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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX

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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 19

9895, AUSTRIA, AWR relay, 0235-0251, May 15,
Urdu(listed), Various talks b/w Hindi music. Postal
address for AWR office in Pakistan. Booming!
(Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1129)

New updated schedule for KNLS effective from May 1:
11870 0800-0900 in English; 0900-1000 in Russian;
11765 0800-1100 in Chinese;
  9795 1000-1100 in English; 1400-1500 in English; 1500-1700 in Russian;
  9780 1200-1300 in English; 1300-1400 in Chinese;
  9655 1100-1200 in Russian;
  9615 1100-1200 in Chinese; 1200-1300 in English; 1300-1800 in Chinese;
  7355 1700-1800 in Russian;
(Обсервер 364)

15345, ARGENTINA, R.Nacional, 2313-2331, May.14,
Spanish, 2 OM w/ futbol coverage, passing mention of
Radio Nacional. Good. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1129)

11935, BONAIRE, NHK/R.Japan relay, 0102-0150, May 16,
English, YL w/ JP related news items, "Hello from
Tokyo" prg at 0110 w/ talk re Cherry Blossom
festivals, listener mail, mx, etc. At 0143 was what I
was waiting for; prg. "Topics Jukebox" w/ JSWC's "DX
Corner" featuring an interview w/ Mr. Ohtake re
attending the EDXC Conference in Prague, Apr.29-May 1.
The interview ended at 0150 w/ Czech mx. Good.
(Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1129)

4498,1 Radio Estambul,  Riberalta, 1010-1023, May 15, Spanish,
different songs in spanish,  ID: "Escuchaban a......en Radio Estambul",
TC and announcement : "Hoy, a las 7 de la ma?ana, vamos con el servicio de radiocomunicados".
Other ann. & ID
by male as: "vamos a continuar con ustedes desde Radio Estambul", 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 29, 16)

4684,7 Radio Paititi, Guayaramerin, 1031-1050, May 15, Spanish,
S/on, short announcement by female and romantic music in spanish, 
after, short ann. & ID by female too: ".....en Radio Paititi". More music. 24442
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 29, 16)

5926.8, R. Mineria (pres.), Definite signal here w/echo tlk by W 
anncr at 0004 and instru. mx bridge, and cont. tlk.  More mx at 0006 and 
suddenly off.  Certainly sounded like SP, but almost imposs. to ID.  Just 
too weak and 5920 QRM.  Signing off 3 min. after t/in didn't help 
either!!  (17 May) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1129)

4409.76, R. Eco, 0010 M at t/in w/ment of Bolivia, then tlk by W 
w/ment of Pando and musicales.  Sounded like a brief pgm outro by M at 
0015.  Then soft LA Rom. mx w/beautiful complete canned ID anmnt by M as: 
"Desde Reyes, Provincia Ballivian, Department de Beni, transmite R. Eco, 
4410 khz banda ?? metros onda corta.  ?? de Bolivia para en Eco, desde 
corazon ?? ".  W cont. w/tlk briefly, then Rom. LA mx began at 0016.  More 
long anmnts by W from 0020-0024, and then at least 8 Rom. songs in a 
row.  Sounded like a whole album side after 0030.  W finally returned at 
0057, deadair, then the signal left the air at exactly 0058:56.  Was hoping 
for an official s/off routine.  Pretty decent signal and the best its been 
here in eons!!  Glad to get the complete ID recorded!!  (17 May)
(Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1129)

9770, BULGARIA, R.Bulgaria-"DX Mix" prg., 1951-2001*,
May 15, Bulgarian, OM in BG, "Mission Impossible"
theme at 1955, more talks w/ mentions of "..Radio
Int'L" and various countries. Prg. ID at 1958,
pop-like music thru s/off. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1129)

4939,5, Radio Amazonas, 1002, 11-05, canciones, songs, 24322.
0905, 12-05, Himno Nacional, apertura transmision. National Anthen, open 
transmission at this time. Identification. 34333.
0920, 13-05, Identification: "Radio Amazonas lo dice todo primero, 5 horas 
y 26 minutos, Radio Amazonas lo dice todo primero, 5 horas y 27 minutos, 
Radio Amazonas no tiene rival". "Para todo el mundo Radio Amazonas". 
"Seguimos en sintonia total, Radio Amazonas, La Voz del Pueblo".
Radio Amazonas abre su programacion todos los dias sobre las 0910 horas. 
Radio Amazonas open tramsmission at 0910 all days.

Radio Amazonas parece ser la unica emisora venezola en onda corta en este 
momento. Observatorio Naval Cagial, en 5000 inactivo durante mi estancia en 
la R. D.
Radio Amazonas seems to be the only active station from Venezuela in short 
wave. Observatorio Naval Cagial,  in 5000 inactive during my stay in the 
Dominican Republic. (Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

4799.9, Radio Buenas Nuevas, 0856, 14-05, "Transmite Radio Buenas Nuevas en 
la frecuencia de 4800 kHz. banda de 60 metros". Musica y canciones 
religiosas. Religious music and songs. 24322. (Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

 11775 May 15 0900-0927 Germany: AWR Europe, Juelich. 
During this time slot I heard Studio DX #98, the only DX program in Italian all
sundays, main points: Two Vatican Radio executives jailed for
electronic interference, SBC/SSR plans to reduce swissinfo/SRI to an
English-only website by 2006, audio clip of new DRM transmissions of
Virgin Radio via Austria. Another ID at 0927 SINPO 44323 
(Nino Marabello, Treviso, Italy - hard-core-dx 29, 16) 

9440, GERMANY, DW, 2133-2200*, May 15, English/German,
Mx prg. "Hits from Germany" w/ hostess Debra Friedman
with various pops by US and GM bands. IS at s/off.
Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1129)

3249.7  R. Luz y Vida (presumed)  0310-0325.  Religious talk
in Spanish by man.  0315 Slow musical selection.  0317 Talk by man and
woman.  Poor signal with heavy atmospheric noise.  Fading up
occasionally, but no ID heard.  SINPO 24222.  
(Jim Evans, TN, May 18 - CumbreDX 1129)

4780, DJIBOUTI, RTD, 0303-0321, May 17, Arabic-?,
Continuous Call to Prayer, begging to slip under
static by t/out. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1129)

Доминиканская Республика
6025, Radio Amanecer 
Internacional, 1920, 12-05, Id: "Buenas tardes, Radio Amanecer, La Voz de 
la Esperanza". Programa religioso, comentarios y canciones. Religiosous, 
comments and songs. 34333.
2221, 15-01, Id: "1570 AM y 6025 onda corta, Radio Amanecer, La Voz de la 
Esperanza". Identification song "Radio Amanecer, Radio Amanecer, La Voz de 
la Esperanza". 44444.
Radio Amanecer es la unica emisora activa en onda corta de la Republica 
Radio Amanece is the only active short wave station in the Dominican 
Republic. No trace of Radio Cristal on 5010 and Radio Villa-Cima on 4960.
(Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

6045 ZBC Gweru 0050 20/5 with very nice afro music, CW QRM at 0056, good signal.
(Giampiero Bernardini - playdx2003 641)

6150 Univ. Network  0445-0511. Sermonizing by Dr. Melissa Scott. They seem to
be working more of Mrs. Gene into the broadcasts. (Rick Barton, AZ  5/16 - CumbreDX

5025 Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 0950-1008, May 15, Spanish, 
different songs. At 1000 UTC bulletin news with local and international news.
Begin the programme "Memorias de Rebelde",
ann & ID by female as:
"En Rebelde, el desfile de la musica de tu vida.....musica de cine....Carlos
Barolani....y la Orquesta de Francisco Canaro...
si escucha Memorias..sabra mucho de aquellos tiempos". Tr?o Ta?-Cuba songs. 
Ann. by female as: "El Trio Tai-Cuba en Memorias de Rebelde", 34443
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 29, 16)

11760  R. Havana Cuba  0350-0400. very bizarre sounding music pgm , anncr in
Spanish, IDs TOH. 
(Rick Barton,AZ  5/16 - CumbreDX 1128)

5025, Radio Rebelde, 0828, 10-05, programa "Por Cuba a esta hora". 55555.
9505, Radio Rebelde, 11000, 11-05, programa "Haciendo Radio" "Desde este 
momento quedan activadas nuestros transmisiores para el Caribe en 9595 y 
6140, son las 7 de la manana, Radio Rebelde es desde este momento mas 
internacional, estamos juntos haciendo radio a traves de todas las 
frecuencias de onda corta, media y F.M., seguimos juntos haciendo radio". 
El programa "Haciendo Radio comienza a las 0900 y termina a las 1300. 
"Haciendo Radio" programme begin at 0900 and finish at 1300.
Also on 5025 44444. Not hear on 6140, channel busy with Radio Lider.
(Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

Addit txions of IBB via KWT 250 kW / 070 deg (ex ERV and UDO)
0100-0300 on  9365 RFA# Tibetan   1100-1200 on 17855 RFA# Tibetan(ex 11590)
0600-0700 on 17780 RFA# Tibetan   1200-1300 on 11590 RFA# Tibetan
0630-0730 on 17685 RFA* Pashto    1300-1400 on 11590 RFA# Tibetan
0730-0830 on 17685 RFA* Dari      1400-1500 on 11975 VOA  Tibetan
0830-0930 on 17685 RFA* Pashto    1500-1600 on 11540 RFA# Tibetan
0930-1030 on 17685 RFA* Dari      2300-2400 on  7550 RFA# Tibetan(ex  9365)
RFA#=Radio Free Asia;
RFA*=Radio Free Afghanistan;
VOA=Voice of America
(Обсервер 364)

4810 R. Transcon (t)  0800-0815.  LA music, male anncr Spanish. ID hard to copy,
many mentions "Mexico".   
(Rick Barton , Arizona, USA  5/15 - CumbreDX 1128)

6010, Radio Mil, 1040, 10-05, "Estamos con la programacion de Radio Mil, 
muchas gracias por estar con nosotros". "Son las 5 y 43, Radio Mil". 34333.
1108, 11-05, Locutor, comentarios y noticias de Mexico. Male voice, 
comments and Mexican news. 23222.
1114, 12-05, locutor, comentarios. Male voice, comments. 23322.
1037, 13-05, "5 de la manana con 36 minutos queridos amigos, tenemos musica 
que nos hace recordar la vida". "Radio Mil 1000 AM, onda corta banda 
internacional de 49 metros". Buena senal. Good signal. 34333.
Radio Mil se escucha bastante bien en la R. Dominicana a partir de las 1030 
horas UTC debido a que en Colombia se hace de dia antes y a partir de esa 
hora cesa la fuerte interferencia de La Voz de tu Conciencia.
Radio Mil can be hear well in the Dominican Republic after 1030 UTC, 
because in Colombia the sunrise is before than in Mexico and at this hour 
stops the strong interference from La Voz de tu Conciencia.
(Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

6185, Radio Educacion, 1031, 10-05, Mexican songs, romatic music. 45444.
1057, 12-05, Comments. "Vamos hacer un parentesis para despedir la 
transmision en onda corta. Nuestros oyentes en el estranjero pueden seguir 
con nosotro a traves de internet". Despite announcing closed down short 
wave transmission at 1057, at 1117 the programme followed active in 6185.
(Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

Новая Зеландия
3935 ZLXA Reading Radio 5/15 on tonight w/ best ever sig lvl
0815 to past 0935. Not quite armchair, but easily copyable program in
continuous static (diminishing somewhat after 0915) and some ocnl light
nearby ARO QRM. Unusual flutter on signal but audio was quite good. Mixture
of man and woman anns (mostly man) w/ more musical pieces than I've hrd
before - a female vocal at 0820-23, march mx by band 0842-45, another female
vocal w/ piano accomp 0918-20.5 and what sounded like a Scotch ballad sung
by a male/female duet 0928.5-31.5. Time pips and woman ann 0900-0904. SINPO 24343.
(Bruce Churchill, Fallbrook, Canada - CumbreDX 1125)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
4890  NBC  Pt. Moresby , monitored 0830-0900. Very good w/ old Spandau Ballet,
cuts, retro 80s pops. 
(Rick Barton, AZ  5/15 - CumbreDX 1128)

 9737, 0033, 13-05, Transmision de partio de futbol Palmeiras - 
Cerro Porteno. Soccer match between Palmeiras and Cerro Porteno. "Escuchen 
este partido por Nacional". 44444.
0857, 13-05, Id."Radio Nacional de Paraguay, nuestra radio". Comments and 
music.45444. (Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

6956.93 - .97, LV del Camposino, 0001-0102, Pgm of lively Tropical 
Pops w/M anncr giving rapid-fire anmnts.  Nearly imposs. to copy ID due to 
the speed!!!  TCs, ment of Peru, radio, onda corta.  Many comunicados at 
0016 w/ment of Cajamarca and what appeared to be a phone #.  Fairly 
decent.  Freq drifted up slightly, then came back down.  (16 May)
(Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1129)

4950, Radio Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, 0033, 14-05, locutor, anuncios 
comerciales, canciones. Male voice, comercial advertisments, songs. 
Identification: "Transmitimos para toda la region de Madre de Dios". 24322.
(Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 1005, 14-05, Apertura a las 1000, 
locutor, quechua y canciones religiosas. Open transmission at 1000, male 
voice, quechua and religiosous songs. 24322.(Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

4995.5, Radio Andina, Huancayo, Junin, 0110, 14-05, Locutora, female voice: 
"Hay que venir con mucha confianza al curandero de los Milagros, venga, 
madrecita linda". 24322.(Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

4890, Radio Macedonia, Arequipa (probable, presumed), 1016, 10-05, locutor, 
canciones en espanol. Senal muy debil. Male voice, songs in Spanish, poor 
signal.(Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

6115, Radio Union, 0849, 10-05, Anuncios, locutor, senal muy debil, musica. 
Comercial advertisments, male voice, music. Poor singal. 22222.
1005, 13-05, locutor y locotura, comentarios, senal muy debil. Male and 
female voices, comments. Poor singal. 13322. (Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

6188, Radio Oriente, Yurimaguas, 1055, 14-05, locutor, comentarios y 
musica, senal debil. Male voice, comments and music, poor singal. 
Interference from Radio Educacion on 6185 and BBC World Service on 6195. 
22222.(Manuel Mendez - NoticiasDX 918)

RAE was heard on seemingly exact 15345 opening in German at 2100 on May 17th
at good strength. Morocco may have been the weak co-channel unidentified
station. Parallel 9690 was also audible but much weaker and taking a
battering from RTA 9680 until off at 2115 in Thai and CRI via KAS on 9695 in

What was assumed to be Radio Marumby - BRZ on 9665 was heard at weak
strength at 0715, but improving slightly by 0730, on May 18. It was the only
Brazilian station audible on 31m at that time. Programming sounded to be
religious and included songs and exhorting speech.

On 9675 Saudi Arabia programme two was heard at above average strength
around 0650 on May 18th with no trace of Cancao Nova today. Parallel 11855
had a signal but too weak to copy.(Noel R. Green - CumbreDX 1129)

7200, SUDAN, (P)R.Omdurman, 0332-0402, May 17, Arabic,
Lots of talk by various announcers over and b/w AR and
HoA-like musical bits. Numerous mentions of Sudan but
no discernible ID noted. Fair, fading by 0400.
(Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1129) 

5765.0 WWCR, NASHVILLE,TN, USA 344 0434 ID
(Vincent Lecler, Poitiers, France - hard-core-dx 29, 16)

5920.0              WBOH, NEWPORT,NC,USA                355 0440 ID + MUSIC 
4960.0              VOA, PINHEIRA, STP                           455 0455 ID,
9370.0              WTJC, NEWPORT,NC,USA                 244 0500 ID // 5920.0
6180.0              VOA, BRIECH, MRC                            455 0508  ID
6030.0              RADIO MARTI, GREENVILLE,NC, USA  344 0530 ID, PROG IN SPANISH
 // 7405 KHZ // 9805 KHZ
(Vincent Lecler - hard-core-dx 29, 16)

Freqs changes for Radio Veritas Asia effective from May 22:
Sinhala 1330-1357 NF  9520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg, ex 9565
Tamil   1400-1427 NF  9520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg, ex 9565
Telugu  1430-1457 NF  9520 PUG 250 kW / 280 deg, ex 9565
Russian 1500-1557 NF  9685 PUG 250 kW / 330 deg, ex 9570
English 1500-1527 NF 11765 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg, ex 9695 >> Wed/Fri/Sun
English 1500-1557 NF 11765 PUG 250 kW / 300 deg, ex 9695 >> Mon/Tue/Thu/Sat
(Обсервер 364)

15145, PHILIPPINES, VOA relay, 2231-2237, May.14,
English, "VOA Special EG" w/ news re Uzbek violence,
Taiwan Special Assembly, rumors of key Al-Qaeda killed
in Pakistan. Poor but readable. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1129)

7110, ETHIOPIA, R.Ethiopia, 0256-0316, May 15,
(p)Ahmaric, IS loop from t/in until announcer at 0301
with no discernible ID noted; right into news w/ field
reports and mentions of Kofi Annan. HoA music at 0309,
talks b/w OM and YL at 0314. Fair, //9704-weak.
(Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1129)

New station Garrison Radio Edinburgh opened in Edinburgh on Tuesday 
May 17th,2005. Good reception through the city. Using 1350 KHzs.
(g1mxp - mwdx 1053)

t1503  V6AJ    Micronesia, Kosrae, coming in fair to weak with terrible
KUMU splatter from 1500. From 0830-0904 UTC non stop Country flavored
hymns (Johnny Cash, etc), at 0904 UTC, a heavily accented male ancr,
mostly buried by KUMU splatter, but sounded like
"....V6AJ......Kosrae"....., time check at 1905 "5 minutes past seven",
into island music (presumed Kosraen), some Radio Sport QRM New Zealand
at times, but mostly KUMU splatter.  I have had tentatives on this
before, but never this good, but still not 100% definate, but pretty
sure. No other choices. Listed as 1 KW. Tonga 1017 is really loud this
morning too. Going to send a tape and see if I can get a reply. (Patrick Martin
- hard-core-dx 29, 16)

Wrotham and Dover with nice signals
Also stations fromcentral Belgium (Wavre/Brussel) are very strong.
(Ruud Brand, Holland - skywaves 1495)

 Noted after my wordk 18 May, little ES opening to Northern Africa, tuned
2 freqs. Acording to FMLIST, I could have tuned transmitter of Azougar:
90'5    RTM1, 1310 UTC, arabic music.
93'8    RADIO M2, 1305 UTC Mx pop, with ID in french and RDS "RADIO_M2",
but on the list (from last april) stays 93'6 Mhz.(Pedro Monino - skywaves)

RDSDX with tuner tracking performed well yesterday during my first es 
of this season.
From the RDSDX logbook:
 87.60 E2EC KI  FM   1452.55
 89.30 E238 _R  IO   1453.53
 91.90 E2CE          1454.33 ESP Cadena 100 Huelva, Huelva
 93.40               1455.55 POR RDP Antena 2, Faro-Sao Miguel/Marofa
 93.90               1456.01 POR RDP Antena 2, Gardunha-Fundao
 87.60       Arabisch  1457.13 ALG RA 3, Kef-El-Akhal of
 87.60       Arabisch  1457.16 ALG RA Regional, Aflou
 93.90 80CA          1500.30 POR Radio Mirasado, Alcacer do Sal
 88.40             Arabisch 1502.43 ALG RA 3, Chrea og 
 88.40             Arabisch 1502.46 ALG RA 2, Nador
 89.40               1503.22 ALG RA Regional Tiaret, Tiaret
 90.10 POR*     tent 1503.41 POR Alvor FM, Portimao
 91.10               1505.15 ALG RA 3, Djelfa - Sbaa Mokrane
 89.70 807F A.    e_ 1508.43 POR RAL-Radio Antena Livre, Abrantes
 91.40 801B          1509.28 POR Iris FM, Benavente
 91.50       Arabisch 1510.20 ALG RA Bahdja, Chrea of 
 91.50       Arabic* 1510.23 ALG RA 3, Nador
 91.40 E239        1520.03 ESP SER Plasencia, Plasencia
 90.10 5201   dI     1528.53 ITA RAI Radiouno - Toscana, Monte 
Argentario (GR)
 90.10 5201 RAdIo1__ 1529.17 ITA RAI Radiouno - Toscana, Monte 
Argentario (GR)
 90.70               1530.03 ALG RA 1, Aflou
 91.90               1536.56 ALG RA 1, Souk Ahras - M'cid ??? of
 91.90               1536.59 ALG RA 3, Adrar ???

 92.10 30C0          1538.07     UNID ARABIC!! ALG ID!!!
 88.40               1544.00 ALG RA 3, Chrea
 89.40               1545.16 ALG RA Regional Tiaret, Tiaret
 90.70               1546.13 ALG RA 1, Aflou  //89.40 88.40
 91.90               1549.04 ALG RA 3, Adrar not // 90.70 89.40
 87.80               1550.25 ALG RA Regional, Mecheria
 88.10               1601.22 ALG RA Regional Aures, Metlili
 88.40               1601.35 ALG RA 3, Chrea //88.10
 91.10               1602.31 ALG RA 3, Djelfa - Sbaa Mokrane
 93.90               1603.39 ALG RA Regional Cirta, Kef-El-Akhal   
ALG mentioned
 94.50               1632.30 EST Raadio 4, Tallinn   TENT
 87.70               1718.32 TUR ?
 89.20               1719.02 GRC ?
 89.70 5218          1740.52 ITA RTL 102.5 Hitradio, Guncina (BZ)
 89.70 5264          1748.43 ITA RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono, Treviso area (TV)
(Herman Wijnants - skywaves 1501)

Am off to work now leaving Tunisia on 87.60MHz. PI 7205. ay 0630utc
(William F.Kitching, Telford. Shropshire, UK - skywaves 1495)

France Inter Niort in again on 99.4 a little fluttery.
(Nick Gilly - skywaves 1494)

95.0 France bleu Cotentin is in with stereo and RDS so maybe...
(Nick Gilly - skywaves 1495

11C Capital Kent 100% !!
11D Digital 1
12D Now S&C
(Ruud Brand - skywaves 1495)

48.260.426 - treble peak
48.259.458 - double peak
49.757.617 - wide: 614 - 622
59.257.600 - wide: 588-610
62.260.447 & 465 - same station?
62.249.993 & 995 - same station?
62.249.997 with peaks at 994 & 000 either side

PCR1000 & 4 element GS beam at 20 feet agl.  Many pictures noted weakly on 
the D100.  FM has activity at the bottom of the band - Kiss FM noted on 87.6

and RDP Antena 1, Portugal on 87.9.  Only just arrived home to find this 
lift in progress. (John Faulkner - skywaves 1500)

Today on May 19th I heard and saw the following stations:
UTC   ch/MHz ITU Station
1756  B      I   RAI UNO,
1758 47.724  I   Tele A + , vision carrier
1815  A      I   RAI UNO,  tg1 logo
1820  R1    UKR  UT1 (tent.) logo 1 trc, film
1955  E2     E   TVE1 Navacerrada, adv. f. El Mundo, Euskadi etc.
(Juergen Lohuis, Luenen, Germany - FM digest 5, 1)
World Utility News

343 kHz 15/5. NDB Valladolid (Espana),19:02+,ID cada 11 seg. SIO 343.
356 kHz 15/5. NDB Sagunto (Espana),19:08+,ID cada 11 seg. SIO 444.
400 kHz 15/5. NDB Naval de Valencia,19:08+,ID "B" cada 4 seg. SIO 555.
(Jose Miguel Romero - frecuencia-dx 87)

4910 AIR Jaipur w/ pic card full data QSL for Oct 2004 logging signed
by Y.K. Sharma, Director Spectrum Management & Synergy (?). Rcvd in 162 days
for letter rpt and mint stamps sent direct to New Delhi. Picture is of the
Southwest face of Humayun's Tomb in New Delhi.
(Bruce Churchill, Fallbrooks, Canada - CumbreDX 1126)

Северная Корея
KOREA(DPR), 9335, VO Korea, f/d "Mountain Scene" card
w/ usual package containing pennant, lapel pin,
newspaper, schedule, report form and personal form
letter in 82 days. "Radio Pyongyang" was whited-out on
the cards reverse w/  "Voice of Korea" typed over. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX

1560    KLTI      MO, Macon, received note attached to Night coverage
map to confirm my reception in 8d, also with station profile. Listed as
41 watts at night. V/S:
Dale A Palmer-GM. Address: 107 S. Main Street, Brookfield  MO
64628-2101. MW QSL #2897 and #22 from Missouri. I am pleased with this
one.   (Patrick Martin-OR - hard-core-dx 29, 20)

Экваториальная Гвинея
EQUATORIAL GUINEA-MALABO, 15190, R.Africa, f/d card
picturing unid. man at transmitter, personal letter
and schedule in 16 days for an SASE (used) sent to the
PAB-San Jose CA. address. (Scott Barbour Jr-NH - CumbreDX 1129)

Nino Marabello
Ant.VHF outdooor at 250 degrees --. navaiowhite

Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA
R75, 200' Beverage antennas.
73! - И.Л.

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