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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 108 часть 2
Глушение -- Пираты fair conditions. Early morning long-skip, at home better results at afternoon. greetings achim Logs at home: Date 08/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 6.309,0 1512 Zender Quintus 23333 7 6.312,0 1513 Zender Westcoast 33433 8 Date 10/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 6.216,0 1020 King Shortwave 24322 5 6.268,0 1305 ROZ 34444 8 6.276,0 1018 Laser Hot Hits (tent) 24322 5 6.300,0 1145 Radio Merlin 24333 7 6.320,0 1317 Lycos Radio 24433 8 9.290,0 0840 Latvia Today 55444 9+20d 9.290,0 0900 Radio City 55444 9+20d Date 11/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 6.210,0 0954 Bogusman 24433 7 6.216,0 1310 King Shortwave 24333 7 6.220,0 0949 Radio Atlantis (tent) 44444 9 6.247,0 1104 Radio Sonar 24333 7 6.265,0 1304 Delta Radio 24433 8 6.280,0 1003 Radio Sonar 24333 7 6.292,0 1314 unid 23322 6 6.296,0 1220 Radio Zodiac 24333 7 6.297,0 1226 Westcoast Radio 34433 8 6.310,0 0817 Radio Bermuda Dreieck 24333 8 6.316,0 1236 Radio Tornado 33433 8 6.401,0 0819 WMR 23322 5 6.912,0 1009 All Europe Radio 23322 6 Date 12/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 6.220,0 1655 Mystery Radio 45434 9+5dB Date 13/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 6.220,0 1640 Mystery Radio 45434 9+5dB Logs via dxtuners.com: Date 08/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.635,0 2015 Radio Uniek 42432 8 G 1.635,0 2044 Radio Tijdbreker 32432 7 G 1.650,0 2035 Radio Mazda 24433 7 G 6.220,0 1918 Mystery Radio 44444 9 G 6.302,0 1540 Radio Rainbow 22322 5 S Date 09/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.635,0 2326 Radio Tijdbreker 44444 9 S 1.645,0 2229 Radio Euromast 54444 9 S 1.645,0 2358 Zender Monte Carlo 34433 8 S 1.650,0 2350 Zender Barcelona 43443 9 S 1.650,0 2235 Zender Digital 43443 9 S 1.655,0 2241 Radio Vrijbeuter 54444 9+5dB S 1.655,0 2309 Radio Toekomst 44444 9 S 6.220,0 1630 Mystery Radio 44434 9 S 6.220,0 2220 Mystery Radio 54444 9 S 6.524,0 1511 Radio Ramona 43443 8 S Date 10/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.640,0 1810 unid 43443 8 S 1.645,0 1826 Radio Barones 54444 9 S 1.655,0 1700 Zender Digital 43443 9 S 1.655,0 1821 Zender Friendshap 44433 8 S 1.665,0 0022 Zender Monaco 24433 8 S 1.665,0 0016 Radio Ethersnuffer 44444 9 S 6.220,0 1645 Mystery Radio 54444 9 G 6.265,0 1132 ROZ 44444 9 S 6.276,0 1400 Laser Hot Hits 24433 7 S 6.300,0 1121 Radio Merlin 34433 8 S 6.305,0 1045 unid 45444 8 S 6.320,0 1355 Lycos Radio 33443 8 S 6.401,0 1333 WMR (tent) 33433 8 S Date 11/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 5.725,0 0825 Orion Radio 44444 9 S 6.239,0 1055 BRI 24333 7 S 6.265,0 0914 Premier Radio 23322 6 S 6.280,0 1114 Radio Golfbreker 44444 9 S 6.292,0 0935 Antonio Radio 34433 8 S 6.300,0 0904 Zender Scirocco 34433 8 S 6.305,0 1033 Westcoast Radio 33443 8 S 6.310,0 0830 Radio Bermuda Dreieck 34433 8 S 6.524,0 0944 Radio Ramona 34433 8 S 6.912,0 1045 All Europe Radio 24322 5 S Date 12/02 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.645,0 2106 Radio Happy Miner 34433 8 S 1.645,0 2059 Zender Carolina 34433 8 S (Achim Brueckner, Germany - playdx2003 1254, 13/02/2007) 1645,00 1002 1818 R.Barones,D, pops, schlage, ID, greets amateurs 24432 3908,00 1002 2240 Cupid R, E, hotline, greets to Mike in Norway, reports from Germany, hello R Likedeeler 24322 3927,00 1002 1840 Delta R,E,D,pops,polka testing normal program at 2115 hotline 0031 610379474,pops 34322 5725,00 1102 0740 Orion R,E,D, polka, pops, Crunchy Granola suite, 24322 6220,00 0802 1700 Mystery R,Disco non stop 35443 6220,00 0902 1650 Mystery R,Disco non stop 35443 6220,00 1002 1435 Mystery R,Disco non stop also at 1810 disco sinpo:44444 34433 6220,00 1102 0944 R.Atlantis, Dire Straits, no ID 24332 6220,00 1102 1755 Mystery R, E, disco, jingle 35443 6220,00 1202 1715 Mystery R, disco non stop 45544 6255,00 1002 2235 KBC,E, Roxette, ID, jingles, QTH Ede 35443 6300,00 1002 0933 Orion R,E,D, pops, SMS reports hotline, email 24322 6300,00 1002 1440 R.Merlin Int,E, pops, rock, Joe Cocker,Jingle 24322 6308,00 1002 1805 R.Odyssey,E, ID, PIRATONA GRIEGA !!!!!! pops Madona La Isla bonita closing down at 1834 34333 6401,00 1102 0733 WMR,E, pops, Id, coments 24411 9290,00 1002 0930 R.City,E, jingle, Id rock oldies 35543 12257,00 1102 0809 WR Int, E, pops, Funkytown 24311 (Silveri Gomez, Fraga, Catalunya - playdx2003 1253, 12/02/2007) -- Связь 02217.3 XSS: NATO NC3A Stn Possibly 2123 ALE/USB Sounding 2217.3, 2217.4, 2199, 3205, 3187.5 and 3161 kHz. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 04059.7 : N. Korean Diplo 2150 DPRK-FSK-BURST/600Bd Intermittent. Loud, probable embassy. At 2153 weaker station (Pyongyang ?) responded. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 04166.3 XSS: NATO NC3A Stn Possibly 2123 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 08016 4109: Unid Iraqi Net 1731 ALE/USB Calls 4201 with [AMD] "//A05 071227257". (14Feb07) (MPJ) 08083 244: Poss Chinese Military 1740 ALE/USB Calls 204. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 08151 TWLN1: Guardia Civil Espagnola Unid 1723 ALE/USB Calls TWLG1-Unid. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 08386 210: Rep. Singapore Navy Endurance Class Amphib Transport "Endeavour" 1731 ALE/USB Calls CN3-Prob Changi Naval Base. (14Feb07) (MPJ - udxf 407, 15/02/2007) 09230.0 0000210001: Grc-Moi/Pol 1417 ALE/USB clg 0000210501 (2007-02-15) (sw) 08038.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1435 ALE/USB clg 2004 (2007-02-15) (sw) 07500.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1436 ALE/USB clg 2004 (2007-02-15) (sw) 05752.0 2047: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1436 ALE/USB clg 2004 (2007-02-15) (sw) 05752.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1437 ALE/USB clg 2004 (2007-02-15) (sw) 08038.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1437 ALE/USB clg 2004 (2007-02-15) (sw) 07500.0 2047: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1440 ALE/USB clg 2011 (2007-02-15) (sw) 08038.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1443 ALE/USB clg 2013 (2007-02-15) (sw) 07500.0 2047: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1440 ALE/USB clg 2011 (2007-02-15) (sw) 08038.0 2047: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1443 ALE/USB clg 2010 (2007-02-15) (sw) 10295.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1448 ALE/LSB clg 2013 (2007-02-15) (sw) 08038.0 2047: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1451 ALE/USB clg 2009 (2007-02-15) (sw) 07500.0 2047: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1451 ALE/USB clg 2009 (2007-02-15) (sw) 06926.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1452 ALE/USB clg 2009 (2007-02-15) (sw) 05752.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1453 ALE/USB clg 2009 (2007-02-15) (sw) 07500.0 2047: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1457 ALE/USB clg 2013 (2007-02-15) (sw) 06926.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1458 ALE/USB clg 2004 (2007-02-15) (sw) 06926.0 2047: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1508 ALE/USB clg 2011 (2007-02-15) (sw) 08038.0 2047: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1518 ALE/USB clg 2013 (2007-02-15) (sw) 06926.0 2047: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1536 ALE/USB clg 2010 (2007-02-15) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 407, 15/02/2007) 02199.0 XSS: unid listed as UK MOD 1858 USB/ALE snd (MSM, Poland - udxf 407, 15/02/2007) 02761.0 OSU: Ostende Radio 1803 USB Eng. information to shipping, navs (MSM, Poland - udxf 407, 15/02/2007) 04728.0 tachkent aero uzb ID c urgentch aero uzb 1958 USB uzb d/x 14feb07 01894.0 veripos wick? 2013 QPSK? 14feb07 01920.0 fishermen 0617 USB sp d/x night's outcome...15feb07 02687.0 unid JWT ? 0622 USB eng - end comm -"...RE off" 15feb07 (Michel, France - udxf 407, 15/02/2007) 06935.0 unid sailing regatta 2018 USB french d/x hq c every boat n14,12,5... all pos nearby brazil: natal (Michel, France - udxf 407, 15/02/2007) 05220.0 LCR152: Pol-Mil 2100 ALE/USB clg KADUCEUSZ (2007-02-15) (sw) 09200.0 2054: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 2143 ALE/USB clg 2053 (2007-02-15) (sw) 07500.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 2144 ALE/USB clg 2004 (2007-02-15) (sw) 10295.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 2148 ALE/LSB clg 2013 (2007-02-15) (sw) 06668.0 762: Unid 2212 ALE/USB clg 00 (2007-02-15) (sw) 06926.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 2228 ALE/USB clg 2004 (2007-02-15) (sw) 04910.0 RFI: Unid 2229 ALE/USB clg JCI (2007-02-15) (sw) 05476.0 000021068: Grc-Moi/Pol 2306 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-15) (sw) 05752.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 2307 ALE/USB clg 2004 (Sam, UK - udxf 407, 15/02/2007) 10.066 kHZ 1600 Hat Yai Arinc with squiters. HFDL 300 1605 SU0180 Aeroflot AB320 VP-BWF ICAO 400154. Posn 56.03N-37.49E Flight FRU-SVO Bishek-Moscow 1606 VS0301 Virgin Atlantic flight ICAO 400D58 Posn 51.54N-04.02E Flight Delhi-London Heatrow 1609 AY2544 Finnair B757-2Q8 OH-LBU ICAO 461D3A Posn 48.53N-01.06E Flight GCFV-EFHK 1629 AY2616 Finnair B757-2Q8 OH-LBO ICAO 461D34 Posn 49.14N-01.31E Flight GCTS-EFJO 13303 Khz 16:43 Telde Canaries Arnic with Squiters HFDL 300 1645 UP0219 UPS B767-300 N315UP Posn 51.21N-25.31W Flight SDF-PHL-LFPG = Louisville-Philadelphia-Paris Charles De Gaule (Ronny Peters, Belgium - udxf 407, 15/02/2007) [Alexandria]-EGY (safety) from SKY RIVER,3FJO9-PNR test REQ [07-02-14 12:30:25] AYYILDIZ-5,TCOF5-TUR (safety) from [Madrid Radio]-E test ACK [07-02-14 12:27:38] VICTOR CONSTANT,FUZK-F (safety) from [Lyngby Radio]-DNK test [07-02-14 12:11:36] [Olympia Radio]-GRC (safety) from CAPE FALSTER,V7IU2-MHL test REQ [07-02-14 12:04:15] GMDSS TIPS BERGIE NINGBO,VRBQ2-HKG (safety) from [Madrid Radio]-E test ACK [07-02-14 12:00:09] [Goteborg]-S (safety) from LAUREL GALAXY,H8XF-PNR test REQ [07-02-14 11:36:25] [Roma Radio]-I (routine) from LAUREL GALAXY,H8XF-PNR J3 posn N35 51' W001 28' REQ [07-02-14 11:35:45] EVANGELOS G, HOOG - PNR (safety) from [Peiraias JRCC] - GRC test ACK [07-02-14 10:16:42] 8414,5 KHz (francesco cecconi, Italy - udxf 406, 14/02/2007) 08060.0 RS0017: Mkd-Mil 1322 ALE/USB clg CS003 (2007-02-14) (sw) 08060.0 RS0016: Mkd-Mil 1332 ALE/USB clg CS003 (2007-02-14) (sw) 07965.0 RS0011: Mkd-Mil 1341 ALE/USB clg CS002 (2007-02-14) (sw) 06860.0 CS0: Mkd-Mil 1345 ALE/USB clg RS009A (2007-02-14) (sw) 07475.0 RS0014: Mkd-Mil 1350 ALE/USB clg CS003 (2007-02-14) (sw) 07622.0 CS002: Mkd-Mil 1358 ALE/USB clg RS0011 (2007-02-14) (sw) 08126.4 XSS: Unid 1428 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-14) (sw) 02199.0 XSS: Unid 1444 ALE/USB clg XGP (2007-02-14) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 406, 14/02/2007) 09130 : Unid 1104 UNID/100/500 ACF=0 in traffic, 56 in revs bursts. Stops. Prob revs in one-second bursts then mark idle. mp3 available. (13Feb07) (MPJ) 10995 RBT: Algerian Embassy Rabat 1500 ALE/USB Calling and working MAE-MAE Algiers over 15 minute period. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 11001.84 : Algerian Customs, In Amenas 1531 PACTOR-1 Simplex circuit to Algiers. Messages in French "UU ALA RECU A ILLIZI TO NR994/287/ 145-4EME/950 .... mostly in undecodeable ASCII. Later messages in plaintext give sender location as In Amenas, recipient as Algeirs. Off with "QSL DE NMR RECU TOS (tes ?) NRS 203/211 etc LE 14/02/2007 A 16H45 (UTC+1) ZNN". (14Feb07) (MPJ) 11475 055: Chinese Net 1359 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 11475 RBT: Algerian Embassy Rabat 1418 ALE/USB Calls MAE-MAE Algiers. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 11556 0000001276: Unid 1435 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 12594.5 A9M: Hamala Radio, Bahrain 1524 ARQ Ends autotelex with unid vessel "No traffic held. Qru. gb" then Morse ID and MCMC data ident string. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 12586 UDK2: Murmansk Radio 1515 ARQ Ends autotelex with unid vessel "Duration 01:43 Goodbye" then Morse ID and KSKS ID data string. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 12735 URL: Sevastopol Radio, Ukraine 1506 RTTY/50/170 Telegrams from Kertch for Anatoly Gankevich/UYYC. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 16240 2409: Protection Civile Marocaine 1302 ALE/USB Sounding. 2212 Sounds on 13499. 1317 sounds at 1325. (14Feb07) (MPJ - udxf 406, 14/02/2007) 00147.3 DDH47: Deutscher Wetterdienst via Pinneberg 1639 RTTY/50/80 Wave heights in English. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 08234 M64: Unid 1637 AlE/USB Sounding. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 08600 13012: Protection Civile Marocaine 1639 ALE/USB Sounds on 8600 and 8601 kHz USB. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 08920 1002: Prob Protection Civile Marocaine 1641 ALE/LSB Sounding. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 08600 13112: Protection Civile Marocaine 1701 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 08601 131: Prob Protection Civile Marocaine 1701 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 08618 131: Prob Protection Civile Marocaine 1701 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 08942 MKK: Poss Moroccan Gendarmerie 1647 ALE/LSB Sounding. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 09043 055: Chinese Net 1628 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 09086 RHP: Prob Saudi Net 1541 ALE/USB Calls AAP. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 09200 2054: Uncertain ID 1604 ALE/USB Calls 2053 with [AMD]"DIAL4". (14Feb07) (MPJ) 09230 0000210688: Greek Police 1546 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 11466 YIP: Sonatrach Net, Unid Location 1542 ALE/LSB. Sounds also on 11466 USB and 11457 USB. (14Feb07) (MPJ) 11466 ALR: Sonatrach Net Alrar, Algeria 1534 ALE/LSB Sounds 11466 LSB, 11475 and 11466 USB. (14Feb07) (MPJ - udxf 406, 14/02/2007) 04451.0 R26808 Usa-Mil Sikorsky UH-60L Blackhawk Tail 98-26808 1619 ALE/USB clg T3Z227 (2007-02-14) (sw) 08714.0 R23683 Usa-Mil Sikorsky UH-60L Blackhawk Tail 82-23683 1623 ALE/USB clg TC1111 (2007-02-14) (sw) 11047.6 R23683 Usa-Mil Sikorsky UH-60L Blackhawk Tail 82-23683 1624 ALE/USB clg TC1111 (2007-02-14) (sw) 06486.0 T3Z25: Usa-Mil 3-25th AVN, Camp Speicher/Tikrit (Iraq) 1627 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-14) (sw) 07003.0 R24484 Usa-Mil Sikorsky UH-60L Blackhawk Tail 85-24484 1634 ALE/USB clg T01147 (2007-02-14) (sw) 09230.0 0000210001: Grc/Moi/Pol 1641 ALE/USB clg 0000210503 (2007-02-14) (sw) 05220.0 A: Pol-Mil (Abryna)?1648 ALE/USB clg BAWARI (2007-02-14) (sw) 05075.0 HA40: Alg-Mil 1658 ALE/USB clg YG60 (2007-02-14) (sw) 05555.0 244: Alg-Mil 1714 ALE/USB clg 686 (2007-02-14) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 406, 14/02/2007) 16333.0 MS1: prb. Braz Mil Manaus 1404 USB/ALE clg BR2: Brasilia (13/FEB/07) (KK) 16345.0 MS1: prb. Braz Mil Manaus 1413 USB/ALE clg BR2: Brasilia (13/FEB/07) (KK) 08100.3 No Call: unid prb. BUL MfA 1437 prb. IRA-ARQ/var.speed 150/600/1200bd/600Hz (13/FEB/07) (KK) 06778.0 No Call: 1520 Rtty 50Bd/500Hz "RYRYRY...471/471/471/.." (13/FEB/07) (KK) 06950.0 MOB1MSS: unid 1639 USB/ALE clg OKROKANMSS (13/FEB/07) (KK) 06900.0 MOB1MSS: unid 1640 USB/ALE clg OKROKANMSS (13/FEB/07) (KK) 06890.0 MOB1MSS: unid 1640 USB/ALE clg OKROKANMSS (13/FEB/07) (KK) 06950.0 BR2: GEO Mil 1646 USB/ALE clg LEN (13/FEB/07) (KK) 06997.7 RC1NAT: ICRC Nalchik/Kabardino-Balkaria, RUS 1450 P-I/ ICRC-Mod/100bd followed by P-III (14/FEB/07) (KK) 06765.0 TNS: Tunis 1600 LSB/ALE clg MAE: MfA ALG, followed by Skyfax txt.files. (14/FEB/07) (KK) 06765.0 MGELUGOR: GELUGOR, Peninsular? MLA? 1603 LSB/ALE snd (14/FEB/07) (Kristian - udxf 406, 14/02/2007) 8414.5kHz JJCJ: Nishin Maru 2007FEB141641Z GMDSS/DSC FORMAT SPECIFIER: ALL SHIPS CATEGORY: DISTRESS SELF IDENTIFICATION: 003669990 United States of America TELECOMMAND: DISTRESS RELAY IDENTIFICATION OF SHIP IN DISTRESS: 431683000 Japan DISTRESS NATURE: UNDESIGNATED DISTRESS DISTRESS COORDINATES: SE LATITUDE 73 deg 37 min SOUTH LONGITUDE 175 deg 56 min EAST TIME UTC: 16 : 38 TELECOMMAND: J3E telephone BQ CHECK SUM OK DECODED AT: 11:41:00 AM 2/14/2007 (Albert P, Boston, MA, Usa - udxf 406, 14/02/2007) 06305.0 GS1: Geo-Mil 2315 ALE/USB clg MB1 (2007-02-14) (sw) 05456.0 6320: Unid 2317 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-14) (sw) 05762.0 5GS: Geo-Mil 2325 ALE/USB clg SBR (2007-02-14) (sw) 05321.0 11041: Unid 2328 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-14) (sw) 05258.0 1114: Unid 2344 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-14) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 406, 14/02/2007) I have just received a report from one of my Milcom Blog Euro reporters of a lot of mil activity on 3277 kHz USB. Stations in this net are using trigraphs (i.e. U0G, etc) and there are frequent messages - in english - and are not in "clear" form. Based on what my reporter has submitted this looks like a naval CWC net. Does anyone have any details on what is happening in the Med on 3277 kHz? I do not have anything in my database from this part of the world. I just checked the frequency at DXTuners and it definitely sounds like a US Navy CWC net. Lots of interference from an adjacent frequency. (Larry Van Horn, N5FPW, Brasstown, NC USA - udxf 406, 14/02/2007) At Zulu o3.34 "Ice 52" contacted Auckland Radio on Returning from Antartica giving Flt Inf and Weather. At 04.15 "Ice 52" gave a further weather updat and requested Flt Info for Christchurch Airport....Auckland radio advised them to tune to 112.960 for Flt Info etc. (Dallas, New Zealand - udxf 406, 14/02/2007) 02742.5 4YM: US navy ship 2254 USB wkg B7H [ItN ship] and 0ZF [SpN ship], Link11 coord circuit. (13FEB07) (RRE) * 02157.0 Z6W: French navy frigate D615 "Jean Bart" 1817 USB wkg S1N, 8MB, 2IK, 2QU [SpN/PortN ships], K9X, 9II, X3H and W7D [all FN ships], Link11 coord circuit - exercise Galiber 07 / Agaphante 07. (13FEB07) (RRE) 02842.0 5VYJ: German AF station 1810 USB wkg 1Z5X and 8B5H [both GAF stations], collective c/s 6F2K, at 1815z "T5 N2", going digital. (13FEB07) (RRE) 06205.6 IDR: Italian navy Roma 1241 USB/STANAG4285 wkg IHMT [ItN minehunter M5555 "Termoli"], voice coord for data traffic. (13FEB07) (RRE) 05720.0 BOULMER: RAF CRC Boulmer 1204 USB wkg 4QM, O7N and P3T [all RN ships], JAAWSC circuit, cross tell ops, all tracks southern UK. (13FEB07)(RRE) 04479.1 Z6W: French navy frigate D615 "Jean Bart" 0132 USB wkg S1N, 8MB, 2IK, V1O and 9MN [Spn/PortN ships], ASW coord circuit, simulated bulldog attacks on hostile tracks, Line GF600 mentioned for Alligator data - exercise Galiber 07. (13FEB07) (RRE) 03277.0 4YM: US navy ship 0123 USB wkg U0W [RN ship], Link11 coord circuit. (13FEB07) (RRE) 04010.5 7KK: Norwegian navy ship 0049 USB/STANAG4285 wkg 0EB [RNoN ship], IDM reports via data, Line NB405B mentioned for IDM but distance between the ships too big. (13FEB07) (RRE) * 02157.0 P7P: French navy frigate D615 "Jean Bart" 0002 USB wkg 7EQ, E8G, Y0O, 1UO and 5HO [all SpN/PortN ships], Link11 coord circuit, qsy to Line GF212A = 4479.1 for next serial - exercise Galiber 07 / Agaphante 07. (14FEB07) (RRE) 04479.1 P7P: French navy frigate D615 "Jean Bart" 0015 USB wkg 7EQ, E8G, Y0O, 1UO and 5HO [all SpN/PortN ships], Link11 coord circuit, link whereabouts for TU825.01.01, ARA GF212A, ARB GF600A, AGA T11, ASA P7P - exercise Galiber 07. (14FEB07) (Ronald Rensen, Holland - udxf 406, 14/02/2007) 12160.0 L601ALE1: Mrc-Mil 0912 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-02-15) (sw) 12160.0 S3ALE3: Mrc-Mil 0916 ALE/USB clg S401 (2007-02-15) (sw) 14550.0 S401: Mrc-Mil 0918 ALE/USB clg S4 (2007-02-15) (sw) 08875.0 L601ALE1: Mrc-Mil 0927 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-02-15) (sw) 08875.0 S3ALE3: Mrc-Mil 0935 ALE/USB clg S401 (2007-02-15) (sw) 07705.0 YG43: Alg-Mil/Moi 0940 ALE/USB clg YG55 (2007-02-15) (sw) 14550.0 T401ALE1: Mrc-Mil 0952 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-02-15) (sw) 02199.0 XSS: Unid 1008 ALE/USB clg XJF (2007-02-15) (sw) 02199.0 XJF: Unid (XSS net) 1009 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-02-15) (sw) 08060.0 RS002B: Mkd-Mil 1038 ALE/USB clg CS003B (2007-02-15) (sw) 07965.0 RS002B: Mkd-Mil 1039 ALE/USB clg CS003B (2007-02-15) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 406, 14/02/2007) EAM 4724 USB Charli Bravo, 06:41 UTC Audio: http://valenciadx.multiply.com/music/item/405 MOSSAD 6270 E10 “END OF MESSAGE”, 18:45 UTC, 12 Feb 07 Audio: http://valenciadx.multiply.com/music/item/408 6840 E10 EZI, 1903 UTC, 12 Feb 07 Audio: http://valenciadx.multiply.com/music/item/410 6842 AM E10 GROUP 7, 2206 UTC, 12 Feb 07 Audio: http://valenciadx.multiply.com/music/item/412 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1537, 13/02/2007) 422Khz; 11:00 UTC ; маяк TLC; TULCEA ROU 420 km (Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина - open_dx 13/02/2007) [21:19:57][FRQ 5378000][TO ][ILLIZICOLAS4 ][TIS][COLASCOLAS4 ][AL0] BER 27 SN 22 [21:18:17][FRQ 8061000][TO ][ILLIZICOLAS4 ][TIS][COLASCOLAS4 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 19 [21:13:41][FRQ 8057000][TO ][COLASCOLAS4 ][TIS][ILLIZICOLAS4 ][AL0] BER 25 SN 06 [21:13:16][FRQ 8061000][TO ][COLASCOLAS4 ][TIS][ILLIZICOLAS4 ][AL0] BER 26 SN 05 [21:06:53][FRQ 7740000][TO ][PR1 PB1 ][TIS][RS1 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 00 (Patrice Privat, France - udxf 404, 13/02/2007) 10182.0 MA4: Pol-Mil (MAP024) 0907 ALE/USB clg OL1 (OLI021) (2007-02-13) (sw) 14550.0 S3ALE3: Mrc-Mil 0914 ALE/USB clg S401 (2007-02-13) (sw) 05179.5 MA4: Pol-Mil (MAP024) 0914 ALE/USB clg TO2 (TOP022) (2007-02-13) (sw) 05179.5 OLI021: Pol-Mil 0915 ALE/USB clg KSM042 (2007-02-13) (sw) 05179.5 KSM042: Pol-Mil 0915 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (2007-02-13) (sw) 06775.5 TOP022: Pol-Mil 0916 ALE/USB clg PIR023 (2007-02-13) (sw) 05179.5 TOP022: Pol-Mil 0917 ALE/USB clg PIR023 (2007-02-13) (sw) 07890.0 Q30: Unid 0922 ALE/USB clg RS0 (2007-02-13) (sw) 07435.0 OLI021: Pol-Mil 0926 ALE/USB clg KSM042 (2007-02-13) (sw) 10182.0 VND: Unid 0926 ALE/USB clg VNC (2007-02-13) (sw) 10182.0 OLI021: Pol-Mil 0927 ALE/USB clg KSM042 (2007-02-13) (sw) 05179.5 LC3: Pol-Mil (LCR153)? 0929 ALE/USB clg TOP022 (2007-02-13) (sw) 05179.5 TOP022: Pol-Mil 0929 ALE/USB clg LC3 (LCR153)? (2007-02-13) (sw) 05179.5 MA4: Pol-Mil (MAP024) 0929 ALE/USB clg OL1 (OLI021) (2007-02-13) (sw) 10182.0 MA4: Pol-Mil (MAP024) 0930 ALE/USB clg KS2 (KSM042) (2007-02-13) (sw) 14550.0 C3: Mrc-Mil 0944 ALE/USB clg L6 (2007-02-13) (sw) 14550.0 C3: Mrc-Mil 0946 ALE/USB clg Q2 (2007-02-13) (sw) 14550.0 G6ALE1: Mrc-Mil 0950 ALE/USB clg A2 (2007-02-13) (sw) 14550.0 S401ALE1: Mrc-Mil 1006 ALE/USB clg S3 (2007-02-13) (sw) 06775.5 MA4: Pol-Mil (MAP024) 1021 ALE/USB clg KS2 (KSM042) (2007-02-13) (sw) 06775.5 LC3: Pol-Mil (LCR153)? 1028 ALE/USB clg ZAT025 (2007-02-13) (sw) 06775.5 LC3: Pol-Mil (LCR153)? 1028 ALE/USB clg RAT038 (2007-02-13) (sw) 06775.5 TOP022: Pol-Mil 1041 ALE/USB clg KSM042 (2007-02-13) (sw) 06775.5 MA4: Pol-Mil (MAP024) 1048 ALE/USB clg UWZ123 (2007-02-13) (sw) 06775.5 TOP022: Pol-Mil 1050 ALE/USB clg MAP024 (2007-02-13) (sw) 06775.5 TOP022: Pol-Mil 1058 ALE/USB clg ZAT025 (2007-02-13) (sw) 16402.0 XJT: Unid (XSS net) 1113 ALE/USB clg XSS (2007-02-13) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 404, 13/02/2007) 10962.0 BABUR: Pak-N Ex UK Type-21 Class Frigate, Serial 182 PNS Babur 1310 ALE/USB clg NRS Karachi Nav.Station, PAK (2007-02-12) (sw) 11047.6 T45MED: Usa-Mil 45th Medical Co Al Asad Air Base/Iraq 1403 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 11047.6 TC3Z25: Usa-Mil 1404 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 11047.6 TC1111: Usa-Mil 1404 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 11067.0 T25: Usa-Mil 1455 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 07700.0 OMEGA50RS170P: Uzb-Mil 1539 ALE/USB clg SADAF11RS1702P (2007-02-12) (sw) 05220.5 210: Sng-N L210 Endeavour 1544 ALE/USB clg CN3 (2007-02-12) (sw) 08061.0 COLASCOLAS4: Colas S.A. Algeria 1604 clg ILLIZICOLAS4 Illizit (2007-02-12) (sw) 10134.0 TC2135: Usa-Mil 1622 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 06486.0 T2Z25: Usa-Mil 2nd Battalion 25th Avn 1627 ALE/USB sndg. (Sam, UK - udxf 403, 12/02/2007) 06668.0 762: Unid 1642 ALE/USB clg 557 (2007-02-12) (sw) 06668.0 225: Unid 1644 ALE/USB clg 205 (2007-02-12) (sw) 07705.0 VK58: Alg-Mil 1652 ALE/USB clg VK53 (2007-02-12) (sw) 06486.0 T3Z25: Usa-Mil 3-25th AVN, Camp Speicher/Tikrit (Iraq) 1653 sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 09230.0 9050: Unid 1703 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 07839.0 T1Z108: Usa-Mil 1st Battalion 108th Avn 1703 sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 08714.0 TC1111: Usa-Mil 1704 sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 11047.6 TC1111: Usa-Mil 1705 sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 07759.0 OMQC: Nig-NNPC 1716 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 06668.0 344: Unid 1718 ALE/USB clg 205 (2007-02-12) (sw) 06881.5 1050: Unid 1750 ALE/USB clg 50403 (2007-02-12) (sw) 08061.0 ELOUEDCOLAS4: Colas S.A. El Oued 1805 ALE/USB clg COLASCOLAS4 (2007-02-12) (Sam, UK - udxf 403) 00018.1 no call: Russian High Command, prob Chaldovar tx site, Kyrkyzstan 1255 F1B fsk morse, widely spaced string of "u" with long periods of carrier inbetween, then at 1257 F1B fsk morse flash message to unid Northen Fleet unit RKS and unid unit RDL: "xxx xxx rks rks rdl rdl 98004 32246 winokain 6329 2611 glinomÿl 1073 2719, msg rptd, "k" (12/feb/2007)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian High Command, prob Chaldovar tx site, Kyrkyzstan 1313 F1B fsk morse flash message to unid Northen Fleet unit RKS and unid unit RDL: "uuu uuu xxx xxx rks rks rdl rdl 78966 10047 prikorm 9588 (?)126, msg rptd, "k" (12/feb/2007)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian High Command, prob Chaldovar tx site, Kyrkyzstan 1327 F1B fsk morse flash message to unid unit RDL: "uuu xxx xxx rdl rdl 05491 64887 krilor 7163 1719, msg rptd, "k" (12/feb/2007)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian High Command, prob Chaldovar tx site, Kyrkyzstan 1343 F1B fsk morse, widely spaced string of "u" with long periods of carrier inbetween, then fsk morse online typed flash message to unid Northen Fleet unit RKS and unid unit RDL: "xxx xxx rks rks rdl rdl 02826 58665 (pause) gorod (pause) 5432 8177, msg rptd without pauses between 5fg number / noun / 4fg number, then off with usual "k" (12/feb/2007)(TJ) 00021.1 no call: Russian High Command, Khabarovsk tx site, Russia 1403 F1B fsk morse fsk morse flash message to unid unit RDL: "xxx xxx rdl rdl 78229 62859 nen??? (last part of msg and repetition drowning in QRN )" no // bcast on 18.1 kHz (12/feb/2007)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian High Command, prob Chaldovar tx site, Kyrkyzstan 1418 F1B fsk morse, flash message to unid Northen Fleet unit RKS and unid unit RDL: "u (long carrier) u (long carrier) u xxx xxx rks rks rdl rdl 41532 38742 prema 2494 7960, then at end of repetition " 38742 prema 2494 (short pause ) i i i i xxx xxx rks rks rdl rdl 41532 38742 priprema 2494 7960, correct message using the noun "priprema" rptd, then off at 1427 with usual "k" bcast in // with 21.1 kHz from the Khabarovsk tx site !! (12/feb/2007)(TJ) 00021.1 no call: Russian High Command, Khabarovsk tx site, Russia 1424 F1B fsk morse flash message to unid unit RDL: "xxx xxx rdl rdl 17949 50099 himarit 0183 7346, msg rptd then off with usual "k". No // bcast on 18.1 kHz (12/feb/2007)(TJ) 00021.1 no call: Russian High Command, Khabarovsk tx site, Russia 1430 F1B fsk morse flash callup "xxx xxx" then straight into tactical data using F1B T600 aka Bee36/50 75 Hz shift. This bcast in // with 18.1 kHz (12/feb/2007)(TJ) 00021.1 no call: Russian High Command, Khabarovsk tx site, Russia 1432 F1B fsk morse flash callup "xxx xxx" then straight into tactical data using F1B T600 aka Bee36/50 75 Hz shift. This bcast NOT in // with 18.1 kHz (12/feb/2007)(TJ) 00021.1 no call: Russian High Command, Khabarovsk tx site, Russia 1459 F1B fsk morse flash message to unid unit RDL "xxx xxx rdl rdl 5067? 17669 odnorogij (QRN) 6258, repetition drowning in QRN. This bcast NOT in // with 18.1 kHz (12/feb/2007)(TJ) 00025.0 no call: unid bcasts, 1557 ongoing F1B 85 Hz FSK unid mode 100 Bd, been around for several months, no apparant bcast schedules, prob far east origin, show clear sunset / sunrise signal strenght patterns, still on at 1857utc but weak. Was for some time believed to be of Russian origin using new mode, but has lately at times been reported active paralell to CIS standard frequency / reference bcasts, ie the primary user of 25.0 kHz (12/feb/2007)(TJ) 00016.8 no call: Prob FOST, St Assise or Rosnay, 1559 several short messages using FSK 85 Hz / MSK 100Hz bw 100Bd, right now at 1857utc still ongoing but with continous transmission. This frequency has previously been in use by St Assise (12/feb/2007)(Trond J, Hvaler, Norway - udxf 403) 12577.0 khz GMDSS 13:14 002241078 Madrid MRCC safety test with 565163000 M.V Shamrock Venus 13:31 236314000 M/V Felicitas ( Container carrier Gibraltar flag) test with 002240991 Barcelona MRCC 13:56 248664000 M/V Amolyntos (Bulk Carrier Malta flag) safety test with 002241078 Madrid MRCC 14:10 002711000 Istanbul MRCC safetytest with 351554000 M/V Global Ocean. 14:16 311231000 M/V Kumasi (Container carrier Bahammas flag) safety test with 002191000 Lyngby MRCC 14:26 002734417 Kaliningrad MRSC safety test with M/V Marshal Krylov (Space event support ship) 14:36 304408000 M/V Gracechurch Star (Antigua & Barbuda flag Container carrier) Urgency J3E with 256373000 Unid vsl maltees flag. rx/tx 12353/12356 khz 15:04 271002013 M/V Erol Turkmen (Turk flag cargo) safety test with 002371000 Olympia R MRCC Pireaus. (Ronny Peeters, Belgium - udxf 403, 12/02/2007) 05393.0 0OJ: Unid 1823 ALE/USB clg 0JX (2007-02-12) (sw) 05075.0 VK40: Alg-Mil 1826 ALE/USB clg VK54 (2007-02-12) (sw) 07960.0 MOB1MSS: Pol-Mil/Moi 1827 ALE/USB clg OKROKANMSS (2007-02-12) (sw) 05393.0 6AS: Unid 20003 ALE/USB clg 0JX (2007-02-12) (sw) 06668.0 344: Unid 2004 ALE/USB clg 768 (2007-02-12) (sw) 08061.0 ILLIZICOLAS4: Colas S.A. Illizit 2009 ALE/USB clg COLASCOLAS4 (2007-02-12) (sw) 04911.0 FQ3: Unid 2016 ALE/USB clg FQ0 (2007-02-12) (sw) 04750.0 1114: Unid 2017 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 06881.5 1410: Unid 2022 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 06881.5 2207: Unid 2024 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 06881.5 20101: Unid 2025 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 06486.0 T2Z25: Usa-Mil 2nd Battalion 25th Avn 2029 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 04900.5 20101: Unid 2033 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 403) 05075.0 VK53: Alg-Mil 2103 ALE/USB clg VK52 (2007-02-12) (sw) 04035.0 HA40: Alg-Mil 2108 ALE/USB clg VK47 (2007-02-12) (sw) 04035.0 VK47: Alg-Mil 2108 ALE/USB clg HA40 (2007-02-12) (sw) 07705.0 HA40: Alg-Mil 2111 ALE/USB clg VK49 (2007-02-12) (sw) 05414.0 HA40: Alg-Mil 2115 ALE/USB clg VK52 (2007-02-12) (sw) 04035.0 HA40: Alg-Mil 2116 ALE/USB clg VK52 (2007-02-12) (sw) 04035.0 VK52: Alg-Mil 2116 ALE/USB clg HA40 (2007-02-12) (sw) 05075.0 HA40: Alg-Mil 2118 ALE/USB clg VK53 (2007-02-12) (sw) 04035.0 YG66: Alg-Mil/Moi 2119 ALE/USB clg YG48 (2007-02-12) (sw) 05075.0 HA40: Alg-Mil 2123 ALE/USB clg VK54 (2007-02-12) (sw) 07705.0 VK53: Alg-Mil 2124 ALE/USB clg VK40 (2007-02-12) (sw) 05075.0 YG66: Alg-Mil/Moi 2126 ALE/USB clg YG48 (2007-02-12) (sw) 07705.0 YG66: Alg-Mil/Moi 2134 ALE/USB clg YG50 (2007-02-12) (sw) 07705.0 YG66: Alg-Mil/Moi 2137 ALE/USB clg YG48 (2007-02-12) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 403) 08061.0 ELOUEDCOLAS4: Colas S.A. El Oued 2152 ALE/USB clg COLASCOLAS4 (2007-02-12) (sw) 05378.0 ELOUEDCOLAS4: Colas S.A. El Oued 2154 ALE/USB clg COLASCOLAS4 (2007-02-12) (sw) 08061.0 ILLIZICOLAS4: Colas S.A. Illizit 2154 ALE/USB clg COLASCOLAS4 (2007-02-12) (sw) 05378.0 COLASCOLAS4: COLAS S.A. 2158 ALE/USB clg ELOUEDCOLAS4 El Oued (2007-02-12) (sw) 06486.0 T2Z25: Usa-Mil 2nd Battalion 25th Avn 2200 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-12) (sw) 08061.0 COLASCOLAS4: COLAS S.A. 2200 ALE/USB clg ELOUEDCOLAS4 El Oued (2007-02-12) (sw) 06668.0 762: Unid 2212 ALE/USB clg 00 (2007-02-12) (sw) 06668.0 639: Unid 2213 ALE/USB clg 762 (2007-02-12) (sw) 05369.0 762: Unid 2213 ALE/USB clg 00 (2007-02-12) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 403) 318 DIG VLF927. MALLACOOTA, VIC. DGPS 200bd MSK one of a chain of 15 DGPS stations operated by the AUS Maritime Safety Authority 344 MCW VMF825. YOLLA A PLATFORM, Bass Strait (Origin Energy) located Bass Strait 140km south of Lang Lang, VIC. Formerly 'as required' now 24 hrs. NDB with ident' YOL 350 AM AXAF. EAST SALE, VIC (ADF Base) Automatic Weather Service plus ATIS also has NDB function with MCW ident' ESL 2628 DIG VMC CHARLEVILLE, QLD (AUS Bureau of Meteorology) Controlled from Melbourne Meteo with 48hr MSLP chart on FAX 120/576 at 1050 (Night frequency) 4146 DIG BMF. TAIPEI METEO with wx charts on FAX 120/576 at 1945 5450 USB RAF VOLMET at 1810 This station generally good readable at this time (Local morning) 5616 USB VNG264 BRISBANE, QLD Jet Star Airlines LDOC with company tfc at 0730. This station located at the former maritime station VIB (Brisbane Radio), shares site with AUS VOLMET and Virgin Blue Airlines LDOC 6754 USB CHR. TRENTON. CAN with 'Aviation Weather then forecasts for Calgary, Winnipeg, Cold Lake etc at 0750 6834 DIG GYA. Royal Navy with wx FAX service to ME. Fair reasonably fair images at 1940 7880 DIG DDK3. HAMBURG METEO with 30hr prognosis chart on FAX 120/576 at 0720 7993 USB VH2RGC. Located WAGGA WAGGA Area NSW . Mobiles 2 and 5 discussion onfarming practices and radio equipment at 0645 8022 USB VKS737 ALICE SPRINGS. NT (AUS National 4 Wheel Drive Club) Base wkg Mobile unit 'QUEBEC 6934' located at MYRTLEFORD. VIC at 0710 8427.5 DIG A9M HAMALA RADIO, BHR with SITOR/CW mkr "DE A9M TLX" strong signal at 2100 8489 CW AQP4. KARACHI. PAK (Navy) "VVV AQP 4/5" mkr at 1300 8503.9 DIG NMG. NEW ORLEANS. (USCG) with 48hr wind/wave forecasts on FAX 120/576 at 0650 and again with fair charts at 1300 8634 CW VTG6 MUMBAI. IND (Navy) From 1320 MSI b'cast inc' details of seismic survey operations 8642 DIG 9MR. JOHOR BAHARU, MLA (Navy) Mkr then tfc comprising 5LG's RTYY 50/480 at 1030 9040 USB BRISBANE.QLD. LDOC Virgin Blue Airlines wkg MA 'VIRGIN BLUE 247' with route wx info' at 1153 9110 DIG NMF. BOSTON (USCG) wx charts for North Atlantic FAX 120/576 quite readable at 2120 10048 USB NP-MWARA From 0820 MA 'KOREAN AIR' cld FA TOKYO several times with nil response then advised by FA SAN FRANCISCO to "Call Tokyo on 5628" 11396 USB SEA-3 MWARA with FA UJUNG PANDANG, INS with pleasantly spoken YL op' handling tfc with several flights fro 0820 also adv' secondary frequency was 6556 12903 DIG VTH. MUMBAI, IND (NAVY) 4LG's and 4FG's to 1100 then Mkr "VTH 5/7/9 RBSL BNR RYRYRYRY SGSGSG" RTTY 50/400 13342 USB VNG264. BRISBANE . QLD. LDOC Jetstar Airlines with company tfc to a/c about to land at Sydney at 0427 16806.5 DIG NRV. GUAM (USCG) Scheduled detailed wx b'cast from 0520 FEC 100/170 17130 CW HLW. SEOUL RADIO. KOR "CQ CQ CQ DE HLW HLW QSX 16MHZ K" mkr at 2350 17904 USB SP-MWARA At 0013 FA SAN FRANCISCO wkg MA referred to as 'OTTO' Selcal KQ CE with pos' rep' and flight info 20469 DIG VMC. CHARLEVILLE (AUS Bureau of Meteorology) series of maps sourced from IPS showing recommended frequencies for reception of VMC/VMW over a 24hr period for current week from 0100-0200 FAX 120/576 (Allen Fountain, Australian DX News - udxf 403, 12/02/2007) 04557.8 P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad 2110 CW (15Feb07) (MPJ) 04238 VTP4: Vishakhapatnam Naval Radio, India 2130 CW 4FG traffic to warships. (15Feb07) (MPJ) 04603 : Unid Illicit 2139 CW ... 38868 38868 15222 15222 41758 41758 31970 31970 .... (15Feb07) (MPJ) 04275 RGN90: Russian Warship 2149 CW Calling RMP without apparent response. Later works RMP on 5104 in enciphered Morse. (15Feb07) (MPJ) 05104 RMP: Kaliningrad Naval Radio 2202 CW Wkg warship RGN90 on 4275 in enciphered Morse. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 06916 : CIS Military 2257 MS-5/4800/USB Setup tones and into traffic. (15Feb07) (MPJ) 10066 VT-INA: IndiGo A320 Flt 6E0334 1435 HFDL Logs on to Hat Yai Aero, Thailand. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 10066 VT-INB: IndiGo A320 Flt 6E0334 1437 HFDL Logs on. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 10066 : Unid Airbus Industrie Aircraft Flt AP7981 1501 HFDL ICAO ID 06A04D Posn report 4342N 00121E. Qatar Airways delivery flight? (16Feb07) (MPJ) 13303 D-ABPP: Air Berlin B737 Flt AB4740 1429 HFDL Posn report 3929N 00103E via Las Palmas Aero. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 13303 CN-ROF: Atlas Blue A321 Flt BMM413 1429 HFDL Posn report 3518N 00533W. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 13303 G-VGOA: Virgin Atlantic A340 "Indian Princess" Flt VS0401 1438 HFDL Posn report 4827N 01410E. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 13303 N745AM: AeroMexico B777 Flt AMX002 1438 HFDL Posn report 4253N 00820W. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 13303 7T-VJX: Air Algérie A330 Flt AH1068 1447 HFDL Posn report 4303N 00501E. (16Feb07) (MPJ - udxf 408, 16/02/2007) 05865.0 TWVB2: Spa-Pol Burgos 1130 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-02-16) (sw) 05352.0 TWVB2: Spa-Pol Burgos 1131 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-02-16) (sw) 05892.0 TWVB2: Spa-Pol Burgos 1132 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-02-16) (sw) 05319.0 TWVB2: Spa-Pol Burgos 1135 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2007-02-16) (sw) 05319.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1137 ALE/USB clg TWBL2 Lleida (2007-02-16) (sw) 04561.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1138 ALE/USB clg TWBL2 Lleida (2007-02-16) (sw) 11047.6 TC1111: Usa-Mil 1501 sndg. (2007-02-16) (sw) 07740.0 TS30LP90: Unid 1505 ALE/USB clg LP30LP90 (2007-02-16) (sw) 07740.0 LP30LP90: Unid 1516 ALE/USB clg TS30LP90 (2007-02-16) (sw) 08060.0 RS0015: Mkd-Mil 1528 ALE/USB clg RS0014 (2007-02-16) (sw) 08060.0 RS0014: Mkd-Mil 1528 ALE/USB clg RS0015 (2007-02-16) (sw) 06668.0 762: Mkd-Mil 1537 ALE/USB clg 205 (2007-02-16) (sw) 07705.0 YG40: Alg-Mil/Moi 1539 ALE/USB clg YG46 (2007-02-16) (sw) 07705.0 YG43: Alg-Mil/Moi 1540 ALE/USB clg YG40 (2007-02-16) (sw) 02199.0 XSS: Unid 1547 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-16) (sw) 03227.4 XSS: Unid 1548 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-16) (sw) 08126.4 XSS: Unid 1548 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-16) (sw) 08875.0 P5ALE1: Mrc-Mil 1604 ALE/USB clg P3 (2007-02-16) (sw) 08875.0 P5ALE1: Mrc-Mil 1610 ALE/USB clg C3 (2007-02-16) (sw) 06926.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1613 ALE/USB clg 2009 (2007-02-16) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 408) 08885 VP-BQR: Aeroflot A321 Flt SU0260 1541 HFDL Logs on to Muharraq Aero. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 08885 B-HQC: Cathay Pacific A340 Flt CX0253 1545 HFDL Logs on. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 08885 JA-02KZ: Nippon Cargo B747 Flt KZ0017 1528 HFDL Logs on. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 08885 B-6080: Air China A330 Flt CN0056 1528 HFDL Logs on. Airline prefix should be CA. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 08885 VT-INC: IndiGo A320 Flt IGO404 1612 HFDL Posn report 4629N 07508E. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 09156.7 : Unid Egyptian Diplo 1632 ARQ Active uncopiable in Globe Wireless QRM. Working with 9321.7 kHz. Sked ends 1639. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 10066 B-6050: China Eastern A340 Flt CES554 1527 HFDL Posn report via Hat Yai, Thailand: 5546N 01457E. Changed flt no to MU0554. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 10066 VT-INE: IndiGo A320 Flt 6E0204 1528 HFDL Posn report 2435N 08849E. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 10066 : Unid. Flt "VIJP" 1535 HFDL Posn report 2551N 08217E. ICAO ID 800376. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 10066 F-OHGV: Royal Jordanian A320 Flt RJ0118 1541 Logs on. (16Feb07) (MPJ) 10872 C: MX Beacon Moscow 1648 CW With D-Odessa on 10871.7 (16Feb07) (MPJ) 13499 1119: Moroccan Civil Defence 1627 ALE/USB Calls 1011. (16Feb07) (MPJ - udxf 408) 09200.0 2054: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1658 ALE/USB clg 2053 (2007-02-16) (sw) 07500.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1658 ALE/USB clg 2004 (2007-02-16) (sw) 05415.0 SKB: Unid 1708 ALE/USB clg 5GS (Ukr Mil 5th Gen.Sup, IRQ)? (2007-02-16) (sw) 07500.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1710 ALE/USB clg 2009 (2007-02-16) (sw) 04721.0 SKB: Unid 1711 ALE/USB clg 5GS (Ukr Mil 5th Gen.Sup, IRQ)? (2007-02-16) (sw) 07780.0 LEN: Unid (LEN net) 1716 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2007-02-16) (sw) 06855.0 LEN: Unid (LEN net) 1721 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2007-02-16) (sw) 06695.0 LEN: Unid (LEN net) 1722 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2007-02-16) (sw) 05200.0 LEN: Unid (LEN net) 1726 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2007-02-16) (sw) 04970.0 LEN: Unid (LEN net) 1727 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2007-02-16) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 408) 05296.5 TC2135: Usa-Mil 2138 sndg. (2007-02-16) (sw) 05296.5 TC1111: Usa-Mil 2142 sndg. (2007-02-16) (sw) 06486.0 T3Z25: Usa-Mil 3-25th AVN, Camp Speicher/Tikrit (Iraq) 2202 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-16) (sw) 05101.0 UDAIRI: Camp Udairi, Kuwait 2205 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-16) (sw) 04721.0 SKB: Unid 2219 ALE/USB clg (5GS Ukr Mil 5th Gen.Sup, IRQ)? (2007-02-16) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 408) This morning 2187.5 khz revealed : 636090235 Ship Liberia Phonix Gas ELUO6 tpg 351416000 Ship Panama Konkar Lydia 3FNY7 ca 220382000 Ship Denmark Dan Provider OUPY2 cab 239571000 Ship Greece Panagia Armata SVIK 239818000 Ship Greece Astipalaia SVQX cit 240042000 Ship Greece Maratha SWJF cit (Patrice P, France - udxf 408, 16/02/2007) 02084.0 ship unid 0550 USB dan c TFT hornafjoerdur? ice 17fev07 02331.0 unid 0559 CW encrypt 17fev07 02696.0 ff calorie? 0605 USB fr " test pour le reglage de votre recepteur..." 17fev07 04218.5 LZW24 varna 0635 FEC wx 17fev07 04721.0 AJE croughton usaf 0741 USB c RA(F?)T61 wx sigonella 17fev07 (Michel, France - udxf 408, 16/02/2007) 04273.2 : Unid 1044 CW/16.8 Normally on/off-keyed data but now keying dots at 16.8 Bauds. Good line-bearing 360/180. From S&D. (17Feb07) (MPJ) 06823.5 : Russian Air Defence 1154 CW =11918482865452=21918901100821= 99?1453?9????? ... (17Feb07) (MPJ) 07528 : CIS Military 1124 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB In traffic. (17Feb07) (MPJ) 07531 : Unid 1128 PANTHER-H/USB A Few bursts and gone. Mode tentative. (17Feb07) (MPJ) 07595.82 : Italian Corpo Carabinieri 1338 RTTY/50/160 Telecipher. Bearing 120. (17Feb07) (MPJ) 07660 O9L1: CIS Military 1118 CW ... DDDDD NUITR OOäAG ... (stops). QRV K. O9L1 R 000 K. QSX not found. (17Feb07) (MPJ) 07678 AXWH: Russian Military 1240 CW Comms check with IITS, XV3A, and KWKB. Message for KWKB: AXWH 309 66 17 1538 309 = ZTW 104 = JAKSN TUGZG ... LCKüG äUPYW 104 K. (17Feb07) (MPJ) 08494.7 D: MX Beacon Odessa 1232 CW With C-Moscow on 8495.0 (17Feb07) (MPJ) 11159 : NATO Secure Bcast 1253 NATO-75/75/850 KG-84. Short messages. Bearing 080/260. W.Europe ? (17Feb07) (MPJ) 11184 G-VWKD: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Miss Behavin' Flt VS0901 1329 HFDL Posn report 6048N 01036E via Reykjavik Aero and acks weather for URRR and UKBB. (17Feb07) (MPJ) 11184 F-OHGX: Royal Jordanian A321 'Madaba' 1331 HFDL Logs on to Reykjavik Aero. (17Feb07) (MPJ) 13499 1011: Moroccan Civil Defence 1658 ALE/USB Calls 1325. (16Feb07) (MPJ - udxf 408, 16/02/2007) 07500.0 2052 carabinieri 1205 USB/ALE to 2004 17fev07 07500.0 2052 carabinieri1221 USB/ALE to 2009 17fev07 11047.5 T45MED us army irak? 1325 USB/ALE to R24396 heli uh-60a xx-24396? 17fev07 11047.5 TC3Z25 us army? 1335 USB/ALE snd 17fev07 11047.5 TC3 us army? 1335 USB/ALE snd 17fev07 11047.5 TC1111 us army? 1343 USB/ALE snd 17fev07 (Michel, France - udxf 409) 07527.0 D31: CBP P-3B "Slick" N431SK/BuNo 153431, Jacksonville AMB, Fl 2331 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-16) (sw) 13499.0 1001: Unid 0939 ALE/USB clg 1106 (2007-02-17) (sw) 13499.0 13182: Unid 0942 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-17) (sw) 13499.0 2001: Unid 0943 ALE/USB clg 2401 (2007-02-17) (sw) 13499.0 13082: Unid 0944 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-17) (sw) 16240.0 1011: Unid 1528 ALE/USB clg 1324 (2007-02-17) (sw) 16240.0 2011: Unid 1529 ALE/USB clg 2418 (2007-02-17) (sw) 06668.0 762: Unid 1605 ALE/USB clg 205 (2007-02-17) (sw) 06486.0 T2Z25: Usa-Mil 2nd Battalion 25th Avn 1613 ALE/USB sndg.(2007-02-17) (sw) 08062.0 210: Sng-N L210 Endeavour 1615 ALE/USB clg 9VT Singapore Naval Force HQ (2007-02-17) (sw) 07740.0 LP30LP90: Unid 1624 ALE/USB clg TS30LP90 (2007-02-17) (sw) 07500.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1637 ALE/USB clg 2004 (2007-02-17) (sw) 05752.0 2052: Ita- Corpo Carabinieri 1649 ALE/USB clg 2004 (2007-02-17) (sw) (Sam, UK - udxf 409, 17/02/2007) 1729z 17 Feb 07 11175.0 was active at 1431z with OFFUTT bcsting a 248-character EAM (TOXRB7) containing common, repetitive, distinctive formatting, including the 14-character ending block common to these strings. 11175.0 was active at 1717z with OFFUTT bcsting a 163-character EAM (TO57UN) containing distinctive (but not apparently repeating) formatting including the 14-character ending block common to these strings. (Jeff Haverlah, Coastal Texas - udxf 409, 17/02/2007) Found this station last night broadcasting RTTY in English/French 850/75. Should be someone like Halifax but frequency doesn't match with them. I use SeaTTY for this type of monitoring with these messages it had some unusual characteristics. Just 1 of 45 messages that came across: ZCZJBC=BL VALL DE FUE LL DE FUENN A EFUE TEITTING TESTING UDU DRHRYRUKRQRYJUFUFUFUFUF S VOMPOSANTES DE NOUVEAIOMERATIMNNELBM TIR COMPOEA TES DE NOUVEAU LERATIONNELLES E :9.09' ,53' $3 97=+, 9=/* 9,,3)). +01+9.'5&'&'&'&'&'&'&'935 9'& 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INT BEINT ZBZ PIVTNZBZ INT ZBZ NNNN What I found interesting is the "ZCZC" start and "NNNN" ending. Not all the messages had the "NNNN" ending some used "ZCZC". SeaTTY will keep these messages as a NAVTEX message because of this feature. This is not what I have seen with RTTY from Halifax in the past. I'm making the assumption of Halifax or even Canada. (kc0sus - udxf 409, 17/02/2007) fue like french navy brest specific message> "TOUTES COMPOSANTES DE NOUVEAU OPERATIONNELLES" "all parts operational again" (Michel, France - udxf 409, 17/02/2007) And the frequency is 2789 kHz, not 2787 (MPJ - udxf 409, 17/02/2007) That should have read "... to all newly operational units ...", meaning units which are again operational. (MPJ - udxf 409, 17/02/2007) 6532 khz 1716 Shannon Arinc with squiters HFDL 300 1716 VS0301 G-VWKD ICAO 400D30 Virgin Atlantic A340 at positition 51.59N-05.16E (Delhi-London Heatrow) 1722 AY1504 OH-LVB ICAO 461D3B Finnair B757 at position 60.18N-22.51E ( Gran Canaria-Helsinki Vantaa) 1726 AY2554 OH-LBO ICAO 461D34 Finnair B757 at position 45.23N-00.39W (Fuertoventura-Helsinki Vantaa) 6712 khz 1736 Reykjavic Arinc with squiters HFDL 300 1743 SU0143 VP-BWF Aeroflot A320 with tfc (Moscow-Prague) 8942 khz 1443 Shannon Arinc with squiters HFDL 300 1440 AY1504 OH-LVB Finnair B757 at position 44.08N-01.34W (flight Gran Canaria-Helsinki Vantaa) 1455 FX0023 Fedex flight with tfc (flight Ancorage-Tokyo Narita) 1515 SU0107 VP-BDM Aeroflot A319 with Tfc (Flight Moscow-Frankfurt Main) 1518 AT0770 Air Maroc flight with tfc (Anfa Casablanca-Paris Orly) 1520 MSR778 SU-GCI ICAO 0100A6 AB300 at position 50.21N-04.43E (London Heatrow - Cairo) 11184 Khz 1528 Reykjavic Arinc with squiters HFDL 300 1529 LH8250 D-ALCR ICAO 3C7072 Lufthansa Cargo MD11 at position 51.38N-06.03E (Frankfurt - Los angeles) 1529 FX0023 Fedex flight with tfc (Flight Ancorage-Tokyo Narita) 1530 VS0301 G-VWKD Virgin Atlantic A340 with traffic (Delhi-London Heatrow) 1618 AY2554 OH-LBO Finnair B757 at position 37.46N-06.27W (Fuertoventura - Helsinki Vantaa) 13303 khz 1628 Telde Canaries Arinc with squiters HFDL 300 1628 AY2515 OH-LBX ICAO461D5D Finnair B757 at position 27.56N-15.23W (Helsinki Vantaa-Gran Canaria) 1637 CO0047 N76055 ICAO AA44AD Continental Air B767 at position 57.38N-18.04W (Amsterdam Schiphol - Houston) 1640 TG0924 HS-TNA Thai Airways AB340-600 with tfc (Bankok-Munchen) (Ronny Peeters, Holland - udxf 409, 17/02/2007) 09112.0 CENTR5: MFA Bucharest, ROU 0724 USB/MIL-STD 188- 110A serial tone modem, sending compressed & encrypted e-mail tfc to Tel Aviv (16Feb07) (LDO) 09112.0 no-call: Romanian embassy Tel Aviv, ISR 0724 USB/ MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, receiving compressed & encrypted e-mail tfc fm Bucharest (16Feb07) (LDO) 10452.0 CENTR6: MFA Bucharest, ROU 0918 USB/MIL-STD 188- 110A serial tone modem, working Tripolis, CENTR6 with their usual modem problems @short interleaver setting, resulting in an imcomplete transmission of the modem preamble (17Feb07) (LDO) 10452.0 no-call: Romanian emb. Tripolis, LBY 0918 USB/ MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, wkng. CENTR6 (17Feb07) (LDO) 13955.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Ankara, TUR 0827 USB/MIL- STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto traffic to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (17Feb07) (LDO) 13955.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Kiev, UKR 0833 USB/MIL- STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto tfc to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (17Feb07) (LDO, Germany - udxf 409, 17/02/2007) 05541.0 6YB: UNid 1728 ALE/USB clg 4SY (2007-02-17) (sw) 05541.0 03Y: UNid 1729 ALE/USB clg 6YB (2007-02-17) (sw) 05410.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 1940 ALE/USB clg RS0012 (2007-02-17) (sw) 06880.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 1945 ALE/USB clg RS0012 (2007-02-17) (sw) 07622.0 RS0012A: Mkd-Mil 1949 ALE/USB clg CS002B (2007-02-17) (sw) 06845.0 RS0012A: Mkd-Mil 1951 ALE/USB clg CS002B (2007-02-17) (sw) 06860.0 RS004: Mkd-Mil 1953 ALE/USB clg CS001 (2007-02-17) (sw) 07622.0 CS002B: Mkd-Mil 1956 ALE/USB clg RS0012A (2007-02-17) (sw) 07010.0 CS002B: Mkd-Mil 1958 ALE/USB clg RS0012A (2007-02-17) (sw) 06845.0 CS002B: Mkd-Mil 1958 ALE/USB clg RS0012A (2007-02-17) (sw) 08060.0 RS0012: Mkd-Mil 2011 ALE/USB clg CS003B (2007-02-17) (sw) 06486.0 T3Z25: Usa-Mil 3-25th AVN, Camp Speicher/Tikrit (Iraq) 2245 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-17) (sw) 05478.0 T03: Unid 2254 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-17) (sw) 09044.0 T3Z126: Us-Mil 3/126 Avn 2311 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-02-17) (sw) (Sam, UIK - udxf 409, 17/02/2007) Selc Regist Type Cmp Callsign Freq Date Time DGBJ 20070217 1805 RSEJ G-BXKD A320 AWD 20070217 1808 EJBM F-BPVY B742 AFR 20070217 1814 JSFM D-AMUJ B767 LTU 20070217 1815 CGPR 20070217 1833 KSGR 20070217 1835 MRGP V5-NMB B767 NMB 20070217 1835 HSMR EC-GPB A340 IBE 20070217 1836 ARFK 20070217 1837 FQMP TF-FIC B737 ICE 20070217 1845 EGKQ 20070217 1904 (MSM, Poland - udxf 409, 17/02/2007) 11047.5 TC2 us army? 1449 USB/ALE snd 17feb07 08060.0 CS003 macedonian army 1546 USB/ALE to RS0017 17feb07 08060.0 9632 macedonian army? 1653 USB/ALE snd 17feb07 04970.0 580 1846 USB/ALE snd 17feb07 04970.0 5870 2048 USB/ALE snd 17feb07 04970.0 581 2105 USB/ALE snd 17feb07 04970.0 5860 2109 USB/ALE snd 17feb07 04970.0 5830 2114 USB/ALE snd 17feb07 04970.0 BR2 georgian army? 2210 USB/ALE to LEN georgian army? 17feb07 (Michel L, France - udxf 409, 17/02/2007) -- Новости нет новостей -- Интернет Website historical radio in Sweden has been updated Hello! My website about historical broadcast in Sweden is being updated. I will perhaps update the hole site this week. Right now the front side and the sides about Sölvesborg MW are updated. I thought after three years on the web with no or slight update it was time to renew it a bit. I will also start an english section with all the articles translated into english for those who don't understand swedish. I will return with a message when the english part is done. http://hem.passagen.se/longwave/ (Christian SM6VPU, Sweden - playdx2003 1254, 14/02/2007) http://www.tpgh.org/ Не помню, писали об этом или нет, но сегодня ребята на работе раскопали замечательную кладезь отсканированной литературы: http://ihtik.lib.ru В том числе -- раздел "Электротехника и РЭА" http://ihtik.lib.ru/dreamhost_electrotehn_4janv2007.html (помимо прочего, там есть Гусев К. и др. - Радиовещание на русском языке. Справочник. вып.2 (2001).pdf ;-)) (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 13/02/2007) Very nice LRA 36´s pictures on http://www.ejercito.mil.ar/antartico/B_Esp_superior2.htm (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1203, 16/02/2007) -- QSL Нет Новостей -- Аппаратура Jim Evans Germantown, TN TenTec RX-340, Drake R8B 90' random wire, 60' PAR EF-SWL, LFE H-800. Scott R Barbour Jr, Albany Covered Bridge, Kancamaugus Hwy. NH-USA R75, 350? longwire. Javier Robledillo Jaén - Elche (Alicante), España RX: Sangean ATS909 ANT: Telescópica. EA5-1028 Jerry Strawman - Des Moines, IA - 41.38N 93.40W Drake R8A + Winradio G313e + 60 Meter Dipole -- 73! |
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