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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 107 часть 1
WorldDX 107 13022007 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по следующим адресам: http://worlddx.narod.ru/dx.html, http://worlddx.by.ru/dx.html и http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ Конференция бюллетеня: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ Подписка: worlddx-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Выходит по вторникам или по средам Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Австралия 15160 RA 0753 with reports over a crowded environment. Sudden s/off at 758 Poor signal , heard again on 15240 but marginal (Zacharias Liangas 3rd Thessaloniki Greece - hard-core-dx 50, 7, 06/02/2007) RA with discussion of the letters ``gh`` in English (my favorites) and their wide variety of pronunciations, Tue Feb 6 at 1350-1357 on 6020. Turned out this was the conclusion of Australian Express; apparently segment lifted from Lingua Franca, tho nothing about that mentioned in outro by Roger Broadbent (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1190, 06/02/2007) Абхазия Трансляции "Радио Абхазия" идут на абхазском и русском языках попеременно (наблюдается в утреннее и дневное время). Точного расписания (русский - абхазский) практически нет. Параллельное вещание ведется на частотах 9495 и 9535 килоГерц с 06.00 до 07.00 и с 08.00 до 09.15. С 12.00 до 12.30 вещание идет только на частоте 9495 килоГерц. На этой же частоте с 05.00 до 06.00 и с 07.00 до 08.00 ретранслируется "Радио России". На средних волнах не слышно - ничего не могу сказать о частоте 1350 кГц. (Василий Гуляев, Астрахань, Россия - open_dx 06/02/2007) Ангола 4950 Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 0510+, January 22, Portuguese, bulletin news by male, 25332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) 4949.97 R. Nac. 0013-0027 Hi-life and Rap mx. 0027 M anncr in PT w/ID in feature intro, then long recorded tlk by M w/many ments of Luanda to 0042. 0042 outro by studio M anncr w/??R. Nac. Angola?? ID, and back to nonstop LA style and Hi-life mx. 0100 four time ticks and ID by M, fanfare, and nx beginning w/ID. Decent signal and clear on this night. (29 Jan., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Антарктида Estando de licencia anual, he tratado de monitorear a LRA 36, en el horario esperado y puedo decir que no esta activa. (Horacio Nigro, Montevideo, Uruguay - dxldyg 1195, 09/02/2007) Аргентина 6214,1 Radio Baluarte, puerto Iguazu, reactivated!!!!m 1531-1540, January 25, Spanish/Portuguese, religious programme in portuguese with ann. in spanish, 34343 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 08/02/2007) 15345, R. Nac., 0017-0034, Feb 11, live coverage of a futbol game, 0021 announcer with super long “goooooal”, mentions Radio Futbol Nacional, BoH 3 pips. Good reception (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1197, 10/02/2007) 15820 LSB, Radio Continental, Buenos Aires, 0955-1035, 11-02, locutor, comentarios: "Mucho calor para este domingo, temperatura m?xima 29 grados". A las 1000 se?ales horarias: "Son las siete de la ma?ana, Continental, servicios informativos". Noticias. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 50,13, 11/02/2007) Армения "Национальное радио Армении" с программой на русском языке наблюдается ежедневно с 05.30 до 05.59 на частоте 4810 килоГерц. В программе: новости Армении - экономика, политика и т.п.,о Нагорном Карабахе и особо часто об отношениях с Азербайджаном. Примерно в 05.45 - тематическая передача о выдающихся личностях армянского народа, или о каком-то важном событии в истории и жизни Армении. (Василий Гуляев, Астрахань, Россия - open_dx 06/02/2007) Асеншн/США 7195, VOA, 0427, 2/6/07. Swahili service was S4 w/ slow fading. VOA theme. Tx/ audio out abruptly at 0429:30 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1838, 11/02/2007) Афганистан Feb 7 and 8 when checking presumed R Solh, Afghanistan around 1600 UT, the 6800 frequency has been empty. But instead there are now two stations with different programming on 6700. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - CumbreDX 1835, 08/02/2007) Боливия 5952,5 07/02 0130 Radio Pio XII, Bolivia, talks in SS and nice Bolivian music, good signal but usula QRM (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - dxldyg 1191, 06/02/2007) 4409,9 Radio Reyes, Beni, 2247+, January 20, Spanish, electronic songs, ann. by male, 34333 4728,2 Unidientified, 1055+, January 20 and following days. Spanish, Andean songs and folk songs of Santa Cruz de la Sierra department all days. One day, I could hear a male in spanish with ann. TC as UTC-4 I believe it=B4s a new bolivian station!!!!!!!!!! 25422. Same days, the station s/on at 1035 UTC and other days at 1050 UTC On January 22 ID by male as: =93...Buenos Dias en Radio......?????=94 4763,1 Radio Chicha, Tocla, 1030+, January 16, Spanish, folk songs, ID by male as: =93...Radio Chicha...=94, 24432 6105,5 Radio Panamericana, La Paz, 1146+, January 20, Spanish, national news, 34433 6155 Radio Fides, La Paz, 1050+, January 16, Aymara, andean songs, 34433 6079,9 Radio San Gabriel, La Paz, 1055+, January 16, Aymara/Spanish, andean music, local Adv.: Instituto de Conduccion Profesional 16 de Julio=85=94, 33433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 08/02/2007) 5952.42, Emisoras Pio XII, 1028-1040 Steady Spanish comments with a TC at 1030. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, February 10, 2007 - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) 4409.8, Radio Eco, Reyes, Beni, 2316-0045, 10-02, programa de bonitas canciones latinoamericanas. 24322 variando a 14321. (M?ndez) 4650.2, Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma, Beni (probable), 2302-2312, 10-02, canciones andinas, locutor, comentarios. Se?al muy d?bil, audible en LSB. 14321. (M?ndez) 4865.0, Radio Logos, Santa Cruz de la Sierra (probable), 2322-0020, 10-02, locutor, comentarios en alem?n. A partir de las 0000 fuerte interferencia de la brasile?a Radio Verdes Florestas en la misma frecuencia. Identificaci?n de la brasile?a a las 0011. Se?al d?bil. 14322 hasta las 0000 y 11321 a partir de las 0000. (M?ndez) 5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2243-2255, 10-02, locutor y locotura, comentarios en espa?ol. Se?al d?bil y con interferencia en los canales adyacentes. Mejor en LSB. 12321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Бразилия 2380 Radio Educadora, Limeira, SP, 0325+, January 17, Portuguese, brasilean romantic songs non stop, 25332 9695 Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1030+, January 20, Portuguese, local Adv. And identification as Radio Rio Mar, 22422 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 08/02/2007) 4865, Radio Verdes Florestas, Acre, 0000-0020, 11-02, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios, identificaci?n a las 0011: "Radio Verdes Florestas, onda media 940 kHz, onda tropical 4865 kHz, Cruceiro do Sul, Acre, Brasil". M?sica. 24322. (M?ndez) 5940.2, Radio Guaruj? Paulista, Guaruj?, 0745-0753, 11-02, canciones brasile?as. Interferencia de University Network en 5935 kHz. 12321. (M?ndez) 11749.8, Radio Marumbuy, Florian?polis, 2112-2125, 10-02, canciones brasile?as. 24322. En paralelo con 9665 con peor se?al, 13321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Буркина-Фасо 5030 Radio Bourkina, Ouagadogou, 2150+, January 20, French, news or talk by male, local music, 34443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) Ватикан Feb 6 at 0648, on 7360, discussion on treatment of women, with heavy African accent; VR scheduled in `English` at 0630. Meanwhile, Church Latin was reigning on 7250 with a much better signal (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1190, 06/02/2007) Вьетнам 7210 Voice of Vietnam 1, Son Tai, 1040+, January 20, Vietnamese, talks by male & female, 24332 //5975 Khz with 14441 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) The ``Letter Box`` Program of Radio Voice of Vietnam was heard in Sofia last Wednesday, announcing the new schedule of its half-hour broadcasts in English as follows: To America at 01 and at at 0230 UT on 5970 kHz and at 0330 on 6175; to Europe and Central Asia at 16, at 19 and at 2030 on 7280 and 9730 and at 18 on 5955; to other world regions at 1030, 1130, 1230, 13.30, 15, and 23 hours on 9840 and 12020, at 11 and at 15 hours also on 7280, at 16 and at 2030 hours on 7220 and 9550 kHz. The QSL address is: Voice of Vietnam, 45 BA Trien, Hanoi, Vietnam or http://www.vov.orgvn (Rumen Pankov, R. Bulgaria DX Feb 2 via John Norfolk, dxldyg 1195, 09/02/2007) Note that first one, 0100 and 0230 on 5970 --- that would be the Sackville relay which for years has been on 6175 like the 0330 broadcast --- but now bothered by that huge new signal from Cuba on 6180 at all three times --- Commies vs Commies! I checked 5970 a few evenings ago before 0100 and as usual only heard R. Republica, via Germany, and Cuban commie jammers. So we have Cuba inadvertently jamming Vietnam! If VOV has moved the first part of its Sackville relay starting at 0100 to 5970, it was done in ignorance of what is really on 5970 already, not to mention RHC also adjacent here, on 5965. Please check out this new apparent 3-way-collision UT Sat, as the RR 5970 relay is weekdays only. You`ll recall that DTK moved RR there on the mistaken assumption that Ukraine was really on 5910, instead of 5820 (now 7440). As for the VOV address, WRTH 2007 says it is 58 Quan Su Street, Hanoi. PWBR gives both with 58 Quan Su being the transmission facility, and 45 Ba Trieu the studios, but either may be used for QSL (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1195, 09/02/2007) Guess what: at 0100 UT Saturday Feb 10, I can hear something in English on 6175 buried deep in the splattery sideband of RHC, and no sign of VOV in the 5970 jamming/Republica mix. So it seems VOV has not (yet?) moved to 5970 as reported by Pankov. Checking the website, once a dot is inserted between org and vn so it`s http://www.vov.org.vn we find some English but nowhere any shortwave transmission schedule, obviously a medium not worth mentioning (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1195, 09/02/2007) 7285, Voice of Vietnam Int, (Pres), 1025-1059, Steady stream of comments during period. Every once in awhile, I thought I heard "Vietnam" mentioned. The language listed in WRTH and EiBi for this time period is Khmer. At 1055, music presented. Signal drops off the air at 1059 in the middle of a ballad. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, February 11, 2007 - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Габон RTV GABONAISE DATE: 04-02-2007 TIME: 05.20 - 05.55 UTC FREQUENCY: 4777 KHz SIGNAL: VERY GOOD LANGUAGE: FRENCH PROGRAM: MUSIC, DAILY PROGRAM'S LIST, HISTOIRE DU GABON, ID. "RADIO GABON" (Francesco Cecconi, Italy - hard-core-dx 50, 7) 4777 Radio Gabon, Libreville, 0535+, January 16, French, reports and news by male and female, local songs, 25332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) Гватемала 4780 07/02 0155 Radio Cultural Coatan, Guatemala. Nice songs with some ids. Fair signal but very good modulation for easy listening. (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - dxldyg 1191, 06/02/2007) 4799,9 Radio Buenas Nuevas, San Sebastian, 0315+, January 16, Spanish, religious programme: =93....de la mano de Dios...., talk by male, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 08/02/2007) 4052.46, 0132-0145 Noted Spanish comments followed with Religious instrumental music. At 0140 live ID by and man, "...Radio Verdad...". Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, February 10, 2007 - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) 4780, Radio Cultural Coat?n, San Sebast?an de Coat?n, 2333-0035, 10-02, canciones religiosas, locutor, comentarios en vern?culo. A las 0000 identificaci?n: "Esta es Radio Cultural Coat?n, a trav?s de 4780 kHz, onda corta, transmitiendo desde San Sebast?an de Coat?n, Departamente de Huehuetenango, Guatemala, Centroam?rica". A partir de las 0000 programa religioso en espa?ol. 24322. (M?ndez) 4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0549-0600*, 11-02, programa religioso en ingl?s, locutor, canci?n de cierre a las 0556 y cierre a las 0600. Se?al d?bil hoy. 14321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Германия Deutschland Radio, 6005 at 2255-2300 in German. Very weak. Not commonly heard here. (Liz Cameron, Detroit, MI - dxldyg 1195, 09/02/2007) Radio Santec, 7300, 7330, 9830, 11530, detailed qsl card, religious propaganda, some stickers, advs against corridas de toros (bull corridas) and eat meat and in favour of animals protection. (Juan Antonio Arranz, Spain - playdx2003 1251, 10/02/2007) Гондурас 3340,1 HRMI La Voz de Misiones Internacionales, 0415+, January 17, Spanish, religious talk by male in spanish, 25332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 08/02/2007) 3250, Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis (probable), 0544-0551, 11-01, canciones religiosas en espanol. Se?al muy d?bil, audible en LSB. 14321 3340, Radio Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela, 0532-0602*, 11-02, programa religioso en espa?ol, canciones, locutora, identificaci?n: "Radio Misiones Internacionales, transmitiendo la palabra de Dios". "Muchas gracias por compartir la palabra de Dios". A las 0601 locutora: "Hemos transmitido un mensaje de esperanza". "Radio Misiones Internacionales transmiti? en las frecuencias de 1480 kHz. onda media y 3340 kHz. onda corta". Cierre a las 0602. 24322 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) 3340 R. Misiones Int./HRMI 0159-0222 long tlk by M in SP, and pres. recorded short segments by 2 other men. 0222-0226 instru. mx, then rel. hymn w/M vcl. 0226-0229 LA style rel. song. 0229 canned anmnt by M over lively LA mx, then LA Rock song. 0234 R. Misiones ID/promo by W over instru. LA mx. Back to more mx. 0238 another canned anmnt by W w/ment of Ingles and phone number given. A lot of random TVI buzzing noise ruined a very nice signal. (Dave Valko -hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007, 30 Jan) Гренландия 3815U KNR via OZL Ammassalik 2/6 via DX Tuner Sweden making a nice showing at 2110 tune w/ pop instrumental fol by man ann…haven’t hrd this one for a while. Might be tunable from ECNA… (Bruce Churchill, La Mirada, CA, Usa - CumbreDX 1833, 06/02/2007) Греция Der ungefahre Sendeplan von ERA 3/5 in der Testserie diese Woche. Der olle IBB RFE Continental Sender 250 kW aus Gloria Portugal mit 250 kW wird jetzt aus Thessaloniki Peraia getestet. 0000-0550 5865AVL 7475AVL 9420AVL 0550-0700 5865AVL 9420AVL 15630AVL-Alb 0700-1000 9420AVL 11645THE 12105AVL 15630AVL-En,Fr,Sp maintenance break at Avlis til approx. 1100/1130 UT 1000-1146 11645THE 1000-1100 9420AVL-only carrier on air 1100-1200 9420AVL 17525AVL 1100-1650 9935THE-Makedonias progr 1200-1550 9420AVL 15630AVL 17525AVL 1600-1950 9420AVL 15630AVL 1700-2250 7450THE-Makedonias progr 2000-2300 7475AVL 9420AVL 2100-2300 5865AVL 2300-2400 7475AVL 9420AVL 12105AVL (wb, Feb 7) [as John Babbis explained in dxld, maybe the IBB RFE gift from Gloria Portugal settled down on Radiofonikos Stathmos Makedonias Peraia Thessaloniki tx site. But missed any curtain antennas on this side yet, only a simple dipole in both directions, 315degr EUR, 135degr CYP is available there. Google Earth Imagery. GRC_former_IBB_VOA_Thessaloniki_Perea_now_ERA3 40°30'45.32"N 22°56'34.88"E low resolution unfortunately. wb.] History: > Dionysios Angelogiannis, Freq Manager of VoG replies to my query about > the RFE-RL 250 kW txs that were dismantled at the Gloria Lisbon-POR site > and donated to the Greek govt: "We have not received yet the new txs. > We hope to receive them around July [1998]." (John Babbis, MD, Apr 17, 1998 RoIB via Glenn Hauser, dxld) (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - A-DX 07/02/2007) VOG, Feb 5 at 1520 with Greek music was much stronger on 9420 than 15630, which was stronger than 17525; nothing on 12105, but did not check other possible frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1190, 06/02/2007) V. of Greece testing from mystery transmitter site, which some speculate is Thessaloniki with one of the long-dormant 250 kW transmitters the USA gave to Greece when Gl?ria, Portugal site was closed years ago. Feb 7 at 1458, 15630 was // 9420, but 15630 carrier was cutting off the air every few seconds. After 1500 it seemed to be OK, but at 1520 recheck it was cutting off again. Feb 8 at 1502, 15630 still had occasional transmitter breaks, but not so frequently. It was // 9420 and 17525, but 15630 was a reverb-echo apart from them in Greek talk, indicating different feed routes and/or different propagation routes (long vs short path?). Another transmitter is supposed to be on 9935, but not audible here (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 10, 08/02/2007) Makedonias was alive and well on 7450 at 2108 in Greek w/music. Best Greek signal heard so far this afternoon/evening. Observations on ERT thus far, based of Wolfy's sked: 2000-2300 Checked on and off during these three hours. 7475 fair, //9420 weak. (Usually both are strong.) At 2200-2300, 5865 was weak. Checked at 2315 or so. 5865 at weak S2, 7475 moderate to good at S6, 9420 barely audible at S1. No trace of 12105. >From 2450-0100+ I hear something on 5865, presumably Greece. There's something on 9420, presumably Greece. Again 12105 not audible. But on 7475 there's some sort of jammer (!). Don't know who that's for. (Liz Cameron, Detroit, MI - dxldyg 1195, 09/02/2007) VOG`s mysterious test frequency, 15630, Feb 10 at 1456 concluding Hellenes Around the World, was OK except for occasional brief audio dropouts, no longer carrier dropouts too; // 9420 and 17525. At 1600, 15630 going from music to ID and directly into spor yelling, no dropouts heard. Noel Green and Wolfgang B?schel have noted these test frequencies, also 11645 and 5865, starting out in SSB as each transmission opens, but then tweaked into AM, more or less. I`d say this gives away that the transmitter was originally a utility unit. They and John Babbis guess it may be Thessaloniki (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) ERT in English on 5865 at 0303+. Very faint, plus on/off xtr problems. Mentioned Aristotle and philosophy but not really readable. Other freqs not audible. (Liz Cameron, Detroit, MI, Usa - dxldyg 1197, 10/02/2007) Джибути 4780, R. Djibouti, *0300-0320+ Feb 3, sign-on with NA, 0301 Arabic talk, 0302-0313 Kor`an. Arabic talk. Poor, difficult reception due to ute QRM on frequency (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1197, 10/02/2007) Доминиканская Республика 5009.77, R. Cristal or Pueblo, Santo Domingo, *1053-1105+ Feb 2, abrupt sign-on with Spanish music. 1059 ID and Spanish talk. Poor signal; I could not understand if they said Cristal or Pueblo in their ID due to noisy conditions (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1197, 10/02/2007) Замбия 4500 ZBC, Gweru, 0320+, January 16, Vernacular, report by male and female, 25332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) Зимбабве 3396, R. Zimbabwe, 0135-0210+ Feb 3, Afro-pops, hi-life music, talk in English and vernacular. Poor in rapid pulse-like noise (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1197, 10/02/2007) 3396, R. Zimbabwe, 0357, 2/6/07. Several verses of anthem sung by mixed choral group into later pops. Noisy band with staic crashes. Fair signal at best (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1838, 11/02/2007) 3396 ZBC/Radio One (pres.) 2343-2358 Nonstop lively Hi-life mx, 2358 M voice-over in African lang, then more slow contemporary song after 2359. 0005 very brief discussion and back to Hi-life mx. Tuned out at 0012. Nice to hear this on this old freq again but a little too weak. (28-29 Jan., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Индия 10330 AIR Vividh Bharati, 16:27-16:45, escuchada el 4 de Febrero en idioma hind? a locutor y locutora con comentarios en programa musical, SINPO 35443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 7, 06/02/2007) I often find it convenient to listen to Faithfully Yours, the AIR mailbag, Mondays at 1430 on 9690. Feb 5 the ongoing theme by the M&W presenters was that they wished people would comment more on the programming, and send reports covering longer listening periods. I suspect they are dealing mainly with QSL-hunters who aren`t really interested in programming or listening any longer than absolutely necessary (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1190, 06/02/2007) Индонезия 9525 Voz de Indonesia, 17:30-17:50, escuchada el 7 de Febrero en espa?ol a locutor con ID ?La Voz de Indonesia en Jakarta? presentando el programa ?M?sica de Indonesia?, temas musicales pop local e internacional, sin emisi?n por los 15150, hay que templar en 9526 para intentar evitar interferencia de Radio Liberty en ruso via Alemania, cu?a de ID en ingl?s, SINPO 33322. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 9, 07/02/2007) VOI is usually audible with big open carrier and some low noise on it in the 1400-1530 period. Feb 7 at 1554, during the gamelan music 6:24 loop with IDs in English, I measured the frequency about 9525.9 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 10, 08/02/2007) 4605 RRI, Serui, 0945+, January 16, Vernacular, talk by male, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) Испания REE, 17595, Feb 7 until 1455, caught with the tail end of a feature on the 70th anniversary of RNE; wish I had intuned earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 10, 08/02/2007) Китай CRI 7110 at 0008 in Russian. PWBR says via Hohhot, which is in Inner Mongolia. (Liz Cameron 7 Feb, Michigan - dxldyg 1191, 06/02/2007) Another of those strange midnight pipeline openings you would not expect unless you tune around the `dead` bands: Feb 9 at 0639 I found CRI English on 17710, fair but with deep fades. No other signals of consequence on the 16m band, and on the 19m band the only SOCs were R. Australia on 15515, 15240, 15160. Looking it up later in HFCC, 17710 is listed as Beijing site, 500 kW at 193 degrees to SE Asia at 04-08 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) Колумбия 5910,55 07/02 0110 Marfil Estereo, Colombia, religious program in Spanish, till 0127, then ids and usual nice songs program. Good (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - dxldyg 1191, 06/02/2007) Конго 5066,4 La Voix du People, Bunia, 0410+, January 16, news or talk by male, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) 11890 Radio Okapi, 16:10-16:25, escuchada el 9 de Febrero en idioma frances a locutor con noticias, conexion con corresponsal, cuna de identificacion y direccion web, desde las 16:15 emision en idioma vernacular con referencias al Congo y campana lectoral, SINPO 45444 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1195, 09/02/2007) Куба 11655Khz Radio Rebelde Habana Cuba 1806utc ,5/2 .With local news and talks about Colombia in SP. signal strong and clear sinpo is 45444. RX; NRD545 LW100m. +ALA1530 +MFJ1026 Phase (Maurits Van Driessche from Belgium - hard-core-dx 50, 7, 06/02/2007) 6120 Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 0435+, January 21, Spanish nos interesa su opinion.....Ventana Radial....es un placer compartir la noche con usted=94, 22432//5025 Khz (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 08/02/2007) 5025 Radio Rebelde, 05:31-05:38, escuchada el 8 de Febrero en espa?ol a locutor y locutora con bolet?n de noticias, ID, SINPO 44333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) 5025 CUBA unidentified program feed; 0451-0502* 10 February, 2007. Much weaker than usual, with old Cuban vocals, one mention of "Radio Habana Cuba" (but unable to locate an RHC Spanish channel to parallel to in time), and not parallel Rebelde on MW 710 or 1180 kHz, Progreso on 640 kHz or Musical Nacional on 590 kHz. Abruptly pulled the plug at 0502 (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, Fl, Usa - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Not only has RHC abandoned 15230 at 11-15, but also in the afternoon. Feb 9 at 2153, found RHC on 15190 with feature on a Cuban composer, // 9550 but the two a reverb/echo apart as so often happens with RHC frequencies. 15230 was open, so the move was not really necessary until 2200 when R. Australia came on 15230 where the two had also been clashing for a very long time, so the RHC move also solves that. Until 2200, 15190 did have some ACI from YFR Ascension. Has this update been made on RHC`s own transmission schedule at http://www.radiohc.cu/espanol/frecuencia/frecuencias-espanol.htm --? Of course not! Still shows 15230 at 11-15, but neither 15230 nor 15190 at any other time. Aoki had 15230 at 21-23, and EiBi at some other times, but not 21-23. BTW, 9550 was again missing Feb 9 at 1454 when the VOA Philippines Korean service on 9555 was not so extrusive as the day before. Feb 10 at 1450 RHC 9550 was back and VOA 9555 was weaker (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) Кыргызстан 4010 Kyrgys Radio, Bishkek, 0315+, January 16, Vernacular, talk by male, 25342 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) 4010 Kyrgyz Radio, 23:50-23:55, escuchada el 9 de Febrero en idioma local a locutor con comentarios y m?sica de opera, 23342. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) Ливия/Франция V. of Africa, 17725 via France, Feb 7 at 1525 had English talk on African geography; no hum, but lo modulation. Feb 8 at 1505 was playing Afropop music for a few minutes very similar but not // to the Gabon distraxion which at that moment was on 17620; see GABON (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 10, 08/02/2007) Мадагаскар 5010 Radio Nationaly Malagasy, 0310+, January 17, Vernacular, report by male, news, 25342 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) 5010.04 MADAGASCAR Radio Madagasikara; 0330-0350 10 February, 2007. Tune-in to Malagasy man, one clear mention of Anantanarivo, local music fills. Very good and in the clear. Fading pretty quickly after their sunrise and by my tune-out. (Terr Krueger, Clearwater, Florida - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Малайзия 7270 Wai FM, Sarawak (p), 1050+, January 20, Vernacular, local songs, ann. by male, 23432. QRM from AIR Chennai (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) 5965, Klasik Nasional FM (RTM), 1601-1703, Feb 9, in vernacular; Anthem, news (not // to 6050), reciting from the Qu’ran, Islamic news, singing “Nasional” jingles and also ID for “RTM Kuala Lumpur”, ads (some of the same ones I have heard in the past on Asyik FM [RTM] on 6050), fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1195, 09/02/2007) 6050, Suara Islam/Voice of Islam (RTM), 1601-1700*, Feb 9, in vernacular; news, reciting from the Qu’ran, songs and Islamic music/Middle East type music, IDs “Radio Suara Islam FM”, choral anthem at sign-off, reception was amazingly good. Traxx FM (RTM) was heard on 7295, with hard rock music, but reception was poor (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1195, 09/02/2007) Мали 4835,6 Radiodif, Mali, Bamako, 2203+, January 20, Vernacular, news by male, jazz music, 25332//5995 Khz with 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) Марокко/США 7200, VOA, 0003, 2/6/07. ID as "VOA World News Now." English nx to ME at S4 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1838, 11/02/2007) Мексика 9599.30Khz XEYU ,Radio Universidad Mexico City . Program with modern classical music ,time 0950utc ,8/2 ,sinpo 23333 .RX (Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 50, 10, 08/02/2007) Radio Universidad, Ciudad de Mexico heard for the first time with good signal on 9599 this Friday late afternoon, with economics issue. No ID at TOH, 2300, but no way to miss that Mexican Spanish accent. SINPO 35543. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 1195, 09/02/2007) 4810, XERTA/Radio Transcontinental de America, 1206-1251, Feb 10, Spanish programming; EZL vocals and instrumental music, many ID’s for both XERTA and Radio Transcontinental de America, website given. Fair, with light CODAR swishing. Since mid-February 2006, after they changed the location of their antenna, this has always been poor to very poor, so this reception was a pleasant surprise (Ron Howard, Monterey - dxldyg 1196, 10/02/2007) On 9599.25Khz XEYU, Radio Universidad Mexico City ,time 0855utc program with classical music fogot (bassoon) .On 0900 Female talks in Sp. after 0901utc no signal ,I think end of the transmission.Date 10/2. (Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) 5999.27, R. UNAM, 2210, 2/10/07. Light classical mx fare w/ piano-clarinet duet. Thin signal had slow fading. R. UNAM ID with emphasis on NAM @ 2214:45 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1838, 11/02/2007) 6010, Radio Mil, M?xico DF, 0810-0903, 11-02. Comentario sobre los mercados de diversos lugares de M?xico, canciones latinoamericas, canci?n del grupo mexicano "Man?", identificaci?n: "Vive M?xico en Radio Mil", "Estamos escuchando lo mejor de Buenas Noches M?xico, fin de semana, con Jos? Luis Monta?o". "Ellos son Caf? Tacuba", canciones de este grupo mexicano. "Dos y media, ocho grados, est?n escuchando lo mejor de Buenas Noches M?xico, fin de semana". "Env?anos un e-mail y podr?s ganar una cena rom?ntica para el d?a del amor, 14 de Febrero en un restaurante de Santa Fe, aqu? en Ciudad de M?xico". A las 0855 fin del programa "Buenas Noches M?xico". "Ma?ana tenemos de nuevo una cita a partir de las 9 de la noche". 24322 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Молдавия 6235 Radio DMR, 17:00-17:05, escuchada el 9 de Febrero en Ingl?s, sinton?a y locutor con presentaci?n, bolet?n de noticias, SINPO 54454. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) Мьянма 5985,9 Myanma Radio, Yangoon, 1020+, January 17, Vernacular, local songs (very nice!!!), talk by female, 24342 I could hear this station all days in this frequency with good signal!!! (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) Нигерия 4770 Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, 0445+, January 16, Vernacular, talk by male, 25342 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) 11770 Voice of Nigeria, 16:30-16:40, escuchada el 9 de Febrero probablemente en idioma Igbo, locutor con comentarios, especie de canto del Cor?n, segmento de m?sica instrumental con tambores tipo africano, SINPO 44444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) Новая Зеландия 3935 Feb 8 1700-1712 New zealand: radio reading svc levin. 17.00 news in english 17.08 weather forcast single7db station is on 24hrs a day. (Brian carr.christchurch.nz - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) Пакистан Сегодня, 09.02.07 принял начало программы русской редакции Радио Пакистана на частоте примерно 9300 кГц с 1415 до 1420 UTC SINPO 15411 Несколько слов на русском языке женским голосом с упоминанием Пакистана разобрать удалось. (Андрей Мамаев, Киров, Россия - open_dx 09/02/2007) Папуа-Новая Гвинея Nachdem gestern abend Papua zu horen war ist heute RRI Fak-Fak aus der Provinz Papua im Tropenband dran, 4790 kHz, 20.15 UT, schwaches Signal, max, S3 - zumindest in Salzburg. (Christoph Ratzer, A-DX 06/02/2007) From 1000 UTC on January 28 I head this stations: 3235 Radio West New Britain, Vernacular, news by female, 25332 3260 Radio Madang, Vernacular, news by female, 24332 3275 Radio Southern Highlands, Vernacular, news or commentary by male, 15341 3315 Radio Manus, Vernacular, talk by female, 25342 3325 Radio North Solomons, Vernacular, local music and announcement by female, 35343 3385 Radio East New Britain, Vernacular, local songs, announcement by male, 25342 3905 Radio new Ireland, Vernacular, talk by male. 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) Перу 4751,9 Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 1035+, January 16, Quechua, programme: Aprendamos a vivir mejor, 34333 4835,6 Radio Mara?n, Jaen, 1033+, January 17, Spanish, local advs by male and female, Identification as: ..escuchas Radio Mara?on...te recuerdo.... Messagges, TC, 25322 4991,1 Radio Ancash, Huaraz, 1112+, January 22, Spanish, local advs, 25432 5120,4 Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, 2340+, Janury 26, Spanish, tecnocumbias, TC and ann. As: 2la hora exacta: 6, 40 minutos, 25342 5323,7 Radio Municipal, Anta, 1045-1105, January 22, Spanish, huaynos, ann. & ID as: estamos saliendo al aire en Radio Municipal de Anta....greetings, other ID by male at 1051 UTC. ID at 1100 UTC as: de esta manera estamos=85exactamente a las 6 de la ma?ana estamos saludando por Radio Municipal. Announcement: estamos ahora con el cancionero musical de Anta, 25442 5486,7 Radio Reina de la Selva, Chachapoyas, 1025+, January 16, Spanish, ann. by male: para usted que se levanta muy tempranito... TC: son 5 mas 29 minutos en el amanecer del dia de hoy, mircoles, 25432 5602,6 Radio la Voz de los Andes, =BFPiura?, 2326-2337, January 26, Spanish, TC, identification as: Radio La Voz de los Andes que transmite en su frecuencia, TC and ID as: 26 de la tarde con 37 minutos en Radio la Voz de los Andes, 25342 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 08/02/2007) 6173.79, Radio Tawantinsuyo, (Pres), 1038-1045 Noted Spanish comments using the echo effect. Signal was barely audible in threshold. (Chuck Bolland, February 10, 2007 - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) 6114.87, Radio Union, 1050-1105 Noted music followed with Spanish comments and ID, "... Radio Union ...", and ADs/Promos. At 1056 NA of Peru presented. Signal was fair. QRM blocks this freq at 1058 when a couple of "Boomers" start broadcasting on 6120 and 6110 KHz, but a retuning helps. (Chuck Bolland, February 10, 2007 - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) 4774.97, Radio Tarma, 1104-1115 At tune in, noted Huaynos music. At 1109, canned promos or ADs, followed with an ID, "... Radio Tarma ..." Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, February 10, 2007 - hard-core-dx 50, 11) 5014.39, Radio Aultura, 1015-1030 Huaynos music noted at tune in. At 1116 canned ADs. Live Spanish comments following the ADs with TC and ID. Signal was fair, but starting to fade. (Chuck Bolland, February 10, 2007 - hard-core-dx 50, 11) 4746.8, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2251-0025, 10-02, locutor, quechua, comentarios, canciones andinas, espa?ol, anuncios comerciales de la ciudad de Huanta, anuncios de los Carnavales 2007. 24322. (M?ndez) 4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, Jun?n, 2348-0007, 10-02, canciones peruanas, locutor, espa?ol, comentarios. Se?al d?bil. 24322 variando a 14321. (M?ndez) 4790.2, Radio Visi?n, Chiclayo, 0539-0840, 11-02, programa religioso habitual de esta emisora con entrevistas oyentes sobre curas milagrosas. Luego, a partir de las 0800 bonito programa de canciones latinoamericanas. 24322. (M?ndez) 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2330-2350, 10-02, m?sica de "El Condor Pasa", identificaci?n: "Desde la ciudad de Huanta, en la Cordillera de los Andes, esta es Radio Cultural Amauta", luego comentarios en quechua y m?sica de flauta. 24322. (M?ndez) 6019.6, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0624-0645, 11-02, programa religioso, locutor: "Una de la ma?ana con treinta y seis minutos, estamos con las personaas que han sido sanadas por la Iglesia Pentecostal Dios es Amor, este domingo vendr? el pastor David Miranda, desde San Pablo". 33333. (M?ndez) 9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0036-0048, 11-01, locutor, espa?ol, religioso, comentario: "Iglesia Dios es Amor". 24322 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Португалия 7225, DW via Sines, 0404, 2/6/07. English nx headlines. Detailed stories @ 0405. S6 signal w/ slow fading (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1838, 11/02/2007) Россия 5905 Radio Rossii, 16:47-17:00, escuchada el 9 de Febrero en ruso a locutor con programa musical, temas de m?sica rap y disco, ID, SINPO 45433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) 7310 Radio Rossii, 14:50-15:00, escuchada el 9 de Febrero en idioma ruso a locutor con cu?a de identificaci?n, programa musical con temas pop local e internacional, SINPO 45343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) 7110, FEBA via Novosibirsk, 0058, 2/6/07. IS to 0100. Into Hindi service to S Asia. Vocals w/tabla. S2 signal (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA - CumbreDX 1838, 11/02/2007). 5486.67 R Reina de la Selva (pres.) 0021-0032 Tlk by M at t/in. Sounded like some sort of PSA or mensaje pgm segment w/phone numbers and peoples names given. Ment of Santa Cruz, San Jose, provincia. 0032-0035 lively LA Pops. 0035 M anncr but the HQ-129X had drifted off freq (was recording it). Mx when I returned to the rx at 0043. Still going when I tuned out at 0049. Decent signal (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) 9720.04 R. Victoria 0109-0159 ?La Voz de Liberacion? pgm. Childrens choir often. Many pgm IDs. Nice signal but didn?t catch any stn IDs. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Руанда 6055, R. Rwanda, Kigali, 2025-2101* Feb 3, audible after Turkey signs off at 2025. Fair signal with French talk, French pops, Afro-pop and Afro-rap music. ID. Co-channel QRM at 2100 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1197, 10/02/2007) Сингапур R Singapore/Mediacorp 7170 from 0028-0058. Fair. PWBR says prg in Tamil, which indeed sounded like it. (The linguist in me lives.) Both ham qrm and weaker signal by 0043 and nearly gone by TOH. (Liz Cameron 7 Feb, Michigan - dxldyg 1191, 06/02/2007) 7235 Radio Singapur International, 1015+, January 17, Malayo, Music, talk by male, 24332 //6120 Khz with 22432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) Словакия 7230, R. Slovakia Inatl, 0007, 2/6/07. YL doing English nx. Solid S7 signal (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA - CumbreDX 1838, 11/02/2007) Суринам 4990 Radio Apintie, Paramaribo, 0345+, January 16, dutch, pops, announcements by male, 25342 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 08/02/2007) США VOA Talk to America, Tue Feb 6 again featured Kim Andrew Elliott. I listened to most of it on 9760 via Philippines, despite Chinese QRM in background, since this had a much better signal on this date than 11655 via Germany. Started with recording of a DC station that just ran nature sounds during Superbowl, and then onto the big news of the day, BBG`s unaltered plans to slash English and several other languages. As usual, Kim did not overtly criticize this but tried to explain it. He did mention that VOA News Now would be gone, including this very program. Recommended listening, anyway, ondemand at the usual website (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1190, 06/02/2007) Feb 8 at 1440, very strong and distorted Korean language broadcast on 9555, splattering up to 25 kHz above and below. No sign of RHC which normally dominates with its own dirty signal on 9550, so I think it must have been off. 9555 was VOA, and so strong that I would have guessed it was Delano, which I suppose is remotely possible as a backup for scheduled Philippines at 1400-1500 for this service which after a VOA Washington ID at 20 over S9 went off about a semiminute before 1500, and still no sign of RHC. HFCC B-06 says this is Tinang at 21 degrees, which means it is also aimed at NAm, and I suppose propagation from there was just well above average today, as 9760 English was also good. Korean begins at 1200, and comes from three different sites, one after another: 1200-1230 Saipan, 1230-1400 Thailand, and 1400-1500 Philippines. HFCC also shows Biblis at 1230-1400, which I guess is backup for Thailand, tho it`s a long haul from Germany (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 10, 08/02/2007) 9480, Feb 9 at 1451 in The Power Hower, but guess who could be heard in the background? Yours truly with World of Radio 1346, and at 1453 starting over with WOR theme. Recheck 1533 could still hear myself underneath so notified KAIJ studio. Apparently their production line was bleeding into their program feed line, or the automation decided to play WOR when it wasn`t supposed to. WOR did appear at 2001 on 9480 in the clear. Rather weak here, but past the skip zone doing OK in Michigan, Ontario, and VG in San Francisco, says George Poppin, closer to the 320 degree azimuth of this outlet, while not making it to Germany, says Wolfgang B?schel, as was to be expected. Wayne Bastow in NSW could not hear anything at 1130 on 5755, so was KAIJ off the air? Thanks to KAIJ for adding WOR and improving our coverage especially to the W and NW (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 12, 10/02/2007) Таджикистан 4635 Tajik Radio, 23:28-23:35, escuchada el 4 de Febrero en Tajiko a locutora con comentarios en programa de m?sica pop local, SINPO 34332 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 7, 06/02/2007) 4635 Tajik Radio, Dsuhambe, 0130+, January 16, Vernacular, news by female, 34333 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) 4635 Radio Tajikistan, 23:40-23:50, escuchada el 9 de febrero en tajico a locutor con comentarios y emisi?n de m?sica folkl?rica local, SINPO 24332 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 11, 10/02/2007) Таиланд 7300, Radio Thailand, 1105-1115 Person in Vietnamese (listed) Language comments. At 1112, music presented. At 1114 brief interlude followed by English Announcement, "This is HSK9, Radio Thailand World Service broadcasting from the Public Relations Department Bangkok, Thailand". Checked parallel freqs, but nothing heard there. Signal on 7300 was fair. (Chuck Bolland, February 11, 2007 - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Танзания 11735 TANZANIA Voice of Tanzania-Zanzibar, Dole; 1935-2003 11 February, 2007. Very good and alone with language Islamic-influenced female vocal, into interesting semi-psycho local instrumental, more vocals, 4 slow and one slower time sounders at 2000, Swahili man with news headlines till 2002, into flute fill with the same man talking atop. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, Fl - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Татарстан 15105 Tatarstan Wave, 0515+, January 22, Russian, talk by female, 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) Турция VOT, Live from Turkey, Thu Feb 8 at 1420, just caught the last few minutes, talking about the PKK. This time the relative reception of the two frequencies matched theory, with 12035 beamed NW much better here than // 11735 beamed E, which was weak, fluttery and echoey. I have also listened to the Tuesday 1950 edition of this show, or parts of it, the past couple of weeks on webcast. It`s mostly the hosts railing against the Kurds, and how Europe doesn`t treat Turkey fairly, etc., etc. Haven`t heard David Crystal from Israel in several weeks, tho Christopher Lewis from England did call in once (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 10, 08/02/2007) Уганда 5026 Radio Uganda, Kampala, 0420+, January 17, Vernacular, talk by male, 23432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) Финляндия SWR - 11720 on 1126 talks by man in Finish abt pirate stations :radio international orient radio , weekend music radio , this si northpole radio from NL and song 'it s a sin' start then again with new series of pirate stations mentions . IS 'SWR' and on 1137 with a hot disco song 1155 'girls wanna have fun` Signal : S5 max on 2x16m only (on H nothing!) 22432 better is on narrowband. 1305 again with S5 and pop songs and giving email on 1315 (Zacharias Liangas Retziki THS 3 Feb 2007 - hard-core-dx 50, 7, 06/02/2007) Эквадор 4918,985v 07/02 0215 Radio Quito, Ecuador, Sport football game live, with some ids. Fair/good (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - dxldyg 1191, 06/02/2007) 4918.99, R. Quito, Quito, 1033-1045+ Feb 2, Spanish ballads, 1043 ID. Strong but somewhat distorted audio (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1197, 10/02/2007) 3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0621-0715, 11-02, locutor, espa?ol, programa religioso. A las 0701 lectura del Rosario. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) Экваториальная Гвинея 15190 Radio East Africa, 07:55-08:10, escuchada el 4 de Febrero en ingl?s a locutor con comentarios, segmento de m?sica, probablemente c?nticos religiosos, a pesar de llegar con buena se?al se aprecia un nivel de audio muy bajo, locutor y locutora con p?blico, aplausos y comentarios, desde las 08:03 mejora el nivel de audio, es mas fuerte, SINPO 45333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 7, 06/02/2007) 5005 06/02 2250 Radio Bata, Guinea E., ending broadcasting with national hymn and s.off at 2255 good (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - dxldyg 1191, 06/02/2007) Apparently the latest series of DRM transmissions to NAm on 17870-17875-17880 are M-F only, as nothing was heard around 1500 Sat or Sun Feb 3 or 4, but were back on Feb 5 and 6. Did not see anything in the original notice about their being weekdays only. To state the obvious, more listeners would be available during the daytime on weekends (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1190, 06/02/2007) Эфиопия 9704,2 Radio Ethiopia, Gedja, 0445+, January 21, Vernacular, national service, 34433 //5990 Khz with 22432 and 7110 Khz with 22432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1835, 09/02/2007) Ю. Каролина (США) Brother Scare`s Sabbath Service, Sat Feb 10 at 1550 via Guiana French 17810 was running 4 seconds ahead of // WWRB 9385, and much better audio from GUF (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 12, 10/02/2007) Япония Surprised to hear R. Japan, NHK Warido in English on 9505, Feb 8 at 1457, and at 1459 wrapping up the 44 Minutes show. This frequency is not supposed to start until 1500, to North America from Yamata, but there is English scheduled at 1400 on other frequencies, 7200, 9875, 11840. I wonder how early 9505 came on? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 10, 08/02/2007) NHK Warido, R. Japan, 11970 via Gabon, Feb 10 at 0628 in German with strange accent making me wonder at first if it was Low; some hum and distortion on Moyabi, which isn`t what it used to be; 0629 going into French (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 12, 10/02/2007) -- DRM Французская Гвиана You never know with these DRM tests, but Feb 9 at 1457, 17870-17875-17880 was back on with its big buzz. Feb 10, Saturday it was gone again at 1557 check (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 50, 12, 10/02/2007) -- СВ/ДВ Разное 1020 KDKA Pittsburgh PA. KDKA ID heard while flicking through the channels. W/f 0732 06/02 JF Conditions still quite interesting. I monitored two channels overnight. Firstly 1270 where I heard sports talk around 01:00 and 07:00. From 07:30 I switched to 1130 to try and catch the North American mixing with WBBR. WBBR was peaking at good levels but dipped down after 08:30 when the second station became dominant. It was too weak to hear clearly however. The music format I heard would suggest KWKH (John Faulkner, UK - skywavesmw 306, 06/02/2007) -- УКВ/ТВ Нижний Новгород В Нижнем Новгороде прекратило свое вещаниеРадио Эхо Москвы. Люди, спасите Нижний от застоя музыки прошлого Века!!! (Лео, http://guzei.com/radio/, 09/02/2007) Новороссийск С 31-го января 2007 года с разрешения Федеральной конкурсной комиссии по телерадиовещанию (ФКК) по вопросам получения права на вещание, ЗАО "Югмедиатрек", вещающее на частоте 107,4 МГц в г. Новороссийске, изменило свою программную концепцию и сейчас осуществляет трансляциюпрограммы радиостанции "Звезда". Напомним, что до этого радио "Звезда" принималось в Новороссийске только на частоте 66,41 МГЦ. Теперь радиослушатели смогут принимать любимую станцию как в УКВ, так и в ФМ-диапазоне, благодаря новому сетевому партнеру раиостанции "Звезда". Приглашаем к сотрудничеству региональных партнеров: 129110, г. Москва, Суворовская пл., д.2, факс (495) 975-86-40, тел.(495) 631-68-83 (доб. 186) Олег Соболев - старший менеджер по развитию радиосети, e-mail: sobolev@tvzvezda.ru. Соединяем города - соединяем Россию! (http://onair.ru/index.php?CLNAME=enews&act=view_msg&NMID=17678&tt=main&hook=1-9886426-default-1) Санкт-Петербург 08/02/2007 года на частоте 88.9 ФМ началось вещание радиостанции Юмор ФМ. Вещание ежедневное, круглосуточное. Жанр: юмор и русская попса. (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия) Федеральная конкурсная комиссия по телерадиовещанию выдала разрешение на вещание радиостанции "Юмор FM" (частота 88,9МГц, 5кВт) и телеканалу ДТВ Viasat (46ТВК, 5кВт). Кроме того, на конкурс 28 февраля вынесен пул каналов для наземного эфирного телевещания с концепцией вещания «Общенациональный канал российских регионов» в количестве 7-и частот: Екатеринбург, Свердловская область, 43 ТВК; Иркутск, Иркутская область, 25 ТВК, 5 кВт; Кызыл, Республика Тыва, 21-60 ТВК; Нарьян-Мар, Ненецкий АО, 8 ТВК, 0,1 кВт; Рязань, Рязанская область, 59 ТВК; Самара, Самарская область, 23 ТВК, 1 кВт; Томск, Томская область, 34 ТВК единственная заявка на эти частоты подана от ОАО «Телерадиокомпания «Петербург». (http://new.rosohrancult.ru/, http://spbtvradio.narod.ru/ помощь в подготовке данного сообщения оказал KDS, 07.02.2007) В северной столице на частоте, ранее принадлежавшей "Радио Классика", в конце первого квартала 2007 года начнет вещание московская станция "Юмор FM". Перспективы столичных "юмористов" участники рынка оценивают скептически. О том, что радиостанция "Юмор FM", входящая в холдинг "Проф-Медиа", готовится начать вещание в Петербурге на частоте 88,9 МГц и уже заканчивает монтаж оборудования, dp.ru сообщил один из участников рынка, пожелавший остаться неизвестным. Эти данные подтвердил сотрудник "Юмор FM", ответственный за региональное развитие – Андрей Бубукин. По его словам, точная дата выхода в эфир пока неизвестна, поскольку это связано с техническими требованиями, но вопрос может быть решен до конца первого квартала 2007 года. В интервью dp.ru Андрей Бубукин отметил, что вещать на 88,9 МГц станет именно "Юмор FM" (в "Проф-Медиа" также входит "Авторадио", уже представленное в Петербурге, и "Радио Энергия FM"). Частота 88,9 МГц "замолчала" в Петербурге в 2006 году. Сначала из эфира пропали все ведущие, а потом и музыка. По данным источника dp.ru, частота "Радио Классика" перешла к "Проф-Медиа" еще осенью 2006 года, однако тогда пресс-секретарь холдинга эту информацию опровергал. Вполне вероятно, что долгий перерыв в вещании связан и с пожаром. В мае 2006 года часть помещений "Радио Классика" в здании на Невском проспекте, 74 сгорела. Глава корпорации PMI Евгений Финкельштейн рассказал dp.ru, что приобретение радиочастоты в петербургском FM-диапазоне обходится примерно в $2–2,5 млн. По его словам, оценить перспективы "Юмор FM" в северной столице трудно: "У нас город более интеллигентный, чем Москва, а это практически "Аншлаг" по радио". Схожего мнения придерживается директор по продвижению и PR "Нашего радио" Валерий Козлов: "Не думаю, что оно ("Юмор FM" – А. Д.) особо актуально, здесь люди поумнее живут". // Алексей Дементьев // (http://www.dp.ru/, http://spbtvradio.narod.ru/, 08/02/2007) Челябинск В Челябинске появятся две новые, финансируемые из госбюджетов радиостанции. В результате конкурса 31 января ФКК предоставила право на вещание на частоте 100,8FM ОГУП "Областное телевидение" (финансируется Администрацией Челябинской области) и на 102,4FM ОАО "Радиосеть ОРР"- сетевая версия радио "Говорит Москва" (финансируется Правительством Москвы). (Uralnews, http://guzei.com/radio/, 06/02/2007) - Недавно удалось, довольно спонтанно, съездить в Пермь. Правда, до того, чтобы собрать все <путевые заметки> воедино, руки дошли только сейчас. Во-первых, эта поездка не была запланирована, поэтому и как следует подготовиться времени не было, а то бы поподробнее посмотрел сайты региональных станций и т.д. Хотя, зачастую и поиск в инете нужной информации не дает. Может, кто знает адреса радиостанций Кама FM и Радио Мотор из Перми?.. Во-вторых, с приемной техникой совсем беда. Всё, что у меня с собой было - это 2 аудиоплейера с аналоговыми тюнерами и радиоприемник Mason R641L. Так что определить частоты не удавалось, пришлось верить тому, что есть. За основу всех наблюдений я взял материалы сайта Виктора Рутковского. Кое-какая информация там, видимо, устарела, но об этом отдельно. Вообще, путь лежал через Саранск, Казань и Ижевск, Чувашию и совсем уж кусочек Кировской области. Если это кому-то о чем-то говорит, то ехал я поездом 323/324, и туда и обратно. Кстати, не в тему, но тем не менее: в этом году почему-то сложнее с билетами, чем в то же самое время год назад: Итак, поехали. Выезд 28 января в 8.58. Расстояние между Пензой и Саранском не такое уж большое, и единственное, что вещает между ними - это Радио России через маломощные передатчик в Лунино и Иссе. В Лунино вещание точно есть (101,0), вот про Иссу (100,2) точно не скажу. По крайней мере, РР там было год назад, сам слышал. Кстати, не знаю, почему мое письмо в рассылку про РР и Маяк в Пенз. Обл. пришло 29 января, отправлял я его где-то вроде 24-го. Есть еще маломощный передатчик РР на УКВ в Рузаевке (67,46). До Саранска там 26 км по железке, просто рельеф местности такой, только подъехали - и ничего не слышно. С трудом пробивалось только Русское Радио, оно там явно самое мощное. Саранский эфир представляет вот что. 66,68 Радио России+ГТРК 68,24 Маяк 70,07 Шансон 100,6 Европа Плюс 101,3 Русское Радио 102,6 Маяк и Маяк FM-Саранск. С 11 до 12 передавалась программа по заявкам с перерывом на новости на 30-й минуте, но где-то в течение минут, наверно, 20-и так никто и не позвонил, не смотря на все призывы ведущего. 103,7 Радио 7 (они уже не <На семи холмах>?). Эфир московский. В 13.00 федеральные новости с Дмитрием Михеевым и погода по Москве. 106,3 DFM 107,2 MC Радио. Первая коммерческая станция Мордовии. <Шансон>-Саранск - это тоже их <детище>. Где-то на территории Чувашии, в районе станции Канаш, слышно <Ваше Радио>. Объявляется только частота в Чебоксарах - 68,72 МГц, но та, которую слышно явно выше, где-то в районе 70:72 МГц. Пока на этот счет ничего найти не удалось. Про эфир Татарстана молчу. Слушал только в районе Казани. Не услышал разве только DFM на частоте 66,8 МГц, но мой приемник больно капризный на нижнем УКВ, поэтому вполне вероятно, что <Ди> на самом деле на УКВ-1 присутствует. Удмуртия. Ночью, когда проезжали Агрыз, удалось услышать на УКВ-2 только Радио России, а Новый Век, Моя Удмуртия и Радио Агрыз молчали. Я думал, будет наоборот. Самое обидное в этой поездке то, что я попросту проспал Ижевск. Ровно год назад я ехал этим же поездом и Ижевск проезжал как раз утром (тоже понедельника, кстати), когда в эфире Радио России передавались программы ГТРК. В это время СВ-передатчик молчал, он заработал позже. Но это было год назад, я даже рапорт составил (жаль, не подтвердили), а в этом году оказался в пролете. Собственно, первая часть наблюдений <с колес> на этом завершается. Вот что можно услышать в самой Перми. 66,02 Радио России+ГТРК Т7. Кстати, довольно много местных программ (по сравнению с другими регионами). 66,80 Орфей (все-таки культурная столица Урала) 67,58 Маяк 70,04 Взрослое Радио. Бывшее Авторадио, но несколько лет назад плавно пережило ребрендинг, наверняка под давлением ВКПМ. По крайней мере осталась характерная черта: новости на 55-ой минуте часа. 71,78 Радио Свобода. Каких-то других вещателей на этой частоте не обнаружено. Год назад вроде их там не было. Кто бы что не говорил, а кое-где, оказывается, их ретрансляции за последний год появились: 72,44 Радио Семь Нот. Удалось сделать такой вывод: музыка СССР и стран народной демократии (тех же времен). 88,0 Болид FM. Молодежное радио с танцевальной музыкой. Раньше здесь был ХитFM. 99.4 Европа Плюс. Не круглосуточно. 91,2 Эхо Москвы+Эхо Перми. Местное Эхо занимает абсолютно все региональные <окна>, но рекламы, кстати, немного. Как они деньги зарабатывают?: 99,4 Ретро FM 100.0 Наше Радио 100,7 Music Radio (местное) 101,5 Ностальжи. Такое чувство, что они до сих пор стараются подражать некогда существовавшей РР-Ностальжи. 102,0 ОРР FM. Постоянно повторяют, что у них обновленный формат или что-то типа того. Оставляют федеральные новости, музыка своя. Прямо как на РСН-Пенза. 102,7 Взрослое Радио 103,2 Максимум. Эфир пермский, но максимально копируется московский: <Лучший выбор новой музыки> и т.д. Есть и местные ди-джеи на нон-стопе, и информация о пробках, погода: Может, и правда скоро запустят московский эфир. 103,6 Радио Мотор. Что-то напоминающее Болид FM. 104,1 Радио Альфа. В основном музыка 80-х. 104,7 Рекорд из СПб 105,1 Кама FM. Напоминает Альфу. 106,2 Русское Радио В отличие от, к примеру, Пензы, рекламируются в основном автосалоны (по крайней мере, как правило, спонсоры рубрики/программы/часа/выпуска:) и дорогие магазины со шмотками. Живет регион: Назад я уехал 4 февраля. Удалось еще кое-что выяснить о работе радиостанций по пути следования. Пермская обл., Верещагино. Радио Рекорд там точно нет, зато есть Болид FM. Частота наверно та же, 103,4 МГц. Радио России и Взрослое Радио слышно с трудом. Ижевск. Вот он, <прогресс>, на УКВ-1 только 2 станции: 68,06 Радио России+ГТРК 69,62 Маяк 100,1 Моя Удмуртия. Слышал там программу Севы Новогородцева, но ее как будто порезали на мелкие части и либо пускают между музыкой, либо вообще сокращают до 5 минут. 100,5 Русское Радио 101,8 Ретро FM 102,4 NRJ 103,0 Европа Плюс 103,8 Наше Радио 104,5 Радио Адам - самый сильный сигнал 105,3 Эхо Москвы 105,7 DFM 106,1 Авторадио 107,0 Максимум вместо РСН. Есть местные программы и реклама. Агрыз. На этот раз в эфире оказались Моя Удмуртия на 99,6 МГц и Новый Век (107,9 МГц). Радио России не видно и не слышно. Можга. Тут оказалось кроме <Моей Удмуртии> (102,1) еще и ретрансляция Авторадио с ижевской рекламой. Частота немного ниже. Кизнер. Слышно Радио России на УКВ-1 и <Моя Удмуртия> на УКВ-2 (102,9) Кировская область. Вятские Поляны. Здесь есть вот что. 66,35 Радио России 67,91 Авторадио-ПАР+ местные вставки (Авторадио-Вятские Поляны). 107,9 Новый Век. Может быть, и правда из Кукмара, проверить не удалось, но сомневаться в этом смысла нет. У Авторадио есть и FM-частота. Естественно, ниже, чем 107,9. Однако на Авторадио-портале указана только 67,91, хотя частоты вроде обе с Вятских Полян. В Казани вопрос такой возник. На РСН вообще реклама местная есть? Хотел специально послушать, как это другие делают, чтобы сравнить с пензенскими РСНщиками: Ну и все, пожалуй. Еще раз отмечу, что если указано название станции, значит, я его слышал, а частоты в основном <списаны> у Виктора Рутковского, хотя везде было <похоже на правду>: (Сергей Винокуров, Пенза, Россия - open_dx 09/02/2007) - Регионы - Тропо Been quite good here the last couple of mornings. Langenberg is often in on 95.1, although this morning was also boosted by some jet-scatter. Some nice clear noise- free stereo peaks though. Luxembourg also sometimes audible on 100.7. Anyone else been getting anything? Slightly OT, we were woken at 0340z this morning by an ear-splitting clap of thunder, so I hurriedly got up to disconnect the hi-fi and aerial. This was followed shortly afterwards by about 10 minutes of absolutely TORRENTIAL rain. The grass on our lawn this morning has been flattened by the force of the rain. (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2235, 11/02/2007) -- Разное Украина FM Станции 100.7 ?Люкс FM? (Керчь) 101.4 ?Европа + Украина? (Керчь) 102.2 ?Радио 5? (Керчь) 103.6 Хит FM (Керчь) 104.0 Радио ?Новая Россия? (Новороссийск) 106.4 Русское радио (Керчь) 107.2 Радио Эра FM (Керчь) 107.6 Авторадио (Керчь) 380 kHz Мариуполь A 390 kHz Донецк DN 443 kHz Анапа AN 493 kHz Краснодар LD 505 kHz Керчь S 662 kHz Смоленская SM 735 kHz Ковяги KW 738 kHz ?Всемирная радиосеть?? ретрансляция Международного радио Китая 15:00 UTC 770 kHz Мариуполь MA *1242 Радио ?Проминь? 13:00 UTC *1242 Радио Культура ??? (Канал Культурного Возрождения )13:05 UTC * Слушать проблематично, так как одновременно идет трансляция разных программ. Сигнал накладывается один на другой. (Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина - open_dx 06/02/2007) -- Неофициальное вещание Германия/Эфиопия 9485 Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromo, 17:10-17:20, escuchada el 7 de Febrero en idioma Oromo a locutor con comentarios y referencias a Oromo, segmento musical, locutora con comentarios, SINPO 44333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 9, 07/02/2007) VOICE OF OROMO LIBARATION DATE: 07-02-2007 TIME: 17.45 - 18.00 UTC FREQUENCY: 9485 KHz SIGNAL: GOOD LANGUAGE: AMHARIC PROGRAM: COMMENTARY, NEWS, MUSIC (Francesco Cecconi, Italy - hard-core-dx 50, 10, 08/02/2007) -- Неопознанное Big carrier on 15390, with tone tests off and on, Feb 5 from 1458 till 1511* As before, I suspect this is Greenville tuning up for a broadcast a few hours later (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1190, 06/02/2007) Voice of America (Presumed), 9725 Khz. 1517 - 1531+, 2/8/07 in Vietnamese. SINPO 14343 at tune in. With University Network absent: Announcer with correspondent reoprts, joined by second announcer at 1522, started fading about 1523 and pretty much at static floor by 1525, with what appears to be an extended correspondent report. Could not make out an ID (if there was one) at 1530, then switch to a different announcer. (Mark Taylor, Madison, Wi, Usa - dxldyg 1192, 08/02/2007) 10000 AM, NO ID, 00:30-00:46, escuchada el 10 de Febrero en idioma ?rabe, comienza la emisi?n con el canto del Cor?n, cu?as y noticias, probablemente emisi?n accidental ya que no encontr? frecuencia de reemplazo, la se?al era muy fuerte para tratarse de una emisi?n fantasma, audio disponible en Multiply ma?ana, SINPO 44444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 50, 12, 10/02/2007) -- Наблюдения 05.05 4777 RTG Gabun, S3 O3, ID mx gesprache in franz. 05.32 4919 Radio Quito, S2 O3, ID, sudam. mx, (Renato Baggatini - A-DX 06/02/2007) Some tips and a measure around 6010 kHz 3330 8/2 8/2 0020 CHU Canada, usual pips and id in FF/EE, fair 4845,25 8/2 0107 Radio Cultura, Manaus, Brazil, sport live, good 5446,5 8/2 0122 AFRTS Key West, USA, //7811 talks EE, in USB, fair 6009,493 8/2 0045 La Voz de tu Conciencia, songs, SS, fair 6010,117v 8/2 0040 Radio Baharain, usual program of pop songs non stop. Fair 6134,8 8/2 0102 Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Radio Santa Cruz song and signal off at 0104 fair 6160 8/2 0015 CKZN St. Johns, Canada, relay CBC Radio One, Interview about Canadian soldiers in International missions, fading, fair to really good ---- Measuring around 6010 with RF Space SDR-14, I also made it BW resolution: 0.21 Hz 08/02 0030 It was possible to see 6 carriers 6009,4936 La Voz de tu Conciencia - audible 6009,8087 Radio Parinacota ? - soon disappeared not audible 6010,009 Belarus - audible 6010,0491 Inconfidencia - later disappeared not audible this night 6010,117 Radio Bahrain - audible (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Itlay - hard-core-dx 50, 9, 08/02/2007) -- Гармоники Россия 5780 spurious of VoRussia in Arabic 1900-2000 UT. But to calculate the symmetric formula, fundamentals puzzles me: 140/280 kHz apart are outlets of two different sites: -- 5920 Moscow -- 6060 St.Petersburg (Arabic). (wb, Feb 9) 1900-2000 Arabic 7230MSK, 6140ARM, 6060St.P English 6175ARM French 6130MSK, 6090St.P Greek 7155, 5985MSK, 5975St.P, 1431, 1413 Russian-SC 648, 1026, 1503, 1494, 5940MSK, 7285 Russian-IR 7310, 1170to1930, 1143, 936 1930-2000 Slovak 6030St.P(x6160), 6045St.P, 1170ARM (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 1619, 09/02/2007) Румыния 6115v RRI English 2130-2200 UT on odd channel 6112 kHz today, next to the DRM 'noise' flank of Taldom Moscow 6105 kHz. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 1617, 07/02/2007) -- Глушение Китай 6160 CHINA "Firedrake" jammer; 1151-1204 10 February, 2007. The usual nonstop mega-loop instrumental/percussion jammer, AM mode, with unidentified Chinese station under, along with weak English talk format station (possibly one of the CBC local stations). Fair, and still there at 1240 recheck and somewhat improved. 9200 CHINA "Firedrake" jammer; 1240-1255 10 February, 2007. Very good with usual instrumental/percussion loop, alone, AM mode. 10400 CHINA "Firedrake" jammer; 1240-1255 10 February, 2007. Clear but much weaker than 9200 or 6160, AM mode. Also noted at 2030 on 11 February, 2007, clear but weak. (Terry Krueger, Clearwater, Fl, Usa - hard-core-dx 50, 13, 11/02/2007) -- Пираты 1645,00 2701 2155 R.Barones,D,E, pops, hallo,asking fors SMS, polka 24432 1690,00 2701 2220 unid,Gr, traditional music, coments Microphona.. 24432 3930,00 2601 2200 R.Universe,E, pops, rock, jingle 34333 5910,00 2701 0745 Marfil Estereo, Sp, ballads, ID. Estas escuchando Onda de Paz, 24432 6220,00 2701 1540 Mystery R, dance jingle 35443 6220,00 2801 1440 Mystery R, ballads, jingle, pops 23322 6220,00 2901 1915 Mystery R, dance, jingle, techno dance 34433 6255,00 2701 2200 KBC,E, ID, jingle hotline 0031318552491,website, QTH EDE, pops, rock 35443 6280,00 2801 0859 R.Merlin Int, E, rock, funky 24311 6300,00 2701 1835 RN RASD,Ar, local pops, at 2300 Spanish program 34433 6325,00 2801 0850 R.Paardenkracht,D,E, ID, spelling, Chiquitita by Abba, coments 24322 6401,00 2801 0835 WMR,E, pops, ID, coments 24311 6878,00 2701 0710 Pirate Music-Planet FM,It,E, pops, jingle clear ID R.Planet FM 34433 6878,00 2801 0910 Pirate Music-Planet FM, It, per la tua publicita su R.Planet FM chiama. 24322 9290,00 2701 0800 Latvia Today,E, ID R SWH, Latvian folk costumes 35443 9290,00 2801 0900 KWRN,G,E, ID, Box Eisenach, Felix Stein am microphone, pops, 35443 9290,00 2801 1000 R.Marabu,G, ID, jingle, rock, 35443 (Silveri Gomez, Fraga, Catalunya, Spain - playdx2003 1248, 07/02/2007) unstable conditions at home. Better results via webreceiver in Sweden. greetings achim Logs at home: Date 03/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 6.255,0 2215 KBC Radio 24323 7 6.280,0 0900 Flux AM 24433 8 6.300,0 1312 unid 33443 8 6.327,0 1340 unid 24433 7 9.290,0 1015 Radio Casablanca WS 55444 9+20d 9.290,0 1134 Radio Joystick 55444 9+20d Date 04/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 6.210,0 0909 Cupid Radio 45444 9 6.210,0 1017 Radio Bogusman 24333 6 6.220,0 0916 Mystery Radio 33433 8 6.220,0 1604 Mystery Radio 45444 9+5dB 6.220,0 1335 Mystery Radio 24433 7 6.270,0 1225 Radio Rainbow 24433 7 6.288,0 1020 Radio Scotland 34444 8 6.305,0 1325 Westcoast Radio 34433 8 6.325,0 1031 Radio Brigitte 23433 6 6.401,0 0801 WMR 23322 5 Logs via dxtuners.com: Date 01/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.640,0 2015 Radio Tijdbreker 24333 8 S 1.645,0 2044 Zender Edelweiss 23433 8 G 1.645,0 2051 Radio Mazda 24433 8 G 1.655,0 2103 unid 33443 8 G 3.927,0 2039 Cupid Radio 44434 9 G 6.220,0 1850 Mystery Radio 44444 9 S 6.305,0 1521 Zender Robby 33433 7 S 6.310,0 1516 Radio Eastside 24433 7 S Date 02/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.635,0 2314 Radio Tijdbreker 32432 8 S 1.645,0 2320 unid 34433 8 S 1.645,0 1541 unid 24333 7 S 1.655,0 2253 Zender Corona 44444 9 S 6.300,0 1512 Radio Rainbow 23322 5 S 6.305,0 1505 Zender Scirocco 24333 7 S Date 03/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.620,0 2331 unid 33433 8 G 1.645,0 2329 Zender Digital 45444 9 G 1.645,0 2346 Zender Santana 24333 7 G 1.645,0 1653 unid 43443 9 S 1.645,0 2346 Radio Nordsee 24333 7 G 1.655,0 2317 Zender Delmare 43433 8 G 1.655,0 2311 Zender James Bond 54444 9 G 1.655,0 1701 unid 44444 9 S 1.655,0 2318 Zender Crystal 34433 8 G 1.655,0 2305 Radio Toekomst 54444 9 G 3.925,0 1649 Westcoast Radio 33433 8 S 6.216,0 0936 King Shortwave 24433 8 S 6.220,0 2230 Mystery Radio 34433 8 S 6.255,0 2235 KBC Radio 54444 9+5dB G 6.275,0 0959 Laser Hot Hits 23433 7 S 6.280,0 0845 Flux AM 44444 9 S 6.291,0 1508 Radio Sensation 33433 8 S 6.291,0 1529 Vrolikje Frans 43443 9 S 6.295,0 1510 Westcoast Radio 32432 7 S 6.300,0 0817 Radio Rainbow 23333 7 S 6.300,0 1407 Yam FM (tent) 33443 8 G 6.305,0 1613 Radio Rob 007 23333 7 S 6.310,0 0923 Zender Scirocco 34444 8 S 6.854,0 1621 The Crystal Ship 44444 9 USA Date 04/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.645,0 0001 Zender Alpenjager 24333 7 G 1.653,0 0052 Pelikan Radio 44444 9 G 1.653,0 0048 Zender Delmare 44444 9 G 1.655,0 0022 Zender Monte Carlo 34333 8 G 6.153,0 0033 Zender Spakenburg 44444 9 G 6.241,0 0806 BRI 24433 7 S 6.270,0 1009 Radio Likedeeler 24333 7 S 6.280,0 0809 Westcoast Radio 24433 8 S 6.295,0 0925 Radio Northpole 43443 9 S 6.296,0 1048 Vrolikje Frans 44444 9 S 6.296,0 0851 Zender Scirocco 23433 7 S 6.300,0 1124 Radio Zodiac 33443 8 S 6.300,0 0950 unid 23322 5 S 6.305,0 1108 Radio Zodiac 43443 9 S 6.307,0 0815 Radio Eastside 24433 8 S 6.310,0 1035 Radio Geronimo (tent) 23322 5 S 6.325,0 0841 Zender Paardenkracht 44444 9 S 6.525,0 1001 Sparks Radio 24433 7 S Date 07/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.620,0 1930 unid 34433 8 S 1.635,0 1910 Radio Uniek 34433 8 S 6.220,0 1906 Mystery Radio 34433 8 S 6.305,0 1600 Westcoast Radio 44444 9 S (Achim Brueckner - playdx2003 1248, 07/02/2007) -- Связь |
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