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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 97
WorldDX 97 05/12/2006 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по следующим адресам: http://worlddx.narod.ru/dx.html, http://worlddx.by.ru/dx.html и http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ Конференция бюллетеня: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ Подписка: worlddx-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Выходит по вторникам. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Австралия 2310 ABC Alice Springs, November 21st, 2035, news, weather in Alice Springs, station "booming in" with O=3-4 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 6080, R.A., Nov 30, 0950-0959, program in assume Tok Pisin, // 5995, fair-good. Not on 6020. (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E5, dxldyg 1095, 30/11/2006) 5995 Radio Australia; 1005, 3-Dec; Pidgin service, news. SIO=3+23 (Frodge-DXP) 7240 Radio Australia; 1436-58+, 2-Dec; Saturday Night Country w/C&W & interviews in EE. SIO=444-; //11660, SIO=3+33; //9475, SIO=333, LSB cuts out QRM; //9590, SIO=3+53+ (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Австрия 6155 R. Austria Int. 1642 mx, then M anncr in GM, and Tango-like song. GM song at 1648. ID at 1700. (24 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Азербайджан Необычайно хорошо проходит сейчас в Киеве Голос Азербайджана на 6111 кГц (приблизительно). Особенно с 17.00 до 18.00 UTC. Иногда сила сигнала доходит до 5 баллов, но модуляция такая, что разобрать все равно почти ничего не возможно. (Александр Костюкевич, Киев, Украина - open_dx 04/12/2006) Албания In order to escape the collision with Russia on 6130 at 1945, effective today Nov. 27, R. Tirana is moving this English broadcast for Europe to 6170 and an hour earlier at 1845 UT. The quarter-hour broadcast remains at 1945 on its other frequency, 7465. And the half-hour English to Europe is still at 2100 on 7530. It`s difficult to find a totally clear frequency on 49m, and R. Tirana will no doubt be interested in reports on how 6170 is doing, which by the way is non-direxional. (Glenn Hauser, OK, Usa - hard-core-dx 47, 27, 27/11/2006) Албания/Китай 5970 CRI relay Tlk by W in GM, then M anncr over mx w/poss. ID at 1614. 1615 canned ID by W, then M anncr again. Decent signal and pretty good at 1706 check. (24 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Алжир 7425 R N Saharaui, 17:55-18:05, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en árabe con emisión de música pop local, ligeramente interfereida por emisión en 7420 de Radio Belarus, locutor con ID “... Saharaui Democratia”, comentarios con música, se aprecia que utilizan el mismo segmento una y otra vez, corte brusco e inicio otra vez, la música es instrumental muy pegadiza, “Arabia..Saharaui Democratia”, boletín de noticias con referencias al Magreb, segmento de música electrónica, SINPO 44444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) Аргентина 6214.7 R. Baluarte/R. Armonia 0140-0156 Preaching by M in SP. 0156-0159 soft vcl mx. 0159 M in PT w/clear R. Armonia ID/freq. 0159-0206 more soft PT mx, 0206 sounded like 2 promos, then back to soft PT vcl mx until the MD ran out at 0212!! Best heard in quite some time. Was hoping to get s/off. (14 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Афганистан 15265 Radio Solh, 12:20-12:25, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en afgano con emisión de música folklórica local, SINPO 45444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) Беларусь Radio Station Belarus started a service in Polish: it is on the air Wed/Sun 1900-1920 on 7360, 7390, 7420. On other days of the week, this time window is used by the German service. (Bernd Trutenau, Литва - CumbreDX 1751, 29/11/2006) Бенин 5025 ORTB Radio Parakou, 21:40-21:46, escuchada el 1 de Diciembre en francés a locutor en conversación con invitado, SINPO 33443 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1463, 02/12/2006) Болгария/Италия , 5775, 1900-1930* Nov 24 [Fri], English religious program with talk and gospel music. Poor, weak in noise (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1099, 01/12/2006) Болгария/Шотландия 5775 Radio Six Int, 21:00-21:18, escuchada el 30 de Noviembre en idioma inglés con sintonía y locutor con presentación e identificación, “Radio Six International”, frecuencia y cuña, locutora con larga presentación, locutor con público, comentarios y canto a coros sin música, la transmisión sufre ligeros cortes, SINPO 55454 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1462, 30/11/2006) Боливия 4409.8, BOLIVIA, R.Eco, 2259-2309, Nov 28, Spanish. T/in for presumed s/on for OM w/ music and talk. Solid ID at 2302. Ballads at 2305. Poor/fair at best. 4650.2, BOLIVIA, presumed R.Santa Ana, 2311-2316, Nov 28, Spanish. OM w/ talk, very weak under noise floor. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 3310 R Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, November 22nd, 00.03, program in Spanish and native language, flute music, ID; O=3 4409.8 R Eco, Reyes, November 22nd, 0050, romantic songs, ID; O=2-3 4498.1 R Estambul, Guayaramer?n, November 23rd, 2330, salsa music, Guayaramer?n mentioned; O=2 4650.3 R Santa Ana, SA de Yacuma, November 24th, 2220, religious program; O=3 4716.8 R Yura, November 24th, 2210, nice Andean music; O=2-3 4796.5 R Mallku, Uyuni, November 23rd, 2300, news, political information, ID; O=2-3 4928.5 R San Miguel (presumed), Riberalta, November 22nd, 0030, talks, Riberalta mentioned, bad modulation; O=2 5952.5 R Pio XII, November 24th, 2342, talk; O=2 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 4409.82 Radio Eco (p); 2311-31+, 1-Dec; M in SS w/camp'o music & possibly dedications; echo promo @2326. SIO=352, need USB to kill ute; tough copy due to QRN. (Frodge-DXP) 4716.76 Radio Yura; 0108-14+, 2-Dec; M in SS w/lite SS vocals; ID of some sort after every song; "...onda corta Radio Yura". SIO 342+, USB helps (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Бразилия 4915 0515 poss CBN Arhanguiera S3 with songs , fade in. no signal on 0500 Also stns on 5.8mHz 5745 possiby Taiwan 0510 with talks in russian S9 43444 5765 AM mode ??? 0510 talks in EE posibly not AFN S2 5755 ?? 0512 in EG too S2 mean and 5770 Myanmar Def Forces on 1346 with songs , S2 max seems fade in .. (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece - CumbreDX 1750, 28/11/2006) 5035, BRASIL, R.Aparecida, 0956-1006, Nov 27, Portuguese. Ballad at t/in. OM w/ talk and ad string. ?Echo? effect ID at 1004. Fair w/ 5030-Gene Scott slop. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) BRAZIL 4925.07 R. Educacao Rural, Tefe (pres.) 2332-0102 tlk by M w/flute mx underneath. Ment of telefono. Noise at ToH prevented ID. Not that strong. (17-18 Nov.) See below BRAZIL 4925.09 R. Educacao Rural, Tefe, 0959 End of ZY Pop song, then simple ?R. Rural? ID by M, fanfare w/women group chorus, and full canned ID by M, and M in slight echo w/pres. nx. Good signal. (18 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 4765 R Rural, Santar?m, November 21st, 2327, pop music, ID; O=3 4785,1 R Caiar?, Porto Velho, November 21st, 2257, pop music, ID; O=3 4876.4 R Difusora, Boa Vista, November 25th, 2330, religious program; O=3 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0348-0357, 30-11, locutor, comentarios, canciones, portugués. 24322. (Méndez) 4915, Radiodifusora Macapá, 0307-0313, 30-11, canciones brasileñas. 24322. (Méndez) 4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0209-0225, 30-11, canciones brasileñas, locutor presentando las canciones, comentarios, identificación: "Radio Brasil Central". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 1462, 30/11/2006) R. Guaíba, Porto Alegre, 6000.02, 2315-2330 Nov 25, Portuguese talk, ID. Weak and in the clear until covered by R. Prague via Canada in Spanish *2330. // 11784.96 weak (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Habana must have been off 6000 then? See CZECH REPUBLIC [and non] in next DXLD R. Marumby, Florianópolis, 9664.98, 2245-2300+ Nov 23, Portuguese ballads, talk, ID. 2300 religious sermon. // 11749.86; both fair R. Bandeirantes, São Paulo, 9645.15, 0155-0215+ Nov 24, Portuguese talk, announcements, ads, jingles, ballads, ID. Fair; very weak on // 11925 R. Aparecida, Aparecida, 9629.96, 0840-0900+ Nov 24, Brazilian pops, ballads, Portuguese announcements, ID, talk, ads, jingles. Fair. // 5035 and 11855.1 both weak; // 6135 fair to good R. Guarujá Paulista, Guarujá SP, 3384.95, 0700-0720+ Nov 26, Brazilian pops, ballads, Portuguese announcements, ads, jingles. // 5045 and 5940.23, all weak but readable (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1099, 01/12/2006) 4885 Radio Clube do Para, 21:06-21:09, escuchada el 1 de Diciembre en portugués a locutor con retransmisión deportivo y cuñas publicitarias, comentarios con música de fondo, SINPO 24422. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1463, 02/12/2006) 4775 Radio Congonhas (p); 2334-45+, 1-Dec; M in PP w/variety tunes & echo promos. SIO=332+, LSB helps; QRM sounds more like a ute rather than Peru. (Frodge-DXP) 4805 Radio Amazonas; 0940-0947+, 3-Dec; M in PP w/tropocal big band music; one word "Amazonas" SID & Brasil promo. SIO=3+23, swiper QRM (Frodge-DXP) 4885 Radio Clube do Para; 0507-23+, 2-Dec; M in PP w/variety tropical tunes--reggae, Mex, samba. Full ID @0523 w/MW/SW freqs. SIO=3+53 (Frodge-DXP) 4925.06 Radio Educacao; 2220-24+, 2-Dec; M&W in PP w/balada & ID. SIO= 342+, covered by ute bursts (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Буркина-Фасо 5030, BURKINA FASO, R.Burkina, 2053-2105, Nov 28, French. OM and YL w/ music and talk. OM at 2100 w/ news, soundbites and ID in passing. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 5030 Radio Burkina, 21:43-21:46, escuchada el 1 de Diciembre en idioma vernacular a locutora con comentarios, música folklórica local y conversación telefónica con oyente, tonos y saludo “Aló”, SINPO 35433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1463, 02/12/2006) 5030 Radio Burkina (p); 2M discussion in FF. Real mess w/Rebelde on 5025. SIO=3+22+, USB helps (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Бутан 6035 BBS Thimpu, November 23rd, 0030, monk singing, traditional music, ID; O=3 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Вьетнам 7220 Voice of Vietnam, 21:30-21:40, escuchada el 30 de Noviembre en idioma español a locutor y locutora con boletín de noticias, mala mudulación y sufre fuerte interferencia, SINPO 42332. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1462, 30/11/2006) Гайана 3291.1 Guyana BC, November 21st, 2245, talks and interviews on economic issues, ID: "Your are listening to the Voice of Guyana"; O=3 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Гватемала 4052.5 R Verdad, Chiquimula, November 24th, 0126, religious program, ID; O=3 4780 R Cultural, Coat?n, November 24th, 0124, Latino music, Coat?n mentioned; O=2 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 4052.47 Radio Verdad (p); 0131-39+, 2-Dec; M in SS w/ instr'l Xmas song medley. SIO=343 (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Гондурас 3249.7 R. Luz y Vida Has been slightly above 3250 for a while but was here below today at 1116 w/M and W in SP and EG rel. pgm. (23 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Греция 9420 Voice of Grecia, 17:28-17:35, tentativa el 28 de Noviembre en griego, se aprecia emisi?n de m?sica griega pero con grabes problemas en la transmisi?n, audio con constantes cortes, parece c?mo un mal contacto, a las 17:30 se escuchan unos tonos horarios y un locutor con unas frases, el problema parece haberse resuelto y se escucha con mas garant?as, SINPO 35342 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 28, 28/11/2006) Джибути 4780, 0259*-0310, 30-11. Inicio de la transmisión, musica de sintonía, a las 0300, locutor, comentarios, vernáculo, canciones. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 1462, 30/11/2006) Диего Гарсия 4319U, DIEGO GARCIA, AFN, 2142-2200, Nov 28, English. Clark Howard Show re pre-screened credit info. PSA?s. AFN ID at 2200. Booming signal! Better than at home. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Зимбабве 6045 ZBC, November 24th, 2351, native language, African pop music, ID; O=3 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 01 Dec at 1810 noted a different kind of jamming against SW R Africa on 4880. Earlier here I have noted only hum/buzz type weak jamming and SWRA has been nicely readable. Today there was strong music box or rather bagpipe type of jamming overriding the SWRA signal. (Jari Savolianen, Kuusankoski, Finland - hard-core-dx 48, 2, 01/11/2006) 4880 SW Radio África, 18:20-18:23, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en inglés a locutora con conversación telefónica con invitada, locutor con cuña de ID, SINPO 34333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) 3396 Radio Zimbabwe; 0317-0401+, 2-Dec; M in LL w/Afro & EE rap & UC tunes. Mentioned Zimbabwe @0338 o/music & @0355 before sung anthem w/several verses. Drum chant @0400 and continued but dropped off. Sig peaked 0330-40 & a tad better in USB. Hrd het or weak audio as early as 2243, but nothing copyable till time noted (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Египет 6230 R. Cairo Already a signal w/audio (mx) at 1556, M anncr, then AR mx to 5_1 (higher) time ticks at ToH, M very briefly w/pres. ID, mx bridge, then tlk. (24 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Израиль 6985 Kol Israel, 20:45-20:56, escuchada el 30 de Noviembre en español con sintonía, locutor con identificación y boletín de noticias, se corta la emisión bruscamente a las 20:56, SINPO 45444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1462, 30/11/2006) 6973 Galei Zahal, 18:35-18:40, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en hebreo con emisión de un tema en español, “Bésame mucho” en versión Blues, locutor con comentarios y entrevista a invitada, conexión telefónica con invitado y comentarios entre los tres, SINPO 45444. 15785 Galei Zahal, 12:25-12:30, escuchada en idioma hebreo con emisión de música pop local, SINPO 45444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) Индия 4760 AIR Leh, November 23rd, 0211, drums, Buddhist temple music, ID in local language; O=3 4760 AIR Port Blair, November 23rd, 2355, announcement of QRGs, ID; O=3 4830 AIR Jammu & Kashmir, November 24th, 1741, annoucement of QRG, ID: "Radio Kashmir"; O=4 4870 AIR Gangtok, November 24th, 1925, English and Hindi, world news, Indian music, ID; O=3 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 4830, AIR Jammu, Kashmir, 0047-0053, 30-11, música hindú. 24322. (Méndez) 4840, AIR Mumbai, 0042-0047, 30-11, locutor y locutora, comentarios, ligera interferencia de Mauritania en 4845 kHz. 23222. (Méndez) 4860, AIR Delhi, Kingsway, 0040-0045, 30-11, música hindú. 24322. (Méndez) 4940, AIR Guwahati A, Assan, 0035-0040, 30-11, locutor y locutora, comentarios en inglés, identificación: "This is All India Radio". 24222. (Méndez) 4950, AIR Srinagar B, Jammu and Kashmir, 0215-0220, 30-11, música hindú, locutor, vernáculo. 24322. (Méndez) 4980, AIR Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, 0101-0115, 30-11, locutor, comentarios, veránculo. 34333. (Méndez) 5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 0025-0035, 30-11, comentarios en inglés hasta las 0030, luego comentarios en vernáculo, probablemente Tamil. 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 1462, 30/11/2006) Индонезия VOI, 9525, VG signal here, much better e.g. than Japan 9505/9535 or RCI 9610; Nov 27 during 1530 semihour again running gamelan orchestra 6:24 loop with English IDs; not checked during 1600 hour when no doubt in Arabic; seems to be running a few minutes late like RCI. 1703 music and opening Spanish, La Voz de Indonesia, news, spoken syl-la-ble-by-syl-la-ble with accent. Made some mistakes a native speaker would not, such as ``Indonesio`` as a noun, and ``democrat?co``. 1712-1717 brief Arte y Cultura program about something in East Java, then music from different propinsis of Indonesia. Still on at 1802 into German. No sign of anything on 15150 at 1703 check where all these are supposedly scheduled toward Europe instead of 9525 toward North America (Glenn Hauser, OK, Usa - hard-core-dx 47, 27, 27/11/2006) Im starting a week vacation, so being at home at 1930 VOI surprised me with an even better signal in French that at first hearing didn’t give any credit. I thought it was some other station, while this woman announcer in French had that Indonesian music in the background. Well, VOI in English came VG at 2000 too. I haven’t check this situation neither Saturdays nor Sundays, so is my first time for VOI 15150 in French and English. But you just mentioned 9525 in today’s VOI monitoring and curiously nothing on 15150. The least thing I could expect here is having conditions from VOI on 31m not even after 1500. By the way 9525 has been strong here, specially last Saturday. And RRI 9680 was still on the air after 1500. You finally heard what I pointed out since April from the VOI Spanish, how terribly they dare to change the accent and the gender of many words. Funny that not even our pal Jose Miguel Romero have noticed this. It would be like having Raul Saavedra writing scpripts for an English broadcast. Maybe if I submit my curriculum vitae (36 years expertise) to them, I could get a job in VOI’s Castellano department. What do you think? Nothing to lose with just trying! (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica. - dxldyg 1091, 27/11/2006) 3215.1 UNID RRI-station (presumed Manado), November 24th, 2015, pop songs, RRI-ID; O=2 3266.4 RRI Gorontalo, November 21st, 2125, discussion, phone-in; O=3 3345 RRI Ternate, November 21st, 2115, talk, Indonesian pop song, local ID; dominating over Channel Africa on the Asia-antenna; O=2-3 4605 RRI Serui, November 22nd, 2045, soft pop songs, local ID; O=2 4750 RRI Makassar (presumed), November 21st, 2204, woman in Indonesian; O=2 4790 RRI Fak-Fak, November 24th, 2023, pop music, ID; O=2 4870 RRI Wamena, November 22nd, 2025, south sea music, local ID; O=2 4874.6 RRI Sorong, November 21st, 2055, south sea music, news 2100, local ID; O=3-4 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) VOI, Jakarta, 9525, 2103-2106* Nov 25; tune-in to the end of their broadcast with English news. 2105 sign-off announcements with IDs, sked. Surprisingly good signal (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1099, 01/12/2006) 9525 Voz de Indonesia, 17:04-17:10, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en español a locutor con boletín de noticias, SINPO 34443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) Иордания 15290 Radio Jordán, 12:30-12:35, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en árabe a locutor con noticias, música de sintonía y cuña con música, “...Amanan...”, segmento de música folklórica local, noticias con referencias “...Amerequi George Bush”, SINPO 55544. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) 11690 Radio Jordán, 15:21-15:28, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en inglés con retransmisión de música dance, ID “Radio Jordán”, 45544. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) 11690 Radio Jordan; W in AR w/rap & pop music; multi-LL IDs 1520. SIO=253, need USB to kill RTTY. (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Иран 6200 V.O. Islamic Rep. of Iran (pres.) 1602 tlk by M in mid-east lang. M over AR mx at 1606. Fairly good and 100%. Very quick fading though. (24 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 7320 Voice of the Islamic Rep. of Iran; 1941-50+, 2-Dec; 2M in EE w/ME & Iran news & Bush-bash. IDd both as IRIB & VoIRI. SIO 433; //6010, SIO=2+52; 9855 & 11695 not heard. (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Иран/Литва 6250, IRAN , VOIRI via Lithuania, 2121-2130*, Nov 28, Spanish. YL w/ talks. OM w/ s/off announcement at 2125. IS from 2127. Fair listening in LSB to avoid USB ute. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 15085 kHz IRIB Tehran heard (seemingly) testing at 0830-0930 UT in MELAU (believed to be BM/BI) language. Regularly afternoon program is scheduled 1230-1330 on 15200 and 17570 (reserve 15275/15295). IRIB via Sitkunai Lithuania relay will replace 6250 by 6255 as from Dec 1st (thanks to Paul Gager). Probably at 1730-1830 German 6250, 1830-1930 French 6250, 1930-2030 English, 2030-2130 Spanish range. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 1095, 29/11/2006) Исландия 13865 USB Rikisutvarpi?, 12:20-12:26, escuchada el 3 de diciembre con música coral religiosa, locutor con comentarios y locutora,, SINPO 24442. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) Испания 9680 Radio Exterior de Espana; 2032-36+, 1-Dec; M in EE w/mix of pop music. SIO=353. Hrd Thailand here at this time at October DXpedition. (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Италия 6010 RAI; 2038-2045*, 1-Dec; W in EE w/LL pop music & EE ID/close @2044:30 to bird tweet IS @2045. SIO=333 (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Йемен 9779.46 Rep. of Yemen Radio (p); 1918, 1-Dec; Childrens' pgm w/ cow's mooing; fanfare @1920 then M cmtry; all in AR. SIO=342+, QRN (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Канада Sackville leapfrogging spurs on 6280 and 5800, 1130-1145+ Nov 17. Good, strong 6280 spur of 5960 CRI in English; weak 5800 spur of 6120 R. Japan in English. 160 kHz separation (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1091, 27/11/2006) Китай 5060, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqui, 0028-0052, 30-11, locutor y locutora, comentarios en chino, música. Señales horarias a las 0030. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 1462, 30/11/2006) 4750 Quinghai Peoples BS, Xian, 0005-0010, November 29, Vernacular, bulletin news by male & female, 24432 5050 Guangxi Foreign Sce, Nanning, 2320-2324, November 28, Chinese, talk by female, very strong signal, 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1463, 01/12/2006) 4800 Voice of China, Quinghai, 20:50-20:55, escuchada el 1 de Diciembre en idioma Mandarín a locutora con comentarios, SINPO 35443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1463, 02/12/2006) 4820 PBS Xizang, 20:55-20:58, escuchada el 1 de Diciembre en Tibetano con emisión de música folklórica local, SINPO 35443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1463, 02/12/2006) Колумбия 5910 Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, November 21st, 2348, "El Condor pasa", // 6009.5, ID in E; O=3 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 5910 La Voz de tu Consencia; 2304-10+, 2-Dec; Camp'o music. SIO=2+33-, need LSB to kill ute; //6009.5, SIO=2+2-2- (Frodge-DXP) 6009.5 La Voz de tu Consencia; 0623-30+, 2-Dec; SS preacher. SIO=322+, LSB helps; 5910 absent. 0957, 3-Dec; M in SS w/rlgn & ID. SIO=4+23, het QRM; 5910 absent. (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Куба Radio Havane Cuba in creole at 2245 UTC on 5965 and 9505 kHz. Good reception in France on 5965. (Jean-Michel AUBIER, France - dxldyg 1091, 27/11/2006) RHC leapfrogging spurs on 6300, 5940, 0050-0100+ Nov 18, mixing products of 6180, 6060 at 120 kHz separation. Both in at fair level with Spanish programming (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxkdyg 1091, 27/11/2006) RHC spur, 6295, 0350-0430+ Nov 24, separate English and Spanish programs mixing together onto a weak 6295. English on 6000, 6180; Spanish on 5965, 6060 and 6140. Help! How is this spur produced? I sure can`t figure it out. Heard on several receives including the AOR 7030 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1099, 01/12/2006) If it were on 6395, that would be 5965 leapfrog over 6180 at 215 kHz intervals, but I guess you were sure it was 6295. Could be another transmitter in use there for jamming, relaying something else, which would fit, but have not upcome with a fit on that either. Could also be a difference between two higher frequencies, but still no fit found (gh, DXLD) 5025 Radio Rebelde, 07:42-07:58, escuchada el 2 de Diciembre en español con emisión de música melódica con guitarra española, SINPO 35443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1463, 02/12/2006) 6060 Radio Habana; 0631, 2-Dec; News Update read by Arnie Coro; Cuba Today @0634. All in EE. SIO=544; //6000, SIO=444- (Frodge-DXP) 6300 Radio Habana; 0054-0100+, 3-Dec; M w/IDs & cmtry in SS. SIO= 333, USB kills ute. Recent reported 2nd spur on 6420 not there. Before 0100, 6000 only had S30 OC & signed on @0100. 6300 con- tinued in SS after 0100 but was not //6000. Could hear 6000 pgm u/spur. (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Мавритания 4845 Radio Mauritania, 21:02-21:05, escuchada el 1 de Diciembre en idioma árabe a locutora con comentarios y referencias “Arabia”, SINPO 35433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1463, 02/12/2006) Мали 4835, MALI, ORTM, 2208-2219, Nov 28, French. OM taking listener phone calls. Weak but clear. // 5995-fair listening in USB to avoid 5990 DRM hash. (Scott Barbour-SHDX/NH - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 4835 RTV du Mali, 20:58-21:02, escuchada el 1 de Diciembre en idioma francés a locutora con comentarios y música étnica africana, SINPO 25342. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - NoticiasDX 1463, 02/12/2006) 4835, RTV du Mali (p). 2220 Nov. 28. Fading low level audio impossible to understand (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) 5995 RTV du Mali; 2115-20+, 1-Dec; M in FF w/cubano tunes. SIO=433, need USB to kill roar QRM; //4835.4, SIO=3+32; nothing detectable on 4782. (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Марокко/Россия 7220, R. Liberty, 0430 Dec. 3. "Radio Svoboda" ID into Russian nx headlines. Fair signal but fading (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Марокко/Сан-Томе 9780, VOA, 2058 Nov. 30. Hausa service via Morocco interfering with VOA French from Sao Tome. Morrocco s/off at 2100 leaving stronger Sao Tome alone on frequency. French nx by OM/YL with deep fades. S5 signal. (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Мексика 4810 XERTA R Transcontinental, November 22nd, 030 1, word program, ID; O=2 6185 R Educaci?n, November 22nd, 0258, time announcement, ID; O=4 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Монголия 4830 Mongoliin Radio, November 23rd, 2231, Chinese sounding music, news, //7260, ID; O=4 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Нигер 9705 La Voix du Sahel, November 22nd, 1918, French, news, ID; O=3 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 9705 La Voix du Sahel, 12:56-13:01, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en francés a locutora con comentarios, se aprecia fuerte pitido, SINPO 22232. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003, 1182, 03/12/2006) 9705, La Voix du Sahel (p), 2125 Nov. 28. At tune-in OM in French taking phone calls. Audio emphasized low freqs making comprehension difficult. Fading on signal (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) 9705 Radio Niger; 1932-2002+, 1-Dec; Hrd 2 IDs as Radio Niger and one tent. as La Voix du Sahel; haven't hrd the RN ID before. M&W in FF w/mix of cmtry & thumb harp music. SIO=232+, need USB to kill het from 9704.2 (Ethiopia?). (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Нигерия 4770, NIGERIA, R.Nigeria, 2106-2116, Nov 28, English. News and soundbites re Nigerian politics. Promos and ?Radio Nigeria-The Network for the Millenium? ID at 2115. Fair though ?muddy? audio at times. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 7275 Radio Nigeria; 0617, 2-Dec; IDd as Radio Nigeria rather than Voice of Nigeria; M&W in EE w/news. SIO=322, AR QRM (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Новая Зеландия 3935.1 ZLXA Radio Reading Service (presumed), November 24th, 1710, female voice in E; O=1-2 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Оман R. Sultanate of Oman, 15140, 1400-1457 Nov 22, 1400 chimes, gongs, English ID and news. 1413 into US pop music. 1457 Arabic talk. Poor; strong carrier and strong hum with weak modulation (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1099, 01/12/2006) 13640 Radio Oman, 12:35-12:40, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en árabe a locutor con noticias y conexión con corresponsal, se aprecia interferencia de CVC International en 13635, SINPO 43443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003, 1182, 03/12/2006) Пакистан 4790 Azad Kashmir Radio, November 24th, 0144, religious singing, Quran recitations; ID; O=4 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 3335 R East Sepik, November 22nd, 1915, start of program, nice south sea music, ID and QRGs in E, program in Pidgin; "arm-chair-listening" with O=3 3365 R Milne Bay, November 24th, 1950, south sea music, presumed ID; O=2 3905 R New Ireland, November 21st, 1930, signing on, ID; O=2-3 4960 Catholic Radio Network, November 21st, 2015, word program in Pidgin, presumed ID in E, Christian song; O=2 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 3335, Radio East Sepik (presumed), Nov 30, 1006-1021, in assume Tok Pisin, news till 1012, short music selection, mostly talking, poor-fair. It is rare for me to hear this one. (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E5, dxldyg 1095, 30/11/2006) Today (2 December) I noted Radio East Sepik, 3335, sign-off at 1301 with Anthem then silence to 1304 then up in English with what must have been their National Service out of Port Moresby. Item about AIDS protection, weather, and an interesting song seemingly about national unity. Finaly pulled the plug on the transmitter at 1309. (Steve Lare, Holland, MI, Usa - dxldyg 1100, 02/12/2006) Перу 4716.8, PERU, R.Yura, 1009-1020, Nov 27, Vernacular. T/in presumably during s/on for martial music followed by tone at 1012 and OM and YL thru t/out. Poor/noisy. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) PERU 5602.56 LV de los Andes, San Miguel de El Faique, Huancabamba 0112 very animated M anncr w/mx at t/in. Ment of ??radio?sintonia. ?? mas ?? numero uno ?? Huancabamba?frontera? ?. Another ment of Huancabamba, radio, and numero uno. Mx bridge, then clear ID by different M as ??Radio La Voz de los Andes??. Canned echo anmnt by M w/clear ment of Huancabamba. Then another over beautiful OA flute mx w/ment of frontera. Live M returned for a very short anmnt at 0117, followed by apparent canned tlk by W (briefly) then M anncrs over Huayno mx w/ment of Juan Castro, and ?la radio? and ID ??onda ??, La Voz de los Andes??. Suddenly went off at 0119:30*. Best signal yet and very glad to get the ID. (12 Nov.) PERU 4751.79 R. Huanta Dos Mil 1001 Canned anmnt by M in pres. Aymara, then live M briefly including ID, more canned anmnts in SP. Live M returned at 1004. Good signal and Codar not as much of a problem this AM. (13 Nov.) PERU 5039.17 R. Libertad de Junin (pres.) 1048-1055, Already on at t/in w/pres. nx by alternating M and W. Actuality by M also. Ment of Peru. Canned ad at 1054. Not very strong and annoying slop QRM from 5025 Rebelde. Fading out too quickly and too far gone by 1055. (13 Nov.) 4918.98 R. Quito On the air today 1000-1100. (13 Nov.) PERU 5039.17 R. Libertad de Junin (pres.) Suddenly popped on at exactly 1052:48, then audio w/M and W tlking 6 seconds later. Not really strong enough to copy. (14 Nov.) PERU 5024.92 R. Quillabamba 1005 Could hear this underneath Rebeldes OC. Canned anmnt between campesino songs. Another anmnt w/Laser shooting-like SFX, live M briefly, and beautiful harp mx. Think this would?ve been really nice if Rebelde wasn?t on. (16 Nov.) PERU 4886.63 R. Virgen del Carmen 1014 prob. ad of girls chorus mixed w/tlk by W w/ment of ??la voz de la ciudad??, then another ad including an excerpt of a speech. 1017 brief anmnt by live M w/ment of onda corta, then another ad w/ment of ??la voz de la selva?? and ?la hora?, then canned ID by M at 1019 as ?4885 kilohertz onda corta, R. Virgen del Carmen? ending w/very short fanfare mx, and back to live M anncr to 1023. Into nice OA harp campesino mx. M returned at 1026-1031 ments of trabajo. 1031 into ad block. Slowly fading and barely there at 1100. Finally able to ID this!! Best signal in quite a while but audio has a buzzing sound and there?s slop QRM from 4885 ZY. They have a very nice Web site. (16 Nov.) PERU 5014.42 R. Altura (pres.) 1006 live M at t/in (pres. nx) w/ment of nacionales. Canned shouting anmnt by M, and into campesino mx. 1012 live M, TC and anmnt, another song. 1017-1023 ad/promo block. First one start w/ment of Juventud, ment of Cerro de Pasco. 1023 live M. Didn?t hear any IDs. (17 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 4485.9 R Frecuencia VH (presumed), Celend?n, November 22nd, 0040, huayno music; O=1-2 4790.2 R Visi?n, Chiclayo, November 22nd, 0010, huayno music, ID; O=2 4755.1 R Huanta, November 23rd, 2310, messages ("mensajes") of the Huanta region, huayno music; O=3 4775 R Tarma, November 22nd, 2250, information on sexual problems; they mentioned a shop in Tarma which sells natural products against sexual problems, ID; O=3 4824.5 La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, November 22nd, 2240, advertisement, ID; O=2 4826.7 R Sicuani, November 22nd, 2235, political information, President Garcia mentioned; O=2 4835.4 R Mara??n, Jaen, November 22nd, 0020, talks, ID; O=2 4855.4 R La Hora, Cusco, November 22nd, 0000, advertisement, sudden sign off at 0009, ID; O=3 4940 R San Antonio, Villa Atalaya, November 23rd, 2340, Latino pop, ID; O=2 4950 R Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, November 21st, 2210, phone number, ID; O=3 4955 R Cultural, Amauta, November 23rd, 2319, Latino music, talk; O=2 5070.7 Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, November 22nd, 2220, Latino-pop, time announcement, ID; O=2 5486.7 R Reina de la Selva, Chachapoyas, November 21st, 2345, Andean music, ID; O=2 6520.4 R Paucartambo (presumed), November 23rd, 2240, romantic songs; O=2 6536 R Comercial de Huancabamba (presumed), November 23rd, 0037, Cumbia music; O=1-2 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 6114.80, Radio Union, 0845-0910 Noted steady music with live comments by man over music. Canned ID inter-sparsed. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, December 1, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 2, 01/11/2006) 4485.97 Radio Frecuencia (t); 0114-20+, 2-Dec; M in SS w/EZL music; Tent. break-in ID @0118+. Xmas tune @0120 then rlgs cmtry w/ Andean music. SIO=352 (Frodge-DXP) 4790.2 Radio Vision; 0152-0303+, 3-Dec; M in SS w/rlgs pgm; between 0254 & 0300, hrd La Grande Salvacion, Atencion Peru & mentioned Radio Peru 4 times, then Radio Vision @ToH--not sure what the context of the Radio Peru was. @0300 pgm La Voz de Salvacion began w/camp'o style music. SIO=322+, swiper QRM, USB helps Presume them @0947 w/SS rlgn; SIO=323-, swiper QRM (Frodge-DXP) 4835.46 Radio Maranon (p); 0305-0309+*, 3-Dec; M in SS w/pop music; promo @0307 "...por la radio..."; Off abruptly @0309+ in middle of tune. 07 Passport shows 03*. SIO=342+ (Frodge-DXP) 5680.77 Radio Ilucan (p); 1024-28+, 3-Dec; Andean vocal music. SIO=2+52 till 1028 when 5679.9 SSB QRM killed it. (Frodge-DXP) 5939.3 Radio Melodia (p); 1009-1020+, 3-Dec; M in SS w/Andean vocals-- possibly rlgs. SIO=322, tough copy due to 5935 WWCR QRM; USB doesn't help. (Frodge-DXP) 9720.04 Radio Victoria; 0029-42+, 3-Dec; W in SS w/rlgs pgm--lotsa shouting & singing. ID'd @0030 as La Victoria. SIO=232. 6020 covered by CRI in EE (07 Passport sez from Albania, but suspect via Canada as it was an S30 sig.) (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Польша 6035 R. Polonia M and W in Euro-like lang at 1649. 1655 Macy Gray song. M and W anncr then. 1657 end of pgm and off. (24 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 9525 R. Polonia 1328- During their broadcast, I heard the pgm hosts tlk abt the SW audience compared to their Internet audience. They admitted there are more people listening on the Internet than on SW. Also that they have had many complaints of poor SW reception over the recent years. (25 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Польша/Германия 13820 Radio Poland via Wertachtal, 1203-1215, November 26, Russian, bulletin news by male, talk by female, 35433//15520 Khz with 45444 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1463, 02/12/2006) Россия VOR in Japanese, balalaika recital with some fancy fingerwork, Nov 27 at 1440 on 6005 in the clear and // 5995 mixing with R. Australia`s Health Report on risk factors for heart attax. BTW, No sign of RHC in between on 6000, which used to run until 1500; maybe that transmitter is the one that is on new 15370 or 13680 (Glenn Hauser, OK, Usa - hard-core-dx 47, 27, 27/11/2006) 5960, Radiostantsiya Tikhy Okean, 0953-1000 Tuned in late, but noted a program of news presented by a man and woman. Closer to the hour, music presented. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, November 28, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 28, 28/11/2006) 5960, RUSSIA, R.Tikhy Ocean, 0933-0947, Nov 27, Russian. Abruptly appeared at 0933 with instrumental ballad (s/on later than listed *0900?) followed by familiar format of YL b/w brief mx bits. Ballad at 0943 and OM w/ presumed ID at 0946. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 5960, Radiostantsiya Tikhy Okean, 0935-1000 Noted a program of news, comments and music in Russian Language. Signal was poor. Checked 7330 KHz with negative results. (Chuck Bolland, December 1, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 2, 01/12/2006) 5960 Radio St Tikhy Okean, Vladivostok, 0940-0950, November 28, Russian, talk by female, at 0945 very clear identification as: "Radiostancia Tikhi Okean", 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1463, 02/12/2006) 7150, VOR via Armavir, 0159 Nov. 28. IS and Russian announcements in to service to N America w/ nx. Pop mx at 0205:30. Fair S3 signal (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) 9840, VOR via Petropavlovsk, 0443 Dec 3. Very nice solo classical piano mx. Weak S1 signal but in the clear (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Руанда 6055 R Rwanda, November 22nd, 2050, native language, phone-in, Afro pop; O=4 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Сан Томе 4940 Voice of America; 2017-30+, 1-Dec; M in EE w/neat Afro music; Top 40 African Beat. Switched to LL @2030. SIO=343 (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) С. Корея 6285 R. Pyongyang 1057 caught end of sked and ID by M in EG, then OC. Into IS at 1100. Strong w/a little slop QRM from CRI below. (21 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 7570 Voz de Corea, 19:14-19:20, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en español a locutor y locutora con boletín de noticias, comentarios sobre la unidad de la patria, Corea del Norte y del Sur, en 12:015 se aprecia una emisión en inglés, Voice of América, SINPO 34333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) Словакия 11600 Radio Eslovaquia, 15:30-15:58, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en español con sintonía, horarios y frecuencias, locutora con presentación, entrevista y reportajes, SINPO 55544. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) США 5000 WWV Easily audible at 1617!! Pounding in on 85? BOG. (24 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) WBCQ, 7415, Friday Dec 1 at 2215 with enjoyable selexion of old 78s, DJ with phony British(?) accent, mentioned several websites, omitting the dot after www (why in the world do so many people do this, yet they never omit it before com?). Blurb at WBCQ program schedule sums it up: ``Behavior Night Fr 7415 05:00PM 06:00PM ET 2200 2300 UTC --- Started week of 10/18/06, Friday 5-6 pm ET on 7415. Heard on 10/20/06. Kind of a mix between Uncle Ed's Musical Memories and Marion's Attic.`` But I believe he spelt Behaviour with a U (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 2, 01/12/2006) WMLK, Bethel PA, 9265.04, 1900-1915+ Nov 24, English religious talk about Yahweh teachings. Strong carrier but very weak modulation. 1940 recheck: gone (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1099, 01/12/2006) 5110.13 WBCQ Monticello ME; Weather Radio till 0601:30 then Good Friends Radio on WBCQ. All in EE. SIO=323. LSB helps (Frodge-DXP) 5446.5/U AFN/AFRTS, Key West FL; 1035-45+, 3-Dec; NPR Car Talk. SIO=454; //7811/U Key West, SIO=254-; 10320 Hawaii & 12133.5 Key West not on; 5765 Guam supposedly on at this time is covered by WWCR. (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Судан 4750 R Peace, November 24th, 1737, English, soft pop music, announcement of QRG, ID; O=3 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Суринам 4990 R Apintie, November 21st, 2330, talks in Dutch, ID; O=2 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Танзания 11735 R. Tanzania Zanzibar 1636 only fair signal. (24 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Уганда 4975.97, Radio Uganda, 0305-0317 Noted much here. Heard a man in English comments occasionally when the signal fades in, but generally nothing. (Chuck Bolland, November 29, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 28, 29/11/2006) Финляндия 21800 YLE Radio Finland, 12:40-12:42, escuchada el 3 de diciembre en finlandés a locutora con lectura en una iglesia, referencias a Cristo, SINPO 45554 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) Швеция 03/12/2006, 7420 кГц, 1330 utc, Радио Швеции, IS, ID, обьявление частот и новости, на английском, отличный прием. (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия) Шотландия The 100th edition of Soundwave will be broadcast live on Monday, 11th December - from John Cavanagh's living room!! There will be a live band and lots of surprises. The show will air at 19:00GMT (Sky Channel 0195, Hotbird, 94.2/94.8FM Slovakia and on the web) with a repeat on Tuesday at 06:00GMT (88.5FM Tawa and on the web). Voting is really hotting up in our Record of the Year 2006 contest! Hundreds of you have already voted, and the votes are pouring in at an alarming rate!! You can take part, too - it's very simple - all you have to do is choose your favourite track from past editions of Random Play - you'll find full details on the Playlist page, together with the current placings in the Top Five. Check out the Chart Show each week (Tuesday 00:00 and 06:00) for current placings. Voting will close at 00:00GMT on Saturday, December 23rd. Site last updated at 22:00GMT on Friday, 1st December 2006. QSL Cards and Programme Guide We're always happy to acknowledge your broadcast Reception Reports with a QSL card, and we're happy to report that a new batch of cards has arrived from the printers and all outstanding reports have been acknowledged as of November 11th. If you want one of our shiny new QSL cards, and a copy of our printed programme guide Radio News in return for your report, please send either a Euro, one US Dollar or an International Reply Coupon to cover return postage together with the report and your name and return address to : Radio Six International, PO Box 600, Glasgow, G41 5SH, Scotland. (Mike Terry, UK - dxldyg 1099, 01/12/2006) Чад 6165 R Diff. Nationale Tchadienne, November 22nd, 2208, French, talk, Chad mentioned; O=4 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 6165 Radiodifusión Nationale Tchadiense, 12:40-12:43, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en francés a locutor y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 24322. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) 6165, Rdiff. Nat. Tchadienne, 2220 Dec. 1 Mix of Afropop/Ballads/Hi-Life mx to 2228 closing announcements & NA. Audio out 2229:15. S8 signal (Jerry Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006). Чили 6089.9 Radio Esperanza; 0640-0708+, 2-Dec; W&2M in SS w/rlgs discussion; One-word "Esperanza" ID @0653 then vocal music. Pgm named Libre en Christo. SIO=333-, USB helps, occasional drop-outs. (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Чили/Австралия 17680 Voz Cristiana, 13:25-13:30, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en español a locutor con comentarios en programa científico, reportaje sobre el reloj atómico del Reino Unido y la hora para el nuevo año, segmento de música española, SINPO 24322. 17680 Voz Cristiana, 12:10-12:15, escuchada el 3 de diciembre en español con rueda de prensa de dirigente venezolano sobre el proceso electoral en Venezuela, locutor con comentarios y música, SINPO 34333 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) Шри-Ланка/США/Иран 7580 Radio Farda; 2126, 2-Dec; W in LL w/ID, EE & LL pop music. SIO=3+53+ (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Эквадор R. Chaskis, Otavalo, 4909.23, 1050-1115+ Nov 27, Tentative. HC style music, Spanish announcements, weak in noise (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1091, 27/11/2006) 4909.23 R. Chaskis (pres.) 1100 Beautiful very professional campesino mx w/great flutes. 1101 W anncr in Indian lang briefly w/ment of ?nacional?, then more mx. More of the same w/anmnts by W at 1108, 1111, 1117, 1122, and 1126, but didn?t hear one ID. (17 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 4909.23 R. Chaskis 1053-1055 beautiful HC mx w/W vcl, 1055 M anncr in SP w/song anmnts and also nice clear ID, then back to more HC mx. 1058 another clear ID by different M in lcl dialect. Great flute song at 1101. A little bit of echo on M voice and also actualities aired during feature at 1104-1112. Back to mx. Finally lost around 1150. Hrd again in the evening w/nice signal at 0153 on 4909.24. Mx was turned down and had deadair from 0245-0252, and again 0318-0321. Went off at exactly 0329:10 after anmnt (including ID) w/out fanfare. S/on is very irregular and sometimes audio is so weak as to be nearly imposs. to detect. Nice today though. (22 Nov., Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 3279.6 La Voz del Napo, Tena, November 24th, 0117, talk, ID; O=2 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Экваториальная Гвинея R. Africa, Bata, 15190, 1150-1157* Nov 17, sign-off with ID and various addresses for reports. Strong carrier but very poor, distorted audio with low modulation. Barely able to decipher an ID (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1091, 27/11/2006) 5005, EQ.GUINEA, RN-Bata, 2132-2142, Nov 28, Vernacular. Continuous music and Afropops thru t/out. Weak but clear. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) R. Nacional, Bata, 5005, *0512-0545+ Nov 26, abrupt sign-on with Afro-pop music, Spanish announcements. 0528 religious program with local religious music and talk. Weak but in the clear (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1099, 01/12/2006) Эфиопия V. of Tigray Revolution, 5500, *0355-0415+ Nov 17, distinctive IS, 0400 vernacular talk and Horn of Africa music. Fair-good; // 6350 poor in QRM (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1091, 27/11/2006) 7100 V o Broad Masses of E 1, 17:45-17:50, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en tigrinya a locutora con una dulce y bonita voz presentando temas musicales de pop local y folklórica, templando a 7098 para evitar interferencia de 7105, SINPO 33443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) ЮАР 7380 Voice of Biafra Int'l; 2202-20+, 2-Dec; Rlgs organ music, EE ID & sung anthem, "prayer" about evil Nigeria, then news. SIO=443+ (Harold Frodge, Midland Mi, Usa - CumbreDX 1755, 03/12/2006) Ю. Корея 3930 KBS-1, November 21st, 1930, male voice; O=2 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Япония 3925 R Nikkei, November 21st, 2155, word program, ID: "Nikkei"; O=3 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) -- СВ/ДВ Великобритания CAPITAL GOLD, SAFFRON GREEN, UK DATE: 29-11-2006 TIME: 15.00 - 15.30 UTC FREQUENCY: 1548 KHz SIGNAL: INS.-SUFF. LANGUAGE: ENGLISH PROGRAM: MUSIC, ID. (Francesco, Italy - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Вьетнам 1242 VoV, Thoi Long, November 24th, 1537, man in Vietnamese; O=3 (peaks) (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Доминиканская Республика 1640 Radio Juventus Don Bosco, Santo Domingo, November 25th, 0316, speech of the Pope, songs, Radio Cat?lica Mundial program; O=3 1680 R Senda, San Pedro de Macoris, November 23rd, 2245, Christian songs, phone number, ID: "Emisora de Dios Radio Senda"; O=2-3 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Гвинея 1385.9 R Rural, November 22nd, 2215, long talk in local language; O=3 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Канада 1070 CBA Moncton (presumed), NB, November 24th, 0752, feature on folk music from England, folk mx; O=3 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Монголия 164 MONGOLIA, Ulaanbaatar, rec full detail QSL card, along with postcard, tourist info and verie letter in 73d for CD/cassette report and $2 rp. V/S: Densmaa Zorigt-Mail editor, Voice of Mongolia. Address: The Voice of Mongolia, CPO Box 365, Ulaanbaator 13, Mongolia. I am really pleased with this one. (Patrick Martin, Oregon, Usa - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Пуэрто-Рико 1660 WGIT, Can?vanas, November 24th, 2215, pop music, ID: "La Gigante"; O=2 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Россия декабря перестали выключать в 1500 местного времени СВ передатчики Маяка и Юности. Сейчас работают Екатеринбург, Тюмень, Ижевск, Уфа, Сургут... На 1251 вечером ловится Маяк, направление от Екатеринбурга - примерно запад-восток, слышно довольно слабо, с сильным опережением относительно Самары 1143. На Ижевск не похоже, оттуда прохождение начинается гораздо раньше и на порядок сильнее. (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 01/12/2006) США 670 WRKO Boston MA. "This is Boston's talk station, AM 6-80 WRKO" ID after ads W 0706 25/10 JF 790 WAXY South Miami FL. "This is The Ticket" IDs. Fox sports network, mixing English Christian station. W 0707 25/10 JF 790 CMAQ R Reloj, Pinar Del Rio. Usual time signal/news routines. W 0130 23/11 JF 850 UNID. Christian programme with YL mixing WEEI. YL "it's time to rejoice", etc. W 0223 26/11 JF 850 WEEI Boston MA. Notre Dame at the USC commentary. Promo for "WEEI Sales" and "Sportsradio 8-50 WEEI" F pks 0450 26/11 JF 890 WAMG Dedham ME. "Hi, I'm [??] from ESPN 8-90". ESPN IDs and sports news F 2337 25/11 JF 980 CKRU Peterborough ON. "9-80 Cruise" ID and oldies. F 2332 25/11 JF 1080 WTIC Hartford CT. "As you heard here on WTIC Newstalk 10-80 Cincinnati defeated the Utah . " Surprised how easy this was, just sat there with Spain. F 2331 25/11 JF 1320 WDER Derry NH. Tentative. Possible ID at toh heard in the splatter. Certainly sounded more like WD?R than anything else but very difficult copy. W 0200 23/11 JF 1660 WWRU Jersey City NJ. "This is multicultural radio broadcasting, WWRU Jersey City / New York City". F 0200 25/11 JF 1660 WCNZ Marco Island FL. Many "Relevant Radio" IDs at top of the hour. Religion. Also mentioning 1410 WMYR Fort Myers as part of the network.F 0259 25/11 JF 1660 WFNA Charlotte NC. Unbroken sports commentary but finally managed to hear amention of "wfna.com" at 03:00 in the pile-up. W 0300 25/11 JF 1670 WVVM Dry Branch GA. Call letters spoken slowly at top of the hour and "Radio Catolica" ID. Mexican music. Spanish language. W 0600 25/11 JF An acumulative log from recent nights. Nothing of any interest during the last 24 hours though as conditions here were not so good. Conversely, the midnight period of the 25th/26th was quite interesting but the sunrise period was quite a lot down. This morning I noted conditions trying to pick up around sunrise but there was nothing really too exciting. A mystery station popped up on 1570 with nostalgia. This was not CFAV as I checked for a // with their web stream. (John Faulkner, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, Uk - skywavesmw 255, 27/11/2006) 1130 WBBR New York, NY, November 24th, 0809, "..Bloomberg 11-3-0 ", business report from London; O=4 1470 WWNN Pompano Beach (presumed), FL, November 24th, 0615, Steve Kane Show, no ID heard; O=2-3 1500 WTWP Washington D.C., November 25th, 0733, Jim Bohannon Show; O=2 1510 WWZN Boston, MA, November 25, 0542, Sporting News Radio, ID: "15-10 The Zone"; O=4 1520 WWKB Buffalo, NY, November 22nd, 0800, CNN Radio news, ID: "Buffalo?s Left Channel AM 15-20"; O=2-3 1540 WDCD Albany, NY, November 25th, 0058, ID; O=2 1620 WDHP Frederiksted, USVI, November 23rd, 0659, jingle + usual full ID; O=2 1630 KKGM Fort Worth, TX, November 22nd, 0616, country/gospel music, ID: "AM 16-30 KKGM"; O=2-3 1640 WTNI Biloxi (presumed), MS, November 25th, 0809, many ESPN promos; O=2-3 1650 WHKT Portsmouth, VA, November 25th, 0404, R Disney-ID; O=3-4 1660 WCNZ Marco Island, FL, November 25th, 0503, "This is Relevant Radio"; O=3-4 1660 WWRU Jersey City, NJ, November 25th, 0507, Korean talk; O=3 1670 WVVM Dry Branch, GA, November 23rd, 0200, ID in Spanish; O=3 1680 WLAA Winter Garden, FL, November 25th, 0516, "Que Buena", Latino music; O=3 1680 WTTM Princeton, NJ, November 24th, 0555, LA-mx, ID 0558: "16-80 WTTM Lindenwold Philadelphia"; O=4 1690 WPTX Lexington Park, MD, November 24th, 0628, "Newstalk 16-90 WPTX"; O=3 1700 KVNS Brownsville, TX, November 22nd, 0554, talk on smoking, ID: "KVNS The Valley"; O=3-4 1700 KKLF Sherman, TX, November 22nd, 0034, ID: "Talk Radio 5-70 KLIF"; O=2 1700 WJCC Miami Springs (presumed), FL, November 22nd, 0605, religious talk in Spanish; O=2-3 1700 WEUP Huntsville, AL, November 21st, 2254, religious songs, ID; O=2 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Таиланд 1476 R Thailand, Lamphun, November 22nd, 2320, Thai pop music, YL in Thai, from 2330 usual traditional music; O=4 (M. Schnitzer, Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) Фарерские о-ва Faroe Islands. Yes, Kringvarp Foroya has begun broadcating 24 hrs. Heard them this morning at 2 UT with time pips and news on 531 kHz. Their English Soul Nation hour is on Tuesdays at 14-15 UT. Greenland. Confirmed by a KNR technician: no English is broadcast from KNR. (Erik Koie, Denmark - dxldyg 1091, 27/11/2006) -- УКВ Барнаул 28 ноября 2006 года С сегодняшнего дня «Русское радио» вещает в Барнауле сразу на двух частотах FM-диапазона. Теперь эту радиостанцию ретранслирует не только радиогруппа «FM-Продакшн», но и ООО «Бизнес-радио», принадлежащее предпринимателю Артему Рябцеву. О том, как ему удалось обойти «FM-Продакшн» и запустить в эфир «Русское радио», доля которого на барнаульском рынке радиорекламы составляет не меньше трети, Рябцев пока предпочитает не рассказывать, ссылаясь на то, что в ближайшее время по этому поводу будет распространен официальный пресс-релиз. Однако, по данным Откровенно.info, причина появления «Русского радио» на частоте 105,4 Fm проста. Не так давно Артем Рябцев продал долю в ООО «Бизнес-радио» московскому холдингу «Русская медиагруппа», транслирующему «Русское радио». Ранее этот холдинг сотрудничал в Барнауле с «FM-Продакшн». Договор по «Русскому радио» у барнаульской радиогруппы, подконтрольной ФПГ «Сибма», истекает в конце этого года. В данной ситуации низка вероятность того, что «Русская медиагруппа» продлит отношения с «FM-Продакшн». Соответственно, стоит ожидать появления после Нового года на частоте 102,9 (сейчас здесь вещает «Русское радио», - Прим. Откровенно.info) нового сетевого проекта. Находящийся вдали от Барнаула Владимир Семенов, директор департамента масс-медиа и рекламы ФПГ «Сибма», узнал от Откровенно.info о сегодняшнем раздвоении «Русского радио». По его словам, в ФПГ сейчас рассматривают три варианта, которые могли бы заменить «Русское радио» для «FM-Продакшн», но пока окончательного решения не принято. (http://www.2slova.ru/, http://www.guzei.com/radio/, 28/11/2006) Волгоград Ориентировочно, 30/11/2006 - это была дата начала вещания Эхо Москвы в Волгограде. Пока на 101,1 ФМ не было даже теста. Ждем Эхо Москвы с нетерпением!! (Crusher - http://guzei.com/radio/, 03/12/2006) Пенза В пензе 1 декабря начался тест на 106,4.В планах на этой частоте LOVE радио.В скором времени оно должно появиться. Теперь у нас ещё появилось радио Маяк на 106,4. Оно сейчас есть на 72,23. На 106,4 качество вещания плохое, нет стерео (Сура FM - http://guzei.com/radio/, 01/12/2006) Саранск В ближайшее время будет вещать радиостанция ХИТФМ на частоте 102.0 FM. (Андрей - http://guzei.com/radio/, 02/12/2006) - Воронеж 104,8 РСН с 28 ноября Архангельск 103,4 Дорожное радио Брест 102,9 Пилот FM вновь с 01.12.06 (Алексей Корчинский) Кузнецк 100,1 Русское Радио 100,7 РСН Минская волна расширяет вещание С сегодняшнего дня Минскую волну без помех можно слушать на большей части Минской области в Борисове, Мяделе и Молодечно открылись новые передающие станции. Еще одна станция будет построена в Копыле и, пожалуй, уже в следующем году радио сможет претендовать на звание лидера отечественного FMрынка. Правда, ни в студиях, ни в кабинетах дирекции Минской волны вслух об этом пока не говорят, но, уверена, думают и в силах своих не сомневаются. Несколько часов я дышала одним воздухом с диvджеями и журналистами Минской волны, проникаясь их амбициями. И убедилась: эти люди осуществят все, что замыслили. <...> А в будущем году здесь планируют создать телередакцию... Неужели столько региональной информации, что одному радио не переварить? прямо спрашиваю у директора Минской волны Игоря Гончарука. С одной стороны, здоровые амбиции, улыбается Игорь Сергеевич. С другой - потенциал нашего молодого коллектива вполне позволяет это сделать. Наконец, нас здорово поддерживает наш учредитель, Минский облисполком. Не вижу причин, чтобы Минская волна останавливалась в своем развитии. P.S. Слушайте радио Минская волна в Минске на частоте 97,4, в Солигорске на частоте 105,3, в Мяделе на 102,4, в Борисове на 104,2, в Молодечно, Вилейке, Воложине на частоте 107,4. (http://www.sb.by/article.php?articleID=55429) 101,0 Бриз FM, Миасс Сегодня, 1 декабря, радиостанция "Бриз-FM" отмечает два года со дня начала вещания в радиоэфире. И хотя срок этот небольшой, "Бриз-FM" уже сумел завоевать свою аудиторию. <..> Сегодня радиостанцию слушают не только в Миассе, но и в Златоусте и Чебаркуле. А уже в ближайшее время свои любимые мелодии смогут слушать те, кто находится в пути, так как будет расширяться зона вещания. "Бриз-FM" охватит трассу М-5 вплоть до Юрюзани. http://news.miass.ru/index.php?news=8486 (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 02/12/2006) - Тропо 101.50 12:20:00 2006-11-27 POR RDP Africa Lisbon Unattended rx 8058 AFRICA (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2157, 27/11/2006) 87.60 13:35:00 2006-11-28 CZE Radio Impuls Brno Unattended rx 2203 IMPULS 87.60 04:41:00 2006-11-29 TUN Radio Tataouine Zarzis Unattended rx 7205 TATAOUIN (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2158, 28/11/2006) -- Неофициальное вещание Алжир 7425 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 18:14-18:25, escuchada el 28 de Noviembre en idioma ?rabe a locutora con bolet?n de noticias, segmento musical entre comentarios y temas de m?sica folkl?rica local, hac?a varios d?as que desde Valencia no se consegu?a captar a ?sta emisora, se desconoce si han sido problemas de propagaci?n o que a estado inactiva, SINPO 43343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 28, 28/11/2006) Ливия SAWT AL-AMAL OBSERVATIONS 27 NOVEMBER 06 Sawt al-Amal was observed as follows: 1230: Sawt al-Amal in progress on 17630 kHz, co-channel buzz jammer and DW German. 1248: Sawt al-Amal switched to 17640 kHz, co-channel BBCWS English. 1313: Sawt al-Amal switched to 17635 kHz, clear channel, remained there till off at 1359. Please note: Africa No.1 was untraced throughout. Afropops radio was on 17660 kHz throughout. Libya's Voice of Africa was observed in Swahili at 1305 on 17725 kHz, accompanied by a loud buzz. Such a noise has recently been widely reported (by DXers) on various Africa No.1 frequencies. Source: BBC Monitoring research, 27 Nov 06 (via DXLD) - dxldyg 1091, 27/11/2006) Иран/Бельгия 7435 Radio Democracy Shorayee, 17:37-17:45, escuchada el 28 de Noviembre en idioma farsi a locutora con comentarios y segmento musical, SINPO 35343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 28, 28/11/2006) Иран/Украина 6245 R. Zamaneh 1701 AR Pop-like mx, so I suppose this signs on at 1700. Not hrd before. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 47, 29/11/2006) Кувейт/США 11500 Radio Free Asia, 15:08-15:12, escuchada el 28 de Noviembre en idioma tibetano a locutor y locutora con comentarios, a las 15:10 se inicia transmisi?n Firedrake Jamming y poco despu?s la emisora queda totalmente anulada, SINPO 23322 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 28, 28/11/2006) 9335 Radio Ashna, 15:13-15:16, escuchada el 28 de Noviembre en idioma Dari a locutor con comentarios con m?sica de fondo, locutor con cu?a de identificaci?n ?... Radio Ashna...Wasington..?, comentarios y cu?a, SINPO 35343 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 28, 28/11/2006) Сенегал/Англия West Africa Democracy Radio, 12000 via UK, 0720-0800* Nov 17, tune-in to English talk with manager of World Bank. 0725 IDs mentioning the 17 MHz frequency. Gave website address, full IDs and ``WADR`` IDs. Some Afro-pop music, lite instrumental music. Abrupt sign-off; weak but readable (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 1091, 27/11/2006) -- Наблюдения Propagation going better on 60 m toward LA. Here are some tips made with these rx: EKD 300, TenTec/GW RX321, Winradio G33EM 4755,1 0055 26/11 Educacao Rural ?, Brasil, songs, disappeared at 0105 poor 4774,95 0216 26/11 Radio Tarma, Per?, mx andina, poor to fair 4785,1 0047 26/11 R Caiari, Brasil, talks PP & songs poor 4790 0115 26/11 Radio Pakistan, talks & songs, con with a LA station under, Atlantida? 4790,2 0240-0340 26/11 Radio Vision, Chiclayo, Per?, nice music, religious talks SS, fair 4799,8 0210 26/11 Buena Nuevas, Guatemala, songs, good 4805 0038 26/11 Radio Difusora do Amazonia, Brasil, songs good 4815 0032 26/11 Radio Difusora Londrina, Brasil, poor, talks 4824,46 0015 26/11 La Voz de la Selva, Per?, nice songs SS, fair to good 4825 0018 26/11 Radio Educadora, Brasil, slow songs PP fair 4876,25 0205 26/11 R. Difusora Roraima, Brasil, songs, fair 6009,5 0125 26/11 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Colombia, talks SS, fair 6134,8 0134 26/11 Radio Santa Cruz, Boliva, talks, mx, SS fair 6173,85 0140 26/11 R. Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, Per?, mx, poor (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 47, 27, 27/11/2006) 3215, 25 Nov, 0251, USA-WWCR, English, 44333 3320, 25 Nov, 0255, AFS-Radio Sonder Grense, music, 24311 3345, 25 Nov, 0304, AFS-Channel Africa, English, 24332 3255, 25 Nov, 0305, AFS-BBC Meyerton, English, nx, 24322 3970, 25 Nov, 0304, IRN-Bubble Jammer, 33333 4052.5, 25 Nov, 0307, GTM-Radio Verdad, singing, 32322 (new one for me!) 4426, 25 Nov, 0412, USA-Chesapeake Coast Guard NMN, Weather Warning, 44444 4810, 25 Nov, 0422, ARM-Public Radio Armenia, in Armenian, march, at 0430 usual IS and Farsi programme, 43433 4840, 25 Nov, 0432, IRN-Bubble Jammer 4960, 25 Nov, 0445, STP-Voice of America, English, discussion, 43443 5050, 25 Nov, 0454, USA-WWRB, English, 32332 (Eike Bierwirth, Mainz, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 27, 27/11/2006) 4754,89 0215 28/11 Educacao Rural,Campo Grande, Brasil, songs, talks, jingle, PP fair 6114,86 0232 28/11 Radio Union, Lima, Peru, talks SS, fair, at 0243 carrier on 6115. Stopped at 0245. 9615 0303 28/11 Radio Cultura Sao Paulo, news, PP fair 9645,16 0300 28/11 Radio Bandeirantes, Brasil, Reports, PP fair 9720,1 0246 28/11 Radio Victoria, Lima, usual program SS good 9724,9 0251 28/11 University Network, Cahuita, Costa Rica songs, talks EE good (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 47, 28, 28/11/2006) 518.0 ZSC: -.Capetown R 1220 fec Navtex (26/nov/06) (RH2) 4549.7 unid; Unid - KG84 0815 rtty 50/850 Crypto (26/N0v/06) (RH2) 6417.5 VTP5: In Vishahapatnam 1521 rtty 50/850 RY/ID (26/N0v/06) (RH2) 8604.0 ZSJ: SAN Silvermine 1152 mfsk32 54.5/70 Crypto (26/N0v/06) (RH2) 10100.8 DDK: Pinnberg Met 1801 rtty 50/850 Wx/ee S Baltic (26/N0v/06) (RH2) 11086.7 GYA: RN N'Wood 1805 fax? 120/576 Nice Sfc Anal chart! (26/N0v/06) (RH2) 11094.7 Unid: Unid 1320 fax? Regular good sigs but nil on screens!! Heard often; clues anyWUN? (24/Nov/06) (RH2) 12594.5 VTP: IN Vishak 1800 cw/arq marker (26/N0v/06 (RH2) 13321.0 ZS-SFE: SA044 A319 1455 hfdl Uplink fm JNB (26/nov/06) (RH2) 13321.0 ZS-SJO: SA558 B738 1501 hfdl Uplink (26/N0v/06) (RH2) 13510.0 CFH: CF Halifax 1810 fax? 120/576 Sfc prog chart (26/N0v/06) (RH2) 15988.5 DDK7: Pinnenberg Met 1140 fax? 120/576 Sfc Anal (27\Nov\06) (RH2) 16014.0 RFQP: FF Jibouti 1130 Arq-E3 100/400 Betas (26\Nov\06) (RH2) 16812.7 NRV: USCG Apra Hbr 1146 cw/arq Marker (26/N0v/06) (RH2) (Robert Hall, Zambia - udxf 300, 28/11/2006) stelle gerade (ca. 19:15 UTC) sehr gute Condx auf 90m für Afrika fest. 3200 TWR Manzini, O=3 3230 WYFR aus AFS?, engl. O=3 in LSB 3255 BBC sowieso O=4 3320 SABC oder so ähnlich 3345 Channel Africa LSB O=4 3396 Zimbabwe mit schönen O=4 (Thomas Lindentha, Germany - A-DX 0312/06) 4845,24 0123 01/12 Ondas Tropicais, Brasil, songs, great ids good 4857,15 0132 01/12 Greek Pirate!!! (1619 kHz x 3, controlled!) pay attention! poor/fair 4909,27 0145 01/1 R Chaskis (tent. pres.) Ecuador, slow music, poor 5014,4 0031 01/12 Radio Altura Peru, nice mx and talks, fair 5080,3 0205 01/12 Radio Pakistan, reports, fair 5910 0118 01/12 Marfil Estereo, Colombia, usual nice songs prg, fair 5952,5 0108 01/12 Radio Pio XII, Bolivia, talks, fair 6009,5 0047 01/12 Voz de tu Conciencia, Colombia. talks rel. SS. good 6025 0055 01/12 Radio Patria Nueva, Bolivia, songs, stopped at 0100, fair 6035 0113 01/12 Voz del Guaviare, Colombia, QRM 6030, better Usb, talks, poor 6135 0102 01/12 Radio Aparecida, Brasil, religious PP, off 0107 good 6520.4 0040 01/12 R Paucartambo ? tent Peru, talks poor (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 1179, 01/12/2006) Brazilian /Latin logs a/o on 1+2/12 4985 RBC 0503 with songs 1-12 Also 2-12 2134 with S5 max //11815 4915 poss Arhanguiera woth old rock songs , S5 undermod ON 2/12 on 0537 with music 1-12 5005 0510 with LA songs 1-12 5025 Rebelde over Benin (p)on 0530 with a speech Passign 0645 with still S7 signal , RX on 2-1 . Fair on 3-1 5035 Aparecida 0546 spiritual talks in PP Mentioned educaÈao and follwed by a song. Immediate ID by OM Max S3 23332 5030 Burkina? 0612 with talks in FF mentioning CÕte d Ivoire , sog at 0615 and hip hop at 0620 S56 max. best on Narrow filter . Possible ID by OM with short talks 2-12 4995 Para? At 0645 with fast LS songs , S2 max , quite bassy 14221 Also 2205 with ads mentioning Brazil , signal S5 2-12 4765 unIDed Brazilian on 2125 with rippled sinal at max S3 2-12 4805 brazilian 2127 man `shouting' with many mentions of Brazil At 2203 referingto `Ondas tropical' and `Manaus' Diff Amazonia? 2-12 9675 CanÈao Nova with IS in English !!! at 2120 , man with S5 35433 with FMish audio 2-12 9530 RN Visao (p)2133 with taslk in PP and several IDs at 2138 , S0 15342 2-12 5745 Taiwan hear after 0505 with RR sce , dull carrier 1-12 (Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1754, 03/12/2006) 999 27/11 18.50 COPE - Madrid SS NX locali buono 1260 27/11 18.40 R. Algeciras - SS NX locali suff. 1521 2/12 23.30 Classic Gold 1521 - Reigate, UK, EE MX insuf/suf 4780 1/12 23.20 R. Cultural Coatan - S. Sebastian,Guatemala, SS MX suf 4815 1/12 22.55 R. Difusora - Londrina PP MX suff. 4855.8 1/12 23.25 R. La Hora - Cusco,Peru, SS NX suff. 4925 2/12 22.55 RRI - Jambi Bahasa,Indonesia, MX suff. 5446USB 2/12 22.50 AFRTS - Key West EE NX suff. 5910 1/12 23.05 Marfil Estereo - Bogotà SS MX buono 6295 3/12 09.55 R. Alfa Lima - Postbus 663 - 7900 AR Hoo- geveen - Olanda EE ID e MX buono 6300 3/12 09.30 R. Boemerang - box73çgmx.net EE ID e MX buono 6305 3/12 10.00 R. Delta - Postbus 65 - 7260 AB Ruurlo - Olanda EE ID e MX buono 9630 1/12 23.15 R. Aparecida - PP MX // a 5035 kHz suff. 9805 28/11 19.50 R. Thailand - Bangkok EE ID e sport buono Nel prossimo week-end niente tips causa partecipazione al Meeting dei collezionisti di adesivi di radio-tv in Colle Val d' Elsa. (Roberto Pavanello, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 1182, 03/12/2006) -- Пираты this weekend fair to good conditions. Sometimes variable signal strength and noise. greetings achim Date 20/11 6.220,0 1610 Mystery Radio 45444 9+5dB Date 21/11 6.220,0 1445 Mystery Radio 45434 9+5dB 6.275,0 1452 Radio Rainbow 24322 5 Date 22/11 6.220,0 1450 Mystery Radio 45434 9+5dB 6.275,0 1532 unid 24333 6 6.300,0 1505 unid 24433 7 Date 24/11 1.636,0 2206 unid 33443 8 6.220,0 2314 Mystery Radio 24333 6 Date 25/11 1.636,0 1702 unid 43443 9 1.636,0 2313 Radio Utopia 43443 9+10d 1.646,0 1659 Radio Barones 43443 9+10d 6.210,0 1447 Cupid Radio 45444 9 6.220,0 1451 Mystery Radio 45434 9 6.220,0 2342 Mystery Radio 24433 7 6.265,0 1525 Westcoast Radio 24333 6 6.275,0 1055 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5 6.275,0 1512 Laser Hot Hits 24433 6 6.279,0 0805 Electric Radio 24433 7 6.295,0 1055 Radio Atlantis 45444 9+5dB 6.298,0 1411 Flux AM 24433 7 6.298,0 2327 Radio Fox 48 23322 6 6.310,0 1454 Radio Galaxy 23322 5 6.310,0 1107 Zender Paardenkracht 45444 9 6.425,0 1445 Zender Ascona 34444 8 6.425,0 1124 Zender Ascona 24322 6 Date 26/11 6.205,0 0852 Radio Thunderbird 24333 6 6.205,0 1440 Radio Borderhunter 43443 9 6.210,0 1449 Orion Radio 34444 8 6.220,0 0703 Mystery Radio 45444 9+10d 6.239,0 0938 Zender Paardenkracht 23333 7 6.245,0 0938 Radio Likedeeler 23333 6 6.250,0 0746 unid 23322 5 6.266,0 1410 Antonio Radio 34433 8 6.272,0 1214 Radio Zodiac 34444 8 6.275,0 1047 Magic AM 45444 9+5dB 6.280,0 0909 Radio Fox 48 23322 5 6.285,0 0813 unid 14321 5 6.285,0 1103 Radio Rainbow 23433 6 6.294,0 0935 Radio Robby 24333 6 6.295,0 1058 unid 23322 6 6.295,0 1410 Radio Bonofox 33443 8 6.300,0 0932 Radio Northpole 33443 7 6.300,0 1457 unid 34433 8 6.307,0 0753 Radio Spaceman 24333 6 6.310,0 0735 Radio Spaceman 24333 6 6.310,0 1411 unid 45444 9 6.325,0 0740 RWI 24433 7 6.326,0 1145 Zender Paardenkracht 24433 8 6.390,0 1127 Radio Victoria 34433 8 6.400,0 0955 Radio Dr Tim 23322 6 6.524,0 1012 Radio Ramona 25433 7 6.540,0 1026 Radio Brigitte 24433 6 Date 27/11 6.220,0 1703 Mystery Radio 24333 7 (Achim Brueckner, Detmold, Germany - playdx2003 1176, 27/11/2006) Cupid radio has been heard on 63400 and 2147 with ID by OM and rock songs Short transmission gaps Liangas Retziki Greece THS 30/11/06 6280 unIDed 2143 marginal , OM with talks in EE and music . at 2145 a carrier in the freq with S7 with no programming till 2200 when Firedrake wiped out bith of them at S20 signal 1/12/06 6304 R Delta 2147 with open carrier playing a oldie and then IDing himself in Dutch Signed off 2155 then restarted with much lower power at S5 max with ID after the startup song . This on 2/12 Also heard on 3/12 on 0847 same freq with nearly marginal signal 6220 Mystery radio 21xx/2-12 with great signal S9 45544 .Also 1045 on 3/12 with same level ! 6300 unIDed on 2146 with marginal signal and pop songs but later with S5, sometimes QRN from firedrake splatter on 6280 (Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1754, 03/12/2006) -- Глушение Китай 03/12/2006, 1457 utc, 7445 кГц, FireDrake, против R. Free Asia, если верить HFCC. (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия) -- Расписания -- Неопознанное 5069.98, presumed PERU, Onda del Suroriente, 2251-2258, Nov 28, Spanish. OM w/ music and talks until crushed by co-channel WWCR-*2258. Weak/poor, fading in & out in rapid succession. Never heard this one before! (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) 5470, presumed LIBERIA, R.Veritas, 2049, Nov 28, Vernacular. Nice signal with Afropop music at t/in then pulled the plug just as I was settling in! Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-SHDX/NH - hard-core-dx 47, 29, 29/11/2006) There's an Arabic speaking station on 1071 id'ing something like "Idhaat al Nur". This was logged as unid some weeks ago by Jan-Mikael Nurmela in Finland. He also heard commercials for eg. "Eldorado Shopping Center" etc. One such shop is in Beirut. The other day I monitored this station and at times they added "Loubnan" to their id. There is or was a Hizbollah FM station "Nur" or "Noor" in Beirut, Lebanon, which was bombed by Israeli Forces recently. The Iranian station on 1071 seems to carry it's regular programs, so maybe this Nur program is via Syria. It surely is no low-power transmitter. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - hard-core-dx 48, 2, 01/12/2006) -- Связь 03621.5 : CIS Military 2050 MS-5/4800/USB In traffic. (24Nov06) (MPJ) 03207 : M51/French Military 1534 CW NR75 N 27 16:33:44 1989 = PJUUS PQLZZ ... OCLGB IQLXQ = Bearing 110. (27Nov06) (MPJ) 03803.1 M18 Russian Clock 2054 CW 0154 0154 0155 0155 2 seconds slow. (27Nov06) (MPJ) 03890 UWS3: KievRadio, Ukraine 2050 CW Fast Morse telegrams for riverine traffic. (27Nov06) (MPJ) 04030 : CSI Military 2012 CW Duplex enciphered Morse sked. TFQE LaoQXQWRQJ ch YEIKP ... Offair with OK K. (27Nov06) (MPJ) 05056 : NATO Air Defence Data Modem 2027 LINK-11/2250/USB Single channel. Another on 5071 kHz USB. (27Nov06) (MPJ) 05154 C: Cluster Beacon Moscow 2031 CW With P-Kaliningrad on 5153.8 kHz. (27Nov06) (MPJ) 05398.5 G6EED: Amateur NVIS Trials 2034 USB CQ - no takers. (27Nov06) (MPJ) 05435 : E10 Mossad 2036 USB+CARRIER In 5LG traffic. (27Nov06) (MPJ) 05465.9 R: SLB Izhevsk 2039 CW (27Nov06) (MPJ) 05727 QF3K: M89 2045 CW T3AP de QF3K V. (27Nov06) (MPJ) 11490 0000210001: Greek Police 1636 ALE/USB Calls 0000210888. (27Nov06) (MPJ) 14511 OPERATIVADPC: Italian Centrale Operativa della Protezione Civile 1550 ALE/USB Sounding. (27Nov06) (MPJ - udxf 299, 27/11/2006) Some quick captures for today; Tuesday 28th Nov 06. 13261 USB 0518 UTC – Freedom 965 - Working Brisbane Centre 0527 UTC – New Zealand 807 - Working Brisbane Centre 0530 UTC – Jet Star 418 - Working Brisbane Centre 0531 UTC – Qantas 58 - Working Brisbane Centre 8867 USB 0910 UTC – Bluebird 74 – Working Brisbane Centre 0922 UTC – Bluebird 74 – Working Brisbane Centre 0926 UTC – Brisbane Centre – Working Qantas 49 (Chris Maxwell, Melbourne, Australia - udxf 299, 27/11/2006) 00147.3 DDH47: Deutsche Wetterdienst via Pinneberg 1716 RTTY/50/80 Nautische Warnnachrichten fuer den Wetterdienst. In German and English. (28Nov06) (MPJ) 05544 OK-LEE: CSA A320 Flt OK07EC 1721 HFDL Posn report 5122N 00657E via Al Muharraq. (28Nov06) (MPJ) 05544 VT-INA: Indi-Go A320-232 1725 HFDL Logs on to Al Muharraq. (28Nov06) (MPJ) 05544 SU-GCI: EgyptAir A330 1725 HFDL Logs on. (28Nov06) (MPJ) 08642.08 MGJ: RN Secure Bcast Control, Forest Moor 1524 RTTY/75/300 CARBs in VFT. // 6362.06 and 4322.08 kHz. (28Nov06) (MPJ) 08647 VTP6: Vishakhapatnam Naval Radio, India 1702 CW ZFG message lists; traffic to collective VWGZ. (28Nov06) (MPJ) 09067.7 : Egyptian Embassy Madrid 1651 ARQ Msgs from yphkg/embassy jmfsm/Madrid to kdktxke kdkjg kdbkx/all unlisted. (28Nov06) (MPJ) 11159 : Unid RN/NATO Secure Bcast 1530 NATO-75/75/850 With KG-84 message blocks. (28Nov06) (MPJ) 11160.7 : Unid RN/NATO Secure Bcast 1538 NATO-75/75/850 With KG-84 message blocks. // 11159. Spurious? (28Nov06) (MPJ) 11517.75 CXB: Unid 1546 ASCII/75/500 CXB CXB ZAN PSE ZAL 10152 RYs. GD OM ZOK1/2. PSE ZAL 8150 QAP 9495. UR ZAL 9495 QRL TIKAS!!!. PSE FOR TMW MY ZAL 11515/9060 UR ZAL 9395/8150. 9493 E ZABRANENA. Pse uwedomi paris za ZOH DDD. TKS. CFM RQ 2/3 znn gb 73 et 88. RQ 2/3. RQ 2/3. Offair 1604. All other freqs given are in heavy QRM. Bulgar, Czech or Slovak Diplo? (28Nov06) (MPJ) 12735 URL: SebastopolRadio, Ukraine 1642 MORSE/--/170 CQ de URL ANS 12458.5/16658.5 PSE QSO K. In FSK Morse. (28Nov06) (MPJ, UK - udxf 300, 28/11/2006) November 28, 2006 07:22:58 TO: HWK TO: HWK TO: HWK TO: HWK TO: HWK TO: HWK TO: HWK THIS IS: KNM THIS IS: KNM November 28, 2006 07:23:03 THIS IS: KNM TO: HWK TO: HWK TO: HWK TO: HWK TO: HWK TO: HWK THIS IS: KNM THIS IS: KNM THIS IS: KNM followed by a brief chat in greek (kalimera...whatever (sinageruk, UK - udxf 300, 28/11/2006) I hear NDB Pisarovina (HRV) on 424 khz in CW-Modus with ALA 1530 + JRC NRD-535 DG (plutoman79, Germany - udxf 300, 27/11/2006) 03939.0 MUSHROOM: French AF E-3F 2239 USB/RATT wkg Mala [COFAS Taverny], TACON circuit, RATT messages to be relayed to Veilleur [CCOA Taverny], Link11 data on 4615.0, later kicking to 3299.0 and finally 5039.0. Reporting off station 0135z while handing over last fighters to St Dizier approach - exercise Poker 2006-04 (28NOV06) 03831.5 MOUSTIQUE 242: French AF C-135FR 2250 USB wkg Mala [COFAS Taverny], coordinating AREF in the mediterranean region, other tankers on freq were MOUSTIQUE 244, KABA 6072 and KABA 6073 - exercise Poker 2006-04 (28NOV06) 03900.0 MAGIC 58: NATO E-3A 2253 USB/RATT wkg DHN66 [Geilenkirchen], guarding the skies over Riga, voice coord for data traffic, reporting off station, ETA as fragged. (28NOV06) 03900.0 MAGIC 59: NATO E-3A 2254 USB/RATT wkg DHN66 [Geilenkirchen], guarding the skies over Riga, voice coord for data traffic, reporting on station, DT(A) traffic on 3089.0. (Ronald Rensen, The Netherlands udxf 301, 28/11/2006) 8414.5kHz UNID 2006NOV291021Z GMDSS/DSC FORMAT SPECIFIER: ALL SHIPS CATEGORY: DISTRESS SELF IDENTIFICATION: 003660000 United States of America TELECOMMAND: DISTRESS RELAY IDENTIFICATION OF SHIP IN DISTRESS: 000000000 Tajikistan DISTRESS NATURE: UNDESIGNATED DISTRESS DISTRESS COORDINATES: NW LATITUDE 19 deg 3 min NORTH LONGITUDE 24 deg 41 min WEST TIME UTC: 10 : 5 TELECOMMAND: J3E telephone BQ CHECK SUM ERROR DECODED AT: 5:21:54 AM 11/29/2006 (Albert P. Belle Isle - udxf 302, 29/11/2006) 02187.5 LYRC: Lisco Patria (Lithuania) 2126 DSC Safety test to Lyngby Radio/OXZ. (29Nov06) (MPJ) 02187.5 UDK: NovorossiyskRadio, Russia 2137 DSC Preliminary call for F3E/G3E (??) simplex telephone broadcast on 2182 kHz. (29Nov06) (MPJ) 02187.5 V7IX7: Kasif Kalkavan 2152 DSC RQs IstanbulRadio/TAH for safety check. (29Nov06) (MPJ) 02187.5 : MRCC Tarifa/Almeria/Malaga 2159 DSC Safety check with Coruña Radio/EAR, who responds. (29Nov06) (MPJ) 02187.5 LGT: TjomeRadio/MRCC Stavangar, Norway 2202 DSC Preliminary call for MIB/weather on 1665 and 2090 kHz/USB. (29Nov06) (MPJ) 02187.5 EAS: BilbaoRadio, Spain 2206 DSC Calls ValenciaRadio/MRCC Almeria giving frequency 2182 kHz/USB. (29Nov06) (MPJ) 02187.5 OXZ: LyngbyRadio, Denmark 2215 DSC Preliminary call for MIBs/weather on 2182 kHz/USB. (29Nov06) (MPJ) 11517.8 ORB: MFA Sofia 1517 ASCII/75/500 Again active. orb orb agn zok bd pse agn 10152. Nothing heard on other known freqs from yesterday. (29Nov06) (MPJ) BEGIN LOGIN DATE 29-11-2006 TIME 15:17:35 SYSTEM ITA-5 ch 1 FREQUENCY 11517.800 kHz BAUDRATE 75.000 SHIFT 600 Hz END LOGIN agn zok bd pse agn 10152 orb orb agn zok bd pse agn 10152 orb orb agn zok bd pse agn 10152 orb zok bd znn orb zok bd znn cfm 4/2 weqrhrn bmswe cfm 4/2 weqrhrn bmswe cfm 4/2 weqrhrn bmswe cfm 4/2 weqrhrn bmswe tks gb vy 73 88 sk ../.. tks gb vy 73 88 sk ../.. tks gb vy 73 88 sk ../.. (MPJ - udxf 302, 29/11/2006) [06:40:16][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][J33 ][AL0] BER 22 SN 00 followed by 33C position report to PANTHER. 23-37N 077-15W [17:55:45][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J10 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 00 followed by JULIET 10 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) wkg CAMSLANT to request homeplate coordinate with HUNTRESS. They are heading offshore to 406 EPIRB in position 26-26N 082-30W [19:53:52][FRQ 07527000][TO ][TSC ][TIS][FR4FMA ][AL0] BER 29 SN 07 followed by WGY9024 wkg SERVICE CENTER [21:36:10][FRQ 08912000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][501 ][AL0] BER 26 SN 03 followed by CG 1501 (HC-130) position report to CAMSLANT. 39-05N 074-22W 2232Z 5696.0 CG 2133 (HU-25, CGAS Miami) airborne with 6 POB for training requests guard from CAMSLANT 2302Z 11175.0 NAVY AX 200 p/p via McClellan HF-GCS to Lajes Airfield Ops to pass 0300z ETA 2306Z 8992.0 TIGER 03 (P-3C) p/p via Offutt HF-GCS to VP-1 DUTY to pass 1 hour ETA to Whidbey Island. Duty driver to meet them with pizza and soda 2310Z 11175.0 SKULL 24 (B-52H) clg RAYMOND 25 and SKULL 25 with No Joy 2334Z 9022.0 STARGATE (E-8 JSTARS) and ALLEYCAT (E-8 JSTARS) in Link-16 coordination [23:40:48][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][500 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 08 followed by CG 1500 (HC-130) position report to CAMSLANT. ??-14N 76-06W ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 501, 704, 712, 713, 715, 720, A39, CNT, D02, D45, D49, EST, F40, FR4FMA, I49, I75, J01, J03, J04, J10, J16, J23, J31, J33, J34, J36, J39, J42, LNT, M70, OPB, PAC, PNR400, T42, T72, TSC, X52 (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 303, 29/11/2006) 13927.1 kHz USB 1658z MARS Operator AFA2XD (Satellite Beach FL) wkg "SHARK 84" (C-130) for phone patch to DSN 228-5162 "Smasher" to report 1554z departure from MHSC (Soto Cana AB, Honduras) and 2100z ETA at TJSJ (Muniz ANGB, San Juan PR). Also passed coordinates, heading, air speed, and flight level. (29 Nov 2006) (Alan Stern, Satellite Beach, FL - udxf 303) 8992.0 kHz USB 0040z: HF-GCS McClellan wkg AX 200 (Andrews AFB VR-53 C-130T) for phone patch. (29 Nov 2006), (Alan Stern, Satellite Beach, FL - udxf 303) 08454 UIW: KaliningradRadio, Russia 1502 RTTY/50/170 Telegrams to unid vessel, then CQs. CQ de UIW ANS 8362.5 K. (30Nov06) (MPJ) 10201 RCV: HQ Black Sea Fleet, Sebastopol, Ukraine 1538 CW Nawips bcast: RIP90 de RCV QTC 450 70 30 1535 450 = Nawip 033 1814 karta 32230 sewernee egipta bpu pride north america w31/56/8 ... (30Nov06) (MPJ) 10201 RCV: HQ Black Sea Fleet, Sebastopol, Ukraine 1549 CW RJH41 de RCV QSA1 QSX 16680 K (nil heard 16680). OK AS3 K. QDW (QSY to) 10309 K. (30Nov06) (MPJ) 10309 RJH41: Russian Warship 1607 CW RCV de RCH41 QSA? QTC K. Working RCV on 10201 kHz. (30Nov06) (MPJ) 12823.5 CTP: Portuguese Navy Palhais/Oeiras 1418 RTTY/75/850 NAWS NAWS DE CTP CTP DUE TO TECHNICAL PROBLEMS SERVICE UNAVAILABLE UFN AR. (30Nov06) (MPJ) 12855 6WW: French Navy Dakar 1427 STANAG-4285/300L/5N1-2 FAAA FAAA DE 6WW TESTING. RYs SGs 0 to 1 VOYEZ LE BRICK etc. No ships. (30Nov06) (MPJ) 12948 : Russian Military 1433 MS-5/4800/USB Pre-traffic tones. (30Nov06) (MPJ - udxf 304, 30/11/2006) 0005Z 11175.0 REACH 431 p/p via Andrews HF-GCS to Andrews Meteo for 0130z WX at Rota, Spain 0020Z 11175.0 THOR 38 p/p via Andrews HF-GCS to Offutt Meteo for 0145z WX 0024Z 11175.0 SKULL 24 (B-52H) clg SKULL 25 (B-52H) 0030Z 4041.0 NNN0FKW, NNN0GBN4, NNN0KRQ, NNN0ANN, NNN0BCD, NNN0FKW in USN/USMC MARS Net [01:10:23][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][704 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 06 followed by CG 1704 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) ops normal report to CAMSLANT [04:58:24][FRQ 05732000][TO ][J04 ][TIS][TSC ][AL0] BER 30 SN 10 followed by SERVICE CENTER clg JULIET 04 (HH-60J, CGAS Cape Cod) ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 500, 704, 718, I01, I4J, J03, J04, J10, J14, J16, J18, J23, J33, LNT, OPB, PNR400, T85, T9A, TSC, WST, X52 (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 304, 30/11/2006) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command, unid tx site, Russia 1332 F1B fsk morse 14wpm (handsendt) strategic flash message to unid unit RDL: "xxx xxx rdl rdl 47146 00471 gilxzan 6149 1553 k" (29/11/2006)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command, unid tx site, Russia 1438 F1B fsk morse 14wpm (handsendt) strategic flash message to unid unit RDL: "xxx xxx rdl rdl 31708 76698 øironovka 4065 0155 k" (29/11/2006)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command, unid tx site, Russia 1439 F1B fsk morse 14wpm (handsendt) strategic flash message to unid unit RDL: "uuu xxx xxx rdl rdl 40128 92263 siluminit 6071 1633 k" (29/11/2006)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command, unid tx site, Russia F1B fsk morse 16.7wpm strategic flash message to unid unit RDL: "uuu uuu xxx xxx rdl rdl 82185 47384 trikotin 7911 9733 k" (30/11/2006)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command, unid tx site, Russia F1B fsk morse 16.7wpm strategic flash message to unid unit RDL: "xxx xxx rdl rdl 41996 01345 armata 8381 9623 k" (30/11/2006)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command, unid tx site, Russia F1B fsk morse 16.7wpm not valid but corrected and resendt strategic flash message to unid unit RDL: "uuu xxx xxx rdl rdl 26t iiii xxx xxx rdl rdl 26040 99827 awicennit 7294 0286 k" (30/11/2006)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command, unid tx site, Russia 1139 F1B fsk morse 16.7wpm strategic flash message to unid unit RDL: "xxx xxx rdl rdl 29309 38122 prikladok 0559 3975 frikase 9602 7820 amazonskij 7695 2527 pristÿvka 5129 9294 k" (30/11/2006)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command, unid tx site, Russia 1141 F1B fsk morse 16.7wpm strategic flash message to unid unit RDL: "u u xxx xxx rdl rdl 41874 73040 poiskowyj 1276 3900 pristrada 6306 8821 analergelx 2279 4281 lxdistyj 5392 9229 ýpimid 5873 2467 hrizomalin 3327 2993 k" (30/11/2006)(TJ) 00021.1 no call: Russian high command, unid tx site, Russia 1158 F1B fsk morse 16.7wpm resend of strategic flash message previously bcasted on 18.1 kHz at 1139utc: xxx xxx rdl rdl 29309 38122 prikladok 0559 3975 frikase 9602 7820 amazonskij 7695 2527 pristÿvka 5129 9294 k" (30/11/2006)(TJ) 00021.1 no call: Russian high command, unid tx site, Russia 1208 F1B fsk morse 16.7wpm resend of strategic flash message previously bcasted on 18.1 kHz at 1141utc: xxx xxx rdl rdl 41874 73040 poiskowyj 1276 3900 pristrada 6306 8821 analergelx 2279 4281 lxdistyj 5392 9229 ýpimid 5873 2467 hrizomalin 3327 2993 k" then straight into bcast of data using F1B T600 aka Bee 36/50 w/ 75 Hz shift (30/11/2006)(Trond J, Hvaler Archipelago, Norway - udxf 304, 30/11/2006) New Utility QSL: QSL Radiogram for KPH and KSM on Night of Nights VII on 8642 and 6747 kHz. (Владимир Рожков, Канск, Россия - udxf 304, 30/11/2006) 06316.2 IDR/IGJ: Rome/Augusta Naval Radio 1201 STANAG-4285/300L/5N11. Usual CARBs. (01Dec06) (MPJ) 06348 FUE: French Navy Brest 1206 STANAG-4289/600L/5N12 Working warship FB: FB FB FB DE FUE FUE FUE QSL VOTRE R 010901Z DEC 06 TIME 1153Z KKKKILO. FB de FUE QSL SUR VOTRE TRAM AR AR AR. ZCZCABC.001 ALL DE FUE TESTING RYs SGs 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INT ZBZ NNNN. (01Dec06) (MPJ) 06781.3 : Unid 1225 STANAG-4285/300L Encrypted. (01Dec06) (MPJ) 07554.6 : Unid 1228 STANAG-4285/600L. Bearing 120-125 - France or Italy. (01Dec06) (MPJ) 08453 FUO: French Navy Toulon 1235 STANAG-4285/300L/5N12 FAAA DE FUO VV TESTING RYs SGs 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK etc. INT ZBZ NNNN. // 12666.5 (01Dec06) (MPJ) 12930.7 EBA: Spanish Navy Madrid 1443 STANAG-4285/600L/5N1 Idling between message blocks. // 8463.2 (01Dec06) (MPJ - udxf 306, 01/12/2006) [COMMSTA Portsmouth]-USA (safety) from 249507000-MLT test [06-12-01 23:26:21] [Istanbul]-TUR (safety) from MAGNITKA,XUDN3-CBG test REQ [06-12-01 22:29:45] [Kuwait Radio]-KWT (safety) from BAVARIA EXPRESS,VQJW4-G test REQ [06-12-01 22:19:18] [Capetown Radio]-AFS (safety) from FRONT SYMPHONY,A8HH8-LBR test REQ [06-12-01 21:04:46] POSEN,V2KW-ATG (safety) from [Istanbul]-TUR test [06-12-01 20:48:50] [Daman] - IND (Safety) from BBC AFRICA, V2B07-ATG test REQ [06-12-01 18:01:02] 8414,5 KHz GMDSS (Francesco - udxf 306, 01/12/2006) With the atempted Army Take over the following frequencies have been Heard and noted as more than usualy active over the last 72 Hours. :- 4.370 (Usb) Fijin Mil/Naval ?? chatting in Fijin 6.504 (usb) Fijin Mil 8.690 (cw) 12.700 (cw) 13.080 (usb) Voice in English re "Suva Patrol" ??? There seams to be no set times of any transmitions :- Also several transmitions Have been heard in the 33 to 40 Mhz bands but no one regular frequency, reported. RAN was monitered on 8.688 with a Helo calling ground staff. At 22.00 z to faint to Hear . RAAF (OZ ??)also heard giving Flt position at 23.45 Z on 11.267,again to faint to confirm where in Pacific it was. (Furrything - udxf 306, 01/12/2006) -- Новости 75th OF VATICAN RADIO: SPECIAL SERIES OF 5 POSTCARDS The last 12 Oct. 2006 the Postal Service of Vatican City has emitted a special series of 5 postcards with cancellations to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Vatican Radio. The 5 postcard reproduce the pictures of Guglielmo Marconi and all Popes that have spoken to the microphones of Vatican Radio. Info and pictures of all postcards are available on http://swli05639fr.blogspot.com/ (Francesco, Italy - hard-core-dx 47, 27, 27/11/2006) -- Интернет http://languageradio.tk/ (Marc, Belgium - emwg 428, 28/11/2006) http://www.rtvsicilia.it/ http://www.itu.int/ITU-R/terrestrial/monitoring/files/pdffiles/312.pdf - ITU N312 На своём сайте выложил 5-ый (Ноябрьский) номер бюллетеня RIGA DX. (Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 29/11/2006) радиовещательный центр в г.Куйбышеве. 1942 год http://retro.samnet.ru/zapstolica/rvs/index.htm (akeldem2003 - open_dx 29/11/2006) 8414.5kHz UNID 2006DEC021225Z GMDSS/DSC FORMAT SPECIFIER: ALL SHIPS CATEGORY: DISTRESS SELF IDENTIFICATION: 371713000 TELECOMMAND: DISTRESS RELAY IDENTIFICATION OF SHIP IN DISTRESS: 1272727272 DISTRESS NATURE: SINKING DISTRESS COORDINATES: NW LATITUDE 21 deg 42 min NORTH LONGITUDE 21 deg 51 min WEST TIME UTC: 11 : 35 TELECOMMAND: F1B/J2B FEC teleprinter CCIR 625-476 EOS CHECK SUM OK DECODED AT: 7:25:48 AM 12/2/2006 (Albert P, Boston, MA - udxf 307, 02/12/2006) 04972.1 MCC88C: SCC Station, G. 1753 P-I/100Bd connecting to MBX1CF: Cadet Forces Mailbox. "...MCC88C de MBX1CF QTC 0 Msgs 0 bytes>" 06938.0 DIAMANTI: Albanian Mil/MOI 1820 USB/ALE clg DRINI (02/DEC/06) (KK) 06893.0 DIAMANTI: Albanian Mil/MOI 1821 USB/ALE clg DRINI (02/DEC/06) (KK) 06214.7 No Call: unid 1817 P-I/100Bd selcalling, no Cnt. (02/DEC/06) (Kristian, Germany - udxf 307, 02/12/2006) A few Atlantic loggings on NAT (5649,2872,... kc) ESMQ Singapore 9V-SPC B744 c/n 27070 HQDJ British G-VFIT A346 c/n 0753 EPLR Icelandair TF-FID B752 c/n 26436 JSBG Business jet N300ES Global Express (Bombardier) c/n 9016 A31FC7 BCDE Scandinavian 944 , found OY-KHT MD80 c/n 53296 but probably a mistake as a DC9 would hardly do the Chicago to Copenhagen stretch, any idea ???? FHMS as Beauty 602 (could that be OO-TUC ??) (Patrice Privat, Beauvais City Limits, France - udxf 307, 02/12/2006) -- QSL Иран I got a nice personal email confirmation from Radio Democracy Shorayee, new Iraninan exile broadcaster on 7435 kHz. Website, only in Farsi, http://www.radioshora.org , where also the email address is: info@radioshora.org (Bjorn Fransson, Gotland, Sweden - hard-core-dx 47, 28, 28/11/2006) Нидерланды Сегодня получил (после напоминания) e-QSL от Radio Spaceshuttle. Из информации: станция из Нидерландов, вещание из Финляндии, частота 9290 кГц, мощность 15 Ватт. (Павел Иванов, Белгород, Россия - open_dx 29/11/2006) Перу 4974.8, Radio del Pacífico, Lima, recibida carta QSL vía e-mail, en un archivo Word, con logotipo de la emisora y datos completos, V/S Doris Manco Flores. Tardaron en contestar 133 días. El informe de recepción se envió por carta, adjuntando 1 US $ a la siguiente dirección: Radio del Pacífico, Av. Guzmán Blanco 465 7ª piso Lima - Perú Se reclamó varias veces por e-mail la confirmación en la dirección: informes@grupopacifico.org Datos de la emisora: Radio del Pacífico, es la emisora cristiana que se encarga de difundir una variedad de programas doctrinales de fácil aceptación; su programación actual está conformada por espacios culturales musicales de entrevistas y noticias. Su elaboración y contenido están a cargo de personas especializadas que nos permiten asegurar el logro de los objetivos planteados. 43 años del ministerio radial a través de su amplitud modulada en los 640 de onda corta y onda internacional, conectada, además, con la Cadena Internacional ALAS; llega a lo largo del territorio nacional con su sistema digital las 24 horas del día, garantizando así una perfecta recepción que son bien recibidas por la audiencia. Las cartas y llamadas de nuestros oyentes de los lugares más lejanos de la sierra y selva, comprueba claramente el cumplimiento de esta meta, que es el de llenar las expectativas del radio escucha; además, cumplimos con una función docente al mismo tiempo que informamos. La planta transmisora se encuentra en el Distrito del Agustino y nuestros estudios con equipos renovados, se encuentran en la Av. Guzmán Blanco 465 7ª piso Lima - Perú. Con sus señales de A.M. 640, Onda Corta 4975 Khz 60 Mts. y Onda Internacional 9675 khz 31 mts, cubrimos el territorio peruano. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 1462, 30/11/2006) Сингапур für den Empfang auf 6.150 kHz (06.11., 0:00 UTC - Brief ab am 13.11.) nach 19 Tagen heute die QSL, eine Ansicht von Singapur bei Nacht, mit der Bestätigung, dass ich die Sendung gehört habe. Eigentlich wollte ich auf der Frequenz Radio Bayrk aus Zypern hören. Nun ja, es wurde ein weiteres bestätigtes Radioland. (Friedhelm, Germany - A-DX 02/12/2006) Тибет/Мадагаскар VOICE OF TIBET via Talata, Madagascar, on 17,550. Full-data, including program name, large folder card showing color Madagascar map in 6 weeks. The card was signed by Rahamefy Eddy, Technical Department, whose ham callsign is 5R8FT. VoT website says this frequency is for India and Nepal. Report was sent to Radio Nederland, P.O. Box 404, Antananarivo - 101, Madagascar (Wendel Craighead, Kansas, Usa - CumbreDX 1750, 28/11/2006) -- Аппаратура Giampiero Bernardini Avvenire Milano, Italy Rx: Drake SPR-4 & R-4C (with DDS4); RFT EKD 315; RFSpace SDR-14; CiaoRadio H101; Winradio G33EM Marine; AOR AR7030+ AR5000+ AR3000A-DX; TenTec RX320 & RX321; Icom R7000 & R71E (both mod. by Capra), PCR1000; Lowe HF150; Kenwood R5000 & tuner KT-6040; Grundig Satellit 700 & 500; Yamaha T-85; Sangean ATS 909 mod. & DT-220; Degen DE1103; Alinco DJ-X3 (In all FM rx I use 110/80/53 kHz filters)- Ant: wires 30 m.; RKB 5, 9 & 10 elements FM; RF Systems T2FD 15 meters; Wellbrook LFL 1010, loops by A.Capra, PA0RDT Mini Whip, Magnetic Loop L101 Eike Bierwirth 55128 Mainz, Germany Rx: JRC NRD-525 Ant: 15m wire in the garden Scott R Barbour Jr. Sugar Hill Overlook, Kancamagus Hwy. NH-USA R75, 150? longwire. José Miguel Romero Sacañet (Castellón) España. Sangean ATS 909 Antena hilo de siete metros -- 73 всем! И.Л. |
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