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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 109
WorldDX 109 27/02/2007 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по следующим адресам: http://worlddx.narod.ru/dx.html, http://worlddx.by.ru/dx.html и http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ Конференция бюллетеня: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ Подписка: worlddx-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Выходит по вторникам или по средам Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Антарктида LRA36, Base Esperanza, 15476, was on the air and heard again Feb 22 at tune-in 2057 during song mentioning Argentina; perhaps their closing anthem. Ended at 2100 without further announcements, and carrier off a couple minutes later. Was S4 to peaks at S9+5 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 25, 22/02/2007) LRA36 15476 obviously the one here at 2010. Music, and a female announcer. Best I've heard them so far this year. (Steve Lare, Holland, MI, Usa - dxldyg 1210, 22/02/2007) 15476 LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Antartica Esperanza, 1915-2010, February 22, Spanish, talk abt the dogs in the Antartic territory, Argentina folk songs, ID as: “Esperanza al Mundo por Radio San Gabriel”, Programme about the Antartic history: “Siguiendo con la historia antartica vamos a contarles sobre la Base San Martin....”.- ID as: “Desde la Base Esperanza, Territorio Antartico Argentino, transmite LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, en español, de lunes a viernes para todo el mundo”. Other ID as: “Quedese hasta las 18 horas en Radio Arcangel San Gabriel”.- SINPO 45444 at 1915 UTC; 35343 at 1940 UTC & 44444 at 2005 UTC. Ann. transmission from Monday to Friday, from 1900 to 2100 UTC (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1211, 22/02/2007) Боливия 9624,97 Radio Fides, La Paz, 2345-0000, February 18, Spanish, catholic programme in live from a important church in La Paz, ann. & ID as: “Esta es la transmisión de Radio Fides, La Paz, desde el Templo…..para oyentes impedidos de asistir a la Santa Misa”. Other ID as: “Esta escuchando….Radio Fides….”, musical jingle (“Fides…su voz amiga….”, 22432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1211, 22/02/2007) 6105.50, Radio Panamericana, 1050-1105 Two males in Spanish comments. Heard mentions of Panamericana and Bolivia during comments. At 1000 station is covered by splatter from boomers coming on the air. Prior to that, the signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, February 22, 2007 - CumbreDX 1851) Бразилия 4805, Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus, 2350-0005, 18-02, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios, identificaci?n a las 2356: "Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaos, onda tropical, 4805 kHz...", canciones brasile?as. 24322. (M?ndez) 4845.2, Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus, 0105-0140, 22-02, locutor, portugu?s, transmisi?n partido de f?tbol. 24322. (Manuel Medez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 25, 22/02/2007) Буркина-Фасо 5030 Radio Burkina, 21:40-21:50, escuchada el 18 de Febrero en franc?s a locutor con invitado en conversaci?n, segmento musical, SINPO 33343 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 21) 7230.02 Radio Burkina 0841 lively Afropops w/M host in French, some kind of PSA 0845, M local news and interview w/ments of Ouagadougou, carrier off 0856, back on at 0900 with more M talk; hard to grab more details, vy low modulation during announces, mx much louder; quite weak with noisy conditions, sank quickly with BF sunrise. (February 24/Quaglieri-NY - hard-core-dx 50, 27, 24/02/2007) Великобритания Spanish website claims that from Feb 19 there is a new M-F broadcast to Cuba and Caribbean at 11-12 on 13870, 13570, 6300, 5100! I happened to wake up at 1148 Feb 19 and found nil on 13870, 13570, 6300, 5100. Is BBC Mundo living in a fantasyland? Noel Green suggests that perhaps the frequencies mentioned were not meant to be specific but as a range, somewhere within which they would transmit, the limits of the bands; at least that applies to 22 m, but that`s not the way the announcement reads. On Feb 20, Noel and Ra?l Saavedra were hearing this only on 13760, GUF or WHRI? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 20/02/2007) Великобритания/Куба R. Rep?blica may be changing its never-published schedule again. Someone reported hearing it at 0200 on 6100, while that frequency had been in use only at 0300-0400. (Looking for that report again, however, I haven`t found it. I suspected the time was off by one hour.) Feb 22 at 2357 I tuned to 6135, the 22-24 UT channel, to hear the frequency change announcement, and they said they were moving at that time to 6100 (instead of the usual 6185). So I went to 6100 and heard instead some other station in Spanish which cut off abruptly at 2359 in the middle of a sentence with no ID. That was surely RCI Sackville, which forfeits the last 5 minutes of its 2305 UT Spanish to North America broadcast, which really runs until 0005 due to the wacky offset of its immigrant service to the USA --- the tail end perhaps picked up on the next frequency, 9755, which I did not check. Then before 2400 I retuned to 6185, and RR was already on that frequency still instead of 6100, but maybe they are moving to 6100 earlier than 0300, or earlier than 0200? I doubt it, since RCI Spanish to Central America is scheduled on 6100 at 01-02. Presumably the 2357 UT QSY announcement was wrong, unless I heard it wrong, but I don`t think so. The less on 6185, the better, for poor R. Educaci?n, M?xico DF. 6100 does appear to be available in the Western Hemisphere at 00-01 and 02-03 per HFCC listings. Both 6135 and 6185 had the usual dentroCuban jamming altho RR was atop. No jamming at this time on 6100. These particular R. Rep?blica transmissions are the ones via VT Communications (Merlin), no connexion with WRMI, which were originally all from Rampisham UK altho lately the 6100 broadcast after 0300 appeared to switch to Sackville. Would appreciate people checking which frequency they are really using at 0100+ and 0200+ (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 25, 22/02/2007) Венесуэла 15250 Radio Nacional de Venezuela vía RHC facilities, 2330-2335, February 18, Spanish, Ann.: “De inmediato te presentamos los hechos mas destacados en este dia 18 de febrero….”, ID as: “El Canal Internacional de Raido Nacional de Venezuela…..”, 34433//13680 Khz with 34443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1211, 22/02/2007) Габон Routine check of Afropop music distraxion, Feb 20 at 1524 found it on primary channel of 17660, but for a change there was co-channel and fast SAH from something in French, an occasional word of which could be heard during fades; not // 17630 ANU. However, the French was no longer heard from 1527, and when Afropop went off at 1531 it could not be heard either tho there was some weak carrier remaining (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 20/02/2007) 9580 ?frica N?1, 21:30-21:40, escuchada el 19 de Febrero en franc?s a locutor con programa musical, locutora con ID, m?sica pop internacional, SINPO 44433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 23, 21/02/2007) Гватемала 4780, Radio Cultural Coat?n, San Sebasti?n de Coat?n, 0100-0120, 22-07, locutor, vern?culo, comentarios, canciones religiosas. Se?al d?bil. 24322 variando a 14321 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 25, 22/02/2007) Гвинея 7125 Guinea Conakry, 22:11:22:26, escuchada el 24 de Febrero en franc?s a locutor con invitado, comentarios, m?sica afro, SINPO 33343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 27, 25/02/2007) Греция 15630 once again had lots of carrier breaks when checked Feb 19 at 1520. In fact, I counted 13 of them during a 1-minute period, when the transmitter was off more than it was on. When will they ever overcome this or give up? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 20/02/2007) Another check of ERA5 via SVO Olympia, 15630, Feb 20 at 1521 found carrier dropping off about 9 times in that minute; but in the following minute when I had stopped counting, even more times and it was off more than on. How much longer are they going to mess with this obviously unsuccessful test? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 20/02/2007) Индия WRN will be carrying out a test on Friday Feb 23, at 13-16 UT on 15735 AM, with CVC programming in Hindi, via Armenia for south India. Reports will be wanted. If successful, a regular service would start March 1 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1210, 22/02/2007) Индонезия 11875 Voz de Indonesia, 17:40-18:00, escuchada el 21 de Febrero en espa?ol a locutor con ID ?la Voz de Indonesia desde Jakarta?, segmento musical, final de reportaje y Noticias en breve, se aprecia que la grabaci?n es de hace un mes ya que anuncian el pr?ximo viaje del pol?tico espa?ol Rodrigo Rato para el pr?ximo 23 y 24 de Enero, SINPO 45444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 23, 21/02/2007) 11784.872 VoINS in French noted very late today, now French at 1945 UT. Fair signal. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 1209, 21/02/2007) Very loud signals of S=9 to S=9+10 dB [bare-footed - no amplifier] of RRI 11860, and VoINS 11784.873 around 1535 to 1545 UT today Febr 23. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 1211, 22/02/2007) Ирландия 3910 Reflections Europe, 22:40-22:48, escuchada el 18 de Febrero con emision de musica de opera, locutor con comentarios, no acabo de identificar el idioma, parece ingles, SINPO 24232 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 21) Исландия Contrary to Anker`s observations, which may have been correct for that date only, since ISBS timings vary, on Feb 19 as early as 1422 I was getting very weak talk and no music, which I think was ISBS and not R. Free Asia (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 20/02/2007) Rikisutvarpid 13865 at 1849+ in Icelandic. Good to fair-some deep fading. When good, bent the meter at S6 or so. Not a common catch. Haven't heard it on LW at DXPs for quite some time. Had to tune out at 1910. 21 Feb. (Liz Cameron, MI - dxldyg 1209, 21/02/2007) Италия 6060, RAI International, 0045-0100 Noted a male in Italian comments interspersed with romantic Italian Ballads. On the hour ID's as "Radiodue" then, "Notizia de Italia" followed with news. Signal was fair but still difficult to copy due to mixing with sharers of this freq. (Chuck Bolland, February 25, 2007 - hard-core-dx 50, 27) Китай 4905 Xizang PBS 2130 with semitrad rhythmic songs . Slightly overloaded audio 34433 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 19/02/2007) Tibet 4820 PBS Xizang, 20:20-20:25, escuchada el 19 de Febrero en Mandar?n con emisi?n de m?sica cl?sica oriental, SINPO 34333. 7240 PBS Xizang, 21:05-21:15, escuchada el 19 de Febrero en idioma Mandar?n con emisi?n de m?sica folkl?rica local, SINPO 44444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 23, 21/02/2007) Колумбия 5910, Marfil Estereo, 2344-2358, 17-02, canciones latinoamericanas, locutor, identificaci?n: "Seis y cuarenta y siete minutos en Marfil Estereo", "Vamos con ?xitos ballentato", "Desde Puerto Lleras, Marfil Estereo", anuncios comerciales. 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 25, 22/02/2007) Литва 7325 Radio Vilnius, 22:56-22:05, escuchada el 18 de Febrero con cu?a de identificaci?n en ingl?s ?Thi is Radio Vilnius from Lithuania? acompa?ada de m?sica, locutor con presentaci?n e identificaci?n en ingl?s, segmento musical, probablemente Himno Nacional, locutor y locutora en Lituano con bolet?n de noticias, SINPO 44444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 21) Мавритания 4845 Radio Mauritanie, 20:27-20:35, escuchada el 19 de Febrero en idioma ?rabe a locutores con comentarios, m?sica de sinton?a, referencias a la ?Arabia?, SINPO 44333 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 23, 21/02/2007) Мексика XEYU now seems to be a bit lower around 9599.1, Feb 20 at 0620 but best reception yet in classical solo piano recital, S9 +15, SINPO 44444. However, it was missing at another time I usually hear it, 1442; just some weak Asian signal on 9600. XEXQ, 6045, barely audible with classical music at 1435 Feb 20 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 20/02/2007) 6045, Radio Universidad, (pres)0938-1000 Steady Classical piano = music at first then full orchestra. Signal at poor level, but audible = However, as it gets closer to the top of the hour, the signal fades = towards threshold, but came back later on, to a fair level. 9599.26, Radio Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,(pres) = 0938-1000 Also noted classical piano music during period, but not = parallel to 6045 above. This signal is very good with no fading. = (Chuck Bolland, February 22, 2007 - CumbreDX 1851) 9599.23, R. UNAM, Mexico City, 2200-2220+ Feb 18, tune-in to classical music. 2210 Spanish announcements with ID, 2211 back to more classical music. Weak, poor; must use ECSS-LSB to avoid unID station on 9600 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1214, 24/02/2007) Новая Зеландия RNZI still missing from DRM frequencies, Feb 22: around 1400 nothing on 7145 (but then, when operational, they were taking an unscheduled break then, anyway); and still nothing at 2112 Feb 22 on 15720, while AM on 17675 was easily audible tho as always too close for comfort to CVC Chile 17680. What does RNZI`s website now say? Checked at 2342 UT Feb 22, the headline at http://www.rnzi.com/pages/whatsnew.php#193 still says ``DRM transmission resumes on 21 February 2007`` but if you go ahead and read the text below it, that has been changed to say: ``We expect to resume DRM transmission sometime next week (the week of 26 February 2007).`` And there is another new notice just above the DRM item: ``RNZI off-air this afternoon for maintenance 21 Feb, 2007 19:29 UTC --- Thursday 22 Feb - RNZI will be off air from 11.30 am NZ time until 4 pm, with possible further interruptions to service later in the afternoon as well.`` That converts to 2230 UT Wed Feb 21 until 0300 UT Thu Feb 22, already past (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 25, 22/02/2007) Перу 4856.43, Radio La Hora, (pres) 1100-1120 Noted a man in Spanish comments. Later at 1111, he is joined by a female announcer. Starting to fade by 1117. Best heard using the R390A receiver, while the signal was poor still. (Chuck Bolland, February 19, 2007 - hard-core-dx 50, 21) 4856.4 R.La Hora, Cuzco, SS, px sport, advs, 2325 18/Feb (Rogildo Aragio, Quillacollo-Bolivia - hard-core-dx 50, 21) Россия 7200, Feb 20 at 0641 in Russian talk, than rock music in English; fair signal but carrier frequency fluxuating rapidly, and even more obvious with BFO on, the Yakutsk warbler (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 20/02/2007) Судан Having failed to update its SW frequency schedule from A-06 to B-06, Sudan Radio Service now seems to have given up on displaying any SW schedule (I hope this doesn`t mean they are really off the air) which I had bookmarked at http://www.sudanradio.org/schedule.htm Now the closest we can come is the timetable http://www.sudanradio.org/timetable.php showing programs but no frequencies, which is helpful once you subtract 3 hours for UT, and on another page you can listen to various archived programs, and on yet another page in other languages. Presumably this means that everyone in Sudan now has a broadband internet connexion (Glenn Hauser, Feb 19, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 20/02/2007) США VOA, Greenville, 15185, left the powerful transmitter carrying Hausa until 2100 on the air, still open carrier at 2104 Feb 22; well, not quite open, because I could clearly hear at very low level VOA English news, // and synchronized to 15580, another Greenville transmitter, probably just a few metres away. This could have been receiver-produced cross-modulation, but the audio did not diminish or disappear when I detuned the preselector and employed maximum attenuation. Therefore I think it was really transmitted that way. 15185 was S9+25 when not attenuated, while 15580 was only S9+18 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 25, 22/02/2007) KVOH was putting large S9+20 signal in on 17775, Feb 22 at 2105, but this time I could not detect any spurs on 17629, 17921, etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 25, 22/02/2007) 4830, WPEA856, Pennsylvania TIS station, 1140-1150 Feb 17, weak 3 x 1610 with ID and mention that this was a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation traffic advisory radio station announcing the closings of routes 81, 80 & 78 due to snowstorm. 1610 and 1640 run separate programming, not //. No other harmonics heard (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1214, 24/02/2007) США/Куба 9565 R Marti 2154 with a song 'los autros los cubanos' sung by Marcella ??? heavily interruped by speaker with talks posisbly history of the siger At the end of the program with "cuba oy , cuba manana ... en radio marti ' FAir signal (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 19/02/2007) Туркменистан 4930 with talks by YL and music 2135-2145 S3 strong FDM on 4932 with S9 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 19/02/2007) Турция Tried for Live from Turkey, Thu Feb 22 at 1355; 12035 was audible with only fair signal but cut off the air between 1400 and 1404. // 11735 was just barely audible and not usable on this occasion. What little I did hear was a discussion over phone with a guest, not likely a random caller, about the TRNC and its problems. No matter; I tuned over to R. Australia`s relatively good signal on 9590 after 1430 during Hindsight which started at 1405, and heard something I would never hear on VOT: a lecture about the Armenian Genocide, and how it related to Gallipoli, and how early Australia related to early Turkey, by Robert Manne. More about that and audio download available for the Feb 18 show at http://www.abc.net.au/rn/hindsight/default.htm ``Uncomfortable Thoughts on Gallipoli and the Armenian Genocide 'Uncomfortable Thoughts' is one way of describing Robert Manne's 2006 History Council of Victoria lecture. In it he challenges one of our most precious foundation myths and asks 'Does our proximity to the Armenian genocide matter? Do we need to notice, or care? How does collective memory shape our view of the Gallipoli? And how does a national consciousness evolve?'`` (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1210, 22/02/2007) Филиппины In another futile check for CFRX, Feb 22 at 1407 I came across this on 6070 which I had not noticed before: clearly and slowly enunciated declamation, presumably preaching, in what sounded like Vietnamese; ``Abraham`` mentioned frequently so this is no Buddhist, Confucian or Commie station, and not likely Jewish or Moslem either even tho they are supposedly equally Abrahamist to the Christians. Paused about once a minute for a bit of music which sounded about the same each time, probably derived from a hymn. Ranges S3 to S9, averaging S6; no QRM from no CFRX. 1423 went to music and kept it going until 1429 when YL ID mentioned ``phat-thanh``, i.e. radio station in Vietnamese, but could not catch ID. Bit of music, IS, sounded like ``Jesus Saves``, but not sure, and then off at 1430. No clues in PWBR ``2007``. WRTH 2007, however, shows 6070 is FEBC Bocaue with daily ethnic broadcasts in various languages at 1400-1430. But is it really Vietnamese? Why not publish a complete language schedule? Let us look elsewhere. HFCC B-06 shows the language as ``MUL``, whatever that means: 6070 1400 1430 43S,44S,49 BOC 100 280 1234567 291006 250307 D MUL PHL FEC FEC 13130 EiBi B-06 shows: 1400 1430 PHL FEBC Manila EC SEA 6070 1400 1430 Th-Sa PHL FEBC Manila RAD SEA 6070 which is contradictory, since the first listing means daily, and the second means Thu, Fri and Sat. In the EiBi readme.txt key we find: EC Eastern Cham (Vietnam) RAD Rade/Ede (Vietnam) Since this was Thursday, I suppose it was Eastern Cham, some Vietnamese dialect, altho it could have been Rade/Ede. I also looked for this on the FEBC websites, but gave up trying to find ANY schedule of SW transmissions, tho there is lots of other stuff designed to impress potential donors. However, FEBC is geographically challenged, even about its own operations. Look at this page http://data.febinfo.org/p_stations.php showing coverage maps from numerous transmitter sites, most of which are not owned by FEBC, starting with Ascension, which they think is part of St. Helena (or vice versa?) !!! So if you can manage to hear an FEBC broadcast via Ascension, you may imagine it`s axually Saint Helena. And furthermore, most of them, even Bocaue, display as being in use 0.0 hours per week. Axually, all other transmitter sites in the world would qualify for listing as in use 0.0 hours per week! Why not? (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1210, 22/02/2007) Cham, Ede/Rade are related to Hawaiian. My guess is that there may have been just a Vietnamese ID, since these languages are all spoken in Southern Vietnam. I haven't listed FEBC/FEBA languages on my website because their sites are completely useless. My computer won't let me download the QBasic program from EiBi for some reason. (Liz Cameron, Detroit, MI, Usa - dxldyg 1210, 22/02/2007) normally I obtain the FEBC schedule, if at all, from their Broadcast Search Query site at http://data.febinfo.org/enq4.php There are regularly problems with this schedule, especially after seasons have changed. But now it is entirely messed up, with each broadcast starting at 1445 and ending at 1445. Thence the 0.0 hours per week. Complaints help, albeit usually with some weeks delay. > owned by FEBC, starting with Ascension, which they think is part of St. > Helena (or vice versa?) !!! To be correct, Ascension IS part of St. Helena, at least politically. The British colony of St. Helena comprises besides St. Helena herself the dependencies of Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. Radio enthusiasts count each of them seperately on the grounds of significant distance between the different parts of the entity. But don't try to explain this to any official person; those will refer to https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sh.html and the like. (Eike Bierwirth, Germany - dxldyg 1210, 22/02/2007) Liz, Really! I`m surprised there is any connexion with Hawaiian. In any event, what I heard (not just the ID), sounded very much like Vietnamese, definitely tonal, not Hawaiian. Are you sure? Sometimes I have run into language names that are the same applying to totally unrelated tongues. Like ``Yao``, I think, both in SE Asia and Africa. (And I got the two reversed in comment on day of week). Eike also points out that politically, Ascension is part of St. Helena. Still, it looks very strange to see only St Helena on the map as the source of Ascension`s SW transmissions. (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1210, 22/02/2007) http://www.ethnologue.com lists Rade as Malayo-Polynesian, the largest family within Austronesian, which includes Hawaiin. Ede only refers to certain languages spoken in Benin. Likewise Eastern and Western Cham are also Malayo-Polynesian. Various linguistics books list the same thing. As to what you heard, I take your word that you heard Vietnamese. As I mentioned before, the FEBC sked has always been messed up. (Liz Cameron, Detroit, MI, Usa - dxldyg 1210, 22/02/2007) Французская Гайана 3291.183 Guyana Trying to return to the air. Solid carrier at the moment, some low audio.. in the mud. 0905 to 0911. For months only the Spanish numbers station has been on 3292 (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, Usa - CumbreDX 1851, 23/02/2007) Эквадор HCJB, 11960, yet another time to hear them announce the wrong frequencies, at 1444:30 Feb 20, then La Biblia Dice (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 20/02/2007) 12040 HCJB, Pifo, 2337-2342, February 18, High German, talk by female, song, 44444 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1211, 22/02/2007) -- СВ/ДВ Нидерланды This evening, the new Dutch government will be formally presented. Live coverage of the formalities will be carried on our Dutch service, and from 1700-1900 UTC we shall again be on mediumwave 1314 kHz via the high power transmitter at Kvitsøy in Norway. At the same time, 6125 kHz will be on the air from Flevo directed to Spain, Portugal and southern France. We will also be using 1314 kHz on for 7 March at 2000-2300 UTC for coverage of the provincial election results. (Radio Netherlands, Mike Terry, UK - mwdx 1452, 22/02/2007) США 1380 19/02 0600- WWMI S. Petersburg FL (USA) 2/3, Px mx, annunci in E "Radio Disney" (Saverio de cian - playdx2003 1260, 20/02/2007) Филиппины 1125 PHILIPPINES, Davao City, rec nice letter in 146d from retiring GM, Jose M. Lansang along with 3 postcards of Mindanao. Address: Republic BC System, Davao City, 8000, Davao Del Sur, Philippines. Philippines QSL #24. I am pleased with this. It has been a good TP QSL month with one from Taiwan, another from Vietnam, and now this one from the Philippines. (Patrick Martin, Oregon, Usa - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 20/02/2007) - Прочее 1430.03 21/02 0557-0620 forse XERAC Campeche (MEX) 1/2 Inno messicano alle 0558, mx locale, purtroppo nessun altro indizio se non un annuncio (sembra) alle 0611. Il segnale era in lotta con un secondo, sempre in S, a 1429.94 kHz (potrebbe essere WNEL CAGUAS PORTORICO ??? D.Monferini) 1470 21/02 0540- XEDF R Formula Mexico City (MEX) 4 Annunci, prg di medicina naturale, vari ID, inno (a tratti segnale come FM9) 1500 21/02 0555- XEDF R Formula Mexico (MEX) 2 Inno, slogan "la Colonia Roma", mx 1520.09 21/02 0559- Vida AM Musica, SF de Bogota (CLM) 2 Mx locale, annunci e ID "Vida AM Musica", (idem ieri) (Saverio - palydx2003 1262, 21/02/2007) 1510.02 USA WWZN Boston, MA EE, "the zone" 43433 0030 25.02.2007 1320.01 CAN CKEC New Glasgow, NS EE, CW 44433 0035 25.02.2007 1660 USA WFNA Charlotte, NC EE, ESPN sports 23432 0040 25.02.2007 950 CAN CKNB Campbellton, NB EE, oldies 34443 0045 25.02.2007 1300 USA WOOD Grand Rapids, MI EE, "Newsradio Wood" 33443 0050 25.02.2007 780 CAN CFDR Dartmouth, NS EE, CW 34443 0055 25.02.2007 1540 USA WDCD Albany, NY EE, id, Christian songs 43433 0100 25.02.2007 1520 COL HJLI Vida AM Musica, SF de Bogota Sp, La-mx 44433 0105 25.02.2007 1520 USA WWKB Buffalo, NY EE, talk 45544 0110 25.02.2007 1639.99 DOM HI-- R Juventus Don Bosco Sp, rlg. songs 24332 0115 25.02.2007 1070 CAN CBA Moncton, NB EE, Newfoundland wx 33433 0125 25.02.2007 660 USA WFAN New York, NY EE, sports 33443 0120 25.02.2007 620 CAN CKCM Grand Falls, NL EE, CW // 590 VOCM 32432 0125 25.02.2007 850.01 USA WEEI Boston, MA EE, sports 23432 0127 25.02.2007 740 CAN CHCM Marystown, NL EE, //620 CW 22432 0130 25.02.2007 1130 USA WBBR New York, NY EE, bloomberg 34443 0130 25.02.2007 1700.01 USA WJCC Miamy Springs, FL Sp, adv 24332 0135 25.02.2007 1650 USA WQEW New York, NY EE, Disley pops 32432 0140 25.02.2007 1500 USA WTWP Washington, DC EE, nx 34433 0145 25.02.2007 1470 USA WLAM Lewiston, ME EE, "ESPN Radio" 34433 0155 25.02.2007 1650.01 USA WHKT Portsmouth, VA EE, Disney 24332 0200 25.02.2007 590 CAN VOCM St. John's, NL EE, // 620-CKCM 22432 0205 25.02.2007 1370 USA WDEA Ellsworth, MA EE, NOS 32432 0210 25.02.2007 1630 USA KKGM Fort Worth, TX EE, Yl anns "... here in Fort Worth community..." 24432 0215 25.02.2007 1140 CAN CBI Sydney, NE EE, mx // 1070-CBA 33433 0220 25.02.2007 1030 USA WBZ Boston, MA EE, news ids 23432 0225 25.02.2007 1200 CAN CFGO Ottawa, ON EE, sports 32432 0230 25.02.2007 1050 USA WEPN New York, NY EE, "ESPN Radio" 32432 0235 25.02.2007 1640.01 USA WTNI Biloxi, MS EE, talk 24332 0255 25.02.2007 1430 CAN CHKT Torono, ON EE, "You're listening to Chinese..." into CC px 32432 0300 25.02.2007 750 CAN CBGY Bonavista Bay, NL EE, // 1070 CBA 23432 0310 25.02.2007 680 USA WRKO Boston, MA EE, sports 22432 0315 25.02.2007 1390.02 USA WEGP Presque Isle, ME EE, rpt 22432 0320 25.02.2007 1680 DOM HI-- R Senda, San Pedro de Marcoris Sp, rlg. talk 24432 0340 25.02.2007 1660 USA WCNZ Marco Island, FL EE, rlg. talk 24432 0405 25.02.2007 1690 USA WPTX Lexington Park, GA EE, talk px 24432 0410 25.02.2007 1680 USA WLAA Winter Gardem FL Sp, mexican songs 24432 0415 25.02.2007 (Christoph Mayer, Germany - A-DX 26/02/2007) 1130 KWKH Shrevport LA. KWKH ID heard on WBBR fade. Country music. Some fair peaks! F 0515 23/02 JF 1200 CFGO Ottawa ON. “The Team Twelve Hundred” IDs. Ottawa sports, mixing UNID EE talk station. G 03:00 22/02 JF 1360 WDRC Hartford CT. Sports commentary, then “This is WDRC AM 13-60, the talk of Connecticut“ at the top of the hour. F 01:00 23/02 JF 1360 WYOS Binghampton NY. Presumed with ESPN sports commentary mixing equal levels WDRC. F 00:57 23/02 JF 1460 CJOY Guelph ON. Tentative. Oldies format. Tentative ID heard in the splatter mixing with WDDY. W 0120 23/02 JF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Better this morning than recently. Some less than common stations coming through quite easily. I have included a few 'presumed's as I think they are worthy of mention, if only to show how good the conditions were. 1130 Pile-up after 04:00. I thought I heard a WDFN ID at 06:00, mixing KWKH & WBBR! At least three carriers visible and all up to audio levels. 1250 Fox Sports, probably WSSP. 1300 Talk 1310 A jumble but quite weak 1360 Probably WYOS mixing WDRC with ESPN sports 1330 Latin mixing NA 1460 Probably CJOY mixing Disney with 60s oldies The band was quite noisy this morning - particularly noticeable in the X band. (John Faulkner, UK - skywavesmw 316, 23/02/2007) I've recently invested £6 in a World Radio and TV Handbook and decided to use the MW list in the back of the book to see what I could pick up 531 Utvarp Foeroya Akraberg 558 Radio Romania Aktualiati Tirgu Jiu 567 Radio Teilfis Eireann 1 Tullamore 585 RNE1 Madrid (Didn't think my little steepletone would pick up that far south) 630 NRK Europakanalen Vigra 639 RNE1 A Corunya 675 Arrow Rock Radio Lopik 684 RNE1 Sevilla 711 France Info Rennes 810 BBC Radio Scotland Westerglen/Burghead 855 RNE1 Murcia 864 La City Radio de Paris Paris 873 American Forces Network Power Network Weisskirchen 882 BBC Radio Wales Washford 945 France Bleu Toulouse 972 NDR Info Spezial Hamburg 990 Deutschlandradio Kultur Berlin-Britz 1008 Radio 10 Gold Flevoland 1017 SWR Cont. Ra. Wolfsheim That's the end of my written log done between 2am GMT and 3am GMT. Earlier I stumbled across a station on 1472/3 Khz a Spanish sounding station with speech is there a chance this a South American or Mexican 50kw station coming through or is it a Spanish pirate station? (Chris Fahey, UK - skywavesmw 316, 23/02/2007) -- DRM -- УКВ - Регионы Индия FM Channels Available in Chennai 90.4 Anna FM 90.8 Layola FM 91.1 Radio City 91.2 Mop Vaishnav College 91.9 Ahha FM 92.7 Big FM 93.5 Suriyan 94.3 Radio one 98.3 Mirchi 104.2 Gyan Vani 105.0 Gold 106.4 Hello 107.1 Rainbow (Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India - dx_india 1114, 19/02/2007) - Тропо Receiving strong co-channel interference on E8/9 (germany+??) now in B3 though strange'ly the belgian Wavre E10 tx is no where to be seen, suggesting that the small tropo is to the east of my QTH. (Dave, UK - skywaves 2249, 24/02/2007) -- Неофициальное вещание -- Наблюдения 1386,00 1702 2202 KBC,E, Jump, Ids, hotline, Abba, mailbag, my own report!!! At 2240 24311 1644,00 1702 2324 R.Corona?,D, country, gutten nacht amateurs, NL pops 24422 1725,00 1702 2334 unid, Gr, local pops, coments R. Janis? 24432 3927,00 1702 2250 Cupid R, E, ballad, jingle Midnigth Oil,bye bye closing down at 2317 24432 5725,00 1802 0747 Orion R, D,E; schlager, pops, Crunchy Granola suite, jingle Ids, pops 24322 5910,00 1702 0745 Marfil Estereo,Sp,preaching, ID as Ondas de la Paz, pops 24332 6220,00 1302 1715 Mystery R, disco dance 44444 6220,00 1402 1655 Mystery R, disco dance, Kate Ryan 35443 6220,00 1502 1615 Mystery R, disco dance 34443 6220,00 1602 1715 Mystery R, disco dance 34443 6220,00 1702 1440 Mystery R, disco 24432 6220,00 0802 0920 R.Atlantis Int, elect guitar pops, Crunchi granola suite,big bands, jingle till 0952 23432 6220,00 0802 0952 Mystery R, pops, jingle, 34433 6220,00 1902 1730 Mystery R, disco dance 34433 6220,00 2002 1625 Mystery R, disco 34443 6255,00 1702 2202 KBC,E, Jump, Ids, hotline, Abba, mailbag, my own report!!! At 2240 45444 6260,00 1702 1613 unid, light mx, legal? 24311 6275,00 1702 1442 R.Kentucky Int, D,E, pops, schlager, ID box Barneveld 24422 6275,00 1802 1645 R.Kentucky Int, D,E, pops, ID box Barneveld, Boney M 24432 6305,00 1702 1523 R.Quintus, E,D, pops, ID, email 24422 6305,00 1802 0828 R.Quintus, D,G, rock, pops, ID, hotline 0031641176982 24422 6308,00 1702 2310 R.Universe,E, Janis Joplin, ID, 24332 6310,00 1702 0820 Orion R, E,D, polka, schlager, SMS from Marco, 24322 6310,00 1702 1940 R.Odyssey, pops 23211 6325,00 1702 1609 RWI,E,D, jingle, pops 23211 6325,00 1802 0738 RWI, E,D, pops, jingle ID 24311 6360,00 0802 0904 Premier R?, pops, very low 24311 6401,00 1702 2058 WMR.E, pops, Jingle, ID, pops, dj talks 34311 6401,00 1802 0732 WMR, E ,Wanderer, dj coments, ID, mailbag at 1650 23311 6973,00 1702 2055 Galei Zahal, Is, talks, jingle promos clear ID 34443 6985,00 1702 2040 Kol Israel, F, interview, Sp ID news at 2045 till 2055 55544 9290,00 1702 0705 R.Six Int, E, Ids, pops, mailbag,Saturday's sounds, Box 600 Glasgow, relays on FM 45544 9290,00 1702 0800 Latvia Today,E, Ids, jingle, Open air museum 45544 12257,00 0802 0858 WR Int, E, pops, ID, talks interf from Galician fishermen on USB 24311 15070,00 1702 1459 Cupid R, E, testing to N.A., live on MSN with me and Gilles in Canada!!!pops 24422 (Silveri Gomez, Fraga, Spain - playdx2003 1261, 20/02/2007) Folks, here's the complete record of loggings during my recent stay on the Queen Charlotte Islands in northern B.C. Errors are purely my own, and attributable to lack of sleep, dxing for 7 to 10 hours daily. 2 receivers, the AOR 7030+ and the NRD 535D. 3 Beverage antennae (2 N/S, and 1 E/W), and a Misek phasing unit were used. Enjoy! CANADA 680, 0529-, CHFA Edmonton Feb 10 First logging during my stay at our Masset cottage, and the first time I'm using Steve Ratzlaff's phaser. French vocals easily over KNBR. KBRW is one of my goals on this visit! Fingers crossed. Rechecked at 14:55. Station was playing a Spanish song, followed by a Carly Simon tune, but with some deep fades. Hoping for an ID at the TOH. A mish mash near the TOH. The French station in Edmonton faded up. Another station said 'a long time ago', and another with music in the background. Hmmm. KOMW ID at 15:04 from Omak, WA into an instrumental piece followed by CHFA fading up strongly. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) USA 505.20, 0533-, WD2XSH/20 Feb 10 Good reception from this experimental station with code. Well heard also in Victoria. Located in Oregon as I recall. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 1610, 0524-, WPT1714 Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, Portage Feb 11 Fair reception of loop for winter operation of the tunnel. Successfully able to hear this one only when phasing my N/S Beverage with a slightly shorter wire on the ground or almost, beneath the same wire but extending another 30 or 40 feet to the high tide line. No luck so far for 680 Barrow, though!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 529, 0543-, Nome (Fort Davis) ? Feb 11 A question for Steve Ratzlaff. At the moment, I'm hearing SQM in CW cochannel a voice loop that the 'Transcribed aviation weather broadcast is suspended'. Is this SQM which continues with it's own SQM CW id, or is it Nome with the TWEB, cochannel to SQM? Only fair tonight. Seems north isn't all that great tonight. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 394, 0549-, KAK 20 (RWO) Kodiak (Woody Island) Feb 11 Good reception with ATIS special reports for numerous Kenai Peninsula airports including King Salmon and Kodiak. Again CW in background. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 358, 0558-, KAW 27 (SIT) Sitka Feb 11 TWEB voice loop at good levels at times. Broadcast suspended until 15:00 Zulu, 06:00 local time. Call 1-800-WX-BRIEF for pilot weather briefing and other services. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 379, 1355-, WSX 70 (IWW) Kenai (Wildwood) Feb 11 Good reception with Kenai transcribed weather broadcast. Not heard late last night. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 251, 1406-, KBB 54 (OSE) Bethel (Oscarville) Feb 11 Fair reception with Bethel transcribed weather forecast. Loud CW overtop, but improving after a few minutes. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 277, 1415-, KCH 20 (ACE) Homer (Kachemak) Feb 11 Just barely audible with transcribed weather forecast. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 338, 1418-, KBX 44 (CMQ) Anchorage (Campbell Lake) Feb 11 Poor to fair reception with transcribed weather report. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 347, 1420-, KGD 82 (DJN) Big Delta (Delta Junction) Feb 11 Fair reception with Fairbanks area transcribed weather forecast. Heard again at 06:42 12Feb07 with good reception with numerous airport observations. i.e Galena (temp -8),. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 355, 1423-, KCK 35 (AK) King Salmon Feb 11 Good reception with transcribed aviation weather.1400 observations. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 371, 1429-, PDN Port Heiden Feb 11 Poor reception with transcribed aviation weather. Much better when used with phaser. ID'd as Kenai transcribed aviation weather, including Kodiak Is, Homer, Kenai, etc. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 385, 1439-, KKW 92 (OCC) Yakutat (Ocean Cape) Feb 11 Fair reception with tape loop re transcribed weather forecast suspended until 06:00 local. Faded completely for about 30 seconds before fading back up. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 411, 1441-, KAI 82 (ILI) Iliamna Feb 11 Poor reception with transcribed aviation weather. Remarkably better with phaser, however, becoming perfectly readable (noise completely obliterated)! Aviation weather at 14:00 including Iliamna special weather. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 529, 1448-, FDV and SQM Feb 11 Interesting indeed! I can hear two stations co-channel. The dominating station presumably is SQM (KQA 59) from Sumner Strait with loop stating that the Transcribed weather broadcast is suspended until 15:00 Zulu. Under this is another voice with aviation weather, presumed the more distant FDV (KBN 58) in Nome (Fort Davis). (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) JAPAN 1449, 1531-, JOQM Abashiri, Hokkaido Feb 11 Very good reception of this HBC station. Not heard yesterday. Stronger than //1287. Not bad for 5 kw. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) CHINA 1377, 1541-, Zhengzhou Feb 11 Very good reception of CNR1 programming // to 5030 in absence of NHK2, with Chinese EZL music. Then into a presumed ad, which sounded very strident, harking back to the old days. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) JAPAN 1575, 1558-, AFN Feb 11 Keeping an eye on this frequency this morning and far different from yesterday. AFN Japan is reasonably well heard under VOA Thailand. With music programming ('You can ring my be-e-e-ll, ring by bell', etc). Into English news at 16:00 but VOA faded up. As for the station heard yesterday, very briefly at 15:57, the bubble jamming around 1574.4 became quite evident but only for a few moments. Conditions must be very variable today. Overall not as good as yesterday's. AFN back into modern techno music at 16:03. Signal would be quite decent if not for VOA. Interesting that they became dominant for a time at 16:04, well over VOA. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) KOREA 1341, 1608-, KBS Feb 11 An interesting frequency with at least 2 stations audible, neither is the expected NHK1 relay. The dominant is, I suspect, Kimpo in Korean while the second is just too weak to be sure. Possibly English. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) JAPAN 1332, 1613-, JOSF Nagoya Feb 11 An interesting frequency with at least 3 cochannel audios. For a time JOSF completely dominated with a 8 to 9/10 signal, then faded down revealing another station with a vocal, possibly HLAO in Chungju. Another Chinese station briefly also heard. What peaked my interest was Russian sounding music, but this disappeared quickly. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 890, 0358-, KBBI Homer Feb 12 Public service announcements. Keys found, etc. Very good with a fade-up over CJDC Dawson Creek, BC (C&W music there). Into weather for the Kenai Peninsula. Somewhat difficult to follow as the dj has quite a soft voice making it difficult to punch through the fades. Very good at 05:00 with jazzy EZL music, but no ID at the TOH. Rechecking at 05:20 yields an unusual flutter about once per second. Never heard anything quite like it. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 248, 0627-, KGA 25 (GLA) Gulkana Feb 12 My 13th TWEB from Alaska so far with aviation weather for various airports including Gulkana, Hayes River, Anchorage and Homer. Good reception.. Best using LSB. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 332, 0636-, KAJ 28 (MND) Juneau (Mendenhall) Feb 12 Just barely audible tape loop with the usual 'Transcribed aviation weather broadcast is suspended'. 14th Alaskan TWEB heard so far. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 338, 0638-, KBX 44 (CMQ) Anchorage (Campbell Lake) Feb 12 Good reception with automated weather for numerous airports such as Portage Glacier (temperature -7), Stewart, Homer, etc. 15th TWEB Alaskan. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 355, 0644-, KCK 35 (AK) King Salmon Feb 12 Good reception except for the usual beeps and squels with aviation weather reports including King Salmon. Bristol Bay area forecast reported. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 356, 0648-, KEJ 28 (HHM) Kotzebue (Hotham) Feb 12 A difficult target with AK just 1 kHz below. Best heard in AM mode. Tape loop of 'Transcribed aviation broadcast is suspended until 1500 zulu, 0600 local). My 16th TWEB from Alaska. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) RUSSIA 180, 0659-, Radio Rossii, Petropavlovsk Feb 12 Early fade-in with time-pips and Radio Rossii ID into Russian news. Fair reception. //153 barely audible. 189 has a signal, but too weak to tell whether in // or not. 234 Magadan is poor. Big fat beacon on 279, but weakly audible using USB. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) UNITED KINGDOM 1215, 0712-, Virgin Radio Feb 12 Lot's of presumed TA hets tonight and snippets of audio as well. Virgin Radio had quite good audio for a few seconds before fading back into the mud. A mixture of TAs and TPs, I suppose as 1287 definitely sounds Japanese at 07:14 presumably JOHR. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) CHINA 5050, 1604-, Voice of the Strait Feb 12 Presumed logging. I monitored this on and off for an hour. Not a single announcement just non-stop western music. There is a strong het from 5049.9, from ARDS which would yield decent audio if the Chinese station were not present. No other station fits the bill here. Very strong signal. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) CHINA 981, 1609-, CNR1 Feb 12 Strong reception with multiple site feeds as there's a slight delay between feeds. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ?KOREA 1467, 1639-, HLKN Mokpo Feb 12 Help is needed with who's on here. Rated a 9/10 initially but faded down. I thought from the strength that it was a JJ station, but only low powered NHK2 stations listed, and they're off the air by this time, so it's either a Chinese or KBS. I'm suspecting the latter. Right, I've answered my own question. // to 738. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) CHINA 1377, 1655-, CNR1 Zhengzhou Feb 12 Very strong signal // to 5030 with ads in Chinese. Amazing how strong they can be!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) JAPAN 1368, 1700-, JOTS Wakkanai, Hokkaido Feb 12 A decent 7/10 signal with light chatting. No time pips or ID at 17:00, though. // to 1287. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) CANADA 570, 0214-, CFWH Whitehorse Feb 13 CBC Radio One's major news program, 'The World at Six' at good level. Some deep fades. By far the best on my N/S Beverage. Not at all audible on the E/W Beverage (CKWL Williams Lake totally dominates here). Watson Lake and southern/central/high north Yukon weather at 02:28. Lows down to -32 Brrrr! Into 'As it Happens' program. Very good reception at this point. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) USA 910, 0301-, The new KTRO 910 Feb 13 Not sure who this is, often very good reception, and then fading down with IDs for Talk Radio Oregon. Finally at 03:01, gave an ID as 'the New KTRO 910'. Not listed in my NRC AM Radio Log. They also ID more frequently as 93.1 Talk Radio Oregon. The only OR station listed in KURY Brookings, but only 37 watts. This station mentions Portland, so presumed another station. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) GREAT BRITAIN 1215, 0336-, Virgin Radio Feb 13 Great evening so far with most channels producing a carrier, many at 4 or 5/10 scale. Deep fades as is common for TA reception. Apart from Virgin Radio (an 8 at times), other audios thus far include 531, 684, 711, 873, 1071, 1089 and 1125. Virgin is the strongest so far. Haven't heard this strength since the fall!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) RUSSIA 1089, 0321-, Radio Rossii Feb 13 Initially I thought it was a French speaking station, but further monitoring confirms a Russian speaker. Really difficult channel with adjacent splatter +++. I have a new found respect for my second receiver here in Masset...my old JRC NRD 535D which seems up to the task for difficult MW reception. Appears every bit as sensitive as the 7030+ as well as dealing with the adjacent splatter. Never very strong, but occasionally fading up to about a 7/10 strength. Second strongest on the band tonight for Euros. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ?DENMARK 1062, 0420-, Danish Radio P3 Feb 13 A possible here. Another strong performer with non-stop modern western music. Surprisingly strong at times despite adjacent splatter. Not sure who else this could be besides listed Denmark. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) GERMANY 1269, 0428-, Deutschlandfunk, Neumunster Feb 13 A decent 7 to 7.5 signal with German variety programming pretty much in the clear. Nice piano piece just before 04:29. Time pips at 04:29:50 and talk in German. Presumably news program. Faded up to almost an 8!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) SWEDEN 1179, 0455-, Swedish Radio Feb 13 Really strong reception at 04:55 in obvious Swedish. Quite the night, with audio after audio for the TAs. I'm very pleased!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 630, 0614-, KIAM Nenana? Feb 13 A bit of a dilemma here. Tuned in to here weather for central Alaska. No ID heard, but I realize that this was not KJNO, which is not that far from me in Masset. The quality was much more folksy and amateurish. Lots of temperatures in the minus 10s and 20s....definitely not coastal Juneau. They were cochannel, presumably Juneau and gradually faded down to oblivion. I'd be very pleased had I heard a legal ID, though!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 640, 0602-, KYUK Bethel Feb 13 Nice ID for the station in passing, and then into NPR programming. Good reception. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 670, 0731-, KDLG Dillingham Feb 13 Excellent reception with Bristol Bay weather forecast. KBOI is almost completely eliminated thanks to the phaser. Amazing how long the Alaska weather forecasts tend to be! Life and death, I suppose!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) RUSSIA 720, 0733-, Mayak, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Feb 13 Presumably this station with Russian language call-in show. Very good at times, but at least once completely faded out to be replaced by very strong KDWN Las Vegas, but then returned again at excellent strength again by 07:51. I was wrong! This is actually coming from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk with local Russian programming. That explains call-in from Moscow, and the local ads, including for tomatoes! Mayak ID at 07:58. Mayak jingles at 07:00. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) USA 770, 0910-, 'Country 101' Feb 13 Unid station with an ID as 'Country 101' or 'Country 101.com'. Any ideas would be appreciated re legal ID. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) NORTH KOREA 656.94, 1654-, KCBS Pyongyang Feb 13 Good reception with usual melodic vocal by a female. Much stronger than //3250 and 3320. Faded down rather abruptly at 16:56, though. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) VIETNAM 675, 1658-, Voice of Vietnam 1, My Van Feb 13 Presumed Voice of Vietnam 1 program with Vietnamese music up to 16:59 and then a brief announcement and off. No anthem. Sure enough, scheduled s/off is 17:00. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) USA 560, 0225-, KSFO, San Francisco Feb 14 An example of the phenomenal power of the phaser. Without it, the frequency is owned by CHTK, Prince Rupert...just across the water on the mainland. With it engaged, CHTK is gone, replaced by KSFO and a more powerful cochannel with the Cashmir Lady Bulldogs (?) vs Olmak Pioneer basketball game. During the half time show, mentioned KPQ or KBQ. Ahhh, it's KPQ Wenatchee, WA. Good to very good at times. No signs, though, of KVOK, Kodiak. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 920, 1540-, KSRM, Soldotna Feb 14 A tough catch due to the proximity of KTKN 930 in Ketchikan. They also don't ID very often and are prone to deep fades. When they do fade-in, the reception can be excellent. At the moment there are lots of mentions of Kenai, and Homer. Now just for a legal ID! Best on my W Beverage. Plenty of cochannels as well which also fade up and down especially an oldies station. The Oldies station faded up saying that they were the 'Home of Nat King Cole'. Any ideas who that would be? I wonder about KSHO Lebanon, OR? ID for latter heard, and later still for KXLY. Seems the best time for hearing Alaskans is around middle of the night to sunrise here. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 870, 1609-, KSKO, McGrath Feb 15 Excellent reception of this elusive station. KFLD from Pasco, WA owns this frequency for the past couple of hours, although KSKO does fade in every once in a while. Local news and weather at this time. Otherwise mostly network NPR programming only. For whatever reason, I have a heck of a time IDing these guys! Finally some good levels for an extended period of time. Best using USB to avoid 860 CFPR Prince Rupert. DJ is a male with a relatively slow monotone delivery. Time check for 7:17 AM and into a musical interlude. Into business news for Alaska. Sports at 16:23. By 16:26 faded down into the mud and gone. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) JAPAN 1359, 1642-, NHK2 Feb 15 Low power 100w relays. Heard at fair level with their prolonged sign-off. Nice to see what 100w can do!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) CANADA 1440, 1649-, CKJR Wetaskiwin, AB Feb 15 IDing as 'The new W 1440'. Not sure whether the call letters have changed. Local ad from the Chamber of Commerce. Oldies format. Very good after Sapporo fades out. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) PHILIPPINES 1512, 1702-, DYAB, Cebu City Feb 15 An interesting frequency indeed. Monitored before the TOH to hear English music and talk, weakly. Rechecked after TOH and this is a Filipino station. No idea which. Perhaps Patrick Martin can assist with which station is heard here at this time. OK, got it! An ID for DYAB at 17:19. Boy am I pleased about this one!!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) AUSTRALIA 1548, 1705-, 4QD Emerald, Queensland Feb 15 ABC Local Radio with news and ID as ABC Local Radio. Good reception with some splatter. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) UNID 1584.06, 1709-, Unid Feb 15 Station off frequency with western C & W female vocal until 17:11and right into another song. Fair to even good levels at times. Wonder whether this is DWBR Radyo Batay (according to the PAL). Might just fit. Any ideas, please?. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ?NEW ZEALAND 1593, 1735-, ?Coast Radio, Christchurch Feb 15 Almost non-stop EZL music. English. Only very brief announcements between some pieces. Oldies format. I'm suspecting that this may be Coast Radio in Christchurch, NZ. A good hour after my local sunrise and it's still fading up to fair levels at times and then down to oblivion. Any help here also much appreciated! I see that New Zealand is gray lining at the moment. My assumption anyway. Besides English, they also play the occasional French piece. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) TAIWAN 1557, 1746-, Family Radio Feb 15 Despite what I read in the PAL, they seem to be here still at this hour with a strong signal with hymns. Not sure who else this could be. Chinese programming, it seems. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) JAPAN 1287, 1914-, JOHR, Sapporo Feb 15 It's 11:15 am local, and I'm still hearing plenty of carriers and even some audio. For example HBC Hokkaido Hoso is coming in at fair levels. Mind you it's 50 kw from Sapporo. Still, something you never hear in Victoria! Other audio include JOLF 1242 in Tokyo, 972, and of course 1566 HLAZ. What fun!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 920, 0531-, KSRM, Soldotna Feb 16 ABC news, followed by local ad for Soldotna therapeutic massage and chiropractic clinic. ID as AM 920 The One. Local Kenai weather. Initially good reception, then faded as they ID'd! Back to Mike Bohanan show. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) USA 780, 0545-, WBBM, Chicago Feb 16 Excellent reception with ID after weather, and into sports. Dominates when used with phaser. Oldies station dominates when phase is reversed. Still to be ID'd, but looking for KNOM, Nome, AK. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 920, 0600-, KSRM, Soldotna Feb 16 Finally a nice ID as '920 KSRM Soldotna/Kenai/Homer', and into news. Good reception, though prone to deep fades, still. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) JAPAN 1287, 0629-, JOHR, Sapporo Feb 16 While searching for TA stations, came across audio from HBC, Japan at this early hour. They also happen to be one of the last audios to disappear in the morning, so obviously one of the first to appear. 1188 also quite a strong carrier, and I'm suspecting TP rather than TA. No signs of TA tonight. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 820, 0638-, KCBF Fairbanks Feb 16 Very good reception after trying all evening (and being spoiled mostly by KGNW, Burien-Seattle). Local Fairbanks ads for airlines, chiropractic, massage, sports medicine, etc. Post game show for a Western Washington vs Bellingham basketball game....Ahhh! I did hear this earlier, but assumed it was the WA station. KGNW is there, but easily phased out. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 780, 1354-, KNOM, Nome Feb 16 Good reception being able to null KKOH which would otherwise dominate the frequency with 'Lady in Black'. ID into ABC news at 14:00 with TC for 05:00. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 770, 1408-, KCHU, Valdez Feb 16 Good reception with NPR 'Morning Edition' news except for cochannel CHQR from Calgary. Fill music at 14:10 without a local ID. Darn. //870 McGrath KSKO but latter is delayed slightly. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) USA 1610, 1515-, WA State Highway Advisory Radio Feb 16 Weakly heard. Couldn't make out call letters or nature of the advisory, just the WA ID. A long way from WA, so not a bad catch. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) JAPAN 1575, 1524-, AFN Feb 16 Great reception this morning with no sign of VOA Thailand at all. Public service announcements (proper tire pressures, etc) and then into music. Not sure whether all 3 listed stations are in parallel. At 15:32 I'm hearing some talk about Japan, with music in the background, which I'm assuming is one of the other AFN Japan stations. Nope, it's VOA with special English. Oh, well. Rechecked at 16:00. No ID, but they're booming in with a S7 to S9 signal with modern American music. Just a short 'Happy Friday', and a mention of 'Guns and Roses' (not sure of the connotation for the latter). Occasionally I can hear VOA Thailand beneath, but mostly they have the frequency entirely to themselves. Into USA Network Sports at 16:20. At 16:22, I'm hearing PSA for military priority post, but with modern American music underneath, which isn't VOA. Perhaps the feeds are different for the 3 AFN stations. Sure wish they'd have local IDs! Incredibly l! ong lasting! I've been listening to a steady, almost local-like signal for more than an hour, and they're still very strong at 16:44 (8:44 local) with mostly non-stop music, with occasional PSA, but nothing that I would call a definitive ID. At 17:00, heard the following: 'You are listening to the American Forces Network'. This was repeated a second time but much weaker, so I'm thinking this is another transmitter. Finally have something I would call a legal ID! I'm pleased. Sure is blasting in still! What a great dx site!!! At 17:19 still present with perfectly readable signal with a spot for smoking cessation. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 770, 15:56-, KCHU, Valdez Feb 16 Interesting programming. Earlier they were in // to 870, but broke off to local programming. After a very lengthy weather forecast, they went on to describe the lunches at the various schools. Interesting!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 870, 1600-, KSKO, McGrath Feb 16 Finally got my full legal ID at 15:59 followed by the weather. I was worried that they would fade out before the ID, plus the DJ has a fairly monotone voice, but the signal hung in there. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) UNID 1512, 1712-, unid Feb 16 Sure like to know who's here. I'd be able to copy ok, except for splatter. Occasional English words heard, but the style seems very Filipino to me. Patrick, have you heard anything here? I see 2 Filipino's listed in PAL with one signing off at 16:10. Help please! Splatter is from 1520, so I'm trying LSB with notch. Anything's worth a try!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) KOREA 1566, 1758-, HLAZ Feb 16 Excellent reception of their Russian program signing-off with Moscow address and mentioning the Korean transmitter on 1566. Carrier off immediately afterwards at 18:00. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) USA 1450, 2352-, KONP, Port Angeles, WA Feb 16 ID as Newsradio, 1450. Had to look this one up. Just across the water from Victoria, but a long way from the Queen Charlottes. Fair reception. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ICELAND 189, 0552-, Rikisutvarpid Ras Feb 17 Presumed logging with modern music. Not often heard on the west coast, so maybe the TAs are returning. Poor to fair reception only. Weak audio isalso audible on 153, with the MW being pretty much a wipe-out. Well, here's hoping for a good morning!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 1080, 1430-, KUDO, Anchorage Feb 17 Finally, a full ID for this station which just happened to fade up nicely. Seems to gradually fade up and down over the course of a minute. Normally all I've been hearing here is KFXX, Portland ('The Fan'), and occasionally KVNI, Coeur d'Alene, ID. Followed by PSA and back to network talk radio. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) RUSSIA 576, 14:49-, Radiostantsiya Mayak Feb 17 Surprised to hear Russian here. Mayak jingles at 15:00 and then signed-off immediately. This matches RV69 Khabarovsk which is listed as signing off at 15:00, although my PAL states this station to be inactive. Rechecked at 15:05 to see that there's still a strong OC present. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) KOREA 603, 1515-, HLSA, Namyang Feb 17 Good to excellent reception before fading down with Korean music. In parallel to 558 which was weaker. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) KOREA 711, 15:33-, HLKA, Sorae Feb 17 Superb reception with possibly a radio play in Korean. Parallel noted on 1503. There's also another cochannel station noted with what sounds like an English Christian hymn. Hmmm. Turned out to be a Chinese speaker. For a time the Chinese station actually rose above HLKA. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4990, 1555-, AIR Itanagar Feb 17 English panel discussion at good level. Well over cochannel Chinese. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4970, 1558-, AIR Shillong Feb 17 Very good reception with lovely Indian music through the TOH. Announcement by YL at 16:01 (not in English) and then an English ad by an OM about convergence of radio and television (apparently a TV that also picks up radio...something, Model 80). Full ID in English at 16:04, then into western music. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) KYRGYZSTAN 4050.02, 1606-, Kyrgyz Radio 1 Feb 17 Presumed logging with weak audio. A bit too weak to positively ID the language. 4010 is also present, but even weaker. Some of my older references has DW in Russian at this time. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) TAJIKSTAN 4635.05, 1610-, Tajik Radio 1 Feb 17 Good reception with central Asian vocal. They then went into some Russian by a YL (a little harder to hear the spoken voice...I did hear her say 'musey' or museum). Then an OM went on in presumed Tajik. Followed by more music. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4760, 1616-, AIR Port Blair Feb 17 An interesting frequency with two equally strong stations cochannel. One is an obviously Muslim station (with melodic central Asian chants), while the other is a male speaking, and I'm suspecting this could be TWR from Swaziland. The first station has to be either AIR Port Blair (which seems to be the most commonly reported) or AIR Leh in Kashmir. I rechecked at 16:53. Most obviously TWR Swaziland with a good strong signal way over the presumed AIR station(s). I checked again at 16:59 to see that TWR was gone, and now a single Indian station is strongly heard. Both AIR stations are listed as on until 17:30 on Saturdays, so I'll have to recheck in a few minutes. Stumbled upon 5010 which is in // to 4760, so that confirms Port Blair, at least after 17:00. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4775, 1621-, AIR Imphal Feb 17 Presumed logging with traditional Indian music. Fair to good reception. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) DJIBOUTI 4780, 1622-, R. dif. TV de Djibouti Feb 17 Happy to hear this one showing that it is possible to hear Africa in our local mornings. Typical horn of Africa music at fair level. Slightly marred by CODAR chirp. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4800, 1625-, AIR Hyderabad Feb 17 Good reception with Indian music, but marred by cochannel Chinese station at equal strength, so a bit of a mess!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4810, 1626-, AIR Bhopal Feb 17 Fair to reception except for CODAR with Indian music by male vocalist. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4820, 1631-, AIR Kolkata Feb 17 A nice S7 to S9 signal dominating with Indian music, but cochannel, presumed Lhasa, Tibet audible underneath. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4840, 1633-, AIR Mumbai Feb 17 Must be the music hour. All of the AIR stations I've heard this hour have been playing a lot of music! Again, traditional Indian music at fair level. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4860, 1634-, AIR Delhi A Feb 17 Good reception with talk in presumed Urdu (FS is listed in DBS). Marred by a carrier on the high side producing a het, so LSB used. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4895, 1638-, AIR Kurseong Feb 17 I'm going out on a bit of a limb and assuming that this is an Indian station. Again traditional Indian music at good level. Doesn't seem to fit RTM and not sure whether they're still on the air. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4910, 1640-, AIR Jaipur Feb 17 Once again traditional Indian music at poor to fair level. No sign here of Zambia. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4920, 1641-, AIR Chennai Feb 17 Good reception with Indian music, unfortunately cochannel to equally strong Lhasa with Tibetan (or Chinese) music. Too bad they each couldn't use their own frequency. There's plenty of space these days!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) BOTSWANA 4930, 1643-, VOA Feb 17 Very good reception with African hi-life music. Interfered with slightly by some CW interference. I was hoping to hear Kenya, but realize that they're listed as a Monday to Friday operation only. Drats! Nightline Africa ID at 16:46. Went into their Nightline Africa mailbag. Accent made it a bit difficult to follow. Several calls from Nigeria. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 4940, 1648-, AIR Guwahati Feb 17 Fair to good reception of what sounds like a radio play, not in English. Does not sound Chinese, so I'm quite certain it's Guwahati. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) PAPUA NEW GUINEA 4960, 1650-, Catholic Radio Network Feb 17 Just about forgot about PNG. English religious hymn at fair to good level. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ZAMBIA 4965, 1706-, The Voice Africa Feb 17 A presumed logging with some preaching, but mostly under what sounds like an Indian station (?AIR Shimla?). Both fair at best. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) CHINA 4980, 1707-, Xinjiang PBS Feb 17 Chinese or minority music marred by a ute on USB, so best on LSB. Fair level. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) INDIA 5010, 1712-, AIR Thiruvananthapuram Feb 17 Very good reception with Indian music followed by a description of the piece in a local language, then presumably the same in English. Marred by a choppy ?OTH radar signal at multiple pulses /second. Also there must be a cochannel station on at 10 Hz variation, so careful tuning is necessary. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) USA 1020, 0330-, KCKN Roswell, NM Feb 18 Checked this frequency often looking for KAXX Eagle River, AK. No sign of them. Instead, ID noted for KCKN at good level. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ECUADOR 3279.7, 0345-, La Voz del Napo Feb 18 Reasonably good signal except for a ute smack on the frequency spoiling enjoyable listening. Latin tunes, sounding quite Cuban to me. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) SOUTH AFRICA 3320, 0348-, SABC, Meyerton Feb 18 Good reception with classical music. Listed as Radio Sonder Grense. Probably the best I've ever heard them in the Pacific northwest. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) HONDURAS 3340, 0351-, HRMI, La Voz de Misiones Internacionales Feb 18 Poor to fair at best with Spanish religious programming. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) SOUTH AFRICA 3345, 0352-, Channel Africa, Meyerton Feb 18 Not as strong as Radio Sonder Grense, but still a fair signal with EZL music. Didn't wait around for an ID. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) ALASKA 970, 04:05-, KFBX Fairbanks Feb 18 Finally heard several IDs. A difficult catch with numerous cochannel stations including CFXE, Edson AB. Into a music bridge and then at 04:08 into Coast to Coast Live program. Fair reception. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) RUSSIA 720, 1352-, Voice of Russia,Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Feb 18 Strong signal with 'Here comes the sun' in Russian! Nice to see them back. This is the Japanese language service. VOR IS at 13:59, and then faded away with North American stations dominating again. Checked at 14:24 to notice a station causing a het from 719.9. I've been hearing them all week. Good audio at 14:27 now. This is the KCBS in Pyongyang with their usual Korean vocals. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) UNID 1476, 1524-, unid Feb 18 This is an interesting frequency. First, the Malaysian on1475 provides decent audio, so one must use USB. 1476 itself has a couple of stations audible. One is off frequency on about 1476.04 and seems variable. The other is playing some pretty strange oriental music. The closest I've heard is the Vietnamese regional Son La, but no Vietnamese listed. I'm thinking that this may be one of the Chinese regionals. The off frequency perhaps is a Filipino?. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) MALAYSIA 1475, 1531-, Suara Malaysia Feb 18 Decent audio in Tagalog with sign-off procedures by an undermodulated female. Off at 15:34:24 followed by presumed NA until 15:35 and then carrier immediately off. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) TAIWAN 738, 1614-, BEL2 Taiwan Area Fishery Brdcstg Stn Feb 18 Dominates this frequency with Chinese talk and // to weaker 1593 and 1143. Several other stations cochannel, but this one is strongest. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) CHINA 981, 1628-, CNR 1 Feb 18 Interesting sound. Multiple sites with slight delays between them producing an echo effect. Very good reception. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC) UNID 918, 1634-, unid Feb 18 A real mystery. American English but with a weird echo!!! What on earth is this? Multiple paths? Multiple locations? Good reception. Continued to improve. Solid S7 reception and in the clear. Story about George W. Bush. By 16:41 no longer in English. I did hear a www.xxx.com though, so maybe this is a Chinese station or Korean with an English lesson? Help please with this one! Yes this was a language lesson. I have the clip from 17:00, so would appreciate assistance on the ID. It's likely Chinese. (Walter Salmaniw, Masset, BC - hard-core-dx 50, 23) 7320 - 0650 - 220207 - G - R. Japan - EE - Japanese language course - 5 5 5 5 5 (7.230 MHz is still announced) 17870 - 0656 - 220207 - AUT - R. Austria 1 International - German - report on traveling to Pyongyang in 2004 - 3/4 4 4 4 3 9490 - 0705 - 220207 - S - R. Sweden - Swedish - reports - 5 5 5 5 5 15160 - 0711 - 220207 - AUS - R. Australia - EE - report on situation in Honiara, Solomon Islands - 4 5 3/4 4 3/4 15690 - 1145 - 220207 - CLN - R. Farda via IRA - Farsi - stn ann and music - 5 5 4 4 4 (// 17595 via UDO 4/5 4 4 4 4) 13840 - 1150 - 220207 - NZL - RNZI - EE - music on "Sounds of the Pacific Region" - 4 5 3/4 4 3/4 15110 - 1155 - 220207 - CLN - DW via TRM - German - after cultural news: "Glaubenssache" (till sign-off at 11:58:00) - 4 5 3/4 4 3/4 9525 - 0700 - 230207 - ASC - Star R. - EE - Lady with stn id, "Good morning, this is Friday .....", then gent's intro of "Liberia Today" - 4 5 5 3/4 3/4 (Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1851, 23/02/2007) 5975 kHz.0550 UTC NHK-Rampisham,< Comentario> inglés 45444-24/02 6045 Khz 0603 UTC KBS Sackville,< Noticias< Esp 45433-24/02 7555 kHz 0530 UTC WHRA-Greenbush, 7570 kHz 0532 UTC WEWN-Vandiver, 7780 kHz 0540 UTC WYFR-Okeechobee, (Thomas Mendez, - NoticiasDX 1548, 25/02/2007) -- Неопознанное -- Гармоники Саудовская Аравия BSKSA Riyadh. Two carriers noted on 21670 and 21740 kHz at 0858 UT, and Ar program in progress on 21705. So seemingly combination of Ins sce QRG 21670, and Arabic 21705 kHz produces a spur signal on 21740 kHz. 21670 channel opens at 0930 UT, but is on air very early around 0858 UT (Wolgang Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 1627, 21/02/2007) Турция 15350 - TRT Cakirlar - my SPECIAL DARLING. 0800-1400 UT. Once again still has "widespread" spurious signal problems. Noted with scratching around 0855 UT, on range 15303 to 15404 kHz. Measured also TRT 'bad boy' 15350 kHz which suffers by faulty audio feed and produces spurious signals, -- since months ! Any complaint correspondence to TRT engineering was not successful yet. Still same mess. Measured around 0900-0945, was wandering down from 15350.103 to 15350.84 kHz but had a heterodyne buzz of 160 Hertz to co-channel CNR Kashi-CHN even xx.00 kHz. Usual spurious signals of Cerrik-ALB 0700-0900 UT, CRI on nominal 11785/11855, and spurs symmetrical 11715/11925 both. (Wolgang Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 1627, 21/02/2007) -- Глушение Китай Firedrake audible on 9200 at 1443 Feb 20, and somewhat weaker also on 10400 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 20/02/2007) -- Пираты this weekend limited listening time. Sunday afternoon no signals at home but quite good results via dxtuners.com in Sweden. greetings achim Logs at home: Date 14/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 6.220,0 1615 Mystery Radio 45434 9+5dB Date 15/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 6.220,0 1710 Mystery Radio 45444 9 Date 18/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 6.220,0 1145 Mystery Radio 24433 7 Logs via dxtuners.com: Date 14/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.620,0 2020 unid 43433 8 S 1.635,0 1839 unid 34433 8 S Date 15/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.645,0 2130 Radio Armada 54444 9 S 1.645,0 2134 Zender Orient Express 44444 9 S 1.645,0 2212 Zender Prince (tent) 34433 8 S 1.650,0 2124 Zender Meteor 44444 9 S 1.650,0 2147 Radio Blauwe Star 43443 9 S Date 16/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.650,0 2330 Zender Monte Carlo 33433 8 S 1.655,0 2309 Radio Toekomst 54444 9 S 6.220,0 1615 Mystery Radio 44444 9 S 6.305,0 1526 unid 33433 8 S Date 17/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.642,0 0014 Bad Company Radio 34433 8 S 1.655,0 0055 Zender Jan Schnabel 54444 9 S 1.655,0 0027 Delta Radio 34433 8 S Date 18/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.635,0 2247 Radio Euromast 54444 9 S 1.646,0 2119 Farmers from Holland 54444 9 S 1.655,0 2311 Radio Ethersniever 54444 9 S 1.655,0 2114 Radio Barones 53443 9 S 5.725,0 1200 Flux AM 34433 8 S 6.260,0 1514 Radio Casanova 33443 8 S 6.271,0 1222 Radio White Star (tent) 24433 8 S 6.275,0 1514 Radio Kentucky 33433 8 S 6.290,0 1153 Operation Bullshit (tent) 33443 8 S 6.311,0 1504 Radio Fox 48 23433 7 S 6.315,0 1353 Radio Casanova 33443 8 S (Achim Brueckner, Detmond, Germany - playdx2003 1260, 19/02/2007) -- Связь 0518 P haifa 0023 NAVTEX naws 18feb07 01916.7 gcg cuxhaven 1949 ARQ wx 19feb07 04209.5 §03 TAH istanbul 0603 NAVTEX tur naws 20fev07 04218.5 LZW24 varna 1926 FEC bulg 19feb07 (Michel L, France - udxf 411, 19/02/2007) 3016 khz 0640z TFL716 (Arke Fly Nederland) PH-AHX B763 selcal CR-BE c/n 24847 3016 khz 0650z OOM116 (Zoom Canada) C-GZNA B763 selcal PQ-CD C/n 27957 (Patrice P, France - udxf 411, 19/02/2007) 08498 : CIS Military 1431 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB In traffic. (20Feb07) (MPJ) 08920 1002: Unid 1457 ALE/LSB Sounding. (20Feb07) (MPJ) 09080 2000: Italian Carabinierie 1340 ALE/USB Calls 2053 with [AMD] "DIAL4". (20Feb07) (MPJ) 09200 2000: Italian Carabinierie 1335 ALE/USB Calls 2047 with [AMD] "DIAL4". (20Feb07) (MPJ) 09202 : NATO Air Defence Modem 1343 LINK-11/2250/ISB 2-channel TADIL. (20Feb07) (MPJ) 10154 JEFF: Unid 1431 ALE/USB Calls JMARC. (20Feb07) (MPJ) 10211 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach, Rhourde Nouss LR1 Pipeline Algeria 1351 ALE/LSB Sounding. (20Feb07) (MPJ) 10211 RNOUSLR: Sonatrach, Rhourd Nouss, Algeria 1448 ALE/LSB Sounding. GASSI30P-Pumping Station Gassi Touil sounds at 1451. (20Feb07) (MPJ) 10461 055: Chinese Net 1515 ALE/USB Sounding on 10458 and 10461 kHz. (20Feb07) (MPJ) 11427.5 TNS: Algerian Embassy Tunis 1308 ALE/USB Sounds. (20Feb07) (MPJ) 17198 055: Chinese Net 1158 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Feb07) (MPJ) 18003 UKE302: E3D Sentry AEW1 ZH102, 8 Sqn RAF Waddington 1149 ALE/USB Sounding. (20Feb07) (MPJ - udxf 412, 20/02/2007) 11130.0 S3ALE3: Mrc-Mil 0936 ALE/USB clg S401 (2007-02-19) (sw) 14550.0 S401ALE1: Mrc-Mil 0947 ALE/USB clg S3 (2007-02-19) (sw) 14550.0 Z2: Mrc-Mil 0940 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-02-20) (sw) 08875.0 Z2: Mrc-Mil 0941 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-02-20) (sw) 11130.0 S3ALE3: Mrc-Mil 0950 ALE/USB clg S401 (2007-02-20) (sw) 11130.0 Z2ALE3: Mrc-Mil 0950 ALE/USB clg Z3 (2007-02-20) (sw) 09025.0 UKE302: E-3D Boeing Sentry AEW1 ZH102 RAF 8 Sqn/No23 Sqn Waddington 1138 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 04226.5 XSS: Unid 1138 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 03161.0 XSS: Unid 1158 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 10458.0 XSS: Unid 1202 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 06425.0 XSS: Unid 1205 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 08126.4 XSS: Unid 1206 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 10360.0 XSS: Unid 1207 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 15043.0 KSN: US State Dept? 1410 ALE/USB clg WNG809 (2007-02-20) (sw) 18003.0 ICZ: USAF Sigonella AB, Sicily, Ita 1410 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 15043.0 ICZ: USAF Sigonella AB, Sicily, Ita 1424 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 13215.0 PLA: USAF Lajes Azr, Por 1426 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 15043.0 OFF: USAF Offutt AFB, Ne , Usa 1431 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 18003.0 OFF: USAF Offutt AFB, Ne , Usa 1436 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 06715.0 CRO: USAF Croughton AB, UK 1446 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 15043.0 JNR: USAF Salinas, PTR 1450 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 15043.0 HAW: USAF Ascension Is 1452 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) 15043.0 JDG: USAF NSF Diego Garcia 1453 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-20) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 412) 04209.5 TAH istanbul 1820 FEC wx 20fev07 02244.7 gcg neustadt 1833 ARQ end of trans...20fev07 04218.5 LZW24 varna 1835 ARQ 20fev07 (Michel L, France - udxf 412) 5821.0 WGY901, FEMA Region 1 HQ, Maynard, MA calling "any station this net": 1606 USB voice (20/FEB/2007) (JLM) 6881.0 NN0MRG, USN/USMC MARS bulletins: 1646 PACTOR (19/FEB/2007) (JLM) 7309.5 444, 222 & 111: 1531 USB ALE. 444 with very strong signal (20/FEB/2007) (JLM) 10194.0 WGY908, FEMA Region 8 HQ, Denver, CO with phone patch test to WGY947, Iowa State EOC, Des Moines: 1603 USB voice. Completed phone patch test successfully & indicated next week's test will be data (20/FEB/2007) (Jack L. Metcalfe, Stanford, NY - udxf 412) 02720.0 SPS: Witowo Radio 1935 J3E/USB YL/EE weather bulletin for Baltic Sea. 18/FEB/2007 (DL8AAM) 04681.0 8: ARINC Johannesburg, AFS 0405 ARINC635-3/HFDL with [SPDU CRC PASS] & "Ground Station ID = 8". 16/Feb/06 (ALF) 04681.0 JAL642: JAL Flight (JA401J) 0357 HFDL [LPDU LOG ON RESUME] ICAO AID 2AE6A1, pos. 61N49 4E29. 16/Feb/06 (ALF) Why a/c on 61N on South African HFDL frequency ?? 04970.0 5800: unid 2144 ALE/USB SND. 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05010.0 -: unid 2122 ALE/USB only "[TO ZY1]". 16/Feb/07 (ALF) 05090.0 -: unid 9212 ALE/USB Link Protection & MIL-STD 188-110B/300/L. 17/Feb/07 (ALF) 05131.0 5GS: unid Georgian Net 0214 ALE/USB to PMR, 0212z unid to 5GS (=tent. PMR), into YL clg in voice "Delta Alpha....", too weak to read. 17/Feb/07; 2219z to SKB. 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05132.0 2016: unid 2219 ALE/USB to 4010. 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05133.5 6320: unid 2012 ALE/USB [TWS 6320]. 16/Feb/07 (ALF) 05200.0 BR2: unid Georgian Net 1622 ALE/USB to LEN; 1935z unid [TO BR2]. 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05227.0 QF3K: Chinese Military, Navy? 2046 CW clg-marker: "V T3AP(x3) de QF3K(x2)". 16/Feb/07 (ALF) 05319.0 TXX2: Guardia Civil HQ (Madrid or Valdemoro?) 2047 ALE/USB to TWVV2. 17/Feb/07 (ALF) 05319.0 TWLL2: Guardia Civil Logrono 2058 ALE/USB to TWVZ1 (unid). 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05321.0 -: unid Georgian Net 0202 ALE/USB [TO SBR]. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) 05343.0 Z71B: Army CCF (Combined Cadet Force) Prior Park College Bath, England, G 1627 J3E/USB wkg Z67D, Z72C, clg Z74D. 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05343.0 Z67D: unid Army CCF (Combined Cadet Force), G unit 1630 J3E/USB wkg Z71B (Bath, England). 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05343.0 Z72C: unid Army CCF (Combined Cadet Force) unit, G 1636 J3E/USB wkg Z71B (Bath, England), clg CC1 (="CQ"), wkg Z67D. IDing also as "72C", at 1644z as "M72C" clg "all stations". 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05343.0 Z51A: unid Army CCF (Combined Cadet Force) unit, G 1642 J3E/USB wkg Z72C. 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05393.0 9AS: unid 2037 ALE/USB to 0GC. 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05500.0 MEDOPS: unid US MIL 2039 ALE/USB [TWS]. 16/Feb/07 (ALF) 05500.0 COROPS: unid US MIL 0315 ALE/USB [TWS]. 17/Feb/07 (ALF) 05500.0 ABUDU: unid NNPC, NIG 0307 ALE/USB [TIS ABU][DAT DU@] SND. 17/Feb/07 (ALF) 05500.0 1003: unid 0313 ALE/USB SND. 17/Feb/07 (ALF) 05544.0 15: ARINC GLOBALink Node Al Muharraq, BHR 0203 HFDL with SPDU. 16/FEB/2007 (DL8AAM) 05555.0 -: unid 1941 ALE/USB [TO 288]. 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05572.0 -: unid Georgian Net 2102 ALE/USB to SBR. 17/Feb/07 (ALF) 05696.0 CAMSLANT: USCG Cheasapeake, VA, USA 0127 J3E/USB wkg 1501 (USCG HC-130H #1501, CGAS Elizabeth City) with pos/rep. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) 05730.0 611: Nigerian Police 2237 ALE/USB to 611612. 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05732.0 PAC: USCG CAMSPAC Point Reyes, CA; COTHEN Net, USA 0100a ALE/J3E to J30. 18/Feb/07 (ALF) 05732.0 D90: CBP P-3B "Slick" Aircraft N15390 (#151390 - Corpus Christi AMB, TX); COTHEN 0242 ALE/USB SND. 18/Feb/07 (ALF) 05732.0 F33: USCG HU-25C Falcon (#2133, CGAS Cape Cod); COTHEN 2233 ALE/USB to LNT, into voice wkg CAMSLANT. 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05732.0 J01: USCG HH-60J Heli (#6001, CGAS Cape Code); COTHEN 2244 ALE/USB SND. 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 05782.0 511511: Nigerian Police 2328 ALE/USB [TWS]. 20/Feb/07 (ALF) 06306.0 UROH: Ukrainian Vessel 1540 CW & RTTY ITA2-50/170/N tfc to Izmail Radio. 19/Feb/07 (ALF) 06470.0 UWS3: Kiev Radio, UKR 2033 CW tfc-lst. 17/FEB/2007 (DL8AAM) 06721.5 FG: NATO Naval, EU 0305 J3E/USB wkg DELTA, HOTEL, FOXTROTT TANGO, FOXTROTT HOTEL etc. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) 06804.0 UST99: unid, UKrainian Military 1130 CW to URJ "URJ(x3) de UST99(x2) col k". 16/Feb/06 (ALF) 06881.5 5305: unid 2335 ALE/USB SND. 16/Feb/06 (ALF) 06881.5 1050: unid 2335 ALE/USB SND. 16/Feb/06 (ALF) 07032.0 8062: unid 1421 ALE/USB [TWS] SND. 20/FEB/2007 (DL8AAM) 07765.0 RAI: unid 1620 ALE/USB to JAI. 17/Feb/07 (ALF) 07780.0 -: unid Georgian Net 1625 ALE/USB to BR2. 17/Feb/07 (ALF) 08734.0 SVO43: Olympia Radio 1639 J3E/USB vmf Gr/EE fr active channels 806, 1232, 1640, 2217. 17/FEB/2007 (DL8AAM) 08885.0 15: ARINC GLOBALink Node Al Muharraq, BHR 1655 HFDL with SPDU. 17/FEB/2007 (DL8AAM) 08942.0 AP1234: Airbus Industrie (F-WWTT) 1139 HFDL ICAO-ID 5B6C1C logon to 07:Shannon; pos. 43N/01E. 16/Feb/07 (ALF) 09305.0 -: unid Georgian Net 2026 ALE/USB to MB1. 17/Feb/07 (ALF) (Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 413, 21/02/2007) 03162 WKSD: Russian Military 1952 CW Message to unid: WKSD 287 28 21 2222 287 = 607 = ZOFOW FSOWE ... (21Feb07) (MPJ) 03312 4CGU: Unid 2003 CW Called once then gone. (21Feb07) (MPJ) 03485.83 V6UD: Czech Military? 2015 MORSE/--/500. V6UD V6UD AR repeated in FSK Morse. (21Feb07) (MPJ) 03817.5 : CIS Military 2018 81-81/81/250 Opchat then cipher. (21Feb07) (MPJ) 04110 : Unid Fishfone 1908 SAILORCRYPT/USB (21Feb07) (MPJ) 04762 : CIS Military 1902 81-81/81/250 Idle in slow revs. Hum on signal. (21Feb07) (MPJ) 05690 : Unid 1215 CLOVER-2000/USB In calling and XP2A modes. (21Feb07) (MPJ) 05801.7 : Unid NATO Printer 1237 NATO-75/75/850 Continuous data stream. (21Feb07) (MPJ) 06395.2 : Unid 1928 FEC Idles only. No traffic. (21Feb07) (MPJ) 06699.9 : NATO Air Defence Modem 1107 LINK-11/2250/USB Off frequency? (21Feb07) (MPJ) 06255 : NATO Air Defence Modem 1131 LINK-11/2250/ISB Two-channel, and two stations in simplex data exchange. (21Feb07) (MPJ) 08571 UWS3: Kiev Radio, Ukraine 1533 CW Traffic list in very fast Morse. (21Feb07) (MPJ - udxf 413) 03161.0 XHJ: Unid 1345 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-02-21) (sw) 03161.0 XSS: Unid 1345 ALE/USB clg XHJ (2007-02-21) (sw) 11490.0 0000210001: Grc-Moi/Pol ALE/USB clg 0000210502 (2007-02-21) (sw) 08950.5 38SCT2: Unid 1619 ALE/USB clg 38E (2007-02-21) (sw) 08950.5 38E: Unid 1619 ALE/USB clg 38SCT2 (2007-02-21) (sw) 06668.0 225: Unid 2000 ALE/USB clg 344 (2007-02-21) (sw) 06668.0 768: Unid 2003 ALE/USB clg 768 (2007-02-21) (sw) 06690.0 9AG: Unid 2017 ALE/USB clg 0GC (2007-02-21) (sw) 06690.0 0GC: Unid 2017 ALE/USB clg 9AG (2007-02-21) (sw) 07725.0 LEN: Unid 2026 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2007-02-21) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 413) 7831.0 AFN2RT, USAF MARS: 1605 MFSK16 (21/FEB/2007) (JLM) 7309.5 333 & 222, unid stations: 1608 USB ALE (21/FEB/2007) (JLM) 9052.0 111, 333 & 444, unid sations: 2003 USB ALE (21/FEB/2007) (JLM) 4935.0 YIP, possibly Ypsilanti, MI National Guard unit: 2015 USB ALE. Also sounding on 18314.0, 13562.0, 12270.0 11457.0, 10577.0, 9043.0, 7469.0, 5772.0 & 4448.0 all USB (21/FEB/2007) (JLM) 14396.5 WNIY791, Southwestern Bell, Dallas, TX, WPEE982, AT&T, Denver, CO, WPDY885, AT&T, Reno, NV, WGY9494, FEMA Auxiliary, CO, WGY9925, FEMA Auxiliary, MO & WGY9927, FEMA Auxiliary, MI: 1641- 1758 USB voice SHARES net (21/FEB/2007) (JLM - udxf 413, 21/02/2007) 03342.0 pirates? 0554 USB fr /other lang / arabic accent ? " le 2 " "a l'ecoute..." 22feb07 03835.0 unid mil? 0602 USB slavonic om numbers 22feb07 04479.0 H6E ,S6C,ASB, ASA, 1XC ,1IC, K4K medit manoeuvres mil? 0614 USB eng (accent fr, sp,ita..)"all unit " request track number of sea king..." helis 22feb07 (Michel L, France - udxf 413, 21/02/2007) Heard on 2971 khz Shanwick this thursday morning 0645 GMT GIANT 8459 selcal code AG-EL Boeing B747-200 constructor number 21252 Registration N506MC Watch her take off from Glasgow-Prestwick at : http://www.airliners.net/open.file/1042659/L/ (Patrice P, France - udxf 413, 21/02/2007) 10154.0 JEFF: Unid 0946 ALE/USB clg JMARC (2007-02-22) (sw) 10154.0 JMARC: Unid 0947 ALE/USB clg JEFF (2007-02-22) (sw) 14550.0 W201: Mrc-Mil 0958 ALE/USB clg W2 (2007-02-22) (sw) 11130.0 S401ALE1: Mrc-Mil 1004 ALE/USB clg S3 (2007-02-22) (sw) 14550.0 W201: Mrc-Mil 1011 ALE/USB clg O2 (2007-02-22) (sw) 14550.0 OUJDAALE2: Mrc-Mil Oujda Mrc 1032 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-22) (sw) 08875.0 H4ALE4: Mrc-Mil 1046 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-02-22) (sw) 11475.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 1144 ALE/USB clg RBT Rabat Mrc (2007-02-22) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 413) 03494.0 White Star 4212: unid Flight/Company 2035 J3E/USB wkg Stockholm Radio, dep Aberdeen/ETA Copenhagen 2126. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) * Found only Canadair Regional Jet/CRJ serving Aberdeen-Copenhagen * ?!? 04724.5 DP: Italian Navy 1952 J3E/USB OM/II sx wkg EU. Short-cut vessel callsign (IADP/IGDP?) 21/Feb/07 (ALF) 04724.5 EU: Italian Navy 1952 J3E/USB OM/II sxwkg DP. Short-cut vessel callsign (IAEU/IGEU?) 21/Feb/07 (ALF) 04724.5 M5K: Italian Navy (NCS) 2130 J3E/USB OM/II sx wkg 7GA, 3BJ. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) 04830.0 TSQ: tent. Italian Carabinierie 0111 & 0153 ALE/USB [TO 2053][TRU WR2][TIS TSQ]. 22/Feb/07 (ALF) Any sence in these [TRU]-frames??? 04830.0 IRA: tent. Italian Carabinierie 0140 ALE/USB [TO 2052]. 22/Feb/07 (ALF) 04830.0 3000: tent. Italian Carabinierie 0143 ALE/USB [TO 2052] [AMD DIAL4]; at 0145z [TO 2047] [AMD DIAL4]. 22/Feb/07 (ALF) Never seen Carabinierie with 3-Letter-Idents * But for sure same net as the [AMD DIAL4]s, which are rported to be Italian Carabinierie * 04900.0 JCP: unid 2050 ALE/USB to RFP. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) Is that the Saudi net ?? MIL/MOI ? 05268.0 -: unid 2020 ALE/USB [TO 2012]. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) 05296.5 R23694: US Army (NG?) Helicopter UH-60A (# 82-23694), QTH? 2238 ALE/USB to TC1111 (unid US Army [NG?] Aviation?). Found R23694 as "86 Ops Gp Ramstein", nw IRQ?. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) 05342.0 -: unid 0105 CW "Single-Letter-Beacon": V, active since days. One of the "Russian Naval SLHFB"? 22/FEB/2007 (DL8AAM) 05389.0 BLT: Battalion Landing Team 2/2 - 26th US Marine Expeditionary Unit, DJI 2100 ALE/USB to CLB (Combat Logistics Battalion), MEU (26th US Marine Expeditionary Unit) into MIL-STD 188/110B-600/S; 2105z unid [TO BLT]. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) 05400.0 611611: Nigerian Police 0009 ALE/USB to 611613; at 0006z unid with [TO 611611]. 22/Feb/07 (ALF) 05410.0 5830: unid 2011 ALE/USB SND. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) Is that another net of the Georgian MIL ? Second net beside the LEN, BR2, SKB etc. 05411.0 -: unid 2230 CW long open french text, but handkeyed, weak & much QRM. Maybe any North African. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) 05541.0 Reach 212: USAF Contract Flight (Atlas Air/GTI, Boeing B747-200 N506MC) 2030 J3E/USB wkg Stockholm Radio, dep IUD 1944, ETA PIK 0313, s/c AG-EL. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) 05672.0 -: Georgian Military 2126 ALE/USB [TO SKB]. 21/Feb/07 (ALF) 05730.0 611611: Nigerian Police 0015 ALE/USB to 611612. 22/Feb/07 (ALF) 06955.0 TWVP2: Guardia Civil Valencia, E1100 ALE/USB to TXX2. 22/Feb/07 (ALF) TXX1 and TXX2 are GC's HQ. Madrid or Valdemoro? 06967.5 IGTZ: Italian Naval (or CG?) Vessel 1139 J3E/USB clg ICI (CG Rome). 22/Feb/07 (ALF) No callsign infos on the ITU MARS database (Thomas Rosner, Germany - udxf 414, 22/02/2007) 8414.5 khz 1428 352675000 (flag panama) M/V Arinada Bridge (Container Carrier) dir Port Said eta 24.2 Safety test with 002241022 Coruna MRCC 1438 309743000 (Flag Bahamas) M/V Elikon (Bulk Carrier) safety test with 002091000 Cyprus MRCC Nicosia 1453 235448000 (flag U.K) M/S Hrossey (Ferry-Nortlink Route Lerwick-Kirkwall-Aberdeen) safety test with 00219000 Lyngby MRCC owner : Caledonian Macbryne 1456 563881000 (Flag Singapore) M/V Windsor (LPG Tanker) safety test with 002241078 Madrid MRCC 1457 356177000 (Flag Panama) M/V Hickory (Cargo) safety test with 002191000 Lyngby MRCC (Ronny Peeters, Antwerp, Belgium - udxf 414, 22/02/2007) 09080.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 1154 ALE/USB clg TNS Tunis (2007-02-22) (sw) 07010.0 RS0: Mkd-Mil 1332 ALE/USB clg CS002 (2007-02-22) (sw) 04830.0 3000: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1354 ALE/USB clg 2053 (2007-02- 22) (sw) 10295.0 2000: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1400 ALE/LSB clg 2047 (2007-02- 22) (sw) 09200.0 2000: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1403 ALE/USB clg 2053 (2007-02- 22) (sw) 09200.0 2000: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1403 ALE/USB clg 2053 (2007-02- 22) (sw) 08000.0 2000: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1428 ALE/USB clg 2053 (2007-02- 22) (sw) 11067.0 T3Z25: Usa-Mil 3-25th AVN, Camp Speicher/Tikrit (Iraq) 1444 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-22) (sw) 08000.0 2000: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1523 ALE/USB clg 2047 (2007-02- 22) (sw) 05285.0 SHQIPONJA: Alb-Moi Shqiponje 1525 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-02- 22) (sw) 08000.0 3000: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1531 ALE/USB clg 2054 (2007-02- 22) (sw) 11480.0 7803: Unid 1534 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-22) (sw) 06880.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 1539 ALE/USB clg RS0016 (2007-02-22) (sw) 07938.0 RS0016B: Mkd-Mil 1553 ALE/USB clg CS001B (2007-02-22) (sw) 06860.0 RS0016B: Mkd-Mil 1555 ALE/USB clg CS001B (2007-02-22) (sw) 05554.5 R23966: Us-Mil Sikorsky UH-60A Blackhawk Tail 84-23966 1608 ALE/USB clg T01147 (2007-02-22) (sw) 08003.0 R23966: Us-Mil Sikorsky UH-60A Blackhawk Tail 84-23966 1609 ALE/USB clg T01147 (2007-02-22) (sw) 08151.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1623 ALE/USB clg TWCC2 Gijon (2007-02- 22) (sw) 06874.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1624 ALE/USB clg TWCC2 Gijon (2007-02- 22) (sw) 04594.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1626 ALE/USB clg TWCC2 Gijon (2007-02- 22) (sw) 04751.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1628 ALE/USB clg TWCO2 Oviedo (2007-02- 22) (sw) 05778.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1633 ALE/USB clg TWCO2 Oviedo (2007-02- 22) (sw) 06874.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1634 ALE/USB clg TWCO2 Oviedo (2007-02- 22) (sw) 08151.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1635 ALE/USB clg TWCO2 Oviedo (2007-02- 22) (sw) 05319.0 TWVS2: Spa-Pol Salamanca 1636 ALE/USB clg TWVA2 Avila (2007- 02-22) (sw) 04874.0 TWVS2: Spa-Pol Salamanca 1638 ALE/USB clg TWVA2 Avila (2007- 02-22) (sw) 05286.0 TWVA2: Spa-Pol Avila 1638 ALE/USB clg TWVS2 Salamanca (2007- 02-22) (sw) 05286.0 TWVS2: Spa-Pol Salamanca 1638 ALE/USB clg TWVA2 Avila (2007- 02-22) (sw) 04988.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Salamanca 1640 ALE/USB clg TWVA2 Avila (2007-02- 22) (sw) 04561.0 TWVS2: Spa-Pol Salamanca 1643 ALE/USB clg TWVA2 Avila (2007- 02-22) (sw) 04561.0 TWVA2: Spa-Pol Avila 1643 ALE/USB clg TWVS2 Salamanca (2007- 02-22) (sw) 05352.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Salamanca 1643 ALE/USB clg TWVA2 Avila (2007-02- 22) (sw) 05131.0 5GS: Unid (5GS net) 1941 ALE/USB clg NET4 (2007-02-22) (sw) 04830.0 2000: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1943 ALE/USB clg 2047 (2007-02- 22) (sw) 05131.0 VBR: Unid 95GS net) 2002 ALE/USB clg 5GS (2007-02-22) (sw) 05321.0 VBR: Unid 95GS net) 2003 ALE/USB clg 5GS (2007-02-22) (sw) 05131.0 5GS: Unid 95GS net) 2013 ALE/USB clg SBR (2007-02-22) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 414, 22/02/2007) 04152,5 drew : FGS Grömitz M1064 D 0802 usb clg dhj59 for rc 23Feb07 (wp3) 04356,5 drew : FGS Grömitz M1064 D 0804 usb/stanag4285 qso dhj58 zbo one immediate 23Feb07 (wp3) 06777,2 drcj : FGS Frettchen S76 D 0755 usb clg dhj59 – on the way to Unifil in Lebanon 23Feb07 (wp3) 04152,5 drdl : FGS U18 S197 D 1350 usb/stanag4285 qso dhj59 22Feb07 (wp3) 04152,5 drfn : FGS Ensdorf M1094 D 1330 usb/stanag4285 tfc to dhj59 22Feb07 (wp3) 04152,5 drhg : FGS Oker A53 D 1300 usb/stanag4285 qso dhj59 qsl yr 0168 22Feb07 (wp3) 04356,5 drfs : FGS Überherrn M1095 D 1635 usb/stanag4285 qso dhj58 22Feb07 (wp3) 06777,2 drhg : FGS Oker A53 D 1258 usb clg dhj59 n.j. 22Feb07 (wp3) 08333,5 dreu : FGS Sulzbach-Rosenberg M1062 D 1239 usb/stanag4285 qso dhj59 one priority - qsl yr 0206 22Feb07 (wp3) 14585,7 rfptc : FF N´Djamena TCD 1614 arq-e3/200/345 no tfc till 2030z 22Feb07 (wp3) 14932,9 : unid (RAF Akrotiri) CYP 1608 unid /195,3 22Feb07 (wp3) 16332,0 C : rus navy Moscow RUS 1243 cw channel marker 22Feb07 (wp3) 16605,9 : unid (RAF Akrotiri) CYP 1238 unid 195,3 22Feb07 (wp3) 16658,5 : unid rus ship 1510 cw/36wpm tfc to url/Sevastopol Radio (17147.0 nothing heard) 22Feb07 (wp3) 16801,5 udhl : STARYI ARBAT RUS 1140 rtty 50/170 clg uiw Kaliningrad Radio tfc to uiw 22Feb07 (wp3) 16801,5 v3qv9 : unid ship 1135 rtty 50/170 clg uiw Kaliningrad Radio 22Feb07 (wp3) 16811,5 a9m : Hamala Radio BHR 1506 sitor-a/marker mcmcmcmc de a9m tlx 22Feb07 (wp3) 16819,5 nmn : USCG Portsmouth, VA USA 1455 cw/marker 22Feb07 (wp3) 16927,0 uiw : Kaliningrad Radio RUS 1142 cw tfc from udhl 16801.50 (rtty) 22Feb07 (wp3) 01743,0 : Stornoway Coastguard G 2229 usb gale warning 21Feb07 (wp3) 02761,0 : Oostende Radio BEL 2232 usb navigational warnings 21Feb07 (wp3) 04356,5 drla : FGS Planet A1415 D 1515 usb/stanag4285 qso dhj58 21Feb07 (wp3) 06777,2 drar : FGS Niedersachsen F208 D 1123 usb clg dhj59 roger out (?) 21Feb07 (wp3) 06777,2 drac : FGS Hessen F221 D 0931 usb/stanag4285 qso dhj59 agn 0957z 21Feb07 (wp3) 06825,0 fav22 : French Army Mont-Valerien F 0944 cw 5LG then text in ff, ends with INFIRMER EOIETES LES AUTRES. AR C Q DE FAV22 VA 21Feb07 (wp3) 06941,5 : unid rus RUS 1110 81-81/81/484 tfc, then f1/cw, then tfc agn 21Feb07 (wp3) (Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - udxf 414, 22/02/2007) 05415.0 VBR: Unid (5GS net) 2303 ALE/USB clg 5GS (2007-02-22) (sw) 05258.0 O5ALE3: Mrc-Mil 2309 ALE/USB clg O8 (2007-02-22) (sw) 06486.0 R00305: Usa-Mil 2315 ALE/USB clg T3Z25 Usa-Mil 3-25th AVN, Camp Speicher/Tikrit (Iraq) (2007-02-22) (sw) 5766.5 RH23: Alg-Mil/Moi 2321 ALE/USB clg HA20 (2007-02-22) (sw) 05258.0 O8ALE1: Mrc-Mil 2330 ALE/USB clg O5 (2007-02-22) (sw) 05732.0 J01: USCG MH-60J 6001 CGAS Elizabeth City 2343 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-22) (sw) 05732.0 PNR: OPBAT base, Georgetown, Bahamas 2345 ALE/USB sndg. (2007- 02-22) (sw) 05732.0 D46: CBP P-3 AEW&C N146CS/BuNo 154605, Jacksonville AMB, Fl 2350 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-22) (sw) 05732.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA 2351 ALE/USB clg J36 USCG HH-60J 6036 CGAS Elizabeth City (2007-02-22) (sw) 05732.0 J38: USCG HH-60J 6038 CGAS Clearwater 2356 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-22) (sw) 05732.0 F39: USCG HU-25 2139 CGAS Cape Cod 2356 ALE/USB sndg. (2007- 02-22) (sw) 05732.0 504: USCG HC-130H 1504, CGAS Elizabeth City, Va 0000 ALE/USB clg LNT USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA (2007-02-23) (sw) 05732.0 W617CG: USCG 0001 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 05732.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA 0004 ALE/USB clg J36 USCG HH-60J 6036 CGAS Elizabeth City (2007-02-23) (sw) 05732.0 J36: USCG HH-60J 6036 CGAS Elizabeth City 0004 ALE/USB clg LNT USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA (2007-02-23) (sw) 05732.0 J29: USCG HH-60J 6028 0006 ALE/USB clg LNT USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA (2007-02-23) (sw) 05732.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA 0006 ALE/USB clg J29 USCG HH-60J 6028 (2007-02-23) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 415, 23/02/2007) >05732.0 W617CG: USCG 0001 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) Sam, I've been seeing this nightly on 11494.0 as well.... I believe it is USCGC "Vigilant" WMEC-617 (NHIC) based at Cape Canaveral FL .... other USCGC seem to use either their international call or the last 3 letters of it (IE: NHIC or HIC) as an ALE ID on COTHEN but this one is using W617CG (Michael Melland, Redgranite, WI USA - udxf 415, 23/02/2007) 06717.0 STANORD: AF Station, Nord, GRL 1335 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02- 23) (sw) 04721.0 44192: USAF a/c? 1407 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 18003.0 JNR: USAF Salinas, PTR 1408 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 13215.0 JNR: USAF Salinas, PTR 1408 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 05708.0 ICZ: USAF Sigonella AB, Sicily, Ita 1412 ALE/USB sndg. (2007- 02-23) (sw) 09025.0 CRO: USAF Croughton AB, UK 1416 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 04721.0 CRO: USAF Croughton AB, UK 1421 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 06721.0 T2159: USAF unid 1425 ALE/USB clg R05200 (2007-02-23) (sw) 09025.0 T2159: USAF unid 1426 ALE/USB clg R05200 (2007-02-23) (sw) 15043.0 RIC: USAF CAP Richmond, Va 1426 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 15043.0 JNR: USAF Salinas, PTR 1428 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 15043.0 AED: USAF Elmendorf Ak 1429 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 11181.0 PLASPR: USAF Lajes Azr, Por 1435 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 15867.0 J14: USCG MH-60J 6014 CGAS Elizabeth City 1517 ALE/USB clg LNT USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA (2007-02-23) (sw) 15867.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA 1517 ALE/USB clg J14 USCG MH-60J 6014 CGAS Elizabeth City (2007-02-23) (sw) 15867.0 F39: USCG HU-25 1519 CGAS Cape Cod 2356 ALE/USB sndg. (2007- 02-23) (sw) 15867.0 501: USCG HC-130H 1501, CGAS Elizabeth City, Va 1522 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 15867.0 J29: USCG HH-60J 6028 0006 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 08965.0 ICZNPR: USAF Sigonella AB, Sicily, Ita 1546 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 13907.0 503: USCG HC-130H 1503, CGAS Elizabeth City, Va 1605 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-23) (sw) 07527.0 ZXX: Spa-Pol unid 1609 ALE/USB clg TXX 2007-02-23) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 415, 23/02/2007) 04457 2052: Italian Carabinierie 2001 ALE/USB Calls 2004 with [AMD]"DIAL4". (23Feb07) (MPJ) 04534 : Unid 2057 CLOVER-2000/USB Calling then exchanging traffic in simplex mode. (21Feb07) (MPJ) 04550 S4S000OGBMRM1: Lithuanian Air Force 1942 ALE/USB Calls V1S000OEKCOPER. (23Feb07) (MPJ) 05100 VMC: Meteo Charleville, Qld, Australia 1610 FAX/120/576 Fuzzy pressure chart. (23Feb07) (MPJ) 06316.2 IDR/IGJ: Rome/Augusta Naval Radio 1630 STANAG-4285/300L/ 5N1-1/USB Sends Legenda: LEGENDA: O CANALE OCCUPATO V CANALE OCCUPATO DA UTENTE NON IDENTIFICATO C ZUJ LISTE CHIAVI U QSY K QRV M IMI (01-99) IMI PAGE... AS AS R QSL N.(2-9) ZUJ RIGA... (23Feb07) (MPJ) 06316.5 VJS: Globe Wireless, Perth, WA, Australia 1946 GW-OFDM Idling. Strong signal. (23Feb07) (MPJ) 08494.7 D: MX Beacon Odessa 1855 CW With C-Moscow on 8495 kHz. (23Feb07) (MPJ) 08920 1002: Unid 1827 ALE/LSB Sounding. (23Feb07) (MPJ) 09043 YIP: Unid 1747 ALE/USB Sounding. (23Feb07) (MPJ) 09230 9050: Unid 1732 ALE/USB Sounding. (23Feb07) (MPJ) 09264 2161: Unid 1739 ALE/USB Sounding. (23Feb07) (MPJ - udxf 415, 23/02/2007) [08:13:55][FRQ 5541000][TO ][4SY ][TIS][6YB ][AL0] BER 17 SN 03 [08:11:50][FRQ 5541000][TO ][4SY ][TWS][6YB ][AL0] BER 23 SN 01 [08:10:46][FRQ 5541000][TO ][6YB ][TIS][4SY ][AL0] BER 13 SN 00 [08:06:44][FRQ 5541000][TO ][6YB ][TIS][4SY ][AL0] BER 18 SN 04 (Patrice P, France - udxf 415, 23/02/2007) This morning's crop on 12577 khz (12575.3 usb) !# [Valencia Radio]-E (safety) from 210374000-CYP test REQ [07-02-24 09:35:55] !# [Valencia Radio]-E (safety) from 210374000-CYP test REQ [07-02-24 09:35:55] IRINI F P3AG4 bulker [Hellenic CG]-GRC (safety) from 636010380-LBR test REQ [07-02-24 09:33:15] STOLT CAPABILITY ELSN9 mm [COMMSTA Boston]-USA (safety) from 352980000-PNR test REQ [07-02-24 09:33:07] [COMMSTA Boston]-USA (safety) from 352980000-PNR test REQ [07-02-24 09:32:37] ATAMAN H9FW bulker (Patrice P, France - udxf 415, 23/02/2007) STARTED Feb-23-2007 06:09 Paris, Madrid [06:51:02][FRQ 9200000][SND][ ][TWS][2214 ][AL0] BER 17 SN 04 [06:50:30][FRQ 9200000][TO ][2053 ][TIS][3000 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 12 [AMD]DIAL4 [06:49:48][FRQ 9200000][TO ][2053 ][TIS][2000 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 24 [AMD]DIAL4 [06:46:28][FRQ 9200000][SND][ ][TWS][1308 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 03 [06:42:52][FRQ 9200000][TO ][2047 ][TIS][2000 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 23 [AMD]DIAL4 [06:30:49][FRQ 9200000][TO ][2047 ][TIS][2000 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 24 [AMD]DIAL4 (Patrice P, France - udxf 415, 23/02/2007) 8105 kHz, ??? + cw, 26/02/2007, 0910 utc, в 09:32 utc исчез. 8125 kHz, ???, 0936 utc, 24/02/2007 6785 kHz, ???, 0943 utc, 24/02/2007 (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия) -- Новости -- Интернет -- QSL Ангилья Пришла QSL из Ангильи, станция Caribbean Beacon. Частота 11775 кГц, время 20.55-21.15, 11 сентября 2006. Ленюсь в последнее время записывать, что когда куда посылал, но отправил рапорт, должно быть, вскоре после приема, а значит -- прошло около 5 месяцев. Подпись на QSL: Doris Mussington. Указан электронный адрес beacon@anguillanet.com. Но я писал обычной почтой на адрес из WRTH. Станция принята на Degen-1103 и телескопическую антенну, и как сейчас помню, в тот день я на пятерку с плюсом оценил именно мобильность Дегена. Сидел на кухне, крутил валкодер и на 11775 услышал слабый-слабый голос незабвенного д-ра Юджина Скотта, который и сейчас живее всех живых. Подхватив Деген, начал перемещаться по дому и в одной точке на лоджии нашел место, где этот голос усилился аж баллов до 4. Причем именно в одной точке! Полметра вбок -- и уже не тот прием. Хотя дом и кирпичный, кое-какие металлоконструкции в нем есть, да и арматура в плитах перекрытий. Вся эта сталь должна отражать сигналы и строить интерференционную картину, где в каких-то точках прием хороший, а в других -- нулевой. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 22/02/2007) Индия Thanks to OM Jaisakthivel, last month AIR Chennai sent all the promised World's Smallest QSL Cards for my RRs of April / May / July, with complete details (date, time, frequency, transmitter site): 17810 Panaji, 17860 Kingsway, 15050 Khampur, 15770 Aligarh. (Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1851, 23/02/2007) Исландия Получена QSL-карточка от Rikisutvarpid (Исландия) за рапорт от 29 ноября, отправленный бумажной почтой в конце декабря. У кого нет подтверждения от этой станции, ещё есть шанс его получить. Вещание на КВ пока идёт, несмотря на угрозы закрытия оного. Расписание примерно такое: 1215-1255 13865 (иногда tx выключается раньше) 1410-1440 13865 1755-1830 12115 1935-2010 13865 2300-2335 12115 (Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 20/02/2007) Эквадор/Австралия HCJB. 11750 f/d 5x7" "Transmitter Room" paper card in 18 days for a report with mint stamps. (J.D. Stephens, Hampton Cove, AL, USA - hard-core-dx 50, 22, 21/02/2007) -- Аппаратура Chuck Bolland Clewiston, Florida R-390A, Homemade Vertical Rhombic Jose Miguel Romero Burjasot (Valencia), Espana Sangean ATS 909, Antena Radio Master A-108 Rogildo Aragio Quillacollo-Bolivia Sony 2001D - LW 25m Jack L. Metcalfe Stanford, KY Icom IC-R75 (x2), IC-R8500 & IC-R5 Uniden BCD996T & AOR AR8200 200' Longwire & 45' EF-SWL Sloper Diamond D-130J Discone & SAMCO UHF Yagi Wolfgang Palmberger nr. Munich, southern Germany nrd 515 - nrd 525 - wires - verticals Code3gold - W4010 - Skysweeper 4.09 -- 73! |
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