues during period. Checked back at
0500 and was off for a few minutes. Signal was fair but dropped down to threshold.
(Chuck Bolland, 04/09/2007)

SW Radio Africa September 7, 2007 1729-1804 12035 kHz in English. EiBi
indicates via Rampisham, GB. Many anti Magabe items. Overall reception
poor to barely heard. (Chuck Bolland, 08/09/2007)

4750, RRI Makassar, 0952-1015 Noted at tune in mainly the usual
type of music heard. A few minutes later a male and female comment until
0958 then music continues. No break on the hour.At about 1003 begins what
sounds like Qu'ran. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, 06/09/2007)

4869.93, RRI Wamena, 1031-1045 Just music noted during listening period.
Something happens at 1036? Like all the QRM drops down as well as Wamena's signal?
Maybe someone is out there messing around with my antenna? (Snicker) At 1037, everything returns
to normal which means the QRM fades back in as well as the music. At 1041 a
person comments briefly. Signal of Wamena was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, 06/09/2007)

Tuning 60m a bit earlier than I usually do, around 1230 UT Sept
6, pleased to find several RRI outlets audible. Best without any interference
was 4605; also 4790 with CODAR QRM; 4870 with bonker QRM; 4750 and 4920 both
with co-channel broadcast QRM, probably China. Each had different programming,
some music, some talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/09/2007)

Indonesia, 4750, RRI Makassar, 1110-1115 Signal still audible here with a male and female in Indonesian comments. Signal was poor but audible. (Chuck Bolland,

September 8, 2007)

Indonesia, 4790, RRI Fak Fak, 1120-1130 Barely audible, noted a male in Indonesian comments here also. The Peruvian is on the air, but not much of a problem here at

this late time. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, September 8, 2007)

6335, Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, 0242-0310, Sept 3, Presumed.
Tune-in to Koran. Talk in local language at 0255 with short breaks of
local music. Poor. Weak with rtty QRM. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 03/09/2007)

REE in Castilian was off this Sat. 9 around
0300 on both 9535 // 9620, both most reliable channels
here for this period. // 9630 was weak. (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 08/09/2007)

9410, CNR-5, 1114-1144, Sept 4, OM & YL in Chinese, Chinese
ballad, signal improving the whole time, fair. Broadcasting to Taiwan,
scheduled for 0955-0005, no other station noted here, clearly // 5925 (weak)
and 7620 (fair), all via Beijing. Audio streaming also noted parallel at :
< http://radiotime.com/station/s_2012/China_National_Radio_5_549.aspx >.
As a general rule I find that, if possible, parallels often help ID these
Chinese stations (Ron Howard, CA - dxldyg 04/09/2007)

5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0553-0605, 07-09, programa
de canciones latinoamericanas, identifcación por locutor entre
canciones: "Marfil Estereo". 34333. (M. Méndez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 07/09/2007)

6009,42 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0732-0740, September 06, Spanish,
religious talk by female, shorts talks by male, 23422
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 08/09/2007)

9335, Voice of Korea, 1300. Program with notices in English. SINPO: 22222.
(Patricio De los Rios, Temuco, Chile).(04th September 2007).
9335, Pyongyang Broadcasting Station-PBS, 1400. Program with notices in
Korean. SINPO: 22222. (Patricio De los Rios, Temuco, Chile). (04th September 2007).

Reconfirmed Hmong Lao Radio running on 11785, Sunday Sept 9
until 1359 WHRI ID, but for some reason retuned at 1404, and heard more Hmong!
Just in time for ID in passing as Hmong World Christian Radio, with St. Paul
address, website. This is still missing from the WHR online schedule, just
showing it as Tue & Thu 12-13 on 12135, which is KWHR. So the additional Hmong
presumably runs another hour at least on Sunday mornings until 1500. Unless you
understand Hmong, this one is also worth listening to for the exotic music
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/09/2007)

21695, Voice of Afrcia, 1410-1440+, Sept 8, English programming
with Afro-pop music. IDs. Talk about African Union. Readngs from
the Green Book. Very weak. Better on // 17870. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/09/2007)

5964.9.Klasik-FM via RTM.Kuala Lumpur. 1340-1345 3 Sept...call-in pgm sim. to unID-4750 w/ "hello.." by W in studio..ment. K.L., nusantara & "Klasik"..always fair-good

most AMs, but 1st time with actual "Klasik" ID..(Dan Sheedy, CA - dxldyg 05/09/2007)

7295.Traxx-FM via RTM.Kuala Lumpur. 1302-1312 3 Sept..World/Malaysian nx in EG..mx bridge @ 1310..bright DJ chatter/laughter-"good (morning?) & welcome to..you

are now tuned to Traxx-FM" into EG hip-hop..recheck @ 1410 had much better signal w/ end of sports news & "you're listening to the sports leader..50,000 watts of power

in your home, in your car.."(Dan Sheedy, CA - dxldyg 05/09/2007)

4835 ORT DU MALI BAMAKO 2333 Listed as in-active in the WRTH.
In FR. Call response afro pop w/ a HOA flavor. And blabber mouth OM
DJ steps on the mx to give stn id and banter. Into OM doing afro
funk: heavy on the bass and drums. Occasional ute chatter, but
still a fair copy (Prez 9/3 - CumbreDX 04/09/2007)

5040.58, Myanmar Broadcasting System, 1102-1110 Only faintly can audio be heard
from this. Believe the comments heard are from a female. Signal bordered on impossible to
hear and threshold. (Chuck Bolland, 06/09/2007)

5040.59, Myanmar Broadcasting System, 1104-1115, With a
threshold signal, noting steady music here. Believe I can hear a woman
in comments also. As mentioned, the signal is threshold. (Chuck Bolland, 08/09/2007)

4769.9, Radio Nigeria, 0503-0510 At tune in, noted a male in English comments. Probably news. Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, 04/09/2007)

4770. NBC-Kaduna. (tent.) *0430-0440 t/out 4 Sept...carrier noted @ 0425, then log drum/percussion IS, pres. NA, then M in EG w/ pledge w/ drum backing.."Good

Morning from NBC..station.." into vernac/EG nx to t/out...also hrd 0439-0511 3 Sept. w/ EG yak, music audio practically non-existent, but talking drums @ 0458 into WAf

nx had much better audio...dunno if it's characteristic of Nigerian BCers but signal is "bubbly" (hrd years ago on 41M Nigerian, too)..(San Sheedy, CA - dxldyg 05/09/2007)

9720 Radio Victoria OXC4C; 2335-2409+, 1/2-Sep; Preachy M in SS;
mentioned Lima & onda corta several times & la palabra del dia (not
Dio); several short music selections; ToH anmt muffled but included
Beethoven's 5th.
New rlgs pgm @2401 with M&W in SS. ID @2407, "La programa de Dios
...Radio Victoria...". SIO=222 w/occasional decent peaks; need LSB to
avoid Rev. Barbi via Costa Rica on 9725. Possibly //6020, but too tough
to tell due to mess there. @2355 6020 covered by OC, then CRI s/on
2400 in EE. (Harold Frodge, USA - CumbreDX 03/09/2007)

4790.2, R. Vision, Chiclayo, 0520-0618, 1 Sept...religious
discourse, hymns, "Radio Vision..grupo de..en la casa de Dios
iglesia.." & what sounded like a URL..more songs 'til 0557.."la
palabra de Dios..La Voz de la Salvacion", list of names (?), 0559
ID:"estas escuchando La Voz de la Salvacion" into dramatization of
Bible story of 7,000 demons, a herd of pigs & a cliff in the vicinity
of the town of Cana..0614:"atraves la radio a su hogar..la
programa..La Voz de la Salvacion" & mention of revival service next
day..signal fair to VG except for CODAR. (Dan Sheedy, CA - dxldyg 03/09/2007)

6019.49, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0745-0800+, Sept 2, Spanish
religious talk. Lite instrumental music. Weak. Very weak on // 9720.04.
(B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 03/09/2007)

4857.448, Radio La Hora, 1023-1030 Visually with the G305, I can see the signal
on the scope, but the audio(music) is hiding in the noise. Only once in awhile does it fade
in and then only briefly. Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, 06/09/2007)

5039.20, Radio Libertad, 1050-1105 At tune in, noted Huaynos type music. Also heard a
male in Spanish comments. The music was easier to copy than the comments for some reason?
At 1055 back to music. Splatter from that abomination on 5030KHz fades in at 1058 and
continues in and out ruining this catch. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, 06/09/2007)

4790.2, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0552-0558, 07-09, programa religioso en español, locutor, comentarios. Señal débil. 14321.
(M. Méndez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 07/09/2007)

Saludos cordiales. Hoy 2 de septiembre a las 20:15 estoy escuchando un servicio en espanol de la Voz de Rusia en la frecuencia de 9480 con una excelente senal,

SINPO 45554. Observo que no hay emision en 7310 ni en 12040, tampoco encuentro listado esta frecuencia, ni en Aoki, ni en EiBi, tampoco en la pagina web de La Voz

de Rusia, ?se trata de una nueva frecuencia o una emision accidental? (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 03/09/2007)

9480 Voz de Rusia, 20:00-20:05, captada el 3 de septiembre en espanol, locutor con boletin de noticias, emision en paralelo por 7310, SINPO 45544.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 04/09/2007)

5900, Voice of Russia, Via Arman, 0435-0445 Noted a program of light Classical
music with English comments between tunes by a female. Signal was Good. (Chuck Bolland, 04/09/2007)

9765 Radio Tikhy Okean, Vladivostok, 0838-0845, September 06, Russian,
news by male, report by female, identification, talk by male, 34433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 08/09/2007)

21780 DW KIGALI RELAY 1221 In FR. YL and OM w/ nx & cmntry.
W/ OM doing most of the tlking. Field rpts from various YLs and
OMs. Deep fades, poor (Prez 8/29 - CumbreDX 04/09/2007)

По сообщению ИнтерРадио Румыния, с 15 сентября 2007 года по 31 октября
2007 года, в связи с модернизацией передатчиков в Сиганеште, передачи
на русском языке будет невозможно принимать в
указанный период на коротких волнах. Об этом сообщалось уже ранее.
Но радиостанция нашла возможность выпускать вторую передачу дня( с
17.30 msk (13.30utc)) на одной единственной частоте 11790 кГц. В связи
с этим будет ухудшен или невозможен приём передач ИРР на Дальнем
Востоке и в Восточных областях Сибири. (Валерий Шептухин, Липецк, Россия - open_dx 09/09/2007)

4775, Trans World Radio, 0414-0430 Noted a male in German Language
commentd for a minute. This followed with music (Choral), also in German. At 0423,
the announcer returns to comments briefly then back to music. Signal was good.
(Chuck Bolland, 04.09.2007).

Сейшельские о-ва
9630 BBC RELAY 2015 In EG. OM w/ profile of unid African
singer/rapper in Zimbabwe and his run ins w/ censors and police. @
2028 OM w/ stn id. YL w/ promo for pop mx pgm. OM w/ summary of
upcoming news. Nx of forest fires sweeping Greece, US forces
killed scores of fighters in Iraq. fair - good (Prez 8/26 - CumbreDX 04/09/2007)

Соломоновы о-ва
5019.85, 1246-, SIBC Sep 1 Ron Howard e-mailed me a report that this station was off the air, but today I can hear them (presumably them) at weak but readable levels in

English with presumed BBC relay programming. Signal seems to be gradually improving as dawn approaches. (W. Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - CumbreDX 03/09/2007)

11650, Radio Slovakia International, 2010. Program in Spanish about an
important Slovak city and tourism in Slovakia. SINPO: 44444. (Patricio De los
Rios, Temuco, Chile). (04th September 2007).

Radio Ukraine in English is booming here from
0300 on 7440. Clear and reach signal. After all what
else can we wait with 500 kW. Equally strong as
Russkoye Mezhd. Radio 7125 Grigoriopol, with nearly
same azimuth. (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 08/09/2007)

11600, Radio Prague, 2057. Identification signal and notices in Czech. SINPO:
22222. (Patricio De los Rios, Temuco, Chile). (04th September 2007).

Шри Ланка
9555, Deutsche Welle, 1210. Notices in German. SINPO: 33333.
(Patricio De los Rios, Temuco, Chile). (03th September 2007).

4909.2, R. Chasqui/Chaskis, Otavalo, 1106-1142, 2
Sept...nice Andean flute mx, M in what sounded like mix of Quechua/SP
w/ TC @ 1111, into low-key yak by 2 M.."nuestros oyentes..comentario
en Radio Chas.."(elided "kis") & mention of Otavalo, more flute
mx/hymns as signal slid under noise..vy weak but still audible @
1142..(Dan Sheedy, CA - dxldyg 03/09/2007)

3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0532-0540, 07-09, locutor, comentarios religiosos en español, lectura del santo rosario. 24322.
(M. Méndez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 07/09/2007)

4814.99, Radio El Buen Pastor, Saraguro, 0145-0240+,
Sept 8, Tentative with lite religious music. Spanish announcements.
Religious talk. Poor with CODAR QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/9/2007)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005, Radio Nacional-Bata, 2230-2258*
Sept 2, Spanish talk. Traditional African music. Afro-pops. Sign off with
long National Anthem. Surprisingly good, strong signal. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 03/09/2007)

Ю. Африка
readers or possible interview. Muffled audio and splatter from
REE's Costa Rica relay. poor (Prez 8/30 - CumbreDX 04/09/2007)

Must be Channel Africa, as scheduled in English during this
hour on 17770, but Sept 7 at 1427 found open carrier only, 1428 off, 1429 back
on for a few sex with English talk, off again (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/09/2007)

UTC 10.9.07

0415 1690 WPTX, money talks, O=2
0419 1620 WDHP, BBC-WS relais, O=2-3
0427 1500 Radio Dos Mil,Cumana, IDs, Latin mx,O=2-3
0436 1700 CRJ Bake, Brasilien, O=2-3
0438 1640 Radio Juventus, Don Bosco,slow mx, O=2-3

UTC 12.9.07

0410 1520 WWKB, ID: new voice, new joice AM 15-20, O=2-3
0415 1470 WLAM, ID: 14-70 ESPN, Maine?s Sport Stn, O=3-4
0422 1390 WEGP, ID: right here on 13-90 WEGP, O=2-3
0434 1200 CFGO, Ottawa, Fox Sports tlk, O=2
0447 1650 CJRS, Montreal, Instr. mx, ID: ici Montreal, O=3
(Hans Pammer, Loosdorf, Austria - A-DX 13/09/2007)

1035 2122- 25/08/2007 1 G Northsoundtwo,Aberdeen-ID,mx rock,Nxs e jingle
in E 42432 AG
690 2221-2225 25/08/2007 2 LBY Radio Jamahiriyah, Sito sconosciuto, Mx
locale, //1449 21121 AS
729 2231-2235 25/08/2007 1 GRC NET (1st px), Atene, Mx locale + Px in
Greco 33333 AS
954 2302-2308 25/08/2007 X XXX Px in A con Mx locale 22222 AS (Qatar ???)
1030 2307- 25/08/2007 7 ARG LS10,R.del Plata,Buenos Aires-Px parlato in
S 24332 AG
999 2316-2320 25/08/2007 2 MRC RTM A, Tangeri , Litanie in A 42222 AS
1053 2321-2326 25/08/2007 2 LBY Radio Jamahiriyah, Tripoli , Px in A
//1449 44544 AS
1251 2337-2345 25/08/2007 2 LBY Voice of Africa, Tripoli , Nx in A su
Somalia 54454 AS
1287 2345-2350 25/08/2007 3 ISR Galei Tzahal, Tel Aviv , Mx oldies pop,
//9570 34443 AS
1296 2351-2355 25/08/2007 3 IRN IRIB 1, Sito sconosciuto , Mx locale + Px
in A 32232 AS (oppure SUDAN?????)
1368 0005-0010 26/08/2007 1 G BBC 5 Live *, Vari Siti, Nx in E 32222 AS
1030 0013 26/08/2007 7 ARG LS10,R.del Plata,Buenos Aires-SS (Plata)
talk 1/2 FC
1510 0020 26/08/2007 5 USA WWZN,Boston,MA-ID EE talk 2+ FC
1130 0023 26/08/2007 5 USA UNID EE talk 0/1 FC
1320 0033 26/08/2007 5 CAN CKEC,New Glasgow,NS-EE talk abour New Galsgow
and Rod Stewart pop mx 2+ FC
1690 0037 26/08/2007 5 USA UNID EE talk, (t) WPTX Lexington Park 1/2 FC
1540 0045 26/08/2007 5 CAN CHIN,Toronto,ON. 2 FC
1520 0048 26/08/2007 5 USA UNID EE talk, (t) WWKB Buffalo 1/2 FC
1386 0050-0105 26/08/2007 1 IRL Energy Power AM, Dublino, Mx pop +
ID 24232 AS
1650 0054 26/08/2007 5 CAN UNID FF + EE talk 1/2 FC
1520 0056- 26/08/2007 5 USA WWKB,Buffalo,NY-Commento in E 32332 AG
1640 0058 26/08/2007 5 USA UNID EE talk 1+ FC
1540 0102-0149 26/08/2007 5 CAN CHIN,Toronto,ON-Px parlato e IDs in S
"CHIN Radio" 33333 AG
1540 0103 26/08/2007 5 CAN CHIN,Toronto,ON-Px
parlato e IDs in S "PolémicaDeportiva por CHIN Radio!" 2/3 FC
1510 0104- 26/08/2007 5 USA WWZN,Boston,MA-Sport live in E 32332 AG
1200 0107- 26/08/2007 5 XXX Non Identificata con parlato in
E:CFGO,Ottawa? 22332 AG
1050 0114-0424 26/08/2007 5 USA WEPN,New York,NY-Sport live e ID "ESPN
radio dot com" in E 32332 AG
1050 0115 26/08/2007 5 USA UNID EE talk 0/2 FC
1560 0119- 26/08/2007 5 USA WEQW,New York,NY-Px mx in //1650 kHz 32332 AG
1413 0120-0128 26/08/2007 1 G BBC 5 Live *, Vari Siti, Px in E,
//909 23222 AS
1650 0121- 26/08/2007 5 USA WHKT,Portsmouth,VA-Px mx e "Radio Disney" ID
in E 33232 AG
1070 0122-0421 26/08/2007 5 CAN CBA,Moncton,NB-Px mx,Nxs e parlato in E in
//6160 kHz 22322 AG
1070 0122 26/08/2007 5 CAN CBA,Moncton,NB-EE talk //6160 2 FC
1609,9 0129- 26/08/2007 5 CAN CHHA,Toronto,ON-Px parlato e ID "Radio Voces
Latinas" in S 23332 AG
6159,98 0137- 26/08/2007 5 CAN CKZN,St.John's,NF-Px parlato in E in //1070
kHz 23332 AG
1609.9 0139 26/08/2007 5 CAN CHHA,Toronto,ON-SS ID "Radio Voces Latinas"
with spanish rap music and px "Barrio Nuevo"! 3 FC
1410 0142- 26/08/2007 5 XXX Non Identificata con parlato in E 22322 AG
1430 0147- 26/08/2007 5 XXX Non Identificata con parlato in E 22322 AG
1130 0150-0354 26/08/2007 5 USA WBBR,New York,NY-Commento in E 32332 AG
1530 0155-0206 26/08/2007 1 G West Yorkishire's Classic Gold,
Huddersfield, Mx pop + ID 32322 AS
1030 0202- 26/08/2007 5 USA WBZ,Boston,MA-Nxs,servizio telefonico,ID in
E 33333 AG
1660 0203 26/08/2007 5 USA UNID EE 0/1 FC
1090 0205-0251 26/08/2007 5 XXX Non Identificata in
E:WBAL,Baltimora? 22322 AG
1602 0208-0305 26/08/2007 1 HOL Radio Seagull, Pietersbierum, Mx pop rock
+ Px in E ("album zone") + ID 32322 AS
1570 0208 26/08/2007 6 MEX UNID poss. Ciudad Acuña 1+ FC
1520 0209 26/08/2007 5 USA UNID EE 1/2 FC
1500 0210 26/08/2007 5 USA UNID EE 1+ FC
920 0211- 26/08/2007 5 XXX Non Identificata in E 22222 AG
930 0215 26/08/2007 5 XXX UNID EE 1+ FC
1700 0220- 26/08/2007 5 USA KVNS,Brownsville,TX-IDs "La
Preciosa",pubblicità in S 24332 AG
1320 0221- 26/08/2007 5 CAN CKEC,New Glasgow,NS-Pubblicità,mx "My sweet
Lord" in E 33333 AG
1700 0222 26/08/2007 5 KVNS,Brownsville,TX-SS and ID "La Preciosa" 2/3
1010 0227- 26/08/2007 5 XXX Due stazioni non
identificate:WINS+CFRB? 23322 AG
1470 0229 26/08/2007 6 MEX XEAI Radio Formula, México DF-SS with
"traditional" medical program at this hour. QRM EE USA 2 FC
1060 0235-0259 26/08/2007 5 XXX Non Identificata con mx jazz e "CRN"
ID 23322 AG
1470 0240- 26/08/2007 5 USA WLAM.Lewiston,ME-Pubblicità, ESPN Radio ID in
E 24332 AG
1500 0244- 26/08/2007 5 USA WTWP,Washington,DC-Px sport baseball in
E 43433 AG
1521 0305-0310 26/08/2007 1 G Classic Gold , Duxhurst, pubblicità in E +
Mx 32232 AS
1670 0309 26/08/2007 5 USA UNID EE USA 1/2 FC
1370 0310- 26/08/2007 5 USA WDEA,Ellsworth,ME-Px mx,ID "AM 13-70
WDEA",James Taylor mx 33333 AG
1660 0310 26/08/2007 5 USA UNID EE USA 1+ FC
1520 0312-0316 26/08/2007 5 USA WWKB, Buffalo NY, Px in E con
telefonate 23222 AS
1370 0315 26/08/2007 5 USA UNID EE + SS talk! 1/2 FC
1035 0317-0320 26/08/2007 1 G Northsound 2, Nigg (Aberdeen), Mx pop +
ID 43333 AS
1680 0319- 26/08/2007 5 USA WTTM,Lindenwold,NJ-Annunci,ID:"WTTM 16-80 AM
una emisora 24 horas en español con 10,000 watios de potencia." in
S 33333 AG
1300 0332 26/08/2007 5 USA UNID USA with QRM time-signal underground! 1/2 FC
780 0336- 26/08/2007 5 XXX Non Identificata con mx country:CFDR? 32332 AG
1300 0344- 26/08/2007 5 USA WOOD,Grand Rapids,MI-Px parlato,ID:"Newsradio
WOOD 13 hundred" in E 33333 AG
1180 0356-0419 26/08/2007 6 CUB R.Rebelde,Villa Maria-Px mx in //5025
kHz 23332 AG
1650 0420- 26/08/2007 5 CAN
CJRS,Montreal,QC-Px parlato in F 24432 AG
1180 0420 26/08/2007 6 CUB R.Rebelde,Villa Maria-Px mx in //5025 kHz 0/1 FC
1500 0430 26/08/2007 5 USA WTWP,Washington,DC-EE & Legal ID 2+ FC
(Dario Monferini, Italy - playdx2003 09/09/2007)

87.70 11:20 2007-09-02 G Goodwood Radio Goodwood (W.Sussex) Race commentaries - RSL for Goodwood Revival
105.00 12:55 2007-09-02 E RNE 5 Lierganes/Pena Cabarga Talks 872Km
106.30 12:59 2007-09-02 F RTL 2 St.Brieuc/Plerin (22) Music F215 __RTL2__ 319Km
(Mike Fallon, Saltdean, Sussex, U.K. - FM 03/09/2007)

A brief opening into the Balkans today. Sigs were very noisy with little RDS decoded here, but GRC and BIH were heard in addition to the loggings below.

87.80 12:46 2007-09-03 BUL? ??? ??? Music 80F0 Part Dyn PS: TEL_62577 / RADIO___ / MUZICKA_/ RAZMAK__ /
87.60 13:01 2007-09-03 BUL Radio Shumen Shumen - Venez News 8224 Shumen__ 2186Km
90.50 13:05 2007-09-03 ROU Radio 1 Alexandria Music/Ads E056 UNU_FM__ 2042Km
(Mike Fallon, U.K. - FM 03/09/2007)

2 September 2007:
04:28 87.60 E211 Castilla-La ManchaE
10:30 87.60 545F Monte Faito I
11:24 87.60 545F Monte Faito I

3 September 2007:
00:29 87.60 E2EC KISS_FM_ Plasencia E
12:53 87.60 2203 IMPULS Brno CZE
12:56 87.90 2D09 Region Jihlava CZE
(W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 03/09/2007)

Meteor Scatter logs from Spain at RDS Levels:

2 September 2007:
04:28 87.60 E211 Castilla-La Mancha

3 September 2007:
00:29 87.60 E2EC KISS_FM_ Plasencia
(W. Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 03/09/2007)

0932 E2+3+4 NRK1 Studio interview then cooking
1233 R1 1+1 YL talking to cam
1235 R1 Nova Relic Hunter
1259 R2 RTL OM to cam and caption along bottom of screen
1328 R2 LTV Vilnius. weak video
(Paul, Sussex, U.K. - TV 04/09/2007)

05:09 87.50 501C Barletta/tetto sede I
19:47 87.60 E211 Castilla-La Mancha E
(W. Kitching, U.K. - FM 05/09/2007)

88.3 PR Edynka http://minskdx.narod.ru/mp3/T08(883).mp3 - Опознавающий джингл не выловил, но в целом ясно, что Едынка.
90.5 PR Trojka http://minskdx.narod.ru/mp3/T11(905).mp3 - В Польше на госстанциях, как и у нас на Белорусском Радио, реклама выходит в конце часа. Запись

сделана в 11.00 по Минску.
91.75 Первый Канал - Могилёв (часто проходит) (в кабеле обычно на этой частоте канал ЛАД) отсюда делаю вывод что это всё же Могилёв. Да и приём

91.9 RMF FM - Losice http://minskdx.narod.ru/mp3/T09(919).mp3 - Новый Хит от Гвен Стефани, выход ведущей, реклама.
99.75 Первый Канал - Сметаничи ? (в кабеле было бы СТВ)
100.2 (наилучший приём 100.15) RMF FM http://minskdx.narod.ru/mp3/T10(10015).mp3 - Данная запись по сути продолжение записи с частоты 91.9. Тот же

рекламный блок, закрывашка, ID от Джери Холлиуэлл, и всем известная песня "It's Raining Man".
101.6 Белорусское Радио - Ясный Лес(Бобруйск)
101.7 Katolicke Radio Podlacie http://minskdx.narod.ru/mp3/T06(1017).mp3 (выпуск новостей, погода, песня, вырезал однообразные моменты, приём характерный, не

102.3 Белорусское Радио - Копыль
102.5 Радио Гродно (Отличный приём) http://minskdx.narod.ru/mp3/T04(1025).mp3
103.0 (103.07) - Радио Экспресс - Жлобин (очень слабо) http://minskdx.narod.ru/mp3/T03(10307).mp3 - Качеством это назвать нельзя конечно. Мешающий Джаз =

Канал Культура 102.9, Реклама Белгосстрах+отбивки = Радио Экспресс.
103.4 RDC Radio Dlja Cjebe ("I Like It" на 103.7 + переход на 103.4 рядом) - http://minskdx.narod.ru/mp3/T01(1034).mp3
103.7/103.9/104.1 - Радиус-FM
~104.3 Радио Гродно (Свислочь 104.4? Слабо Мешало Би-эй 104.6, играет известный клубный трек Cada Vez Que Te Veo) - "дзякуй за увагу" - есть программы на

белорусском? Запись сделал, но весьма посредственно получилось. http://minskdx.narod.ru/mp3/T05(1043).mp3
104.8 Минская Волна / 104.9 Радиус-FM Осиповичи (эти ловятся на Деген в любое время в зависимости от положения антенны)
105.3 Минская Волна - Солигорск/Слуцк - отлично http://minskdx.narod.ru/mp3/T02(1053).mp3
105.4 Radio Zet (не всё время) http://minskdx.narod.ru/mp3/T07(1054).mp3 - песня, отбивка, песня.
105.5/105.9/106.2/106.5/106.7 - Белорусское Радио Жлобин/Могилёв/Минск/Слоним/Ушачи . Почти сплошная полоса из одного и того же сигнала при разных

уровнях звука и помех. http://minskdx.narod.ru/mp3/T11(1059-1067).mp3 - Крутил валкодер.
107.6? Культура (Осиповичи 107.7? мешало альфа-радио, на 107.60 приём почище)

Так же слабо 95.0/95.7 Гродно (Культура/Би-Эй)
Так же слабо 100.7/100.9 Радиус (между передатчиками - забавное эхо, 100.7 почти единственный у Радиуса, который опережает все остальные, не снабдили

видать пока что прибором по обработке звука).

Так же слабо было 104.2, вроде Радио Брест из Дрогичина, не всё время.

1. Из длинных записей, где понятен характер приёма - я вырезал песни или неизменный эфир для экономии трафика, оставив только выходы в эфир ведущих или

джинглы, опознающие станцию.
2. Приёмник: DEGEN DE1103 + штатная "верёвка" длиной метров 10 (входила в комплект), растянул по карнизу окна, живу на 2 этаже. Хотя 101.7 FM ловилось и

на телескоп.
3. Запись велась по схеме - выход Дегена -> FM-модулятор на частоте далёкой от принимаемой -> приём на Flash-Плеер iRiver T10. Кое-где всё ж приём изза

"жучка" сделался чуть хуже, но всё ж зато я избежал искажений с аудиокассеты. Частоту выбирал максимально "не гадящую" на принимаемую, подальше от

4. Список упорядочен по частотам. Скачав все записи и упорядочив по имени - получите хронологию приёма.
5. Прохождение не скрылось, просто в 11.00 я пошёл писать данное сообщение и закачивать файлы на сервер:-)
(Евгений Токарь, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 06/09/2007)

88.80 MHz only music and following textes on RDS display [REKLAM_!] [JUZ_CALA] [DOBE_!!!] ["ZAK"]
(Reijo Alapiha, Joensuu, Finland - FM 07/09/2007)

87.90 RAI Radiouno Capoterra/Bacu Tinghinu (CA) ITA (334 km)
88.00 Radio Rama Gairo/Punta Tricoli (OG) ITA (329 km)
89.00 Radio Kiss Kiss Network Camaldoli (NA) ITA (344 km)
90.25 Radio Nuova Vesuvio - oss. Ercolano (NA) ITA (350 km)
91.70 Radio Kiss Kiss Network Velletri, Contrada Tevola (RM)ITA
92.90 Mosaique FM Nabul TUN (241 km)
92.95 Tele Radio Stereo Norma (LT) ITA (398 km)
93.00 RTT R. Jeunes Ghraba/Sfax TUN
93.00 Radio Club 91 Camaldoli (NA) ITA (344 km)
93.30 Radio Vaticana Europa-America Cittá del Vaticano (428 km)
93.50 Radio Tirreno Centrale , Latina unid (LT) ITA
93.70 RAI Radiotre Roma/Monte Mario (RAI) (RM) ITA (428 km)
93.90 Radio Quinta Rete Vesuvio - oss. Ercolano (NA) ITA (350 km)
94.00 Radio Luna Norma (LT) ITA (398 km)
94.10 RAI Radiouno Vico Equense/M. Faito (NA) Campania. (333 km)
94.90 Mosaique FM Bou-Kornine/Tunis (TUN) TUN (243 km)
95.70 Radio Capital Segni (RM) ITA
95.80 Radio Capital Monte Soratte (RM) ITA (470 km)
96.00 Radio Radio Segni (RM) ITA (408 km)
96.40 Radio Studio Napoli Vesuvio - oss. Ercolano (NA) (350 km)
97.60 Virgin Radio Sezze-Monte Trevi (LT) ITA
98.60 RMC - Radio Monte Carlo Camaldoli (NA) ITA (344 km)
98.90 R101 Perdifumo - Monte Stella (SA) ITA
99.00 Radio Ti Ricordi Rocca di Papa (RM) ITA
100.30 RAI Auditorium Monte Mario (RM) RAI103_ / CLASSICA (428 km)
100.60 Radiolina Villasimius/Monte Minniminni (CA) ITA (297 km)
100.80 Radiolina Sinnai/Monte Serpeddi (CA) ITA (318 km)"
101.40 Radio Margherita Cagliari/Palazzo Griffa (CA) ITA (324 km)
101.40 Radio Antenna 1 Vesuvio - osservatorio Ercolano (NA)(350 km)
101.50 Musica Radio Norma (RM) ITA
101.70 France Bleu Corse Freq.Mora Bastia/S. di Pigno FRA (582 km)
102.20 RTT R. Kef Gorraa TUN
102.40 Radio Radicale Roma/Monte Mario (RM) ITA (428 km)
102.60 RTT Radio Tunis Nat. Kchabta/Jebel Kochbata TUN (250 km)
102.80 RTL 102.5 Hitradio Norma (RM)ITA
103.00 RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono Monte Cavo (RM) ITA (415 km)
103.10 Radio Capital Capoterra/Santa Rosa (CA) ITA (334 km)
103.80 Radio Vaticana Africa-Asia Cittá del Vaticano (CVA) (428 km)
104.10 R. Italia Anni 60 Vesuvio - oss. Ercolano (NA) ITA (350 km)
104.20 Radio Luna Monte Circeo (LT) ITA
104.80 Radio Voce della Speranza Monte Cavo (RM) ITA (415 km)
104.90 Radio Radicale - Campocatino (FR)
105.00 Radio Subasio Velletri/Contrada Tevola (RM) ITA (406 km)
105.00 Radio Vaticana 105 Live Cittá del Vaticano (428 km)
105.10 Kiss Kiss Net. Vesuvio - oss. Ercolano (NA) ITA (350 km)
105.50 France Info Bastia/Serra di Pigno (20B) FRA (582 km)
105.50 Radio Maria, Camaldoli (NA) e Salerno - Colle Bellaria (SA)
105.60 Rete Sport Rocca di Papa (RM) ITA (415 km)
106.10 Rire et Chansons Bastia (20B) FRA (579 km)
106.10 Radio Italia SMI Sinnai/Monte Serpeddi (CA) ITA (318 km)
106.20 Radio Deejay, da dove?
106.30 Radio Italia SMI Santu Lussurgiu/P. Badde Urbara (OR)(411km)
106.40 Radio Maria Velletri-Monte Artemisio (RM) ITA (406 km)
106.50 RAI GR Parlamento Capoterra/Bacu Tinghinu (CA) ITA (334 km)
106.60 Radio Maria Varazze-Monte Beigua (SV) ITA (786 km)
106.87 Radio Italia SMI Latina (LT) ITA (383 km)
106.90 Radio Mambo Monte Cavo (RM) ITA (415 km)
107.60 Radio Maria Capoterra/Poggio dei Pini (CA) ITA (334 km)
107.70 Radio Radicale Velletri - Poggi d’Oro (RM) ITA
107.90 Radio Maria Santu Lussurgiu/Punta Badde Urbara (OR) (411 km)
107.90 Radio 24 Monte Cavo (RM) ITA (415 km)
(Giampiero Bernardini, Italy - fmdx_Italy 08/09/2007)

Saturday 8 September 2007
Sporadic E Loggings:
66.02 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kovel'/ORTPTs (vo)
66.02 BLR BR Radyjo Mahilioú Babruysk/Yasny Les (mh)
66.08 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura ??, a UNID for quite some time
66.20 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Homyel'
66.20 BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Hrodna
66.32 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Pinsk (br)
66.44 BLR BR Radyjo Ekspres Smyatanichy (ho)
66.53 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Rivne/ORTPTs (v s. Antopil')
66.56 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Slonim/Novaya Strazha (hr)
66.98 BLR BR Radyjo Ekspres Homyel'
66.98 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Hrodna
67.10 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Pinsk (br)
67.22 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Smyatanichy (ho)
67.34 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Slonim/Novaya Strazha (hr)
67.37 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Brahin (ho)
67.46 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Babruysk/Yasny Les (mh)
67.76 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Homyel'
67.76 BLR BR Radyjo Hrodna Hrodna
67.88 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Pinsk (br)
68.00 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Smyatanichy (ho)
68.12 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Slonim/Novaya Strazha (hr)
68.24 UKR Radio Krai-2 Rivne/ORTPTs (v s. Antopil')
68.30 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Brahin (ho)
68.39 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Geranony (hr)
68.45 BLR BR Radyjo Ekspres Zhlobin (ho)
68.48 UKR UR Radio Luts'k Kovel'/ORTPTs (vo)
68.51 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary)
68.90 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Hrodna
69.08 BLR BR Radyjo Brest Pinsk (br)
69.11 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Brahin (ho)
69.26 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Homyel'
69.26 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Geranony (hr)
69.44 BLR BR Radyjo Hrodna Slonim/Novaya Strazha (hr), // 69.08 & 69.68 MHz BR Radyjo Brest
69.68 BLR BR Radyjo Brest Brest/Rakitnitsa
69.68 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Zhlobin (ho)
69.80 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Olevs'k/RTPTs (zh)
69.92 BLR BR Radyjo Ekspres Brahin (ho)
70.10 BLR BR Radyjo Mahilioú Mahilyow/Polykovichi
70.28 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Smyatanichy (ho)
70.43 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Minsk
70.91 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Brest/Rakitnitsa
71.03 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Zhlobin (ho)
71.12 UKR UR R Zhytomyrska khvylia Zhytomyr/RTPTs
71.18 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Mahilyow/Polykovichi
71.30 UKR UR 2 - Radio Promin' Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary)
71.33 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Minsk
71.45 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Babruysk/Yasny Les (mh)
71.54 BLR BR Radyjo Hrodna Geranony (hr)
71.69 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Brest/Rakitnitsa
71.81 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Zhlobin (ho)
71.90 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Zhytomyr/RTPTs
71.96 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Mahilyow/Polykovichi
72.11 BLR BR Radyjo Minsk Minsk
72.32 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Geranony (hr)
72.47 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Brest/Rakitnitsa
72.74 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Mahilyow/Polykovichi
72.89 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Minsk
73.01 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Babruysk/Yasny Les (mh)
73.79 ? UNID classical music px ??, most likely from BLR, not // BR 2 - Kanal Kultura
93.25 ? Video Channel R05 many options
(Janpeter Dijk, Holland - skywaves 08/09/2007)

1444-1504 89,8 NOR NRK P1 NRK Hedmark Kongsvinger/Holtberget No OM tx, songs, children-px? 1309 km F201 NRK_P1__
1445 87,6 NOR NRK P1 NRK Hedmark Nordhue // 89.8 1401 km F201 NRK_P1__
1446 88,6 NOR NRK P2 Tron No tx 1533 km F202 NRK_P2__ RT:KULTURKANALEN
1448 88,7 UNID Scandinavian OM tx, pop mx, not // with NRK
1449 89,1 NOR NRK P2 Halden 1 No tx, // 88.6 1198 km
1452-1500 93,9 NOR NRK P2 Kongsvinger/Holtberget No YL tx, // 88.6 1309 km
1458 89,3 UNID Scandinavian YL tel call
(Günter Lorenz, Freising, Germany - skywaves 08/09/2007)

87.80 13:49 2007-09-08 POL Radio Maryja Biala Podlaska/Warszawska Religious PX 3232 1597Km
88.30 13:53 2007-09-08 POL PR 1 Siedlce/Losice Talks 3211 Dyn PS: PROGRAM_ / NOWRAMI_ / CZESTOT_ / LIWOSCIK /__WOZ___ / ___POD__ /

022_____ / 645-2445 / WWW.____ / POLSKIE_ / RADIO.PL / 1578Km
90.50 13:55 2007-09-08 POL PR 1 Siedlce/Losice Music 3233 Dyn PS: POLSKIE_ / __RADIO_ / TROJKA / TEL_0-22 / 333-3333 / 15_54___ /

LOSICE__ / 1578Km
91.00 13:56 2007-09-08 POL RMF FM Warszawa/Komin EC Pruszków II Music 3F44 _RMF_FM_ 1442Km
93.10 13:57 2007-09-08 POL PR Radio Lublin Warszawa/Komin EC Pruszków II Music 3900 Part Dyn PS: TELE383_ / POLSKIE_ / 93.1FM__ / LUBLIN__

/ 1608Km
(Mike Fallon, Saltdean, U.K. - FM 09/09/2007)

10.30 R 1 MDA TVR 1 Cahul px announcement
12.47 E 4 HRV HRT 1 Psunj
13.02 itA ITA Rai-Uno ? film Jessica Fletcher
13.30 itB ITA Rai-Uno ? news TG1
13.41 E 4 MKD MTB 1 Pelister
15.07 R 1 HNG M1 Budapest UEFA highlights
15.11 E 2 AUT ORF 1 Jauerling Formula 1 training
15.41 R 2 LTA LT 1 Vilnius
15.47 R 1 CZE NOVA Praha with new logo ?
16.07 R 1 UKR 1 + 1 offset 8M / Simferopol
16.08 R 2 UKR 1 + 1 offset 5P / Uzgorod
16.38 R 2 MDA MOL1 Balti
17.00 R 2 UKR YT 1 offset zero - Kiev ?
17.27 R 2 EST ETV Tallinn
17.31 R 1 RUS 1TV Moscow footballgame Russia - Macedonia
(John Marsyla, Delfzyl, The Netherlands - TV -09/09/2007)

87.8 R grivalden weak v
87.9 pop prob contact or fun in v
88.0 culture alencon stereo rds
88.3 europe 2 stereo in v
88.3 culture stereo in h
89.2 pop not cherbourg in v
89.2 Culture cherbourg rds
89.9 musique stereo rds rennes
90.1 fuges weak
90.2 musique weak nafchatel en brey
90.4 nostalgie weak to clear Paris?
90.5 pop prob Tendance Ouest (v)
90.5 bbc r3 (h) clear
90.6 inter clear (h) nantes
90.6 pop?(v)
90.8 Musique(v) weak to clear
91.0 musique alencon stereo rds(h)
91.1 bbc r3 stereo
91.3 french unid(v)
91.5 culture stereo rds caen
92.0 musiques stereo rds Rouen(h)
92.0 Pop unid french(v)
92.2 french unid(v)
92.3 classique(v) weak rennes
92.6 inter weak le mans
92.7 inter weak to clear
93.0 inter stereo(h)(alencon)
93.0 france bleu briez izel(stereo)(Laval)
93.2 bbc guernsey clear
93.3 french(v)
93.5 inter h(clear) rennes
93.7 classique weak (v)le havre
94.1 inter stereo cherbourg(h)
94.2 culture stereo nantes(h)
94.4 french (v)unid
94.5 fun (v)?
94.6 inter(brest)
94.6 fun(v)
94.9 inter weak (h)chantres
95.0 france bleu? weak
95.1 Inter stereo(laval)
95.4 inter weak(brest)
95.6 musique stereo rds 48 db!nearly touching 50db at times
96.1 bbc solent stereo
96.5 inter clear rouen(h)
96.6 france bleu mayenne (h) stereo Laval
96.7 sing sing(v) weak to clear
97.4 rfm? weak
98.1 rtl 2 new freq?checked with 106.3(v)
98.1 culture(h)
98.3 culture weak to clear(rennes)
98.9 sea fm clear
99.4 europe 1 weak to clear
99.6 inter stereo rds
99.8 rfm (v)
99.8 france bleu(h)
99.9 french(v)
100.1 france bleu Haute normandie stereo rouen(h)
100.2 Tendance ouest stereo(v)
100.7 france bleu rds BLEU.COT STEREO (h)
101.1 nrj stereo(v)
101.6 rtl clear(v)
101.8 france bleu (h) nantes
101.9 nrj stereo(v)
102.0 french(v)
102.1 french (v) 2 stations
102.3 2cr fm stereo
102.6 france bleu (rds BLEU.B.N)
103.1 France bleu armorique stereo(h)
103.2 french(v)
103.3 europe 1 stereo
103.5 french (FUn)
103.7 inter weak
104 rfm stereo
104.1 bbc berks clear
104.2 french
104.7 bbc gloucester weak
104.8 bbc scr weak
104.9 rfm stereo granville (v)
105.0 rtl
105.1 nrj clear(v)
105.2 wave/info competing
105.6 france info stereo
105.9 french(v)
106.1 rtl 2 clear
106.3 rtl 2 clear(v)
106.5 Kriez(bretagne music from brittany area)
106.6 poss nostalgie
106.7 rtl2
107 skyrock granville
107.1 beur fm(v) clear
107.3 vire fm clear(v)
107.5 rtl stereo
done between 2100 and 2400 hours gmt last night
(Mark P, Devon, U.K. - skywaves 09/09/2007)

Es 08.09.07 1325 87.5 I Radio Norba Casacalenda-Cerro del Ruccolo cb 1646 0 X DK 5353
Es 08.09.07 1330 90.6 I Radio Sorrriso Muggia-Chiampore ts 1206 0 X DK 5472
Es 08.09.07 1330 88.5 I Radio Potenza Centrale Rionero in Vulture-Monte Vulture pz 1745 0 X DK 534D
Es 08.09.07 1337 106 SVN Slovenija 3 Peč/Dreiländereck/M. Forno kr 1106 5 X DK 9203
Es 08.09.07 1350 94.1 SVN Slovenija 1 Kum ce 1184 30 DK 9201
Es 08.09.07 1350 88 SVN Slovenija 1 Krim lj 1185 5 X DK 9201
Es 08.09.07 1355 93.5 SVN Val 202 Krim lj 1185 5 DK 9202
Es 08.09.07 1402 87.6 HRV HRT-HR 2 Ugljan zd 1398 5 X DK 6342
Es 08.09.07 1410 88.9 SVN Radio 1 Dolenjska Trebnje 3 nm 1202 0.3 X DK 9427
Es 08.09.07 1419 92.7 HRV HRT-HR 1 Murter si 1436 0.3 X DK
(John, Denmark - skywaves 09/09/2007)

1058 R1 m1 Budapest. Old Film
1242 R2 Mol1 OM on stage playing accordion
1327 R3 UT1 Rivne. Band on stage
1406 R4 BT1 Pinsk, Belarus? Gameshow
1407 R5 BT1 Inverted frames seen from Smiatanicy!
1409 R1 BT1 // with R4
1438 R2 LTV Vilnius. Strongest Man competition
1440 R3 BT1 Hrodna.
1500 R4 RTR 8P offset. weak video
1539 R1 RTR Glubokoye (Novosokolniki). People dancing

0907 IA RAI Uno Religious prog on previously unid 8P offset
(Paul, Sussex, U.K. - TV 09/09/2007)
Digital Radio

* 31 августа принимал с 0 до 4 часов тестовую передачу из Ирландии на
частоте 252 кГц, передающий центр Clarkestown, идентификация - RTE Radio 1
DRM, в период наилучшего прохождения с 01 до 01.30 удалось принять
аудиосигнал с максимальной частотой 10-10.5 кГц при моносигнале с битрейтом
16.4 kbps. В коллекции это уже второй передатчик в диапазоне длинных волн,
кстати, заодно посмотрел, есть ли изменения на частоте 177 кГц, оказалось,
что есть - если в 2006 году идентификация была Deutschlandradio, а третий
сервис назывался также как и второй - wir ueber uns, то в эти дни
идентификация - DKULTUR, а третья программа сменила название на Nachrichten,
изменился также номер ID на E0D220 (добавились два новых символа вначале),
битрейты и системы кодирования остались без изменений. Сигналы, кстати, и на
177 и на 252 не в пример даже СВ диапазону, достаточно стабильные, мне не
удается принять аудио только из-за того, что с бытовыми широкополосными
помехами уже не справляется даже рамочная антенна и даже ночью под утро.
Если бы ни очень высокий уровень локальных помех, сквозь которые у меня в
квартире с трудом пробивается только Радио России на 171 кГц, ДВ диапазон
очень даже, на мой взгляд, неплохо подошел бы для цифрового вещания.
2 и 6 сентября удалось принять тестовые трансляции из Испании на частоте
1260 кГц, причем 31 августа и 2 сентября прием велся на рамочную антенну
Greertech, а 6 сентября - на активную антенну Wellbrook ALA, мой экземпляр
которой как раз лучше всего работает в диапазонах длинных и средних волн,
результаты в очередной раз это подтвердили - если 2 сентября с уровнями 4-5
dB мне не удалось принять идентификацию станции, то 6 сентября с активной
антенной я получил уровни на 2-4 dB больше, что позволило принять
идентификацию практически сразу же. Надо отметить, что прием на 1260 очень
нестабильный, помехи от аналогового вещания идут с интервалом 5 кГц - уровни
несущих на частотах 1255, 1260 и 1265 кГц хорошо видны на input спектре
программы Dream, прием возможен ночью после 3 часов местного времени
порциями по 5-10 минут и с перерывами до полного пропадания сигнала примерно
на такое же время. У испанцев параметры сигнала получше - 23.6 kbps, стерео.
Идентификация на 1260 - DRM Service A, на форуме DRM Software radio нашел
дополнительную информацию - название радиостанции Radio CADENA SER Madrid,
передающий центр вроде бы должен быть Pouzelo de Alarcon. Немного странно,
на мой взгляд, что передачи, продолжающиеся уже довольно длительное время,
до сих пор не зарегистрированы на официальном сайте консорциума DRM, где
публикуется расписание всех DRM программ, и, естественно, этой частоты нет в
удобной для просмотра и редактирования копии этого расписания на
* Еще хотелось бы отметить прием специальных трансляций TDF для IFA Berlin
и IBC Amsterdam на частотах 7135 и 6175 кГц соответственно. Обе трансляции
проводились с битрейтом 20.96kbps, в стерео варианте. На сайте
http://www.travelradio.lv публикую идентификацию, логфайлы и аудиофрагменты
на французском и русском языках.
(Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 09/09/2007)
Неофициальное вещание

9765 0414-0454 05/sep/2007 R. Voice of People (Radio VOP), Harare, EE, 54444
Transmissao com entrevistas a convidados, ID "Radio Voice of People, Radio
VOP...", "Zimbabwe independent and alternative voice", "website
www.radiovop.com" (ThiagoPM, Riacho Fundo-DF, Brasil - radioescutas 05/09/2007)

6245 Radio Zamaneh, 19:14-19:20, captada el 6 de septiembre en idioma persa, locutor y locutora con comentarios, se aprecia ligera interferencia de emisora rtty,

pequeños segmentos de música clásica, SINPO 44454. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 09/09/2007)


4800 3/9 2115 CNR1 - GEJIU TALK YL MANDARIN // 9455 IN/SF
9455 3/9 2110 CNR1 - GEJIU TALK YL MANDARIN // 4800 GOOD
(Roberto Scaglione, Italy - bclnews 04/09/2007)

6878,00 2908 1705 Pirate Music, funky music 24432
6275,00 3008 2120 R.Likedeeler, G/E, ID, reports, hotline, rock, Borderline Box Neede 34333
1670,00 3008 2125 unid, Gr, talks, traditional music 24322
1629,00 3008 2126 unid, Gr, folk song by woman 24222
6310,00 3008 2130 R.Condor, E, dance, ID, greets Peter, 34232
1645,00 3108 2145 R.Barones,D, talks, greets to Marion, smoke on the water, asking for sms 24432
3904,80 3108 2150 The Bogusman,E, rock, talks 34333
6255,00 3108 2205 KBC,E, jingles, rock, Wolfman Jack, promo 45544
9290,00 0109 0730 R.Six Int, E, mx, talks 34222
6310,00 0109 1615 R.Valencia?,D,/E, schlager, closing down at 1630 24322
6400,00 0109 1715 WMR,E; talks,email,website QTH Coleraine, pops,Cat Stevens same prog.2140 sinpo24322 24432
6220,00 0109 2010 R.Marabu,G, romantic song, jingle, webste, rock, promo 35443
3910,00 0109 2140 WMR,E, talks, pops, // 6400 24322
3927,00 0109 2150 R.Atlantis Int, E, samba, ID, dance, 24332
6255,00 0109 2200 KBC,E, jingle, promos, Wolfman Jack, Spencer Davies group 35543
6878,00 0109 2215 Pirate Music, rock, disco non stop 24222
1668,00 0109 2217 unid,Gr, talks microphonos, pop woman 25442
1639,00 0109 2220 unid, Gr, light song by woman 25432
1685,00 0109 2230 unid, Gr, talks about Samurai,or this was the ID?,light song by man 25432
1650,00 0109 2231 unid, D, talk, electric music 24322
6220,00 0209 0640 Mystery R, Beatles, pops, Jingle, Japanese Boy 25442
5720,00 0209 0655 Orion R,E, polk,a, ID, Crunchy Pianola suite, Black is black, great song 25432
6306,00 0209 0713 R.Brandaris Int, E, schlager, hotline 0031 630965772, email info@radiobrandaris.com 24422
6045,00 0209 1200 MV Baltic Radio, G,E, 3rd anniversary show, rock, coments 24332
6400,00 0209 2130 unid,?, talks, military march, not seems WMR!!!! 24232
1008,00 0209 2135 R.Groot Nieuws,D, ballads, Ids, email: studio@grootniews.nl 34443
(Silveri Gomez, FRAGA, CATALUNYA NORTE, Spain - playdx2003 04/09/2007)

3250.00 Honduras, Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis 1100 to 1110 '...esta...... program nacional...". Some local stuff but weak signal ....
3340 Honduras Radio Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela 1100 very strong signal, but by 1110 signal suddenly dropped to threshold level, popular vocal music or

possibly Christian popular in Spanish. No sermon heard.

4780 Guatemala Radio Cultural, San Sebastian and 4799 Guatemala Radio Buenas Nuevas, San Sebastian, Huehuetenango both in with regular programs. 1115 to 1120.
4052.5 Guatemala Radio Verdad, Chiquimula 1124 with English sermon then translated into Spanish, good signal... last log taken.
2310 Australia VL8A Alice Springs NT at 1105 //2325 Australia VL8T Tennant Creek NT //2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT. Katherine the strongest of the three.
3204.9t. PNG's at 1110, 3315t. and 3335t. all in with decent audio but fading. Good level om on 3204.9 and fair to good audio on others.
4750 Indonesia RRI Makassar 1103 very strong signal as was 4604.88 Indonesia RRI Serui noted with vocal music.
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - CumbreDX 04/09/2007)

Свой отпуск я, как обычно, провел в пригороде Пскова, небольшом поселке Торошино.
С собой взял два радиоприемника: Sony ICF-SW7600G, который верой и правдой служит
мне около 10 лет, и приобретенный недавно автомобильный CD-ресивер JVC KD-G617.
Почему сразу два приемника? CD-ресивер имеет встроенный усилитель довольно большой
мощности (макс. 50 Вт), может проигрывать компакт-диски, в том числе с MP3-файлами,
ну а Sony довольно хорошо принимает на коротких волнах, в том числе и в режиме
SSB-модуляции. Что же могут слушать жители одной из самых западных областей Российской
Федерации? Спешу сообщить. Заодно поделюсь соображениями об особенностях использованной

Сначала о вещании на СВ/ДВ. Замечу, что в моем списке будут только те станции,
для которых принимается наземная волна, то есть слышные в пригороде Пскова в
светлое время суток. Для приема в этих диапазонах использовал Sony. В принципе,
JVC также имеет AM-диапазоны, но способен принимать только местные сильные станции.
Под Псковом таких нет. Дальние мощные станции тонут в каких-то помехах. По-видимому,
это следы работы встроенного преобразователя напряжения, который позволяет при
12-вольтовом внешнем питании "снять" с усилителя в пике 50 Вт, но имеет прискорбные
побочные эффекты для приема в АМ-диапазонах. На длинных и средних волнах в пригороде
Пскова на встроенную магнитную антенну Sony можно слушать следующие станции:
153 кГц - Радио Юность из Талдома, O (общая оценка качества приема) =3
171 кГц - Радио России из Большаково, O=3
198 кГц - Маяк из Ольгино, O=3
225 кГц - Польское Радио 1 из Сольца Куявского, O=2 (Псков находится в направлении
минимума диаграммы направленности станции в Сольце Куявском
261 кГц - Радио Росси из Талдома, О=2
279 кГц - Белорусское Радио 1 Канал из Саснового, О=2
549 кГц - Радио Маяк из Красного Бора, О=2
1035 кГц - Семейное Радио из Тарту, O=4 (день), в вечернее время прием невозможен
из-за помех от дальних станций.

В самом городе Пскове прием в АМ-диапазонах в дневное время неприемлемо плохой,
слишком высок уровень помех.
Хочу отметиь такой прискорбный недостаток Sony 7600, как невозможность приема
на длинных и средних волнах при помощи внешней антенны. Думаю, с нею результаты
были бы лучше. С другой стороны, средний статистический приемник использует именно
магнитную антенну. Так что полученные результаты отражают типичное качество приема.

А вот что слышно в диапазоне 65-108 МГц на 7-метровый провод, подвешенный в комнате
на 1-м этаже.

66,05 МГц - Радио России из Пскова, O=5
66,83 МГц - Наше Радио из Пскова (до 22.00 мск), O=5
68,75 МГц - Радио Маяк из Пскова , O=5
71,27 МГц - Радио России из Дедович, O=5
71,99 МГц - Радио Юность из Пскова, O=5
72,56 МГц - Радио Маяк из Дедович, O=5

91,2 МГц - Радио Эльмар из Эстонии (Валгярве), O=5
93,8 МГц - Радио Скай Плюс из Эстонии (Выру), O=3
99,9 МГц - Радио 4 из Эстонии (Выру) - с сильными помехами от звукового сопровождения
Канала Культура (ТВ-ретранслятор из Пскова), O=2
100,7 МГц - Радио Марта из Эстонии (Пыльва), O=3
101,7 МГц - Ринг FM из Эстонии (Выру), О=3
102,1 МГц - Европа + из Пскова, O=5
103,4 МГц - Русское Радио из Пскова, О=5
103,6 МГц - Радио 2 из Эстонии (Вальгярве), О=5
104,2 Мгц - Латвийское Радио 1 (Резекне), О=2
104,7 МГц - Радио Хит (Луга), О=2
105, 1 МГц - Невская Волна (Луга), О=2
105,7 МГц - Радио Классика из Эстонии (Валгярве), О=4
106,1 МГц - Виккеррадио из Эстонии (Валгярве), О=5
106,3 МГц - Радио 7 из Пскова, О=5
106,5 МГц - Дорожное Радио (Луга), О=2
106,8 МГц - Латвийское Радио 1 (Алуксне), О=4
107,1 МГц - Седьмое Небо из Пскова, О=5
107,6 МГц - Дорожное Радио из Пскова, О=5

Хочу восхититься высокой избирательностью CD-ресивера JVC, который прекрасно
принимал FM-станции с 5-кратным различием уровней сигнала при разносе частот
всего лишь 200 кГц, например Виккеррадио и Радио 7, или Русское Радио и Радио
2. Применик Sony на такое не способен. Эти станции можно на нем раздельно принять
лишь переориентировав штыревую антенну или расстроившись по частоте.
Вторая приятная особенность этого аппарата - наличие УКВ. Наиболее содержательное
вещание идет именно в УКВ-диапазоне. В FM можно слушать, пожалуй, только эстонсоке
Радио Классика. Недостаток JVC - высокие требования к фильтрации пульсаций напряжения
питания 12 В. На выходе предварительного усилителя они не проявляются, а на выходе
встроенного усилителя мощности хорошо слышны. (В. Харитонов, Санкт-Петербург, Россия - Media-DX 05/09/2007)

2380 02/09 0200 B Educadora de Limeira, SP. PP mx gospel 43333 RU
2540 02/09 0203 ARG R Provincia 1270 harm. B Aires, SS futebol 34434 RU
3185 02/09 0109 USA WWRB, Manchester Tennessee, EE mx mv 33433 RU
3200 02/09 0418 SWZ TWR, via Swaziland, //4775 GG mv mx 44433 RU
3215 02/09 0115 UNID EE talks estilo discurso "Aleluia" 34433 RU
3220 02/09 0118 UNID SS talks mv sinal muito baixo 23322 RU
3255 02/09 0423 AFS BBC via Meyerton, EE fv mv talks, 33333 RU
3280 02/09 0128 EQA La Voz del Napo, Tena, SS mx mv fv 33322 RU
3310 02/09 0132 BOL Mosoj Chaski, Quechua mx mv fv talks 34433 RU
3320 02/09 0208 KRE Pyongyang BC STN, mv e fv talks em koreano 34333 RU
3329,5 02/09 0138 PRU TENT Ondas del Huallaga, SS talks mv report 23332 RU
3350 02/09 0211 KRE South Pyongyong PS, audio baixo mist c/ REE 32222 RU
3396 02/09 0144 ZWE Zimbabwe BC, VV varias mx tipicas 33222 RU
4780 02/09 0345 DJI R Djibouti, AA mx mv 23322 RU
4790 02/09 0340 PRU R Vision, SS ID mv pgm relig 23332 RU
4828 02/09 0347 ZWE R Zimbabwe BC, mx 23322 RU
4976 02/09 0357 UGA R Uganda, Kampala, EE mv mx 33333 RU
5010 02/09 0354 MDG R Malagasy, mx estilo africana fv 33322 RU
(Renato Uliana, Brasil - radioescutas 05/09/2007)

14.00 UTC
7250 kHz Radio Vatikan in Deutsch, ID, IS, NX Treffpunkt Weltkirche

14.15 UTC
9570 kHz RAI Rom in Deusch, ID, IS, NX, WX, MX

14.30 UTC
11600 kHz Radio Slowakei Int. in Spanisch
sehr gut zu hören mit Bombensignal S = 5

11690 kHz Radio Jordan in Englisch, mit der bekannten westl. Popmusik

15.00 UTC
5930 kHz Radio Prag in Deutsch, ID, IS, NX, WX, versch. Berichte
sehr guter Empfang S = 5/4

17.30 UTC
13640 kHz TRT Ankara mit der Deutschsendung ist mit sehr gutem Signal
und guter Verständlichkeit um diese Uhrzeit zu empfangen.
S = 5/4
(Florian Usner, Germany - A-DX 04/09/2007)

9480,0 2042 RUS LV RUSIA-Moscú Frecuencia RM 04/09 Esp 45444
13800,0 2100 BUL R BULGARIA-Plovdiv Id+Fc 04/09 Esp 55444
11840,0 2058 G V. VIETNAM-Skelton Nx 05/09 Vie 45444
9505,0 2115 FAMILY RADIO-? Rlg+Id+Dir 05/08 Fra 55444
6000,0 0505 CUB RHC-La Julia Com+Id 06/08 Ing 35333
5025,0 0520 CUB R REBELDE-Bauta Mx "Son de Santiago, son de la loma… 06/08 Esp 35333
7355,0 0541 USA WHRI-Noblesville Rlg 06/08 Ing 45444
11970,0 0547 GAB NHK-Moyabi Com (en horario en ESP inaudible) 06/08 Sue 25332
6045,0 0600 CAN KBS-Sackville Nx+Com 06/08 Esp 45444
(Tomas Mendez - playdx2003 06/09/2007)

17660,0 1510 F EM AFROPOP-Issoudun Mx 06/09 Fra 45444
17770,0 1519 AFS CHANNEL AFRICA-Meyerton Nx mención a RP Congo 06/09 Ing 35433
17800,0 1531 AFS CHANNEL AFRICA-Meyerton Com 06/09 Swa 35333
17895,0 1533 BOT VOA-Selebi-Phikwe Bordercrossing 06/09 Ing 35333
13720,0 1633 TUR V TURQUIA-Emirler Nx+Com+Mx 06/09 Esp 45444
17895,0 2113 ATN RNW-Bonaire Nx+Com referencia Pavarotti //17810 06/09 Hol 35333
15345,0 2127 ARG RAE-Gral.Pacheco Tangos 06/09 Ale 35333
15410,0 2133 CHL CVC INTERNACIONAL-Santiago Mx 06/09 Por 35333
15600,0 2136 USA WYFR-Okeechobee Rlg predicador. 06/09 Esp 45433
15825,0 2139 USA WWCR-Nashville Rlg en Esp +Id en inglés a 2158+fin 06/09 Esp 35333
11705,0 2200 CUB RHC-La Julia Id+Com 06/09 Esp 25332
11670,0 2206 CUB RN VENEZUELA-LaJulia Nx+Com 06/09 Esp 35433
(Tomas Mendez - playdx2003 07/09/2007)

09ut30 - 6295 kHz (S500)
Musica melodica olandese.
Segnale insufficiente<->sufficiente
Identificata grazie a
Dr. Tim's Piraten News n. 34.

21ut47 - 6400.1 kHz (R7)
21ut50 - 3910 kHz (S500)
Inglese, tk OM e mx pop.
Segnale buono<->molto buono

21ut49 - 3927 kHz (S500)
Inglese, ids OM, mx brasiliana.
Segnale buono<->molto buono

21ut51 - 6220 kHz (R7)
pres. MYSTERY R.
Musica rock.
Segnale insufficiente<->sufficiente

22ut04 - 6327 kHz (R7)
EE, musica country-rock, ids OM.
Segnale sufficiente<->molto buono

2/9 (my 39th birthday)
07ut51 - 6306 kHz (R7)
Inglese, ids OM.
Segnale sufficiente<->molto buono

09ut00 - 6275.6 kHz (R7)
Inglese, ids OM e musica pop.
Segnale sufficiente<->molto buono

09ut19 - 6325 kHz (R7)
Tedesco, ids OM e oldies.
S/off @09ut31-33.
Segnale sufficiente<->buono
Identificata grazie al blog shortwavedx.

04ut57 - 3279.9v kHz (R7)
R. MARIA - Tena (Ecuador)
Spagnolo, annuncio OM/YL, mx, preghiere.
Segnale buono<->insufficiente

05ut14 - 3340 kHz (R7)
Tk YL e mx. HRMI Honduras?
Segnale insufficiente<->nullo

05ut19-06ut06!!! - 4052.5 kHz (R7)
R. VERDAD - Chiquimula (Guatemala)
EE, musica country e tk OM.
Segnale buono<->sufficiente

NB: Ascolti davvero belli che però da me - a causa di un lieve noise urbano
- sono possibili soltanto con la loop da finestra, sintonizzabile e non
amplificata, anziché con la monofilare da 20 metri. Il progetto di forma
circolare è descritto sul sito http://www.kr1st.com/swlloop.htm ma il
principio teorico (dell'induzione magnetica tra avvolgimenti) vale anche per
il formato rettangolare, ovviamente più idoneo per un'applicazione su
finestra anche se non orientabile. Una Degen DE1103 con la stilo estratta,
vicino a tale tipo di antenna - quando i segnali ci sono - fa miracoli!
(Luca Botto Fiora, Genova, Italy - playdx2003 07/09/2007)

A few logs just before sunrise here in central Texas,
perhaps still audible on the west coast. Also a test
of the concept of presumed loggings. I didn't stick
around to try for an ID, I relied more on prior logs
and listings.

Japan: R Nikkei 3925 @ 1130z

Indonesia: RRI Pontianak, Kalimantan 3976 @ 1135z

China: Golmud (Geermu) 3985 @ 1145z, het from 3987
Central Asia source, very close to grayline

Indonesia: RRI Manokwari, Papua 3987 @ 1145z, het
from 3985, music & voices
(Jerry Lenamon, Waco Texas, USA - dxldyg 08/09/2007)

PERU 6019.49 R. Victoria 0717-0900 Usual rel. pgmming w/M and W hosts. W preaching was on the verge of tears!! Instru. mx at 0724 and M anncr w/TC and ment of

Frontera. Then different M w/ment of Christiana and internacional. 0725 TC again, and canned pgm promo by M over mx ending w/addr in Bolivia. Rel. pgm continued after

0730 w/same M and W anncrs. 0753 exact same promo as hrd earlier at 0725. Rel. pgm continued. 0814-0816 deadair, then choral mx, and pgm continued. Big bdcster

signed on on 6020 at 0859 wiping out the signal. Fair strength but some slop QRM. //weaker 9720. Interesting that Brian Alexander and I heard this independently of

each other at the same time. (Valko 2 Sept.)

MALAYSIA 7295 Traxx FM 1055 "Heaven Must Be Missing an Angel", and into another Dance song. Nice EG ID jingle at 1100, one short and one long time tick, then W

w/nx. Not as strong as yesterday and it seemed disturbed as
well. (Valko 2 Sept.)

ZANZIBAR 11735 R. Tanzania Zanzibar 2051- AR mx at t/in, 2054 M anncr in SW w/brief anmnt, mx bridge, nice clear ID then tlk by different M in AR and also SW.

Studio M anncr returned at 2058 w/anmnt including another ID. 2059 short instru. NA, and off at 2100. Good signal. (Valko 2 Sept.)

BOLIVIA 4690.2 R. San Miguel (pres.) 1003-1025 Apparent nx pgm w/actualities, some quite long but all at a lower lvl than the anncrs mic lvl. Seemed like a remote

bdcst after 1018. M anncr sounded like the one I hrd in the past. Faded pretty quickly after 1025. Audio has the 'feel' of a spur, and thought this might be a Rebelde spur

at first. (Valko 3 Sept.)

UNID. 4925.97 W anncr at 1025 t/in, then mx bridge, and tlk by M anncr. Wasn't strong enough to recognize lang., only able to distinguish between M and W and mx.

Just too weak and too much QRM from the CODAR and 4925 ZY. Maybe a spur?? Not hrd during checks on several subsequent dates. (Valko 3 Sept.)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3905 R. New Ireland 1035- long tlk by M in PD w/ments of next Saturday, program, Nat. Broadcasting Corp.,"Radio ?? FM", province, Highlands,

Monday, etc. M joined in at times. Caught a nice ID when I returned for a check at 1118. Good signal and free of the Ham WX
net. (Valko 3 Sept.)

ANTARCTICA 15476 R. Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel (tent.) 2056-2103* Could only hear individual anmnts by W then M, and
ending w/song. No chance to copy. Just too weak. Seemed to stay on for a couple minutes before the plug was pulled around 2303:30. Tnx Bob Wilkner tip. (Valko 3


HONDURAS 3339.96 R. Misiones Int. 1008- Lively SP Rel. mx. 1015 W anncr in slight echo, and back to mx. 1032 canned M anncr very briefly w/ID finally, then back

to mx w/lively LA mx. Always a strong signal but extremely weak modulation. Makes it tough to ID. Still on the air while Hurricane Felix was making landfall. (Valko 4


BRAZIL 4905.05 R. Anhanguera (Araguaina) 0918-0930, End of soft ZY song and very brief PT anmnt by M, then another song. Easy religious-like song to 0929 full

canned ID by M, then back to more mx. Good signal but very noisy. (Valko 8 Sept.)

BOLIVIA 4699.41 R. San Miguel 0930 Apparent pgm intro by M w/bird chirping SFX and instru. flute mx pgm. Pgm feature w/M and W hosts tlking and occas. mx. 2

pre-recorded segments by men reporters twice. Definite ment of onda corta at 0949. Used the same instru. mx throughout the pgm. 1001 pgm outro w/same instru. flute

mx. Long canned ad block 1001-1008, one w/poss. ment of R. San Miguel at 1003, the another w/definite ment of R. San Miguel at 1004. 1007 pres. rel. pgm promo by M

w/ment of R. San Miguel and "...de Dios" along w/easy mx. Had a pgm in an Indian lang. w/M host and instru. and vcl CP mx after 1015. Fading by 1020. Noisy. Hrd on

this freq earlier in the week too. (Valko 8 Sept.)

PERU 5039.21 R. Libertad de Junin (pres.) 1035 surprised to find this here w/beautiful instru. OA tinkly mx and joined by M anncr in echo (s/on anmnts??) ending

w/poss. ment of Junin at 1037:10. Into nice OA campo mx w/W vcl at 1038 and continuing w/nonstop OA mx. Fading quickly in morning twilight unfortunately and barely

getting any audio by 1050. Carrier still
there at 1100. Tough to ID here. (Valko 8 Sept.)

UNID. 5973.55 Was getting a decent carrier here from about 0930. Still in there at 1132 check so not LA QTH. No audio noted. Hrd on both receivers. (Valko 8 Sept.)
(Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 08/09/2007)

3320 AFRICA DO SUL: R. Sondergrense, Meyerton, Afr., 06/09 0008. Canção em
ritmo country (?), OM: entrevista, 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

4409 BOLIVIA: R. Eco, Reyes (tent.), SS, 07/09 2241. OM: talks sobre temas
religiosos, ‘iglesia, justicia de Dios...’, 25442 (Rudolf Grimm, São

4545 BOLIVIA: R. Virgen de los Remedios, Tupiza, SS, 05/09 2246. OM:
Discurso assemelhando-se a um evento político. Inserções do estúdio, 35333
(Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

4717 BOLIVIA: R. Yura, Yura, SS, 05/09 2256. OM: talks, canção típica
boliviana acompanhada de flautas. Id completo, freqüência, e-mail, 35443
(Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

4828 ZIMBABWE: R. Zimbabwe, Gweru, Vern, 06/09 0011. Sequencia de canções
típicas africanas (durante vários minutos, somente as canções), 35433
(Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

4895 BRASIL: R. Novo Tempo, Campo Grande-MS, PP, 07/09 2110. Id: ‘Radio Novo
Tempo, a voz da esperança’, mx Arautos do Rei, 35333 (Rudolf Grimm, São

4905 BRASIL: R. Anhanguera, Araguaína-TO, PP, 08/09 0110. Advs, Secretaria
do Meio Ambiente, Governo de Tocantins, mx religiosa, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm,
São Bernardo-SP).

4955 PERU: R. Cultural Amauta, Huanta, SS, 07/09 2252. YL: talks, avisos à
população, advs, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

5945 AUSTRIA: R. Austria International, Moosbrun, GG, 07/09 2125. Mx
instrumental, talks sobre as músicas apresentadas, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, São

5995 FRANÇA: RFI, Issoudun, SS, 08/09 0118. YL: discussão sobre temas
políticos europeus, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

6255 LITUANIA: Voice of Islamic Rep. Iran, via Sitkuani, SS, 07/09 2115. YL:
talks sobre a população islamica na Europa, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, São

6255 LITUANIA: The Mighty KBC, via Sitkuani, EE, 07/09 2250. Mx pop, OM:
talks, ‘we are KBC…’, sign-off, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

6605usb ESTADOS UNIDOS: New York Radio, New York, EE, 06/09 0016.
Informações meteorológiocas (temperature, visibilidade, altimetro com
referencia a diversas cidades norte-americanas), 25222 (Rudolf Grimm, São

7140 ALEMANHA: R. Polonia, via Nauen, Pol, 07/09 2145. YL: várias menções à
Polonia e ao povo polonês, entrevista com outra YL, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São

7150 REINO UNIDO: R. Argelia, via Rampisham, AA, 07/09 2200. OM: talks, time
pips, breve canção em AA, YL: talks (reza?), 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São

7235 TAIWAN: WYFR, via Baujong, Ch, 07/09 2207. Canção cristã em Ch, OM:
talks (estilo WYFR), 25442 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

7385 CHINA: Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tib., 07/09 2212. OM: talks, mx instrumental
(encontradas várias tx // desta emissão), 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São

9685 CHINA: China Radio International, Kunming, Hausa, 02/09 1743. OM/YL:
Talks, id em EE, mx ao estilo africano (?), 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, São

9745 CHINA: China Radio International, Kunming, Ch, 02/09 1751. YL: talks,
mx instrumental, canção chinesa, 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

9815 BOTSWANA: Voice of America, via Selebi-Phikwe, PP, 07/09 1730. Inicio
de tx, id, boletim de nx por YL, 25432 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

13700 HOLANDA: R. Nederland, Flevo, Dutch, 07/09 1615. OM: talks,
supostamente uma peça teatral apresentada no rádio, entrevista, 35543
(Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

13710 SUECIA: R. Sweden, Hörby, Sw, 02/09 1823. OM: talks, mx c/ clarinet,
1828 sign-off, 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

13810 ALEMANHA: Bible Voice, via Nauen, Somali, 02/09 1830. OM: talks, OM;
canção cristã, 25442 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

13815 ALEMANHA: RFE/RL, via Wertachtal, Turkmen, 07/09 1630. YL: talks (nx
?), entrevista, 25422 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

15145 TAILANDIA: RFE/RL, via Udon Thani, Uzbekh, 07/09 1425. YL: talks, OM:
phone-in, 25542 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

15530 MARIANAS DO NORTE, Ilhas: R. Free Asia, via Tinian, Ch, 07/09 1600.
YL/OM: talks (severo jamming), 22432 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

15620 PORTUGAL: Deutsche Welle, via Sines, Hausa, 02/09 1835. OM: talks
(eta, idiomazinho difícil.....), 25442 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

15660 FRANÇA: Voice of Africa, via Issoudun, FF, 07/09 1603. Mx africana
instrumental, OM: talks, id: ‘Voix of Afrique’, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São

15700 REINO UNIDO: Deutsche Welle, via Rampisham, RR, 07/09 1409. OM: talks,
vinhetas da DW, mx instrumental, 25532 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

15715 ZAMBIA: CVC Australia, via Lusaka, EE, 07/09 1710. Mx criustã, YL:
talks sobre a mx (é notório o sotaque australiano no inglês usado na
programação), 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

17755 ALEMANHA: R. Farda, via Biblis, Farsi, 07/09 1230. OM: talks, canção
em AA, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP).

18980 ESTADOS UNIDOS: WYFR, Okeechobee, EE, 02/09 1840. OM: talks, cântico
por um coral, 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, Brasil - radioescutas 09/09/2007).

Ondas Médias
1350 khz. Radio Buenos Aires/Argentina. Noticiário local com forte
interferência. Entre 16h30min e 17h00min. Sinpo: 22211

Ondas Curtas
6150 khz. Radio Record/São Paulo. Narração do jogo: Portuguesa x
Ituano. Entre 17h00min e 18h00min. Sinpo: 34333

11705. Radio Havana/Cuba. Programa em português com bom áudio. Entre:
17h00min e 19h00min. Sinpo: 34333.

No dia sete de setembro

Ondas Médias
820 khz. Radio Jornal de Goiás – Goiânia. Entre 08h00min e 08h30min.
Sinpo: 12111

550 khz. Radio Riviera – Goiânia. Programa de Igreja Universal do
Reino de Deus. Entre 07h00min e 09h00min. Sinpo: 34333

590 khz. Radio Manchester – Anápolis. Programa esportivo Panorama
Esportivo, Geração do Esporte, comentários sobre a rodada da segunda
divisão. Entre 08h00min e 09h00min. Sinpo: 44333.

640 khz. Radio Difusora – Goiânia. Programa em cadeia com a Radio
Aparecida. Entre 08h00min e 09h00min. Sinpo: 34333.

650 khz. Radio Veredas – Unaí/Mg. Programa Momento Legislativo da
Câmara de Vereadores de Unaí. Entre 08h30min e 09h00min. Sinpo: 22222.

670 khz. Radio São Francisco – Anápolis/Go. Programação Esportiva.
Entre 08h00min e 09h00min. Sinpo: 22111.

770 khz. Radio A Voz do Coração Imaculado – Anápolis. Programa
dedicado ao aniversario de Nossa Senhora. Entre 08h30min e 09h00min.
Sinpo: 22222

1030 khz. Radio Impressa – Anápolis/Go. Programa Esportivo informando
o noticiário do Goiás Esporte Clube. Entre 09h30min e 09h00min; Sinpo:21111
(Goerge - radioescutas 09/09/2007)

BOLIVIA 4875.91 R. Estambul (pres.) 1009 W anncr in def. SP at t/in,
then into lively LA Pops. Really dropped down in the next 10 minutes, and
barely any audio detectable by 1025. No chance for ID due to the weak
signal and massive amount of QRN. (Valko 9 Sept.)

GUATEMALA 4052.47 R. Verdad 1125 SP tlk by M and rel. mx. Carrier was
stable but the audio was quite distorted. Found it was gone at 1129
check. Obviously having technical problems. (Valko 9 Sept.)

UNID. 5973.7 The signal hrd yesterday was on this freq this morning,
again from 0950-1130+. I suppose it could be Central American. Still no
audio though. (Valko 9 Sept.)
(Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 09/09/2007)

1008 8/9 21.50 Grootnieuws R. - Hilversum Dutch ID e MX buono
1467 8/9 16.00 R. Zone 80 - Cannes FF MX buono
1470 2/9 23.15 R. Vibracion - Carupano SS MX suff.
1575 2/9 20.00 Oldiestar R. - Berlin Tedesco NX suff.
1649 8/9 23.10 R. Barcelona - ?? Dutch ID e MX suff.
5446.5USB 2/9 22.45 AFRTS - Key West EE NX // 12133.5 buono
6035 2/9 22.25 Voz del Guaviare - S. Josè del Guaviare SS gooool buono
6220 9/9 09.10 R. Likedeeler - EE ID e MX buono
6275 8/9 15.45 LHH - EE ID e MX buono
6290 9/9 09.30 R. Mazda - EE ID e MX buono
6305 9/9 08.30 R. Viking - EE ID e MX buono
7100 8/9 16.20 Voice of Broad Masses - Asmara Tigrina MX buono
7245 8/9 16.15 R. Mauritaniae - Nouakhott Arabo talk OM suff.
11780 8/9 22.10 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP NX suff.
11815 2/9 22.20 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP calcio suff.
15345 2/9 22.15 R. Nacional - Buenos Aires SS calcio buono
15345 3/9 19.15 R.A.E. - Buenos Aires IT tanghi suff.
(Roberto Pavanello, Vercelli, Italy - playdx2003 09/09/2007)

4750, 1325-1401 t/out 1 Sept./1250-1406*(?) 2 Sept...1 Sept.
tune-in to interview pgm w/ live crowd..some EE phrases ("thank you
very much")..into mix of EE pop & what sounded like Indo/Malay
pop..no break @ BoH..mention of "Nasional" @ 1400 & back into pop
mx..gone by 1406 recheck..2 Sept. t/in to flute/gong/hollow log drum
mx mixing w/ CNR-1 X'ian..ment. of "Nasional" @ 1300, but no pips/SCI
(i wish)..1315 call-in show w/ W..ea. call answered w/ "hello" & occ.
use of "OK" & "yeah"..language sounds Malay/Indo..Euro-pop/"local"
mx..mention of "lapaan lapaan..dua" a lot @ 1335..more mx mix to
1356: "salaam aleikum"..more phones calls to 1400..quick annct. & W
vocal & app. off @ 1406..if it's any help on 1 Sept. RTM-6049.7 was
quite good & 2 Sept. what i think may be Kuching-5030 was solid u/
CNR-1 @ 1410..(initially, i thought it might be RRI-Makassar, but no
SCI @ ToH & lang sounded a little "harder" than regular Bahasa
Indonesia..(Dan Sheedy, CA - dxldyg 03/09/2007)

not so much time for radio listening this weekend. Due to severe
interference below 6235 Khz and above 6380 Khz from 1700 Utc supposed to be
PLC it is now not easy to listen to the shortwave bands. Mystery Radio and
WMR unheard at evening due to heavy interference
73 achim

Date 01/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

9.290,0 0700 Radio Six International 45444 9+10d
11.690,0 0645 Radio RadioHullut 24322 5

Date 02/09

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.636,0 1926 Radio Tijdbreker 33433 8

1.665,0 1843 Radio Barones 43433 9

6.045,0 1200 MV Baltic Radio 24333 7
6.220,0 1136 Mystery Radio 34433 8

6.275,0 1912 Radio Likedeeler 14321 6

6.385,0 1849 unid 33433 8
6.400,0 1345 Weekend Music Radio 23322 6

6.421,0 1855 Laser Hot Hits 24333 7

Date 27/08

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

5.805,0 2027 Radio Telstar South 22322 6

6.220,0 1720 Mystery Radio 43443 9
6.220,0 2015 Mystery Radio 44433 9

6.421,0 1938 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5

6.878,0 1737 Pirate Music 23433 6

Date 28/08

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

6.220,0 1630 Mystery Radio 33433 8
6.878,0 1640 Pirate Music 23322 5

Date 29/08

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.636,0 1955 Radio Tijdbreker 34433 8

1.660,0 1955 Radio Titanic 32332 9

6.421,0 1852 Laser Hot Hits 13321 6
6.878,0 1749 Pirate Music 33443 8

Date 30/08

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.650,0 1945 Zender Meteor (tent) 32332 8

Date 31/08

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT
QTH: Remark

1.635,0 2306 Radio Barones 44444 9
1.635,0 2323 Zender Santana 23322 5

1.645,0 2028 Radio Barones 43443 9

1.654,0 2138 unid 32332 5

3.904,0 2020 Bogusman 42432 9
6.255,0 2204 KBC Radio 55444 9+20d

6.275,0 2054 Radio Likedeeler 23322 5

6.421,0 2038 Laser Hot Hits 13321 5
11.690,0 2328 Radio RadioHullet 24322 5
(Radio Strike - bclnews 03/09/2007)

02 08:13 321 SP 320.599 761 Y Vojens-Skrydstrup, DNK / 321.399
02 23:56 413 MCH 412.976 1932 Mecheria, ALG
02 23:47 416 MAR 417.022 1592 Algiers/H. Boumedienne, ALG
02 23:52 416 BCS 416.405 1630 Baccus, SWE
02 23:45 418 DVN 418.992 1436 Split/Drvenik, HRV
02 22:35 420 SS 419.599 992 Malmo/Sturup, SWE
02 22:42 420 KN 419.611 2173 Kobona, RUS / 420.390
02 22:01 420 B 420.034 ? Unid=, XUU
02 22:31 421 MF 420.582 1025 Malmstad, SWE
02 22:54 422 OSJ 420.977 1489 Osijek, HRV
02 22:25 423 SCA 422.006 1208 Salamanca, ESP / 424.038
02 23:14 423 BJA 423.031 1619 Bejaia/Soummam, ALG
02 23:30 424 RUS 425.040 1087 Reus, MT, ESP
02 23:20 424 GRS 424.009 1747 Ghriss, ALG
02 23:31 426 PW 425.590 622 Prestwick, SCT
02 21:52 512 NA 510.989 4177 Kostanay, KAZ
(Peter Conway, U.K. - ndblist 03/09/2007)

06262,5 ihmm: Italian Navy Ship MILAZZO M5552 ITA 0845 usb/stanag4285/
600L/8n1 tfc to/from idr qsl quattro uno nove

06730,0 l5l: unid german navy ac D 1250 usb qso dhj59 please relay to
0ty and g9r - off station in pos. 5354n 00821e at time 1245z - 1252z
- over

10315,0 bra: Slovakian MFA ? SVK 1659 ale/usb [TO BRAVO][E] [RX][CH
00][TIS BRA]

10315,0 osk: unid Slovakian ? SVK 1659 ale/usb [RX][CH 00][TO
OSKAR][[CMD 12 2C 1C]][E][RX][CH 00][TIS OSK][E]

10315,0 magic51: Awacs 1359 usb/ratt qso dhn66

10315,0 magic59: Awacs 1255 usb/ratt qso dhn66 do you have DTA on
board ? - negative - then into ratt (dhn66 to_magic 55)
(W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 03/09/2007)

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