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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 99

WorldDX 99
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
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Короткие Волны

After several days missing due to some local problem, DGS on
Caribbean Beacon heard back on air Dec 10 at 1435 on 11775, but with constant
lite noise in background. Seems like a satellite downlink or dish positioning
problem. Also Dec 11 around 0600 on 6090 with DRM ACI de Luxembourg 6095 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK, Usa - hard-core-dx 48, 13, 12/12/2006)

4950, Radio Nacional de Angola,
0526-0543, 17-12, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

15820/L Radio Continental; 2113-2131+, 12-Dec; 2M in SS
w/cmtrys & many ads/promos; Continental spot @2123 (sounds like "Con-
tinente" sometimes, "al" this time); pips @BoH. SIO=122+ w/flutter
QRM, good when flutter absent. SS 2-way in USB (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1766, 14/12/2006)

15820 LSB, Radio Continental, Buenos
Aires, 1028-1050, 16-12, locutor, programa: "En
la ma?ana del s?bado, La Hora del Campo, por
Continental hasta las nueve de la ma?ana".
Noticias sobre mercados ganaderos y explotaci?n de carne. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

BBCWS to S Africa via Ascension, 21470, is usually good here all
morning from sunrise until 1800 at least. I have entered feature program times
during this block, most of which differ from Eu or NAm streams, in MONITORING
REMINDERS CALENDAR, as well as other SW broadcasts to W, C and SAf which are
audible in NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 17, 16/12/2006)

Definite ID: "You are listening to Radio Bahrain" at 1805 on 6010.11 kHz
with pure AM, equal audio on lower side. I remember vaguely hearing the
sound of the low het, but didn't pay attention to it then. I don't think
this has been here very long. Thank you for the tip. (Mauno Ritola, Joensuu, Finland - CumbreDX 1767, 14/12/2006)

4716.75, Radio Yura, 0942-0955 Signal very good this early morning
catch with steady music. (Chuck Bolland, December 11, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 12, 11/12/2006)

4796.48, Radio Mallku, 0945-0955 Noted a man in Spanish comments between music. Signal is fair.
(Chuck Bolland, December 11, 2006, hard-core-dx 48, 12)

5967.80, Radio Nacional de Huanuni,(pres) 0957-1005 Caught just a carrier here at 0957 At 0959, heard a threshold signal of a flute being played until 1000.

After 1000, nothing heard due to splatter and fading. (Chuck Bolland, December 11, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 12)

6105.47, Radio Panamericana, 1050-1100 Notice a man in Spanish comments at tune in. At 1056, music heard. At 1100 R. Nederlands comes up on 6110

blocking. Prior to that, R. Panamericana was fair. (Chuck Bolland, December 11, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 12)

4694.54, Radio San Miguel (Tentative), 1030-1040 Noted a woman =
in SP comments until 1038. At that time music presented. Signal was =
poor at 1030, but by 1040 had faded to threshold and couldn't hear =
details anymore. =20
This was reported as San Miguel, Bolivia earlier in the week by another, =
Bjorn Fransson, in the SW Bulletin and DXLD. No ID heard today before =
conditions got bad. (Chuck Bolland, Decembere 16, 2006 - CumbreDX 1769, 16/12/2006)

4650.1, Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma,
2249-2305, 16-12, m?sica de flauta, locutor,
comentarios en espa?ol. Se?al muy d?bil. 14321. (M?ndez)

5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2252-2312,
16-12, locutor, comentarios, espa?ol, atendiendo
llamadas de los oyentes. 23322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

4935, R. Capixaba, 0031 Dec. 15. Never
heard at this strength (S7) before. Reverb on audio.
Program was apparent sermon and went through
TOH. Capixaba ID and frequency mention at 0106
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1770, 17/12/2006)

4775, Radio Congonhas, Congonhas, 2238-2241,
16-12, locutgor, portugu?s, comentarios y canciones. 23222. (M?ndez)

4805, Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus,
2112-2250, 16-12, canciones brasile?as y
comentarios por locutor. 24322. (M?ndez)

4825, Radio Educadora, Bragan?a, Par?, 2332-2337,
16-12, locutor, comentarios y canciones. A las
2334 identificaci?n: "Educadora, ... onda media,
4825 kHz. onda tropical, Educadora". 24322. (M?ndez)

4895, Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande, 0641-0647,
17-12, canciones y comentarios religiosos. Se?al
d?bil. Se escucha mejor en LSB. 25322 variando a 15321. (M?ndez)

4935, Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, 2338-2341, 16-12,
locutor, portugu?s, programa religioso, predicaciones. 23422. (M?ndez)

6135, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 2120-2132,
16-12, programa "Encontro DX", noticias y
comentarios DX. A las 2131, identificaci?n: "A
Radio Aparecida presentou Encontro DX".
Interferencia de Radio Exterior de Espa?a en la
misma frecuencia transmitiendo "Tablero Deportivo". 22222. (M?ndez)

9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1016-1105, 16-12,
Noticias, noticias "Rede Bandeirantes",
identificaci?n a las 1018: "Radio Rio Mar,
Manaus, Amazonia, Brasil". M?s noticias, "Sete e
cuarenta e oito minutos en Manaus". 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

4885, Radio Clube do Par?, Bel?m, 0510-0535,
17-12, programa musical presentando por locutor. Buena Se?al. 44444. (M?ndez)

4915, Radiodifusora Macap?, 0620-0627, 17-12,
canciones brasile?as, identificaci?n: "Difusora". 35333. (M?ndez)

4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0615-0650,
17-12, bonito programa de canciones brasile?as.
Locutor, comentarios, "4 horas e 18". 45444. (M?ndez)

9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 0838-0843, 17-12,
locutor, portugu?s, comenarios y canciones. 33333. (M?ndez)

9630, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0843-0846,
17-12, canciones brasile?as, comentario, locutor,
"6 horas 44 minutos, Radio Aparecida". Buena se?al. 44444. (M?ndez)

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0846-0905,
17-12, locutor, portugu?s, comenarios y canciones. 24322. (M?ndez)

11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa Mar?a,
1024-1033, 16-12, portugu?s, comentario
religioso, canciones, identificaci?n:
"Transmundial, comunicando para o mundo". 34333. (M?ndez)

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia,
1035-1045, 16-12, locutor, locutora, comenarios:
"Amazonia Brasileira". 34333. (M?ndez)

11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2351-0003,
16-12, locutor, portugu?s, comentario de f?tbol,
partido a jugar ma?ana entre Internacional de
Porto Alegre y Barcelona. 24322. (M?ndez)
Tambi?n 1010-1030, 17-12, transmisi?n del mismo
partido de f?tbol. 23322. (M?ndez)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 1755-810,
16-12, locutor, comentarios, identificaci?n:
"Rado Brasil Central". 34333. (M?ndez)
Tambi?n 0905-0920, 17-12, canciones brasile?as. 44444. (M?ndez)

11830, Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, 1107-1120,
16-12, locutor, portugu?s, noticias y comensarios
de Goiania, identificaci?n: "Radio Anhanguera Noticias". 24322.
Tambi?n 1010-1050, 17-12, transmisi?n partido de
f?tbol Mundial de Clubes, Barcelona,
Internacional de Porto Alegre. 24322. (M?ndez)

11855, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 2347-2351,
16-12, programa "Con a mae aparecida".
Identificaci?n: "Radio Aparecida". 34333. (M?ndez)

11925, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 1021-1023,
16-12, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios. 23322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

4780 Radio Cultural Coatan, Guatemala, with very nice signal tonight, 13
Dec, here in Milano. Music, clear announcement at 0030 and talks in SS.
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 48, 13, 12/12/2006)

Did VOG miss another English hour? Sat Dec 16 at 1451, 9420 was
playing Greek music, and also when rechecked a few minutes later (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 17, 16/12/2006)

4780, Radio Djibouti, 1750, 1758, 16-12, canciones, locutor, comentarios, vern?culo. 35333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

Доминиканская республика
5009.71 R. Cristal International, , Santo Domingo, 1130, Dec 13, no
ID, male speaking in Spanish. Fair to poor...almost inaudible when
checked 15 minutes later. (David Goren, Brooklyn, New York, Usa - hard-core-dx 48, 15, 14/12/2006)

4965, Christian Voice, 0123-0135 English comments and ID's by man and woman. African typical music in Sawhili (pres) between comments.
Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, December 17, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

6985 Kol Israel; 1905-1940+, 11-Dec; M&W cmtry & phone inter-
view w/vocal & instr'l music breaks. Hrd tentative mentions of Shabele
& Mogadishu but then hrd clear Kol Israel ID @1935. All in LL; sounds
somewhat like AR. Assume this is the Somalia/Unknownia hrd last week-
end on 6985. SINPO=3+4233-, one brief clatter burst. Not //7545 w/M&W
in HB. (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1766, 14/12/2006)

6985 Kol Israel, 18:15-18.30, escuchada el 15 de Diciembre en espa?ol, sinton?a, ID, locutor con bolet?n de noticias, en paralelo por 7545, tras el bolet?n una

clase de hebreo presentado por locutora en espa?ol y locutor en hebreo, segmento musical y pronostico del tiempo. SINPO 35333.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 16, 15/12/2006)

4990 AIR-Itanagar (t), Itanagar, 0030-0035, December 14, hindi,
news by female, 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - bclnews 1676, 16/12/2006)

4840, AIR, Mumbai, 1633-1635, 16-12, locutora,
vern?culo, comentarios, canciones y m?sica hind?. 25322. (M?ndez)

4860, AIR, Delhi A, Kingsway, 1630-1633, 16-12,
locutor, comentarios, vern?culo. 25322. (M?ndez)

4895, AIR, Kurseong, 1628-1630, 16-12, m?sica hind?. 25322. (M?ndez)

4950, AIR, Srinagar B, 1620-1623, 16-12, locutor,
comenario, vern?culo. 34333. (M?ndez)

4980, AIR, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, 1714-1720,
16-12, m?sica hind?, canciones. 34333. (M?ndez)

Emisoras que transmit?an el mismo programa de
m?sica hind? entre las 1610 y las 1640 del d?a
16-12, o sea, programa en paralelo:

4810, AIR, Bhopal, m?sica hind?. 24322. (M?ndez)

4830, AIR, Jammu, m?sica hind?. 24322. (M?ndez)

4900.0, AIR, ????, m?sica hind?. 24322. (M?ndez)

4920, AIR, Chennai, m?sica hind?. Fuerte
interferencia de China, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet
en la misma frecuencia. 21321. (M?ndez)

5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, m?sica hind?. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

10330 All India R. via Bangalore 1520-1545 Dec 17. YL talk to
1530, then pips, ID, and music, with the YL speaking after each song in
lang. Phone numbers (request lines?) were given using EG numerals. Good signal.
(John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1772, 17/12/2006)

Stood by on 9525 at 1530 Dec 12 after a sesqihour of hum and
traces of modulation, to find out exactly when VOI would begin the 6:24
Gam-Drake loop with frequent English IDs. It was at 1532 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 13, 12/12/2006)

4925, RRI, Jambi, 2315-2333, locutor, comenarios y noticias, vern?culo, locutora, m?sica. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

R. Jordan, 11690, Dec 12 at 1500-1503 with R. Jordan 96.3 FM ID and
3 minutes of news during pause in pop music before and after. All the news
concerned the Middle East; how provincial (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 13, 12/12/2006)

7545 VOIRI/IRIB, Sitkunai, Lithuania, 0640-0645, December 16, Italian,
transmission for Europe, talk by male, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - bclnews 1676, 16/12/2006)

9780 RTV Yemen San'a 0432 in AR Women's show? YL nx reader
tlking at a blistering pace. Short powerful Koranic recitation, and
then back to nx. References to China, America, and Allah. The
touching sound of children reciting the Koran. fair-good (Prez 12/4 - CumbreDX 1772, 17/12/2006)

9820, CNR2, China Business R., via Xian
0035 Dec. 11. OM & YL alternating w/ nx
features. Fading, but clear audio and S5 signal
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1770, 17/12/2006)

4980, PBS, Xinjiang, 0019 Dec 16. Listed
Uighur pgm was YL just above noise. Bothered by
CODAR (Strawman-IA).

6185, China Huayi BC (p), 1335 Dec. 16.
Mandarin language pgm of operatic vocals. S5
signal had weak station underneath (Strawman-IA).

7110, CRI, via Jinhua, 2231 Dec. 16. Japanese
service. OM & YL trading comments with pop mx
interludes. S7 signal (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, Usa - CumbreDX 1770, 17/12/2006)

5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0647-0850,
17-12, canciones llaneras, locutor habitual de La
Voz de tu Conciencia con comentario relioso: "La
Voz de tu Conciencia, desde Colombia para el mundo". 34333. (M?ndez)

6009.5, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda,
0831-0855, 17-12, programa religioso con su
locutor habitual. En paralelo hoy con 5910. Se?al
d?bil. 24222 variando a 14221. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

On Dec 12, 6000 in Spanish was still going at 0701, but off
when I tuned by again at 0702. 6060, however, was opening Teatro de la Opera, a
CMBF program I have heard before at this time. Then found it also on 9550 at
0712. Maybe the engineer on duty at site likes to listen to R. Musical Nacional
before going home; is it every UT Tuesday? May as well put it on Monitoring
Reminders Calendar. Feature on Giuseppe di Stefano, with some great old
recordings, but his rendition of ``Celeste A?da`` was cut off before he
finished at 0720 to brief open carrier and off. How rude. You never know when
they will pull the plug.

Meanwhile another RHC frequency, 6180 was still on at 0708 with speech in
Spanish (not Fidel or Hugo) about Venezuela. Perhaps had switched to feed from
another domestic network after English closing nominally at 0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 13, 12/12/2006)

On Dec 12 at 0701 check, R. Mart? was on 5980 with jamming. But the poor
DentroCuban Jamming Command had to split its resources to keep 5890 jammed as
well, altho RM was not on it at the moment. I wonder if RM switches 5890/5980
from one night to the next or back and forth during the transmission, but am
not about to stay up later to find out.

Likewise at 1506 Dec 12 I found heavy jamming on 11750, but no RM, where I had
heard it loud & clear only once before. RM was coming thru the usual jamming on
11930 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 13, 12/12/2006)

At 0041, two different Spanish programs from Cuba on 6000 and 6180, plus mixing
product on 6300, with audio from 6060 dominant. (Glenn Hauser, Enid, Oklahoma, Usa - hard-core-dx 48, 16, 15/12/2006)

11655, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 1215-1230,
17-12, bonito programa de canciones
latinoamericanas, presentado por locutora. 34333.
En paralelo con 9505, con peor se?al. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

The shortwave relay service on 9290kHz will return to the air with 100kW
during the Xmas holidays. License holder is the company SIA "RNI Radio",
owned by Raimonds Kreicbergs and local investors. On 7 December, the
Latvian Radio & TV Council (NRTP) issued the license to this company. The
company would like to point out that the relay service as no connection
with the website http://www.rni.fm which since early 2006 incorrectly
claims being the holder of a license for shortwave relays from Latvia. The
Radio & TV Council did not receive any application from the person(s)
behind the website. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU - CumbreDX 1766, 14/12/2006)

4845 was still on at 0043 with good carrier if not modulation, and
not much flutter. (Glenn Hauser, Enid, Oklahoma, Usa - hard-core-dx 48, 17, 16/12/2006)

6049.64, RTM, Sibu, (pres), 1010-1020 Noted a man in comments (Iban?) for a minute or two, then music presented. Later man returns with comments joined by

a woman (1020). Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, December 11, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 12)

4835,41 Radidiff. Nat. du Mali, Bamako, 0650-0700, December 16, French,
local songs and announcements by male in french, identification at 07 UTC, 24432
//5995 Khz with 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - bclnews 1676, 16/12/2006)

4810 LSB, Xerta, Radio Transcontinental de
Am?rica, M?xicoo DF, 0807-0825, 17-12, canciones
religiosas, se?al muy d?bil. 14221. (M?ndez)

6185, Radio Educaci?n, M?xico DF, 0954-1010,
17-12. Se?al muy d?bil hoy, con m?sica cl?sica,
Lyrics. S?lo audible a partir de las 0954. 14321.
Entre las 0800 y las 0830 en que se debili?, se escuchaba CVC La Voz.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

6235 Radio DMR, 17:30-17:42, escuchada el 15 de Diciembre en ingl?s a locutor con bolet?n de noticias, ?Cambio de horario?, ID, 34443.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 16, 15/12/2006)

12085, Voice of Mongolia, 1005-1015, 17-12, Ingl?s, locutora, comentarios y noticias
de Mongolia, identificaci?n: "Voice of Mongolia". Canciones. 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

3234.78, Radio Luz y Sonido, 1030-1040 Noted a man in Spanish comments with ID and TC's until 1033 when music presented. Signal was poor. (Chuck

Bolland, December 12, 2006)

4755.09, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1040-1100 Noted a man in Steady Spanish comments. Sounded like he was preaching. At 1052, normal programming with

promos. A woman in chatter then. At 1057, QRM from what I believe to be an ocean bouy signal, is nerve racking to say the least. However, the noise reduction

feature of the NRD545 seems to almost eliminate it. (Chuck Bolland, December 12, 2006)

4774.93, Radio Tarma, 1102-1115 At tune, canned ID as, "...Radio Tarma ...". This followed with promos and music. Signal was poor and fading. (Chuck

Bolland, December 12, 2006)

4835.42, Radio Maranon, 1108-1115, Various person possibly broadcasting news on location. Can hear background sounds. Heard "Lima" and "Iquito" mention

during comments at times. Every once in awhile, TC given. At 1114 canned ADs/promos. Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, December 12, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 13)

4774.97, Radio Tarma, 1045-1110 Huaynos music at tune in. At =
1055 man in live SP comments. At 1102, canned ID by a man, "... =
Transmite, Radio Tarma ...". More music but band goes bad at 1106 and =
that's it for the day. Signal was good until then. (Chuck Bolland, December 16, 2006 - CumbreDX 1769, 16/12/2006)

6173.85, Radio Tawantinsuyo, 1113-1121 Very weak signal here being bombarded with Splatter. Noted a woman in Spanish comments. Local music presented

at 1117. Can barely hear anything by 1121. (Chuck Bolland, December 17, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

4755.0, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2219-0005,
16-12, locutor, transmisi?n partido de f?tbol,
identificaci?n: "Aqu? en la transmisi?n deportiva
de Radio Huanta 2000". Anuncios comerciales y comenarios. 24322. (M?ndez)

4790.2, Radiio Visi?n, Chiclayo, 0627-0840,
17-12, locutor, predicaciones, espa?ol, "El Se?or
Jesucristo est? con nosotros", canciones,
identificaci?n "Desde la ciudad de Chiclayo,
transmite Radio Visi?n, para Per? y el mundo". 24322. (M?ndez)

4855.3, Radio La Hora, Cusco, 2300-2310, 16-12,
canciones en espa?ol. Se?al d?bil a muy d?bil. 24322 variando a 14321. (M?ndez)

4950, Radio Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado
(probable), 2342-0007, 16-12, locutor, parece
espa?ol, comentarios. Audible en LSB. Se?al muy d?bil. 14321. (M?ndez)

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2241-2255-
16-12, locutor, comentarios en quechua. 24322. (M?ndez)

6019.6, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0558-0609, 17-12,
locutor, espa?ol, religioso, "La Voz de la Liberaci?n". 23232.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

5960, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean, 0935-1000 At 0935 man gives opening ID. This is followed with news in Russian language by a woman. Program continues.

Checked 7330 and heard a barely audiable signal while 5960 was good. (Chuck Bolland, December 11, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 12, 11/12/2006)

6075, Radio Rossii (pres), 1020-1035 Noted Russian comments from a man until about 1031 at which time a period of music presented. This transmission being

relayed by a site at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka a source reported. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, December 11, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 12)

7330 Radio St. Tikhy Okean, Vladivostok, 0936-0945, December 12, Russian,
news by female and identification by male as: "Radiostancia Tikhy Okean". After, talk by female,
24332//5960 Khz with 34333. I couldn?t hear this station on 41 meters from Buenos Aires habitualy.
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - bclnews 1676, 16/12/2006)

9860 Tatarstan Wave, 0710-0715, December 16, Russian and Vernacular,
Interval signal, identifications by male and female, ID by female in russian as: 2Govorit Tatarstan....",
news by male in vernacular, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - bclnews 1676, 16/12/2006)

Radio Rwanda, Kigal. Talks about Zanzibar in French.
6055Khz, 2039utc, 44444, 11/12 (Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 48, 13, 12/12/2006)

6055 Radio Rwanda (t); 2046-2059, 12-Dec; M cmtry in FF to
tent. RR ID by W @2049, then non-Afro pop & reggae tunes. Disappeared
2059; 07 Passport shows a target shift @2100. SIO=252, USB best;
should have improved toward ToH, but didn't. (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1766, 14/12/2006)

Сейшельские о-ва
9610 BBC relay 0310 in Swahili Afro pop and reggae. OM
w/ BBC stn id. Mention made of "Nairobi, Kenya". No DJ jive, just
mx. fair (Prez 12/17 - CumbreDX 1772, 17/12/2006)

6100 Radio Serbia, 19:58-20:00, escuchada la sintonia de la emisora justo en el espacio libre que las transmisiones de Radio Internacional de China lo permite, hay

que templar a 6102 para alejarse del terrible ruido que deja la transmisi?n en DRM, sin embargo una vez comienza CRI en ?rabe a, Radio Serbia desaparece,

SINPO 22231. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 15, 14/12/2006)

6150, Mediacorp Radio, Singapore,
1454-1600*, 16-12, canciones en ingl?s, locutor,
comentarios, ingl?s, menciana varias veces
Singapore. A las 1500: "Good evening, eleven
o'clock". M?ltiples indentificaciones como: "93.8
Live". A las 1559: "You are listening to
Mediacorp Radio Singapore, 93.8 FM, 6080 and 6150
kHz. in the 49 meter band". Cierre alas 1600.
33333. En paralelo con 6080 con peor se?al. 22222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

I understand that R. Mart? ignored the priority of TIRWR Costa Rica, registered
for 24h on 9725, in changing to 9725 from 11775 at 0000-0300. Ironically, 11775
had been neatly shared between the OCB and DGS Anguilla with no overlap. Dec 15
at 0033 I checked 9725 and believed I could barely hear a het under Mart? which
was probably TIRWR if they choose to waste their watts and continue asserting
their claim to the frequency. No jamming was audible at the moment, tho there
has been at other chex.

Mart? 9725 and VOA Spanish 9480, both from Delano across us, spelt U.S., were
the only significant signals audible on 31m at 0033 Dec 15 during geomag storm.
VOA // 11840 was poor with flutter; Equadorial HCJB on 11700 and 11970 were G
with no propagation problems. 13, 15 and 17 MHz were dead.

At 0038 I checked the other bands: 7505 KTBN was strong but with heavy flutter,
7415 WBCQ was JBA, 6165 RN Bonaire with flutter, unusual for a signal from that
latitude. Also flutter on US stations, WEWN 5810, WWCR 5070, 3215.
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, Oklahoma, Usa - hard-core-dx 48, 17, 16/12/2006)

5446,80U American Forces Network, Saddlebunch, Keys FL, 0010+, December 14, English,
talk by malke, 24342 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - bclnews 1676, 16/12/2006)

4989.98, Radio Apintie, 0950-1000 Noted a woman in Dutch language comments briefly. This followed with canned ADs. Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, December 11, 2006 - hard-core-dx 48, 12, 11/12/2006)


DATE: 12-12-2006
TIME: 17.55 - 18.05 UTC
(Франческо, Италия - hard-core-dx 48, 13, 12/12/2006)

11735 Radio Tanzania Zanzibar (p); 1844-1915+, 12-Dec; Long
Afro vocal--ran at least 16 min.; brief anmt @ToH, then drum chant,
then W w/news. All in LL. SIO=2+53 (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1766, 14/12/2006)

7225 R Tunis Sfax 1953 in AR YL host interviewing long
winded OM re: politics/religion. Into nx w/ drum interludes. Some
slop from CRI but fair overall. (Prez 12/17 - CumbreDX 1772, 17/12/2006)

15350 TRT from Cakirlar in Turkish, 0800-1500 UT. Very distorted audio, spur splatter all over the place, approx. from 15303 to 15397 kHz.
(wb, Germany - harmonics 1584, 15/12/2006)

6185, CVC La Voz, 0800-0900, 17-12,
espa?ol, programa religioso, curiosa
identificaci?n: "Para el DX-ista y el internauta,
s?lo distintas maneras de sintonizarnos, CVC La
Voz". A partir de las 0830 se fue debilitando la
se?al, y a partir de las0900 ya no se escuchaba y
empeza a sintonizarse d?bil Radio Educaci?n. 24422.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0544-0620. 17-12, locutor, comenarios y canciones religiosas. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005, Radio Nacional, Bata,
0609-0615, 17-12, espa?ol, noticias de Guinea
Ecuatorial, locutor, locutora, "Marcan las 7 de
la ma?ana con 10 minutos en toda la Rep?blica de
Guinea Ecuatorial". Noticias de Malabo. A las
0623, noticias deportivas. 35333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

7165.12 R. Ethiopia 1447-1515 Dec 17. Non-stop regional music
to 1459:50; then M ancr, short mx bridge, and into AR talk, presumably
the Voice of Democratic Alliance program; the music segment began at
1513, but the signal was fading by this time - had been good at tune-in.
Xmsn was // to 9560.07, which was fair at best (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1772, 17/12/2006)

I'm having a good night on all the usual frequencies
tonight... Radio Coro out of Venezuela on 780 is especially strong
right now, coming in like a local station! If you haven't already,
start tuning around your dial! (Matt - LatinMWDX 390, 15/12/2006)

Западная Сахара
1550, Radio Nacional Rep?blica Arabe
Saharaui, 2030-2050, 16-12, ?rabe, locutora,
comentarios. Se?al d?bil. Interferencia de
Capital Gold en 1548. 22322. En paralelo con
6215, con excelente se?al. 44444.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 18, 17/12/2006)

1188 Radio Payam, Teheran, Iran at 1600 on 3/12, clear id and news, good (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 1191, 12/12/2006)

1470 R Formula, December 14th, 0650-0705, advertisement, news, ID; O=2
(Michael Schnitzer, Hassfurt, Germany - hard-core-dx 48, 15, 14/12/2006)

1143 Dec 12 2155-2400 RUS/KAL: R. Mayak/RIR, Bolshakovo. Russian
International Radio until 2200, when changed to Radio Mayak. An announced
three-minute test tone break at 2227, also heard via some weak non-European relay on 549 kHz. S/off at 2400.
(Mauno Ritola, Finland - hard-core-dx 48, 13, 12/12/2006)

729 Радио Звезда (Самара)
Заработало сегодня или на днях.
В Екатеринбурге слышно неплохо сегодня после -1100-.
Судя по сигналу - действительно 50 кВт. (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 17/12/2006)

1314 Radio Oltenia Craiova, Romania, good even if on the same frequency in Romania there are other 2 stronger tx of Antena Satelor. Id at 1555, later a jingle on

3/12 (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 1191, 12/12/2006)

The following new private stations are licensed on low power MW
frequencies: Radio Vocea Sperantei (religious) in Botosani on 1485 and in
Bistrita on 1602kHz; Radio Sud in Giurgiu on 1584kHz; Radio 7 Est in Iasi
on 1584kHz. (Bernd Trutenau, Ltu - mwdx 1402, 16/12/2006)

1510 WLAC TN Nashville (not neded) 12/15 0100 UTC - Stronger than 1510
Boston; no problem hearing with Boston nulled. (Konnie Rychalsky DX-440 12/15/06 Southern CT)

1550 WVAB VA Virginia Beach - (New) 12/15 0200 UTC - Dominating freq
with Gospel mx, along with UNID blasting freq; local Hartford
Didney station barely noticable. Tried and failed for TOH ID at 0300,
but nice PSA recorded. Signals shut down by 0330 and back to local
programming. (Konnie Rychalsky DX-440 12/15/06 Southern CT - hard-core-dx 48, 16, 15/12/2006)

770 CX12 Radio Oriental, Montevideo, esta promocionando en su tanda de avisos comerciales su nuevo trasmisor de onda media de 100 kW de marca "Nautel".
770 CX12 Radio Oriental, Montevideo, is promoting in their current advertisement strings, their new 100 kW MW transmitter, "Nautel" brand.
(Horacio Nigro, Montevideo, uruguay, Dec 15 - playdx2003 1194, 15/12/2006)

107.0 (РСН) вещает теперь из Балашихи.
(C.F., http://guzei.com/radio/, 15/12/2006)

На 94,8 МГц обнаружено появление "Семейного радио".
Крутится "импортная" музыка, ничего оригинального
пока не замечено. (Павел Михайлов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 18/12/2006)

В целом телерадиоэфир выглядит так:

66,68 Радио России (5-1)(стерео)
67,46 Радио России (6-0)(Рузаевка)
68,24 Маяк (5-1) (стерео)
70,07 Радио Шансон (0-24)
100,6 Европа+ (0-24)
101,3 Русское Радио (0-24)
102,0 план Хит FM
102,6 план Маяк FM (0-24)
103,7 Радио 7 - На Семи Холмах (0-24)
105,6 план [ООО РТКОМ]
106,3 DFM (0-24)
RDS: "*DFM*106,3*FM*SARANSK**CLOCK 13:25"
107,2 МС Радио (0-24)

2 Спорт
3 Первый канал
8 Россия / ГТРК
10 Телесеть Мордовии 10 канал / Рен ТВ / MTV (1-7)
12 план ТНТ
21 ТВЦ
28 Культура (10-3) / Euronews (3-10)
32 план
36 СТС
46 7ТВ

ООО Контакт: кабель

1.Первый канал
7.10 канал Телесеть Мордовии / Ren-TV/ MTV-Россия (1-7)
9.Ajara TV
11.TV XXI век
14.MCM (Варшава)
18.ТВ Школьник
21.TDK (Телевизионный Дамский Клуб)
22.Телеканал Россия (на 4 часа вперёд)
24.Fashion TV
31.Русский Эллюзион
34.А1-Рок Музыка
35.Юмор ТВ
37.Русский Экстрим
38.OTV (Белоруссия)
(Бумеранг FM, http://guzei.com/radio/, 17/12/2006)

И так, подводим итог за 2006 год.
В этом году нечего не прибавилось и нечего не убавилось,
вот такая вот статистика.
Но есть надежды на то,что в скором времени,начнут свое
вещение 3 радиостанции:
FM 102,0 Хит FM
FM 102,6 Маяк FM (местная радиостанция)
FM 105,6 план - не знаю что здесь будет,но поискал информацию
на сайтах и обнаружил,что радиостанция Серебряный Дождь,в скором
времени планирует расширить сеть вещания и в этом списке был г. Саранск.
Но поскольку планов на другие радиочастоты нет,то возможно, что это
будет и на FM 105,6
Ну не знаю, не будем забегать вперёд это только информация из неофициальных
источников. Как говорится, поживём, увидим. (Бумеранг FM, http://guzei.com/radio/, 17/12/2006)

Скоро состоится открытие новой радиостанции на частоте FM 102,6 Маяк FM (0-24)
Сам не пойму,будет местная это радиостанция или московская не знаю.
Все подробности на сайте www.1026fm.ru (Бумеранг FM, http://guzei.com/radio/, 13/12/2006)

Радиостанция «Юмор FM» продолжает расширять региональную сеть вещания.
«Юмор FM» теперь можно услышать в городе Первомайский (Тамбовская область) на частоте 104,2 МГц.
Региональный партнер - ГУ ОТРК «Тамбовская губерния».
Директор - Владимир Шуняев.
Контактный телефон - (4752) 56-18-85.
(пресс-центр ВКПМ, http://guzei.com/radio/, 14/12/2006)

В Туле после многомесячного перерыва вновь возобновились передачи
радио "Эхо Москвы" на частоте 106,9 FM. Напомню,что первоначально эта
частота планировалась для радио "Эхо Тулы". Последнее должно было
транслировать 80% программ московской радиостанции и 20% программ
собственного производства. Тульская станция создавалась под эгидой
тульской независимой телекомпании "Плюс-12", которая, как уже
сообщалась, в июле с.г. поменяла своего владельца и закрыла новостную
службу. В настоящее время на 12 метровом канале вместо "РЕН-ТВ" идут
программы канала "ТВ-3 Россия". От бывшей телекомании "Плюс-12"
остался фирменный значок и рекламные вставки. (Владимир Жариков, Тула, Media-DX, 13/12/2006)

Радиостанция «Юмор FM» зазвучала в Чебоксарах.
«Юмор FM» продолжает расширять региональную сеть вещания.
В декабре радиостанция зазвучала в Чебоксарах (Чувашская Республика). Вещание ведется на частоте 73,67 МГц (УКВ).
Партнер - ООО «Русский клуб».
Директор - Наталья Тимофеева.
Контактный телефон - (8352) 456-789.
(пресс-центр ВКПМ, http://guzei.com/radio/, 14/12/2006)

105.00 12:25 2006-12-12 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta
Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA
105.00 19:51 2006-12-12 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta
Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2172, 13/12/2006)

100.50 20:26 2006-12-13 HRV HRT HR-3 Ucka Unattended
RX 6343 HRT-HR_3
100.50 20:40 2006-12-13 HNG Danubius Radio Kabhegy
Unattended rx B205 DANUBIUS
100.50 23:46 2006-12-13 POL PR1 Lebork/SkСrowo Nowe
Unattended RX 3211 JEDYNKA_
100.50 05:27 2006-12-13 S SR P4 VДsterЕs/LillhДrad
Unattended RX E224 SR_P4_??
100.50 05:27 2006-12-13 F France Bleu Gascogne Bayonne/La
Rhune Unattended RX F705 BLEUGASC (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2173, 14/12/2006)

Since my last email Spain has been in most of the afternoon here on 88.0,88.5,94.2,94.4,94.7,97.9,98.0,101.5,103.7,105.also 105 had both France Bleu tour and

spannish(h)105 BLEU.TOU And(v) spannish both pointing the same way
94.7 kept mentioning Valencia
103.7 mentioned Galacia I think
87.9 had culture with rds and so did 88.0 also had Musique from Tours on 92.2 with rds as well as 92.3 having Musique,
92.8 had allouette. (Mark P, Devon, UK - skywaves 2174, 14.12.2006)

Sweden at RDS levels today:

1215 E201 on 87.60
1448 E201 on 87.70
(William Kitching, Telford, Shropshire. U.K. - skywaves 2174, 14/12/2006)

A bit of activity here in Whitchurch this evening too with Luxembourg fluttering up
and down on 88.9 and 100.7 as well as v weak sigs on 87.6 (talk & music) and 91.5
(pop music). Frequent MS bursts also, a few almost RDSing.

Noted France on the car radio too e.g. Caen and Le Mans. I'm sure I'd be getting very
interesting tropo from SW France and N Spain with the old set up at our previous
address. (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire. - skywaves 2174, 14/12/2006)

Luxembourg RDS levels 88.9 and 100.7
Belgium 87.6 and 91.5 clear mono
98.4 SWR 3 Hornisgrinde weak
107.4 SWR 4 Koblenz v weak
(Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire. - skywaves 2174, 14/12/2006)

A Mixture of Es and Tropo today:

Sporadic E:
12:15 87.60 E201 SR_P1___ Unknown S
14:48 87.70 E201 Halmstad S

18:37 88.00 F202 _CULTURE Alencon F
18:39 94.90 F201 __INTER_ Bourges F
18:50 92.00 F203 MUSIQUE_ Rouen F
20:26 96.50 F201 __INTER_ Rouen F
20:31 87.80 F201 __INTER_ Paris F
20:50 90.20 F203 MUSIQUE_ Neufchatel F
21:02 94.00 F202 _CULTURE Rouen F
(William Kitching, Telford, Shropshire. U.K. - FM 26, 1, 14/12/2006)

98.5 France Culture Sens weak
101.3 France bleu Picardie Hirson RDS levels
100.5 Nancy? v weak
95.0/97.1 Mantes-sur-Joile up to RDS levels
102.5 France Culture Amiens stereo

SR 3 on 95.5 has been up to 30dB, burying Mendip, SWR 3 Hornisgrinde stereo on
peaks too. Lille currently very strong, Tournai also coming in very well.
(Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire. - skywaves 2175, 14/12/2006)

scotland working usa now on 6m via Au Es ... keep eye on a2 etc ...
(DAVID, UK - skywaves 2175, 14/12/2006)

Signals are shifting north slightly as the WDR area has been coming in e.g. Aachen-
Stolberg, Langenberg and Bonn-Venusberg.

Recent log:

87.6 Classic 21
88.0 SR 1
88.9 RTL Radio Letzebuerg
89.2 France Musique
89.4 France Musique
89.8 SWR 1
89.9 France Musique
90.5 Vivacite Liege
91.0 France Musique
91.1 SWR 1
91.5 Vivacite Luxembourg
91.6 SWR 3
92.0 France Musique
92.7 France Inter
93.0 France Inter
93.1 France Inter
93.1 WDR 3
93.2 Classic 21
93.3 RTL Radio Oldies Sender
93.7 VRT 2
93.8 SWR 2
93.9 WDR 4
94.0 France Culture
94.1 Musique 3
94.4 France Inter
95.0 France Inter
95.1 WDR 3
95.4 France Inter
95.5 SR 3
95.6 Classic 21 (peaking 35dB)
96.0 France Culture
97.1 France Musique
97.2 France Musique
98.3 France Culture
98.4 SWR 3
98.5 SWR 3
98.6 VRT 2
99.1 Classic 21
99.2 WDR 2
99.4 France Musique
99.5 Musique 3
99.7 France Culture
100.1 France bleu Haute Normandie
100.4 WDR 2
100.7 Soziokukturelles Radio (peaking 38dB)
101.1 Pure FM
101.3 France bleu Picardie
101.7 Radio SALU
101.8 Vivacite Hainault
101.9 WDR 5
102.4 WDR Eins Live
102.5 France Culture
102.6 Musique 3
103.3 France Inter
103.7 UnserDing
104.4 WDR 4
105.5 WDR Eins Live
106.0 La Premiere
106.4 WDR Eins Live
106.5 France Info
106.7 WDR Eins Live
106.8 France Info
106.8 Hitradio FFH
107.4 SWR 4
107.7 DNR Radio
(Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire, UK - skywaves 2175, 15/12/2006)

100.50 08:15 2006-12-14 POL PR1 Lebork/SkСrowo Nowe
Unattended RX 3211 JEDYNKA_
100.50 17:27 2006-12-14 S SR P4 VДsterЕs/LillhДrad
Unattended RX E724 SR_Vma__
100.50 18:28 2006-12-14 S SR P4 VДsterЕs/LillhДrad
Unattended RX E224 SR_P4_??

105.00 20:00 2006-12-14 E RNE 5 LiИrganes-PeЯa Cabra
News E515 RNE_5___
105.80 20:00 2006-12-14 E Kiss FM Zaragoza Music
87.90 20:05 2006-12-14 F France Culture Pic du Midi
(65) Talks F202 _CULTURE
105.50 20:10 2006-12-14 E Kiss FM Burgos
Music/Talks E2EC KISS_FM_
102.90 20:15 2006-12-14 E RNE 3 LiИrganes-PeЯa Cabra
Music E213 RNE_3___
102.80 20:15 2006-12-14 E RNE 1 Monte Meda Music
E211 RNE_1___
106.40 22:00 2006-12-14 E Radio del Principado de
Asturias Gamoniteiro Talks E015 RPA_FM__
(Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2175, 14/12/2006)

95.5 was listenable last night from germany..a brief list of txs
87.6 pop prob Mercure
87.7 Culture?weak
87.8 Inter F201 _INTER__ was at 44db most of the evening
87.9 culture F202 _CULTURE
88.0 Culture F202 _CULTURE AGAIN around 44db most of the evening
88.2 pop/rap unidentified
88.3 culture
89.2 Musique
89.7 Musique
89.9 Musique
89.95 french
90.0 German
90.2 Musique
90.4 nostalgie
90.6 Inter
90.8 musique
91 Musique
91.3 french (Cherie?)
91.4 Culture
91.5 Culture
91.7 Musique
91.7 Spannish(talk
92.0 musique
92.1 musique
92.2 Musique
92.3 Musique
92.3 Classique(v)
92.4 Culture
92.6 Inter
92.7 Inter
92.8 allouette
93.0 Inter
93.2 Inter
93.2 BBC Guernsey
93.6 french waek
93.7 classique lille
93.8 musique clear/stere0(bbc r4 on the v)
93.9 vivre fm heard id(h) Paris
94.1 Inter F201 _INTER__ Cherbourg
94.2 Culture F202 _CULTURE
94.4 Inter F201 _INTER__ Tour Eiffel
94.6 Inter F201 _INTER__
94.7 Europe 2 heard vocal id
94.8 bbc r4 stereo
94.9 Inter F201 _INTER__
95.0 Inter F201 _INTER__
95.1 Inter F201 _INTER__
95.2 FE31
95.3 Inter
95.4 Inter F201 _INTER__(H)
95.4 RTL heard id (v)
95.5 german (h) SWR 1 ? (45DB)at one point
95.6 Musique F203 MUSIQUE (58DB) AT one point (most had been 45db)
96.0 inter
96.0 treguer fm(v)
96.1 bbc solent
96.2 lantern
96.3 inter
96.5 inter
96.6 France Bleu mayenne
96.8 inter
97.4 Musique
97.5 Musique
97.8 culture
97.9 spannish
98.0 spannish
98. Culture
98.1 Culture
98.3 Culture
98.8 Culture
98.9 Musique
99.4 inter
99.6 inter
99.9 inter
99.9 not inter(diff french station)
100.1 france bleu haute normandie
100.2 r manche(v)
100.4 nrj(v)
100.6 france bleu
100.7 france bleu cotentin
100.7 FE32 N.DAME Paris
100.9 BLEU.ORL was at 31db
100.9 nrj?(v)
100.9 Spannish(v)
101.1 CLASSIQ_ Classique
101.3 france bleu
101.5 R.Nova (heard id)
101.6 france bleu
101.6 rtl
101.8 BLEU.L.O. france bleu loire ocean
101.9 culture
102 french
102.3 french
102.7 french
103.5 french poss fun
103.6 german mentioned bleitzered eines update(might be spelt wrong
103.7 german
103.7 spannish
103.8 french(v)
104.2 mentioned (das er der eins)
104.5 french
104.6 german stereo
105.0 france info(v)
105.0 BLEU.TOU
105.0 spannish(v)
105.0 rtl(v)
105.1 FIP Paris
105.8 wave 105
105.6 __INFO__
106.0 french
106.0 french diff
106.4 france bleu poitou(v)
107.2 german stereo
107.2 french (v)
107.6 pop/rap(german)
107.7 french
107.7 german sounded like swr1

thats what i could identify but signals were falling over themselves
last night so loads more there that i couldn't identify But the tour
eiffel on,95.2,100.7 was def a nice surprise to identify
the spannis i had already mentioned earlier in the evening station
like france bleu from laval on 96.6 still in but struggling so def
breaking down 95,5 german has gone. (Mark P, Devon, UK - skywaves 2175, 15/12/2006)

87.8 08:46 20/09/2006 F INTER Paris Paris French INTER
88.1 17:23 07/10/2006 CLM Madrigal Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
88.1 22:19 18/10/2006 DOM Primera La Romana La Romana Spanish
88.1 07:24 19/10/2006 DOM Primer FM Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
88.2 08:47 20/09/2006 F GENE 88,2 Paris Paris GENE 88,2
88.4 08:48 20/09/2006 F Yvelines R. Trappes Paris French
88.5 07:32 19/10/2006 DOM La Studio 88 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
88.5 14:03 08/10/2006 CLM R. Tiempo Cartagena Cartagena Spanish
88.6 17:23 07/10/2006 CLM Los 40
Principales Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
88.6 09:00 20/09/2006 F R.Mediterrannee Paris Paris French
88.9 16:09 05/10/2006 DOM Escape Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
89 09:02 20/09/2006 F RFI Paris Paris French RFI
89.1 17:25 07/10/2006 CLM Tropicana Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
89.3 16:22 05/10/2006 DOM Neon Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
89.3 12:20 15/10/2006 USA WRMB Boynton Beach Port Everglades English 89,3
89.4 09:02 20/09/2006 F R.Libertaire Paris Paris French
89.5 14:03 08/10/2006 CLM Minuto de Dios Cartagena Cartagena Spanish
89.7 12:29 15/10/2006 USA Spirit FM Miami Port Everglades English
89.7 18:02 05/10/2006 DOM Renuevo Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
89.9 09:17 20/09/2006 F TSF JAZZ Paris Paris TSF JAZZ
89.9 19:30 13/10/2006 USA WJCT Jacksonville Jacksonville English
90.1 19:44 07/10/2006 CLM Vallenata Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
90.1 18:03 05/10/2006 DOM Fuego 90 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
90.3 13:19 15/10/2006 USA WAFG Ft.Lauderdale Port Everglades English
90.4 09:18 20/09/2006 F NOSTALGIE Paris Paris French NOSTALGI
90.5 14:08 08/10/2006 CLM Olimpica Stereo Cartagena Cartagena Spanish
90.5 18:07 05/10/2006 DOM Estrella Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
90.7 13:33 15/10/2006 USA NPR West Palm Beach Port Everglades English
90.9 19:35 13/10/2006 USA John's College
Radio Jacksonville Jacksonville English
90.9 18:10 05/10/2006 DOM RFI Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
90.9 09:18 20/09/2006 F CHANTE F Paris Paris French CHANTE F
91.1 22:26 18/10/2006 DOM La 91FM La Romana La Romana Spanish
91.3 13:34 15/10/2006 USA WLRN Miami Port Everglades English WLRN
91.3 18:10 05/10/2006 DOM LA 91 FM Sto.Domingo Rio Haina LA 91 FM
91.3 09:19 20/09/2006 F CHERIE FM Paris Paris CHERIE FM
91.7 09:20 20/09/2006 F MUSIQUE Paris Paris MUSIQUE
91.9 21:20 02/11/2006 DOM Amor FM La Romana La Romana Spanish
91.9 18:12 05/10/2006 DOM Sur 91.9 FM San Cristobal Rio Haina Spanish
92.1 20:01 07/10/2006 CLM OLIMPICA Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish OLIMPICA
92.1 18:13 05/10/2006 DOM Hits 92 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
92.1 09:21 20/09/2006 F LE MOUV' Paris Paris French LE MOUV'
92.3 13:35 15/10/2006 USA CLASICA Hialeah Port Everglades Spanish CLASICA
92.4 09:22 20/09/2006 F France Culture Mantes Paris French
92.5 18:15 05/10/2006 DOM CDN La Radio Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
92.6 09:31 20/09/2006 F Tropical Paris Paris French TROPICAL
92.8 09:35 20/09/2006 F MUSICBOX Vaux-sur-Seine Paris MUSICBOX
92.9 18:16 05/10/2006 DOM Mania 92.9 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
93.1 13:37 15/10/2006 USA 93 Rock Miami Port Everglades English
93.1 20:21 07/10/2006 CLM La Mega Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
93.1 09:38 20/09/2006 F ALIGRE Paris Paris French ALIGRE
93.3 18:18 05/10/2006 DOM Independencia FM Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
93.5 09:39 20/09/2006 F CULTURE Paris Paris French CULTURE
93.7 18:20 05/10/2006 DOM Latidos 93.7 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
93.9 13:38 15/10/2006 USA LOVE 94 Miami Beach Port Everglades English LOVE
93.9 09:40 20/09/2006 F VIVRE FM Paris VIVRE FM
94.1 20:50 07/10/2006 CLM R. Cultural Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
94.1 18:33 05/10/2006 DOM Fidelity Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
94.3 09:41 20/09/2006 F ORIENT Paris Paris French ORIENT
94.5 14:27 08/10/2006 CLM La Mega Cartagena Cartagena Spanish
94.5 18:38 05/10/2006 DOM KQ Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
94.9 11:41 26/10/2006 USA Mega 94.9 Miami Beach Port Everglades Spanish,
94.9 18:39 05/10/2006 DOM Kiss Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
95.1 20:08 30/11/2006 DOM Bendicion La Romana La Romana Spanish
95.1 04:03 07/10/2006 CLM R.Nacional de
Colombia Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
95.1 19:38 13/10/2006 USA WAPE Jacksonville Jacksonville English
95.2 10:12 20/09/2006 F NEO Paris Paris French NEO
95.3 18:41 05/10/2006 DOM R.Educativa Dominicana Sto.Domingo Rio
Haina Spanish
95.4 10:13 20/09/2006 F INTER AMIENS Paris French INTER
95.5 14:29 08/10/2006 CLM La Reina Cartagena Cartagena Spanish
95.6 10:16 20/09/2006 F COURTOISIE Paris Paris French COURTOIS
95.7 11:44 26/10/2006 USA ZOL 95,7 North Miami Beach Port
Everglades Spanish, English ZOL 95,7
95.7 18:44 05/10/2006 DOM La Nota Diferente Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
96 10:17 20/09/2006 F SKYROCK Paris Paris French SKYROCK
96.1 19:38 13/10/2006 USA WEJZ Jacksonville Jacksonville English WEJZ
96.1 22:39 07/10/2006 CLM R. Tiempo Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
96.3 20:15 30/11/2006 DOM La Calle La Romana La Romana Spanish
96.4 10:17 20/09/2006 F BFM Paris Paris French BFM
96.5 18:53 05/10/2006 DOM Ritmo 96 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
96.5 04:02 29/10/2006 USA Power 96 Miami Port Everglades English 96,5
96.9 13:05 13/10/2006 USA The Eagle Jacksonville Jacksonville English
96.9 10:24 20/09/2006 F VOLTAGE Paris Paris VOLTAGE
96.9 19:02 05/10/2006 DOM Espacio 96.9 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
97.1 13:35 21/10/2006 CLM Olimpica Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
97.3 12:17 29/10/2006 USA Coast FM Miami Port Everglades English COAST FM
97.3 19:05 05/10/2006 DOM R. Disney Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
97.4 10:24 20/09/2006 F RIRE Paris Paris French RIRE
97.5 13:43 08/10/2006 CLM Tropicana Cartagena Cartagena Spanish
97.6 13:36 21/10/2006 CLM Besame Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
97.7 19:11 05/10/2006 DOM Estacion 97.7 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
97.8 10:25 20/09/2006 F ADO 97,8 Paris Paris ADO 97,8
97.9 12:17 29/10/2006 USA WRMF West Palm Beach Port Everglades English
97.9 19:05 13/10/2006 USA KISS FM Jacksonville Jacksonville English 97,9
98 10:25 20/09/2006 F ENGHIEN Paris ENGHIEN
98.1 19:19 05/10/2006 DOM Universal Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
98.2 10:26 20/09/2006 F RADIO FG Paris Paris RADIO FG
98.3 12:18 29/10/2006 USA La Calle Goulds Port Everglades Spanish
98.5 19:22 05/10/2006 DOM Rumba 98.5 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
98.6 10:27 20/09/2006 F R. ALFA Paris Paris R. ALFA
98.8 10:28 20/09/2006 F ESPACE Sannois Paris ESPACE
98.9 20:11 05/10/2006 DOM Dominicana Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
99 10:28 20/09/2006 F LATINA Paris Paris LATINA
99.1 17:45 29/10/2006 USA 99JAMZ Miami Port Everglades 99JAMZ
99.1 13:41 21/10/2006 CLM Rumba Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
99.1 19:06 13/10/2006 USA WQIK Jacksonville Jacksonville English
99.3 20:51 05/10/2006 DOM Sonido Suave Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
99.3 10:29 20/09/2006 F RIRE Monthlary Paris RIRE
99.5 10:30 20/09/2006 F AYP-FM Paris Paris AYP-FM
99.5 17:46 29/10/2006 USA 4VEH, Cap-Haitien Clewiston Port
Everglades Creole
99.7 20:53 05/10/2006 DOM R. Listin Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
99.9 18:01 29/10/2006 USA KISS COUNTRY Boca Raton Port
Everglades English KISS COUNTRY
99.9 19:06 13/10/2006 USA WGNE Jacksonville Jacksonville English GATOR
99.9 10:30 20/09/2006 F SPORT FM Paris Paris SPORT FM
100.1 13:42 21/10/2006 CLM La Reina Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
100.1 21:19 05/10/2006 DOM 100FM Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
100.3 10:30 20/09/2006 F NRJ Paris Paris NRJ
100.5 21:21 05/10/2006 DOM Cima Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
100.5 14:36 01/11/2006 HTI RFI Cap-Haitien Cap-Haitien French
100.7 20:29 30/11/2006 DOM Tiempo La Romana La Romana Spanish
100.7 18:02 29/10/2006 USA Y-100.7 Ft.Lauderdale Port
100.7 10:31 20/09/2006 F F.PROTES Paris Paris F.PROTES
100.9 06:10 19/10/2006 DOM Super Q Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
101.1 10:31 20/09/2006 F CLASSIQ Paris Paris CLASSIQ
101.3 06:12 19/10/2006 DOM La Z-101 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
101.5 10:32 20/09/2006 F NOVA Paris Paris NOVA
101.5 15:55 01/10/2006 USA LITE FM Miami Port Everglades LITE FM
101.5 19:11 13/10/2006 USA V101.5 Jacksonville Jacksonville English
101.7 14:40 01/11/2006 HTI Passion FM Cap-Haitien Cap-Haitien French
101.7 06:17 19/10/2006 DOM Supra Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
101.9 10:32 20/09/2006 F FUN Paris Paris FUN
102.3 10:32 20/09/2006 F OUI FM Paris Paris OUI FM
102.5 06:27 19/10/2006 DOM Tentacion Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
102.5 13:44 08/10/2006 CLM Rumba Cartagena Cartagena Spanish
102.6 13:42 21/10/2006 CLM Policia
Nacional Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
102.7 15:55 01/10/2006 USA MAJIC 102,7 Pompano Beach Port
Everglades MAJIC 102,7
102.7 10:33 20/09/2006 F M FM Paris Paris M FM
102.7 15:08 01/11/2006 HTI R.Tabernacle Cap-Haitien Cap-Haitien Creole
102.9 19:20 13/10/2006 USA The Point Jacksonville Jacksonville English
102.9 19:52 18/10/2006 DOM RAICES Sto.Domingo La Romana Spanish RAICES
103.1 15:12 01/11/2006 HTI VKB Cap-Haitien Cap-Haitien Creole
103.1 17:11 07/10/2006 CLM Uninorte FM Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
103.1 10:33 20/09/2006 F RMC INFO Paris Paris RMC INFO
103.3 06:33 19/10/2006 DOM Millenium Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
103.5 15:56 01/10/2006 USA THE BEAT Ft.Lauderdale Port Everglades THE BEAT
103.5 10:34 20/09/2006 F EUROPE 2 Paris Paris EUROPE 2
103.7 06:39 19/10/2006 DOM Power 103 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
103.9 15:57 01/10/2006 USA Links Port Everglades
103.9 10:34 20/09/2006 F RFM Paris Paris RFM
104.1 06:41 19/10/2006 DOM Caliente 104 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
104.3 16:06 01/10/2006 USA Sunny 104.3 West Palm Beach Port Everglades
104.3 10:35 20/09/2006 F RTL Paris Paris RTL
104.5 06:46 19/10/2006 DOM Super Potente Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
104.5 19:21 13/10/2006 USA Rock105 Jacksonville Jacksonville English
104.7 10:35 20/09/2006 F EUROPE I Paris Paris EUROPE I
104.9 06:49 19/10/2006 DOM Mortal Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
105.1 10:36 20/09/2006 F FIP Paris Paris FIP
105.1 02:18 15/10/2006 USA Hot105 Coral Gables Port Everglades English
105.5 20:26 18/10/2006 DOM Radio Ven La Romana La Romana Spanish
105.5 10:36 20/09/2006 F INFO Paris Paris INFO
105.7 06:56 19/10/2006 DOM Fiesta Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
105.9 02:19 15/10/2006 USA BIG 105,9 Ft.Lauderdale Port
105.9 10:36 20/09/2006 F RTL2 Paris Paris RTL2
106.1 07:06 19/10/2006 DOM Disco Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
106.1 13:48 08/10/2006 CLM Policia Nacional Cartagena Cartagena Spanish
106.3 10:37 20/09/2006 F F.P.P. Paris Paris F.P.P.
106.5 07:08 19/10/2006 DOM Zol 106.5 Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
106.5 19:25 13/10/2006 USA WOKV Jacksonville Jacksonville English
106.6 17:11 07/10/2006 CLM Iksa Radio Soledad Barranquilla Spanish
106.7 20:27 18/10/2006 DOM La Grande La Romana La Romana Spanish
106.7 02:21 15/10/2006 USA Romance Ft.Lauderdale Port Everglades Spanish
106.7 10:37 20/09/2006 F BEUR FM Paris Paris BEUR FM
106.9 07:13 19/10/2006 DOM La Voz de Fuersaz Armadas Sto.Domingo Rio
Haina Spanish
106.9 17:22 07/10/2006 CLM Radio Uno Barranquilla Barranquilla Spanish
107.1 10:37 20/09/2006 F BLEU-IDF Paris Paris BLEU-IDF
107.3 07:21 19/10/2006 DOM Cadena Espacial Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
107.3 19:29 13/10/2006 USA WPLA Jacksonville Jacksonville English PLANET
107.5 21:10 18/10/2006 DOM FM107 La Romana La Romana Spanish
107.5 06:58 15/10/2006 USA AMOR 107 Miami Port Everglades Spanish AMOR 107
107.5 13:55 08/10/2006 CLM 40 Principales Cartagena Cartagena Spanish
107.5 08:46 20/09/2006 F AFRICA I Paris Paris French AFRICA I
107.7 07:24 19/10/2006 DOM Que Buena Sto.Domingo Rio Haina Spanish
94.7 21:22 02/11/2006 DOM La Agresiva FM La Romana Spanish
96.3 20:15 30/11/2006 DOM La Calle La Romana La Romana Spanish
97.9 20:20 30/11/2006 DOM Exclusivo? La Romana La Romana Spanish
102.1 14:41 01/11/2006 HTI Cote Couter ? Cap-Haitien French
102.1 20:34 30/11/2006 DOM Electrica ? La Romana Spanish
103.9 DOM Chabont FM La Romana Spanish
(Sergey Kolesov, Kiev, Ukraine - playdx2003 1194, 15/12/2006)
Неофициальное вещание

7480 Radio Payam-e Doost, 18:00-18:05, escuchada el 14 de Diciembre en farsi, con sintonia, cuna de identificacion, locutora con presentacion y comentarios,

SINPO 35333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - CumbreDX 1767, 14/12/2006)

6245 Radio Zamaneh, 17:45-17:50, escuchada el 15 de Diciembre en farsi, locutor y locutora con ID y comentarios, curiosamente en el d?a de ayer se apreci? que

no transmit?a, tambi?n que unos minutos antes tampoco estaba transmitiendo, ?Cambio de horario?, SINPO 44343.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 16, 15/12/2006)

I'll be checking my recordings tomorrow and will post the best of it then,
but tonight landed some great DX here in New Brunswick.

While my wife and my son were in the mall shopping (hopefully for me!) I sat
outside in my '97 Chev Tahoe with stock radio and scanned the AM band. Here
is a quick rundown:

First, at 5:15 p.m. local time (4:15 Eastern time), trying to determine if
the band was going to be completely dead again tonight, I went to one of my
old faithful frequencies, 940, expecting to hear CINW Montreal. What I
heard was a loud, clear, program of religious preaching. There was nothing,
I mean nothing, else on the channel at all. The strength was as good as
"940 News" usually is, and I first thought that I was just listening to a
news clip on the station. No sir! The speaker eventually went to a long
list of scheduled church services and other events, with many mentions of
the Tidewater area, Virginia Beach, etc.

Then, the ID, WKGM. (Smithfield/Norfolk VA!), and then into another
15-minute religious program. I checked back frequently throughout the next
hour or so, and the station was always in, loud and clear. No sign of CINW
at all.

Then, I checked the other Montreal area stations that are big regulars here
in NB. On 730, CKAC was really struggling with one or two others in the
background. So, I hopped down to 690 where the old CBC-Radio Canada
blowtorch and its successor, "Info 690," always have dominated here, even in
the daytime.

They were there, but there was an English station underneath, occasionally
competitive, with a talk show and then a throw to local news, traffic,and
weather from 4:30 to 4:35 Eastern time. Then, the declaration that tomorrow
would be a "7 out of 10" on the weather scale, with a high of 72, and then
the ID "WOKV." (I later returned with my MP3 recorder, and have some great
audio of them a little later in that half-hour block, which I will post
somewhere tomorrow). My first Florida reception from New Brunswick in 30
years, after hearing WINZ, Miami, in 1976!

Also, WBT, WRVA, and WBAL were waaaay larger than usual, and some of the New
York and Boston stations - usually in here even in the daytime - were
severaly weakened or non-existent. WTIC Hartford was gone altogether.

Any-hoo, a great, fun, evening of DX, and I'm looking forward to turning in
shortly to see how the 2010 does tonight at the bedside.
(Brent Taylor, VE1JH, Doaktown, NB, Usa - mwdx 1401, 15/12/2006)

6009.50Khz 2250utc 15/12 MEX Nucleo Radio Mil Talks in SP. poor 32222

6019.60Khz 2300utc 15/12 PRU R.Victoria ,Lima I.D and talks about PRU. SP. 43222

6025Khz 2315utc 15/12 BOL R.Illimani ,La Paz Male and Female talks about "La Parlemento" qrm other station same freqentie perhaps Domenica

???? in SP. 43333
6035Khz 2327utc 15/12 CLM LV Guaviare ,San Jos? Nice CLM. music SP. 43333
6135Khz 2351utc 15/12 B R.Aparecida About "La Cultura" PR 44444
6180Khz 0005utc 16/12 B R.Nac. de Amazonia ,Brazilia Full I.D PR 44444
(Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 48, 17, 16/12/2006)

Немного наблюдений; хотя ничего выдающегося в них нет, но все же...

16 декабря

7255, 12.04, глуховатые голоса предположительно на индонезийском языке.
Таблица EiBi говорит, что это Голос Америки через передатчик в Таиланде. В
это время должен быть активен еще и Голос Нигерии, но для прохождения на
Западную Африку время больно уж раннее.

17595, 12.06, думал обнаружить тут Р.Фарда через тот же Таиланд, но --
никаких следов. Едийственная станция на частоте -- это REE с вещанием для
Америки на испанском. Не очень уверенно, 45333, но в целом разборчиво.

17 декабря

15560, 07.27, Р.Фарда через Таиланд, 45333. Содержание стандартное: песни, в
07.30-07.40 новости, потом опять песни. Кстати, многие отмечают, что Фарда
по части европейско-американской музыки перенесла акцент с англоязычных
песен на испаноязычные (видимо, чтобы публику поменьше раздражать?). И
действительно, в 07.44 латиносы запели бодрую песенку "...tengo la camisa
negra..." (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 17/12/2006)

Entre los dias 1 y 10 de diciembre los colegas Juan Carlos Perez, Manuel
Carbonell y yo estuvimos en la nueva casa de Ignacio Sotomayor en el campo,
en Santa Maria la Real de Nieva, un historico pueblo castellano. Esta
situado a 25 km NW de Segovia y a unos 100 km NW de Madrid. La meteorologia
ha sido adversa con mucho frio, lluvia intensa y nieve en lugares cercanos,
aunque se ha compensado con buenos productos alimenticios de la tierra de
Voy a necesitar varios meses para procesar mas de 150 grabaciones, para
identificar a algunas debiles piratas y para revisar unas 350 fotografias
que hemos hecho.

Hemos podido probar nuevos equipos y antenas.
Rhode & Schwarz 10 Khz to 30 Mhz, RF Space SDR-14 (dos), JRC-545, Icom R75,
Kenwood R-5000.

Exteriores: Wellbrook LFL 1010, Wellbrook K9AY, antena de cuadro de 25
metros cuadrados amplificada, hilo de 12 metros con balum, DX-10.
Interiores: Kiwa pocket loop (2).

4 PC portatiles y dos grabadores mp3.

Los resultados han sido muy buenos aunque las MW americanas llegaban debiles
y con ruido. Algunos dias la X-band era inuitizable. Sorpresa son las
magnificas senales desde el este de Asia por las mananas en 41 y 31 metros.
Las MW espanolas y portuguesas llegaban durante todo el dia. Puedo decir que
se oian la mayor parte de las provincias espanolas a cualquier hora. Algunas
inglesas, 1458 Sunrise R., 1368 Man, 1548 Londres parecian locales durante
las 24 horas.
Ha sido sorprendente el resultado de la antena Wellbrook K9AY, es comoda por
que se controla desde una unidad interior solo con mover una ruleta. El
primer test fue separar en 252 Khz las emisoras de onda larga de Irlanda y
de Argelia y se consiguio de manera muy satisfactoria.

Tal vez sea posible oir en Italia a una emisora “tropical” espanola. COPE
Almeria ha sido oida en 4896 Khz durante todo el dia. Su frecuencia es 1224
Khz. 1224 x 4...

Estos son mis logs, con Kenwood R-5000, Wellbrook K9AY (usamos spliter para
repartir la senal entre varios receptores).
576 CNR RNE R1 Las Palmas 02 dic 19:40
//RNE R1 Madrid 585 Khz. Separados con antena K9AY de 576 RNE R5 Barcelona
//RNE R5 Madrid 657 Khz
621 BEL RTBF La Premiere, Waver-Overijse 05 dic
19:30 21331 Under RNE 1.
666 POR RDP-1 03
dic 12:00 23333
675 LBY Radio Jamahiriya, Benghazi 07 dic 21:15
34333 //1449, thanks K9AY. No trace of Holland.
693 E RNE 1, Boal, Asturias 03 dic
12:30 21211 Regional.
700 ??? UNID
05 dic 00:57 22232
760 ??? UNID
03 dic 02:50 21221
810 G BBC Radio Scotland 06 dic
18:30 32432 Mixed with Radio Madrid.
819 EGY General Programme, Batrah 07 dic
19:08 22222 //12050,
981 POR Radio Renascenca 03 dic
1035 G Kismat Radio, Crystal Palace 02 dic
22:25 21211 Portugal OFF.
1035 POR Radio Clube Portugues, Belmonte 05 dic
22:15 Reactivada.
1116 E Radio Pontevedra 03 dic
12:45 34232 Futbol en directo, castellano,
Pontevedra-San Sebastian de los Reyes.
1215 E COPE Santander 05 dic
07:48 22332 Local, huelga de medicos.
1224 E COPE Almeria 06 dic
20:15 32332
1224 E COPE Lugo 03 dic
12:50 23232 En castellano, necrologicas
1224 E COPE Lugo and COPE Huelva mixed 05 dic
1260 G Classic Gold 1260, Bristol 06 dic
17:59 32322 Adv. of Bristol, QRM Sabras Radio. 1260,
Spain nulled. Id "Classic Gold". Abba music "Mamma mia". Thanks to Mauricio
Molano who sent lots of sms with news.
1296 G Radio XL, Birmingham 05 dic
01:30 42342
1323 G Capital Gold, Bristol 03 dic
23:15 Oldies.
1332 G BBC Radio Wiltshire, Lacock 05 dic
17:25 32332 Two stations mixed, id.
1332 ROU Romania Actualitata, Galati 03 dic
23:02 22222 Id.
1380 VEN Ondas del Mar 05
dic 01:33 22222 Id
1386 GUI Radio Rurale Labe 03 dic
22:46 34333
1386 KEN Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, Nyeri 05 dic
01:50 34232 Canary Islands and Nairobi were mentioned.
1431 D Voice of Russia 07
dic 05:10 32332 //1575
1470 B? UNID
03 dic 00:40
Muy debil, portugues.
1470 MEX XEAI Radio Formula, Mexico 01 dic
1530 G Pulse Classic Gold 02
dic 00:05
1539 D Evangeliums Rundfunk, Mainflingen 06 dic
07:35 44444
1575 D OldieStar Radio 07
dic 05:03 32332 Relaying Voice of Russia. QRM
Spain on the same frq.//1431.
1575 UAE Radio Farda, Al Dhabiya 06 dic
22:08 22332
1618 pir UNID
02 dic 00:03
1619 pir UNID
03 dic 00:25
1620 VIR WDHP 07
dic 02:11 24222 Local
news, meteo.
1620 VIR WDHP 03
dic 01:45 24222
Relaying Radio Marti
1621,6 pir UNID
09 dic 20:30 Melodic music, non stop.
1629 pir UNID
06 dic 22:20 34322
1632 pir UNID
02 dic 00:00 44333
1640 USA UNID 07
dic 02:05
1644,7 pir James Bond Amateur 09 dic
18:05 34433 1644-1645, picos de S=5, saludos a RCorona.
1646 pir Radio Barones 02
dic 22:37 33232 Mx
1660 PTR WGIT, Canovanas 03 dic
23:25 24232 Spanish music, LSB.
1660 USA WWRU, Jersey City 07 dic
03:55 34333 En koreano.
1669 pir Radio Driland 02
dic 22:45 34222 Mx en
varios idiomas, Fr, It, Sp Mx "Quizas, quizas".
1680 DOM Radio Senda 07 dic
03:33 23232
1680 DOM Radio Senda 03 dic
03:35 23121
1680 USA WTTM, Princeton 07 dic
04:25 34343 Mx "Otro dia mas sin verte". Mx non-stop.
Id at 05:00.
1684 pir UNID
06 dic 22:30 34333
1686 pir UNID
02 dic 22:34 44333
1690 USA WPTX, Lexington Park 07 dic
04:15 21321
1700 pir UNID
03 dic 00:20
1700 USA WJCC, Miami Springs, FL 02 dic
2310 AUS VL8A, Alice Springs 05 dic
19:00 24232
2485 AUS VL8K, Katherine 07 dic
19:50 24121 //2310, video and museums.
2490 ??? Pescadores en gallego 01 dic
3200 SWZ TWR, Mpangela Ranch 07 dic
19:55 33333 Mx. Jingle cantado.
3230 AFS Family R, via Meyerton 07 dic
20:04 34232 Id.
3320 AFS Radio Sonder Grense 01 dic
3396 ZMB Radio Zimbawe 05 dic
20:23 24232 Mx.
3485 ??? UNID 05
dic 22:45 32322 Posible
pirata y Volmet New York.
3810 EQA Instit Ocea.de la Armada HD2IOA 03 dic
02:20 21211
3879,1 cla Vo Communist. Party of Iran 08 dic
17:50 31221 v., 3880
3915 pir Radio Scotland Int. 03
dic 0:00 34433 Id. sign off.
4010 KGZ Kyrgyz R 1, Bishkek 06 dic
01:30 13111 //4795
4319 DGA AFRTS, Diego Garcia 06 dic
22:38 22121 USB // 7811
4319 DGA AFRTS, Diego Garcia 07 dic
20:11 22121 USB. Mentions to Washington Post.
4450 ??? UNID, posible KCBS 05 dic
22:30 24332 Mx oriental, se pierde la senal a las
4635 TJK Tajik R 1, Yangiyul 07 dic
20:15 23232
4695 ??? UNID 04
dic 22:50 Muy debil, idioma
4754,9 PRU Radio Huanta 2000 04 dic
22:45 32322 Predicador, habla de espiritismo.
4770 NIG R Nigeria, Kaduna 06 dic
18:45 34232 Mx.
4775 PRU Radio Tarma, Junin 04 dic
23:05 23121 Resultados de futbol.
4780 DJI Radio Djibouti 02
dic 18:35 33232 Phone calls.
4780 GTM Radio Cultural Coatan 06 dic
01:05 23222
4790,2 PRU Radio Vision, Chiclayo 04 dic
23:34 22222 Mx, hora, Id.
4805 B Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus 04 dic
23:45 32222
4835 MLI Radio Mali 01
dic 22:30 24232 Vous
ecoutez Radio Mali
4845 B Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus 08 dic
01:40 34232 Mx melodica, Id, Himno Nacional y cierre,
Mauritania was off.
4845 MTN Radio Mauritanie, Nouakchott 04 dic
00:46 55555 En frances, tertulia politica.
4865 B Radio Alvorada, Londrina 02 dic
21:30 23232
4876,3 B Radio Difusora, Boa Vista, Roraima 02 dic
06:43 24232
4895 B Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande 06 dic
07:10 34232 Jingle cantado, mx, recomendaciones de leer
la Biblia,
4896 E COPE Almeria 03 dic
16:47 35232 Espurea, 1224 x 4.
4915 B ??? Relaying Radio Senado 06 dic
21:39 24332 Nx, LSB. Jornal da Camara Baixa.
4915 B Radio Difusora, Macapa, Amapa 02 dic
06:55 34232
4925 B Radio Educacao Rural, Tefe, Amazonas 05 dic
00:16 33232 Comunicados.
4935 B Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, Espirito 06 dic
07:03 24232 Mx, predicador.
4950 AGL Radio Angola 03 dic
21:24 44232 Musica.
4976 UGA Radio Uganda 07 dic
22:25 34232 Pop music. Se supone que a esas horas
deberia estar cerrada.
5000 USA WWV 03 dic
00:41 34333 No trace of Cagigal.
5045 B Radio Guaruja Paulista 02 dic
21:51 23222 Mx "Happy birthday".
5050 USA WWRB Manchester, TN 08 dic
00:32 34443 Pop music, insurance advs.
5240 CHN CPBS Lhasa 06 dic
16:40 34222 Px ingles.
5446,5 USA AFRTS, Florida 05 dic
23:36 32232
5470 LBR Radio Veritas, Monrovia 06 dic
18:12 24232 Voice of America program.
5500 ETH Voice of the Revolution of Tigray 03 dic
04:15 22322 //6350, Kofi Annan and Somalia were
5500 ETH Voice of the Revolution of Tigray 05 dic
17:12 322322 No trace of 6350, utilitary QRM.
5755 USA KAIJ Frisco, TX 08 dic
00:08 24332 Discurso religioso.
5910 CLM Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda 03 dic
01:22 22222 Mejor en LSB, px religioso con menciones a
las plagas.
6175 cla IBC Tamil 06
dic 00:00 44444
6180 B Radio Nacional Amazonia 08 dic
07:35 23232
6215 cla RN R.Arabe Saharahui Dem. 09 dic
22:43 45444 // 1550, no trace of 7425.
6235 MDA Radio Pridnestrovye, Tiraspol 06 dic
17:10 55555 Nx. Mentions to United Nations Agenda.
6245 cla Radio Zamaneh 02 dic
18:55 44343
6260 pir Radio Paardenkracht??? 01 dic
6265 pir Cupido Radio 08
dic 23:10 45444 Id,
address, end.
6300,4 pir Station Romeo Echo 10 dic
00:00 23121 Lots of id.
6400 pir UNID
03 dic 00:07 44343
Radio Woodstop??? (my English is very poor)
6401,1 pir Weekend Music Radio/WMR 10 dic
01:15 22121 Id.
6403 pir Weekend Music Radio/WMR 09 dic
19:35 34232 Id.
7235 SNG Radio Singapore Int. 08 dic
12:40 24333
7380 cla Vo Biafra Int. 09
dic 21:45 43333
Mentions to British colonization of Nigeria.
7811 USA AFRTS, Florida 06 dic
22:40 44333
9530 B Radio Transmundial, Santa Maria 05 dic
21:40 23232
9645 cla Shiokaze One 07 dic
20:40 32232
9665 B Radio Marumby, Florianopolis 06 dic
23:04 22232 Religiosa hombre y mujer.
9675 B Radio Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista 03 dic
21:45 44232 Noticias diocesanas.
9705 NGR Radio Niger 03 dic
17:05 44333
9820 cla Radio Huriyo 08
dic 16:30 55555 Id,
www, Islamic song.
9820 cla Vo Democratic Eritrea 07 dic
16:10 34333
9950 cla Shiokaze Two 06 dic
13:10 35232 English, list of names and ages.
11530 cla Denge Mezopotamia 02 dic
14:15 45444
11590 Radio Free Asia 08 dic
11:00 34333 Tibetan//15375 (SINPO 24232)
11750 CLN SLBC 03
dic 16:04 44444
11830 B Radio CBN Anhanguera, Goiania 05 dic
19:59 24332 Informacion de vuelos.
11855 B Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, S.Paulo 02 dic
20:11 44333 Mx "Un coracao aberto". Informacion de
produccion electrica.
11900 cla Tensae Ethiopia Voice of Unity 05 dic
15:45 34343
11925 B Radio Bandeirantes 02 dic
20:08 44333
11930 USA Radio Marti 05 dic
13:12 24222 Cx sobre internet.
12110 cla Netsanet Le Ethiopia 06 dic
17:24 34343
12759 DGA AFRTS Diego Garcia 02 dic
14:33 24121 USB
13840 NZL Radio New Zealand 08 dic
11:25 45444
13865 ISL Rikisutvarpid, Reykiavik 04 dic
12:16 24232 LSB.
15071 pir Stupid Radio 09
dic 12:30 34333 Melodic
music, Id spelling.
15205 cla Southern Sudan Interactive R. Instruction 06 dic
07:20 45343 Slow English for children.
15265 cla Radio Solh 02
dic 12:15 45454
17635 cla Sawt al-Amal 05 dic
12:55 43443
17660 cla Afro pop music 05 dic
12:50 44444
(Juan Carlos Perez, Santa Maria la Real de Nieva, Espana - bclnews 1676, 16/12/2006)

1320 YVWP R Apolo, Turmero. Lots of chat, Clear ID, announcements and eventually lively Latin rhythms. W 0225 16/12 JF
1520 WVOZ R Voz, San Juan PR. ID and rolling information about Puerto Rico. F 0200 16/12 JF
1520 HJLI Vida AM Musica, Bogota. Many IDs and sung jingles. Announcements galore leading up to the toh. Mixing equal levels
WVOZ. F 0200 16/12 (John Faulkner, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, UK - skywavesmw 267, 16/12/2006)

1269 4/12 22.55 COPE - Zamora SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1269 12/12 22.55 COPE - Ciudad Real SS ID e pubblicità locale suff.
1503 16/12 16.50 R. Zavidovici - Bosniaco talk YL suff.
1530 11/12 22.00 VoA - Sao Tomè EE ID suff.
1566 16/12 17.05 IRIB - Bandar Abbas Farsi MX suff.
1575 16/12 17.00 Oldies Star R. - Berlin Tedesco NX buono
4780 16/12 16.55 R. Gibuti - Arabo MX buono
4885 16/12 23.30 R. Clube do Parà Belem PP NX buono
6241 3/12 09.30 R. Kakadu - Postfach 101149 - 99801 Eisenach - Germania
Tedesco ID e MX buono (Roberto Pavanello, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 1196, 17/12/2006)

fair to good conditions on sunday. High activity, signals
variable.Dutch stations fade out around 1500 Utc on 48m band.
greetings achim

Date 05/12

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT

6.220,0 1543 Mystery Radio 45444 9+5dB

Date 06/12

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT

6.220,0 1645 Mystery Radio 34433 8

Date 08/12

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT

1.636,0 2238 Radio Tijdbreker 43443 9
6.220,0 1515 Mystery Radio 43443 9
6.305,0 1509 unid 45444 9

Date 09/12

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT

6.216,0 0847 King Shortwave 24433 7
6.220,0 1437 Mystery Radio 45444 9
6.275,0 1119 Laser Hot Hits 24333 6
6.295,0 1408 Radio Boomerang 45444 9+5dB
6.295,0 1422 unid 24333 voice only
6.300,0 1344 Radio Boomerang 45444 9+10d
6.300,0 1252 Flux AM 34444 8
6.305,0 1329 Radio Mazda 45444 9
6.305,0 1426 Radio Boomerang 45444 9
6.401,0 1458 unid 22322 6

Date 10/12

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT

5.821,0 1112 WNKR 24322 5
6.210,0 1023 Radio Borderhunter 45444 9
6.210,0 0950 Radio East Coast Holland 45444 9
6.216,0 0835 unid 23433 7
6.220,0 0924 FRS Holland 35444 8
6.220,0 0744 Mystery Radio 45444 9+10d
6.239,0 1028 BRI 22322 6
6.261,0 0831 Orion Radio 43443 9
6.268,0 1413 ROZ 45434 9+5dB
6.275,0 1440 Zender Zeelandia 24433 7
6.275,0 0836 Radio RPI 23433 8
6.280,0 0903 Radio Atlantis International 45444 9
6.290,0 0950 Zender Scirocco 23433 8
6.294,0 1448 unid 23433 7
6.296,0 1449 Radio Rob 007 23433 7
6.300,0 0827 Flux AM 24433 7
6.300,0 1103 Radio Boomerang 44444 9
6.301,0 1413 unid 24433 7
6.305,0 0814 Radio Boomerang 24433 7
6.306,0 1253 unid 33443 8
6.310,0 1441 unid 45444 9+5dB
6.311,0 1035 Radio Spaceman 45434 9+5dB
6.325,0 1010 Radio Rainbow 24433 7
6.326,0 1413 unid 24433 7
6.326,0 0757 Radio Campervan 24333 6
6.375,0 1434 unid (Westcoast ?) 24333 6
6.401,0 1236 unid dutch 34433 8
6.401,0 0735 WMR 33433 7
6.425,0 1455 Zender Ascona (tent) 24433 7
6.524,0 1015 Radio Ramona 35444 8
9.290,0 1303 Radio Spaceshuttle 24333 5
15.810,0 1057 Radio Spaceshuttle 14321 6
(Achim Brueckner, Detmond, Germany - playdx2003 1190, 11/12/2006)

RADIO JOYSTICK - Funky Sounds 4 Central Europe

Es geht weiter mit Ulbroka!

Raimonds Kreicbergs von RNI Radio hat die Details
fuer eine zukuenftige Zusammenarbeit bekannt gegeben.

Wir haben den erneut um 13 EUR erhoehten Preis Zaehne knirschend
hingenommen und damit auch fuer 2007 monatliche Sendungen,
ausgestrahlt mit 100 kW auf 9290 kHz, ermoeglicht.

Fuer uns liegt die Schmerzgrenze bei dreistelligen Stundenkosten;
also drueckt uns fuer 2008 die Daumen :-)

RADIO JOYSTICK 2006 auf der Kurzwelle, 9290 kHz:

show fuer/Sendedatum KW/Vanessa Gatt aus Malta singt
November 2006/23. Dezember 2006/"Turn On The Radio"
Dezember 2006/30. Dezember 2006/"I Believe I Can"
Dezember 2006/06. Januar 2007/"I Believe I Can"
(Charlie Prince, Germany - hard-core-dx 48, 16, 15/12/2006)

on sunday bad conditions. Noisy and late opening of band, at
afternoon no station received.
greetings achim

Date 12/12

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT

6.220,0 1457 Mystery Radio 45434 9

Date 14/12

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT

6.220,0 1527 Mystery Radio 43443 9

Date 15/12

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT

6.220,0 1501 Mystery Radio 43443 9

Date 16/12

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT

6.220,0 1435 Mystery Radio 34433 8

6.298,0 1403 unid 33433 7
6.300,0 1308 unid 24333 7

6.305,0 1335 Radio Boomerang 34433 8
6.305,0 1345 Westcoast Radio 33433 8

6.310,0 1340 Radio Boomerang 45444 9+5dB

6.326,0 1402 Radio Quintus 24433 7
Date 17/12

FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT

6.220,0 0907 FRS Holland 34433 8
6.220,0 0715 Mystery Radio 44444 9+5dB

6.260,0 1033 Zender Robby (tent) 24333 7

6.280,0 1047 Radio Atlantis 23433 7
6.290,0 1114 Radio Boomerang 34444 9

6.300,0 1235 Radio Sonar 14321 5
6.300,0 1034 Radio Bermuda Dreieck 24333 6

6.306,0 1044 unid 34433 8

6.308,0 1108 unid 24322 5
6.310,0 1113 Westcoast Radio 24433 7

6.322,0 1119 Radio Zodiac 24433 7
6.325,0 1044 Westcoast Radio 24333 6

6.401,0 1102 unid 24433 7
6.524,0 1103 Radio Ramona 24433 7
(Achim Brueckner, Detmond, Germany - playdx2003 1196, 17/12/2006)

Dec 15 at 1330, WEWN 9955 was being jammed! Such are the risks of
sharing a frequency with WRMI, which of course at this hour was really on 7385
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 48, 17, 16/12/2006)

From December 17, 2006, Radio Veritas Asia, Filipino (utc 1500-1600) 9615 will replace on 9620 (Ex 9615) to Meddile East.
(Ashik Eqbal Tokon, Rajshahi, Bangladesh - CumbreDX 1766, 14/12/2006)

6225 Radio International, 17:38-18:00, escuchada el 12 de Diciembre en farsi, desde las 17:38 con un segmento musical en forma de sinton?a repetido una y otra

vez, la transmisi?n comienza a las 17:43 con un fragmento de ?Dire Strate?, cu?as de ID, locutor con comentarios y fragmentos musicales, referencias a los funerales

de Augusto Pinochet, locutora con comentarios, SINPO 45343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 48, 13, 12/12/2006)

12 Dec at 1915 on about 6010.1 noted a weak station with western pops.
Buried by IRIB at 1930. Today 13 Dec I checked this and it was
again audible around 1750, but 6010 was too crowded until 1900.
After 1900 I heard this station with pops (George Michael etc) and few
announcement in (British) English. Mentioned twice "National Day 16th"
which fits with Bahrain and by passing what sounded like "...Radio Bahrain,
this wonderful, wonderful station". That fits R Bahrain even better :-)
At 1930 IRIB started again on 6010. This station had a carrier and upper
side band but I couldn't check if there was audio on lower. R Bahrain used
to be AM/U. Haven't seen loggings of R Bahrain on this frequency for
a long time. Maybe it has been here for some time or is this reactivation?
Again, the ID I heard was not too clear, so I hope someone could confirm
Bahrain on this frequency. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - hard-core-dx 48, 14, 14/12/2006)

8650 USB English (American) fishing boats discussing catching fish
(Chris Corley, WEST CENTRAL GA - udxf 319, 12/12/2006)

12163.2 8WB5: IND Emb.Baghdad? 1020 Rtty 50Bd/170Hz/ITA-2/norm+inv.
wkg 8WB2:IND Embb Kabul?, QSX?, "...8 DN 8 DN HAVE VERY NICE DAY
QRU QRU QRU ////" TX off @1130UTC (12/DEC/06) (KK)

08002.3 AL1F: unid 1150 Packet 300Bd/300Hz connected to RO5A
"RO5A>AL1F>RR6,R" (12/DEC/06) (KK)

08019.5 OEY52: Austrian Mil 1214 USB/ALE clg OEY41 (12/DEC/06) (KK)

06990.5 OEY52: Austrian Mil 1214 USB/ALE clg OEY41 (12/DEC/06) (KK)

05838.5 OEY52: Austrian Mil 1214 USB/ALE clg OEY41 (12/DEC/06) (KK)

05250.5 OEY52: Austrian Mil 1215 USB/ALE clg OEY41 (12/DEC/06) (KK)

13514.0 No Call: ISR Ny 1230 Ser.Tone Modem (12/DEC/06) (Kristain, Germany - udxf 12/12/2006)

[14:18:03][FRQ 05732000][TO ][TSC ][TIS][034FEM ][AL0] BER 30 SN 14 followed by WGY9034 p/p via SERVICE CENTER to


[14:38:41][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J36 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 11 followed by JULIET 36 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) with 4 POB

airborne en route Medevac 70 miles off Virginia Beach requests guard from CAMSLANT

[14:45:33][FRQ 07527000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J16 ][AL0] BER 29 SN 06 followed by JULIET 16 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) position report to

CAMSLANT. 27-33N 082-45W

[15:31:52][FRQ 05732000][TO ][TSC ][TIS][034FEM ][AL0] BER 28 SN 17 followed by WGY9034 p/p via SERVICE CENTER to

850-413-XXXX Florida Emergency Management

[19:43:32][FRQ 07527000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J14 ][AL0] BER 29 SN 04 followed by JULIET 14 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) position report


ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 014FEM, 034FEM, 501, 704, 712, 716, 720, AL4FMA, D02, D31, D46, F04, F35, F39, F40, FC4, FMK, H95, I57,

J04, J14, J15, J16, J33, J36, J41, LNT, OPB, PAC, PNR400, SC4FMA, T16, TSC, TST, USG, WST, X52, X63
(Mark Cleary, Charleston, SC - udxf 319, 12/12/2006)


110900 UTC DEC 06
131410 UTC DEC
LAST KNOWN PSN 55-00N 19-44E ON 111800 UTC DEC.
NNNN (Jan, Sachsen, Germany - udxf 320, 13/12/2006)

CL - Odessa, Ukraine
110900 UTC DEC 06
131410 UTC DEC
LAST KNOWN PSN 55-00N 19-44E ON 111800 UTC DEC.
NNNN (Jan, Sachsen, Germany - udxf 320, 13/12/2006)

13927.1 kHz USB 1530z: USAF MARS Operator AFA2XD (Satellite Beach FL) w
"Blue 47," for ph patch to DSN 650-3735 (McGuire AFB CP); passes 1900z ETA at
home station McGuire AFB; also gets wx for McGuire AFB, Robins AFB, and two
locations in Canada. (13Dec2006) (AL STERN, Satellite Beach, FL - udxf 320, 13/12/2006)

13927.1 kHz USB 1515z: USAF MARS Operator "AFA2XD" (Satellite Beach FL) wkg
Dyess 7BW B-1B "Dark 31" in ph patch to DSN 461-7453 Dyess "Bat Ops." Dark 31
reports position near Amarillo TX; will RTB due to Bus 3 failure. (13 Dec 2006)
(AL STERN, Satellite Beach, FL - udxf 320, 13/12/2006)

13927.1 kHz USB 1909z: USAF MARS with "Word 79" (callsign spelled) re phone
patch to 850/848-8100, changed to DSN 579-8100, Hurlburt Chindit Ops. Passes
ETA update: now 1730 Local time (2230z). Has 18 pax aboard; notify Customs.(AL STERN, Satellite Beach, FL - udxf 320, 13/12/2006)

5236 Mhz active with SHARES exercise. Multiple station check-ins and traffic handling.
14396.5 Mhz active with SHARES exercise. Multiple check-ins and traffic handling.
Both freqs still active at 2215 hrs UTC (Gil woodside - udxf 320, 13/12/2006)

4466 Mhz active with Pennsylvania CAP HF Net. (Gil woodside - udxf 320, 13/12/2006)

6765 SHARES NET just passed 6996 freq for Routine traffic, 2217z
(CHRIS CORLEY - udxf 320, 13/12/2006)

5717 COAST GUARD 232 with HALIFAX military p/p HALIFAX dropping flares at
5000 ft for the next hr position is N 44.10 W 63.17 this puts them right off
the coast of NOVA SCOTIA. This is and exercise tonight for them. (CHRIS CORLEY - udxf 320, 13/12/2006)

8677 kHz USB 13/12 2220z-2341z CBV Valparaiso Chile Meteo FAX, 4 charts
(Manolis, Greece - udxf 320, 13/12/2006)

00018.1 RDL: Russian Military Strategic Bcast 1411 36-50/50/65 Very
weak. Site not known. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

00147.3 DDH47: Deutscher Wetterdienst via Pinneberg 1414 RTTY/50/85
Ships' observations. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

06433 : Unid 2140 UNID/USB Reminiscent of LINK-11 without the
doppler tone and faster data rate. Best guess is LINK-22 (NILE).
Reported by S&D originally. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

09166.4 : Unid Military/Diplo 1338 FEC Encrypted. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

10235 : NATO Tactical Data Modem 1218 LINK-11/2250/USB Single
channel data link. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

10872 C: Russian Naval Beacon, Moscow 1221 CW No others audible.
(15Dec06) (MPJ)

11159 : NATO/RN Secure Bcast 1224 NATO-75/75/850 Short KG84 blocked
messages. Bearing 125. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

11461.3 : Unid 1246 UNID/75/45 Very narrow shift. Gives repetitive
strings in RTTY decoder. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

12599.5 UAT: MoscowRadio 1254 ARQ Working Alshar/UAZV in autotelex.
(15Dec06) (MPJ)

12613 XSQ: GuangzhouRadio PRC 1300 ARQ Morse/data marker.
(15Dec06) (MPJ)

12603.5 SVO: OlympiaRadio, Athens 1303 FEC News in Greek. (15Dec06)

13442 055: Unid Chinese Net 1359 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

14779.91 : Unid Military/Naval Cyprus? 1309 OMFSK/195.5/600 QSX not
found/not audible. (15Dec06) (MPJ - udxf 323, 15/12/2006)

02624 IQX: Trieste Radio, Italy 1943 USB OM (poss robot) with
weather fcasts for Italy in Italian. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

02632 IQH: Napoli Radio, Italy 1945 USB OM (robot?) with Italian
weather fcasts in Italian. Not // 2624. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

02677 : CROSS La Garde(?) 1948 USB XYL with weather and MIBs in
French. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

02737 REA4: HQ Military Aviation Moscow 1956 CW-REVS/50 Idling
between skeds. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

03159 9MR5: R.Malaysian Navy Johore Bahru 2011 RTTY/50/850
PL and 5LG messages to collective JULL with MRB serials. Ident
9MR 5/9/10/13 RMMJ MRB. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

03199 : Russian Air Defence (PVO) 2018 CW =992318??0????? =
992319??0????? etc. (15Dec06) (MPJ)

03890 UWS3: KievRadio, Ukraine 2037 CW CQ WX FM ODESSA BN 8915/
121249 = PROGNOZ ... (15Dec06) (MPJ)

04455.8 : Unid 2057 ARQ-E/46.1/170 Possibly Egyptian Inter-Airfield
net. Idles only.

08600 2407: Protection Civile Marocaine 1716 ALE/USB Sounding.
(15Dec06) (MPJ)

11427.5 TNS: Algerian Embasssy Tunis 1513 ALE/USB Sounds. (15Dec06)

11475 055: Unid Chinese Net 1442 ALE/USB Sounds. (15Dec06) (MPJ - udxf 323, 15/12/2006)

6314.2 KHz SitB 100B/170HZ 0211UTC S2 weather conditions at sea
4005.4KHz 50B/823HZ S9+ Boston, MA 0212UTC
(johnpwr101 - udxf 323, 15/12/2006)

[04:48:21][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][FMK ][AL0] BER 28 SN 10 followed by FMK radio check with PANTHER

1326Z 8971.0 GOLDENHAWK and TRIDENT 44 (P-3C) with radio checks

1328Z 11175.0 REACH 2101 radio check with McClellan HF-GCS

1344Z 10993.6 ANDVT

1402Z 11175.0 BLUE 61 p/p via Offutt HF-GCS to TACC Meteo for 1700z WX at Lajes AFB

1408Z 5696.0 CG 6015 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) position report to CAMSLANT. 27-47N 082-34W

1416Z 8983.0 STINGRAY 05 (HU-25) position report to CAMSLANT. Bearing 143, 143 miles from benchmark

1422Z 8983.0 CG 1503 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) airborne with 11 POB requests guard from CAMSLANT

1431Z 11175.0 OMNI 67 (P-3C) p/p via Offutt HF-GCS to DSN 942-2211 VP-62 Duty Office. Reports they are being rerouted over Cancun by ATC. Duty

Office confirms they do not have overflight clearance for Mexico. Instructs them: Do not overfly Mexico! Need to adjust flight plan

1513Z 11175.0 REACH 460 p/p via Andrews HF-GCS to DSN 362-6711 NORDIC CONTROL at Grand Forks AFB with 3 hour-out call. 6 crew, 0 cargo

and PAX. Req. Customs

1525Z 11175.0 REACH 460 p/p via Andrews HF-GCS to DSN 362-4396 Grand Forks Meteo for 1815z WX

1531Z 11175.0 BLUE 61 p/p via Andrews HF-GCS to Lajes AFB CP with arrival message

1619Z 11175.0 AIR radio check with Andrews HF-GCS

1620Z 8971.0 TRIDENT 44 (P-3C) wkg GOLDENHAWK to report KB for bent Octopus and broken radar. Relays for WAFER 22 (P-3C) that they have

no comms with Coast Guard unit. GOLDENHAWK reports a Coast Guard C-130 is en route

1630Z 8971.0 PELICAN 711 (P-3C) radio check with FIDDLE

1633Z 11175.0 REACH 6012 radio check with Andrews HF-GCS

1637Z 8971.0 GOLDENHAWK passes that WAFER 22's playmate is CG 1711 and freqs are 3253 kHz and 7710 kHz

1650Z 11175.0 SHARK 21 (C-130) p/p via Puerto Rico HF-GCS to pass 1930z ETA to destination

1653Z 8983.0 CAMSLANT wkg CG 1711 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) regarding Satcom comms status. CG 1711 reports they are up on 401 Net and

not HLS Net

1700Z 10242.0 CG 1711 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) p/p via SERVICE CENTER regarding their receiving imagery and chat message

1711Z 8983.0 STINGRAY 05 (HU-25) position report to CAMSLANT. Bearing 240, 17 miles from benchmark COLUMBIA

1713Z 8983.0 CG 1711 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) position report to CAMSLANT. 40-10N 066-07W

1713Z 8983.0 CG 2141 (HU-25) position report to CAMSLANT. 27-50N 096-27W. CAMSLANT will pass to CGAS Corpus Christi

1725Z 11494.0 JULIET 14 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) airborne with 6 POB for training requests guard from CAMSLANT

1736Z 8983.0 CG 2114 (HU-25, CGAS Miami) airborne with 5 POB requests guard from CAMSLANT

1804Z 10493.0 BACK STRETCH passing "H121800" to LION DEN

1856Z 8983.0 CAMSLANT wkg CG 2120 (HU-25, CGAS Cape Cod) regarding Medevac from vessel CAROLYN CHOUEST. Vessel is a large orange

boat heading north to Block Island

1859Z 8983.0 CAMSLANT clg CG 6523 (HH-65C)

1904Z 8983.0 CAMSLANT clg CG 6562 (HH-65C, CGAS Miami)

1907Z 8983.0 CAMSLANT wkg CG 2114 with request from homeplate to know if they can stop at Key West to drop off two DMBs

1940Z 5696.0 CG 6562 (HH-65C) departing Exhuma in position 23-37N 076-01W with 4 POB and 2+30 till splash requests guard from CAMSLANT

2013Z 11232.0 CHALICE GOLF (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to BEST DEAL followed by p/p to DSN 382-4668 DEER HUNTER

2017Z 11232.0 CANFORCE 4459 wkg TRENTON MILITARY for WX at Ottawa and Trenton

2029Z 11232.0 CHALICE GOLF (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to DSN 887-1742 BIG DADDY

2037Z 11232.0 TRENTON MILITARY wkg ATLAS 40 (CC-130)

2246Z 11175.0 SKULL 25 (B-52) p/p via McClellan HF-GCS to check on status of SKULL 24

[23:28:51][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J15 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 00 followed by JULIET 15 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) position report to

CAMSLANT. 27-42N 082-25W

2334Z 6246.6 ANDVT

2339Z 11232.0 PEACH 66 (E-8 JSTARS) p/p via TENTON MILITARY

[23:52:16][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J41 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 08 followed by JULIET 41 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) position report

to CAMSLANT. 35-10N 075-41W. Will be landing at Hatteras to swap pilots

ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 711, 717, 718, 720, A44, D46, D49, F12, F31, F40, FMK, J14, J15, J18, J23, J41, J42, LNT, OPB, PAC, PNR400,

TSC, X63 (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 323, 15/12/2006)

morning ships on 2187.5/12577.0 DSC

565005000 Ship Singapore WAN HAI 506 S6AV4 con
538090098 Ship Marshall Islands ATTIKA V7CX9 blk
257418000 Ship Norway BERGE COMMANDER LAJS4 cit
257436000 Ship Norway HELICE LAHV4 cit
240531000 Ship Greece PROTEAS SZXN cit
635236000 Ship Kerguelen Islands BRO ELLIOT FWAV
477720200 Ship China MEDI VITORIA VRAH3 blk
239997000 Ship Greece ASTRO SCULPTOR SMO cit
272140000 Ship Ukraine IZMAIL URWM (68140)
353367000 Ship Panama ARISTOS II 3ENW3 cit
(Patrice Privat, France - udxf 323, 16/12/2006)

2749 USB Canadian CG, 1050 utc Maritime WX in EE Clear copy hesr in Maryland near the Upper Chesapeake
(Charlie - udxf 323, 16/12/2006)

8414.5kHz 3FEI6: Aegean Leader 2006DEC172047Z GMDSS/DSC

SELF IDENTIFICATION: 564300000 Singapore
LONGITUDE 177 deg 45 min WEST
TIME UTC: 20 : 40
TELECOMMAND: J3E telephone
DECODED AT: 3:47:07 PM 12/17/2006
(Albert P. - udxf 325, 17/12/2006)

Aligarh, Dec 14 (IANS) Big 92.7 FM will be launched here from Dec 18, a
24-hour broadcast service targeting the youth, housewives and children.
Reliance group's Anil Dhirubai Ambani is keen to expand the FM radio
nationwide within a short time, his spokespersons said.
Praveen Malhothra, who is in charge of the station, said: "Radio and
transistors had virtually disappeared from our life. Reliance plans to make
the FM radio a medium of entertainment not only in key metros but also in
virgin markets that have never before experienced this medium of
RJ (Radio Jocky) Brijiesh Hirjee in Mumbai, Mona 'Jassi' Singh and Gaurav
'Nandu' Ghera in New Delhi, Koushik and Sheilajit in Kolkatta, C.K. Chanduri
and Dayanand in Banglore, Uma Riyaz Khan in Chennai and 'Jhansi' in
Hyderabad have been lined up for the radio.
These celebrities will interact with listeners in their languages, sharing
their emotions. In addition, Big 92.7 FM will also have a unique spiritual
show hosted by Shweta Tiwari.
This network includes 20 cities in the north, seven in the east, and nine in
the west and south respectively. This will cover more than 500 towns and
villages. (Источник: http://www.teluguportal.net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=25060)

In 1947 when India became independent, there were just
six radio stations ? all under the AIR banner.

Now every city has an average of six channels and
every day in some part of the country there are 3-4
stations arriving on the airwaves.

"India is a country of trends. Here many times
something catches the publics' imagination. And then
for some years, it is the rage. Right now radio is
fashionable," said Radio One Director (Programming)
Ritu Soni Srivastava.

Radio's come a long way. In fact what we are
witnessing now is the second coming of the radio

In the latest burst of opening up the airwaves, 245
new channels were added to the existing 20.

In Delhi for example, some corporate houses bid to the
tune of 31 crores to acquire frequencies.
After paying a hefty licence fee to the government, it
takes another few crores to set up a studio. Add to
that a workforce of about 20 young people with a
passion for music and a flair for wit and humour and
you're ready to take on the airwaves.

Once the money starts rolling in, stations have been
known to make a profit of more than Rs 1 crore per

"When you capture the youth, then I think you can have
consumer driven revolution. And that's what has
happened," said Akhila Sivadas Media analyst

Radio accounts for roughly 2 per cent of the total
advertising pie. 10-second slots are sold for Rs 500
to Rs 1000.

And when it comes to localised advertising, nothing
works better than radio.

"What works with radio it that is a medium that works
as a reminder for the client. It's a wonderful way to
advertise specially as a follow up from lets say, a
print ad," said Parsvnath Developers COO Sunit Sachar.

The radio boom may have had a bit of a late start in
India, but its all moving in the right direction. And
what?s good news for the airwaves is that the best has
just begun. (http://www.ibnlive.com/news/radio-business-back-with-a-bang/28351-7.html via Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India.- hard-core-dx 48, 16, 15/12/2006)
http://www.beaconworld.org.uk/ - (Henrik Thiil Nielsen, Denmark - udxf 320, 13/12/2006)

Получил две QSL от IRRS за тест трансляцию - 9310 и 5775 kHz.
После напоминания получил по e-mail QSL от Radio Caroline Eifel - 9290 kHz.
(Павел Иванов, Белгород, Россия - open_dx 16/12/2006)

RADIODIFFUSION-TELEVISION DE DJIBOUTI, 4780. Full-data paper folder including radio & TV schedules and building & tower photo. This QSL was

received almost 1 year to the day after my report. But I had already received a QSL five months after that report.
(Wendel Craighead, Prairie Village, Kansas, USA - CumbreDX 1766, 13/12/2006)

With in a few days after receiving my QSL of AIR Bhopal new frequency 4810 kHz, I got yet another confirmation from the Station Engineer for a back log report

dated 12 October 2004 for the old 3315 kHz! So if you want to verify the olf frequency this is the best opportunity. the current Station Engineer Mr. Sudhir Sodhia

seems to be crazy with reception reports and verify the backlogs from dustbins! Further all verified reports are forwarded by the station engineer to Spectrum

management division at New delhi for an excellent AIR QSL Card!! So if you are holding some backlogs why not use this opportunity.
(T.R.Rajeesh, Kerala, India - hard-core-dx 48, 17, 16/12/2006)

After 30 days I received a full data QSL card from China Tibet PBC.( 7385 khz from 16.30 - 17.00 hours UTC in English)
Nice motive of the Potala palace.1 $ return postage. (Peter Vaegler, Germany - hard-core-dx 48, 15, 14/12/2006)

6305 KHz QSL-CARD + INFOSHEET, 30 dd. Report with 1 irc sent to R.S. PO BOX
73 - NL-7160 AB Neede (Francesco, Italy - playdx2003 1194, 15/12/2006)

T8AA Koror 1584 kHz. Finally verified Palau on MW after many attempts over the past 2A? years. Friendly response from Missy Kinto, an announcer at the station

who in her reply dedicated a couple of songs to me over the air and she also sent her photo. Sent the station a CD recording at Box 279 Koror, Republic of Palau

96940 along with a US$, received in ~2 months. (Craig Edwards, Nhulunbuy (Gove), Northern Territory, Australia - mwdx 1400, 13/12/2006)

RADIO FREE ASIA Irkutsk 7210 kHz, Cartolina QSL in 7 giorni. E-rpt spedito
a: qsl@rfa.org V/s: A. J. Janitschek. (Luca Botto Fiora, Genova, Italy - playdx2003 1194, 15/12/2006)

U.S. Naval Submarine Base Groton, CT/NBL. LSB, 7371.5 kHz. Full data Armed
Forces Day Communications Test QSL card in 7 months after e-mail f/up.
Address: NAVMARCORMARS Radio Station, P.O. Box 161, U.S. Naval Submarine
Base, Groton, CT 06349-5161. (Jim Pogue, Memphis, TN - hard-core-dx 48, 13, 12/12/2006)

Zuruck aus meinem Urlaub in den Emiraten, war die QSL Ausbeute recht
The Voice od America bestatigte mir nach ca. 50 Tagen DEEWA Radio mit
den Frequenzen 11510 KHz und 15645 KHZ ohne QTH.
Auch Radio Nacional de Venezuela bestatigte mir die Frequenz 13680 KHz
nach ca. 120 Tagen auch ohne QTH. Ein Beispiel des schonen QSL Brief ist
auf der Home Page von Rudolf Sonntag zu sehen.
Auch the Voice of Mongolia bstatigte nach 54 mit det. Karte die Frequenz
4830 KHz. (Dieter Kraus, Germany - A-DX 14/12/2006)

Cerrito Radio/CWA, Montevideo, Uruguay. CW, 12,750 kHz. Full data letter
received from Ing. Jos? Luis Rodriguez in 73 days. Mint stamps returned.
Address: Cerrito Radio/CWA ANTEL, Servicio Fibra y Radio, Vilardebo 1500,
Piso 1, Montevideo, Uruguay. (Jim Pogue, Memphis, TN - hard-core-dx 48, 13, 12/12/2006)

Memphis, Tennessee USA
NRD-535, ICF-2010
Wellbrook LA5030 loop, attic longwire
Quantum phaser

Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italy

Rx: Drake SPR-4 & R-4C (with DDS4); RFT EKD 315; RFSpace SDR-14; CiaoRadio H101; Winradio G33EM Marine; AOR AR7030+ AR5000+

AR3000A-DX; TenTec RX320 & RX321; Icom R7000 & R71E (both mod. by Capra), PCR1000; Lowe HF150; Kenwood R5000 & tuner KT-6040; Grundig

Satellit 700 & 500; Yamaha T-85; Sangean ATS 909 mod. & DT-220; Degen DE1103; Alinco DJ-X3 (In all FM rx I use 110/80/53 kHz filters)- Ant: wires 30 m.;

RKB 5, 9 & 10 elements FM; RF Systems T2FD 15 meters; Wellbrook LFL 1010, loops by A.Capra, PA0RDT Mini Whip, Magnetic Loop L101

Brent Taylor, VE1JH
Doaktown, NB - Grid FN66wn
60 mi inland from Northumberland Strait
R-75, ICF-2010 (2), ICF-7600GR, R390A/URR
Large Pennant, Dipole, RS Loops, Quantum Phaser

Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, 41.38 N 93.40W
R8A + 313e + 60M Dipole + Mini-Whip

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