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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 42

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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 42
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 9295 Abkhaz radio 0548  rock songs 32442 nothing found 
on 9535 on 0805 (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 27.10.05 using PL550 - CumbreDX 1311)

HCJB very good on 15425 in English, Oct 31 at 1522 with a talk on
Canaanites and Israelites, biblical archaeology, making unwarranted conclusions
and misrepresenting history, to closing at 1530 with HCJB Australia ID (Glenn
Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

17820 CVC at 0510 with fair to good signal . 0924  
(Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 26.10.05 using PL550 )
KUWAIT? 9750  Farsi songs  co QRM with NHK  33443 (Zacharias 
Liangas Litohoro 26.10.05 using PL550 - CumbreDX1311)

After 9590 closed at 1600* Nov 3, I could hear RA on 
9710 from *1600, tho not very well (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 605)

KNLS making it here in English at 1410 Oct 31 on 9655, Postcard from
Alaska about the Iditarod race, but suffering from splatter de Korean on 9650,
which is RKI`s Korean 2 service via Sackville, now that they`ve got the feed
plugged in (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcangel 
San Gabriel, 2030-2102, 03-11, locutor y 
locutora, comentario sobre como hacer una huerta 
y tener semillas y flores, "Continuamos con 
Rincon de Patria", canciones argentinas, 
comentario sobre los pinguinos que viven en la 
Artartida, cancion "Desde la Patagonia". 
Identificacion: "Desde la Base Esperanza, 
Antartida Argentina, transmite LRA 36, Radio 
Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel en espanol, por la 
frecuencia de 15476 kHz. para el mundo", locutor. 
2102: "Llegamos al fin de nuestro programa, nos 
volveremos a encontrar en la proxima edicion", 
locutora.  Cierre a las 2102. 24322. Durante el 
tiempo de escucha, no se observo interferencia de otras emisoras.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

Афганистан [non]
The revised schedule of the Radio Solh PsyOps transmissions: 0200-1200 on 
11675 (Dhabbaya-UAE), 1200-1500 on 15265 (Rampisham-UK), 1500-1800 on 9875 
(Rampisham-UK). (Бернд Трутенау, Литва - dxldyg 602)

19010 R Free Afghanistan 1253 , interview of a woman , talks of 
a young boy 34433 (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 26.10.05 Using 1103+ 
DE31 active loop - CumbreDX 1311)

17700  R Solh 1242 with Hindi afghan songs 34543 (Zacharias 
Liangas Litohoro 28.10.05 with 1103 and 2 sqm mesh - CumbreDX 1311

19010 R Free Afghanistan 1257 quranic verses . OM talks abt 
Ramadan , news  with mentions abt Al Qaeda 45444 (Zacharias 
Liangas Litohoro 28.10.05 with 1103 and 2 sqm mesh - CumbreDX 1311)

5910, TNT Hit Radio via Julich, 
1500-1540, 05-11, musica pop, programa "The TNT 
Parade" y "The TNT Hits 50", canciones 
presentadas por locutor, idioma flamenco (Dutch). 
Muy buena musica, presentada con mucho dinamismo 
por los disc-jockeys de la emisora. Senal muy fuerte. 45444.

TNT Hit Radio transmitia antes del dia 5 de 
Noviembre por los 5975 kHz entre las 1000 y las 
1600 UTC. Ahora, a partir de este fin de semana, 
lo hace por los 5010, tambien entre las 1000 y las 1600 UTC
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - NoticiasDX 1089)

R. Bulgaria plays a lot of great Bulgarian folk music, on the
Bulgarian language service, such as Oct 31 at 1445-1500* on 15700 (Glenn
Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

4754,88 Radio Educacao Rural, Campo Grande, MS, 2343-2350, 
November 05, Portuguese,
Programme: "Milicia da Inmaculada". Religious programme;
Ann. & TC as: "2148 horario brasileiro da verao....Milicia
da Inmaculada....en Campo Grande, 20 horas y 48 minutinhos.....
en este programa da Igreja do Radio Catolica Unida para a evangelicacao", 34433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1089)

4915, Radiodifusora Macapa, 0435-0445, 04-11, 
canciones brasilenas, locutor, identificacion: 
"... ondas tropicais 4915 khz, Radidifusora Macapa, Macapa, Brasil". 24322
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

6105, Radio Cultura Filadelfia, Foz de Iguacu, 
(probable), 0835-0847, 04-11, portugues, locutor, 
canciones y comentarios religiosos. 24322.  No 
era radio Cancao Nova, que emite en la misma 
frecuencia. Comprobado al sintonizar al mismo 
tiempo Cancao Nova en 9675, con distinto programa.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

9530, Radio Transmundial, 2118-2135, 03-11, 
programa "A Voz do Brasil", lucotor, noticias de 
Brasil: "Estas foron as principais noticias de 
hoxe no Brasil, voltamos mana", a las 2130 "Xornal do Senado". 24322.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

9505, Radio Record, Sao Paulo, 0815-0819, 04-11, 
portugues, locutor, comentarios, identificacion: 
"Seis horas e dazasete minutos, Radio Record". 23222.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

9630, Radio Aparecida, 0820-0824, 04-11, locutor, 
"Hoxe e dia catro". Cancion identificativa "Radio 
Aparecida". Comentarios sobre aniversarios. 34333
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, 0555-0602, 04-11, 
locutor, comentarios. A las 0600: "Informacao na 
Bandeirantes". Noticia del Banco de Brasil. 24322.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

9675, Radio Cancao Nova, 0847-0855, 04-11, 
Programa "Axenda do dia", noticias, locutor y locutora. 33333
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

5030, Radio Burkina, 0630-0645, 
04-11, Inicio de las transmisiones, frances: 
"Vous etes a l'ecoute du programe de la RTB, le 
presente edition de las nouvelles, bonjour". 
Locutor y locutora, noticias de Burkina. 34333.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

Estoy escuchando a un discurso (?en vivo?) de Hugo 
Chavez en Mar del Plata, antes y despues de las 22 TU del 5 de 
noviembre en 11875, sin duda via Cuba. Antes de las 2155 hubo 
concierto anti-imperialista en el aire libre, con lluvias. Un poco de 
inteferencia de alguna emisora en ingles. Dijo que se transmite por 
TeleSur, pero esta frecuencia se utilizaba antes para Radio Nacional 
de Venezuela via Cuba a las 21 hasta 22, pero inactiva desde hace 
mucho tiempo (Glenn Hauser, OK - NoticiasDX 1089)

I am hearing a (live?) speech by Hugo Chavez in Mar del Plata, before 
and after 22 UT Nov 5 on 11875, noi doubt via Cuba. Before 2155 there 
was an anti-imperialist open-air concert, in the rain. A bit of 
interference from some station in English. He said this was being 
broadcast via TeleSur, but this frequency was used before by R. 
Nacional de Venezuela via Cuba, at 21-22, but that had been inactive 
for quite a while (Glenn Hauser, OK - NoticiasDX 1089)

15355  via Moyabi,  NHK World Radio Japan. "Early Autumn' card in six 
months v/s: T.Sato  ( Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1311)

4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 
0430-0535, 04-11, locutor, comentarios y 
canciones religiosas, comentario "formacion 
espiritual". A las 0501 programa en ingles 
"Identificacion: "Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 
Guatemala, Central America". Senal debil. 24322 variando a 14321.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

По крайней мере на 11840 кГц вещание идет с 12.00
по 12.30 UTC. С большими замираниями и общей оценкой 1-2 бала сегодня была
прослушана их передача. Вторая частота предположительно 9815... Из-за
слабого сигнала и больших замираний не удалось достоверно услышать обявление
этой частоты. На 11610 кГц в предполагаемое время (как в 15.00 так и в 16.00
ничего услышать не удалось).

6140 DW 1304 with news in EE . poor signal (Zacharias 
Liangas Litohoro 27.10.05 with 1103 and 2 sqm mesh - CumbreDX 1311)

CVC International via DTK on 7285khz at 2000utc. Poor here in =
English for Africa.(Ian Cattermole, Новая Зеландия - CumbreDX 1310)

AWR via DTK. on 6045KHZ at 0530utc. Weak but clear in =
Bulgarian.(Ian Cattermole, New Zealand - CumbreDX 1310)

4819.2, La Voz Evangelica, Tegucigalpa, 
0658-0720, 04-11, Locutor, comentarios 
religiosos, identificacion a las 0700: "La Voz 
Evangelica de Honduras". Canciones religiosas. 24322.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

15200 KTWR 0920 prog in Indonesian  language 33433 Also 
12095 on 1042 with  tai program , 44433 (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 
27.10.05 with 1103 and 2 sqm mesh - CumbreDX 1311)

15050  AIR in Tamil with children song , YL with ID `wareke 
merekele'  24432 (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 27.10.05 with 1103 and 
2 sqm mesh - CumbreDX 1311)

Oct 31, checking out VOI on 9525: at 1356 just caught Suara
Indonesia ID, and then dead air --- well, not quite dead, as some other
Indonesian audio perhaps from another network, was bleeding thru weakly, but
only lasted two minutes until another ID, and national anthem to slightly after
1400. More dead air, I figured for the usual two+ hours, but not today! At 1515
recheck was in gamelan music; at 1535 found this // much weaker 15149.9 or so,
but no het with a 15150.0 station now missing. Then listened continuously and
it was nothing but gamelan, no announcements until 1600 ID in Arabic, more
gamelan but at 1601 crossfading into Qur`an. By 1612 there was Arabic talk
interrupted by too-loud stingers. 9525 has a continuous whine/hum on it, but
quite strong (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

VOI missing again from 9525, Nov 2 and 3 in chex 
around 1330-1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 605)

Иран[non]. R. Farda coming in well on 15410 at 1522 and 1614 checks Oct 31
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

Ирак [non]
6335,00 Voice of Iraqui Kurdistan, 0353-0401, October 30, Vernacular,
very nice local songs, ann. or identification by male, 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1089)

Nuestro Sello, the program of mostly classical music from 
RTVE`s own label, had been inconveniently scheduled on REE during 
the A-season, but now I see that one airing is M-F 0505-0555, which 
is somewhat better, when on the air to Americas are 5965-CR, 6040, 
6055, 9675 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 605)

Via RCI, Sounds Like Canada from CBC is now starting a local hour
later, Oct 31 from 1506 on 9515, 13655, 17820, and lasts almost two hours. The
harmonica fill music confirmed every hour at 1404, 1504 and 1604. At 1506,
Shelagh tried to rap. Please, enough (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

Morning CBC shows Nov 3, via RCI 17820, 13655, 9515: The 
Current at 1428 was concluding an interview with Paul Falucci, who 
asserted that he had ``represented President Bush`` all over Canada. 
Who is this guy? Ex-US ambassador, that`s who. Gee, I thought his 
job was to represent all of us Americans, not just one.

Then on Sounds Like Canada at 1535, interview with Moses Nymer 
[sp?], to be honoured tonight by the G.G. Seems he is responsible 
for starting up broadcasting institutions such as Much Music, and 
CITY-TV. He related how he wanted to get a callsign that spelt a 
word that meant something, and finally persuaded a bureaucrat to let 
him have a CI- call, tho until then, CI was not available in 
Ontario, as the second letter of broadcast callsigns was 
geographically dependent!

I don`t think this is correct; there are and were broadcast 
callsigns all over Canada, starting with CF, CH, CJ, CK regardless 
of location, as there are now with CI-. I think CI had just not been 
available for any broadcast callsigns (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 605)

DRM buzz spreading many kHz centred on 9800, at 1600 Nov 
3, presumably Sackville as is the case later in the afternoon, but 
it went off shortly. Perhaps testing (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 605)

5102 Jamu &  Kashmir 1415 with song , talks by OM 1423 a pop 
sng . Marginal signal at best (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 28.10.05 with 
1103 and 2 sqm mesh - CumbreDX 1311)

4750 Qinghai PBS, Xinning, Qinghai, 2355-0000, November 05, Chinese,
talk by female, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1089)

7230 XJPBS , trying to listen to Burkina at 1300 I found instead 
a poor  carrier playing Rajasthan like music at 1318 heard XInjinag  and 
the  local music  style in background (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 
26.10.05 Using 1103+ DE31 active loop - CumbreDX 1311)

7570 CNR apparently jammer  43433 @1355(Zacharias 
Liangas Litohoro 26.10.05 Using 1103+ DE31 active loop - CumbreDX 1311) 

CNR freqs found on 17 MHZ on 0550 : 17415 (4)17525 (4) 
17550(4)17580 (4)17605 (4)17615 (4) (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 
27.10.05 using PL550 - CumbreDX 1311)

9705 XJPBS 1228 talks by OM /YL  ID and the old IS  then off 
15544 (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 27.10.05 with 1103 and 2 sqm 
mesh - CumbreDX 1311)

6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 
0802-0840, 04-11, locutor habitual de esta 
emisora con comentarios religiosos "Las leyes de 
Dios", identificacion: "La Voz de tu Conciencia". 
22222. Ligera interferencia de Radio Mil en la misma frecuecia.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

6139.8, Radio Lider, 2325-2340, 03-11, canciones 
colombianas, locutor: "Faltan 28 minutos para las 
7, Radio Lider presenta, Las Ultimas Noticias". 
"Las Noticias de Colombia en Radio Lider". "Aqui 
estan las ultimas noticias del dia, Radio Lider, 730 AM". 24322
Tambien 0603-0615, 04-11, canciones en espanol, 
identificacion: "Esta es Radio Lider, 730 AM". Se 
escuchaba por encima de la Deustche Welle con su 
programa en ingles en la misma frecuencia. (Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX

5054.6, Faro del Caribe, 0733-0750, 
04-11, espanol, comentarios religiosos. Buena 
portadora pero, como siempre, audio debil y distorsionado. 24222.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

Missing the previous morning, RHC transmitters were back in action Oct
31 at 1420 with a fragment of Fidel, as always during this semihour, on 9550,
11760, 11805 and 12000 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

[non]. R. Marti has resumed 17670 from Delano for B-05, first noted Oct
31 at 1450 with huge open carrier, audio from 1500. Before 1500 the four
frequencies were 7405, 11930, 13820, 15330; commie Cuban jamming also audible
on unused 11845, 13630 at 1542 check. The 17670 signal overloads here, much
like 17705 V. of Greece relay did during A-05. Maybe we will have some spurs
from 17670 like the 17838v from 17705 mistaken for El Salvador (Glenn Hauser,
OK - dxldyg 602)

5025, Radio Rebelde, 0550-0700, 04-11, 
programa diario de madrugada "A Esta Hora". 
Identificacion: "A esta hora, una revista de 3 
horas de duracion, repleta de musica cubana. 
Entrevistas telefonicas con oyentes y musica 
cubana. Ligera interferencia de Radio Benin, con 
programa en frances, entre las 0550 y las 0602. 44444.
Y a partir de las 1100 UTC, comienza "Haciendo 
Radio", por las frecuencias de 9505 y 11655 kHz.
9505, 1101-1110, 04-11, "Nos sintonizan por todas 
nuestras frecuencias de FM, AM y onda corta, 22 
grados en nuestra estacion meteorologica, recorra 
el mundo desde su casa con Rebelde, titulares de 
Haciendo Radio, a las 7 horas y 2 minutos. 34333, y en 11655 con SINPO 23322.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

Курдистан [non]. V. of Mesopotamia, 11530 via Moldova, is still heard in
mornings here with entertaining Kurdish music, such as Oct 31 at 1415, good
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

7145 Lao National Radio (P) been listening to this one for weeks.
English is listed at 1330 but it is very difficult to hear.   It is a 
bit easier to
hear them at *1130 when they sign on in Thai.  One can then hear the
same melody played as they start each 1/2 hour language segment, but
hearing an ID is an entirely different story.
Reception is generally poor and one has to listen in LSB.  It tends
to drop off and is usually too poor to listen to by the 1300-1400 French
and then English blocks.
The Asian language services consist of a long talk by the same
announcer.  They finish up about 20 minutes into the broadcast and then
local music is played.
I was lucky enough to hear the French segment today which was
hosted by a man.  I then heard the English block with poor reception.
It consisted of a woman reading short items with frequent, short musical
interludes.  I did not catch an ID, but just some phrases, "listening 
"long wave," "duty," etc.   (Hans Johnson, Naples, Florida Oct to Nov 5 - CumbreDX

The WHR website now shows Hmong Lao Radio:
1200 Sa 0700 AM 0800 AM Saturday Hmong Lao Radio 7.520
1300 Su 0800 AM 0900 AM Sunday   Hmong Lao Radio 7.520
Those local times are EST, so 6 and 7 am are a bit early in 
Hminnesota, unless the Hmong are early hrisers (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 605)

9290 Radio6 0605 with news ,  temperatures etc 34544  and 
great audio! - (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 29.10.05 with PL550 )
 .... 9510 Radio Farda 0758 mix of western and Persian songs ,  ID     
34443 (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 29.10.05 with PL550 - CumbreDX 1311)

5470, Radio Veritas, 2106-2115, 03-11, Musica vernacula, 24322.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

7270 RTM Kuching WAI wai 1420 , ma talking in ML language 
then song 12432 A carrier  started on 1425  with CNR  but some 
Russian  station is also heard , possibly due to overload of radio. No 
signal on 28  Heard again on 29 with song 'words' on 1416 then two 
malay songs YL commenting between them . 1430 CNR over cover. 
Also on 31  with S5 on ICOM (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 27+29 .10.05 
with 1103 and 2 sqm mesh - CumbreDX 1311)

4810 XERTA 1108-1125+.  SP ID ("Desde la corazon de la Ciudad de
Mexico, XERTA..." with address and telephone number also given. A short
religious feature at 1109 was followed by several more EG/SP ID's, then
more short features and ID's to 1125 tuneout. Good signal but bothered by
the swoosher. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 11/5)

4810 LSB, XERTA, 0456-0630, 04-11, espanol, 
canciones y comentarios religiosos. Senal debil. 24222 variando a 14221.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

6010, Radio Mil, 0800-0830, 04-11, canciones 
romanticas en espanol presentadas por locutor. 
Identificacion: "Radio Mil". . Se escucha por 
detras de La Voz de tu Conciencia con sus 
comentarios religiosos, sobre todo cuando la 
senal de la colombiana sufre desvanecimiento. 
Senal debil a muy debil. 12321 variando a 22222.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

6185, Radio Educacion, 0752-0945, 04-11, musica 
instrumental y clasica sin interrupcion. 34333.(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания
- CumbreDX 1311)

12085 0915&0935 talks  in Mongol , Songs on 0933 , 
23432 , while walking in a totally noise free point (Zacharias Liangas 
Litohoro 27.10.05 using DE1103 on very quite  place during walk - CumbreDX 1311)

5770 Myanmar Forces 1424 taks by OM , bamar  pop songs 
33332(Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 26.10.05 Using 1103+ DE31 active 
loop - CumbreDX 1311)

R Myanmar, Yangon noted today November 4 at 1320 UTC on 5040,40 kHz with poor
to fair reception. Signal strength S5  and music was nice local.  A couple days
ago I heard all four 90 mb All India Radio stations still using their current
frequencies. Not frequency change to 60 meter band yet.(Jouko Huuskonen, Turku,
Finland - hard-core-dx 35, 5)

6135 1259  mostly adverts 13421 . New tune 1346  with ID  hen 
a theatre play ID on 1400 on fade off (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 
27.10.05 with 1103 and 2 sqm mesh - CumbreDX 1311)

15070 1225 Hindi like songs 15533  (Zacharias Liangas 
Litohoro 27.10.05 with 1103 and 2 sqm mesh - CumbreDX 1311)

5544,60 Radio San Andres, Cutervo, Cajamarca, 2332-2340, November 05, Spanish,
tecnocumbias, local advs in spanish!!, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1089)

5939,29 Radio Melodia, Arequipa, 0631-0637, November 06, Spanish,
melodic songs in spanish; ID by male at 0637 as:
"Que buen dia con Melodia!!", salsa songs, 34433 in LSB mode,
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiAsDX 1089)

6114,86 Radio Union, Lima, 0644-0650, November 06, Spanish,
Tecnocumbias, ID as: "Union, Union!",
and " Estamos en Radio Union....transmitiendo desde Lima!", 
other ID as: "llamenos al...y pidanos su cancion favorita....Radio Union
y sigue en sintonia", 34433
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1089)

9720 Radio Victoria, Lima, 0639-0642, November 05, Spanish/Portuguese,
religious programme: "...aqui, en Lima....un programa de la Cadena La Voz de
la Liberacion",
22432 with QRM from UNID station on same frequency//6020,23 Khz with 34333
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1089)

9720, Rado Victoria, 2252-3210, 03-11, 
locutor, predicaciones religiosas en espanol. "Misionero David Miranda". 34333.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

В зимний сезон радиостанция "Тихий океан" вещает на частоте 810кГц в диапазоне
средних волн и на частоте 5960 кГц в диапазоне коротких волн. с 10 ноября по
18 ноября 2005 года будет проведено пробное вещание на частоте 7330 кГц в направлении
Охотского моря. Редакция просит всех кто прослушает на этой частоте пробные передачи
написать на адрес gtrk@mail.iks.ru (для "Тихого океана")сообщение о качестве
приема сигнала радиостанции для определения оптимальных параметров передачи
(Роман Назаров - open_dx 933)

[non]. On 9570, Oct 31 at 1510, good signal with talk in Russian
about Christianity, 1513 ID with chimes as R. Blagovest, Moscow address.
Presumably via R. Veritas Asia, Philippines, as usual, new frequency for this
Catholic program (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

6000 SBC City sounds 1313 adverts 22432 (Zacharias 
Liangas Litohoro 27.10.05 with 1103 and 2 sqm mesh - CumbreDX 1311)

Saludos cordiales, Radio Damasco en espa?ol emitiendo por los 9330 kHz desde
las 22:15, e intentado monitorizar las frecuencias de 12085 y 13650 sin escuchar
nada, sufre interferencia de emisora en ingles, supongo se trata de la WBCQ Monticello.
Locutora con bolet?n de noticias, ID y segmento de m?sica folklorica local. SINPO
(Хосе Мигель Ромеро, Бурьясот, Испания - hard-core-dx 35, 4)

США/Таиланд (?)
[non]. VOA is another source for Kurdish music, on 17750 at 1427 Oct
31, 1431 VOA jingle, but has splash de WYFR 17760.

Talk to America about SCOTUS audible on 9645, Oct 31 at 1613, with some
flutter, unlike // 9760 Philippines and 9645 was running a few words behind it.
Is 9645 still Thailand? In A-05 that was scheduled 12-14 only (Glenn Hauser,
OK - dxldyg 602)

Rock the Universe had a fun Hallowe`en show, mixing obscure songs
with oldies, UT Mon Oct 31 at 0605-0700 on WWCR 3215, with frequent ads for DWM
(Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

WEWN transmitters are ailing. Oct 31 at 1419, 11645 in Spanish had a
bad squeal audible on center frequency, and was bleeding out as far as
11620-11670. Time to replace more of those modulator modules! I have also
noticed distorted audio on their night frequency in Spanish, 7540, which runs
from 23 to 13, while 11645 spans 13-06 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

7200 Omdurman 0900 ID Idahatu Omdurman and news in 
Arabic 14331, ON 28 on 0700  with 34443  (Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 
27.10.05 using DE1103 on very quite  place during walk - CumbreDX 1311)

7 и 8 ноября 2005 года будет проводить тестирование частоты 5850 (передатчик
Франция) с 1700-1800 UTC. Из-за помех на частоте 6060.  И просит сообщить о качестве
приема на пробной частоте.
(Аркадий Смирнов, Петрозаводск, Карелия, Россия - open_dx 933)

9745 HAN Dien Sheng 1241  with Chinese  pop songs 1213 
YL  with many mentions of Han  then pop songs continue (Zacharias 
Liangas Litohoro 29.10.05 with PL550 - CumbreDX 1311)

 Live from Turkey, Thu Nov 3 I checked briefly at 1413 on 
15155, which was fair and fluttery, not as good as the days before, 
and besides, the M&W in the studio were gabbing about how touch some 
BBQ meat could be, so I moved on (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 605)

9715 R Tashkent 1333 , IS ID with EE  service 24432 
(Zacharias Liangas Litohoro 28.10.05 with 1103 and 2 sqm mesh - CumbreDX 1311)

Фолклендские о-ва
B-05 BBCWS Calling the Falklands is now 
scheduled on 11680, Tue & Fri 2130-2145. Nov 1, I could not detect 
it aside the huge signal from BBC Caribbean service via Guiana 
French on 11675 at 2100-2200! Another service we can say goodbye to 
for at least a semiyear, great coordination. Maybe the signal direct 
from UK all the way to Falklands does not have so much interference 
from GUF as it does here (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 605)

RFI on 17515 with sports news in English at 1428 Oct 31 --- why do
most of their announcers have British instead of French accents? It`s
confusing; from 1433 a bilingual dramatization with lots of SFX, pausing to
discuss grammatical points, so must be disguised French lessons, lasting all
the way to 1455; meanwhile, RFI on 17620 had Mideast music with French lyrix
1427. The 1600 English broadcast was found on 15365 at 1611 with news, 1617 //
15605 but suffering from the constant buzz accompanying KTBN 15590 (Glenn
Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

The 15370 DRM transmission from HCJB, which had been constant
during October, was missing Oct 31 at 1444 check, and there were some analog
signals around the frequency instead (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 602)

3279.6, La Voz del Napo, 0615-0645, 
04-11, locutor, comentarios religiosos en espanol. Senal muy debil hoy. 14321
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 
0501-0615, 04-11, Inicio de las transmisiones en 
la manana. Canciones de Julio Iglesias y otras 
canciones en espanol, frances y portugues. A las 0605, noticias. 34333.
(Мануэль Мендез, Луго, Испания - CumbreDX 1311)

Эритрея [non]
6350 Voice of Tigray Revolution, Mek?ele, 0405-0410, October 30, Vernacular,
bulletin news read by male & female, 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1089)

6940 Radio Fana, Adis Ababa, 0346-0350, October 30, Vernacular,
long talk by male, 25422 //6210 khz (35433)
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1089)

15195 R Japan in English  //7230 @0555  fair signal (Zacharias 
Liangas Litohoro 27.10.05 using PL550 - CumbreDX 1311)

Besides 1400, R. Japan in English is also on 9875 at 1500, 
but now it clashes with R. Solh. Japan was on top, tho poor, Nov 3 
at 1523-1524 concluding Asian Top News quoting other stations. 
Fortunately, at this hour, we have a much better frequency direct to 
NAm, 9505 (Glenn Hauser, OK - dxldyg 605)

Китай временами кое-где весьма сильно

 603 1240 KBS, Корея на некоторое время победило вечный Тайвань
1485 1245 Xinjiang RGD на кит (//999/1494) на несколько минут вытеснило полностью
РРоссии из Тюмени
 981 1255 CNR1, 2 штуки с эхом
 936 1313 CNR1 громко //945/981/1539/1593
 855 1330 CNR2, ID сквозь РРоссии
 918 1330 Shandong RGD, ID "Shandong Renmin Guangbo Diantai"
 900 1400 CNR2, ID под мощным Ираном

657 1630 Иран, сразу 2 станции, ID
Кто разберет название города?
(Виктор Рутковский, Ектеринбург, Россия - open_dx 931)

4 ноября 2005 г.

08.59-09.01    8788 кГц (USB)    Холмск-радио    SINPO: 45554    судовая
09.34-09.36    12601 кГц    маяк "BUA"    RST: 579
09.41-09.42    13176 кГц (USB)    UNID    SINPO: 35553    судовая связь (YL
& OM)
09.51    12582 кГц    маяк "XSV"    RST: 549
09.53    8888 кГц (USB)    Тюмень-метео    SINPO: 45554    Погода на 9.30 по
12.36    8888 кГц (USB)    Кольцово-метео    SINPO: 45554    Погода на 12.30
по а/п
12.54    6693 кГц (USB)    Тюмень-метео    SINPO: 45554    Погода на 12.30
по а/п

5 ноября 2005 г.

15.24    7041 кГц    маяк "А"    RST: 589
(Иван Зеленый, Нижневартовск, Россия - open_dx 933)

3755.0 RTS: unid 1827utc 5Nov05 CW
RTS maintaining a hourly comm check with
callsign: UGU6. RTS sent 5FG msg's at
1805utc, following stns confirmed receipt
RBN3, UGU4 and UGU6.
(Attu Bosch, Alaska - wun 19, 13)

06470.0 UWS3: KIEV RADIO 2045 CW v.fast with priv.msg to ships/sailors 
08424.0 SVO: Olympia Radio 2107, SITOR-B, News? in greek(05-nov-2005)
(SQ5EBM, Poland - wun 19, 13)

13029.0Khz lsb  Chinese number station sending 3FG on 2005-11-05 @ 06:28:22 UTC
by Sferix in Taipei Taiwan on ZIRC:#wunclub (wun 19, 13)

12804.0Khz dig  Russian 50Bd 200Hz shift in idle on 2005-11-05 @ 06:53:31 UTC
by Sferix in Taipei Taiwan on ZIRC:#wunclub (wun 19, 13)

QSL такая же как и 10-12 лет назад, на тонкой бумаге. Пришла открыткой. Хорошо
хоть не помялась. Частота 6205, которая гремела этим летом в Москве. Ждать подтверждения
пришлось полгода.
(Василий Кузнецов, Москва - open_dx 930)

6188,9 Khz  Radio Bosques, Gonnet, La Plata. Argentina
Tarjeta QSL con datos completos verificando un informe de recepcion realizado
de una
transmision del dia 13 de Octubre. No aparecen datos del verificador en la portada
y hay una
atenta nota firmada por "Alejandro", saludando por mi intermedio a los integrantes
del GRA-Grupo Radioescucha Argentino-.
La tarjeta, que es muy bonita, tiene en su extremo superiorizquierdo una pequena
foto de los lideres piqueteros Kostelzky y Santillan, asesinados por la Policia
de la Provincia
de Buenos Aires hace algun tiempo. Yo envie mi informe de recepcion a la siguiente
electronica: radio_bosques@yahoo.com.ar 
Demora: 8 dias
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 1089)

9290 Europa Radio international via Ulbroka. Date only Card depicking 
the Red Sands Towers, off Whitstable, Kent, UK, once home to Stations 
such as Radio Invicta, K.I.N.G. and Radio 390. menioned that the October 
23trd BCB was thier last, for now. Reply in  4 days after sending a 
e-mail report to:  alanday@europaradiointernational.co.uk.  Their Postal 
address is PO Box 299, Whitstable, Kent CT5 2YA, United Kingdom. ( 
Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1311)

9525 Star Radio. Small F/D folder card with statement of
Star Radio's mission in 68 days from Hirondelle HQ in Switzerland. V/S
P.P. Nihada. Site not indicated. (Джон Уилкинс, Wheat Ridge, Colorado - CumbreDX

11860 via Singapore  NHK World Radio Japan. 'Waiting for their turn' 
Children's School QSL Card in 6 months time.  v/s: T. Sato ( Edward 
Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 1311)

WYFR через Окичоби на 18930. Рапорт слал через е-мэйл.Хотелось закъюэсэлить 15-метровый
диапазон. Как всегда сопутствует гора религиозной пропаганды.(Василий Кузнецов,
Москва - open_dx 930)

11970 / 9535  via Yamata. NHK World Radio Japan. 'Waiting for their 
turn' Children's School QSL Card in 6 months time.  v/s: T. Sato (Edward Kusalik-Alberta,
CANADA - CumbreDX 1311)
http://www.upv.es/~csahuqui/julio/s500/ - Сайт DX-иста Хулио Мартинеса
http://www.itacom.com.py/~sbc/sbc160.html - очередной сайт о прохождениях радиоволн

Ivan Zelenyi (Nizhnevartovsk, Russia)
Приёмник: Р-250М2
Антенна: наружная из провода длиной 7 метров

John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Drake R-8, 100-foot LW.

Jose Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)
Antena hilo de siete metros.

73 всем! И.Л.

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