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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX

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Всемирный DX Бюллетень 17

17820 R CV 0923 indon prg with english songs and talks 
betwenn  two people0945 with songs and asdverts at 0950 . Poor sinal 
on dipole , little better on horizontal antenna  but poor to fair on 
PL200!Also  listenable at poor levels in the centre of the city  Liangas 
24,25,26 April 5 (Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 28, 27)

9615, 1505-, KNLS Apr 24 Presumed logging in Mandarin, with male
preaching. S9 + 10 signal. Faint machinery type noise in background. Not
sure what to make of that. Brief musical bridge at 15:08. IS at 1700, now
co-channel with listed BBC , Cyprus, with the latter fading up to almost
same level. (Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - dxldyg 401)

9615, 1325-, KNLS Apr 28 Only fair reception of their English hour,
with major splashes from CNR2 on 9620 (is it only me, or is it that the CC
transmitters are pretty bad at splattering 5 or more kHz away?). Much
improved on recheck at 13:40 with a S7 signal, but still spoiled by
splatter. (Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC dxldyg 401) 

4950 Radio Nacional, Mulenvos, 2345+, April 16, Portuguese,
"despues da musica tenemos as informacaos",
ID as: "Aqui na Radio Nacional da Angola", 35443
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

4950, Radio Nacional de Angola, 2309-2324, portugu?s, locutor, 
comentarios. 24322. (Abril 26). (Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 28, 28)

9775, ARMENIA, VO Armenia, 1820-1845*, Apr.25,
German/English, End of GM service, IS/NA, EG service
w/ freq. schedule still listing 11640 (quick check
revealed nothing), News and commentary re anniversary
of Armenian genocide. Vocal ballad, ID/contact info at
s/off. Fair. (Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 28, 27)

5580,4 Radio San Jose, San Jose de Chiquitos, 2325+, Spanish,
romantic songs in spanish, 25342(Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

6025 Radio Illimani, La Paz, 1008+, April 17, Spanish/Aymara, 
Educative programme. ID as:
"Querida audiencia, nuevamente estamos a traves de Radio Illimani,
La Voz de Bolivia", 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

 4409.82 Radio Eco, Reyes om in Spanish, fair signal 0020 to 
0034; 0035 to 0055 (Robert Wilkner - CumbreDX 1107)

4763.16 Radio Chicha, Tocla, om in Spanish “buenas dias” TC 
“atenciones” no music, 1020-1040 20 April (Robert Wilkner - CumbreDX 1107)

4796.38 Radio Mallku, Uyuni 1015 to 1030, beautiful flutes 
played very slowly, this is the strongest Bolivian on 60 meters at the 
moment. 25 April (Robert Wilkner - CumbreDX 1107)

5580, BOLIVIA, (P)R.San Jose, 0042-0107, Apr.26,
Spanish, Continuous Quecha music, announcer at 0100
thru t/out. Poor w/ occasional USB chatter. 
(Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 28, 27)

4930, 0400-, VOA Apr 23 VOA jingle at 04:00 and into news, but too
weak to follow any content. Might be in English, but can't be sure.
(Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - dxldyg 401)

5030 Radio Bourkina,. Ouagadogou, 2016+, April 16, French,
short talk by male, announcement by female, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX
28, 25)

4775 Radio Difusora do Congonhas, Congonhas, 2305+, April 16, Portuguese,
Ann. & ID as:
"o comunicador Ilton Pereira....Radio Difusora do Congonhas, sempre ligado a
"Boa noite Congonhas, Boa Noite Minas, Boa Noite pra voce",
Px: "Alegria Sertaneja", 45444 (Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

5970 Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, MG, 0955+, April 17, Portuguese,
ID as: "Radio Itatiaia e sintonizada en todo o Brasil....", 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

4765, Radioemisora Rural, Santar?m, 2315-2320, locutor, portugu?s, 
comentarios y m?sica brasile?a, anuncios comerciales. 24322.
(Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 28, 28)

4765, Radioemisora Rural, Santarem, 2315-2320, locutor, portugues, 
comentarios y musica brasilena, anuncios comerciales. 24322.

4825, Radio Cancao Nova, 2233-2236, Transmision del programa en cadena "A 
Voz do Brasil". 24322. (Abril 26).

4885, Radio Clube do Para, Belem, 2230-2233, Transmision del programa en 
cadena "A Voz do Brasil". 34333. (Abril 26).

4975, Radio Mundial, Sao Paulo, 2321-2325, locutor, comentarios religiosos. 
Senal debil. 242222.(Abril 26).

4985, Radio Brasil Central, 2221-2225, Programa en cadena "A Voz do 
Brasil". 24322. (Abril 26).

5015, Radio Pioneira, Teresina, 2303-2310, Locutor y locutora, anuncios, 
Identificacion: "Emisora de onda media e banda tropical Radio Poneira, 
Teresina". "A Radio Pioneira de Teresina presenta A Hora da Familia". 
34333. (Abril 26).

5955, Radio Gazeta, Sao Paulo, 2251-2256, Programa "A Voz do Brasil". 
23222. (Abril 26).

6040, Radio Clube Paranaense, 2238-2241. Programa en cadena "A Voz do 
Brasil". 24322. (Abril 26).

9530, Radio Transmundial, 2117-2124, portugues, programa en cadena "A Voz 
do Brasil", con noticias y comentarios de Brasil. 24322. (Abril 26).

9630, Radio Aparecida, 2125-2140, portugues, programa para camioneros "Pe 
na estrada". Musica, comentarios y llamadas de camioneros. Identificacion: 
"Radio Aparecida, Pe na estrada". 34333. (Abril 26).

9675, Radio Cancao Nova, 2110-2115, comentario religioso, lectura del 
Rosario.Portugues. 45444. (Abril 26).

11815, Radio Brasil Central, 2102-2106, locutor, portugues, 
identificaicion: "Radio Brasil Central, dazoito horas e cinco minutos aqui 
na Goiania". 33333. (Abril 26). (All Logs by Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 28,

15190 Radio Africa No. 2 (tentative), Malabo, 1445+, April 16, English,
religious programme. Talk by male. Ann.: "This is.....Radio network", 25542
(Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

4915 - регулярно хорошо принимается Радио-1 из Ганы. Передача заканчивается
в 23.59-00.02, через примерно пол-минуты отключается передатчик. 25.04 после
отключения передатчика в 00.02 была слабо слышна передача предположительно
на китайском. 26.04.05 в 22.45 передавался выпуск новостей на английском.
29.04.05 перед окончанием вещания передавалась молитва, объявление и гимн.
Передача закончилась в 00.00, через пол-минуты отключился передатчик.
(Владимир Коваленко - open_dx 733)

The Gambia joins the growing list of tyrannies targeted by opposition radio
broadcasts this week with the launch of a weekly fifteen-minute news program
produced by Web savvy exiles in the United States.

The program, which had not been named at press time, is the latest effort
coordinated by Save the Gambia Democracy Project (STGDP) to promote press
freedoms, democratic liberties, respect for human rights, the rule of law and
good governance inside the West African nation.

Test broadcasts, Clandestine Radio Watch (CRW) has learned, will be conducted
on April 27, 28 and 29 between 2000 and 2015 GMT on 9430 kHz. The test
broadcasts will contain excerpts of interviews in the Wollof, English and local
languages for the purpose of testing reception inside Gambia and will not
contain a station identification. Formal broadcasts will begin soon thereafter
from an undisclosed transmitter location.

STGDP is a relatively new movement that was formed on the Gambian Independence
Day, February 18, in 2004 after months of intense online chatter among exiles
throughout North America. It was formally launched on the campus of Morehouse
College in Atlanta - Martin Luther King, Jr.'s alma mater, an irony not lost
its members. 

The group has sought to make a direct impact on the country's political scene
and successfully brought the fragmented opposition together under the National
Alliance for Democracy and Development (NADD). Its efforts, including the new
radio program, are meant to send a signal to the regime of former Sergeant
Yahya Jemmah that the upcoming elections in October 2006 will be no cakewalk.

Since taking power in 1994, Jemmah's consolidation of power has proceeded
against the winds of democratic change sweeping across the world - and inside
Gambia. Attempts to pass severe restrictions on the press in 2002 led to mass
outrage and, ultimately, a repeal of the legislation. 

More recent attempts to muzzle the press, however, have been more successful
and even deadly. What began with arson attacks, intimidation and threats
finally culminated in the murder of Deyda Hydara, editor and co-owner of a
private weekly and stringer for Agence-France-Presse and Reporters San

The U.S. State Department considers such developments as "shortcomings,"
however, and in 2002 "determined a democratically elected government had
assumed office" in Banjul and lifted sanctions, according to its 2005 human
rights report. While engagement is touted as official policy, none of the
U.S.-funded NGOs run democratization projects or maintain a presence in Gambia.
The Gambian diaspora finds itself going alone. 

The radio program, sources within STGDP tell CRW, is a grassroots effort
dependent upon the generosity of its supporters and should be considered a
wake-up call to those in the regime that whether through print, radio or the
Internet the pulse of freedom cannot be silenced. 

"We are going to be a force to open the people's eyes," STGDP Spokeswoman Sigga
Jagne told CRW. "We are not bound by the same sanctions our domestic
journalists face. Through our programs we will send a message of hope to our
people inside the Gambia that those of us outside do care and are willing to
what it takes to bring change."

Save the Gambian Democracy Project can be reached through its Web site at
http://www.sunugambia.com (Nick Grace C., CRW April 26 via DXLD 399)

4052.5, Radio Verdad, 0331-0559, Religioso, espanol, programa 
"La historia del cristianismo". A las 0335 identificacion en ingles "This 
is Radio Verdad, San Estaban, Chiquimula, Guatemala, Centroamerica. Radio 
Verdad, P.O. Box 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala". Identificacion y programa en 
espanol "La estacion educativa evangelica Radio Verdad les proporciona la 
hora correcta en todo el pais, las 21 horas, 9 de la noche con 37 minutos". 
A las 0500 programa en ingles y cierre a las 0557. 24322 variando a 34333. 
(Abril 27).(Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 28, 28)

3249.8, Radio Luz y Vida, 0329-0356, locutor y locutora, 
comentarios religiosos, cierre a las 0356. 24322. (Abril 27).
(Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 28, 28)

I was in Cairo last week where I was delighted to meet local DXer 
and regular DXLD contributor Tarek Zeidan. With Tarek in place there 
I hardly need to provide any DX news from the country, though I can 
note the following:
The 2005 WRTH confirmed its reputation as the best edition of recent 
times. As far as I could tell, it has a high degree of accuracy for 
Egypt. I could hear all nine of ERTU's FM frequencies listed for 
Cairo, along with a number of other frequencies listed as being from 
ERTU relays in Alexandria, Ismailia and Mahalla. Also present were 
Nile FM in English (not Nile 1 FM as in WRTH) and its sister Arabic 
music channel, Nugoom FM (spelling as at www.nilefmonline.com - 
which also offers streaming audio of Nile FM). A VHF lift was in 
place for part of the time I was there, and various Israeli and 
Greek Cypriot stations were heard on FM.
On MF, the only addition I noted to the WRTH was an unidentified 
strong station, definitely local, playing continuous music, late 
afternoons and evenings only, on 936 kHz.
It was interesting to note that, of the four powerful mediumwave 
stations in Cyprus, the BBC Arabic Service on 639 and Radio Sawa on 
990 were audible during the daytime on a portable set in noisy and 
crowded central Cairo, but Radio Monte Carlo on 1233 and BBC WS 
English on 1323 were not. They did become audible during the day 
when I took the radio up to the top of the 187-metre Cairo Tower, 
which also offered an excellent view of the ERTU's HQ, the 
distinctive so-called "Arab Television Building" (though it also 
houses radio studios). (Chris Greenway - dxldyg 399)

6973 Galei Tzahal, , 2310+, April 16, Hebrew,
local songs, ann. by male, 25442 (Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

15640 Kol Israel, Jerusalem, 1522+, April 16, Spanish!!
local songs, identification by female as:
"Kol Israel en espa?ol", Interval signal at 1525 UTC, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen -
Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

6973 Khz 23/4. Galei Gazal,20:58-21:03,hebreo,ID,Mx,cu?as publicitarias
noticias.SINPO 44343. (Jose Miguel Romero - hard-Core-DX 28, 27)

9445 Apr 23 2030-2051 India: All India Radio. In english Very good signal.
(kg1d01 - hard-core-dx 28, 25)

15260 AIR 1056 news in English 24433 Liangas 24.4.5
(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 28, 27)

Всеиндийское радио - очень интересная тема. Я не встречал подробных
исследований местного КВ-вещания ВИР и периодически пытался делать такие
исследования сам. Судя по всему, формат вещания по сравнению с ситуацией
пятилетней давности остался практически неизменным. Поскольку сейчас
утреннее вещание практически недоступно, можно сосредоточиться на вечернем,
которое начинает проходить примерно после 14 часов ЮТС. С начала вечернего
вещания в 11-12 часов3-4 часа передаются местные программы с центральными
или региональными новостями, а выпуском новостей на хинди в 15.15 начинается
блок ретрансляции программ из Дели до окончания вещания примерно в 17.40.
Существуют пять региональных служб: северная, западная, южная, восточная и
северо-восточная. Замечено, что некоторые ретрансляции на частотах станций,
принадлежащих к одной службе, совпадают, то есть станции одной региональной
сети ретранслируют свои региональные программы. Предварительно можно
сгруппировать частоты таким образом по данным в ВРТ-2001:

Северная служба - 4760 (Лех), 4880 (Лакнау), 4910 (Джайпур), 4950
Западная служба - 4840 (Мумбаи);
Южная служба - 4760 (Порт-Блэр), 4800 (Хайдерабад), 4920 (Ченнай), 5010
Востояная служба - 4820 (Калькутта), 4895 (Курсонг), 4960 (Ранчи), 5040
Северо-восточная служба - 4775 (Импхал), 4850 (Кохима), 4940 (Гувахати),
4970 (Шиллонг), 4990 (Итанагар), 5050 (Айзол).

1.05.05 в 15.00 был отмечен 5-минутный выпуск новостей на английском на
частотах 4760, 4830, 4895 и 5010, после чего на этих частотах пошли разные
передачи. Этот набор частот не соответствует ни одной из региональных служб.
Надо разбираться дальше. (Владимир Коваленко (Томск) - open_dx 733)

4605 RRI Seui 1040 to 1045 music similar, but not parallel to 
4750 Makassar 24 April (Robert Wilkner - CumbreDX 1107)

6160 CKZU Vancouver 1300-1314. CBC News ("Early Edition"), then
at 1313 "Headlines from our BC Newsroom". Fair signal, QRM-free after
1300. (John Wilkins 5/2 - CumbreDX 1114)

5102 - "Голос свободного Кашмира". В 13.00 приём плохой, но к 13.42
значительно улучшился. В 14.34 передачи нет. Должна была закончиться
примерно в 14.31. (Владимир Коваленко - open_dx 734)

5060 - НР Синьцзяна на китайском. Наилучшее прохождение среди всех станций
диапазона (вместе с частотой монгольской службы 4980 кГц) - утром пропадает
позже всех (после 2.00), вечером появляется не раньше всех, но приём сразу
очень хороший. Вещание заканчивается примерно в 18.00.
(Владимир Коваленко - open_dx 733)

5050 - станция на китайском в 13.00. Это либо НР Гуаньси, либо, что более
вероятно, "Голос пролива". (Владимир Коваленко - open_dx 734)

5910, Marfil Estereo, 0650-0710, Colombian songs and advertisements. 
Identification: "Marfil Estereo". 34333. (April 24).
(Manuel Mendez - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, 0712-0720, male voice, religious comments. 
24322. (April 24).(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

6140, Radio Lider, 0545-0600, South American an Colombian songs. At 0600 
eclipsed from the Deustche Welle with English programme. 24222. (April 24). 
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

5030 University Net 0352, relig themes taold by OM , 
country style song  S7 33423 Liangas 26.4.5
(Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 28, 27)

5025 R Rebelde 0354 talks by OM in Spanish ,  a song  32332 
QRM by FSK on 5022 Liangas 26.4.5 (Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 28, 27)

12140, KUWAIT, VOA, 2350-0007, Apr.25,
English/Vernacular, Special EG prg. "Science in the
News" re history of the polio vaccine. (P)Pashto or
Dari w/ 5 minute news brief from 0000-0005 then back
to EG w/ "Asia News Now". Fair w/ occasional prop.
QRN. (Scott R. Barbour Jr - hard-core-dx 28, 27)

21675 V of Jamahirya with news in English till 
1145  then in french FAir sinal  with PL200 on centre of Thessaloniki 
Liangas 26.4.5 (Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX 28, 27)

7450 Khz 25/4. R.Makedonias,20:45-20:54,griego,locutora,comentarios y musica
local.SINPO 54333.
(Jose Miguel Romero - Hard-Core-DX 28, 27)

4782.4, R. TV Malienne, 2235-2245, programa en franc?s, comentarios, 
locutor. 24222. (Abril 26). (Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 28, 28)

6185 Radio Educacion, Mexico D.F., 0653+, April 16, Spanish,
ID as: "Esta es Radio Educacion, desde Mexico",
24432 (Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

6185, Radio Educacion, 0651-0740, Musica clasica. A las 0737, 
comentario sobre la musica que emitian, por locutor. 23222. (Abril 27).
(Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 28, 28)

Монголия на 4830 отмечена уже в 4830. 4895 стала пробиваться после
9.45. К 11.30 их приём выровнялся. В 11.40 стали слышны 4795 и 5030. В 11.44
отмечен сильный сигнал на 4980 - скорее всего, в этом четырёхминутном
промежутке передатчик просто был включен. Качество приёма значительно лучше,
чем на 4830 и 4895 кГц. К 11.45 стали пробиваться 4800, 4820 (Китай) и ВИР
на 4895 кГц. Сигнал на 5060 сопоставим с 4980 и лучше, чем Монголия.
(Владимир Коваленко - open_dx 733)

Неопознанное (Перу-?)
6329.2, PERU-?, (P)RLVD El Faique (per Nov.04 Bjorn
Malm info), 0026-0040, Apr.26, Spanish-?,  OM and YL
noted under static, very weak but steady. Poor, needs
more work.(Barbour-NH - hard-core-dx 28, 27)

9430, Save The Gambia Democracy Project test broadcast, Sounded 
like the signal came on the air at 1957. Test pgmming, already in 
progress, began at exactly 2000:27 w/live discussion by men and woman (more 
like long dissertations) in lcl dialect. Many ments of Gambia, democracy, 
and Africa, 1994, Senegal. Went into some great lcl lively string mx at 
2014 and pgm end at 2014:30. Signal gone at exactly 2015. Fair signal and 
quite readable. Did have to deal w/some lcl QRM for the first 6 or 7 
minutes. (28 April) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1110)

Нидерланды (пираты)
6275, Radio Tower (pirate), 0723-0805, programme in English 
and Dutch. Male voice, comments and pop music. Identifications in English: 
"Broadcasting from The Netherlands, this is Radio Tower". "Very good 
morning from Radio Tower". "Stay tune to Radio Tower every day". "The Tower 
team". Good signal. 34333 to 44444. (April 24).
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

5080 - Радио Пакистана - неизвестная мне частота. Отмечена в 15.50 и в
18.00, а в 18.04 сигнала уже нет. В 17.00 - новости на урду. 2.05.05
передатчик как будто включился на получслове в 13.55. (Владимир Коваленко - open_dx

15135 Radio UNMEE 1126 caught tail-end of this program and I was 
lucky enough to catch the English
segment.  Woman announcer leading programs, but mostly English 
translations of things various officials were
saying.  Poor to fair signal with deep fades.  ID at 1129 as "another 
program of news from Radio UNMEE."
Then another ID by man, interval signal one time and off at 1130.  
Sun/Tue only 1030-1130 on 15135. (Hans Johnson May 3 - CumbreDX 1114)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
3325 Radio North Solomons (tentative), 1035+, April 17, Vernacular,
long talk in local language, 35333
(Arnalod Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

3315 Radio Manus, om with news items 1105 - 1117 into music.
(Robert Wilkner - CumbreDX 1107)

3235 Radio West New Britain 1105 - 1117 om long talk 
(Robert Wilkner - CumbreDX 1107)

 9736.9  Radio Nacional  2323-2335.  Excited man talking about
sports.  Mentioned Radio Nacional at 2330.  Program of audio clips from
sports events followed with increased excitement level.  Good signal
with some fading and atmospheric noise.  SINPO 33333.  
(Jim Evans, TN, Apr 23 - CumbreDX 1106)

9737.0, 0338-, Radio Nacional Apr 23 Still on at this late
hour. Carrier is strong, but very undermodulated, with EZL Spanish vocals
and talk. I'm using either USB, or LSB with Notch to follow this
one...lot's of splash from adjacent channels--mostly 9735, but from 9745 as
well. Transmitter cut out at 03:58 in mid sentence with the same low level
Spanish talk. Never did hear any IDs. (Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - dxldyg

9737, Radio Nacional de Paraguay, 0800-0840, Identificacion en 
ingles a las 0800 "This is Radio Nacional de Paraguay, from Asuncion, the 
Capital City of Paraguay". Canciones paraguayas. Comentarios en guarani y 
luego espanol. Canciones dedicadas a los oyentes. "Las 4 de la manana con 
12 minutos, madrugamos con el folclore" 45444. 
(Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 28, 28 Abril 17).

5460,4 Radio Bolivar, Ciudad Bolivar, 1022+, April 17, Spanish,
different songs: romantic, tecnocumbias, 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

6020,2 Radio Victoria, Lima, 2350+, April 16, Spanish,
"aqui, en Lima...", religious programme: "los esperamos aqui, en la Casa de Dios,
el proximo 23 de abril", 24442. In  // with 9720,2 with 24442
(Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

6520,4 Radio Paucartambo, Paucartambo, 2315+, April 16, Spanish/Quechua,
tecnocumbias, music programme conduced by male, 25432
(Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

6520,4 Radio Paucartambo,  Paucartambo, 1014+, April 17, Spanish/Quechua,
Greetings, ID as: "Radio Paucartambo, 5 de la ma?ana con 14 minutos en todo el
Peru", 35443
(Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

6193,4 Radio Cusco, Cusco, 2319+, April 16, Spanish,
huaynos, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

3172.69 R Municipal, 0950 to 1030, ID by om, much music. (Robert Wilkner - CumbreDX

6020.2, Radio Victoria, 0412-0425, espanol y portugues, religioso, 
predicaciones. locutor, 23222. (Abril 27).
9720, Radio Victoria, 0511-0700, espanol y portugues, religioso, 
predicaciones, identificacion: "La Voz de la Liberacion" "Gloria, gloria, 
gloria a Dios". 24322 variando a 34333. 
(Abril 27 Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 28, 28)

Разные страны
3200 16.18 AWR на афр
3215 15.42 AWR на малагасийском
3255 16.15 BBC, спорт
3320 16.36 Sonder Grense
3886 16.45 Голос Компартии Ирана //уже 4371
4159 16.05 Голос Курдистана? слабо
4376 16.30 Голос Компартии Ирана, ID, затем на русском Интернационал
4605 14.44 Индонезия?, очень слабо, язык похож
4610 15.59 VO Kamala на фарси, громко, ужасная модуляция, ID
5500 16.22 Эритрея
5782 14.58 unid на исп, слабо и неразборчиво, звук на http://viru.web.ur.ru/zvuki.htm
6600 16.51 Голос народа (по WRTH) на корей, слабо, но понятно
(Виктор Рутковский - open_dx 726)

I know this is not real "hard-core" DX-ing, but it was simply fun to make this
quick bandscan of 13 meter band April 29 1245-1305 UTC. There?s once again life
in upper bands after long and exhausting dark winter. So I got excited and made
these observations. Here?s a list of stations heard:

-21505 BSKSA Riyadh in Arabic
-21540 REE Madrid (Noblejas) //21570 kHz
-21580 RFI Issoudun in French
-21600 BSKSA Riyadh in Arabic (14 UTC in French)
-21610 REE Madrid (Noblejas) to the ME // 21540- and 21570 kHz.

21620 RFI Issoudun in French to Africa with 500 kW of power //21580 kHz.
-21640 BSKSA 1 Riyadh in Arabic

-21660 BBC in Mandarin via Nakhon Sawan, Thailand went off at 13 UTC
-21675 R Jamahiriya via France // 21695 kHz.
-21685 RFI Issoudun in French to Africa // 21580- and 21620 kHz.

-21760 RFI via Meyerton in French with other RFI outlets. This offered the best
and strongest signal.

I enjoyed warm spring weather (+14) in the backyard with my Sony 7600G and a
five meter reel antenna. My sources of information were EiBi and Passport.

Many RFI and REE frequencies and even two frequencies of Libya via France. First
blue anemones are flowering and today I saw the first bee. Spring has finally
arrived and upper bands are open! Have a happy First of May!
(Jouko Huuskonen - hard-core-dx 28, 30)

4795 Buryatskoe Radio (t), 1100+, April 17, Vernacular,
announcement and ?news? by female, 14431
(Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

Северная Корея
6071.53, Voice of Korea, (presumed!) 0956-1021  Noted a woman
comments.  Could not ID the language since the signal was too weak.  At 0957
noted a period of silence until 1000 when chimes heard briefly followed by
more comments by a woman.  I believe this is the carrier I have been hearing
for the last month on this odd frequency.  I checked parallel frequencies
VOK is on at this time, and all were nil heard.  Incidently, this is suppose
to be a transmission of Japanese during this time frame and frequency.
was threshold at best.  (Chuck Bolland, May 3, 2005 - hard-core-dx 29, 4)

4450 KCBS 1210-1232. Man speaking in Korean; choral song
at 1219, then back to talk at 1222. Fair signal and // to 9665.35 and
11679.78, both good but with hummy audio. Listed in WRTH and PWBR as
"National Democratic Front of South Korea" relaying KCBS. 
(John Wilkins 5/2 - CumbreDX 1114)

Соломновы о-ва
SIBC Honiara are currently using half power on 5020,  
running just 6kW instead of usual 12kW. Coverage of
outer  provinces is reported to be unaffected. Money saving  exercise 
because of high costs of fuel.  (David Ricquish, NZ via ARDXC via Hans Johnson
- CumbreDX 1114)

5020 - ретрансляция всемирной службы Би-Би-Си через Соломоновы острова
крайне плохо стала проходить после 13.00, и к 14.00 приём несколько
улучшился - настолько, что в начале часа можно было разобрать музыкальную
заставку Би-Би-Си. Затем приём стал ухудшаться и к 14.30 практически пропал.
(Владимир Коваленко - open_dx 734)

12130, "SOMALIA", R.Horyaal, 1744-1759*, Apr.25,
Vernacular, Talks and sound-bites by various
announcers b/w Horn of Africa musical bits. Cut-off at
1759. Fair. (Scott R. Barbour Jr - hard-core-dx 28, 27)

960 R. Shabelle. Heard this one during the evening from 1752 =
with a radioplay interrupted by short pieces of somaly MX. ID at 1829 by =
woman which sounded like "...Shab'al...". After 1900 heavy QRM by =
station giving numbers. Then again after 2000 a bit better on a clear =
channel. Talk by man and woman in possibly Somaly and only a few songs. =
Ending with prair before 2100. No more ID. Weak signal but audible in =
USB. Thanks to Liangas tip.  (Zeliko Crncic - CumbreDX 1114 May 1st).=20

9330 Radioemisora de la Republica Arabe Siria, Damasco, New frequency for
the spanish service, 2358+, April 16, ID as:
"Transmite la Radioemisora de la Republica Arabe Siria", local songs, 24442
(Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

4990, Radio Apintie, 0533.0610, canciones sin interrupcion. 
24222. (Abril 27). (Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 28, 28)

5050 Radio Tanzania 2056 with local music.  2057 talk by 
announcer, but it was hard for me to tell if it was a man or a
woman in language (I could not tell if it was Swahili).  This talk may 
have been closing prayers of sorts.  I heard an "amen," a
short pause then then more talk by same.  2059:30 same type of music as 
at 2056.  2100 5 +1 time pips then ID by man as
Radio Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam.  A few more words by him and then into 
choral anthem.  Open carrier after the anthem.
(Hans Johnson May 1 - CumbreDX 1114)

13720 TRT La Voz de Turquia, Ankara, 1633+, April 16, Spanish!!!,
short news about the relations between Turkey and USA,
ID: "Estimados oyentes....por La Voz de Turquia", 23432
(Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

6950L Hobart Radio International via Radio Cochiguaz transmitter,
?Chile transmitter site?,
0102-0122, April 24, English. 
It's a australian pirate station.
Jamboree World Music selection with several identifications, all by male, all
in english:
".....Hobart Radio International...." at 0108 UTC. At 0112:
".....Hobart Radio International.........from Australia...", 35443
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

6045,2 Radio Libertad Sport, Montevideo, //890 khz, 1433+, April 16, Spanish.
Sports talk, ann. & ID as:
"volvemos en emision deportiva por la Sport...son las 11 y 35, 34443
(Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

3279,6 La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0945+, April 17, Spanish,
religious programme, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen - Hard-Core-DX 28, 25)

4909.23 (T) Radio Chaskis Thanks Malm and Wilkner tips.  1030 
with local music, but lots of local QRN.  Male
announcer in Spanish but could not really catch anything he was saying. (Hans
Johnson May 2 - CumbreDX 1114)

3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0405-0500, Locutor, espanol, 
programa religioso, identificacion por locutor "Radio Maria". Canciones, 
24322. (Abril 27). (Manuel Mendez - hard-core-dx 28, 28)

Экваториальная Гвинея
15190  R. Africa  2140-2204*.  Fundamentalist
Christian religious talk with short musical selection at end.  At 2203,
"Thank you for listening to Radio Africa" by woman.  P.O. box address in
Ghana was given plus email address.  Strong signal with some fading.
Audio clear for gospel segments, but rather muffled during closing
announcement.  Also noted occasional distortion sounding like tape
playback slowing down, then snapping back to correct speed.  SINPO
44333.  (Jim Evans, TN April 24 - CumbreDX 1106)

15190, EQ.GUINEA, (P)R.Africa 2, 1642-1742, Apr.25,
English, Continuos religous prgming w/ no breaks or
IDs noted. Music at t/in cut-off at 1703 for "live"
preacher, real fire and brimstone, cut-off at 1731 for
prg. "What would the Bible say?" Poor/fair at best
w/"wobbly" audio and co-channel R.Pilipinas bleeding
thru at *1730. (Scott R. Barbour Jr - hard-core-dx 28, 27)

5005 Radio Nacional This one had been quite regular 
but has been missing the last few days.  I thought perhaps they were not on on
Sundays, but they were also missing 
when checking at 2000 today. (Hans Johnson May 1-2 - CumbreDX 1114)

15190, 1825-, Radio Africa Apr 24 Finally caught this one
with American Baptist style preaching. Poor to fair with deep
fades. Obliterated by Philippines at 17:30. 
(Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - dxldyg 401)

We would like to inform our listeners that Voice of Democratic Alliance [of the
recently-formed opposition coalition Eritrean Democratic Alliance] will from
next Thursday, 21 April 2005, begin broadcasting to Africa, Asia and Europe in
the 25, 31 and 41 metre band or 18000 [sic --- maybe 11800?] kHz, 9560 kHz and
7165 kHz; and to the Horn of Africa and Middle East in the 303 and 989 metre
band middle wave. 

[NOTE: 7165 and 9560 are regular frequencies of R. Ethiopias external service
--- gh]

We would also like to inform our listeners that while the broadcasting from
Thursday, 21 April, to Saturday, 23 April 2005, will carry introductory
programmes, the radio will start broadcasting its regular programmes on Sunday,
24 April 2005. Broadcasting hours are as follows: 

Mondays: From 6 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. [1500-1530 gmt] in Arabic; from 6.30 p.m. to
7 p.m. in Kunama. 
Tuesdays: From 6 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. in Tigrinya; from 6.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in
Wednesdays: From 6 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. in Arabic; from 6.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in
Thursdays: From 6 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. in Tigrinya; from 6.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in
Fridays: From 6 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. in Arabic; from 6.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in
Saturdays: From 6 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. in Tigrinya; from 6.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in
Sundays: From 6 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. in Arabic; from 6.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in
[Issued by] The office of Information. Eritrean Democratic Alliance. Source:
Nharnet web site in Tigrinya 19 Apr 05 (via BBCM via DXLD and dxldyg 397 via
Glenn Hauser)

After listening to this unID Bolivian station on
1540.19 kHz at least 10-15 hours, both mornings
and evenings, I now have the stations QTH:
Escoma, Provincia de Camacho, Departamento de La
Paz (Bolivia). "Camacho" is divided in four
districts: Escoma, Umanata, Chinaya and
Parajachi. Still I do not know the name of the
station but on this web-site 2 stations are
listed on 1540 kHz:

Radio Sariri, 1540 Escoma (LPB)
Radio Wi?aj Kalpachaj, 1540 Tarata (CBB)

Henrik Klemetz has had a theory that this could
be "Radio Sariri" and perhaps he is right.
Perhaps one of our Bolivian friends can
investigate if the name still is "Sariri". As you
can hear on my recording the QTH is 100%.

This is the first time I have logged a Bolivian
station on mediumwave here in Quito so I?m really
happy! (Bjorn Malm - hard-core-dx 28, 27)

1530 | VATICAN CITY | R. Vaticana, MAY 3 0346 - eastern European talk 
by woman; way over WCKY. (Mark Connely - hard-core-dx 29, 4)

1215 | UNITED KINGDOM | Virgin R. synchros, APR 29 0302 - "It's a 
Beautiful Day" by U2; good (Mark Connely - hard-core-dx 29, 4)

В начале апреля принимал на частоте 1341кГц Maguar Katolikus Radio. Послал
им рапорт по E- mail : info@katradio.hu, и вот сегодня получил давольнотаки
грамотное QSL-письмо, обычной почтой. Подписался под ним тех. директор Gabor
Frischmann. (Дмитрий Кутузов - open_dx 727)

1287 | SPAIN | SER synchros, MAY 3 0410 - woman with Spanish teletalk 
show; poor to fair. (Mark Connely - hard-core-dx 29, 4)

1296 | SPAIN | COPE, Valencia, MAY 3 0410 - Spanish newstalk; loud. (Mark Connely
- hard-core-dx 29, 4)

on 1566 kHz it has been heard in Milano a very strong open carrier from 2345
UTC the 26 april , still on at 0645 UTC on 27 april and still on at 1145 UTC
on same day.
No ideas who is testing a so powerfull TX, but the signal is 9+40 db, strong
as the one of RAI 1 on 900 kHz .... so I guess is coming from RAI .... may be
starting soon the DRM tests annonced in March but never started ..... 1566 kHz
some years ago  used  to be from Switzerland.   
Anyone with more info ? thanks.
(Dario Monferini, Milano - mwdx 1046)

783 | MAURITANIA | R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott, APR 29 0050 - // 4845 
with tribal chanting & drumming; good. 
(Mark Connely - hard-core-dx 29, 4)

7 апреля в 16.00 на 549 кГц было хорошо слышно Р.Приднестровья, с небольшими
помехами от российского "Маяка". Кстати, два новых для меня момента:

1) частота РП была уже точная, без биений до нескольких десятков Гц, как
2) поменялись местами украинский и молдавский блоки новостей:
16.00-16.15 русский
16.15-16.22 молдавский
16.22-16.30 украинский
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx, Сигнал 146)

1314 | NORWAY | NRK, Kvitsoy, APR 29 0258-0300 - country-rock group 
vocal, electronic sound, then news by man in Norwegian; loud. (Mark Connely -
hard-core-dx 29, 4)

Необычное прохождение было замечено 8 апреля на средних волнах. Видать это
было тропо, образовывались волноводы, правда, не на очень большие
расстояния. Вот несколько наблюдений: прежде всего хочется отметить очень
хороший сигнал с Украины на 648 кГц (SINPO 45454) и 765 кГц - Маяк-Одесса
так вообще на SINIO 55555 шел. Дальше Европа:

1161 BUL Radio Horizont
1341 HNG Magyar Katolikus Radio, Szolnok
1404 ROU Radio Sighet, Sighet in hungarian
1458 ROU Romania Actualitata, Constanta
1593 ROU Radio Cluj, Various in hungarian

Все эти станции шли необычно мощно, правда с небольшими замираниями. Но
самый интересный эффект был замечен на 1593 кГц - было сильнейшее эхо.
Неужто сигнал вокруг земного шара прошел? А ведь мощность там всего 2,
максимум 7 кВт. (Вячеслав Олейник, Кишинев, Молдова - open_dx, Сигнал 146)

Северная Ирландия
1341 | NORTHERN IRELAND | BBC R. Ulster, Lisnagarvey, MAY 3 0408 - BBC 
news by woman mentioned status of nuclear development in Iran and North 
Korea; fair.(Mark Connely - hard-core-dx 29, 4)

Ночью со 2 на 3.04.05 вновь услышал Радио Бриз (Севастополь) на 1476 кГц
(весь март мониторил эту частоту, но все это время TX не был слышен).
Станция себя не идентифицирует до 03.00 UTC (это, видимо, ее манера). Но,
зная ее репертуар, могу утверждать, что это была именно она. Прохождение
было похуже, чем зимой, и к 01.00 UTC сигнал утонул в шумах. 
(MEDIA-DX - Андрей Эрлих, Харьков, Украина)
10:11 87.60 5361 E_A_S_Y_ Italy
10:15 87.70 6341 HRT-HR_1 Croatia
10:16 88.00 63A1 _SLO__1_ Slovenia
10:17 90.00 6341 HRT-HR_1 Croatia
10:18 94.90 9449 VESELJAK Slovenia
10:26 87.80 9412 Slovenia
10:32 87.80 C081 __ZABOK_ Croatia
12:49 87.70 F202 _CULTURE France
14:14 87.70 5220 R_ITALIA Italy
14:31 87.90 537B ARCOBALE Italy
14:33 88.00 5211 _105_FM_ Italy
14:45 87.70 5201 RAdIo1__ Italy
(William Kitching - FM Digest 7, 2)

Имею QSL-письмо из 119-й по счету страны. Письмо вполне конкретное, только
вот без времени приема -- а дата и частота есть. Письмо гласит, что
такого-то числа "Вы действительно слушали передачу Первой Программы
Азербайджанского радио на азербайджанском языке на частоте...".

Я посылал два рапорта, один IRC и разъяснительное письмецо о том, кто такие
радиолюбители и почему им так важно иметь подтверждения от разных станций и

Письмо на бланке "Azerbaijan Republic - National Television and Radio
Broadcasting Company", с эмблемой, номер 011/1-10 от 16.02.05. Подписал
главный инженер Дарафарин Р.М.

Кое-какая-техническая информация из письма:

549 кГц. Передатчик находится в Ханларском районе Азербайджана, мощность 170

801 кГц. Передатчик находится в районе Губа и Пирсаат Азербайджанской
Республики, мощность передатчика 150 кВт.

Интересная приписка в конце: "Небольшие объявления диктора и долгие паузы,
которые Вы слышали, появляются при переключении передатчиков". В самом деле,
на 801 кГц, когда я слушал AZRadio на 801 кГц, перед новостями была паузы
секунд 40 -- наше радио, по-моему, так долго не молчит.

Обратный адрес написан по-азербайджански, а язык теперь использует латинскую
графику с разными дополнительными буквами, которые через это письмо не
пройдут. Поэтому я напишу его стандартной латиницей, а потом прокомментирую,
какие буквы где переворачивать.

Azerbaycan Radiosu
Mehdi Huseyn kucesi - 1
AZ - 1011

Третья буква в слове "Azerbaycan" -- перевернутая "е". Только не
симметричная вокруг горизонтальной оси, а вот если бы вбить в середину буквы
"е" гвоздик и перевернуть ее по кругу. Или если взять русское "э" и
соединить нижнюю линию со средней. В татарском алфавите, хоть он и на
кириллице, такая буква тоже есть.

В слове "Huseyn" над "u" стоят две точки -- как по-немецки.

Слово "kucesi" самое трудное
- над "u" стоят две точки
- под "c" стоит хвостик, как в французском или португальском
- "e" такая же перевернутая

В WRTH примерно так адрес и дан.
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань - open_dx 726)

Получено подтверждение от известного голландского "пирата" R.Barones за
недавнее наблюдение на частоте 1645 кГц. Рапорт был послан на электронный
адрес komopdeband@hotmail.com komopdeband@hotmail.com>. Ответ пришел
через неделю. QSL красочная,
содержит все данные и выполнена в формате А4. 
(Виктор Пузанов, Можайск, Московская обл., Россия - Сигнал 146)

1510  KMZT   CA, San Rafael, rec ppc back in 150d. Address: 1500 Cotner
Ave, Los Angeles  CA  90025. V/S: Unreadable, but mentioned "PD/OM" at
the end. MW QSL #2896. (Patric Martin - OR - hard-core-dx 28, 26)

Also, received last Friday a QSL-letter + post card from Adis Abeba from The
Voice of the Revolution of Tigray (Ethipoia), 6350 kHz, listened in Bernardo-SP
last January. 
V/S: Mr. Fre Tesfamicael, Director. QTH: P.O. Box 450, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia.

(Rudolf Grimm - CumbreDX 1106)


The 3rd edition of the Brazilian Medium Wave List, compiled by the
DXCB (Dx Clube do Brasil), is online.
You may download freely as a PDF document at

(Rocco Cotroneo - hard-core-dx 29, 4)

Rudolf Grim:
Rx: Kenwood R-1000, Sony ICF SW7600G+GR
Ant.: LW 22 m, Vert. 6 m, RGP3, DZ-45

William Kitching.
Located in Telford, Shropshire. U.K.
52 deg North, 2 deg West.

Triax 8 Element Horizontal
Antiference 5 Element Vertical
Pioneer F737, Kenwood KTF-3010 tuners
with matching Conrads.
73 всем. И.Л.

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