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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 94
WorldDX 94 14/11/2006 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редкатор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Другие вакансии свободны. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по следующим адресам: http://worlddx.narod.ru/dx.html, http://worlddx.by.ru/dx.html и http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ Конференция бюллетеня: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ Подписка: worlddx-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Выходит по вторникам. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru --- Короткие Волны Австрия Nov 8 at 1444 heard talk in unID language on 17610, with QRM from continuous falling chirps (similar to the rising chirps against Greece on 17525 at same time). PWBR ``2007``, just in claims this is AWR in Arabic (checkerboard) to EAf, but doesn`t sound like Arabic to me! For correct info, went to http://www.bclnews.it/b06schedules/awr.htm where this is listed as Afar, 7 days a week. BTW, a lot of the B-06 schedules archived at bclnews.it from DXLD and other sources are incomplete so far, but not AWR (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 9, 08/11/2006) Австралия 4910 Australia VL8T Tennant Creek, NT. 0805 Jazz programme followed by interview, this parallel with 4835, VL8A, Alice Springs, NT. Excellent signal 1 November (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1729, 09/11/2006) Албания Looked for R. Tirana, English to NAm on 6115 and 7465, Nov 14 at 0331, but nothing audible on either. Propagation from E Eu was not so good tho Russia was making it on 6240, as was Ukraine on 5820 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Аргентина 15345 R. Nacional de Argentina, 22:00-22:15, escuchada el 7 de Noviembre en espanol con sintonia y locutor anunciando emitir el segundo programa de la RAE a las 22:00 UTC por 11710 y 15345, esta escucha a sido realizada con receptor Ten-Tec RX 320, SINPO 45454 Consultando la web de la RAE veo que todavia no a sido actualizado las emisiones para el periodo B-06, pero si es verdad lo que anuncia el locutor estariamos ante una reduccion de horarios y frecuencias de esta emisora, ya que en el periodo A-06 por ejemplo para esta hora anunciaban tres frecuencias, la de 6060, 11710 y 15345, tambien que habia al menos tres emisiones en espanol, a las 0600-0900, 0900-1100 y 1900-2100, sin embargo ahora parece que solo hay dos (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1155, 08/11/2006) Беларусь 7420 Radio Belarus, 19:20-19:30, escuchada el 9 de Noviembre en alem?n a locutora con comentarios en programa de musica clasica, tema "Ave Maria", emision en paralelo por 7390, sin se?al en 7360, SINPO 55444. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjaost, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 10, 09/11/2006) Боливия 4600.25, Radio Perl De Acre, (Pres) 1002-1112 Very threshold signal. Occasionally audio bleeds thru the noise, but overall just the carrier audible. Heard a man in Spanish comments at 1006. (Chuck Bolland, November 8, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 9) 4409.7 Bolivia Radio Eco, Reyes 0020 yl /en espanol/ with several yl's talking at once, religious? 0025 into music. 3 November. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1729, 09/11/2006) 4545,38t. Bolivia Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 0000 to 0020 om /en espanol/ mixing with CODAR dominant. 3 November (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1729, 09/11/2006) 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0001-0010 Noted a man in news or comments. Language was either Quechua or Aymara. Signal was at a fair level. (Chuck Bolland, November 14, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Ватикан Nov 8 at 1455 found S Asian talk and music on 11850. Brand new PWBR ``2007`` shows nothing at all! Kept listening and talk kept going past 1500, good signal, into music again at 1502. At 1529 recheck, Vatican Radio IS and ID, into English and announcing schedule but which I did not try to copy. It seems bclnews.it does not yet have any schedule from VR either. This is however, the Vatican Radio transmission to South Asia at 1415-1600 from Santa Maria di Galeria, 500 kW at 98 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 9, 08/11/2006) Великобритания BBCWS in English, Nov 7 at 1409 check on 5975 was audible, but with co-channel QRM underneath; nothing on 6040. But at 1523 check, 6040 was there, and no 5975. I suppose 6040 is another of those of those temporary frequencies from unknown site, like 9440 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 8, 07/11/2006) BBCWS in English, 5975 via Thailand, Nov 8 at 1426 has some co-channel QRM causing SAH. Possibilities are Vietnam home service and KBSWR Korea South, either of which would make 5975 no good for BBC in EAs. Better signal with B-B-C chimes, on 6135, Nov 8 at 1428, and then into Vietnamese. This is via Singapore aimed 13 degrees, and thus onward toward NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 9, 08/11/2006) Nov 14 at 0309 on 7325 a Cuban accent caught my ear in discussion of US politix; could it be another clandestine broadcast? No, just an interviewee on BBCWS`s only remaining Spanish hour, via Skelton/Rampisham, and also heard // 6110 Furman/Cypress Creek, not exactly synchronized, and no jamming on either (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Венгрия R. Budapest, 5980, must be the source of something in Hungarian, Nov 14 at 0318, but there was some singing underneath, unsure whence. After 0330, English on 6035 was fair but squeezed between Spain 6040 and Cuban jamming 6030 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Габон Nov 13 at 1456 check, ANO harmonic 19160 with buzz but also some audio mixed in (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Гайана 3291.13 Guyana "Voice of Guyana "GBC Sparendaam 2345 to 0000 with subcontinental Indian music mixed with pop music. "this is number one selection, now on to number two. 1 November (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1729, 09/11/2006) Me too, can`t recall hearing 3291 better here, Nov 13 at 0648 with English dialog, drama? Yes, that would fit for BBCWS Americas stream UT Mon at 06-07: BBC World Drama: Small Talk: Big Picture, but I`d rather hear local programming (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Гуам Thu Nov 9 at 1332 came upon 9615 which was just going from Chinese, into English lesson presented entirely in English for those already semi-fluent, as the teacher admitted she did not speak much Chinese. Woman went on and on for five minutes of introduction --- does she do the same in every broadcast of this program? And at 1337 finally got to the first expression to be explained, ``the die is cast`` which has nothing to do with death. Fair signal but clear. At first I guessed it was KNLS, which has used 9615 before, but axually it`s listed as the AWR Mandarin service from KSDA (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 10, 09/11/2006) Индия 9425 All India Radio; 2020-2036+, 8-Nov; In Hindi(p) to abrupt off @2027:30. On/offs till EE start @2030. W in EE w/AIR ID & Indian news to 2035 then continued in LL. SIO=433 to 2030 then 4+44-, LSB helps Not //11620 before or after 2030. (Harold Frodge, Mi, usa - CumbreDX 1728, 08/11/2006) 9820, AIR Panaji, Nov 8, *1530-1535, suddenly on with AIR ID, YL with “The news at nine” in English. Probably them at 1455-1500* with chanting/singing. Both segments had QRM from assume Guangxi. Thanks to Glenn for the tip (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1064, 08/11/2006) Индонезия VOI, 9525, not checked until 1627 Nov 7, and it was a big open carrier, not much hum, covering something much weaker with talk. Previously Suara Indonesia had been heard with Arabic during this hour on 9525, at least at the start of it (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK - hard-core-dx 47, 8, 07/11/2006) 4750.16, RRI Mabassar, Sulawesi, 0940-1005 Local pop music at tune in. Following a brief segment, the Qu'ran presented 0952. This continued until 1000. Afterwards, comments by a woman. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, November 11/07/06 - hard-core-dx 47, 8) 4604.96, RRI Serui, 1013-1020 At tune in, noted local pop music. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, November 8, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 9) 4604.95 RRI Serui 1341-1414 Nov 9. Vocal music to 1346, then M announcer with ID and 5 minutes of announcements; back to music at 1351, continuing well past ToH. Good signal, as usual. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 09/11/2006) 9525, VOI, Nov 8, at 1547 continuous loop (music & English ID) (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1064, 08/11/2006) 9680, RRI Jakarta, Nov 8 (Wed.), 1001-1021, KGRE program #5307, idioms: “Train of thought” and “Ships that pass in the night”, pop songs by Veronicas (young Aussies who are identical twins), WYFR not heard at all (what happened to them, not that I am complaining?). Fair (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1064, 08/11/2006) 4750.16, RRI Mabassar, Sulawesi, 0940-1005 Local pop music = at tune in. Following a brief segment, the Qu'ran presented 0952. This = continued until 1000. Afterwards, comments by a woman. Signal was = fair. (Chuck Bolland, November 11/07/06 - CumbreDX 1727) Испания Acabo de recibir la confirmacion de Antonio Buitrago desde Radio Exterior de Espana del recorte en las transmisiones del programa diexista "Amigos de la Onda Corta". Se ha suprimido la emision dirigida hacia Africa los sabados a las 18:00 UTC por los 17755 kHz; y tambien la del domingo, a las 16:00 UTC dirigida hacia Oriente Proximo y Medio en los 21610 kHz. Tambien me comunica que anteriormente el programa tenia dos versiones; de 25 minutos y de 30 minutos. Ahora solo se produce el espacio "Amigos de la Onda Corta" con una duracion unica de 25 minutos. Asi quedan los horarios y frecuencias por donde se emite el programa Amigos de la Onda Corta de Radio Exterior de Espana: Sabado 07:00 UTC Para Europa: 9710, 11920 y 12035 kHz Para America del Sur: 5965 kHz Para Australia: 17770 y 21610 kHz Domingos 01:00 UTC Para America del norte: 6055 y 9535 kHz Para America Central: 9535 kHz Para America del Sur: 6125, 9620, 9765 y 11945 kHz Tambien se puede escuchar en directo a traves de la web: http://www.rtve.es/rne/ree/ Y si lo desea, cualquier dia y a cualquier hora en: http://es.geocities.com/programasdx/amigosondacorta.htm (Jose Bueno, Cordoba, Spain - dxldyg 1064, 08/11/2006) Италия/Румыния 5775, IRRS, 1800-1815. Mismo programa que a las 1100 en 9310 kHz. Inicio a las 1800, m?sica de sinton?a, a las 1803 identificaci?n: "This is IRRS, Milano, Italy, Signing On". "United Nations Radio". Programa en ingl?s de U.N. Radio, noticias y comentarios de la actualidad mundial, Noticias del plan nuclear de Ir?n, reuni?n de naciones africanas en Gab?n, etc."This news comes to you from the U. N. Radio in New York". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 12/11/2006) Канада One may still hear the harmonica fill music at times on RCI, such as 1630 UT Nov 7 in the middle of the only Sounds Like Canada hour from CBC that RCI still carries, on 17820, also 13655, 9515. I believe I have also heard Claude Garden`s harmonica music on RCI1 webcast (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK - hard-core-dx 47, 8, 07/11/2006) Китай Firedrake against Sound of Hope, poor with flutter at 1634 Nov 7 on 10400 (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK - hard-core-dx 47, 8, 07/11/2006) Checking out report of China being heard in Tulsa OK on 9820, Nov 7 at 1357, I tuned in to hear a man talking, definitely not in Mandarin, right across hourtop. 1405 some music I would classify as South Asian, not Chinese. This was only a poor signal with heavy flutter, but modulation seemed to be OK. Possibly at times there was another station underneath. At 1417 more SAs music, no CCI audible. 1430 missed hourbottom as I was tuned to REE 17595 which does run an automatic timesignal then. At 1449, 9820 had chanting going up and down, up and down only a few notes. Off promptly at 1500. Altho I could not get a definite ID nor be sure of the language, I believe this is AIR Sinhala service as scheduled, via Goa, which I have also heard a number of times before, rather than anything from China on 9820. There were no commercials, jingles, English bits or over-production typical of CNR now. However, perhaps things are different earlier in the 1300 hour, and of course conditions can vary widely from one day to the next. Goa is close to a transpolar signal from here (Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 8, 07/11/2006) 5965, China Radio International (Pres), 1050-1057 Noted some music at tune-in. At 1056 woman in Oriental Language - presumably Chinese. She is joined with comments from a man off and on. At 1057 dead air which continues. Can't find any reference to this broadcast anywhere. The PPWBR says that Gannan People's Broadcasting Station is in 5969 broadcasting to Tibet during this period, but the freqs don't match. Don't quote me, but I think that the PBS doesn't go off the air prior to the hour as CRI does? At about one minute before the hour, a new, stronger carrier pops up on this freq and on the hour CRI begins broadcasting. This broadcast is scheduled and is definitely not the same transmission heard at 1050. (Chuck Bolland, November 10, 2006 - CumbreDX 1729, 10/11/2006) 9820, Guangxi Foreign BC Station (presumed), Nov 8, 1455-1535, QRM from AIR-Panaji (1500*), after 1500 certainly sounded like listed Vietnamese programming, weak. Mixing again with AIR at *1530. EiBi lists Xian here with CBR/CNR-2 from 1230-1600 UT, but they do not list English from 1300-1400 UT, for "English Evening" (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1064, 08/11/2006) Couldn`t hear Canada on 31m, Nov 13 at 0300, but R. Internacional de China was inbooming via Brasil, opening 9665. There were some small audio dropouts; I`ll bet most listeners in Latin America have no idea this is transmitted from Bras?lia (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Колумбия 5910, La Voz de Tu Conciencia, (pres)1110-1120 Steady helping of Spanish Ranchero type music and other types. No comments between tunes. Signal was fair. Heard a parallel signal on 6009.48 and at 1121 man gives ID as "Voz de Tu Conciencia, ... Colombia ..." (Chuck Bolland, November 9, 2006 - CumbreDX 1728, 09/11/2006) 6009.48, La Voz de Tu Conciencia, 1120-1130 Noted steady Ranchero type music as well as other types. At 1121, man gives ID as "...Voz de Tu Conciencia ... Colombia...". This was parallel to 5910 broadcast. Signal was good. Don't know if this is a spur or just a parallel signal? (Chuck Bolland, November 9, 2006 - CumbreDX 1728, 09/11/2006) Корея With the timeshift in CNAm, I am less likely to be hearing Shiokaze at 1300, but I was wondering whether they had made a B-06 schedule change. Finally Nov 9 I checked at 1325 and hear nothing on 9485 where it had been for some months, including English once or twice a week. Ron Howard looked at their websites http://chosa-kai.jp/index.html and http://senryaku-jouhou.jp/shiotsuu.html and found that this has moved to 9730 while the 2030 broadcast in Japanese has moved from 9785 to 9645 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 10, 09/11/2006) Vof Korea back on 6285 with russian prg on 1730+ and german program on 1800 Signal S9 , 45544 (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece - CumbreDX 1727, 07/11/2006) Shiokaze`s new 9950, presumably still via Taiwan: not a chance here with supersignal from WEWN on 9955, but checked anyway at 1315 Nov 13. How is it in CA? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Куба Nov 7 at 0702 on 6060, announcer introducing Teatro de la Opera. Must be R. Musical Nacional CMBF relay via RHC, of variable duration, which is never in published schedules (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 8, 07/11/2006) Tue Nov 7 at 0709 MCW spy letter transmission started on 5930. I was already tuned to the area because I was trying to figure out the kind of noise I was hearing from 5920 to 5930, like a swarm of bees, different pitch than the usual DRM, but perhaps it was a DRM variant. Caused QRM to 5930 and 5920. Nothing, however, on the current DRM schedules on 5925, nor on 5920 at this hour. Which is not conclusive, since we know these schedules are not inclusive (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 8, 07/11/2006) The RHC B-06 schedule distributed by Arnie Coro contains an entry which I suspect is a transposition typo: ``15370`` at 13-15 UT in Spanish. Nov 8 at 1424 check I am still hearing Fidel on the original frequency (which does not appear in the new schedule), 13750. And that was added only a few weeks ago. On 15370 there is a weak signal from something else, probably VOA Russian via Morocco. Also, since I happened to tune across RHC 11760 just as they were signing off the morning broadcast, I copied the moldie oldie frequency info they keep giving incorrectly in Spanish, at 1457 Nov 8: to resume at ``7 pm Hora Normal de Cuba en 15230, 11705, 11760, 9550, 6000`` That means 0000 UT. However, the new schedule distributed by Arnie Coro shows Spanish transmissions resume already at 2100-2300 on 9550 and 11800. And from 0000 on many frequencies, the correct list being 15230, 11875, 11760, 9600, 6180, 6140, 6060, 6000 and 5965! I assume all these are just meaningless numbers to the studio producers, so why bother to update them? (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 9, 08/11/2006) Малайзия 7295, Traxx FM (RTM), Nov 8, 1553-1604, DJ Lady Kay with her Wed. program “Whatever Latin”, with pop songs, IDs for Traxx FM, address given (“Traxx FM, P.O. Box 11272 ...”), ToH 2 pips, into news, weak. They have completely changed the look of their website: http://www.traxxfm.net/index.php, but “listen live” did not work for me (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1064, 08/11/2006) Мьянма (Бирма) 5770 Defence Forces BC 1346-1358 Nov 7. Presumed with vocal music to 1351, then YL announcer. The music was somewhat readable but not the announcer. Still, better than usual. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1729, 09/11/2006) 5985.83 R. Myanmar 1356-1426 Nov 7. Kids choir with alternating singing/reciting; YL announcer 1403, followed by Burmese vocal music to 1426, at which time RCI signed on 5985 and ruined reception. Prior to 1426 signal had been pretty good. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1729, 09/11/2006) Пакистан 13/11/2006, 1830 utc, 7530 кГц, Радио Пакистана на урду , обьявление, гимн и отключение. Плохой прием. (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия) Перу 4835.44, Radio Maranon, 1000-1010 At tune in, noted a man in a brief religious comments. This followed with live ID, "Radio Maranon, la Voz ..." This followed with music and more comments later at 1006. Signal was good. 4990.93, Radio Ancash, 1009-1015 Spanish talk by man. Signal was fair. 5014.47, Radio Aultura, 1013-1027 Man in Spanish comments followed with Huaynos music. Later live more comments with ID, "Radio Aultura..." and promos. Signal was good. 5039.12, Radio Libetad, 1029-1045 During period, noted a man in steady comments. Other than that, no significant details. Signal was fair 6114,80, Radio Union, 1039-1100 Two men in Spanish Chatter. Signal was good until 1100 when signal fell into the mud. (Chuck Bolland, Сlewiston, Florida, November 7, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 8) 4774.96, Radio Tarma, 1025-1035 Noted canned promos and/or Ads, at tune in. Live Spanish comments, TC's by a man at 1028. This is followed with local pop music. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, November 8, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 9) 4824.44, La Voz de la Selva, (pres)1033-1045 At tune in, music presented. Quick comments (possibly canned) between musical selections. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, November 8, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 9) 5005.93 Peru Radio LTC, Juliaca seems the one with weak audio /en espanol/ 1100 to 1120. 3 November (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1729, 09/11/2006) 5460.1 Peru Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar 0030 music with om /en espanol/, decent signal for once. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1729, 09/11/2006) 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, 1030-1050 Noted Huaynos music at tune-in. By 1034, a man in Aymara (possibly) or Spanish comments. He takes over 20 minutes with his dissertation. Heard "Amauta" mentioned, but generally the audio was so muffled, it was difficult to copy specific details. Even so, the signal was above fair in strength. (Chuck Bolland, November 10, 2006 - CumbreDX 1729, 10/11/2006) 4824.48, La Voz de la Selva, 1050-1100 Noted a woman in Spanish comments. From the tone, it seemed to be political. At 1058 a man comments. No break on the hour. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, November 9, 2006 - CumbreDX 1728, 08/11/2006) 4835.44, Radio Maranon, 1000-1010 At tune in, noted a man in a = brief religious comments. This followed with live ID, "Radio Maranon, = la Voz ..." This followed with music and more comments later at 1006. = Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, November 7, 2006 - CumbreDX 1727) 4990.93, Radio Ancash, 1009-1015 Spanish talk by man. Signal was = fair. (Chuck Bolland, November 7, 2006 - CumbreDX 1727) 5014.47, Radio Aultura, 1013-1027 Man in Spanish comments = followed with Huaynos music. Later live more comments with ID, "Radio = Aultura..." and promos. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, November 7, 2006 - CumbreDX 1727) 5039.12, Radio Libetad, 1029-1045 During period, noted a man in steady comments. Other than that, no significant details. Signal was fair (Chuck Bolland, November 7, 2006 - CumbreDX 1727) 6114,80, Radio Union, 1039-1100 Two men in Spanish Chatter. Signal was good until 1100 when signal fell into the mud. (Chuck Bolland, November 7, 2006 - CumbreDX 1727) 6019.60, Radio Victoria, 1045-1050 Noted a man in Portuguese religious comments. Checked 9720 and found it to have a parallel programming. Signal on 6 MHz was poor while 9720 was fair. (Chuck Bolland, November 13, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 13/11/2006) 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, 1015-1035 Noted a man in Sp comments until about 1028, then Huaynos music presented. After one tune, the comments continue. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, November 13, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 13/11/2006) 4485.96, Radio Frecuencia, La Voz de Celendin, 0012-0100 Noted local music. At 0022, a woman in long comments. ID often as, "Radio Frecuencia ..." by a man. Station stayed on the air after 0100. At 0101 canned ID. Station's strength was fair. (Chuck Bolland, November 14, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Португалия DW Sines, 3995 with DRM noise, Nov 14 at 0325. Fair signal but enough to discourage NAm hams from using 3990-4000; I wonder if it would decode here. At 0355 this is scheduled to go off, with Wertachtal DRM taking over from 0400 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Россия Voice of Russia good signal 5x9x4 some little fade on freq 17.665 at 06:00 UTC in English beam to South Pacific (Australia) (Steve Watts, Australia - CumbreDX 1729, 10/11/2006) 6075, Radio Rossii, (Pres), 1115-1040 Noted a man in Russian language comments. At 1120, a woman breaks in with further comments. At 1127, music presented. My notes from previous research, which could be flawed, tell me that this being relayed via Arman, from the Far East of Russia. Overall, the signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, November 10, 2006 - CumbreDX 1729, 10/11/2006) 7200, R. Rossii (Yakutsk), Nov 7, 0845-0902, poor audio (warble) as heard by others, went from poor to very poor, // 5935 (poor/QRM) // 6075 (good), Russian pop songs, 0858 chimes, sound effects (baby crying, etc), ID for R. Rossii, 5 + 1 pips, bells ringing (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA - dxldyg 1064, 08/11/2006) 6100, Kyzyl Radio, (tentative), 1057-1130 Noted man and woman in comments (Lang Unknown). The WRTH says besides Russian, they use Tuvinian which is probably the primary language. On the hour, some sort of theme music presented. Following this, a long period of comments which were probably news - to 1115) A woman talks at 1115. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, November 13, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 13/11/2006) V. of Russia blasts away any marines wanting to use their band, 6240 with 500 kW at 313 degrees from Armavir doing the trick for English to NAm, Nov 14 at 0311 with items on US politics, Iran (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Свазиленд TWR becomes a nuisance beyond its misguided programming: Nov 13 at 1452 I was listening to RA 9590, and heard tinkling music box QRM, which proved to be from adjacent 9585 with TWR IS and English IDs (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Сербия En el dia Radio Serbia en su emision por internet http://www.radioyu.org/index.php3?language=Spanish anuncia emitir por Onda Corta desde las 20:00-20:30 por 6100, se identifica como “Esta es Radio Serbia internacional con su emision diaria en espanol desde las 2000 a las 2030 tiempo universal coordiando en 6100 kHz”, sin embargo chequeando en esa frecuencia no se capta ninguna emision de esta emisora, por si acaso e chequeado en 7200 y 7220, otras frecuencias ya utilizadas por la antigua Radio Serbia y Montenegro con identico resultado. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1155, 07/11/2006) Por cierto, tambien anuncian emitir por 6100 en el servicio en ingles, frances e italiano, el resto de los servicios no los e chequeado pero me imagino que tambien. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1155, 07/11/2006) Aha, so the transmitter site was indeed ready but got no feed from Belgrade. One has to wonder if either the audio circuit failed or instead simply nobody produced programs, not being aware that transmissions were to resume? The interval signal is played out locally at the Bijeljina/Jabanusa station. This became obvious when in 1999 the microwave link to the station was disrupted by purposeful air-raids: Afterwards the actual programmes went on air via telephone feeds but the preceeding IS still in full quality. Later there were also occasions of Jabanusa running the IS for a while but then cutting off when they finally got no feed of programming that was simply not produced as a result of some organizational trouble. Anyway it is apparently worth to keep an ear on 6100. Unfortunately I had no time to do so tonight. (Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 1063, 07/11/2006) 6100 Radio Serbia, 20:22, escuchada el 9 de Noviembre con la sinton?a de la emisora, a sido necesario templar a 6102, la escucha se a hecho muy dif?cil por encontrarse en esa frecuencia una emisora emitiendo en ?rabe, adem?s el fuerte ruido producido por emisi?n en DRM. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 10, 09/11/2006) International Radio Serbia heard on 6100 in French 2140 tune in November 8th, under CRI but faded up, CRI off 2157 when clear identification and schedule of French broadcast heard, fair strength. (Mike Barraclough, UK - dxldyg 1064, 08/11/2006) Соломоновы о-ва 5019.83, Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corp. 0955-1002 Noted a man in English comments followed with music until the hour - 1100. At that time a woman comments. Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, November 8, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 9) США Nov 7 at 1626 in Spanish, WRMI with Cuban exile program on 9955, and no jamming audible! However, there was a lo het, probably with KHBN Palau, also shown in FCC B-06 as on the air at this time; I wonder which is further off-frequency? (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 8, 07/11/2006) The Power Hour keeps showing up on new SW frequencies. Nov 8 at 1425 I found it on 5850, good signal but usual somewhat distorted and lo-fi audio. WEWN is on this frequency earlier, but obviously not now. Same program // on WWCR 7465 at 1436 check, but 5850 is a few words ahead of 7465. However, at 1450 found 5850 to be synchronized with 12180 and at 1500 confirmed that 5850 is a new frequency for WWRB, with ID insert by Dave Frantz. 5850 WWRB does not appear on any schedule I can find, including FCC B-06 version 1 (in A-06 there never appeared a version 2) and PWBR `2007`. The website http://www.wwrb.org/ has obviously not been updated in months (years?). BTW, KAIJ 9340 was on the air at 1438 but with something else (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 9, 08/11/2006) WTJC, NEWPORT, NC, USA DATE: 09-11-2006 TIME: 21.55 - 22-05 UTC FREQUENCY: 9370 KHz SIGNAL: GOOD LANGUAGE: ENGLISH PROGRAM: MUSIC, ID. NEWS (Francesco, Italy - CumbreDX 1729, 10/11/2006) США/Оклахома I have received inquiries from the UK and from NZ as to whether KFXY-1640, Enid, despite its identity with Fox Sports Network, also carries programs from ESPN, which has been heard mentioned on 1640 from somewhere. I have pointed out that its sister station KCRC-1390 is an ESPN affiliate, and there could be cross-promotion between them, or even some crossover in networks accessed. However, I detest listening to sports-talk myself, whatever the network. But to help answer this question, and since it would be of some interest if my local X-bander is being heard in far regions of the world, I forced myself to listen between 0620 and 0645 UT Nov 8 to 1640. No mention of either network was ever heard, but the programming frequently mentioned was Sporting News Radio, as well as the Todd Wright Tonight Show; at one point referred to WQAM Miami being an affiliate of this. Perhaps one may now research which network if either is involved with SNR or TWTS. Local non-IDs mention ``1640 The Score`` in connexion with communities in its coverage area such as Kingfisher and Okarche (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 9, 08/11/2006) Суринам 4990. Suriname Radio Apintie, Paramaribo 0630 "Your are my shining star..." with om commentary between songs in Dutch 0635 lyrics "I want to Know..." 3 November (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1729, 09/11/2006) Тайланд R. Thailand, 9725, lucked out again Nov 8 as Defunct Gene Scott, Costa Rica, was nowhere to be heard, during English broadcast at 1418; unfortunately, signal was too poor to make out much of what was being said, aimed toward Australia. Also in clear after 1500 for VOA in Vietnamese (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 9, 08/11/2006) 9805 Radio Thailand; 1934-1959:18*, 8-Nov; M&W Radio Thailand News; Several RT News promos. 1948 Wonders of Asia & Upcoming Events. 1956 Weather Flash. Close info & chimes IS. All in EE. SIO=333, intermittant buzz QRM; LSB helps a little. Not on web sked checked yesterday, noted as "Updated", but titled A06; indicated 9835 at this time, but nothing there. No mention of Ken Alexander arriving in the country. (Harold Frodge, Mi, usa - CumbreDX 1728, 08/11/2006) Some tentative schedules showed R. Thailand via Delano 5890 with English at 0300, same time as last B-05, while it shifted to 0200 during A-06 unlike A-05. But now Nov 14 at 0300+ I find it in Thai, so English must still be at 0200 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Турция VOT`s Live from Turkey, Thursday Nov 9 started at 1348 with its theme music, this time hosted by a M&W. Gave phone number only twice at the outset; I think it was 90-312-411-896. Started listening on 12035, but then found 11735 had a much more solid signal, however with the usual WYFR Spanish QRM from 11740. Mentioned that tomorrow would be a holiday commemorating Atat?rk with sirens. At 1355 another M voice talked about doing voice-over for documentary on Turkey`s Red Crescent aid to tsunami victims in Aceh and Sri Lanka, for which Turkey does not get the credit it deserves, but instead one hears about its shortcomings. Did not get the names of the presenters, but once thought I heard Sedef mentioned, so maybe one of them was Sedef Somaltin, a.k.a. frequency manager. At 1405, break for a song in Turkish, followed by discussion of US elexion results. Never heard any callers, not even David Crystal. 11735 is supposed to be 95 degrees to Asia, and 12035 at 310 degrees to Europe (and NAm further on in same direxion), both from Emirler site. See my previous speculation about why 11735 is putting a better signal in here than 12035, the opposite of what would be expected. Have they swapped antennas for these two? Or is reception at this hour better by long path than short path? Also, since we have had two reports recently of Emirler transmitters producing leapfrog mixing products, we ought to look for VOT during the 1330 hour in English also on 11435 and 12335 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 10, 09/11/2006) Франция RFI English, 15160 via South Africa, fair with flutter, discussing colonialism with French accent at 1634 Nov 7. Nothing audible on // 15605 direct from France in the skirts of that awful buzz from KTBN 15590 (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 8, 07/11/2006) Another check of 9820, Nov 8 at 1414: going from S. Asian talk to music, flutter, perhaps some weak co-channel under. The main 9820 signal dumped off the air for a few seconds several times, but so briefly I could not be sure there was anything else on frequency. I then checked the listed // for AIR Sinhala service, 15050, and indeed it was also audible and // but better on 9820. So that clinches what I am hearing on 9820 (Glenn Hauser, OK, Enid - hard-core-dx 47, 9, 08/11/2006) Хорватия Voice of Croatia, 7285 via Germany, Germany and Germany, Nov 14 at 0310 in English discussing new translation of Shakespeare. Signal had a `hollow` reverb sound, because transmitters were not precisely synchronized, but pretty close, could be, and has been worse. I guess English starts at 0300 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Эквадор 4909.18, Radio Chaskis del Norte, 1103-1115 Noted local music with comments from a man between tunes. Althoght the signal was very good, the comments from the man were garbled and muffled, which made copy impossible here. (Chuck Bolland, November 9, 2006 - CumbreDX 1728, 08/11/2006) Никто не знает, куда подевался Голос Анд на русском языке из Барнтрупа? С начала сезона пытаюсь принять на их старых частотах (раньше использовались 5865, 9805, 11865 через Британию), но их нигде нет. В расписании HCJB World Radio и Merlin Communications - ни слова. Сообщений о прекращении вещания тоже, вроде, не было. Может они закрылись, так и "не дожив" до 75-летия HCJB? (Александр Дядищев, Днепрорудный, Украина - open_dx 09/11/2006) Сразу после перехода на зимнее время я их прекрасно слышал 1700-1730 на 9805 (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 09/11/2006) 4919, Radio Quito, 1000-1010 Noted canned ID mentining "Quito". This followed with Spanish Ballads. The stations signal, reaching here, was really strong but seemed to be a little over modulated. (Chuck Bolland, November 13, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 13/11/2006) Don`t you believe that HCJB no longer broadcasts in English. Quite by chance I ran across Spotlight, the special-English-teaching quarter-hour, twice in a row on two different frequencies: UT Tue Nov 14 at 0320 on 9745, presumably started at 0315, with story of how a surfer named ?ngel in Puerto Rico took on the Army Corps of Engineers for dumping waste underwater damaging coral reefs. Finally got them to stop but will take a long time for the reefs to recover. Closing before 0330 gave program title, episode title Saving the Coral, website http://www.radio.english.net and back into Spanish. Quite by chance again, a few minutes later patrolling the 49m band I came on the very same episode on another HCJB frequency, 6050, at 0333, presumably started at 0330. Not sure if this is nightly or weekly, but Spotlight has also shown up at various other times on HCJB`s hard-to-obtain Spanish program schedule. Excellent on 9745, good on 6050 (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47,14, 14/11/2006) Южная Африка Channel Africa, 7390, Nov 14 at 0304 with news in English about UN, AIDS in Africa, brief QRM de data burst, 0308 economic news. F-G signal tho aimed at 20 degrees from Meyerton for EAf. But this is primetime in NAm, just about when Radio RSA used to aim our way (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Япония NHK Warido, 9660, just caught signing off by 0300 Nov 14. That would be Portuguese at 0230 via Guiana French (Glenn Hauser, OK - hard-core-dx 47,14, 14/11/2006) -- СВ/ДВ Великобритания DATE: 11-11-2006 TIME: 15.25 - 15.35 UTC FREQUENCY: 1089 KHz SIGNAL: GOOD LANGUAGE: ENGLISH PROGRAM: FOOTBALL PREMIER LEAGUE (Francesco, Italy - playdx2003, 12/11/2006) Италия RAI, REGIONAL PROGRAM FOR TOSCANA DATE: 09-11-2006 TIME: 06.20 - 06.30 UTC FREQUENCY: 1368 KHz SIGNAL: SUFF. LANGUAGE: ITALIAN PROGRAM: REGIONAL NEWS (Francesco, Italy - CumbreDX 1728, 09/11/2006) Сент-Киттс и Невис 555 ZIZ Radio St Kits Basseterre 0750 yl andom with ID.... but not sign of 535 Grenada. 1 November (Robert Wilknerm Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1729, 09/11/2006) 895 Nevis Voice of Nevis 0755 to 0810, under high band noise. 1 November (Robert Wilknerm Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1729, 09/11/2006) Словения RADIO CAPODISTRIA, BELI CRIZ, SLOVENIJA DATE: 07-11-2006 TIME: 18.58-19.01 UTC FREQUENCY: 1170 KHz SIGNAL: INS. WITH QSB LANGUAGE: ITALIAN PROGRAM: VIAGGIANDO, SERVIZIO DI INFO MOBILITA', ID. RADIO CAPODISTRIA SERA. LONDON CALLING (Франческо, Италия - playdx2003 1155, 07/11/2006) США 1300 WOOD Grand Rapids MI. ID "Newsradio 13 Hundred W-D" then Michigan election news. Weak / fair peaks 0400 08/11 JF 1620 KOZN Bellevue NE. Presumed. ESPN Radio ID after news at 03:02. Mixing WTAW and WDHP. V weak 0302 08/10 JF 1630 KCJJ Iowa City IA. Discussion atop WRDW. "we'll tell you about those next on 15-30 KCJJ. Fair peaks 0249 08/11 JF 1650 KCNZ Cedar Falls IA. Equal levels WHKT. Clear ID recorded in talk. "tune into my programme weekday mornings on The Fan Morning Show . KCNZ" Fair peaks 0248 08/11 JF 1650 UNID Unidentified. Spanish religion. Woman ID in Spanish "la voz de su Santidad" or "the voice of His Holiness". Mixing KCNZ and WHKT. North America? A mystery! Weak 0248 It's great to tempt fate - especially when it works in reverse. I was moaning about the poor November conditions a few days ago but last night was a really good night for transatlantic DX. 1300 WOOD is a personal first and I can add Nebraska to my list of States received. 1620 KOZN has been heard domestically in the UK a few times this season. It is the only station on 1620 which carries ESPN sports. It would have been nice to get a local ID though. Incidentally, the X band was in very good shape overnight! Conditions are still very quiet as I type this but an increase in activity is forecast for tomorrow and the next two or three days. Hopefully we will see another night of good DX before this happens. (08/11/2006, John Faulkner, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, UK - akywavesmw 246) 1280 WNAM Neenah WI. You're listening to Americas greatest ?music?, on 12-80 WNAM" Further ID at 01:50 "On 12-80 WNAM, no-one can love you more . Tom Jones . " then ad break. Generally dominant by 02:00. Weak 0047 09/11 JF 1320 CJMR Mississauga ON. Indian language programming. Overtaken by CKEC moments later. Good 2303 08/11 JF 1470 CJVB Vancouver BC. Tentative. Chinese music and Chinese YL underneath WLAM and an UNID English talk station. Weak 0600 09/10 JF 1480 WMDD Tropical, Fajardo PR. "a esta hora las deportivas catorce ochenta." Originally thought to be WLMV but research from Henrik Klemetz found that this is a new slogan for WMDD. Weak 0457 09/11 JF 1540 KXEL Waterloo IA. Many IDs "Newstalk 15-40 KXEL" and news about the Iowa Hawkeyes and Iowa college football teams. Good 2318 08/11 JF 1640 WSKH Sussex WI. Usual Radio Disney programming. Weak 0027 09/11 JF Conditions were quite interesting around midnight. Two stations of note were 1540 KXEL and 1320 CJMR, both at good levels. However, conditions deteriorated as the morning progressed. I was taking particular interest in 1280 and 1420. 1280 had a nostalgia station which turned out to be WNAM, first noted playing Bridge Over Troubled Water (not the S&G version) then with more crooning. WFAU was also present but not too prominent. On 1420 my hopes were for WOC Davenport IA where two talk stations were competing against each other. No IDs were heard - and there was far too much splatter. A brief appearance of "Back To The Bible" graced 1280 at 02:00. Then recording 1470 from 0500. Chinese music was audible immediately before the top of the hour. This was conveniently buried under WLAM and an English talk format station. WLAM was the only one of the three to ID. More Chinese music and Chinese YL followed up to 07:15. Presumably CJVB. (08/11/2006, John Faulkner, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, UK - akywavesmw 246) Россия Как-то утром очень хорошо было слышно "Народное Радио" на 801 кГц из Питера - коммунисты? (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 10/11/2006) Да, "радио КПРФ". У них теперь много частот по России. В Москве - 612 кГц. (Павел Михайлов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 10/11/2006) -- УКВ Печоры Недавно побывал в Печорах (Псковская область). Предлагаю вниманию список FM-станций, которые я принял там; 89,0 Tartu Pereraadio ( Tartu) 91,2 Raadio Elmar ( Valgjarve) 94,4 Raadio 4 ( Tartu) 95,2 Sky Plus ( Tartu) 95,7 Tartu Pereraadio ( Voru) 96,6 Raadio Ruut ( Sangaste) 97,2 Raadio Uuno ( Tartu) 98,6 Raadio 3 ( Tartu) 99,4 Star FM ( Tartu) 99,9 Raadio 4 ( Voru) 100,2 Raadio Kuku ( Tartu) 100,7 Raadio Marta ( Polva) 101,2 Raadio Tartu ( Tartu) 101,7 Ring FM ( Voru) 102,1 Европа плюс (Псков) 102,5 LR 1 ( Cesvaine) 103,0 Raadio U-Pop ( Tartu) 103,2 Star FM ( Voru) 103,4 Канал Мелодия (Псков) 103,6 Raadio 2 ( Valgjarve) 104,7 Ring FM ( Tartu) 105,7 Klassikaraadio ( Valgjarve) 106,1 Vikerraadio ( Valgjarve) 106,3 Радио 7 (Псков) 106,8 LR 1 ( Aluksne) 107,1 Седьмое небо (Псков) 107,6 Дорожное радио (Псков) Всего 12 км. до эстонской границы и,как следствие, преобладание эстонских станций. (Виктор Пузанов, Московская обл., Россия - open_dx 10/11/2006) The FM band in Cairo is back to normal right now. The cultural program which used to transmit on 88.7 MHz till that technical problem occurred in al-Mokatam transmitters sometime ago, is now on a new frequency of 91.50 MHz from 15 till 01 UT; on the MW frequency of 1341 kHz the transmission starts from 1700 UT! (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Nov 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) - Тропо TIME FREQ PI PS TRANSMITTER ITU 05:06 92.00 F203 MUSIQUE_ Rouen F 05:07 96.50 F201 __INTER_ Rouen F 05:11 94.90 F201 __INTER_ Bourges F 05:12 87.80 F201 __INTER_ Paris F 05:13 95.30 F201 __INTER_ Troyes F 05:14 88.70 F203 MUSIQUE_ Lille F 05:15 103.70 F201 __INTER_ Lille F 05:16 94.00 F202 _CULTURE Rouen F 05:17 87.60 6354 CLASS.21 L?glise-Anlier BEL 05:20 106.80 F206 __INFO__ Metz F 05:25 94.70 F905 BLEUNORD Lille F 05:27 96.80 F201 __INTER_ Reims F 05:29 88.00 F202 _CULTURE Alencon F 05:35 106.00 6351 PREMIERE Tournai BEL 05:45 99.10 6354 CLASS.21 Anderlues BEL 05:51 96.60 6355 PURE_FM_ Anderlues BEL 05:56 90.80 6354 CLASS.21 Profondeville BEL 05:59 89.90 D383 NDR_Kult Harz-West D 06:01 87.60 D363 hr3-news Biedenkopf D 06:03 91.00 D363 Biedenkopf D 06:22 87.90 841B Goes HOL 06:23 103.80 D394 WDR_4___ Nordhelle D 06:26 104.10 D394 WDR_4___ Olsberg D 06:28 107.20 D391 EINSLIVE Ederkopf D 06:42 90.30 D395 WDR_5___ Nordhelle D 06:43 91.00 D361 __hr1___ Biedenkopf D 06:44 92.10 D382 _NDR_2__ Harz-West D 06:46 93.90 D394 WDR_4___ Aachen-Stolberg D 06:48 95.10 D393 WDR_3___ Langenberg D 06:50 95.90 D393 WDR_3___ Aachen-Stolberg D 06:51 96.10 6351 PREMIERE Wavre BEL 06:54 97.40 D6A4 SWR4_PR4 Rheinland-Pfalz D 06:59 101.10 6355 PURE_FM_ Wavre BEL 07:04 102.70 6351 PREMIERE Profondeville BEL 07:09 103.50 D210 __DLF___ Torfhaus D 07:12 104.30 D364 __hr4___ Biedenkopf D 07:35 99.50 6353 MUSIQUE3 Li?ge Bol d'Air BEL 07:56 98.30 6352 VIVANAM_ Profondeville BEL 07:59 89.50 6303 __Klara_ Sint-Pieters-LeeuwBEL 08:00 88.00 8202 Smilde HOL 08:02 94.30 8204 Lopik HOL 08:03 94.80 8204 Smilde HOL 08:06 95.40 D4A2 Bad Marienberg D 08:08 94.00 60A7 __Gold__ Egem BEL 08:14 95.70 6301 Egem BEL 08:18 99.90 6301 Genk BEL 08:20 101.50 6305 Egem BEL 08:22 101.80 6352 Tournai BEL 08:24 88.00 D395 WDR_5___ Bonn D 08:26 102.60 6353 MUSIQUE3 Tournai BEL 08:30 104.80 8201 RADIO_1_ Roermond HOL 08:35 90.90 8203 RADIO_3_ Roermond HOL 08:36 91.70 6301 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw BEL 08:47 93.70 6402 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw BEL 08:49 94.50 8204 Unknown HOL 08:56 99.10 6301 RADIO_1_ Unknown BEL 09:01 100.30 8410 Roermond HOL 09:18 92.10 D382 _NDR_2__ Harz-West D 09:37 89.90 6303 __Klara_ Genk BEL 09:40 90.40 6303 __Klara_ Egem BEL 11:14 87.60 83D2 Smilde HOL 11:15 92.30 6457 Anderlues BEL 12:44 91.80 F203 MUSIQUE_ Vannes F 12:47 98.30 F202 _CULTURE Rennes F 16:56 107.90 D391 EINSLIVE M?nster D 17:03 107.10 D210 __DLF___ Bremen-Walle D 17:05 103.70 F201 __INTER_ Lille F 17:06 101.30 D394 WDR_4___ Langenberg D 17:07 88.00 8202 RADIO_2_ Smilde HOL 17:08 87.60 83D2 Smilde HOL 17:17 87.80 F201 __INTER_ Paris F 17:19 88.70 F203 MUSIQUE_ Lille F 17:22 103.30 F201 __INTER_ Boulogne F 17:23 102.50 F202 _CULTURE Amiens F 17:25 96.80 F201 __INTER_ Reims F 17:26 95.30 F201 __INTER_ Troyes F 17:27 95.10 D393 WDR_3___ Langenberg D 17:28 94.70 F905 BLEUNORD Lille F 18:20 87.70 83D2 _Veene__ Lelystad HOL 19:04 94.30 8204 RADIO4NL Unknown HOL 19:18 99.10 6354 CLASS.21 Anderlues BEL 19:21 97.40 D220 DKULTUR_ Brocken D 19:28 88.10 83D2 __CAZ! Hilversum HOL 19:30 90.70 82A8 JAZZ_FM_ Lopik HOL 19:31 91.80 8201 RADIO_1_ Smilde HOL 19:39 103.50 8415 Ugchelen HOL 19:40 104.10 83D2 __CAZ! Arnhem HOL 19:43 104.60 8202 RADIO_2_ Markelo HOL 20:07 87.60 6354 CLASS.21 L?glise-Anlier BEL 20:10 87.60 D382 _NDR_2__ Hamburg D 20:12 90.00 D383 NDR_Kult Aurich D 20:20 96.70 D343 FhEuropa Bremen-Walle D 20:22 99.80 D382 _NDR_2__ Steinkimmen D 20:24 101.80 D210 __DLF___ Aurich-Popens D 20:39 104.90 D389 Aurich-Popens D 20:52 96.60 6355 PURE_FM_ Anderlues BEL 21:00 88.60 8203 ___3FM__ Smilde HOL 21:03 90.00 D383 NDR_Kult Aurich D 21:10 94.40 D383 NDR_Kult Steinkimmen D 21:19 95.80 D381 Aurich D 22:10 92.20 8411 FRYSLAN_ Smilde HOL (William Kitching, Telford, Shropshire, U.K - FM 25, 3, 07/11/2006) Just a reminder that the Leonids meteor shower is due to start on 13 November through to 20 November, peaking around 19:00 GMT on the 17th. As the name suggests, this shower originates in the constellation of Leo and should favour MS reflections from the East. Although not rated at 'storm level' this year, major activity is expected. (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, UK - skywaves 2137, 09/11/2006) A nice tropospheric lift in the evening of Monday 6 November 2006. I did not spent a lot of time searching for TV DX though, too much was going on on the FM band. Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. November 6, 2006 Tropospheric Band III, IV & V DX Logs: R10 CZE Nova Plzen/Krasov R35 CZE CT 1 Susice/Svatobor R38 CZE CT 1 JA?chymov/KlAnovec R39 CZE CT 1 Ceske Budejovice/Klet' R40 CZE CT 2 Trutnov/CernA? hora R50 CZE CT 2 UstA nad Labem/BukovA? hora R58 CZE CT 2 Klatovy/BarA?k (Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - skywaves 2137, 09/11/2006) -- Цифровое вещание (DRM) -- Неофициальное вещание -- Наблюдения Африка 4770 7/11 1950 Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, afro mx, good 4780 7/11 19,30 RTV Djibouti, mx, talks, good 4976 7/11 1940 Radio Uganda, talks yl, afro mx, EE, good 5005 7/11 1945 Radio Bata, Guinea E., songs, good 5030 7/11 1948 RTV Burkina, afro mx and talks, good 5470 7/11 2037 Radio Veritas, Liberia, afro mx, very nice, off 2100 good (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003, 07/11/2006) Прочее 3254,6 0130 08/11 Greek pirate, songs, fair 4910 0015 08/11 AIR Jaipur, commercials, nx, good 4915 0145 08/11 Radio Difusora Macapa, Brasil, disco, ids fair 4943,9 0045 08/11 Greek pirate, mx tk good 4965 0053 08/11 Air Shimla ex 3223 mx, tk fair 4985 0059 08/11 Brasil Central, PP, tk id good 5025 0103 08/11 Radio Rebelde, Cuba, SS sport good, 5035 0106 08/11 Radio Aparecida, Brasil, PP tk fair/good 9565 0215 08/11 Radio Tupi, Brasil, religious, PP, fair 9615 0204 08/11 Radio Cultura, prg "Voz do Brasil", PP, fair 9645 0020 08/11 R. Bandeirantes, Brasil, sport, PP, good 9665 0225 08/11 Radio Marumby, religious prg, PP, good 9675 0157 08/11 Cancao Nova, Brasil, long id all relay st fair (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003, 08/11/2006) 3254,6 0130 08/11 Greek pirate, songs, fair 4910 0015 08/11 AIR Jaipur, commercials, nx, good 4915 0145 08/11 Radio Difusora Macap?, Brasil, disco, ids fair 4943,9 0045 08/11 Greek pirate, mx tk good 4965 0053 08/11 Air Shimla ex 3223 mx, tk fair 4985 0059 08/11 Brasil Central, PP, tk id good 5025 0103 08/11 Radio Rebelde, Cuba, SS sport good, 5035 0106 08/11 Radio Aparecida, Brasil, PP tk fair/good 9565 0215 08/11 Radio Tupi, Brasil, religious, PP, fair 9615 0204 08/11 Radio Cultura, prg "Voz do Brasil", PP, fair 9645 0020 08/11 R. Bandeirantes, Brasil, sport, PP, good 9665 0225 08/11 Radio Marumby, religious prg, PP, good 9675 0157 08/11 Cancao Nova, Brasil, long id all relay st fair (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - hard-core-dx 47, 10, 09/11/2006) 567 10/11 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Barcelona Catalano NX reg. Catalunya buono 657 9/11 17.45 RAI - Bolzano IT NX reg. Trentino-Alto Adige insuf/suf. 909 6/11 18.00 R. Cluj - Rumeno ID e NX buono 1008 9/11 22.55 R. Alicante - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff. 1017 9/11 06.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Burgos SS ID e NX reg. Castilla y Leon suff. 1026 7/11 22.57 R.Asturias - Oviedo SS ID e pubblicità locale suff 1098 6/11 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Lugo SS ID e NX reg. Galicia suff. 1098 7/11 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Avila SS ID e NX reg. Castilla y Leon suff. 1143 10/11 17.45 RAI - Sassari IT NX rg. Sardegna buono 3291.1 11/11 04.35 Voice of Guyana - Georgetown EE talk about South Africa buono 3905 11/11 22.50 R. Borderhunter - EE ID e MX buono 4990 11/11 04.55 R. Apintie - Paramaribo Olandese soft MX insuf/suff. 5005 12/11 00.30 R. Nepal - Kathmandu Nepalese talk OM insuf/suff. 5010 11/11 16.30 A.I.R. - Thiruvananthapuran Hindy nenia locale buono 6035 11/11 22.50 Voz del Guaviare - S. Jose del Guaviare SS live phones buono 6268 12/11 09.30 Holland AM - EE ID e MX buono 6290 5/11 10.00 Flux AM - EE ID e MX buono 6301 12/11 09.50 R. Casanova - Olandese ID e MX buono 6301.1 11/11 17.00 Lowland R. - EE Id e MX buono 9565 10/11 22.30 R. Tupi - Curitiba PP predica buono 11730 11/11 17.30 R. Philipinas - Manila Filippino ID e talk buono (Roberto Pavanello, Italy - bclnews 1642, 12/11/2006) -- Пираты 1640,00, 0211 1730, unid,D, polka, schlager, 24322 1645,00, 0411 2325, R.Barones,D, talks, polka, Adio song closing down at 2329, 24432 1655,00, 0411 2320, unid, D,polka, 24322 1670,00, 0411 2333, unid,Gr, Bamboleo, talks by dj, Ciao ciao bambina, Come prima.., 24422 3925,00, 0411 2310, R.Borderhunter,E, talk, schlager, dance, ID, 24332 5965,00, 0511 1300, MV Baltic R, G, ID, website, rock, country, 24332 5965,00, 0511 1400, RTR Radio Traumland,G, ID, Elvis Presley, hotel promo, 34433 6210,00, 0511 0753, R.Borderhunter,E, talk, schlager,ID, report from Jari in Finland, email, pops, 24411 6220,00, 0111 1655, Mystery R, dance, jingle, 25442 6220,00, 0211 1725, Mystery R, dance, jingle, 24432 6220,00, 0511 0800, Mystery R,G,It, disco jingle pops, Chris Ise at microphone, email, 25442 6220,00, 0611 1728, Mystery R, dance, jingle, 34333 6220,00, 0711 1715, Mystery R, dance, jingle, 35443 6270,00, 0511 0003, Unid,E, ligth mx, schlager, pops,talks, 24411 6300,00, 0411 1345, R.Lowland,D, Una paloma blanca, Driver seat, talks break at 1351, 23432 6306,00 0511 0801, Cupid R, E, dance, hotline 0031 610544700, report from Japan,song for Marco, 24322 6325,00 0511 0840, RWI,E, Roy Orbison, ID, ballads, ID, Box Rueil, 24311 6401,00 0411 1730, Weekend Music R,E, rock, ballads, 24322 6401,00 0511 0803 Weekend Music R,E, rock, clear ID, 24322 11092,50 0411 2035 R.St.Helena,E, the one and only tx of the year!!,broad.To Japan, pops,my own report at 0025!! 24432 (Silveri Gomez, Fraga, Catalunya - playdx2003, 1155, 07/11/2006) -- Расписания Бельгия 5925drm RTBF Wavre has tests towards NoAM in DRM mode from today Nov 7th. Noted here in Stuttgart today at 1000-1300 UT approx. Beam towards North America. New DRM equipment from Thales TSW 2100D with 100 kW of power. Thanks to Klaus Schneider, giving the technical details, and correcting the previous wrong info about RTBF DRM mode transmission planned via Junglinster LUX site. Further DRM mode broadcasts heard by yours truly in the 1200-1400 UT slot. AOR 7030, 20 kHz IF out, 12 meters longwire, decode software DREAM v1.6.28 5925 RTBF Wavre 24 to 27 dB SNR signal noise ratio 5990 LUX 21 to 25 dB 6095 LUX 24 to 27 dB 9870 NZL 7 dB, AM QRM on adjacent, DRM not fetchable 7320 BBC 24 to 27 dB 13620 Kuwait 08 to 14 dB but easily to decode, childrens choir in Arabic. 15440 DWL 25 to 27 dB 9470 BBC 23 dB 12060 DWL Moscow 11 to 14 dB, not tolerable, many dropouts 15605 RNW nil - skips over my head. 9655 DWL WER 07 dB, DRM not fetchable, due of dead skip zone 7145 NZL 05 dB nil from the antipode. 7275 Radio Sweden in German, FLE 23 dB (wb, Nov 7) VRT - RVI frequencies in B-06 (29/10/2006 - 25/03/2007) 0700-0800 13685 0800-0900 9790 1800-1000 5960 1900-2000 6040 (Herbert Meixner-AUT, wwdxc BC-DX Nov 7) >From St.Petersburg 13685 0657-0756 27,28,37 S.P 400kW 215deg 9790 0800-0900 27,28,37-39 SKN 250kW 180deg and two registrations for 5960, one to WeEUR and another to the Balcan, NE/ME: 5960 1800-1900 27,28,37-39 MSK 250kW 230deg 5960 1800-1900 27,28,37-39 SKN 250kW 120deg 5960 1900-2000 27,28,37-39 SKN 250kW 180deg (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 1063, 07/11/2006) Ватикан New B-06 entry, \\ 7335; and was ex9650 in summer. 5915 0015-0200 41 SMG 250kW 86deg in HI/TA/MA/E, CVA-VAT (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - hard-core-dx 47, 8, 08/11/2006) Куба All broadcasts from Radio Habana Cuba between 1100 and 1500 UTC are in Spanish 2. All broadcasts from Radio Habana Cuba between 05 and 07 UTC are in English Now here are the other languages that we broadcast at different times: Esperanto ( only Sundays ) 11760 kHz 100 kW 15.00 to 15.30 UT and 19.30 to 20.00 UTC 9600 kHz 100 kW from 23.30 to 00.00 ( 24.00 ) UTC 6140 kHz 50 kW from 23.30 to 00.00 ( 24.00 ) UTC 6000 kHz 250kW from 07.00 to 07.30 UTC Portuguese 11800 kHz 100 kW from 20.00 to 20.30 UTC 15340 kHz 50 kW from 22.00 to 22.30 UTC and from 23.00 to 23.30 UTC 15230 kHz 250 kW from 23.00 to 00.00 ( 24.00) UTC Kreyol ( Creole ) 5965 kHz 100 kW from 21.30 to 22.00 and from 22.30 to 23.00 and from 23.30 to 00.00 ( 24.00 ) UTC 9505 kHz 50 kW from 21.30 to 22.00 and from 22.30 to 23.00 9550 kHz 100 kW from 01.00 to 01.30 UTC Guarani 15340 kHz 50 kW from 22.30 to 23.00 UTC and from 23.30 to 00.00 ( 24,00 ) UTC Quechua 15340 kHz 50 kW 00.00 to 00.30 UTC Arabic 11800 kHz 100 kW 20.30 to 21.00 UTC French 11760 kHz 100 kW 20.00 to 20.30 and 21.30 to 22.00 9550 kHz 100 kW 00.00 to 00.30 and 00.30 to 01.00 UTC and from 01.30 to 02.00 5965 kHz 100 kW 22.00 to 22.30 and 23.00 to 23.30 UTC English 6000 kHz 100 kW 01.00 to 07.00 UTC 6060 kHz 100 kW 01.00 to 07.00 UTC 6180 kHz 100 kW 01.00 to 07,00 UTC 9505 kHz 50 kW 20.30 to 21.30 UTC 9550 kHz 100 kW 23.00 to 00.00 ( 24.00 UTC ) and from 05.00 to 07.00 UTC 11760 kHz 100 kW 20.30 to 21.30 UTC and from 05.00 to 07.00 UTC Spanish All frequencies from 11.00 to 15.00 UTC And then starting from 21.00 UTC as follows 5965 kHz 100 kW 00.00 to 05.00 UTC 6000 kHz 100 kW 00.00 to 01.00 UTC 6060 kHz 100 kW 00.00 to 01.00 UTC 6140 kHz 50 kW 00.00 to 05.00 UTC 6180 kHz 100 kW 00.00 to 01.00 UTC 9550 kHz 100 kW 21.00 to 23.00 UTC 9600 kHz 100 kW 00.00 to 05.00 UTC 11760 kHz 100 kW 00.00 to 05.00 UTC 11800 kHz 100 kW 21.00 to 23.00 UTC 11875 kHz 250 kW 00.00 to 05.00 UTC 15230 kHz 250 kW 00.00 to 05.00 UTC The languages that Radio Habana Cuba is broadcasting are 9 at this moment: Spanish English French Portuguese Arabic Kreyol ( Creole ) Quechua Guarani Esperanto The Esperanto broadcasts are on the air once a week The other languages are on the air on a daily basis. Radio Habana Cuba B-06 Schedule ( subject to changes as required for operational reasons ) 6180 kHz 100 kW 11-13 UTC 010 degrees East Coast of North America 15370 kHz 100 kW 13-15 UTC 010 degrees East Coast of North America 9600 kHz 100 kW 11-13 UTC 340 degrees Central North America 13680 kHz 100 kW 13-15 UTC 340 degrees Central North America 9550 kHz 100 kW 11-15 UTC 160 degrees South America Southern Cone 11760 kHz 100 kW 11-15 UTC Omnidirectional North, Central, South America and Caribbean 11805 kHz 100 kW 11-15 UTC 130 degrees South America East 12000 kHz 100 kW 11-15 UTC 010 degrees East Coast of North America 6000 kHz 250 kW 11-14 UTC Omnidirectional North, Central America and Caribbean 15230 kHz 250 kW 11-15 UTC 160 Degrees South America Southern Cone 5965 kHz 100 kW 21.30- 05 UTC Omnidirectional , North , Central America and Caribbean 6060 kHz 100 kW 00- 07 UTC 010 Degrees East Coast of North America 6180 kHz 100 kW 22.30 -07 UTC 340 Degrees Central North America 9550 kHz 100 kW 21-05 UTC 130 Degrees South America East 9550 kHz 100 kW 05-07 UTC 315 Degrees Pacific Coast North America 9600 kHz 100 Kw 00-05 UTC 160 Degrees South America Southern Cone 11760 kHz 100 Kw 20- 22 UTC Omnidirectional North, Central America and Caribbean 11760 kHz 100 kW 00-07 UTC Omnidirectional North, Central America and Caribbean 6000 kHz 250 kW 22.30-05 UTC 010 Degrees Eastern North America 6000 kHz 250 kW 05-07 UTC 315 Degrees Pacific Coast of North America 11875 kHz 250 kW 23- 05 UTC 170 Degrees South America West Southern Cone 15230 kHz 250 kW 21-05 UTC 160 Degrees South America East Southern Cone 6140 kHz 50 kW 00-05 UTC North, Central America and Caribbean 9505 kHz 50 Kw 20-23 UTC Caribbean 11800 kHz 100 Kw 20-23 UTC Caribbean 15340 kHz 50 kW 21-00 UTC 130 Degrees South America East (Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich Consultant-Advisor to the Director General Radio Habana Cuba via Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 1155, 08/11/2006) Прочее BBC Beng B06 - wef 1st Nov,2006 6135 1630 1700 smtwtfs Singapore 100 340 Bengali S AS (ex 6145) FEBA B06 - Changes wef 3rd Nov,2006 To Pakistan,Afghanistan,Iran 1530-1600 smtwtfs PASHTO 7250 41 ARM (ex 9495) 1600-1630 smtwtfs DARI 7250 41 ARM (ex 9495) 1630-1645 smtwtfs HAZARAGI 7250 41 ARM (ex 9495) 1645-1700 smtwtfs UZBEK 7250 41 ARM (ex 9495) RNZI B06 Rev Schd wef 8th Nov,2006 UTC kHz Band Target Azi Days 0559-1058 9870 AM 31 All Pacific 0? Daily 0559-1058 9890 DRM 31 All Pacific 0? Daily 1059-1258 13840 AM 21 NW Pac/Bougainville/PNG/Timor 325? Daily 1059-1258 9890 DRM 31 All Pacific 0? Daily 1259-1750 5950 AM 49 All Pacific 0? Daily 1259-1750 7145 DRM 41 All Pacific 0? Daily 1751-1850 9870 AM 31 NE Pac/Fiji/Samoa/Cook Is. 35? Daily 1751-1850 11675 DRM 25 NE Pac/Fiji/Samoa/Cook Is. 35? Daily 1851-1950 11675 AM 25 All Pacific 0? Daily 1851-1950 15720 DRM 19 All Pacific 0? Daily 1951-2150 17675 AM 16 All Pacific 0? Daily 1951-2150 11675 DRM 25 NW Pac/Vanuatu/Solomon Is. 325? Daily 2151-0558 15720 AM 19 All Pacific 0? Daily 2151-0558 17675 DRM 16 All Pacific 0? Daily (Alokesh Gupta, New Dheli, India - hard-core-dx 47, 9, 08/11/2006) -- Связь I'm hearing a repeated 'K' on 4545.3 kHz CW at 1440Z. I'm quite familiar with the usual SLHFMs but this is a new frequency for me. (Dave, Squamish, BC, Canada - udxf 276, 07/11/2006) Don't hear that on 4545 but do hear a swishing signal from 4520 - 4550khz which is a CODAR transmission. Info at http://marine.rutgers.edu/coolroom/instruments/instrument_codar.htm There is a CODAR station also at Wildwood NJ - at the south end of NJ. Several years ago when they fired up for the first time the USCG air station's helo comms were wiped out and I identified the interference with some df equipment and Rutgers changed fx. Cool!! Neat system - look at the link and other links. (Bill Riches, WA2DVU, Cape May, NJ - udxf 276, 07/11/2006) [00:31:36][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][704 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 09 followed by CG 1704 (HC-130) position report to CAMSLANT. 27-43N 082-39W [13:29:34][FRQ 07527000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][F33 ][AL0] BER 29 SN 05 followed by FOXTROT 33 (HU-25) airborne from Miami with 5 POB for training requests guard from CAMSLANT [18:10:10][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][720 ][AL0] BER 27 SN 04 followed by CG 1720 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) position report to CAMSLANT. 27-21N 082-34W 2009Z 14364.0 Link-11 data transmission 2010Z 11191.0 WOLF 02 (E-2C, VAW-77) wkg KOKOMO reporting on station with nothing to report. WOLF 03 also airborne 2011Z 5171.0 Link-11 data transmission 2015Z 11187.0 Link-11 data transmission 2016Z 9022.0 Link-11 data transmission 2016Z 9010.0 Link-11 data transmission 2019Z 11191.0 SHARK 10 (Prob. USCGC THETIS WMEC 910) wkg KOKOMO with request to know if they have comms with WOLF 02 2021Z 8983.0 CAMSLANT clg STINGRAY 05 (HU-25) 2023Z 11191.0 WOLF 03 (E-2C, VAW-77) reports heading 355 at 300 knots 2025Z 8983.0 CG 2133 (HU-25, CGAS Miami) position report to CAMSLANT. 24-37N 081-17W 2026Z 8983.0 CG 2139 (HU-25, CGAS Cape Cod) secures guard with CAMSLANT 2028Z 11191.0 KOKOMO reports to WOLF 02 that they have reacquired track R17258 2031Z 5732.0 JULIET 36 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) position report to CAMSLANT. 36-01N 075-53W 2034Z 5696.0 CG 6014 (MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City) position report to CAMSLANT. 36-08N 076-01W 2039Z 11191.0 WOLF 02 reports position 207 miles from SE corner of patrol area. Heading 310 at 230 knots. WOLF 03 heading 360 at 300 knots 2053Z 8983.0 CG 2135 (HU-25, CGAS Corpus Christi) secures guard with CAMSLANT 2101Z 8983.0 CG 2104 (HU-25, CGAS Corpus Christi) requests guard from CAMSLANT 2113Z 11232.0 CANFORCE 4454 wkg TRENTON MILITARY for p/p to Wing Ops, but conditions are not patch quality 2117Z 11232.0 CANFORCE 2507 ops normal report to TRENTON MILITARY. Closes watch [21:33:53][FRQ 07527000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][711 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 05 followed by CG 1711 (HC-130) radio check with CAMSLANT 2137Z 6790.0 Link-11 data transmission 2204Z 7635.0 MIDDLE EAST 52 opening CAP net and getting no responses 2206Z 11232.0 SENTRY 60 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to ? SURVEILLANCE to inquire about conducting 2 ASO evaluations 2217Z 6234.5 ANDVT 2219Z 11232.0 SENTRY 30 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to RAYMOND 24 with line code report 2322Z 11191.0 WOLF 02 position report to KOKOMO. From Bullseye bearing 295 at 69 miles. 15 miles in trail of TOI 2332Z 11191.0 WOLF 02 reports RTB. Did not make visual id. WOLF 03 also RTB ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 704, 711, 715, 720, A18, D02, F33, F41, J10, J19, J36, J39, LNT, PAC, TSC, X52, X53 (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf, 276, 07/11/2006) Last few hours (0100Z-0600Z) have seen great DX on 2187.5 DSC (2185.8 carrier) from the East Coast of U.S. Aasiaat Radio, West Coast of Greenland w/tests and J3 2182/2182 msg Lyngby Radio, Denmark working various vessels with Test-Req ACK's Corfuna Radio, La Corfuna Spain, working various vessels Test-Req ACK's Las Palmas Radio, Gran Canaria Canary Is, working various vessels Test-Req ACK's Floroe Radio, Norway, working MV KANDI HAV Malaga Radio, Spain, in All Ships (Safety) sends J3 2182/2182 message Malaga Radio, Spain, working Las Palmas Gran Canaria in Test-Req ACK (Jack, Virginia Beach VA - udxf 276, 07/11/2006) 2006-11-07 1904 518 $01S hamburg quickborn deu * new 2006-11-07 1936 518 $09V quseir egy new 2006-11-07 2012 518 $03B algiers alg * new 2006-11-07 2352 518 $03W astrakhan rus new 2006-11-08 0132 518 $04N chesapeake usa / clear text * new 2006-11-04 2223 518 $04O st john's can nl / poor txt * new (Michel, France - udxf 276, 07/11/2006) 03593.8 D: MX Beacon Odesssa 2136 CW Audible 3593.5 to 3594.0 (08Nov06) (MPJ) 03595 : NATO Air Defence 2132 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A data system. (08Nov06) (MPJ) 03905 : Unid FishFone 2125 SAILORCRYPT-2001/USB Male voices (08Nov06) (MPJ) 04560 : E10 Mossad 2114 USB In 5LG traffic. (08Nov06) (MPJ) 04951.5 : Russian Air Defence (PVO) 2103 CW Plot messages 990003?? 0????? 990004??0????? (08Nov06) (MPJ) 05544 I-LIVB: Livingstone A321 Flt LM8723 2013 HFDL Logs on to Bahrain Air from 4001N 01230E. (08Nov06) (MPJ) 05544 JY-AYH: Royal Jordanian A321 Flt RJA112 2019 HFDL Position 3623N 03045E. (08Nov06) (MPJ) 05544 A6-EYH: Etihad A330 Flt EY0501 2028 HFDL Position 5724N 00828W. (08Nov06) (MPJ) 06348 FUE: French Navy, Brest 1633 STANAG-4285/600L/5N1 RY/SG tests. No warships. (07Nov06) (MPJ) 08708.5 : French Military/Navy 1429 UNID/50/850 No ACF. Bearing 105 - Northern France. (07Nov06) (MPJ) 06250 : XSL Slot-Machine 1440 PSK/COMPLEX/USB Audible on 6250, 6445, 8588 and 8703.5 kHz. (07Nov06) (MPJ - udxf 277, 08/11/2006) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command, Krasnodar / Imeritinskaya tx site, Russia 0800 F1B fsk morse 14.6wpm strategic flash message to unid (baltic fleet ?) unit RJD64: "uuu xxx xxx rjd64 rjd64 obooka 7329 9357 k" (08/nov/2006) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command, unid tx site, Russia 0808 F1B fsk morse 17wpm strategic flash message to unid unit RDL: "xxx xxx rdl rdl 91534 11268 perewiwnoj 2632 6977 k" (09/nov/2006)(TJ) 00018.1 no call: Russian high command, unid tx site, Russia 0813 F1B fsk morse strategic flash message callup, followed by T600 data bcast to unid unit (09/nov/2006)(Trond J, Hvaler Archipelago, Norway - udxf 277, 08/11/2006) Selc Regist Type Cmp Callsign Freq Date Time EQCR 6622 20061108 2337 APHS TC-ONP DC9 OHY 6622 20061108 2338 BPHS 9V-SMP B744 SIA 6622 20061108 2338 CGPR 6622 20061108 2339 DFHK 6622 20061108 2351 MRES N528MC B74F GTI 6622 20061108 2354 AEJM 6622 20061109 0012 EKAF 6622 20061109 0015 KMAQ N602EV B767 EVA 6622 20061109 0045 RSAM 6622 20061109 0054 FHCG 6622 20061109 0058 AGEP N196DN B767 DAL 6622 20061109 0110 QRFS N777GV G5 BIZ 6622 20061109 0110 AQCH 6622 20061109 0111 GMHL 6622 20061109 0115 HQAJ 6622 20061109 0124 DRAH TC-AFU B737 PGT 6622 20061109 0208 CHAJ 6622 20061109 0211 BSGM 6622 20061109 0222 AQBG N777UA B777 UAL 6622 20061109 0222 AQJL 6622 20061109 0223 AQGK N774UA B777 UAL 6622 20061109 0223 APEQ N369AA B767 AAL 6622 20061109 0228 RSKQ 6622 20061109 0240 RSFH 6622 20061109 0240 EMRS VH-TAZ B737 QFA 6622 20061109 0240 FSHL 6622 20061109 0324 EPHK VH-TJP B737 QFA 6622 20061109 0328 DMAS 6622 20061109 0329 CKBQ OK-WAB A310 CSA 6622 20061109 0330 EQAD N173DN B767 DAL 6622 20061109 0331 RSDL 6622 20061109 0337 (Maciej S. Muszalski, Poland - udxf 277, 08/11/2006) 8350 DIV2: Unid, 0843z 03-nov-2006 packet 300/200 (IB) worked with F44, send data like coordinates, date-time: 7~1.6S,04~35.6W,~872,031106,16 ... poor signal (Igor Buhtiyarov - udxf 277, 08/11/2006) 0117Z 9001.6 ANDVT 2105Z 6790.0 Link-11 data transmission 2106Z 11187.0 Link-11 data transmission 2106Z 9022.0 Link-11 data transmission 2106Z 9010.0 Link-11 data transmission 2133Z 11232.0 PEACH 86 (E-8 JSTARS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to LUMBERJACK 2141Z 5696.0 CG 2114 (HU-25, CGAS Miami) position report to CAMSLANT 2146Z 8983.0 CG 2127 (HU-25, ATC Mobile) on final approach secures guard with CAMSLANT 2149Z 5696.0 CAMSLANT wkg CG 2114 to pass that homeplate requests they RTB. Aircraft on scene reports negative search 2154Z 5696.0 U1U departing Key West with 5 POB requests guard from CAMSLANT 2208Z 8971.0 FIGHTING TIGER 21 (P-3C, VP-8) clg GOLDENHAWK for relay to FIGHTING TIGER 24. No answer 2216Z 8971.0 CARDFILE 71F (P-3C) clg FIDDLE with no answer. An operator thinking he is on intercom comes on passing surface vessel description "mast, funnel, crane" 2237Z 11175.0 REACH 3117 radio check with Lajes HF-GCS 2239Z 11232.0 PEACH 86 (E-8 JSTARS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to PEACHTREE with line code report 2315Z 11175.0 CARDFILE 71F (P-3C) (unheard) p/p via McClellan HF-GCS to FIDDLE to pass SPARE GROUP 16 report 2329Z 11175.0 BK 806 (P-3C) p/p via McClellan HF-GCS to GOLDENHAWK 2334Z 5320.0 ANDVT ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 711, 716, 720, D45, J01, J11, J17, J18, J33, LNT, OPB, PAC, PNR400, TSC, WST, X52 ALE addresses on SKYWATCH Net: RCH132, WAROPS (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 278, 09/11/2006) Malaga Radio]-E (safety) from ?247088600-I test REQ [06-11-09 18:17:35] [COMMSTA Portsmouth]-USA (safety) from ?311672000-BAH test REQ [06-11-09 18:13:17] [Capetown Radio]-AFS (safety) from ANA BARRAL,ECCB-E test [06-11-09 18:11:54] [Lyngby Radio]-DNK (safety) from CAP BLANCHE,C4MZ2-CYP test EOS [06-11-09 17:59:36] [Norddeich Radio]-D (safety) from DISCOVERY,GLNE-G test [06-11-09 17:46:10] [Lyngby Radio]-DNK (safety) from VERA MARETSKAYA,UDSX-RUS test REQ [06-11-09 17:30:10] [Lyngby Radio]-DNK (safety) from BLUARROW,CRXN-MDR test REQ [06-11-09 17:17:57] [Shanghai Radio]-CHN (safety) from GREEN FOREST,3FUS9-PNR test REQ [06-11-09 18:27:44] 8414, 5 KHz GMDSS (Francesco, Italy - udxf 278, 09/11/2006) A new one for me on 490 kHz at 1930 UTC. Alger Radio ZCZC VA13 06 NOVEMBRE 2006 AVURNAV NR163/2006 ALGER RADIO LE FEU DU PHARE DES ILES HABIBAS STOP PORT DE BENI-SAF ETEINT STOP COORDONNEES GEOGRAPHIQUES LATITUDE : 35 43,2' N LONGITUDE : 01 07,9' W STOP ET FIN ALGERRADIO LE 07/11/2006 NNNN (Ary Boender, The Netherlands - udxf 278, 09/11/2006) LICOLNSHIRE POACHER DATE: 13-11-2006 TIME: 20.01 - 20.05 UTC FREQUENCY: 6959 KHz SIGNAL: GOOD PROGAM: FEMALE VOICE WITH NUMBERS AND USUAL MUSIC. (Francesco - udxf 282, 13/11/2006) -- Неопознанное 4937.30, 1009-1015 Noted music here. At 1011, could hear a woman in comments. Can't really hear this well enough to even detiremine it's country. The signal is very, very weak and could be just a harmonic or spur. I heard this last evening also at 0001 UTC with the same lack of strength. (Chuck Bolland, November 13, 2006 - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 13/11/2006) Currently at 1115z 3810.00 AM HD210A Guayaquil Ecuador w/ voice announcements at the top of the minuit in SS at strong levels here. (Kevin Rinker, Central New Mexico, usa - udxf 281, 12/11/2006) 0543Z 3137.0 840001 clg OFF (Offutt HF-GCS) in ALE USB 0935Z 5708.0 REACH 9947 (KC-10A # 79-1947) p/p via TACC to McGuire CP. 1240z ETA, 6 PAX 1554Z 6985.0 R24431 (UH-60A # 85-24431) clg T12 (12th Aviation Bn) in ALE USB followed by MIL-STD-188-110 transmission [18:59:51][FRQ 07527000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][711 ][AL0] BER 18 SN 00 followed by CG 1711 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) reporting on deck in Bermuda [22:38:50][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][J33 ][AL0] BER 23 SN 04 followed by 33C position report to PANTHER. Bearing 331 from Sector Kilo ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 504, 711, 717, D69, EST, F33, F40, J10, J14, J15, J18, J33, LNT, OPB, PNR400, TSC, V09, X53 (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 281, 12/11/2006) 349.4000 Charleston CP -------------------------- PALM 18 REACH 353 REACH 3603 REACH 7048 LIFTR 25 REACH 416 inbound 1949z, 12 PAX, 8 ACM, A3. Req. Customs, Ag., & Immigration REACH 504 REACH 443 (C-5B # 85-0001) inbound 2106z, A1, 2000 kg 1.4 hazardous. Req. Customs & Ag. 135.8000 Departure ---------------------- REACH 3603 306.9250 Approach ---------------------- ATTIC 71 (F/A-18D, VMFA-332) 167.2125 (Tone 167.9) FBI ------------------------------ Open carrier (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 281, 12/11/2006) 12577 MKYC7: Anja C (GB) 1308 DSC RQ safety to LyngbyRadio/OXZ. (12Nov06) (MPJ) 12577 MAQB6: British Engineer (GB) 1310 DSC RQ safety to Lyngby Radio/OXZ. (12Nov06) (MPJ) 12577 ZNZX4: CNC Pioneer (GB) 1310 DSC RQ safety to LyngbyRadio/OXZ (12Nov06) (MPJ) 12577 HBHA: MCT Matterhorn (Switzerland) 1311 DSC RQ safety to LyngbyRadio/OXZ. (12Nov06) (MPJ) 12577 3EAK6: Chemical Trader (Greece) 1320 DSC RQ safety to Lyngby Radio/OXZ giving frequency 2182 kHz (?) (12Nov06) (MPJ) 12577 J8B3370: Leslie (St Vincent) 1322 DSC RQ safety to Lyngby Radio/OXZ. (12Nov06) (MPJ) 12577 ELBJ7: Fratzescos-M (Liberia) 1325 DSC RQ to StockholmRadio/SDJ for telephone call without giving frequencies. Later tries MRCC Oceanic, Reykjavik. (12Nov06) (MPJ) 12577 9KCD: Kazimah III (Kuwait) 1331 DSC Safety RQ to Charlville/Wiluna/VIC Australia. (12Nov06) (MPJ) 12577 J8FD3: Pakrac (St Vincent) 1332 DSC Safety RQ to LyngbyRadio/OXZ. (12Nov06) (MPJ) 13303 AM001: AeroMexico Flt 1205 HFDL Posn report 4557N 01606W to Las Palmas. (12Nov06) (MPJ) 13303 OK-LEG: CSA A320 Flt OK01EP 1218 HFDL Posn report 5619N 02340E. (12Nov06) (MPJ) 13303 G-VMEG: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Mystic Maiden' Flt VS0007 Posn report 5128N 00028W. (12Nov06) (MPJ - udxf 281, 12/11/2006) I made the same kind of list for my navtex-logs from the last days. I received these following navtex stations on 518 kHz: A - CROSS Corsen B - Algiers Radio B - Bodo Radio C - Odessa Radio D - Istanbul Radio D - La Corunna Radio D - Torshavn Radio E - Niton Radio F - Antalya Radio F - Arkhangelsk Radio G - Cullercoast Radio H - Heraklion Radio I - Goeteborg Radio I - Izmir Radio I - Las Palmas Radio J - Karlskrona Radio J - Varna Radio K - AVURNAV Cherbourg K - Kerkyra Radio L - Limnos Radio L - Rogaland Radio N - Orlandet Radio O - CCG St. John's O - Portpatrick Radio P - Haifa Radio P - NCG Ijmuiden Q - CCG Sydney Q - Malin Head Radio Q - Split Radio R - Monsanto Radio R - Reykjavik Radio R - Rome Radio S - DWD Pinneberg T - Cagliari Radio T - Oostende Radio U - Tallin Radio U - Trieste Radio V - Augusta Radio W - CROSS La Garde / Toulon W - Valentia Coastguard Radio X - Cabo de la Nao Radio X - CCG Labrador X - Reykjavik Radio I received these following navtex stations on 490 kHz: A - Las Palmas Radio A - Samsung Radio C - Izmir Radio C - Odessa Radio C - Portpatrick Radio E - CROSS Corsen G - Monsanto Radio I - Niton Radio J - CCG Sydney L - Constanta Radio L - DWD Pinneberg M - Cabo de la Nao Radio S - CROSS La Garde T - Niton Radio U - Cullercoast Radio W - La Corunna Radio (Dick, Belgium - udxf 280, 11/11/2006) 0005Z 5732.0 CG 1504 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) ops report to CAMSLANT. Currently doing pattern work at Gainesville [00:54:43][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][504 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 09 followed by CG 1504 (HC-130) position report to CAMSLANT. 28-18N 082-43W 0015Z 8983.0 CAMSPAC Point, Reyes in comms with COMMSTA KODIAK 0050Z 11175.0 Lajes HF-GCS clg SNOOP 42 (RC-135, 55 W) 0138Z 6719.4 Link-11 data transmission [20:11:28][FRQ 10242000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][711 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 00 followed by CG 1711 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) position report to CAMSLANT. 32-10N 065-43W. On final to Bermuda secures guard for one hour 2233Z 8983.0 CG 1717 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) informs CAMSLANT their engine shutdown is due to problem with # 4 prop 2244Z 8983.0 CG 1717 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) position 26-04N 081-50W [22:46:06][FRQ 08912000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][J33 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 07 followed by 33C airborne with 6 POB from H6 en route Sector Kilo requests guard from PANTHER 2312Z 8912.0 CG 1711 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) p/p via SERVICE CENTER to E-CITY AIR reporting on scene with H-60 16 miles out. E-CITY requests they pass updates to LANTAREA once they commence hoist 2318Z 8912.0 33C position report to PANTHER. Bearing 151, 69 miles from H6 ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 711, 717, D02, F04, F33, J33, J38, J39, LNT, OPB, PNR400, X52, X53 (Mark, Charleston, SC - udxf 11/11/2006) 1744z 11 Nov 06 15016.;0 was active at 1705z+/- with ANDREWS (good levels with fading) bcsting a 216-character EAM (YNBFON) containing distinctive repetitive formatting. Example: .... 44zhhgyylnnnfk6w6kkkgggg dujdzwwpaaal3g5g333gggg mu43dxxqfffoa4f4aaaaaaa .... ANDREWS was also active 7 or 8 hours earlier with a 65-character string. (Jeff Haverlah, Coastal Texas - udxf 280, 11/11/2006) 02217.4 XSS: Unid XSS Net 1903 ALE/USB Sounds on 2199 2217.4 8108.5 and 10458 between 1848 and 1919. (11Nov06) (MPJ) 03217 L97W: Russian Military 2013 CW Message for THGS: L97W 275 26 9 2243 275 = 605 = PPPPP ZWWäR OKPöI POPWE 424 K. THGS QSLs on QSX freq 3393 kHz. (09Nov06) (MPJ) 04158 : NATO Air Defence Data System 1939 LINK-11/2250/ISB 2-channel TADIL-A. (11Nov06) (MPJ) 04325 : Prob French Navy 1948 UNID/50/850 Bearing 210 probably Brest. ACF=0. (11Nov06) (MPJ) 04550 : Unid French Military/Navy 1948 UNID/50/850 No bearing. ACF=0. (11Nov06) (MPJ) 05065 9MB16: RMN Penang, W.Malaysia 2004 CW VVV 9MB16. (11Nov06) (MPJ) 06391 AQP4: Pakistan Naval Radio, Karachi 2010 CW VVV AQP2/4. (11Nov06) (MPJ) 09043 055: Chinese 055 Net 1750 ALE/USB Sounds. (11Nov06) (MPJ) 09200 2011: Protection Civile Marocaine 1633 ALE/USB Calls 2414. 252 calls 2527 at 1656. (11Nov06) (MPJ) 09200 13112: Unid 1708 ALE/USB Sounding. (11Nov06) (MPJ) 09200 2526: Protection Civile Marocaine 1723 ALE/USB Calls 2525. (11Nov06) (MPJ) 11490 0000210001: Greek Police 1535 ALE/USB Sounding. (11Nov06) (MPJ) 12333 XSS: Unid XSS Net 1419 ALE/USB Sounding. (11Nov06) (MPJ - udxf 280, 11.11.2006) 06777.2 ALFA-ROMEO: F 208 "NIEDERSACHSEN" (4. FG Wilhelmshaven) 1144 USB/Stanag-4285 wkg Five-Niner: GNy Wilhelmshaven, D. (11/NOV/06) (KK) 06958.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 1212 P-I/100Bd clg F15HAA: VB Blekinge (11/NOV/06) (KK) 14780.0 GWPWB33: Estação Rádio da Marinha em BelÃm (Fourth Naval District) 1223 USB/ALE clg GWPWBL: U-27 BRASIL Navio-Escola [AMD]FAXDATA CK (11/NOV/06) (KK) 14780.0 GWPWB33: Estação Rádio da Marinha em BelÃm (Fourth Naval District) 1500 USB/ALE clg GWCFN2: pos. Corvetas V-33 FRONTIN (Classe INHAÚMA) (11/NOV/06) (KK) 16607.0 GWPWB33: Estação Rádio da Marinha em BelÃm (Fourth Naval District) 1254 USB/ALE clg GWPWBL: U-27 BRASIL Navio-Escola (11/NOV/06) (KK) 5512.0 No Call: ISR Ny 1934 USB/Ser.tone modem parallel on 6618.0 kHz (11/NOV/06) (KK) 06298.5 GWPWB33: Estação Rádio da Marinha em BelÃm (Fourth Naval District) 1952 USB/ALE clg GWPWBL: U-27 BRASIL Navio-Escola [AMD]FAXDATA CK (11/NOV/06) (KK, Munich, Germany - udxf 280, 11/11/2006) TAM084 on Dahar 6535 khz 0705 FQ-KM PT MVF A330 c/n 466 request FL390 (Patrice Privat, Beauvais, France - udxf 280, 11/11/2006) -- Техника приема -- Солнце Solar flare produces radio shock wave (Nov 6, 2006 [REVISED Nov 7, 2006 17:14 ET]) -- A solar flare from an emerging sunspot Monday, November 6, between 1740 and 1748 UTC, produced a fast-moving radio shock wave. ``It sounded like a freight train,`` says Thomas Ashcraft, who recorded the burst at his radio observatory in New Mexico and maintains a Web site on audible solar phenomena http://www.heliotown.com/Radio_Sun_Introduction.html Ashcraft says the C8.8 solar X-ray flare caused a moderate-to-strong -- and especially fast -- Type II radio burst event, traveling from the sun at 2230 km per second! His stereo recording of the November 6 event provides solar radio noise on 18.7 MHz in one channel and on 22.2 MHz in the other http://www.heliotown.com/Snov6_06_1747ut1822.mp3 SpaceWeather.com reports the sunspot, hidden just behind the sun`s eastern limb, has been erupting and hurling clouds of magnetized gas high above the solar surface for the past thee days. Given its position on the solar sphere, the flare did not significantly raise the K index, a measure of solar storm activity based on perturbations of Earth`s magnetic field. The K Index has remained at or below 1 since November 5. That could change once the sun`s rotation turns the sunspot earthward to provide a direct view of the active region. The resulting stormy space weather could adversely affect HF radio propagation. Link to this story http://www.arrl.org/?artid=6934 (via John Norfolk, dxldyg 1063, 07/11/2006) -- Новости Москва Христианское радио "София" начало интернет-вещание. С 19 октября на сайте www.radiosofia.ru началось интернет-вещание радиостанции "Христанский церковно-общественный канал", известной также как радио "София". Как сообщил "Порталу-Credo.Ru" ответственный секретарь ХЦОК Владимир Ковальджи, вещание в интернете будет пока только прямой трансляцией эфирного сигнала, то есть 12 часов в сутки. Но кроме этого для свободного скачивания на сайте имеется большой регулярно пополняемый архив программ. Как сообщается на сайте ХЦОК, структуру радиоканала представляют два блока программ: православного радио "София" (основной) и католической студии "Дар" (час в день). Наряду с познавательной информацией существует ряд программ в прямом эфире, позволяющий слушателям участвовать в диалоге с авторами и ведущими. Программы направлены на расширение диалога и взаимопонимания людей, принадлежащих к разным ветвям христианства. Основная этическая цель передач - "искоренение косности и агрессивности в сознании нашего современника посредством раскрытия перед ним богатого позитивного опыта христианской традиции, имеющей истоком Священное Писание и Святоотеческое наследие". (Источник: http://portal-credo.ru/site/?act=news&id=48392&cf= через НТР 153) Санкт-Петербург С 2007 года в Петербург прийдет новый телеканал 2x2. Этот канал будет работать на 22-ом частотном канале через NBN. Эфир будет заполнен японскими и американскими мультфильмами, но с 19 часов этот канал будет перекрываться программами NBN, а канал Рамблер прекратит свою трансляцию. (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Подробнее: http://spbtvradio.narod.ru/ и http://www.lenta.ru/) Свежая информация от Международного союза электросвязи: в Ленинградской области выделены новые частоты для радиовещания: 106,1МГц - Подпорожье (1кВт, horizontal polarization) и 107,2МГц - Волхов (500Вт, vertical polarization). (02/11/2006, http://spbtvradio.narod.ru и http://www.itu.int/) Новая радиопрограмма появилась в Санкт-Петербурге 7 ноября 2006. Название - "Народный фактор" Расписание - 0900-1000 UTC 684 кГц 10 кВт (Алексей Осипов, Санкт-Петербург, Россия - open_dx 09/11/2006) -- Конкурсы Итоги конкурса от 25 октября 2006 года Победителями были признаны следующие компании: общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Центр новых технологий" получило право вещания на частоте 103,9 МГц, г. Череповце, Вологодская область, здесь теперь будет информационно-музыкальное вещание "Навигатор-Дорожное радио"; Всероссийская Государственная Телевизионная и Радиовещательная Компания стала победителем за право вещания на 12 ТВК, г. Петрозаводске, Республика Карелия; также на 12 ТВК, но в г. Нижнем Тагиле, Свердловская область, победителем признано общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Уральское радио"; вот, что по этому поводу пишет Интернет сайт "Эфир-Нижний Тагил": "Уральское радио" – организация, безуспешно пытавшаяся заполучить две радиочастоты Екатеринбурга этим летом. Как это ни странно, но выбор Федеральной конкурсной комиссии совпал с выбором посетителей сайта. За "Уральское радио", как впрочем и за "Муз ТВ-межрегион", в голосовании на сайте было отдано по 31 % голосов. Менее четверти респондентов проголосовали за компанию, которая собиралась ретранслировать телеканал "РЕН ТВ", оставшиеся выбрали ЗАО "Мьюзик Один". Ещё три компании остались вообще без поддержки. На данный момент нет абсолютно никакой информации о том, что будет транслировать компания, выигравшая канал в Нижнем Тагиле. (Конец цитаты.) в г. Абакане, Республика Хакасия, победителем за право вещания на частоте 106,2 МГц признано общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Рекламное агентство "Медведь", по сообщению агентства mediaatlas.ru компания выступала с концепцией радиостанции "Звезда", кстати, это же агентсво сообщает, что в ближайшее время на радио "Звезда" будет проведён День Абакана, когда все программы будут посвящены присоединению города к сети вещания радио "Звезда", состоятся прямые включения из Абакана, конкурсы и розыгрыши сувениров; общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Медиа Регион" стало победителем на 41 ТВК, в г. Братске, Иркутская область, информации о концепции вещания найти, пока, не удалось; в этом же городе победителем на частоте 101,7 МГц было признано общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ОРДА", которое в Иркутске в настоящее время транслирует радио "АС FM"; Государственное Предприятие Кемеровской области "Губернский телевизионный и радиовещательный канал "Кузбасс" выиграл 36 ТВК, г. Кемерово; здесь же разыгрывалось и две радио частоты: "Радиостанция СЕРЕБРЯНЫЙ ДОЖДЬ" стала победителем на радиоканале частотой 91,5 МГц, а "РАДИО СИБИРЬ" на радиоканале частотой 105,8 МГц, для последней Кемерово стал шестым городом, где заработает Томская радиостанция, впервые Радио "Сибирь" появилось в январе 1992 года, отмечает OnAir.ru. В связи с тем, что ни один из участников конкурса за получение права вещания на 33 ТВК в Вологде не признан Федеральной конкурсной комиссией победителем, конкурс в отношении этого канала считается несостоявшимся. (Клуб DX 814) ИНФОРМАЦИЯ О СОИСКАТЕЛЯХ НА КОНКУРС НА ПОЛУЧЕНИЕ ПРАВА НА НАЗЕМНОЕ ЭФИРНОЕ ТЕЛЕРАДИОВЕЩАНИЕ № 11 от 29 ноября 2006 года № п/п ГОРОД, РЕГИОН, ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ОКРУГ ЧАСТОТА (КАНАЛ), МОЩНОСТЬ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ 1. Комсомольск-на Амуре, Хабаровский край, Дальневосточный 102,2 МГц, 0,5 кВт Ежедневно, Круглосуточно Свободная 1. ЗАО «Телекомпания «Даль-ТВ» 2. ООО «Другое Радио» 3. ООО «КОНТИНЕНТ» 2. Комсомольск-на Амуре, Хабаровский край, Дальневосточный 21 ТВК, 0,5 кВт Ежедневно, Круглосуточно Свободная 1. ООО «Спортивный телеканал 7ТВ» 2. ЗАО «Телекомпания «Даль-ТВ» 3. ООО «Телерадиокомпания «33 Канал» 4. ООО «Инженерно-технический центр-связь» 5. ООО «ТВ-1» 6. ООО «РТВ Групп» 7. ОАО «Телекомпания НТВ» 8. ЗАО «Мьюзик Один» 3. Курган, Курганская область, Уральский 104,2 МГц, 0,1 кВт Ежедневно, Круглосуточно Свободная 1. ЗАО «Крестьянские ведомости медиа-группа» 2. ООО «Медиаспектр» 3. ООО «ВИС» 4. ООО «ИстВуд» 5. ООО «рекламное агентство Арт Ист» 6. ООО «Визмедиа» 7. ООО «Интеркомпани» 8. ООО «МАХ-Медиа» 4. Нижний Тагил, Свердловская область, Уральский 106,8 МГц, 0,5 кВт Ежедневно, Круглосуточно Свободная 1. ООО «Европа» 2. ООО радиостанция «Ваше радио» 3. ООО «Диапазон» 4. ООО «Тагил Медиа» 5. ЗАО «Нижнетагильская телекомпания «Телекон» 6. ООО «Радио Мир» 7. ООО «Медиа парк» 8. ООО «Профессия Радио» 9. ООО «Радио УВЗ» 10. ЗАО «Русское Радио-Евразия» 5. Петропавловск-Камчатский, Камчатская область, Дальневосточный 35 ТВК, 0,2 кВт Ежедневно, Круглосуточно Свободная 1. ЗАО «Мьюзик Один» 6. Санкт-Петербург, Ленинградская об-ласть, Северо-Западный 89,7 МГц. 4 кВт Ежедневно, Круглосуточно «Здорового об-раза жизни и активного отды-ха» 1. ООО «Диадема» 2. ЗАО «Радио «Зенит» 3. ООО «СОЗВЕЗДИЕ» 4. ЗАО «Радио Планета» 5. ООО «МЕДИА СПОРТ» 6. ООО «ФАВОРИТ» 7. ЗАО «Радио Рекорд» 8. ООО «Эридан» 9. ООО «Волга ПРИНТ» 10. ООО «КОНТИНЕНТ» 11. ООО «Балтик-ФМ» 7. Санкт-Петербург, Ленинградская об-ласть, Северо-Западный 70,37 МГц, 5 кВт Ежедневно, Круглосуточно Свободная 1. ЗАО «Народное Радио» 8. Сочи, Краснодарский край, Южный 40 ТВК, 1 кВт Ежедневно, Круглосуточно Свободная 1. ОАО «ЭФКАФЕ» 2. ООО «АКЦЕПТ» 3. ООО «БМ Медиа» 4. ООО «СОНАТА» 5. ОАО «Телерадиокомпания «Петербург» 6. ЗАО «Мьюзик Один» 7. ООО «Сочи Медиа Стар» 8. ГУП Краснодарского края «КГКТРК «Новое телевиде-ние Кубани» 9. Сочи, Краснодарский край, Южный 101,9 МГц, 5 кВт Ежедневно, Круглосуточно Свободная 1. ООО «Диадема» 2. ЗАО «Крестьянские ведомости медиа-группа» 3. ООО «Центр новых технологий» 4. ООО «Евро-люкс» 5. ООО «СТЕПС» 6. ООО «Черноморское Информационное Агентство» 7. ООО «Радиостанция СЕРЕБРЯНЫЙ ДОЖДЬ» 8. ОАО «Радиосеть «ОРР» 9. ООО «МЕДИА СПОРТ» 10. ООО «АКЦЕПТ» 11. ЗАО «ЭХО МОСКВЫ» 12. ООО «КОНТИНЕНТ» 13. ООО «Триаж» 14. ООО «Сочи Медиа Стар» 10. Хабаровск, Хабаровский край, Дальневосточный 10 ТВК, 1 кВт Ежедневно, Круглосуточно Свободная 1. ООО «Спортивный телеканал 7ТВ» 2. ООО «Телесет» 3. ЗАО «Телекомпания «Даль-ТВ» 4. ООО «Олимп-П» 5. ООО «ТВ-Домашний» 6. ОАО «Телекомпания НТВ» 7. ООО «Новая Медиа Компания» 8. ЗАО «Мьюзик Один» 11. Якутск, Республика Саха (Яку-тия), Дальневосточный 90,9 МГц, 0,1 кВт Ежедневно, Круглосуточно Свободная 1. ДООО «ПРОМЕТЕЙ» 2. ООО «ИНТЕРЛАЙН» 3. ООО «Полярная звезда» 4. ООО «МАКСИМУМ Радио» 12. Якутск, Республика Саха (Яку-тия), Дальневосточный 104,0 МГц, 1 кВт Ежедневно, Круглосуточно Свободная 1. ДООО «ПРОМЕТЕЙ» 2. ООО «ИНТЕРЛАЙН» 3. ООО «Восток-21» 4. ООО «Полярная звезда» 5. ООО «МАКСИМУМ Радио» 13. Пул радиоканалов с концепцией веща-ния «свободная» 1. ЗАО «Крестьянские ведомости медиа-группа» 2. ООО «Центр новых технологий» 3. ЗАО «Народное Радио» 14. Пул телеканалов с концепцией вещания «Общенациональный канал российский регионов» 1. ОАО «Телерадиокомпания «Петербург» (RadioNavigator, http://guzei.com/radio/, 09/11/2006) -- Интернет http://www.geocities.com/jas84756/ http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/radiocomputing/radio monitoring.htm http://www.dxgert.se/ http://www.freewebs.com/zl3sqth/ http://www.ghg.net/cliffwatts/ Кому интересно, вытащите небольшой файлик (125кБ) http://www.nrada.gov.ua/documents/plan.doc с этой ссылки и почитайте о планах нацсовета по ТВ и радио Украины о её планах на 2006-2007 г.г. Содержимое файла на украинском языке. Так что не взыщите ... (Сергей Давыденко, Чернигов, Украина - open_dx 11/11/2006) -- QSL Австралия 531 4KZ Australia, Innisfail rec. very nice friendly note and QSL card in 21d for CD report. V/S: Al Kirton-GM. Address: Coastal Broadcasters Pty. Ltd, PO Box 19, Innisfail, Qld 4860, Australia. Mentioned running ND 7KW days/3KW nights, after Cyclone distroyed one of their towers. Also sent coasters, stickers, and info sheet on Coastal Broadcasters. I am really pleased with this after trying over 27 years to log it. Qld QSL #64, Australian QSL #225. (Patrick Martin, Oregon, Usa - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 14/11/2006) Германия Сегодня (8 ноября 2006 г.) получена QSL-карточка от Deutschlandfunk за рапорт о приёме передачи этой станции 16/IX/2006 на частоте 6190 кГц. Рапорт отправлял по электронной почте. Адрес: hoererservice@dradio.de (Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск, Россия - open_dx 08/11/2006) Иран Reciban mi más cordial saludo. Les escribo por un pequeño "acertijo radial", hoy jueves 09 de noviembre escuché las transmisiones de "La Voz de la República Islámica de Irán", al parecer en mandarín o algún idioma similar, solo la pude distinguir por la música de piano típica del comienzo y final de las transmisiones de esta radioemisora. Fue escuchada en una frecuencia aproximada de 9900 khz, a las 1240 UTC (0940 AM hora local de Chile continental). Requiero de datos más precisos de frecuencias, horarios e idioma de transmisión (que se ajusten a estos datos), manden la respuesta con copia al correo: "patatorios@vtr.net" Estamos en contacto, agradeciendo su atención y consideración, les saluda con un gran abrazo desde Temuco (Patricio De los Ríos - playdx2003 1161, 13/11/2006) Словакия Recibida QSL confirmando escucha del 31 de Octubre del 2006 en 9460 a las 21:00 UTC en espa?ol, informe enviado a RSI_spanish@slovakradio.sk demor? 13 d?as (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 47, 14, 13/11/2006) -- Аппаратура -- 73 всем! И.Л. |
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