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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 45
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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 45 30/11/05 WorldDX выходит с февраля 2005 года. Время везде UTC; чтобы получить зимнее московское, прибавьте к нему 3 часа. Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по адресу www.worlddx.narod.ru Присылайте новости для бюллетеня по адресу: fmradios12[dog]hotmail.com ---------------------- Короткие Волны Аляска 9615, ALASKA, KNLS, 1213-1221, Nov.21, English, End of "American Highway' prg. KNLS promo, pop ballad, testimonial then Bible giveaway at 1220 w/ contact info and URL. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr-Intervale, NH - hard-core-dx 35, 21) Anguilla 6090 ANGUILA, Caribbean Beacon, Anguila, EE, 17/11 2315, px religioso, OM/com. (ausencia do sinal da R. Bandeirantes 6090). 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1327) Антарктида 15476 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Antartica Esperanza, = 2010-2025, November 21,=20 Spanish. Folk songs (chacareras). Identification by male as: "Desde la Base Antartica Esperanza, transmite LRA36 Radio Nacional = Arcangel San Gabriel....para todo el mundo", 34433 At 2025, abrupt audio cut until 2100 UTC. S/off. (Arnaldo Slaen, Buenos Aires, Argentina - CumbreDX 1329) Болгария 7600, BULGARIA, R.Varna, 2306-2334, Nov.20, Bulgarian, Easy listening pops and ballads w/ OM and YL banter b/w selections. Quick ID at 2332. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr- Intervale, NH - hard-core-dx 35, 21) Боливия 4781,39 Radio Tacana, Tumupasa, 0001-0010, November 25, Spanish, TC, regional news: "....Radio Tacana informa para todas las = comunidades....", song, ID by male as: "Radio Tacana", after, tropical songs, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1331) 4876,23 Radio La Cruz del Sur (p), La Paz, 0021-0029, November 25, cristian songs non stop, 24442/3 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1331) 5927 Radiodifusoras Mineria, Oruro, 2351-2359, November 24, Spanish, andean songs, ann. & ID by male as: "Radiodifusoras Mineria presenta........", 244432 Good reception -QSA 3- at 0030 UTC (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1331) Бразилия 9615, R. Cultura, Sao Paulo (presumed), 2218 10 Nov. S7 signal and typical commercial sound (Jerry Strawman-IA, usa - CumbreDX 1327). 4885, R. Clube do Para, Belem, 0330 15 Nov. "R. Clube" ID at 0339. Pop mx pgm. Easy catch at 10/S9 (Jerry Strawman-IA, Des Moines, usa - CumbreDX 1327). 5940,22v Radio Guaruja Paulista, Guaruja Paulista, SP, 2027-2035, = November 21, Portuguese, reactivated in this QRG!!!!! Talks by male and identifications. Best reception in 5940,32 at 2056 = UTC, 23432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1329) Буркина Фасо 5030 R.Burkina, Ougadougou(Presumed) 1908 Interview px in FF, Mention of Burkina, African mx. Fair (Nobuo Takeno, Japan, Nov 22 - CumbreDX 1329) Венесуэла Alo Presidente got a late start Nov 20; checking at 1422, nothing on 11875; at 1427, 13750 was playing the Cuban NA, apparently just signing on, and opening with Mundo 7, but overshadowed by squealy Cuban transmitter on 13740 relaying China. By 1430, 11875 was on, and at 1445 check 11670, which had the best signal (Glenn Hauser, Оклахома, сша - dxldyg 624) Гана 4915.05 Ghana BC, Accra 2159 Drums nad ID News in EE. Fair (Nobuo Takeno, Yamagata, Japan Nov 19 - CumbreDX 1328) Греция 7450, GREECE, RS Makedonias, 2243-2252*, Nov.21, Greek, Ballads w/ Yl b/w selections. Diff. YL w/ s/off announcment at 2251 into presumed NA. Excellent! (Scott Barbour Jr-Intervale, NH, usa - hard-core-dx 35, 21) Гуам 7455, GUAM, KTWR, 1147-1202, Nov.19, Mandarin, OM until 1157 then various announcer over mx bits. Jingle mx and presumed ID at 1200. Fair. // 9910-Good. (Scott Barbour Jr -Intervale, NH, usa - hard-core-dx 35, 21) Джибути 4780 RTV. Djibouti (Presumed) 2000 Koran? 2002 talk by man and woman, chorus mx and signed off. Fair (Nobuo Takeno, Nov 22 - CumbreDX 1329) Заир (Дем. Респ. Конго) 11690, "CONGO-DPR", R.Okapi via Meyerton, 0419-0432, Nov.21, Vernacular, OM and YL w/ mentions of Bukavu, Congo and several "Okapi" jingles. Full ID annmt at 0429. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr- Intervale, NH - hard-core-dx 35, 21) Замбия 4910 Zambia Nat BC, Lusaka 2158 Talk by man then African mx, 2200 Time pips And ID, NA? and signed off. Fair (Nobuo Takeno, Japan Nov 22 - CumbreDX 1329) Зимбабве 6612.0 ZBC, Gweru at 0315 with afro- and EE pop tunes, male announcer in Vern. Read somewhere that it is a harmonic, but I don't know from what freq. Goodreception (Claes Olsson, Port Charlotte FL, usa, Nov 22 - CumbreDX 1329) Индия (Кашмир) 4830 R Kashmir Jammu 11/22 from 0055 fade in to past 0135. Indian vocal/inst song to 0100.5, woman ann to 0106, man ann to 0110, into a program of Indian vocals w/ woman ann to 0125. Man ann at 0125 to 0130, then woman ann to 0135 when signal began to fade beyond audibility. This station has been noted in the same time frame for the past two weeks, peaking at S3- around 0105 to 0125, w/ fade-in around 0055 and fade-out around 0135. This same program pattern has been hrd on 3 different occasions in past 2 weeks. SINPO 35333 at peaks w/ only local pwr line QRM causing any probs. Fading approaches a flutter, or very rapid variations in sig strength. (Bruce W. Churchill, Fallbrook, CA - CumbreDX 1328) Индия 4920 INDIA All India Radio, Chennai; 0058-0120 23 Nov. Tentatively the one, clear but very muddy -- definitely not the ChiCom -- with soft subcontinental music ending, then female non-Chinese Asian language talk from 0059-0104, filler music, same woman, man briefly, more talk by the same lady with 2-3 seconds of fills occasionally through tune-out due to boredom. (Терри Крюгер, Флорида - hard-core-dx 35, 22) 4860 INDIA All India Radio, Delhi; 0054-0101 23 Nov. Fair with Hindi pop vocals. 5010-Thiruvananthap ripping in with similar music at the same time. (Терри Крюгер, Флорида - hard-core-dx 35, 22) Индонезия 3976, INDONESIA-KALIMANTAN, RRI Pontianak, 1046-1102, Nov.19, Indonesian, Indo ballads and announcer b/w selections. Talk thru ToH w/ LSB slop appearing at 1057. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr-Intervale, NH, usa - hard-core-dx 35, 21) Иран 6010 VOIRI 1935 Nx in EE about Iraq situation. ID. Good (Nobuo Takeno, Japan, Nov 22 - CumbreDX 1329) Италия 6090 RAI, Rome 2203 IS and opening mx and ID, News. px in EE for E.Asia. Good signal (Nobuo Takeno, Yamagata, Japan, Nov 19 - CumbreDX 1328) Камерун ?? 12130 R F S C at 1800?? with a music , political talks by a woman mentioning "divine , soveregnity , Jesus Christ , cameroon which mentioned very many times, ID " Radio free southern Cameroon"at 1810, mentions abt India , ship leaders , arrest of Difayamba, preservatiopn of identity , brainwashing At 1814 with a local song and another on 1819 . Signal 45444 S9+10 . Using R75 and a overloaded 1025 from the 16 m horizontal antenna which cold not 100% phase out the powerline QRN of S9 I wonder if is the tansmitter used for other broadcasts on 12130 (Guam?) on 1929 there is a muffled transmission on 12128 with french prgramming and S8 , 30% with local QRN (Захариас Лиангас, Салоники, Греция - hard-core-dx 35, 19) 1800 - 1840 utc 27/11/05 12130 Radio Free Southern Cameroon. (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин) Кения 4914.96 Kenya BC Nairobi 1900 African mx 1904 KBC ann. NA and signed off (Nobuo Takeno, Japan, Nov 22 - CumbreDX 1329) Киргизия 4010 KYRGYZSTAN Kyrgyz Radio, Bishkek; 2330-2336 22 Nov. Tentative at best, as only fragments of useless AM mode audio present, right on 4010. Anyone know if Kyrg is really active on 4010 and if so, at this time? (Терри Крюгер, Флорида - hard-core-dx 35, 22) Китай 6950, CNR Beijing-1, 2330 13 Nov. Polished commercial sound peaked at 2340 (Jerry Strawman-IA, Des Moines, usa - CumbreDX 1327). 9680 CNR2 – Beijing, Nov 21, 1357-1415, in Chinese, // 7310 till 1400*, after ToH found // 5030. Good analysis of 9680 in DXLD 5-199 (November 19, 2005) under INDONESIA. (Ron Howard, Monterey, Canada - dxldyg 626) 6937, CHINA, (P)Yunnan PBS, 1114-1146, Nov.21, Vernacular, Interesting listening w/ OM at t/in and mx bits, ballad at 1129. At 1132 began a series of brief talks, each followed by gongs and brief vocal ballad. At 1139 was a "shouting" OM w/ pounding drums, more gongs and "shouting". YL at 1142 into vocal ballad then OM over flutes at 1145. Wish my MD recorder was working for this one. Poor/fair at best. (Scott Barbour-Intervale, NH, usa - hard-core-dx 35, 21) 4500 CHINA Xinjiang PBS, Ur?mqi; *2349-0005 22-23 Nov. Tune-in to 800-ish Hz solid tone already in progress till 2359, then brief, pulsing tones, back to solid tone for a few seconds, followed by time sounders (five short, one long) at 0000. Brief orchestral fill, then female in presumed Mongolian. Clear and fair.(Terry Krueger, Clearwater, Florida - hard-core-dx 35, 22) Конго 5985 RTV Congolaise, Brazzaville 1936 Radio Congo$B%b(B five times, and signed off. Good (Nobuo Takeno, Nov 22 - CumbreDX 1329) Коста-Рика/Испания 6125 COSTA RICA, REE, via Costa Rica, SS, 17/11 2309, OM/nx, reportagem externa, nx sobre a America Latina, ID (QRM Radio Aparecida 6135). 34443 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1327) Куба Sunday Nov 20 at 1425 I noticed R. Marti with a music program, despite the reformatting some months ago to Marti-noticias, a guajiro song at the moment, best on 13820, also on 15330, 11930 with heavy jamming. I would like to add such music shows to my Monitoring Reminders Calendar. So I look up this week`s program schedule at http://www.martinoticias.com/media/Schedules/rm_sch_spa.html But this presents a few problems. Altho RM does provide a weekly program schedule grid, showing specific dates, such as Sun Nov 20, it appears to bear little connexion to reality. First of all, the timezone is not specified. Surely it is Cuban, UT -4, rather than gusano, UT-5 --- but the program title which could allude to music is ``Con Voz Propia``, which is daily from ``9 to 10`` am, which would be EST rather than Bolivarian time. At 10 am they are supposed to be running ``La Noticia por Dentro``. I recheck 17670 at 1625 UT and they are promoting an upcoming concert by Willy Chirino. This was scheduled only Saturday evening at 8-11 pm (lacking stupid ballgames this week). But at 1630 the ``live`` concert starts up, instead of the scheduled Noticias Medicas at 11 am, Presidio Politico at 11:30 am, Noticias Latinoamericans at noon, or Deports y Mas at 12:30. Take your pick: NOT what is actually on the air. It looks as if RM is programmed off-the-cuff, seat-of-pants, maybe whatever the op on duty feels like playing. So why bother to publish a specific but wrong daily schedule?? Concert still going, preempting everything in its way, past 1800 UT and finally at 1900 = 3/2 pm outgoing credits wrapping it up and 1902 into news, 1908 into what sounded like Desde la Esquina, two comedians in a routine about pan, I suspect with political overtones, scheduled for ``2 pm`` so the grid would be in UT -5, unless the concert pre-emption is still pushing programs around. Esquina had no explicit opening titles, but was promoted just before the news (Glenn Hauser, Оклахома, сша - dxldyg 624) Ливия 9590 Voice of Africa, 19:36-1957, arabe, escuchada el 25 de Nov a locutor con comentarios, discurso de personalidad del Ecuador en espa?ol con traducci?n simultanea al arabe, cortan la emisi?n sin terminar, las frecuencias de 11635 y 11860 en portadora. SINPO 55444. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 24) Мексика 4809v, MEXICO, XERTA, 1004-1033, Nov.22, Spanish, SP ballads and occasinal announcer thru BoH. Fair tho tuned down from 4810 to avoid ute QRM. (Scott Barbour-Intervale, NH, usa - hard-core-dx 35, 21) Монако 9800 TWR. Nov.19. 0835-0850* Feature EG Pgm called 'Focus of the Family' off with ID, and short I.S. ( poor to Fair on trap-sloper to Europe ) ( Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada - CumbreDX 1327) 7535 TWR via Irkutsk. Nov. 19 1424-1450 Multi-Language Broadcasts (5 minute - duration's such as Kashmiri, Hindi ) to India, with religious text, and I.D's. gave their web site for www.twr.org Fair signal on 3.8 meter Loop. ( Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada - CumbreDX 1327) Новая Зеландия 27/11/05 1030 - 1100 UTC Международное радио Новой Зеландии. В эфире была хорошая вечерняя музыкальная программа с коротким выпуском новостей, а также был услышан красивый позывной в виде "пения" экзотической птицы. Отличный приём. (Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин) 15720 New Zealand, RNZI, Rangitaiki NOV 20 0758 vocal music, followed by ID of the station and reminder of change frequency at 8.00 UTC 9885 kHz, close down at 759 UTC on 15720 kHz SINPO 14422 (Nino Marabello, Treviso, Italy - CumbreDX 1328) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 3204.97 R.Sandaun, Vanimo 1151 Island mx and $B%d(B70s American rock mx. 1157 Mention of Radio Sandaun then News //4890kHz. QRM form N.Korea Spr. (Nobuo Takeno, Yamagata, Japan, Nov 19 - CumbreDX 1328) 4,890.0, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, NBC Port Moresby, 1044-1105, Nov 24, English, Playing continous US pop tunes till toh when male announcer made a few breif announcements and then IS and female began with news items. S6 level with fading present. Poor reception of this one of late but fairly audiable this check (Montgomery, PA - CumbreDX 1330) Перу 5544.70, R. San Andres (presumed), 0312 18 Nov. Very weak vocals but in the clear. Thanks to Jay Novello tip (Jerry Strawman-IA, Des Moines, usa - CumbreDX 1327). 3329,44 Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco, 0014-0020, November 25, huaynos non stop, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1331) 4855,65 Radio La Hora, Cusco, 2333-2338, November 24, Spanish, short sports talks, local advs by male, ID as: "...en su Radio La Hora....", 33433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1331) 5544,61 Radio San Andres, Cutervo, Cajamarca, 2341-2346, November 24,=20 Spanish, romantic music in spanish, programme conduced by male, greetings and ID as: "....Radio San Andres", 24432. Best reception at 0000 UTC (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 1331) 4855.66 PERU Radio La Hora, Cusco; 2344-2349 22 Nov. Spanish man with announcements, bumper flutes, possible commercial script. Clear, fair. (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida - hard-core-dx 35, 22) Польша 11850 R. Polonia 1259-1310. IS followed by announcements and news in English by woman. Items from other reporters were included. Moderate signal with heavy high side interference. SINPO 32222. Parallel 9525 was noted with much weaker signal. First log of this station since 2001. (Jim Evans, TN, Nov 21 - CumbreDX 1328) Россия 5960 Radiostansiya Tikhiy Okean via Vladivstok Nov.19 0935-1000 S/on with Chime I.S., with clear ID's for 'Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean'. This was followed with a program about the consummation of alcohol in Russia, followed with a feature about taking a Holiday on Cruise Lines ship ( such as the Mayak) 0958 YL speaker with closing comments, telephone numbers given, followed with a closing melody till sign-off. Best heard on the Western Trap-sloper. ( Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada - CumbreDX 1327) [non]. Surprised to hear VOR in English still going at 0625 Nov 20 with an historical talk about anti-Bolshevik Kolchak, on 7350. That frequency via Vatican is scheduled to end at 0458 per the exhaustive VOR B05 schedule recently published. Did someone in the See forget to turn off the transmitter? According to that, during this hour there are not supposed to be any SW frequencies for Eu or NAm, and only two for elsewhere (Glenn Hauser, Оклахома, сша - dxldyg 624) 5960 Radio Tikhy Okean, Vladivostok, 0935-0942, November 20, Russian, s/on at 0935 UTC with this ann. by male: "Govorit Vladivostok"; after, interval signal and ID by male at 0936 as "....Radiostancia Tikhy Okean"......"; announcement and two identifications more. News bulletin, 34443 I couldn?t head the station on 7330 Khz (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1104) 6,205.0, RUSSIA, Voice of Russia, 1237-1248, Nov 24, Unknown, Russian mx heard but weak. S 5 with lots of fades and high noise level. ID is tentive. as ID not heard. Mostly Russian pop tunes. Female announcer heard at 1240 in Russian language but difficult copy. Station faded down by 1248. (Montgomery, PA - CumbreDX 1330) Северная Корея 6,285.0, KOREA, NORTH, PBS Pyongyang, 1144-1220, Nov 24, Korean, No listing for this one but had someone translate for me. Definately N. Korea as male announcer talking about Comrade Kim Chong Ill. Fairly good copy at S7 level. Male announcer joined by female announcer with more praises. Female announcer provided id at 1230 in Korean language. Id by female announcer at 1247 as the voice of Korea in Korean language. (Montgomery, PA - CumbreDX 1330) Сенегал 12000 WADR (West Africa Democracy Radio) with transmissions for Senegal, 0845-0900, November 20, French, Talk by male, short music, short ann., afropop (by male), short interview. Other song (afropop by female), Very clear identification at 0859 as: "...WADR..." ; other identification (canned) and music jingle, s/off, 34443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1104) West Africa Democracy Radio heard on a second frequency this morning, 15260 kHz, between 0700-0900. It was in parallel with 12000 kHz, similar strength and modulation on both. Maybe testing a new frequency? (Dave Kenny, Caversham Berks, UK - dxldyg 626) Сирия 9330 SYRIA, R. Damasco, Adhra, AA, 17/11 2303, YL/cancao em AA. 25432 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1327) Соломоновы о-ва 5019.88, SIBS, 1331 12 Nov. BBC nx program. Good signal (Jerry Strawman-IA, usa - CumbreDX 1327). США 5070 ESTADOS UNIDOS, WWCR, Nashville-TN, EE, 17/11 2258, px religioso, OM/com. 35333 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1327) 5920 ESTADOS UNIDOS, WBOH, Newport-NC, EE, 17/11 2332, YL/com., ID, mx crista. 25322 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1327) 15105 ESTADOS UNIDOS, World Harvest Radio, Cypress Creek-SC, EE, 15/11 1835 YL/mx crista, OM/com. 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, Brasil - CumbreDX 1327) Отличное сегодня местным вечером прохождение из Западного Полушария в 7 мГц! Не пишу - в 41 метре, поскольку официально этот диапазон (7100-7350) в Западном Полушарии не применяется, а участок 7350-7500 это уже так называемый WARC-92!;-) Сегодня, 21.10. прекрасный сигнал Радио Марти на 7365. Принимал в 1028-1100 UTC. Сигнал 5; вначале подумал было, что Гавана: полно всяких объявлений и комментариев на испанском с частыми упоминаниями Кубы, Гаваны и с явно кубинскими мелодиями. Уж обрадовался: никогда пока Кубу не доводилось слышать с сильным сигналом, - уже голову ломать стал: прямая ли это трансляция или Гавана тоже перешла на технологии ретранслирования через партнёров: например - CRI? Однако в 1057 прозвучали ID: Радио Марти. Передача продолжилась и после 1100. SINPO 54343, с 7375 чуть-чуть било CNR. Если бы не ревущий местный шум (понакупили все компьютеров, сотиков и прочих там высокотехнологичных "микроволновок"!:-)) буквально на всех диапазонах, то приём вообще бы был очень комфортным!;-) Не скажу точно, но, по-моему, передатчик в Делано, Калифорния. Используемый так же и для трансляций ВВС на Латинскую Америку, в частности, принимал их на испанском в прошлые годы на 6130... Ещё через этот же Site идут и трансляции Голоса Греции для греческих моряков, находящихся на судах в акватории Тихого Океана: в этом сезоне их отлично слышно в 0600-0700 UTC на 9775. Притом - в это время (около 1100) 19 м вообще закрылся практически полностью, а на 25 - в основном только слабые сигналы. У нас это - всего лишь 9 вечера... (Игорь Ашихмин, Владивосток, Россия - open_dx 950) 6,235.0, UNITED STATES, Voice of America, 2350-2359, Nov 23, English, Special EE broadcast with talks about President Cleveland. Then at 2350 comments on the use of silver in the US. Talks about the gold standard and the change over from the silver standard. S9 signal level with fades. Unable to find a listing on its broadcast location. Talks about Cleveland having cancer and how the surgery was performed. The operation was performed on a sail boat in NY harbor. 2357 female announcer with program info, "The makeing of a Nation". Sudden off at 2359 (Montgomery, PA - CumbreDX 1330) США/Россия 7480 Family Radio via Komsomolsk-na-Amure. Nov.19 1024-11oo* Japanese BCB to Asia, with interview on Missionary work, off with ID's and web site for www.familyradio.org , I.S to 11oo. Fair reception on Longwire. ( Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada - CumbreDX 1327) Таджикистан 4635 TAJIKISTAN Tajik Radio, Yangiyul; 2336-2344 22 Nov. Mid-east vocal, Mid-east language woman from 2338. Clear, but low audio. .(Terry Krueger, Clearwater, Florida - hard-core-dx 35, 22) Танзания 11735 R. Tanzania Zanzibar 2058 Talk with ID by woman, followed by NA and signed off. Good (Nobuo Takeno, Yamagata, Japan, Nov 19 - CumbreDX 1328) Уганда 4975.97 R. Uganda, Kampala 1951 Talk by man in EE, 2000 African style mx, Radio Uganda ann. heard several times. Fair (Nobuo Takeno, Japan, Nov 22 - CumbreDX 1329) Финляндия Nuntii Latini confirmed starting at 1453 UT Sunday Nov 20 on YLE Radio Finland, 15400, which was much weaker than usual; falling winter MUF, I guess (Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma, usa - dxldyg 624) Франция/Латвия its for you the occasion to listen to Radio Waves International usualy we are using our own tx with a low power about 30/40watts in a half wave dipole operating on 48mb on several channels 6210 , 6290 ,6310 and more.... on the 41meters our tx is at this time out of order 26mb our channel is 11401khz and rarely we move to 114012khz to celebrate our 22nd birthday we decided to be relay on 9290khz the latest occasion to hear us comfortable is there : 26/11/2005 Saturday 23-00 00-00 27/11/2005 Sunday 08-00 09-00 we would like to thanks all our listenners for the support we get during all those years. we always did radio on a proffessionel way but it's just a hobby we want to do it seriously we have to recept listeners sometimes just in replying as soon as possible to their reports. kep tuning , keep country , keep FFRR ! and visit us at http://go.to/rwi 73's and 88 to YL and QRP Peter HILLS & Philippe "the terrible twins" RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL http://go.to/rwi Country music show, French service,Rock City &Pirate memories the sounds on short-waves around the world "on the highway to fredom" Peter HILLS & Philippe" The terrible twins" (Philippe BERTRAND, France - hard-core-dx 35, 20) Шри-Ланка 11905, SRI LANKA, (P)SLBC, 1235-1304, Nov.21, Vernacular, Continuous Hindi-style ballads w/ YL in lang. (Tamil per DXAsia) b/w selections. Presumed ID over mx at 1302. Fair, poor at t/out. (Scott Barbour Jr-Intervale, NH, usa - hard-core-dx 35, 21) 6180 DW Trincomalee relay 2210 Nx about Angola and Germany. DW radio ID. Good //6225kHz. (Nobuo Takeno, Japan, Nov 22 - CumbreDX 1329) ---------------------- СВ/ДВ Куба 1180 CUBA Radio Rebelde/Radio Rebelde F-M/Radio Reloj/Cuba jammer/Radio Mart? [FLORIDA]; 0240-0342 23 Nov. A huge pile-up of big Cuban signals and beyond were present here tonight. One signal quickly confirmed as the generic Rebelde (with baseball coverage), "Rebelde" and "Rebelde, Cadena Nacional" plus nine-note Rebelde sounders often, and parallel other mediumwave channels, as well as 5025. The other Rebelde (FM network) was about equal level, with Spanish and US 80's pop vocals, frequent occasional "Rebelde" (only one "F-M" tag during my listen [0320] after the nine-note sounder -- not uncommon from past actual FM monitoring in the Florida Keys). MIDI-file version of the nine-note Rebelde theme at 0323, but coudn't tell which net (FM or AM) generated that one. In addition, weak traces of Radio Mart? (Marathon, Florida) present at times, and to add to the mix, a very definite Cuban jammer sporadically surfacing (with the same electo-bubbling jammer sounds as best-heard on 6030). Also: surfacing only once at 0308, Radio Reloj with the usual "R-R" Morse under all this. To add to the confusion for the unwashed masses, a promo liner read on the baseball (AM) feed for stations also carrying the event, including "Radio Revoluci?n" and others. A truly amazing plethora of shit. (Терри Крюгер, Клеарвотер, Флорида, сша - hard-core-dx 35, 22) США 1600 ALABAMA WXVI, Montgomery; 0120-0146 23 Nov. Tune-in to a George Benson instrumental, segued into female black gospel which was promptly stepped on by a male canned "...serving Montgomery County... to support..." then a separate male "1600 A-M, WXVI" drop at 0127, followed by male "Welcome to the New Life Station..." and a brokered program with emphatic black preacher man. Great signal, with occasional "Radio Disney" (presumably WMNE, Riviera Beach, FL) bubbling up. (Терри Крюгер, Клеарвотер, Флорида - hard-core-dx 35, 22) 1610 USA unidentifed (presumed) TIS; 0337+, 23 Nov. Fragments of female over Tampa International TIS and who knows what else, the only thing clear was a "...or www-dot-US..." ...." reference.(Terry Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, usa - hard-core-dx 35, 22) ---------------------- QSL Австралия CVC International в зимнем сезоне В05 на английском вещает: 1-3 7355 Ташкент, на Индию 3-6 13685 Ташкент, на Индию 6-9 15335 Дарвин, на Индию 9-11 11955 Дарвин, на Индию 11-18 13635 Дарвин, на Индию 5-7 9430 (?), на Нигерию 7-9 15640 (?), на Нигерию 15-18 15680 Вертахталь, на Нигерию 18-20 9765 Вертахталь, на Нигерию 20-21 7285 (?), на Нигерию 5.15-15.45 9555 Мейертон, на Южную и Центральную Африку (информация взята из присланного расписания станции). Вчера получил от них ответ на рапорт, посланный в сентябре. Ответ пришел в виде бандероли, в которой кроме QSL и расписания была вложена майка с эмблемой Christian Vision (зеленый росток). (Василий Кузнецов, Москва, Россия - open_dx 951) Германия Сегодня (23 ноября 2005 г.) мне пришла QSL-карточка от Deutschlandradio Kultur. Подтвержден рапорт о приёме этой радиостанции от 17/VIII/2005 на частоте 6005 кГц. Рапорт отправлялся по e-mail: hoererservice@dradio.de (Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск, Россия - open_dx 951) Италия Сегодня получил по почте QSL от RAI Way, из мониторного центра в Монце, Италия. QSL-карточка из серии города Италии. Серия состоит из 4 карточек. Также прислали полное частотное расписание RAI, 5 бланков рапортов о приёме и 5 почтовых купонов. Рапорт отправлял по эл.почте. E-mail: cqmonza@rai.it (Дмитрий Кутузов, г.Рязань, Россия - open_dx 951) Канада 1220 CJRB Canada, MB Boissevain, rec. vl is 290dff after I sent my orig. report. I called the CE on the 17th and he said no one was available to reply. The person who used to QSL moved on. Apparently after I phoned, the Dir of Eng typed out my QSL. I am really pleased with this one, as they aren't easy to hear. Address: Golden West BCing Ltd, PO Box 950, Altona MB R0G O8O Canada. V/S: Laverne Siemens-Dir of Eng. Also sent a pgm sked. MB QSL #16. Canada #281. (Patrick Martin, Oregon) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 7120 Wantok Radio Light. Received another reply from the station in the form of full data QSL Card, Information letter about the station and the technical equipment, for a follow-up sent back in August. Reply this time in 80 days. They have a e-mail address as: info_at_wantokradio.net. Their phone number is 321-3399 FAX 321-5565 v/s Sarah Good ( Edward Kusalik-Alberta, Canada - CumbreDX 1327) Франция/Латвия 9290, Radio Waves International, recibida carta conteniendo bonita carta QSL conmemorativa del 22 aniversario de la emisora, firmada por V/S Peter Hills, carta de agradecimiento, folletos y un compact disc con 13 canciones "International Music Express". Tardaron en responder 20 d?as. El informe de recepci?n se envi? por carta sin acompa?ar ning?n tipo de ayuda para el retorno. No IRC. No US$. QSL con las siguientes inscripciones: "Radio Waves International, 22 years of Free Radio on SW, with dj's Peter Hills & Pilippe". "Radio Waves International, on the Highway to Freedom, since 1983 on air". "R.WI's own transmitters 40 watts on 41 mb (62..kHz), 48 mb (74.. kHz) & 26 meters (11401 kHz.). Direcci?n, address: Radio Waves International BP 130 92504 Rueil Cedex France Recordar que Radio Waves International tiene este mes transmisiones y QSL especial conmemorativas del 22 aniversario de la emisora, 1983-2005, pudiendo a?n ser escuchada v?a Lativa el pr?ximo fin de semana por ?ltima vez: Transmisi?n v?a Latvia 100 kW. November 26th Saturday 2300-0000 UTC November 26th Saturday 0800-0900 UTC Tambi?n puede intentar captarse la transmisi?n desde sus propio transmisor, s?bado por la la tarde en 11401 kHz. con 400 w. de potencia. En la QSL especifican si la escucha fue hecha v?a Latvia o v?a su propio transmisor. Su p?gina web: http://go.to/rwi e-mail: rwaves@free.fr (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 20) Япония Доброго времени суток, Оупен! Вчера получил подтверждение от русской службы Радио Япония. Подтвердили рапорты за период с 31 октября по 23 ноября 2004 года. Они теперь так всегда будут работать или только при отсылании рапортов через Москву? Раньше такого я не припомню. (Валерий Шептухин, Липецк - open_dx 951) --------------------- УКВ Нет новостей ---------------------- Связь Logs for 19/Nov: 6712.0 03: ARINC REYKJAVICK 1353 HFDL on usb. Squaitters. 1403z ACAR msg C1 - METARS for CYYR, CYQM to a/crft A6-ERC (19/Nov)(DW) 6712.0 ---: FLIGHT SU0241 1358 HFDL on usb. Posn 51.30N 0.27W (19/Nov)(DW) 6712.0 GVSHY: FLIGHT VS0005 1356 HFDL on usb. Posn 48.51N 15.50W(19/Nov)(DW) 6712.0 GVNAP: FLIGHT VS0900 1402 HFDL on usb. ACARS msg Q0 (19/Nov)(DW) (Day Watson, Clevedon, UK - wun 19, 34) 283.5 481: Dziwnow, POL 0826 DGPS/100 id=742 (13Nov05)(KB) 285.5 443: Stirling, G 0824 DGPS/100 id=693 (13Nov05)(KB) 286.5 513: Skomvaer, NOR 1910 DGPS/100 Id=793 (20Nov05)(KB) 287.0 406: Klamila, FIN 0822 DGPS/100 id=606 (13Nov05)(KB) 287.5 454: Torshavn, FRO 0821 DGPS/100 id=715 (13Nov05)(KB) 288.5 435: Tory Island, IRL 0819 DGPS/100 id=670 (13Nov05)(KB) 289.0 462: Jaernaes, S 1352 DGPS/100 id=724 (13Nov05)(KB) 289.5 451: Hammer Odde, DNK 0818 DGPS/100 id=700 (13Nov05)(KB) 290.0 452: Blavands Huk, DNK 0817 DGPS/100 id=705 (13Nov05)(KB) 290.5 447: Flamborough Head, G 0815 DGPS/100 id=687 (13Nov05)(KB) 291.0 439: Wormleighton, G 0814 DGPS/100 id=691 (13Nov05)(KB) 291.5 445: Sumburgh Head, G 1345 DGPS/100 id=685 (13Nov05)(KB) 292.0 460: Holmsjoe, S 0812 DGPS/100 id=720 (13Nov05)(KB) 293.0 466: Kullen, S 0809 DGPS/100 id=732 (13Nov05)(KB) 293.5 ???: Iffezheim (Rhine), D 1354 DGPS/100 id=764 (13Nov05)(KB) 294.0 428: Vlieland, HOL 0808 DGPS/200 id=428 (13Nov05)(KB) 295.5 531: Narva, EST 1826 DGPS/100 id=531. Weak (20Nov05)(KB) 296.0 453: Skagen, DNK 1420 DGPS/100 id=710. Weak (13Nov05)(KB) 296.5 469: Goeteborg, S 1343 DGPS/100 id=736 (13Nov05)(KB) 297.5 465: Hoburg, S 1342 DGPS/100 id=730 (13Nov05)(KB) 298.0 468: Nynaeshamn, S 1905 DGPS/100 id=734 (20Nov05)(KB) 298.5 492: Helgoland, D 0807 DGPS/100 id=762 (13Nov05)(KB) 299.0 330: La Hague, F 1904 DDPS/100 id=460 (20Nov05)(KB) 299.5 463: Skutskaer, S 1339 DGPS/100 id=726 (13Nov05)(KB) 299.5 448: North Foreland, G 1418 DGPS/100 id=688 (13Nov05)(KB) 301.0 426: Ijmuiden, HOL? 0805 DGPS/200. Stn. no. 426 formerly used by Gilze Rijen for tests on 302 kHz (13Nov05)(KB) 301.5 404: Turku, FIN 1804 DGPS/100 id=604 (20Nov05)(KB) 302.0 467: Hjortens Udde, S 1806 DGPS/100 id=733 (20Nov05)(KB) 302.5 490: Koblenz (Rhine), D 1332 DGPS/100 Test station, id=493 although officially changed to 490 in 2003 (13Nov05)(KB) 303.5 ???: Zeven, D 1807 DGPS/100 id=763 (20Nov05)(KB) 304.0 503: Lista, NOR 1807 DGPS/100 id=813 (20Nov05)(KB) 304.5 535: Klaipeda, LTU 1434 DGPS/200 id=535 (13Nov05)(KB) 306.0 441: Lizard, G 1422 DGPS/100 id=681. NDB QRM (13Nov05)(KB) 307.0 530: Ristna, EST 1425 DGPS/100 id=530 (13Nov05)(KB) 307.5 464: Kapellskaer, S 1808 DGPS/100 id=728 (20Nov05)(KB) 307.5 440: St. Catherine's Point, G 1751 DGPS/100 id=680 (13Nov05)(KB) 308.0 491: Gross Mohrdorf, D 1809 DGPS/100 id=761 (20Nov05)(KB) 308.5 332: Pont de Buis, F 1855 DGPS/100 id=462 (20Nov05)(KB) 309.5 449: Nash Point, G 1428 DGPS/100 id=689 (13Nov05)(KB) 310.5 500: Faerder, NOR 1859 DGPS/100 id=780 (120Nov05)(KB) 311.0 002: Shepelevskiy, RUS 1815 DGPS/100 id=5. NDB QRM (20Nov05) 312.0 420: Oostende, BEL 0805 DGPS/200 id=640 (13Nov05)(KB) 312.5 425: Hoek van Holland 0839 DGPS/200 id=425 (13Nov05)(KB) 313.0 505: Utsira, NOR 1325 DGPS/100 id=785 (13Nov05)(KB) 313.5 ???: Mauken (Elbe), D 0843 DGPS/100 id=766 (13Nov05)(KB) 314.5 ???: Bad Abbach (Danube), D 1811 DGPS/100 id=765 (20Nov05)(KB) So everything as usual, except for the Dutch station on 301 kHz (also logged by Jim some time ago). Unfortunately my DGPS decoder does not properly decode type 3 messages, so I could not find out the location. RDF didn't work either so far ;-( (Klaus Betke, Germany - wun 19, 34) 3774.8 ZJL4: unid 1406 20Nov05 CW normal activity; transmitting hourly 5-15 and 35-45 minutes 3540.0 ZJL4: unid 1410 20Nov05 CW parallel frequency; 3540.0 khz very weak copy hr in Ak; 11 more days until ZJL4 changes frequency & callsign; 4350.0 LH1D: unid 1435 20Nov05 CW 5FG, net chatter; hand key; 6779.0 HMA: DPRK 1442 20Nov05 CW channel marker 6840.0 NYZ: unid 1920 20Nov05 CW (Attu Bosch, Alaska - wun 19, 34) ---------------------- Новости Дорогие друзья Интеррадио Румыния! 15 декабря 1975 года в эфир вышла первая передача румынского международного радио на русском языке. По случаю этой знаменательной даты Интеррадио Румыния и колммерческое общество <Бэиле Говора> организуют, только для слушателей Русской Службы (но независимо от страны, где они проживают!), специальный юбилейный конкурс <Вылча - традиции и современность> Мы приглашаем Вас на юг Румынии, в уезд Вылча (рум. Valcea, произносится Вылча), небольшой, но очень красивый край, что простирается от снежных вершин Карпат на севере до бескрайней Румынской равнины на юге. Большую часть его территории образуют живописные холмы и плодородные долины, покрытые лесами, виноградниками и фруктовыми садами, среди которых утопают в зелени старинные села. Их гостеприимные жители из поколения в поколение передают секреты старых мастеров: гончаров и резчиков по дереву, виноделов и зодчих. Вылча славится и своим богатым музыкальным фольклором и художественными промыслами. Издревле, эти благодатные места являются центром румынского православия, и здесь и сейчас можно посетить десятки церквей, монастырей и монашеских скитов, многие из которых относятся к лучшим образцам средневековой румынской архитектуры. А мягкий климат, чистый воздух, целебные минеральные источники давно сделали уезд Вылча одной из главных здравниц страны. Главный приз нашего специального конкурс - 7-дневная поездка на двух человек на курорт Бэиле Говора Победитель побывает в Вылче во время православной Пасхи, познакомиться с традициями и обычаями, связанными с этим праздником, посетит самые интересные местные достопримечательности. Организаторы оплатят все расходы, кроме стоимости визы, если она необходима, и проезда из Вашей страны в Румынию и обратно Кроме главного приза, организаторы приготовили и другие призы, за наиболее полные и интересные ответы. А теперь вопросы конкурса: 1. Как называется самый большой город уезда Вылча, его административный и главный промышленный центр? 2. Как называется самая большпя река, которая пересекает уезд Вылча, где на ее берегах расположены города, самые известные курорты и монастыри? 3. Назовите несколько других достопримечательностей (природных, культурных, исторических) уезда Вылча 4. Напишите, почему Вы решили принять участие нашем конкурсе. Мы просим Вас сообщить и несколько данных о себе. Просим вам также ответить на нашу анкету, вопросы которой находятся на нашем сайте. Условия конкурса мы будем регулярно сообщать в наших передачах. Они указаны также на нашем сайте в Интернете www.rri.ro Мы ждем Ваших ответов по почте, факсу, электронной почте или в записи на аудиокассету. Крайний срок отправления ответов - 31 декабря 2005 года, дата почтового штемпеля. Имена победителей будут объявлены в январе 2006 года. Чтобы вовремя связаться с победителями и сообщить им подробности относительно призов, мы просим участников конкурса сообщить, по возможности, свой номер телефона и/или адрес электронной почты. Слушайте Интеррадио Румыния и Вы сможете правильно ответить на все вопросы конкурса!(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 951) Пакистан Radio Pakistan has confirmed that no changes in frequency have been made to their Regional Services........... from Quetta 5025 at 0045-0404 (Fri. til 0845) & 1200-1805 7155 at 0600-1145 (Fri.only 0400-0820 & 1000-1145) Peshawar 7220 at 1100-1400 Chitrali Service Rawalpindi (10kW) 4790 at 0230-0425 & 1335-1430 Islamabad (Rewat) API-8 4790 at 0045-0215 & 1445-1815 and 7265 at 0900-1215 Pindi III Programme 6065 at 0430-0515 Balti Service and 0530-0615 Sheena Service Frequency changes to their External Service from Nov.23rd are........ Tamil & Sinhali 0945-1045 on new 17480 [x 17490] // 15625 Turkish 1630-1700 on new 6215 [x 6255] // 7465 [this freqcy subject to change due to co-ch DRM] Islamabad Programme for Gulf & Iran 1915-0045 on new 5835 [x 5840] (Ноэл Гринн, Северо-восточная Англия - CumbreDX 1329) ---------------------- Аппаратура Day Watson QTH: Clevedon, UK Rec: NRD545, NRD535, Aquila(SDR14), RX320D WUN: DR Col Editor Jerry Strawman Des Moines, IA 41.64 N 93.66 W R8B-746 Pro 60 Meter Dipole 330S Loop Rudolf Grimm Sao Bernardo, SP BRASIL Rx: Kenwood R-1000, ant.: Degen DE-31 www.radioways.cjb.net www.ondascurtas.com Иван Лебедевский QTH: Пушкин Rx: Grundig YB 80 Ron Howard Monterey, CA RX340 + T2FD antenna Nobuo TAKENO Yamagata JAPAN NRD-535D with 10meters wire Bruce Churchill DXing since 1952 Japan Radio NRD-545, Wellbrook ALA-1530 rotating loop 606 Via Cumbres Fallbrook, CA 73 from Treviso, Italy Nino Marabello RX: SONY SW7600G ANT: VHF outdoor at 250° http://web.tiscali.it/ondecorte/ Claes Olsson Port Charlotte FL Receiver: ICOM R-75 and a 20 meter outside antenna Patrick Martin Seaside OR KAVT Reception Manager Jos? Miguel Romero Burjasot (Valencia) Espa?a SANGEAN ATS 909 antena h?lo de siete metros. ---------------- 73 всем!И.Л.
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