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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 48
WorldDX 48 21/12/05 WorldDX выходит с февраля 2005 года. Время везде UTC; чтобы получить зимнее московское, прибавьте к нему 3 часа. Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по адресу www.worlddx.narod.ru Присылайте новости для бюллетеня по адресу: fmradios12[dog]hotmail.com ----------------- Короткие Волны Азербайджан НАРОД!! я в 768-м выпуске прочитал, что на русском языке Голос Азербайджана вещает по такому расписанию: в 18.30-19.00 на частотах -- 1296, 6110 kHz. Это правда, что он сейчас есть на 6110 кГц??? просто я сколько раз пытался поймать его, никакого Азербайджана там не было :((( (Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск, Россия - open_dx 978) На рубеже 70-х - 80-х Радио Баку работало на КВ на двух частотах: 6110 и 6135. 6110 кГц было слышно слабее, чем 6135, но сейчас не скажу почему -- то ли из-за меньшей мощности, то ли из-за азимутов. Жил я тогда в Астрахани; в общем-то, недалеко. В новейшие времена Голос Азербайджана на 6110 кГц я слышал всего-то пару раз. Последний раз -- может быть, в 2002-2003. Так что обратимся к тем слушателям, кто южнее. Означенный на 1296 азербайджанский передатчик был знаменит тем, что работал примерно на килогерц ниже, создавая на частоте свист. Тоже давно не слышал его. Сейчас еще в Афганистане передатчик IBB на этой частоте стоит, в дополнение к Судану (1500 кВт), который тоже излучает с той стороны. Влад, Василий, и другие "южные люди" ;-), что вы скажете? > Насколько я помню еще с 70-х гг., этот передатчик был > ориентирован на юг, поэтому его всегда было очень плохо слышно > (по крайней мере, в Москве). Может, сейчас поменяли? Не знаю. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 978) Cегодня слабий сигнал на 6110,84 кГц до 1600ч, после этого нет передачи. (Mauno Ritola, Finland - open_dx 978) На прошедших выходных на закате была хорошо слышна несущая на 1295, но из-за помех с 1296 получить какой-нибудь разборчивый сигнал не удаётся. (Ярослав Олейник, Кишинев, Молдавия - open_dx 979) 6110 давно уже не используется (год, по крайней мере, или даже два)... (Михаил Тимофейев, Санкт-Петербург, Россия - open_dx 978) ID не слышал, но вчера 99 % они на 6110,81 кГц в 1310ч с новостями по-английски, очень слабий и distorted сигнал, достаточно помех от VOA и Китай. Сегодня s/on в 1025ч на 6110,79 кГц. (Мауно Ритола, Турку, Финляндия - open_dx 979) работают но слышно плохо - сигнал слабый и мод.низкая искаженная 6110 + 0.5-0.6 кгц (медленно ползет вниз) 1296 -1 кгц здесь легко заметить по "гетеру" ок 11-15z (Владимир Титарев, Кременчуг, Украина - open_dx 981) Албания 7285 China Radio Int'l; 2029-2035+, 15-Dec; News & Reports on CRI then Voices from Other Lands; all in EE. SIO=433- o/UNID EE; no other EE listed in '06 Passport. The EE QRM switched to LL @2030. (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1355) Ангола 4950 Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 0500+, December 08, Portuguese, ID: "Transmissao da Radio Nacional da Angola..emissao da manha.mais una = jornada. Radio Nacional..", TC: "seis da manha.", Headlines by male, Weather report!!, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1354) Аргентина 15820 LSB, Radio Continental, 0920-1001, 15-12, locutor y locutora, comentarios: "20 grados en Buenos Aires, maxima prevista para hoy 29 grados". Comentario sobre final torneo apertura futbol argentino: "Boca 40 puntos, Gimnasia 37...". A las 1000 noticias: "Servicios informativos Continenta, 20 grados 9 decimas". 24322. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1354) 6214 R. Armonia (formerly R. Baluarte), Pto Iguazu, noted on 10 Dec at 2341-2348 UT, (North) American songs; strg R. than usual; 34432, occ.strg R. uty. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX 739 Dec at 12) Армения V. of Armenia, 9965, 1926-1944* Dec 11, English, still announcing their old sked of 1825 UT on 9775. English news, weather followed by classical music. 1935 mailbag program, local folk music. Sign-off with address and e-mail address. Fair-good (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 653) Бенин 5025, Radio Benin, 2115-2125, 14-12, frances, comentarios, identificacion por locutora: "Radio Benin, canciones africanas. 24322. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1354) Боливия 5952.34, Radio Emisoras Pio XII, 1005-1015 Noted steady Spanish comments from a man and a woman. Mentions of "Bolivia". Signal was fair near the top of the hour, but steadily faded to poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 14, 2005) Bolivia, 6105.45, Radio Panamericana, 1026-1035, Prior to the half hour noted a man in Spanish comments. On the half-hour, Ads and promos presented. At 1033, just music. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 14, 2005) Spent this early morning time listening to Radio Mil for over a half-hour. Nothing on 4810 though, except for jamming with the long-wire unconnected. With the long-wire connected right into the terminal jack, I get distorted overload from the 1570 megapest on almost all the frequencies. I had the bright idea to connect the long-wire into the connecting part of the Real-to-Real Radio Shack antenna and the resistance to overloading is much better, can get better gain out of Rebelde-5025 and apparent HCJB-6010 which is not really strong, but dominant over XEOI which is generally weaker and weaker as I write this. But there are still spots with overload there and there, and 4810 is sadly one of them. LSB does nothing for either jamming or overload, I don't think I have a 2nd station here. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Montreal, Canada - CumbreDX 1351) 4658.21, Radio Santa Ana, 2359-0007+ Noted music until 0007 then a man in Spanish comments. Dropped off the air by 0020 probably. Didn't hear anything after that. Overall the signal was threshold to nil. Only reporting for continuity. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 14, 15, 2005 - CumbreDX 1353) 3390,4 Radio Camargo, Camargo, 2350+, December 07, Spanish, local folk songs, ann.: "porque nacimos aqui, porque moriremos aqui...amamos a Bolivia...porque creo en Bolivia", 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Buenos Aires, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 4409,9 Radio Reyes, Reyes, Beni Department, 0005+, December 08, Spanish, TC & ID as: "20 horas con 5 minutos Radio Reyes atiende la lectura de = los mensajes", Messagges, music in spanish, 35443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 4680,4 Radio Paititi (p), Guayaramerim, 2318+, December 07, Spanish, religious talk by male, 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 4761,8 Radio Guanay, Guanay, La Paz Department, 2323+, December 07, = Spanish, short local news; messagges for male, announcement & ID as: "...tenemos que luchar para beneficio de todos....Radio Guanay", 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 6105,7 Radio Panamericana, La Paz, 0125+, December 08, Spanish, football transmisi=F3n: The Strongest vs Oriente Petrolero, ID: "...en el Panamericana Deportivo", local advs., 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 6135 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 0938+, December 08, spanish, programme: "El medico en su casa" made by Universidad Catolica Boliviana & Radio Santa Cruz, 33433 with QRM from Radio Aparecida in the same frequency (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 5967.67, Radio Nacional, (pres), 1028-1040 Tuned in the station using the carrier which was well heard. With so much splatter, I felt it was almost impossible for any audio to squeez pass, but at 1028, noted a man in Spanish comments. This was only breifly, since possibly music filled the rest of the time but couldn't hear any. Again at 1033 the man commented. Signal was threshold to zero. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 15 2005 - CumbreDX 1354) Бразилия 3375,2 Radio Municipal, Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira, 0915+, December 08, Portuguese, Tradicional songs, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina) 4775 Radio Congonhas, Congonhas, 0820+, December 08, Portuguese, Local advs: "Agricol...en Congonhas", ID by male at 0821: "Radio Congonhas....cualidade", more local advs by = female: "...cubertas...tradicao y cualidade", ann. Programme: Amigos do tarde", ID as: "Voce ouve a Radio Congonhas....Radio Congonhas....ouve a voce", 35443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina) 4875 UNID, 0930+, December 08, Portuguese, s/on, 23442 with very strong heterodine from 4876,4 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina) 4876,4 UNID, 2327+, December 07, Portuguese, cristian songs in portuguese, 25442 Reported at 0102 (December 08) in portuguese with talk by male (not religious!!) Reported at 0824, on December 08, with local songs (sertaneja music!!) with 25342 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina) 4915 Radio Difusora da Macapa, Macapa, AM, 0445+, December 08, = Portuguese, pops in portuguese, Complete ID as: "...Radio Difusora da Macapa, Amazonas...nossa voz...Macapa", more = songs, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina) 6027,4 Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 1153+, December 08, Portuguese, jingle with ID, Adv.., 24342 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1354) 5035, Radio Aparecida, 0636-0642, 15-12, portugues, comentario religioso, lectura del Rosario. 24222. 9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 2056-2100, 14-12, canciones brasilenas, comentarios, locutor y locutora, identificacion: "Cultura AM". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 9665, Radio Marambuy, Florianopolis, 2040-2053, 14-12, locutor, comentarios religiosos, canciones navidenas. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2104-2107, 14-12, programa "A Voz do Brasil". 23222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 11815, Radio Brasil Central, 2021-2045, 14-12, portugues, comentarios de futbol, anuncios, identificacion: "A maior radio da Goiania, Radio Brasil Central". 44444. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 2026-2036, 14-12, locutor, portugues,comentario de futbol, campeonanto de futbol de Alemania, identificacion: "Bandeirantes, a radio". 23222. Tambien en 9645 con SINPO 23222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 9645.04, 0415-0430+ Dec 11, Portuguese ballads/pops, announcements. Poor, weak; very weak // 11925 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 653) Буркина Фасо 5030 Radio Bourkina, Ouagadogou, 2340+, December 07, French, talk about politic by two males. I never could head this station at this hour from my country, 35443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 5030, R. TV Burkina, 0605-0612, 15-12, musica africana, frances, locutor, comentario sobre enfermedades de transmision sexual. Ligera interferencia de University Network en la misma frecuencia. 33333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 5990, Radio Senado, 0928-0937 Noted two women in conversation until 0929 when music presented. At 0935 woman in Portuguese comments again with many mentions of "Brazil and Brazilia". At 0938 canned ID by man as "...Radio Senado, Brazil..." Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, December 17, 2005 - CumbreDX 1356) Бутан 6035 Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Thimpu, at 0110-0230 UT fade out, Dec 09 and 10, Dzongkha talks, instrumental mx with flutes, native singing and talks in between. Heavy QRM until 0200* from NHK/UK 6030 and R Romania Int. 6040, and from 0200 QRM from Colombia fading in on 6035! Best at 0200: 23322. (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW Dec 14 via BCDX 739) Heard in Indochina: 6035, Bhutan Brc. Service, Thimpu, at 1106-1135 on Nov 25, Dzongkha nx (tent), 35333 , but at *1110 Kunming came back on the air and mostly covered BBS 31331. In Vietnam and Cambodia 6035 was totally covered by Kunming! (Anker Petersen-DEN, touring Thailand, dswci DXW Dec 14 via BCDX 739) Вануату 3944,8 Radio Vanuatu (p), Port Vila, 0750+, December 08, Vernacular, Report, interview by female to a male, local song, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1354) Венесуэла R. Amazonas, 4939.66, 0245-0258* Dec 9, Spanish talk, LA music, ID, sign-off with NA; fair-good. Not heard next two nights, Dec 10, 11 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 653) Габон 15475 GABON, Africa Num=E9ro Un, Moyabi DEC 10 1506 UTC - promo for a romantic pgm, intro of Black Box's Ride On Time 1990 house classic followed by a really great French rap tune (too bad I didn't had the tape running), then new-school reagge followed by more rap and reagge. At 1545 than man announcer which presented this music interviewed a young female singer. SIO 343 at 1306, but only SIO of 221 at 1345 due to some adjacent splatter. My long-wire antenna do not provide me much gain above 9 or 10 MHz unfortunately. New for me on this channel! (Bogdan Chiochiu, Montreal, Canada - CumbreDX 1351) Гайана 3291,3 GBC-Voice of Guyana, Georgetown, 2355+, December 07, = English,}pops, short announcement by male in english, 25432 Reported at 0810 on December 08 too with 24442 and songs, (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 3291.1 GBC, Sparendaam, noted on 10 Dec at 2233-2250 UT, English prgr, dedications, Indian songs/music & other types; 44343, adjct. uty. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX 739 Dec at 12) Гватемала 4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0544-0556, 15-12, programa en ingles, locutor, comentarios y canciones religiosas tambien en ingles. 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 2320H Radio Izabel 1160 x 2 harmonic. This one is signing on at 1130 with full canned ID including frequency and their callsign of TGRI. The canned ID had "Onward Christian Soldiers" playing in the background. They have a nice signal and are also heard in the evenings till 0000*. In addition to the above ID, they often use the slogan "La Voz Evangelica." (Hans Johnson, Ochopee, Florida, 19 Dec 05 - CumbreDX 1359) Гондурас 3340, Radio Misiones Internacionales, 0519-0600, 15-12, locutor, comentarios religiosos en espanol. Cierre a las 0600. Senal debil. 24322 variando a 14321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 4819.2, HRVC La Voz Evangelica, Tegucigalpa, 0728-0745, 15-12, locutor, comentarios religiosos,espanol, identificacion: "La Voz Evangelica de Honduras". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) R. Misiones Internacional[es?], 3339.99, 0545-0602* Dec 10, Spanish religious programming with talk and gospel music. 0602 sign-off announcements with ID and off. Fair to good signal strength but audio slightly distorted (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 653) Греция More Greek pirate harmonics heard on Nov 8th: 4154 kHz ~ 3x1384.7 kHz. 4702 kHz ~ 3x1567.3 kHz. 5000 kHz ~ 3x1666 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX 739 Dec 2) Грузия Abkhazian Radio was heard here for the last time on Nov 20th on 9495 and 9535 kHz, but no more til today Nov 30th. Bad conditions for check whether is on the air on MW 1350 kHz. Radio"HARA" ("we") is back on the air Mon&Thu 1700-1733 UT, repeated Tue&Fri 0500-0533 UT on 4875 kHz, heard on Nov 24, 25, 28, 29th, with talks in Vernac and songs from the 70s sung by Tom Jones, Bob Marley & The Wailors. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX 739 Dec 2) Джибути 4780, Radio Djibouti, 1903-2001, 14-12, comentarios en vernaculo y canciones. Cierre a las 2101. 24322. Tambien 0529-0540, 15-12, musica arabe. 24422. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 4780, Radio-TV Djibouti; 0301-0314 December 19. Just after sign-on, very good with Arabic man, into Qur`an recital 0302- 0306, two men from 0306 (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DXLD 5-216) Индия 4760, AIR, Port Blair, 1120-1130 Noted Hindi music until 1123 when a person speaks. Not English at this time. At 1127 back to music and then brief comments. At 1130 woman talks. A couple of individuals continue at 1131. At 1132 music presented again. Never heard any English comments. It seemed the entire segment was in a Hindu type language. Overall, the signal was threshold to poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 13, 2005 - hard-core-dx 36, 14) 4960 AIR Ranchi (pres) now (12/19) being hrd at fair lvl in the clear from 1421 tune w/ man and woman anns w/ alternating delivery, as in nx pgm. Short inst mx at 1429.5 and into another pgm, mostly one or two men talking. Language is definitely Indian dialect. Tuned here expecting to find CRN Vanimo but AIR seems to be only station on freq. SINPO 35533. (Bruce W. Churchill, Fallbrook, California - CumbreDX 1359) Ирак 6335 V. of Iraqi Kurdistan, Sulaymaniyah via DX Tuner UK on 12/14. Lots of vocal/inst Kurdish songs 0515 to past 0545 w/ Kurdish anmts by woman at 0522.5, man at 0528.5 (short ID, w/ clear mention of "Kurdistan"). Signal was beginning a gradual fade by 0530. SINPO 35343. This should be audible on both ECNA and WCNA after 0300 s/on. (Bruce W. Churchill, Fallbrook, California, usa - CumbreDX 1353) Камбоджа Heard in Indochina: Despite several attempts, the following former Cambodian SW-station could not be heard in Vietnam, Laos , Cambodia or Thailand: National R of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, on 4907, 6090 and 11940 which definately is off the air. The following MW stations of the National R of Cambodia were audible in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Bangkok: 918 kHz, Phnom Penh heard around 0910 on Nov 21 and 1400 on Nov 20 and 25 in Khmer, mentioning Kampuchea and King Sihanouk, 55555. 999 kHz, Battambang heard around 1400 on Nov 25 in Khmer. The following FM-stations were heard in Phnom Penh 1400-1440 (2100-2140 local) on Nov 20, most in Khmer: 88.0 MHz (Sweet FM), 89.2 (BBC in English - was off at 2113), 90.0 (FM 90), 90.5 (Ta Phrom R), 91.2 (New station in Khmer mentioning Phnom Penh), 92.0 (R France Int. in French - also noted at 2113-2138), 93.5 (FM 93.5), 94.0 (New station in Khmer), 94.2 (distorted R Bayon FM // 95.0), 95.0 (R Bayon FM), 97.0 (R Apsara), 97.5 (Love FM with Nokia adv and English songs), 98.0 (FM 98), 99.0 (FM 99), 99.5 (FEBC - ID heard), 100.0 (BBC World Sce in English - also heard at 2100 UTC), 101.0 (New station in Khmer), 101.5 (R Australia heard at 2108), 102.0 (WMC R), 103.0 (Municipality R - also heard at 2112), 105.0 (Sombok Ka Mum R Beehive relaying VOA and RFA in Khmer and Chinese), 106.0 (Municipality R - weak // 103.0 heard at 2112) and 107.0 (Planet FM). The following FM-stations were heard in Siem Reap 1335-1355 on Nov 23, most in Khmer: 90.2 (New, weak station), 91.4 (Two new, weak stations), 92.0 (RFI Musique, France, in French with ID, strong signal, so probably also a Siem Reap tx), 93.0 (R Bayon FM 93), 94.0 (R Bayon FM - weak // 93.0 ), 95.75 (New station in Khmer - strong with phone in), 96.5 (FM 96.5, Sisopohon ? - strong), 97.5 (Love FM - strong, so probably also a Siem reap tx - ID in English: "97.5"), 98.0 (New station with phone-in in Khmer - strong), 98.7 (Love FM heard // 97.5 - weak) and 100.5 (Sweet FM, ID - strong). At 1955- 2049 on Nov 23 and 2120 on Nov 22 (around 0300-0400 local) all stations had closed, except RFI Musique on 92.0 MHz. (all Anker Petersen-DEN, touring THA, LAO, VTN, CBG, dswci DXW Dec 14) 105 MHz FM, Beehive R, has a website at: <http://www.sbk.com.kh> The station owner Mam Sonando was recently arrested. Here is the link to the story from RFA: <http://www.rfa.org/english/news/politics/cambodia_sonando> Beehive R does broadcast RFA's and Voice of America's Cambodian programming, so that may be part of the reason behind Sonando's troubles. (Andrew Janitschek-USA, R Free Asia, dswci DXW Dec 12 via BCDX 739) Китай 6200 CHINA, XIZANG PBS, Lhasa DEC 11 0256 UTC - Presumed with man in Chinese at a very poor level noted in passing. It's sunrise at this time in China, I believe. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Montreal, Canada - CumbreDX 1351) 3990 Xinjiang PBS, Urumqui, 0036+, December 08, Uighur, news by male & female, 24442//4980 Khz with 34443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1354) 4220 Quinghai PBS, Xinning, Qhingai, 0048+, December 08, Vernacular, talk by male, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1354) 6950 Central People's BS (p); 2022, 15-Dec; Operatic CC vocal mx. SIO=353- (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1355) Сегодня до 10.00 на 15360 и 15665 кГц очень громко было слышно МКР на рус.языке. Раньше я их здесь не наблюдал и в перечне русских программ они не отмечены. Может это новые трансляции? (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 979) Киргизия 4010 Kyrgyztan Radio, Bishkek, 2345+, December 07, Vernacular, local songs, short announcement by male, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1354) Колумбия 5910, Marfil Estereo, 0649-0810, 15-12, canciones romanticas, locutor, identificacion: "Desde Colombia, Marfil Estereo". "Llega la epoca mas esperada del ano, Feliz Navidad les desea Marfil Estereo". "Asi se vive la Navidada aqui en Marfil Estereo". "Dos sistemas radiales propagan nuestras ondas, 88.2 FM Marfil Estereo y en la banda de AM, 1530 kHz. Alcaravan Radio, las 24 horas del dia a traves del medio de comunicacion mas agil, la radio". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 6139.8, Radio Lider, 2301-2314, 14-12, Anuncios comerciales. "Les invitamos a escuchar nuestro himno nacional, sientase orgullos de ser colombiano". "Radio Lider, 730 AM". "Estas son las noticias de hoy en Radio Lider". "Radio Lider, lider en informacion". "Feliz Navidad, Radio Lider, lider en buenas noticias, 6 de la tarde 8 minutos". 33333. Tambien escuchada 0557-0700, 15-12, canciones colombianas, identificacion: "Dos de la manana, en Radio Lider, 730 AM esta es la hora exacta". Interferencia de la Deutsche Welle con programa en ingles en la misma frecuencia.22222 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) Marfil Estereo, 5910, 0405-0425+ Dec 10, Spanish romantic ballads, Spanish announcements, ID, Xmas music. Good-strong signal strength but mixing with co-channel R. Ukraine International in English, with Colombia slightly stronger (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 653) Коста-Рика 5054.6, Faro del Caribe, 0620-0635, 15-12, canciones religiosas en espanol, locutora, locutor: "Costa Rica, una patria para todos". Comentario "La Navidad, la epoca favorita de todos". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) Куба 5025 R. Rebelde, Bauta, noted till fade out (1035) on 11 Dec at 1012-1035, Spanish, songs, talks, TCs; 25432. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX 739 Dec at 12) Либерия 5470 Radio Veritas, Monrovia, 2302+, December 07, English, short talk by female, ID by male as: "This is Radio Veritas....", 25542 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1354) Мавритания 7245 R. Mauritanie, putting a much better signal today, Arabic, talks, jingle+anns. at 1200 UT, newscast; 4(nearly 5)4344, but weakish audio (which would correspond to O=3 at the most) and adjc. QRM de DRM sigs. on 7240 & 7250, so these combined, especially if strgr. adjc. QRM was experienced, possibly explain why I didn't spot Nouakchott this past Sat. & Sun. morning around 1030 UT despite my southerly & quiet DX location. Even now, the only way to get this sort of reception is adjusting the elevated K9AY, not with other more adequate antennae for this band & their position for using any of the other aerials now means noise all the way. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX 739 Dec 13) Мали 4782.3, R TV Malienne, 0613-0620, 15-12, frances, locutor, comentarios y canciones africanas. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) Мексика 4810 Radio Transcontinental de America, Mexico D.F., 0435+, December 08, Spanish, religious talk by female in spanish, 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 6010, Radio Mil, 0836-0945, 15-12, canciones en espanol presentadas por locutor. Identificacion entre canciones: "Radio Mil", "En Radio Mil". "Dos de la manana con treinta y seis minutos". Muy leve interferencia de La Voz de tu Concienca, apenas audible hoy. 14321 variando a 24321 (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 6185, RADIO EDUCACION, 0803-1000, 15-12, bonitas rancheras mexicanas. A las 0820 identificacion por locutor: "Nuestra musica a traves de Radio Educacion, Mexico D.F.,estamos llegando a todo el mundo a traves de nuestra senal de onda corta, 2 de la manana con 20 minutos y 15 segundos". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) Монголия 12085, Voz de Mongolia, 1001-1015, 15-12, programa en ingles: "This is The Voice of Mongolia in English". Noticias de Mongolia, locutora. 23222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) Неопознанное 9500, 1200-1305 Not sure of the language, but sounds like a Hindu type. Noted a woman in comments, and at one point, she prayed. Heard "Amen" at the end. When addresses given, the country heard was "India". Thought this might be TWR, but can't find a schedule for them to India or that area? Typical music from India between comments. Signal was good for awhile than started to get hit up. At 1245 and beyond I started experiencing great circle fading which made copy very difficult because at one point there was anouncement in English and I couldn't copy it. During the period, I heard, "The Voice of ..." and at the end some numbers "...886" It had enough numbers to be a phone number. Any help would be appreciated. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 18, 2005 - hard-core-dx 36, 19) Нигерия V. of Nigeria, 7255, 0654-0858* Dec 11, tune-in to opening instrumental theme music and IDs. 0701 into regular English programming with local African music and opening English announcements, followed by unintelligible English programming. Long periods of their instrumental theme music. 0715 English news. Very strong but their usual muddy audio and some programs with very low modulation (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 653) Новая Зеландия 17675 R. NZi, Rangitaiki, observed on 09 Dec at 2306-... UT, English, sport, weather & talks, all from Natl. Radio; 25433. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX 739 Dec at 12) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 3260 Radio Madang, Madang, 0835+, December 08, Vernacular,=20 local music, announcement by female, 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1354) 3335 Radio East Sepik, Wewak, 0840+, December 08, Vernacular, talk by male, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1354) 7120 Wantok Radio Light, Port Moresby, 0800+, December 08, English, Identification by male as: "Wantok Radio Light", Cristian songs, talk by male, announcement, other ID as: "Wantok Radio...", cristian songs, 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1354) Перу 4746.81, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1045-1100 Noted a program of Huaynos music with live Spanish comments from a man during music. At 1053, canned ADs briefly and back to music and comments. Mentioning "Lima" and "Peru" occasionally. At 1057 a woman comments. At 1100 the man returns with comments and music. Signal was fair this morning. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 14, 2005 Peru, 4835.45, Radio Maranon, 1103-1115 Initially noted a man and woman exchanging brief pieces of information as heard on news programs. TC's inserted here and there. At 1111 music presented. Signal was fair to poor as time elapsed. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 14, 2005) Peru, 4955, Radio Cultura Amauta, 1115-1130 At tune in a man in steady Spanish comments. Signal is pretty weak, but seems he might be praying. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 14, 2005) Peru, 5019.91, Radio Horizonte, 1123-1130 At tune in, noted a series of promos and ADs. At 1125 music presented. Music continues as the signal fades from fair to poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 14, 2005) 6188, Radio Oriente, 1112-1120 Initially at tune in, noted music until 1114. At that time a woman comments breifily in Spanish. She is followed by a man in Spanish comments at 1116. Prtogram back to music at 1118. Overall, signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 13, 2005 - hard-core-dx 36, 14) 3375,2 Radio San Antonio (t), Padua de Callalli, 0129+, December 08, romantic songs in spanish &pops, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 4385,9 Radio Vision (ex Radio Imperio), Chiclayo, 0000+, December 08, Spanish, romantic songs, Complete ID by male as: "Desde la ciudad de Chiclayo, Ciudad de la Amistad, en los 1350 kilociclos, amplitud modulada, transmite Radio Vision", TC as: ".las 7 con 0 minutos", ann. As: ".te presentamos, con mucho cario, lo mejor del cancionero andino", Thanks Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia, for the tip in CondigList, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 4486 Radio Frecuencia VH, Celendin, 0022+, December 08, Spanish, tecnocumbias, Greetings by male and ann. As: "...un bonito tema que queremos compartir con ustedes...la musica = sentimental ecuatoriana en esta ocasi=F3n.", 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 4950 Radio Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, 0106+, December 08, = Spanish, ID as: "Radio Madre de Dios, orgullo de los peruanos", local Adv., Strong QRM from Radio Nacional de Angola, 22432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 5005,6 Radio LTC (p), Juliaca, 2336+, December 07, tecnocumbias non stop, 15441 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 5544,7 Radio San Andres, San Andres, Cajamarca Department, 2330+, = December 07, Spanish, tecnocumbias, ID as: "...en Radio San Andres", 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 6047,2 Radio Santa Rosa, Lima, 0120+, December 08, Spanish, TC: "ocho de la noche con 20 minutos"; ID: "Radio Santa Rosa."; other ID as: "....vamos a continuar a traves de Radio Santa Rosa....", ann. As: ".nos escuchan en el Departamento Amazonas..", 24432 I couldnt hear this station from here from many years ago. (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 6520,5 Radio Paucartambo, Paucartambo, 0945+, December 08, Quechua, huaynos, short announcement by male in quechua, 25332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 5939.26, Radio Melodia, 1003-1025 Noted a number of different persons in comments during the listening period. At 1012, a canned ID heard, "...Radio Melodia...". Couldn't grasp the particulars. Signal was pretty good around 1020 to 1025 even with the splatter from nearby stations. (Chuck Bolland, December 15, 2005 - CumbreDX 1354) 4746.7, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2339-2355, 15-12, locutor, espanol, anuncios comerciales de la ciudad de Huanta, comentarios. 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 4950, Radio Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, 2249-2300, 14-12, locutor, comentarios y noticias sobre la region de Madre de Dios, identificacion: "Radio Madre de Dios". 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2326-2335, 14-12, locutor, espanol, informacion sobre convocatorias a ciudadanos "los convocamos a las 7,30 de la tarde en el local social". A las 2330 comentario en quechua. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 9720, Radio Victoria, 0535-0543, 15-12, locutor, predicaciones religiosas, comentario sobre curacion milagrosa de enfermos. 22222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 6173.80, Radio Tawantinsuyo, 1019-1030 Noted a woman in Spanish comments until 1023 when music is presented. At 1025, " 5 en manana ..." and woman continues to comment. Tons of noise on this freq making copy very difficult. Punched in the NR (Noise Reduction) function on the NRD545 and that help somewhat and have the Tracking on the Notch Filter activated too. Going barefoot with the dipole antenna, but have the preselector as backup if I need it? At 1030, program back to music and at 1032 woman comments again. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, December 17, 2005 - CumbreDX 1356) 4826.47, Radio Sicuani, 1036-1045 Noted a man in Spanish comments followed with ADs 1038. This followed by music. Signal was threshold with noise and QRM. (Chuck Bolland, December 17, 2005 - CumbreDX 1356) 4774.94, Radio Tarma, 1025-1040+ Initially noted a man in Spanish Comments with mentions of "Lima" and "Tarma". At close of his comments, gives ID as "...Radio Tarma..." From that point into Huaynos music. At 1035 a series of canned promos and a couple of ID's. One mentioned as "... Radio Tarma International...". Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland December 19, 2005 - CumbreDX 1359) 4835.50, Radio Maranon, 1040-1100 Noted numerous promos and ADs with mentions of "Peru". Some music, but mainly ADs. After setting here for 16 minutes, haven't heard an ID. At 1058, it's still dark at my spot on the great circle, but Peru is in the daylight. So don't expect this good copy to last much longer. At 1101 heard canned ID as "... Radio Maranon ... Maranon" Sounded like the person giving ID was doing for me, since he pronounced it very clearly twice. A second ID at 1103 after a musical selection. As predicted, the signal started to fade here. Overall signal was good until the hour. (Chuck Bolland, December 19, 2005 - CumbreDX 1359) Россия 4795 Buryatskaya GTRK (pres) , Ulan Ude (listed as Respublika Buryatiya, perhaps an autonomous area?) via DX Tuner UK on 12/14 0234 to past 0315 w/ man and woman announcers in RR. Varying S2 to S3 w/ light "chirp" ute in background and ocnl short RTTY bursts. Before 0225 had interesting local inst mx but signal was poor. SINPO 34332. (Bruce W. Churchill, Fallbrook, California, usa - CumbreDX 1351) 5960, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean, 0935-1000 Noted a woman in Russian comments until about 0942, when she is joined briefly with a man in Russian comments. Can't pull out the parallel on 7330 kHz if there is one? At 0945, music presented. Woman continues comments at 0949. Sounds like news again at 0950 with a man reporting. At 0953 woman broadcasts again and continues until sign off at 0959. When the station finally closes, an abuntant of other stations fade in. Signal for RTO was very poor with Pacific type QRN(natural noise) layering the copy. There were short periods where the audio came in very well, but dropped back to poor For me this is what I call true DX, now even more since Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean has shifted her frequency from 12065 kHz to 5960 kHz. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 15, 2005 - CumbreDX 1354) Россия/Англия 7330, BBC (relay via Vladivostok) 1139-1150 Noted a weak broadcast of Mandarin here with woman in comments. Signal is difficult to here in Florida due to a China Radio International. with their commercial station smothering BBC. Noted the same situation on 9605 where BBC has this broadcast relayed via Yamaha, Japan. In both cases, BBC's broadcast was very poor, while CRI sounded like their transmitter was in my back yard. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, December 14, 2005 - hard-core-dx 36, 15) Суринам 4990 Radio Apintie (t), Paramaribo, 0846+, December 08, Vernacular, exotic songs, Announcements by male very clear in????, 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 4990, Radio Apintie, 1000-1020 Man in news using Dutch language. Noted occasional place name such as "Iraq", "Netherland". At 1010 canned ADs. Ads continue for over five minutes. Signal was fair to poor. (Chuck Bolland, December 17, 2005 - CumbreDX 1356) США At 0505 UTC I heard this identification: "AFRTS Radio Network" and news by female in 5446,5U with 35553 from Key West // 7811U from ???? with 25442 //12133,5U from Key West with 35443 // 10320U with 25542 from Pearl Harbor? (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) Таджикистан 4635 Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 2312+, December 07, Vernacular, talk by male, very nice local music, announcement, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1354) Туркмения 16 Dec while passing the frequency 5015 at 1506 noted Turkmen Radio with news in English until 1510. On 3 Nov I heard them with English news at 1350. They have no ID in English, just phrases "that's the end of the news" and "thanks for listening". (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - CumbreDX 1355) Франция 15300 RFI French service to Africa, DEC 11 - 1606 UTC - News item about elections in Chile. SIO 411 at this time with awful local distorted overloading from the 1570 mega-pest, giving head's pain. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Montreal, Canada - CumbreDX 1351) Эквадор 3279,8 Radio La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0134+, December 08, Spanish, sports talk by male, 25332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 4919 Radio Quito, Quito, 0450+, December 08, Spanish, talks about local music, =A1=A1=A1sanjuanitos!!!, 35443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1353) 3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0540-0615, 15-12, locutor y locutora, comentarios religiosos, identificacion: "Radio Maria". 24222. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) 3810, 0540-0555, 15-12, Estacion de senales horarias HD210A, Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada, Guayaquil, Senales horarias, al minuto exacto: "Al oir el tono seran las 0 horas 49 minutos", y asi cada minuto. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - CumbreDX 1354) ЮАР/Германия AWR on 11885KHZ at 1930utc via Sentech. Opens with = English announcements then into Ibo at fair level here. AWR also noted on 9655KHZ at = 2000utc also via Sentech in English but much weaker level.(Ian Cattermole, New Zealand - CumbreDX 1356) ----------------- Пираты Европа Pirate, Alfa Lima International, 15073.6, 1615-1645+ Dec 11 [Sun], rap and pop music, ID announcements. Weak with deep fades (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 653) ----------------- СВ/ДВ Венесуэла 550 YVKE, Caracas, DF DEC 13 0136 UTC - Political tele-talk from a correspondent, followed by promo with mention of news. SIO 322 under semi-local WEVD-VT with another semi-local, CHLN-QC, nulled completely with the ferrite bar antenna perpendicular to the south-east. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Montreal, Canada - hard-core-dx 36, 14) Исландия SVALBARD [and non]. A few interesting items: For no particular reason I tuned for Svalbard Radio and got them first try at 2303 UT tonight on 1731 kHz. They were weak and deteriorated as time progressed. 1710 Sandnessjeon was fair. Also heard Andenes on 1659 (initially swamped by Iceland). All in // with weather report in English then Norwegian. No trace of Vardoe 1713 kHz; Hammerfest 1635; Berlevag 1695; Jan Mayan 1743. If they were on they were too far north for me! 1659 kHz also had Iceland on at 2303 UT. 1680 had Rogaland R at 2315 mixing with back to back music from (presumed) New Jersey (Steve Whitt, UK, Dec 16, MWC via DXLD 5216) Испания 585 SPAIN, Radio Nacional de Espa?a, Madrid DEC 11 0020 - threshold level with what sounded like dramatic play. Very shortly audible. Surfaced again 0058 just before the top-of-the-hour with familiar Spanish rock tune extremely threshold, but definitively // with the Net stream (see below). Was surprized to hear them even at such weak and almost unusable levels, since the geomagnetic conditions seems bad and not even short-haul WICC-600 was audible at all. Not hearing AT ALL a short-haul signal and hearing TA audio is definitively intriguing ! Nothing on 1134, with adjacent NYC pest nulled, my only other TA regular. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Montreal, Canada - hard-core-dx 36, 14) Италия Программа Notturno dall Italia имеет следующее расписание: 23.00-05.00 - 6060, 900, 1107 кГц на итальянском языке 14.30-14.55 - 567 кГц на арабском языке (Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 980) Малайзия Voice of Malaysia (Suara Malaysia) on 1475 kHz, RTM's external service in Tagalog for the Philippines, seems to have changed its schedule to 1300-1530 (formerly 1030-1300). I haven't been able to confirm that the new schedule is being followed regularly every day, but has been heard between these times on several occasions over the past couple of weeks including 16 December. Reception is surprisingly poor round here for a service supposed to be using 700 kW. The new timings would probably give new reception possibilities for Europe in the winter, but might make reception more difficult in N America. Thanks to Mauno Ritonen for the tip. (Alan Davies, Surabaya, INS - dxldyg 653) Ст. Киттс 555 ST. KITTS, ZIZ, Basseterre DEC 13 0050 UTC - Soca dance music. Poor to fair at best and the signal was a bit weaker when adjacent channel CHLN-550 was nulled with still some minor splash from sub-dominant WEVD, also on 550. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Montreal,Canada - hard-core-dx 36, 14) Теркс и Кайкос 530 TURKS AND CAICOS, Radio Visi?n Cristiana Internacional, South Caicos DEC 12 0055 UTC - Ads for churches, "Radio Visi?n" jingle. Great w/ some QRM from a computer in my neighborhood; SIO 433. (Bogdan Chiochiu, Montreal, Canada - hard-core-dx 36, 14) ----------------- УКВ TIME FREQ PI PS TRANSMITTER ITU 18:53 87.50 E0E1 EVO_____ Valdemoro E (William Kitching, Telford, Shropshire, U.K - FM 15, 4) Here are a few of the more interesting stations heard during Sunday's tropo opening: 87.7 unid, v weak 88.8 BBC Radio Jersey clear stereo RDS 91.8 France Musiques Vannes clear, stereo RDS 93.7 unid French weak, ads 94.4 RNE 3 Gamoniteiro clear, stereo RDS trying 94.5 RNE 3 Monte Xalo clear, hissy stereo, RDS trying 94.6 France Inter Chartres fair 95.8 RNE 5 Monte Xalo clear, stereo RDS at times // to 104.4/105.0 96.0 France Culture Vannes at side of local BBC Radio Solent 99.4 France Inter Niort fair 101.3 France Bleu Armorique Vannes 37dB stereo RDS squashing Classic FM 101.6 NRJ Megawest Flers/La Chapelle Biche stereo 101.8 Skyrock Bretagne Brest stereo 103.1 France Bleu Armorique Rennes clear despite local Power FM on 103.2 104.4 RNE 5 Gamoniteiro clear mono full RDS up to 26dB in // with 95.8/105.0 104.7 Europe 1 Brest presumed stereo 105.0 RNE 5 Lierganes weak in // with 95.8/104.4 105.0 French fighting with RNE 5, suspect RTL Caen fair 105.9 French suspect RFM Brest stereo 106.3 RTL 2 St. Brieuc stereo full RDS 106.9 Hit West St Brieuc QRM 107.3 French BFM Brest? QRM 107.5 Radio Galega unid site weak to fair (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire - skywaves 1749) ---------------- Связь 3494 SDJ: Stockholm Radio 1953 USB advising unid aircraft with garbled modulation to switch to "radio no. 2" (18Dec05)(KB) 4317.9 : Moscow Meteo 1530 FAX 120/576 700 hPa analysis with synoptic data. QRM, better on //10610.9 (18Dec05)(KB) 4928.4 : Unid 0840 POL-ARQ 100/170. Off air 0852 (18Dec05)(KB) 5152 : Ukrainian Mil (tentative) 1820 RTTY/50/500 encrypted Baudot with plain header ("kriptograma...") (18Dec05)(KB) 5907 LCR154: Polish Mil Warsaw 1229 ALE/USB snd (18Dec05)(KB) 8108.5 XSS: Unid 1408 ALE/USB sounding every 15 min (17Dec05)(KB) 8146.5 IMB55: Rome Meteo 1306 FAX 120/576 wind/temp for FL340? Unreadable; faulty scan or fsk encoding (17Dec05)(KB) 18560 BMF: Taipei Meteo 0822 FAX 24h wave prog. Noisy first half, otherwise sharp copy (17Dec05)(KB) (Klaus, Germany - wun 20, 30) 10609 ---: Moscow Meteo 0354 FAX 120LPM (very weak) 18/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11086.5 GYA: RN Northwood 0325 FAX 120LPM (very weak) 18/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11253 MVU: RAF Volmet 0327 Wx w/ YL 18/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0054 uplink message to VP-BWK (Aeroflot) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0103 uplink message to VP-BWG (Aeroflot) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 N76054: Continental Airlines 0120 downlink message: 0EH013059VSH 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0128 uplink message to N453PA (Polar Air Cargo) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0142 uplink message to N602FE (Federal Express) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0145 uplink message to ZS-SND (South African Airways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0238 uplink message to CN-RNY (Royal Air Maroc) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0306 uplink message to G-VGAS (Virgin Atlantic Airways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0309 uplink message to VP-BDK (Aeroflot) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0313 uplink message to N68160 (Continental Airlines): 29 REILS OTS. COA RAMP PROCEDURES IN EFFECT. READBACK ALL RUNWAY HOLD SHORT INSTRUCTIONS. USE CAUTION FOR BIRDS AND CRANES IN THE VICINITY OF EWR. ...ADVS YOU HAVE INFO X.959C 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0349 uplink message to N362FE (Federal Express) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0400 uplink message to ZS-SFH (South African Airways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0416 uplink message to N322UP (United Parcel Service) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0418 uplink message to N583NW (Northweast Airlines) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0422 uplink message to OH-LBV (Finnair) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0424 uplink message to ZS-SJM (South African Airways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0428 uplink message to ZS-SFG (South African Airways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0441 uplink message to ZS-SFM (South African Airways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0441 uplink message to A7-CJB (Qatar Airways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0443 uplink message to N361FE (Federal Express) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0448 uplink message to N587FE (Federal Express) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0453 uplink message to ZS-SFJ (South African Airways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0456 uplink message to N592NW (Northweast Airlines) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS) 12916 HLF: Seoul Radio 0148 CW marker 18/DEC/2005 (IDS) 12923 HLW2: Seoul Radio 0147 CW marker 18/DEC/2005 (IDS) 12935 HLG: Seoul Radio 0141 CW marker 18/DEC/2005 (IDS) 12993 KSM: 0138 CW marker: "vvv vvv cq de ksm ksm ksm qsx 6/12..." (Ivan Dias - Sorocaba, Brasil - wun 20, 30) The MF propagation studies continues, here is the result of the easy beacons heard. Join in, they are all gone by 2015 or so :-) 00335.0 RIM: Civ/Mil NDB Rimini Miramare, Italy 2336 A1A morse 1020 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) 00336.0 RS: Civ NDB Roros, Norway 2326 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) 00336.0 Civ/Mil NDB Bergen Flesland Bratta, Norway 2330 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) 00337.0 KAJ: Civ NDB Kajaani, Finland 2312 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) 00337.0 OZ: Soderhamn Skallen, Sweden 2318 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) 00338.0 OA: Civ NDB Jonkoping, Sweden 2315 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) 00347.0 MSK: Civ NDB Oslo Gardermoen Morskogen, Norway 2346 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) 00347.5 TD: Civ NDB Teesside, UK 2346 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005) (TJ) 00348.0 WA: Civ NDB Stockholm Arlanda, Sweden 2354 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) 00348.0 SAD: Civ NDB Leknes Sandsund, Norway 2356 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) 00348.5 LG: Civ/Mil NDB Liege Bierset, Belgium 2359 A1A morse 1020 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) 00349.0 TAR: Civ/Mil NDB Orlandet Tarva, Norway 2350 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) 00404.0 VNG: Enroute NDB Vangsnes, Norway 2240 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) 00534.0 SL: Civ NDB Bydgoszcz Szwederowo, Poland 2243 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ) (Trond J, Kirkeoy, Hvaler archipelago, Norway - wun 20, 24) 06865.0 FLA: Unid 1915 ALE/USb clg BTS (14/dec/05) (sw) 05370.0 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 1959 ALE/USb clg V1S000OEKCOPER (14/dec/05) (sw) 05478.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 2005 ALE/USb clg DD2 (14/dec/05) (sw) 05478.0 DD2: Isr-Af 2005 ALE/USb clg AAA Tel Aviv (14/dec/05) (sw) 07768.0 4101: Unid 2011 ALE/USb clg 4301 [AMD]/>A2001 (14/dec/05) (sw) 05478.0 2208: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2039 ALE/USB sndg. (14/dec/05) (sw) (Sam, UK - wun 20, 25) 3610 XSF2:Lianyungang 1800 14Dec05 CW Continues to transmit for 60seconds every two hours on 3610khz. 6474 JJF:Japanese Naval 1804 14Dec05 CW ZIC NR 4031 AR 3737.5 ---:M21 1810 14Dec05 CW 3397 QF3K:M89 1815 14Dec05 CW T3AP T3AP T3AP de QF3K QF3K V 3755 RTS:Magadan Naval 1824 14Dec05 CW net chatter with two stns 6485 Cherry Ripe:E4 1902 14Dec05 SSB 08873; Checked all published frequencies due to atmospheric conditions could only copy her sexy numbers chant on 6485 khz from my location. She is soo hot! (Attu Bosch, Alaska - wun 20, 25) ------------------ Интернет http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/dxradio - Сайт УКВ-радиолюбителя Уильяма Китчинга (FM 15, 4) ------------------ Обьявление Если кто-то не обзавелся DE1103'м из Москвы и окрестностей, но желает это сделать, то у него есть отличный шанс. Я сегодня был на Митинском радиорынке и в новом комплексе(ТК"Митинский радиорынок") на 1-м этаже в павильоне 102(ООО"Фаворит") среди мрачных и громоздких "Mason"ов за 400 рублей обнаружил 1103-й всего за 2500. Продавцы сказали, что это не единственный экземпляр. Ранее мне меньше чем за 2800 или 2850 они не встречались. Да и сейчас я видел сей приемник на "Горбушке" за 3 т.р., а на Савеловском и вовсе за 3150 р. Поспешите, я пользуюсь им почти год (за этот год он многое пережил-и неоднократные падения на пол, и поездки в условиях, приближенных к экстремальным) и все более утверждаюсь во мнении, что покупка была стоящей. (Виктор Пузанов, Россия - open_dx 980) ------------------ QSL Кувейт QSL report: Radio Free Asia via Kuwait City 9365. Full-data color mosque & palm trees sheet in 7 weeks from George Miller, Transmitter Plant Supervisor (Wendel Craighead, KS, Dec 1, 2005 in DXplorer-ML via CRW via DXLD 5-216) Разное Факт обнаружения Дегена отодвинул несколько на второй план долгожданное событие-получение QSL-ки из Индии: AIR(Bangalore) -9425 kHz. 91день. Забавно, что у меня есть подтверждение от AIR, но это был передатчик с Андаманских островов-Port Blair на 4760- и получено оно было лет 7-8 назад. Кроме того, пришли подтверждения от R.73 (9290), R.Joystick(9290) и EMR (9290). Как видим, частота 9290 продолжает приносить плоды. И еще. Пришли мои 14 ppc's из Финляндии. (Виктор Пузанов, Россия - open_dx 980) Виктор, а каковы подробности подтверждения от Всеиндийского радио? Рапорт был отправлен в Дели? (Владимир Коваленко, Томск, Россия - open_dx 980) Рапорт был отправлен на адрес: Spectrum Management & Synergy Division, Directorate General of All India Radio, Akashvani Bhavan, New Delhi-110001, INDIA Карточка подписана Y.K.Sharma (Director of Spectrum Management & Synergy). Посылал рапорт во время теста частоты 9425 в Бангалоре. Еще забыл сообщить о получении QSL-письма от R.Rasant, вещало через IRRS, частота 13840 кГц. Рапорт послан на "e-mail", ответ через 42 дня. (Виктор Пузанов, Москва ? - open_dx 982) ------------------ Аппаратура William Kitching. Located in Telford, Shropshire. U.K. 52 deg North, 2 deg West. Equipment: Triax 8 Element Horizontal Antiference 5 Element Vertical Pioneer F737, Kenwood KTF-3010 tuners with matching Conrads. ---------------------- 73 всем! И.Л.
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