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WorldDX 46

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Короткие Волны

Currently experiencing decent-to-good reception of Radio Australia on
11880 in Calgary. The hour started with the news, followed by the
program Innovations on some kind of cancer treatment. There is a
slight jammer-like pulse detectable on the upper side band.
SINPO: 44434 using Sony 7600GR, 26-inch dipole with random wire
clipped to the tip, active antenna bypassed. No audible improvement
when active antenna is used.
(Ricky Leong, Calgary, Alta., CANADA - dxldyg 633)

6155 R. Austria Int., 21:55-22:00, escuchada el 9 de Noviembre en espa?ol con
sinton?a, locutora con ID y locutor con bolet?n de noticias, en paralelo por
5945. SINPO 44433. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 36,

15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arc?ngel 
San Gabriel, 1933-2030, 02-12, canciones 
espa?olas y sudamericanas, identificaciones por 
locutor: "Saludos a todos los que sintonizan la 
frecuencia de 15476 kHz., Radio Nacional Arc?ngel 
San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, Ant?rtida 
Argentina". "Desde la Base Esperanza, Ant?rtida 
Argentina, transmite LRA 36, Radio Nacional 
Arc?ngel San Gabriel, por la frecuencia de 15476 
kHz, banda de 19 metros, de lunes a viernes para 
el mundo". A partir de las 2030 se deterior? la 
se?al, volvi?ndose inaudible. 24322.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

6214 R. Baluarte ex I heard this ID on Nov 28 at top of the 
Hour: "Trasmite Radio Armonia en 100.7 mHz FM, Onda Corta 6215 kHz, Foz 
de Iguazu, Misiones, Argentina, la radio que esta con vos". The ID 
seems to indicate that the Baluarte name has gone. Much better audio 
now from them. (Nigro in Dxplorer via Hans Johnson, Naples, Florida - CumbreDX

9965 Voz de Armenia, 19:40-19:45, escuchada el 24 de Noviembre en ingles a locutora
con noticias y segmento de m?sica folkl?rica. 44332 (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия,
Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 2)

9875 Radio Solh, 16:02-16:10, escuchada el 28 de Nov en afgano a locutor
con frecuencias e ID, segmento de m?sica folklorica y canto del Cor?n,
SINPO 34232. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 1)

9970 RTBF International, 19:27-19:35, escuchada el 25 de Noviembre en franc?s
a locutor con comentarios presentando temas musicales  infantiles francesas y
espa?ola, entrevista a invitado. SINPO 54443
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 2)

5025, Radiodiffusion TV du Benin, 
2120-2133, 02-12, canciones africanas, canciones 
en franc?s, locutor, franc?s, identificaci?n: 
"Radiodiffusion et Television du Benin".34333.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

9400 R. Bulgaria, 22:00-22:04, escuchada el 9 de Noviembre en espa?ol a locutor
y locutora con horarios y frecuencias, locutora con bolet?n de noticias. SINPO
9400 Radio Bulgaria, 22:00-22:05, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en espa?ol a locutor
y locutora con horarios y frecuencias, m?sica de sinton?a y bolet?n de noticias.
SINPO 55544. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 2)

4409.73, BOLIVIA, (P)R.Eco, 2328-2335+, Nov.30,
Spanish, Nice ballads and easy-listening mx. YL at
2335 when suddenly buried under static. Music resumed
but signal never fully recovered. (Scott Barbour-NH, usa - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

R. Pio XII [Doce], 5952.47, 1000-1020+ Nov 25, Spanish talk, ID,
ads, jingles, OA folk music [not CP?]. Fair level but poor reception due to
splatter form 5950 WYFR (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxldyg 637)

4885  Bata on 0625 still audible!  songs S2 (Захариас Лиангас, 27/11/05, Салоники,
Греция - CumbreDX 1334)
4985 RNB 0625  also still audible 0626  ,old songs S3
(Захариас Лиангас, Салоники, Греция (27/11/05) - CumbreDX 1334)

4754.5, Radio Educa?ao Rural, Campo Grande, 
0641-0648, 03-12, portugu?s, religioso, lectura 
del Rosario, comentarios. 24322. 
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

4885, Radio Clube do Par?, Bel?m, 2147-2155, 
02-12, portugu?s, locutor, comentarios de f?tbol. 24322.
4985, Radio Brasil Central, 2135-2138, 02-12, "A Voz do Brasil". 24322.
5035, Radio Aparecida, 0706-0712, 03-12, 
portugu?s, canciones religiosas. 24322.
5045, Radio Guaruj? Paulista, 0649-0701, locutor, 
portugu?s, canciones brasile?as, comentarios, menciona "Guaruj?". 24322.
9665, Radio Marumbuy, 2200-2210, 02-12, locutor, portugu?s, comentarios. 23222.
11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2105-2109, 
02-12, programa "A Voz do Brasil". 22222. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx
36, 4)
11925, Radio Bandeiranates, 2105-2109, 02-12, 
portugu?s, locutor, comentario partidos de f?tbol 
de los equipos brasile?os. 33333. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx
36, 4)

5035.5, BRAZIL, R.Aparecida, 2216-2234, Nov.30,
Portuguese, Ballads, ad/promo strings and ID jingles.
Fair/poor as was // 6134.8 (Scott Barbour-NH, usa - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

5045, BRAZIL, R.Guarja Paulista, 2235-2247, Nov.30,
Portuguese. PT music, ad/strings and "Guarja Paulista"
IDs. Fair/poor. (Scott Barbour-NH, usa - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

Буркина Фасо
5030 BURKINA FASO,    Radio Burkina, Ouagadougou NOV 26 2338 - con una
superba cancion en el estilo Guadelupeano zouk-love y otra musica
soukous, zouk y kompas, entre otra una cancion africana de R&B, DJ en
frances. La recepcion esta bastante con "fadings" y la comprensibilidad
esta m=E1s o menos buena. Imno nacional termino esa programacion a 2357.
A1 La mejor recepcion en onda corta en las ultimas semanas ! Tambien
tenido se=F1ales pobres desde Ghana y Brasil en los 4915 kHz a la 2335,
2 minutos ante el trabajo en matematicas, y no recepci=F3n sobre Guinea
Ecuatorial-5005. BF Es inactive ? (Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu-Quebec, Canada -
CumbreDX 1334)

5030 BURKINA FASO,   RCB, Ouagadougou NOV 28 2012 - FF announcer w/ soukous,
African reagge and Haitian kompas (Guadelupean zouk and Haitian kompas are popular
in Africa, probably because they have African roots like most of the Afro-Caribbean
musical styles). Aside from the music presentations, he mentionated "RBC" or
maybe "RBV" (anyway it was err, ? eh ? eh, r and two consons ending in ? which
should be familiar for anyone knowing some French). So, they are not IDing as
"Radio Burkina" anymore. I don't remember
what ID I heard from these guys in New Brunswick in the 2003 summer. Listened
to this while doing a grammatical homework on French (the perfect combination,
hi!). Decent reception, SIO 352-3 and improoving. If I could just get African
signals on MW, at least Guinea-1385.9... 
(Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu-Quebec, Canada - hard-core-dx 36, 2)

4939.7, VENEZUELA, R.Amazonas, 0113-0121, Nov.29,
Spanish, Music w/ OM b/w selections. ID at 0120. Poor.
(Scott Barbour-NH, usa - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

R. Amazonas, 4939.66, 0130-0324* Nov 26, Spanish talk, IDs, LA
music. Futbol play-by-play coverage. Sign-off with NA; fair (Brian Alexander,
Mechanicsburg PA, dxldyg 637) 

3340, HRMI, La Voz de Misiones Internacionales, 
Comayag?ela, 0528-0601, 03-12, canciones 
religiosas, comentarios, locutor y locutora. A 
las 0600, Identificacion:"Radio Misiones, P.O. 
Box...". Cierre de la emisi?n. Se?al muy d?bil. 14221.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

4819.2, HRVC, La Voz Evang?lica, Tegucigalpa, 
0644-0720, 03-12, locutor, comentarios y 
canciones religiosas. Identificaci?n: "La Voz 
Evang?lica". ?ltimamente esta emisora se escucha 
m?s d?bil que hace un mes, parece como si 
estuviera saliendo al aire con menos potencia de 
la habitual. 24322 variando a 14321.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

3340, HONDURAS, HRMI, 0340-0405, Nov.29, Spanish,
Ballads w/ OM b/w selections. Full ID at 0404. Booming
signal, best reception from this station in a long
time. (Scott Barbour-NH, usa - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

4780 Djibuti? 1512 man with news in Arabic S9 , 44434 Also 1535 on 
30 with  arabic pop songs and excellent modulation and S9 45534 till 
1545?  New tune in 1548 QRMed  by Mossad CIO on its upper side   
(Захариас Лиангас, 01\12\05, Салоники, Греция - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

15785 Galei Zahal 1440, Talk in Hebrew, local music, ID at 1459 
(Nov. 27)(Стив Джордж, Массачусеттс, сша - CumbreDX 1334)

From 28th Nov 2005 AIR has started test transmission on 9425 carrying FM
Rainbow programs during 0130-0530 & 0930-1230 UT. 9425 kHz is carrying National
Channel Programmes during 1320-0040. AIR wants reception reports from various
parts of the country. QSL will be issued immediately on this monitoring
(Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, Nov 29, dx_india via DXLD 633 via Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma)

4840, INDIA, AIR Mumbai, 2353-0005, Nov.29,
Vernacular, IS at t/in, choral-like music, brief OM
then Hindi mx thru t/out. Poor w/ 4845-Mauritaine
splatter. (Scott Barbour-NH, usa - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

15149.82, V. of Indonesia,
2045 24 Nov. Pop mx and English
announcements. Poor due to high level of
white noise. First reception in many weeks.
(Jerry Strawman-IA, Des Moines, usa - CumbreDX 1334).

4925 RRI Jambi 2207 with news in IND . 2211 a  hymn , ID by 
YL  then quranic verses at 2230  with analysis of Quran 2239 acapella  
quranic chants  together  with explanations S3 22232 (Liangas 24 Thessaloniki
Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

11690 R. Jord?n, 14:10-14:20, escuchada el 28 de Nov en ingles a 
locutor con cu?a de ID " Radio Jordan", programa de m?sica de discoteca
de los a?os 90, SINPO 55433. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx
36, 1)

11530 Dengue Mesopotamia, 14:51-15:00, escuchada el 28 de Nov en kurdo
a locutora con comentarios en programa de m?sica folklorica local,
SINPO 34322. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 1)

9779.5 Republic of Yemen Radio 1815, English program, usual features 
plus western-style pop music, ID 1825 (Nov. 27)
(Стив Джордж, Массачусеттс, сша - CumbreDX 1334)


6030 R Maranatha? 1542  with turkic like songs followed by 
talks. Though  signal is fair S9  there is just a  very low modulation and 
some QRM frm same and  nearby stations  that makes 
listening much more  difficult , i had to tune the PBT to maximum 
filtering Also tried 15234, 2.12  with again low modulation
(Захариас Лиангас, 01\12\05, Салоники, Греция - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

4500 Xinjiang PBS Urumqi  as early as  1451  with nice lively 
organic music. ID at 1452 talks by OM in Mongolian , reading a text. at 
1456, advert at 1457,with music background of 'yesterday   ' till ToH  
with tones. YL with news. short QRM on 1500 from a  Russian 
amateur? with  numbers  S8 35423 (Захариас Лиангас, 24/11/05, Салоники, Греция
- CumbreDX 1334)

6950 CNR 1 Xijiangzhuang 2146 //4800 with  reports and news 
 . QRM from 6948 ARQ-E signal. max S3, 23332 
(Захариас Лиангас, 24/11/05, Салоники, Греция - CumbreDX 1334)

5240 Xizang PBS 2136 with Tibetan pop songs played with 
electric piano Songs interrupted by short descriptions by YL . S8 43433  
QRM S5 carrier on 5243.4 (Liangas  24 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

9605, Chinese Business Radio, (pres) 1115-1130  Noted Chinese
comments from a woman here.   This is supposively a transmission meant to interfer
with the BBC's Mandarin
Service from Japan.  I checked other frequencies used by the BBC for their Mandarin
broadcast just to see if
there was a parallel Chinese broadcast on them too.  On 7330 kHz where BBC is
suppose to be broadcasting Mandarin
now, there  was a weak signal that sounded like China.  All the other frequencies
listed for BBC's
Mandarin service were too high for this early; even so, I could hear the BBC
on 11945 with a weak signal.
There was a second station there, but couldn't make out if it was Chinese or
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, November 28, 2005 - CumbreDX 1334)

4905, Xizang PBS, Lasha, Tibet, 2138-2146, 
02-12, bonitas canciones tibetanas, locutora, 
comentarios, tibetano. 35333. Tambi?n por 4920 con id?ntica se?al: 35333.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

6937 Yunnan PBS 1420  talks by YL , Chinese type  music , talks 
by man , again short music interval After 1430 signal dropped by  
volume over a S2 signal Захариас Лиангас, 01/12/05, Салоники, Греция - hard-core-dx
36, 4)

4940, Voice of Strait (presumed), Dec 3 (Sat.), 1408-1534,
programming in Chinese. Was looking for their show in English, “Focus on
China,” which is scheduled from 1430-1500, on Sat. & Sun., but it was not
on. (Рон Говард, Монтерей, Канада - dxldyg 638)

9640 R. Int. de China, 22:00-22:15, escuchada el 13 de Noviembre en espa?ol a
locutora con presentaci?n y bolet?n de noticias, emitiendo en paralelo por las
frecuencias de 7210 y 7250. SINPO 55544 (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания
- hard-core-dx 36, 2)

9745 R. Int de China, 19:37-19:40, escuchada el 24 de Noviembre en esperanto
a locutor con noticias. SINPO 34322. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания -
hard-core-dx 36, 2)

Сегодня ночью около 0200-0225 очень отчетливо их слышал R.Lider из
Колумбии (особенно на LSB, т.к. на USB мешала Нем.Волна).
Передавались новости, затем музыка вперемешку с тлф разговорами.
По моим измерениям сдвиг частоты от номинала около -200 Гц.
В 0225 на частоте включился Иран очевидно с программой на фарси и
приглушил Колумбию. Наблюдалась помеха в виде гудежа 200Гц.
Но в ИЛГе за А05 указано время Р.Лидер (а в bib05 Р.Мелодия)
0800-0300, т.е. еще до начала трансляций Р.Свобода в 0400.
Может Лидер теперь работает круглосуточно?
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 959)

5910, Marfil Estereo, 0755-0810, 03-12, canciones 
colombianas, identificaci?n: "Marfil Estereo 88.8". 24322.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

6139,8, Radio Lider, 2250-2303, 02-12, noticias y 
comentarios, identificaci?n: "Radio Lider, 730 
AM". "Estos son los principales titulares de las 
noticias de Colombia y el mundo". "Lider, la informaci?n". 24322.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

 La Voz del Guaviare, 6035.02, 1040-1110+ Nov 25, ad string,
jingles, Spanish talk, ID, 1100 NA. Fair but some adjacent channel splatter
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxldyg 637)

5054.6, Faro del Caribe, 0618-0750, 
03-12, canciones religiosas, comentarios, 
locutor: "Mois?s recibi? ?rdenes directas de 
Dios". "Jesucristo es el enviado de Dios". A las 
0640, canciones caribe?as y el comentario "Para 
que Vd. tenga conocimiento de la palabra de 
Dios". "Desde este rinconcito de Am?rica, una 
cancioncita para tu coraz?n". 24322. Parece que 
Faro del Caribe ya solucion? sus problemas de 
modulaci?n. Hoy se?al clara y perfectamente audible.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

5025 Rebelde 0627 , lively songs , IS clip and songs continue  
34343 S7 max . Best LA signal  for the time (Liangas  27 Thessaloniki Greece
- CumbreDX1334)

5025, Radio Rebelde, 0900-0940, 03-12, 
"Rebelde, La Habana, emisora de la revoluci?n, 
comienza el d?a, la hora en Haciendo Radio, las 
cinco de la ma?ana". "Desde ahora, y hasta las 9 
de la ma?ana, Haciendo Radio, este es el mayor 
informativo de la radio cubana". Titulares de las noticias. 35333.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

5470 R Veritas , 2202  , man with national news  S7 34223 
(Liangas  26 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

4760 ELWA 2143 plays of old songs , self adverts with adress 
in NIgeria or Liberia ,( not heard clearly) on 2225 24322 S5 (Liangas  
24 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

15295  VoM 1045 Chinese song , woman over a Malay 
ballad  with talks in Chinese , several mentions of Malaysia , 1053 old 
Malay song joget style . S7 max , 32433 even on LSB mode (Liangas  
26 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

7130, Sarawak FM (RMT), Dec 3, 1458-1530, in language, pop
songs, news, several “Sarawak FM” singing jingles, // 5030, both
poor-fair/QRM from CRN1, also on both frequencies.
(Рон Говард, Монтерей, Канада - dxldyg 638)

6009.94, R. Mil, 1252 24 Nov.
Nx format taking phone calls. 10/S9
signal (Jerry Strawman-IA, Des Moines, usa - CumbreDX 1334)

2390 Radio Huayacocotla 0010, Mariachi-type music, male announcer in 
Spanish reading list of people's names, casual but clear ID 0013 (Nov. 26)
(Стив Джордж, Массачусеттс, сша - CumbreDX 1334)

6010, Radio Mil, 0825.0920, 03-12, Canciones en 
espa?ol y m?ltiples identificaciones entre 
canciones por locutor: "Con Radio Mil", 
"Acomp??enos". "2, 34". Anuncio por locutora, 
canciones "Pajaritos" y "Amigo m?o, me enamor?". 
"Radio Mil, 2, 47". A las 0858 completa 
identificaci?n por locutor: "Radio Mil, 1000 AM, 
50.000 watts de potencia y onda corta, banda 
internacional de 49 metros, 6010 kHz.". "Todas 
las ma?anas para llegar hasta t?". "Radio Mil, 
3,15". 24322. Hoy apenas  hab?a interferencia de 
La Voz de tu Conciencia y en durante la escucha 
Radio Mil estaba siempre por encima de la colombiana.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

6185, Radio Educaci?n, 0757-0820, 03-12, 
canciones folk y country en ingl?s. 
Identificaci?n: "Radio Educaci?n, 1060 AM". 34333.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

5880 from Russia  1457 with carrier at S5 . Clear at 1500 on 
LSB  due to strong QRM in USB from oprators  for just 15 secs untill a 
FSK signal (FDM?) wipes out Lower side.  
Heard just piano music and man talking in apprently korean 
(Liangas 27 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

15140 R. Oman, 14:28-14:32, escuchada el 28 de Nov en ?rabe a locutor
y locutora con comentarios, SINPO 45433
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 1)

4955  R cultural Amauta (?)Huanta 2217  local type stringed 
music , illegible talks by YL  followed by another stringed melody and 
again talks by same YL . Lang seems not Spanish At 2145 language is 
clearly Spanish  followed by harpsichord  type play(a song). 24222 
(Liangas  24 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

4950, Radio Madre de Dios, 2304-2310, 
02-12, locutor, espa?ol, religioso, lectura del 
Rosario: "Dios te salve Mar?a... segundo misterio". 24322.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

R. Maranon, Jaen, 4835.46, 1020-1035+ Nov 25, Spanish talk, ID, ads,
jingles, OA folk music; weak in quiet conditions (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg
PA, dxldyg 637)

Северная Корея
6250 Pyongyang Pangsong  2120  with operas //6398,8 till 
2130 . Afterwards with YL with news Fair signal for both  though 6250 is 
QRMed  in the upper band from a FSK  signal  (Liangas  24 
Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

6000 City sounds 1437 , talks by YL/OM songs adverts, phone 
ins  . S7 , Best using AM-N 33333 (Liangas  24 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX

11600 R.Eslovaquia, 15:30-15:58, escuchada el 29 de Nov en espa?ol,
locutor y locutora con horarios y frecuencias, bolet?n de noticias,
"El tema del d?a" y programa sobre ecologia con entrevista, SINPO
55444.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 1)

7520 WHRI  0925  religious talks, with a child. Another show on 
0928 show  with Chris, short song interval YL talking addresses etc  
with phone number: 0157429101010 Indiana 0947 with chant  at,  max 
S1 , 14332 (Liangas  27 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

5446.5 (USB), AFRTS-Florida (presumed), Dec 2, 1032-1110, “Sports
Overnight” with phone-in program, NPR news, // 7811 (USB), both fair.
(Рон Говард, Монтерей, Канада - dxldyg 638)

15665 WHRA Greenbush, 14:40-14:45, escuchada el 28 de Nov en ingles a
locutoras con comentarios, entrevista a invitado y m?sica folk, SINPO
55444. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 1)

7115, THAILAND, R.Thailand, 1147-1202, Nov.28,
Vernacular, YL w/ talks and music. IS and RTWS ID in
English then into different language service.
Poor.(Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

9535 R. Thailand, 20:24-20:48, escuchada el 29 de Nov en programa de 
m?sica folklorica local asiatica y canciones mel?dicas interpretadas
por piano, SINPO 44433. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx
36, 1)

11735, R. Zanzibar, 1715 27
Nov. Incresing to S5 by 1730. Wide variety
of mx styles, including High Life, Horn of Africa,
and Rap (Jerry Strawman-IA, Des Moines - CumbreDX 1334)

11735.0 Radio Tanzania Zanzibar 1840 Hilife music, talk in 
presumed Swahili, mentions of "Tanzania" and "Zanzibar" at 1900, into news 
with items from Baghdad, Dakar, Zanzibar, and Kampala.
(Стив Джордж, Массачусеттс, сша - CumbreDX 1334)

11735    news in English  read by OM , theme on Ukraine 
on 1808 and on china.  1816 prg in Islam with ID R Tanzania Zanzibar 
and talks in  local language   1837 religious talks by young boy possibly 
Islamic  though Myriam's name is also mentioned  followed by chants    
, 44433 S9 (Захариас Лианггас, 02/12/05, Салоники, Греция - hard-core-dx 36,

9780 Voz de Turqu?a, 17:30- 17:54 escuchada el 30 de noviembre en
espa?ol a locutora con ID "Esta es la Voz de Turqu?a", los espacios
"Noticias", "La prensa en breve", "La prensa extranjera en breve" y
"La identidad en Irak", retransmisi?n sobre modulada y acompa?ada por
un fuerte zumbido, SINPO 45343. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx
36, 2)

11600 R.Praga, 15:00-15:27, escuchada el 30 de Nov en espa?ol a locutor
y locutora con bolet?n de noticias y programas deportivo, cultural e
historico, horarios y frecuencias, ID, SINPO 55433. 
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 1)

3279.6, La Voz del Napo, 0524-0805, 
03-12, lectura del Rosario, canciones religiosas 
y locutor presentado las canciones, locutora, 
comentario "La ense?anza del catolicismo", "La 
doctrina recibida de la iglesia", identificaci?n: 
"Radio Maria, dos cuarenta y nueve minutos". "Son 
las tres de la ma?ana, les acompa?a Radio Maria". 24322
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005.0 Radio Nacional, Bata. Nonstop Afropops 
2210-2250, abruptly into familiar anthem, with no ID heard, at 2250.  (Nov. 26)
(Стив Джордж, Массачусеттс, сша - CumbreDX 1334)

5005, EQ.GUINEA, R Bata, 2154-2210, Nov.30, Spanish, ,
Nice mix of SP ballads and native Hilife music. OM w/
talks, ID in passing. Good. (Scott Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 36, 4)
Vatican radio для Северной Америки на 13750 кГц, мультимедиа Немецкой волны на
7265 кГц, и еще добавил на сайте логфилы приемного сигнала DRMCalc и аудио фрагмент
цифровой передачи Маяка на частоте 6060 кГц, записанные в Каунасе. (Владимир
Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 958)
Неофициальное вещание

На Камерун
R. Free Southern Cameroon, via Russia, 12130, 1825-1900* Nov
27. Tune-in to continuous English talk about freedom in southern Cameroon. 1857
lite instrumental music. Weak but readable (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA,
dxldyg 637) Sundays only

На Судан
15575 SRS 1530 :a song  You are listening to SRS , listen to 
Sudan with ... Elizabeth ... Eribil Sudan Twatsabeta Sudan .. in 
Cukudum, Refs to  education. Again short prog description with ID 
Elizabeth  etc,  Strong signal S20-30  Nothing on 11665 (Захариас Liangas 24
Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

8000 V of Sudan 1535 with tribal? drum  songs , OM in arabic 
"seideti .. Sudan" and many mentions  Nice modulation S1 only 22532 
(Захариас Лиангас, 01/12/05, Салоники, Греция - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

На Сенегал 1200 WADR 09??,  a political commentary  followed by Spanish 
like  song  about orthodoxy ID  WADR  transmitting from Dakar  on 
12000 and 17860 ,  a  speech of Mr Mashari Said with mentions abot 
national anthem  S9 43444 (Liangas  26 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

WADR было принято сегодня на 17860 1000 utc с программой на французском языке!
Качество приема было отличным! (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)

На Корею 5890  Shiokaze 1426  with music followed by talks in Korean 
over it  from man after 1430. Buzzing  audio , QRM from both sides 
22232 max S7 (Liangas  25 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

5890 `Shiokaze' today on 1445  with  talks in Japanese instead of 
Corean . Piano background . S7  max  (Liangas 27 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX

5801.22 kHz:
I have been listening almost two hours, 01 -0300
UTC, to non stop LA music without ny talk/ID. Can
it be the only(?) existing Colombian shortwave
pirate "Radio Juventud"?  I haven?t logged them
for several years, a station very difficult to
ID. Still on air when I left my radio some
minutes ago.
(Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador - CumbreDX 1334)

9290 European Music Radio 1501, Rock music, English-accented 
announcer, ments. of "Radio Valentine," but ID as "European Music Radio, 
from Latvia to the world" at 1507. (Nov. 27)
(Стив Джордж, Массачусеттс, сша - CumbreDX 1334)

9290 EMR - Radio 6,  0906  mailbag , reception reports from  
Portugal- for first time-  , Sweden . China! followed with country song 
Phone in with Greg a musician .man gave address  POB 600  in 
Scotland Signal 45544
On 27, with RWI prg with songs on  0833 signal is S9+10,  45534. 
(Liangas  26 Thessaloniki Greece - CumbreDX 1334)

6925, WHYP, 2115 25 Nov. Very
good audio. Gave Belfast, NY mail address
and email addy of whypradio@gmail.com.
Pulled tx plug at 2117. 10/S9 signal
(Jerry Strawman-IA, Des Moines, usa - CumbreDX 1334).

1170 Belaruskaye Radio 1, 22:00-22:05, escuchada el 27 de Nov en bielorruso a
locutora con ID "Radio Belaruskye", programa de m?sica pop mel?dica, SINPO 43343
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 2)

I went to a Romanian restaurant in Sainte-Ad?le, 76 kilometers from Montreal,
in the Laurentians (Laurentides) region. The food was excellent, extremely good.

En route, when we returned I was able to pick up WWRL-1600 a nice domestic catche
I'm unable to pick up in Pierrefonds-Est anymore since CFAV started using 1570
kHz. They were mixing with WUNR, but 17 kilometers north of Saint-J?r?me, they
rosed atop, excellent peaks with soca music (during the last soca tune the DJ
sayed over the middle of it on 4 or 5 occasions "six hundred"), but also two
great reagge songs including an excellent tune by Shaba (a Jamaican singer).

Starting in Mirabel, they begun slowly suffering more and more from side-band
splatter and in the Rivi?res-des-Milles-?les, they were totally useless and the
1570 local splatter was extremely tiring.
(Богдан Чиочиу, Монреаль, Канада - hard-core-dx 36, 4)

1404 0830 France : Two stations, France Info and Radio Blue equally good att
the same time, so I couldn't tell
what station was airing what. But one of them had news from Ajaccio, Corsica
and "Radio Corsa
Frequenza Mora" was mentioned - as the source, perhaps. Acccording to the European-African

Medium Wave Guide, the Ajaccio station does not carry local programs at this
hour. To add to
the confusion  I felt, two Romanian stations took over, and when I managed to
phase them out 
I heard just France Info. (Johan Berglund, Trollh?ttan, Sweden - hard-core-dx
35, 27)

765 Radio Suisse Romande O.M., 21:40-21:45, escuchada el 27 de Nov en
frances conprograma de m?sica pop francesa e internacional de los a?os
80, SINPO 44242. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 36, 1)


4631.4 ---: UNID 2001 COQ/8 26.7/E/200 Weak, poor decode thru 2014z.
         Unestablished alphabet or encrypted? (26/Nov)(DW)
  4899.0 P: CISN KALININGRAD 1449 CW Single letter [P] hf beacon
         (26/Nov)(Day Watson, Clevedon, UK - wun 19, 47)

3810   HD2IOA: Guayaquil TS, EQA 0735 AM/LSB only. Beeps, time
        announced in Spanish at end of every minute (27Nov05)(KB)
10000   BPM: Xian TS 1259 AM Morse and voice id (26Nov05)(KB)
11453.4 IMB33: Rome Meteo 1340 RTTY 50/850 upper-air reports
        from Turkey (27Nov05) (KB)
15000   BPM: Xian TS 0850 AM ticks and beeps. 2-way propagation,
        pulses spaced @90 ms. 0859 id, 0904 off air (27Nov05)(KB)
(Klauss Betke, Germany - wun 19, 47)

4928  8PNX:M89 1300 27Nov05 CW
3775  ZJL4:unid 1305 27Nov05 CW
transmitting 5-15 & 35-45 mins
3846  8PNX:M89 1349 27Nov05 CW
4071.5  :M21   1421 27Nov05 CW
5065  9MB13:Malaysia 1439 27Nov05 CW
4860  NYZ:unid 1920 27Nov05 CW
also good copy on, 6840 khz
(Attu Bosch, Alaska - wun 19, 47)

6676.0 9VA40 : Singapore volmet SNG 17:22 J3E/USB robot voice with METAR
observations (27Nov) (PPA)
(Peter Poelstra - wun 19, 47)

URL (Sevastopol radio), 0925, 17147, CW, "CQ DE URL ANS 12458.5/16658.5 PSE K".
UDB (Holmsk Radio), 1100, 6316, CW+SITOR,  "DE UDB2".
HEB (Bern Radio), 0150, 6368, CW+SITOR, "CQ DE HEB 02". 
HEB (Bern Radio), 1035, 12687, CW+SITOR, "CQ DE HEB 23".
UDK (Murmansk Radio), 0933, 12585, CW+SITOR, "DE UDK2".
UNID, 0935, 12587, CW+SITOR, "3756".
VRX (Hong Kong Radio), 1120, 8421, CW+SITOR, "VRX".
A9M (Hamala Radio), 0927, 12594, CW+SITOR, "DE A9M TLX".
(Владимир Рожков, Канск, Россия - wun 19, 47)

4280 UNID, 1510, CW, "CQ DE DEV UP196 EE" (Germany?)
(Владимир Рожков, Канск, Россия - wun 20, 4)

12589 cw, 1100 utc - был принят сигнал в телеграфном режиме. Очень громкий сигнал
через шведский dx-tuner, расположенный в городе Скуруп. Также был принят сигнал
с окончанием речевой передачи на частоте 16871 khz.(Иван Лебедевский, г.Пушкин,

http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/thesecretsiteofmike/index.html - сайт Майка
http://www.radiomarine.org/ - Maritime Radio Historical Society
http://www.spynumbers.com/USSWbeacon.html - SpyNumbers
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/doctortimde - очень интересный бюллетень для тех,
кто интересуется новостями свободного радиоэфира!!!Рекомендую подписаться!
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rusfant - конференция, посвященная русской и зарубежной

Также сегодня получил заказное письмо из Ботсваны от Томаса Пауэла с
VOA, однако подтверждения приёма там не оказалось. Кстати, это письмо и ещё письмо
от R. Netherlands были надорваны. Видимо, кому-то было
интересно, нет ли там чего кроме бумажек.
(Андрей Мамаев, Киров - open_dx 959)

VOV Ha Noi, 9550, large card shows map of Vietnam, with all necessary QSL confirmation
details shown. A nice colored postcard showing the Tran Quoc Pagoda, Ha Noi,
accompanied the reply.
(Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia - CumbreDX 1335)

4810 XERTA Radio Transcontinental de America, Plaza San Juan No. 5, Int. =
2, Col. Centro, Mexico D.F.,
C.P. 06050, Mexico.
Very nice QSL card with many small flags in the front. Not V/S.
Station information and short personal letter.
Delay: 37 days
(Arnaldo Slaen, Buenos Aires, Argentina - CumbreDX 1334)

 Удалось cегодня получить QSL от английской редакции Голоса Монголии.
Отличного качества карточка Visit Mongolia 2003, грамотно заполнена.
Рапорт отправлял по обычной почте, ответ пришёл через месяц. Оперативно.
Также посылал письмо на русском языке с просьбой передать в русскую
редакцию, что в России слышны все (ну, не все, конечно,:))) редакции
Голоса Монголии кроме русской :((. И с этим что-то надо делать. В
ответном письме английской секции сказано, что письмо передали. 
         Кстати, в письме указан электронный адрес:  mr собака
Также в своём письме Mail Editor указал свой адрес:
     densmaa9 собака yahoo.com      
Наверно, туда тоже можно слать рапорты с деталями программы. 
(Андрей Мамаев - open_dx 959)

Новая Зеландия
Received from R. New Zealand International an E- QSL card for a broadcast
on 20 November 2005, 15720 Khz, 758 -759 UTC in English, SINPO 34433. Received
in 8 days via e mail for a web form report. Station Address: Radio New Zealand
International, P O Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand. <http://www.rnzi.com/pages/qsl_web.php>
(Нино Марабелло, Тревисто, Италия - hard-core-dx 36, 2)

Как раз сегодня получил QSL от русской редакции Радио Япония.
Симпатичная карточка, но без штампа NHK, с подписью иероглифами, видимо,
от этого самого Коно. Отправил им письмо по электропочте примерно 1
сентября. Значит срок ожидания - порядка 3-х месяцев. 
(Андрей Мамаев - open_dx 959)

На сайте "Голоса далеких стран" опубликована обновленная редакция (от 
30 ноября) сводного расписания русскоязычных передач, подготовленного 
Василием Гуляевым.

Прямая ссылка:
http://dxsignal.info/read/Sked_russ B05.pdf
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 961)

На сайте справочника WRTH в разделе  Sample Pages http://www.wrth.com/samples.html
Можно посмотреть несколько страниц справочника, следующие разделы National Radio,
International Radio, Frequency List, Reference. (Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь,
Украина - open_dx 961)

На сайте Эйке из Германии появилось свежее частотное распмсание на сезон B05:
http://www.susi-und-strolch.de/eibi/dx/freq-b05.zip (Иван Лебедевский, редактор)
Из истории радиовещания...

The SABC - 70 Years of broadcasting

By: Gab Mampone
There are few mediums other than radio that have done more to advance the
concept of the global village over the last 100 years.
From the wireless telegraph invented by the father of radio, Guglielmo
Marconi, at the beginning of the 20th century, major technological and
scientific developments have today entrenched radio firmly in the space age,
with extraterrestrial satellite transmissions, Digital Audio Broadcasting
(DAB), Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM), web casting, as well as broadcasting to
visual radio instead of traditional FM (Frequency Modulation) broadcasting.

Historical firsts and the origins of the SABC
From the first use of military wireless in the world by the army of the
Transvaal Republic in the Anglo-Boer War in the 1900s, radio was revealed
for the first time to the general public at the Great Empire Exhibition in
The country's first radio station, 'JB Calling', began broadcasting in
Johannesburg on the 1st of July 1924, followed by a second Cape Town-based
station in 1924 and another in Durban in the same year. These three stations
later combined to form the African Broadcasting Corporation on the 1st of
April 1927.
In 1936, the African Broadcasting Company was dissolved and the South
African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) was established by an Act of
Parliament as the new public service broadcaster which in 2006, will proudly
celebrate 70 years in broadcasting.

Stations across the nation
In the early 1940s the first direct transmissions in African languages were
made by telephone line and by the early 1950s, Springbok Radio - the
country's first commercial radio station - ushered in a new age of radio
entertainment with its shows, dramas and comedies. The 1960s saw new
regional radio stations in the Cape and Natal, while Radio RSA started
broadcasting as an official world service.
In the mid 1970s, the SABC took over Mozambique-based LM Radio, relaunching
it as Radio 5 and later as 5fm. As a response to several non-SABC stations
based in the so-called 'independent' homelands, Radio Metro - which later
became Metro fm - was launched as a commercial music-oriented radio station
catering for the progressive Black middle classes of the 1980s. Three
language-based radio stations - isiSwazi, isiNdebele and Indian speaking -
were also established in the same decade.
To replace the original English and Afrikaans as well as Springbok Radio, at
midnight on the 31st of December 1985, Radio South Africa (now called SAfm),
Radio Suid Afrika (now RSG), Radio 2000 as well as three new regional
stations in Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Port Elizabeth took to the air.

Adapting for the new millennium
As the state broadcaster, the SABC was created with a monopoly on the
provision of broadcasting services that emphasised racial and ethnic
divisions under the previous regime. The IBA Act ended the broadcasting
system monopoly, opening up radio and television markets to competition. It
transformed the state broadcaster into a public broadcaster, and made
possible the introduction of community radio for the first time. The new
democratic government led by the African National Congress (ANC) has freed
the airwaves by restructuring the state broadcasting monopoly with a
broadcasting dispensation that meets the needs of all South Africans,
offering a choice of services and content ownership.
The early 1990s saw a major restructuring of the SABC as a national
broadcaster. The corporation's radio and television portfolios were
completely revamped, and it started to explore satellite transmission and
opening the airwaves to other broadcasters.
The Radio Data System (RDS) on FM services was launched in 1992 and in 1995,
the SABC launched the transponder spaces on the PAS-4 satellite, making its
services available nationally to people who had satellite receiving
The SABC sold its six regional radio stations to private enterprise and
re-launched its radio portfolio in September 1996, when Radio RSA was also
rebranded as Channel Africa. The first community radio stations came on
stream in 1995 and the first private independent radio station in 1997.
In the 21st century and beyond the door to 'micro radio' is opening, which
could lead to the birth of many low power radio stations, operated by
individuals, neighbourhood groups or community organisations for example.

The SABC today...
SABC radio is divided into Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) and Public
Commercial Services (PCS). The PBS is represented by nine indigenous South
African language radio stations, with the Khoi and San languages also
represented under this portfolio via the X-K FM station, as well as English
and Afrikaans. SABC 1 and SABC 2 respectively fall within the PBS portfolio
of television stations catering for the aforementioned markets.
Built on a global perspective of economics, social and political
infotainment, PCS stations provide entertainment and sports broadcasts as
well as a mix of up-to-date urban contemporary and information to their
target markets - the young, urban adults. The SABC 3 television station
which falls within the PCS portfolio provides a similar service.

 ... and tomorrow.
Currently reaching 90% of South Africa, radio is the leading medium and
primary source of information for many people as it reaches every part of
the country - rural, urban, metropolitan, small towns and villages.
Deregulation has led to increasing competition in the market. Currently,
there are 18 SABC radio stations, six greenfield radio stations, nine
independent radio stations and more than 60 community radio stations
competing for the same market with five television stations, over 500
magazines and more than 100 newspapers.
With two new television stations and more than eight radio stations more
likely to be operating before 2008, the SABC remains committed to delivering
exclusive programming mandated by ICASA. This consists of children's
programmes, documentaries, live sports, the opening of parliament,
education, indigenous languages including Afrikaans, current affairs, drama,
disability programmes, youth programmes, and those that uphold culture.
New commercial radio licenses will also have an impact on the current
commercial radio stations as there is only so much available market to
target, forcing the programming format to be focused on specific programme
genres for example such as youth, jazz music, and R&B music.
Depending on the number of FM frequencies available this might create an
opportunity for satellite radio that has seen listening to radio via
television in the United Kingdom (UK), increasing to levels of 35%. This
creates an opportunity for radio to utilise television as a marketing
platform. [Алокеш Гупта, Дели, Индия, 01 Dec 2005 12:40, http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/59/8771.html]

Jerry Strawman
Des Moines, IA
41.64 N 93.66 W
R8B-330S Loop-
Alpha Delta Sloper

Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu
Sanyo MCD-S830 con antena de ferrite
4190 calle / estrada Edward Higgins
            H8Y 3M9
Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada

Day Watson
QTH:    Clevedon, UK
Rec:    NRD545, NRD535, Aquila(SDR14), RX320D
WUN:    DR Col Editor

Peter Poelstra
NRD 545
10 meter longwire + tuner / 15 meter longwire + MLB
Hoka code 300-32

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverage antennas.

Jose Miguel Romero EA5-1022
Burjasot (Valencia)
Hilo de siete metros.

Nino Marabello
ANT: VHF outdoor at 250?
73 всем! И.Л.

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