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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 81

WorldDX 81
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
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Короткие Волны

5050 ARDS trying for this one during the 1000 hour and there was
not much of a signal there. By contrast the Northern Territory outlets
that are active right now on 2310 and 2325 were providing decent reception.
(Johnson listening on DX Tuner in Brisbane, Australia Aug 4 - CumbreDX 1614)

4835 VL8A Alice Springs, Still on and quite reasonable w/ABC
nx at 0931. Not on at 0956 recheck though. Someone must have forgotten to
change the freq. (Dave Valko 2 August - CumbreDX 1617)

RA definitely left free 6080 for Radio
Singapore as heard the last few days. But heavy
splatter at 1130 from WYFR Spanish 6085, puts me in
the obligation to better detune to 6077 to get
something more audible. Not a great deal using the
sync detection of the ICF7600GR.

RA was absent on 9580 // 9590 when I tuned at 1140,
this Wednesday 9. //6020 very poor. Finally on the
air after 1230. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 09/08/06)

Вчера (04-08-2006) на частоте 6225 кГц в 18:59 - 19:xx UTC обнаружено Р.
Тирана на итальянском языке. (Вячеслав Олейник, Кишинев, Молдавия - open_dx 05/08/06)

11810 RTA Radio Argelia via Wooferton txer, 1953-2000, August 04, Arabic,
arabic music, 24432 ("splash" from Radio Brazil Central, Goaiania, GO from 11815 Khz),
//9765 via Rampisham txer site with 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 10/08/06)

12025 RTA Radio Argelia via Wooferton txer site, 2006-2010, August 04, Arabic,
international news read in arabic by male, 25432
//9765 (Rampisham txer site) with 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 10/08/06)

No sign of the Algeria relay via UK this week. Are they
still on? Last week heard them from 0400-0600 on 7260//9540 well in
Arabic. Also heard 2100-2300 on 7150//9710. Glenn mentioned one of
these xmsns in DXLD 6-118, 6 August. (Liz - dxldyg 12/08/06)

Liz may not have heard relays via UK lately, but I checked
again Aug 12 at 0512 and there was a weak signal in Arabic on 7260; not audible
on // 9540, but it has not been anyway and masked by super-strong Habana 9550.
No ID heard on 7260, however, but nothing else listed or likely (Glenn Hauser,
OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 12/08/06)

R. Nacional, 15345.4, G signal with slight rolling fades, Aug 5
at 2330 with ID promo listing dozens of cities where it has stations, ending
with Arcangel San Gabriel --- I assume this refer to the currently inactive
SW-only LRA36. Then news headlines with M&W alternating, ``Panorama`` until at
least 2345; sometime after 2400, silly ballgame coverage. As would be expected,
the het with Chile 15340.0 was slightly higher than the usual 5 kHz whine;
Argentina was significantly stronger, but Chile is aimed at Brasil (Glenn
Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 06/08/06)

Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior doing quite well
on 15345 this noon here in Tiquicia, as never heard
before at this time, 1845. There was a (kind of middle
frecuency) het because of RTV Marocaine, but his one
wasn’t audible at all.
San Lorenzo de Almagro was beating Jujuy 1-0 in a
futbol game. They were announcing next futbol
transmission later on between Boca Juniors and
Banfield. The great migration of British workers for
the railroad during the 19th century (the same
happened in Costa Rica) made possible the introduction
of football. That’s why you find several teams with
English names like Newell’s Old Boys, River Plate
(for Rio de la Plata). (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 06/08/06)

9745 Radio Bahrein, Abu Hayan, 1927-1935, August 04, Arabic,
local songs, announcement, 22432
At 1928 UTC s/off other station in the frequency
and I could hear Radio Bahrein with 25432.
From 1930 UTC s/on CRI-Beijing in Esperanto language and put the signal of Radio Bahrain.
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 10/08/06)

5680,3 Radio San Jose, San Jose, 2240-2245, August 02,
romantic songs non stop, 25332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 06/08/06)

6037,7 Radio Difusora Tropico (p), Villa Tunari, 2321-2330, August 02, Spanish,
short talks by male & female about national actuality and Cochabamba department actuality.
Report from Cochabamba city, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 06/08/06)

6079.96 R. San Gabriel, 0848 already on and in the
clear. Pretty weak this morning though. (Dave Valko 3 August - CumbreDX 1617)

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belem, 0100-0114,
03-08, portugués, transmisión partido de fútbol,
copa Libertadoras de América, equipo Sao Paulo,
identificación: "Copa Libertadoras, Radio Clube". 34333. (Méndez)

4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2127-2132,
02-08, portugués, locutor, comentarios de fútbol. 24222. (Méndez)

9630, Radio Aparecida, 2155-2203, 03-08,
canciones brasileñas, programa "Pe na estrada". A
las 2200 "A Voz do Brasil". 24322. En paralelo
con 6135, pero a partir de las 2200 inaudible en
esta última frecuencia por comenzar sus
transmisiones Radio República también en 6135. (Méndez)

9675, Radio Cançao Nova, 2155-2240, 08-08,
locutora, comentarios religiosos, identificación:
"Radio Cançao Nova". A las 2200 "A Voz do Brasil"
incluyendo a las 2230 "Jornal do Senado". 24322. (Mendez)

11780, Radio Nacional de Brasilia, Brasilia,
1052-1057, 06-08, portugués, transmisión de la
Santa Misa del domingo. 24322. (Méndez)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 1107-1115,
06-08, canciones brasileñas. 23222.
(Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 10/08/06)

VR had an interesting discussion on 7250, Aug 11 at 0520 with a
Lutheran about ``Christian Zionists`` and the threat they pose to peace,
supporting as they do the Armageddon scenario, loving Israel so much that it
must be destroyed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 12/08/06)

Besides of the S5 we're getting from Cypress
Creek 9660 at 1100 for BBCWS, WHRI took the last
minute before 1300 to promote its ministry before
The Beeb was audible too on 9740 //6195 SNG as well as
6130 Montsinery, and its change over to 9750 at 1200.
(Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica. - dxldyg 09/08/06)

RNV found on a new frequency! 15250, Sat Aug 5 at 2338 with
a patriotic song I knew I`d heard before somewhere; pretty weak and was hoping
for something more exotic, but then ID with the PO Box they insist on giving,
even tho mail keeps getting bounced from it, Apartado 3979, Caracas. Could this
be from some other site than Cuba? No, it was // and in synch with 13680, altho
it was hard to tell since that frequency was way under CRI via Canada in
English. Nothing audible on 11760 or 9550 at this time, and 15230 had a weak
mix of RA and RHC in Portuguese, I think (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 06/08/06)

RNV via Cuba, on new 15250 at 2300 Aug 7. Unlike my first
and previous log of this, now it`s an excellent signal, barely a fade, with
excellent modulation. 2258 tune-in to open carrier, 2300 opening, greets
listeners as ``usuarios y usuarias`` (male users and female users); program
previews explained what was going on in Bolivia yesterday: Aug 6 is their
national day. Mentioned book by James Hatfield about GWB, ``NerСn del Siglo
XXI``. 2303 with E-mail address as internacional @ rnv.gov.ve, web site as
http://www.rnv.gov.ve then special program ``La Nueva Historia de Bolivia``,
starting with a bit of Evo Morales` speech calling for the elimination of
imperialism and neo-liberalism! Then some Bolivian folk music which helped me
take a nap. 2341, Apartado 3979 P-mail address, despite many reports that mail
bounces from it. // 13680 was quite strong too, roughly equal level with CRI
via Canada, slight SAH as they took turns dominating. Never heard any times or
frequencies announced, altho they may have done so before the hour was over
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 08/08/06)

Per Larry Baysinger, it looks like Radio K'ekchi could reactive
its shortwave transmitter. Larry has been asked to send down a replacement
power transformer for the unit. Larry adds that it seems that they now have
a new management team and are working to restore their short-wave outreach.
They were previously on 4844v. (Hans Johnson Aug 4 - CumbreDX 1614)

4052.46 Radio Verdad,Chiquimula 1108 to 1110 sermon in
English on book of Isiah. 2 August (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1617)

4799.60 Radio Buenas Nuevas 1030 to 1100 continued tranmitter
problems 7 and 8 August (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1617)

MV Baltic Radio booming in here in southern Denmark on 6045 kHz when tune-in
1205.UTC German, some English.
www.krone-web.dk by the way has been up-dated with photos of dx-friends and
with direct links to all cuban stations and their online radio. But see it
in 1024x764 pixels. (Finn Krone - hard-core-dx 44, 8)

6045, Baltic Music Radio, 1239-1245,
06-08, música pop, comentarios en alemán. 34333. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 10/08/06)

15650, with Greek music, Aug 5 at 2335, fair signal and
declining somewhat in next quarter hour. This is aimed at Australia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 06/08/06)

7450 Radiofonikis Stathmos Makedonias, Avlis, 2000-2005, August 04,
local songs, announcement by female, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 10/08/06)

R. Cairo audible on three 25m frequencies, Aug 5. At 2346, 11755 with
weak Arabic music, 2351-2355 talk, perhaps news, mentioning Lub`nan, 2355 back
to music, 2358 announcement mentioned Qahira. Could not really catch ID beyond
``Idha`at . . . al Arabiyah. . .`` but Cairo`s Arabic service to C&SAm is
scheduled here. Blasted away by RHC 11760 which opened at *0000. 11755 was not
parallel the General Arabic program on 12050, which when checked at 2347 had
good strength but very poor audio, breaking up, just the modulation peaks
poking thru.

And at 2347, 11950 with English to NAm, opening a program in the format they
always use, ``Radio Cairo presents. . .`` then a lengthy bit of theme music
leaving us hanging, and finally the name of the program which I could not fully
catch due to usual low and muffled modulation on otherwise SINPO 45444 signal.
Recheck at 2404, 11950 was in Arabic spoken slowly and clearly by M as this was
their language lesson. A minute later, W came on explaining the grammar and
referring to page 86 of the textbook. By now the modulation level had improved,
slightly. By 2419 they were into music again, so if there was news at 2415 I
missed it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 06/08/06)

6973 Radio Galei Tzahal, Tel Aviv, 2110-2115, August 04, Hebrew,
news by male & female, 24432 (QRM from rural communications)
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 10/08/06)

4800, AIR, Hyderabad, 0019-0025, 03-08, Inicio
programación, música de sintonía, locutor,
identificación: "All India Radio", hindú, canciones . 34333. (Méndez)

4860, AIR, Delhi, Kingsway, 0050-0058, 03-08, hindú, canciones. (Méndez)

4910, AIR, Jaipur, 0050-0056, 04-08, música hindú. 24322. (Méndez)

4920, AIR, Chennai, 0018-0022, 08-08, música,
comentarios en hindú por locutora. 24322. (Méndez)

4950, AIR, Srinagar, 0045-0049, 04-08, música hindú. 24222. (Méndez)

5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 0046-0049, 03-08, hindú, canciones. (Méndez)

15770, AIR, Aligah, 1114-1145, 06-08, música de
sintonía, inicio transmisión, programa en Tamil,
identificación: "All India Radio". A las 1135
programa DX "Vanoli Ulagam (Radio World),
noticias sobre Radio Lebanon, Vatican Radio,
Armenia, TWR, Radio Japan, Radio Cairo, RTV
Malaysia, DX logging in English, logs from Radio
Tirana, Radio Australia, Bangladesh Beter, Radio
Canada I. Identificación: "All India Radio,
Chennai". 1145 fin programa DX. 44444.
En paralelo con 17810 AIR Panaji, 34333 y 15050 AIR Delhi, 24322
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 10/08/06)

7540 Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran via Sitkunai transmitter site in Lithuania,
2020-2030, August 04, English, transmission in english for Europe, music, announcement by female, identification,
s/off, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 10/08/06)

7540 Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran via Sitkunai transmitter site in Lithuania,
2030-2040, August 04, Spanish, transmission in spanish for Europe, identification by female:
"Esta es La Voz de la Republica Islamica de Iran......", music, international news bulletin, 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 10/08/06)

REE, 15385, VG in French at 2343 Aug 5; also at recheck 0011 in
English playing a nice YL vocal rendition of ``Guantanamera``, and 0012 into
``Visitors` Notebook`` about famous people who passed thru Spain recently,
starting with Julio Boca, Argentine ballet dancer, who is on a farewell world
tour lasting until the end of 2007y. Seems he is appreciated everywhere but
back home in Buenos Aires. Accompanied by some nice tango music; 0017 next
subject, a hard rock group which won the Eurovision song contest, so I tuned
out (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 06/08/06)

15585 Jul 27 1100-1130 Espana: Radio Exterior de Espana. Noblejas, Signal
was very good. I heard program "Desde Madrid". In one segment at 1118 UTC a
woman announcer interviews a Greenpeace activist of climate changes campaign
in Brasil. Sinpo 55555 (Nino Marabello, Triesto, Italy - hard-core-dx 44, 8)

9745 China Radio International, Beijing, 1930-1940, August 04, Esperanto,
Interval signal, s/on, identification by female in esperanto language: "China Radio.....",
announcement, news by female, 34443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 10/08/06)

Firedrake against Sound of Hope also heard here on 14260, Aug 10 at
1249, fair signal with flutter; not heard on 17 or 18 MHz, nor on 14260 at 1332
recheck (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 10/08/06)
(Я тоже слышу глушилку против "Sound of Hope", но сигнал в Пушкине очень слабый - ред
PS. На 7130 кГц тоже стоит китайский глушитель, но с 14 до 18 UTC, сигнал отличный)

7210, China National Radio 8, 1035-1055 Noted a woman presenting
music and commenting
in Korean (pres) language. Signal was fair. At 1055, signal went of the
air abruptly which is typical
of some of China's National Radio Stations. (Chuck Bolland, August 11, 2006 - CumbreDX 1620)

Tho much better than recently, RHC 9550 still seems under-powered,
and/or FE conditions are picking up, as Aug 5 at 1316 CCI was audible under
(China/Vietnam), and SAH detectable during RHC fades (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 05/08/06)

5025, Radio Rebelde, 2355-0305, 02-08,
"Deportivamente, un programa en permanente
contacto con Vd.", locutor, programa de deportes.
A las 0301 noticias: "Lo que necesitas para estar
al día, las noticias, estamos muy atentos al
estado de nuestro presidente Fidel Castro". 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 10/08/06)

4845 Radio Mauritaine 0043-0100*. Local pop music. 0048 Talk
by woman. 0050 Koran recitation by man. 0100 Very quick announcement
by woman and abrupt end of transmission. Poor signal (SINPO 22222).
Had heard no Africans and very little else on the Tropical Bands for the
previous 10 days or so. (Jim Evans, TN, August 12 - CumbreDX 1621)

6185, Radio Educación, 0815-0822, 06-08,
programa de música clásica. 24322 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 10/08/06)

4895, Mongolian Radio, Murum,
2132-2148, 02-08, música mongol. 24222. En
paralelo con 4830, Mongolian Radio, Altay con SINPO 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 10/08/06)

5040.4, Myanma Radio (presumed), Aug. 5, 1312-1350, local music
and songs/ballads, BoH into English lesson (slow English), reading something
and then asking a number of questions, weak. Have noted English lessons
before during this time period (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, RX340, with T2FD
antenna, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST 05/08/06)

5040.34 Radio Myanmar 1110 traditional music, 1124 yl to 1130,
music bridge, back to yl 1131, 7 August (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, Usa - CumbreDX 1617)

9704,8 La Voix du Sahel (p), Niamey, 1902-1915, August 02, French,
news in frnech by two speakers, talk by female from 1910 UTC (in french too), 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 06/08/06)

9705 La Voix du Sahel (p), Niamey, 1940-1944, August 04, French,
talk by female in french, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 10/08/06)

С неплохим сигналом в последние дни на частоте 15120 кГц
отмечается "Voice of Nigeria".

На частоте 7255 кГц отсутствует, хотя ранее слышна была каждый вечер.
На 15120 кГц промониторено: с 13 до 16 на английском, затем час - на арабском, а
затем - вновь на английском до 21 часа.

Станция в анонсе объявляет, что передачи ведутся для Северной Африки и
Европы, кстати, и частота тоже всего одна объявляется.
Очень много национальной танцевальной музыки.
(Василий Гуляев, Астрахань, Россия - open_dx 06/08/06)

15120 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 1911-1916, August 04, English,
talk by male in english about the local government, 35433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 10/08/06)

Don`t usually have a listenable signal from VON 15120 at this hour,
but Aug 10 at 1256, lo-fi English talk with a busy signal, so presumably over
phoneline; 1258 Voice of Nigeria ID with drumming; quite a bit of flutter and
there may have been some other signal underneath causing a SAH
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 10/08/06)

Новая Зеландия
Nothing was heard from RNZI this
Wednesday at 1100 or 1200, Neither 9870 nor 9615, and
it was until 1300, with poor signal on 7145. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 09/08/06)

6085 Radio Sultanate of Oman, Seeb, 2040-2050, August 04, Arabic,
talks by two males. Many mentions to "Beirut", short song, more talks, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 10/08/06)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
3315 Radio Manus 1058 "broadcasting form ...." drum rolls, news by
yl "...in Auckland..." 1102 back to music. 7 August
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, Usa - CumbreDX 1617)

6019,4 Radio Victoria, Lima, 2315-2320, Spanish,
religious programme in live, 24432
I couldn?t hear the station on 31 meters.
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 06/08/06)

6047,1 Radio Santa Rosa, Lima, 2335-2342, August 02, Spanish,
religious talk by female, short andean music, announcement & ID as:
"....o bien en Radio Santa Rosa....", 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 06/08/06)

9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0840-0856,
06-08, locutor, comentario religioso, español y
portugués "La Voz de la Liberación". 24222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 10/08/06)

9765, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean (PRES), 0854-0858 Noted a man and
woman in Russian Language comments until 0858 when comments stopped. Signal
was poor but audible. (Chuck Bolland, August 11, 2006 - CumbreDX 1620)

I checked 16m again 24 hours later, Aug 10 at 0543 and confirmed the
frequencies where I was hearing // Chinese --- yes, 17880 and 17615, which are
listed as RFA via Saipan. Reception was not so good this time. Unseemed the
Chinese jammers which usually dominate; I assume they were blaring away as
usual, but not making it here on higher-latitude paths. So Chinese who want to
listen to RFA: come to Oklahoma! (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 10/08/06)

Сев. Корея
Good conditions from FE Sat Aug 5, including at 1316, VOK on
9335, and at 1317, domestic service on 9665 with stirring revolutionary music
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 05/08/06)

5925.9 WBOH, This turned out to be a spur of 5920. Hrd at 0100 w/M
anncr. Strong spur but very weak audio. 'Carrier' seemed to be wavering a
little by abt 10 hz or so approximately every 30 seconds. Hrd next morning
again at 0840. Found a spur on the other side at 5914 as well. I'm
disappointed it wasn't R. Mineria, but I'm glad to solve this
mystery. (Dave Valko 3 August - CumbreDX 1617)

VOT, Live from Turkey, Thu Aug 10 at 1255 check on 15450: very poor
with music at first, 1300 talk, but too poor to follow. If sufficiently
motivated one must fire up the computer and listen to live stream instead
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 10/08/06)

Диапазон 25 м - дневной диапазон для хобби-вещателей. Утром в 05.35 на
11720 хорошо слышно было Scandinavian Weekend Radio (СИНПО 34443).
Сигнал слегка перемодулирован. Около 06.00 перешли на 11690. Там
слышимость похуже - мешает телеграф.
Одновременно на 11980 появилось РДХ из Запорожья. Сигнал 35443 (тоже
слегка перемодулирован), но временами замирает до нуля.
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 05/08/06)

6165, Radiodif Nationale (pres), 2300-2330 Noted two persons in
French language
comments where one says something in French and the second person answers.
Seems like
an exercise. The French had that strong African Dialect to it. Signal was
good. (Chuck Bolland., August 6, 2006 - hard-core-dx 44, 8)

HCJB`s English service, 11720, Aug 5 at 2346 with that language
lesson show, this one on the topic of karate. VG signal and if I had listened
24 hours earlier am sure I would have heard no trace whatsoever of Scandinavian
Weekend Radio underneath. After 2400 back into Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 06/08/06)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005, Radio Nacional, Bata,
2207-2315, 02-08, locutor, comentario sobre el
presidente de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial.
A las 2300 identificación: "24 horas en la
República de Guinea Ecuatorial", noticias. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 10/08/06)

Неофициальное вещание

Moj Them Radio If I am reading their website right, they are now on
15260 from 0100-0130 Tue and Thu. The change is also on the TDP, their
broker's, website. [ex 0200-0230 Wed and Fri] (Hans Johnson Aug 4, Usa - CumbreDX 1614)

15565 Voice of Democratic Path of Ethiopian Unity, 1918-1923, August 04, Amharic,
talk by male in vernacular, short music, other talk, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 10/08/06)

Япония/Тайвань/Сев. Корея
Shiokaze, 9485 via Taiwan, Sat Aug 5 at 1315 was in
Japanese, with piano music rather than electronic stingers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 05/08/06)

Shiokaze, 9485: could not detect it in the 1300 semihour
Aug 8 or 9, but maybe due to poor propagation; Aug 10 at 1325 check it was JBA
with piano music, Korean? Poor with T-storm static (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST, dxldyg 10/08/06)

6030 Mighui Radio I tried for this one at their listed *1300, but there
is no chance of hearing. I checked at 1305 and there is both CNR 1 here [//
5030] and a Fire Drake music jammer on the frequency. No sign of CFVP,
either, but it is a bit early to hear this one. (Hans Johnson Wyoming, USA Aug 3 - CumbreDX 1614)


1800 13730.0 R. Canada Int.,Nauen,Germania,EE,id YL. MB
1801 7395.0 WYFR,Talata V.,Madagascar,EE,id OM MB
1853 9505.0 SRTC,Omdurman.Sudan,mx locale. SF/BN
1854 11735.0 R. Tanzania Zanzibar,Dole,Swahili,fk OM. SF/BN
1856 9704.0 Tamburi...tamburi...tamburi!!! Niger?
(di solito l'Etiopia Х su 9704.2 kHz fissi)
1900 11765.0 R. Canada Int.,Kashi,Cina,FF,id OM. SF/BN

0522 11570.0 R. Pakistan,Islamabad,mx locale. SF/BN
0525 11690.0 R. Okapi,Meyerton,S. Africa,FF,commenti OM. BN/MB
0529 11880.0 "ABC Local Radio and Radio Australia": annuncio OM. BN/MB
0534 9580.0 Africa N. 1,Moyabi,Gabon,FF,tk OM. IN/SF
1500 11615.0 EMG,Nauen,Germania,Russo,px religioso. Solo sabato. MB
(in sottofondo di nuovo il segnale d'intervallo della DW non stop, come
durante l'ascolto di R. Republica, sempre via Nauen)
(Luca Botto Fiora, Genova, Italy - playdx2003 06/08/06)

Conditions almost reached October standards on the AM broadcast band. Keep reading and you'll see why !

MW DX logs:


1134 unID, either SPAIN, COPE (10 kW), Salamanca or CROATIA, Hrvatski Radio (600 kW), Zadar AUG 4 0231 - very threshold with woman talk. Clearly

NOT // with 1130, so NOT an overspill from residual WBBR/WDFN-1130. Better received on 1134 kHz with the radio in AM Narrow mode or on 1135 kHz with

the Sangean in AM Wide mode. (Chiochiu-QC)

1143 SPAIN, COPE, synchros (tent.) AUG 6 0310 - high-pitched tone popping up on the high-side of a weak domestic jumble on 1140 with WRVA-1140 and

WBBR-1130 splatter completly nulled out. I guess this is a TA "heterodyne" and not another kind of weird noise. Most likely coming from these 5 kW Spaniard

synchronous outlets. Tentative ! (Chiochiu-QC)

Latin America:

Radio Rebelde (from Cuba) on 670 and others QRMed //s including 770 under WABC on the evening of AUG 6.

890 CUBA, Radio Progreso, Chambas AUG 2 0230 - special items inside "Noticiero RP" regarding Castro's health about the national and international greetings

Fidel Castro received and invitation to the Cuban people to live and to work, followed by "Radio Progreso la onda...la onda...la onda del alegrМa" nice jingle, then

an ugly old-fashionned romantic ballad ressembling a bolero. SINPO 44323 with very great signal, but quite periodical deep fades on the 818ACS barefoot with the

power shut due to the T-storm unenabled me to listen on the Sanyo which has slightly poorer sensitivity in this part of the dial, but a much better sound and more

flexibility in his tuning, because I can de-tune LESS than 1 kHz away. ¦ La propagaciСn no estА muy caliente hacia America Latina, por la razСn de la actividad en el

sol mАs baja ! (Chiochiu-QC)

North America:

960 CFFM, Kingston, ON JUL 29 2156 EDT / JUL 30 0156 UTC - part of extensive announcement ID ann. "This is AM 9-60 CFFX, a Corus Entertainment

Station...". Slightly over a domestic talker. Also some 60's mainstram rock'n'roll (not GREAT pysche or prog like Jimy Hendrix, Caravane, Yes, Pink Floyd et al) just

before that ID. (Chiochiu-QC)

960 CHNS, Halifax, NS AUG 1 2223 EDT / AUG 2 0223 UTC - Hal FM mention in mix with 1 or 2 stations including the brand new logged by me CFFX. SIO

322. (Chiochiu-QC)

1120 WPRX, Bristol, CT AUG 5 2320 EDT / AUG 6 0320 - noted in passing at huge strenght with high-energy contemporary merengue music with minor

WBBR-1130 slops. They were stronger and steadier than usually ! It may be relatively short-skip from Montreal, but if they're running only 250 W at night, then it

becomes a slightly more prized domestic catche ! (Chiochiu-QC)

1140 CHRB, High River, AB AUG 6 0015 EDT / AUG 6 0415 UTC - End of a nice pop/rock tune, then promo "We promise and now we're delivering ->

delivering supper in the field that is, it's back, bigger and better than ever, the great Green Ruch 2006, AM 11-40 stuff will come to your farm and serve the delicious

meals prepared by Karla Jackson, High River. All you'll have to do is prepare the hungry vehicle. Enter to win a Harvest supper in the field with one of these

participating sponsors: High River - New Holland, High Hiver, April -> the locations in Bolton and Crossfield. The Great Green Rush on Southern Alberta community

station, AM 11-40" then a countrish r&r tune in the Elvis style. Huge signal strenght often with deep fadings, but always came back with huge signal for minutes

before fading again !! My furthest DX to the West EVER, at over 3000 kilometers from Montreal ! The 2nd NEW LONG-HAUL reception this off-season period

after Progreso-750, unless you're considering just like me that August 1st is the official start of the new season, because August is the best summer month for

awesome stuff on mediumwave ! (Chiochiu-QC)

Great news: the levels of the tumoral activity are even more than normal, they're indetectable ! Next appointement in October ! The only (minor) health problem to

solve is an incarnated nail, but that's nothing when compared to the last fall's night mare. I'm ready to take advantage of the newly arrived 2006-2007 DX season on

mediumwave and to check out the FM band regularly to spot some meteor-scatter and Perseids-induced sporadic-E during the next couple of days.

A HUGE T-storm did hit Montreal the past week. The electricity was cut, two persons were hit by the stroke, one in the Montreal and the other one in another big

city, 140 kilometers from here, in Trois-RiviХres. Two tornadoes were birth in surrounding areas. It was awful ! There were also relatively smaller ones, but since

Friday night, mild, not too hot temperatures, are back and the static is now almost non-existent.

The new season which started officially on August 4 for me with very threshold TA audio on 1134 picked up strongly the past night, shortly after midnight, when I

picked up a DDXD-East prized catche that, under good cx or day power issues, have reached several well known domestic DXers. Initially, I wanted to pick up

Spain-1143 on dawn enhancement and when realizing there was nothing in tuning between the shortly afterwards identified CHRB-1140 and CJRC/CHOC-1150 on

my analogue Sanyo MCD-S830, I decided to see what this unusual strong signal on 1140 was all about, since many times I get just an incomprehensible extremely

threshold jumble of domestics in WRVA-1140 null. I thought, since CHRB-1140 could NOT be COMPLETELY NULLED, that it was a short-skip domestic, but

the curiosity winned, even though I'm primary a foreign DXer and I let a tape run. After two songs, the promo announcement transcribed above came with a huge

signal and I was ASTONISHED !!!!!!

My goal of picking up a Venezuelan during the months of July or July has been reached this summer with Radio Coro, as well as the goal of picking up clearly

Colombia which I did before the NJ coastal trip with Colombia-760 clearly behind residual WJR. There are only TWO OTHER GOALS 'till the end of August:

identifying clearly a trans-Atlantic signal on mediumwave and taking advantage of at least 1 strong long-haul opening on the FM broadcast band, be it sporadic-E or

several intenses 10-seconds of life meteor-scatter bursts occuring one after another. What are your goals ? I'm curious. Are any of you having any important goals to

achieve regarding DXing over the next couple of weeks ? I mean, challenging goals, not run-of-the-mil ones. Something to be proud !? It could be an intriguing


May the good DX be with you !
(Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - mwdx 1313)

Недавно вернулся из командировки «по заграницам», и решил поделиться
некоторыми наблюдениями.

1-й этап – поезд Москва-Одесса. Первые несколько часов поезд идет через
Одесскую область, что дало возможность немного пролить свет на
загадочную частоту 70.73 МГц.

Вооружение: Degen 1103 и «мыльница» Manbo с собственноручно добавленным
в неё УКВ-диапазоном. В Degen'е частота гетеродина при приёме FM
находится ниже частоты настройки на 10.7 МГц, тем самым она может
попадать в УКВ-диапазон. Используя два приёмника, можно определять
частоту настройки «мыльницы» с точностью до 0.025 МГц.

Первый сюрприз ждал меня уже где-то через час поездки – появился
довольно мощный сигнал УР-1 на частоте ~69.57 МГц. Это скорее всего
новый передатчик в пгт. Вел. Михайловка. Параллельно с ним появился
более слабый, как по мощности, так и по громкости, сигнал из с. Жовтень
(~68.97 МГц)

Ещё через час начал появляться пробиваться сигнал на частоте 70.73 МГц.
Своего максимума он достиг за 10 минут до въезда в г. Котовск, а затем,
после Котовска, вскоре затух. Определить, с какой стороны находится
передатчик, не удалось – и с западной и с восточной стороны вагона приём
был одинаково плохим. Можно только сказать, что громкость (модуляция)
действительно в 2-3 раза слабее, чем на местном передатчике г. Котовск
(~67.25 МГц).

Судя по времени слышимости и силе сигнала, учитывая повороты железной
дороги можно предположить, что передатчик на 70.73 МГц находится в г.
Ананьев, находящийся к востоку от Котовска.

Ещё одно наблюдение – по всей Одесской области (в т.ч. в самой Одессе)
качество звука на УР-1 довольно низкое – завалены ВЧ и НЧ, иногда звук
бывает искажённым. В тоже время уже при въезде в Винницкую область звук
на местных передатчиках УР-1 приближается к «УКВ/ФМ – качеству».

2-й этап поездки – крайний север.

Вот краткий отчёт о том, что удалось зафиксировать.

г. Новый Уренгой

83.75 – звук от ТВ

88.3 – Р. Шансон

89.1 – Авторадио

101.2 – Р. Ямала (и возможно Р.Маяк -24)

101.8 – Р. Максимум

102.3 – Р. Сигма

102.8 – dance, нон-стоп, без всяких объявлений.

104.0 – Р. Маяк (обычный)

105.2 – Европа +

106.5 – Nord FM

На УКВ только фантомные частоты с верхнего диапазона.

На СВ/ДВ только местные авиамаяки:

275 kHz ..-- -.-. uС

568 kHz ..-- u

г. Ямбург

101.4 - Авторадио (с 5 по 26 июня работала «Русская служба новостей»)

102.6 – Р. Ямала, утренние, дневные и вечерние блоки, в остальное время
Р. Маяк-24

105.1 – R. Monte Carlo.

СВ/ДВ эфир днём также пустой, только местные авимаяки:

707 kHz -- M

345 kHz -- -... MB

а также очень слабо:

372 kHz --.. .-.. ZL

752 kHz --.. Z

И ещё на уровне шумов:

162 – Р.России

225 – Р.России, Рекламные блоки: «Радио России – регион Тюмень».

К полуночи (а там царил полярный день) в верхней части СВ появляется 1-2
десятка слабых сигналов, вот некоторые из них:

1575 – R. Farda

1026 – Р. Содружество

1521 – МР Китая на русском

1449 – Иновещание ГИРИ

972 – unid

1359 – unid

1107 – unid

На КВ ситуация получше – внутри здания хорошо слышно Китай.

На свежем воздухе хорошо слышны многие европейские станции.

Из Азии так же хорошо проходило Семейное радио на 9955 кГц с 1500 до
1700, и, что удивительно, ГИРИ на русском на 9900 кГц с 1430 до 1530 с
качественным звуком и без сильного фединга. Таки действительно, на Азию
они транслируют куда более качественный сигнал, чем на Европу.

Основной добычей из этой поездки можно считать записи Р. Ямала на
местных языках. Когда подготовлю фрагменты – выставлю их на всеобщее
обозрение. (Ярослав, Одесса, Украина - open_dx 09/08/06)

Выдалось в начале августа несколько свободных часов, чтобы радио послушать,
но теперь с трудом нахожу время, чтобы рассказать о своих уловах...

2 августа

15090, 09.43-10.05. Радио Свобода на языке пушту, ретранслятор в Кувейте.
Сообщения, интервью. В некоторых источниках (например, в базе ILGRadio)
службы РС на пушту и дари фигури руют под названием "Radio Free
Afghanistan", но на самом деле это неверно. На пушту ID звучит как "азаде
радио", на дари -- "радио азади"; т.е. "Радио Свобода". SINPO 45333.

3 августа

9710, 08.30-09.00. Радио Вильнюс, Литва. Передача на английском, в том числе
о глобальных и местных проблемах -- повальном увлечении компьютерными
играми, охране деревянной архитектуры. SINPO 35333. Признаком плохого
прохождения было и то, что после 09.00 на участке 9600...9800 кГц не
прослушивалось вообще никаких станций, за исключением Кувейта на 9750; и то
так шумно, что язык вещания (персидский) удалось определить только через

4 августа

15410, 05.08-05.30. Немецкая Волна на английском, ретранслятор на
Мадагаскаре. Комментарии, в основном по африканским делам. В 05.29 объявлен
вопрос конкурса, главный приз где -- КВ-приемник. SINPO 35333.

5 августа

7460, 02.40-03.00. Радио Пайам-э-дуст, на персидском. Рассказы и проч. SINPO
45444 вначале, потом постепенно снизилось до 35343.

9760, 03.10-03.30. Радио Свобода на таджикском, ретранслятор в Кувейте.
Комментарии, интервью. Объявлен сайт www.ozodi.org. Начиналось с
удовлетворительным качеством (SINPO 35433), но затем съехало вниз до 25232.
На параллельной частоте 15525 кГц (через Таиланд) качество было заметно
лучше, на солидную четверочку. Еще в промежуток 03.00-04.00 из Кувейта идет
передача "Свободы" на туркменском; частота 9555 кГц, в 03.30 она
прослушивалась с SINPO 32332, почти "убитая" каким-то цифровым сигналом,
звучащим примерно на 9553.

12060, 04.00-04.20. Radio Nile. Это трансляция для Судана просветительского
(и слегка религиозного) характера, языки -- английский и суданский диалект
арабского. Беседы, фрагмент радиопьесы. SINPO 45444, а на объявленной
параллельной 9905 -- только слабая-слабая несущая, никакого аудио не
детектировалось. Обе частоты транслируются через Мадагаскар. Станция в эфире
только 4 дня в неделю, с субботы по вторник.

Далее -- небольшое исследование диапазона 12000...12100 кГц в 04.20-04.30:

12025, Немецкая волна на немецком, через Вертахталь для Ближнего Востока и
Африки; огромной мощностью, но принималось посредственно, 34322.

12035, BBC на английском через Кипр. 45444.

12045, Немецкая волна на английском, через Вертахталь для Африки. Сигнал
неустойчивый, 34322.

12055, китайское ЦНР-1, на китайском, 33333. Мешал какой-то цифровой сигнал.

12060, уже упоминавшееся Radio Nile.

12070, Радио России, 45333.

12080, две станции: Голос Америки на английском (через Ботсвану) с SINPO
22332, а вторая -- скорее всего, ЦНР-2 из Китая с песнями; у нее слышимость
была чуть похуже, 22322.

12095, BBC на английском через Вуффертон. Неплохо (SINPO 45444), но чуть
слабее, чем сигнал на 12035. Там твердая четверка, а здесь, скажем так,
четыре с минусом.

Продолжение следует (надеюсь...)
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 10/08/06)

Вот еще немного наблюдений начала августа. Сейчас, в связи с переездом, комп
и телефон у меня уже на новой квартире, а сам живу пока еще на старой, так
что несколько дней буду читать почту только раз в день (в лучшем случае).

5 августа

15295, 12.23. Голос Малайзии на китайском, с мелодичными песнями и
разговорами. В 12.29 объявление, в 12.30 гимн, потом передатчик отключается.
Вечерние передачи на арабском и малайском языках на этой частоте мне
послушать не удается. SINPO 34232, а на параллельной 11885 кГц пусто.

6 августа

15295, 10.00-10.20. Тот же Голос Малайзии, теперь на малайском языке. Точное
время, четкая ID "Инилах суара малесия" ... "сьяран" ... "брита" ... Новости
до 10.05, затем песни с объявлениями ведущих. 24222.

15050, 11.34. Всеиндийское радио на тамильском языке, программа для
DX-истов. SINPO 35333, и такой же сигнал на 15770 кГц, но на последней
частоте аудио было какое-то приглушенное и менее разборчивое. В 11.41 --
трехминутный раздел "DX Logging" на английском языке, правда, не очень
интересный: станция, время, частота. Ни тебе оценки приема, ни
дополнительных данных. В передаче был упомянут архив джинглов Иркутского

9485, 13.05. Хотел послушать передачу Shiokaze с тайваньского передатчика,
но никакого сигнала не было. Или причуды прохождения из-за магнитной бури.

17670, 13.09-13.32. AWR через Мадагаскар. Передача на вьетнамском языке.
Разговоры, диалоги. 25322.

11795, 13.35-13.58. AWR на русском языке через Гуам (станция KSDA).
Религиозные беседы, музыка. Качество не очень: 24322, к концу немного
поднялось, до 34333. Объявлен адрес в Москве.

7145, 13.38 и 14.00. RNZI, Новая Зеландия. В 13.38 были какие-то сообщения
корреспондентов, в 14.00 -- ID и начало новостей, сразу про Ближний Восток.
34232. В расписании Лаосского радио тоже стоит 13.30-14.00 на английском на
этой частоте, но оно не прослушивается даже на фоне.

Пока все, продолжение следует!
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 12/08/06)

Scandinavian Weekend Radio
Este domingo,como todos los primeros domingos del
mes, saldra al aire la emisora SWR, Scandinavian
Weekend Radio, asi que a intentar escucharla.
Transmite con una potencia de 100 watios.
En realidad estara en el aire desde las 2100 UTC
del sabado hasta las 2100 UTC del domingo. Sus horarios y frecuencias:

48 MB
(21-22 UTC) 6170 kHz
(22-03 UTC) 5980 kHz
(03-16 UTC) 6170 kHz (16-18 UTC) 5980 kHz
(18-21 UTC) 6170 kHz

25 MB
(21-06 UTC) 11720 kHz
(06-11 UTC) 11690 kHz
(11-18 UTC) 11720 kHz
(18-21 UTC) 11690 kHz

Su direccion y pagina web:

SWR, PO Box 99, 34801 Virrat
Finland. http://www.swradio.net o http://www.swradio.net/index2.htm
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spaim - NoticiasDX 05/08/06)

2000-2112* 6310 2 4 3 3 2: R.Valencia (clear ID before the sign-off)

1900-2000 6300 2 4 3 2 2: unid. (presumably Fox 48)

2012-2340 6305 2 4 3 3 2: Delta R. (Ruurlo)
...and one official station - Scandinavian Weekend R.:
1230-1300 11720 2 5 3 2 2
2000-2100* 6170 3 3 4 3 3
(Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 07/08/06)

6305 Delta R., 2336-0023:52*, Getting some mx at
t/in. Came back at 0001 and caught Gerty w/nice ID, addr, e-mail,
etc. Into Dance mx. Final anmnt at 0018, then suddenly off after mx at
0023:52*. (Dave Valko 4-5 August - CumbreDX 1617)


00518 GPK: PortpatrickRadio, Scotland 'O' 2220 NAVTEX
Wx + MIBs. (04Aug06) (MPJ)

00518 PBK: Netherlands CG Den Helder 'P' 2230 NAVTEX One
short MIB. (04Aug06) (MPJ)

00518 EJM: Malin Head Radio, Ireland 'Q' 2241 NAVTEX Wx
+ MIBs. (04Aug06) (MPJ)

00518 CTV251: MonsantoRadio, Portugal 'R' 2250 NAVTEX
MIBs. (04Aug06) (MPJ)

00518 OST: OstendeRadio, Belgium 'T' 2310 NAVTEX MIBs.
(04Aug06) (MPJ)
(MPJ, West Europe - udxf 05/08/06)

DAILY REPORT : AUG. 05, 2006 (07:00z В 15:30z:) :

utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms
07:12 28,200.- OH2B 459 1,761
07:13 28,209.- EI0TEN 448 1,666
07:14 28,231.- OH5RAC 447 1,975
07:15 28,237.5 LA5TEN 468 1,598
07:30 28,182.5 SV3AQR 478 1,138
08:11 28,243.- F5TMJ 468 865
08:12 28,250.- EA3TEN 448 936
08:50 28,277.5 DM0AAB 589 1,008
09:25 28,227.5 IW3FZQ 337 28
10:55 28,302.- PI7ETE 448 907

Intruders (for DJ9KR info) :
07:31 28,185abt AM - vmM - clg Vic (or Nick?) - no answer - lang.???
(Walter Capozza, Italy - udxf 05/08/06)

11475 MAE: MAE Algiers 1240 ALE/USB Calls TRP/Tripoli Embassy.
(06Aug06) (MPJ)

14552 N1DX: Unid Russian Military 1116 CW Strategic code
message bcast: XXX N1DX 60839 URANOCEN 8333 0052 (repeated)
K. (06Aug06) (MPJ)

15025 B-HQC: Cathay Pacific A340 0948 HFDL Logs on to
Reykjavik. (06Aug06) (MPJ)

15025 LX-RCV: CargoLux B747 'City of Schengen' Flt CLX778
0949 HFDL Posn report 4938N 00614E via Reykjavik. (06Aug06) (MPJ)

15025 G-VFIT: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Dancing Queen' Flt VS0901
0953 HFDL Logs on. (06Aug06) (MPJ)

15025 CN-ROB: Atlas Blue B737-8B6 Flt AT950D 1015 HFDL Position
report 4205N 00511E. (06Aug06) (MPJ)

16804.5 GNLE: Vessel Discovery (GB) 1217 DSC Safety RQ to Lyngby
Radio/OXZ, Denmark. (06Aug06) (MPJ)

16804.5 A8IF4: MSC Valencia (Liberian Flag) 1221 DSC Safety RQ
to MRCC Piraeus/SVO. (06Aug06) (MPJ)

16804.5 VFF: IqaluitRadio/RCC Trenton 1222 DSC Self-addressed
safety RQ. (?) (06Aug06) (MPJ)

16804.5 TAH: MRCC Ankara 1243 DSC Safety BQ to Mineral Kyoto/H8IM
(Panama flag). (06Aug06) (MPJ)
(MPJ - udxf 06/08/06)

DAILY REPORT : AUG. 06, 2006 (07:00z В 15:00z:) :

utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms
07:11 28,182.5 SV3AQR 468 1,138
07:12 28,201.5 SK3GK 348 1,737
07:13 28,209.- EI0TEN 579 1,666
07:14 28,237.5 LA5TEN 479 1,598
07:15 28,292.5 SK0CT 468 1,619
08:09 28,277.5 DM0AAB 468 1,008
09:09 28,250.- EA3TEN 589 936
09:12 28,302.- PI7ETE 458 907
09:51 28,243.- F5TMJ 478 865
10:12 28,230.- IQ8CZ 468 805

Foshing buoy :
08:08 28,230abt " BB " 479 --> 1'35"

Intruders (for DJ9KR info) :
08:10 28,200abt - CW - txing : 'vvvvvv & cq cq cq' --> 458
09:12 28,301abt - USB - German lang. - vM - om? --> 46
09:14 28,305abt - AM - Northern lang. - vM - --> 44
(Walter Capozza, Venezia, Italy - udxf 06/08/06)

4681.0 ZS-SXB: SA???? A340 1915 hfdl Posn to JNB (06/Aug/06) (RH2
4681.0 ZS-SNH: SA287 A346 1925 hfdl Uplink fm JNB (06/Aug/06) (RH2)
4681.0 ZS-SFM: SA579 A319 1931 hfdl Uplink fm JNB (06/Aug/06) (RH2)
4681.0 ZS-SFI: SA626 A319 1942 hfdl Posn to JNB (06/Aug/06) (RH2)
4581.0 ZS-SFF: SA576 A319 1950 hfdl Uplink (06/Aug/06) (RH2)
4681.0 ZS-SHH: SA287 A320 1951 hfdl Uplink (06/Aug/06) (RH2)
4681.0 ZS-SNI: SA268 A346 1956 hfdl Posn to JNB (06/Aug/06) (RH2
13321.0 LH8296 MF11f 1200 hfdl Posn to Jnb (28/Jul/06) (RH2)
11226.0 HAW; ascension I 1503 Ale/USB SNG (06/Aug/06) (RH2)
11226.0 JTW: Loc ? 1504 Ale/USB SNG (06/Aug/06) (RH2)
0 12226.0 JDG: Diego Garcia 1530 Ale/USB SNG (06/Aug/06) (RH2)
12226.0 170037: Loc ? 1536 Ale/Usb SNG (06/Aug/06) (RH2)
12226.0 HIK: Hickham AFB 1701 Ale/USB SNG (06/Aug/06) (RH2)
13886.3 Unid: Moscow Met 1000 Fax 120/576 Poor sigs!! (07/Aug/o6) (RH2)
(Robert C.C. Hall, Zambia - udxf 07/08/06)

DAILY REPORT : AUG. 07, 2006 (10:00z В 14:00z:) :

utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms
10:05 28,182.5 SV3AQR 348 1,138
10:07 28,230.- IQ8CZ 579 805
(Walter Capozza, Venezia, Italy - udxf 07/08/06)

on now (17z)
6262.5 USB IDR (navy HQ), IGMA (Magnaghi hydrographic research
vessel), IAOD (corvette Sfinge) coordinating data tfc.

258200.0 FM (Satcom) IDR, IAEP (frigate Artigliere) coordinating data
tfc. (sinageruk - udxf 08/08/06)

DAILY REPORT : AUG. 9, 2006 (07:00z В 15:30z) :

utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms
07:12 28,277.5 DM0AAB 589 1,008
11:32 28,182.5 SV3AQR 478 1,138
11:34 28,243.- F5TMJ 599 865
11:34 28,245.- IT9DTU 478 846
13:42 28,227.5 IW3FZQ 338 28

Fishing buoys :
11:33 28,181abt " JA " 478
11:36 28,176abt " U " 478

Intruders (for DJ9KR info) :
No intruders heard.
(Walter Capozza, Venezia, Italy - udxf 09/08/06)

02:21:50][FRQ 05732000][TO ][LNT ][TIS][J11 ][AL0] BER 30 SN 08 followed by JULIET 11 (HH-60J, ATC Mobile) position report to

CAMSLANT. 30-29N 088-??W

[11:30:40][FRQ 05732000][TO ][OPB ][TIS][J18 ][AL0] BER 25 SN 10 followed by 18C position report to PANTHER. Bearing 063, 70 miles

from T3

1507Z 9022.0 Link-11 data transmission

1536Z 11232.0 AKELA 30 (MC-130, 58 SOW) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to Elmendorf AFB Meteo for WX

1632Z 8983.0 CG 2134 (HU-25, ATC Mobile) position report to CAMSLANT. 25-37N 081-15W

1703Z 11232.0 SENTRY 60 (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to RAYMOND 24 with line code report

1706Z 11232.0 TRENTON MILITARY wkg ATLAS 39 (CC-130)

1718Z 8983.0 CG 2139 (HU-25, CGAS Cape Cod) airborne with 3 POV requests guard from CAMSLANT. QSY to ALE

1720Z 8912.0 FOXTROT 39 (HU-25, CGAS Cape Cod) clg CAMSLANT for radio check

1751Z 8983.0 CG 1711 (HC-130, CGAS Elizabeth City) airborne for training requests guard from CAMSLANT

1957Z 11232.0 ? 33 (E-8 JSTARS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to PEACHTREE at Robins AFB

2019Z 11232.0 DARKSTAR PAPA (E-3 AWACS) p/p via TRENTON MILITARY to RAYMOND 24 with line code report

2320Z 8983.0 CG 2102 (HU-25) departing Miami with 6 POB requests guard from CAMSLANT

2336Z 8983.0 CG 1712 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) ops normal report to CAMSLANT. Doing pattern work at Jacksonville

ALE addresses monitored on Cothen: 503, 704, 712, FL2, J10, J11, J15, J18, J19, J31, LNT, OPB, PNR400, TSC, X53
(MJ Cleary, Texas, Usa - udxf 11/0806)

DAILY REPORT : AUG. 12, 2006 (07:00z В 15:30z) :

utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms
08:12 28,201.5 SK3GK 348 1,737
08:13 28,209.- EI0TEN 489 1,666
08:14 28,243.- F5TMJ 599 865
08:16 28,290.- SK5AE 348 1,604
08:17 28,292.5 SK0CT 468 1,619
08:19 28,182.5 SV3AQR 458 1,138
09:08 28,231.- OH5RAC 347 1,975
09:09 28,277.5 DM0AAB 599 1,008
12:18 28,237.5 LA5TEN 478 1,598
14:40 28,230.- IQ8CZ 468 805

Intruders (for DJ9KR info) :
14:43 28,320 abt AM - vM - Spanish lang.
(Walter Capozza, Italy - udxf 12/08/06)

6801.0 : 1655, CW, Enigma M10 in progress, ends "... 87979
55352 12184 = = 71 71 39 39 T T T", 2006-08-12. (CK)

7680.0 NOCALL: unid station, 1333, ALE (MIL.STD 110-141A),
clg "557", 2006-08-12. (CK)

7966.0 3333: unid, poss oil exploration, N. Africa, 1340, ALE
(MIL.STD 110-141A) sounding, 2006-08-12. (CK)

7925.0 GS8: unid, 1400, ALE (MIL.STD 110-141A), clg KB4 and BR1
then USB YL in unid language, 2006-08-12 [previous logs
indicate a Georgian mil network]. (CK)

11297.0 ROSTOV METEO: Rostov, RUS, 1325, USB, volmet bcast,
YL/RR, 2006-08-12. (CK)

11300.0 SPEEDBIRD-122: British Airways flgt, 1459, USB, wkg
TRIPOLI (Tripoli Aeradio, LBY), 2006-08-12. (CK)
(Costas Krallis, Athens, Greece - udxf 12/08/06)

At 9.45 UTC I recieved TV from Russia with video and audio carrier on R1 and
R2. The audio sounded like spectacle. The strongest offsets were 6p (R1) and
0 (R2).
At 10.50 UTC were weak video carriers on R3 (offset 8m) and R4 (2m/10p).
(Joerg Steindorf near Wetzlar, Germany - skywaves 2030)

A slight tropospheric lift this morning on Sunday 6 August 2006. Below my loggings. Apart from the tropo DX there was a mini Es opening on Band II with MR 2 -

Pet?fi R?di? from Kom?di on 89.9 MHz at around 09.00 UTC (11.00 LT).

Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

August 6, 2006
Tropospheric DX Logs:
88.7 DNK DR P1 ?lgod/Bavensh?j
88.8 NOR NRK P1 - Norgeskanalen Greipstad
90.9 D NDR 1 Welle Nord Sylt/Morsum-N?sse
91.7 DNK DR P3 ?rhus/S?sterh?j
92.3 DNK DR P3 ?lgod/Bavensh?j
92.5 NOR NRK P2 - Kulturkanalen Greipstad
92.7 D NDR Info Sylt/Morsum-N?sse
97.0 NOR NRK P3 - Petre Greipstad
97.7 DNK DR P4 Radio Midt & Vest ?lgod/Bavensh?j
98.5 DNK DR P4 Radio Midt & Vest Holstebro/Mejrup
98.7 D NDR 2 Sylt/Morsum-N?sse
99.0 DNK DR P4 Radio Syd ?lgod/Bavensh?j
100.3 DNK DR P2 Musik Holstebro/Mejrup
102.5 DNK DR P2 Musik ?lgod/Bavensh?j
103.0 DNK DR P2 Musik ?rhus/S?sterh?j
104.9 NOR P4 - Radio Hele Norge Greipstad

On channel E2 Greipstad had a weak video carrier at BFO level on 48.2525 MHz.
(Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - FM 22, 7)

7-го августа в 8.30 MSK национальная радиостанция "Звезда"
запустила тестовое вещание в Москве на частоте 95,6FM.
Напомним, что до этого программы радио "Звезда"
транслировались только посредством двух искусственных
спутников Земли и через Интернет на сайте радиостанции
www.tvzvezda.ru/radio/ и на главной странице портала
"Rambler". (Павел Михайлов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 09/08/06)

16:37 87.70 8201 ANTENA_1 Serra do Mendro POR
16:38 87.60 8042 _R_D_S__ Seixal POR
16:39 87.90 E30A Canal_EX M?rida E
16:40 90.00 802A MEGA90FM Coimbra POR
16:41 90.20 80E3 VOZDARIA Estarreja POR
16:42 90.20 8221 ___RR___ Montejunto POR
16:43 87.50 A03C Hispanid Huelva E
16:45 94.80 8018 FESTIVAL Porto POR
16:46 92.40 844E MEGA_FM_ Lisboa POR
16:47 99.80 8203 COMRCIAL Montejunto. POR
16:48 99.80 8202 ANTENA_2 Marao POR
16:49 95.00 80FC _MIRAMAR Oeiras POR
16:50 88.00 E615 RNE_5___ Punto Humbria E
16:51 92.40 E212 RNE-CLAS Inog?s E
16:52 92.00 8203 COMRCIAL Serra do Mendro POR
16:53 89.70 CC01 ANTLIVRE Abrantes POR
16:54 91.30 E2EC KISS_FM_ Badajoz E
16:55 91.90 E2CE HUELVA Huelva E
16:56 87.60 E2EC KISS_FM_ Plasencia E
17:00 89.70 8231 __RFM___ Braga (Sameiro) POR
17:02 106.70 8332 R_CLUB_P Portalegre POR
17:04 89.80 E212 RNE-CLAS Herencia Navajo E
17:05 90.00 E515 RNE_5___ Valencina del Concepci?nE
17:06 92.20 E332 CANALSUR Hernan del Valle E
17:07 92.40 E212 RNE-CLAS Inog?s E
17:08 92.90 8202 ANTENA_2 Portalegre POR
17:20 87.80 E011 EMDEORO_ Unknown E
17:26 90.20 E0EB ??LVERDE Valverde de Camino E
18:00 94.90 E2CE Zamora E
18:12 87.70 Ain N'sour ALG
18:19 87.60 E235 _CAD_40_ Orense E
(William Kitching, Telford, Shropshire. U.K. - FM 22, 9)

Ниже привожу список принятых станций на FM диапозоне за прошлый месяц. Был
бы благодарен за помощь в идентификации некоторых передатчиков.

FM Logs, Yablonovka, Kagarlyk area, Kiev region. Rx: Sangean ATS909,
telescopic ant.
Only identified stns are listed.

87.5 08.07 1716-1720 I Radio NORBA, Casacalenda - Contrada Cerro
Ruccolo (Campobasso), RDS, It 35322 1540
87.6 08.07 1728-1730 I Radio Zeta, site (?), It 35322
87.7 08.07 1737-1738 I Radio Italia, Volturino, Contrada Toppo della
Guardia (FG), It 35322 1547
87.7 01.08 1012-1019 LBN Radio Sawa, site?, Arabic 44333 1800
87.8 13.07 1115-1202 SYR SRT1, El-Swedaa, Arabic 43433 1966
88.0 08.07 0925-0933 AZE AZR1, Baki, Azerbaijani 45323 1806
88.0 13.07 1347-1400 TUR TRT-FM, Ankara, Turkish 54433 1131
88.3 13.07 1203-1211 SYR Radio Orient, Deir al Acher, English 44333 1762
88.6 13.07 1345-1347 SYR Voice of Youth, Damascus, Arabic 55444 1642
89.3 13.07 1227-1245 CYP Radio Proto, Monte Olympus, Greek 34333 1669
89.8 13.07 1420-1421 I Gamma-Radio, Monte Celano(FG), I45422 1737
89.9 13.07 1245-1257 SYR SRT2, Aleppo, Arabic 45444 1595
90.1 13.07 1214-1220 I Radio 2, Monte Pierfaone (PZ), Ital 43333 1584
90.6 13.07 1257-1301 TUR TRT-3, Bitlis, Turkish 44333 1549
91.1 14.07 1110-1111 UKR Avtoradio, site?, Ukr 25332
91.2 01.08 0951-0959 TUR TGRT FM, site?, Tur 44333
92.0 13.07 1301-1305 TUR Ankara Radyo, site?, Turkish 55444
93.2 01.08 1116-1117 TUR TGRT-FM, site?, Turkish 35333
93.3 13.07 1315-1316 CVA Radio Vaticana, Vatican, Portuguese 43322 1684
93.9 13.07 1440-1441 I Delta 1, Monte Pallano (CH), Italian 55444 1550
98.8 01.08 0914-0915 UKR Kiss FM, Kremenchug, Ukr 45444
100.9 06.08 0620-0720 UKR Radio 5, Kremenchug, Ukr 33333
101.0 01.08 0735-0748 UKR Prima-Radio, Cherkassy, Ukr 33333 88
102.1 06.08 0723-0744 UKR 102FM, Kremenchug?, Ukr 33333
102.9 14.07 1118-1126 UKR Nashe Radio, Cherkassy, Ukr 35333 88
103.3 14.07 1126-1129 UKR Radio Era, Cherkassy, Ukr 35333 88
103.7 14.07 1142-1144 UKR Russkoye Radio, Cherkassy, Rus 34333 88
104.1 14.07 1144-1150 UKR Hit FM, Cherkassy, Ukr 45444 88
104.3 08.07 1028-1040 UKR Radio.Net, Belaya Tserkov, Ukr 35333 67
105.3 06.08 0744-0747 UKR Radio 5, site?, Ukr 35333
105.8 08.08 1136-1205 UKR M-FM, Kirovograd, Rus, Ukr 24322 179
106.2 07.08 1348-1402 UKR Radio 5, Belaya Tserkov, Ukr 23322 67
106.3 07.08 1243-1304 UKR Love Radio, Chernigov, Ukr 23322 179
106.8 06.08 0827-0830 UKR Kiss FM, Chernigov, Ukr 34333 179
106.8 06.08 0942-1026 UKR Radio Maydan-FM, Belaya Tserkov, Ukr
24332 68
107.2 07.08 1402-1432 UKR Russkoye Radio, Chernigov,Rus,Ukr 22422 179
107.5 14.07 1200-1203 UKR Khoroshee Radio, Cherkassy, Ukr 34333 88
(Сергей Колесов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 09/08/06)

Вчера ночью принял:

88.2. Zip FM Bubiai LTU
91.1. LR 1 Dundaga LVA
91.2. RC Truskiai LTU
91.8. Marijos Radijas Bubiai LTU
92.0. Klassika Kuldiga LVA
92.2. Relax FM Bubiai LTU
92.4. Kurzemes Radio Tukums LVA ST
92.7. Zip FM Mazheikiai LTU
93.3. LR 1 Trushkiai LTU
95.4 Zhemaitijos Radijas Telshiai LTU
95.7. Pukas Shiauliai LTU
95.9. LR 1 Kuldiga LVA
96.0. Zhiniu Radijas Rinkushkiai LTU
96.4. Zhiniu Radijas Mazheikiai LTU
96.6. Ruut FM Valga EST
97.0. Zhiniu Radijas Bubiai LTU
98.5. Kristigais Radio Kuldiga LVA
100.8. LR 1 Rinkushkiai LTU
102.2. SWH Talsi LVA
102.5. Saules Radijas Bubiai LTU
103.9. Lietus Bubiai LTU ST
106.6. Radio Zemgale Bauska LVA ST

Rinkushkiai рядом с Биржаем,
Bubiai рядом с Шяуляем,
Trushkiai рядом с Тельшяем.
(Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 10/08/06)

A strong Sporadic E opening in the evening of Friday 11 August 2006 brought several hours with intens DX on the OIRT Band. Some stations from BLR and MDA

had a signal strength that I have not seen before. Please take a look at some Roumanian language UNIDs.
Time of reception 16.45-19.45 UTC, local time is UTC + 2 hours.

Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

PS: as I type this at 1.00 am there is still some Sporadic E propagation on Band I which is unusual for this time of year. We may be in for a good weekend.

August 11, 2006
Sporadic E Logs:
65.93 UKR UR 1 Shostka (su)
66.02 BLR BR Radyjo Mahilio? Babruysk/Yasny Les (mh)
66.08 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura ??, anyone?
66.08 UKR UR 1 Krasnohorivka/ORTPTs (po)
66.20 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Homyel'
66.32 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Pinsk (br)
66.44 BLR BR Radyjo Ekspres Smyatanichy (ho)
66.47 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Kastsyukovichy (mh)
66.50 UKR UR 1 Bilopillya/ORTPTs (su)
66.71 UKR UR 1 Kholmy (ch)
66.98 BLR BR Radyjo Ekspres Homyel'
67.10 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Pinsk (br)
67.13 UKR UR 1 Kharkiv/ORTPTs
67.19 RUS Radio Rossii Livny (ol)
67.22 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Smyatanichy (ho)
67.25 BLR BR Radyjo Mahilio? Kastsyukovichy (mh)
67.37 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Cahul
67.46 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Babruysk/Yasny Les (mh)
67.58 RUS Radio Rossii Bryansk
67.58 MDA Antena C Straseni
67.76 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Homyel'
67.88 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Pinsk (br)
68.00 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Smyatanichy (ho)
68.03 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Kastsyukovichy (mh)
68.36 UKR UR 1 Dnipropetrovs'k/ORTPTs
68.45 BLR BR Radyjo Ekspres Zhlobin (ho)
68.48 MDA BBC Straseni
68.51 UKR UR 1 Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary)
68.66 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Livny (ol)
68.75 UKR UR 1 Trostyanets' (su)
68.78 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Bryansk
68.93 MDA Radio Micul Samaritean H?ncesti
68.965 UKR UR 1 Zhovten' (od)
69.02 UKR Gala Radio Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary)
69.08 BLR BR Radyjo Brest Pinsk (br)
69.14 MDA BBC Cahul
69.26 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Homyel'
69.38 BLR BR Radio Stalica Kastsyukovichy (mh), indeed from this tx site!
69.38 UKR UR 1 Nikopol'/RTPTs (dn)
69.44 MDA Radio Micul Samaritean Chisinau
69.53 MDA BBC Ungheni
69.53 UKR UR 1 Uzhhorod/ORTPTs (zk)
69.68 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Zhlobin (ho)
69.77 UKR UR 1 Donets'k/ORTPTs
69.80 BUL BNR BNR 1 Horizont Shumen/RRTS Venets
69.80 UKR UR 1 Olevs'k/RTPTs
69.86 RUS Radio Rossii Kostroma
70.04 RUS Radio Rossii Shvedchiki (br)
70.04 UKR UR 1 Khust (zk)
70.10 BLR BR Radyjo Mahilio? Mahilyow/Polykovichi
70.28 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Smyatanichy (ho)
70.31 RUS Radio Rossii Orel
70.31 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Edinet
70.40 UKR Radio NART Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary)
70.43 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Minsk
70.52 UKR UR 1 Odesa/ORTPTs
70.55 RUS Radio Rossii Unecha (br)
70.73 UKR UR 1 Zaporizhzhya/ORTPTs
70.85 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Kshenskiy (ku)
71.00 UKR UR 1 Pryluky/RTPTs (ch)
71.03 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Zhlobin (ho)
71.09 MDA UNID ??, Roumanian language program, tentative Radio Moldova 1
71.12 UKR UR Zhytomyrska khvylia Zhytomyr/RTPTs
71.24 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Causeni
71.30 UKR UR 2 - Radio Promin' Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary)
71.33 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Minsk
71.33 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Tokaj "Nagy kopasz
71.39 RUS Radio Rossii Velikiy Novgorod/ORTPTs
71.39 MDA UNID Drochia??, Roumanian language program
71.45 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Babruysk/Yasny Les (mh)
71.57 MDA Vocea Basarabiei Chisinau
71.69 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Asipovichy (mh)
71.69 UKR UR 1 Vinnytsya/ORTPTs
71.81 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Zhlobin (ho)
71.81 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? P?cs/Misina
71.87 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Belgorod/ORPTTs
71.90 UKR UR 1 Zhytomyr/RTPTs
72.02 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Straseni
72.05 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Orel
72.08 UKR Studiya Maidan Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary)
72.17 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Unecha (br)
72.20 UKR UR 1 Cherkasy/ORTPTs
72.41 RUS Radio Rossii Kshenskiy (ku)
72.74 BLR BR 1 Mahilyow/Polykovichi
72.86 UKR UR 3 - Radio Kul'tura Kyiv/KRTPTs (Brovary)
72.89 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Minsk
72.95 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Velikiy Novgorod/ORTPTs
73.01 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Babruysk/Yasny Les (mh)
73.64 UKR Radio Renesans Kyiv/AT "RaTel"
74.00 MDA Radio Pridnestrovya Tiraspol
(Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - FM 22, 12)
Вышел 211 номер Clandestine Radio Watch!
(Иван Л., Пушкин, Россия (редактор))

Сегодня получил QSL-письмо от Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal. Раньше RVI
подтверждало рапорты о приёме карточками. В письме сообщили, что у них
QSL-cards больше нет.
Рапорт отправлял по эл. почте. Ответ обычной почтой. Эл.адрес: info@rvi.be
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 09/08/06)

11715 AIR Panaji, 2 nice f/d cds w/site included in 9 wks
from v/s Y.K. Sharma at AIR Headquarters. A nice compliment to the e-mail
QSL received direct from the station earlier. Think this is country
verified #213 according to the NASWA list, although there may be one or two
more that I haven't added!! (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1617)

Получил QSL от Radio Free Asia за рапорт от 18 июля. На карточке фото
Guglielmo Marconi.
В июле и августе будут подверждатся рапорты о приёме именно этими QSL.
Эл. адрес для рапортов: qsl@rfa.org
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 05/08/06)

9290 kHz, R Casablanca WS (Relay via Ulbroka), full data foto
qsl, with type-writtet text on the back (no tx site), card shows a
black horse, v/s Alwin Borchers. The letter also contained a long list
of musicians, a list of internet sites and a CD with the audio of a
Radio Casablanca transmission. In 376 days (204 after last report) for
a report in German with 0,55 EUR in German stamps to R Casablanca WS,
c/o Alwin Borchers, Ringstra?e 9, 26836 Stapelmoor/Ems. Interesting
homepage: http://radio-casablanca-ws.2.ag/radiocasablancaws001.htm
(M.Schoech, Eisenach, Germany, July 2006 - CumbreDX 1616)

Свободная Азия, открыткой, всего за 12 дней. Писал на qsl@rfa.org.

Голос России, японская служба. QSL еще Московского Радио, за 20 дней. Писал на letters@vor.ru, в расписании указан vostok@vor.ru.
(Сергей Винокуров, Заречный, Россия - open_dx 11/08/06)

5910 Bible Voice BCB via Petropavlousk-Kamchatka. Usual Full data Globe
Card ( w/ site) in 18 days. This for a report to BUB, P.O. Box 425,
Station 'E', Toronto Ontario M6H 4E3 address. (Kusalik-ALB)
5910 Gospel Crusade Ministries via Petropavlousk-Kamchatka.( via Bible
Voice -Broker). 2- PPC's signed, plus accompanying information and
confirmation letter, along with a list of frequencies for this
broadcaster. Response from this address: Gospel Crusade Ministries. P.O.
Box 1026 Erie, PA., 16512-1026.USA v/s: Roger Hedderick (Reply in 18
days. (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1616)

11690, Scandinavian Weekend Radio,
recibidas dos tarjetas QSL distintas de dos de
sus transmisiones, v/s Alpo Heinonen. Junto
a las tarjetas, en un sobre tamano A4: carta
manuscrita de Alpo, folletos turМsticos de la
ciudad de Virrat, pegatinas, etc.
Tiempo de respuesta: 6 meses.

Los informes de recepcion se enviaron juntos en
una carta con 2 US $. La direccion:

P.O. Box 99
FIN-34801 Virrat
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 09/08/06)
73 всем! И.Л.

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