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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 44
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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 44 23/11/05 --------------------------- WorldDX выходит с февраля 2005 года. Время везде UTC; чтобы получить зимнее московское, прибавьте к нему 3 часа. Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. Архив предыдущих номеров бюллетеня можно найти по адресу www.worlddx.narod.ru Присылайте новости для бюллетеня по адресу: fmradios12[dog]hotmail.com --------------------------- Короткие Волны Австралия 2325 VL8T still not on the air. 2310 and 2485 // at 1124. (13 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) Албания 6205 ALBANIA, R. Tirana, Albanes, 08/11 2223, cancao regional, com. OM (dificil idioma para se entender pelo menos algumas palavras basicas). 25222 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1321) Антарктида 15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arc?ngel San Gabriel, 1938-2101, 18-11, programa de canciones en espa?ol, identificaci?n por locutor: "Radio Nacional Arc?ngel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, sector ant?rtico argentino". Cierre a las 2101. 24222. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 18) Беларусь 5970, BELARUS, R.Belarus, 0205-0216, Nov.14, Belarussian, YL and occasional OM w/ talks and local music. Poor, boxed in by QRM, RHC and BBC respectively. // 7210-whisper quiet under static. (Barbour-NH, Intervale, USA - hard-core-dx 35, 14) 7125, Radio Belarus, 2030-2045, 18-11, programa en ingl?s, identificaci?n: "This is Radio Belarus". "You are listening to Radio Belarus". Locutor, noticias de Bielorusia. 44444 (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 18) Болгария 9400 Radio Bulgaria, 22:00-22:05, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en espa?ol a locutor y locutora con horarios y frecuencias, m?sica de sintonia y bolet?n de noticias. SINPO 55544. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 13) Боливия 5952.45, R. Pio Doce, 0935, CP campo mx at t/in. 0936 next song w/beautiful flutes and drums. 0940 M anncr w/TCs, flute mx and M voice-over w/clear ID, then more campo mx. Good signal w/5950 WYFR slop QRM. 1st time hrd at this time in many months. Slowly drifting up just a bit. (2 Nov. Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 9624.93, R. Fides, 1059 caught canned ID by M as soon as I tuned in, nx pgm intro, time ticks, then live M w/nx starting w/story from Cochabamba. Fairly decent w/lcl QRM. (Dave Valko, 5 Nov. - CumbreDX 1320) 4845, BOLIVIA,(P)R.Norteno, 0950-1003, Nov.14, Spanish, OM and YL w/ tlks thru ToH, buried under ute QRM. Poor,very noisy. (Barbour-NH, Intervale, USA - hard-core-dx 35, 14) 5952.39, Emisorias Pio XII, 0852-0915 Noted various persons in Spanish comments. At 0913 woman with AD or promo. Signal buried when WYFR on 5950 broadcasts music. Canned ADs or promos presented from 0913 to 0918. t 0918 live comments from a man. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, November 16, 2005, Clewiston, Florida - CumbreDX 1322) 4650 Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, 2316-2320, November 09, songs in spanish, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1100) 4876,02 Radio La Cruz del Sur, La Paz, 2345-2350, November 09, Aymara, andean music, talk by male in aymara, 14431 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1100) 5580,26 Radio San Jose, San Jose de Chiquitos, 2322-2332, November 09, Spanish, messagges for small villages, romantic songs, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1100) 5745,44 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 1052-1100, November 10, Spanish, catholic programme conduced by male, 34443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1100) 5952,48 Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, Llallagua, 1022-1030, November 10, Spanish, News programme. Police news: "....Llallagua cuenta con un policia cada 36 mil habitantes....", Report from Cochabamba, TC, ann. & ID as: "Reporte Minero desde Radio Pio XII", 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1100) 5967,45 Radio Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni, 1005-1015, November 10, Spanish, news programme. Local news. National news. ID at 1019 as: "...nos informamos a traves de Radio Nacional de Huanuni". More news, 32422 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1100) 9624,89 Radio Fides, La Paz, 1120-1132, November 14, Spanish, Programme: La Hora dle pais". Ann.: "Usted esta escuchando La Hora del Pais". Local advs: ".....Banco Mercantil anuncia a sus clientes....un banco superior", ann. "....a mas de 4000 metros de altura, XI Doble Copacabana de Ciclismo.....", talks about cycle racing competence, 45444 ?Has this station more QRP? I can hear Radio Fides in the last weeks in this frequency with strong signal!!!! (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1100) Бразилия 6180 BRASIL, R. Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia-DF, PP, 08/11 2228, mx Cascatinha e Inhana “India”, com.OM. 33533 RWG (QRM unid). A RNA pelo que parece finalmente mostra-se decidida a permanecer na sua frequencia original, e nao em 6185 kHz, como havia feito nos ultimos tempos. (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1321) Radio Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho (Venezuela) started on 4940, was some days ago on around 5535 and is this wednesday evening on 5115 kHz. (Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador (16_11_05) - hard-core-dx 35, 15) R. Record, Sao Paulo, 6150, 0820-0845+ Nov 12. Weak under Costa Rica`s University Network. Local ballads, Portuguese announcements, IDs, ads, jingles. Much better on // 9504.81. R. Aparecida, 5035, 0810-0830+ Nov 12. Very weak with Portuguese announcmeents, ads, jingles, local pops, ballads. Much stronger on // 6134.77 and 9630.02. R. Cultura, Sao Paulo, 6170.01, 0830-0850+ Nov 12. Portuguese talk, Brazilian ballads. // 9614.97, both very weak. R. Nacional da Amazonia, 6180, 0945-1000+ Nov 12. Portuguese talk by M&W. Brief music breaks; ID. // 11780, both fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DXLDyg 621) 4775, Radio Congonhas, 0725-0735, 19-11, locutor, comentarios religiosos, portugu?s. 24222. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 18) 4985, Radio Brasil Central, 0632-0705, 19-11, canciones brasile?as, locutor, comentarios, noticias. Identificaci?n a las 0700 "Radio Brasil Central, Goiania". 34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 35, 18) 5035, Radio Aparecida, 0657-0703, 19-11, comentarios religiosos en portugu?s. 24322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 35, 18) 11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 0910-0925, locutor, portugu?s, noticias de Brasil, identificaci?n: "Radio Nacional da Amazonia".34333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - hard-core-dx 35, 18) Буркина Фасо 5030 R. Burkina 2155-2205. West African pop music. 2159 Announcement by woman in French. 2200 Announcements and talk by man. Moderate signal with heavy low side interference from Rebelde. SINPO 32332. Recheck at 2235 found pop music and stronger signal. (Jim Evans, TN, Nov 13 - CumbreDX 1320) R. Burkina, 5030, 2300-2400* Nov 11. French talk, Afro-pops. Sign-off with instrumental tune; good. Gene Scott [Costa Rica] not on the air (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxldyg 621) Великобритания/Французская Гайана 5975 GUIANA FRANCESA, BBC via Montsinery, EE, 08/11 2314, com.OM, politica internacional. 35543 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1321) Венгрия 6025 R. Budapest, 22:30-22:40, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en espa?ol a locutor con identificaci?n, horarios y frecuencias, locutora con bolet?n de noticias, SINPO 55544. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 13) Венесуэла R. Amazonas, 4939.67, 1005-1025+ Nov 12, lively LA music, 1019-1020 several IDs, Spanish announcements; fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 621) Венесуэла/Куба 11760 CUBA, R.Nacional (Venezuela) via Havana, SS, 08/11 2308, com. OM sobre a burguesia, com.YL 45333 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1321) Гайана 3291.18, Voice of Guyana, Nov 13, 0921-0929, woman DJ in English, with program of C&W songs, clear ID for Voice of Guyana, weak. (Рон Говард, Монтерей, Канада - dxldyg 617) 3291.16, GUYANA,(P)GBC, 0123-0137, Nov.15, English, Cover of Simon & Garfunkel tune. OM at 0129 w/ date, talk re phone poll followed by listener phone calls. No ID noted. Poor/fair. (Scott Barbour- Jr-NH, Intervale, USA - hard-core-dx 35, 14) Гана 4915 R. Ghana 0600. A brief check of the frequency at 0600 found what appeared to be English language news with heavy cochannel interference. SINPO 22332. (Jim Evans, TN, Nov 13 - CumbreDX 1320) Гватемала 4779.98 R.Cultural Coatan, San Sebastian 1220 Latin mx and several Radio Cultural$B%b(B ann. Good (Нобуо Такено, Nov 12, Ямагата, Япония - CumbreDX 1323) Германия/Казахстан 6225 RUSSIA, DW via Kazakstan, FF, 08/11 2218, com. OM, traducao simultanea da materia para o frances, a partir de uma entrevista em EE. 25222 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1321) Джибути RT Djibouti, 4780, *0300-0325+ Nov 12. Sign-on with local instrumental music. 0301 vernacular talk. 0302 Kor`an. 0313 talk. 0321 Horn of Africa music. Poor, weak with some ute QRM (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, dxldyg 621) Замбия 4965 R.Christian Voice, Lusaka 2120 Religious pop mx, Clear ID. Nice signal (Nobuo Takeno Nov 12, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1323) 4910 kHz 14.11.05 1745 Utc Zambia BC am 35333 Details: Vernacular voice by ANN at 1755 ID by lady in french and englisch (De Berti Paolo, Switzerland - hard-core-dx 35, 18) Зимбабве 6612H, ZIMBABWE, ZBC, 0138-0202, Nov.15, Vernacular/English, EG pop by Phil Collins at t/in then mix of Afropops and local music. OM in lang b/w selections. EG announcement at 0158, including R.Zimbabwe IDs, SW and FM freqs, re "advertising options" w/ info to "contact our management team" w/ phone number and physical address I could not fully copy. Back to local music at 0200. Fair. Nothing on fundamental 3306. (Barbour-NH, Intervale, Usa - hard-core-dx 35, 14) Израиль 9345 Kol Israel, 18:15-18:30, escuchada el 14 de Noviembre en espa?ol con sintonia y locutor con presentaci?n e identificaci?n, "Kol Israel, noticias", bolet?n de noticias, en paralelo por 7545. SINPO 34232. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 13) Индия 4850, AIR Kohima (pres.), 1144 choral mx by group of men, M anncr 1146 but UTE started. Came back and hrd more choral mx w/M anncr voice-over almost sounding like EG. 1159 W anncr right over ToH sounding //4940 but not // to other Indians though. Both ended tlk by W at the exact same time at 1206 (4940 went into mx and 4850 had mx bridge and more tlk by same W). Male chorus noted again at 1212. Not // for EG nx at 1230. (13 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 4860, AIR Delhi, 1224 W in EG w/"Comments from the Press", deadair, then same W w/pgm summary for the evening and next day at 1225-1230, time ticks, and M w/nx in EG. Decent signal. (13 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 3365, AIR Delhi, Found this //4860 w/EG nx at 1231. Not too bad, but more noise than 60 meters. (13 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) Индонезия 9680, KGRE program via RRI Jakarta, Nov 13, 1006-1021, in English, KGRE jingle, ID, frequencies. They have returned to their regular, post-Ramadan schedule. Fair-poor, mixing with WYFR (in French). Both about the same strength. (Рон Говард, Монтерей, Канада - dxldyg 617) 4874.58 RRI Sorong(Presumed) 2057 Indo.dance mx 2100 RPK, Jakarta News relay. (Nobuo Takeno Nov 12, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1323) Италия 5775, ITALY, R.MiaMigo via IRRS, 2136-2148, Nov.13, English, Classic rock by Bowie, Dylan and Fleetwood Mac. OM w/ titles, local TCs and sked. "MiaMigo" jingle at 2144. Fair. (Barbour-NH, Intervale, USA - hard-core-dx 35, 14) Иран V. of Justice, 6120, *0128-0228 Nov 12. Sign-on with lite instrumental music and 0130 into English programming with IDs and NA. 0131 opening with mention of website and Hotbird satellite frequencies. 0132 Kor`an with English translations. 0137 English news, commentary, weather. Usual anti-American rhetoric. Sign-off with sked, address and lite instrumental music; fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 621) Китай 3985, CPBS Geermu, 1110 Pop/Rock mx pgm hosted by M and W in CH. Definitely //7140 which was weaker. This freq QRMed by the Badge Weather Net right on top. (13 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 5030, CPBS, 1327 CH ID by M as soon as I tuned in, followed by many canned pres. promo anmnts (including dialog by M and W, and sev. using EG Pop/Rock mx). Live M and W studio anncrs at 1331. Very strong!! Came back at 1428 and noted canned anmnts again, still //7110. Unbelievable that this would still be coming in w/audio at 1430, 2-1/2 hours after our local sunrise while the Sun was high in the sky!! Even 5019.9 Solomon Islands had audio. (13 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 7110, CPBS DS-1, Silly mx w/M anncr in CH, //5030. This freq almost as good as 5030 but QRMed. (13 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 9640 R. Int. de China, 22:00-22:15, escuchada el 13 de Noviembre en espa?ol a locutora con presentaci?n y bolet?n de noticias, emitiendo en paralelo por las frecuencias de 7210 y 7250. SINPO 55544 (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 13) 4460, CHINA, CPBS-Beijing. 1046-1104, Nov.14, Mandarin, OM and YL w/ talks, CNR "jingle" mx at 1056. Pips, jingle mx and ID at 1100. Poor, best in USB to avoid ute. // 4800-Gerrmu. (Scott Barbour-Jr-NH, Intervale, USA - hard-core-dx 35, 14) 6090, CHINA,(P)CPBS-Gerrmu, 1134-1146, Mandarin, OM and YL w/ talks over and b/w pop-like music. CNR jingle music and (P)ID at 1145. Poor/fair. (Barbour-NH, Intervale, Usa - hard-core-dx 35, 14) Китай/Мали 15505 MALI, China Radio Internacional, via Bamako, Ch, 08/11 2243, com.OM, com.YL. 35322 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1321) Колумбия 6139.77, R. Lider, 0515, the first time to hear "Feliz Navidad" by Jose Feliciano this year"!!!! (Dave Valko, 6 Nov. - CumbreDX 1320) Was hoping to get out to the remote site to listen for Europirates, but conditions were abysmal. No sign of LHH at 0510. Solar Flux = 79, A Index = 12, and K Index 4 !!! (6 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 5910 COLOMBIA, Marfil Estereo, Bogota NOV 12 0715 - Presumed ! Undeciphrable break between two Latin tunes. Very weak w/ high-frequency growl. My only noteworthy reception, as I didn't listen much to shortwave over the last month and a half. I used part of the Justice antenna connected to my Sangean receiver instead of the long-wire wich brought overloading from mega-pest CFAV-1570 all over the bands + the telescopic antenna extended at maximum. (Bogdan Chiochiu-QC, Montreal, Canada - CumbreDX 1325) Лаос 6130, LAOS, LNR, 1142-1204, Nov.15, Laotian, YL b/w music bits. Vocal ballads at 1150. Instr. music and 7 gongs at 1200 followed by fanfare and presumed ID. OM and YL w/ news, soundbites. Poor/fair. (Barbour-NH, Intervale, Usa - hard-core-dx 35, 14) Латвия 9289.98, R. 73, 1300 pgm start w/M in GM, 1301 "Axle F Theme" to 1305, the M in EG w/ID "You are tuned to R. 73..." and E-mail and web addr. 1305-1309 Rock song. 1309 M anncr but too weak to copy. Different M came in from 1312-1316 sounded like GM. More mx and anmnts but had faded and was just too weak. (13 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) Мавритания 4845 R. Mauritanie 2204-2215. Talk by man in Arabic followed at 2211 by Koran recitation. Good signal with utility interference and fading. SINPO 33333. Recheck at 2230 found Koran recitation with much improved signal. (Jim Evans, TN, Nov 13 - CumbreDX 1320) Мадагаскар 12060, MADAGASCAR, R.Nile relay, 0402-0413, Nov.15, Vernacular/English, YL in lang. at t/in. OM at 0404 w/ EG talks over music, numerous mentions of "Radio Nile". Prg began at 0411 that I could not copy the name of. Poor w/ constant bubble jammer-like QRM. (Barbour-NH, Intervale, Usa - hard-core-dx 35, 14) Мали 22-23 UTC Radio Mali 4783 kHz. French. Weak, QRN and QRM from 4780. S/off 23 UTC. SINPO 23332 Heard sporadically also other days, but very weak signal. (Giovanni Carboni, Чехия - CumbreDX 1322) Мексика 4810 LSB, XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de Am?rica, 0748-0801, 19-11, se?al clara en LSB y apenas audible en modo normal. M?ltiples identificaciones: "Esta es X.E.R.T.A., Radio Transcontinental de Am?rica, desde la Ciudad de M?xico, con una programaci?n dedicada a usted. Desde la Ciudad de M?xico, X.E.R.T.A., Radio Transcontinental de Am?rica, en 4810 kHz.". Tambi?n identificaci?n en ingl?s: "X.E.R.T.A., Short Wave Station from Mexico City, 4810 kHz." "X.E.R.T.A. abre las puertas al radioescucha a un mundo diferente, desde la Ciudad de M?xico, mensajes, m?sica, una programaci?n diferente brindada a usted". Programa "Momentos de reflexi?n, hoy con Cordeiro Rivera", "escr?banos a Momentos de Reflexi?n, apartado 906, La Serena, Chile." (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 18) 6010, Radio Mil, 0802-0825, 19-11, canciones rom?nticas en espa?ol. Interferencia de La Voz de tu Conciencia con sus predicaciones religiosas habituales, recibi?ndose m?s o menos con la misma intensidad que Radio Mil hasta las 0817, y a partir de esa hora, se escuchaba m?s fuere La Voz de tu Conciencia. 22222. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 18) 6185, Radio Educaci?n, 0820-0835, 19-11, m?sica cl?sica ininterrumpida. Buena se?al. 34433 variando a 44444. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 18) Монако/Свазиленд 3200 kHz 16.11.2005 1935 UTC Trans World Radio via Swaziland (Де Берти Паоло, Швейцария - hard-core-dx 35, 15) 3240 kHz 17.11.2005 2042 Utc TWR via Swaziland am 34322 Details: Englisch pgr dialogue ANN and lady ANN at 2044 Utc the signal disappear (De Berti Paolo, Switzerland - hard-core-dx 35, 18) Монголия Mongolian Radio 4830 khz (Altai) was heard very clearly at 2200 hours utc with talks (news ?) in Mongolian language followed by instrumentals with accordeon. (Patrice Privat, France - hard-core-dx 35, 15) Папуа-Новая Гвинея 4890, NBC, Hardly audible at 1045, and barely any carriers on just a few 90 mb PNGs. They did pick up moderately towards 1200 though, but nowhere near normal. (6 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 3375, R. Western Highlands, 1111-1203*, Long nonstop tlk pgm that sounded like a remote bdcst w/M until 1136. Outro w/ment of "provincial station", broadcast, and NBC. Then studio W anncr w/pgm of C&W and Pop mx to finish out the broadcast day. Song anmnts and TCs. Recognized "Everywhere" by Fleetwood Mac 1155-1158. Long canned anmnt by M ending w/W giving P.O. Box 6?? addr over mx 1159-1202. Closing ID anmnt by W 1202-1203 " ?? Nat. Broadcasting Corp. R. Western Highlands...10 o'clock...listeners goodnight, goodnight and God bless". No NA. Signal stayed on until 1212. (8 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 3245, R. Gulf, 1210-1246, Mx pgm of all Island mx w/M anncr host. 1211 ment of pgm, then several messages including one for/from Debra H. 1217 another anmnt w/"Nat. Broadcasting Corp Papua New Guinea provincial radio..." and ment of upcoming nx and "Saturday night amusement". Only 2 anmnts noted between 1230-1248. Good at t/in but fading after 1225. (12 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 7119.97, Wantok R. Light, 1255 end of song, then anmnt by W. Brief deadair, then tlk by same W and M w/ments of 16,375 kina, Papua New Guinea, "...broadcast come to you...", and ending w/abt a half dozen phone numbers. Deadair again at 1301, then nice ID jingle at 1302 "This is your Papua New Guinea Catholic Broadcastings Network, Wantok R. Light FM and shortwave". Into Christian Pop mx pgm hosted by M and W anncrs. Discussion later in the hour. Nonstop mx after 1400 until W returned at 1415, then mx continued until 1425 when the MD ran out!!! Unbelievable that this was still audiable!! Wonder how long it would have stayed in. (12 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 7119.97, Wantok R. Light, Rel. mx and M anncr pgm host. Still in at 1400 but weakening. Caught same M anncr at 1409. Mx still audible at 1421!! Wonder how long this would have been in if I'd have been listening from a micro-DXpedition yesterday when conditions were much better. Wouldn't be surprised if it would have stayed in to 1500!! (13 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 4890, NBC, 1401 End of Rom. ballad, then M w/TC for 12 o/clock, and complete ID "You've been listening to the Nat. Broadcasting Corp in Papua New Guinea, Karai R., the Voice of the Nation" and MW and SW freqs over same Rom. ballad including SW freqs in "shortwave 1 band' and "31 international band". 1402-1403 instru. NA, then deadair past 1430. So must leave the xmtr on until morning xmsns begin. As strong as this is, I'm sure it would still be readable at 1500 as the signal was still quite strong by 1430. (13 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 3235 R.Bougainville, Rabaul (presumed) 1905 Morning px. Only heard Island mx Very good signal. 3245 R.Gulf, Kerema Little QRM but strong signal. 1301 NBC ann, NA and sgined off. 3275 R.Southern Highlands, Mendi 1304 Px info.NA and signed off. 3305 R.Western, Daru 2000 Morning px, talk with Island mx. Fair (Nobuo Takeno Nov 12, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1323) Перу 6173.83, R. Tawantinsuyo, 1016-1031, Long rustic Campo song w/W vcls. 1021 short canned promo/ID ending w/ID by W. Into more upbeat Huayno song followed by another at 1026. Nice short canned shouted echo ID by M at 1030, and more mx. Weak w/slight 6175 QRM on poor morning. (Dave Valko, 5 Nov. - CumbreDX 1320) 4886.63, Radio Virgen del Carmen (pres.), 1049, lcl Indian mx, M anncr briefly, then soft LA mx. 2 canned anmnts at 1055. Difficult to ID here. When the ZY fades leaving this in the clear, it fades out as well. (Dave Valko, 5 Nov. - CumbreDX 1320) R. Union, 6114.85, 0705-0720+ Nov 11, Spanish announcements, many canned IDs, Spanish pops; fair-good (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 621) Румыния 9575 Radio Rumania, 22:05-22:10, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en espa?ol a locutor con bolet?n de noticias internacionales. SINPO 55444. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 13) Сев. Марианские о-ва/США 7235.5, VOA, 1339 big signal w/studio W anncr tlk to W phone caller in CH-like lang. 1341 into soft W vcl song ending prematurely at 1343 and W anncr came in w/Web site addr and tlk. Then M and W anncrs 1344-1354 in discussion ending w/both saying something in unison. Studio W then ending the pgm segment at 1354. 1355 fanfare mx w/canned W anmnt, and M w/nx update ending at 1358 w/VOA ID and Web site. Went off abruptly at 1358. Returned at 1405 and found it on 7235 even w/nx ending w/VOA ID at 1407. Wonder why this was off freq prior to 1358?? (13 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) Северная Корея P`yongyang Broadcasting Station, 6250.13, 0925-0945+ Nov 12. Nice program of local music. // 6398.81, both fair to good (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 621) Сингапур 7235, RSI, Couple jingles including a canned ID at 1100. Fair. (5 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) 6080, SINGAPORE, RSI, 1113-1126, Nov.14, English, Intvw re Singapore University, overview of India's energy prg. RSI promos and IDs. "Write Stuff" prg. w/ intvw of author of book on ancient Chinese architecture. Poor. (Barbour-NH, Intervale, USA - hard-core-dx 35, 14) 7235, SINGAPORE, RSI, 1208-1216, Nov.15, Malay-?, OM and YL w/ talks b/w music bits. ID annmt/jingle at 1214. Talks resume. Poor/fair. (Barbour-NH, Intervale, Usa - hard-core-dx 35, 14) Сирия 9330 R. Damasco, 22:15-22:30, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en espa?ol, himno nacional e identificaci?n, locutora con horarios y frecuencias, anuncian emitir por los 9330 y 12085, segmento de m?sica popular local, en paralelo por 12085. SINPO 44333.(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 13) Судан[non] R. Nile, 12060 via Madagascar, *0359-0415+ Nov 13. Sign-on with local music, English ID and sked. English talk about Sudan, some vernacular talk. Fair, but audio slightly muffled. Weaker on // 15320 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 621) США 4440 (3 X 1480 harmonic) WZFB, Fair Bluff NC (a few miles from the SC/NC border on Rt. 76), C&W mx format. End of song at 1113, then ID/promo anmnt by M mentioning "...on WZFB....WZFB....WZFB broadcasting ?? all the way to North Myrtle Beach...broadcast from WZFB, and Solomon Radio....", followed by ad block. Decent of peak, but complete f/outs. Difficult most of the time. Would never have gotten all the details if not for the FCC AM query web site. (Dave Valko, 5 Nov. - CumbreDX 1320) 9320 ESTADOS UNIDOS, WINB, Red Lion-PA, EE, 08/11 2312, com.OM, px religioso (// 13570). 25422 (Рудольф Гримм, Сан Бернардо, Бразилия - CumbreDX 1321) 5745, Radio Marti, 0952-0955 Noted two men in Spanish Comments with one giving the ID as Radio Marti. I'm thinking this is a spar? Checked 6030 with parallel signal there. Signal is very good. (Chuck Bolland, November 16, 2005, Clewiston, Florida - CumbreDX 1322) 3185 WWRB, Manchester 1300 Instrumental mx followed by ID then Religious talk. Fair signal (Nobuo Takeno Nov 12, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1323) WMLK, 9265.07, *1700-1715+ Nov 11. Strong carrier but very weak modulation. English sign-on announcements followed by the usual preaching about Yahweh by Elder Jacob O Meyer (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 621) Туркмения 5015, Turkmen Radio, Asgabat, 2252-2258-18-11, locutor, comentarios en turkmen, canciones de Turkmenistan. 24322.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 18) Шри-Ланка Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation can still be heard here in Finland. Their bilingual Hindi/English Service was noted today November 18 on 7275- and 11905 kHz at 15 UTC scheduled 1330-1530 UTC. Hindi section of the programme was introduced by a lady announcer, English by a male announcer. Music mainly Asiatic/Indian, no more Western evergreens. I miss the old format on 15748 kHz. Last 34 minutes before close down at 1534 UTC reception on 11905 kHz was good. Signal strength at peaks S9. Reception in the 41 mb, 7275 kHz was a lot weaker, suffering Chinese QRM after 15 UTC. I measured nominal 7275 kHz with all QRM 7274,75 kHz. Maybe I`m wrong. (Jouko Huuskonen, Turku, Finland - hard-core-dx 35, 17) Украина 5910, UKRAINE, RUI, 0154-0202, Nov.14, English/Ukrainian, Local pops w/ "Music from Ukraine" prg. YL w/ EG schedule, contact info. IS at 0200 into Ukrainian service. Fair, fluttery signal. (Barbour-NH, Intervale, USA - hard-core-dx 35, 14) Уругвай 9620.65, SODRE?? Weak carrier here at 1040, but in the clear. Wonder if SODRE is still here. (31 Oct., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) Чад 6165 kHz, Nov 17, 22:00, Drums, french OM, TA, mx, nx headlines, N'djamena mentioned, reports. Little QRM from Croatia. O=3-4, using Degen DE1103 + telescope antenna. (Gunter Lorenz, Freising, Germany - CumbreDX 1324) Эквадор 4919.06, ECUADOR, R.Quito, 1012-1024, Nov.14, Spanish, SP ballads w/ "zinger" IDs b/w selections. Poor/fair. (Barbour-NH, Intervale, USA - hard-core-dx 35, 14) Экваториальная Гвинея 5005 R. Nacional, Bata 0550-0600. Talk by man in Spanish. 0600 Announcements by woman and man, a few bars of West African music, and more talk by man. Poor signal with fading. SINPO 23222. (Jim Evans, TN, Nov 13 - CumbreDX 1320) R. Nacional, Bata, 5005, 2240-2304* Nov 11. Vernacular talk, Afro Pops. Sign-off with their lengthy NA. Weak, poor in noise (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA - dxldyg 621) Эфиопия 7110, ETHIOPIA, R.Ethiopia, 0340-0401, Nov.15, Vernacular, Various announcers and interview b/w jazz-like mx bits. ID/IS at 0359 then presumed news. Fair. Nothing on // 9704v but presumed DRM hash.(Barbour-NH, Intervale, Usa - hard-core-dx 35, 14) 7165.13 V. of Democratic Alliance(p) 1502-1516. Talks by M to 1513, then a short selection of vocal music; back to talk at 1515. Fair signal, // to 9559.73 which was good but splattered by 9565. (John Wilkins, 11/16, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, Usa - CumbreDX 1324) ЮАР 3320 R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton(Presumed) 2000 Instrumental mx followed by woman talk in Afrikans? ID? Good 3345 Channel Africa, Meyerton 1957 IS with ID. Good (Nobuo Takeno Nov 12, Yamagata, Japan - CumbreDX 1323) Ю.Корея 6285, V.O.K., 1136 end of choral song, then ID by M in FR, and tlk by same M. Good. (13 Nov., Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1320) --------------- Средние Волны Гренада 535, R. Grenada/GBN (pres.), 0120-0348, Soft Jazz mx pgm at t/in. F/out over ToH, but seemed to still be going at 0204 slight peak. M and W at 0221 and 0227, but unreadable. M and W again at 0244. 0305 M in non-accented EG w/health pgm. Some sound bites also. Seemed to still be going at 0337 and 0345 peaks. Just too much QRM. Wish I had the loop antenna out of the attic!! (Dave Valko, 2 Nov. - CumbreDX 1320) Македония 810 Radio Skopje 1, 20:50-21:05, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en griego un programa de m?sica y a locutora con ID "Radio Skopje...", locutor con bolet?n de noticias. SINPO 55444. (Хосе Минель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 13) Перу Quito 14/Nov/2005 10:32 Monday edition: 580.00 Radio Mara?on Ja?n (Per?) Comments, photos and recordings at: http://www.malm-ecuador.com (Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador - hard-core-dx 35, 13) Португалия 594 Radio Renascen?a, 21:05-21:10, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en portugues a locutora con noticias, m?sica de sintonia y cu?a de la emisora "Radio Popular". SINPO 44333. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 13) Саудовская Аравия 1521 SAUDI ARABIA(p) BSKSA, Duba, Nov 12, 2238 noticed het while listening to WWKB on kitchen radio. DX-440 confirmed monster het; nulled WWKB but het killing audio, even 2-3 khz above. Audio pulsing in/out several times per minute. First detected OM w/AA talk, mx before pips TOH. Any ID killed by het & pulse out. First timer for me-so rather excited... "BAMM!!!" (Amazing what you can hear in the kitchen :) Play back of tape denoted audio gone 2302, carrier 2303; which agrees with WRTH. Nov 13 netted a slightly better audio recording of music and weaker het, same times, but still muddy for any ID. (K Rychalsky-CT Nov '05 - hard-core-dx 35, 13) Украина Пробежался сегодня утром (с 0907) по LW/MW с целью чего нибудь необычное нащупать. Ничего особого не заметил и решил просто оценить прохождение украинских станций. Итак: kHz - SINPO 207 - 45554 549 - 45554 648 - 35453 657 - 35453 (заметное улучшение) 765 - 35553 (странное ухудшение) 1026 - 15441 (а это откуда? Или я с Белоруссией спутал...) Наверное таки спутал, поскольку на 1125 -24442 (канал культура) вроде шла та же передача, правда что-то таки на украинском было. Оценку S надо считать достаточно объективной (с точностью S-метра YB400). На самом деле она мне кажется занижена. Без S-метра я бы поставил всем (ну кроме 1026 и 1125 кГц) на бал выше. (Вячеслав Олейник, Кишинев, Молдова - open_dx 94) Франция 1278 France Bleu, 21:17-21:25, escuchada el 12 de Noviembre en frances un programa de m?sica pop de los a?os 70 y 80 de m?sica francesa e internacional, locutora con identificaci?n. SINPO 44433. (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 13) Эквадор 3279.6, La Voz del Napo, 0645-0740, 19-11, locutor y locutora, comentarios y canciones religiosas, identificaci?n: "Gracias a todos ustedes,queridos hermanos, por escuchar Radio Mar?a". 24322. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 18) -------------- Связь Гренландия The postal address of OZL Ammassalik Radio which relays KNR (Greenlandic Radio) on 3815 kHz is: Silasiorpimmut B920, 3913 Tasiilaq, Greenland. Some photos of Greenlandic costal radio stations incl. OZL can be found at http://www.coastalradio.org.uk/ozl.htm . (Бернд Трутенау, Литва - CumbreDX 1320 400 B Manises, Valencia, CW, 21:48, 444 6319 Abxandria Radio, Egipto, marcador CW, 21:53, 444 6379 IsN Haifa, Israel, Marcador CW, 21:51, 443 6856 MFA Cairo, Egipto, marcador CW, 21:48, 444 8423 Monaco Radio, marcador CW, 21:58, 343 8427 Gdynia Radio, Polonia, marcador CW, 21:55 333 (Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Валенсия, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 13) utc qrg call/s rst dist/kms 12:04 28,256.- C30P 447 903 12:05 28,263.- EA4DAT 467 1,415 12:06 28,200.- CS3B 477 2,947 13:03 28,227.5 IW3FZQ 335 28 (Walter Cappoza, Venezia, Italy - wun 19, 26) 4209.5 TAH: Istanbul R 1951 fec Tfx/Turk (15/Nov/05) (RH2) 4294.7 FUE: FN Brest 1940 rtty 75/850 Allde FUE string (15/Nov/05) (RH2) 4336.7 VTH1.4.5: IN Bombay 1635 rtty 50/850 RY/ID + Tfc List (15/Nov/05) (RH2) 6496.0 CFH: CF Halifax 1959 rtty 75/850 Wx/EE (15/Nov/05) (RH2) 6507.0 VTP13/14: IN Vishakhapatnam 1956 rtty 50/850 4LG + alpha/N Callsigns (15/Nov/05) (RH2) 8192.0 9MR: Malay Navrad 1650 rtty 50/850 Admin Tfc (15/Nov/05) (RH2) 15920.0 CFH: CF Halifax 1943 rtty 75/850 ID string + 4LG (15/Nov/05) (RH2) 16014.0 RFQP: FF Jibouti 1135 Arq-E3 100/400 Idling (18/Nov/05) (RH2) 16906.5 FUV: FF Jibouti 0805 rtty 75/850 Testing - Le Brick rtc (13/Nov/05) (RH2) 17146.0 CBV: CN Valparaiso 1140 fax 120/576 Poor copy! (17/Nov/05) (RH2) (Robert C C Hall, Zambia - wun 19, 32) 9230.0 0000210601: GREEK MOI ?LOC 0240 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (17/Nov)(DW) 9230.0 ---: UNID 0418 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng T7Z (17/Nov)(DW) 9230.0 ---: UNID 0433 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng T1Z (17/Nov)(DW) 9996.0 RWM: TS MOSCOW 0911 CW Time signals (17/Nov)(DW) (Day Watson, Cleveson, UK - wun 19, 32) Вчера в 19.55 на 40-метровом любительском оглушительно был слышен японец JA0PI Kow, Niigata. Ему отвечал УА9УКМ Аркадий из Кемерово. Далее его наперебой вызывала толпа европейцев, среди них, например, француз F6DMQ Yves, итальянец IZ6FUQ Stefanos... Были и европейские россияне, но я их не слышал (мертвая зона). Японец шел очень устойчиво и довольно громко еще долго (конца его работы я не дождался).(Алекмандр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 946) --------------- УКВ Нет новостей --------------- Интернет http://es.geocities.com/jmromero782004/ http://spaces.msn.com/members/dxvalencia/ --------------- QSL Иран Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting f/d QSL card in 189 days, picturing 4 frames of Mosque tilework. Only first of two combined reports confirmed, although QSL has room for eight. POBox "jammer" size envelope (when folded): 11x13x 1/2 inch thick, w/black plastic liner, containing three full color family magazines, letter, A05 schedule (outdated), and souvenier sheet of four 2004 mint postage stamps depicting earthquake scenes. Nice gesture/package. (K Rychalsky-CT Nov '05 - hard-core-dx 35, 13) США/Флорида f/d Rubber stamped onto USPS Florida-Postage-Stamp picture post card (2001 design-same yr as reception report), in 1435 days [thats right - less than one month short of four (4) years] for $1-US, hello; v/s Jeff White. So how fast does a Florida snail travel anyway? (K Rychalsky-CT Nov '05 - hard-core-dx 35, 13) ---------------- Новости Беларусь Вот новое расписание передач Беларуского радио на сезон B05: Иновещание 02.00-04.00 5970 кГц (250 кВт), 6155 кгЦ (150 кВт), 7210 кГц (75 кВт) На Зап. Европу 20.00-23.00 7340 кГц (75 кВт), 7125 кГц (250 кВт), 7440 кГц (150 кВт) На Зап. Европу * БР-1 04.00-23.00 ежедневно 6115 кГц (75 кВт, круговая антенна) 05.00-07.00 ежедневно 7170 кГц (250 кВт), на Россию 10.00-11.00 ежедневно 11960 кГц (250 кВт), на Россию 16.00-18.00 ежедневно 7255 кГц (250кВт), на Россию (с 16.00 до 16.40 - трансляция программ областных ТРК) В этом сезоне через передатчик в Колодищах ретранслируется программа Семейного Радио WYFR на испанском языке на частоте 7440 кГц с 19.00 до 20.00 UTC (ежедневно), мощность передатчика 150 кВт, направление - на Зап. Европу Канал Культура 05.00-22.00 ежедневно 1125 кГц (150 кВт, круговая антенна) Кстати, сегодня Беларускому радио исполнилось 80 лет :) (Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx 943) Иран IRIB, Radio Tehran Bengali shift to 7295 kHz (ex 7305 kHz) from 1430-1530 UTC to avoid strong co-channel interference from Voice of Russia Hindi programme. (Swopan Chakroborty, UK - hard-core-dx 35, 14) Кирибати Radio Kiribati apparently NOT on shortwave! The national broadcaster of the Pacific Ocean island of Kiribati, Radio Kiribati, can be heard live online at http://radio-tarawa.tskl.net.ki, via the Icecast open source audio streaming server. There are two streams available, a mono stream at a bitrate of 16 kbps and a stereo stream at 32 kpbs, both using the Ogg Vorbis multimedia streaming format. The station was observed signing-on at 1825 UTC on Friday 11 November 2005, opening with a choral version of the national anthem and identification in the local language, I-Kiribati, as "Aio Banaan Kiribati" [latter word is pronounced kir-ree-bass]. This was followed by a music programme presented in I-Kiribati, then a relay of BBC World Service news in English at 1900 after which there was Radio Kiribati's own "Local and District News" in English at 1920 UTC. It was noted that the interval signal/signature tune used with English identification announcements is a pan pipes version of Roxette's pop hit "It Must Have Been Love". The Radio Kiribati stream was silent when checked again at 0200 UTC the following day, but the last few minutes of the day's broadcast were caught shortly before closing at 1055 UTC with announcements in I-Kiribati and this announcement in English: "This is Radio Kiribati, the broadcasting service of Kiribati, in the Central Pacific. We're transmitting from Bairiki Atoll on a frequency of 846 kiloHertz, on 354.6 metres in the mediumwave band". Radio Kiribati (formerly Radio Tarawa) is currently the country's sole broadcaster. In 1998 an attempt to set up a commercial competitor, Newair FM101, failed to get off the ground when the radio station's directors were prosecuted for "importing telecommunications equipment without a permit". However, the station still hopes to obtain a licence and retains a website at http://www.users.bigpond.com/newairfm. The small independent nation of Kiribati is situated in the Pacific Ocean halfway between Hawaii and Australia. It was formerly known as the Gilbert Islands, part of the British colony of Gilbert and Ellice Islands, until the two island groups were separated and given autonomy in 1975 (the Ellice Islands becoming Tuvalu) then attained full independence in 1979. Kiribati today has 33 main islands occupying a land area of 811 square kilometres, scattered over an ocean area the size of the continental United States, with an estimated total population of around 103,000, including about 35,000 in Tarawa, the capital. Local time is UTC +12 hours. An edited audio clip of Radio Kiribati can be heard on the Interval Signals Online website at www.intervalsignals.net. The 5-minute clip comprises the following: "It Must Have Been Love" interval signal/signature tune & live ID (English), canned ID (I-Kiribati), bilingual sign-off announcements, canned ID (I-Kiribati), choral national anthem. (Dave Kernick - hard-core-dx 35, 13) Микронезия Public radio services from the four constituent states of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) are accessible live online at www.fm, a website run by local telecom provider FSM Telecommunications Corporation. The following radio stations are available: Chuuk (formerly Truk) State - BWXX FM 89.5 (V6AK) Yap State - KUTE FM (V6AI) Kosrae State - Voice of Kosrae V6AJ Pohnpei (formerly Ponape) State - Voice of Pohnpei V6AH In addition to the live streams the entire programme output for the previous three days are nominally available on-demand as 18-hour audio files. However, when checked on 14 November it was found that this feature was actually only functioning for Yap station KUTE FM, and in the case of BWXX FM (Chuuk) both the live stream and the on-demand files were silent. All stations typically broadcast at 0600-2400 local time (UTC +10 hours Chuuk, Yap; UTC +11 hours Kosrae, Pohnpei). Programming is in indigenous languages and English, including some news and business programmes from overseas broadcasters such as the BBC and Radio Australia. Voice of Pohnpei V6AH has its own long-dormant website with programme schedules at www.fm/ppbc. The Federated States of Micronesia are part of the Caroline Islands archipeligo located in the Pacific Ocean, north east of Papua New Guinea. In the aftermath of World War II these islands formed part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, a United Nations trusteeship under US administration, emerging as a separate political entity with the adoption of a constitution in 1979. Independence was attained in 1986 under a "Compact of Free Association" with the USA, an agreement providing guaranteed financial assistance from the US in return for certain defence rights. Maps, photos, links and a wealth of information on the FSM can be found on the tourist organization's attractive website at www.visit-micronesia.com. Clips from three of these stations can be heard on the Interval Signals Online website at www.intervalsignals.net (Dave Kernick - hard-core-dx 35, 14) Россия Похоже, идея Российского DX-конкурса опять перекочевала через несколько улиц на территории Казани. Эстафету от Ильдуса Ибатуллина, который проводил конкурс в 2005 году, беру опять я, Дмитрий Мезин. Первые наметки: - конкурс будет проходить, как обычно, в феврале -- начинаться вечером в пятницу и заканчиваться чуть больше чем через неделю, утром в понедельник. Например, с 10 по 20 февраля 2006. - раскладка по частям будет привычной: 1) прием стран бывшего СССР и всего мира 2) прием станций России 3) DX-викторина. - идей нового конкурса Российского союза DX-истов мы использовать не будем. Об этом просят его функционеры в газете "Российский Радиолюбитель" N 10 (13) -- и на самом деле, идеи у нас разные. Денежных призов, в отличие от предлагаемых РСDX, не будет -- опять чисто литература, полученная по дружбе от спонсоров. И национальным конкурс тоже не будет -- наоборот, он уже несколько лет открытый, международный. В английском названии конкурса я в этот год решил это особо отразить. На английском языке мероприятие будет называться "8th Russian Open DX Contest". - по подсчету очков хочу попробовать систему итальянского конкурса -- число 101 минус процент участников, которые данную станцию слышали (с отбрасыванием дробной части). Т.е. за редкие станции невозможно будет получить больше 100 очков. Если у кого-то будут идеи, интересные вопросы для викторины и все такое прочее -- пишите! Через час-другой я открою адрес dxc2006 @ dxsignal.info, куда можно будет направлять все по части конкурса. Ну, и в open_dx, и по моему личному мылу тоже можно!!! (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 943) Space Weather News for Nov. 16, 2005 http://spaceweather.com BIG SUNSPOT: An impressive sunspot, "NOAA 822," has appeared on the Earth-facing side of the sun. Measured from end to end, it is wider than Jupiter, and it is crackling with M-class (medium-sized) solar flares. So far none of the explosions has hurled a coronal mass ejection toward Earth. Geomagnetic storms and auroras are possible, however, if this 'spot unleashes a major flare in the days ahead. TAURID FIREBALLS: The Taurid meteor shower, which peaked in early November and should be subsiding, continues to produce fireballs, according to reports submitted to the American Meteor Society. If you're outside at night this week, keep an eye on the sky for bright meteors. (Mike Terry, UK - dxldyg 620) На сайте "Голоса далеких стран" (http://dxsignal.info) размещена новая публикация -- сводное расписание работы радиостанций, вещающих на русском языке. Составил расписание Василий Гуляев из Астрахани. Василий, спасибо за ценный материал! Найти расписание можно с главной страницы и из DX-читальни. Файл формата PDF, размер 100 кБ. Если хотите скачать файл на компьютер, жмите на ссылку правой кнопкой и выбирайте "Сохранить объект как" (в IE) или аналогичный пункт, если у вас другой браузер. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань Россия - open_dx 945) ---------------- Аппаратура Ron Howard Monterey, CA RX340 + T2FD antenna Walter Cappoza Rx : Kenwood R-600 Dipole 2.53+2.53 Wire 13 mts. Dec : SEATTY 1.0 MMSSTV 1.11 MMTTY 1.65B MscanMeteo Pro Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA R75, 200' Beverage antennas. Вячеслав, Кишинев (QTH 4702N, 2850E) Приёмник: Grundig YB400 Антенна: магнитная. De Berti Paolo - Switzerland JRC 545 - RF Dx one antena Nobuo Takeno Yamagata Japan NRD-535D with 10m wire John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Drake R-8, 100-foot RW. Bob IC-R8500 + W40PC + C3G + M7000 + MVT7100 PC-Ale + PC-HFDL + Mscan Meteo Fax Airnav Suite 4 + ACARS2.1 + 1.1, Nkosi Sikelel i'Afrika Day Watson QTH: Clevedon, UK Rec: NRD545, NRD535, Aquila(SDR14), RX320D WUN: DR Col Editor De Berti Paolo - Switzerland JRC 545 - RF Dx one antena ------------------------ 73 всем! И.Л.
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