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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 93
WorldDX 93 07/11/06 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Другие вакансии свободны. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по следующим адресам: http://worlddx.narod.ru/dx.html, http://worlddx.by.ru/dx.html и http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ Конференция бюллетеня: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ Подписка: worlddx-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Выходит по вторникам. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru --- Короткие Волны Австралия HCJB Australia heard November 3, 2006 11750 kHz "This is HCJB World R. Melbourne Australia. Our program on this frequency will begin shortly." by OM at 0725 UTC. "Good evening you're listening to HCJB World R. Melbourne Australia on 11750 kHz in the 25 meterband" by OM. Religious programming. SIO 252 around 0725 UTC getting better to SIO 353 by 0800 UTC. At 0930 UTC HCJB switched to 15360 kHz. Barely hearing a few words otherwise useless. So, 0730 UTC 11750 kHz. Go get 'em! (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, Manassas, VA - hard-core-dx 47, 4, 03/11/06) 4910, VL8T, Tennat Creek, 0824-0830*, 05-11, locutor y locutora, ingl?s, comentarios, identificaci?n a las 0830 "ABC" y cierre. 24322 variando a 14321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) Албания Just heard the english broadcast of Radio Tirana on 7530 KHz at 2100 UT Oct. 31, very good signal here in Montreal, modulation was actually very good today, it does happen sometimes that it is bad or too low. But today was very good with news and mailbox program at 2110 UT. (Gilles Letourneau, Montreal, Canada - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) Radio Tirana; 0125 - 7425 Khz. was inaudible. There was a carrier present, but that?s all. No audio. 0130 0140 UTC the following stations were: not audible (but with weak carriers); 7205 Khz - Radio Republica (thought to be from Rampisham, UK), 7125 Khz - Russian International Radio (Grigoriopol, MDA), WBCQ 7415 (Montecello, Maine, USA). barely audible on USB - tweaked out - CHU 7335 Khz. (Ottawa, CAN). If CHU isn?t going through in this part of the world, the band isn?t open. VoA in Special English started on 7405 Khz. at 0130 (Greenville I?m guessing but I might be wrong.) That was the only station really making it through on 49 meters here. Not a good evening for 49 Meters at this time. (Mark Taylor, Madison, Wi., USA - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) Just heard the 0245-0300 UT Nov 1st, broadcast of radio Tirana with excellent modulation. Signal was very good on 6115 KHz but weak on 7465 KHz (Gilles Letourneau, Montreal, Canada - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) Hearing Tirana quite well on 6115 kHz. carrying a +20 signal on the E1 at 0347 UT. Speech and music quality is considerably above what it's been in the past. I would SINPO rate the signal as 54444. There is some QRM from 6110 which necessitates use of the sync detector in the usb position and the 4 kHz. filter to minimize the QRM. 7465 doesn't do quite as well but with an S9+ signal and SINPO 44344 (John Figliozzi, Halfmoon, NY - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) Just tried the 0330 - 0400 UT Radio Tirana broadcast in english UT nov. 1st. Again good modulation, very easy to understand. 6115 KHz was very good here, but 7465 KHz barely audible. (Gilles Letourneau, Montreal, Canada - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) Without delaying a minute Radio Tirana sign-on in English at 0245 on 7465, with strong to fair signal with some fading and little splatter from the Voice of Greece on 10 kHz up the band. // 6115 was weaker but with a more steady signal. Just a 13 minutes broadcast, off by 0258. Sound quality was terrible, with a distortion not far from that one of WWCR #3, which give us a sense of overmodulation. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica. - dxldyg 31/10/06) Алжир National Radio of Sahara Arab Democratic Republic, 7425 Khz @ 2100 UTC. Woman singing in what souded like arabic with Station ID's at the top of the hour. Fair to good signal. (Rich Brock, Bridgewater, Pa. USA - hard-core-dx 47, 3, 02/11/06) Бангладеш 4750 Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka, 0003-0010, October 23, Vernacular, Koran, announcement by male, =BFAnthem?, news by male, music, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) Боливия 3310 Radio Mosoj Chaski, Quillacollo, 0020-0024, October 28, Quechua, talk by female, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) Бразилия 4975 Radio Nossa Voz, Sao Paulo, SP, 2355-0005, October 22/23, = Portuguese, religious programme conduced by male, ID at 0000 as: =93Sintonizan Radio = Nossa Voz, ondas curtas=94, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) 4915, Radiodifusora Macap?, 2130-2140, 04-11, transmisi?n partido de f?tbol. 24322. (M?ndez) 4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0730-0742, 05-11, canciones brasile?as, locutor, identificaci?n: "Radio Brasil Central, 5 horas 35 minutos", "Radio Brasil Central, comunicando para o mundo". 24322. (M?ndez) 9515, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 2110-2117, 04-11, canciones religiosas. 24322. (M?ndez) 9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 2215-2218, 04-11, canciones brasile?as, comentarios, locutor. 24322. (M?ndez) 9630, Radio Aparecida, 0900-0903, 05-11, locutor, portugu?s, comentario religioso, identificaci?n: "A nosa Radio Aparecida". 24322. (M?ndez) 9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0903-0905, 05-11, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios, identificaci?n "Radio Bandeirantes". 24322. 11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2152-2158- 04-11, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios de f?tbol, anuncios comerciales. 44444. (M?ndez) 11830, Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, 0905-0912, locutor, portugu?s, noticias de Brasil "Sete horas e cinco minutos". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) Буркина-Фасо 5030 Radio Burquina Faso, 21:05-21:10, escuchada el 31 de Octubre en frances a locutora con entrevista telefonica a invitado, chequeada minutos antes no se apreciaba senal, SINPO 34343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) 5030 Radio Burkina Faso, 23:42-23:50, escuchada el 4 de Noviembre en frances a locutor con comentarios, “Radio Nacional ...Burkina...”, comentarios, “Music African ..”, segmento musical, SINPO 34433. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - CumbreDX 1725, 06/11/2006) Ватикан 5915, Vatican Radio, 0030-0110 Noted a program of = comments by man and woman in Hindi language. During news, break aways = to the Pope preaching in Italian language. At 0059, Vatican/Italian = Interval Signal music. Found a parallel programming on 7335 KHz where = the signal was poor. Signal on 5915 KHz was good. The Freq of 5915 KHz = is not listed in any of my current reference materials or in EiBi's A06 = schedule for Vatican Radio. (Chuck Bolland, November 2, 2006 - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) Великобритания BBCWS in English keeps showing up on brand new frequencies, such as this: 11895 at 1456 Nov 3, // 9740. 11895 had some cochannel but a good signal otherwise. This is Singapore at 25 degrees, and hence onward toward NAm, at 12-15. The QRM could be Biblis (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 4, 03/11/06) Вьетнам 6165, Voice of Vietnam, 1042-1055 Noted music and comments by a man and woman in Vietnamese durning period. Signal was fair until R. Nederland came on freq. (Chuck Bolland, November 5, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) At 12.15 utc on 6.165 kHz, I confirm to listen "Voice of Vietnam". News and comments -Vietnamese - by a man voice. (Alfredo Gallerati, IK7JGI, Italy - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/06) Гайана 3291.1, Voice of Guyana, 0536-0542, 05-11, locutor y locutora, comentarios en ingles. 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) Гватемала That lonely kW from Radio Cultural is doing a tremendous job for Radio Cultural Coatan, Guatemala, 4780, heard with just slight fading around 2330, playing a beautiful acoustic guitar bolero “Como Puedo Pagarte, Senor” (How Can I Pay You, Lord) that I know, Glenn, you would have enjoy it too, because of the no less beautiful vocal harmonies. MA with few words in Spanish mixed with this local language I’m not quite sure what it is, maya or quiche. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 1057, 03/11/06) 4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0529-0537, 05-11, ingl?s, programa religiosos, canciones. Se?al d?bil. 24222 variando a 1421. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) Греция The Avlis relay of Radiofonikos Stathmos Makedonias used to have soft audio, but tonight I found that this had changed and 7450 punchy modulation now. In the first moment I was tempted to go into a real wild speculation, but after listening a bit closer the audio processing appeared to be a bit different than the one from a certain, now defunct shortwave site. Anyway ERA 5 on 7475 now sounds dull in comparison to the Thessaliniki relay on 7450. (Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) When you got both sound quality and signal you enjoy any transmission on SW, specially when there is music so nice to hear, altho a little traditional at times. Yes, VOG is like a sounding mirror in which other SW broadcasters, specially East Europeans, should see themselves. Beautiful signals at any moment during our early evening, that’s around 0100 ahead on both 9420 and 7475, this latter becoming weaker around 0400. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica. - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) Brief check of 17525 found VOG again confronting utility QRM from that variable-pitch chirping every few seconds, Nov 2 at 1436. Checked the 3rd quarter ITU monitoring report for clue, but nothing there. This makes 17525 unlistenable here. However, that would not be a problem on mixing products! Since we know two Avlis transmitters produce a mixing product on 6210 (15630 minus 9420) we ought to go looking for other possibilities according to the B-06 schedule: 17525 minus 9425 = 8105 at 1100-1550; 12105 minus 7475 = 4630 at 2300-0650. Those two are differences. You can also work out sums and other differences, many of which would be below 4630, from the schedule at http://www.bclnews.it/b06schedules/grecia.htm (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1054, 02/11/06) Джибути 4780 Radio Djibouti, Djibouti, 0325-0335, November 05, Vernacular, local songs, announcements by male in vernacular, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) Западная Сахара Estoy recibiendo desde las 2300 este ultimo dia de Octubre, la Radio Nacional de la Republica Democratica Saharaui, o la Estacion del Frente Polisario, segun sea el gusto, con senal inusual, como nunca antes, acaso con transmisor mas potente, en su servicio en espanol, empleando fondo musical de Kenny G para leer poemas sobre los suenos. La mayoria de su repertorio de canciones versa sobre temas socio-politicos. No creo que sean buenas condiciones desde Africa, porque ni rastro de Conakry 7125, aunque si estoy notando pero muy debil a Burkina Faso 5030. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) Израиль 6973 Galei Zahal, 18:20-18:25, escuchada el 30 de Octubre en idioma hebreo a locutora con comentarios, SINPO 34333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) 6985 Kol Israel 1841-1845 W w/nx and wx in EG ending w/"...a very goodnight from Jerusalem". Slightly better on the Dipole. (Valko 4 Nov. - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) Индия 4850 AIR-Kohima, 0025+, October 23, Vernacular, announcement by female, news by female, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) 4880 AIR-Lucknow, 0040+, October 23, Vernacular, local music and talk by male, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) 4970 AIR-Shillong, 0030+, October 23, Vernacular, local songs, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) 5040 AIR-Jeypore, 0034+, October 23, Vernacular, local songs, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) 9425 AIR-Bangalore, 0030-0040, October 28, Vernacular, tops, news or talk by male in vernacular, 23432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) 7545 Kol Israel, 19:51-20:05, escuchada el 4 de Noviembre en hebreo con acto festivo y concierto en directo, emitiendo en paralelo con Galei Zahal en 6973, locuor con comentarios en off, a las 20:00 tonos horarios, locutora con ID, titulares y noticias en ingles, a partir de las 20:00 Galei Zahal con transmision propia en hebreo, SINPO 45444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - CumbreDX 1725, 06/11/2006) Индонезия Suara Indonesia, 9525 again Oct 31 was running big open carrier with hum at 1409 and later during that hour. Why, o why, won`t they just play back the previously aired English hour from 0800 instead of burning 250 kW for nothing, except perhaps keeping the transmitter from mildewing (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) 9680, RRI Jakarta, Nov 1 (Wed.), 1001-1021, KGRE program #5302 in English, explanation of “of course”, Chuck Berry song “Route 66”, question about transportation vocabulary (truck, small bus, helicopter and motorbike) and asks people to send answer via SMS text to 08123870479, song “Sh-Boom” from the Disney movie “Cars”. QRM from WYFR, but by 1015 RRI was fair. Nice to hear them again (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1052, 01/11/06) Ирландия Checking WRMI 7385 for RTE Ireland as expected during the 14 UT hour, part of the WRN relay block M-F 13-16, Nov 2 at 1441 heard American political discussion mentioning Newt Gingrich and John Kerry. O o, has WRMI switched to domestic programming? No, they were talking to someone with an Irish accent; only fair signal here as usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1054, 02/11/06) 9525 Voz de Indonesia, 17:15-18:00, escuchada el 5 de Noviembre en espanol a locutor con reportaje sobre instrumento indonesio, programa “Musica popular de Indonesia”, lectura de cartas de los oyentes, entre otras una del miembro del Club S 500 de Valencia, Emilio Sauquillo Dobon, fechada en Julio del 2006, ID “La Voz de Indonesia en Jakarta”, SINPO 33443. 15150 Voz de Indonesia, 17:04-17:15, escuchada el 5 de Noviembre en espanol con sintonia y locutor con ID “Voz de Indonesia, las noticias”, boletin de noticias, “Amables oyentes, hasta aqui las noticias de La Voz de Indonesia en Jakarta”, segmento musical, reportaje sobre instrumento musical y lectura de cartas, minutos despues la senal se pierde, SINPO 34333. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - CumbreDX 1725, 06/11/2006) Италия Rai, audible on 21520 in Italian // 17780 which was much stronger tho squealy, Oct 31 at 1424 as they were closing the 1400 broadcast to Canada, announcing these two frequencies, IS and off. Can anyone think of any other external SW service targeted specifically at Canada rather than North America, or the USA with Canada ignored or assumed to be included? (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) Канада Altho on Monday Oct 30, RCI`s morning broadcast still carried the doomed CBC programs, The Current and Sounds Like Canada, on Tuesday Oct 31, RCI`s new production, The Link, was actually aired on 9515, 13655 and 17820. Tuned in at 1409 to hear an RCI-produced program with Lynn DesJardins, about a Kurdish-Canadian accused of involvement with the `terrorist` PKK organization. At 1420 another feature about immigrant entrepreneurs. This is clearly The Link part I, intended for domestic consumption. At 1450 there was a This Day in History feature, Jim Craig talking with Marc Montgomery about the Quebec separatist referendum, which barely failed in the 1990s. (TDIH on any station is a sure way to fill time without having to come up with original material.) At 1500 Marc welcomed shortwave listeners to The Link, Part II, as he mistakenly believes part I is not on SW, according to the original publicity for the project. Took about two minutes to tease the remainder of the hour, and RCI-produced news ran from 1502 to 1507. Altho it had some actualities, somehow it doesn`t match the standard we are used to from CBC news. A topic coming up: could there be riots here in Canada like there were in France one year ago (another calendar-driven idea); but then first into global warming discussion. I suppose CBCNQ 9625 had Sounds Like Canada after 1500, but reception was very poor. Earlier at 1410 they were in Inuktituk as usual, and guess what --- for the second day in a row, altho I e-mailed Sackville master control yesterday about it, 15240 again carried CBCNQ instead of R. Sweden in English, when checked at 1433. I also had checked 15240 in the previous half-hour and then it was R. Sweden, in Swedish. Something must be misprogrammed in the automation requiring a human override once they get around to it. Meanwhile, R. Sweden`s English SW listeners in central and western NAm are out of luck (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) Forget about hearing CKZU 6160 Vancouver now in the mornings between 11 and 15, for VOA Standard Chinese via Tinang is there, and at 1438 check Nov 2, I was getting a strong signal in Chinese, which no doubt was CNR1 jamming VOA. The 6160 audio was // 6040, which is another VOA Chinese frequency. At least traces of CKZU were able to produce a SAH on 6160 (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1054, 02/11/06) Китай Sound of Hope must be back on 10400, ex-10450, since Firedrake was on 10400, Nov 3 at 1411 check when it was poor with heavy flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 4, 03/11/06) Колумбия 5910, Marfil Estereo, 0645-0715, 05-11, canciones colombianas, canciones religiosas. Comentario religioso por locutor habitual de La Voz de Tu Conciencia. 34433. (Maneul Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) Куба RHC continues to play a very outdated frequency announcement, heard at 1458 Nov 3 on 11760, I think referring to the afternoon broadcast, including ``11705`` where they have not been for years. Just once it would be nice if people in the studio took the initiative to find out and confirm accurate schedule information they announce, if it is not already given to them, which it should be. This comment can apply to countless other SW stations as well (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 4, 03/11/06) Мавритания 4845 Radio Maurianie, 18:55-19:02, escuchada el 4 de Noviembre en arabe con cunas publicitarias y segmentos musicales, locutora con comentarios y conversacion entre locutoras, SINPO 34343. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - CumbreDX 1725, 06/11/2006) Мексика 4810 LSB, XERTA, M?xico DF, Radio Transcontinental de Am?rica, 0705-0729, 05-11, canciones religiosas, comentarios por locutor, identificaci?n a las 0724: "Radio Transcontinental de Am?rica, onda corta". 24222 variando a 14221. (M?ndez) 6010, Radio Mil, M?xico DF, 0801-0835, 05-11, locutora, comentarios sobre "El Caf? Tacuba, en el centro de la Ciudad de M?xico", comentario sobre las pir?midas del Sol y de la Luna en Theotiuacan, canciones y m?sica "En vivo dede el Caf? Tacuba, en el centro hist?rico de Ciudad de M?xico". 24322. (M?ndez) 6185, Radio Educaci?n, M?xico DF, 0835-0845, 05-11, m?sica instgrumental. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) Нигерия 4770 R. Nigeria (Kaduna) *0430-0502. Drum IS followed by short choral national anthem and short recitation or pledge by group. Religious sermon and music. Faded down badly at 0440. Recheck at 0459 found drums and talk by man, possibly news. Poor signal with significant fading and atmospheric noise (SINPO 24222). Good to hear them despite the poor signal, as Africans have been missing most evenings this Summer and Fall. Winter conditions will hopefully bring improvement. (Jim Evans, TN, November 2 - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) 4770 Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, 2145-2200, October 27, Vernacular, talk by two males, announcement, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) о-в Святой Елены Действительно очень хороший прием Радио Св.Елены (гораздо лучше, чем в 90-х годах). Я сначала слушал на трансивере Yaesu FT-840 с 40-метровым проводом, а затем попробовал включить DE-1103.Прием на его телескопическую антенну почти не уступал первоначальному. Наблюдал более часа- отличный прием, никаких замираний. (Виктор Пузанов, Россия - open_dx 04/11/06) Радио о-ва Св. Елены удивительно хорошо слышно сейчас, хотя вещание должно быть направлено на Японию. SINPO = 3/4-5-4-3-3/4 (!). (Павел Михайлов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 04/11/06) RSH 11092.5 Via DX Tuner Sweden beautiful signal w/ time pips at 1800 fol by St.Helena anthem and opening anmts by man and woman and then into pop mx - this should be vy nice into NA at 2330 as this was a NZ beam and hrd with SINPO 45554 (Chuck Bolland - CumbreDX 1722, 04/11/06) RADIO ST. HELENA DAY DATE: 04-11-2006 TIME: 18.20 - 18.40 UTC FREQUENCY: 11092,5 KHz USB SIGNAL: VERY POOR WITH QRN LANGUAGE: ENGLISH PROGRAM: ID. INTERVIEW, BEATLES IN ITALY ALSO LISTENED FROM DARIO MONFERINI (MILANO) AND GIAMPIERO BERNARDINI (PESCIA). (Francesco - CumbreDX 1722, 04/11/06) Здесь, в Приморье: программа для Японии в 200-2100 шла гл.обр на 25333, при полной разбираемости. Около 2100 сигнал заметно возрос, приём стал 35333. Разбираемость стала ещё лучше! :-)) Среди многочисленных имэйлов, пришедших на станцию, слышал об имэйлах Фёдора Бражникова (примерно в 2056) и, кажется - Алексея Осипова (в ~ 2127). Примите мои поздравления, коллеги! :-) В данный момент трансляция на Америку, однако условия практически не изменились, приём такой же самый, как и для Японии был. (Игорь Ашихмин, Приморье - open_dx 05/11/06) Radio St. Helena currently S9 to 9+20 (on PROCOMM yacht whip; S5 to S9 on Wellbrook ALA1530 pointing in the right direction) here in Copenhagen, Denmark. However, spoken audio is hard to copy because of echo and a strange hollow sound, though music sounds fine considering it is on USB. I hope spoken audio gets better when TX to Europe starts (Henrik Thiil Nielsen, Copenhagen, Denmark - udxf 271, 04/11/06) I have it currently 2105Z at S9-20 & decent audio in South Central Virginia. Mentioned report from JA1. I clearly heard him mention St Helena several times around 2100Z Using TS-850S & Racal 6790 with beverages & loops. Good signal considering it is for Japan! (Chris Buggs Island, Kerr Dam Virginia - udxf 271, 04/11/06) > > В данный момент трансляция на Америку, однако условия > > практически не изменились, приём такой > > же самый, как и для Японии был. > После сравнения с качеством приема передач для Европы, > у меня сложилось впечатление, что направление антенн > вообще не меняется, разница только в тематике программ. > Однако фединг заметно усилился (уже до 1,5-2 баллов), > но для ночного вещания на 25 метрах это вполне > естественно. Все-таки, диапазон дневной. > > В данный момент трансляция на Америку, однако условия > > практически не изменились, приём такой > > же самый, как и для Японии был. > После сравнения с качеством приема передач для Европы, > у меня сложилось впечатление, что направление антенн > вообще не меняется, разница только в тематике программ. У меня тоже такое впечатление: меняется направление интерактивности программы, а также, очевидно, учитываются возможные изменения условий прохождения. Но все же передача на Европу была наиболее эффектная по качеству приема. Может так совпало с прохождением. Обычно в такие поздние часы Бразилия прорезается на 25 м. А с 18.00 у меня сигнал был довольно слабый. Кстати, судя по анонсам, в какре-то время он также предназначался и для Новой Зеландии. > Однако фединг заметно усилился (уже до 1,5-2 баллов), > но для ночного вещания на 25 метрах это вполне > естественно. Все-таки, диапазон дневной. Как по мне, так такой фединг вполне терпимый. Здесь в полной мере проявилось главное преимущество однополосной радиопередачи по сравнению с АМ (DSB), что нет селективного фединга, когда АЧХ звука перекашивает и появляются сильные нелинейные искажения. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 05/11/06) > Но все же передача на Европу была наиболее эффектная по > качеству приема. А у меня было наоборот: передача для Европы фединговала намного сильнее, чем для Японии. > Кстати, судя по анонсам, в какре-то время он также > предназначался и для Новой Зеландии. Да, объявляли 18.00-19.30. Но в это время на частоте был только эфирный шум, даже никакого намека на сигнал. > Как по мне, так такой фединг вполне терпимый. Ну это у ВАС он был терпимый (все-таки разные QTH), а здесь после 22.00 (т.е. при вещании именно на Европу) из-за фединга терялись уже не только отдельные куски, но и целые фразы. (Павел Михайлов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 05/11/06) 11092,50U Radio Saint Helena, Jamestown, 1800 UTC+, November 04, English, transmission to New Zealand s/on, ?anthem?, identification by male in english as: "....listening to Radio Saint Helena......", announcement by female, song, announcement by female at 1805 UTC with identifications, other ann. by male, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - bclnews 1634, 04/11/06) я тоже слушал на DEGEN-1103, но на телескоп было очень слабо. А вот с дегеновским штатным 5м проводом просто отлично. Принимал в Подмосковье. Причем, программа на Японию у меня была слышна также, как на Европу, а то и лучше. На новую Зеландию не слышал ничего, можно было лишь сказать , что сигнал на частоте точно присутствует. (Василий Кузнецов, Москва , Россия - open_dx 05/11/2006) Я принимал станцию с 19.58 до почти 21.00, что по местному 03.58-0500. Oх уж и трудно было заставить себя встать в такое время! SINPO=44444 (Федор Бражников, Иркутск, Россия - open_dx 05/11/06) О, Фёдор - так у тебя было слышно даже лучше, чем у меня (35333)! ;-)) Кстати, и после 2130, когда на Америку пошло, приём долго был тем же, только поближе к 2300 ухудшился и затем постепенно пропал. А что за помеха была? Здесь I не слышал... (Игорь Ашихмин, Приморье, Россия - open_dx 06/11/2006) местный эмг. фон, от др.станций помех небыло. (Федор Бражников, Иркутск, Россия - open_dx 06/11/2006) Reception here in the north island of New Zealand not great but could discern and identify many of the songs and two ID's heard (18.41 and 19.29) . The spoken dialogue was tricky to make out. I was fortunate enough to be at Bryan Clark's rural (and electrically quiet) property at Mangawhai 100km or so north of Auckland. At 18.30 "waltzing matilda" was played and the Beatles numbers "Get back" at 18.39 and "Hello goodbye" at 18 .49. An Irish song made famous for my generation by Thin Lizzy "whiskey in the jar" was played at 19.31. At 18.55 fellow NZ Dxer Peter Grenfell's voice was heard in what could have been a pre recorded message. "Kare Kare Ana" a NZ iconic song was played at 18.53. Generally poor signal but fortunate to hear what we did. Heard on AOR 7030 and AOR7030 plus sloper (David Norrie and Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, New Zealand - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) The final segment to North America was stronger here, with QSB and QRN. There was never a full signal that would be casually listened to by a SWL. Did anyone else feel that the audio was muddy and muffled? It didn't seem to be very compressed with good "punch." I heard the entire broadcast and all the segments with some reception. The portion sent to Japan was the worst reception. I think the NA portion was stronger, in part, to changing propagation due to time of day here in the states. Many thanks to all in St. Helena for providing the broadcast. Will it return next year? (Karl J. Zuk - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/06) 1935-0100* UTC on 11092.5 USB ST. HELENA: R. St. Helena November 4th and 5th , 2006. Reception ranged from barely heard to fair. Best reception from 0000 until close at 0100. Songs, interviews, listener emails. Closed with male announcer talking about 2007 being the double anniversary. Big double anniversary celebration. Also, ?We are now closing our transmission to North America. Goodbye from R. St. Helena?. Whole time I listened I didn?t hear anything about the weather or boat races. Reminded me of a pirate broadcast. However, interesting DX. (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, Manassas, VA - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) 11092.5 USB, Radio S. Helena, 1800-2140, 04-11. 1800-1930 transmisi?n dirigida a New Zealand, se?al d?bil en este primer tramo. M?ltiples identificaciones, m?sica, comentario sobre historia y geograf?a de la Isla de St. Helena. SINPO 24222 (M?ndez) 2000-2130, transmisi?n dirigida a Jap?n, excelente se?al durante toda la transmisi?n. Multiples identificaciones. "Good Evening from Radio St. Helena, Good Mornig to Japan. Historia y geograf?a de la Isla. "Thank you to the Japan DX Club, greetings to every single member of the Japan DX Club". Leyendo e-mails enviados durante el programa. SINPO 44444. (M?ndez) 2200-2331, transmision dirigida a Europa. Excelente se?al. M?ltiples identificaciones, direccion para enviar informesde recepcion. "Special Thanks to the Danish Short Wave CIub International and his Chairman Anker Petersen".Leyendo e-mails enviados durante el programa, e-mails desde Japan, Moscu, Germany, Finlandia, Holanda, Luxemburgo, Portugal, Ontario DX Club Asociation. SINPO 44444. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) Пакистан 03/11/06, 1415 utc, не обнаружил трансляцию Радио Пакистана на частотах 7550 и 9300 кГц, на русском языке. То есть передачи вообще не было! Интересно, на каких частотах можно услышать Радио Пакистана? (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия) Перу 9720, Radio Victoria, (Pres) 0008-0030 Noted a man in steady religious Spanish comments. Signal was buried in the noise at tune in, but improved to a fair level by the half hour, with some dropping off for a second or two, every once in a while. No ID heard. (Chuck Bolland, November 2, 2006 - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) 4790,16 Radio Vision, Chiclayo, 2335+, October 22, Spanish, religious talk by male, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) 6520,33 Radio Paucartambo, Paucartambo, 2310+, October 22, Spanish, tecnocumbias, announcements by male in spanish, TC, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) 4790.2, Radio Visi?n, Chiclayo, 0727-0735, 05-11, locutor, comenarios religiosos,comentarios sobre el Apostol San Pedro. 24222. (M?ndez) 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2320-2345, 04-11, locutor y locutora, quechua, comentarios y m?sica. 24222. (M?ndez) 4974.8, Radio del Pac?fico, Lima, 0556-0610, 05-11, locutor, programa religioso, mezcla de espa?ol y portugu?s, programa muy parecido o igual que el de Radio Victoria. Se?al d?bil. 14321 variando a 24322. (M?ndez) 9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0523-0536, 05-11, locutor, predicaciones religiosos, mezcla de espa?ol y portugu?s "La Voz de la Liberaci?n". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) Россия Радио России по вечерам 17.00-19.00 (возможно и раньше) принимается на новой частоте 5905 кГц, а в 19.00 принято на 5955 кГц. (Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 05/11/2006) 6075, Nov 5 at 1355 had what first sounded like tonal jamming but it slowly morphed, some minimalist music involving perhaps sitar, various orchestral instruments. 1359 brief Russian announcement, 1400 5+1 timesignal, modulation stopped and carrier off 1401. Per PWBR this is R. Rossii, Kamchatka Radio, Pet-Kam, scheduled to close at this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) 5935 at night usually has WWCR with DGS, but Nov 5 around 0600 a co-channel station was atop, I think in Russian. That would be Magadan via Yakutsk, per PWBR `2006`, in use long hours during winter, 18-14 (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) On 7200, the same type of 200-per-minute oscillations that we have concluded at other times come from malfuxioning Yakutsk transmitter, also heard at 0119 UT Nov 5 QRMing news in English, which would be VOA per schedule, presumably via Morocco. This is an unlikely time for Yak to be propagating, it seems, as it`s about 10 am local mean time in Yakutsk 129 E/62 N, in broad daylight; however, maybe by now the solar angle is so low that grayline exists. It`s almost far enough north for a Midnight Sun come solstice (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) > Радио России по вечерам 17.00-19.00 (возможно и раньше) > принимается на новой частоте 5905 кГц, а в 19.00 принято > на 5955 кГц. Я их слушаю в основном: 0500-0800 9840 0820-1300 12075 А вообще в НФСС они зарегистрированы на многих частотах, хотя далеко не все из них используются. Можете поисследовать при желании: 3965 2200 1800 32,33 IRK 50 0 0 925 1234567 291206 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5252 5905 1400 1700 39,40 KLG 120 120 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5282 5905 1530 2200 27,28 MSK 250 267 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5283 5910 0000 0100 33,34 P.K 100 250 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5285 5925 0200 0500 28,37 SRP 250 260 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5298 5930 0200 2200 19 MUR 50 340 0 902 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5303 5935 1800 1400 24,25 IAK 100 30 0 103 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5306 6030 0000 1600 30NW EKB 20 0 0 925 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5344 6060 1530 1700 29SW MSK 100 240 0 108 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5349 6075 1800 1400 33,34 P.K 100 15 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5352 6085 2200 1800 22,32 KRS 50 350 0 902 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5354 6100 2200 1800 30 KRS 20 0 0 925 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5359 6125 1430 1900 30,31,41 SAM 100 117 0 146 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5365 6150 2000 1600 23 IAK 50 330 0 101 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5371 6160 0200 2200 19 MUR 50 335 0 146 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5373 6235 1830 2200 27,28 MSK 250 265 0 218 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5391 7140 2000 1600 23,24 IAK 20 245 0 146 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5413 7200 2000 1600 23,24 IAK 100 0 0 925 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5430 7295 2000 2300 33-35 IRK 100 65 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5465 7320 1800 1400 24,25 IAK 100 45 0 146 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5482 7345 2000 1600 23 IAK 50 315 0 902 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5496 7460 1630 1700 28-30 A-A 200 310 0 218 1234567 291006 250307 D KAZ RRS GFC 5530 9840 0500 0800 27,28,37 MSK 250 260 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5593 9860 0530 0700 8-10,18,27 SAM 250 275 0 238 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5599 9860 0700 0800 30 SAM 250 60 0 148 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5600 11650 1600 2000 30 EKB 20 0 0 925 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5622 11915 0900 1000 29 SAM 250 305 0 146 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5627 11975 0000 0100 1,2,6,25,26 P.K 200 60 0 218 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5629 12005 1000 1300 40,41,49 ARM 100 105 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5634 12060 1600 2000 27,28,36,37 SRP 250 260 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5652 12075 0530 0800 28,37,46 MSK 250 250 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5658 12075 0830 1300 27,28,37 MSK 250 260 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 N RUS RRS GFC 14163 15105 0500 0600 32 SAM 160 65 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5673 17600 0830 1500 27,28,36,37 MSK 250 260 0 158 1234567 291006 250307 D RUS RRS GFC 5708 (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 06/11/2006) Кстати, а через красноярский передатчик местные программы сейчас выходят или только московский дубль? Недавно несколько раз с 2 до 3 МСК пробовал послушать, а там московская программа. Раньше вроде ГТРК Центр России выходило... (Сергей Винокуров, Россия - open_dx 06/11/2006) Саудовская Арави Saudi Arabia desde las 10:30 utc en adelante por los 17.805 khz. Banda de 16 metros SINPO 44444 (Hector (Luigi) Perez, San Juan - ondacortapr 789, 05/11/2006) Сейшельские о-ва Not a good date for BBC African service here from Mahe. 9750 was stronger and 11665 seemed to be off the air, when that sked began at 0300. Then barely audible after 0400. On the other hand BBCWS 9410 Cyprus “was in the street” (tico saying when something’s bad) this beginning UT Wednesday 1 Nov. After 0400 clear and strong on 6195. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) Словакия Nice listening from RSI Spanish service this Nov. 1st , 0250, while Laya was interviewing our Jose Miguel Romero on his recent visit to Bratislava. Talking about food. She promised the 2nd part with a good sounding Pepe for the near future. 7230 // 9440 weaker and noisy. Que barbaro Pepe! Te despachaste lindo y coloquial . Suenas muy bien al aire. Felicitaciones. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica. - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) 11600 Radio Eslovaquia Int., 15:30-16:00, escuchada el 5 de Noviembre en espanol con sintonia, ID, horarios y frecuencias, locutora con la lectura de cartas de los oyentes, anuncia restablecimiento de envio de tarjetas QSL, tambien a un nuevo corresponsal, Santiago Cuadrado Soto, estudiante espanol con beca en Bratislava, tambien el regreso de un programa los Sabados por Maria Mangova, aunque sigue trabajando en la television eslovaca, SINPO 45554. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - CumbreDX 1725, 06/11/2006) США Like last B-season, VOA Kurdish at 14-15 is audible here on 17750, tho 75 degrees from Morocco; nice for the music segments. Oct 31 at 1427 it was marred by DRM-like QRM, which then morphed into something in analog French on 17755, but that disappeared after 1430. Both Spain and Korea S are scheduled on this frequency, but not in French (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) KAIJ again missing from 9340 during the 1400 hour of Oct 31. This frequency does not appear in the initial FCC B-06 schedule, tho it still has 13815 which I believe has finally been abandoned due to the proximity of R. Marti, and the DentroCuban Jamming Command on 13820 (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) KAIJ (Frisco, Tx.), 9340 Khz, 2256-2302, 10/31/06, SINPO 54444, in EE. Preacher (not Gene Scott), talking about how people should give money to him and he should have the best because he ?watches your soul?, cut mid sentence at 2302 (served him right - yes, my log says "Gospel Huxter"), ID - "KAIJ, Dallas Texas, The United States of America.", Genesis Radio Network Ad, to show in progress with an interview with a street preacher. Right now 11/1/06, 0320, 5755 Khz. is either not there, or not making it here. Not even a het. I haven't heard the late / defunct Gene Scott on KAIJ in some time (which isn't to say his digital presence isn't there, just not when I've passed the frequency). They seem to be running the kind of brokered religious programs that many other private SW stations in the US run. When I checked my log, they were running contemporary Christian music in June, 2006. I checked 3 days in a row in early August, 2006, and they were running a variety of religious programs including "True Faith Ministries Church" and "Truth House". Non - DGS preachers at all random local evening (early morning UTC) checks in the last half of August, Sept., and Oct. All on 5755 Khz. Thanks to Glenn's recent logs, this is the first I've heard them off that frequency. I've always hoped that people outside North America don't hear much of this and think it reflects what we listen to in most of our media. (Mark Taylor, Madison, Wi, USA - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) Nov 3 at 1340 UT KAIJ 9340 was overmodulated, splattering out to 9375 and 9305 at least; also putting a tone of the same pitch (het?) on about 9355 and 9325. Have not noticed this particular problem before (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 4, 03/11/06) США/Оклахома While I still haven`t been able to nail down the strange mixing product on 10475 producing Defunct Gene Scott, a similar case is clear: Nov 3 at 1413 on 11345 I was hearing local KCRC 1390 audio mixing with WEWN 9955. That`s 1390 plus 9955. Heard on two different receivers. So it appears that WEWN`s signal from Alabama is so strong here that it produces an external mixing product with a local MW station (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 4, 03/11/06) Таджикистан 4635 Tajik Radio, Dushambe, 0000-0010, October 28, Vernacular, bulletin news by female, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) Тайланд Unlike 24 hours earlier, the 1400 UT English broadcast of R. Thailand on 9725 was totally blocked Nov 2 by TIRWR, DGS back on as usual. What are the hours this Cahuita frequency is nominally on? It`s coordinated for 24 hours, 50 kW at 345 degrees, uncomfortably close to the azimuth of Enid (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1054, 02/11/06) Танзания 11735 Radio Tanzania Zanzibar, 16:45-17:02, escuchada el 5 de Noviembre probablemente en Sawili a locutor y locutora con comentarios con musica de fondo, segmento de musica afro-pop, ID “ Radio Tanzania ... Salam.. Dar el Salam “, SINPO 34443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - CumbreDX 1725, 06/11/2006) Тибет/Китай 4905 Xizang PBS, Lhasa, 0011-0015, October 28, Vernacular, talk by female, annoucement by female, music, 25432// 4920 Khz with 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1718, 02/11/06) Турция Tried to listen to Live from Turkey on its new frequency 12035, Thursday Nov 2 at 1350, but reception was too poor. If the hosts would enunciate clearly it would have helped a lot (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1054, 02/11/06) V. of Turkey`s English broadcast, tho playing vocal music in presumed Turkish, Nov 3 at 1416 had a stronger signal on 11735 than 12035, altho 11735 suffered from WYFR on 11740 while 12035 had no interference. 11735 is aimed away from us and 12035 toward us, meaning that usually 12035 is stronger here as observed the first few days of B-06. Normally I assume in situations such as this that the signal on the frequency aimed away from us is still propagating by short path off the back of the antenna. But on this occasion I suspect it was actually long path, and the short path was degraded by comparison. That is assuming both transmissions are going out on the proper parameters (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 4, 03/11/06) Филиппины Just as I tuned in 11870, Nov 3 at 1457, I heard a brief IS and ``This is`` before the transmitter cut off. Way to go, people. Per listings it seems this would be R. Veritas Asia closing Urdu service. There was a het and then TIRWR Costa Rica was uncovered with Defunct Gene Scott (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 4, 03/11/06) Франция Oct 31 during the 1400 hour checked the listed frequencies in 6-162, for RFI in English: nothing audible on 7180 or 9580, but neglected to check 15615 (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) Since the unscheduled English broadcast heard daily during October at 1400-1455 on 6120 via Japan was supposed to be in Vietnamese, and I haven`t found a replacement frequency, how about this? What are the currently scheduled frequencies for RFI`s Viet service, which may still be in English instead? RFI`s Vietnamese page at http://www.rfi.fr/langues/statiques/rfi_vietnamien.asp appears to have been updated, but with obvious errors like on the English page. Starting with what year it is currently! And I have no idea if the () have any significance. 15h-16h GMT Nghe Truy nap Ondes courtes du 29/10/07 [sic] au 26/03/07 O.C : 41 m, 7380 Khz O.C : 19 m ( 15265 Khz ) O.M : 231m ( 1296 khz ) So 7380 and 15265 are where we should look for it. 7380 should be from a FE site, probably Taiwan, and 15265 should be clear right after R. Solh via Rampisham closes that frequency. The supposed channels for the 1400 English broadcast are 7180, 9580 and 15615. Does anyone anywhere hear anything on them? (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1054, 02/11/06) Checking out my theory that RFI`s missing English broadcast at 1400, which in October occupied a scheduled Vietnamese transmission, I checked those frequencies Nov 3 at the current time of 1500 and found: nothing. No Vietnamese or English audible on 15265 or 7380. So far from the target area, however, that is still inconclusive (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 46, 4, 03/11/06) Чад 6165, Radio National Tchadienne, 2135-2150, 04-11, Canciones africanas, canciones en franc?s. Locutor, identificaci?n: "Radio Tchad", "Radio National Tchadienne". 34333 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) Чехия R. Prague relay via Sackville, 15160, Thu Nov 2 at 1500 stayed in English rather than switching to CRI Chinese as the day before; around 1512 the program Spotlight, which is on Prague`s Wednesday schedule at http://www.radio.cz/en/programme so this transmission is still running a day late. Very good reception and much more reliable than the numerous direct English broadcasts (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - dxldyg 1054, 02/11/06) Still problems with the R. Prague relay via Sackville, now on 15160 at 1500. Nov 3 at 1501 only open carrier. Needed to check France, but when I came back at 1504, RP in English was underway (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 4, 03/11/06) Шри-Ланка SLBC Sri Lanka noted on 11750 in Sinhala at 1700 to Middle East mixing with AWR in Hindi also to ME.SLBC full sked is 1535-1840 UTC 300 kWdaily. (Jose Jacob,VU2JOS, India - dxldyg 1057, 03/11/06) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005 R. Nac. Bata Extremely weak carrier here at 1909. Same for 4976 Uganda, and 4845 Mauritania, but that was all that was noted on 60m at the time. By 1935, 4940 Sao Tome, 4835.4 Mali, and 4770 Nigeria joined in. Oddly, the Dipole was just as good as the 394' African BOG on the 60m Africans. And not really surprising, 11735 Zanzibar was better on the Dipole than on the 394' African BOG (Dave Valko, - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) 15190, Radio East Africa, 0740-0815, 05-11. Locutor, comentario religioso en ingles "The Revelation". Inicio de la transmisi?n m?s temprano de lo habitual. 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) ЮАР 11890 Radio Okapi, 16:12-16:17, escuchada el 5 de Noviembre en frances a locutores con boletin de noticias en referencias al Congo, conexion con corresponsal, ID “Radio Okapi, reportaje por locutora, anuncian web y cuna de la emisora, SINPO 45544. 11890 Radio Okapi, 16:17-16:20, escuchada el 5 de Noviembre a locutor y locutora en idioma vernacular con comentarios, referencias al Congo, SINPO 45544. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - CumbreDX 1725, 06/11/2006) -- СВ/ДВ МэриЛэнд, США With the recent talk of possible TP/DU reception on the East coast, I decided to try it out. Right now, 10/3 1007 UTC, I am getting two distinct carriers about 2 hz apart on 738 and a very faint trace on 1548. They are no more than 5 to 10 dB above the noise floor and are not producing audio. I tried for several other possible candidates (702, 774, 1017, 1035, 1098, 1116, and 1566) and nothing was there. (Bill Harms, Elkridge, Maryland - mwdx 1364, 03/11/06) Сегодня ночью было очень хорошее прохождение на СВ. Франция, Германия, Великобритания шли как местные. Поймал также "Маяк" на 810 кГц, 198 кГц и 549 кГц. Слышно с прежней мощностью. (Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 04/11/06) -- УКВ Липецк Узнал ещё кое-какую информацию по ретрансляции радио Звезда в Липецке на 72.8 МГц. Передатчик мощностью 1 кВт. Антенна находится на высоте 90 метров. Было заявлено, что ведётся круглосуточное вещание. Что вызвало у меня очень сильное сомнение, т.к. все передатчики нижнего диапазона УКВ выключаются в 1.00-1.05 мск. Первым включается Радио России в 5.00 мск. В полном объёме трансляции возобновляют в 6.00 мск. Но проверить этот факт мне не представляется возможным, т.к. у меня нет приёмника на данные частоты. Ещё одно дополнение по укв вещанию в Липецке: передатчики на частотах 102.1 МГц и 104.6 МГц, принадлежащие АвтоРадио-Липецк и Радио Шансон-Липецк соответственно, в 1 час ночи по московскому времени автоматически переходят с 1 кВт на 0.5 кВт. Тем самым "экономя" электроэнергию. Каких-либо ухудшений качества приёма мной замечено не было. Уровень сигнала выше перечисленных радиостанций в самом Липецке очень высок. Возможно на расстоянии свыше 30-40 км будут какие-либо проблемы с радиоприёмом программ в ночное время. (Валерий Шептухин, Липецк, Россия - open_dx 02/11/06) Москва С 1 ноября в московском эфире на частоте 92,4 МГц вещает новая радиостанция "Радио Дача", - сообщает Интернет-сайт "Пресс-Атташе". В эфире "Радио Дачи" звучат советские и российские популярные песни. А со следующего года музыку планируется разбавить информационными и развлекательными программами. Как следует из пресс-релиза радиостанции, целевая аудитория "Дачи" - любители русского застолья и шашлыков в Подмосковье в хорошей компании. Особое внимание "Радио Дача" обещает уделить тем, кому за 40. "Каждый столичный житель может обнаружить в памяти приятные воспоминания о дачном отдыхе. Каждый столичный житель теперь имеет возможность не расставаться с атмосферой летнего настроения даже накануне зимы. С 1 ноября дачный сезон - это навсегда!", - объясняет пресс-релиз радиостанции ее название. Новая радиостанция входит в холдинг "Медиа Холд", который также управляет Love Radio и недавно перезапущенным "М-Радио". (Источник: http://lenta.ru/news/2006/11/01/radio, Павел Михайлов через Media-DX, 02/11/06). - Тропо 105.00 03:12 2006-11-01 HNG MR3 Bartok Radio Kabhegy Unattended rx B202 BARTOK 105.00 03:45 2006-11-01 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA 105.00 08:12 2006-11-01 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA 105.00 11:52 2006-11-01 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2128, 02.11.06) 87.60 03:26 2006-11-02 TUN Radio Tataouine Zarzis Unattended rx 7205 TATAOUIN (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2129, 03.11.06) Tim Bucknall and I took to the dizzy heights of Mow Cop in Cheshire yesterday evening for a couple of hours of DXing. This 1200' asl location offers stunning views over north-western England. The red lights of the Holme Moss (Yorkshire) Winter Hill (Lancashire) and Moel-y-Parc (Flintshire, Wales), transmitters were clearly visible. Any tropo was minor, if there was any at all. The log will appear in a few days as Tim has this and his internet connection is currently down. Firstly, here are two stations of interest: 97.5 Radio Caroline. This appeared to be a legitimate relay as annoucements stated they were in parallel with their MW outlet which covered listeners in NW Europe. 104.0 Unidentified station with low modulation playing a variety of pop music and no speech, noted for over an hour. This station was also audible in Congelton town centre which is low down in a dip. Perhaps a new station testing. The general direction appeared to be to the west or north-west. Anybody know anything about these two stations? Receiver - Renault Megane car radio with DYNAS. The DYNAS allowed easy access to 104.0 despite strong adjacent channel interference from Winter Hill on 103.9 and Holme Moss on 104.1. (John Faulkner, UK - skywaves 2130, 03/11/06) 87.60 17:24 2006-11-03 CZE Radio Impuls Brno Unattended rx 2203 IMPULS 105.00 03:25 2006-11-04 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA 105.00 05:28 2006-11-04 CVA Radio Vaticana 105 Live Citta Vaticana Unattended rx 4104 VATICANA (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2130, 03/11/06) -- Цифровое радиовещание (DRM) -- Неофициальное вещание Сенегал Esta manana me ha sorprendido escuchar aqui en Cordoba (Espana) con muy buena senal a West Africa Democracy Radio (WADR) en 12000 khz de 7:45 a 8:00 UTC. Como no conocia de donde era he mirado por internet y parece que los estudios los tienen en Senegal, pero dado que emiten para los paises riberenos del rio Mon (Liberia, Guinea y Sierra Leona) supongo que el emisor debe estar en algun sitio del centro o norte de europa ?alquien sabe desde donde emite exactamente? Para que se hagan una idea, la recepcion la he hecho con un pequeno aparato Mx Onda 869 con antena telescopica y en la habitacion mas interior de mi casa y el SINPO podia ser perfectamente 44444. (jorgetrinado - onda-corta 584, 04/11/06) Россия/Иран 6245 Radio Zamaneh, 18:15-18:20, escuchada el 30 de Octubre en idioma farsi a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 33443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) -- Наблюдения 3905 21/10 2203-2210 BORDERHUNTEDR, DUTCH PIRATE, ID, EE. V.GOOD 3927 21/10 2215-2220 SPACEMAN, DUTCH PIRATE, ID, DUTCH. GOOD 4319 USB 23+24/10 1506-2140 AFRTS TX DIEGO GARCIA, LIVE PROGRAM FROM CENTRAL STUDIOS IN CALIFORNIA. SUFF/GOOD 4750 23/10 0030-0040 R. BANGLADESH, YL ID, SONGS. SUFF/GOOD 4835 19+20+23+24/10 *2130-2215 ABC AUSTRALIA, S/ON, ID, NXs EE. SUFF/GOOD 4910 20/10 2140-2150 ABC AUSTRALIA, IN // 4835. SUFF 4925 19+20/10 2320-2347 RRI JAMBI, INDONESIA, TALKS, LOCAL NX 2330. POOR/SUFF 4965 19/10 2315-2320 THE VOICE, ZAMBIA, RELIGIOUS EE PROGRAMS. GOOD 5005 19-25/10 1900-2230v R. NACIONAL BATA, EQUATORIAL GUINEA, IN SS, LIVE SHOW. GOOD 5005 21/10 0020-0045 R. NEPAL, ID + NX IN NEPALI BY YL. (REACTIVATED) SUFF/GOOD 5025 20+22/10 *2130-2145 ABC AUSTRALIA, S/ON, IN // 4835. QRM FROM R. PARAKOU, GOOD 5470 22/10 2140-2150 R. VERITAS LIBERIA, TALKS IN EE. POOR/SUFF 5770 LSB 19/10 1515-1530 MYANMAR DEFENCES FORCES, YL TALKS IN BURMESE & SONGS. POOR/SUFF 5952,5 22/10 0030-0035 R, PIO XII, SIGLO XX, BOLIVIA, NX POLITIC. POOR/SUFF 5964,94 19/10 1420-1502 RTM KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, SUARA ISLAM FM + QRM CHINA IN KOREAN 5965 kHz. SUFF 5969,6v 22/10 0025-0029 TENTATIVE, R. NACIONAL HUANUNI, BOLIVIA, IN SS, TALKS. POOR/SUFF 6000 19/10 1425-1429 CITY SOUND, SINGAPORE, MANDARIN PROGRAM. YL TALKS. GOOD 6035 21+22/10 0005-0015 BHUTAN RADIO, MONKS CHOIRS NO STOP. POOR/GOOD 6040 19/10 1430-1431 BELARUSKOIE RADYO 1, GRODNO, PROGRAM "MUSICA" GOOD 6049,65v 19/10 1435-1440 RTM KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, SYIK FM PROGRAM + PBS TIBET CHINA QRM 6050 kHz (IN //7385 kHz) SUFF 6055 20/10 1910-1915 R. RWANDA, AFRO POP, DJ IN SWAHILI. GOOD/V.GOOD 6105,5 22/10 0020-0026 TENTATIVE, R. PANAMERICANA, BOLIVIA. POOR/SUFF 6165 20/10 1915-1922 RNT N'DJAMENA, TCHAD, IN FRENCH, NX POLITIC. SUFF/GOOD 6180 20+21/10 2340-0016 R. NACIONAL BRASILIA, BRASIL, LIVE PHONECALLS. SUFF/GOOD 6220 20-22/10 1900-0105 MYSTERY RADIO, PIRATE ITALIAN, IDs JINGLES, POP MX. GOOD/V.GOOD 7145 19/10 1745-1750* R. NEW ZEALAND, ID, IN EE, S/OFF 1750* TO 9630 kHz GOOD 7185 19/10 1520-1530 R. BANGLADESH, IN HINDI + QRM CBS TAIWAN IN MANDARIN. SUFF/GOOD 7235 19/10 1410-1500 R. WARNA, SINGAPORE, MALAY SERVICE, ADVERT., ID YL + AFTER 1500 HOURS VOA RELAY FROM N.MARIANAS IN KOREAN STOP THE CHANNEL. SUFF/GOOD 7270 19/10 1419-1423 RTM KUCHING, MALAYSIA, IN IBAN, TALKS. SUFF 7425 19+20/10 1905-2320 R. NACIONAL SAHARAWI, IN AA // 1550 kHz, AT 2320 IN SPANISH. SUFF/GOOD 9630 19/10 *1800-1805 R. NEW ZEALAND, ID , S/ON, NEWS IN EE. POOR/SUFF 9680 19+20/10 1845-2010 R. THAILAND, IN THAI AT 1845, IN GERMAN 2010. GOOD 9705 20/10 1920-1930 LA VOIX DU SAHEL, NIGER, NEWS IN FRENCH. SUFF/GOOD 11860 19/10 1400-1500 RRI JAKARTA, INDONESIA, NATIONAL PROGRAM, PHONECALLS, GOOD 21820 22/10 1030-1045 NHK VIA RELAY MOYABI,GABON, ITALIAN, MAILBOX, GOOD (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 47, 1, 31/10/06) 15430 - 1115 - 291006 - AUS - HCJB World R. - EE - rel. prgm "Search for Truth" - 4 5 3 4 3 11860 - 1505 - 291006 - INS - RRI - Bahasa Indonesia - news - 4/5 4 3/4 3 3 15335 - 1515 - 291006 - POR - DW Sines - German - sports - 5 5 4 4 4/5 (//15275 RRW, 4/5 5 4 4 4 & //13780 CLN, 4/5 5 4 4 4 9730 - 1630 - 291006 - D - BVB via Julich - EE - rel. prgm - 4/5 3 4 4 3/4 5950 - 2130 - 291006 - IRN - IRIB - Bosnian - stn ID, NA, Qur'an recitation - 5 4 5 5 4 9660 - 2215 - 291006 - GUF - R. Polonia via Montsinery - Polish - w reporter - 3/4 5 4 2/3 2/3 15135 - 0715 - 301006 - CHN? - CRI - SS - "Carta de Beijing" - 5 5 4 4 4 7485 - 1355 - 301006 - GUM - KTWR - Mandarin - rel. message - 4 5 4 4 4 11645 - 1410 - 011106 - RRW - DW Kigali - Amharic - report (death of P. W. Botha) - 4 5 4 4 4 17785 - 0930 - 021106 - ARS - R. Riyadh - FF - 'Le Club des Enfants' - 5 5 5 5 5 13840 - 1145 - 021106 - NZL - RNZI - EE - island music / "... creating deeper understanding and friendship between Pacific people" - 4 5 3/4 3/4 3/4 9890 - 1013 - 031106 - NZL - RNZI - EE - editor of 'Rolling Stones Magazine' - 3 5 3 4 3 11710 - 0245 - 041106 - ARG - RAE - EE - end of 'DX Special', then song 'Solo para mi' - 3/4 5 4 4 3/4 4930 - 1655 - 041106 - TKM - Turkmen Radiosi - EE - m singer / w with final announcement in between - 3/4 5 2/3 4 1/2 (Gunter Jacob, Passau, Germany - CumbreDX 1722, 04/11/06) 675 30/10 Arrow Rock R. - Den Haag Olandese ID e MX buono 810 30/10 21.58 R. Madrid - SS ID e pubblicita locale suff. 819 1/11 17.45 RAI - Trieste IT NX reg. Friuli Venezia-Giulia 855 30/10 06.45 R.N.E. R.1 - Tarragona Catalano NX reg. Catalunya buono 882 1/11 22.58 COPE - Alicante SS ID e pubblicita locale suff. 882 2/11 22.00 COM R. - Barcelona Catalano ID e NX buono 1062 2/11 17.45 RAI - Cagliari IT NX reg. Sardegna buono 1098 3/11 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Almeria SS NX reg. Andalucia suff. 1314 30/10 22.15 Loisirs AM - La Plaine Saint Denis FF MX suff. 1645 5/11 00.10 R. Elektron - ? Olandese ID e MX buono 4010 31/10 23.00 Kyrgiz R. - Bishkek Kyrgizo NX suff. 4319USB 4/11 16.50 AFRTS - Diego Garcia EE NX suff. 4635 31/10 22.25 Tajik R. - Dushanbe Tagico MX buono 4760 4/11 16.45 TWR - Manzini Shona MX afro buono 4910 1/11 16.10 AIR - Jaipur Hindy Talk OM suff. 4930 31/10 22.40 Turkmen R. - Asgabat Turcomanno Talk YL buono 6035 31/10 23.40 Voz del Guaviare - S. Jose del Guaviare SS radiosoap buono 6185 5/11 00.20 R. Educacion - Mexico D.F. SS talk di storia suff. 6210 5/11 09.40 R. Waves Int. - EE ID e MX buono 6299.3 4/11 16.30 Magic AM - EE ID e MX buono 6524 4/11 17.15 R. Ramona - EE ID e MX buono 6973 1/11 16.40 Galei Tzahal - Jerusalem Ebraico MX buono 7165 1/11 17.00 R. Ethiopia - Addis Ababa FF ID e NX suff. 9705 1/11 16.50 Voix du Sahel - Niamey FF intervista buono 11092.5USB 4/11 22.50 R. St. Helena - Jamestown EE ID e interviste buono (Roberto Pavanello, Italy - bclnews 1635, 05/11/2006) -- Пираты MV Baltic Radio this Sunday=20 5th of November 2006=20 at 1300 - 14:00 UTC on 5965 kHz Europaen Music Radio 19th of November 2006 at 13:00 - 14:00 UTC =20 on 5965 kHz. (Tom Taylor, UK - CumbreDX 1722, 04/11/06) -- Расписания Беларусь Иновещание: 7360 кГц 75 кВт 17.00-00.00 7390 кГц 150 кВт 17.00-00.00 7420 кГц 250 17.00-00.00 7255 кГц 250 кВт 18.00-00.00 БР-1 6115 кГц 75 кВт 03.00-23.00 6105 кГц 75 кВт 23.00-02.00 7170 кГц 250 кВт 05.00-08.00 7255 кГц 250 кВт 16.00-18.00 (областные программы с 16.00 до 17.00) Всё время в UTC. Заметьте переключение ночью обычной 6115 на 10 кГц ниже. Это видимо от помех от какой станции. (Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 01/11/06) Корея Голос Кореи. Расписание с 6 ноября. 0700 Russian 9975 11735 FE 0700 Russian 13760 15245 Eu 0800 Russian 9975 11735 FE 0800 Russian 13760 15245 Eu 1400 Russian 6285 9325 Eu 1500 Russian 6285 9325 Eu 1700 Russian 6285 9325 Eu (ARNULF PIONTEK, BERLIN, GERMANY) через HCDX. - Константин Асеев, open_dx 02/11/06) Посмотрел на их сайте полное частотное расписание (всех служб). Кажется, они сильно урезали трансляции на всех языках из Кореи (Однако не шла речь о том, что вещание из Кореи на КВ вообще прекратится). На русском языке для Азии упоминается лишь 1170 кГц (про 5975 кГц и 6135 кГц не написано). На 9515 кГц я тоже сейчас не слышал трансляций на русском, но слышал на корейском. Вот ссылка: http://world.kbs.co.kr/english/about/about_time.htm То есть, к сожалению, достоверной информации у меня нет-Штефан, я так понял, не в курсе дела. Но если верить информации на сайте, то трансляции на 5975 кГц и 6135 кГц вскоре прекратятся. (Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 02/11/06) Сайпан KFBS Saipan Program Schedule Effective: October 26, 2006 Time(UTC) Freq Language and day - SuMTuWThFSa 0900-1130 11650 Russian 1130-1200 11650 Russian(Su,M,Tu,W,F,Sa) Mongolian(Th) 1200-1330 11650 Russian 1330-1345 11650 Udmurt(Su,Tu),Tatar(M),Mari(W),Uzbek(Th),Kazakh(F,Sa) 1345-1400 11650 Udmurt(Su),Tatar(M,Tu),Chuvash(W),Ossetic(Th),Kyrghiz(F,Sa) 1400-1530 9465 Russian 1530-1545 9465 Russian (Su,M,W,Th,F,S),Ukrainian (Tu,), 1545-1600 9465 Russian (Su,W, Th,S),Ukrainian (M,Tu,F,) 0800-1415 11580 Mandarin (Chinese) 1000-1030 15580 Sasak 1030-1130 15580 Indonesian 1200-1230 11850 Sundanese (Su,M,Tu,W) 1230-1300 11850 Gorontalo (Th,F,S,Su) 1230-1300 11850 Madura (M,T, W) 1300-1400 9920 Vietnamese 2230-2300 12090 Vietnamese (Via Robert Springer,Director,FEBC) Far East Broadcasting Co. P.O. Box 500209 Saipan, MP 96950 USA Phone: (670) 322-3841 Fax: (670) 322-3060 http://www.febc.org (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi. - hard-core-dx 47, 6, 05/11/2006) Сербия INTERNATIONAL RADIO SERBIA -------------------------- B06 SCHEDULE, EFFECTIVE AS OF NOVEMBER 06, 2006 All broadcasts via Bijeljina-Jabanusa, Bosnia non-directional [UTC] 1730-2200 6100 kHz 1730-1745 ARABIC 1745-1800 HUNGARIAN 1800-1815 GREEK 1815-1830 ALBANIAN 1830-1845 ITALIAN 1845-1900 MANDARIN 1900-1930 RUSSIAN 1930-2000 ENGLISH 2000-2030 SPANISH 2030-2100 SERBIAN Sun-Fri 2030-2130 SERBIAN Sat 2100-2130 GERMAN Sun-Fri 2130-2200 FRENCH (Dragan Lekic from Subotica, Serbia, Nov 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST via bclnews 1634, 04/11/06) Словакия -на русском 1400 на 9440 и 13710 1600 на 5915 и 6055 1830 на 5915 и 9485 (DX MIX 590) Чехия Зимнее расписание Радио Прага на русском языке: -на русском 0500 на 6055 и 9890 1230 на 6055 и 17545 1530 на 5930 и 9450 1900 на 5830 через Душанбе (DX MIX 590) -- Связь 0022Z 5696.0 CG 2113 (HU-25) on final to Charleston secures guard with CAMSLANT 0134Z 5851.5 G23625 (UH-60A # 81-23625) clg STPOPS (AASF, St. Paul Airport) in ALE USB 2213Z 15042.6 Link-11 data transmission 2213Z 6246.6 ANDVT [22:25:01][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][500 ][AL0] BER 28 SN 10 followed by CG 1500 (HC-130) reporting on final to Elizabeth City secures guard with CAMSLANT 2304Z 5732.0 D02 (CBP BOMBARDIER Q400 #N802MR) clg EST followed by Parkhill encryption 2312Z 5851.5 R23313 (UH-60A # 79-23313) clg T1Z137 (1-137th AVN, Ohio NG) in ALE USB 2347Z 5696.0 CG 1501 (HC-130) wkg CAMSLANT with request Sector Key West come up 3A17 2349Z 10993.6 ANDVT ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 500, 700, D02, D45, EST, I01, I4J, J10, J15, OPB, PNR400, WST (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 269) CYPRUS RADIO 538001924-MHL (safety) from [Cyprus Radio]-CYP test ACK [06-11-02 17:06:48] 02-11-2006 8414,5 KHz 17.06 utc DSC LYNGBY RADIO, DENMARK 636090219-LBR (safety) from [Lyngby Radio]-DNK test ACK [06-11-02 16:37:15] 375511000-VCT (safety) from [Lyngby Radio]-DNK test ACK [06-11-02 16:34:55] 02-11-2006 16.34 utc 8414,5 KHz DSC (Francesco - udxf 269) 09340.0 TOBRUK: HMAS Tobruk LSH L50 0600 USB clg AUSTRALIA CONTROL radio check - nothing heard (21/Aug/06) (SDD) 12172.0 TOBRUK: HMAS Tobruk LSH L50 0558 USB clg AUSTRALIA CONTROL barely readable requested to change to VCN3 (21/Aug/06) (SDD) 12172.0 TOOWOOMBA: HMAS Toowoomba ANZAC FFH 156 0631 USB clg AUSTRALIA CONTROL who was unable to rx test tape on RTN4 (01/Nov/06) (SDD) 12172.0 STALLION 02: RAAF C-130 0838 USB clg AUSTRALIA CONTROL w/ departure msg and selcal LP-HM (01/Nov/06) (SDD) 12172.0 BETANO: HMAS Betano LCH 0759 USB clg AUSTRALIA CONTROL and requested to send test tape RTN5 (02/Nov/06) (SDD) 12172.0 BETANO: HMAS Betano LCH 0805 USB clg AUSTRALIA CONTROL and adv printability good, send traffic (02/Nov/06) (Simon Denneen, Sydney, Australia) Румыния Ежедневно в 06.30 10.30 UTC на частоте 6507 / 8740 / 13104 kHz работает станция связи с судами Constanta Radio (call sign - YQI) В указанное время дается вызов и если никто не отвечает станция выключается Вот адрес Statia Romana de Coasta YQI "CONSTANTA RADIO" Str. Antenelor, Cumpana email: arrivalro@radionav.ro (Валерий, Украина - open_dx 04/11/06) 12174.00. USB 1022 UTC MIL-STD 141A 880 calling 771. Probably China. 12172.50 USB 1035 UTC CROWD-36. Encrypted messages. From Russia. 16243.50. 1002 UTC 600/600 FSK BurstSystem. Cannot decode. MFA Pyongyang. 17460.50. 0806 UTC 600/600 FSK Burst System. Cannot decode. MFA Pyongyang. 17243.50. 0906 UTC. 600/600 FSK Burst System. Cannot decode. MFA Pyongyang. 16305.70. 1115 UTC. ARQ-E3. 200/425. Idling only. Can someone say please, is this RFPTC N'djamena Chad, or is it Paris? (one guide I have says Paris, another one says N'djamena, monterias book does not hazard a guess). (Eddy Waters, Collinswood, South Australia - udxf 270, 03/11/06) >16305.70. 1115 UTC. ARQ-E3. 200/425. Idling only. Can someone say please, >is this RFPTC N'djamena Chad, or is it Paris? (one guide I have says Paris, another one says N'djamena, monterias book does not hazard a guess). I have 16305.7 both as RFPTC and RFPTA both FF N'Djamena at E3 200/400 always idling . Last recorded message was in Nov 2002 to RFGW/MFA Paris Used to be very busy but civil was going on in Tchad now and expect FF interest is minimal! (Robert Hall, Capetown, South Africa - udxf 270, 03/11/06) 09106.7 : Egyptian Embassy Berlin 1634 ARQ 80-group 5-character urgent hexadecimal cipher message to '71'. (03Nov06) (MPJ) 10610.9 : Moscow Meteo 1626 FAX/120/576 Fair pressure chart. (03Nov06) (MPJ) 10872 C: Cluster Beacon Moscow 1619 CW With D/Odessa on 10871.8 Nothing heard on 10871.9 (03Nov06) (MPJ) 12503.5 UHFP: Russian Vessel Lira 1607 ARQ Telegrams to Kaliningrad and Tashkent. Working Kaliningrad/UIW on 12606 kHz. (03Nov06) (MPJ) 12587 LZW5: VarnaRadio, Bulgaria 1600 FEC News and football results, exchange-rates in Bulgar. 'Shtaslivo plavane. Varna Radio. NNNN'. (03Nov06) (MPJ) 12783.5 9MR: RMN Johore Bahru, W.Malaysia 1542 RTTY/50/850 JULL JULL 9MR5/9/10/13 RMMJ MRB RYs. (03Nov06) (MPJ) 13375 LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER: E03 1517 USB Old hag in 5FG traffic. (03Nov06) (MPJ) 13406.4 : Unid 1518 FEC Enciphered. Idles breaks, no preambles. Bearing 135/315° France, Italy, N.Africa. Offair 1522. (03Nov06) (MPJ) 16966 : French Navy/Military 1148 UNID/50/850 ACF=21. Thanks Bill. Enciphered. Ship bcast? Point-point? //2064,4338,8565,12730. Bearing for 8565 is 110° - northern France. (03Nov06) (MPJ) 18788.91 : Unid Military 1528 OMFSK/195.5/600 Overlaid by unusual musical tones. 120° - Cyprus? QSX is 13564.91 185° - W.Mediterranean? (03Nov06) (MPJ - udxf 270, 03/11/06) >16966 : French Navy/Military 1148 UNID/50/850 ACF=21. Thanks >Bill. Enciphered. Ship bcast? Point-point? //2064,4338,8565,12730. >Bearing for 8565 is 110° - northern France. (03Nov06) (MPJ) > Ship broadcast, definitely. These freqs used to broadcast a time signal for 10 minutes every day, in plain language, under the callsign FUB (listed in all the books as "French Navy, Paris" but I have no idea where the TX site is). (Bill Borland, G3EFS - udxf 270, 03/11/06) 8992.0 was active at 0200z with LONG HAND (good levels here) bcsting a 28-character EAM (I7WG4X) and simulcasting same on at least 11175.0 (fair/good) with nothing heard on 15016.0 or 4724.0. (Jeff Haverlah - udxf 270, 03/11/06) 490 samsun 3A tur 0000 NAVTEX 4nov06 490 sao vicente? 2P cpv 0310 NAVTEX 4nov06 518 bahrain 9B bhr 0013 NAVTEX 3nov06 518 muscat 9M oma 0203 NAVTEX 3nov06 518 cyprus 3M cyp 0206 NAVTEX 2nov06 518 jeddah 9H ars 0110 NAVTEX 2nov06 518 horta 2F azr 0454 NAVTEX 3nov06 (Michel, France - udxf 271, 04/11/06) 15016.0 0925z 04nov06 unid very weak fading with echo. YL mix ltrs/figs. EAM? nothing heard on other freqs (Jerry Rhys, UK - udxf 271, 04/11/06) 8971.0 Passbook 65 (P-3C) 1815z USB w Goldenhawk (TSC Brunswick) passing Spares Group message; is unable to have comms with Giantkiller so rqsts Goldenhawk relay Spares Group msg to Giantkiller. (04/Nov/2006) (Alan Stern, Florida - udxf 271, 04/11/06). 10190.7 DRCH: German ship ?, 1629, USB, calling DHJ59 for radio check, then traffic in digital mode (03nov06) (AA) 10190.7 DRCL: German ship ?, 1655, USB, calling DHJ59, then digital traffic (03nov06) (AA) (Alex, Austria - udxf 271, 04/11/06) 10134.0 T45MED: USA-mil, 1556, ALE/USB, sounding every 30 minutes (03nov06) (AA) 10134.0 TC2135: USA-mil, 1556, ALE/USB, sounding every 30 minutes (03nov06) (AA) 10180.9 French mil or police: 1558, Thales Systeme 3000 with ALE (03nov06) (AA) 10134.0 TC1111: USA-mil, 1559, ALE/USB, sounding every 30 minutes (03nov06) (AA) 10134.0 R23492: USA-mil, 1600, ALE/USB, calling TC2135 (03nov06) (AA) 10240.0 RHI: probably Saudi net, 1600, ALE/USB and LSB at the same time, calling AAI (03nov06) (AA) 10211.0 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach Algeria, 1601, ALE/LSB, sounding (03nov06) (AA) 10210.85 MEDER30P: Sonatrach Algeria, 1610, ALE/LSB, sounding, off frequency (03nov06) (AA) 10210.9 INAS30P: Sonatrach Algeria, 1630, ALE/LSB, sounding, off frequency (03nov06) (AA) 10210.95 OHT30P: Sonatrach Algeria, 1640, ALE/LSB, sounding (03nov06) (AA) 10190.0 unid: link protection ?, 1612, ALE/USB, not able to decode (03nov06) (AA) 10135.0 RCP: Saudi ? net, 1614, ALE/USB, calling NAP every 5 minutes (03nov06) (AA) 10137.0 055: unid, 1602, ALE/USB, sounding (03nov06) (AA) 10106.8 FC2Z4: USA-mil, 1614, ALE/USB, sounding (03nov06) (AA) 10160.0 2010: Turkish red cross ??, 1617, ALE/USB, calling 1020 (03nov06) (AA) 10152.0 1002: unid, 1624, ALE/LSB, sounding (03nov06) (AA) 10135.0 RCN: Saudi ? net, 1625, ALE/LSB, calling NAN (03nov06) (AA) 10160.0 4015: Turkish red cross ?, 1631, ALE/USB, sounding (03nov06) (AA) 10134.0 R23492: USA-mil, 1648, ALE/USB, calling T7Z101 (03nov06) (AA) 10160.0 5046: Turkish Red Cross ?, 1657, ALE/USB, sounding (03nov06) (Aex, Austria - udxf 271, 04/11/06) All ships logged Nov 4th (pm) on 16804.5 khz DSC mode : 237897000 Ship Greece folegandros syal s16757 cit 352168000 Ship Panama planet ace 3eyf9 tvh 212032000 Ship Cyprus nordmerkur p3tj9 oil 257309000 Ship Norway clipper sky lazo5 cit 215472000 Ship Malta ocean success 9hpz7 cit 212439000 Ship Cyprus ubc toronto c4fy2 538090174 Ship Marshall Islands cape bari v7hx2 oil 355618000 Ship Panama swift hpge blk 319367000 Ship Cayman Islands ice star zcsk 357939000 Ship Panama ever urban 3fxn9 cont 477880700 Ship China pitt island vras5 blk 232793000 Ship United Kindom emily borchard myzq6 cont 273314400 Ship Russian Federation severodonetsk ufvm 356104000 Ship Panama wielun hpvs blk 240223000 Ship Greece romantic svgb cit 563089000 Ship Singapore kempton s6lg tug 538001966 Ship Marshall Islands team saturn v7fl3 oil 237828000 Ship Greece anangel eternity sypz blk 371846000 Ship Panama sichem pace 3ebi8 cit 563588000 Ship Singapore bow lion 9vmu4 cit 257487000 Ship Norway scarlet star ladl6 cit 239730000 Ship Greece singapore express syhb blk 371437000 Ship Panama peppino d'amato 3ecq9 blk 248622000 Ship Malta montreaux 9hll6 blk (Patrice Privat, Paris, France - udxf 272, 05/11/06) 24777.0 055: unid prob. E.Asian NET 0936 USB/Mil-std188-141A snd (05-nov-06)(Maciej S. Muszalski, Poland - udxf 272, 05/11/06) -- Неопознанное Saludos cordiales, cuando son las 19:44 UTC estoy escuchando por la frecuencia de 9105 en modo AM una extrana emision musical formada por 6 o 7 notas repetidas cada tres segundos, alguien tiene idea de que puede ser. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 1052, 31/10/06) -- Техника приема http://www.mydarc.de/dh3wl/dk9nl/X-Phase-Dateien/Xphase_c4alle.pdf - Схемы X-Phase noise blanker. (Felix - Shortwave-SWL-Antenna 1195, 02/11/06) Скомпилировал и размещаю на сайте версию свою версию программы Dream 1.6.25. Использовал для компиляции исходных кодов, опубликованных 1 сентября 2006 года на http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=71084, программу Microsoft Vusual C++ 6.0 SP6. Объем архивированного файла (.rar) с готовой программой - 2.17 МВ. Если есть желание, можете скачать эту версию на сайте http://www.travelradio.lv и помочь в тестировании. Публикую полную версию, которая сразу после старта файла Dream.exe начинает работать, т.е. скачивать из других источников дополнительный файл qt-mt230nc.dll не надо. Я проверил основные функции, кажется, все работает. Пока что на этой неделе не удалось полностью проверить работу мультимедиа и дополнительных сервисов. Условия приема на КВ сегодня были не очень хорошими, все станции проходили нестабильно, плюс ко всему я работал параллельно с двумя компьютерами, что, само по себе, шумовую обстановку вокруг приемника не улучшало. Показалось, что прием на этой версии не так стабилен, как, например, 1.6.1cvs от 8 февраля. Однозначные выводы пока делать не берусь, надо еще понаблюдать за ее работой. Если дополнительно использовать Qt Designer 2.3.0. можно, наверное, попробовать менять содержимое файлов с расширением (.ui), изменять интерфейс программы, например, перевести ее на русский язык или по-другому скомпоновать элементы интерфейса. Для желающих изготовить исполняемую версию программы из исходных кодов самостоятельно Installation Instructions for the Dream Software опубликованы здесь - http://drm.sourceforge.net/installation.html. (Владимир Казгунов, Латвия - open_dx 05/11/2006) -- Новости Исландия The Icelandic public broadcaster RUV will end the SW relays of its main newscasts by the end of the year. Since the 1970s, RUV had leased SW capacities at the Gufunes Telecommunicatons Centre in Reykjavik to serve Icelandic ships and expatriots in Europe and North America. (Bernd Trutenau, LTU - CumbreDX 1725, 06/11/2006) Санкт-Петербург В эту субботу (04/11/06) на частоте 1440 кГц заработала новая радиостанция Звезда. Вещает круглосуточно. Их сайт: http://www.radiozvezda.ru/ (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия) -- Интернет http://www.fmdx.es/ http://hfradio.org/swbc http://www.papadelta.px.qsl.br/ http://swradionews.blogspot.com/ http://www.fmdx.it/ http://www.fmdx.altervista.org/ http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/mikeandtina/NAf&ME/ - North Africa & Middle East FM Database http://www.mexicoradiotv.com/ http://swli05639fr.blogspot.com/ Numbers & Oddities #110 is now online. I also updated the logs database. http://home.luna.nl/~ary (Ary Boender, NL - udxf 270, 03/11/06) http://www.lanacion.com.ar/855576 - Телеканалы Венесуэлы??? http://shellacshanty.blogspot.com http://moodietoonz.blogspot.com http://audioddities.blogspot.com http://thereel.blogspot.com http://www.sthelena.se/ http://www.chbrain.dircon.co.uk/pchfdl.html http://members.home.nl/dahlia01/download.htm http://www.acarsd.org/ http://www.toronto.hm/radio.html - Канадские радиостанции онлайн -- Письма читателей -- QSL Албания 1458 kHz, R Tirana, partial data qsl-card (tx-site not mentioned). The card shows a woman in local clothes and the RTI symbol. No v/s. The card was cancelled but had no postage stamps. In 33 days for a report in German without rp to Radio Tirana, - Deutsche Redaktion -, R. Ismail Qemali, Tirana, Albanien. (M.Schoech, Eisenach, Germany, October 2006 - CumbreDX 1722, 04/11/06) Беларусь Вчера погостил у радио Гродно. Они наладили оформление своих карточек. Всё чинно. По замечаниям Саши Бакурского много рапортов из скандинавских стран. Все письма присланные мне я переправляю на адрес РГ. E-mail Бакурского: radiotech Q tvr.grodno.by Рапорта высылайте на адрес: Александру Бакурскому Радио Гродно ул. Горького 85 230015, Гродно Республика Беларусь (Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 01/11/06) Египет 9900 kHz, R Cairo, full data qsl-card (tx-site not mentioned). Card shows the 4th scene of the 4th series: The Sphinx. V/s not readable. The envelope also contained a px-schedule. The envelope was open and it had 5 offial stamps (Dienstmarken) on the back-side, they were not cancelled. In 80 days for a report in German to radiocairo9990@yahoo.com (sent a PDF file). (M.Schoech, Eisenach, Germany, October 2006 - CumbreDX 1722, 04/11/06) Иран Сегодня получил QSL от Radio Zamaneh. RR посылал по эл. почте : contact@radiozamaneh.com. Сайт: www.radiozamaneh.com. (Павел Иванов, Белгород, Россия - open_dx 02/11/06) R. Zamaneh 6245 Khz - Linnaeusstraat 35-F - 1093 EE Amsterdam - ( o Postbus 92027 - 1090 AA Amsterdam ) - Olanda con QSL in 44 giorni per rapporto inviato a contact@radiozamaneh.com. v/s Mehdi Jami Director. (Roberto Pavanello, Italy - bclnews 1634, 04/11/06) -- I just joined the list and wanted to say hello. Between 1974 and 1976 I did alot of Utility DXing and then nothing until recently. Below are two recent QSLs I've received. Chile, CBV Playa Ancha Radio 12583.5, form letter, letter and frequency list in 40 days. Received registered mail. This for an English report, CD, postcard and $2US. v/s Cristian Pena Flores, Head of Maritime Telecommunications Center. USA, NAV-4 NAVMARCORMARS 14467.0 card in 35 days for a follow up with an SASE. This was for their Armed Forces Day broadcast. (Martin Foltz, southern California - udxf 272, 04/11/06) -- Аппаратура Simon Denneen Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Icom R-75 JRC NRD-545 JRC NRD-345 AOR AR8600 Rich Brock Bridgewater, Pa. USA Realistic DX300 with random longwire and MFJ Versatuner II -- 73 всем! И.Л. |
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