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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 47

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WorldDX 47

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Короткие Волны

6020 Radio Australia; 1040, 4-Dec; M in Pidgin w/Polynesian
mx & RA ID. SIO=443+
7240 Radio Australia; 1407-1419+, 3-Dec; Saturday Night
Country C&W pgm in EE. SIO=4+44; //5995, SIO=3+44-; //6080, SIO=33+3
9580 Radio Australia; 1702, 3-Dec; RA news & sports in EE.
SIO=333+; //9710
9710 Radio Australia; 1657-1700+, 3-Dec; Pop mx interview; RA
spot @1659+ then news. All in EE. QRM up @1700. SIO=2+43; //11660.
11660 Radio Australia; 1438, 3-Dec; Saturday Night Country,
EE C&W. SIO=2+53+; //7240 (Frodge-DXP)
11750 Radio Australia; 1509, 3-Dec; Saturday Night Country,
EE C&W. SIO=3+44; //7240 (Harold Frodge-DXP - CumbreDX 1342)

9870 Radio Austria Int'l; 2346-2352+, 3-Dec; "Report from
Austria", "Week in Review", "Radio Austria Int'l Postbox". SIO=433+
(Harold Frodge-DXP - CumbreDX 1342)

AGUILLA: 6090 Caribbean Beacon (p); *2229:22-2242+, 2-Dec; On
abruptly w/Mrs. Dr. Gene telling us about how hard she's had it
since Dr. Gene passed away & berating listeners about not supporting
her (that always works). S20 sig. 0405, 3-Dec; still ranting.
(Harold Frodge-DXP - CumbreDX 1342)

11775 Caribbean Beacon (p); 1510, 3-Dec; Mrs. Dr. Gene complaining.
SIO=3+44- (Harold Frodge-DXP - CumbreDX 1342)

4950 Radio Nacional; 2105-2110+, 2-Dec; M in PP w/pop mx &
ads; ID spot @2108. SIO=352+ (Harold Frodge-DXP - CumbreDX 1342)

15344.7; RAE; 2236; SIO-344; singing, then man talking in 
Spanish about Mexican-style music, ID at 2254. (Racenis 03-DEC)
ARMENIA; 9965; V.Armenia; 1940; SIO-232; woman talking in strongly 
accented English with farewell and sign-off at 1945. (Karl Racenis 03-DEC - CumbreDX

6214,15 Radio Armonia, Puerto Iguazu, 1001-1011, December 03, =
Complete ID in spanish: "Esta es Armonia, una nueva frecuencia, =
100,7....las mejores sensaciones de siempre",
ann. about religious meeting in Foz do Iguacu, PR, Brazil,
Local advs!!!!!, in portuguese language. Cristian songs, 34443
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1343)

5025; ORT Benin(?); 2118; SIO-232, rapidly buried by R.Rebelde 
fading up.  (Karl Racenis 02-DEC - CumbreDX 1344)

6054,15 Radio Juan XXIII, San Ignacio de Velazco, 1039-1045, December =
03, Spanish, Best reception on LSB mode because QRM from Radio Nikkei, Japan,
in 6055 =
khz, 33432/3 Religious programme conduced by female: "un cari=F1oso saludo para
todos =
los amigos de San Ignacio en esta ma=F1ana......"
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1343)

4876.31 La Cruz del Sur, "........cuarenta nueve en 
 ....Bolivia...." 1040 Time check by om, 8 December (Robert Wilkner, Pompano
Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1345)

5967.74t. Radio Nacional Huanuni, 1010 to 1032, om in 
language, brief music bridge at 1032, noted most mornings. 8 December 
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1345)

4930 Voice of America (p); 2110, 2-Dec; W in EE w/folk mx.
SIO=242, data blasts (Harold Frodge-DXP - CumbreDX 1342)

4930 VOA Botswana 2141 Nice American Jazz music, ID 
Good (Nobuo Takeno Dec 3, Yamagata Japan - CumbreDX 1346)

Radio Clube do Para was relatively good to poor (near sunrise in Brazil) on 4885
kHz, as the only listenable LAm signal aside from weak and computer-ridden Anhanguera
Goiana on 4915 and very good Radio Rebelde 5025. It was fun to tape their ID
with their onda media and onda tropical freqs, though.

Nos ign of anything else on 60 meters and no Peruvians at all. Should I try 49
meters, Radio Oriente 6188 ? What are the best Peruvian QSYs ?
(Богдан Чиочиу, Монреаль, Канада - CumbreDX 1346)

3944.76 Dec 6 1000-VUT: R Vanuatu. At last heard with decent signal. 
(Mauno Ritola, FIN - CumbreDX 1342)

Nice conditions to Vietnam this cold afternoon December 9. DIEN BIEN BS coming
with pretty weak signal on 6317,1 kHz at 1245 UTC. Reception of R SON LA on 4739,7
kHz is quite readable. I?ve heard R Son La Radio signing off at 1400 UTC. Nice
to hear these exotic stations. (Jouk Huuskonen, Turku, Finland - hard-core-dx
36, 10)

15475; Africa #1; 1819; SIO-433; man talking in French with 
mentions of Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Robert Mugabe by reporter in Lagos.  
(Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

3291; V.Guyana; 0221; SIO-122; jazzed up medly of old pop songs 
including “Summertime Blues”. (Racenis 04-DEC)
HONDURAS; 3259.6; R.Luz y Vida; 1115; SIO-322; woman talking in 
English.  (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

4052,5; R.Verdad; 0432; SIO-122; “Jingle Bells” and “Santa 
Claus is Coming to Town”, woman talking in Spanish, also heard at 1126. (Karl
Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

4780 Radio Coatan 1100 full ID slogan in indigenous language 
by om. 9 December(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1345)

6005; Deutschland R. Berlin; 2220; SIO-322; man and woman 
talking in German.  (Karl Racenis 02-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

6245 DW via Novosibirsk Russia, 6235 V.O. Russia, 6225 DW via Armavir 
Russia all coming in at 1910.  (3 Dec., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1341)

AWR via Sentech on 15149khz at 1900utc. Very good stong =
signal in an African dialect after opening
announcements in English.
Also heard on 9655khz at 2000utc with a =
programme in English. This one rather weak and a difficult logging
here. (Ian Cattermole, New Zealand - CumbreDX 1346)

HRMI La Voz de Misiones now on air (Dec 6, 0135 UTC) on 3340 kHz. Good
signal here in Florida. (Claes Olsson, Port Charlotte, FL, Dec 5 - CumbreDX 1342).

4780; HRMI(?); 0255; SIO-222; man talking in Spanish, then 
woman singing, rap music at 0300. (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

3815U KNR via OZL hrd 12/7 via DX Tuner UK. Woman ann in language
2130-2144.5, inst mx at 2144.5 then signal pretty much faded into QRM and
noise. I could hear periodic mx snatches from 2147 to 2159 with Beetles tune
at 2152.5 and Beetles "Lonely People" at 2157. After 2159 it was essentially
gone altho I imagined I hrd a man ann from 2201-2210. Best was from
2130-2140 - should have tuned earlier! ARO and Ute QRM was light but
bothersome w/ such a weak signal. SINPO from 2130-2144.5 was 23432.
(Bruce W. Churchill, Fallbrook, CA - CumbreDX 1344)

Abkhazian Radio was heard here for the last time on Nov
20th on 9495 and 9535 kHz, but no more til today Nov 30th. Bad conditions
for check whether is on the air on MW 1350 kHz.

Radio"HARA" ("we") is back on the air Mon&Thu 1700-1733 UT, repeated Tue&Fri
0500-0533 UT on 4875 kHz, heard on Nov 24, 25, 28, 29th, with talks in
Vernac and songs from the 70s sung by Tom Jones, Bob Marley & The Wailors.
(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX Dec 2 - dxldyg 648)

4780; RT Djibouti; 0301; SIO-232; woman talking, then Islamic 
prayers in Arabic at 0302, man talking at 0306 with mentions of 
Djibouti. (Карл Ракенис 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

Недавно появились новые версии всех основных программ для приема и обработки
DRM - Dream 1.5cvs, DRMcalc5.1, DRM Discoverer 2.2. Версия Dream 1.5 позволяет
детектировать AMSS сигнал, который передается одновременно с АМ - сигналом радиовещания
и передает в цифровом виде название радиостанции и техническую информацию с битрейтом
47bps. Радиолюбители уже начали называть этот вид сигнала - RDS для АМ. На сайте
http://www.travelradio.lv публикую результаты приема AMSS сигнала на частотах
всемирной службы ВВС -
648 и 9410 кГц. Пока что, AMSS модуляторы установлены только на этих двух передатчиках
и на частоте 234 кГц - RTL, Beidweiler, Люксембург. Последнюю частоту мне принять
не удалось не в последнюю очередь из-за высокого уровня местных помех. 

4 декабря принимал Голос России на частоте 12060 кГц с 10.48 до 13 часов и Радио
Швеция из Sackville для Европы на новой для меня частоте 17880 кГц с 15 до 16
часов. Прием Голоса России на этой частоте по-прежнему нестабильный и заметно
ухудшается в течение последнего часа вещания. На 17780 в начале передачи наблюдал
стандартное название из Sackville - DRM from CBC, скриншота пока нет, прохождение
у нас сегодня плохое, аудио не декодировалось совсем. (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая,
Латвия - open_dx 965)

4965; The Voice-Africa; 2357; SIO-322; pop vocal music, ID at 
0000 with religious slogan, music, then off at 0006. (Karl Racenis 02-DEC 05
- CumbreDX 1344)

4910 Zambia Nat BC 2159 Talk by man, and NA 2201 signed off Fair (Nobuo Takeno,
Dec 3, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1346)

11735; V.Tanzania(?); 1818; SIO-243; man singing in language. 
(Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

17535; KOL; 1425; SIO-444; man and woman talking in Hebrew, 
vocal song at 1430.  (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

5010; AIR Thiruvananthapuram(?); 0125; SIO-121; Hindi music, 
than man talking in language at 0130+, //4760 program (AIR Leh?).  
(Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

9445; AIR GOES; 2054; SIO-343; Hindi music, ID and news at 2100 
about technology agreement with Russia during Indian Prime Minister’s 
trip to Russia, //11620. (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

9425 AIR-Bangalore (p), 1015-1024, December 03, Hindi,
retrax FM Rainbow (p),
the programme is conduced by female. Electronic songs &
some pops. FM style. Talks by two females, 34443
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1343)

4850 AIR Kohima 1100 to 1148 , om in language, subcontinental 
music, then back to same om., Music at 1142 to 48. Strong signal. 9 
December (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida - CumbreDX 1345)

4789.94, RRI Fak Fak (presumed),
1310 3 December, with S7 pop mx. CODAR
heard underneath, but weakly (Jerry Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1341).

4604.88, RRI Serui, 1315 3 De-
cember. Seemingly a nx format w/ YL an-
nouncer. S6 signal, but low audio
(Jerry Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1341)

(JAVA); 15149.8; V.Indonesia; 1946; SIO-333; EZL piano music, 
then man talking in French about the economy. Woman with ID and 
frequency announcements at 2000, then into English program. (Karl Racenis 03-DEC
05 - CumbreDX 1344)

(KALIMANTAN); 3976; RRI Pontianak(?); 1122; SIO-211; man 
talking in language (Indonesian?), Asiatic singin at 1237, strong ham 
QRM obliterated any chance of hearing the TOH ID.  (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 -
CumbreDX 1344)

11690; R.Jordan; 1655; SIO-344; rock music in Spanish, ID and 
English news at 1700 with Saudi arrests of militants, Jordanian 
contacts with Palestineans in Israel and an insurgent ambush in Iraq.  
(Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

6335 Voice of Iraqui Kurdistan, 0423-0430, December 05, Kurdish,
talks by male, 25232 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1343)

9620 Radio Exterior de Espana, 2137-2148 CLT, 12-Nov; South
American features in SS; ID @2148. // 6125. This is very is very
sneaky as both freqs have been reported recently for SODRE Uruguay.
(Harold Frodge-Puerto Varras, Chile - CumbreDX 1345)

7200 Radio Exterior de Espana,8 Dec 2005,21.57 UTC,IS,Spanish,instead of
listed 7270 for Africa, parallel to 7275. 42432. Co-channel CRI-Urumqi in
French. (Eike Bierwirth, Leipzig, Germany - hard-core-dx 36, 10)

9779.4, Rep of Yemen R., 1836 end of EG mid-east nx w/clear ID by 
M.  Closing ID anmnt by W at 1858.  The audio on the M voice was fine but 
I've noticed the W voice (not just today but other days as well) is always 
muffled and weaker.  This was probably the best and clearest copy of RYR 
ever here.  (3 Dec., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1341)

6070; CFRX; 2214; SIO-433; news about Canadian election 
campaign, Stephen Harper “playing to the base”, CFRB ID, traffic 
reports on the 400 and the 401.(Karl Racenis 02-DEC - CumbreDX 1344)

(NEWFOUNDLAND);  6160;  CKZN;  1030;  SIO-333; Newfy time check 
(on the hour), CBC News with plans for new mussel farm, tickets sold 
for Willie Nelson concert and weather forecast for 10 cm snow in the 
islands. “Weekend Arts Magazine” program at 1036.  (Karl Racenis 04-DEC - CumbreDX

11690 Radio Okapi, 0442-0450, December 05, Vernacular/French,
Music Jingle!!!!: "Okapi...Okapi...", short news by female, talk by male =
in vernacular, 44444 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1343)

5470; R.Veritas; 2250; SIO-232; man with ID in English at 
2253, then off. (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

7180; VRWS; 0422; SIO-444; program in English about Russian 
history, then letters program.  (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

4895 Mongolian R. Murun 2102 NA Opening ann. ID. 
Vy Good //4830kHz (Nobuo Takeno Dec 3, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1346)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
4890; NBC Port Moresby; 1248; SIO-333; pop musics 
separated by “National Radio” ID.  (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

5460.28 Radio Emisora Bolivar, La Libertad, 0059 - 0102, Nov 28, Spanish, 
Musical Program, comments by man announcer, ID "en Radio Bolivar..", 24322, 
(Nicolas Eramo, Villa Lynch, Argentina - hard-core-dx 36, 5)

3329.53  Ondas del Huallaga  being received 0050 to 0105 with fair 
signal.  "/om en espanol y musica/", lsb to avoid CHU. Ondas del 
Huallaga seems to sign on at 1100 each day, making reception in South 
Florida difficult. 6 December [Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FLorida - CumbreDX

4385.7; R.Imperio (?); 0245; SIO-232; man preaching endlessly in 
Spanish with no ID heard over extended interval.  (Karl Racenis 04-DEC 05 - CumbreDX

I heard the following stations from my location here in Bacolod City,Philippines
from the period of December 2-4,2005.
  CRI 1300 UTC 11760 kHz,25 mb  December 2
  Family Radio 1300 UTC 11569//11520 kHz December 2
  CVC-Australia 1337 UTC 13685 kHz,22 mb december 2
  Voice of Turkey 1343 UTC 11735 kHz,25 mb S-2 December 2
  RNZI-Willington 0806 UTC 9885 kHz,31 mb December 3
  KTWR-Guam 0812 UTC 15225 kHz,19 mb December 3
  RKI-Seoul 0800 UTC 9570 kHz December 3
  Radio Netherlands 1000 UTC 12065 kHz December 3
  Radio Thailand 1109 UTC 9695 kHz December 3
  RNZI 1200 UTC 15330 kHz 19 mb December 3
  VOA 1206 UTC 15665 kHz December 3
  Radio Australia 1213 UTC 11880 kHz 25 mb December 3
  AWR-Guam 1030 UTC 11870 kHz S-3 December 4
  IRIB-Iran 1030 UTC 15460//15480 16 mb S-3 December 4
(Henry Umadhay, Bacolod City,Philippines - CumbreDX 1342)

Два китайца (Xizang и CNR/Korean) и похоже Wantok Light R
(Christian mission in Papua, 1 kW) M excited tk(relig), Engl.
Расклад примерно fair/poor/unus

Еще время от времени два поляка (хамы,- в англ. смысле термина SP8ASA &
SP6... приблудились на 40м) (Владимир Титарев, Кременчуг, Украина - open_dx 971)

5960 Radio. Tikhiy Okean 0925-1001 Found open
carrier at 1025 , male opening in Russian at 0935
and ID. Female with long talk in Russian to male
closing with ID at 0959 to 1000. Carrier remained to
1001. ( 12/8 Rick Barton , AZ - CumbreDX 1345)

11510 Voice of Russia via Armenia, 8 Dec 2005, 18.56 UTC, English, quiz,
43433 (Eike Bierwirth, Leipzig, Germany - hard-core-dx 36, 10)

Радиостанция "ТИХИЙ ОКЕАН" 8 - 15 декабря 2005 года пробные передачи в направлении
северных районов Охотского и Беринговых морей на частоте 7330 кГц. 
Сигнал станции на частоте 7330 был принят в Петербурге и Финляндии

С целью организации подтверждения приема данной станции просьба рапорта по приему
на частотах 5960 и 7330 кГц и по возможности аудиозаписи сигнала направлять на
dx_monitor[dog]mail.ru чтобы появиться перед работниками радиостанции не с пустыми
руками. :)
Информационная страничка станции www.oceandx.narod.ru
(Роман Назаров, Приморье - open_dx 971)

Сан Томе
4960; VOA Relay; 0419; SIO-232; “News Now” program about 
Iraqi army recruitment and training, //9885 via Botswana. (Karl Racenis 03-DEC
05 - CumbreDX 1344)

3200 TWR Manzini 2028 Pop mx followed by TWR ID URL info. 
And signed off. Fair (Nobup Takeno Dec 3, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1346)

Северная Корея
Free North Korea Radio (from South Korea) started transmissions on 5880, 
scheduled 1500-1600, acc. to a well-informed source via Irkutsk-RUS. 
Website: http://www.freenk.net . More details at 
http://medianetwork.blogspot.com : "North Korean defectors' "Free NK Radio" 
broadcasts to North Korea". (Бернд Трутенау, Литва - dxldyg 643)

5890  "Shiokaze" Broadcast via Irkutsk (?)  Dec.4.05  1430-1459   
Noted with Piano Melody at s/on, opening talks in Japanese, followed 
with a program of talks. Did note @ 1440 hours , a partial list of 
names, such as Koyoto, Matsiyama . Signal gradually improved  from a 
fair to fair plus level, by the sign-off. At sign-off noted the Piano 
Melody as sign-off melody ( which was also played during the entire 
program in a very low keyed audio)  The Piano music went off the air at 
1459 then 20 seconds later another program came on, this time a Interval 
Signal similar to 'What a friend we have in Jesus',(played once)  into 
very short orchestra melody, followed  opening announcements but cut in 
mid -sentence ( carrier gone) at 15oo::20  Seems rather strange that 
another station came on....any one else notice this..... 
( Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1341)

5880 Free North Korea Radio via Irkutsk . Dec.9. 1532 -1600* Noted on 
this date with a marginal signal @ 1510 hrs., gradually the signal 
improved that by 1530 was quite audible with a fair signal. Noted with 
brief orchestra melody, then followed long interviews and speeches with 
the occasional musical break. Most of the talk was by female announcer, 
(in Korean) with guest speakers in the interviews. I did note that at 
1552 there was reference to the Seoul Summit, with speech to a audience 
afterwards. At 1559:30 there was a musical selection, closing comments 
but actuall ID that I could make out, speech/talk was cut in 
mid-sentance at sign-off. Initially the signal was marginal at best, 
gradually improved, to a periods of fairly good copy. Best heard on a 
3.1 meter amplified loop.
(Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1346)

Saludos cordiales, espero se encuentren bien, tras varios dias sin poder sintonizar
a Serbia y Montenegro por los 7200 e probado hoy por los 6100, en efecto estan
emitiendo por esta frecuencia en espanol. A falta de confirmar su continuidad
Serbia y Montenegro en espanol desde las 20:00-20:30 por 6100 en espanol.
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - dxldyg 643)

7200 SNBC, Omdurman, 0416-0421, December 05, Arabic,
talk by male, announcements by female. Perhaps a news programme,
23442 with jamming!!!! (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1343)

9369.75, 0000-, WJTC Dec 8 Thanks to the tip from Hans Johnson, tuned in at 23:45
to a S9 + 10 signal with religious programming, and then into Christmas carols.
 At 0000, full ID for both WJTC on 9370 and WBOH 5920.  At 00:12 the signal is
starting to deteriorate as dusk descends.  About S7.  Continues with Christmas
programming.  I then decided to check WBOH, and sure enough, they are in parallel
on 5919.91 with S5 to S6 signals. (Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - dxldyg 643)

5765;  WWCR;  1108;  SIO-444; Pastor Peters with diatribe 
imploring Christians to curse, complete with Scriptural references. 
Anger and hate goes with cursing. Longing for the “good old days” of 
fist fights like bulls. (appropriate reference for program description, 
ie. bull). (Karl Racenis 04-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

6030; R.Marti; 0430; SIO-222; woman talking in Spanish, ID.  
(Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

9370 WTJC Although they are back on the air, they are running
reduced power right now, about 10 kW.   Nice signal here in Florida
all the same. (Hans Johnson, Naples, Florida, Dec 7 - CumbreDX 1343) 

4319U AFN 2301-2315. AFN program. Weak signal just
at/above noise level, but definitely there. Appeared to be running
parallel to NPR news and All Things Considered program from strong Key
West signals on 5446.5U, 7811U, 12133.5U. Can't remember this
transmitter paralleling Key West in the past, but 4319U now appears as
Diego Garcia on AFN web page (see Harold Frodge's report earlier this
evening). Also noted especially good propagation to AIR Panaji on 9705.
First log of this station since 2001. (Jim Evans, TN, Dec 8 - CumbreDX 1345)

IN my QTH signal is S4, or 5.5 max , 22442 on 1755 Much QRM from 
a ute station . ID at 1756 reports followed. A (truncated) pop song on 
1805 withtalks by YL about entertainament news . Signal isclear from 
QRM after 1800. Best heared with 'PBT' at narrow. (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki,
Greece - hard-core-dx 36, 10)

5965 BBC Thailand 2138 News //3915 Singapore Good 
(Nobuo Takeno Dec 3, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1346)

4975.9; R.Uganda(?); 2059; SIO-232; Afropop music until 2100, 
then carrier only.  (Karl Racenis 02-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

5910; R.Ukraine Int’l; 0100; SIO-433; interval signal and ID 
in English, forum held in Kiev for Baltic, Black and Caucasian Sea 
countries by Ukrainian President Kirchenko. (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX

6185 FRANCE,   RFI to Romania DEC 3 2230-2300 - program about Christmas, samples
of French songs with female announcer in Romanian from the city of Avignon. Very
good peaks, fading; excellent just before 2300. First DX in Romanian in ages
! (Bogdan Chiochiu-Montreal, Quebec - CumbreDX 1341)

17515; RFI; 1430; SIO-344; “Network Europe” program about aids 
tests & treatments, new terrorism laws in Europe and their 
effectiveness.  (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

7430 Radio France Int. via Novosibirsk, 8 Dec 2005, 22.40 UTC, Mandarin,
parallel to 7315. Also no jamming heard. 54433. These two instead of
recently listed 12005 and 12045 (but 7315 and 7430 are correctly shown in
HFCC). (Eike Bierwirth, Leipzig, Germany - hard-core-dx 36, 10)
7315 Radio France Int. via Vladivostok, 8 Dec 2005, 22.38 UTC, Mandarin,
Interview about Taiwan and Falung Gong, french songs, ID, no jamming heard!,
parallel to 7430. 32322. (Eike Bierwirth, Leipzig, Germany - hard-core-dx 36,

6165; RN Tchadienne(?); 2145; SIO-311; faint talking in French 
but very noisy. (Karl Racenis 03-DEC - CumbreDX 1344)

6165 Radio Nationale Tchadienne, 7 Dec 2005, 21.45 UTC, French, nice african
music, news at 22.02, IDs and c/d at 22.24. From 43333 declining to 32322 in
the second half. (Eike Bierwirth, Leipzig, Germany - hard-core-dx 36, 10)

6090 Radio Esperanza, 2130-2136 CLT, 12-Nov; W Bible thumper
to Esperanza SID @2132 then EZL rlgs music. All in SS.
(Harold Frodge-Puerto Varras, Chile - CumbreDX 1345)

3219.8; HCJB(?); 1109; SIO-233; pop-rap music.  (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX

4909.2 Radio Chaski nice signal and modulation from 1014 until
1115 tune out. Religious format, mostly music, and almost all in 
Spanish. Male
announcer with a few ID's in passing and UTC-5 time checks. I believe 
this is
a reactivation, I don't recall any reports of this one for about six 
months. (Hans Johnson Dec 10, Ochopee, Florida - CumbreDX 1346)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005; R.Nacional (Bata);p 2108; SIO-333; mention of Malabo 
in language by man.  (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

6209.9;  R.Fana;  0335;  SIO-232; middle eastern music, then 
man talking in language at 0337 with mention of Iraq, //6940.  (Karl Racenis
04-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

3320; R.Sonder Grense; 0104; SIO-343; man talking in 
Afrikaans (news?), pop music at 0115+. (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX 1344)

3925; R.Nikkei; 1154; SIO-222; woman talking in Japanese, 
“Bye-bye” at 1158, then jingle, ID and time pips at 1200.  (Karl Racenis 03-DEC
05 - CumbreDX 1344)

17820; NHK; 2257; SIO-333; man talking in Japanese, woman with 
NKH ID at 2259, time pips at 2300, then off. (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX
Неофициальное Вещание

На Сенегал
17860 WADR-West Africa Democratic Radio, 1028-1035, December 03, French,
ann.: "Ici Africa", local instrument sound, annoucement & ID by male,
after, long talk in french by male, 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1343)


6925U, R. Free Euphoria, IDs by M and W at 1936 and 
1952.  Although I didn't spend a lot of time on it, pgming seemed 
political.  Very strong signal.  (3 Dec., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1341)

6269.69  UNID.  Carrier at 0611, sounded like there may have been mx.  Gone 
at 0614 check.  (4 Dec., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1341)

6285  LHH, Carrier finally showed up at 0617, and 6235 Monaco doing well at 
S-9.  LHH dropped back down though shortly after.  0853 finally enough 
audio to //4025.34 and 6219.06.  (4 Dec., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1341)

6306  R. Cassanova/Tower R., Just a little too weak at 0619, but definitely 
mx.  Dropped down a little at 0630, and almost strong enough to recognize 
mx at 0702.  0727 Definitely M anncr w/voice-over anmnt.  0728 GM 
Humperdinck-like song.  Suddenly very nice at 0729!!  0731 simple "R. 
Tower" ID.  Then "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" electronically which was 
repeated many times during the broadcast!!  Because of the high pitch, this 
was very easy to hear.  M w/ID for Tower and Cassanova and took a phone 
call.  0733 back to mx.  0734 nice ID w/freq 6295 kcs and phone # 
0031-651-858581.  0735 jingle/Pop song cut off, then lively GM 
song.  Another call at 0742.  M over mx at 0903 check.  Still readable by 
0915.  And still getting a signal with a little audio at 1000 back at 
home.  While I slept, I let the MD run on this with the receiver off-set 25 
hz in LSB to pick up the carrier tone.  Wanted to see how long the signal 
could be detected.  Last heard the carrier tone at 1124 and may have still 
be there at 1130!!!  Not bad for poor conditions.  (4 Dec., Dave Valko - CumbreDX

6270  Carrier here at 0629.  Gone at 0635 check.  (4 Dec., Dave Valko - CumbreDX

6304.75  A carrier showed up here just for a minute at 0658.  Wonder if 
someone was tuning up.  (4 Dec., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1341)

6264.83  Cupido R., Definitely mx at 0738.  Signal seemed strong enough but 
audio may have been a little weak.  Very slight peak at 0747.  Still in at 
0815, but no better.  (4 Dec.)  Thanks John at Orion R. for ID. (Dave Valko -
CumbreDX 1341)

6311.09  R. Underground, Just a weak carrier at 0751 and during subsequent 
checks at 0815, 0840, and 0852.  Never did get any audio.  (4 Dec.)  ID per 
Freewolf.  Thanks. (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1341)

6275  R. Borderhunter, 0756 w/Dance mx.  Wasn't there a few minutes earlier 
during tune through.  0759 an instru. new age-like song.  0800 ID over mx 
"Good morning everyone.  You're listening to R. Borderhunter".  0801 cont. 
tlk including freq, and the e-mail addr.  Another anmnt w/ID over mx at 
0823.  Strength about mid-way between Cassanova and Cupido R.  Gone at 0834 
check, so a short xmsn.  Hope nothing unfortunate happened to cause the 
short xmsn.  (4 Dec., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1341)

6265.96  R. Scotland Int., 0841:50 - 0845:45, Only M tlk over mx seemed to 
be giving phonetics.  Partial ID at 0843 mentioning Scotland.  Mention of 
"...07...in the Netherlands...".  Freq drifting down a bit.  0846 gone and 
then hrd carrier come on 6264.86 less than 25 seconds later.  Giviing 
Cupido a signal report, with Cupido answering??  (4 Dec., Dave Valko - CumbreDX

6264.86  Cupido R.??  0846 carrier came on after RSI went off (see 
above).  No audio detected.  And signal gone at 0856 check.  (4 Dec., Dave Valko
- CumbreDX 1341)

6925 USB; V.Captain Ron; 1403; SIO-243; rock music, ID, greetings to 
DX’ers with e-mail address, then more rock music. (Karl Racenis 03-DEC 05 - CumbreDX

For the third or fourth time this season, I was able to catch Radio Rumbos on
670 kHz. At 0340 UTC DEC 7, I noticed flutter on the Radio Rebelde pest and at
0341, heard two dorbells clearly through Rebelde, but the voice was almost inaudible.

Radio Rumbos was impossible to listen for real this season until now, but loggable.
What maked this station loggable were the dorbells. The dorbell sound interval
sound played between the news items really cut through the interferences like
a hot knife through butter, almost as easily as the Radio Reloj's morse code
"R R". If you are familiar with Radio Reloj and want to have a similar DX challenge,
you may want to try for Radio Rumbos in Caracas, DF, Venezuela.

It is sad though that they are only detectable as dorbells in QRM these days,
possibly because the Arroyo Arrenas's Cuban transmitter upped it's power. In
the 2000-2001 DX season, for exemple, they were fairly regular; not among the
strongest Latins, but somewhat close to them in regularity. Aside from the ever-famous
Noti Rumbos newscast, they played very great music on weekend nights (on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday evenings) and while I don't have the tapes of this anymore,
I still have some real-audio files
and you can hear a short clip on the LatinMWDX group site. I was also able in
March 2001 to pick up Rumbos on 570 kHz from Villa Cura in the Aragua state once
(they are a difficult catche in North America, extremely seldom reported), for
several seconds. 

Unfortunately they aren't on shortwave or the Internet anymore, so MW DXing is
the only way of nailing Rumbos down.

If you are into chassing Latin American MW signals, consider seriously joining
this great Yahoo ! Group. You will often receive instant alerts, have access
to lots of real-audio files of station IDs, songs intros, etc. and maybe other
things as well. It is absolutely free ! If you want to hear this and other interesting
ones, consider yourself almost obligated to join.

I have noted other Latin signals as well as very mediocre Spaniard audio on 585,
but this was by far the most interesting one. The strongest Venezuelan, on peak,
was YVNM-780 in Falc?n, not YVKS-750 like usually. But, Rumbos on 670 was by
far the most challenging and intriguing signal. The steadiest and strongest South
American, for slightly over 10 minutes, after 0030 UTC was RCN on 760 kHz.

The article on the purposes of DXing this Bolivarian land will be ready very
soon, especially after I have the confirmation I beated that damned cancer (the
scan wasn't completely ready even today). It will contain useful information
on most of the Venezuelans I heard and the ones I haven't heard yet, but I know
they are regular.

(Bogdan Chiochiu on Montreal's West Island - hard-core-dx 36, 7)

91,2 Эхо Москвы из Останкино, 5 кВт с 6 декабря

103,0 Авторадио

73,94 с 1 ноября отключена ретрансляция Свободы и VOA

107,0 Радио России / Россия - Санкт-Петербург с ноября

105,0 Авторадио с 6 ноября
104,0 Радио РСН с 3 декабря

96,3 Радио Скат с 20 июля
104,3 с октября отключена ночная ретрансляция Свободы

101,2 с октября отключена ночная ретрансляция Свободы
103,2 отключено

104,0 Русское радио

с ноября Дорожное радио:
101,5 Рязань
102,2 Скопин
102,8 Касимов

106,3 Радио 7 - На Семи Холмах с 5 ноября

107,4 план Европа+

Никольск (Пензенская)
106,1 Радио России

68,39 Юность
73,10 Радио России / Самарская ГТРК
100,9 Максимум-Самара
103,4 Шансон
103,8 Авторадио

70,73 Маяк
72,29 Радио России / ГТРК Татарстан
102,6 Радио Новый Век / Булгар FM
105,1 Радио Шансон
107,5 Динамит FM

Набережные Челны
66,23 Авторадио - Народная Марка
67,01 Маяк
67,79 Кунел
68,36 Формула ДА
69,32 Радио России / ГТРК Татарстан
69,71 Радио Ретро FM
73,52 Второе Дыхание
101,5 Авторадио - Народная Марка
101,9 Европа+
102,8 Радио 7 - Радио на Семи Холмах
103,6 Второе Дыхание
104,8 отключена
105,5 Радио Новый Век / Булгар FM
106,0 Хит FM
106,9 отключена

103,2 отключена

Моя Удмуртия http://www.trk18.ru
 98,6 Киясово
 98,9 Алнаши
 99,0 Каракулино
 99,1 Воткинск
 99,3 Вавож
 99,4 Сарапул
 99,5 Якшур-Бодья
 99,6 Малая Пурга
 99,7 Селты
 99,8 Ува
100,0 Грахово
100,1 Ижевск
101,2 Яр
101,5 Юкаменское
101,6 Дебёсы
102,0 Красногорское
102,1 Шаркан
102,1 Можга
102,3 Глазов
102,7 Игра
102,9 Кизнер
102,9 Камбарка
103,6 Сюмси
104,2 Балезино
104,8 Кез

Радио 7 - Радио на Семи Холмах
Белгородская область
101,4 Короча
102,7 Белгород
103,8 Прохоровка
104,4 Валуйки
105,2 Новый Оскол
106,0 Губкин
106,0 Красногвардейское

105,8 Радио 7 - Радио на Семи Холмах с 1 декабря

Кузбасс FM http://www.kuzbassfm.ru
69,38 Мыски
101,2 Ключевая
101,3 Ленинск-Кузнецкий
101,6 Анжеро-Судженск
101,8 Междуреченск
102,3 Кемерово
102,5 Гурьевск
103,0 Новокузнецк
103,6 Юрга
104,5 Белово

102,0 Радио РСН

104,0 Радио РСН

103,6 Пермский Экспресс с 25 ноября
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 967)

http://www.ilgradio.com/ipg/pi1117127797.htm?categoryId=1 - новый сервис от ILGRadio
Симпатичная QSL-галерея Филиппа Этчли, США:
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 971)

Сегодня (10 декабря 2005 г.) получил QSL-письмо от Olympia Radio (SVO),
подписаное I. Flitoyris (Manager of Olympia Radio), за рапорт о приёме их
SITOR-передачи 3/XI/2005 на
частоте 16830,5 кГц.
В подтверждении указаны, кроме даты, времени и частоты приёма, след. данные:
позывной передатчика (SVO6), модель и мощность передатчика (MARCONI, 8 кВт),
тип антены (TCI 540-2-04), род работы (F1B), QTH передатчика:
37 36' 11,7'' N
21 29' 11'' E

Указан также адрес для писем:
(Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск, Россия - open_dx 971)

9290 kHz, Radio Waves Int (Relay via Ulbroka), detailed 
computer generated QSL-letter with personal notes (incl. tx site), 
letter shows several fotos and texts, v/s Peter Hills/Philippe. Also 
contained a playlist and a CD. In 5 days for a report in English with 
1 USD to R Waves Int, Box 130, 92504 Rueil-Malmaison, 
Frankreich. The first non-pirate QSL since August .. Yes, RWI is a pirate, too,

but this time via a legal transmitter.
(M.Schoch, Germany - CumbreDX 1341)

Received a QSL today from Radio Hargeisa in the Republic of Somaliland 
(NASWA Country: Somali, Dem. Rep. - British) for reception on 29 November 
2005 on 7530 kHz. V/s: Baldur Drobnica. Card states that they run 10 kw into

a T-antenna.

Report was sent to their German postal address with $1. Card was mailed from

USA with a cover letter and the $1 was returned via an amateur radio operator

in Virginia. Apparently $1 is not enough for return postage from Germany and

the v/s sent my card along with his amateur radio QSL and then the Virginia
op forwarded my QSL.

My 217th NASWA Country verified.
(Steve Lare, Holland, MI, USA - dxldyg 649)

Николас Эрамо
Lat:34?34'49S  Long:58?32'26W
Villa Lynch
Prov. Buenos Aires

Icom  IC-R75, Kenwood R-2000, Sony ICF 2010
T2FD with balun 3.1
V Inverted 15 mts with balun 1.1
V Inverted 11 mts with balun 1.1
Longwire 15 metros

MFJ-959B Receiver Antenna Tuner/Preamplifier

Jerry Strawman
Des Moines, IA 
41.64 N 93.66 W
Loop-A/D Sloper

Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu
4190 Edward Higgins
H8Y 3M9
Pierrefonds (Montreal's West Island), Quebec, Canada
Sangean CST-818 with long-wire in our interior yard

Harold Frodge
Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts DXpedition, Brighton MI
Drake R8B + 65' TTFD, 2 x 500' unterminated LW's, NW-SE & N-S.

Jouko Huuskonen

Rx: AOR 7030+
Ant: a 95 m lw to E.
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

Nobuo Takeno
Yamagata Japan, NRD-535D with 10meters wire
Bogdan Chiochiu in Montreal with Sangean CST-818 and long-wire in our interior
Hans Johnson Ochopee, Florida
Drake R8, 150 m wire at 240 degrees about 3 m above the ground.

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