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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 100

WorldDX 100 (Юбилейный Выпуск)
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
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С Новым Годом и Рождеством!
Короткие Волны

Hier in Oberschwaben sind gerade die Australier im 120-m-Band sehr gut zu
horen: 2310 mit S7 und 2485 sogar noch besser! Ein Vergnugen, zuzuhoren! Nur
2325 fallt ab. (Reinhold Schuttkowski, Oberschwaben, Germany - A-DX 20/12/2006)

5025, 1655-, VL8K Katherine Dec 21 Strong signal, almost armchair if not for splatter from Chinese blowtorch on 5030 with call-in game show. No ID at TOH.

Parallel to 2310. Nothing heard on 2325. Not sure whether this was a one-off, or whether transmitter repairs are continuing on the 120m transmitter.
(Walter Salmaniw, Tofino, BC - dxldyg 1130, 24/12/2006)

9850 Radio Alegrienne via Rampisham (UK), 2145-2155, December 16, Arabic, long talk by male, 34333
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1128, 24/12/2006)

По результатам последних наблюдений сегодня, 20 декабря:

0900-1000 6150
Доминирует CNR2 "Chinese Business Radio" на фоне явной сильной несущей.
Вероятно, модуляция непроработана. Ещё вероятней: несущая самой KNLS.
Хотя передачи последней нет.

1100+ 6150
Есть контакт!!!
Русская программа KNLS!

Василий: действительно, из-за помех приём неважнецкий.
По крайней мере, до 1115 SINPO 43533, CO-CHANNEL: CNR2, Q+ (6155): CNR1.
1115+ усиление боковой CNR1 с +5 и полное пропадание сигнала, оц. 32522.
(Игорь Ашихмин, Приморье, Россия - open_dx 20/12/2006)

Безусловно, для многих, у кого старые ОКЕАНы да ещё и с отдельными так
называемыми "расширенными" диапазонами, это неприемлемо.

А для Дальнего Востока (т.е. - для передач в 0900-1000 и 1100-1200) на 100%
подойдёт 7435. По крайней мере, в 0800-1600 частота (здесь, в Приморье)
абсолютно чистая. Можно и на неё перевести.

Сегодня на 6150 принимал передачи и в 0900, и в 1100.
В обоих случаях SIO 422, сильные помехи, Китай).
(Игорь Ашихмин, Приморье - open_dx 22/12/2006)

6150, 1652-, KNLS Dec 21 Superb reception in Russian with full slow ID in Russian with address in Alaska and St. Petersburg. Same again at 16:58. Still in

Russian when rechecked at 17:20. (Walter Salmaniw, Tofino, BC - dxldyg 1130, 24/12/2006)

5130 Khz "AM1710", Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, 0020-0035, December =
Spanish. This station transmitte on 1710 Khz, in the local XBand.
Programme abt the Buenos Aires province and the different local =
Identification: "AM 1710....la 1710 quiere seguir este a=F1o nuevo con =
vos....una nueva radio con vos",
ann. programme "La Rosa de Tokyo" (the programme of DX & communications =
with the cooperation
of Grupo Radioescucha Argentino staff): "La Rosa de Tokyo...no te lo =
podes perder", 34443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1777, 23/12/2006)

7390 Radio Belarus, 21:21-21:23, escuchada el 21 de Diciembre en idioma ingl?s, con emisi?n musical, canciones mel?dicas, locutora con comentarios e

identificaci?n, buena se?al pero con audio muy bajo en paralelo por 7420, 35433.
7420 Radio Belarus, 21:23-21:30, escuchada el 21 de Diciembre en idioma ingl?s a locutora con comentarios, m?sica instrumental de fondo, SINPO 45544.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 22, 21/12/2006)

Tuning around Wed Dec 20 at 0717, I was attracted by lots of
frequencies being mentioned in French on 9500. This turns out to be R.
Bulgaria`s DX program, same 306 degree azimuth as used for English to NAm at 00
and 03 on 9700. ID at 0719 seemed to be R. Bulgarie Internationale (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 22, 21/12/2006)

4716,76 kHz - R. Yura, - BOL hier mit schwachem Signal S1 um 2350 UT
(Ingo Hell, Wilhelmshaven, Germany - A-DX 23/12/2006)

LV del Campesino, Sipe2, 5680.77, 1000-1015+ Dec 14, Spanish talk,
rustic vocals. Fair level but slightly muffled audio (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1124, 21/12/2006)

9565, R. Tupi, Curitiba (p) 0335 12/22/06.
Thin signal but in the clear w/ reverb studio audio.
Possible nx format or announcements. Not moving s-meter
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, Usa - CumbreDX 1779, 24/12/2006)

Sehr gutes Signal aus Burkina auf der 5030 um 2300 mit ID und Trommeln.
Fast Ortssenderqualitat... (Mathias, Germany - A-DX 23/12/2006)

R. Burkina Faso, 5030, 2315-0002* Dec 16-17, French talk,
Afro-pops, French phone-talk. 0000 sign-off with NA. Fair-good; University
Network [COSTA RICA] not on air at this time (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA - dxldyg 1124, 21/12/2006)

Am 23.12. knapp vor 06.00 UTC mit Musik, dann Stationsansage und
Nachrichten, RTV Gabonaise in F und O=3 auf 4777 kHz.
(Herbert Meixner, Germany - A-DX 23/12/2006)

Der Brummsender aus Gabun war heute wieder von 1600-1700 auf 4777, und danach
auf 9580 zu horen. Anscheinend wird dieser Sender abwechselnd fur Afrika No.1
und R. Gabun eingesetzt. Wo der steht, warum das so ist usw. liegt im dunkeln,
auch ansonsten scheint bei der Sendestation Moyabi nicht alles nach Plan zu
laufen. (Thorsten Hallmann, Germany - A-DX 23/12/2006)

Haven`t heard Le Buzz on 19160 lately, or any signal on this harmonic
frequency from 9580, e.g. Dec 23 at 1430. Propagation, or no longer extant?
Others are also reporting no buzz on 4777 or 9580 (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 48, 24, 23/12/2006)

Dramatic talk on 4780, Dec 22 at 1410 seemed to be in Spanish,
then not. Perhaps Indian language with Spanish inmixed. Must be Coat?n,
scheduled per WRTH 2006 until 1500* rather than PWBR 2007 until 1300+*, and
just about fading out on the shortest day of the year (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 48, 24, 23/12/2006)

4780, 1020-, Radio Cultural Coatan Dec 21 Excellent reception noted after seeing that the power had gone out after yet another windstorm on the west coast. This

time it was out until 10:30 AM local time, but allowed for very quiet conditions! Fumbling in the dark, I found my Degen/Kaito 1103 receiver and just used the whip

to receive this station and to scan the bands. Also with me was my venerable Sony 2010. I put out about 150' of random wire through a 9:1 matching transformer.

Full ID, by the way at this time. (Walter Salmaniw, Tofino, BC - dxldyg 1130, 24/12/2006)

VOG, 9420, Sat Dec 23 at 1430 was in Greek talk and later music, no
sign of weekly English show Hellenes Around the World; on vacation? Not audible
on // 17525 (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 48, 24, 23/12/2006)

15630 Voice of Grecia, 09:00- 09:30, escuchada el 23 de Diciembre en idioma espa?ol, locutora con identificaci?n, horarios y frecuencias, locutor con presentaci?n,

pronostico del tiempo, bolet?n de noticias, segmento musical, art?culo sobre un nuevo Dinosaurio encontrado en Teruel, noticias internacionales. SINPO 45444.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 24, 23/12/2006)

3396 Radio Zimbabwe (t); 2236-2302+, 18-Dec; M in LL w/wide
variety of tunes; LL Afro, LL rap, EE soul, reggae; occasional brief
ad or promo. Tent. mention of Zimbabwe @2300; less than 1 min. of
comments & into hi-life tune. Poor at tune-in w/strong buzz QRM which
morphed into rapid ticking. Steadily improved to SIO=322+, best in
LSB. Nothing detectable on 3306 or 6612. (Harold Frodge, Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1776, 21/12/2006)

6973 Galei Zahal, 19:06-19:08, escuchada el 19 de Diciembre en idioma hebreo a locutora con comentarios, hac?a cuatro d?as que no consegu?a captarla,

posiblemente por la propagaci?n, me sorprendi? mucho ver que en el ?ltimo listado del EiBi de vu ?ste servicio no est? listado, SINPO 23332.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 20, 19/12/2006)

6280 Kol Israel, 20:46-20:51, escuchada el 21 de Diciembre es espa?ol a locutor con bolet?n de noticias, SINPO 34232.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 22, 21/12/2006)

Schone Signale (nach langer Zeit...) heute im Tropenband. War auf
4760 kHz bis 1630 UT eine nette Mischung aus AIR Port Blair,
Andamanen und AIR Leh, Ladakh, erkennbar an den Musikstilen zu
vernehmen (dazu als Draufgabe gewurzt mit TWR Swaziland), so ist aus
der Region Kashmir nun um 1645 UT AIR Jammu auf 4830 kHz mit S=7/9 zu
horen. (Christoph Ratzer, Langdraht, Germany - A-DX 17/12/2006)

All India Radio, 9820 Khz., 1323 - 1434, 12/24/06, in Sindhi.
Program of South Asian (Indian) music with M. announcer. Periods of about 5
minute talks several times by different M and a W. News at 1330 (ToH in
India), and 1400 (BoH in India), with ment. of www site spelled in EE at
1400, distinctive ID jingle at 1415 & 1431. Always plesant listening to S.
Asian music. SINPO 24343. (Mark Taylor, Madison, Wi - dxldyg 1129, 24/12/2006)

9690, AIR, 1435, 12/18/06. OM & YL doing
English mailbag pgm. 1444 ID. S5 signal
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, Usa - CumbreDX 1779, 24/12/2006)

6125.29 RRI Nabire 1317-1402* Dec 18. Tuned in just as Jak
relay was ending at 1317; a female ancr and a couple of songs followed;
after a drum IS at 1329, lokal berita was presented by the same YL;
1337-1359 uninterrupted Indo vocal selections; a nice 3-minute version of
"Love Ambon" followed, with a short voice-over anmt at 1400. Went off
immediately after end of Love Ambon at 1402. Nice S-9 +10 dB peak right
at close-down. Nice to see another Indo re-activated, although there was
no sign of them next day. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1774, 19/12/2006)

6125.29 RRI Nabire 1344-1354* Dec 20. Two Indo vocals, then
an old EG C&W Christmas tune; 1353 Love Ambon and M ancr w/closedown
anmt; off at 1354. A bit different from Monday's log, which had a YL
ancr, a s/off time of 1402, and a long version of L.A. Very good signal
again, in spite of rather bad condx overall. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1776, 21/12/2006)

Local hi noise level relented for some reason, Dec 22 at 1409 so
I checked 60 meters before total fadeout. 4605 had some music, surely Serui,
Papua, which per PWBR 2007 runs until 1500*, but unbelievable it`s only 0.5 kW
as shown (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 48, 24, 23/12/2006)

Auf 11690khz ist seit 1400UTC Radio Jordan mit dem Englischen
(Musik-)Programm sehr gut mit S9+20dB und mindestens O=4 zu empfangen.
Das Programm geht laut Sendeplan noch bis 1730UTC.
(Felix Lechte, Germany - A-DX 23/12/2006)

Radio Bayrak I'nal, 6150 kHz, aus CYP-Nord am 23.12. ab 05.15 bis etwa
05.45 UTC, zuerst mit an sich guten O=3 aber "Audio, verzweifelt gesucht!"
ROI auf 6155 stoerte Anfangs kaum, was sich nach 05.30 aenderte.
Dann besserer Empfang in AM auf 6149 kHz.
In der Folge entschwand Bayrak dann langsam - ganz ohne die Hilfe von ROI ;-)
Auffallend oftmalige Ansage des Stationsnamens.
Programmsprache Englisch. (Herbert Meixner, Germany - A-DX 23/12/2006)

7240 PBS Xizang, 21:10-21:15, escuchada el 21 de Diciembre en idioma Mandar?n con emisi?n de m?sica pop local, SINPO 34343.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 22, 21/12/2006)

Firedrake check, Dec 22 at 1452: just barely audible on 10400, but
better on 9200, both presumably against Sound of Hope (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 48, 24, 23/12/2006)

5995 22/12 2315 RTV du Mali, Bamako, FF Talks, //4835,5 id Radio Mali,
good /very good (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - bclnews 1683, 23/12/2006)

Марианские о-ва
9885 Radio Free Asia, 21:45-21:51, escuchada el 21 de Diciembre en idioma Mandar?n, locutor y locutora con comentarios y cu?as con m?sica de fondo, cu?a de

identificaci?n, SINPO 35343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 22, 21/12/2006)

XEYU testing again from Dec 19: Dec 20 at
1857 check I was able to detect the carrier on 9599.4 as before, and bits of
audio, but too far down in the noise level

Checked again Dec 21 at 1450, before firing up the TVs and computers, and found
9599.4 with monolog in Spanish, interrupted at 1451 by some guitar music; 1454
resumed with R. Universidad Nacional ID in passing, back to monolog. Very
steady signal, hardly any fading, but constant het until 9600.0 carrier went
off at 1501. XEYU at 10 over S9 gets a SINPO of 33343, but modulation only
fair, not very crisp, and hard to understand. Maybe a mention of ``Instituto
Antropol?gico`` gives a clue on the subject.

Then I went looking for R. UNAM webpage. The one I had bookmarked for program
schedule no longer works: http://www.unam.mx/radiounam/htm/programa.htm

But starting at the UNAM homepage (which BTW has a UK flag for the
English-language version --- how`s that for a snub from our dear neighbours?),
I eventually found this:

Which has linx to webstreams; the one on the bottom doesn`t look like audio,
but clicking on it, audio launched auto, ruining my recording in progress of
Paul Winter Solstice concert from KMUW (but it was already inferior as not
coming thru in stereo as indicated --- stereo adds so much to the listening
experience with the ambiance from the Cathedral of St. John the [allegedly]

(BTW, I have been spelling it ambience, to match ambient, but MS Word
spellchecker claims it should be ambiance. Would you believe my 50+ year-old
Merriam-Webster does not have it in either spelling? Must be a neologism,
considered just plain French at d?mi-si?cle. Google translator is very
accommodating, accepting either spelling E to F and F to E! The last word:
Google search on ambience gets 15 megahits, while ambiance gets 41 mega, so
there! But I digress.)

I will have to search further for an XEUN program schedule when it be safe to
do so (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 22, 21/12/2006)

XEYU, 9599.4, again on air Dec 22 at 1447 check, and again with
guitar music interlude with talk about something in Spanish before and after,
usual het from 9600.0. Not enough punch to be listenable, unfortunately. Also
could hear a het at 2104 and 2113. Juli?n Santiago thinks this will remain on
air thru the holidays until Jan 2 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 24, 23/12/2006)

6235, 1710-, Radio DMR Dec 20 Breakaway Republic of Pridnystrovya just audible. I suspect the signal would be at fair level, if not for a ute bang on 6235 with

pulsing noises. Talk is present, but too weak otherwise to make anything out, so a presumed logging. First logging from Tofino, BC at this session.
(Walter Salmaniw, Tofino, BC - dxldyg 1130, 24/12/2006)

9704.5, NIGER, LV du Sahel, 2003-2023, Dec 18, French.
OM w/ talks b/w musical selections. Fair, in the clear
after Ethiopia s/off. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - dxldyg 1128, 24/12/2006)

9705, La Voix du Sahel, 2255 12/18/06. French
chatter mixed with flute mx and children's choir.
Audio out with single tone @ 2300:15. Fair signal
(Jerry Strawman. Des Moines, Usa - CumbreDX 1779, 24/12/2006)

15120 Voice of Nigeria (Ikorodu) 1910-1925. English language
broadcast with usual news and political programs. Identification by
woman at 1915. Good signal with noticeable fading. Audio remains less
then optimal but readable most of the time. Heard most afternoons at
this time, usually with good signal. SINPO 34433. (Jim Evans, TN - CumbreDX 1774, 19/12/2006)

Compensating for the lack of VON on 7255 is FRCN Abuja, which is,
after all, rated at 100 kW, on 7275; Dec 19 at 0634 with domestic news in
English after an ad which I thought mentioned price in dollars; fair signal
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 22, 21/12/2006)

7255 Voice of Nigeria, 21:15-21:20, escuchada el 21 de Diciembre en idioma franc?s a locutor con bolet?n de noticias internacionales, SINPO 44444.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 22, 21/12/2006)

7275 Radio Nigeria; 2114, 20-Dec; M&W in EE w/news; Break-in
ID, Radio Nigeria, the network for the millenium. SIO=222+, need LSB,
uncopyable in AM or USB. (Harold Frodge, Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1776, 21/12/2006)

5323.65, La Voz del Anta (Tentative), 1045-1100 Noted steady =
Huaynos music from tune in. Spanish comments at 1057, but really =
threshold and beyond the possiblity of copying details. At initial =
tune-in the signal was poor, but by 1100 it had degraded to threshold. =
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, Usa - CumbreDX 1774, 20/12/2006)

5486.70, La Reina de la Selva (pres), 1102-1120 Marathon music =
with brief SP comments between tunes. Starting out as a fair signal, by =
1118 UTC, it had deteriorated to threshold. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, Usa - CumbreDX 1774, 20/12/2006)

LV de la Selva, 4824.48, 0245-0310* Dec 17, Spanish pop music, Spanish
announcements, ID. 0307 closing announcements followed at 0308 by NA. Fair
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1124, 21/12/2006)

5460,22 Radioemisora Bolivar, La Libertad, 0012-0020, December 23, Spanish,
romantic songs and local advs by male in spanish, 24442

6536 Radiodifusora Comercial, Huancabamba, 0002-0010, December 23, Spanish,
bulletin by male with local activities, very ann. as: "....en la ciudad de Huancabamba", 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1128, 24/12/2006)

9830, DW via Kigali, 2055 12/18/06. Two
YLs doing English mailbag pgm. Good signal. Audio out
2057 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, Usa - CumbreDX 1779, 24/12/2006).

TWR December 22, 2006 0258 UT 3200 kHz. Chime ident
signal with announcement in English "This is Trans World Radio
Swaziland". Into other language programming at 03 UT. SIO 353.
(Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, VA - dxldyg 1124, 21/12/2006)

4775, TWR, 0340 12/22/06. Male chanting/
vocals in listed Lomwe. S7 peaks through static
crashes. TWR IS at 0355 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, Usa - CumbreDX 1779, 24/12/2006)

4635, TAJIKISTAN, presumed Tajik Radio, 2121-2150, Dec
18, Vernacular. Continuous format of OM and YL b/w
orchestral and “Persian” style music. Poor though
improving by t/out. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - dxldyg 1128, 24/12/2006)

5015, TURKMENISTAN, presumed Turkmen Radio, 2056-2120,
Dec 18, Vernacular. YL and OM w/ talk over music b/w
nice “Persian” style musical selections. Rough copy at
t/in though improving by t/out. (Scott Barbour Jr - SHDX/NH - dxldyg 1128, 24/12/2006)

6165, CHAD, RNT, 2047+, Dec 18, French. OM w/ talk and
Hi-life music poking thru from under a dominant,
co-channel Croatia. Weak. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - dxldyg 1128, 24/12/2006)

Экваториальная Гвинея
15190 Radio East Africa, Malabo, 1006-1015, December 19, English,
talk by male in english. Short ann. by female, Identification at 1010 UTC.
After, other talk by male. 24432 with QRM from a transmission in chinese in same QRG.
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 1128, 24/12/2006)

7110, ETHIOPIA, R.Ethiopia, 1942-2000*, Dec 18,
Vernacular. YL b/w musical selections, OM from 1956
until NA at 2000 then co-channel AWR Farsi s/on.
Fair. // 9704v-poor. Last week at this time the signal
quality of these frequencies was reversed.
(Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - dxldyg 1128, 24/12/2006)

Ю. Африка
11890 Radio Okapi, 16:48-16:50, escuchada el 23 de Diciembre en idioma franc?s a locutora con invitada en conversaci?n, segmento de m?sica pop, la emisi?n se

queda sin audio, SINPO 45444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 24, 23/12/2006)

DATE: 22-12-2006
TIME: 19.00 - 19.10 UTC
(Francesco, Italy - CumbreDX 1777, 22/12/2006)

1071 kHz "IdhaA?at Al-Nour" vermutlich via SYR um 1417 UTC in Arabisch
mit Beitragen aber LBN/ISR, patriotischen Lieder und IDs. 33433. (Patrick Robic, Leibnitz, Austria - A-DX 23/12/2006)

The band 'seemed' to have recovered very well during the early part of the night as WTWP, WWZN, WKBW, WPTR and WQEW were all fair
to good levels!

The X band had presumed WDRW, definite WHKT and a nice clear ID from WPTX. Spanish music and talk was weak to
fair on 1700 too. I'm fairly sure I heard WSKH on 1640 around 01:30. WLAM was the strongest I'd heard it all season on 1470 by
01:00. 1570 had Spanish at 01:40. The odd thing is that nothing transatlantic was coming through below about 1400kHz.

Then it all went downhill very suddenly. Just about everything had gone at 02:00. I left the recorder on 1420. Looks like
conditions blew out at 01:00 and two K4s followed hence the sudden swell in conditions around this time and the dead band

I recorded 1420 overnight. Presumed CKDY around midnight. UNID nondescript soft music/female vocals and gently spoken OM
presenter here around 06:00 - too much splatter to hear properly. Two v weak stations here just before 08:00, possile IDs but
too weak again. "Good evening this is .... talk radio" at 07:51 (John Faulkner, UK - skywavesmw 269, 20/12/2006)

729 кГц, Самара, Радио Звезда, 25/12/2006, 2230 utc, плохой прием, эфир - русская "попса" и обьявления. //1440 кГц (Петербург)Лебедевский,

Пушкин, Россия)

Summary of private radio stations on mediumwave:

1485 (1kW): Micul Samaritean in Bacau and Medias
1485 (1kW): Micul Samaritean planned (licensed) in Oradea
1485 (1kW): Vocea Sperantei planned (licensed) in
Botosani (fq formerly licensed to R. Favorit)
1584 (1kW): Micul Samaritean in Bistrita,
Craiova, Radauti, Sighetul Marmatiei and Suceava
1584 (1kW): Radio Sud planned (licensed) in Giurgiu
1584 (1kW): Radio 7 Est planned (licensed) in
Iasi (fq formerly licensed to R. Favorit)
1602 (1kW): Micul Samaritean in Piatra Neamt
1602 (1kW): Radio Sud Est in Slobozia
1602 (1kW): Radio CNM in Arad
1602 (1kW): Vocea Sperantei planned (licensed) in Bistrita (fq formerly licensed to R Favorit)

The following licenses expired or were withdrawn:
Aurora FM (Bacau & Galati 1584, Focani & Iasi
1602), R. Maria (Oradea 1584), R. Favorit
(Botosani 1485, Iasi 1584 and Bistrita 1602),
Micul Samaritean in Fagaras, Sannicolau Mare and Tulcea on 1584.
(Bernd Trutenau, LTU - mwdx 1404, 19/12/2006)

Радиоэфир г.Владимира выглядит следующим образом:
69,47 Радио России (4 кВт)
71,54 Маяк (4 кВт)
72,83 Наше Радио (0,1 кВт)
73,25 Love Радио (1кВт)
73,91 Авторадио (1 кВт)
100,8 план Юмор FM (1 кВт)
101,3 Радио Ретро FM (1 кВт)
102,4 DFM (1кВт)
102,9 Европа+ (2 кВт)
103,4 Русское Радио (1 кВт)
104,8 Авторадио (1 кВт)
105,8 Радио 7 - На Семи Холмах (1 кВт)
106,9 Общественное Российское Радио (1 кВт)
107,9 Радио Шансон(1 кВт)

2 канал СТС
4 Россия
12 Культура (кажется чтото около 10 ватт)
23 ТВЦ
25 ТВ3
27 Рен ТВ
29 план Звезда
41 ТНТ
45 5 канал
47 7ТВ
49 ДТВ
Имеется так же городской телеканал "вариант" который вещается исключительно по сетям кабельного телевиденья, в эфире же не найден.
В городе работают 2 крупных оператора кабельного телевидения - КТВ "Доброе" (70 каналов+4 закрытых) и "Кетис" (немного поменьше)
(Наблюдатель, http://guzei.com/radio, 24/12/2006)

В Липецке, на третьей программе проводного радио и в сети Интернет, вместо Радио Мелодия
идёт вещание параллельно с эфирным Радио Звезда, которая вещает на 72,8 МГц.
Вот что написано на сайте http://www.lipetsk.ru/raz/radio.html:
"В марте теперь уже далекого 1997-го в питерском эфире появился ретро-канал на частоте 73.1 УКВ.
В городском эфире ожили песни с тех самых пластинок, которые принесли сами радиослушатели, услышавшие призыв Эльдорадио: "Несите нам

ваши любимые пластинки, и они зазвучат на новой радиостанции!"
Через несколько недель в студию принесли более 2 тысяч пластинок! О ретро-канале стали говорить как о радио, созданном самими

А еще позже, в июле 1997-го, радиостанция вышла в эфир на всем уже привычной (в Питере) частоте 91.1 FM. К концу 1997 года стало

понятно: проект состоялся и станция не только получила свою аудиторию, но и стала приближаться к шестерке лидирующих радиостанций


Позже, с 27 сентября 2004 года, радиоканал "Мелодия" появился и в Липецке на третьей программе проводного вещания.
Основу музыкального формата канала составили музыкальные произведения советских и зарубежных авторов, изданные с конца 50-х до начала

90-х годов Всесоюзной фирмой грамзаписи "Мелодия".

Теперь радиоканал "Мелодия" доступен и для пользователей Интернета. Для того чтобы слушать программы радио, вам необходимо:
установить WinAMP,
подключиться по адресу http://rmelodia.lipetsk.ru:8000 - для коммутируемого соединения;
http://rmelodia.lipetsk.ru:8002 - для соединения по технологии ADSL"

Так как внутриобластной трафик в Липецкой Области является бесплатным
,то пользователи интернета по технологии АДСЛ имеют возможность 24
часа в сутки слушать радио в отличном качестве.
Единственно смущает сам URL http://rmelodia.lipetsk.ru/
Пока никаких сообщений об этом изменении не было ни на сайте, ни через
местные СМИ. (Валерий Шептухин, Липецк, Россия - open_dx 20/12/2006)

Только не Радио Мелодия, а питерский Канал Мелодия.
Радио Мелодия - это отдельная станция в Москве.
Во многих городах Канал Мелодия уже отключили, оставшиеся отключат,
очевидно, 1 января.
Типичный оскал капитализма: конкуренты купили станцию,
переформатировали, а сеть закрыли.

Радиостанция "Мелодия", являющаяся частью холдинга "Европейская медиа
группа" (ЕМГ), с 1 января 2007 года прекратит подачу сигнала со спутника
в регионы России и будет осуществлять эфирное вещание только в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве.
Ситуацию комментирует Генеральный директор ЕМГ Александр Полесицкий:
"Мы приняли решение пока не развивать радиостанцию как сетевой проект,
так как в таком виде он составляет конкуренцию радиостанции "Ретро FM".
Мы бы не хотели развивать две конкурирующие радиостанции внутри одного
холдинга. Кроме того, мы пока не готовы предоставить нашим сетевым
партнерам тот продукт, которого они от нас ожидают. В течение следующего
года мы будем корректировать формат радиостанции и потом примем окончательное
решение о его дальнейшем вещании в регионах". (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 20/12/2006)

Сегодня в Перми заработала Европа плюс из Москвы на частоте 89.4 Мгц
(Анатолий, http://guzei.com/radio/, 19/12/2006)

Conditions possibly a little better this evening. All
my fringe regulars are up in strength e.g. 95.3 BBC
Essex, 95.3 BBC SCR (sometimes one, sometimes the
other dominates), 96.3 Essex FM, 102.4 Southern FM,
103.1 Invicta FM, 103.5 BBC Essex, 103.5 Southern FM
(less often), 106.4 Kiss, 106.4 Bright 106.4 and a
weak Time 106.8. Lille is also quite good at times,
with easy stereo on peaks. A few others audible via
troposcatter too e.g. 91.2 from Bruxelles.

Lets hope that this high eventually collapses into the
continent next week, to give us a good chance of
decent conditions. (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire, UK - skywaves 2181, 20/12/2006)

Tropo here in devon is giving me bbc scr 0n 95.3 sometimes at stereo levels before disapearing back into the noise..also the regulars, ie ruen/caen/alencon in at stereo

levels also noted ocean fm clear on 97.5/something weak on 107.8 possable saint?,107 has something have had lille here as well on 94.7 and 98 at clear but not

stereo levels ..also Brest,and Chartres in with Nafchatel en brey on 90.2 being very weak..104.5 also yeiolds bbc scr as does 104 but here it's competing with rfm

from Cherbourg and also have scr weak on 104.8 104.7 ,have had island fm weak to clear ..lets hope for better conditons.
(Mark P, Devon, UK - skywaves 2181, 20/12/2006)

105.00 05:25 2006-12-20 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta
Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA
105.00 09:57 2006-12-20 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta
Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA
105.00 01:43 2006-12-21 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta
Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA
(Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2181, 21/12/2006)

Lopik e4 was the one until it closed a few days ago. Yes French Band 3, Leige E3 and Belgium E8 /10 and Germany E9 good tropo pointers. I keep meaning to

sort out the PCR1000 Band 3 traces on Digipan with the R channels Poland etc These can get quite swamped with E channels during a good tropo but are

sometimes seen. (Cyril , UK - skywaves 2182, 21/12/2006)

Some good signals this morning:

95.1 BBC Radio Norfolk weak to clear
95.3 BBC Essex strong
95.3 BBC SCR audible when Essex isn't in
96.3 Essex FM strong at times - it was even giving The
Eagle on 96.4 grief at one point!
97.1 SGR FM weak to fair
102.4 Southern FM good
102.6 Essex FM weak to stereo
103.1 Invicta FM stereo on peaks
103.5 BBC Essex strong, the most consistent signal
103.5 Southern FM occasionally when Essex fades
103.9 BBC Radio Suffolk weak to clear
104.5 BBC SCR stereo
106.4 Kiss weak to fair, possibly Bright FM on as well
106.8 Time FM weak

Also Lille txs in and have had Boulogne up and down on
89.4, 99.9 and 103.3 (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire - skywaves 2182, 21/12/2006)

Norway fair on 87.8 and 91.8 at 13.38
(Patrick Travers, Sheffield, S. Yorkshire, UK - skywaves 2182, 21/12/2006)

Have been getting:-
91.35 RTE Irelands 2FM(Kippure)
96.0 bbc shrpshire weak to clear
95.0 both bbc cymru and bbc wales here
also all the carmel frequencies have been in
arfon classic fm on 100.7 has been stereo obn the v while fb cotentin has been stereo rds on the h
bbc r3 has been in on 90.5,90.6,90.8,91.5
bbc r4 on 92.6,92.7,92.8,93.0,93.2,93.7,94.5,103.6,103.7,103.8,
bbc cymru on 93.1,93.7,95.0,94.2,104.3,104.6
real radio on 105.2,105.4,105.7,105.9,106.1
info on 105.6
bbc h and w on 94.7 clear
94.6 bbc stoke on trent weak
(Mark P, Devon, UK - skywaves 2182, 21/12/2006)

Good tropo to Eire here for the second day running, ML & Kippure at RDS
levels. Also France F203 92.00 MUSIQUE_ Rouen at RDS levels now the
pirate has closed on this frequency (William Kitching, UK - skywaves 2182, 22/12/2006)

Yesterday very nice tropo into Sweden in band 3 and UHF.
Now reports of CZE and POL on UHF. (Ruud Brand, The Netherlands - skywaves 2182, 22/12/2006)

I've just moved house about 1 mile from the old location in burton on
Trent and its on a South facing hill about 300 feet up a here in
Burton upon Trent so it looks very promising for DX. Seems poor to the
north, Holme Moss is quite weak. I can see the red lights of the
Sutton Coldfield TX 18 miles to the south on a clear night. I cant
wait to get a good ariel up. However there may be a problem because
Touch FM broadcasts off a water tower a few yards away on 102.4 but I
think the TX is only 100 watts.

At the moment I am using just a ribbon Ariel and at midnight last
night I got:

96.8 Radio Cymru, Wenvoe, very strong
93.9 Radio 4 Oxford, Fair Stereo
94.1 Radio 4 Tacolnston Weak
89.1 Radio 2 Wrotham fair, Stereo.
93.5 Llandridnod Wells, Radio Cymru, Weak

Wenvoe weaker this morning.
(Chris Thomas, UK - skywaves 2182, 22/12/2006)

Germany starting to appear here (Grosser Feldberg) on
89.3, 94.4 and 102.5, the latter being the clearest.
All signals weak at present. (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire, UK - skywaves 2183, 22/12/2006)

Today FM on 100.9 now at good strength
(Andy, M0CYP, Telford, UK - skywaves 2183, 22/12/2006)

89.30 16:55 2006-12-22 D hr3 Gro?er Feldberg
105.90 17:00 2006-12-22 D Hit Radio FFH Gro?er
Feldberg Music/Ads (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2183, 22/12/2006)

Some stations heard over the last couple of hours:

89.0 RTL Brocken fair
89.3 HR 3 Gr Feldberg weak to fair
91.1 German station, presumably NDR 1 Steinkimmen, fair
94.4 HR 3 Gr Feldberg weakish xfading with Dover
98.0 NDR 1 Harz/Torfhaus good signal earlier on
98.7 AFN The Eagle Gr Feldberg fair
100.5 WDR 4 Teutoburger Wald fair
101.4 Radio SAW Brocken at good stereo strength
earlier for an hour at least, not as good now
102.4 Hitradio ffn Harz/Torfhaus good signal earlier
102.5 HR 4 Gr Feldberg fair
(Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire - skywaves 2183, 22/12/2006)

Germany still coming in here as well, the same areas as earlier although signals are up
and down.

Also have had Classic 21 weak on 87.6, Lille at good levels at times and also a few
more Brocken frequencies:

89.0 RTL
94.6 MDR 1
97.4 DLR Kultur
107.8 MDR Figaro v weak

The dynas has certainly helped a great deal on awkward frequencies like 89.0.
(Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire - skywaves 2183, 22/12/2006)

Amber FM, presumably from Alfreton, Derbyshire (or Ripley) is a local
RSL here.

Oddly I'm getting Classic FM on 100.7 beaming east on the horizontal
I thought this may be Arfon off the back but it disappears when I
beam west. There is nothing from Ireland here currently!

Classical music on 89.4 from about 100 degrees. Not sure who this
is. Presume .... Damn!

"As it happens" folks! My aerials have slipped! The classical is FM
Brest and the direction of Classic FM is NE. Now I'm confused.
Still nothing when pointing in the direction of Arfon. Is there a
new Classic FM on 100.7? (John Faulkner, UK - skywaves 2183, 22/12/2006)

Excellent tropospheric conditions today towards the East. A record breaking number of stations from CZE and POL are coming in on TV Band III, IV and V,

sometimes with very strong signal. Most distant location so far is Kielce in Eastern Poland. I am now hunting for something more exotic. It is a shame that the LUF is

not reaching the FM Band.Loggings will follow later. (Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. - skywaves 2183, 22/12/2006)

Langenberg has been coming in well on peaks in the
last hour. 103.3 Funkhaus Europa had an interesting ID
earlier - "DJ Ritu on BBC London"!

Holme Moss has at last subsided on 91.5 allowing fair
to clear reception of MDR Jump. (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2183, 22/12/2006)

This one in at good levels this morning...quite near the Polish border...

106.30 04:55 2006-12-23 D Hit-Radio Antenne Niedersachsen
Torfhaus (Harz)/Lerchenkopfe Music/voice ID

Also Brocken, Dahlem and Teutoburger. (Mike Fallon, UK - skywaves 2183, 22/12/2006)

Heard so far in the time I've been able to listen...

89.30 16:55 2006-12-22 D hr3 Gro?er Feldberg Ads/ID

105.90 17:00 2006-12-22 D Hit Radio FFH Gro?er
Feldberg Music/Ads
101.40 17:32 2006-12-22 D Radio SAW Brocken (Harz)
Ads/voice ID
105.50 04:45 2006-12-23 D WDR Eins Live Teutoburger
Wald/Bielstein Music D391 EINSLIVE
106.10 04:50 2006-12-23 D Deutschlandradio
Dahlem/Barbelkreuz (Eifel) Music/Talks //Web stream
106.30 04:55 2006-12-23 D Hit-Radio Antenne Niedersachsen
Torfhaus (Harz)/Lerchenkopfe Music/voice ID
101.10 05:10 2006-12-23 BEL RTBF Pure FM Wavre
Music 6355 PURE_FM_
100.50 05:12 2006-12-23 D WDR 4 Teutoburger
Wald/Bielstein Music D394 WDR_4___
90.60 05:35 2006-12-23 D WDR 5 Teutoburger
Wald/Bielstein Current Affairs D395 WDR_5___
93.20 05:40 2006-12-23 D WDR 2 Teutoburger
Wald/Bielstein Music D392 WDR_2___
96.60 05:50 2006-12-23 BEL Pure FM Anderlues
Music/Jingle ID 6355 PURE_FM_
99.10 05:55 2006-12-23 BEL RTBF Classic21 Anderlues
Music/voice ID 6354 CLASS.21 (Mike Fallon, UK - skywaves 2183, 22/12/2006)

Still some strong signals from Germany here too - Teutoburger Wald is in well on
90.6, 93.2, 97.0, 100.5 and occasionally 105.5 (Magic is right next to it). Also heard
Hitradio Antenne on 103.8. Brocken still in although not as good as yesterday.

UKwise I have heard a pirate? on 91.6, not sure about this one, as well as a very weak
signal from Time 107.5.

Torfhaus is a few miles W of Brocken, so it is more or less in the middle of Germany,
rather than near the Polish border. I had it in well for a while yesterday. 106.3 is sort
of there but the dynas wont lock on it, too much splatter from Heart. (Nick Gilly, UK - skywaves 2183, 22/12/2006)

Just the usual stuff here at RDS levels, Eire +

08:11 88.00 8202 RADIO_2_ Smilde HOL
08:12 91.80 8201 RADIO_1_ Smilde HOL
08:20 92.00 F203 MUSIQUE_ Rouen F
08:35 87.90 841B Goes HOL
No Germany here yet.
(William Kitching, UK - skywaves 2183, 22/12/2006)

December 22 featured the first tropospheric lift since the shut-down of all analogue TV txs in The Netherlands. Do I like it? YESSSSSSS. Although there is a

substantial digital noise level on many channels, several other channels are now completely clear for the first time since I started DX-ing. Great!!
Conditions were very good all day, with five txs from the eastern part of Poland.
Today, 23 December, all cx is gone.

Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

December 22, 2006
Tropospheric Band III, IV and V TV-DX Logs:
R07 POL TVP 1 Lodz/Zygry
R10 CZE Nova Plzen/Krasov
R25 POL TVP 2 Wroclaw/GA?ra Sleza
R28 CZE CT 1 Rychnov nad Kneznou/Liticky Chlum
R28 POL TVP 2 Kielce/Swiety Krzyz (strength S4!!)
R31 CZE CT 1 Plzen/Krasov
R31 CZE CT 1 Liberec/hotel Jested
R33 CZE CT 1 UstA­ nad Labem/BukovA? hora
R35 CZE CT 2 Chomutov/JedlovA? hora
R36 CZE CT 1 JesenA­k/Praded
R36 CZE CT 1 Cheb/JelenA? hora
R37 CZE CT 1 Frydek - MA­stek/Lysa hora
R38 CZE CT 1 JA?chymov/KlA­novec
R38 POL TVP 1 Kielce/Swiety Krzyz (strength S4!!)
R38 POL TVP 3 Szczecin/Kolowo
R39 POL TVP 2 Szczawnica/GA?ra Prehyba
R40 CZE CT 2 Trutnov/CernA? hora
R42 POL TVP 3 Wroclaw/GA?ra Sleza
R43 CZE CT 2 Liberec/hotel Jested
R45 CZE Prima Rychnov nad Kneznou/Liticky Chlum
R47 POL TVP 1 Przysucha/Kozlowiec
R47 POL Polsat Jelenia GA?ra/Sniezna Kotly
R48 CZE CT 2 Plzen/Krasov
R50 CZE CT 2 UstA­ nad Labem/BukovA? hora
R53 CZE Nova JesenA­k/Praded
R53 CZE CT 2 Cheb/ZelenA? hora
R54 POL Polsat Luban/Nowa Karczma
R56 POL TVP 1 Szczawnica/GA?ra Prehyba
R58 POL Polsat Lobez/Toporzyk
R59 CZE Prima Jihlava/Javorice
R59 POL Polsat Wroclaw/GA?ra Sleza
R60 CZE Prima Liberec/hotel Jested
(Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - skywaves 2184, 23/12/2006)

My log for yesterday. I spent most of the day at Great Malvern, but did
manage to log the following before & after the trip:

08:11 88.00 8202 RADIO_2_ Smilde HOL
08:12 91.80 8201 RADIO_1_ Smilde HOL
08:20 92.00 F203 MUSIQUE_ Rouen F
08:35 87.90 841B Goes HOL
14:11 92.20 8411 Fryslan_ Smilde HOL
17:36 87.90 841B NEDI???? Goes HOL
18:16 87.60 6354 CLASS.21 LÃglise-Anlier BEL
18:17 88.70 F203 MUSIQUE_ Lille F
18:18 103.70 F201 __INTER_ Lille F
18:19 94.70 F905 BLEUNORD Lille F
18:21 99.50 6353 MUSIQUE3 Liège Bol d'Air BEL
18:31 104.80 8201 Roermond HOL
18:34 87.80 F905 Lille F
18:42 106.70 D391 EINSLIVE Langenberg D
18:44 107.00 D391 Olsberg D
18:48 103.50 D210 __DLF___ Torfhaus D
18:51 95.40 D4A2 Bad Marienberg D
18:53 95.10 D393 WDR_3___ Langenberg D
19:40 95.00 8204 Goes HOL
20:16 94.80 8204 Smilde HOL
20:17 94.00 60A7 Egem BEL
20:20 90.90 8203 Roermond HOL
20:22 90.40 6303 __Klara_ Egem BEL
20:33 95.70 6301 Egem BEL
(William Kitching, UK - skywaves 2186, 24/12/2006)

89 11:58:00 23/12/2006 D RTL Brocken Pops, ID F T JF
106.1 12:06:00 23/12/2006 D DLR Kultur Olsberg ID after news G T JF
106.3 12:50:00 23/12/2006 D Hit R Antenne Harz-West/Torfhaus ID and pops G T JF
107.3 12:58:00 23/12/2006 D Einslive Höxter // others F T JF
87.8 13:12:00 23/12/2006 D WDR-2 Schwerte/Sommerberg Robbie Williams // internet stream. Mixing another German W T JF
106.9 10:45:00 23/12/2006 D R Euskirchen Schleiden Tentative with "100%" jingle IDs. Thanks to Peter Kruse & Arvid Husdal for
help W T JF
103.5 15:26:00 23/12/2006 D DLF Harz-West/Torfhaus // 101.8 & 107.1 VG T JF
87.7 03:30:00 24/12/2006 D NDR Info Flensburg-Engelsby ID in talk W T JF
87.7 19:48:00 24/12/2006 D MDR Figaro Chemnitz/Geyer Classical music // internet stream W T JF
107.6 19:51:00 24/12/2006 D Antenne Thuringen Saalfeld/Remda/Großer Kalmb. ID and gentle music Weak T JF
106.9 20:00:00 24/12/2006 D Hitradio Antenne Leipzig-Wiederau or Braunschweig Probably the latter. ID and Christmas music Weak
105.9 20:06:00 24/12/2006 D Hitradio Antenne Osnabrück/Bramsche-Schlep. // 106.9 Weak T JF
101.2 21:48:00 24/12/2006 D HR-3 Habitschwald/Hohes Gras ID and pops Fair T JF
107.1 09:00:00 25/12/2006 D DLF Bremen-Walle ID and news. Tropo gone, back to troposcatter signals Weak T
(John Faulkner, UK - skywaves 2188, 25/12/2006)

Неофициальное вещание

Западная Сахара
6215 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 17:58-18:10, escuchada el 19 de Diciembre en idioma arabe a locutor con comentarios, presentacion por locutora con comentarios

y segmento de musica pop local, SINPO 34232. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 20, 19/12/2006)

6208 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 22:22-22:25, escuchada el 20 de Diciembre en idioma ?rabe a locutrora con noticias, constantes referencias al Sahara, SINPO

54444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 21, 20/12/2006)

7480 Radio Payam-e Doost, 18:10-18:15, escuchada el 19 de Diciembre en idioma farsi con emision de musica folklorica local, locutora con comentarios, locutor

con cu?a de identificacion, SINPO 35333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 20, 19/12/2006)

6245 Radio Zamaneh, 18:58-19:05, escuchada el 19 de Diciembre en idioma farsi a locutor con comentarios e identificacion con segmento de musica de flauta de

fondo, SINPO 34343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 20, 19/12/2006)

neben 4835 RTVM Bamako wie von OM Reinhold gemeldet auch u.a.

4845 MTN ORTM Noakchott mit SINPO 34433
4885 B R. Clube do Para SINPO 24333
4985 B R. Brasil Central SINPO 24333
(Willi Stengel, Karlsruhe, Germany - A-DX 23/12/2006)

am Samstag habe ich nur Afu gehort. Bin im DX Bereich des 80m Bandes

Zeiten in UTC, Frequenzen in kHz, alle in LSB

Meine Highlights

19.49 9H1EU aus Malta im QSO mit YC2DDL (Indonesien)
23.15 CU2CR von der Azoreninsel Sao Miguel im QSO mit YU2EU (Serbien)
23.37 TF3IGN aus Island im QSO mit LX1UN (Luxemburg)

Einige europaische OMs um 19.30 bis 20.00 im Kontakt mit indonesischen
Stationen und spater auch einige in Kontakt mit US Amerikanern, mittlere
USA und Westkuste.

Leider habe ich die indonesischen Gegenstationen ebenso wie die
Stationen der USA nur erahnen konnen. Auf keinen Fall was fur einen

Seltsam war: 23 Uhr war plotzlich der DX Bereich wie leer gefegt. Gegen
23.15 waren dann wieder Stationen aufzunehmen.

Die Australier im 120 m Band hab ich auch versucht, aber da hab ich QRM.
Dachte erst an einen Piraten, konnte den auf 2320 kHz empfangenen Sender
nicht klar abstimmen, klang wie ein Horspiel. Erst Umschalten auf FM
brachte klaren Empfang und nachschauen im Wohnzimmer die Gewissheit, das
ich den Fernseherton empfange. Einen Empfangsbericht an die Besitzerin
hab ich mir aber gespart.

RX: R75 mit 15m Langdraht, im "Wochenende QTH" bei Schwiegermutti aufm
Dorf (Berlstedt zwischen Erfurt und Weimar)

Heute gegen 18 Uhr UTC horte ich an der Clubstation einen polnischen OM
auf 80 im QSO mit einem OM aus ZL. Dann mu?ten doch die Australier im
120er gut zu horen gewesen sein, oder?

Weihnachtliche Gru?e aus dem unweihnachtlichen Erfurt
(Sven Dibbert, Germany - A-DX 20/12/2006)

7120Khz PNG Radio Wantok Nice program in E. with Relig. mx. and info ,time 1223utc, 21/12
4052.45Khz 2345utc 20/12 GTM R.Verdad ,Chiquimala Classic songs SP. 23222
4409.80Khz 2356utc 20/12 BOL R.Eco ,Reyes Talks poor SP 22222
4485.96Khz 0010utc 21/12 PRU R.frecuencia VH ,Celendin Trad. mx. from PRU . in SP. 33222
4780Khz 0023utc 21/12 GTM R.Cultural Coatan Male singing a song "S?nior" SP. 43333
4785Khz 0034utc 21/12 B R.Brazil,Campinas Info with mx. from vivaldi PR. poor 22222
4790.03Khz 0041utc 21/12 PRU R.Vision, Chiclayo Talks in SP. poor 22222
(Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 48, 22, 21/12/2006)

1395 22/12 1655 Big L - Lopik EE oldies song buono
1584 22/12 1645 R. Olè - Ceuta SS MX suff.
3330 23/12 0345 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip buono
4770 23/12 1700 FRCN - Kaduna EE NX suff.
4777 23/12 1645 R. gabon - Libreville FF MX afro buono
4825 23/12 0410 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP predica buono
4895 22/12 1630 Mongolian R. - Ulan Baatar Mongolo MX buono
4985 23/12 2315 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP NX buono
5952.5 23/12 2320 R. Pio XII - Siglo XX SS MX buono
6035 23/12 2325 La Voz del Guaviare - S. josè del Guaviare SS intervista suff.
6210 23/12 2240 R. Nac. Sahauri - Tindouf Arabo NX // 1550 buono
6242 24/12 0925 R. Mexico - EE ID MX buono
6271 17/12 0945 R. Devalon Int. - EE ID e MX buono
6280 24/12 1000 Cupido R. - EE ID e MX buono
6281 17/12 0930 R. Dr. Tim - Germania EE ID e MX buono
6307 24/12 1030 R. Shadowman - Olanda EE ID e MX buono
(Roberto Pavanello, Milano, Italy - bclnews 1684, 24/12/2006)

23 Diciembre.

0900-1000 Radio Joystick 9290

24 Diciembre.

1000-1100 Hamburg Local Radio 6045
1930-2000 Europa Music Radio 5775

25 Diciembre.

0000-0100 Scandinavian Weekend Radio?s 5980 y 11690
0100-0600 Scandinavian Weekend Radio?s 5980 y 11720
0600-0900 Scandinavian Weekend Radio?s 6170 y 11690
0600-1000 Radio Six International 9290
0900-1200 Scandinavian Weekend Radio?s 6170 y 11690
1000-1100 Hamburg Local Radio 6045
1000-1200 Radio City 9290
1200-1700 Scandinavian Weekend Radio?s 5990 y 11720
1700-1900 Scandinavian Weekend Radio?s 6170 y 11720
1900-2100 Scandinavian Weekend Radio?s 6170 y 11690
2100-2200 Scandinavian Weekend Radio?s 5990 y 11690
2200-0000 Scandinavian Weekend Radio?s 6170 y 11690

26 Diciembre.

1000-1100 Hamburg Local Radio 6045

30 Diciembre.

0800-0900 Latvia Today 9290
0900-1000 Radio Joystick 9290
1000-1100 Hamburg Local Radio 6045

31 Diciembre.

1000-1100 Hamburg Local Radio 6045
1300-1400 Latvia Today 9290
1600- Radio Bila Hora 3333
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 24, 23/12/2006)

06361 : CIS Military 1553 CW ... JPUoUDKSWPGLuaaWB ... enciphered
Morse sked. (19Dec06) (MPJ)

06507 VTP13: Indian Naval Radio, Vishakhapatnam 1550 RTTY/50/850
VTP13/14 RBSL marker. (19Dec06) (MPJ)

07937 : CIS Military 1543 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB AT3004D parallel
modem in traffic. (19Dec06) (MPJ)

09200 11033: Unid 1601 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Dec06) (MPJ)

11475 055: Unid Chinese Net 1351 ALE/USB Sounds. (19Dec06) (MPJ)

13886 : Moscow Meteo 1341 FAX/120/576 Very poor unreadable chart.
(19Dec06) (MPJ)

18594 FMK: Unid 1237 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Dec06) (MPJ - udxf 327, 19/12/2006)

13927.1 USAF MARS Operator AFA6PF USB 1625z working "Dark 23" (Dyess 7BW
B-1B) for phone patch to DSN 461-7453 (Dyess Bat Ops); getting wx for ETA at
Dyess. (Alan Stern, Satellite Beach, Florida, Usa - udxf 327, 19 Dec 2006)

13927.1 USAF MARS Operator AFA6PF 1642z USB wkg Keesler AFB C-130 "Hobby 12"
for phone patch to DSN 597-4181 (Keesler AFB); Hobby rqsts any traffic from
Keesler. (Alan Stern, Satellite Beach, Florida, Usa - udxf 327,19 Dec 2006)

DSC 2187.5 khz this morning

258440000 Ship Norway ANNA KNUTSEN JXIR cit

5616 khz :

EQ-LS Reach 5142 05-5142 C-17 c/n P-142
QS-DL N449ML Global Express c/n 9055 A56D2A
(Patrice Privat, France - udxf 327, 19/12/2006)

New Zealand 2 at 0920z 5616 khz
FS-BR ZK-OKG B772 c/n 29403
(Patrice Privat, France - udxf 327, 19/12/2006)

6410.0 ZSJ: SAN Silvermine 0910 mfsk32 54.5/70 (20/Dec/06) (RH2)
11421.5 FJY5: DTRE Crozet I. 0922 arq-E3 192/400 Idling (20/Dec/06) (RH2)
12579.0 NRV: USCG Guam 0924 fec Iceberg Alert sigs (20/Dec/06) (RH2)
16886.2 TAH: Istanbul R 0930 cw/arq Marker (20/Dec/06) (RH2)
17224.0 unid: Brit Mil Cyprus 0927 mfsk 195.5/300 (20/Dec/06) (Robert Hall, Zambia - udxf 327, 20/12/2006)

02217.4 XSS: Unid 'XSS' Net 2159 ALE/USB Sounds. (19Dec06) (MPJ)

03803.09 : Russian Clock Station 2313 CW Only 23 seconds fast.
(19Dec06) (MPJ)

04068 : Unid Air Defence (?) 2201 LINK-22/USB NILE (?) Previously
active on 6433 kHz/USB. From S&D. (19Dec06) (MPJ)

04601.5 10: Unid Irish Naval Service Facility 1710 ARQ 99 (PT99)
de 10; 45 (unid) de 10 CAN I PSE GET THE RTE WX FROM YOU?; SELCALs
CVXT (PT48), CVVO (poss P31 'Eithne'/EIYS) and XSFM (Bantry Radio)
called by 0A (HQ INS Haulbowline, Co Cork). (20Dec06) (MPJ)

05140 : CIS Military 1456 MS-5/4800/USB T3004D Setup tones.
(20Dec06) (MPJ)

06742 AAA: Unid 2041 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Dec06) (MPJ - udxf 328, 20/12/2006)

12157.0 No Call: Unid XP? 1000 USB/6-Tones ca. 1=818Hz, 2 =994Hz, 3=955Hz,
4=915 Hz, 5=845 Hz, 6=880Hz TX Ends 1005UTC (19/DEC/06)

16053.0 No Call: unid Rtty 200Bd/inv./500Hz "++++++++++188=8071
35667569557099946 =8522 92842281450866382 =8473....."

14401.5 OEY51: Austrian Mil 1133 USB/ALE clg OEY71, connect,
flwd by 39tone Modem/2400bps/S.int. (20/DEC/06) (KK)

05435.5 OEY51: Austrian Mil 1131 USB/ALE clg OEY71 (20/DEC/06) (KK)

08019.5 OEY52: Austrian Mil 1225 USB/ALE clg OEY41 (20/DEC/06) (KK)

05250.5 OEY52: Austrian Mil 1226 USB/ALE clg OEY41 (20/DEC/06) (Kristian, Germany - udxf 328, 20/12/2006)

02187.5 LGL: FloroRadio, Norway 2112 DSC Safety BQ to Island Frontier/
JWNU (Norway). (20Dec06) (MPJ)

02187.5 OXTN2: Maersk Fetcher (Denmark) 2138 DSC Safety RQ to
Aberdeen Coastguard, Scotland. (20Dec06) (MPJ)

02187.5 GKZ: Humber Coastguard 2203 DSC Calls BQs unlisted
Philippines vessel (MMSI 548736000) giving simplex telephone
frequency 2226 kHz. (!) (20Dec06) (MPJ)

02998 D-ALCL: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8390 2055 HFDL Posn
report 5451N 027E via Shannon Air. (20Dec06) (MPJ)

02998 A6-EHB: Etihad A340 Flt EY0304 2115 HFDL Logs on to Shannon
Air. (20Dec06) (MPJ)

02998 CN-ROC: Royal Air Maroc B737 Flt ATRAM8 2119 HFDL Posn report
5128N 00029W. (20Dec06) (MPJ)

02998 G-VWEB: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Surfer Girl' Flt VS814P 2153
HFDL Posn report 5029N 00055W. (20Dec06) (MPJ - udxf 328, 20/12/2006)

14550.0 Y1: Mrc-Mil 0948 ALE/USB clg E4 (2006-12-20) (sw)
11130.0 Y1: Mrc-Mil 0949 ALE/USB clg E4 (2006-12-20) (sw)
14550.0 Y1: Mrc-Mil 0952 ALE/USB clg C3 (2006-12-20) (sw)
11130.0 Y1: Mrc-Mil 0952 ALE/USB clg C3 (2006-12-20) (sw)
08875.0 Y1: Mrc-Mil 0953 ALE/USB clg C3 (2006-12-20) (sw)
16240.0 13122: Civile Protection Marocaine 1051 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-20) (sw)
16240.0 2001: Civile Protection Marocaine 1058 ALE/USB clg 2514 (2006-
12-20) (sw)
13499.0 2011: Civile Protection Marocaine 1620 ALE/USB clg 2415 (2006-
12-20) (sw)
09200.0 99: Unid 1621 ALE/USB clg CN3 (2006-12-20) (sw)
09200.0 2011: Civile Protection Marocaine 1629 ALE/USB clg 2414 (2006-
12-20) (sw)
09230.0 7803: Unid 1637 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-20) (sw)
13499.0 1102: Civile Protection Marocaine 1644 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
20) (sw)
13499.0 2402: Civile Protection Marocaine 1648 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
20) (sw)
08600.0 2518: Civile Protection Marocaine 1650 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
20) (sw)
09200.0 2011: Civile Protection Marocaine 1653 ALE/USB clg 2419 (2006-
12-20) (sw)
08725.0 MALI: Alb-Mil 1654 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2006-12-20) (sw)
09200.0 1322: Civile Protection Marocaine 1658 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
20) (sw)
08600.0 2418: Civile Protection Marocaine 1658 ALE/USB clg 2011 (2006-
12-20) (sw)
09200.0 2011: Civile Protection Marocaine 1659 ALE/USB clg 2418 (2006-
12-20) (sw)
08600.0 1105: Civile Protection Marocaine 1702 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
20) (sw)
08600.0 1316: Civile Protection Marocaine 1705 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
20) (sw)
09200.0 101: Civile Protection Marocaine 1705 ALE/USB clg 1118 (2006-
12-20) (sw)
09200.0 1103: Civile Protection Marocaine 1705 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
20) (sw)
09200.0 11133: Unid 1706 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-20) (sw)
09200.0 13061: Unid 1710 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-20) (sw)
09200.0 2417: Civile Protection Marocaine 1713 ALE/USB clg 2011 (2006-
12-20) (sw)
05410.0 5840: Unid 1717 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-20) (sw)
05410.0 5880: Unid 1729 ALE/USB clg 5800 (2006-12-20) (sw)
08016.0 4102: Unid 1732 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-20) (sw)
09230.0 0000210504: Grc-Moi 1734 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-20) (sw)
05410.0 MT21: Alg-Mil/Moi 1734 ALE/USB clg HA20 (2006-12-20) (sw)
09200.0 1109: Civile Protection Marocaine 1737 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
20) (sw)
09200.0 1011: Civile Protection Marocaine 1748 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
20) (sw)
09200.0 2011: Civile Protection Marocaine 1749 ALE/USB clg 2213 (2006-
12-20) (sw)
08057.0 HLA: Unid 1753 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-20) (sw)
09200.0 2011: Civile Protection Marocaine 1813 ALE/USB clg 2415 (2006-
12-20) (sw)
04910.0 RFP: Unid 1819 ALE/USB clg JCP (2006-12-20) (Sam, UK - udxf 328, 20/12/2006)

Caught this tonight on 4068 at 2025
I think I have my PCALE set up ok

does anyone recognize the 4N7 JAV and
[TIS][YVBZ ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06

[TIS JAVR] at 2044
[DAT R@@]
[DAT R@@]
[TO 4N7]
[DAT R@@]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TWS 6N]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO |J+]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[DAT D@@]
[DAT D@@]

[DAT D@@]
[TO 4N7R]
[AMD $B]
[DAT R@@]
[TO 4N7R]
[TO 4N7]
[DAT R@@]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO R.7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[DAT E@@]
[CMD 61 7F 7F]
[DAT R@@]
[TO 4O4]
[RPT /]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4O4]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[DAT R@@]
[DAT R@@]
[TO 4N7R]
[TO 4N%]
[DAT R@@]
[TO 4N7]
[RPT d]
[DAT R@@]
[TO 4N7]
[DAT R@@]
[TO B]
[DAT P@@]
[20:22:52][FRQ 01806000][TO ][4N7R ][TIS][YVBZ
][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
[DAT Z@@]
[TO 4N7R]
[CMD 61 7F 7F]
[DAT R@@]
[TO 4N7R]
[TO 4N7]
[DAT R@@]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 7n7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[FRM H@]
[TO 4N7R]
[TO 4N7]
[DAT R@@]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
[TO 4N7]
(S&D, UK - udxf 328, 20/12/2006)

8.200 (usb) at 08.15 Z Spanish (Sth American)
Fishing net... and Phone Patch to the "Santa Rosa 3"
and another UnId Trawler some days out of "Valdivi"
Chile, on the Pacific Coast. with Fish Catch reports.
(Dallas, Buller, New Zealand - udxf 328, 20/12/2006)

04855.0 2411: Civile Protection Marocaine 2338 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
20) (sw)
03805.0 1313: Civile Protection Marocaine 2345 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
20) (sw)
03805.0 2011: Civile Protection Marocaine 2350 ALE/USB clg 2211 (2006-
12-20) (sw)
03805.0 2211: Civile Protection Marocaine 2350 ALE/USB clg 2011 (2006-
12-20) (sw)
04507.0 035: Hng-Mil 2351 ALE/USB clg 100 (2006-12-20) (sw)
04068.0 4N7R: Unid Serbian? 2356 ALE/USB clg PGID (2006-12-20) (Sam, UK - udxf 328, 21/12/2006)

02199.0 XSS: NATO NC3A Europe 1148 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-21) (sw)
03161.0 XSS: NATO NC3A Europe 1148 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-21) (sw)
04166.3 XSS: NATO NC3A Europe 1148 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-21) (sw)
04226.5 XSS: NATO NC3A Europe 1205 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-21) (sw)
06243.0 XSS: NATO NC3A Europe 1210 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-21) (sw)
11475.0 TRP: Alg-Mfa Tripoli 1325 ALE/USB clg MAE Algiers (2006-12-21)
16285.0 STAT151: Tun-Moi 1333 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-21) (sw)
16240.0 2011: Civile Protection Marocaine 1336 ALE/USB clg 2214 (2006-
12-21) (sw)
07780.0 LEN: Unid LEN net 1519 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2006-12-21) (sw)
06516.0 COV: Unid 1519 ALE/USB clg BTS (2006-12-21) (Sam, UK - udxf 329, 21/12/2006)

10273.0 GS1: unid 1204 USB clg MB1 (21/DEC/06) (KK)
16116.5 No Call: prob. Austrian Mil 1245 USB/39tone-Modem weak readb. (21/DEC/06) (KK)
08117.5 OEY52: Austrian Mil 1247 USB/ALE clg OEY41 (21/DEC/06) (KK)
08019.5 OEY52: Austrian Mil 1248 USB/ALE clg OEY41 (21/DEC/06) (KK)
06990.5 OEY52: Austrian Mil 1249 USB/ALE clg OEY41 (21/DEC/06) (KK)
05838.5 OEY52: Austrian Mil 1250 USB/ALE clg OEY41 (21/DEC/06) (KK)
05250.5 OEY52: Austrian Mil 1251 USB/ALE clg OEY41 (21/DEC/06) (KK)
10240.0 RHP: unid 1329 USB/ALE clg AAP (21/DEC/06) (KK)
09176.0 RGI: unid 1429 USB/ALE clg JDI (21/DEC/06) (KK)
16986.0 CTP: Oeiras Palhais, POR 1510 Rtty 75Bd/850Hz Marker: TEST TEST
(21/DEC/06) (KK)
05672.0 5GS: prob. Uk Mil 5thGen.Sup, IRQ 1524 USB/ALE clg SBR (21/DEC/06) (KK)
05415.0 5GS: prob. Uk Mil 5thGen.Sup, IRQ 1525 USB/ALE clg SBR (21/DEC/06) (KK)
05414.0 YG50: ALG Mil/MOI 1529 USB/ALE clg YG48 (21/DEC/06) (KK)
05414.0 VK54: ALG Mil/MOI 1530 USB/ALE clg VK56, short AVS, than ALE cnf by VK54 (21/DEC/06) (KK)
05320.0 No Call: unid 1535 USB/39-tone-Modem, male and fem. conversation before and after tx, sounds like "...Iro Mechato.."???spanish? (21/DEC/06)
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 329, 21/12/2006)

02199 XSS: NATO NC3A Net Europe (Casteau?) 1953 ALE/USB Sounds.
(21Dec06) (MPJ)

03155 2001: Protection Civile Marocaine 2016 ALE/USB Calls 2206.
1001 and 1104 also seen. (21Dec06) (MPJ)

03354 VEDR: CIS Military 2032 CW Comms check with ...L 8C3U NTBB
and ZKFW. (21Dec06) (MPJ)

03364 BU8F: Russian Military 2102 CW Sends message to unid: BU8F
234 94 22 0001 234 = ZKJ .36 = auPPE TAXOD ... (21Dec06) (MPJ)

03532 TXX2: Spanish Guardia Civil Valdemoro 2000 ALE/USB Calls
TWBT2/unid. At 2022 calls TWVE2/unid. (21Dec06) (MPJ)

03805 11032: Unid 2015 ALE/USB Sounds. (21Dec06) (MPJ)

03933 RFFN: Russian 'RFF' Net 2026 CW RFFN RFFU and RFFch working
RFFN. RFFN not heard on QSX freq 3132 kHz. (21Dec06) (MPJ)

04510 INAS30P: Sonatrach Pumping Station, In Amenas, Algeria
1920 ALE/LSB Also OHT30P Ohanet sounding. (21Dec06) (MPJ)

05026 5757: Unid 2115 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Dec06) (MPJ - udxf 329, 21/12/2006)

06950.0 LEN: Unid LEN net 1556 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2006-12-21) (sw)
05602.0 T1Z131: USA-Mil 1/131st Avn 1623 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-21)
05554.5 T01147: Unid 1631 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-21) (sw)
04855.0 2001: Civile Protection Marocaine 2138 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
21) (sw)
04855.0 2661: Civile Protection Marocaine 2139 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
21) (sw)
05290.0 LEN: Unid LEN net 2157 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2006-12-21) (sw)
05200.0 LEN: Unid LEN net 2157 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2006-12-21) (sw)
04505.0 LEN: Unid LEN net 2159 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2006-12-21) (sw)
05418.0 GASSI30P: Alg-Oil/Gas Gassi Touill, ALG 2219 ALE/LSB sndg.
(2006-12-21) (sw)
04457.0 RHP: Unid 2238 ALE/USB clg AAP (2006-12-21) (sw)
05410.0 5870: Unid 2257 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-21) (sw)
05732.0 PNR: OPBAT base, Georgetown, Bahamas 2301 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-
12-21) (sw)
05732.0 J33: USCG HH-60J #6033 Aircraft CGAS Elizabeth City 2302
ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-21) (sw)
05732.0 OPB: Operations Bahamas Turks & Caicos 2306 ALE/USB clg X53
US Army UH-60L tail # 94-26553 2-3rd AVN (2006-12-21) (sw)
05732.0 X53: US Army UH-60L tail # 94-26553 2-3rd AVN 2306 ALE/USB
clg X53 OPB Operations Bahamas Turks & Caicos (Sam, UK - udxf 329, 2006-12-21)

8414.5kHz A8IW9: Queen Zenobia 2006DEC210214Z GMDSS/DSC

SELF IDENTIFICATION: 775065000 Venezuela
LONGITUDE 5 deg 31 min EAST
TIME UTC: 0 : 51
TELECOMMAND: J3E telephone
DECODED AT: 9:14:48 PM 12/20/2006
(Albert P, Boston, MA - udxf 329, 21/12/2006)

0022Z 3167.0 L7F, S5G, L9E USN vessels in Link-11 coordination net
0102Z 5732.0 19C position report to PANTHER. Bearing 328, 18 miles from TANGO
0150Z 11175.0 KILO 36 p/p to Kirtland AFB Meteo for 0400z WX

ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 503, FMK, I43, J11, J15, J19, J31, LNT, M51, OPB, PNR400, TSC
(MJ Cleary, Charleston, SC - udxf 331, 22/12/2006)

[05:06:32][FRQ 05732000][TO ][716 ][TIS][PAC ][AL0] BER 30 SN 10 followed by CAMSPAC wkg CG 1716 (HC-130, CGAS Sacramento)

to request to know what frequency they want to hail USCGC Morgenthau (WHEC 722) on for secure comms.

1317Z 7527.0 JULIET 15 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) airborne with 5 POB for training requests guard from CAMSLANT
1336Z 8983.0 CG 2134 (HU-25, CGAS Miami) position report to CAMSLANT. 24-40N 080-20W
1346Z 8983.0 CG 2141 (HU-25) airborne with 6 POV from Corpus Christi en route El Paso requests guard from CAMSLANT
1406Z 11175.0 ABSTAINER radio check with Offutt HF-GCS
1421Z 11175.0 SHARK 23 (C-130) p/p via Offutt HF-GCS to Pope AFB CP. Inbound with 0 PAX & cargo. 9 crew. A3. Req. 33k fuel. 1615z ETA
1445Z 11232.0 SENTRY 61 (E-3 AWACS) morale p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to 215-XXX-XXXX Philadelphia
1456Z 8983.0 CG 2140 (HU-25, CGAS Cape Cod) position report to CAMSLANT. 40-25N 068-57W
1503Z 11232.0 GOLIATH CHARLIE (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 268-4466 BEST DEAL. Requests OPCON status. BEST

DEAL reports OPCON and TACON status are normal. Followed by line code report to BEST DEAL
1506Z 11232.0 GOLIATH CHARLIE (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 939-1852 TIGER EYE to request Zulu freqs. Z120 is

Primary. Z160 is Secondary
1529Z 8983.0 CG 2134 (HU-25, CGAS Miami) requests AHAWK and HUNTRESS be notified of their squawk and told they will be flying in the area
1534Z 5732.0 JULIET 14 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) airborne with 4 SOB en route Roanoke, VA requests guard from CAMSLANT
1541Z 11232.0 GOLIATH DELTA (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 939-1852 ABDUCTION. Requests Zulu freqs for connectivity

check. Z120 Primary. Z160 Secondary
1554Z 11175.0 REACH 3995 (KC-135 # 63-7995) p/p via Andrews HF-GCS to DSN 743-3251 SHOCKER CONTROL at McConnell AFB
1604Z 10493.0 BACK STRETCH clg LIONS DEN and passing date time group "H141600" to CHEESY
1700Z 11175.0 S4JG (P-3C) radio check with Puerto Rico HF-GCS
1701Z 7527.0 JULIET 16 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) airborne with 4 POB for training requests guard from CAMSLANT
1703Z 10493.0 CHEESY passing date time group "H141700" to BACK STRETCH
1711Z 8971.0 PELICAN 711 (P-3C) wkg FIDDLE
1735Z 11232.0 CHALICE FOXTROT (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to HUNTRESS with line code report. Followed by p/p to DSN

268-4466 BEST DEAL then back to HUNTRESS with request they pass to CORNERSTONE they are RTB for an ill flight engineer and are dumping fuel
1745Z 11232.0 GOLIATH CHARLIE (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 587-6854 HUNTRESS to report problem with Satcom

receive side
1809Z 11175.0 RL 990 p/p via Andrews HF-GCS to DSN 476-2692 NAS Brunswick. Passes ETA. Requests Customs.
1816Z 9010.0 Link-11 data transmission
1844Z 8971.0 FIDDLE requests PELICAN 711 assumes NCS in Gator (Link-11)
[18:43:30][FRQ 08912000][TO ][TSC ][TIS][M51 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 00 followed by 1551 (C-12M) wkg SERVICE CENTER for secure

comms troubleshooting. They lost battery power and with it the key
1851Z 13257.0 SENTRY 61 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 884-2011 RAYMOND 24 with line code report
1857Z 9025.0 SENTRY 08 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via Andrews HF-GCS to RAYMOND 24 with line code report
1921Z 11175.0 REACH 227 p/p via Andrews HF-GCS with 2 hour-out call
1937Z 10493.0 LIONS DEN passing date time group "H141930" to BACK STRETCH
1942Z 11232.0 SENTRY 07 p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 884-2011 RAYMOND 24 with line code report. Late return is due to weapons activity

running late
1951Z 11175.0 SENTRY 50 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN XXX-5472 CORNERSTONE. Passes 1530 local land time.

Discussion of activity in Bronco MOA
1956Z 11232.0 KING 15 (HC-130) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 460-7112 KING OPS who reports the 1400-1530 range time is not extended.

Requests WX
2033Z 11175.0 RU 990 p/p via Andrews HF-GCS to DSN 476-2350 NAS Brunswick Meteo for 2300z WX
2101Z 11175.0 KING 23 (HC-130) radio check with Andrews HF-GCS
2103Z 11232.0 SENTRY 60 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY with line code report
2117Z 8301.6 ANDVT
2137Z 8912.0 CG 1720 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) requests CAMSLANT contact Key West to see if there are any TOIs. They have 40 minute ETA
2228Z 5732.0 CAMSLANT wkg CG 1503 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) with request from Sector North Carolina to know when they will be dropping

flares. CG 1503 reports they are dropping flares now with 40-60 minute burn duration
2234Z 10993.6 CG 1720 (HC-130) position report to SHARK 19 from benchmark HOOSIERS
2304Z 11175.0 DRY FARM with EAM broadcast
2334Z 11175.0 LL 73 (P-3C, VP-30) p/p via Offutt HF-GCS to DUTY OFFICE. "765" passes 2003 local ETA
2347Z 11175.0 NAVY BH 341 (NP-3D) with Mainsail call
ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 503, 504, 716, 717, 720, D01, D45, F33, F35, FMK, I34, I57, J03, J11, J14, J15, J16, J18, J19, J23, J31, J38, LNT,

M51, OPB, PAC, PNR400, T74, TSC, X52 (MJ Cleary, Charleston, SC - udxf 331, 22/12/2006)

02749.0 VCS halifax garde cotes canada 0641 USB eng "gale warning..."

02810.0 OFA helsinki fin 0643 USB fin yl 23dec06

02872.0 atc nat gander 0646 USB c CQBH coa / GLAS biz 23dec06

> http://www.airliners.net/open.file/1116662/L/

03120.0 pirate? 0653 USB russ d/x 23dec06

03330.0 CHU ottawa ts 0654 USB fra eng 23dec06

03485.0 gander volmet 0657 USB eng" ikaluit...temperature -34," 23dec06
(Michel, France - udxf 331, 22/12/2006)

13499.0 1001: Civile Protection Marocaine 1027 ALE/USB clg 1305 (2006-
12-22) (sw)
05732.0 FMK: Unid 2220 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-22) (sw)
05602.0 T36: USA-Mil 36 Medical Company 2222 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
22) (sw)
05732.0 J33: USCG HH-60J #6033 Aircraft CGAS Elizabeth City 2222
ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-22) (sw)
03805.0 1001: Civile Protection Marocaine 2235 ALE/USB clg 1105 (2006-
12-22) (sw)
03805.0 13222: Unid 2249 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-22) (sw)
03155.0 200: Civile Protection Marocaine 2254 ALE/USB clg 2514 (2006-
12-22) (sw)
08600.0 13112: Unid 2304 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-22) (sw)
08600.0 13241: Unid 2319 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-22) (sw)
05930.0 035: Hng-Mil 2320 ALE/USB clg 082 (2006-12-22) (sw)
05334.0 035: Hng-Mil 2320 ALE/USB clg 082 (2006-12-22) (sw)
045070.0 035: Hng-Mil 2321 ALE/USB clg 082 (2006-12-22) (sw)
07759.0 GUSAU: Nigeria Oil/Gas Gusau NIG 2345 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
22) (sw)
07759.0 BENIN: Nigeria Oil/Gas Benin NIG 2349 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-
22) (Sam, Uk - udxf 331, 23/12/2006)

23428.0 055: Unid 1044 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-23) (sw)
18336.0 055: Unid 1048 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-23) (sw)
18003.0 MPA: RAF Port Stanley, Falkland Is 1106 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-23) (sw)
27870.0 CROSPR: Croughton AFB 1107 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-23) (sw)
15043.0 PLA: Lajes, Azores 1109 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-23) (sw)
11226.0 PLA: Lajes, Azores 1109 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-23) (sw)
16240.0 200: Civile Protection Marocaine 1135 ALE/USB clg 2205 (2006-12-22) (sw)
15043.0 JNR: Salinas, Puerto Rico 1414 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-23) (sw)
18765.0 2011: Civile Protection Marocaine 1420 ALE/USB clg 2524 (2006-12-22) (sw)
16240.0 2011: Civile Protection Marocaine 1421 ALE/USB clg 2524 (2006-12-22) (sw)
17435.0 101: Civile Protection Marocaine 1425 ALE/USB clg 1118 (2006-12-22) (sw)
18765.0 2011: Civile Protection Marocaine 1426 ALE/USB clg 2214 (2006-12-22) (sw)
17435.0 2011: Civile Protection Marocaine 1433 ALE/USB clg 2413 (2006-12-22) (Sam, Uk - udxf 332, 23/12/2006)

ZKLF Wellington, New Zealand: (17400km from my QTH!)
13551 kHz, 1330z 1200 SW PACIFIC MSL PROG H+48
5807 kHz, 1400z 1200 SW PACIFIC MSL PROG H+72
9460 kHz 1415z 1200 SW PACIFIC MSL PROG H+72
13551 kHz, 1430z 1200 SW PACIFIC MSL PROG H+72
5807 kHz, 1500z 1200 TASMAN - NEW ZEALAND MSL ANAL(YSIS)
9460 kHz, 1515z 1200 TASMAN - NEW ZEALAND MSL ANAL(YSIS)
(Manolis, Greece - udxf 332, 23/12/2006)

15867.0 X63: US Army UH-60L tail # 94-26563 2-3rd AVN 1450 ALE/USB
sndg. (2006-12-23) (sw)
18594.0 704: USCG HC-130H 1704, CGAS Sacramento 145 ALE/USB sndg.
(2006-12-23) (sw)
05285.0 MALI: Alb-Mil 1549 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2006-12-23) (sw)
05117.0 MALI: Alb-Mil 1550 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2006-12-23) (sw)
05075.0 MALI: Alb-Mil 1551 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2006-12-23) (sw)
04771.0 MALI: Alb-Mil 1552 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2006-12-23) (sw)
04530.0 MALI: Alb-Mil 1553 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2006-12-23) (sw)
05350.0 DRINI: Alb-Mil 1556 ALE/USB clg SHQIPONJA (2006-12-23) (sw)
06865.0 FLA: Unid 1603 ALE/USB clg BTS (2006-12-23) (sw)
05379.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1608 ALE/USB clg TWCP2 Pontevedra (2006-
12-23) (sw)
06950.0 LEN: Unid (LEN net) 1617 ALE/USB clg BR2 (2006-12-23) (sw)
05075.0 HA40: Alg-Moi/Mil 1621 ALE/USB clg VK45 (2006-12-23) (sw)
05075.0 HA40: Alg-Moi/Mil 1627 ALE/USB clg YG60 (2006-12-23) (sw)
05075.0 YG53: Alg-Moi/Mil 1629 ALE/USB clg YG56 (2006-12-23) (sw)
05075.0 YG48: Alg-Moi/Mil 1633 ALE/USB clg YG51 (2006-12-23) (sw)
05075.0 YG51: Alg-Moi/Mil 1633 ALE/USB clg YG48 (2006-12-23) (sw)
05075.0 YG63: Alg-Moi/Mil 1634 ALE/USB clg YG40 (2006-12-23) (sw)
05075.0 YG63: Alg-Moi/Mil 1637 ALE/USB clg YG53 (2006-12-23) (sw)
05075.0 YG53: Alg-Moi/Mil 1637 ALE/USB clg YG63 (2006-12-23) (sw)
05286.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 1645 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2006-12-
23) (sw)
05868.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 1646 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2006-12-
23) (sw)
05892.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 1647 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2006-12-
23) (sw)
05352.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 1649 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2006-12-
23) (sw)
04751.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1650 ALE/USB clg TWLL2 Logrono (2006-12-
23) (sw)
08151.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1651 ALE/USB clg TWLL2 Logrono (2006-12-
23) (sw)
03533.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1653 ALE/USB clg TWLL2 Logrono (2006-12-
23) (sw)
05286.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 1653 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2006-12-
23) (sw)
05379.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1655 ALE/USB clg TWLL2 Logrono (2006-12-
23) (sw)
06874.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1656 ALE/USB clg TWLL2 Logrono (2006-12-
23) (Sam, UK - udxf 332, 23/12/2006)

06934.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1659 ALE/USB clg TWLL2 Logrono (2006-12-
23) (sw)
05319.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1659 ALE/USB clg TWVE2 (2006-12-23) (sw)
04988.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1701 ALE/USB clg TWVE2 (2006-12-23) (sw)
04874.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1702 ALE/USB clg TWVE2 (2006-12-23) (sw)
03218.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1703 ALE/USB clg TWVE2 (2006-12-23) (sw)
05868.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 1703 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2006-12-
23) (sw)
05847.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1704 ALE/USB clg TWVE2 (2006-12-23) (sw)
05892.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 1705 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2006-12-
23) (sw)
04561.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 1706 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2006-12-
23) (sw)
05352.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 1707 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (2006-12-
23) (sw)
07770.0 2526: Unid 1955 sndg. (2006-12-23) (sw)
05202.0 585: Unid 2006 sndg. (2006-12-23) (sw)
09086.0 RHI: Unid 2016 clg AAI (2006-12-23) (sw)
(Sam, UK - udxf 332, 23/12/2006)

03162 T5D1: CIS Military 2136 CW Message for 4VS7: T5D1 183 23
24 0102 = 183 = 943 = FTNöW HPTMJ ... TUöEQ WRPWA K. Then message
for SMBA: T5D1 878 25 24 0200 878 = 943 = CLYOG QOHZS ... Messages
are some 1 and 2 hours ahead of MSK. Overnight traffic sent early!
(23Dec06) (MPJ)

03164 CGIJ: CIS Military 2153 CW ZE2D de CGIJ QBE QYT6 K. (23Dec06)

03207 TPBS: Russian Military 2112 CW Comms check with .... K5G6
and O3JB. (23Dec06) (MPJ)

03211 XF8I: CIS Military 2118 CW JHL5 de XF8I K. JHL5 de P3SO K.
JHL5 de OK7B K. (23Dec06) (MPJ)

05075 VK40: Algerian MOI/Military 2142 ALE/USB Calls VK47
(21Dec06) (MPJ)

05544 VT-INA: IndiGo A320-232 2056 HFDL Logs on to Al Muharraq
Air. (23Dec06) (MPJ)

05544 G-VNAP: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Sleeping Beauty' 2101 HFDL
Logs on. (23Dec06) (MPJ)

05544 B-6120: China Eastern A330 2115 HFDL Logs on. (23Dec06) (MPJ)

06529 HP-1522: CMP B737 2132 HFDL Logs on to Las Palmas. (23Dec06)

06529 B-HQB: Cathay Pacific A340 2132 HFDL Logs on. (MPJ - udxf 332, 23/12/2006)

[08:48:43][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][X52 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 11 followed by 52A position report to PANTHER. Bearing 149, 38 miles

from J12

[10:01:32][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][J33 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 09 followed by 33C position report to PANTHER. 20-20N 073-27W

1451Z 8983.0 CG 2120 (HU-25, CGAS Cape Cod) departing Atlantic City for Wright Patterson AFB requests guard from CAMSLANT

1509Z 5732.0 52A position report to PANTHER. Bearing 282, 51 miles from G12

1524Z 11175.0 Andrews HF-GCS wkg O3H

1630Z 8971.0 TRIDENT 42 (P-3C, VP-26) wkg GOLDENHAWK reporting their position near Nassau and reporting they are inbound to JAX with

mechanical problem. Low oil in # 3

1927Z 11232.0 PEACH 33 (E-8 JSTARS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to PEACHTREE for WX

1934Z 9010.0 Link-11 data transmission

2004Z 8912.0 52A position report to PANTHER. Bearing 307, 97 miles from J6

2010Z 11175.0 JESSE 93 (C-130H) (over Louisiana) p/p via Andrews HF-GCS to DSN 356-3260 reporting mechanical problem seems to have cleared.

Could have it looked at in Puerto Rico, but worried about stranding 55 Army PAX

2036Z 10242.0 JULIET 41 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) position report to CAMSLANT. 24-40N 080-15W

2036Z 11175.0 JESSE 93 (C-130H) p/p to DSN 356-3260. ETA 0230z to TISX (Hamilton Field, Saint Croix)

2153Z 11175.0 DOOM 94 (B-52H, 2 BW) p/p via Puerto Rico HF-GCS to Meteo for WX

[22:57:53][FRQ 05708000][TO ][JNR ][TIS][E30001 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 14 [AMD]CCCCD8,8845714NNNN followed by CHARIOT 01 (E-3

AWACS # 79-0001) p/p to Tinker AFB Meteo

ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 014FEM, 500, EST, FMK, J16, J17, J18, J33, J41, J42, LNT, M53, OPB, PNR400, T42, TSC, X52
(MJ Cleary, Charleston, SC - udxf 332, 23/12/2006)

06500.0 KANO: Nigeria Oil/Gas 2038 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-23) (sw)
07759.0 AUCHI: Nigeria Oil/Gas Auchi 2042 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-23)
06500.0 AUCHI: Nigeria Oil/Gas Auchi 2043 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-23)
06500.0 JOS: Nigeria Oil/Gas Jos 2043 ALE/USB sndg. (2006-12-23) (sw)
04542.5 RADAR90RS: Uzb-Mil 2108 ALE/USB clg KULON02RS100 (2006-12-23)
05270.5 RADAR90RS: Uzb-Mil 2113 ALE/USB clg KULON02RS100 (2006-12-23)

20028.0 3ZB202: Pol-Mil 1304 ALE/USB clg LCR154 (2006-12-24) (sw)
15687.0 FMK: Unid US-CG? 2220 ALE/USB sndg. (Sam, UK - udxf 334, 2006-12-24)

Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM has entered the Limca Book of
Records for making the first radio film - 'Kuch Kuch
Sunta Hai'.

'Kuch Kuch Sunta Hai' is a romantic audio movie shot
earlier this year in Delhi.

The Limca Book of Records has awarded a certificate to
Radio Mirchi, stating: 'Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM shot the
first radio film 'Kuch Kuch Sunta Hai' on June 23,
2006 at Lodhi Gardens, New Delhi.

'Radio jockeys - played the lead roles in the movie
that was aired 6 to 7 p.m. on 'Bumper2Bumper' to
support the Archaeological Survey of India's stand
that shooting films with artificial lights harm
historical monuments.'

The novel initiative by the radio station will feature
in the 2007 edition of the Limca Book of Records.

'We wish to thank the Limca Book of Records for
recognising the good work and initiatives undertaken
by Radio Mirchi. As an industry leader, we will
continue to lead from the front with entertaining and
innovative programmes for our listeners,' said Kaushik
Ghosh, vice president-marketing Radio Mirchi, in a
press release.

The audio film was followed by another radio film -
'Bijli Ki Khoj' - enacted on Delhi streets by Radio
Mirchi RJs and listeners.

The film aimed to address the capital city's
electricity woes on behalf of the masses.
(ardicdxclub, http://www.rxpgnews.com/india/Radio-Mirchi-bags-spot-in-Limca-Book-of-Records_9175.shtml - dxldyg 1124)

Lakshwadeep islands to be connected by Ham radio

Three islands in Lakshwadeep will be connected by ham
radio for the first time on January 15. Ham radio operators will set up a
base in Magatti, Bangaram and Kadmat islands as part of a ten-day
international ham fest. After a year of intense lobbying, the National
Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad, has succeeded in getting permission from
the Union ministry of communications and information technology to operate
hams from Lakshadweep.
(http://www.downtoearth.org.in/Full6.asp?FolderName=20061231&FileNAme=news&sid=32&sec_id=51, ardicdxclub - dxldyg 1124, 21/12/2006)

Northern Star project to continue with new name after another setback.

After Norkring AS announced in 2003 it was not able to house the AM 216
frequency at its shortwave site in Sveio, Northern Star International
Broadcasters AS decided to follow a more flexible strategy:

The company decided to keep the offer for 216, while concentrating on
campaigning for another Norwegian high power channel AM 1314, knowing this
was likely to be given up by the NRK in 2006. It was thought that starting
transmissions on this channel, besides of making revenue, would open up the
complex challenges regarding building the longwave station.

Subsequently, for 3 years there has been a low-profile process with
extensive lobbying work in the bureaucracy and the leasing market to get
this alternative frequency and its present site.

At the end of July 2006 at last the company was able to register a
significant success as it secured an exclusive offer for the combined 1314
package from Kvitsoy 24/7.

This process has temporarily stopped though as the investors(and the company
itself) thought the price asked by the site owner was much too high.

It has emerged that at the same time the 1314 frequency permit(not a
license) has been advertised in Oslo. At the moment, it is not clear what
this will mean for our process.

Northern Star International Broadcasters AS at any rate has decided to
broaden its flexible strategy and will now with interested investors also
consider transmitter sites in other countries including other frequencies
and wavebands than 216, 1314 and Long-and Medium Wave.

Northern Star International Broadcasters AS also has decided that this is a
good occasion to re-launch the project with a new name: Radio Norway

The proposed on-air identity is new, but the Northern Star project is
continuing. (Mike Terry, UK - dxldyg 1122, 20/12/2006, http://www.northernstar.no/)

Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Прошедшим летом (2006 года) самую мелодичную и стильную радиостанцию Петербурга "ЭЛЬДОРАДИО 101.4FM" покинул корифей

радиоэфира, бархатный голос этой радиостанции, ведущий самых жизнерадостных и креативных программ - Михаил Клёнов. Это очень

нехороший признак вымирания радиостанции, т.к. незадолго до Клёнова эфир "ЭЛЬДОРАДИО" покинули два самых мощных ди-джея

Петербурга - Анна Раманова и дважды лауреат премии Попова - Семён Зверев. Возможно это связано с покупкой этой радиостанции холдингом

"ЕВРОПА +", и возникшими всвязи с этим внутренними проблемами, но факт остаётся фактом: популярные ди-джеи бегут с петербургского

"ЭЛЬДОРАДИО" в расцвете возраста и творческих сил! (Елена Петрова, http://guzei.com/radio, 24/12/2006)

9-й Российский DX Конкурс
Есть ли желающие взять на себя организацию 9-го Российского DX-конкурса, или
хотя бы помочь посильным участием в этом деле? Если есть - откликнитесь по
моему личному адресу dm65dx@gmail.com до нового года.

8-й конкурс проводил я, Дмитрий Мезин. Все призы разосланы, результаты
публиковались в open_dx, но официальная Web-страница оказалась очень
запущенной. В новогодние каникулы я планирую ее привести в порядок.
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 20/12/2006)

28 февраля 2007 г. состоится заседание Федеральной конкурсной комиссии
по телерадиовещанию (ФКК) по вопросам получения права на вещание
в следующих городах:

1. Астрахань, Астраханская область, 792 кГц, 50 кВт, лицензия на
предоставление услуг по эфирной трансляции телевизионных и звуковых
программ 21073 от 07.02.2002 г.; время вещания ежедневно, круглосуточно;
концепция вещания свободная. Размер единовременной платы 184450 руб.,
размер конкурсного взноса (2%) 3689 руб.

остальной длинный список на:
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 25/12/2006)
December 20

On this day in 1939, Radio Australia began its overseas short-wave service.

On this day in 1971, talk-show host, Larry King, was arrested in Miami on
charges of grand larceny.

On this day in 2002, MIX 101.5 WRAL-FM became the first licensed commercial
radio station on the east coast to broadcast in HD Radio.

On this day in 2003, Les Tremayne died. Tremayne was a leading man during
Radio's Golden Era on shows such as The Thin Man, The Falcon, Betty and Bob
and The Romance of Helen Trent. (http://radio.about.com/library/history/blhistory1220.htm)

Небольшая новость: мой сайт теперь будет располагаться по адресу
http://dxsignal.ru (вместо прежнего http://dxsignal.info). Завтра по
скоростному Интернету с работы залью туда содержимое. Пожалуйста, поправьте
свои ссылки, у кого они были. (Дмитрий Мезни, Казань, Россия - open_dx 24/12/2006)

729 CHINA, Nanchang, Jiangxi Prov.
rec. two beautiful QSL cards, a letter, and prog. schedule in 56d for
CD report and $1 US rp. V/S: Wei Guang- Chief Editor. Letter mentioned
my CD was of their news program. They seem to be very friendly,
mentioning they hope to hear from me again in the future. Address:
Jiangxi News Station, 209 Hongdu Zhong Dadao, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330046,
China. China QSL #39. I am really pleased with this. (Patrick Martin, Oregon, Usa - hard-core-dx 48, 21, 20/12/2006)

Radio Ukraine Intern. bestatigte recht schnell einen E-Mail Bericht vom
03.12. mit QSL und Weihnachtskarte.
RMRC und SWLCS ebenfalls schnelle Bestatigung, der SWLCS dabei mit einer
Bei MV Baltic Radio freute ich mich uber QSL und gewonnener CD mit
persohnlicher Widmung des Kustlers I AM X.
(Peter Vaegler, Stralsund, Germany - A-DX 21/12/2006)

21.12.06 получил QSL-карточку от радиостанции WWVH с Гавайских островов.
Карточка односторонняя, изготовлена на глянцевой бумаге, точнее фотография
разделённая пополам на две части. Вверху фото WWVH на острове Maui, станция
вещала на этом острове с 1948 по 1971 год. Внизу фото WWVH на острове Kauai,
станция вещает с этого острова с 1971 года по сей день. А в самом низу
данные пдтверждения, указаны дата прёма и частота.
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 24/12/2006)

IC-R8500 + C3G + M7000 + MVT7100
PC-Ale + PC HFDL + MScan Meteo Fax
Airnav Suite 4 + ACARS Decoder 2.1

LAT:- -41.36 South,..LONG:- -171.52 East. (Buller, New Zealand).
Icom Pcr1000,.(with HRD),...FRG 7700..(with FRT-7700),.
Kenwood R-1000...Uniden UBCT-8,...Yaesu VR-120,....
Sangen ATS 818acs.....Sony SW7600G......Sony Air-8.

60ft wire,(NE/SW 75 yards from Beach, 40ft asl)........
6 element Discone,..18ft Whip,....

Scott R. Barbour Jr.
Sugar Hill Outlook
Kancamaugus Hwy,NH-USA
R75, 150’ longwire

Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, 41.38N 93.40W
R8A + 313e + 60M Dipole + Mini-Whip

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