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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 95

WorldDX 95
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа.
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Короткие Волны

19m was finally back in business UT Nov 16 at 0635 check with
strong signals // from RA on 15515, 15160, and 15240, not 15290 as in previous
report, report on riots in Tonga. See also NEW ZEALAND (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Nov 15 at 1459 on 5995 heard VOR IS mixing with RA, but
VOR off at 1500. Per HFCC B-06 this is Pet-Kam, sked 12-15, and in the public
version no sign of RA on 5995, since our friend Bernd Friedewald who manages
their frequencies requires HFCC to delete all such entries, even tho he no
longer publishes the info either in ILG! But RA is on 5995 from 08 to 18,
switching from 10 kW Brandon to 100 kW Shepparton at 14 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15/11/2006)

RA, 9590, with All in the Mind, topic again the Blackfeet of Montana banning
smoking in public places, and the impact of tobacco in general on native
peoples also in Australia and NZ; Blackfeet retain tobacco only for ceremonial
purposes. To my surprise, program ended at 1434 Wed Nov 15 instead of 1430 and
then immediately into The Philosopher`s Zone (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15/11/2006)

Please be advised that Radio Australia in Indonesian is now
using the new, additional frequency of 15290 from Darwin, 0600-0630.

This is in parallel with 15415 (Shepparton) and Darwin (11970).
(Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia - CumbreDX 1736, 16/11/2006)

7325 kHz, Radio Austria Internacional, 11-11-06, 0030-0036 UTC. Noticiero de Austria, con noticias sobre Austria, Iran y el Vaticano entre otras, en espanol, a

las 0035 comienza programa en aleman, SINPO 55444. (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - Frecuencia DX 305, 14/11/2006)

On 6110, Nov 16 at 2247 I tuned in to some vocal music accompanied
by bass strumming; maybe there were other instruments but this modulation was
very muffled and had no highs. Good strength signal and not much interference,
so quite a shame that R. Tirana`s Albanian service to Europe (and onward to
NAm) via Shijak does not provide normal quality modulation. At 2255 into anthem
without announcement, until 2256:30 and carrier off a minute later.

Much better modulation during Spanish news at 2306 on 7210, which according to
subsequent HFCC lookup is CRI Cërrik relay, Albania, Sounds like the customer
gets the better facility than the home folks. Official target for this is Spain
at local midnight, so if it just happens to carry onward at 280 degrees to the
Caribbean where 7210 is in an exclusive amateur radio band, who can complain?
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Английская программа закончилась около 1259, и передатчик снова перешёл на 7355, где в 1300
началась китайская программа. СИНПО на этот раз составила 54444, чуть-чуть пробивает
неопознанная с 7350, похоже на CRI. Язык один из южно или западноазиатских.

Следующая английская передача объявлена в 1400 на 6150.
Что ж, проверим и её приём вскоре! :-)
(Игорь Ашихмин, Приморье, Россия - open_dx 19/11/2006)

6214,1 Radio Baluarte, Puerto Iguazu, 2150+, November 11, Portuguese,
religious music in portuguese, ann. by male (canned programme), 35433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

7420 kHz, Radio Belarus, 10-11-06, 2304-2307 UTC. Locutora con noticias, en bielorruso, SINPO 45333.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - Frecuencia DX 305, 14/11/2006)

R. Bulgaria is really having problems. Nov 16 at 2218 I found a
good signal in English on 7500, but barely modulated. Had to turn the volume
way up to make it out, and if I were to tune up or down to US stations on 7520,
7490 without turning it down first, would have my eardrums blasted out. // 5800
was better modulated, but still quite a bit below normal. When this happens one
wonders if an old modulator tube is about to die, or whether someone simply
isn`t watching the levels going into and out of the transmitter. And whether
anyone at the station cares about how it sounds to the listener, without whom
the whole thing is pointless (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

9310 IRRS Milano, 11:00-11:28, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en ingles con emision de test, sintonia. locutor y locutora con presentacion. boletin de noticias y

segmento musical con un tema de Jazz, a las 11:28 sufre un ligero corte, SINPO 45544.

5775 IRRS Milano, 18:20-18:36, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en idioma ingles con la tercera transmision de test, programa repetido, SINPO 45444.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

6105.49, Radio Panamericana, 1046-1100 Noted a weak signal =
here after WYFR went off the air. Initially I heard flute music. =
Signal was nil to threshold by this time. (Chuck Bolland, November 18, 2006 - CumbreDX 1738, 18/11/2006)

4784,6 Radio Caiari (t), Porto Velho, 0936+, November 12, Portuguese,
religious programme by male, 24332

4945 Radio Difusora, Pcos da Caldas, MG, 2154+, November 11,
Portuguese, football transmission, 44444
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

Буркина Фасо
5030 Radio Bourkina, Ouagadogou, 2140+, November 11, French,
talk by male, report by other mal, 34433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

DRM on 7365-7380, Nov 16 at 2305, would be Vatican Radio in English
to NAm, 60 kW at 310 degrees from SMG at 2300-2330. Must be strong enough to
demodulate, and sure spreading beyond 10 kHz, nominal 7370 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

7250 Vatican Radio; 2106-2117+, 15-Nov; Cmtry re St. Francis;
switched to globalization @2110; all in EE. SIO=4+33+, USB helps
despite 7255 Nigeria. Differs from 07 Passport. (Harold Frodge, Usa - CumbreDX 1736, 15/11/2006)

R. Budapest, 6110 to NAm in English, Nov 19 at 0200 fair
signal and atop co-channel, which would be Rai via Ascension to SAm, but I
wouldn`t depend on that always being the case (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

ANO harmonic, 19160, Nov 16 at 1349 buzz with some audio mixing; both
were stronger at 1451 recheck, peaking 7 over S9 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Africa Numero Un, Moyabi, 9580 was a huge blob of buzz with traces of
modulation, also bothering adjacent channels, Nov 16 at 2255 check and still
going when I quit at 2307. This is not jamming, but something very wrong with
their own transmitter, and has been going on for many days now, also sounding
the same on harmonic 19160 when it propagate. How can their engineers be
unaware of this, when any casual listener tuning in the station can`t help but
notice it, and indeed is prevented from listening to the station because of it?
Maybe they don`t have any engineers worthy of the title on staff, just people
to turn the equipment on and off (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Glenn, as I have pointed out few days ago,
the same buzz comes around when RTV Gabon 4777 goes on
the air at 0500, and no one else seem to have noticed
that. Least thing I do is invite you to give a listen.
Only thing left would be they have solved the problem
while Im passing along this invitation.
(Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Nov 15 chex of buzz from Africa Number One: at 1419, definite buzz on
19160, no audio, but at 1504 check a little French // 17630 could be heard
along with the bigger buzz. At 1546, a little buzz was audible on fundamental
9580; long path?

The African music jammer against nothing on 17660 was coming in nicely Nov 15
at 1525 so I stayed with it to see when it would go off. Lasted until 1531,
with carrier on another 40 seconds (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15/11/2006)

4779.97 R.Cultural Coatan, 1204 Talk in SS, partly mx with ID. Fair (Nobuo Takeno, Japan, Nov 11 - CumbreDX 1738, 18/11/2006)

Гоа (Индия)
AIR Sinhala service, 9820, Nov 16 at 1322 dominant as usual with S
Asian vocal music; during a brief pause at 1324 I could make out something
underneath, presumably China (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

9819.98 AIR Panaji 1403-1440 Nov 16. Nice sub-continental
music to 1410, then talks by M and W in listed Sinhala, continuing past
1430. VG signal, // 15050 (Delhi), which was fair. There was another
station way under AIR on 9820, largely unnoticeable except during AIR
pauses. Presumably this is the Guangxi station. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1737, 16/11/2006)

Nov 14 at 1514 came upon the unmistakable AIR IS on 15175, into unID
language, distorted audio and slightly variable het. PWBR ``2007`` claims this
is Bangalore, while Jose Jacob`s B-06 AIR sked shows it as Panaji; I`ll go with
the latter, with such transmission characteristics. It`s the Gujarati service
to EAf, also troubled by Cuban jamming spur on 15180 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 15, 14/11/2006)

Altho VOG continues to be weak here on 17525, have noticed
that the chirping ute QRM has gone. Apparently to 17531 where I was hearing it
until 1500* Nov 14. There it does not collide with a broadcast station, and
needed BFO to recognize (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 15, 14/11/2006)

7475 kHz, Voice of Greece, 10-11-06, 2307-2313 UTC. Musica con comentarios de locutor, en griego, SINPO 55454.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - Frecuencia DX 305, 14/11/2006)

Диего Гарсия
12759U AFRTS 1353-1400 Nov 16. Military news, features,
and PSA's; AP News at 1400. Fair signal and not // 5765. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1737, 16/11/2006)

Welcome again from Sunday 19 that strong
signal from Radio Djibouti 4780 that I’ve been
receiving barely audible and noisy for at least three
months. Propagation from Africa on 60m. seems to be
improving for B-06. (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica. - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

I was not expecting to hear anything, checking R. Cairo in English to
ENAm, scheduled on 11885, and sure enough all I heard was WYFR in Portuguese at
2307 Nov 16 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

5915 ZNBC, Lusaka, 0320+, November 12, Vernacular,
report, talk by male, 23442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

Западная Сахара
Nat. Radio of Sahara AD Republic
7425 was heard even stronger with French, as never
before, this Sunday 19 after 0000, mostly with kind
of pop Arabic songs. SIO 454. VG. (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica. - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

В зимнем официальном расписании Радио Израиля (Река) обозначена
передача на русском языке в 21.00 utc на частоте 6985 кГц. В указанное
время на этом месте Израиль вещает совсем на другом языке. Замечу, что
передача Рэка на русском языке в это время идет - я ее принимаю через

Кто знает ответ на вопрос: существует ли в указанное время
русскоязычное вещание на другой частоте или оно совсем отменено?
(Владимир Харитонов - open_dx 20/11/2006)

AIR at 2200 on 9445...Unbelievable!
Ill have to give them an S5. Sked says in
intended for Europe, for me this means has to be
arriving long path to Tiquicia. So what their azimuth
might be? Is it any site apart from HFCC which
doesnt show India, where one can find this
information? (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

4850 kHz AIR Kohima um 1428 UTC in Englisch und Hindi mit
internationaler Popmx, spater dann indische Filmmx und um 1515 UTC eine
lokale Nachrichtensendung. SINPO: 33333 - QRM uber weite Strecken durch
Jamming gegen Mittelost-Clandestine. (Patric Robic, Leibnitz, Austria - A-DX 18/11/2006)

Hola mucho gusto y cordiales saludos, por primera vez en mucho tiempo hoy ,
14 Noviembre 2006 a las 17.05 UTC hasta las 17.35 Utc por 15150 Khz Voz de
Indonesia en idioma espanol, noticias musica e ID emisora, cabe destacar que
esta emisora estaba siempre tapada por un servicio de la Voz exterior de
Republica Islamica de Iran, Sinpo 43333
Receptor Sony ICF SW 7600 GR
Antena dipolo de 4.96 metros por lado a 10 metros de altura
(Dino Bloise, Argentina - dxldyg 1073, 14/11/2006)

V. of Indonesia doesn`t do it every day, but Nov 15 from tune-in
at 1532 on 9525, the 6:24 loop of gamelan orchestra music and English IDs was
running for the next half-hour, until 1603 into Qur`an and 1610 Arabic
programming toward EAs and NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15/11/2006)

11690 kHz Radio Jordan um 1350 UTC in Englisch mit internationaler Popmx
und IDs als "Radio Jordan 96.3 FM". Nx um 1400 UTC. 44444
(Patrick Robic, Leibnitz, Austria - A-DX 18/11/2006)

Nov 15 at 1621 tried listening for R. Jordan on 11690. Requires the
ICF SW07 with USB sync detexion. Signal too weak to stay locked and would
periodically jump to lock on the RTTY below instead. Pop vocal music of some
kind, 1626 announcement in English mentioned FM, which is typical of R. Jordan,
tho I did not hear an ID as such. In late A-06 11690 was also ruined by CRI
during this hour, but I heard no sign of that now. There are no longer any
China listings on 11690 in HFCC B-06, but Jordan is missing too, being an ASBU
station (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15/11/2006)

VOIRI, 9575, 1430 Nov 14 opening in Russian with anthem(?), ID, 1432
Qur`an in Arabic of course but for only a few seconds, back to Russian (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 15, 14/11/2006)

A long time since I checked the CRI relay in Chinese via Spain on
9690, but Nov 19 at 0232 I found it still overmodulated and distorted (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

6010 RAI; 2037-2045:28*, 17-Nov; Continuous SS baladas to ID in
EE by W @2044:30 as b'cast to Near East. Bird tweet IS @2045. When
strong IS stopped, hrd same much weaker under. (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 17/11/2006)

previous report that CBCQ had disappeared from 9625 at 2230, I
looked for it Nov 16 at 2255, and could not pull it out between two REE signals
on 9620 and 9630; when both were gone at 2257, however, CBC Radio 1 was
mentioned as some program was wrapping up. Usual poor signal here (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Where did CBCQ 9625 has gone? Last time I
detected with classical music was last Friday night
(0330z) and no trace of it for last week end while
trying to pick up Randys Vynil Tap at 0100 and
Sat. Night Blues Special at 0400. No Jazz Beat on
Sunday, nor these last days. I cant blame
conditions. Has someone had heard it recently? (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

11765Khz 1945utc 13/11 Radio Canada Int. via Kashi ,China PX;"Worldnews" in F. 33333
(Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 47, 15, 14/11/2006)

RCI news at 1502 Nov 14 on 17820: the YL newscaster now seems to be
putting more effort into expression (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 15, 14/11/2006)

6160 CKZN St. Johns NL; 2215-2235+, 14-Nov; The World at 6 on
CBC Radio 1 to 2230 then As It Happens. All in EE. SIO=3+43+, USB
helps w/6155. 6070 CFRX still off. (Harold Frodge, Usa - CumbreDX 1736, 15/11/2006)

Checking out Sackville frequencies Nov 19 at 0155, I could detect
only very weak carriers on 9625 and 9755, and could be sure even those were
from CBCNQ and RCI English respectively. Heavy jamming against absent R.
República, 9630 at 0215, did not help. At 0214, KBS World Radio relay on 9560
was audible, but poorly, and not easily listenable (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

CRI in English has been inbooming tonight
at 0300 on 9690sp. I took a look at PTSW to see what
that stands for but I couldnt find anything. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

4950 Voice of Pujiang 1405-1433 Nov 15. Man and woman in CH
chit-chat, with sound effects, short audio clips, and an occasional pop
song. A few bars of "Take Me Home Country Roads" (not John Denver's
version) was played at 1405 and again at 1425; perhaps this is the theme
song of the program; after each "Country Roads" clip there was an ad that
ended with the EG phrase "SNG[?] Advertising, your better source". Good
signal, rising above the band noise and // 5075, which was just fair, and
3280 which was approaching fadeout. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1737, 16/11/2006)

It speaks volumes for the sad situation in China that whenever one
hears a strong signal from CNR-1, one assumes it is jamming something. This was
the case Nov 14 at 1520 on 11665 with commercials, VG signal but some deep
fades. Could not hear any other signal mixing, but R. Taiwan International is
scheduled there in Chinese until 1600.

Also heard Firedrake on 7270, Nov 14 at 1526. There are several stations
scheduled here, but the more likely one as a jamming victim may be BBC Tajik
via Cyprus. Can anyone confirm this service is jammed? Don`t know of anything
in Chinese. 7270 was // much weaker 10400 against Sound of Hope (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 15, 14/11/2006)

20/11/2006, 2040 utc, 7255 кГц, Межд. Радио Китая на русском языке, программа "Культура Китая", неплохой прием, но с небольшими

замираниями и помехой от соседней станции. (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)

21/11/2006, 2129 utc, 7285 кГц, Межд. Радио Китая, на английском языке, отличный прием.
(Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)

5075 Voice of Pujiang (presumed) 1223-1230. Talk in Chinese by
man and woman. No ID heard. Poor but readable signal with some utility
interference. SINPO 22222. (Jim Evans, TN, Nov 15 - CumbreDX 1736, 15/11/2006)

6090 Central PBS Geermu (presumed) 1238-1245. Talk in Chinese by
man and woman. No ID heard. Poor to moderate signal. SINPO 24222.
(Jim Evans, TN, Nov 15 - CumbreDX 1736, 15/11/2006)

REE via Cariari, 9675, Nov 19 at 0230 exhibited the usual
undermodulation, muffled audio from this relay, and also had co-channel from
Brazilian, presumably R. Canção Nova (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

RHC has finally made its move from 9820 to 6180, Nov 16 at 0645 check,
VG signal on 6180, but not enough to completely blot out Brasilia. Ignoring a
250 kW transmitter in the same hemisphere is not a sign of astute frequency
management. Furthermore, RHC now impedes reception of R. Educacion, 6185,
Mexico DF, which already has other co- and adjacent QRM problems, but had been
relatively clear at certain lucky hours.

Actually as I was tuning down toward 6180 I heard RHC first on 6300! That`s a
new mixing product, leapfrog 6060 over 6180, as RHC causes more damage (there
could be a match on 5940). There are now three intentional RHC frequencies in
English all evening on 49m, supposedly for different parts of NAm, while one
would do the trick, and not cause so much collateral damage to other
broadcasters trying to funxion on crowded 49m this winter. If RHC really needs
to run three antennas at different azimuths, they should put them and three
transmitters to go with them, on one frequency, such as 6000. BTW, the idea
that only 49m will propagate is not true either, as RHC on 11760 was still
quite well heard at this late hour.

Altho B-season changes have apparently belatedly gone into effect, RHC Spanish
is still on 13750, not 15370 as Arnie Coro`s sked showed, Nov 16 at 1339 check
and also about an hour later. R. Rebelde 11655 was also very good at the same
time (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Sackville, that is, now that it is broadcasting Radio Republica at 02-05 UT Tue-Sat on 9630. Just checked Nov 16
at 0200 and all I hear is jamming, but two nights ago Sackville 9630, and the
NQ Service on 9625, were inaudible here tho others in eastern NAm could hear
RR. The jamming now is much weaker than RHC on 9550, however. I wonder how 9630
is doing in various parts of ENAm, especially S Florida, and on into the
Caribbean and Central America --- is RR on top of the jamming anywhere? [Curt
Deegan and Jeff White in S Florida say RR is loud and clear, no jamming audible
there. If the jammers skip over S Florida, they are also skipping over most of
Cuba, effectiveness limited to groundwave.] Tsk, tsk, Canada and Cuba were such
good friends, and now look what they`ve gone and done (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

R. Republica, 6135 via Rampisham UK, Nov 16 at 2245 G with no
jamming audible. Altho this 22-24 transmission has been in effect at least
since April, it is still missing from HFCC B-06, so is apparently Top Secret as
far as VT Merlin is concerned. Ditto 00-02 on 7205 and 02-04 on 7110. I assume
the lack of jamming has nothing to do with the lack of registration, as the
DentroCuban Jamming Command has hit it before, and the last I checked was also
jamming the 7 MHz channels. Could it be that Cuba`s jamming capacity is getting
spread too thin, so they have to make hard choices? Surely the priority numero
uno is Radio Marti.

Then I tuned in 5970 at 2259 and found open carrier already with DentroCuban
jamming as R. Republica via Germany started up at 2300 with Radio Miami
Internacional ID, and half a minute later R. Republica opening and into
``?Despierta, Cuba! Well above the jamming here.

Note: WRMI is not the same as Radio Miami Internacional. RMI brokers
programming on various other transmitters, and also runs the SW station in
Miami, WRMI, whose call letters apply only to broadcasts from there on 9955 or

I also listened for REE in French to Europe at local midnight, as supposedly
scheduled already on 5970 at 2300, but could not hear it in the mix, altho the
same to NAm was inbooming on 6055 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Almost as if the DentroCuban Jamming Command had read my recent
reports, their act appeared to have been cleaned up Nov 15: no longer any
jamming against nothing on R. Mart?`s summer frequency 11845 when checked at
1507 and later (A-06 scheduled 13-17; but Chinese Firedrake on 11840), and
furthermore no spurious jammer clix audible every 50 kHz above and below 11930
and 15330, only the usual heavy jamming right on those frequencies. But this
could have been a fluke, so I am not yet concluding the others are gone for
good (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15/11/2006)

Tho I often hear nothing but jamming on 9955 when WRMI is on,
Nov 15 at 1617 there was nothing but WRMI, playing ``Guantanamera`` during
exile program (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15/11/2006)

Radio Republica 9630 kHz loud and clear here at 0300Z, Nov 16, 2006,
no signs of reported jamming, even during a totally silent period of OC.
(W. Curt Deegan, Boca Raton, (southeast) Florida, USA - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15/11/2006)

5025 R.Rebelde, Havana 1200 Bridge mx followed by ID as Aqui Radio Rebelde.
Good signal (Nobuo Takeno, Japan, Nov 11 - CumbreDX 1738, 18/11/2006)

As Bernie O`Shea observed the night before, things are changing at
RHC, and not everything matches the schedule Arnie Coro gave out a sesquiweek
ago. UT Sunday Nov 19 I started monitoring at 0152. 9550 was in French, 9600
was in Spanish plus hum, both VG signals. Nothing on 9820. Heavy jamming on
9515 against ex-Martí frequency. At 0154, found that 9600 was // 6060 and 5965
in Spanish, and the same after hourtop at 0203. At 0154, 6000 // 6180 in music,
presumably English service with much better signal on 6180; at 0202 English ID
and news. Co-channel QRM audible under 6180, Brasil? By 0213, the 31m channels
had become much weaker. But very heavy Cuban pulse jamming against nothing was
still strong on 9630, synchronized with 9955, about 5 pulses per second along
with all the other noise (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

9290 khz relays from Latvia

The relay service on 9290 khz from Latvia will
be returning to the air in mid December 2006.
If there are any stations that would like to be
relayed via this service please send an email
to the following address: kreicbergs@parks.lv
Only this email address will be valid.

More information will follow in December 2006
(Tom Taylor, UK - hard-core-dx 47, 15, 14/11/2006)

V. of Africa, 17725 via France, Nov 16 at 1453 with the usual
no-nonsense announcer reading some kind of declaration with enumerated points
against FIFA for its ``unjust, corrupt`` system whereby in 2006 it is
unacceptable that the WC ``will be`` in Germany, 12 different cities too far
apart for convenience, but it was even worse in the USA in 1994 when all the
cities were not even in the same timezone. Very little hum this time! (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

V. of Africa, 17725 via France, Nov 15 at 1505 in English
broadcast playing hilife music, much less hum than usual, but still audible
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15/11/2006)

4835,5 Radio Mali, Bamako, 2133+, November 11, Vernacular,
bulletin news by male in vernacular, 34333
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

R. Educación, 6185, uncomfortably close to RHC`s new 6180, monitored
Nov 19 at 0225 discussing S. American politix, at the moment holding its own
against RHC, especially when RHC was not playing music. As far as I could
determine the two had equal signal strength here, which says a lot for XEPPM
considering the actual disparity in transmitter power and antenna gain.
However, RHC never had any adjacent-channel QRM from 6185. That frequency also
had some co-channel under causing a slight ripple, maybe FEBA via UAE as
Vatican does not start until 03. I am afraid that Amazônia may shift to 6185
because of Habana on 6180, as it has done in the past (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

Мьянма (Бирма)
5040.39 R. Myanmar(p) 1423-1438 Nov 15. Man and woman talking
in language (Minority Service listed) continuing past BoH (which is ToH
in Myanmar). Fair/poor, competing with the local noise. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1737, 16/11/2006)

5985.83 Radio Myanmar (presumed) 1230-1248. Talk by woman at
1230. Signal very marginal, at noise level, fading in and out. Recheck
at 1247 found distinctive Burmese music. (Jim Evans, TN, Nov 15 - CumbreDX 1736, 15/11/2006)

5005.02 R.Nepal, Kumaltar 1210 Nice Asian mx 1215 Time pips and ID as Ye
Radio Nepal he ID. Very good signal. (Nobuo Takeno, Japan, Nov 11 - CumbreDX 1738, 18/11/2006)

9705 R Niamey 2048 in vern OMs in heated discussion stepping
all over each other. Must have been talking politics/religion:
smile. Interval Signal (trad flute mx) and back to arguing OMs.
poor - fair (Prez 11/18 - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

7255Khz 21.00utc 13/11 Nigeria ,Ikorodu About "The Gouvernment" in F. verry strong and good audio 55555
(Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 47, 15, 14/11/2006)

7255 La Voix du Nigeria; 2106-2117+, 15-Nov; W in FF w/vari-
ety music, many non-Afro. LVdN ID @2122+ SIO=543+ (Harold Frodge, Usa - CumbreDX 1736, 15/11/2006)

4770 R. Nigeria (Kaduna) 0440-0500. Man with news and
commentary in English regarding Nigeria and the world. Occasional short
musical interludes. 0459 Drums. 0500 ID by man. Poor signal. SINPO
23222. Station has appeared almost every night for the last week,
usually with the same poor signal. (Jim Evans, TN, November 18 - CumbreDX 1738, 17/11/2006)

4770 Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, 2129+, November 11, Vernacular,
local songs, ann. by male, 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

6040 kHz, Radio Nederland, 10-11-06, 2254-2259 UTC. Comentarios de locutores y musica, a las 2259 fin de emision, en holandes, SINPO 54433.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - Frecuencia DX 305, 14/11/2006)

Новая Зеландия
RNZI, 5950, good signal with Bell Bird, 1259 Nov 16, 1300 6-pip
timesignal (all sounded the same), and into RNZI News, top story being the
strife in Tonga, where the business district of the capital Nuku`alofa has been
destroyed by pro-democracy rioters, and the burning is spreading to neighboring
towns. Geez, that could give democracy a bad name. But absolute monarchies are
really passe in XXI. Will this remote, exotic story every make into US news
media? For a change, RNZI DRM was also on the air when 7140-7150 was checked at
1313 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Is Rangitaiki down again? Nov 14 at 1527 could not hear any DRM
on 7145 --- no change in S-meter noise level as I tuned across the frequency;
RA was audible on 7240. I believe I also noticed an hour or more earlier that
7145 was clean (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 15, 14/11/2006)

Once again on Nov 15 at 1415 and later, no trace of RNZI DRM on
scheduled 7145. Must be down, or have they QSYed without telling us? Analog
fairly audible on 5950 at 1417 with National Radio ID, into reading of a serial
(Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15.11.2006)

Radio Sultanate of Oman 9760 was heard
surprisingly strong this Sunday 19 from 0000 to 0200
with Arabic but with heavy distorted (altho readable)
audio. (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica. - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

4824.5 La Voz de la Selva 0240-0250. Ballad style pop music. ID
by woman at 0243. Talk by man at 0250 with possible advertisement.
Poor signal with utility interference. SINPO 22222. (Jim Evans, TN, Nov 16 - CumbreDX 1736, 16/11/2006)

5602,7 Radio La Voz de los Andes (p), San Miguel de El Faique, =
Huancabamba, Piura,
2240+, November 11, Spanish, ann. by male, tecnocumbias,

6817,2 La Voz de las Huarinjas, Huancabamba, 2311+, November 11, Spanish,
huaynos, ann. by male, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

15520 Radio Polonia via Wertachtal, 1210+, November 12, Polish,
announcement by female, song, talk by female, 35443
//13820 Khz with 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

Из тех частот, которые давал Александр Егоров, Радио
России удалось принять на 9840 кГц, 6160 кГц, 12075 кГц,
7310 кГц, 5905 кГц и 5955 кГц. (Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 17/11/2006)

At first unidentified, 11975, Nov 16 at 1420 with some nice Asian
music, break for talk at 1430, more music at 1435. Really not sure of language,
but figured I could look it up later. Nothing in PWBR ``2007``, and the only
HFCC listing is for VOR Armavir 110 degrees, but not in the VOR sked at
http://www.bclnews.it/b06schedules/vor.htm which only covers, English, Russia,
Urdu and Spanish. From last year`s language schedule in WRTH 2006, at this hour
it looks like either Urdu or Pashto/Dari. Aha, then I go to
http://www.vor.ru/Pashto.htm and there it is, VOR`s Pashto service B-06:
1300-1500 11975, 5980, 4975, 4965, 972, 801, 648
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

12075 Radio Rossii, 10:10-10:20, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en ruso a locuora con comentarios, cuna musical y locutor, segmento musical, SINPO 45544.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

6100.53 Nov 15 0930- RUS: R. Rossii, Kyzyl.
(Mauno Ritola, Turku, Finland - CumbreDX 1735, 15/11/2006)

7105 Voice of Russia (via ?); 2026-2059:48*, 15-Nov; VoRWS
IDs; news/cmtry to 2032, then smooth jazz pgm. All in EE. Chimes IS
s/off. SIO=322, USB helps w/down-freq ute QRM. Belarus hrd here 28-Oct.
(Harold Frodge, usa - CumbreDX 1736, 15/11/2006)

6100 Kyzyl Radio (presumed) 1250-1255. Talk in Russian by man
and woman. Per schedule, Radio Rossii programming. Moderate signal.
SINPO 33333. (Jim Evans, TN, Nov 15 - CumbreDX 1736, 15/11/2006)

6095, Voice of Russia, Irkutsk, 1025-1040 Noted a woman in =
Korean language(pres) comments with Russian language songs presented. =
Signal was fair until about 1038 when it started to fade. Normally I =
hear Radio New Zealand on this freq at this time. (Chuck Bolland, November 18, 2006 - CumbreDX 1738, 18/11/2006)

5960, R. Tikhiy Okean (Pacific Ocean), Nov 19, 0951-1000*, //
7330; they have returned to their former frequencies; ex 9765 & 12065; many
IDs for ``Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean`` and “Radio Vladivostok”, often gives
phone numbers, usual Russian programming; 5960 strong, 7330 fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Etón E5 - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

RRI, 15105, Nov 16 at 1342 in English under continuous extraneous
noise from own transmitter. This has been going on for a long time, and it`s
beyond me why they don`t fix it or turn it off, get a relay on some transmitter
that works properly. Worse, B-B-C chimes were just starting up co-channel
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Сан Томе
4960 VOA 0443-0458. Two men in English with political
discussion regarding Iraq and the Democratic Party. 0455 Editorial
regarding human rights abuse in Zimbabwe. 0458 ID and schedule by man.
Good signal, SINPO 34333. (Jim Evans, TN, Nov 18 - CumbreDX 1738, 17/11/2006)

3199.98 TWR Swaziland, Manzini 1935 Pop mx with EE talk by man and woman.
TWR ann. and add. Info. Fair (Nobuo Takeno, Japan, Nov 11 - CumbreDX 1738, 18/11/2006)

9330 Radio Damasco, 22:48-22:55, escuchada el 14 de Noviembre en espanol a locutora con reportaje, se aprecia buena senal pero con un nivel de audio muy

bajo, emitiendo en paralelo por 12085, SINPO 33343 (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

С. Корея
3320 PBS, Pyongyang, 0902+, November 12, Korean,
news by male, 25342 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

Preacher on 8765, Nov 16 at 1317, perfectly readable, except with
some ute carrier cutting on and off every few seconds on the low side. Did not
stay for ID, but from previous experience this is WNQM 1300 Nashville, mixing
product with super-strong WWCR at the same site on 7465. I could barely hear
the WWCR audio underneath on 8765. Seems to me there is some maritime station
on 8765, but apparently they have not complained (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Нашёл в расписании WYFR передачу на польском языке: 18.00-19.00- 5820кГц, а
также на турецком 17.00-19.00- 9225 кГц. Раньше по моему этих передач не
было. Есть в программке также расписания на nepali, urdu, punjabi, gujarati,
bengali и других экзотических языках. (Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 19/11/2006)

Были, см. http://www.wrth.com/files/WRTHMay06.pdf , стр. 59:
Polish 1800-1900 5810sam
Turkish 1600-1800 9925jul
(Мауно Ритола, Турку, Финляндия - open_dx 19/11/2006)

Nov 15 at 1615 I noticed hets of the same pitch, about 1 kHz on RCI
9515 and WWRB 9385. Hmmm, what`s halfway in between? WEWN, which opens 9450 at
1600, and had not noticed the het before 1600 on 9515. The one on 9515,
however, came and went, while the one on Brother Scare stayed on 9384. Tried to
match audio with 9450, but as usual there was so much cross talk transmitted
along with BS that I could not pick it out if there was any. But I do suspect
WEWN of putting out spurs at plus and minus 66 kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15/11/2006)

9265 WMLK Bethel PA (p); 2004, 15-Nov; S25 sig but barely
audible. Either major xmtr/feed problem or Bro. Jacob and the mic
are at opposite ends of the hall. (Harold Frodge, MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1736, 15/11/2006)

4990 Radio Apintie (p), Paramaribo, 0915+, November 12, Vernacular,
talk by female =BFsranan tongo; papaiamento?, local music, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

4635 Tajik Radio, Yangi Yul, 2123+, November 11, Vernacular,
announcement by female, local songs, talk by male, 35433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

Тибет (Китай)
6200 Xizang PBS (presumed) 1243-1245. Talk in presumed Tibetan by
woman. No ID heard. Poor, threshold level signal. (Jim Evans, TN, Nov 15 - CumbreDX 1736, 15/11/2006)

Another Thursday morning, another try at Live from Turkey on VOT.
Tuned in at 1330 Nov 16 and once again found 11735 beamed eastward providing a
stronger, steadier signal than // 12035 beamed northwestward toward us. But
there was WYFR in French on 11740. From 1350, LfT, with studio guest talking
about Israel vs Palestine; 1406 musical break, 1410 gave phone number, but
signal deteriorating on both frequencies, could not really copy 16% of what was
being said, so gave up. No David Crystal, whose voice would have enhanced
readability, in contrast to the mumblers at the mikes.

Also checked the VOT Turkish frequency, 15350, at 1345: big carrier, but barely
modulated in Turkish talk and music. WYFR was just closing on 15355, to return
at 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

9925 Radio Ukraine Int., 10:20-10:30, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en ucraniano con programa de musica pop y folklorica local, locutor con comentarios,

SINPO 35343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Nov 16 at 1448, Cuban music on 11675 --- could it be Cuba? Not so
strong, but then lyrix mentioned Puerto Rico instead; 1453 very brief
announcement, language unknown, into African hilife music. Quickly found //
13690. The only match for these in HFCC is RFI`s Pashto service at 1430-1530 on
both via Issoudun. However both went off abruptly at 1500* without
announcement. No, the B-06 RFI schedule shows these very two frequencies are in
Persian at 1430-1500 only:
And no Pashto service is even mentioned on SW.

BTW, this same grid is the one which does show the English frequency 5920 at
1400-1500, under Near/Middle East/Asia, which I missed before in DXLD 6-170.
Also, I misspoke at the beginning of World of Radio 1336, saying the RFI
broadcasts at 16, 18 and 21 on 17630 via Guiana French are in French; should be
Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Французская Гайана
NHK Warido in Portuguese news via Montsinéry, Nov 19 at 0232,
with a strange defect. The modulation kept dropping out a few times per second
but irregularly, and the carrier level was also dropping as observable on
S-meter, but never going completely off. Unlistenable until this cleared up a
couple minutes later (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

6165 Rdf Nationale (t); 2140-2215+, 14-Nov; M w/Afro tunes to
2200, then M&W w/news & cmtry--several mentions of N'Djamena. All in
FF. QRM (p)Croatia; u/QRM before 2200, = QRM 2200-2209 then o/QRM
(Harold Frodge, Usa - CumbreDX 1736, 15/11/2006)

6165 R N'Djamena 2033 in FR Very serious talk between YL and
OM. Break for YL w/ stn id. Into afro pop. Slop from Croation
Radio: poor - fair. (Prez 11/18 - CumbreDX 1739, 18/11/2006)

5930 kHz, Radio Praga, 11-11-06, 0010-0025 UTC. Noticias, programa a toda marcha y programa contacto, en espanol, SINPO 43333.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen, Alicante, Spain - Frecuencia DX 305, 14/11/2006)

9335 Radio Farda; 2009-2013, 15-Nov; W anmts; peppy tune;
M ID @2013; all in LL. Accent on the da in Farda. Way too upbeat to
be mistaken for North Korea. SIO=433 (Harold Frodge, usa - CumbreDX 1736, 15/11/2006)

On Saint Andrew's Day (Thursday, 30th November) we'll be broadcasting
a live Ceilidh from the tiny Island of Lismore, tucked away between
Oban and Mull in the Inner Hebrides. Most of the population of 120
will be in the Community Hall to take part in the proceedings, with
Glasgow-based country dance band The Rusty Nails providing the music,
along with the Lismore School Choir and soloists from the local
community including Mary MacDougall. If you'd like to come along,
tickets will be on sale on the door from about 8.30pm - ?5 admission,
with all of the proceeds being divided between the British Lung
Foundation Special Nurses Fund and the Lismore Community Hall. As well
as the web feeds, we are aiming to include a live shortwave feed of
this programme on 5,775kHz (still to be confirmed), the broadcast will
also be carried live on 945kHz (317m) Medium Wave in Latvia, and
locally by Nevis FM on 102.3 MHz(Skye & Mallaig), 102.4 MHz(Loch
Leven), 96.6 MHz(Fort William), and 97.0 MHz(Glencoe; and Cuillin FM
serving Portree on Sky on 106.2MHz. It's on air at 21:00GMT on
November 30th with repeats at 00:00 (via satellite and FM Slovakia)
and 06:00 (via FM in New Zealand). (Mike Barraclough, UK via Radio Six International Website, thanks to Media Network - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

4918.98 R. Quito 0109-0136 Nov 16. Sports talk show with
telephone conversations; news headlines at 0129, followed by a couple of
ads, I think; back to deportes at 0133. Fair signal on the 4-foot indoor
loop antenna, which, although the signal is weaker than the outside
antenna, yields a better signal-to-noise ratio than the external random
wire, which picks up a lot of noise. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1737, 16/11/2006)

4919, Radio Quito, La Voz de la Capital,
0522-0548, 15-11. Canciones rom?nticas
latinoamericanas, identificaci?n por locutor a
las 0530 "Radio Quito". Durante el tiempo de
escucha, hubo varios cortes en la transmisi?n, y
por momentos se incrementaba la potencia, parece
como si tuvieran problemas con el transmisor o lo
estuviesen probando. 24222 variando a 14321.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15/11/2006)

Quick check of 60m, Nov 19 at 0208 found music on 4919, presumably
R. Quito, on its distinctive frequency. Are they on every night, but not 24h
now? (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005 R. Nacional (Bata) 0502-0525. Anthem followed by
man with announcements in what appeared to be Spanish. West African pop
music in Vernacular. Good signal at start (SINPO 33333) with usual low
side interference, strength declining at 0525. (Jim Evans, TN, Nov 18 - CumbreDX 1738, 17/11/2006)

7165,13 kHz Radio Ethiopia um 1600 UTC in Englisch mit "This is the
External Service of Radio Ethiopia", Schlagzeilen und Popmx. 33443
(Patrick Robic, Leibnitz, Austria - A-DX 18/11/2006)

Южная Африка
3230 Family R, Meyerton 1945 Religious talk, Q&A px. 1917 ID and add info.
Fair (Takeno Nov 11)
3345 Channel Africa, Meyerton 2000 ID by man followed by Nx in EE. QRM from
RRI Ternate co-channel. (Nobuo Takeno, Japan, Nov 11 - CumbreDX 1738, 18/11/2006)

V. of Biafra Int 7380 kHz 2138–2159* November 18, 2006.
Program in English. Long talk by African accented male on the virtues
of Biafra. Different male announcer closed the broadcast with "This
has been V. of Biafra Int. broadcast coming to you from Washington, DC
transmitting on 7380 kHz frequency in the 41 meterband." SIO 343 with
digital comms on 7380. (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, VA - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

Ю. Корея
6015, Korean Broadcasting System, (pres) 1105-1140 Noted comments by a man and woman. Between 1125 and 1130, a large production, music selection was

presented. It could have been the NA. At 1137, more music sung in Korean. Signal was poor to disappearing, but at 1138 it began to improve slightly.
(Chuck Bolland, November 14, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 15, 14/11/2006)


252 kHz, Radio Algeri Internacional, 10-11-06, 2354-2358 UTC. Musica y comentarios, en frances, SINPO 55454
(Javier Robledillo Jaen - Elche (Alicante), Espana - Frecuencia DX 305, 14/11/2006)

DATE: 17-11-2006
TIME: 18.30 - 18.45 UTC
NO ID. OF PROGRAM. (Francesco, Italy - hard-core-dx 47, 18, 17/11/2006)

183 kHz, Radio Europe 1 Saarland, 10-11-06, 2350-2353 UTC. Musica con comentarios de locutora, en frances, SINPO 55454.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen - Elche (Alicante), Espana - Frecuencia DX 305, 14/11/2006)

171 kHz, Radio Mediterranee Medi 1, 10-11-06, 2346-2349 UTC. Musica, en arabe, SINPO 55353.
(Javier Robledillo Jaen - Elche (Alicante), Espana - Frecuencia DX 305, 14/11/2006)

Many reports from the US on newsgroups about cross Atlantic reception, especially 153, 162, 171, 180, and 189 kHz.
(Mike Terry, UK - dxldyg 1073, 14/11/2006)

В связи с этим интересно, что стало с передачами на 1458 из КудЫмкара.
Что-то я давно на них не натыкался.
А вот передачи на коми-пермяцком из Перми на 585/1458 слышал, чего
раньше не было. Точнее было, но в стародавние времена.

Ижевск на 594 давно не слышал, только РРоссии.

Пермь вечером работает 2 часа 12-14 utc на 585/1458
Омск аналогично на 639.
Екатеринбург 279, Тюмень 225/1485, Челябинск 738 - с 13.
В первые 10 минут могут идти новости РРоссии.
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 18/11/2006)

1250 WEAE Pittsburgh PA. ESPN sports news W 00:03 17/11 JF
1370 WDEA Ellsworth ME. "WDEA" ID heard in splatter W 2352 16/11 JF

Poor conditions overnight and I only managed to drag the above out of the splash.

I recorded 1290 overnight as there was an English talker on 1290 at midnight but it didn't last long
and was overtaken by a Spanish station with sports commentary which dominated for the rest of the

Midnight was the better period, sunrise being a wash-out. There was a slight improvement by 09:00
when some of the east coast powerhouses started to lift up. All this with quiet conditions! Roll
on December. (John Faulkner, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire - skywavesmw 149, 17/11/2006)

November 19, 2006 MW DX Test 0700-0802 UT 580 kHz
hearing Art Bell show. Ads for "Charleston Personal Ads" WCHS?, 680
Art Bell show, 750 WSB Atlanta, GA, 930 Art Bell show, 1290 WNBF News
Radio Binghamton, NY with Art Bell show, 1310 WDCT Fairfax, VA.
Unfortunately, Montana DX test was not received here. (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, VA - dxldyg 1079, 19/11/2006)

90,7 РСН
101,3 Маяк / Моя Казань

105,5 Регион FM

107,5 Маяк

99,0 Love Радио

102,2 Серебряный дождь с 16 окт

91,0 В.А. вновь с 16 окт

101,2 Ретро FM

88,0 NRJ

102,3 Ретро FM

103,1 Радио Сибирь

101,1 Радио Брест

99,3 Канал Культура с 1 октября

71,78 ОРР

103,8 Love Радио с 13 ноября
причем на 107,6 работает оно же

102,1 Русское радио с 10 ноября

106,1 Милицейская волна с 29 октября (ООО Алсет)
по области идёт то же, поменяли партнеров ещё раньше:
Александровское 70,22
Бакчар 72,77
Белый Яр 69,08
Зырянское 70,10
Каргасок 69,80
Кожевниково 67,79
Колпашево 67,79
Кривошеино 69,17
Молчаново 70,28
Парабель 67,64
Стрежевой 69,80
Тегульдет 66,92
(Андрей Непомнящих)

Naxcivanin Sesi т.е. Голос Нахичеваня
Нахичевань 100,6
районы Бабек, Шарур, Шахбуз, Садарак 106,0
районы Ордубад, Джульфа 106,0
Садарак 96,0

на сайт добавлены Оренбургская, Ярославская и Курганская области
также много где добавлены и обновлены координаты и места установки передатчиков.

новые сайты РТРС

картинки покрытия ТВ и радио Моя Удмуртия

зоны вещания государственных ТВ каналов Белоруссии
с кружочками

Бишкек (АКИpress) - Радио Би-Би-Си совместно с Государственной телерадиокомпанией
(ГТРК) Кыргызстана открывают новый третий канал на Fm частоте. Об этом 31 октября
на пресс-конференции в Бишкеке сообщил руководитель службы Би-Би-Си в Центральной
Азии и Кавказе Халид Исмаилов.

Как сообщил Х.Исмаилов, Lоткрывается новый третий канал на Fm частоте, который
будет совершенно новым по своему формату и качеству¦.

LВ рамках данного проекта будет действовать шесть FM-станций, три из которых
уже вещают в городах: Бишкек, Баткен и Кербен. Следующие три в городах Каракол,
Талас и Нарын. Вещание проходит на кыргызком, русском и в ферганской долине -
узбекском языках¦, - сказал Х.Исмайлов.

LПроект осуществляется совместными усилиями Би-Би-Си и ГТРК. Все расходы были
поделены. Со стороны Би-Би-Си осуществляется техническое обеспечение: техническое
оборудование, станции, передатчики, антенны. ГТРК проводит возведение радиомачт,
устанавливает станции в горах. Стоимость проекта более 600 тыс. фунтов [около
45 млн. сомов]¦, - рассказала Координатор по менеджменту Би-Би-Си Тамара Уолш.

множество фотографий башен, вышек, различных антенн, тарелок и т.д.
в частности поворотная антенна КВ радиосвязи

советские телебашни со спутника

В ближайшие полгода-год компания LВиват-медиа¦ намерена начать вещание новой
радиостанции в нескольких городах Пермского края.
Директор ООО LВиват-Медиа¦ Сергей Кочетков сообщил Lbc¦ о том, что в данный
момент его структура, аффилированная известному пермскому ритейлеру LВиват¦,
готовится к запуску нового проекта на региональном радиорынке. Освоение краевого
эфира LВиват-Медиа¦ собирается начать с Березников и Соликамска, позже ? в Перми,
а в перспективе ? в Кунгуре и Чайковском. LПо документам Областного радиотелевизионного
передающего центра, которые у нас есть, в Березниках может быть занята частота
101,8 МГц, а в Перми ? 98,4¦, ? сообщил изданию г-н Кочетков, оговорившись, что
возможны изменения.
подробно: http://www.business-class.su/economics/details/?id=2862

В конце октября местные ретрансляторы отключили Эхо Москвы в Бишкеке.

С 10 ноября Эхо Москвы не работает в Екатеринбурге.
"Соответствующие службы потребовали переоформить лицензию, а до этого -
прекратить трансляцию Эха Москвы под угрозой отмены лицензии вообще."
Сейчас пытаются срочно переоформить.

На 14 сентября 2006 года в Республике Саха(Я) введено в тестовом
режиме 76 РВ передатчиков УКВ FM диапазона для эфирного вещания
программ радио НВК LСаха¦.
За август-сентябрь 2006 г. радиовещание установлено в населенных пунктах:
¦ Улус Пункт Передатчик Мощность, Вт
1 Абыйский Белая Гора Иней-100 100
2 Алданский Томмот Иней-100 100
3 Жиганский Кыстатыам Иней-30 30
4 Кобяйский Сангар Иней-1000 1000
5 Мирнинский Удачный Иней-100 100
6 Нерюнгринский Нерюнгри Иней-1000 1000
7 Нюрбинский Маар Иней-100 100
8 Нюрбинский Чукар Иней-30 30
9 Оймяконский Артык Иней-30 30
10 Оймяконский Усть-Нера Иней-100 100
11 Таттинский Ытык-Кюель Иней-500 500
12 Хангаласский Улахан-Ан Иней-30 30
13 Хангаласский Покровск Иней-250 250
14 Хангаласский Тит-Ары Иней-100 100
15 Усть-Янский Депутатский Иней-100 100
16 Чурапчинский Чурапча Иней-1000 1000

Мегино-Кангаласский улус
Радиовещательные станции FM-диапазона Радио НВК LСаха¦ будут установлены
в период с 2006 по 2007 год.
В 2006 году в н.п. Майя, Бютейдях, Телиги, Даркылах.
В 2007 году в н.п. Бырама, Елечей, Табага.

Есть все основания предполагать, что следующем году в Улан-Удэ начнет свою
работу FM-радиостанция на бурятском языке.

Идея родилась в мае на втором республиканском фестивале прессы, который
проходил на Аршане в Тункинском районе. На форумах подобного рода озвучивается
много далеких от жизни проектов, но замысел создания такой радиостанции
спустя полгода неожиданно стал достаточно реальным.
По крайней мере, в коридорах Министерства культуры над FM радиостанцией на
бурятском языке работают вплотную. Сейчас готовится пакет документов для
Федеральной службы по надзору за соблюдением законодательства в сфере массовых
коммуникаций в Москву. Составляется бизнес-план.
Планируется, что радиостанция будет негосударственной. Правительство республики
будет принимать участие в финансировании проекта в форме госзаказа на изготовление
и вещания программ. В частности, планируется выпуск культурных, обучающих
передач на бурятском языке.
Представители Минкульта отказались назвать даже возможных учредителей
радиостанции, пояснив, что идет сложный процесс переговоров. Но отметили:
переговоры проводятся практически со всеми крупными электронными СМИ
республики. Как стало известно "Номер один", приблизительная стоимость
проекта составляет не менее 3,5 миллионов рублей.
Судя по всему, извлечь выгоду для бизнесменов в таком рода проекте вряд
ли возможно. Скорее всего, речь идет о пресловутой социальной ответственности
бизнеса перед обществом.
В мае следующего года в Москве состоится конкурс на радиочастоту в нашем
регионе. Вероятно, учредители попытаются его выиграть, тем более, что
поддержка со стороны правительства Бурятии будет обеспечена.
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 16/11/2006)

Only one at RDS level since the tropo and that was earlier on this evening:

17:39 99.80 F201 __INTER_ Metz F
(William Kitching, Telford, Shropshire. U.K - skywaves 2144, 14/11/2006)

Just the one for the 15th
87.70 15:39:00 2006-11-15 S SR P1 Halmstad/Oskarström
Unattended rx E201 SR_P1 (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2145, 15/11/2006)
Неофициальное вещание

11530 Dengue Mesopotamia, 10:30-10:40, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en idioma kurdo con emision de musica pop y folklorica local, locutor, SINPO 45343.
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

6245 Radio Zamaneh, 20:15-20:25, escuchada el 16 de Noviembre en farsi a locutor con comentarios y musica pop local, Locutora con cuna de identificacion, por

momentos se aprecia una ligera interferencia de VOIRI via Lituania en 6250. SINPO 44544. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

Вчера 17.30-18.30 UTC у меня не было электричества.
Воспользовался этим, и вот что удалось принять:

2941 Петербург Метео
3705 Радиолюбитель Владимир РН3ГА из Липецка.
4780 Песня (вроде, Индия)
4810 Голос Армении
4860 Всеиндийское Радио
4940 Всеиндийское Радио

В идентификации помог "Тропический обзор" Владимира

После включения электричества появились сильнейшие шумы
(как обычно) и была слышна лишь часть этих радиостанций на
1 балл. (Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 17/11/2006)

Забыл упомянуть также Туркменское Радио на 5015 кГц-шло
очень хорошо, но с плохой модуляцией. Впервые слышу
Туркмению.(Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 18/11/2006)

Сегодня, 19 ноября, съездили с Алексеем Кулинченко в очередную
мини-DX-педицию к нему на дачу. В этом году выезд затянулся по разным
причинам, поэтому экстрима оказалось немного побольше: снег кругом и минус
12 градусов за бортом (и в помещении почти столько же поначалу, пока Алексей
не накидал в печку дровишек).

Аппаратный экстрим тоже был. Внешний разъем питания, через который мы обычно
питали мой Sangean-909 от солидной 6-вольтовой аккумуляторной батареи, сдох
от старости на глазах. Купленные вчера на базаре батарейки оказались не
"Panasonic", а "Panosanic" (велик могучий китайский языка), и умерли через
30 минут. Пришлось задействовать в качестве основного Rx-a Degen DE-1103.
Просто так переставить его свежезаряженные аккумуляторы в Sangean я не
решился. Не хотелось оставлять Degen вообще без питания, да еще при низких
температурах. А также еще неизвестно, как повел бы себя Sangean при
аккумуляторном напряжении, которое составило бы всего 4,8 В (вместо 6 В от

Degen с задачей в основном справился. Но, поскольку у него с
избирательностью по соседнему каналу не ахти, приходилось все время ставить
узкую полосу. Поэтому аудиоклипы получились с чересчур глухим звучанием.

Средние волны на этот раз не слушали совсем. Пропустили, похоже, проход,
пока изучали 90, 75 и 60 м в сумерках и после них. После 13.20 UTC на СВ уже
ничего особенного не было - Азия затухала, зато крепчали обычные Иран с

Вот самое интересное (полный отчет и аудиозаписи будут позже).

6165, 08.04, Р.Японии на русском, новости, 33422. На фоне что-то типа
Хорватии, но слабее.

5860, 08.53, WHRI (США), проповеди на английском, сигнал средней силы.

~5947, 09.00, цифровая шифрограмма на испанском языке, с периодическими
объявлениями "Atencion!" (Внимание!). Режим АМ, 25332. Говорят, что такими
выходами в эфир грешат кубинцы.

6110, 09.19, Р.Кашмир, 23111, к 09.30 общее качество поднялось до 2 баллов.
Достаточно четкое "Е Редио Кашмир" в 09.29. Но с 09.25 на частоте завис
мешающий тональный сигнал -- возможно, от биения несущих с Голосом
Азербайджана, у которого частота где-то ближе к 6111.

15295, 10.23, Голос Малайзии, песни и окончание передачи на малайском.
44443. Песни вроде нормально звучали, а диктор как будто сидел в подвале. В
10.30 переключение на китайский язык.

7540, 10.38, WEWN на испанском. Разговоры, ID "Radio Catolica Mundial".

5070, 11.47, предположительно WWCR. Проповедь хрипловатым голосом. Слабо.

5050, 11.51, Guangxi FBS, 24322. Песни, объявления на вьетнамском, а в 12.00
зафиксирован переход на кантонский диалект. В прошлом году слышали станцию
на параллельной 9820 кГц, а здесь, на 5050 -- впервые.

4895, 12.33, Монгольское Радио -- с ретрансляцией Голоса России??? SINPO
54444. Сначала новости на монгольском, где называлось достаточно много
русских фамилий, потом русская песня, а потом ID, в котором слышалось
"Москва...". Не параллельно 7260 кГц! Однако, сам Голос России вещает на
монгольском позже, в 13.00-14.00.

4750, 12.54, Р.Бангладеш (внутреннее вещание), разговоры и музыка. 44333.

3900, 13.08, Р.Хулун-Буир (Китай, пров. Внутренняя Монголия), на китайском,
разговоры женским голосом. 35232.

3955, 13.11, Р.России, новая частота из Улан-Удэ. Но местных программ в это
время не было. Помеха от НР Синьцзяна с 3950 кГц. 33443.

4740, 13.55, станция с национальной музыкой и краткими объявлениями; в
13.59, сказав после музыки 2-3 слова, отключилась. WRTH-06 и DBS-8
подсказывают, что это могло быть R.Son La из Вьетнама (1 кВт). Время
отключения как раз совпадает. Экзотика, но чем черт не шутит? 24332.

4835, 14.19, предположительно Пакистан, но язык так разобрать и не смогли.
Песни, разговоры. 32332. Слабый сигнал зажат между двумя более мощными:
Монголия на 4830, Индия на 4840.

4780, 14.29, Р.Джибути, 44333. Музыка, а с 14.30 новости на языке, который
показался нам арабским.

Полный отчет со временем появится на http://dxsignal.info.
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 19/11/2006)

Right now, I'm hearing an awful jamming right on 9580 kHz, although it is
harming quite severly the 9575 and the 9585 kHz channels too, although to a
somewhat lesser degree. It has an industrial sound to it, like an airplane
and it is VERY bothering. The content of the Gabon's international voice,
Africa Numero Un (the mid and late afternoon's 9580 kHz usual occupant) is
not only more or less inaudible, but ALMOST indetectable, unless I pay an
incredible amount of attention. A lesser, but still VERY annoying amount of
QRM can be feeled on 9575 kHz against Morocco's Medi Un (Radio Mediterranee
Internationale) and against an unID signal on 9585 kHz. Very strange !

Buona serra !

Oggi, 2055 UTC, uno fortis segnali es cataclismo per Africa Numero Un sobri
9580 kHz.

Guten Abend !

Heulte (2055 UTC), eine sehr hasslich Signal mahen ist Africa Numero Un
(9580 kHz -> Gabon) miserabel. QRM fur Medi Un (9575 kHz -> Marokan) und
9585 kHz (eine ganz miserabel signal) ist ganz important auch.
(Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - CumbreDX 1735, 14/11/2006)

Moin zusammen!
Zwischen 1125 und 1140 konnte ich auf folgenden Frequenzen Piraten in
ordentlicher Qualitat (mindestens O=2-3) empfangen:
6205kHz Radio Borderhunter
6210kHz der obige, Frequenzwechsel
6220kHz Mystery Radio
6265kHz in Radebeul nicht zu horen
6280kHz <- besonders gut O=4+ Radio Spaceman
6300kHz Radio Lowland
6325kHz Radio Saturnus
(Felix Lechte, Germany - A-DX 19/11/2006)

6270 hat ubrigens wieder abgeschaltet. Es kam nur Nonstop-Musik, keine ID.
Caroline war das aber nicht, soviel kann man anhand der Musik sagen
(Markus Weidner, Biebergemund, Germany - A-DX, 19/11/2006)

Согласно присланному расписанию KNLS на русском языке с 29 октября 06 по 31
марта 07 вещает:
09.00-10.00, 11.00-12.00, 15.00-16.00, 16.00-17.00, 17.00-18.00 UTC на
частоте 6150 кГц. (Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 18/11/2006)

Даже если и вещает, всё равно уже, по крайней мере, 2-й сезон подряд в 0900 и 1100
русских передач не слышно. Так же, как и сейчас, на 6150 и других частотах станции
русских передач не наблюдается. (Игорь Ашихмин, Приморье, Россия - open_dx 18/11/2006)

Согласно расписанию станции передатчик # 1 работает так:
08.00-09.00- 7355 английский
09.00-10.00- 7355 китайский
10.00-11.00- 7355 китайский
11.00-12.00- 7355 китайский
12.00-13.00- 6915 английский
13.00-14.00- 7355 китайский
14.00-15.00- 7355 китайский
15.00-16.00- 7355 китайский
16.00-17.00- 6915 китайский
17.00-18.00- 6915 китайский
Согласно расписанию станции передатчик # 2 должен был работать так:
08.00-13.00- 6150 английский и русский
13.00-14.00- 6890 китайский
14.00-18.00- 6150 английский и русский
Ещё интересно откуда у них взялась частота 6915. В прошлом сезоне была 9615,
видимо по пьянке перепутали 6 и 9, и получилось всё наоборот.
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 19/11/2006)

В 1400 китайская на 7355 была, продолжается и сейчас после 1500.
На 6150 не было ни английской в 1400-1500, нет и русской в данный момент.

Так что ж, какие выводы будут? :-)
Либо передатчик номер два не работает вовсе, либо если и работает, то приёма в
зоне вещания по какой-либо причине не обеспечивает...

> Ещё интересно откуда у них взялась частота 6915. В прошлом сезоне была 9615,
> видимо по пьянке перепутали 6 и 9, и получилось всё через ж... ( наоборот ).
> Дмитрий, Рязань.

Да нет - похоже, ошибки нет.
А это, по всей видимости, новый, с позволения сказать - вещательный "диапазон"
вроде относительно не так давно появившегося 15 м (18900-19020 кГц).
Или - NIB (т.е. - разрешённый, может быть, для вещания на вторичной основе с
приоритетом служебных станций - в том случае, если вещательная будет им здесь
создавать помехи).
Хотя вообще-то какой-то странный NIB: ибо между ним и диапазоном 41 м. лежит
любительский 7000-7100 кГц! :-))

Ещё лет 12-13 назад шла речь о турецких метеорологах, транслирующих, кажется,
на ровно 6900 (если не ошибаюсь) свои сводки погоды вперемешку с музыкой.
А сейчас на этом участке слышен "Дракон". Который без глушимой им какой-нибудь
из соответственно "подрывных" станций и не работает!
(Игорь Ашихмин, Приморье, Россия - open_dx 19/11/2006)

сегодня (19/11) принял передачи KNLS:

1100-1158 7355 китайский 55444
1200+ 6915 английский 55444

Это, надо полагать - передатчик # 1?
Как только выключился незадолго до 1200, тут же включился на 6915.
7355 с 1200 свободна. 7365 - свободна так же была и в 1100-1200.
На 6150 Тайвань (под китайским глушением?).

Русской передачей (а так же, по-видимому - и передатчиком # 2, как
говорят в России) - и не пахнет! (Игорь Ашихмин, Приморье, Россия - open_dx 19/11/2006)

RAE B-06
1800-1900 Ingl?s Europa 9690-15345
(Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 17, 16/11/2006)

Winter B-06 schedule of Vatican Radio:
1330-1400 on 6110*SAM 250 kW / 058 deg in Russian
* co-ch Brother Stair TOM + Voice of Azerbaijan in Azeri on 6110.8
(DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Nov 16 via DXLD)

Additional frequency for BBC English WS:
0600-0700 on 9440 WOF 250 kW / 070 deg Mon-Sat
[but at 0500-0600 9440 is via Samara, RUSSIA; see below]
(DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Nov 16 via DXLD)

Additional frequencies for BBC via CIS transmitters, with
azimuths after / :
0445-0600 on 9915 ARM 250 kW / 147, ex CYP 300 kW / 101 Mon-Sat
0445-0700 on 13660 ARM 200 kW / 173, ex CYP 300 kW / 101
0600-0700 on 15180 SAM 250 kW / 188, ex CYP 250 kW / 165 Mon-Sat
0600-1300 on 11820 SMF 250 kW / 131, ex CYP 300 kW / 101
0800-0900 on 15180 SAM 250 kW / 188, ex CYP 250 kW / 165 Mon-Sat
0900-1300 on 13660 ARM 200 kW / 173, ex CYP 300 kW / 101
0900-1500 on 15555 ARM 500 kW / 188, ex CYP 250 kW / 165
1300-1500 on 6030 ARM 200 kW / 132, ex CYP 300 kW / 077
1500-1700 on 7495 DB 100 kW / 240, new additional frequency
1700-2100 on 7510 DB 100 kW / 240, new additional frequency
1700-2100 on 9400*ARM 250 kW / 188, new additional frequency
* co-ch R. Prague English/Czech 18-19 and R.Bulgaria Bulgarian 1900-

Bengali from Oct. 5 till Dec. 31
1330-1430 on 9435 ARM 300 kW / 110, new additional txion on Sun only
1330-1430 on 12090 ARM 200 kW / 104, new additional txion on Sun only

English WS
0500-0600 on 9440 SAM 250 kW / 320, new additional frequency
[but 9440 at 0600-0700 is Woofferton, see above]
0500-0700 on 12095 ARM 200 kW / 327, ex CYP 300 kW / 328 Mon-Sat
1300-1400 on 11760 S.P 400 kW / 147, ex SLA 250 kW / 320

0330-0430 on 6165 ARM 200 kW / 132, ex CYP 250 kW / 101

1300-1330 on 11730 MSK 250 kW / 117, ex CYP 250 kW / 050
(DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Nov 16 via DXLD)

A new frequency for the Caribbean was announced on the broadcast of Nov 14
at 2259z.
Due to QRM on 9660, the BBC will move to new 9480kHz from 2100 to 2300utc
beginning Nov.20.

This will include DX PROGRAM LIST
Sunday 2241-2300 BBC: OVER TO YOU. Caribbean 5975 (add 9480)
(Wells Perkins, NJ, Usa - CumbreDX 1735, 14/11/2006)

BVBN - Голос Библии B06:
6.015 Khz; 49 meter band; 100 Kw; Juelich
Day Time Language
Sunday 1900-1930 English
1930-2000 Russian
2000-2030 English
Monday 1915-1930 Russian
Tuesday 1915-1930 Russian
Wednesday 1915-1930 Russian
Thursday 1915-1945 Russian
Friday 1915-1930 Russian
Saturday 1900-1930 English
1930-1945 Russian Music
1945-2015 English
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 18/11/2006)

Confirmed frequencies for RNW election
coverage in Dutch on 22 November

On Wednesday 22 November, the Dutch go to the polls in a general
election. For worldwide coverage in Dutch of the results, some
additional frequencies will be in use. The following frequencies have
been confirmed. Several others are under negotiation and will be
published when confirmation is received. Frequencies will be on the
air after the polls close as follows (all times UTC):

2000-2400 on 1314 kHz to Northwest Europe
2100-2200 on 7120 kHz to Central Africa
2100-2200 on 11655 kHz to West Africa
2100-2200 on 15315 kHz to Surinam & NE Brazil
2100-2200 on 17810 kHz to West Africa
2100-2200 on 17895 kHz to South America (south)
2100-2300 on 6040 kHz to West and Southwest Europe
2100-2300 on 9895 kHz to Central and Northwest Africa
2200-2300 on 15315 kHz to South America (south)
2200-2300 on 11730 kHz to Canary Islands / North Africa
2300-2400 on 6165 kHz to North America (east)
2300-2400 on 9525 kHz to Caribbean / South America (north)

We draw the attention of listeners in Europe to the transmission on
mediumwave 1314 kHz from the 1200 kW transmitter in Norway which has
been withdrawn from regular service. Full details of transmitter sites
will be published when the list is complete (November 15th, 2006, 15:18 UTC by Andy, Media Network blog via DXLD)

Winter B-06 schedule of DMR Radio Pridnestrovye:
1700-1720 on 6235 KCH 500 kW / 265 deg in English Mon-Thu
1700-1740 on 6235 KCH 500 kW / 265 deg in English Fri
1720-1740 on 6235 KCH 500 kW / 265 deg in French Tue/Thu
1720-1740 on 6235 KCH 500 kW / 265 deg in German Mon/Wed
(DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Nov 16 via DXLD)

Winter B-06 schedule for Radio Rossii in Russian:
0500-0800 on 9840 MSK 250 kW / 260 deg to WeEu
0825-1300 on 12075 MSK 250 kW / 260 deg to WeEu
1325-1600 on 7310 MSK 250 kW / 260 deg to WeEu, co-ch CNR-1 Chinese
1625-2200 on 5905#MSK 250 kW / 260 deg to WeEu
# co-ch RFI in Russian 1900-1957 and DW in Arabic from 2000
(DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Nov 16 via DXLD)

Winter B-06 schedule of WYFR Family Radio via RUS/CIS:
1800-1900 on 5820 TAC 200 kW / 311 deg in Polish
1400-1500 on 5900 SAM 250 kW / 140 deg in Gujarati
1500-1600 on 5900 SAM 250 kw / 117 deg in Punjabi
1900-2000 on 6000 MSK 250 kW / 240 deg in Italian
1200-1300 on 6005 K/A 250 kW / 213 deg in Korean
1300-1500 on 7100 NVS 250 kW / 180 deg in English
1500-1700 on 7100 NVS 250 kW / 180 deg in Hindi
1000-1100 on 7150 P.K 200 kW / 248 deg in Japanese
1100-1400 on 7165 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg in Chinese
1400-1500 on 7165 P.K 250 kW / 263 deg in English
1200-1300 on 7175 IRK 250 kW / 180 deg in Vietnamese
1300-1400 on 7175 IRK 250 kW / 180 deg in English
1400-1600 on 7175 ARM 300 kW / 110 deg in Urdu
1900-2000 on 7210 NVS 250 kW / 295 deg in Spanish
1900-2000 on 7240 SAM 250 kW / 284 deg in German
1900-2000 on 7300 ARM 250 kW / 290 deg in French
2000-2200 on 7300 ARM 250 kW / 290 deg in English
1400-1500 on 7340 IRK 250 kW / 224 deg in Nepali
1800-1900 on 7345 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg in English
1900-2000 on 7345 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg in Arabic
1700-1900 on 7435 A-A 200 kW / 312 deg in Russian
1400-1600 on 7505 TAC 200 kW / 131 deg in Bengali
1600-1700 on 7520 SMF 250 kW / 131 deg in Persian
1300-1400 on 7535 A-A 500 kW / 094 deg in Chinese
1400-1500 on 7535 A-A 500 kW / 094 deg in English
1300-1400 on 9310 A-A 200 kW / 132 deg in Burmese
0900-1100 on 9450 IRK 250 kW / 110 deg in English
1100-1200 on 9450 IRK 250 kW / 110 deg in Korean
1100-1300 on 12150 A-A 500 kW / 094 deg in Chinese
(DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Nov 16 via DXLD)

EWTN Global Catholic Radio
Shortwave Frequency Guide

Effective October 26 2006 - March 25, 2007

English, UTC

5810 00.00-05.00
7570 05.00-08.00
15785 16.00-20.00
17595 20.00-22.00
7560 22.00-00.00
(Herbert Meixner, Germany - A-DX, 19/11/2006)

RUSSIA, Winter B-06 schedule of Tatarstan Wave:
0510-0600 on 15105 SAM 150 kW / 065 deg in Tatar/Russian to FE
0710-0800 on 9860 SAM 250 kW / 060 deg in Tatar/Russian to RUS
0910-1000 on 11915 SAM 250 kW / 305 deg in Tatar/Russian to WeEu
(DX Mix News, Bulgaria, Nov 16 via DXLD)

since today the new RFI schedules are available as PDF files at

Tx sites are not included this time. However, they can be found in the HFCC list
(Eike Bierwirth, Mainz, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 16, 15/11/2006)

Frequency change for Radio Sweden Int. in Swedish from Nov. 5:
2100-2200 NF 5865 HBY 500 kW / 190 deg, ex 5840 to avoid RUI in German (DX Mix
News, Bulgaria, Nov 16 via DXLD)

01960 GB3SSS: Poldhu MF Beacon, Cornwall 1130 CW GB3SSS + PSK31 +
carrier pulses. Every 15 minutes. QSL gb3sss@yahoo.co.uk (15Nov06)

05063 : CIS Military 1439 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB In traffic.
(18Nov06) (MPJ)

05160.2 : Unid 1341 STANAG-4285/600L/USB Encrypted. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05195 DRA5: DARC Propagation Beacon 1350 CW Prop fcast for 17 Nov
followed by IDs. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05125.7 : Unid 1355 STANAG-4285/300L/USB Encrypted. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05343 MRA02: Unid UK Cadet Force Stations 1405 USB MRA02 C71B and
C72C in net. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05433 SAB: Globe Wireless Goteborg, Sweden 1409 GW-PACTOR Idling.
(18Nov06) (MPJ)

05450 RAF VOLMET: MSO Swanwick 1411 USB YL robot with weather
actuals. //11253. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05505 EIP: Shannon VOLMET 1413 USB OM prob robot with weather
actuals. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05665 : Unid Aberdonian Fishermen 1416 USB Illegal use. (18Nov06)

05785 : Unid French Navy/Military 1420 UNID/50/850 Encrypted.
Weak. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05848.2 : Unid 1431 STANAG-4285/600L/USB Encrypted. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05887.5 IMB2: Rome Meteo 1435 RTTY/50/850 SMSQ10 from LZIB AAAX
SYNOPs. QRM from broadcaster. (18Nov06) (MPJ - udxf 287, 18/11/2006)

20061117 0830 12965.0 USO Izmail Radio RTTY 50bd 170 Hz reverse UKR

PODA4A SUDHA 15-19.11.06
TEL/FAX 38-048-7384553/7384571
TEL 90-216-5419861 / FAX 90-216-5500977


TH K PETRU&EWSKIJ 83 29 17/11 0950=



IZMAIL 580 36 17/11 1620=



UUB-924 OWO/4011 IO 4M SAMO&IN
(Patrice Privat, France - udxf 287, 18/11/2006)

This is this afternoon's ship-log

frequency 16804.5 khz ; mode DSC
Decode Software : Skysweeper Pro

Antenna : Wellbrook Loop (turned to the Atlantic)

Self Identification : 215520000 Ship Malta VEMAOIL XXV 9HSA7 cit
Self Identification : 357670000 Ship Panama COLUMBIA HOBH
Self Identification : 309467000 Ship Bahamas JOEY C6NO9
Self Identification : 375288000 Ship Saint Vincent KITSA J8XJ3
Self Identification : 209500000 Ship Cyprus MILOS P3LE9 blk
Self Identification : 538090031 Ship Marshall Islands CSAV
Maresias V7CX6
Self Identification : 240026000 Ship Greece ANANGEL LEGEND SXLR
Self Identification : 353304000 Ship Panama KOHYOHSAN H9EZ ca
Self Identification : 220416000 Ship Denmark GEORG MAERSK OYGN2
Self Identification : 431194000 Ship Japan MUSASHI GLORIA JFKD
s27078 oil
Self Identification : 248650000 Ship Malta PETR SHMIDT 9HMK6
Self Identification : 209317000 Ship Cyprus STALO C4GF2 blk
>>>>Ship's position : NW Latitude 24 Deg 25 Min North
: Longitude 016 Deg 46 Min West

Self Identification : 636009609 Ship Liberia POLARIS STAR ELOO2
s24313 oil
Self Identification : 563472000 Ship Singapore TORM SOFIA 9VDG9
>>>>Ship's position : NW Latitude 36 Deg 51 Min North
: Longitude 038 Deg 50 Min West
Self Identification : 636012884 Ship Liberia GENMAR HARRIET G
A8IT4 tug
Self Identification : 636010125 Ship Liberia ELBRUS ELRD7 s24709
gen (Patrice Privat, Beauvais City Limits, France - udxf 287, 18/11/2006)

[03:51:33][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J01 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 09 followed by JULIET 01 (HH-60J, CGAS Cape Cod) ops normal report


2057Z 8983.0 CG 2121 (HU-25, ATC Mobile) position report to CAMSLANT. 20-21N 089-37W

2122Z 8971.0 GOLDENHAWK wkg TRIDENT 45 (P-3C, VP-26) to pass Ceiling 600

2140Z 13927.1 SHADO 58 (MC-130) p/p via AFA1YV, Binghamton, NY

2210Z 13927.1 TUFF 13 (B-52H, 2 BW) (west of Wichita) p/p via AFA4DD to DSN 781-3039 11th BS Ops. Passes 1900 local ETA

2307Z 11175.0 AMPERAGE p/p via Andrews HF-GCS to DSN 939-1852 NIGHTWATCH

ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: F04, F33, J01, J15, J16, J17, LNT, OPB, PNR400
(Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 287, 18/11/2006)

05071 : NATO Air Defence System 1559 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A.
(18Nov06) (MPJ)

05153.8 P: SLB Kaliningrad 1616 CW (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05220 LCR152: Polish Military Prob Janki Comms Stn 1558 ALE/USB
Calls DELTA15/unknown unit. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05394 CWOF: Russian Military 1809 CW Message to unid: CWOF 740 27
18 2102 740 = 907 = 38545 64065 .... 96614 18025 QTC K. (18Nov06)

05410 INAS30P: Sonatrach Pumping Station, In Amenas, Algeria
1815 ALE/LSB Sounding. Also GASSI30P/Pump Station Gassi Touil.
(18Nov06) (MPJ)

05443.5 RDL: Russian Military 1723 MORSE/--/200 (FSK Morse) Sends
routine message RDL 12766 96586 (repeated). Idles in reversals at
54 Bauds. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05520 : Spanish Fishfone 1739 LSB Probably illegal. 2 males in
conversation. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05544 A7-ACF: Qatar Airways A330 1700 HFDL Signs on to Al
Muharraq. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05544 G-VFIT: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Dancing Queen' Flt VS0011
1713 Position report 5202N 01450W. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05616 SHANWICK: Shanwick OACC 1747 USB Working various aircraft on
MWARA/NAT-B. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05748 FDI22: French Air Force Narbonne 1754 RTTY/50/80 'Bricks'
tests. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05792 1112: Either Egyptian Border Guard or Protection Civile
Maroc 1724 ALE/USB Sounding transmission. (MPJ - udxf 287, 18Nov06)

11175.0 was active at 2305z with SNOOP 56 (fair levels here with
fading) working OFFUTT (good) for a quick phone patch to a DSN 271
number to pass ETA info and gone. (Jeff Haverlah, Coastal Texas, Usa - udxf 287, 18/11/2006)

[01:10:02][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][J33 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 11 followed by 33C on final approach secures guard with PANTHER

[03:31:38][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][J33 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 08 followed by JULIET 33 (HH-60J) position report to PANTHER.

23-11N 072-13W

1245Z 8301.6 HF Modem

1258Z 11175.0 REACH 302 p/p via Lajes HF-GCS to Meteo for 1430z WX at EVRA (Riga Airport, Latvia)

1310Z 11175.0 AIRCRAFT 3553 (KC-135R) with Mainsail call. QSY 8992 kHz for radio check

1415Z 11175.0 McClellan HF-GCS wkg REACH 3113. QSY 8992 kHz

[14:32:12][FRQ 05732000][TO ][J36 ][TIS][TSC ][AL0] BER 30 SN 08 followed by SERVICE CENTER connecting JULIET 36 (MH-60J,

CGAS Elizabeth City) to CAMSLANT. JULIET 36 reports en route Chesapeake with 6 POB

[14:51:44][FRQ 07527000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J36 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 06 followed by JULIET 36 wkg CAMSLANT reporting en route Langley


1623Z 9022.0 ANDVT

[16:32:02][FRQ 10242000][TO ][F31 ][TIS][LNT ][AL0] BER 30 SN 08 followed by CAMSLANT clg FOXTROT 31 (HU-25, CGAS Cape


1641Z 11232.0 CANFORCE 2300 (CC-130H # 130336 Selcal GJBE) opening watch with TRENTON MILITARY. Arrived Ottawa 1400z. Departed

1600z. ETA Victoria 2359z. Requests pass to AOC Winnipeg, Wing Ops Trenton and 424 Squadron

1658Z 11232.0 ALLEYCAT (E-8 JSTARS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to RAMROD at 478-XXX-XXXX (Georgia)

1704Z 11175.0 TOPCAT 25 (RC-135W # 62-4125) with Mainsail call

1737Z 8971.0 FIDDLE wkg GOLDFINCH 711 and 713 (P-3C) for on station report

1805Z 11232.0 CANFORCE 2300 (CC-130H) wkg TRENTON MILITARY for WX at CYYJ (Victoria IAP)

1812Z 11175.0 Lajes HF-GCS wkg REACH 397

2212Z 7527.0 CG 1717 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) with 7 POB en route tasking requests guard from CAMSLANT

ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 503, 504, 717, 720, CS2, D31, D49, F31, F35, I00, I57, J10, J15, J33, J36, LNT, OPB, PNR400, TSC, WST, X53
(Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 287, 18/11/2006)
hier ist derzeit (1927 UTC) auf 305.41 kHz (CW-Mode) die kanadische
Bake LT Alert Bay NU (Koordinaten N8231'33" W06212'41") mit
schwachem Signal horbar. (Michael Oexner, Germany - A-DX 19/11/2006)
02:33:44][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][F04 ][AL0] BER 27 SN 00 followed by FOXTROT 04 (HU-25, CGAS Corpus Christi) on final to

homeplate secures guard with CAMSLANT

[08:11:29][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J34 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 10 followed by JULIET 34 (HH-60J, CGAS Cape Cod) position report to

CAMSLANT. 40-25N 069-27W. CAMSLANT advises RESCUE 1503 airborne with ETA 2 hours to their position

2105Z 8983.0 CG 2127 (HU-25, ATC Mobile) ops normal report to CAMSLANT

2107Z 8983.0 CG 2104 (HU-25, CGAS Corpus Christi) position report to CAMSLANT. 28-14N 095-55W

[22:12:46][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J12 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 05 followed by JULIET 12 (HH-60J) position report to CAMSLANT.

37-26N 082-07W

2118Z 5696.0 CG 1717 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) airborne with 8 POB from Mobile en route Clearwater requests guard from CAMSLANT

2132Z 10993.6 ANDVT

2153Z 14364.0 Link-11 data transmission

2154Z 5696.0 Z1I ops normal report to CAMSLANT

2203Z 8983.0 Y9L airborne from I0V with 5 POB requests guard from CAMSLANT

2206Z 8912.0 JULIET 10 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) position report to CAMSLANT. 27-57N 083-02W

2214Z 11175.0 TUFF 13 (B-52H, 2 BW) p/p via Puerto Rico HF-GCS to DSN 781-3039 11th BS OPS at Barksdale AFB

2345Z 7527.0 JULIET 10 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) p/p via SERVICE CENTER regarding continuing on with mission and hoist despite mechanical


ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 503, 504, D02, D44, F04, F39, I21, I62, J10, J12, J34, J36, LNT, PNR400, TSC
(Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 283, 14/11/2006)

[07:56:48][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J18 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 10 followed by JULIET 18 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) ops normal report


[15:28:32][FRQ 07527000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J42 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 01 followed by JULIET 42 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) position report

to CAMSLANT. 36-29N 076-12W. "Just flew over your building"

[18:14:11][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J39 ][AL0] BER 24 SN 00 followed by JULIET 39 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) position report to

CAMSLANT. 25-50N 081-28W

2135Z 5320.0 ANDVT

2137Z 11232.0 CANFORCE 2512 p/p via TRENTON MILITARY

2141Z 11175.0 N518QS (Gulfstream G550) clg MACDILL RADIO for radio check. Puerto Rico HF-GCS answers. QSY 8992 kHz for check with Lajes


2225Z 11175.0 ? 22 (E-8 JSTARS) p/p via Puerto Rico HF-GCS to DSN 241-2471 LUMBERJACK. Ground party reports no change from last direction

given. They will not be radiating while in AOR

2240Z 11232.0 SENTRY 60 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to RAYMOND 24 with line code report

2248Z 5732.0 CAMSLANT wkg CG 6041 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) with request they contact Sector Hampton Roads

[23:12:50][FRQ 05732000][TO ][D49 ][TIS][CNT ][AL0] BER 30 SN 07 followed by Parkhill encryption

2350Z 8301.6 STINGRAY 05 (HU-25) wkg SECTOR SAN JUAN regarding yola with numerous POB

2358Z 11175.0 POWER 43 (KC-135) p/p via Offutt HF-GCS to DSN 36#-1501. Reports in the green and on time for AR

ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 503, 504, 700, 712, 720, A41, ADD, CNT, D02, D44, D45, D49, DIL, EST, F31, F35, F39, I21, I49, I62, J10, J12, J14,

J16, J18, J31, J36, J39, J41, J42, JOE, LNT, MC2, MV2, MV3PAC, PNR400, TSC, V10, WST, X52
(Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 283, 14/11/2006)

[Port Said]-EGY (safety) from PACIFIC MAKASSAR,VRZO2-HKG test REQ [06-11-15

08196.0kHz/08196.0kHz REQ [06-11-15 16:24:06]

[Lyngby Radio]-DNK cat 102 from TELCO RELIEVER,A8AE8-LBR test REQ [06-11-15

VALERII PLATONOV,UREZ-UKR (safety) from [Lyngby Radio]-DNK test ACK
[06-11-15 16:16:07]

[Lyngby Radio]-DNK (safety) from ENGIN KAPTANOGLU,TCPF-TUR test REQ
[06-11-15 16:10:51]
all ships (distress) from MULUNGISI,ELKM5-LBR DISTRESS ack ?000000000
undesignated N16 41' E082 42' 16:07UTC J3 EOS [06-11-15 16:08:16]

!# auto call [MRCC Murmansk]-RUS (routine) from MURMANSK,UAUW-RUS J3 posn
N71 00' E040 04' tel:57 19 03 REQ [06-11-15 15:57:11]

8414,5 KHz GMDSS
(Francesco, Italy - udxf 284, 15/11/2006)

[02:59:55][FRQ 05732000][TO ][PAC ][TIS][716 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 07 followed by CG 1716 (HC-130, CGAS Sacramento) on final approach

secures guard with CAMSPAC

[03:16:25][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J10 ][AL0] BER 25 SN 00 followed by JULIET 10 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) ops normal report


[04:19:55][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J16 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 04 followed by JULIET 16 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) position report to

CAMSLANT. 28-11N 083-02W

2145Z 8983.0 Q6K position report to CAMSLANT. Bearing 023T, 48.4 miles from REDSOX

2152Z 11220.0 Test counts

2208Z 8983.0 STINGRAY 05 (HU-25) airborne with 5 POB for patrol requests guard from CAMSLANT

2213Z 6246.6 ANDVT

[22:21:28][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J32 ][AL0] BER 23 SN 06 followed by JULIET 32 (HH-60J, CGAS Cape Cod) 41-09N 072-??W

2230Z 6788.0 MALLORY 85 clg KOKOMO

2238Z 6697.0 STAR ______ with EAM broadcast

2311Z 6234.5 ANDVT

2312Z 8337.6 ANDVT

ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 500, 716, A41, D49, EST, F33, F39, I4J, J10, J16, J17, J32, J41, LNT, M53, PAC, PLT, PNR400, T07, TSC, V10,

WST (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 284, 15/11/2006)

5270 NAY: Unid, 1540z 15 nov 2006, ALE/USB (IB) work with MN6
6584 82W: Unid, 1301z 15 nov 2006, ALE/USB (IB) work with BRB
(Igor Buhtiyarov - udxf 284, 15/11/2006)

two tone signal, active currently (09:23 UTC)

10,791.70 USB (receiver dial freq.) gives tones at 1600Hz and 2130Hz.

Tones constant, but occasional data, similar to slow RTTY, only a few
pulses maybe about 2/3 charcters worth if it were RTTY.

S9 here in Nort East England.
(Martin - udxf 284, 15/11/2006)

8414.5kHz UNID 2006NOV180133Z GMDSS/DSC

SELF IDENTIFICATION: 003669998 United States of America
min SOUTH LONGITUDE 90 deg 18 min WEST
TIME UTC: 1 : 31
TELECOMMAND: J3E telephone
DECODED AT: 8:33:48 PM 11/17/2006
(Albert P. Belle Isle - udxf 286, 17/11/2006)

heard around 0600z on 8855 khz Cayenne.
KRCQ LAN 704 (Santiago-Madrid) CC-CQA A340 C/N 0359
(Patrice Privat, France - udxf286, 17/11/2006)

01960 GB3SSS: Poldhu MF Beacon, Cornwall 1130 CW GB3SSS + PSK31 +
carrier pulses. Every 15 minutes. QSL gb3sss@yahoo.co.uk (15Nov06)

05063 : CIS Military 1439 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB In traffic.
(18Nov06) (MPJ)

05160.2 : Unid 1341 STANAG-4285/600L/USB Encrypted. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05195 DRA5: DARC Propagation Beacon 1350 CW Prop fcast for 17 Nov
followed by IDs. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05125.7 : Unid 1355 STANAG-4285/300L/USB Encrypted. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05343 MRA02: Unid UK Cadet Force Stations 1405 USB MRA02 C71B and
C72C in net. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05433 SAB: Globe Wireless Göteborg, Sweden 1409 GW-PACTOR Idling.
(18Nov06) (MPJ)

05450 RAF VOLMET: MSO Swanwick 1411 USB YL robot with weather
actuals. //11253. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05505 EIP: Shannon VOLMET 1413 USB OM prob robot with weather
actuals. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05665 : Unid Aberdonian Fishermen 1416 USB Illegal use. (18Nov06)

05785 : Unid French Navy/Military 1420 UNID/50/850 Encrypted.
Weak. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05848.2 : Unid 1431 STANAG-4285/600L/USB Encrypted. (18Nov06) (MPJ)

05887.5 IMB2: Rome Meteo 1435 RTTY/50/850 SMSQ10 from LZIB AAAX
SYNOPs. QRM from broadcaster. (18Nov06) (MPJ - udxf 287, 18/11/2006)


Motor-boat-type jamming, lower pitched than e.g. Cuban, and all
of the same pitch, heard on 6005, 6035 and 6065, Nov 16 at 1310. 6005 was
bothering VOR in Japanese, unlikely a deliberate target. The three frequencies
30 kHz apart instantly suggest 6035 plus spurs, where the jamming is no doubt
bad news for Bhutan, but BBS not likely targeted either. The only possibility
appears to be BBCWS via Korea South on 6065, listed in HFCC beaming westward,
but not on BBC`s schedule at http://www.bclnews.it/b06schedules/bbc.htm in
Mandarin or any other language. A bit later, heard the same jamming sound on
7395, again with no known target. Perhaps there is a new clandestine that has
shown up on some or all these frequencies. Is BBC Mandarin really on 6065? Not
shown in the schedule after 2100 local or any other time, if this is
up-to-date, at
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

hoy 17 de Noviembre desde las 14:05 estoy escuchando una emisora sin identificar en 15575, el idioma es en arabe, locutor con comentarios y noticias, segmento

de musica arabe y canto del Coran, SINPO 34443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1077, 16/11/2006)

I have a station on 1310 which identified itself as "The New Star
93.7" at 2153 11/16. I did not hear any TOH ID at 2200, just
straight music. Any ideas? (Bill Harms - mwdx 1375, 16/11/2006)
Техника приема

I did some experimenting with identifying MIL-STD-188-110 PSK modems
with only freely available software, and did a quick writeup of my
results: http://neurosis.hungry.com/~ben/radio/188-110/index.html
Hope you find this interesting, I look forward to your logs.
(Ben - udxf 285, 16/11/2006)

о-в Святой Елены
Новости с сайта острова от шведов:
Reception in Sweden this special evening.
Transmission beamed to New Zealand (180 degrees) at 1800 was very well
heard in Sweden on various locations.I have checked with persons and
different places. Best reception was in southernmost Sweden. In
Norrkoping good with various local disturbances. A recorded message from
The Governor - Mr Michael Clancey - was heard followed by several
wellknowned tunes -Waltzing Mathilda - The Beatles etc. Some prerecorded
messages was heard. I had the opportunity to speak to both Mr Robert
Kipp and Mr Anthony Leo (former Stn Manager) and wished them success in
the very early minutes of the broadcast. At the end of the programme
promotion was made by The Postmistress for the new stamp release.
Прием в Швеции этот специальный вечер. Передача сияла к Новой Зеландии
(180 градусов) в 1800 очень хорошо слышался в Швеции на различных
местоположениях. Я проверил с людьми и различными местами. Лучший прием
был в самой южной Швеции. В пользе Norrkoping с различными местными
беспорядками. Записанное сообщение от Губернатора - г. Майкла Кланкей -
слышали сопровождаемый несколькими мелодиями wellknowned - Вальсирующей
Матильдой - Битлз и т.д. Некоторые записанные заранее сообщения слышали.
Я имел возможность возможность говорить и с г. Робертом Киппом и с г.
Энтони Лео (прежнего Менеджера Stn) и желала им успех в очень ранние
минуты радиопередачи. В конце программы поощрение было сделано
Постхозяйкой для нового выпуска печати.

Transmission beamed to Japan had almost the same good quality as the
first transmission. A recorded message from the Japan Shortwave Club was
heard. Interview with Mr Otaki (made at the DSWCI meeting in May 2006).
Just before 2100 - Mr Michael Martineau spoke about the Napoleon Museum
at Longwood. Reception in Irkutsk - Robert Ross in Canada - in
Netherlands also good reception - as well as in Portugal. Short part of
Rolling Stones. Good reception in Germany - Wolfsburg as well as in
Vietnam. A greeting was send to Sweden and Lennart Deimert and Jan Tuner
- cofounders of R St Helena Day in the early 90ies!! Later on call from
Athens. Reception in South Americas. This broadcast ended at 21.47.
Передача, сиявшая к Японии имела почти то же самое хорошее качество как
первая передача. Записанное сообщение от Клуба Короткой волны Японии
слышали. Интервью с г. Отаки (сделанный в DSWCI, встречающем в мае
2006). Как раз перед 2100 - г. Майкл Мартинео говорил о Музее Наполеона
в Longwood. Прием в Иркутске - Роберт Росс в Канаде - в Нидерландах
также хороший прием - так же как в Португалии. Короткая часть Rolling
Stones. Хороший прием в Германии - Вольфсбурге так же как во Вьетнаме. A
приветствие было, посылают Швеции и Lennart Deimert и январю Тунер -
соучредители С-Элены Дея R в раннем 90ies!! Позже звоните из Афин. Прием
на Юге Америки. Эта радиопередача закончилась в 21.47.
Tony Leo started the Europe-transmission after the traditional "Life on
the ocean waves". Then Robert Kipp with some greetings from Japan -
Finland - Netherlands - Norway - USA - Japan etc. John Ekwall made a
telephone call to the station. Very good signal in Germany. A list of
listeners from the Scandinavian were mentioned by Tony Leo. Robert had a
greeting in German. Tony Leo greeted Danish Shortwave Clubs
Тони Лео начал европейскую передачу после традиционной "Жизни на
океанских волнах". Тогда Роберт Кипп с небольшим количеством
поздравлений из Японии - Финляндии - Нидерландов - Норвегии - США -
Японии и т.д. Джон Эквол сделал телефонный звонок к станции. Очень
хороший сигнал в Германии. Список слушателей от скандинава был упомянут
Тони Лео. Роберт имел приветствие на немецком языке. Тони Лео
приветствовал датские Коротковолновые Международные Клубы.
Made a check with receivers around the world - best next to southern
Sweden was Rochester in NY-state at 2240.
A German CW was heard then greetings to German DX-clubs - Harald Kuhl.
Also heard in Ecuador. A thank to Andrew Weir shipping for the logistics
to made this event possible. Announcement in French " Ici Radio St
Helena (not Radio Saint Helene as expected) followed.
Сделан чек с приемниками во всем мире - лучше всего рядом с южной
Швецией был Рочестером в НЬЮ-ЙОРКСКОМ ГОСУДАРСТВЕ в 2240. Немецкую
химическую войну слышали тогда поздравления немецким клубам дистанции -
Харальду Кулю. Также услышанный в Эквадоре. Спасибо Эндрю Веиру,
отправляющему для логистики к сделанному этим возможным случаем.
Объявление во французском "Радио Ici С-Элена (не Радио-Святой Хелене как
ожидается) сопровождаемый.

Celine Dion in French then. Interview with the French Consul on the
island - Michel Martineau - the curator of the Napoleon Museum on the
Longwood Plateau. Members of DSWCI were mentioned - among others Anker
Petersen - Bent Nielsein - Erik Koie - Tor-Henrik Ekblom etc... Shakira
sung then after greeting to Japan. Beverly Francis - St Helena's
Postmistress - about St Helena stamps. A greeting from Frankfurt Main
Club in German (30 years this year). Presenters during the first
halfhour was Tony Leo - then Ralph Peters followed by Laura Lawrence.
Robert Kipp said goodbye after this 90 min transmission and hope that
everyone had enjoyed this "R St Helena Revival Day 2006".
Силайн Дайон на французском языке тогда. Интервью с французским Консулом
на острове - Михеле Мартинео - хранителе Музея Наполеона на Плато
Longwood. Члены DSWCI были упомянуты - среди Анкера других Petersen -
Склонность Nielsein - Эрик Кои - Скалистая-вершина-Henrik Ekblom и
т.д... Shakira, спетый тогда после приветствия к Японии. Беверли Фрэнсис
- Постлюбовница С-Элены - о печатях С-Элены. Приветствие от
франкфуртского Главного Клуба на немецком языке (30 лет в этом году).
Предъявителями в течение первого получаса был Тони Лео - тогда Ральф
Петерс, сопровождаемый Лаурой Лоренсом. Роберт Кипп сказал до свидания
после этих 90 передач минуты и надежды, что каждый наслаждался этим "R
День С-Элены Ревивала 2006".
Antenna moved for the North America - so signal now much poorer in
Sweden at 23.29 but 2 min later back in good signal strength and started
with Peter Gabriel. Governor Clancey with his speech.
Sorry readers - must end here this long evening after almost 5 hours
listening to R St Helena. Time 0043 in Sweden.
Антенна перемещалась для Северной Америки - так сигнал, теперь намного
более бедный в Швеции в 23.29 но 2 минуты спустя назад в хорошей силе
сигнала и начатый с Питера Габриэля. Губернатор Кланкей с его речью.
Жаль читатели - должны закончить здесь этот долгий вечер почти после 5
часов, слушая R С-Элена. Время 0043 в Швеции. (Владимир Бочков, Санкт-Петербург, Россия) - спасибо! - ред.

В очередной программе "Новости христианского радиовещания",
которая выйдет в эфир на ТрансМировом радио в последний четверг
месяца,т.е. 30 ноября, прозвучат вопросы конкурса, который
подготовлен сотрудниками миссии "Возвращение к Богу".

Предварительно могу сообщить, что конкурс будет на тему
христианского радиовещания.

Для приславших подробные ответы предусмотрены призы.

Все остальные подробности конкурса будут сообщены в передаче.

Напоминаю, что передача "Новости христианского радиовещания"
выйдет в эфир в 14.55 (в рамках программы "Почтовый ящик") на
частотах 9495 и 11615 килоГерц. (Василий Гуляев, НТР 155)

La versione telematica del nostro bollettino n 150 e disponibile in formato PDF su http://www.bclnews.it. Chi volesse riceverlo mensilmente puo farne richiesta

tramite email all'indirizzo info@bclnews.it, e sara automaticamente sottoscritto alla mailing list di distribuzione. (bclnews - bcl-ita 814, 17/11/2006)

Two photos of old greek NDBs at airliners.gr photo album:

SUN-319 (Cape Sounion)

KVR-357 (Kavouri)
(Costas SV1XV, Греция - udxf 287, 18/11/2006)

(Andrew Yoder - CumbreDX 1735, 14/11/2006)

In my new site zlgr.multiply.com I have uploaded many new and old
Please visit:
Atlantida Peru on 13.11 (tent )

Logs of 28-10-6 , pirates inc MAzda , Continental , Korean Echo of
HOpe , Tajikistan , RNZI

WMR , SWR Africa , Novas del Paz

Radio santa Helena
4 reciordings including one with no time recorded

Unkonw station on 9265 today 1903
(Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece - CumbreDX 1735, 14/11/2006)

Good explanation webpage with diagrams for the 2006 event which is
expected to peak around 0445 GMT on November 19th

(Mark Hattam, UK - skywaves 2144, 14/11/2006)

One of the best pages about MS (in my opinion) is this one:
On the live page, you can see the pings almost in real-time!
(Gunter Lorenz, Germany - skywaves 2144, 14/11/2006)

(Jurgen Bartels, Germany - skywaves 2144, 14/11/2006)

(Joop Prosse - skywaves 2144)

(Mark Hattam, UK - skywaves 2144, 15/11/2006)

87.60 10:42:00 2006-11-14 TUN Radio Tataouine Zarzis
Unattended rx 7205 TATAOUIN
87.60 19:10:00 2006-11-14 TUN Radio Tataouine Zarzis
Unattended rx 7205 TATAOUIN
(Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2144, 15/11/2006)


(Martin Storli, Oslo, Norway - udxf 283, 14/11/2006)

American Forces Network (AFN). 5,765 USB f/d
logo card in 2 weeks for an e-mailed report.
V/s: Robert Winkler.
(J.D. Stephens, Hampton Cove, AL, USA - CumbreDX 1737)

о-в Святой Елены

Коллеги по DX ! Нашли возможность отправить рапорта Радио о.Святой Елены
и получить QSL.
Помогла Тина Краснопольская с DW, прислав несколько IRC.
Подробности на сайте DXING.RU. Можете выслать мне файл рапорта,
распечатаю, подпишу (за вас) и отправлю, с отсылкой от меня QSL (если
получим) разобраться уже проще. (Владимир Бочков, Санкт-Петербург, Россия)

QSL полученные за последние несколько недель:
# TWR за приём через Moosbrunn на 9725 кГц от Василия Гуяева.
# WYFR за приём на русском на 15600 кГц.
# Radio Slovakia International за приём английской передачи 29.10.06, на QSL
указана 5000 edition.
# Radio Japan за приём на 11740 кГц через Сингапур.
# IBB Philipines Transmitter Station ( VOA ), рапорт посылал на Филиппины и
ответ пришёл от туда.
# ERF за приём на 1539 кГц.
# ORF за приём на 7325 кГц, на карточке фото города Зальцбург.
# FEBC за приём китайской передачи на 7400 кГц, на карточке фото
(прогулочная коляска запряжённая лошадью).
# Radio Polonia за приём русской передачи на 7180 кГц, на QSL город Wroclaw.
# Voice of Greece. Две карточки за рапорты отправленные в мае и июле.
# RAI. QSL от RAI Way за приём а апреле, на карточке фото города Positano.
Все рапорты отправлял по эл. почте.
(Дмитрий, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 19/11/2006)

Jose Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)
Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Drake R-8, 100-foot RW, 4-foot box loop.

Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия
Grundig Yacht Boy 80 и комнатная антенна.

Javier Robledillo Jaen - Elche (Alicante), Espana
RX: Medion MD 81157
Mx Onda RDM989
ANT: Telescopica.

Nobuo Takeno, Tokyo Japan
NRD-535D with 10m wire
73 всем! И.Л.

В избранное