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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 80

WorldDX 80
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Короткие Волны

11711 Aug 2 0235-0300 Argentina: Radio Argentina. Female announcer speaking
in English and playing unidentified music. Signal was weak here in Western
Pa. near Pittsburgh. Using Realistic DX300 receiver, MFJ Versa Tuner II,
into random longwire antenna. (Rich Brock, Pittsburgh, Usa - hard-core-dx 44, 3)

9745U, BAHRAIN, (P)R.Bahrain, 2350-0001, July 25,
Arabic, Continuous AR music until wiped out by CRI via
Bonaire 0001 sign-on. Fair.
Also noted on July 27 and 28 around 2200, with a
decent signal of more non-stop Arabic music,
underneath co-channel HCJB. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - CumbreDX 1608)

4781.5, Radio Tacana, 2224-2229, 25-07, locutor,
espanol, comentarios. Senal muy debil. 14321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2210-2226,
22-07, espanol, locutor, comentarios, musica boiviana. 24322. (Mendez)
Tambien, 2215-2227, 26-07, locutor, espanol,
comentario sobre asuntos municipales,
canciones bolivianas, identificacion: "Estamos
aqui en radio Pio XII...". 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

6079,87 Radio San Gabriel, La Paz, 1110-1120, July 30, Aymara,
Long talk by male in aymara with a few words in spanish, 22432
Strong QRM from Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, PR, Brazil on 6080 Khz
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 30/07/06)

6155,03 Radio Fides, La Paz, 1037-1050, July 27, Spanish,
news programme. Talk about the Evo Morales government and the relations with the Catholic Church.
Announcement and ID as: ".............en la maЯana de Fides"; TC as: "son las 6 y 45 minutos",
report from Cobija. 33433
It's very difficult hear this station in this frequency from Buenos Aires. In that moment, Radio Fides is off air on 31 meters on 9625 Khz
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 30/07/06)

4545.22 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza presumed the om in
Spanish at 0015 to 0025, weak signal but CODAR very weak also permitting
a bit of a log 26 July (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1608)

4844.9, BOLIVIA, (T)R.Norteno, 0146-0200*, Aug.1,
Spanish, Re-activated??, SP ballads and EZL music.
Brief announcer at 0155 followed by a barely
audible,tentative canned ID. Lengthy martial
chorus/music (NA?)until 0200*. Fair w/ occasional data
bursts. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 01/08/06)

4805, Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus,
2202-2207, 25-07, "A Voz do Brasil". 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

4915, Radiodifusora Macapa, 2223-2226, 24-07, "A
Voz do Brasil". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

5990, Radio Senado, Brasilia, 2157-2200, 24-07,
locutor, portugues, identificacion:
"www.senado.gov.br/radio Senado Federal, Radio
Senado transmite tamen en ondas curtas, 5990 kHz.
faixa de 49 metros, Radio Senado, informacao...".
A las 2200 desaparecio de repente la senal. 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

9505, Radio Record, Sao Paulo, 2206-2212, 24-07,
"A Voz do Brasil". 23222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

9530, Radio Transmundial, 2217-2220, 24-07, "A Voz do Brasil". 23222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

9565, Radio Tupi, Curitiba, 2220-2223, 24-07, "A
Voz do Brasil". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

9675, Radio Cacao Nova, 2214-2217, 24-07, "A Voz do Brasil". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

9630, Radio Aparecida, 2114-2126, 23-07,
portugues, canciones y comentarios religiosos. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

11735, Radio Transmundial, 1015-1032, 27-07,
locutor, portugues, comentario religioso. 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2105-2112,
23-07, portugues, transmision partido de futbol. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

11804.9, Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 2101-2105,
23-07, portugues, comentarios de futbol. 23222. (Mendez)
Tambien 2037-2048, 24-07, locutor, comentario de
futbol, equipo Palmeiras, identificacion: "Radio
Globo", "Radio Globooooo". 24322. (Mendez)
Tambien 26-07, 0922-0931, locutor, anuncios,
noticias y comentarios "O Jornal", id. "Radio Globo". 24322. (Mendez)
Tambien, 0900-0930, 26-07, inicio de la
transmision de la manana, locutor: "Seis horas,
Radio Globo, noticias", locutora. 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0932-0944,
26-07, programa diario "Na veira da mata", con
canciones, comentarios y anuncios comerciales,
locutor: "Radio Brasil Central, seis e trinta e
catro en Goiania". "Na veira de mata", anuncio
comercial: "Electronica Mineira". Buena senal. 34333 variando a 44444. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

11830, Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, 0945-1003,
26-07, locutor: "Radio Anhanguera, noticias do
Brasil e do mundo". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

11925, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 2045-2052,
23-07, locutor, portugues, transmision partido de futbol. 23222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

4825 Radio Educadora,Braganca,Para, Portuguese covers for English
pop music 0955, partial ID, "...Educadora.." by om at 1002. 25 July.
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1608)

5015, BRASIL, (P)R.Pioneira de Teresina, 0014-0034,
July 24, Vernacular, Talks by OM and YL b/w musical
selections. Weak/threshold signal. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - CumbreDX 1608)

7259.53 R. Vanuatu(p) 1143-1200+ Aug 2. Noted here today with
talks & mx, too weak to copy much. They had been on 3944.76 for the
previous 5 days or more; apparently the 41 mb freq is only used
occasionally. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1611)

11625 Vatican Radio; 2005-2016+, 30-July; Rlgs talk; Catholic
news from Uganda & Congo. SIO=242+ (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1608)

13680, "VENEZUELA" RN via Havana, 2332-2347, July 25,
Spanish, Schedule w/ target areas. Various announcers
w/ talks re "Marx"; "Revolutionarios"; Havana and
Venezueala. Full ID at 2339. Good. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - CumbreDX 1608)

3291.1, Voice of Guyana, 0457-0504,
25-05, ingles, locutor, comentarios. A las 0500
noticias. Senal debil. 24322 variando a 14321.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

3291.12 "Voice of Guyana" GBC Sparendaam 0925 to 0935 news of
ministerial changes in the government, Voice of Guyana ID by om, in Back
to the Bible with om "Men and Women are very different .....".
Interesting if not earthshaking observation. 26 July (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1608)

4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula,
0450-0458, 24-07, ingles, locutor, comentarios,
canciones religiosas, identificacion: "Radio
Verdad, Chiquimula, Guatemala, Central America".
Cierre a las 0458. Senal debil. 24322 variando a 14321.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

3340, Radio Misiones Internacionales,
0450-0457, 25-05, comentario religioso por
locutor. Senal muy debil. 14321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

4780, Radio Djibouti, 1953-1959, 25-07,
locutor, afar o somali, comentarios. A las 2002 cierre. 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

4780 RJ 1707 talks by OM in mostly Arabic . after 1707 audio
is 'hummed' from bad modulation (Zacharias Liangas Jul 29 THS Greece - CumbreDX 1609)

4800, INDIA, AIR Hyderabad, 0054-0110, July 24,
Vernacular, Hindi music at t/in, ID at ToH followed by
music and OM talk. Poor, hampered by "data" bursts.
(Scott Barbour jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - CumbreDX 1608)

5010, INDIA, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, 0036-0050, July
24, English/Vernacular, YL w/ EG news re Sri Lanka,
Israeli and Lebanese conflict. AIR ID at 0040 followed
by programming in language with Hindi music and
various announcers. Good! (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - CumbreDX 1608)

3976.08 RRI Pontianak 1151-1233 Jul 31. M&W chatting; 1159
one rep of SCI and into Jak relay at 1200; back to local programming at
1222 with some vocal mx; ads or anmts at 1229, followed by ID/program
intro at 1231 ("Radio Republik Indonesia Pontianak dengan acara
berita....di Kalimantan Barat"), consisting of area nx & anmts. Good
signal. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1611)

3995.04 RRI Kendari(p) 1145-1220+ Aug 2. Lite vocal mx to
ToH, then Jak program; back to local studio at 1220, but soft-voiced M
ancr was, as usual, difficult to understand. Still have not positively
ID'ed this. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX 1611)

6070 CFRX Toronto ON; 2019-2030+, 30-July; News-Talk 10-10
CFRB; Tammy ? call-in show--What does it take to be a Canadian?
Apparently what one sees/hears/reads in the media is a major factor
in this. I doubt Canadians aren't alone here. SIO=443+ (Harold Frodge-MI, Usa - CumbreDX 1608)

6060, Sichuan PBS (presumed), July 30, 1132-1216, YL DJ in Chinese
with pop songs/ballads, ToH 5 + 1 pips, assume ID, singing jingle and
mention of “FM”, fair-poor; re-checked at 1355, fair with pop songs. The
past week has had decent reception (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, Eton E5,
dxldyg 30/07/06 via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

5240, CHINA-TIBET, Xizang PBS,Lhasa, 2315-2333,
(P)Tibetan, OM and YL w/ talks. Music bridgesa and OM
talk thru t/out. Fair. // 4905, 4920-poor. A
pleasantly surprising catch! (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - CumbreDX 1608)

5910, Marfil Estereo, Puerto Lleras, 0704-0730,
25-07, canciones colombianas, identificacion:
"Desde Puerto Lleras, transmite Marfil Estereo",
"Dos de la manana con nueve minutos aqui en Marfil Estereo". 34333. (Mendez)
Tambien, 0722-0733, 26-07, bonitas canciones
colombianas, locutor, identificacion: "Marfil
Estereo, para todo el departamente del Meta,
ondas de Paz". "Dos treinta de la manana en
Marfil Estereo, ondas de paz". "Continuamos con
canciones llaneras colombianas y venezolanas,
sonido Marfil Estereo". Excelente senal. 45444. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

6010.1, La Voz de tu Conciencia, 0640-0655,
22-07, espanol, locutor, comentario religioso:
"El pueblo de Israel". 24322. (Mendez)
Tambien, 0734-0750, 26-07, canciones colombianas
y comentarios religiosos, identificacion: "Desde
Lomalinda, Colombia, transmite Alcaraban Radio,
1530 AM y en la banda internacional de 49 metros,
6010 kHz, La Voz de tu Conciencia, porque la
verdadera radio se hace en equipo". Buena senal
hoy, y sin interferencia. 24322 variando a 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

6035, La Voz del Guaviare, San Jose de Guaviare,
2228-2237, 26-07, canciones colombianas, locutor,
anuncios comerciales. Senal debil. 24222 variando a 14221. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain 0 NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

R. Rebelde, 11655, very good July 28 at 1725 with really slickly
produced roundup, always including the mandatory anti-American political
``news`` about the 5 heroic Cuban prisoners in the US, and the support they
supposedly enjoy in Puerto Rico, but never a word about all the political
prisoners rotting in Castro`s jails; also the birthday of some old
revolutionary gal. ``Rebelde FM, La Habana`` ID and audio off immediately at
1730 with carrier on a while longer (Glenn Hauser, OK, Usa - dxldyg 29/07/06)

5025, Radio Rebelde, 0616-0650, 27-07, programa
de canciones cubanas "A esta hora", presentado
por Llarima Vargas: "Desde Cuba y para todo el
mundo, A esta hora, toda una madrugada plena de
cubania". "Les rogamos nos reporten controles de
sintonia al Apartado 6277". Excelente senal. 44444. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

9505, Radio Rebelde, 1003-1012, 27-07, programa
"Haciendo Radio", noticias de Cuba y del mundo. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

11655, Radio Rebelde, 1615-1659, 25-07,
transmision de los Juegos Centroamericanos y del
Caribe, desde Cartagena de Indias, Colombia,
transmision pruebas de atletismo, y partidos de
polo acuatico, identificacion: "Aqui Radio
Rebelde". "Van a ser las 12 y 57 minutos en todo
el territorio Nacional". A las 1659 completamente
interferida al comenzar Radio Nederland en la misma frecuencia. 23222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

5025 Rebelde 0400 with slo pop songs , YL with talks in Spanish
, mentioning tels with numbers 655..1 554190 asking for phone ins
Good signal on S9 43433 (Zacharias Liangas Jul 25th THS Greece - CumbreDX 1609)

9525.0, Star Radio (presumed) via Ascension, Aug. 3,
0728-0800*, greetings and messages, with contact information read by YL in
English, with many mentions of Liberia. Poor, hovering at threshold level
most of the time, no ID heard. At 0736, VOI (9525.98) carrier on, which
caused a slight het. Thanks to RaЗl Saavedra for his log in DXLD (Ron
Howard, Monterey, CA, RX340, with T2FD antenna, dxldyg via DX LISTENING
DIGEST 03/08/06)

After a short break, the test transmission of Voice of the Islamic Republic
of Iran (VOIRI) via a 100kW tx in Sitkunai have resumed. The schedule:
0630-0730 Italian (to Eu) on 11555, 1430-1530 Russian (to RUS) on 9315,
1730-1830 German (to Eu) on 7540, 1830-1930 French (to Eu) on 7540,
1930-2030 English (to Eu) on 7540, 2030-2130 Spanish (to Eu) on 7540.
(Bernd Trutenau-LTU - CumbreDX 1608)

5964.94 Nasional FM/RTM 1133-1206+ Jul 30. Assorted talks with
occasional mx breaks; at ToH were a "Nasional FM" jingle, 2 pips, time
check for 8:00 ("Delapan..."), and then news headlines; at the end of the
news there was an ID as "Radio RTM Kuala Lumpur" with KL pronounced
rapidly as "Kwalumpur"; Nasional FM programming returned at 1203, with a
jingle and then vocal music. Good signal today. The Malaysians on 5964.94
and 6049.65 have been good for several weeks, whereas the eastern Indos
that I was hearing well in early summer are now fair/poor most mornings.
(John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1609)

6049.64 Asyik FM/RTM 1131-1140 Aug 2. Noted with Quran,
followed by usual mx program. Fair signal today. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1611)

5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 2229-2247, 24-07,
frances, noticias a las 2230, noticias de Mali y
del mundo, locutor, corresponsales. 34333. En
paralelo con 4835.5 con peor senal (24322).
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

4810, XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de America,
0521-0527, 25-07, espanol, locutor, comentarios y
canciones religiosas. Se escucha en LSB. 24222. (Mendez)
Tambien 0535-0552, 26-07, locutor, comentarios y
canciones religiosas, identificacion: "Radio
Transcontinental de America". LSB. 24222.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

6010, Radio Mil, 0612-0645, 23-07, canciones en
espanol, locutora, anuncios comerciales, anuncio
mencionando "Puerto Vallarta", comentarios
mencionando "Ciudad de Mexico", locutor y
locutora, cancion identificativa: "Radio Mil".
Senal debil. 23222 variando a 13221. (Mendez)
Tambien 0654-0712, 27-07, locutora y locutor,
respondiendo mensajes de los oyentes, canciones,
"Siga con nosotros en Buenos Dias Mexico",
anuncios comerciales, saludos a los oyentes que
cumplen anos "Nosotros continuamos en Buenos Dias
Mexico", cancion identificativa, "Radio Mil,
Radio Mil". Senal limpia y sin interferencia hoy
de La Voz de tu Conciencia. En cambio ayer 26-07
solo se escuchaba la colombiana. 24322, incluso por momentos 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

Hacia tiempo que no lograba sintonizar a Radio
Mil, y observo que cambio su programa que se
escucha luego del amanece aqui en Espana,
aproximadamente 0615-0730 UTC, cuando las
condiciones son buenas, pues antes tenian un
programa de musica solo interrumpida entre
canciones por locutor para dar la hora e
identificar a la emisora, y ahora emiten "Buenos
Dias Mexico", presentado por una locutora y un
locutor, con amplios comentarios, anuncios y
musica. Dado que a esa hora es entre la 0115 y
las 0230 en Mexico, tal vez sea un programa que
se emite en directo a primera hora de la manana y
se repite en la madrugada, pues "Buenos Dias
Mexico" no parece un nombre adecuado para un
programa emitido a la una de la madrugada.

6185, Radio Educacion, 0710-0720, 23-07,
canciones, rancheras mexicanas. 24322. (Mendez)
Tambien 0702-0721, 26-07, musica clasica,
locutor: "El cuento corto", narracion del cuento
"El hombre pobre", identificacion: "Desde Mexico
Distrito Federal, 1060 AM, transmite Radio
Educacion". Canciones. Buena senal. 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

4830, Mongolian Radio, Altay,
2137-2148, 25-07, locutor, mongol, comentarios.
En paralelo con Mongolian Radio, Murum, 4895, con igual senal. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

9705, NIGER, (P)LV du Sahel, 2236-2301*, July 31,
French, Hi-life music prg w/ YL talking over music on
several occasions. YL briefly at 2259 followed by
presumed NA until s/off. No discernible ID noted.
Poor/fair at best, deteriorating by s/off which was
bothered by 9700-Bulgaria *0000. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 01/08/06)

7275, R. Nigeria, Abuja, July 30, 0556-0614, pop African song,
drums, ToH clear ID for “Radio Nigeria”, news in English, weak (Ron Howard,
Monterey, CA, Eton E5, dxldyg 30/07/06 via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

15120, NIGERIA, VON, 1946-2002, July 25, English, Prg.
"African Integration" re agriculture and conservation.
UTC/ID at 2000 followed by "60 Minutes" news program.
(Is that a copyright violation?) Fair at best.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - CumbreDX 1608)

4769.96, NIGERIA, RN-Kaduna, 2218-2234, July 31,
Vernacular, Hi-life music program and talk by
announcer. Poor/fair at best. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 01/08/06)

Новая Зеландия
7145, Radio New Zealand
International, 0820-0840, 25-04, canciones en
ingles, locutora, identificacion: "This is Radio
New Zealand International, The Voice of The
Pacific". A las 0830 noticias. 34333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

3935 New Zealand ZLXA, Radio Reading Service, Levin 0950 to
1020 fading in and out, one brief music bridge, news items "an important
message ..." few words picked out every few minutes. ARO's off the
frequency. 3944.734 strong but covered by local ARO's. 26 July. Only
second time logged. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1608)

4746.8, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 22230-2242,
25-07, locutor, espanol, anuncios comerciales y
comentarios. Senal debil. 24322 variando a 14321.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

4790.2, Radio Vision, Chiclayo, 0508-0517, 25-07,
espanol, locutor, religioso: "La Igleisa
Pentecostal La Cosecha, ubicada en San Juan,
Chiclayo, Peru". Entrevistas con oyentes,
"Bendito sea el nombre de Dios". Identificacion:
"A traves de Radio Vision y su programa La Voz de
la Salvacion". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

4950, Radio Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado,
2226-2240, 24-07, locutor, espanol, comentario
religioso. Senal muy debil. 14321.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

4974.8, Radio del Pacifico, Lima, 0603-0615,
27-07, locutor, espanol, comentarios religiosos
"Dios esta con nosotros". Senal debil. 24222 variando a 15221.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

6019.6, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0605-0610, 23-07,
programa religioso: "Nuestra Iglesia Pentecostal
Dios es Amor". "La Voz de la Liberacion", canciones religiosas. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

6114.9, Radio Union, Lima, 0631-0655, 25-07,
espanol, locutor: "A las 2 estamos de nuevo con
todos Ustedes", anuncios comerciales, canciones.
Senal debil. 24322 variando a 14321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0541-0555, 25-07,
locutor, programa religioso: "Les esperamos en
Avenida Arica 248", "Ultimo dia de la campana,
para que Vd. reciba la bendicion en la Iglesia
Pentecostal Diso es Amor". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

PERU 4746.82 Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta Ayacucho 0111 to 0130, many
ments de Peru; seems to sign on after 1130 as no logs here before 1130.
25 July (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1608)

3329.57 Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco 0100 on 25 July, noted 1000 to
1100, sign on varies 25 to 29 July. LSB and narrow filter to avoid CHU
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1608)

4790.2, PERU, (P)R.Vision, 0128-0142, Aug.1, Spanish,
YL at t/in, OM w/ religous svc; still going at t/out.
Poor although no CODAR QRM. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - dxldyg 01/08/06)

Сан Томе
4930 and 4960 VoA with news in English 4930 with max S5 ,
4960 with max of S9 (Zacharias Liangas Jul 28 THS Greece - CumbreDX 1609)

3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena,
0520-0535, 23-07, espanol, locutor, comentario
religioso, lectura del Rosario, canciones
religiosas. Senal debil. 24322 variando a 14321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

Экваториальная Гвинея
15190, 0754-0925, 26-07, Radio
Africa n? 2, programa religioso: "This is
the Living Word Broadcast", identificaicion:
"Thank you for listening to Radio Africa number
2". Excelente senal. 45444. (Mendez)
En cambio 27-07 a la misma hora fuera del aire.
Las transmisiones de esta emisora no parecen ser regulares.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 29/07/06)

15190, EQ.GUINEA-BATA, R.Africa 2, 1139-1200*, July
28, English, Choral music then 2 OM "hillbillies"
preaching the Gospel. YL at 1158 with ID and
Cupertino, CA address then off. Poor, terrible
modulation. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - CumbreDX 1608)

3925 R. Nikkei 1131-1138 Jul 29. Animated chat between 2 or 3
young gals; much giggling and high-spirited babble. VG signal, // to
usual 9595 and 6055, both also VG. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1609)

9750 NHK 1625 with a song competition program (how is
called?) S7 34433 nearly no QRM but signal slightly rippled (Zacharias Liangas Jul 29 THS Greece - CumbreDX 1609)

Багамские о-ва
1240 Bahamas ZNS // with 810 and 1540, 0105 ID by yl. 1240
consistently the weakest of the three. Three frequencies do not always
operate in parallel. 25 July (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1608)

1240 Bahamas ZNS // with 810 and 1540, 0900 ID by yl. 1240
consistently the weakest of the three. Three frequencies do not always
operate in parallel. 29 July (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - hard-core-dx 44, 2)

Virgin islands
1620 St. Croix, Frederiksted 0100 BBC news items, 0120
Island music mixing with 1620 TIS per Terry Krueger site:
(MIS) WQFD819 City of Plantation per
http://home.earthlink.net/~tocobagadx/flortis.html 25 July
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, Usa - hard-core-dx 44, 2)

Немного с опозданием..., но обнаружил у себя на "пальме" запись сделанную 29-07-06 19:25:30 UTC - "Радио рация", которое вещало на частоте

1080 кГц. Вначале прохождение было замечательное: SINPO 55555, но буквально через три минуты оценка свалилась до 34432.
(Вячеслав Олейник, Кишинев, Молдавия - open_dx 04/08/06)

Сегодня (29 июля 2006 г.), 17:37-17:59 UTC на частоте 783 кГц громогласно
(SINPO 55555) шло Радио Дамаска. (Вячеслав Олейник, Кишинев, Молдова - open_dx 29/07/06)
Неофициальное вещание

15650 Voice of Oromia Independence July 29.06 15oo-153o Opening with
partial EG ID, caught ... International" ( for Radio Miami
International??) , then HoA opening melody, then partial ID or slogan as
'adda .... Oromiyaa’ This was followed with a program of commentary
talks, with selections of HoA music. At the close of the transmission,
the announcer gave this slogan again, mention the frequency in
kilohertz, and then sign-off with closing HoA selection. The audio of
this broadcast sure varied, the music came in at fair quality, where as,
the talks, very low keyed, and some what muffled at times ( poor audio
connection?) . Otherwise, relatively good signal here.(Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada - CumbreDX 1609)

11840 Voice of Ethiopian People via Samara ( per TDP) July 29.
*17oo-1730 Noted at 1650 with 800 hertz test tones, with sign-on at at
17oo with HoA fanfare, then opening ID, mention of frequency
(kilohertz). Most of the program consisted of commentary talks, one in
particular was the words Abdallah ...De-row ( later found out that this
Ministry was assassinated) The program was intermixed with HoA musical
selections. Noted @ 1722 the words 'Daily Feature' in EG! ( so I take it
this segment was the last news) Noted to 1730 . Signal was quite good,
dispute the noise level. .(Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada - CumbreDX 1609)

15565 Voice of Ethiopian Unity via Juelich. July 30. *1900 + Noted at
1900 with sign-on with some sort of fanfare, unfortunately the signal
was so distorted couldn't make much of the Broadcast. It seemed if the
audio was chopped , muffled and almost complete un-intelligible. Will
have to try again... .(Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada - CumbreDX 1609)

I just got back from a trip to the South Jersey shore last night. Seeing the lack of Es activity on the FM band, I only took my trusted mainly AM rig with me, the

Sanyo MCD-S830. Although I missed some fairly great tropo (heard it on the car-radio, but couldn't record the music and stations IDs out of the nice catches), no

sporadic-E opening seemed to have been in progress during my stay, from June 15 to June 27.

The DXing was not too bad. Two disappointments -> I couldn't catche anything ressembling even vaguely to a Colombian and I couldn't ID a Mexican, although I'm

ALMOST sure I received XEX-730 and XEDM-1580. On the other hand, Venezuelan DX was quite better than expected. RCR-750 which wasn't audible at all

this summer from my home QTH, was often winning the battle against WSB, especially during the early evening hours and so was YVRQ-910 against co-channel

Cuban pest Radio Cadena Agramonte Cuban. On the other hand, CFDR-780 maked Radio Coro 780 the toughest YV of these 3 Venezuelan I was able to identify.

Didn't expect that, since its the opposite here !

The Cubans were VERY dominant like expected. Since many of them had near local quality reception with nearly no fadings or distortions, I didn't bother writing

down logs of them and neither I did for Caicos-530 (Radio VisiСn...).

Into the logs:

630 ISLA DE LA JUVENTUD (a small island, also part of Cuba), CMOA, Radio Progreso JUL 17 0314 - with Nocturno AC ballads px in // with CMBC-640

(through the Radio Disney semi-local - back on at what power level ?), CMDZ-890 and CMKP-900. This and CMCH-1100 are the most prized Cuban catches

from this trip ! The 740 outlet was only heard on the evening of July 25. (Chiochiu-NJ)

700 JAMAICA, RJR, Montego Bay JUL 25 0240 - presumed with "Don't Lie" by the Black Eyed Peas. Poor-fair at tune-in and fading down to almost nothing in

2 or 3 minutes. Powerline noises. SINPO 24222. (Chiochiu-NJ)

730 MEXICO, XEX, CiЗdad de Mexico, Distrito Federal JUL 17 around 0220 - Presumed ! SS gospel, then man announcer w/ "...exito...". Overpowering a

very weak CKAC and a maybe second station with a pretty fair signal. Considering XEX is knowing to overpower the Washington, DC local at the David Yocis

QTH, I believe it was this Mexican powerhouse, but many times CKAC had this channel to its self, so can't be sure. (Chiochiu-NJ)

750 VENEZUELA, YVKS, Radio Caracas Radio, Caracas, Distrito Federal JUL 18 0250 - ID "...Siete-Cincuenta AM, palabra estА radio" fading down way

under WSB, though way atop at tune in. SINPO 32322. +JUL 27 0045 - Already booming in with political and economical talkshow. SINPO 44333 (Chiochiu-NJ)

760 unID, "La Nueva Buena Siete-Sesenta" JUL 25 0215 - In WJR Detroit, MI null: Spanish music and announcer mentioning this type of programming will

continue until way late -> in the early morning hours. SINPO 34333 with no sign of RCN Barraqnuilla, the usual Colombian pest. Definitively the same station that

was heard in Pierrefonds/Montreal almost 6 years ago in November 2000 which was non-IDed at that time as "La Nueva Buena 7-60". Probably WLCC in

Brandon, FL which is nowadays IDing as "La Ley". I think I heard La Ley during my listening period, but I don't have the tape here as I tape this to verify. More

on this later ! (Chiochiu-QC)

780 VENEZUELA, YVNM, Radio Coro, Coro, FalcСn JUL 17 0402 - fading up to a fairly strong level for 1 minute playing the national YV anthem "Gloria Al

Bravo Pueblo" then down to weak-poor levels with slight co-channel QRM from CFDR Kicks Country 7-80 out of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia with "Desde Coro,

ciЗdad capital del estado FalcСn..." top-of-the-hour ID. SINPO 22322. Quite regular, but WAY much poorer than expected !!! On 2 or 3 occasions this summer,

such as on the early morning of July 3, they were better heard here in Pierrefonds/Montreal, more than 700 kilometers further from Venezuela. (Chiochiu-NJ)

790 CUBA, CMAQ, Radio Reloj, Pinar del RМo - buzzing cuban transmitter heard almost every time I tried. Could have been very regular in Montreal too,

providing I didn't have CJAD-800 as a problem. This is one of the two or more defective Cubans I heard. (Chiochiu-NJ)

890 CUBA, CMDZ, Radio Progreso, Chambas JUL 25 0200 - Special live program with music and political chatter for the day of the electricity revolution. Tx

problems observed today en-route from a buffet in Atlantic City to the temporary home in Wildwood Crest. Despite the special px, tx was switched in and off,

revealing a fair-strenght co-channel WLS Chicago and when on, often not even a peep from WLS not even in the background. I also noted problems from this tx in

Montreal, in December for instance when they switched on and off. Also, the sound quality on 890 kHz is slightly distorted. CMKP-900 CacocЗm is slightly better -

definitively stronger audio but still distorted. The next evening CMDZ-890, althoug still a bit on the distorted side, didn't had tx problems and I taped 3 or 4 sad and

melodic hot Cuban songs back-to-back. I'll share the tape with several of you, very soon ! (Chiochiu-car-NJ)

900 Spanish religious station dominating this channel always around sunset. CMKP, Radio Progreso, CacocЗm (// w/ the big 890 local-like blowtorche) sharing

dominance with English stations (mainly CMHL Hamilton, ON I think) during the mid-to-late evenings and early mornings listening sessions. (Chiochiu-NJ /


910 VENEZUELA, YVRQ, RQ-910 AM Center, MaiquetМa, Distrito Federal JUL 17 0657 - Very good at tune-in with woman singer doing a salsa dura tune

about the northern coastal HJ city of Cartagena. "RQ nueve cientos diez AM Center" ID at 0700 mixing with Radio Cadena Agramonte, CamagЭey, Cuba.

(Chiochiu-NJ) +JUL 27 0928 - astonishing song of the "mЗsica llanera" type ending in "doble doble doble v la leona punto com" which is popular in Venezuela right

now. Fair-good in mess with domestics. Maybe Cuba in too, but not too sure. (Chiochiu-car-NJ)

930 unID, tropical music (mainly merengue) noted several times here. Almost certainly a domestic and the NYC station is a perfect candidate, I believe. Mostly

audible during the early evenings (Chiochiu-NJ)

1020 CUBA, Radio Reloj JUL 17 0151 - Time peeb and "Radio Reloj 9:51 minutos" getting through a very strong KDKA Philadelphia blowtorche while in Cape

May. The big interference out of KDKA was the only problem. No sign from YVRS or YVMX ! (Chiochiu-car-NJ)

1100 CUBA, CMCH, Radio Cadena Havana, La Salud, La Habana JUL 25 0138 - Man announcer talking about the program in progress "nueve con trenta y

ocho minutos...desarollando...Radio Cadena Habana". Very good, atop WTAM in the car-radio in Cape May. (Chiochiu-car-NJ)

1580 MEXICO, XEDM, Hermosillo, Sonora JUL 16 0250 - Presumed with woman singer with norteЯa tune. Strong fade-ins for about 2 seconds with deep and

quick fades, then it came-back again. No co-channel QRM, just a high-pitched growl from maybe an off-channel domestic. It would have been quite probable for

XEDM to reach my home QTH in Pierrefonds/Montreal without that damned pest on adjacent 1570 (CFAV Radio Boomer) which is completely swamping the

1500s. (Chiochiu-NJ)

As veteran New Zealand DXer Paul Ormandy suggested, coastal propagation was quite intriguing. WABC on 770 had a good signal with cancelled flights due to the

extremely warm weather that did hit New York City, speculations regarding the Middle East semi-war and other interesting things. However, WABC was the highest

frequency NYC station to be listenable during the day. Also, a bit surprising, WMCA 570 was very weak. Must have been because of the directional pattern of this

regional. During the night, Radio Reloj was dominating this frequency. Coastal propagation was indeed in the play as far as FM tropo DX was concerned. Q104.3

New York's only classic rock station was dominating over a smooth jazz semi-local. I must say our 'classic rock' semi-local, CHOM-97.7, is way much better. I

hdon't like at all rock'n'rol like The Beach Boys at all, but I love progressive rock and for me, the best 'classic rock' is not a station playing Eric Clapton, but one

playing Genesis, Supertramp, Focus, Air Bag or Pink Floyd which sounds more contemporary with their synths and organic sounds and a whole less old and kidding.

When in Atlantic City, WKTU 103.5, a favorite of mine, was getting its way against adjacent channel splatter from the Philadelphia station. Something more amazing

was the Baltimore's country station on 93.1, probably around 300 kilometers away or perphaps more, fighting with WPAT Pattesron, NJ "93.1 Amor" and with the

WDTH The Touch translator of WTTH-96.1 Atlantic City Adult R&B outlet. It's really strange to see how near Atlantic City, a Baltimore station toward the same

direction as a pesty co-channel near-by translator, rised to dominance ! But the MOST AMAZING DX was the Norflolk, VA station on 104.5 fighting with Sunny

104.5 out of Philadelphia ! Really, a great catche ! But, no sporadic-E to speak of, as far as I know... Therefore, I didn't missed that much by not bringing with me

the Sangean 818-ACS-CST too along with the Sanyo MCD-S830 I almost always use for MW DX.

And, the past night, the only Latin American mediumwave DX from my present QTH was apparent Radio Rebelde on 710 WAY under the big NYC WOR

powerhouse with man doing sports comments BARELY noticeable. Very, very weak the past night, but, generally speaking, 710 too was a powerful cuban this

summer both here and in New Jersey. But, still very abysmal and back to mid-summer standards the past night from here in Pierrefonds after splendid progpagation in

June and early July !

Before I'm done with this repport, I'd like to congratulate two very friendly and helpfully French guys for having helped me with airchecks from Maxximum and, very

soon, with Aventure FM, two astonishing stations, especially the last one which is my favorite radio station of all times from which I have nothing yet.

Any suggestions with the unID Spanish domestic signals or apparent confirmation regarding the two presumed Mexicans would be greatly appreciated !

The next week, on the 1st of August, I will receive the results for the beated cancer. I'm a bit stressed as I write this, considering the real nightmares I was going too

the past fall, but with the prooved effective natural medecine I'm taking, it MIGHT NEVER came-back.

May the good DX be with you !
(Bogdan Chiochiu, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada - playdx2003 29/07/06)

Saltspring Island is the largest, most populated, and most visited of the Gulf Islands chain of British Columbia, Canada. It was named by officers of the Hudson's Bay

Company for the cold and briny saltwater springs on the north end of the island.

We found a cabin (www.stonecuttersrest.com) on the North western tip of the Island, with 14 acres of waterfront and room for lots of wire.

Only catch: I brought a 150' spool... and a Kenwood R2000 as opposed to the Drake R8! :-)

The observations: somewhat abbreviated as I was half-asleep while writing most of this stuff down.

Jul 30 2006
- 1040 UTC 738khz Tahiti - Mahaina Very good levels each time I stopped by, hammering KCBS on 740khz (I really should
have brought the R8!) -- little else of note on medium-wave. Normally troublesome CFAX-Victoria was reduced to a shadow
underneath KNX Los Angeles the whole time!
- 1048 UTC 2325khz ABC Tennant Creek EE news and talk at good levels // 2310
- 1051 UTC - 3220khz PNG Radio Morobe (t) assume the local music here w/ talk in Pidgen. Good levels
- 1053 UTC - 3260khz PNG Radio Madang - as above. collection of 70's or 80's music w/ frequent dialogue. Good levels above QRN
- 1056 UTC - 3315khz PNG Radio Manus - superb levels w/ typical PNG programming - oldies pop and lots of talk
- 1058 UTC - 3345khz PNG PNG - Indonesia - several stations mixing it up here. incl. what sounded like some sub-continent
music. Lots of Indonesians around the dial; 90,75,60 meters but not writing too many observations down.
- 1059 UTC - 5020khz Solomon Islands - SIBC huge with ID and talk in EE and local dialects. Beatiful signal above the lightning crashes.
- 1102 UTC - 4872khz Indonesia/Papua - RRI Wamena - Indon talk and mentions of Wamena
- 1104 UTC - 4820khz Honduras - HRVC - just spinning by in time for an ID in Spanish
- 1110 UTC - 3266.5khz Indonesia - RRI Gorontalo (t) assume the Island music and unmistakeable Indonesian talk
- 1115 UTC - 3976.1khz Indonesia - RRI Pontianak (t) same as above - all at good levels above the noise.
- 1118 UTC - 4605khz Indonesia/Papua - RRI Serui (t) 70's vinyl "I don't like to sleep alone...' - nothing ever changes in the
RRI or PNG playlists!
- 1121 UTC - 4678khz Laos - Xam Nua - (t) assume the very unusual SE Asia sounding acoustic string music
- 1123 UTC - 4750.1khz Indonesia RRI Sulawesi (t) assume the indon clobbering China
- 1128 UTC - 4775khz UNID - subcontinent sounding female vocals at good levels. AIR Imphal?
- 1130 UTC - 4780.1khz - Guatemala Radio Cultural, San Sebastion - SS or local lang w/ SS ID on the 1/2-hr - good
- 1133 UTC - 4870khz - AIR Bhopal (t) - Indian talk and "Bollywood" style female vocals at wonderful levels
- 1136 UTC - 4925khz - RRI Jambi (t) - more of the same RRI stuff.. music, talk - most definitely in Indonesian
- 1137 UTC - 4970khz - AIR Shillong (t) - YL talk somewhat weaker than 4870khz but improved by 1148UTC
- 1149 UTC - 4920khz - China PBS Lhasa - CC/Lang talk by YL at good levels.
- 1155 UTC - 4890khz - PNG / NBC Port Moresby - armchair copy w/ EE News and local patois.
July 29 - 1100 UTC - 7120khz - PNG Wantok radio Lite - noted in passing w/spirituals and some EE YL talking over the hour. Remarkable levels
for 1kw. This is the first time I have heard Wantok in the clear!
(C o l i n N e w e l l, Canada - hard-core-dx 44, 1)

Italian Radio Relay Service

We are on 9,310 khz effective on Sunday instead of 13,840 khz.

Sat & Sun mornings on 9,310 khz from 07-12 UTC at 20 kW. 100 kW on 9,310 on
Sun 1200-1300 UTC, and 9,310 100 kW Sat 1800-1900, Fri&Sun 16-19 -
Mon-Fri+Sun 18-19 UTC will be 250 kW on 9,310.

We will be on 5775 in the evenings from 19-2030
Mon-Fri and 19-22 Fri,Sat & Sun as usual.

or just check out this IRRS relay link:
(bclnews, Italy - playdx2003 30/07/06)

6305.0 Timblinger? Man giving a telephone number with 82
464.0.3 on 2120 plus stations info , in German , then with old pop
songs Abt S5 on S2 noise floor (Zacharias Liangas Jul 28 THS Greece - CumbreDX 1609)

1859-2210* 6305 24332-34433: Delta R. (very pleasant repertoire
this time :)
2148-2200 6275 23332-34333: Laser Hot Hits

1900-2227* 6290 33322: R.Mazda
2000-2025 6310 22322: unid. (presumably R.Valencia)
2008-2114* 6300 22332-34433: R.Boomerang, QRM unid., heterodyne
2115-2227 6300 34433: R.Boomerang QSOing with Kilo Zulu, the
latter barely audible
2140-2145 6300: two (or more?) unids mixing up

1900-2041* 6290 34433: R.Mazda
(Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 02/08/06)


utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms
05:01 28,227.5 IW3FZQ 337 28
11:05 28,230.- IQ8CZ 478 805
(Walter Capozza, Venezia, Italy - udxf 29/07/06)

09143 : French Navy 1254 UNID/50/850 Bearing 110 -
metropolitain France. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

10872.0 C: Cluster Beacon Moscow 1258 CW With 'P' Kaliningrad
on 10871.8 and 'S' Severomorsk on 10871.9 kHz. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

11181 WARSZAWA2: Polish MOI/R&S Net 1132 ALE/USB Sounds.
(30Jul06) (MPJ)

11427.5 TNS: Algerian Embassy Tunis 1236 ALE/USB Sounding.
(30Jul06) (MPJ)

13528.0 C: Cluster Beacon Moscow 1313 CW With 'P' Kaliningrad
on 13527.8 kHz. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

14779.91 : Unid Military 1315 OMFSK/195.5/600 QSX is 18943.91
kHz. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

14487 LINCONSHIRE POACHER: Enigma E03 1324 USB Old hag in
5FG traffic. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

15920 CFH: CANForce Halifax NS 1330 RTTY/75/850 Idling with
ZKRs. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

16316 : Unid 1339 REVS/50/500 (30Jul06) (MPJ)

16880 XSQ: Guangzhou Radio PRC 1341 ARQ w/Morse ID. (30Jul06)

17510 OXT: Copenhagen Meteo, Denmark 1350 FAX/120/576 Good West
Greenland ice chart. (30Jul06) (MPJ)
(ecouter2006 - udxf 30/07/06)


utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms
08:43 28,237.5 LA5TEN 468 1,598
09:41 28,209.- EI0TEN 479 1,666
09:42 28,232.- OH5RAC 448 1,975
11:27 28,213.- DM0ING 458 603
11:28 28,250.- EA3TEN 468 936
11:29 28,290.- SK5AE 448 1,604
11:30 28,302.- PI7ETE 458 907
11:31 28,201.5 SK3GK 337 1,737
11:33 28,200.- OH2B 448 1,761
11:33 28,200.- CS3B 448 2,845 --> GARBLED
11:35 28,243.- F5TMJ 599 865
11:37 28,256abt VE3SUN 479 7,300 abt (*)
14:13 28,277.5 DM0AAB 458 1,008

(*) vvv de ve3sun/b - 10 w - fn 04 - www.ve3sun.com
followed by 6" of silence.
I await answer/explanation fm Mr. Peter, ve3sun ...........
Tnx Georg.
(Walter Capozza, Venezia, Italy - udxf 30/07/06)

02463 IDR/IGJ: Rome/Augusta Naval Radio 1947 RTTY/75/850
Calls tape. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

02600 IQQ: Mazara del Vallo Radio, Italy 1958 USB OM robot with
wx fcast in EE. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

02608.4 FUO: French Navy Toulon 2003 RTTY/150/850 Bricks tests.
(30Jul06) (MPJ)

05221.5 : Russian Air Defence 2027 CW Plot messages 990012??0?????
990013 etc., Relayed by station on 5873 kHz. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

05873 : Russian Air Defence 2012 CW Same messages as 5221.5 kHz
but strings commence about 10 seconds later. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

06801 435: Unid Illicit 1453 CW 435 435 435 09 09 31 31 = =
27728 27728 51331 51331 ... (30Jul06) (MPJ)

06840 NYZ: Enigma M89 1921 CW VVV Q2M de NYZ. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

06846 MOLP: Russian Military 1706 CW Comms check with ????, 4IYV
and XGNT. QSX 5879 kHz. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

08108.5 XSS: Unid Network 1518 ALE/USB Sounding. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

09315 HR: Sonatrach Net, Hassi R'Mel, Algeria 1408 ALE/USB
Sounding. (30Jul06) (MPJ)

13572.5 RFFX: French Forces Naqoura, Lebanon 1635 ARQ-E/184.6/350
5LG message to RFFXL from RFGW. (30Jul06) (MPJ)
(MPJ - udxf 31/07/06)

2463.0 IDR8: Rome Naval, I, 2000, RTTY 75/850, CARB "IDR2 /IGJ42
/IGJ43 /IDR8 /IDR3 /IGJ41 /", 2006-07-30. (CK)

2643.0 A9M: Hamala R., BHR, 1953, CW/F1B, marker "DE A9M
TLX", 2006-07-30. (CK)

2663.0 CROTONE RADIO: Crotone R./IPC, I, 1950, USB, meteo OM/EE,
mechanical voice, 2006-07-30. (CK)

2680.0 4XZ: Haifa Naval, ISR, 1949, CW, marker "VVV DE 4XZ==",
2006-07-30. (CK)

2780.0 FUC: Cherburg Naval, F, 1948, RTTY 75/850, test tape,
2006-07-30. (CK)

2789.0 FUE: Brest Naval, F, 1945, RTTY 75/850, test tape,
2006-07-30. (CK)

2941.0 ROSTOV METEO: Rostov Aeradio, RUS, 1925, USB, meteo
YL/RR, 2006-07-30. (CK)

3246.5 NOCALL: unid, RUS, 1916, CW, M21 tracking net
"=99T152??T?????", 2006-07-30. (CK)

3740.0 VARNA RADIO: Varna R./LZW, BUL, 2009, USB, YL/EE
channels announcement, 2006-07-30. (CK)
(Coastas Krallis, Greece - udxf 31/07/06)


utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms
11:34 28,182.5 SV3AQR 447 1,138
11:35 28,237.5 LA5TEN 589 1,598
11:36 28,277.5 DM0AAB 599 1,008
11:37 28,282.5 OK0EG 448 612
11:38 28,302.- PI7ETE 468 907
11:39 28,213.- DM0ING 589 603
11:40 28,290.- SK5AE 448 1,604
15:03 28,201.5 SK3GK 337 1,737

For what is concerned the yes'day listening of "VE3SUN", this is the answer
Mr. Peter (Tnx Peter) :
Hi Walter,
sorry, it was not me. Someone having a joke must have copied the info from
http://www.benlo.com/fbeacon/. Or maybe someone adjusted the C30P beacon and
accidentally put in the old message.


................. what a pity!
(Walter Capozza, Venezia, Italy - udxf 31/07/06)

DAILY REPORT : AUG. 1, 2006:

utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms
10:19 28,209.- EI0TEN 479 1,666
10:20 28,237.5 LA5TEN 468 1,598
10:21 28,277.5 DM0AAB 599 1,008
10:22 28,290.- SK5AE 338 1,604
10:24 28,250.- EA3TEN 589 936
10:25 28,243.- F5TMJ 468 865
13:22 28,182.5 SV3AQR 458 1,138
13:23 28,231.- OH5RAC 448 1,975
13:24 28,245.- IT9DTU 458 846
(Walter Capozza, Venezia, Italy - udxf 01/08/06)

00147,3 ddh47: Deutscher Wetterdienst D 1213 rtty 50/75 weather
northern baltic sea in gg 2Aug06 (wp3)

06316,2 idr3: I Navy Rom I 1116 stanag4285/300L/5n1 IDR 2 X IGJ 42 X
IGJ 43- D - QSL 2124/ IDR 4 X IDR 3 X IGJ 44 X 2Aug06 (wp3)

06348,0 fue: F Navy Brest F 1123 stanag4285/600L/5n2 VZCZCABC001 ALL

08149,2 igj: Italian Navy I 1131 stanag4285/600L/5n1 idle 2Aug06 (wp3)

08453,0 fuo: F Navy Toulon F 1128 stanag4285/300L/5N2 FAA A DE FUO .
2Aug06 (wp3)

07038,8 P: rus navy Kaliningrad RUS 0919 cw Channel Marker 31Jul06

07425,0 : unid 0924 rtty 50/400 tfc scr no mask found 31Jul06 (wp3)

07480,0 : unid 0930 rtty 50/450 tfc scr no mask found 31Jul06 (wp3)

07803,0 rffxccs: cabine de service faviere F 0958 arq-e/184.6/330
idle, 1510z: fin des essais a lundi ~rochain bonne soiree #0002
nnnn 31Jul06 (wp3)

16822,5 udk2: Murmansk Radio RUS 0833 sitor-a/cw tfc to ships 30Jul06

08359,0 urwy: ukr ship UKR 0940 rtty 50/170 tfc to unid coast station
(verm. Izmail Radio) 29Jul06 (wp3)

08462,1 mgj: G 0950 rtty 75/300 02h 03c 03f 04b 06a 06g
08a 12b 16a 22a mgj 29Jul06 (wp3)

08551,5 ctp: NATO Lissabon POR 1010 rtty 75/850 NAWS NAWS DE CTP CTP
CTP QSX 04 06 08 12 MHZ AR 29Jul06 (wp3)

08591,0 sab: Göteborg Radio SWE 1021 gw-marker marker 29Jul06 (wp3)

08602,0 sab: Göteborg Radio SWE 1030 gw-marker marker 29Jul06 (wp3)

08683,5 lfi: Rogaland Radio NOR 1057 gw-marker 29Jul06 (wp3)

05153,8 P: rus navy Kaliningrad RUS 2120 cw Channel Marker 27Jul06

06331,7 igj43: I navy Augusta I 1541 stanag4285/600L/5n1 IDR.2 X.IGJ.
42 X.IGJ.43 X.IDR.4 X.IDR.3 X.IGJ.44 X 27Jul06 (wp3)

08424,0 svo4: Olympia Radio GRC 2139 sitor-b weather 2143z: =de svo
svo svo telos 27Jul06 (wp3)

10852,0 : unid rus RUS 1518 bee 50/250 Einleitung mit reversals
27Jul06 (wp3)

10871,8 P: rus navy Kaliningrad RUS 1516 cw Channel Marker 27Jul06

10872,0 C: rus navy Moscow RUS 1514 cw Channel Marker 27Jul06 (wp3)

10872,4 M: rus navy Magadan RUS 1515 cw Channel Marker 27Jul06 (wp3)

11034,7 : MFA Kairo EGY 1510 sitor-a urgent tfc to emb athens 5 l/fg
short msg 27Jul06 (wp3)

07038,8 P: rus navy Kaliningrad RUS 1415 cw Channel Marker 26Jul06

10746,0 sab: Göteborg Radio SWE 1420 gw-marker marker/tfc 26Jul06

10626,0 rffxl: FF Naqoura (Beirut)(xzl) LBN 0735 arq-e/184/360 tfc f
and 5lg to rffxctx (Paris/Favieres/xxl) on 13572.5 25Jul06 (wp3)

13572,5 rffab: FF Favieres (Paris)(xxl) F 0735 arq-e/184.7/394 tfc f
and 5lg to rffxl (Beirut/Naqura/xzl) on 10626.0 25Jul06 (wp3)

16061,7 : MFA Kairo EGY 1103 sitor-a 25Jul06 (wp3)
(Wolfgang Palmberger, Munich, Germany - udxf 02/08/06)

[HFBeacons] : AUG. 2, 2006 ((06:00z-10:30z only)) :

utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms
06:17 28,209.- EI0TEN 469 1,666
06:18 28,237.5 LA5TEN 589 1,598
06:19 28,292.5 SK0CT 348 1,619
09:05 28,231.- OH5RAC 468 1,975
09:32 28,227.5 IW3FZQ 347 28
09:34 28,277.5 DM0AAB 458 1,008
09:42 28,200.- OH2B 448 1,761
09:42 28,200.- CS3B 448 2,845 --> garbled
10:22 28,245.- IT9DTU 479 846
(Walter Capozza, Venezia, Italy - udxf 02/08/06)

DAILY REPORT : AUG. 3, 2006 ((06:00z-14:00z only)) :

utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms
11:20 28,227.5 IW3FZQ 458 28
13:15 28,231.- OH5RAC 468 1,975
(Walter Capozza, Venezia, Itlaly - udxf 03/08/06)

DAILY REPORT : AUG. 04, 2006 (06:00z В 16:00z:) :

utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms
09:08 28,231.- OH5RAC 458 1,975
09:09 28,237.5 LA5TEN 589 1,598
09:10 28,277.5 DM0AAB 579 1,008
09:11 28,292.5 SK0CT 468 1,619
09:24 28,200.- OH2B 469 1,761
09:25 28,201.5 SK3GK 448 1,737
09:49 28,209.- EI0TEN 458 1,666
14:10 28,290.- SK5AE 337 1,604
14:53 28,227.5 IW3FZQ 347 28
(Walter Capozza, Venezia, Italy - udxf 04/08/06)

No doubt one of the longest loggings lists I have ever been able to produce as a result of a magnificent sporadic E opening on Wednesday 26 July 2006. The opening

started with DX from a wide-spread area including E, I, F and ALG. This was followed by an hour of skip to Spain, again from several areas at the same time, with

the Madrid area being the strongest. Finally the DX settled for about two hours in the North West of Spain and the North of Portugal. The intensity and duration

made this a quite unique opening.
Time of reception 07.45-14.15 UTC, local time is UTC + 2 hours.

Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

July 26, 2006
Sporadic E Logs:
87.5 I Radio Maria Sant'Antioco/Monte Cresia (CI)
87.8 POR Radio Montemuro Cinfaes
88.0 F France Musique Ajaccio/Coti-Chiavari (20)
88.2 I Radio Club Network Sinnai/Monte Serpeddi (CA)
88.6 E RNE Radio Clasica Aitana/Cofrides (A)
88.8 POR Vagos FM Vagos
88.8 ALG Radio Annaba Souk Ahras/Djebel M'cid
88.8 ALG Chaine 3 Adrar
89.5 E Kiss FM Sierra de la Mosca (CC)
89.6 F RFM Coti Chiavari/Punta di Pensell (20)
89.6 POR Radio Renascenca Bornes/Chaves
89.6 E Cadena 100 Rias Baixas Monte Castrove (PO)
89.7 POR Radio Antena Livre Abrantes, PS: ANTLIVRE
90.0 E Cadena 100 Lugo
90.1 E RNE Radio Clasica Cangas de Onis/Seguenco (O)
90.3 F M'FM Vallauris/Mont Pezou (6), PI: F225
90.4 POR Radio Paris Lisboa Lisboa/Monsanto
90.7 I RAI 1 Sinnai/Monte Serpeddi (CA)
91.1 POR RDP 2 - Antena 2 Bornes/Chaves
91.5 ALG Radio El Bahdja Chrea
91.5 POR RDP 2 - Antena 2 Monchique/Foia
91.9 ALG Chaine 1 Souk Ahras/Djebel M'cid
92.1 E RNE Radio Clasica Domayo/Monte Domaio-Moana (PO)
92.4 E OM Radio Cartagena (MU)
92.4 F France Inter Ajaccio/Coti-Chiavari (20), PI: F201
92.4 E Cadena 100 - Ourense Castro de Beiro (OU), PI: E2CE, PS: CAD-CIEN, AF: 88.4 89.6 90.0
92.4 POR Mega FM Lisboa, PI: 844E, PS: MEGA_FM_
92.5 POR RDP 2 - Antena 2 Porto/Monte da Virgem
92.8 POR RDP 1 - Antena 1 Bornes/Chaves
93.0 I Radio 105 Network Sinnai/Monte Serpeddi (CA), PI: 5211
93.0 E RNE Radio Clasica Castropodame (LE)
93.0 POR Radio Central FM Leiria
93.2 POR RFM Lisboa/Monsanto
94.4 E RNE Radio 3 Gamoniteiro (O)
94.4 POR RDP 2 - Antena 2 Lisboa/Monsanto
94.5 E RNE Radio 1 Salamanca, PI: E211
94.5 E RNE Radio 3 Monte Xalo/Culleredo (C), PI: E213, PS: RNE_3___
94.8 E Onda Cero Lalin (PO) or iNFIESTO (O)
94.9 E Cadena 40 Linares (J)
94.9 E Onda Cero Lugo, PI: E2EE, PS: ONDACERO
95.1 POR Radio Renascenca Leiria/Maunca
95.1 ALG Radio Souk Ahras Souk Ahras/Djebel M'cid
95.3 I RAI 2 Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT)
95.8 E RNE Radio 3 Navacerrada (M)
95.8 E RNE Radio 5 Monte Xalo/Culleredo (C), PI: E715, PS: RNE_5___
95.9 E Onda Cero La Baneza (LE), PI: E2EE, PS: ONDACERO, AF: 98.3 97.9 99.7 105.2 106.1
96.0 E RNE Radio Clasica El Naranco (O)
96.0 E RNE Radio 5 Vigo/El Castro (PO), PI: E515
96.1 POR Radio Comercial Guarda
96.1 E Cadena Dial Seminario (OU), PI: E274, PS: CAD-DIAL OURENSE_
96.2 E Radio Galega Santiago de Compostela/Monte Pedroso (C), PI: E4E0
96.3 POR Radio Voz do Marao Vila Real
96.4 E + Radio Calicanto/Torrent (V)
96.5 E RNE Radio Clasica Torrepana (M)
96.6 POR Best Rock FM Lisboa
96.7 POR RDP 1 - Antena 1 Porto/Monte da Virgem
96.7 E RNE Radio Clasica El Viso (ZA)
96.9 E Cadena 40 Salamanca, PI: E235, PS: CUARENTA, AF: 89.8 90.9 93.6
97.0 E OM Radio Cartagena/Sierra de Carrascoy (MU), PI: E405, PS: __O.M___ __RADIO_ CARTAGEN
97.0 E SER Radio Principal Monforte de Lemos/Monte Marroxo (LU), PI: E305
97.1 E Cadena COPE Santiago de Compostela (C), PI: E2CA
97.2 I Radio Barbagia Siniscola/Capo Comino (NU)
97.2 POR RDP 1 - Antena 1 Marofa, PI: 8201, PS: ANTENA_1
97.3 E Catalunya Radio Montserrat/Sant Jeroni de Montserrat (B), PI: E231, PS: CATRADIO
97.3 I RAI 3 Santu Lussurgiu/Punta Badde Urbara (OR), PI: 5203
97.4 E Cadena COPE Toledo, PI: E2CA, PS: __COPE__ TOLEDO
97.4 POR Radio Comercial Lisboa, PI: 8203
97.4 E RNE Radio 3 Domayo/Monte Domaio-Moana (PO), PI: E213
97.7 POR Radio Comercial Porto/Valongo
98.1 E RNE Radio Clasica Santiago de Compostela (C)
98.3 E Catalunya Informacio Montserrat/Sant Jeroni de Montserrat (B), PI: E234, PS: CATINFO_
98.3 E Radio Galega Pena Rubia (LU) or Seminario (OU), PI: E4E0
98.3 E Onda Cero Leon, PI: E2EE, PS: ONDACERO, AF: 95.2 101.6 103.5
98.5 ALG Radio Beni Chougrane Chareb Rih
98.5 E RNE Radio Clasica Gijon/Pico del Sol (O)
98.5 E Cadena Dial Rias Altas Ferrol/Monte As Penas (C), PI: E274, PS: CAD-DIAL R.ALTAS_
98.5 E RNE Radio 3 El Viso (ZA), PI: E213
98.5 E Kiss FM Santander, PI: E2EC
98.6 POR Radio Renascenca Lamego
98.7 E Cadena 40 Bierzo Ponferrada (LE)
98.8 E RNE Radio Clasica Navacerrada (M)
99.0 E Cadena 100 Valencia
99.0 E RNE Radio Clasica 4 txs listed
99.0 E RNE Radio 3 Santiago de Compostela (C)
99.1 E Loca FM Pozuelo de Alarcon (M), PI: E048
99.2 POR Radio Comercial Braga
99.3 I RAI 3 Tempio Pausania/Monte Limbara (OT)
99.3 E Radio Maria Santiago de Compostela (C), PI: E1CC, PS: R.MARIA_
99.3 E UNID ??, PI: B005, part of a corrupt PS: RAOBO_, AF: 94.8, could this be Globo FM from Grinon (M), doesn't match with the AF though
99.3 E Cadena Dial Salamanca, PI: E231, PS: __DIAL__
99.3 E OCR Ferrol y Cedeira Ferrol (C), PI: E2EE, PS: ONDACERO
99.4 E RNE Radio 3 Vilar/Seminario (OU)
99.5 TUN RTCI Ghraba/Sfax, PI: 7202
99.5 E RNE Radio 3 El Castillo (VI), PI: E213, PS: RNE_3___
99.5 E Cadena 100 - Madrid Torrepana, PI: E2CE
99.6 E RNE Radio 3 Paramo (LU)
99.7 E Onda Cero Zamora, PI: E2EE, PS: ONDACERO
99.8 E Radio Flaix Bac Montserrat/Sant Jeroni de Montserrat (B)
99.8 POR Radio Comercial Montejunto, PI: 8203
99.8 POR RDP 2 - Antena 2 Serra de Marao
99.9 E RNE Radio 3 Castropodame (LE), PI: E213, PS: RNE_3___
100.0 E Cadena 100 - Barcelona Collserola (B), PI: E2CE
100.0 E COPE Cantabria Reinosa/Monte Ibio (S)
100.2 E RNE Radio 5 Benavente/La Canada (ZA), PI: E615, PS: RNE_5___
100.3 E COPE Radio Tormes Santa Marta de Tormes/Bejar (SA), PI: E0FA
100.3 POR RDP 3 - Antena 3 Lisboa/Monsanto
100.5 E Catalunya Musica Collsuspina (B)
100.8 E Onda Cero Toledo, PI: E2EE, PS: ONDACERO, AF: 90.7 92.1 98.0 98.5
100.8 E Cadena Dial Zamora, PI: E231
100.9 E SER Radio Asturias Gijon/La Felguera-Langreo (O), PI: E239
100.9 E Radio Galega Monte Xesteiras/Cuntis (PO), PI: E4E0, PS: R.GALEGA
101.0 E Vaughan Radio Madrid
101.0 E Cadena COPE Penaranda de Bracamonte (SA), PI: E2CA, part of PS: NA
101.1 E M 80 Radio Sierra de Mijas (MA), PI: E21E, AF: 93.2 100.9
101.1 POR RFM Bornes/Chaves
101.3 E Radio Maria Leon, PI: E1CC
101.7 E Onda Cero Cantabria Santander, PI: E2EE, PS: ONDACERO
101.7 E RNE Radio 1 Paramo (LU), PI: E211, PS: RNE_1___
101.8 E COPE Madrid 2 Getafe (M), PI: EF2F, PS: _COPE___ MADRID_2 101.8_FM
102.3 E UNID ??, PI: EEFF, Spanish dialect, could this be Viva Plus from Bilbao??
102.3 E RNE Radio Clasica Villadiego (BU)
102.3 E Radio Galega Redondela-Bueu (PO), PI: E4E0, PS: R.GALEGA
102.3 E Onda Cero Marina Ribadeo (LU), PI: E2EE
102.4 E Onda Cero Zaldiaran (VI), PI: E2EE
102.5 E Radio Santa Maria Sierra Pielago-Cerro de los Palos (TO), PI: E1FF
102.5 E Radio Maria Zamora, PI: E1CC, PS: R.MARIA_
102.5 E RNE Radio 1 Gamoniteiro (O)
102.6 E Bizkaia Irratia Monte Ganeta (BI), PI: E066, PS: BIZKAIAI
102.8 E RNE Radio 1 Monte Meda (OU)
103.4 POR Radio Renascenca Lisboa/Monsanto, PI: 8221, PS: ___RR___
103.4 E Punto Radio Los Montalvos (SA), PI: E1E2
103.5 E Radio Galega 2 txs listed, PI: E4E0
103.5 E Onda Cero Palencia, PI: E2EE, PS: ONDACERO
104.0 POR RFM Guarda, PI: 8231, PS: __RFM___
104.0 E RNE Radio 5 Guardo (P), PI: E215
104.1 POR RFM Porto/Valongo, PI: 8231, PS: __RFM___
104.1 F UNID ??, PI: F321, maybe from E
104.1 E Radio Vitoria Zaldiaran (VI), PI: E405, PS: RVITORIA
104.2 POR RDP 2 - Antena 2 Leiria/Maunca
104.3 POR Radio Clube Portugues Lisboa, PI: 8332
104.5 E COPE FM Tordesillas (VA), PI: E2CA
104.7 E RNE Radio 5 Santa Ana (SO) or Espinosa de los Monteros (BU), PI: E215. PS: RNE_5___
104.8 E RNE Radio 1 Aitana/Cofrides (A), PI: E211, PS: RNE_1___
104.8 E Radio Galega 2 txs listed, PI: E4E0, PS: R.GALEGA
104.9 E RNE Radio 1 Navacerrada (M), PI: E211, PS: RNE_1___
105.0 E Radio Vida Alcantarilla/Sierra de Carrascoy (MU), PI: EE19
105.0 E RNE Radio 5 Inoges (Z), PI: EB15, AF: 97.2 106.3
105.0 E RNE Radio 5 Lierganes (S), PI: E515, PS: RNE_5___
105.0 POR Radio Terra Nova Gafanha da Ilhavo, PI: 807A, PS: TERANOVA
105.1 F UNID ??, PI: F002, PS: LA1051, maybe from E, Spanish music was audible, La Mexicono mentioned
105.2 E Onda Cero Cerro de las Contiendas (VA), PI: E2EE
105.4 E SER Radio Madrid FM Torrespana (M), PI: E239, PS: __SER___
105.4 E Catalunya Musica La Musara (T)
105.4 E Radio Voz Ferrol, PI: E2A2, PS: RADIOVOZ
105.5 E RNE Radio Clasica Talavera de la Reina/Seguirilla (TO)
105.5 E France Info many listed, PI: F206
105.6 E Europa FM Huelva, PI: E2ED
105.6 E Punto Radio Zaldiaran (VI) or Pena Cabarga (S), PI: E1E2
105.6 E Radio Voz Lugo, PI: E2A2, PS: RADIOVOZ
105.7 E Cadena SER 2 txs listed
105.8 E Europa FM Zamora, PI: E2ED, PS: EUROPAFM
106.0 E Onda Madrid Navacerrada (M), PI: 1013
106.1 E Radio Voz Santiago de Compostela (C), PI: E2A2, PS: RADIOVOZ 106.1_FM
106.2 E RNE Radio 3 Cuarte Torrero (Z) or Cangas del Narcea (O), PI: E213
106.2 E Radio Marca Bilbao, PI: B002
106.2 POR RFM Lamego, PI: 8231
106.3 E Punto Radio Madrid/Plaza Castilla, PI: E1E2, PS: PUNTO_R. MADRID__
106.4 E Punto Radio Honrubia (CU), PI: E1E2
106.6 E Kiss FM Huelva, PI: E2EC, PS: KISSFM__, AF: 87.7 95.4 100.3
106.6 E Radio Estel Collserola (B), PI: E243
106.6 F Gure Irratia Macaye/Mont Baigura (64), PS: GURE_IR_, AF: 102.7, funny language
106.6 E RNE Radio 5 San Bartolome (BU), PI: E215
106.7 POR Radio Clube Portugues Portalegre, PI: 8332
106.7 E Kiss FM Zaldiaran (VI), PI: E2EC
106.7 E SER Duero Cerro del Aguila (VA), PI: E239, PS: __SER___, AF: 87.8 89.2 90.5 96.2
106.7 POR TSF - Radiopress Minheu, PI: 8343
106.8 E RNE Radio 5 Monte Meda (OU), PI: E915, PS: RNE_5___
106.9 E Europa FM Sevilla, PI: E2ED
106.9 POR TSF - Radiopress Braga
106.9 E Onda Vasca Guernica/Cubre zona costa (BI)
106.9 E Onda Cero Pontevedra, PI: E2EE
107.0 E Libertad FM Madrid, PI: 1070, PS: LIBERTAD FM_107.0
107.0 POR TSF - Radiopress Braganca
107.1 E La Mega Radio Valencia, PI: E46B
107.1 E UNID ??, PI: E0AD
107.2 E Fiesta FM Madrid
107.4 POR TSF - Radio Noticias Lousa
107.8 E Punto Radio Toro (ZA)
107.8 POR Trofa FM Santo Tirso
107.8 E Cauro FM Pozuelo de Alarcon (M), PI: 1078, PS: CAURO_FM
107.9 E Radio Agueda El Bodon (SA), relaying Formula Hit
108.0 E Onda Sierra Miraflores de la Sierra (M), PI: E47B
108.0 E Punto Radio Honrubia/Tebar (CU)
(Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - skywaves 2023)

Вот кстати список принимаемого при тропо.
Очевидно неполный, так что вероятно еще будет пополнятся.
Принято в период 24-28/07.

87.60 POL PR BIS, Zamosc - Tarnawatka LU 30.000, 188km
87.70 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice - Dubnik PO 80.000, 318km
87.90 POL Radio eR, Lublin - Piotrkow LU 25.000, 281km
88.20 ROU Radio Europa FM, Botosani BT 4.780, 229km
88.30 POL PR BIS, Losice - Chotycze MW 30.000, 367km
88.50 ROU Kiss FM, Baia Mare MM 0.160, 272km
88.60 UKR Radio Era FM, Lviv LV 3.000, 106km
88.90 ROU Radio Trinitas, ???
89.10 UKR Tsuman VO UR 3, TRP: 0.5 kW
89.30 POL RMF FM, Lublin - Piaski LU 30.000, 279km
89.70 ROU Kiss FM, Botosani BT 0.462, 226km
89.70 UKR Eko Radio, Lviv LV 5.000, 104km
90.80 ROU RR Radio Iasi, Campulung Moldovenesc - Rarau SV 5.000, 237km
91.30 POL PR 3, Zamosc - Tarnawatka LU 30.000, 188km
91.50 UKR Lutsk VO Radio Era FM, TRP: 0.5 kW
96.00 ROU RR 1 ACTUALITATI, Campulung Moldovenesc - Rarau SV 5.000, 237km
96.30 ROU RR Radio Iasi, Iasi - Pietrarie IS 10.000, 299km
98.70 ROU RR 2 CULTURAL, Campulung Moldovenesc - Rarau SV 5.000, 237km
99.00 UKR Radio Nostalgie 99 FM, Kyiv KY 8.000, 360km
99.40 UKR Star FM, Kyiv KY 8.000, 360km
100.00 UKR City Radio, Chernivtsi CV 1.400, 134km
100.10 POL RMF FM, Krosno - Sucha Gora PK 120.000, 286km
100.10 ROU RR 2 CULTURAL, Baia Mare - Mogosa MM, 272km
100.10 ??? Radio Serebryanyy dozhd, слабо, ???.
100.20 POL RMF FM, Bialystok - Krynice PL 120.000, 449km
100.40 UKR Radio 5, Ivano-Frankivsk IF 3.000, 122km
100.50 MDA Radio ?Matenal, ???
100.70 UKR Nashe Radio, Rivne (Antopil) RI 3.000, 121km
100.80 ROU RR 1 ACTUALITATI, Botosani - Saveni BT 10.000, 226km
100.90 ROU RR 1 ACTUALITATI, ?Sulina TL 2.000, 564km, слабо
101.20 ROU ???
101.20 UKR Radio Lyuks FM, Khmelnytskyy KM, 83km
101.30 MDA Radio Moldova, mono, ???
101.40 UKR Radio Melodiya, Rivne (Antopil) RI 10.000, 121km
101.60 ROU RR Radio Iasi, ???
101.80 MDA Radio ?Matenal, ???
101.90 UKR UR 3, Lutsk-Pidgaytsi VO 5.000, 115km
102.00 UKR Radio Europa Plus Ukraina, Ivano-Frankivsk IF 2.512, 121km
102.00 MDA Radio Moldova 1, Ungheni 4.000, mono, 296km
102.10 UKR Radio 5, Khmelnytskyy KM 3.000, 116km
102.20 POL PR Radio Lublin, Lublin - Piaski LU 90.000, 279km
102.30 MDA Radio Moldova 1, ???
102.40 UKR Radio Lyuks FM, Chernivtsi CV, 134km
102.50 POL PR 1, Wlodawa LU 10.000, 326km
102.50 UKR Radio Melodiya, Khmelnytskyy KM 3.160, 83km
102.60 UKR Hit FM Ukraina, Vinnytsya VI 4.470, 206km
102.60 UKR Hit FM Ukraina, Ivano-Frankivsk IF 3.160, 219km
102.80 UKR Radio Melodiya, Kamyanets-Podilskyy KM 3.000, 127km, каменец-подольская реклама
103.00 UKR Radio 5, Rivne (Antopil) RI 3.000, 121km
103.10 UKR Nashe Radio, Khmelnytskyy KM 1.820, 83km
103.10 ROU RR 2 CULTURAL, Iasi - Pietrarie IS 10.000, 299km
103.20 UKR Radio Stantsiya, Chernivtsi CV, TRP: 0.5 kW
103.70 UKR Hit FM Ukraina, Rivne (Antopil) RI 2.510, 121km, ровненская реклама
103.80 UKR Radio Lyuks FM, Ivano-Frankivsk IF 2.510, 120km
104.20 POL PR 3, Lublin - Piaski LU 90.000, 279km
104.30 UKR Radio Zachidny Polyus, Ivano-Frankivsk IF 0.200, 121km
104.70 UKR Radio Lyuks FM, Lviv LV 3.000, 106km, львовская станция.
105.00 UKR Radio 5, Chernivtsi CV 3.000, 134km
105.10 UKR Radio Era FM, Rivne RI, TRP: 0.5 kW, 121km
105.30 UKR Radio Melodiya, Dubrovytsya RI, 225km
105.40 UKR Vsim Radio, Khmelnytskyy KM 5.000, 83km
105.80 MDA Radio Moldova 1, Soroca-1 1.260, mono, 247km
106.00 UKR Love Радио, Khmelnytskyy KM, TRP: 0.5kW, 83km
106.40 UKR Radio Trek FM, Rivne (Antopil) RI 20.000, 121km
106.50 ROU Radio Europa FM, Iasi IS 5.120, 299km
106.50 UKR UR 3, Horokhiv VO 5.000, 122km
106.60 UKR Blysk FM, Chernivtsi CV, TRP: 1.0 kW, 134km
106.70 UKR Hit FM Ukraina, Khmelnytskyy KM 4.470, 83km
106.80 UKR Radio Syayvo, Kolomyya IF 5.000, 124km
106.90 UKR Hit FM Ukraina, Zhytomyr ZH 4.470, 228km
107.00 POL Radio Zet, Lublin - Bozy Dar LU 120.000, 281km
107.00 MDA Radio Micul Samaritean, Ungheni 4.000, mono, 296km
107.10 UKR Radio Kontakt, Khmelnytskyy KM 6.000, 116km
107.10 UKR Радио Мелодия, киевская реклама, откуда ???
107.50 UKR Radio Lyuks FM, Dubrovytsya RI 20.000, 225km, донецкая станция.
107.60 MDA Hit FM Moldova, Balti 17.000, 271km
107.70 UKR Radio Lyuks FM, Zhytomyr ZH 3.000, 229km, житомирская реклама.
107.80 ROU Pro FM, Bacau - Turn BC 10.000, 349km
107.80 UKR Radio Era FM, Ivano-Frankivsk IF 5.000, 120km
107.80 UKR Radio Era FM, Vinnytsya VI 3.020, 205km
107.90 MDA Radio Sanatatea, Edinti 10.000, 191km
107.90 UKR Nashe Radio, Kyiv 3 KY 4.170, 361km

Подсчет расстояний при помощи программы Pizza

Rx: Degen DE1103
Ant: телескоп :)
QTH: 25e45/49n40

P.S. Будучи в позапрошлую неделю пару дней у родственников ~5км. от
Волочиска принимал уверенно все тернопольские и хмельницкие станции +
тропо. Так вот там еще и эти из Кошице были:
96.60 SVK SR 1 Radio Slovensko, Kosice - Dubnik PO 80.000
100.30 SVK SR 3 Radio FM, Kosice - Dubnik PO 34.500
А здесь у меня дома на запад хуже видимость, дом заступает.

По информации от своего родственника: после выключения 68.72 УР-1
Волочиск, он его больше ниоткуда не принимает, слушает теперь 657 KHz
УР-3 Черновцы. Но и приемник у него миниатюрный, китайский с плохой
избирательностью и чувствительностью.

В общем, мой остаточный вывод: прием УР-1 в г.Волочиске на УКВ
неуверенный - нужен нормальный приемник + найти место, где хорошо
DXист типа меня будет регулярно принимать, простой слушатель при
плохой аппаратуре - нет. (Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, тернопольская обл, Украина - open_dx 30/07/06)

05:46 87.70 5340 FUNRADIO Kosice SVK
07:05 87.70 4000 nk_102.5 Unknown SCG
07:06 87.70 6341 HRT-HR_1 Licka Pljesivica HRV
11:45 90.20 B206 SLAGER Nagykanizsa HNG
11:50 87.70 D2FF RTS_BG_1 Deli Jovan SCG
11:51 92.50 Unknown SCG
11:53 93.90 B201 Kabhegy HNG
11:56 87.60 B206 SLAGER Gyor HNG
11:57 88.00 88C2 -art-_ Beograd SCG
11:58 88.10 FF00 Zalau-Mezes ROU
12:00 87.60 8224 SHUMEN__ Shumen/Venez BUL
12:28 94.80 B201 PETOFI Budapest HNG
15:30 87.70 Ain N'sour ALG
16:07 87.60 E201 SR_P1___ Unknown S

11:51 92.50 Unknown SCG
Had no RDS despite being a huge stereo signal.
(William Kitching, Telford, Shropshire. U.K. - FM 22, 1)

Незнание языков сильно утрудняет идентификацию.
Здесь лишь то малое, что частично или точно удалось опознать.

25/07 ночной спорадик до ~22:00

89.20 IRN IRIB, араб. молитвы, потом музыка, mono, 20:50-, par. 90.4
90.40 IRN IRIB, mono, 20:55-
89.40 TUR TRT 1 - Radyo Bir, Kayseri-Bunyan kay 30.000, 1445km, 20:59
87.70 I R.Montorfano, Rovato bs 0.000, 1263km, четко слышал id в 21:14
87.60 I очевидно R.Maria, mono, 21:20
87.50 I unid, 21:35-
потом еще Франция проскакивала.


91.00 ISR R. 91 = R. Lev Hamedina, Rishon L'Ziyon / Shfela hh 5.000, 2109km, 06:16-
89.90 BBC Radio 2, mono, 06:28-, 10:30-, много вариантов
89.50 BBC Radio 2, mono, 07:19-, много вариантов
88.50 TUR Lokum FM (Pendik), Gebze-Gazi Dagi izt, mono, 1024km, 07:32-
89.80 TUR Burc FM, Izmir izm, 1257km, 07:34-
88.70 I вроде как R.Maria, но передача в стерео, 07:58-
107.0 ??? unid, 10:20- какая-то спортивная передача на англ., в конце "sports over night America"
89.30 GRC Top FM / Spor FM (Rodos), Karpathos seg, 1577km, 10:29-
99.00 ??? Radio Energy, 10:49-
89.10 ISR Pervoye Radio, Ashdod rr, 2117km, 11:01-, на русском
88.00 F Nostalgie, не нашел в списках, 11:03~11:30 хорошая музыка, кстати.
87.80 ??? unid, mono, 11:03-, на англ., id: ?Radio Bayra International

01/08 09:35~12:15

88.40, 89.60, 90.20 TUR вероятно TRT 3 - Radyo Uc, 09:35-
90.40 TUR Polis Radyosu, Diyarbakir diy, mono, 1741km, 10:00- четкое id
89.20 TUR очевидно TRT 1 - Radyo Bir, Tuzlukcu-Baskale Tepe kon, 30.000, 1333km
89.40 TUR очевидно TRT 1 - Radyo Bir, Kayseri-Bunyan kay, 30.000, 1445km
87.70 IRQ Radio Sawa, не нашел в списках, mono, id в 11:30 по окончании новостей.
88.60 SYR SBO 2 (Sout Al-Sha'ab), Latakia-Slenfe aa, mono, 150.000, 1778km
89.90 SYR SBO 2 (Sout Al-Sha'ab) + Regional, Aleppo aa, 10.000, 1755km, par. 88.60
Последние две шли очень хорошо и долго: ~2 часа музыки, часто id между
песнями, в 11:20 были новости.

После сегодняшнего спорадика кое-что прояснилось в прошлых записях:
SYR SBO 2 (Sout Al-Sha'ab)

Обе принадлежат сирийскому каналу (сегодня тоже сильно звук шел):
SYR 62,2500 67,7500 E4 B Hassakeh TAS1 aa 200 20, 1900km
Вроде тот же, что и прошлым летом.
(Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Украина - open_dx 01/08/06 20:44)

> 89.10 ISR Pervoye Radio, Ashdod rr, 2117km, 11:01-, на русском

Только оно где-то в Иерусалиме, в Ашдоде другое радио.

> 88.00 F Nostalgie, не нашел в списках, 11:03~11:30 хорошая музыка, кстати.

Это Ливан.

> 87.80 ??? unid, mono, 11:03-, на англ., id: ?Radio Bayra International

Cyprus Kantara-Sinan Dagi
87,80 Bayrak Radyo International (Turkish), 10kW

> 87.70 IRQ Radio Sawa, не нашел в списках, mono, id в 11:30 по окончании новостей.

По всему Ливану на 87,7.
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 01/08/06 23:45)

Monday 31 July 2006 was another BIG sporadic E day with a wide variety of DX. Two openings brought from 10.45-13.15 UTC GRC, I, MKD, ROU, HNG,

MDA and UKR and from 14.30-16.30 UTC RUS, BLR, LTU, E, FIN and S. Logging 13 different countries on the last day of July is not bad at all. At one point I

fell short of one aerial when Finland and Spain came in at the same time. I elected to beam North East.
Below my loggings. Local time is UTC + 2 hours.

Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

July 31, 2006
Sporadic E Logs:
66.14 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Kom?di
66.29 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Szentes
67.25 RUS Radio Shanson Velikiye Luki (ps)
67.40 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Budapest/Sz?chenyi hegy
67.58 MDA Antena C Straseni
68.00 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Ungheni
68.12 UKR UR 1 Tomashpil' (vi)
68.39 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Geranony (hr)
69.08 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Braslaw (vc)
69.14 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Velikiye Luki (ps)
69.26 BLR BR Radyjo Stalica Geranony (hr)
69.53 UKR UR 1 Uzhhorod/ORTPTs (zk)
69.59 UKR UR 1 Novodnistrovs'k (cv)
69.83 UKR UR 1 Ternopil'/ORTPTs (u s. Lozova)
70.04 UKR UR 1 Khust (zk)
70.10 UKR UR 1 Bershad' (vi)
70.31 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Edinet
70.76 UKR UR 1 Kam"yanets'-Podil's'kyy (km)
71.03 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Nagykanizsa/?judvar
71.03 UKR UR Radio Lad Ternopil'/ORTPTs (u s. Lozova)
71.33 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Tokaj "Nagy kopasz
71.81 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? P?cs/Misina
71.99 BLR BR 2 - Kanal Kultura Braslaw (vc)
72.02 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Straseni
72.83 RUS Radiostantsiya Mayak Glubokoye (ps)
72.86 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Sopron/Dalos hegy
72.98 HNG MR 1 Kossuth R?di? Kabhegy
87.5 I Radio Peterpan Lecce citt?/Confcommercio, PI: 5A4B
87.5 LTU LR-2 Klasika Rinkuskiai/Birzu RRS
87.5 E Radio Hispanidad Huelva
87.5 E Evolution FM Pol?gono Urtinsa/Alorc?n (M), PI: E0E1
87.6 FIN YLE Radio Puhe Jyv?skyl?
87.7 I Radio Venere SMI Lecce citt? or Specchia (LE)
87.7 E Kiss FM Jerez de la Frontera (CA), PI: E200 (changed or corrupt??)
87.7 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Eurajoki, PI: 6201
87.8 E Onda Valencina Valencina de la Concepci?n (SE), PI: E011, empty carrier
87.9 E Canal Extremadura Radio M?rida (BA), PI: E30A, PS: Canal_EX
87.9 E SER Radio Mor?n Mor?n (SE), PI: E039
87.9 FIN J?rviradio Pihtipudas
88.0 E RNE Radio 5 Punta Umbr?a (H), PI: E615, PS: RNE_5___
88.0 GRC ERA NET 105.8 Thessaloniki/Ayios Athanasios
88.2 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Lapua
88.3 HRV Radio Marija Virovitica/Kaza-Planina, PI: C1CC, PS: R_MARIJA
88.6 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Pihtipudas
88.8 I Radio Maria Carmiano (LE)
88.8 ROU RR 1 - Actualitati Cluj Napoca/Feleacu, PI: FF00, PS: RRACTUAL
88.8 E Radio Marca Sevilla, PI: B002, PS: MARCA___
89.1 I RAI 1 Martina Franca
89.1 S SR P1 ?sthammar/Val? TM, PI: E201, PS: SR_P1___, EON: P2 92.8 P3 95.6 Preg SRUppl.
89.2 E Onda Melod?a Sevilla
89.4 ROU Europa FM Giurgiu, PI: E299
89.5 HNG Juventus R?di? Budapest/Sz?chenyi hegy, PI: B4A1
89.6 ROU UNID ??, PI: E021, my guess would be Radio Partium from Oradea, anyone??
89.7 I RDS Lecce citt?/Confcommercio
89.7 ROU RR 2 - Cultural Alexandria, PI: FF01, PS: CULTURAL
89.9 I Radio Maria Parabita (LE), PI: 51CC
89.9 HNG MR 1 - Kossuth R?di? Kom?di, PI: B203
89.9 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Jyv?skyl?
90.1 ROU Radio Z Zimnicea, PI: E444, PS: RADIO_Z_ 90.1_FM_
90.1 E Pira?a FM Humanes (M), PI: E429
90.2 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Koli/Lieksa
90.3 I RAI GR Parlamento Lecce citt? or Monte Trazzonara (TA)
90.3 E Onda Cero Jerez de la Frontera (CA), PI: E2EE, PS: ONDACERO
90.4 E Onda Cero M?rida (BA)
90.8 E Andaluc?a Informaci?n Valencina de la Concepci?n (SE), PI: E333
91.0 ROU RR 1 - Actualitati Bihor/Curcubata
91.0 FIN YleX Pyh?vuori/Kristiinankaupunki
91.1 FIN YleX Pihtipudas, PI: 6202, PS: __YLEX__
91.2 E RNE Radio 1 Valencina de la Concepci?n (SE)
91.7 ROU Radio Delta RFI Cluj Napoca/Feleacu
91.9 E Cadena 100 Huelva
92.0 FIN YleX Eurajoki
92.1 FIN YleX Mikkeli
92.3 FIN YLE Radio Yksi Vuokatti/Sotkamo
92.4 E Radiol? Las Rosas/Vic?lvaro (M), PI: E238
92.4 E Cadena 100 Jerez de la Frontera/Ctra Arcos km 8,5 (CA), PI: E2CE, PS: CAD-100_, AF: 91.9 99.6
92.5 FIN YleX Jyv?skyl?, PI: 6202
92.7 E Punto Radio C?diz, PI: E1E2
92.8 GRC ERA NET 105.8 V?los-P?lion
92.8 S SR P2 ?sthammar/Val? TM, PI: E402, PS: SR_P2___, is E402 the new PI for SR P2?? (PI was not corrupt)
93.2 ROU Europa FM Oradea
93.7 FIN YleX Tampere
94.5 I RDS Parabita (LE)
94.5 E RNE Radio Cl?sica Jerez de la Frontera/San Crist?bal (CA)
94.8 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Eurajoki
96.1 ROU RR 2 - Cultural Oradea, PI: FF01, PS: CULTURAL
96.7 HNG MR 2 - Pet?fi R?di? Kom?di
97.0 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Pihtipudas
97.2 I Radio 24 San Donato (LE), PI: 5245, PS: RADIO_24
97.2 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Pyh?vuori/Kristiinankaupunki
97.3 MKD MR 1 - Radio Skopje Crn Vrv, PI: 4201
97.4 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Pieks?m?ki
97.9 HNG MR 1 - Kossuth R?di? Karcag
98.1 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Kuopio
98.3 ? UNID from Balkan area ??, ID sounded like Zamec Radio, Cermis
98.8 I RTL 102.5 Hit Radio Specchia (LE), PI: 5218, PS: RTL102.5, news in English
99.3 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Jyv?skyl?
99.6 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Koli/Lieksa
99.9 FIN YLE Radio Suomi Tampere
100.0 I Radio Salento Lecce citt?/Confcommercio
101.0 HRV Hrvatski Radio Split Labinstica, PI: 644D
103.4 I R. Orizzonti Activity Parabita (LE), PI: 5A37
104.2 I Radio Deejay Network Lecce citt?/Confcommercio
(Janpeter van Dijk, The Netherlands - FM 22, 2)

10:03 87.70 6341 HRT-HR_1 Licka Pljesivica HRV
10:55 87.70 E251 RAC_1___ Barcelona E
11:21 88.00 E0FC R,UNION_ Barcelona E
11:52 88.00 E615 RNE_5___ Punto Humbria E
(William Kitching, Telford, Shropshire. U.K. - FM 22, 2)

Some sporadic E DX on Tuesday 1 August 2006. The opening lasted from 10.50-12.30 UTC.
Local time is UTC + 2 hours.

Best regards, Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands.

August 1, 2006
Sporadic E Logs:
66.08 UKR UR 1 Krasnohorivka/ORTPTs (po)
66.68 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Mandrestii Noi (Balti)
67.25 UKR UR 1 Kotovs'k (od)
67.37 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Cahul
67.58 MDA Antena C Straseni
68.00 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Ungheni
68.36 UKR Radio NART Odesa
68.965 UKR UR 1 Zhovten' (od)
69.23 UKR UR 1 Vasilivka (ke)
69.26 UKR UR 1 Chernivtsi/ORTPTs
69.44 MDA Radio Micul Samaritean Chisinau
69.59 UKR UR 1 Novodnistrovs'k (cv)
69.80 UKR UR 1 Olevs'k/RTPTs (zh)
69.92 UKR UR 1 Pervomais'k (my)
70.10 UKR UR 1 Bershad' (vi)
70.31 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Edinet
70.52 UKR UR 1 Odesa/ORTPTs
70.73 UKR UR 1 Zaporizhzhya/ORTPTs
70.76 UKR UR 1 Kam'yanets'-Podil's'kyy (km)
71.24 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Causeni
71.36 UKR Radio Maiak Odesa
71.90 UKR UR 1 Kherson
72.02 MDA Radio Moldova - 1 Straseni
74.00 MDA Radio Pridnestrovya Tiraspol, px in Russian
87.7 POR RDP 1 - Antena 1 Serra do Mendro
87.8 POR R?dio Montemuro Cinf?es
87.9 POR RDP 1 - Antena 1 Lous?/Trevim
88.0 E Onda Cero ?vila
88.0 POR RDP 2 - Antena 2 Minh?u
88.8 POR Vagos FM Vagos
89.6 E Cadena Dial Palencia, PI: E231, PS: __DIAL__ PALENCIA
90.1 E RNE Radio Cl?sica 2 txs listed
90.8 POR R?dio Comercial Lous?/Trevim
91.1 POR RDP 2 - Antena 2 Serra do Mendro, PI: 8202
92.4 E Cadena 40 ??
92.4 E RNE Radio Cl?sica Pe?a de Francia (SA)
(Janpeter van Dijk, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands - FM 22, 2)

С 1 августа 2006 года полностью сменен контент на Русском Радио 2 (104.7 MHz). От оригинального осталась только идентификация

(аналогично как и на Р. Серебряный Дождь). Постоянно крутится попсовая музыка, иногда прерываемая гордым "русская служба новостей" и

"реклама на русском радио 2". А на самом деле передаются местные новости и погода, причем в большинстве случаев на молдавском языке. Ну и

и само собой реклама...

На частоте 103.50 появилось ещё одно "радио шансон". Теперь их целых три (88.80, 90.80, 103.50). Причем на 90.80 и 103.50 полностью


Теперь осталась только одна станция, которая где-то ещё (с большой натяжкой) может претендовать на "разговорное радио". Это Р. Маяк \ ПМР

на 105.0 MHz.
(Вячеслав Олейник, Кишинев, Молдавия - open_dx 02/08/06 11:18)

1 августа в Хорошеве завершилась сборка новой 258-метровой радиотрансляционной башни

Мы рассчитываем, что уже в конце года с новой радиомачты в эфир уйдут
FM- и УКВ-сигналы популярных станций Нашего радио, Маяка, Радио-7
на семи холмах, Love-радио и Радио Максимум, рассказал репортеру
ВМ главный инженер АО Октод http://www.octode.ru Владимир ДЕМИН.
Кроме того, в скором времени к нам переедет Хит-FM. Задействуем новую
башню и в телевещании: отсюда будут передаваться сигналы резервного
передатчика телеканала ТНТ и 34-го частотного телеканала, где сейчас
тестируется трансляция данных в цифровом формате.
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 02/08/06)

Новая Зеландия
In two to three weeks' time, Radio New Zealand expects to start delivering a
range of on-demand content and simulcast audio over the Internet. In two to
three weeks' time, Radio New Zealand expects to start delivering a
range of on-demand content and simulcast audio over the Internet.

Radio NZ expects to webcast 60 hours every week and has deployed content
servers in the Auckland, Wellington and Palmerston North Internet exchanges
to transmit it around the New Zealand Internet. A server in California has
also been deployed to serve content to New Zealanders abroad and to
customers' national providers that do not peer at the exchanges for
various reasons.

All the servers will use a single consistent "anycast" IP address, like the
DNS root servers, so as to ensure content is delivered to customers from the
server closest to them.

Radio NZ's new media manager, Richard Hulse, says the standard service
will run at 16K bps (bits per second), providing mono sound at roughly AM
radio quality. The streaming bit rate for the standard service may be upped
to 24K bps once Radio NZ knows how much bandwidth is needed.

However, ISPs that peer at the various exchanges will have access to an
enhanced service at higher bit rates. On-demand content will be available at
32K bps to 48K bps and live streams at 48K bps to 64K bps; the increased
bandwidth for the latter will also make room for stereo sound. In both
cases, the streams can be listened to with a software player such as Windows
Media Player and Apple iTunes, or Nullsoft Winamp.

Providers that do not peer ' such as the country's largest ISPs,
New Zealand Telecom and TelstraClear ' will get the content from the
U.S., which is set to provide the standard service at 16K bps only, as it
delivers content over expensive and less efficient international circuits.

Some content limited to New Zealand for copyright reasons will not be
available to ISPs that do not peer, as it would have to be served to those
from the U.S. server. Queries from Computerworld New Zealand to Telecom and
TelstraClear asking if they would peer with Radio NZ at the exchanges in
order to provide national access to the streams so their customers would
enjoy higher bit rates and stereo sound went unanswered yesterday.

Hulse says Radio NZ wants to make it as easy as possible for the around
686,000 people who tune in to National Radio and Concert FM broadcasts each
week to listen to the internet transmissions. This is the reason, rather
than any philosophical argument over peering, that Radio NZ settled on using
the internet exchanges, he says, as peering exchanges provide the cheapest
and most efficient way to reach listeners.

Radio NZ intends to install content servers at new peering exchanges around
the country when they are deployed, as well as the MUSH networks outlined in
the Government's Digital Strategy document in, for example, hospitals,
Hulse says. He expects the service to be very popular and recommends that
providers peer directly with the anycast routers at all exchanges where they
have connectivity for best performance.

(Mike Terry, UK - dxldyg 29/07/06)

http://www.geocities.com/dxreport/blog.html - DX Report

Доступное летнее обновление справочника WRTH.
Прямая ссылка на закачку (48.3 Kb):
(Игорь Данилевич, Збараж, Тернопольская обл, Украина - open_dx 01/08/06)

Интересные страницы:
с фотографиями многих известных в мире DX-истов (Карел Гонзик, Ноэль Грин,
Хенрик Клеметц, Эрик Койе и др.) (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 03/08/06)

Radio Australia, 9560 kHz, 26 March 2006, 1205-1240, via
Shepparton, v/s Ian Johnson, 60th anniversary of Radio Australia with
picture of Shpparton antennas at sunset. Approx. 120 days. (Joe Miller - CumbreDX 1608)

Сегодня получил 2 одинаковые QSL от Радио Австралия.
Рапорты отправлял по обычной почте (без оплаты) и продублировал по
электронной. Таким образом, можно сделать вывод, что станция
подтверждает рапорты, посланные любым способом.
QSL за рапорт от 22 марта 2006 года, частота 9475 кГц.
На карточке "Shepparton international high frequency transmission
station". Посвящена, по всей видимости 60 - летию. Broadcasting Radio
Australia for 60 years. (Константин Асеев, Курск, Россия - open_dx 31/07/06)

The following verified via DTK-Telekom.
a) 9820 via Wertachtal 125 kw's Voice of Oromo Liberation
b) 9890 via Wertachtal 125 kw's Christliche Wissenschaft ( Christian
c) 9405 via Juelich 100 kw's Voice of the Dispore-Save the Gambia
Democracy Project
d) 6015 via Juelich 100 kw's Bible Christian Association
Full data e-mail verification reply in 5 months ( Postal Report
initially), 32 days after sending a e-mail follow-up. It's best to send
e-mail reports to the V/s: as his time is limited in replying.
V/S: Walter Brodowsky E-mail: Walter.Brodowsky@t-systems.com
(Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1607)

9825, DW, p/d (0000-0100 UTC listed) "FIFA
World Cup-Germany 2006" card w/ site in 43 days.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - CumbreDX 1608)

15770, All India Radio, recibida carta
conteniendo tarjeta QSL especial, con datos
completos, v/s Kniknay, conmemorativa del
programa DX Vanoli Ulagam (Radio World), banderín y tarjeta postal.
La QSL es de All India Radio, Chennai, y según
consta en ella, es la mas pequeña del mundo:
"World's Smalest QSL Card, Radio World 2006,
World's First Tamil DX Programme", con un tamaño de 6 X 3,5 cm.

Tardaron en contestar 1 mes y el informe de
recepción, junto con 1 IRC se envió a la siguiente dirección:

N.C. Gnanaprakasam
Program Executive
Vanoli Ulagam
Thiraikadal Adaivaram Thamiizh Naatham
Kamarajar Salai
Chennai 60004
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 02/08/06)

9280 Family Radio via Taiwan. Full data ( with site) 'Three Decades of
Faithful Service' with religious material in 38 days via California
address. (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1607)

Получил сегодня QSL от английской службы Канадского Радио. В отличие от русской службы, они заполняют их сами. Причем ответ пришел

всего через 13 дней. Отправлял рапорт на e-mail: info@rcinet.ca. (Сергей Винокуров, Россия - open_dx 03/08/06)

VOA relay. 21580 f/d "satellite dishes" card
w/ large glossy 50+ page color program guide, and 2006
VOA calendar. Took several e-mail f/ups over a near 8
month period. (J. D. Stephens, Hamton Cove, AL, U.S.A. - hard-core-dx 44, 1)

Recibida el día Lunes 31/07, carta QSL de Radio Tawantinsuyo a través de los buenos oficios de Carlos Gamarra Moscoso en 24 días, tras el envío de un follow-up

por un informe de recepción enviado directamente a la emisora en Diciembre de 2004, por lo que el tiempo total fué de 582 días.
La dirección postal a donde se envió el informe más un dólar norteamericano es:
Sr. Carlos Gamarra Moscoso,
c/o Radio Tawantinsuyo,
Avenida Garcilaso #411,
Distrito de Wanchaq,
Cusco - Perú.-
(Gabriel Schwartz - NoticiasDX 02/08/06)

9695, DW, p/d (0000-0100 UTC listed) "Futball
WM 2006 in Deutschland" card w/ site in 43 days.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, Usa - CumbreDX 1608)

Сегодня получил QSL карточку от WHRA.
Рапорт отправил еще 6 мая 2004 года.
Принимал в 15:00 utc частоту 17650 кГц.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда!
(Константин Асеев, Курск, Россия - open_dx 01/08/06)
Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverages, MLB-1, DTS-4
73 всем! И.Л.

В избранное